#how much they hurt me. i can't put myself fully healed in the same environment that i was hurt
beclynn-herondale · 3 years
The roommates
(p.s. they are usually lively but can be the most angsty babies.)
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A fun fact about Céline: she makes the best cookies. Michael and Luke refuse to eat any other cookies but hers. Céline was surprised because no one had ever enjoyed her baked goods before. She makes the boys cookies often.
“Healing is such an ugly thing. They never tell you how painful it is, how angry you'll be, or how you'll like there wishing for it all to go away. The mixed emotions that combat inside you. The lost years you'll never get back. But you just keep going, anyway. Healing is not as beautiful as they make it out to be. My heart is tired and it hurts.” - Céline
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A fun fact about Michael: he's an excellent cook. He spoils his friends with good food. "I put love and soul into my food." he says. If only Robert realized all that free food wasn't just him "being nice" Lightwood men, am I right?
“I watch him be oblivious to how I feel, and I say 'It'd okey.' But it's not okay. How can someone be so blind to something so obvious, unless they know and just don't care. Or maybe he's just an idiot. I don't know why I continue to love someone like him. I know I deserve better, but I just love him. Maybe I'm the coward for not coming out and saying it.” - Michael
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A fun fact about Luke: he plagiarizes the things his friends say and puts them into his stories. Poor Michael will never live down do many things he said. Céline is careful about what she says. And poor Luke is just a struggling writer, the mutual feeling is real.
“It's a constant battle between wanting someone and knowing you can't have them, because if you ever made a move on them you'd be betraying your best friend. And so you lay there in your own heartache. And I feel left behind, but she was never really mine to begin with. So, what right do I have to be hurt?” - Luke
The lone wolf (kinda)
She just does her own thing.
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A fun fact about Amatis: she lives in New York, she moved there after she turned eighteen. Wanting to finally live her life for herself. She's journalist there. Her and Luke often talk about writing together.
“I raised my brother all on my own, I was only a child then myself. But I had to do it. And if you're asking me if running away the second I turned eighteen was selfish of me? No. I don't think it was. I wanted to finally live my life. I never got to live my childhood, I wasn't gonna let my adult years slip through my fingers just the same. Luke will understand one day, if he doesn't already. He knows how much I love him. And he knows I needed to be free.” - Amatis
The Herondale cousins
They hate each, but they love each other. does that make sense? (Yes they grew up together in this au. And yes Rosemary puts Stephen in his place a lot.)
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A fun fact about Rosemary: she wants to travel all over the place and learn new things about other people. She just wants someone to do it with her. Sadly no one wants to go on a travel adventure with her. at least, not yet.
“We're all a product of the environment we were raised in. My cousin is a prime example of that. I'm a product of my own. And at the end of the day, we have to ask ourselves who we truly want to be. That takes letting go, but most of us don't have the strength to let go entirely. Because we're afraid. we're afraid that if we let it go we'll lose the one thing we truly know. And being lost terrifies people. I wish to be lost.”
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A fun fact about Stephen: when he was little he wanted to be in a band. He loves music that much. He also makes quilts often and donates them but you didn't hear that from me, he prefers to be seen as a badboy. (p.s. don't tell Imogen.)
“My parents made it impossible to ever be fully honest with them. In their attempt to raise an overachieving son, they raised a liar who dreams of getting away from them. All my life I've longed for the day I finally moved out. And even when moved out I still was held captive by their expectations. Why do you think my mother took the position here? So she could keep an eye on me. Make sure I'm not messing up.”
(art by Cassandra Jean, I used the ones who had art cause I liked the way it looks.) (characters belong to Cassandra Clare, I'm just using them in my story and adding to them.)
Tag list: @khaleesiofalicante @chibi-tsukiko @spotsandclawsthings @megs-readstoomuch @magnus-the-maqnificent @replayfootsteps @my-archerboy @jazzkaurtheglorious @simply-ellas-stuff @bookfast-at-tiffanys
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