#how the harm an artist does can also turn into great art. it still doesnt change the reality
svankmajerbaby · 2 years
no, im sorry, im still thinking about it. you really cannot compare the fabelmans to all that jazz or to 8 1/2.... solely from a filmmaking perspective the structure and editing of both are better than the fabelmans, and whats more important, from a narrative sense..... by setting it forward in time, at a later stage in an artists career, theres a beautifully done level of self reflection and even self criticism from the artist. theres the knowledge of toxic behaviours and where these came from, a combination of the fantasy and the grittiness of reality, the acknowledgement of traumas and of people as flawed beings who make mistakes more often than not...... the fabelmans has none of that. it lacks the self reflection, lacks the self awareness of artists late in their careers who love the art form but are aware of their own shortcomings........ the fabelmans feels more like hugo, the scorsese movie so many ppl applauded and then forgot about (bc it made the awards circuit, bc its an "ode to the magic of cinema" but not by being a great movie, but by talking about movies.....), with the focus on a childs simplified perspective of the world...... the fabelmans is a fairytale with some reality injected, but its not an autobiographical movie, not when the focus shifts from the protagonist, sam, to the character with the actual conflict, mitzi.... idk i feel like theres shame and simplification and whitewashing of real family dynamics in the fabelmans, like how can the father be so pure and perfect in his actions, why is the mother only a person in the degree that she suffers, why is sam the only real human when the movie is so clearly meant to be about relationships........
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alright so we’re back with chapter three - the Great Witch
i wonder how much of their memories Nick and Maya have actually recuperated 
the whole thing seems a little dodgy...
“This bench looks like a torture tool– shall we try it out on you, Nick?”
why is Maya so bloodthirsty in the game?? i mean she’s mischievous, but...
ahhh their widdle walking sprites are so cuuuute!
hang on– is that a picture-picture of Barnham with his dog?? if so, that should raise a lot of questions...
also why is the only person who *doesnt* comment on the painting Phoenix? he’s the art major.
you know, ive seen plenty of Phoenix X Barnham, and Darklaw X Barnham, but I’ve never seen any Phoenix X Darklaw 
i wonder why...
maybe Ive just never come across it
“Mr Wright, are you alright?”
(no response)
he's dead guys the fucking dog killed phoenix wright 
luke: I can talk to animals maya: haha omg cool! phoenix, laying in a pool of his own blood: hurgle
wait did maya just call Barnham adorable by proxy 
things layton likes: puzzles, stone lanterns 
oh fuck i forgot about the puzzles
also what the FUCK muffet
Patty: I believe in your Phoenix
Phoenix, trying not to cry: cool cool cool
aww. its nice to have a moment to just talk about feelings, especially between the sidekicks. 
...dont go into the forest you little fuckers
maya likes helms..??
“I used to come here with Nick. He’d carry the water pots, and I’d cheer him on!”
that reminds me, theres no plumbing. in fact, since its the middle ages, theres not even any outhouses. maya and phoenix have canonically shit in the streets
its 12:30 on a school night and I've spent over an hour trying to help a dog deliver mail 
oh maya solved that one! thats the first AA solve of the game. ...er, to me.
i dont understand how piccarats work
like, the previous puzzle was 30 piccarats and it was ridiculously easy. this one’ twenty and ive already lost ten points
maybe its to do with how my brain works– the 30 one was a pattern/colour puzzle, and I'm an artist. this one’s about directions, and I'm ASS at directions.
darklaw what are you WEARING
you look like a skimpy medieval furry
seriously what is with the metal skirt on bare thighs 
is that supposed to be comfy 
man these backgrounds are so beautiful 
why did she specifically tell Maya to be wary of witches
“You certainly both love your food. Personally, I’d just like a little more sleep...”
amen bro
oh fuck
Drosselmeyer wants to see Layton. dont let him brainwash ya!
“So this is the deathknell dungeon? Looks more like solitary confinement to me.”
considering the fact that she can see out the door, i doubt its solitary nick. solitary is a sealed box from hell.
Maya: you were just scared that nick would fuck up like always!! because he's an enormous fuck up haha!! Espella: i... no, i think he's really great
Phoenix: ...hey can i change assistants please
one does not simply
visit the storyteller
“come to think of it, during that parade, the storyteller did seem to be held in high esteem by all the townsfolk...”
guys have you not realized that youre literally meeting god yet???
ah see Layton’s got it
c’mon luke keep up
pfft they think Layton’s a hatter 
just wearing a tophat does not a hatter make 
ah the knights garrison
this is where Chucky stopped playing on his second third-space save 
I wonder why...
“And so the travellers finally arrived...”
yeah well first of all??? if you wanted me to get in there faster maybe dont make your door a fucking puzzle maybe 
fuck you old man you aint shit 
(btw i managed to solve it accidentally in the recommended 4 turns by pressing 3 random buttons and then realizing id somehow succeeded)
Storyteller: [farts suspiciously]
Storyteller: you guys are bad because you stopped me killing children
Espella: it’s true... that the towns folk look at me in a different way
well for one thing youre a different art style than most of them without being anything usually associated with said art style 
oh ok that i was not expecting 
she’s,,, jesus???
Maya spitting truths here 
wait hang on a second 
first of all– “the great witch is just a character of myth” yeah well EVERYONE is a character, Espella
also, she says she came to live with Patty 5 years ago... which is also what Phoenix and Maya said
when their memories all got altered to include phoenix and maya, does that mean they like, had a whole growing-up-together for five years roster of memories?
13 y/o Espella and Maya meeting, bonding over stuff, wondering why only Maya had to make bread and Espella didnt 
Phoenix–– hell, in the time frame, he’d be ‘Pheenie’ being their older brother. Acting like his 25 y/o self, or harkening back to those days and acting accordingly??
and how shitty it must’ve been when they realized none of it ever happened.
“Were these things... My memories?”
well probably not considering im pretty sure that tiny kid being flown over was you
i feel bad for nick’s... wherever is getting bitten, but this does lend credence to my headcanon that animals hate phoenix so 
also the inquisitor office theme needs to chill the fuck out
“Exactly what are you doing over there on all fours”
dont do that 
“He just sits back and lets his dog bite people, err... I mean, me”
he’s lucky nobody flips the fuck out and bites back. i suppose nobody would dare if they knew it was his dog, but still. not very responsible.
“Dr. Delduke” eh
well now
“He was no witch.” “Why?”
“HE was a man.”
( Welp, can’t argue with that. )
hey!!! equality to witches!! boys can be witches too!!
“Maya... can you get this mutt away from me? I can’t feel my leg.”
“Aww... So soon? I was hoping he’d use you as a blue chew toy just one more time.”
ok, seriously, what is UP with Maya? I can’t remember her ever being this violent in the original series. Like, she hit Nick over the head with the shichishito that one time, but she wasn’t constantly wishing harm on him??
as much as i appreciate seeing a tiny maya model i fucking hate the cloud puzzle fuck you for doubling up on it
oh i lucked into the answer awesome
this seems to be a running theme...
every time someone looks at the bell tower, they always comment on the bell never being heard. it must be foreshadowing.
wow Jean is very short
...also I'm calling it now, HE DID IT
hmm Greyerl’s voice actress is a little more noticeable than Luke’s...
also OH OK. the fucking bell tower just MANIFESTED OUT OF PURE FLAMES
“He reacted in a moster peculiar way. Unlike others who saw it, he seemed unsettled, as if he was truly afraid of something” 
oh i dunno, maybe the DEMON BELL TOWER???
Maya: only YOU can fuck up that badly, nick!
ok... genuinely, utterly, seriously, why is Maya so malicious in this game? She does tease Nick a lot throughout the series, but its usually in a more playful or goofy manner. A lot of the things she says in this game seem sort of unnecessary or weirdly hurtful... especially since phoenix hasn’t done much to warrant any of them.
well, I know what happens to Maya
but what the hell is he doing to Nick?
also I do hope there’s a reeeeeaaaaally good reason for all this...
layton flings out his arm to shut luke up skdgkafajkf
wait why did the owl bring them that
“Luke, my boy... We have the need... to rent a steed.”
oh and they fucking did
“You think that’s bad? You should see Nick try and do the laundry– Now that’s a major blunder!”
see that seems a little more in character somehow
especially since its something that seems like he would fail at.
still, weirdly insult heavy...
hey hey 
100 coins
“in an alchemy sense”
shouldn’t that be an ‘alchemical’ sense?
“I guess you’re more suited to small, dark, damp places.”
is that a reference to the mushroom thing??
phoenix, in someone else’s abandoned basement: oh no their house plants are dying :( ill water them 
this man??? is pure??
“Well well well. If it isn't a well.”
“Come to think of it... I haven’t noticed any plumbing here in Laborynthia.”
“As things stand, Mr. Wright is in serious danger!”
uh the story said Maya would die, not Phoenix. It said he’d be cursed, but Maya would be tried and burnt. You should probably be more worried about her...
great witch: sup guys I'm gonna fuck shit up
game: the following is too horrifying to look directly at; here, have some shenanigans with Luke and that other bard Bardly was complaining about.
fuck you perhaps
also hi Layton you’re looking a bit uh 
a bit 
...well this hardly makes any sense
doesn’t Layton appear not long after this? also, it’s easy enough to prove Maya’s not a witch; just hand her the staff and ask her to politely turn Layton back. 
that or just cry on him real quick; worked for Ash
bweuuuhhh dont cry luke pls
its ok luke magic isn’t real luke
...though from what I’ve heard of your universe, someone could have used Science to turn him into gold and that could be totally real so
c’mon in for a hug lil guy
also see yuh all next time for part... four? i think?
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paul-patts-blog · 8 years
Lauryl’s Wishlist and Resolutions
More Music Stuff: I’ve gotten to do stuff with Ber/music in the past but a lot of it has been me rping with me and sending him to festivals and concerts. I’d like to see him interact with some of the musically-inclined people in town-- maybe even collaborate? I have some subgoals for this:
Go to concert/festivals with another character: I think rping an arc would be so fun and I personally love concerts/festivals so.
Produce someone else’s music: Ber will be starting uni and having school projects...he will need guinea pigs.
Write more music blog stuff: I’ve done very few, rather casual posts in the past about artists Ber likes-- reviews etc. I would love to post more of this (maybe even through BDRP radio? /looks at radio)
Anxiety Arc: I really want Ber to start learning about his anxiety and working through it. Specifically, he needs to go to a therapist, haha.
Sexuality: Ber’s come a long way since I got him, but he still feels majorly ‘out of place’ in the LGBTQIA community. I’d like to explore more of those feelings somehow. I got a few ideas. 
Discover her passions!! Kiara doesn’t really know what she wants to do with her life and I want her to try a bunch of stuff as she figures it out. So does your character have a cool hobby? Let Kiara do that cool hobby with ur character!
Race and Identity: one important thing for me when I got Kiara and picked Halsey was dealing with her struggle with her appearance and how she felt ‘out of place’ with the Lyons and as a POC in general. I’d like to explore this conflict more.
Continue to deal with her issues: Kiara needs to keep going to therapy and she needs to admit to herself she has problems that she is denying please my daughter. 
Best Friend to lovers: I think this trope would be rly good for Kiara because too often she sees people as “romantic options’ first and not as the people they really are. I would love a slow burn romance for Kiara that surprises both her and me, really.
Hades (oh boy)
Re-learn how to use his powers-- and maybe the way to do this is to like.. do something heroic tbh? instead of always burning people up and fuckin’ everyone UP. Yeah, I want Hades to do something heroic. 
Leave Swynlake: I want Hades story to take him away from Swynlake and back again
Pending tbh you will all see
Board stuff: specifically, I’d like to see Milla start enacting new strictures for magicks. I’d love for her to try to manipulate this type of stuff through the other board members
Get a magical object or something magical: Whether through the Merlin’s objects or otherwise, I would love Milla to actually seek magic herself.
MILF Reigns Supreme: I love exploring Milla’s sexuality-- it’s one of my fave things that i’ve done with her. I’d love her to get more boy toys (maybe even girl toys) and tbh, I would be open, if it’s right, to have that relationship get more complicated than just sex.
Miscarriage: That being said, this is a rather dark storyline but Milla is obsessed with control and to miscarry would be-- the opposite of having control. Anyone up for it?
RP her more in general lmao
Get her more female friends!! She really doesn’t have a lot of good female relationships (part of that is because many of her relationships have ended up dropping). But Nala deserves more friendships
Take Nala on dates! I also want Nala to try to date a little. She’s so work-focused, like lots of my characters, so this would be a new side to her that I haven’t gotten to explore
Have Nala literally kick ass/para with some sort of physical/action element to it: Okay so we say it jokingly, but after Nala’s surgery and recovery I’d love for her to actually whoop somebody’s ass even if it’s just while going back to kickboxing. Nala’s identity as an athlete is super important to her-- whenever I write about Nala’s relationship to her body, I get chills, because she loves her body so much and is so centered in it. So it would be fun to do a physical-heavy para.
Smut tbh for the same reasons as i just said.
Also rp him more in general lmao
Finish merlin’s objects/write more essays
Finish Cave Excavation-- find a Merlin’s object
Desk sex
Wow these are all so specific unlike my others
Explore his sexuality: Milo is definitely somewhere on the ace spectrum  (gray, demi what have u) and so exploring that with his girlfriend Jane (maybe she’s into it one night, he’s not, she wants to try stuff that he doesnt’... u know, just those kinds of conversations) would be really complicated and fun. As someone who is on the ace spectrum myself, It’s also kind of important to me to try to honor that side of him and acknowledge it in play-- along WITH the smut.
Slay a demon/be a hero: ok bc just think about nerdy milo thatch with his glasses all askew having accidentally saved the day. I love it.
Get kidnapped: Kiki has powerful magic blood come get her
Break her broom
Best Friends to lovers/ slow burn romance: mentioning this for kiki too, since Kiki hasn’t been kissed ever and is very romantic, I’d love to play out a good ol’ teen romance with someone. But consideirng Kiki’s crazy hectic life, yeah, it’s gonna have to really evolve.
TIGER OUT IN FRONT OF SOMEONE: For whatever reason-- to save them or because he’s scared or stressed or loses control.
Get injured: That being said, I’d love to have Raj get shot or get hurt while trying to do his job, mostly because Raj is a charge first, ask questions later type of guy but also because-- since he heals faster-- if he’s in the hospital, it could give him away. (Can anyone say hospital bREAK)
More friends! Raj has a few, but he needs 2 get out more smh
Introduce Jyoti to people: I want his little sister to come see him and I want Raj to have people to introduce her to! Jyoti will bring a lot of the past back to Raj’s life which he currently keeps super hidden.
Biwakening. Make it happen.
Night on the town
One night stand tbh
Dating around-- specifically, blind date/double date with someone this would be hiLARIOUS for me
Stand up to someone (tbh Cruella)
Anita Explores Her Painting: Anita doesnt’ take her talent seriously and I want that to change. I’d love to do some more stuff with her art including--
Nude portraits anyone?
Anita teaches fingerpainting!! Anita gets her very own income and is thus empowered thru painting !!! ah!
Paint fight :D
More Volunteering: what i like about anita is that though she is an introvert, she loves to be involved in her community. If you have any town projects or somethin’ you need volunteers for, ask Anita!!
The Great Prince
Also get into a physical fight of some kind; i’d love for him to defend the forest or Bambi or somethin’ as the deer. I think RPing that would be really fun for me
Explore more areas of the forest: I’ve already started to invent some parts of the forest as I go, but I’d like to try to see if I can’t put Prince in some of these deeper parts. If your character wants to get lost in the woods-- hit me up.
Make more human connections/get in touch with his human side: Hopefully, Prince will be in town more and can make friends with people who are not animals haha.
Explore comic timing/situations with the Prince! The Prince doesnt’ know a lot about the human world-- like how to work technology-- so i want to put him in more situations where he is totally out of his element. The best way to do this will probably be with “The Great Prince Vs. Human-thing-here” starters. Be on the look out. (Or if u really want to have ur character help my poor deer son, message me).
Paul Pongo Patts
Okay he’s my newest babe so these r kinda repetitive from his app--
Start studying to maybe get into uni maybe ahhh my babe
Let himself go on dates: Paul kind of thinks that part of his life is over now that he has kids and he feels kind of guilty about that kind of stuff and so  I want him to go easy on himself. He deserves a night out and to feel like he is handsome, young and romantic bc darling u ARE handsome young and romantic.
That being said-- get wooed. Paul is a woo-er. Someone woo my woo-er.
Also mend things with Perdita/ rp them growing back together as friends and as two people who respect and care for each other and maybe-- just maybe-- lovers again.
DAD THINGS-- shopping for his kids, dealing with baby spit-up, babyproofing his apartment wow im like turned on by this lauryl calm ur eggs
Interact with Magicks: All KINDS of magicks please throw them at Paul
Consider illegal means of getting money… Paul has grown up around shady ppl and has since stayed clean of shady business himself. But that doesnt’ mean he doesn’t feel temptations. I’d like to exploooore those temptations.
My Character’s Personal Resolutions: 
Ber: “Don’t fuck up...anything.” 
Kiara: “lol” (tbh kiara is so lowkey depressed she liek?? has no resolutions help her) 
Hades: “Fix my mistakes.” 
Chester: pending
Milla: “Make Swynlake Great Again”
Milo: “Spend as much time as I can with Jane.”
Nala: “Get the Lyons Foundation off the ground / kick my physical therapy in the ass / be running by spring”
Rajah: “Repair things with my family. Live honestly-- be proud of who I am.” (ow raJJJ)
Kiki: “Make my family proud. Make Howl proud.” (ughh)
Anita: “Cause no more harm.” 
The Great Prince: “Be there for my son if he will have me.” 
Paul: “Be the greatest dad / provide for my kids.” 
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