The Hello
So like i said last time he pulled up and I got in. I’m sitting in his car and he’s like I’m Bob, and I told him I’m Me. He asks what I want to do and I say anything, we could head to the beach, maybe the park or we could just go watch movies and hang out. We ended up going to his place to watch movies and we were talking laughing, joking, and getting to know each other. He was amazing, really cute, seemed to have it together and I just really liked being around him. So after watching TV for a while we ended up Netflix and Chillin. Now its probably around 4/5 in the morning and He tells me to stay the night with him, so I do. Well we had such and amazing time I stayed there for 3 days and then finally went home. I was smittin I can not lie. He seemed perfect, there were some super pro’s at the time that I thought were great which should have been red flags to slow myself down. Like he’s in the Military and not from my state. 
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hamstermucuk-blog · 7 years
how we met
2009 eon gsc shoot night. oh wait, you were that annoying boy who kept disturbing everyone on set. 
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When you meet the right person, you know it. You can’t stop thinking about them. They are your best friend, and your soulmate. You can’t wait to spend the rest of your life with them. No one and nothing else can compare. Tick, Tick, Tick… - How I Met Your Mother, S07E10 💛
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hamstermucuk-blog · 7 years
Rewind jap.
2009 - i met you
2014 - that one birthday message. test water jap.
2017 - another birthday message. eh. aku rasa cam muker tebal sangat. but thank you, for replying (FINALLY).
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