pureheartchurch · 7 years
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Are you stumped with how to pray for our nation & city?  Not quite sure how to get God involved in your home and workplace? Exhausted with obstacles and the schemes of the enemy occurring in your life? Join us at School of Prayer we will learn together our authority over these situations and how we are equipped in Jesus, to apply that authority.  
Many times we are exhausted and defeated because we don’t even know the weapons of spiritual warfare. You do not want to miss this dynamic experience that will catapult you into the next level of your prayer life.

When: September 23rd from 8:30 am to 12:30 PM
Where: Bldg. 500 (Gym) 14240 N 43rd Ave, Glendale, AZ  85306
Registration is required. Click on Registration link at the top of the blog.
Childcare: Provided via registration 
Food: Light breakfast and snacks will be provided.

Cost: There is no charge for this event 

Format: There will be three sessions, one hour in length that will break out with 20-25 minute teachings, and 30-35 minutes of round table workshop/lab.  The purpose is for us to take the message and have some steps/tools that we can apply immediately at our tables.

Theme: "Prayer and Spiritual Warfare" Ephesians 6:10-18 


Paul Covert - Spiritual Warfare as it effects the Nation & Our City. 
Paul is the Pastor of Prayer Development at Pure Heart and Catalyst.  He loves helping churches, and individuals grow in prayer.  

Samson Dunn - Spiritual Warfare in our workplace and at home. 
Lead Pastor of Catalyst Church 
He has lead this inner city church from 250 to become one of Phoenix's inner cities 
“Mega Churches.” Catalyst now has two campuses’ and the church is built on prayer!  Prayer is so central that they stopped many of their ministries so they could emphasize prayer more strongly. Samson is a no nonsense energetic speaker that you will love learning from. 

Bill Stewart - Spiritual Warfare as it affects us personally. 
Pastor of Pastoral Care at Pure Heart.  Bill has a heart for walking with those experiencing the woes of life.  Bill has a seasoned approach in equipping people with tools that leave them feeling empowered in their authority as a believer in Jesus.

8:30 AM Worship and Light breakfast 

9:00 - First Session - Spiritual Warfare as it effects the Nation & Our city.  How do we identify what to pray for in our Nation and in our City?  Why is this important?

10:00 - Break

10:15 - Second Session - Spiritual Warfare in our work and at home.  What is effective prayer for our work environment?  Is that even important?  How does spiritual warfare affect our home life and even our physical house?

11:15 - Break                          

11:30 - Third Session - Spiritual Warfare as it affects us personally.  Are there attacks that are unique to each person? What is a stronghold and how does it affect my life?

12:30 – Q&A Panel.  Personal prayer and ministry.
To register CLICK HERE
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