#how making ur kids search for a demon that killed their mother is kind of funny
seasononesam · 7 months
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hiiii! i was wondering if u had any recommendations for best caps fics? dirty or not. ALSO LOVE UR BLOG
First of all, THANK YOU FOR ASKING! I loove giving fic recs. Second of all…this is gonna be LONG lmao. I gave some Kuzy and Willy/Latts recs earlier here, so these are gonna be primarily Nicky/Ovi recs, with some smaller pairing ones too, and I’m gonna sort them by pairing that way.
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SO, Nicky/Ovi (including some poly recs, which I’ll list the pairings for):
-First of all, literally EVERYTHING by Ferritin4. They were the first Caps author I read after blood pressure, and I’m going to limit myself to linking just three of them, but really, READ EVERYTHING.
King Meby Ferritin4 [E, 12k]
In which there is a small tragedy, a great success, and a lot to learn about someone Sasha thought he knew awfully well.
Dream the Right Dream by Ferritin4 [E, 14k]
They don’t do it like that in Sweden, which Nicklas mans up and valiantly explains to the room after he makes it back from camp. They don’t use humans as tools. All people are people, and Nicklas would never — he couldn’t imagine having a teammate inside him every time he fell into heat, however willing they might be. His body is his own, and they all touch him far more than enough already.
What Will Survive Of Us by Ferritin4 [E, 26k]
It’s going to be a big deal, his mother had told him, and Nicklas had listened.
His mom’s not an idiot.
It’s going to be a big deal, she’d promised, if and when you find them. It’s going to be more than you thought it would, and if and when you know it, you’ll know it for sure.
-Another author you should read everything by is screamlet. They have some non-Nicky/Ovi fic I will rec later, so I’m just gonna post a few of the Nicky/Ovi ones now
the arrival of 290287 backstromby screamlet [M, 18k]
Nicky has an asteroid named after him; that’s just the beginning.
the washington royals by screamlet [M, 45k]
Sasha doesn’t remember the very first time he met Nicky, but Michael Nylander is kind enough to remind them when he arrives to meet the team, carrying an honest to fuck laminated newspaper clipping of the first time Prince Alexander visited Sweden to meet his future husband, Prince Nicklas.*An arranged marriage—or, an arrangement and a marriage.
-One more author to mass rec: angularmomentum! They’re not solely a Nicky/Ovi author so I will be linking them more down below too, but for now:
running from the weather by angularmomentum [E, 21k]
Alex starts playing for Dynamo at sixteen.
kithbyangularmomentum [E, 12k]
Sasha makes prefect in his second to last year. It’s earlier than anyone but him expected, but right on track for his two year plan, which is: be head boy, get a contract to play Quidditch professionally, and beat Bäckström off in the baths.
-For the rest of these, I’m gonna sort them by rating! Lowest to highest (G-E)
Soft Hands by sadhockeytrashbaby (allofthefandoms)[G, 1k]
Alexander Ovechkin walks into the Capitals dressing room with a collar and the entire Washington sports press corps grinds to a stunned stop.
Eight + Eight (+ Nine) bysockitup [G, 2k]
Active players have started waking up in bed with retired players who wore the same number when they need relationship advice. It goes some kind of way.-*-Teemu pulls back and kicks forward at the same time so violently that he knocks both Paul and Ovechkin out of the bed.
street’s an empty stage by grim_lupine [G, 4k]
Over their heads, in this little dream world Nicklas has built, the sun is blazing at it’s peak, searing them where they sit. The light bathes Alex a molten gold. He couldn’t look any other way in Nicklas’s head, of course.
Nicklas is cracked open, exposed.
so play on, play on, play on by carissima [2k, G]
“Gonna give you the cup first,” Alex says, still too close. He’s in Nicke’s space like he always, always is. He’s grinning and Nicke’s grinning because they finally won the goddamn cup but his head is spinning now. “Brooks already had cup. Your turn first.”
raise my hands (paint my spirit gold) by seaqueen [G, 1k]
They break apart with chests heaving for air, and when Nicke looks Alex is burning with it, fierce joy and agonizing victory painted in every line of his body and Nicke loves him so, so much.
pledge my allegiance and bite my tongue by spock [T, 5k]
It’s a given that all droids will develop some form of their own unique idiosyncrasies, but none of them are as decidedly too much as Ovi’s is. He’s got too much style, too much personality; it’s a well known and much maligned fact that he’d nearly been recalled not all that long after his activation, but the test groups had loved him so much that he was granted an exception.
cherish the moonlight by haipollai [T, 6.5k]
“What is wrong, pup?” He asks again, wishing desperately that he could actually get an answer. Instead he settles for holding his hand out, palm up until Nicky takes the hesitant step forward to nuzzle against him.
The Dog Days Are Over by xihale [T, 8k]
In which alternate universe Boston had 4th pick and Washington had 5th pick in the 2006 draft, and in which alternate universe the NHL is kind enough make accommodations for players’ personal circumstances. For instance, to allow Washington to pick Alex Ovechkin’s absolutely true, definitely not fake, 100% not-made-up fiancé to come play for the Caps.
“You what,” Alex says. “Alex Ovechkin’s who?”
—and its aftermath, through the years.
Demons, Ovechkin and other Superhuman Forces by stumblebee [T, 2k]
Sometimes Nicky wonders, usually in moments like these, if there is something to it, if you need Canadians and the horrible things they chose to do to themselves as children to win it all. Maybe Don Cherry is right, at the end of the day, maybe you just can’t win without demonic assistance. Without sacrifice, as that insufferable spray tanned dinosaur always puts it.
something old, something newby bropunzeling [T, 5k]
“You,” Alex says, pointing at him. “Me,” he continues, pointing back at himself. “Married.”
“Oh,” Nicky says. “Oh.”
[It doesn’t go any smoother after that.]
Wait Until Tomorrow (You’ll Be Fine) by sunshinexbomb [T, 8k]          
In which Nicky is an accident-prone Auror and Alex is the Healer that always seems to be coming to his rescue.
Red is the Color (of Your True Love’s Blood) by Saebrin [T, 2k]
What are the odds that all of Jakub’s teammates are serial killers? Like, statistically that has to be impossible, right?
Literally by xabier [T, 4k]
In which Nicklas Backstrom is literally Andre Burakovsky’s father.
to have and to hold by oops_ohdear [T, 6k]
The problem with putting a fake engagement photo, complete with stupid smiles and a bottle of champagne, on Facebook, is that sometimes someone’s mother sees it.
This is not a problem Nicklas ever had before he knew Alex.
This Alone Is The Real Treasure by leyley09 [T, 10k]
A defiant trip to the Olympics gets Alex outed. The solution is obviously to marry Nicky.
Whatever happened to all this season’s losers of the yearby Thorne [T, 9k]
Alex loves his kids, he really does, but he also might kill them. That is, if they don’t put him in a goddamn early grave first.
(Cop bribing, theft of public property, and how to photoshoot your dick properly in order to seduce a teammate: all part of a captain’s responsibilities to his rookies.)
Baby Boom by WeagleRock [M, 7k]
Having babies gives you dad power. Dad power helps put hockey teams on the road to Sir Stanley. Sid sired a herd of little Penguins before Pittsburgh won its Cup. Toews might as well be running a Blackhawks baby factory.
Now it’s Ovi’s turn. If only someone had told him that impregnating your fuckbuddy might make things a little weird.
String Theories by WeagleRock [M, 14.5k]
Nicky knows what’s expected of him: Set up goals, mentor rookies, provide a steadying backbone for a struggling team …  and never, ever look at other men.
Then Ovi surprises him with a kiss, and Nicky doesn’t know anything anymore.
The Brook Horse by WeagleRock [M, 11.5k]
Nicklas Bäckström is a good person. Nicklas Bäckström would never risk Ovi’s life just to stay human.
It’s really too bad he isn’t real.
Holding Onto You by somethingnerdythiswaycomes [M, 6.5k]
“You can’t be picked if you’re married,“ Nicky says, like it’s obvious.
“I’m not married,” Alex replies.
“You’re marrying me,” Nicky says, his jaw set.
“You haven’t proposed.”
the laws of the world never stopped us once by punkassbookjockey[M, 6k]
Sasha points at him with his chopsticks. “Your powers,” he says. “Snowzilla comes, suddenly everyone’s mutants? Something happened there, no other explanation.”
Fault Lies by hoosierbitch [M, 6k]
Alex kneels.
“You’re smarter than me,” Trotz says to Nicky, “but I do know what I’m doing.” Right now, Nicky is fairly sure that he’s wrong on both counts. “Let me be his coach. Let me take care of him.”
no it’s not nirvana but it’s on the wayby ghosthunter [M, 4k]
Sasha does not miss the way Backy looks at him then, sharp and angry, and Sasha knows he deserves it. They sit in awkward silence until the waitress comes to take their drink orders.
A More Fascinating Name by pukeandcry [M, 38k]
Although Sasha had never made the younger Mr. Backstrom’s acquaintance, he was at least familiar enough with his reputation to know that chief amongst his qualities was the quite publicly known fact that Mr. Backstrom was as notoriously uninterested in achieving an advantageous marriage as Sasha himself.
Something, then, must have upset the order of things. What that was he could not say, but Lord Backstrom was now, it would seem, in active search of a husband for his son.
Better Than Heartbreak by the_glow_worm [M, 1.5k]
It’s morning in Vegas, technically, but Nicke and Alex aren’t about to go to sleep anytime soon.
Kärlek Redux by Saebrin [E, 3k]
“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” —Mignon McLaughlin
A.K.A. Four times Nicky (re)fell for Alex.
Perfect For A Person by mlyn [E, 18k]
Alex Ovechkin is near the end of his 30th year and still not married. In the US, that means he’ll either have to find a spouse at a Transformation Hotel before his birthday, or he’ll check out transformed into an animal.
Not if Nicklas Backstrom has anything to say about it.
You and me, Drenched in greenby xihale [E, 18k]
Nicky’s an omega with a heat problem. Ovi volunteers as tribute.
tell me in the morning by haipollai [E, 4k]
Nicky yanks himself back and away, almost hard enough to tip his chair. “You don’t know why I’m scared my very Russian friend and teammate is suddenly asking questions about me dating men?” He snaps.
anchor by pavses [E, 2k]
They’re not going to make up the three-goal deficit, but Alex sure as hell is trying to single-handedly score a hat trick in a minute.
You’re a work of art, baby by sirona [E, 7k]
FBI Agent Alex Ovechkin doesn’t mind working with others. He even likes working with Malkina every so often. What he doesn’t like is being lead by his dick nose. And yet, he can’t stay away from the Gray case.
Wolfborn by waspabi [E, 60k]
A wolfborn on an airplane was either unbearably reckless or a hockey player. Most of the time, both.
if you’re needing something by atrytone [E, 5k]
Nicke hates losing, but he’s grown out of letting it black out everything else in his mind. Alex can’t seem to do the same thing, not when they get on a roll like this, not when nothing he tries seems to make a difference.
Luckily, he has Nicke to help.
touch by itsahockeynight [3k, E]
When Alex does turn up, he walks across the locker room and straight into Nicke’s arms.
Eleven Years by waspabi [E, 2k]
The door inches open. Alex, of course. Bloodshot eyes, rumpled suit. His Conference Champions cap with the sticker still on the brim, the fucking Prince of Wales Trophy still clutched in one big hand.
Nicky/Willie Nylander:
weekender by screamlet [M, 5k]
William couldn’t imagine that Toronto would ever love him the way Washington loved Nicky.
Fingertips Putting On A Show by sunshinexbomb [E, 1.5k]
In which Nicky finds comfort in William during Worlds.
make me wanna hold on (make me wanna be all yours) by Pinkmanite [E, 4.5k]
It’s like Will instantly melts into a well-worn mold, one he’s been in many times before. The switch is flipped and he’s standing up straighter, painting on that pretty smile, the one Nicky loves so much, pentimento on the overworn canvas of his cheeks. He angles his chin so he can look up at Nicky through his lashes, batting them in the way that he knows gets Nicky all worked up.
Nicky/Ovi/Willie Nylander:
the elementary disposal of weighted objects by angularmomentum [T, 14k]
William, at eleven, was primed to tip over the cusp into nascent adolescence. He was big for his age and very competitive, and had no real idea that his obsession with beating Nicke was actually an obsession without caveats, because infatuation was a word he didn’t know.
right there where we stood was holy ground by babygotbackstrom [NR, 4k]
The revamped Tre Kronor line, of Nicky and his soulmates, is mesmerising.
Sasha is jealous again, and it is ugly, even though the team is leading the division.
copenhagen by screamlet [E, 10.5k]
William had already casually texted Nicky a photo of the sunset, a cool little haha bet you don’t have this in GÄVLE, but there was no response. Gävle had Nicky and William didn’t and it was bullshit.
Andre/Nicky and/or Ovi:
say all that you’re feeling by screamlet [T, 43k]
Andre Burakovsky/Alexander Ovechkin, Nicklas Backstrom/William Nylander
Much had happened in the past year, enough that Andre sat on the hill overlooking the lands he had been naive enough to call home until he pledged himself to Lord Laich and left his friends with barely a note. Now he had returned and—Who would want Andre now?A flash of lightning in the distance illuminated the one house he hadn’t yet considered.After a moment’s thought, Andre rode south.
a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me by Pinkmanite [E, 6k]
Nicklas Backstrom/Andre Burakovsky, Andre/Various Caps
Nicke’s got a beer in one hand, uses the other to wrap his arm around Andre’s waist, grips his hip and pulls him in close, as close as he can be.
He tucks his face in the crook of Andre’s neck and hugs him tight, exactly like he’d done on the ice just hours before.
“I’m so fucking proud of you,” he murmurs, raw and genuine, just for Andre to hear.
Don’t You Worry Child by Capbuckyang [M, 2k]
Nicky pats his thighs and Andre drops, just like that. It’s not like it was the first time, when the boys all watched in a hushed silence, but it does quiet down a bit.
It isn’t that hard, boy, to like you or love you by Two_for_Slashing [M, 3.5k]
Nicklas couldn’t pinpoint exactly when he had become desirable.
Lop-sided on the Side of the Angels by babygotbackstrom [NR, 2k]
The sun doesn’t make vampires sick anymore but that doesn’t mean Nicklas Backstrom is a morning person.
for the taking by chartreuser, thegraceinyoureyes [E, 4k]
Of course Nicky knows Andre wants him.
Sharp Suits and Sly Smiles by SomebodyOwens [T, 5k]
He chased them so hard that they caught him.
A seduction in 5 (+1) parts.
Wayward Mayday by xihale [E, 6k]
Nicky and TJ are fucking around, and one of them starts mouthing off about Ovi, how Ovi might join the two of them, how hard he’d hold them down, how hard he’d ride them.
Naturally, Ovi walks in.
intermittent melting by blushingsweet (sunflowered) [E, 3k]
“I don’t think he wants to leave,” Nicky says, looking up at him, smug and a little cocky. “Do you want to leave, Tom?”
“No,” Tom says. He’s pressing his hands into his jeans, shifting on the floor. Alex wonders if his knees have started hurting yet; Nicky’s kept him there for a long time.
-These are all part of a larger Caps ensemble series w/ a variety of pairings, but I’m singling the Andre/Holts parts out, which can fit together w/o reading the whole thing
All We Are Is by somethingnerdythiswaycomes [M, 5k]
Braden notices everything in the dressing room.  He’s seen enough that, sometimes, he can guess what’s brewing before it really erupts in the locker room.  And maybe, because he saw Brooksy and Burky, that’s why he wasn’t able to see himself and Andre.
Just to Please Them [E, 3k]
Andre’s in a tank top and jeans and his neck is tantalizingly bare.  Braden keeps staring at it, and Andre keeps catching him and honestly it’s getting a little embarrassing.
Don’t Think About Why [E, 13k]
Andre Burakovsky/Brooks Laich, Andre/Holtby
“What about Brooksy?” Andre asks quietly.  Nicky’s fingers still on the back of Andre’s head, and then start petting over his curls again a second later.
“He has a reputation,” Nicky says carefully.
Or: Andre tries, and then tries again.
Comfortability [E, 6k]
Andre/Holtby, Andre Burakovsky/Braden Holtby/Nathan Walker, Braden Holtby/Nathan Walker
“How’d you sleep last night?” Braden asks Walks, when they’re all sitting down for breakfast.
“I hope we didn’t keep you up,” Andre says innocently, and Walks chokes on his omelet.
Match Your Weakness With A Name by leyley09 [T, 4k]
In which Braden gets talked into playing spin-the-bottle with his teammates and - surprisingly - doesn’t live to regret it
Words Just Get in the Way by somethingnerdythiswaycomes [T, 8k]
“You’re pretty gone on him, huh?” Mike asks him.  Andre nods.  “And you don’t know anything about him?” Andre nods again, glumly.
“This is the semester,” Mike proclaims with enough conviction that Andre almost believes him. “This semester, you’re getting him.”
 field testby matskreider [M, 1.5k]
When he cracks his eyes open, he sees a rather determined pout coming from Nicklas’ favorite underling, a new guy called Burakovsky. “Sorry, 0070. I was going to offer to debrief you, if you were waiting for Q. He’s, um…going to be busy for a while.”
Andre + Willy and/or Latts:
Kickstart The Fight by MermaidSmiled [T, 9k]
Tom watches as Andre’s knuckles scab over and heal and split again after a hard practice until they’re finally healed, pink and shiny. He watches Andre’s eye blacken where a fist or an elbow caught him and charts the flow of the blood pooling under the skin as the days go by.
It’s something so unfamiliar to Tom, seeing these things he’s used to seeing when he looks down or in the mirror on Andre. He ignores it as best he can.
come under the covers by ghosthunter [M, 4.5k]
Andre meets him at the airport. He has a tan and he looks good. Not that Tom thinks he, himself, does not also have a tan and look good, but he’s not picking himself up at the airport in a foreign country either.
Something So Pleasant About That Place by somethingnerdythiswaycomes [E, 5k]
Tom turns his head to look at Andre, sprawled out on the other bed dicking around on his phone.  “Hey, wanna fuck?”
Andre glances at him, and rolls his eyes.  Tom doesn’t know if he should be offended by how not-surprised Andre is.
Or: Andre and Tom have a ‘List of Cities We’ve Fucked In’
#capsexroomiesby forks[E, 7k]
André doesn’t mind living in his own place now, but sometimes he does miss seeing Mike and Tom being sexy together.  Good thing he has his new camcorder along this time so he’ll be able to watch whenever he wants.
Tale as Old as Time by Kerfluffle [E, 5k]
Andre breaks his hand. Tom provides an assist.
champions by angularmomentum [E, 2k]
Tom had a problem. To be more accurate, Tom had several problems but that was the way of Tom’s life. He often had a few running in tandem. Tonight they included but were not limited to: bruised knuckles (regular problem) forgot his toothbrush (also a regular problem) and a boner for Burky (definitely NOT a regular problem.)
conversation superseded by by ghosthunter [T, 1k]
Andre Burakovsky/Christian Djoos
Somewhere along the line, some signals got crossed.
or: andre is dumb
sugar by ghosthunter [M, 4k]
Nicklas Backstrom/André Burakovsky/Marcus Johansson
Nicke’s almost ready to leave, his jacket still off, his tie around his neck. “He’s fucking with you,” Nicke says quietly, coming to stand next to Andre as he ties his own tie. “And you looked at his ass when he walked away.”
So Press Record, I’ll Let You Film Me by Petalpants [E, 3k]
Andre Burakovsky/Brooks Laich
Hey, ur hot! If ur interested in doing sum amateur porn, lmk ;)
Ergo: Homo by R_Gunns [E, 14k]
Andre/Various Caps, Andre/Original Male Characters, Andre/Original Female Characters
In which André no-homos his way through casual sex, bro-snuggles and the discovery of something between his captain and his A, before Braden kindly hits him with a clue bat.
Or: self-discovery is a bitch.
press my nose up to the glass around your heart by nighimpossible [T, 6k]
“I swear to God,” TJ says, covering his face with his hands, “if I get an inkling that a bond is starting to form, I’m truly going to kill you, John Carlson.”
“It’s Carly,” Carlson grins, leaving him behind in the locker room. “And I’d like to see you try.”
toss, turn by alotofthingsdifferent[M, 3k]
John’s neighbor – the one who has a lot of loud, enthusiastic sex – is really, really hot.
John is in so much trouble.
do you even know the miranda rights? by nighimpossible [E, 9k]
Sidney Crosby’s brother swap program is going to be the death of TJ.
Inside My Bones by somethingnerdythiswaycomes [E, 3k]
TJ’s riding the high of winning a Stanley Cup Final Game, before John’s hand comes down hard on his shoulder, gripping him tight through his pads.  He knows what that hold means, what it means when John’s fingers dig into the soft spot just next to his armpit through the gap in his pads.
“You’re lucky we won,” John murmurs in his ear, hot breath fanning over TJ’s neck.
but then you say “please” by Anonymous [E, 2k]
“Quite the charmer,” TJ goads. His feet are a little more under himself now. “Bet you could get anyone you want, kissing them like that.”
“Cut the shit,” John says, but he’s smiling, running a thumb over TJ’s cheek.
hold me tight and i’ll sink in by thermocline [NR, 2.5k]
Willy/Latts/Oshie, Oshie/Carly, Oshie/Various Caps
The thing is, it’s happened a few times, during the season and mainly during first round.
TJ’s always been touchy. Not needy. Just better when he’s given touch. He works best when he’s receiving.
i’m a prisoner to my decisions by orphan_account [E, 1.5k]
Lauren makes him forget the things he’s been running from since high school.
Tom makes him remember.
staying put by thegraceinyoureyes[E, 7k]
Nicky/Oshie, Oshie/Various Caps
There are bodies—hands all over him, all around him.
Covered in the Colors by sunshinexbomb [T, 12k]
Nicklas Backstrom/Mike Green
In which Nicky and Greenie pretend to be soul bonded so they can be road roommates.
Taste of Bavaria by JessamyGriffith[T, 7k]
Philipp Grubauer/Braden Holtby
Philipp Grubauer is a tour guide, resigned to spending yet another day introducing American tourists to the beauty of Bavaria.
Braden Holtby, star goaltender for the Washington Capitals, is looking forward to a nice day seeing the sights of Munich on his vacation.
Happily, neither of them is going to have their day go quite as expected.
drop by savedby [T, 2k]
Devante Smith-Pelly, Ensemble
five times the Washington Capitals welcomed DSP to the team and one time he did it for someone else
Tell The World by sunshinexbomb [M, 10k]
Nicklas Backstrom/Braden Holtby
Three times somebody finds out about Nicky and Braden and one time they decide to tell someone on their own.
feels like summer by Thorne [M, 30k]
The unglamorous fact of the matter is that lifeguarding, particularly at a community swimming pool, is much less about the dramatic rescues and slo-mo dives into the water that Baywatch has tricked people into believing, and much more about janitorial work that’s either tedious or gross, spiked with the occasional scraped knee or elbowed nose or no-holds-barred ice cream vendor death-match in the parking lot.
(Or, Karl’s in love with his best friend, all the local community pools in the Metropolitan county are at prank-war with each other, and also there are ducks.)
Oh, but how were we to know? by orphan_account [NR, 12k]
Tom Wilson/OMC
“How’d it feel skating with Gavin for the first time as teammates?” a reporter asks in the locker room after their first preseason game, played against the New York Islanders. “He cites you as such an integral part of his development into a player. It must be rewarding to see it come full circle.” 
When condemning the whole body by anonissue [E, 6k]
Braden Holtby/Nate Schmidt
There’s more than one way to cure the hiccups, as Braden Holtby has the misfortune to find out.
Wide Open by Ferritin4 [E, 2.5k]
Braden Holtby/Nate Schmidt
Braden opens his mouth again, because he’s glad it’s okay but he didn’t mean no, he just meant give me — give me a minute, give me —
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