imperiae · 9 years
like a dog to its master, she strides by his side - patiently, lying in wait
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     Loyaltyensures survival. Miranda Lawson is the pinnacle of humanity'sgreatest.When he looks at her, he feels a father's surging pride. A shame herown father betrayed her. A shame for him, a joyfor Jack.
   Inthe dark, he studies her silhouette.Full lips. Pert nose. Fair complexion. Beautiful by Westernstandards. Beneath the ideal canonical proportions, there liesbrains.Brains he admires more than beauty.
   Sheresembles a drone when she comes to him. Standing prim &proper, awaiting dutiful instruction. It pleases him though it goesunsaid.The Illusive Man smokes &processes the communication call that happened moments prior. ProjectLazarus is a success.Shepard's freedom is a challenge.
   ❝Ineed you to be my shadow,Miranda.❞
   She'shis honeytrap. His spy. His navigator. He blows out a ring of smoke,a dragon protecting its technological, futuristic hoard. Comfortably,the king sits in his chair. Ashes fall.He reeks of cigarettes&bad intentions. Just another archetype.
   Hepats her.
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arteriius-blog · 9 years
&. hxdesdog
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            ‘ --& what IS the definition of  p e r f e c t i o n  to you HUMANS?                    i have always wondered. in useless traits such as appearance,                    or advantageous ones such as INTELLECT ? ’
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symphcnia · 9 years
hxdesdog ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
                        send me your url and i’ll tell you.
my opinion on;
character in general:             fucKING MIRANDA. the troubleshooting space diva that brought shep            back from the dead and won  sister  of  the  year award two years in a            row. she is such a strong character who does what needs to be done            without so much as a second thought. she’s incredibly loyal, and she            is so so so important. like??? she doesn’t deserve the hate she gets.how they play them:             one of my favorite portrayals of miranda. from the voice, to the deameanor            they have her down to a science, plus the chemistry between her miranda            and my oriana seems super authentic and it’s just?? she writes for randa            so fucking well.the mun:            i lost this lady’s skype but one of the raddest people on tumblr and took me           in when i initially decided to make oriana. uvu
do i:
RP with them:            yes.want to RP with them:            forever pls and thank.
what is my;
overall opinion:           follow 4 troubleshooting space diva or else oriana will tell her you were mean.
**note: mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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superstarspectre · 9 years
[7:23:33 PM] when is lexie not sinning?: tbfh
i mean
ash bein catty abt miranda's appearance is more like
"she's not hot what the fUCk are u insinUATING SHEPARD'
[7:23:35 PM] when is lexie not sinning?: when in reality
[7:23:55 PM] when is lexie not sinning?: 'ok... that human perfection thing.... does her.. a lot of good ok liSTEN I'M JUST SAYING"
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titanium-martyr · 9 years
"So.. Was it good?" (lies in inbox. lifts leg. of course it was)
Jill stiffens as that voice crawls across her bare skin, tracing goosebumps and chilling her already cold body. She pulls herself away, keeping a careful distance whilst still matching the others’ gaze.
��You have some nerve, asking a question like that.”
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“I’m not sure how to be any other way, to tell you the truth.” Still, it was said with a lightness in her voice. She didn’t want to stop challenging people, to perceive them in different ways whenever she could get the chance. It was a natural habit.
And Miranda, Miranda was stone for her. Someone steadfast, but more malleable than perhaps she even realized herself. Someone that can tie her back down when she needed it, but never tried to change her. Never tried to control her.
And her words. The smile she gave was brilliant, filled to the brim with relief and perhaps, wonder. “We seek the sort of people we need. Qualities that we lack, but don’t clash, I think. ... Similar people can be a little scary, can’t they?”
And she wouldn’t have it any other way. Not right now.
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arteriius-blog · 10 years
we haven't interacted yet BUT i hope i can bc it's GREAT to see an active saren and one who plays him so well. seriously. it's like a breath of fresh air and i'm SO HAPPY to have you here. we need to do things sometime heavy breathing.
holY MOLY SHIES AWAY BC i’ve been reading all your things from afar and you’re just a joy to see on my dashboard and i waS not expecting this sdfhdfg. i’m happy that you’re happy to have me here and sdhfsfh yoyoyoyo i can do things with u definitely like these 2 have a lot of potential to know each other pre-me1 or post….and also dfdfdgfjf thank you for this. all these messages are just so sweet, and they make me smile. u are too good to me dhfhdjfg
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superstarspectre · 9 years
@hxdesdog | liked for a starter
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  “You know, Lawson,”
The Marine drawls out her thoughts, tongue wetting her lips as she catches her breath. The dance floor is more crowded now, full of humans, turians, asari, the usual group, but the music has not let up. Still, refreshments have been served, and Ashley steps aside to indulge.
   “You’re not so bad at keeping up.”
For a moment, the younger woman sips the orange coloured drink while catching the former operative’s gaze from where she so casually leans against the bar counter, trying to subtly reach and adjust the ‘tin foil’ mini skirt she promised she’d wear -- her end of the deal to drag Miranda out, to forgo worries for just one night of alcohol induced dancing. 
  “Besides, you look good.”
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imperiae · 10 years
five times kissed
send me five times kissed for a drabble about five times our muses kissed.
     i. Beware the ambitious woman for she will drag you down & use you up. She sees the stars & so much more. She possesses the cruelty of the Evil Queen in fairy tales with a smile that turns every HEART to ice. Miranda Lawson is just another pawn in this little game. The Illusive Woman demands that she kneels { make way; ROYALTY is coming ! }. Kneel, she does. The Illusive Woman commands that she stand. Stand, she does. Little Miss Perfect answers to Jack Harper’s beck & call. This woman king takes her slender hands. On the wrists, her boss kisses her. No lips involved, but a chilling smile. She could yank out the veins with her teeth.
    But O, the Illusive Woman has taken more than that.
    ii. Her little dog is loyal to the cause, a devoted worshiper of a woman who aspires to be the Gods of antiquity. She says that all she does it for beloved HUMANITY. Miranda is not so naïve, not so blind, to see some selfish truth ingrained in her decadent speech. Still, she listens, because she has fallen down this rabbit hole willingly. She wears the clothes that the Illusive Woman has purchased: a sleek, black dress with a deep v-neck: inviting, intoxicating. Diamonds glitter around her neck, her wrists; it matches the tears of joy &pain that the Illusive Woman pulls from her.
    A kiss is placed on her throat – a scarlet letter that burns, burns, burns.
    Like the stars her boss loves dear, she S-S-SHINES!
    Miranda tells herself that the Illusive Woman loves her.
    iii. Hard liquor matches the hard life she’s lived. The Illusive Woman doesn’t waste her time on flutes of champagne or glasses of wine. It’s whiskey on the rocks or bourbon down her throat. This is the only warmth she allows herself to feel. There’s no need – no time – to have a heart though Miranda begs to differ. The glass rests in her hands where condensation tickles her calloused palm. Amber liquid swirls across her tongue & drops down her gullet.
    Like a trophy prize, Miranda rests in her lap. She laughs & she smiles, burying her face into the Illusive Woman’s neck. Her fingers lace to crown there – a loose noose that will ne’er tighten. This is the embrace of sordid lovers. Dionysus cheers for them. Miranda thinks to herself: God, our love is blasphemous. How delusional she is. Aphrodite rolls her head back as the Illusive Woman rests two fingers ‘neath her chin.
    This time, she’s rewarded with a kiss on the lips. She tastes the burn of whiskey, scorching hot, leaving her numb & reeling for more.
    But it’s already gone!
    iv. ' Shepard’s ruining my plans, ’ snaps the Illusive Woman with a newly found rage. The bright blue of her eyes matches the ice within her veins, within her heart. It leaves Miranda afraid, but not in the ways you might think. Faithful Miss Lawson cups her lover’s { her GOD QUEEN’S } pale cheeks. She sees through the ink that ventures down her neck and under her eyes like mascara bleeding, oozing. Fingers knot into her hair, a vicious tug to the point where tears form in her eyes. O, the Illusive Woman is CRUEL, but not to be KIND.
    This venomous kiss on the lips leaves her cold & dazed.
    Still, she begs for more.
    v. Tangled up in the bed sheets, she sleeps beside a God. Miranda watches, mesmerized by the older woman’s face. Lines surround her eyes & one curls beside her lips whenever a wry smirk slips onto place. Her hair is short &gray, once gold – Miranda likes to believe. Her heart thrums within her chest, an old furnace come to life with a roaring passion. She aches to be loved, yearns to be worshiped & they took turns doing so. Beautiful is perfect. Vicious is beautiful. These are the holy oaths they chant in between kisses.
    & no one’s gonna take Miranda’s soul away.
    A lazy, languid kiss is placed on her collarbone – a flurry with as much gentleness as a butterfly’s wings struggling against the wind.
    ‘ I could rip out your heart. ‘
    Miranda laughs, soft & sluggish like the bourbon that slips down Jack’s throat.
    ‘ You already have. ‘
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titanium-martyr · 9 years
“I can be perfect for you.”
Oh, how the words make her blood boil. 
With a snarl of her lip, Jill stares the other down with unrelenting antipathy.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to achieve, but you’re not doing yourself any good.” 
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