#how fucking heartbroken I would feel in his shoes
andromedda · 2 years
Ah, fuck.
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sukioyakio · 3 months
“Use me then”- R. 𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐔𝐍𝐀
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Sukuna hadn’t been the best person in your life,he was a dumb fuck and he knew that.He knew he shouldn’t have left you alone when you needed him the most.
When you were pregnant with his baby girl.He knew he fucked up.Moreover his whole life has been fucked up,finding his parents died in a young age and how he knew that violence was the thing that bring him a long way.
Foster home wasn’t just hell but a free for all,only those who are willing to make a name out of themselves will get to see a future themselves.He would have to learn that having feeling is just a useless thing.
After being heartbroken by someone he thought he could love,after being someone punching bag for entertainment and being beaten almost to death.Scars all over him with each of them being a reminder of how bad it was for him.
He didn’t get to live a normal life when he was younger constantly fighting for himself.He became more cruel and more cold,no longer giving a fuck about anyone else.
He knew that nothing he could make up for his own mistakes for treating like you did anything to deserve it.
You both knew each other from college but that not when you guys started dating,you started to date after a one and a half year later.
You fell for him despite of his frigid behavior.You wanted to prove that you would be the best girlfriend.You were just a hopeless romantic and you didn’t care about his cold behavior.
And he just accepted it to only used you for his benefits.
But no matter what you did he’ll just blocked you out and constantly being used.And when you guys did it,he forgot to put the condom on and so a week later you had called him when he was flirting with some other girl at a bar.
he just told you that he’ll come later.
While he was cheating with you with someone else,you were excited about it,to tell him about the future you had thought about.And how you couldn’t wait to be a mother.
But when you had open the front doors to your apartment,something in your gut told you that you weren’t going to like this talk but you were love sick idiot for him and completely ignored that feeling.
When you were talking about how your day went,being animated and all.He nonchalantly told you just to get to the point.
You had such a big smile on when you announced it. “I’m pregnant! Sukuna I’m having your baby,we’ll be parents”
You looked at him with warm smile to only see his eyebrows furrowed down in an utter disbelief.You said it again guessing that he didn’t hear you correctly but his face made a unreadable expression as he started to walk towards the door.
All in that moment you could almost hear the tearing sound of your heart being broken into pieces and it hurt.
You yelled at him while running after him grabbing his wrists pleading with him,cause you didnt know if you’ll be okay with just yourself supporting a baby.Your lips were trembling and your every breath was like it was venom had token your lungs.
Tears were flowing down your cheeks.And he just stood there with complete silence.You began to beg for him to talk,for you guys to talk about it together.
“Please don’t l-leave me , p-please” you choke on your tears.Red optics eye bore into her widened,watering eyes.Finally saying something to you.
“I think it just better to break up” He says that and nothing more and then snatched off his hand now walking away leaving you alone with hot painful tears flowing down your cheeks.
The only thing you heard was the sounds of his Shoes slowly getting quieter until it was just silence.Your heart right there summer in the depths of your chest broken by your vision of love.
It was a vast expanse of emptiness,where even the smallest sound wouldn’t dare not tread the silence. [*]
A few years later Sukuna was now more stable than before,Having a big success with his company.
Making collaboration with other big brands and marketers.Having multiple modeling teams to make sure of his presence is well known and that only made a fan base of him.He was making multiple big deals that people would only dream off.
He was particularly smart at making sure that his company wouldn’t go down anything time soon.Even after all this success in Japan he would still have much more work to accomplish in others countries but he doesn’t have to worry about that right now.
He now had everything that he never had when he was young and everything he’ll need.Every decision he made was to make it all work in the end.
But some wounds weren’t meant to heal and some will eventually hurt you more than others.
When he left you he thought that he would be the best for him and for you too.He didn’t want any of unavoidable feeling of love,it wouldn’t do anything but drag him. He already knew at some point he was going to break up with you sometime soon.
But your voice of pain still rings throughout his head after all these years.Sometimes even coming back as nightmares or some sorts.
He thought that maybe if he just have nights stands he would get over it.It irritated him for some reason.He didn’t need some extra feelings of you.
But nothing worked,and now he’s sit in his office at random point of time thinking about what was the gender of his baby.
But now he knows that he is the worst father ever to have.And he didn’t have to hear those words from anyone else to tell him that.The better thing to do is just to move forward and forget about it.
It was just a normal day walking around the city without the need of being followed or being bothered by the paparazzi or whatever the case would be.
The sun light shining the city with a bright golden glow making the city warm.And with the sun shining it’s companion with the wind breeze keeping citizens of Tokyo from dying from the heat.In perfect sense it was a great day to go out and enjoy the day off.
Multiple citizens walked through the streets of Tokyo the streets were filled with lifeness sparkling with color all around and people walking with a smile or with a sense of urgent need to get to a certain place.While Sukuna didn’t have any place to go to so he just walked throughout the city even the high crime rates part of Tokyo.
The only reason he wasn’t getting bothered was because he had a black washable dye and it work wonders and having his tattoos covered by makeup. No one recognize him.
Now he made his way towards a park,to get away from the crowd of people.His body walking down the entrance of it.Completely in his head space enjoying the scenery.Not minding the children running around with their sequels.
Until he heard a voice in the group of parents with their children who were playing or watching their children play.
A distant Laughter came through the group there;A laugh he knew too well.His legs taking him towards that voice without even noticing his actions. His large figure making it way to move around,his eyes looking around in such an intense manner.
His body froze,his mind going silent.As his almost blood like eyes widened.His heart slowly beating against his chest.
He spotted a child with striking pink long hair with such a radiant laughter,a young girl that is made his heart began to filled with warmth.
Something that he thought was meaningless.
Sukuna’s heart raced with uncertainty as he faced the unknowingly future.
He just stood there watching the girl with an urge to ask the girl question.Whether if the girl dyed the hair pink or did she ever get to see her dad or-And then you showed In his view.
“There you are,you little troll” you spoke with a playful voice,grabbing your daughter and swinging her around in the air.You were smiling so care carefullyfree,with the little spawn of joy giggling wildly.
“PffhaHahhaha!!Stop it mom!Your gonna get me dizzy if uou continue” The young girl says as her laughter danced through the air like a soft melody.
The world blurs itself out as he watches you.when he sees you he immediately knows that you were something that shouldn’t have been token so dryly;all the nights were you were there for him,all the love you spent on him and what did he gave you in return.
Nothing,nothing not even a small amount of time of love to you.You have every right to hate him for that.
There a lot of ‘what if’s’ in his mind but one thing is certain that he would’ve had a family.
He probably didnt know that he was looking at you guys to long.That was until your eyes meet his making eye contact.
Their stares remained interlocked, neither of them making a move to look away.It you could tell who is his even with all the disguise.Your eyes widened with disbelief as Your face turned into an icy expression.You turned your head now forcing yourself to walk forward paying attention to your daughter that was in your arms.
Sukuna soul felt burdened with the echoes of her sorrows.
“It doesn’t matter now,at least that their better without me” Sukuna spoke in his mind,but he’s heart felt heavy like it knew that if he thinks by walking away from all this is going to make it better then he wrong.
Blinded by his own heart he walks after you,keeping his composure straight and stern.As he reaches his hand to lay his hand on your shoulder,getting your attention and your daughter as well.
Your head turned around to see his body but you stare up to see his ironic red eyes the same one you have nightmares about,the same one that broke your heart a thousand times.
The same blood like eyes that you fall in love with.
Your heart sting with dreadful pain just from looking at him,you knew it was him even if he’s hide his most dominant features.
Your daughter looks at you with concern that you don’t mistake it for sadness.
You place her down on the ground and whipser her something softly,to not her pretty face worry about it.You told her simply to wait and sit in the grass until she come back then they will get ice cream after and which she does.
Now paying mind to him as you changed your expression to the same icy expression.
“What do you want” You said straight to the point as you won’t allow yourself to break down again infront of him.
Nothing come out,because he didn’t know what to say to you,Nothing came out of his mouth.He usually always had something to say.
You couldn’t take it,you hated the man that stand in front of you.
”I doubt you’ll forgive me for all of this-
you instantly interrupted him.
“it too late for apologize Sukuna,you already showed me that I’ll have to be guarded when it comes to giving people my heart.”
You said heartlessly,almost with coming out hurt.But you didn't stop there,all the suspense emotions were coming out.
“God I hate you! I hate you for leaving me!!A simple Fucking sorry ISNT going to make up for the things you made me go through! You-tears falling down your cheeks rapidly-… I fucking hate you.I hate that I fell for you,g-Gave you my heart for what?”
You wipe off your tears.Your voice rising in pitch as your eyes brow knitting together in frustration and hands clenching tightly in a ball into fist.
“B-but I’ll n-never . . Hate you for her,for g-giving me a beautiful g-girl”
you said with a sad smile that quickly removed from your face,Your chest rising up and down.As you could hear the voices of the kids giggling in the background.
The tension between you and him was unpalatable,the air was so thick that it felt like he was going to suffocate.
A pair of warm hands warp around you pulling you into a warm embrace.
“I-I -a heavy sigh came out of his mouth- . . . Sorry,I don’t -no I know that you won’t forgive me.You have every reason to yell at me, . . tell me that I’m shit for everything.” His voice swiftly He felt your hands were pushing him away but he continued on his embrace.He could fell your tears dampen his clothes.
“L-let go of me . . . I Don’t h-have time for you-u,i don’t need you anymore in my life,Sukuna.So it better if we just don’t talk.”
His throat felt so dry like as if he didn’t drink any water.He fucked up so badly.A wound that would never heal.You politely removed your body from his embrace and wipe your face with your hands wiping off the tears.Now walking away from him and towards where your daughter was.
The wind blows gently through your body as you see your daughter playing around with a boy with black hair;smiling with joy, making you form a small smile.
You felt a hand on your shoulder immediately knowing it was Sukuna,you brushed off his hand off your shoulder.Before you could even get anything out your mouth.
“Use me then”
A shiver ran down her spine as his voice took on an eerie, otherworldly quality of vulnerability.That made her question if it was the wind that was playing with her mind or it just herself thinking that she heard him in such a state.
”what” You said with disbelief lancing your voice,Your uncertainty was reflected in your hesitant movements and furrowed brow.
You tilted your head in confusion,your eyes trying to discern the almost-too-serious expression on Sukuna face.Just for Sukuna repeat his words.
“Use me then” He said in a serious manner,His red eyes looking straight at you.He knew what he was saying was stupid and wouldn’t cure anything but it worth trying.
Your eyes widens lanced with disbelief.you let out a huff out laugh as you ran your finger though your hair.
“What . . No Sukuna,I-a deep shaky sigh gets out of your lungs- I told you I want nothing to deal with you” You said with a bit of raspiness to your voice from the crying and yelling.You eyes finally looking at Sukuna’s eyes.His eyes usually showed a stern cold expression but right now it soften and regretful glazes upon his blood like eyes.
“Use me then, Use me for money,for paying your bills,driving you and her placing,Use me for anything,it doesn’t matter” He said as you just notice how close he got to you.You could hear it now,it wasn’t your mind playing tricks on you;you could hear that vulnerability in his voice so much clearer.
You didn’t know what to say or respond to him,your mouth was shut and like it sealed up.That until you felt a strong hit towards your knee,to only see your daughter squealing.
“MOMM!! Hahah-HELp me!!Before Cole Comes and get me!!” Your daughter says with A loud giggle as She let go of your legs and runs a distance away from you and Sukuna to get playfully tackled by a boy with black hair and purple eyes.
You hadn’t completely forgotten his offer,You take a deep breath before looking at your phone to see how much time as pass.
His eyes were dead set on you but You can see that he’s eyes had a bit of amusement in them.To you you could recognize him even if he had black hair or hide his tattoos on his face and body,you could still tell it him from his red ironic eyes.His body cast a shadow over you.
“I-ill think about this later” You said,now completely walking towards your daughter.With head now full of thoughts now.As you smiling see your daughter ‘Nova ryomen’ Tackling the boy down with a playful smirk on her soft cheek.
You told her that it time to go home and to say goodbye to the boy,which she kinda refused to do having a big sad pout of your cute little face.But she eventually did,as you hold her hand in and then taking her to a ice cream shop for her.You order with a genuine smile on your lips as you watched her eat her ice cream while you guys were walking towards the house.
“use me then”
his words were repeated in your head like a curse.You don’t need him anyway right?You just gotta keep moving forward even if life isn’t the best for you but it could be and will be better for nova.That night you had received a text from a unknown person but you ignore it went to sleep.
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Credits to my lovely editor(my bestie) who I made her read this 🫶.
tag list: @10yo-anonnie @scoobysnakz @lynxslokley @kenntolog
+anyone want to be tagged in part2
Made by @sukioyakio
reblogs, likes and shares are always welcome and appreciated
If anyone has any comments of suggestion of part two then be my guest
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springgirlshowers · 1 month
Cool About It
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Summary: You’re face to face with your ex outside of a bar after three years of no contact, is there any point of talking to him?
Pairing: Joost x Reader
CW: smoking, cursing, arguing, poorly proofread, angst with a happy ending tho! ;P
WC: 1,935
A/N: i can’t write a summary for the life of me + wooooo feeling angsty tonight guys
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When Joost left he told you he would be gone for a long time. You knew that of course.
He told you he would have to leave and travel constantly if he wanted his career to grow, which you were fine with. You wanted nothing more than to see it happen.
With school and working for yourself, you weren’t able to come along with Joost on his tour and to the festivals he was performing at. That was okay with you!
As long as you could still text and call and video chat with him you were fine. Of course, you absolutely missed him during it, but you could put up with the temporary long distance.
However Joost, felt the opposite apparently.
To be fair, you knew it was gonna be difficult being together yet so far apart.
Joost ended things with you, telling you he didn’t think your relationship with him would work constantly being gone. He'd also told you not to take it personally, and you had. Like an idiot.
You were heartbroken at first. Crying and pitying yourself, questioning why he did it. Even though he already gave you an answer.
Soon your sadness turned to anger, it never changed after that. You’ve been angry at him since he sent that text.
Joost <3: I don’t think this is working
It was a piss poor way of breaking up, the delivery of it was shitty enough, it being over text just made it worse.
The way he worded some of the things he said for his reasoning made it feel like you were a rock in his shoe, or an obstacle in his path to fame.
Yet, you were civil with him when he broke up with you, you never really shared your feelings and emotions on it with him afterwards. Why would you? You weren’t his girlfriend anymore. It wasn’t your place to.
Joost never knew how angry you were with him, you weren’t sure if unfollowing him really showed that. Maybe blocking him did, if he even ever noticed. You were just sick of seeing his face and posts pop up on your feed.
You haven’t seen him, haven’t talked to him since he broke up with you. It’s been three years and not a word has been said to each other.
You expected it to stay that way within the next years and so on. Until you saw him walking around with his friends in the same bar as you during a night in June.
"What the fuck is he doing here?" You said angrily.
"It's a Saturday night, this is a public bar, i'm not sure you can blame him for being here." Your friend shrugged disappointingly.
"Yeah I know." You sighed, "Just…why'd he have to come to this one tonight though? There's like ten other places he could've gone." You thought out loud, muttering. Your friend gave you a sympathetic frown as you rubbed your face.
“You know what, whatever, I’m gonna go for a smoke, you wanna come?” You nodded to the back door of the bar.
“No, I’ll watch over our drinks. You have fun.” She joked, you smiled and told her you’d be back in a few.
You were more than relieved to see that the back wall of the outside of the bar was empty. No other smokers or couples making out. You really needed a moment alone, seeing Joost made it feel like the air got knocked out of you.
You grabbed your pack of cigs, pulling one out and leaving it hanging from your mouth while you rummaged around your bag for a lighter.
You groaned out loud in frustration, desperately looking around the rest of your items for the one you usually had on hand.
While you were too busy searching, you didn’t pay any attention to the door that opened and closed behind you.
“Need a light?” A familiar deep voice asked, you turned to see him. Joost standing in front of you, lighter in hand and an awkward look on his face.
Now it felt like you couldn’t breathe at all.
Although it felt like a lifetime since you’d seen him, it hadn't been that long. It’s really just been a few years.
You just stared at him as he lit your cigarette without hesitation. You snapped back into this moment, inhaling and nodding as your way of saying “Thanks.”
“I didn’t know you smoked.” Joost said, pulling out a cigarette from his own pack.
“Yeah? A person can change a lot in three years.” The delivery of your sentence was venomous. It felt like every word was laced with poison to Joost. It made him pause for just a split second, giving him a small hint of how angry you still were at him.
He stayed silent, so did you. The only noise being the flick of his lighter and traffic in the distance.
The brick wall felt cold and jagged on your back, you debated if you should just stomp out your cig and just go back inside already.
“So how's everything been for you?” Joost broke the silence.
“Fine. Great.” You said stoically, Joost hummed in response.
You weren’t going to ask him the same question. You’d already knew how great he’d been doing. You’d saw all about it, read all about it, heard all about it, and honestly, you were sick of it.
He was getting where he wanted to be, good for him. You just wished you didn’t have to hear all about it.
"Number one in Germany, huh?" You said as exhaled smoke, a hint of anger still in your voice.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah.” He let out a nervous laugh, “Insane isn’t it?” He itched at his arm.
“Yeah. Good for you though.” You spat, suddenly remembering how he made you feel like you were in his way to success.
“You don’t sound very excited about it.”
“Really?” You said sarcastically, flicking ash. Joost just nodded and cleared his throat, taking another inhale.
“I still have your shit in my closet. In a box.” You spoke out, keeping your eyes away from his.
He never came back for any of his shared clothing. You were kind enough to fold all his shirts that were hanging in your closet and put them in a cardboard box. Which you planned on giving him once he got back, but he never came back for it, never texted asking. So now they just sat in the back corner of your closet, collecting dust.
“Oh.” He said softly. Heart hurting a bit at the fact you never got rid of his stuff.
“Yeah. You’re free to take it back any day now. I’m tired of being reminded of it every time I need to pick out something to wear.” You sighed, you were halfway done with your smoke.
“I can understand if you’re upset.” He looked down, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. “I know we ended things at a weird time.” His words made your blood boil.
We? We ended things? No. You. You were the one to end things. I didn’t want anything to end, you did, Joost. That’s what you wanted to spit at him. Instead you gave him a watered down version of it.
“You gave up on us, not me.” You said, exhaling, desperately trying to keep your cool.
“I don’t think I’d call it giving up…” He mumbled.
“No, you gave up. We hit a difficult patch and you were too much of an ass to push through it so you gave up.” Your mouth was moving faster than your brain, you didn’t mean to be so harsh or to argue. But you’ve been holding in all this anger for the past three years, now it was all spilling out.
Your chest was rising and falling in frustrated breaths, you blinked away the glaze that formed over your eyes. You waited for a response.
Joost opened his mouth, beginning to say something, but then closing it.
“Don’t even know why I bothered.” You muttered, letting out a sigh and shaking your head as you stomped out your cigarette.
Before you could start moving, Joost finally spoke.
“I thought I’d just continue to hurt you if I kept it going.” His voice was soft. It wasn’t the response you were hoping for, but you were sure what you were expecting anyways.
“Hurt me?” You asked, complete disbelief in your voice.
“I was gone for months. You’re telling me that you were fine with it? That it didn’t bother you?” He threw his cigarette down, grinding his shoe into the bud.
“It did bother me a little sometimes. I missed you the entire time. But I knew you were doing what you wanted to do for so long.” You took a step towards him, “I knew performing made you happy. I wasn’t gonna stop you from that. You were happy, I was happy.” You shrugged, trying desperately to keep back the tears that were going to form in your eyes.
It was the truth. You loved hearing the excitement in his voice when he’d call you just before shows, hearing the smile in his voice made one appear on your face as well.
“I cared for you so much. So much. I tried so hard to keep everything together and you just threw it all away. You made me feel like some kind of burden.” You could hear your voice begin to crack while your eyes watered, you didn’t want him to see you so emotional. You shoved past him, heading for the door.
“I never stopped caring about you. I need you to know that.” Joost spoke out, causing you to stop. He wanted to say a different word than “caring”, a stronger word, but he didn’t think he was brave enough for it. You turned around, eyes looking at the cement instead of at him.
“You were never a burden to me, liefje. Never.” Even though his voice was soft, his words were hitting you, your eyes finally met his. “It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have ended things like that. I shouldn’t have ended things at all.” He stepped closer to you, hand grazing your cheekbone. Eventually both hands coming up to gently cup your face.
“I was such an asshole. You didn’t deserve that, any of that.” Joost felt your jaw clench, your attempt to keep your lip from wobbling as tears threatened to spill from your eyes. His own eyes were beginning to water.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Y/N.” You heard the crack in his voice, and that was enough to cause you to break, tears beginning to fall down your cheeks.
And of course, the next thing he said was the final blow to cause your upcoming breakdown.
“I never stopped loving you.” His voice was barely a whisper, yet still loud enough for the both of you to hear it. You let out an embarrassingly loud sob and wrapped your arms around him, face shoved and sobbing into his chest.
Joost sweetly shushed you as he rubbed a hand up and down your back, lightly swaying the both of you as he let a few tears fall from his own eyes.
You really wanted to kiss him, you really did. You would’ve at this moment if you weren’t bawling and wheezing out tears. However, Joost was fine with it, as long as he knew he had you back, in his arms, he was fine.
Joost having you here with him, he was fine with that.
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meangirls-imagines · 6 months
There For You
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Description: Reader goes through a rough breakup and Regina and Janis are there for them. Feelings get revealed and Reader's heart gets mended.
Note: bubs, i love you a lot! this is for you! (Y/N goes by they/them pronouns in this one!)
Go send some love to bubs (@yungpoetfics)
Breakups sucked.
The world was a cruel place. No breakup sucked more than the ones from someone you thought loved you.
Y/N had broken up with their partner and was currently laying in bed heartbroken. They didn't know what to do, who to talk to. Well, there were a couple of people Y/N could talk to but they didn't wanna be a bother.
As Y/N's finger hovered over the contact photo of the blonde, they stopped. Did they really wanna talk about it so soon? Without thinking, their finger slipped and hit the call button.
Across town, Regina was hanging out with Janis. The two had since made up since the whole "incident" and were quite civil. They had recently bonded over fashion, school issues, and their feelings for Y/N.
They had both revealed to each other their feelings for their friend accidentally one night and then talked to each other about possibly dating Y/N.
Regina's phone rang as the blonde paused the movie her and Janis were watching. "Ooh. It's Y/N!" The blonde happily answered the phone.
"Hi bubs! What's up?"
Regina heard sniffling on the line and instantly got worried. "Bubs? Everything okay?" Janis looked at Regina worriedly as the blonde tried to talk to Y/N.
"Bubs? You with me?" Y/N sniffled. "They broke up with me." Regina felt rage surge through her body. "What? They broke up with you?" Janis was on her feet in an instant.
"They broke up with me. They just gave up." Regina's heart broke at the news. How dare they break her baby's heart like that? "What do you need from me, bubs? Or Janis?"
Y/N got even more sad at the thought of accidentally messing up their hangout. "No, it's fine. I'll be fine. You guys can hang out more." Regina tried to stop Y/N but they had already hung up. "Fuck. Janis, put your shoes on."
Janis nodded as the two got ready and headed to Y/N.
The two made a pit stop and got some of Y/N's favorite snacks and sweets before heading to their house. Y/N's mom let them in, letting them know that Y/N was still in bed and she let them up to Y/N's room.
Regina knocked on the door softly. "Bubs? It's me and Janis. Can we come in?" They heard a soft "yeah" before they carefully walked into the room.
Their hearts broke at the sight of Y/N. They were curled up in bed, drowned by the blanket. Janis went to Y/N's side as Regina put the goodies down. Janis took her shoes off and got onto the bed. "Wanna come out from those blankets for us baby?"
Y/N slowly crept out of the blanket and the girls' hearts broke more.
They had tear tracks going down their face, their eyes were puffy and red. Regina pulled Y/N into her embrace, cradling them to her chest. Y/N instantly hid in the girl's bust, trying not to cry.
"Shhh, bubs. You'll be okay. We're here now. We aren't leaving you alone." Y/N began sobbing at those words. Regina held them tighter as Janis wrapped her arms around the two.
The trio sat like that for a while, as Y/N's sobs faded. "They said they would never leave me. And they lied." Regina held Y/N close to her chest. "I know bubs. I know."
Y/N pushed away from Regina and Janis. "No. You don't know. They gave up, Regina. Gave up on me, on us! How am I supposed to believe anyone else won't do the same thing?"
Janis spoke up. "Y/N, we would never leave you like that." Y/N snapped. "Yes. Yes, you would. Why wouldn't you? Everyone else does!" Regina looked at Y/N sadly. "Bubs, we promise." Y/N shook their head.
"Don't write checks you can't cash, Regina. It's the same old fucking story. They come, they tell me they love me, and then they fucking leave. Why are you two any different?"
Regina stood. "Because we fucking love you Y/N. Fuck them for making you feel this way. We love you. We want to love you forever. We would never break your heart like they did. Just please, give us a chance."
Janis stood too, slowly making her way to Y/N. "Y/N. We want to help you feel loved and also help you love yourself the way we do. We won't hurt you like they did. We could never. You're too special to us." Y/N broke down crying at the girl's words.
They went to Regina and buried themselves in the blonde's chest. "Promise?" Regina held out a hand. "Pinky promise, bubs." Y/N hesitantly secured their pinky around the blondes.
"They used to make pinky promises too..." Regina kissed Y/N's forehead. "Let's get your mind off of them tonight, huh bubs?"
The rest of the night was spent with Y/N laying in-between Janis and Regina, the two showering them with love and extra reassurance. Y/N eventually fell asleep, head resting on Regina's boobs.
The blonde looked at Janis and smiled. "Guess you'll have to share boob privilege, Janis." Janis looked at Y/N and smiled.
"I can live with that."
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allgoodnamesrgoneee · 9 months
Kylian Mbappe taking her to his home in Monaco and fucking her over the balcony.
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𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — Your trip to Monaco takes an unexpected twist.
𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — Kylian Mbappé x you
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 — 1.7k
Warnings! NSFW! SMUT (18+), unprotected vaginal sex, oral sex (f & m receiving), rough sex, multiple orgasms, slight voyeurism.
If someone had told you three weeks ago that you would have met Kylian Mbappé at a club while visiting Monaco, you would've asked for some of the weed they were smoking.
But as you stumble through the doors of his bills, lips smacking together, as his hands grip your hips. You know that you definitely need some weed.
"Fuck," You breathe against his lips, hands gripping tighter at the fabric of his shirt as you get lost in the feeling of kissing him. He squeezes your ass at the sound, and you feel him smirk against your lips.
He presses his body against yours, and you feel his cock harden through his jeans. You moan at the feeling of him pressing into you, and he groans.
His hands slide up to your chest, cupping it, fingers teasing over your nipples. He pulls away from your lips, trailing kisses down your neck. "Putain, I want you so bad." He breathes against your ear, and you shiver.
"Have me." you say, voice low and husky. He smiles against your skin, and you feel his cock twitch against you through his pants. "Fuck me." You moan as he bites down on the side of your neck, hard enough to leave a mark.
It's like he's trying to possess you. Mind, body, and soul. And you love it. You crave it. You need it.
It all started three weeks ago when your friend invited you over to stay at her house in Monaco for a month while you got over your breakup. You and your boyfriend had been together for two years and even moved in together when you caught him in bed with someone else.
That's why you were at the club that night, to drink your sorrows away, yet again. But then he approached you.
He was charming and charismatic, with a magnetic aura that drew you in instantly. And in desperate need of a vent, you spilled everything to him. He listened which surprised you. After all, he's Kylian Mbappé, why would he.
Then he dropped the bomb. He wanted to be your rebound while you were staying in Monaco. He was on a break and you were heartbroken. Why not have a little fun. And ever since you have been.
Every night.
He growls, and you feel that twitch again. "Fuck me." You repeat, your voice even more husky than before. He moans at the sound of your voice, and your knees almost give out. Such a beautiful sound. And you thank the heavens for allowing you to hear it. Like melting chocolate, it wraps around you, igniting a fire within.
A fire you want to be consumed in.
"Please," you beg, your voice whiny and airy, pleading. "I-" His lips crashed down on yours, cutting off any words you wanted to say. His tongue slips into your mouth and you feel yourself melt into him. He pulls away after a few seconds, leaving you panting and wanting more.
"Upstairs?." His voice is low, sensual, dripping with lust and the pool of arousal between your thighs becomes an ocean. You nod, and he yanks you to him, whispering a quick 'jump' before the two of you are on your way to the bedroom.
The hallways are dark, and you wonder how Kylian hasn't run into anything. You can't see, only hear. The sound of heavy breathing, shoes hitting marble floors, a door opening.
And then you're in his bedroom, and all you can think about is him. His warm hands on your skin, his lips trailing kisses along your neck, his intoxicating smell.
Your hands fly to his belt buckle, fumbling with it as he lifts you onto the bed. It takes a few tries because you're too excited, and for some reason that makes the experience all the more enthralling.
When you finally manage to undo his belt, you pull the zipper down slowly. He groans as you push his pants down, pulling them along with his boxers. His cock springs free, standing tall and proud. The first time you saw it you were shocked, jaw to the floor. It's bigger than you thought, and you couldn't help but stare.
He smirks at you, knowing exactly what you're thinking. "tu le veux?" he asks, running his hand along the length of his shaft. You nod, unable to speak, not even understanding what he just said but willing to do whatever he wants.
Your body, his choice.
He steps forward, and you watch as his cock gets closer and closer to your face. somehow, it's thicker up close, veins running along it, just begging for attention. You lick your lips. "Then show me how much you like it," he whispers.
And you pounce. Like a starving lioness stumbling on fresh prey.
You lean forward, wrapping your lips around his cock, sucking gently. He moans, his hand involuntary coming up to tangle in your hair. You hum around his cock, moving your head back and forth. You feel him get harder and it makes you smile around his cock.
He tastes so good, salty and musky, and you love it. You suck harder, your lips gliding up and down his shaft. You can feel him starting to thrust, his hips pushing into your face. You take it all in, loving every second.
"Putain, comme ça" He encourages, voice hoarse from all his moaning. You take him deeper, until you feel the head of his cock hit the back of your throat. You gag a little but don't stop. "Fuck, bébé- Oh, merde! w-wait." he stutters, pulling your head back.
You look up at him questioningly and he smiles down at you. "I want to try something." he simply says, taking your hand in his, helping you off the floor, and dragging you towards the balcony.
You look at him questioningly, but he just grins and pushes you out onto the balcony. You gasp, surprised by the sudden change in scenery. The night air is cool against your skin, the thin fabric of your dress doing nothing to defend you from the weather, and you can see the city lights below.
"What are we doing here?" you ask confused, eyes widening when you see him step out from behind you fully naked.
"Do you trust me?" he asks and the answer is instant. Yes. "Good. Because I want to fuck you here," he whispers sensually, stepping closer to you, in all his glory.
Your skin flushes from both his words and the sudden warmth his body brings you. "Okay." the magic word. He smiles, and then he's all over you, hands sliding to the hem of your dress to take it off you.
You lift your arms willingly, letting him strip you bare, and then he's kissing you, his tongue slipping into your mouth. His hands roam over your body, caressing you everywhere, making you squirm with pleasure.
His cock is pressing against your lower stomach and you're dripping down your thighs.
He breaks the kiss, and looks down at you, his eyes dark with desire. "You sure you want this?" he asks gaze softening as he takes in the subtle vulnerability in yours. But your eager nod tells him everything he needs to know.
In one quick move he's turning you around and pushing you against the railing, ass pointed towards him.
You feel his hand on your thighs, spreading them apart and you feel warmwethot. You nearly scream at the feeling of his tongue sliding between your lips, licking you from clit to hole.
"Shhh, you're gonna wake my neighbors," he teases, and then he's licking you again. You can feel his tongue probing your hole, and it feels so good.
His tongue is everywhere; licking, sucking, nibbling. "Oh fuck, Kylian!!" You scream, and he chuckles against you, his fingers finding your clit, rubbing it in hypnotizing circles.
Your orgasm takes you by surprise, body shaking from the force of it. He doesn't stop though, continuing to lick and rub your clit until your quivering mess, hips bucking away from sensitivity.
"Oh my god." You breathe, trying to catch your breath. "you're so good at that."
"I aim to please," he says, giving both your ass cheeks a kiss before standing up and placing a soft kiss on your shoulder. You feel the wetness of your arousal that's covering his face against your skin and shiver.
You want him. Now.
His cock presses up against your ass and feel another kiss placed on your shoulder. "ready." he mutters against your skin, nibbling on the nape of your neck.
"Yes." It's breathless and needy and all the conformation he needs. He positions himself and then he's pushing inside. You cry out at the sudden intrusion, still not used to the size of him, but it feels so good. Pleasure and pain.
He fills you up, stretching you in all the right ways and you know tomorrow it will ache. It always does. But you don't care. Dirty, needy slut that you are. But only for him.
He starts to move, his hips grinding against yours, and you can already feel his cock hitting your sweet spot with each thrust. "Oh, shit!"
"So fucking tight, putain." He grabs your hips, holding you still as he pounds into you, cock sliding in and out easily, making an embarrassingly wet squelching noise that makes you blush.
You wonder if anyone can see you. If so, you hope they enjoy the view. The thought brings you closer to the edge, and you can feel your second orgasm building. "F-faster, please! please Kylian. I'm gonna...I'm gonna cum."
"Yeah, you gonna cum for me." You nod throwing your head back onto his shoulder "Good, girl. T'aime ça! Come for me."He picks up the pace, his cock slamming into you harder and faster.
Your pussy clenches around him and his eyes roll back, head dropping from the pleasure. This is heaven, and she's an angel, he thinks.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum too!" He groans, cock pulsating violently inside you. "come for me," you beg and he does. Slipping out, to spill his cum all over your back. "shit, shit, shit!"
"Holy shit," you mumble, voice hoarse from all the screaming, collapsing onto the balcony, the metal freezing against your skin, but you're too exhausted to move.
"You okay?" he asks, kissing your shoulder. "Yeah." You reply with a sigh.
"That was...intense." He chuckles, pulling up to lean on his chest. Then in one swift movement, he's picking you up bridal style to carry you back inside. "But we're not done."
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jakeyzzz · 2 months
I could have lied
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( angst/fluff ) sunghoon x f!reader oneshot
masterlist !
warnings - { heartbreak, crying, swearing, alcohol, drunk calling, kissing, making out, angst with a happy ending, sunghoon becoming a dad }
let me know if i missed anything !!
english is NOT my first language so please be nice!
2.6k words!
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'' What the- ... it wasn't even supposed to rain today!  '' You angrily whispered to yourself as soon as a few raindrops started falling from the sky. 
Your day wasn't going too well. Your boss was getting on your nerves, you spilled some very hot coffee on your freshly washed clothes, you missed your bus home , and now it eventually started raining. You were in the middle of nowhere, and you had no umbrella to save your clothes from getting drenched in water. So you had no other choice than running home. 
'' Slow down ... your shoe laces are untied ! '' You suddenly heard a familiar voice say from behind you. You knew exactly who it was, and it made your blood boil. That's why you tried to ignore the person behind you by quickly tying your shoe laces so you could quickly get out of his sight. 
But you weren't quick enough. 
He was quick enough to hold the umbrella over your head, preventing you from getting even more wet than you already were. And you hated yourself for feeling something when you smelled his perfume. 
'' I don't need your help, Sunghoon. '' You said, trying to sound as cold as possible.
Sunghoon was your Ex -Situationship who ran away like a loser after you told him you fell in love with him. 
He left you crying and heartbroken for weeks. 
There have been a few incidents where he drunk called you, telling you how much he misses being with you just for you to find out he has been hooking up with his best friend's ex the day after. You absolutely hated him. But even after everything he has done, it was so hard for you to stay away from him. You were still in love with him. And you hated yourself even more for that. 
'' I want to help you tho... '' 
'' Just leave me alone '' You answered before quickly getting back up, not even looking at him before you started walking away from him. You couldn't hide the fact you were shivering from the cold. Sunghoon immediately noticed. But you didn't want his help. And he needed to accept that. 
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As soon as you got home, you got out of your wet clothes and started looking for dry ones. You went through your closet, picking out an oversized hoodie and some sweatpants. Right before you were about to close the door of your closet, something caught your eye. You quickly took the piece out, and looked at it with teary eyes. It was a red hot chili peppers shirt. It used to be Sunghoon's until he gifted it to you after finding they're one of your favorite bands. 
That was one thing you had in common. Your taste in music.
 You hesitantly put the shirt under your nose, trying to find out if it still smelled like him. And it did. 
'' Fuck '' You silently cussed, holding back tears when the smell of his shirt hit your nose.
How were you supposed to stay away from him when you longed for him so much ?
You sat down on your bed with the shirt still in your hands, staring at it for a few more minutes. You already knew you were cry yourself to sleep again that night. You've been trying so hard to get over him, but nothing has been helping you achieve that goal. You knew it would get even harder after the encounter you both had that day. So all you could do was go to sleep and be patient with yourself.
Sunghoon on the other hand, was at a bar getting drunk with his friends once again. He was having a lot of fun. But he couldn't seem to get you out of his mind. Every little thing reminded him of you. And he couldn't make it stop. He tried to distract himself by drinking some more, which seemed to help for a moment until dani california started playing at the bar. 
Was this some stupid prank ?
'' It's getting kind of late ... I'm going home. '' Sunghoon said all of a sudden, making his friends raise an eyebrow.
'' Are you good, man ? '' One of his friends asked, finding Sunghoon's behavior weird. He was usually always the last one to leave the bar. 
'' Yeah don't worry. I'm just tired '' He said, before quickly sneaking out. 
Sunghoon sighed deeply when the cold air hit his face. He took his phone out of his pocket, and tipsily dialed your number. But since it was like 3AM, you were already asleep. 
When Sunghoon had finally accepted you wouldn't pick up the phone, he decided to leave a voicemail. 
'' Look I know I failed you and I know you don't wanna talk to me. But trust me i've been suffering a lot. No matter what I think about, I always end up thinking about you and it's slowly driving me insane. I think i really miss you and it's scaring me to death. I know you probably won't forgive me for what i've done to you but I'm just so scared of falling in love. And that's exactly why I left. I started catching feelings for you as well. I've been hurt so many times in the past and i didn't want to feel that kind of pain ever again. I was so fucking egoistic I didn't even think about how much my actions would hurt you. And I'm sorry. I promise. I know I messed up and I feel like an Idiot. Can we just talk it out ? I mean you don't have to but i'd really appreciate it. I've got some things to say to you ! I'll go try to find a way home now ... good night Y/N. I really enjoyed seeing you earlier... I mean it '' 
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The next morning you sat on your bed, showing your best friend Amaya the voicemail you received last night. 
'' Oh god ... Is he drunk ? '' She asked, looking at you with furrowed eyebrows. 
'' Pretty sure he is ... ''
You had no idea how to react to Sunghoon's message. You're sure you've listened to it for at least 20 times since you've woken up and you still had no idea what to do. 
'' He's pathetic ! '' 
'' What do I do ? '' You said, burying your face in your hands in distress 
'' Block him '' Amaya said, smiling cheekily. 
You glared at her.
'' Can you give me a serious answer please ? ''
'' You know what I think about this whole situation, Y/N . But even If you choose to hear him out, I'll fully stand behind you. I just don't want you to get hurt by that dickhead again. Does what he said to you in that voicemail sound genuine ? Yeah. Maybe. But i need you to be careful.  '' 
'' So you think I should give him a chance ? ''
'' He doesn't deserve it but i think you should at least listen to whatever he has to say ''
'' You're right ... '' You admitted. 
You had no idea if you were even ready to hear Sunghoon out. The thought of having to look him in the eyes already made your heart beat at least ten times faster. 
You were scared. 
'' I know you can do it '' Amaya said, pulling you into her arms to comfort you. 
'' Thank you Amaya ''
You quickly picked up your phone, trying to figure out what to say. 
Y/N :  We need to talk. Can I come over ? 
It took Sunghoon only a few seconds to answer. Even tho he got drunk, he couldn't sleep the whole night. The thought of you and your reaction to his voicemail kept him up. 
Sunghoon :  Like right now ? 
Y/N : Yeah right now. 
Sunghoon's hands were shaky. He didn't expect you to be so open to him. 
He looked around his room, checking if he needs to clean it before letting you in. 
Sunghoon : Okay. See you in 10. 
Sunghoon quickly put his phone aside, taking a deep breath in. He knew if he fucked up this time it would be over. He'd never see you again. And he couldn't let that happen. 
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Eventually you found yourself standing in front of his door. Your hands were shaking when you quickly pressed the doorbell before taking a step back. Standing in front of his house felt incredibly weird. Especially after everything that happened between you two. 
Sunghoon slowly opened the door, immediately taking in your intimidated state. You stood there with your head lowered , trying to avoid looking at him. You were sure your heart was about to jump out of your chest. 
'' Wanna come in ? '' Sunghoon spoke up. You lightly nodded your head before slowly walking into his house, still not daring to look at him. You followed him straight into his room, trying to hold back tears when you noticed he kept the painting you once made for him. He put it on the wall right next to his bed.
 You painted a sunflower for him, which has always been your favorite flower. It was also his favorite. 
Sunghoon sat down in the middle of his bed. You hesitated a few seconds before doing the same. And for the first time in a while, you finally looked at him. 
You felt your heart sink when you noticed him already looking at you with big eyes. Neither of you said anything for a few minutes. You were only staring at each other, getting used to the feeling you both had in your chests. 
Sunghoon broke the silence when he cleared his voice.
'' I owe you an apology. '' He said. 
Sunghoon wished he could just run away like he always did. But you were right there on his bed looking at him with teary eyes. He knew he owed you an explanation. 
'' When you told me you caught feelings I got scared. I told you my feelings weren't mutual. But I don't think that's true. I realized how incredibly stupid it was to shut you out when all i need is your presence. I miss you more every single day and it's driving me insane. I'm terrified, Y/N. I'm so scared of falling in love even tho I know I can trust you. I tried using other girls to get you out of my head without thinking about how much it would hurt you. I was being a total dick ! ''
He said, wiping a tear off his rosy cheek. 
'' You didn't deserve any of this. You didn't deserve any of the pain I put you through and I'm more than sorry. If you don't wanna see me anymore I understand. I don't even deserve having you in my life at this point. But I just needed you to know how sorry I am ... '' He continued.
You shut your eyes, preventing a tear from falling from your eye. You hated everything about this whole situation. You wanted to kiss the three little moles on is face and tell him everything is gonna be alright but it wasn't that easy. 
You were hurt, and you couldn't just pretend everything's okay. 
'' I forgive you, Sunghoon. But I need time... '' You said, making Sunghoon look at you.
'' Why would you forgive me that easily ? ''
'' Because I love you. ''
Your words hit Sunghoon like a hurricane. 
'' After everything i've done you still love me ? '' He wondered, constantly trying to control his tears. 
'' Yes. More than anyone i've ever met ... and It hurts. ''
Sunghoon let out a quiet sob before carefully pulling you into his arms. He hid his face in the crook of your neck and cried. It broke your heart seeing him like this.
Being in Sunghoon's arms after such a long time felt unreal. You felt your heart beat in your chest when you felt his hot breath against your neck. 
'' Is this okay for you ? '' He whispered. 
It felt like your words got stuck in your throat. 
You nodded your head, heart beating faster each second. 
And just a second later, you felt his lips on your neck. He started kissing you there before moving up to your jawline , ending up leaving small kisses all over your face. Starting off with your cheeks, then your nose, your forehead, your chin and eventually your lips. 
That was the moment you couldn't hold back anymore. 
You pushed him down into the mattress by his chest and climbed on top of him, deepening the kiss. Sunghoon put his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him, before gently biting your bottom lip with his fangs. He felt butterflies explode in his stomach when you shyly smiled into the kiss. You felt like your skin was on fire when you felt his fingers tracing your bare waist. He gently caressed your back, which made a huge contrast to the intensity of the kiss. 
'' I'm so sorry '' He whispered against your lips, trying not to break the kiss. 
After a few more minutes of making out, you finally broke the kiss. Out of breath you looked into each others eyes, trying to process what just happened.
'' I promise I'm never gonna hurt you ever again '' Sunghoon whispered, resting his forehead against yours.
You forced a smile, pulling Sunghoon into your arms this time. 
'' Let's take this slow alright ? One step at a time. '' You requested. 
'' I'd do anything for you. I just need you to stay with me ... ''
'' Then don't mess this up ''
'' I won't. '' 
And he didn't.
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5 years later...
'' Dad ! ''
'' I'm coming ! '' Sunghoon shouted from downstairs, quickly running upstairs to find his daughter sitting on the floor of her room with a few markers and a piece of paper. She was busy drawing, and she was more than excited to show her dad the finished result. 
Sunghoon watched her with a big smile when she did her finishing touches on the drawing. She proudly held the piece of paper up when she was done, making Sunghoon giggle at her cuteness. 
'' This is so beautiful Lily ! You did such a good job '' He said, kneeling down next to her.
'' It's a sunflower ! '' She beamed, making Sunghoon smile even harder.
A Sunflower... 
Sunghoon giggled.
'' I can tell. Can i have it ? '' 
'' I want you to share it with mommy ! '' 
'' What do you want him to share with me, princess ? '' You said all of a sudden, also showing up in your daughter's room. 
'' Mommy ! I drew a sunflower ... '' Lily said excitedly, holding up her drawing once again so you could take a better look at it.
'' Oh Lily I absolutely love it ! Sunflowers have always been my favorite '' You said, taking the drawing from Lily's small hands.
Sunghoon placed a chaste kiss on your lips when you sat down next to him, making your daughter quickly cover her eyes. 
You both giggled at your daughter's gesture, making her laugh along with you almost immediately. 
Her laugh was the cutest. You could listen to it for hours...
Sunghoon quickly came up with the idea to place Lily on his lap and tickle her relentlessly. He smiled widely when her dimples showed up. She looked so much like you when she smiled...
You watched them, happy about your decision about giving Sunghoon a second chance. 
He's the most perfect dad a daughter could ever ask for, and the most perfect fiancé you could ever ask for.
He was the love of your life. 
- end
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taglist : { @aleiouvre , @wonbie , @heuiton ... } ♡
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tw1l1te · 8 months
blueberry₊˚✩⊹sal fisher x reader₊˚✩⊹
(Not edited, so please forgive men if there are grammatical/spelling errors. Random thought I came up with. Please let me know if you'd like more backstory/a continuation of this!
Sitting on top of Addison Apartments was a place to think. A place of silence except the sounds of breathing and the occasional shuffling around. You haven't been up here in a while, since the fight you and Sal had a few months ago.
"God you're such a hypocrite. You keep telling others to take care of themselves and not isolate, but yet you don't give two shits and don't even take your own advice. Not answering your phone or leaving your apartment for over two months? Do you know how worried Ash was? How heartbroken and distant Larry became?? We thought you were fucking dead Y/n. And after all that you decide to drop by and ask 'what's up'?" Sal seethed, his tone getting more hostile by the second.
You don't think you've ever seen him so angry.
"I'm sorry Sal, I didn't mean to make you all worry. That was the last thing I wanted you guys to feel. You know I don't handle my mental health well," you murmured, avoiding Sal's eyes. You could already feel the tears streaming down your face.
"Listen I get it Y/n, but you can't just cut us off like that. You made us all husks of what we used to be. Do you know how many nights I stayed up till the early morning just staring at my phone, hoping you'd at least call?? I couldn't even remember what you sounded like until today."
"Don't call me that. You have no right calling me that after the months of heartbreak and worry you've caused us. Every time this happens, I get my hopes up in that you won't shut us out and disappear. I get disappointed every. Single. Time. You're lucky that Larry, Ash, and Todd are such forgiving people. You don't deserve them."
You mulled over his words. He was right. You didn't deserve them. All the affection and love that they gave you all for you to throw it down the drain when you got too ill. The hundreds of phone calls from Ash. The constant check-ins from Larry over the walkie-talkie, talking about stupid shit that happened that day or speaking softly about how much he missed you. Todd emailing you every few days asking how you were holding up and if you needed anything, but eventually those emails automatically went to spam. And Sal. Sal was probably the hardest to avoid.
He sat outside your apartment door for hours, talking, pleading you to let him in to talk. He brought snacks and slid them under the door, worried if you were eating enough. Playing his guitar for you through the walkie-talkie, hoping it would soothe you or cheer you up. Sliding random doodles and letters under the door so you had something to help remind you about how much they cared about you. How much he cared for you. You kept them all under the bed in a shoe box, reading over every word and cat doodle every single night.
"I can't do this again, Y/n. You've hurt me over and over and over again. Each time I expected it to end different."
He took a pause, waiting for a reaction or a word from you.
"We're done. I don't know about the others, but don't bother writing or talking to me. I can't do this anymore."
And with that, he headed downstairs, not sparing you a single glance back.
You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the rooftop door creak open.
You don't look back, hoping the person would get a hint and leave.
You hear the footsteps get closer, and stopping right beside you.
"Didn't think you came up here anymore." he mumbled, shifting uncomfortably.
Fuck. He was probably the last person you wanted to see right now.
"I come here to think." you stated, looking out to the street and nearby houses.
"Y/n, I'm sor-" "I'm leaving." you cut him off, already knowing what he was going to say.
You've thought about your time in Nockfell and decided that it was time for you to move on. You couldn't be stuck in a time capsule forever. The more time had passed, the more it had started to hurt being here and see reminders of what had happened. Reminders of him.
"What?" he whispered, finally looking at you.
"I need to move on. I can't be here anymore." you stated, trying to keep your voice level.
"You were right, I can't keep leaving people in the dark and constantly worrying them. I'll keep doing that if I stay here. I need to be somewhere else, I don't know where, but I'll figure it out."
"Y/n. If this is about what I said, I'm sorry, I was in a bad state too. I was just so worried that something had happened-"
"Sal, please stop. I'm not changing my mind. I'm leaving tomorrow morning-"
"What about Ash? Larry and Todd? What about me?? I need you here. It was wrong of me to shut you out, to ignore you. I'm so sorry, Y/n."
You finally looked at him, right into his blue eyes.
His hair had gotten longer, choppier, like he'd tried to cut it himself. No longer in the pigtails you loved. Seems like you'd both changed.
"I need to go, Sal."
You walk away, not looking back because if you did, you wouldn't be able to leave. You wouldn't be able to leave them. Leave Nockfell. Leave him.
"I'll see you around, Blueberry."
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munsonsprincess11111 · 7 months
Just confused.
Eddie munson x hopper!reader
Summary: you and Eddie have an argument around your house and you say something that pauses everything.
You ans Eddie were arguing over something stupid. It started because he didn't call to tell you he was going home after hellfire and you thought something had happend to him. Eddie said you need to calm down. And it blew up from there.
You were in your room arguing. Hopper was sat in his recliner watching TV with el laying on the couch. Their eyes glued to the screen until your bedroom door opened. "Your so overdramatic Jesus christ." Eddie said as he walked out your bedroom.
"OH I'm dramatic says the person who was fucking speeding and got caught two weeks ago cause he was gonna be late to the hideout!" You shouted following after him.
"SO what that's none of your business how fast or slow i go without you in the van." HE argued back. Hopper looked at el and she looked at him. This was the first argument you two have ever had. You'd been dating 2 years. However you tended to worry about Eddie when he didn't call and he didn't understand how much you'd worry.
"You know sometimes it feels like your only with me to piss of My fucking dad!" You shout at Eddie who is by the front door. But he freezes in his tracks. So do hopper and el as they stare at you. Eddie puts his shoes down and shrugs his jacket back off. Looking at you heartbroken. The only nose to be heard was the TV.
"You think... y/n what." HE says just above a whisper. Your stood looking slightly stunned stuttering over your words bottom lip wobbling. "Baby you don't actually think that right?" Eddie askes taking one step towards you.
"I-I don't know." You say looking at the floor. Hopper shifts in his seat in position to stand up if needed el turns the TV off. "Babe." Eddie says quietly.
"Whenever your coming over and you know my dad's here you always come straight here. When your not sure you go elsewhere and don't call then I'm sitting worrying if somethings happend to you. Then you make smug comments to him n stuff and sometimes it feels like that." You say as a tear runs down your cheek. Hopper glances at Eddie curious what he's going to say.
"Baby. I would never ever do that to you. I know I'm a dickhead but no. I love you. Your my girl babe. I am so fucking sorry. I promise you. Swear on my own life, that I'm not dating you to annoy your dad. That's just an added bonus. I love you for you. I like your clumsiness, your random energy outbursts at stupid o'clock in the morning. Late night walks and drives. Your smiles, your eyes, the way your hair goes in the mornings, the list goes on. Don't ever think I'm dating you to annoy your dad. I'm sorry I keep not calling. I went home and showered and then came here. I'll call you next time so you know I'm safe." Eddie says as he approaches you closer taking your hand in his.
You don't know what to say so you nod. "I love you too. 'M sorry for freaking out and causing an argument and for what I said." You say tears running down your face as you squeeze Eddie's hand.
"Come here sweetheart." Eddie says pulling you into a hug which you willingly except arms going around his middle as he sways with you. After a few moments you look up at Eddie and ducks down and kisses you lightly.
"Ewwww." El says from the couch. You pull away from Eddie and huff a laugh. "You two done screaming at eachother?" Hopper askes as you both nod. "Good, come sit down and watch a movie with me and el let's have some chill out time." Hopper suggests. You both agree. El scoots onto on couch cushion instead of all three.
Eddie sits on the one furthest from el and pulls you onto his lap. You rest your head on Eddie and legs on the empty cushion as the movie Hopper just put in starts.
Thr movie finished and you got into comfier clothes and climbed into your he'd with Eddie's he held your close kissing you. "M sorry I didn't call I promise I will next time." HE mumbles.
"I'm sorry I overreacted when you called me dramatic." You whisper back.
"I'm not with you to annoy your dad I love you and only you. Annoying your dad's the fun bonus. Never ever think that again. I'm yours." HE mumbles kissing you again.
"I know." You kiss back.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"I love you more."
"You really gonna start that battle with your half asleep girlfriend munson?"
"If it means we can lay here forever then yes."
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luvrrszn · 9 months
hello! i would like to request a miguel x f!reader that’s a little…out there.
basically, miguel and reader have been trying for a baby for whileeee. natural, in vitro, all that, but nothing has been working. it puts a strain on their relationship and they are about to give up until reader begs him that they try one more time, and that’s when they get their little one
a/n: i'm soooo sorry for taking so long with this request, i've just been in a horrible slump lately :' i hope the anon who requested sees this :) xx
the atmosphere in your house is perpetually tense.
for the past two and a half years, miguel and you had been trying for a baby. the both of you had tried several different methods, and in excruciating detail.
when the simple process of unprotected sex failed to get you pregnant, the two of you began tracking your ovulation. the process of making love to have a child together became a somewhat tedious process. this was the first sign of strain on your marriage.
after trying for almost eight months, the two of you started looking into in vitro fertilisation, or IVF. you threw yourself into researching good doctors and clinics, spending all your free time looking at reviews on said clinics. miguel did the same. at some point, the only topic of conversation between the two of you was IVF: doctors, clinics, success rates. another sign of strain on your marriage. too determined to find a way to have a child, the two of you didn't realise how much of a toll it was taking on your marriage.
when several rounds of IVF did not work, and the bills were piling up, you made the decision to stop trying through IVF. you were heartbroken, knowing how much miguel wanted a child of his own. you were thrown into a spiral, feeling that you had disappointed miguel, that you had let him down in some way.
for the past two and a half years, you suffered multiple miscarriages, never successfully delivering a healthy baby.
you were heartbroken that despite your efforts to get pregnant, you seemed to fail every time. you were by no means old, you were still at the age where you were able to have children. but for some reason, you still weren't able to get pregnant.
as you stared at yet another set of negative pregnancy tests on the sink counter, you turned to look at miguel sitting on the toilet bowl cover, resting his head in his hands.
"i'm so sorry miguel." you whispered.
without a word, miguel stood up and stormed out of the bathroom, and out of the house.
you were sad, hurt, and angry. all for a multitude of reasons. you were sad that you had let miguel down. you were sad that despite trying to hard, all your efforts were to no avail. you were hurt that instead of comforting you and acknowledging that both of you shared the pain, miguel left you all alone. you were angry that miguel did not seem to care much about you anymore. all he cared about was making a baby. not making love, not fucking, just the monotonous process of making a baby. neither love and tenderness, nor passion and lust.
that night, you made up your mind to stand up for yourself.
when miguel returned, you were sitting at the dining table, nursing a hot cup of tea. tea which apparently increased fertility. what bullshit.
"nice of you to return." you said, taking a sip of your tea.
"what do you want from me?" miguel sighed, taking off his shoes.
"i want you to treat me like your wife again, miguel. i want you to treat me like a person. i'm not just here for you to try and make a baby. and how dare you walk out on me today? you're not the only one who's disappointed, you know?" when you finished your sentence, you felt your heart drop, something you thought wasn't physically possible.
as you blinked, tears ran down your face. you didn't move to wipe them off.
the silence spoke volumes.
miguel closed the space between the two of you. gently wiping the tears off your face, he said, "mi corazón, i'm so sorry. there is no excuse for the way i have been acting. i should have talked to you about it, and i should have been there for you. i hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."
the emotions you had been suppressing for so long came crashing down on you all at once. you said nothing in response to miguel, sobbing in his arms. he rubbed gentle circles on your back, pressing light kisses to the side of your head.
that night, you fell asleep wrapped in miguel's arms for the first time in what felt like a decade.
a week after your "fight", you were still in a terrible space, physically and mentally. you were exhausted to say the least. the countless miscarriages and the numerous failed attempts at conceiving a child were all piling up and slamming into you like a truck.
you were lifeless, tired, and you had just about given up. you and miguel had tried everything, and nothing worked. you had come to accept the fact that maybe, just maybe there was no more point on trying. you just had to accept the cards you'd been dealt.
you were tired of trying and trying, only to be disappointed every single time. you were tired of feeling guilty, like you had let down miguel, like you had robbed him the opportunity of the happy family he'd always wanted.
you knew how much it meant to him, but you were simply too exhausted to bear the weight of the constant disappointment and guilt.
so, you made up your mind to talk to miguel. to ask him to just consider that maybe it was time to give up. and that was exactly what you did.
that night, when miguel returned home, you sat him down at the dining table, and told him that the two of you needed to have a talk.
"miguel, i'm tired. i know all you want is a family, but i don't think i can do this anymore. i'm grumpy all the time, i feel like shit, nothing we've tried is working."
"but—" miguel cut himself off, swallowing. you knew he was against it. but you decided to keep quiet and wait for him to express his opinions. after a pause, miguel continued, "okay. querida, i want you to know that you could never, ever disappoint me. i am so, so proud of you for soldiering on til this point. i love you so, so much. but would you consider trying one last time? tonight? please."
miguel looked so hopeful that even you had a spark of hope. seeing no harm in agreeing, you said yes.
that night, before miguel lead you into the bedroom, you prayed to every God, that the two of you would be blessed with a little bundle of joy.
in the weeks following your last attempt at conceiving a child, you decided to focus on yourself, and take better care of yourself.
you began eating healthier, going on walks, sleeping earlier. you did everything you could to start feeling like yourself again.
you did things like make smoothies in the morning, cook more meals, and even took up painting.
life was starting to return to normal, and you felt the best you'd felt in months, years even.
you did everything right.
which is why you and miguel were so concerned when you started feeling fatigued, when your body started aching. when your favourite foods started tasting unpleasant, when there was always a persisting metallic taste in your mouth.
so you went to the doctor, who brought you news you'd never thought you'd hear.
"well, mr and mrs o'hara, congratulations. mrs o'hara, all these symptoms you've been experiencing are all common symptoms of early stages of pregnancy." the doctor beamed as she shared the news.
you were shocked, to say the least. you turned to miguel, and saw a sparkle in his eye, right before he swiftly picked you up and spun you around as you let out a laugh.
you carried on with the rest of your day with a bounce in your step.
the nine months blew by quicker than you'd expected. you had maintained your healthy eating and lifestyle, making sure to keep fit. you took prenatal supplements and vitamins, and did everything you could to make sure that you would safely carry your little bean to term.
miguel had converted the guest room into a nursery, built a crib, painted the walls, he did everything.
before you knew it, your little bundle of joy, your baby girl, was in your arms, sleeping. (not without an excruciatingly long labour, nothing less you'd expect of an o'hara baby).
miguel spent all his time buying new thingsfor your baby, and hovering over you, making sure that the both of you were safe at any given moment.
the struggle with infertility had been long and challenging, but the arrival of your daughter made every tear, every heartache, and every moment of uncertainty and disappointment worth it.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 11 months
Always On the Sidelines
Fandom: Ted Lasso
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x F!Reader
Summary: You and Jamie became close after training with the same trainer to get into the football league. However, an injury prevented you from fulfilling that dream, so you resorted to cheering Jamie on from the sidelines.
A/N: this ended up being almost 3k words because i refused to split this into two parts. omfg.
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You and Jamie met because of your trainer. He double booked you and him so he decided you could just train together. It worked out so well that you two requested to continue to train with one another. Your trainer found it odd, but seeing how well you complemented each other, he relented. That's how you and Jamie became best friends.
Jamie was working to get on Man City's team and you wanted to be on the Chelsea team. You'd admitted that you wanted to be like Roy Kent. You and Jamie shared the same admiration for the man.
However, you never got your chance. A torn ACL ruined your opportunity. You were heartbroken, but that never stopped you from supporting your best friend from the sidelines.
"WHAT THE FUCK, REF?!" you shouted as a penalty was called on Jamie. He and his teammates were shouting at the referee.
Keeley, Jamie's new girlfriend, watched you in amusement, "Didn't know you were into football like that."
You snort, "I was supposed go pro. That's how Jamie and I met, we had the same trainer. But I fucked up my leg and never got a chance."
Keeley looks at you with pity, "I'm sorry."
You shrug, "It's alright. I've accepted it, but it hasn't kept me away from the game. Clearly," you gesture to yourself and the pitch.
An hour later and the game is over. Man City won, no surprise.
You and Keeley went to the locker room to see Jamie. As soon as he saw you two, he came rushing over.
"There she is!" you prepared yourself to be tackled by Jamie like usual, but instead, he goes straight to Keeley. Of course. She's his girlfriend. Not you. Never you.
You knew you had feelings for Jamie. You had for a long time, but you never acted on them because, well, he just deserves so much better than you, a failed pro footballer. Keeley, she's much more suited for him. They make a great couple and despite wishing to be in Keeley's shoes, you don't hate her. She's so amazing and didn't see you as a threat when Jamie introduced you to her.
After spinning Keeley around, Jamie sets her down and presses a hungry kiss to her lips. You look away awkwardly.
When he pulls away, he smiles at you, "You owe me twenty quid."
You scoff, "Oh fuck off! As if you need more money!"
"We made a bet and I won!"
Keeley looks at the both of you confused, "A bet?"
You sigh, pulling out your wallet and placing the money in Jamie's outstretched hand, "We always make a bet to see how many points ahead Man City would win. I said four and Jams said two."
"And we, indeed, win by two. So thank you very much," he kisses the bills in his hand, "We're going for drinks. You comin'?" he asks as he wraps his arm around Keeley's waist.
You shake your head, "Nah."
Keeley pouts, "What? No! You should come!"
Jamie looks at you with concern, "Your leg actin' up again?" He asks that whenever you feel off. Sometimes it does start to hurt and you don't feel like being out for a long time.
"No, it's fine. Just a bit tired." He looks at you unconvinced and you roll your eyes, "Jams, seriously, I'm fine. Go have fun with the boy and," you gesture to Keeley, "makeout with your hot girlfriend."
"Yeah, alright. I'm checking up on you later though."
You roll your eyes again. He's always acted like your protector ever since your injury. It was sweet at first, but it's gotten annoying over time.
"Sure. Whatever," you hold your fist out, "Good game, Jams. Talk to you whenever." He bumps your fist and then you hug Keeley, "Have a good night. Make sure he doesn't get absolutely plastered."
"I'll try my best, babes!" she kisses your cheek and waves as you walk away.
You always felt left behind. After your injury, you watched Jamie and the rest of your friends continue on with their dreams. You were left to alternatives. Jamie continued on to greatness, still in his relationship with Keeley, and slowly leaving you behind.
You'd call and text, all were left unanswered. He stopped leaving tickets for you at the box office for his games. You didn't know what happened or what you did, but you were absolutely heartbroken.
You still watched his matches from the comfort of your home, still supporting him when he was lent to AFC Richmond. Even though he ghosted you, you still supported and cared for him.
Months later, you run into Keeley at a club, a place you usually wouldn't be at, but some coworkers dragged you out with them.
"Y/N!" Keeley squealed, running over and jugging you tight.
"Keeley! Hey! What're you doing here?"
"Just out with some friends! How've you been?!"
"What?" you couldn't hear her over the club's loud music.
You shake your head and slip your hand into hers, pulling her towards the back door.
You step out into the cool air, the door shutting behind you both, but the bass of the music still heard.
"Sorry, I really couldn't hear a thing."
Keeley shrugs, "It's fine," she pats your arm, "How've you been? I asked Jamie about you but he'd brush me off. Did you guys have a fight or something?"
You snort, "I wish. No, he just...ghosted me."
"He what?!"
"Yeah. I tried to get in contact with him, but nothing."
"That prick!"
You shake your head, "It's fi-"
"No, it's not! You were his best friend and you supported him through everything and he just drops you with no explanation!"
"This," you wave around her, "doesn't have to do with you and Jamie breaking up, does it?" Keeley looks at you in surprise and you shrug, "I still like to keep up on what he's doing, despite him ghosting me."
"You don't deserve that."
"And I'm sure whatever Jamie did, you didn't deserve it either, Keeley." You're surprised when she pulls you into a hug, but you just let it happen. She's always been very affectionate.
You suppose that the falling out with Jamie was a blessing in disguise. You may have lost your best friend, but you found a new one in Keeley. She made sure neither of you wallowed in sadness or self-pity. She took you out to fancy restaurants, took you on shopping sprees, you felt spoiled by her despite you objecting every time she offered to buy you something.
You felt like you came to know her pretty well, which meant when she asked you out for coffee, you could tell something was wrong.
"Whatever is going on, Keels, just tell me."
"I just don't want you to hate me."
"Why would I hate you? You're very unhate-able. Even when you were dating Jamie, I couldn't hate you!" Yes, you told her of your feelings towards Jamie. You didn't feel guilty about them anymore since they were no longer together. You admitted that you tried to not like her since she ultimately was in the position that you dreamt of being in, but she was always so nice and welcoming and understanding.
"I'm doing the PR for Richmond now!" she blurts out.
"Um, okay? Congrats and all, but why is this bad?"
"Because I'll be working around Jamie and you hate Jamie."
"Keels, I told you, I don't hate him. I was angry with him at first, yes, but I don't hate him. I don't think I ever cou-"
"Y/N? Keeley?"
You look to see Jamie standing there looking a little dumbfounded. Keeley nervously stands up, "Hey, Jamie? How's it going?"
"Nothin' much," he looks between you and her, "You're friends now?"
"We've always been kind of friends, but, uh, we've gotten a lot closer lately," Keeley replies with a polite smile.
"That's-That's good. Uh-"
"Keels, I think I'm gonna-"
Jamie and Keeley both exclaim in unison making you and everyone in the small cafe freeze for a second.
Jamie steps forward, "Actually, can we talk?"
"Sure," you follow Jamie to sit at a table outside the cafe.
Jamie's twiddling his fingers avoiding your eyes, "So...how are you?"
"I'm alright. You?"
"Could be better, honestly."
It's weird. You never once felt awkward in Jamie's presence, at least when it was the two of you. Now it's like you're strangers, like those years of friendship didn't happen. You never thought you'd end up here like this.
"Listen," Jamie runs his hand through his now blonde hair, "I'm sorry for ghostin' ya. It wasn't right, especially when you did nothin' wrong."
"Then what happened, Jamie? If I didn't do anything wrong, what made you drop me out of nowhere?"
He sighs, "Me dad. He got into me head and said a bunch of bullshit like I shouldn't be hanging around you anymore. That your bad luck would rub off on me. Said me getting transferred to Richmond was your fault because of your bad luck."
You scoff, leaning back in your seat and crossing your arms over your chest. You never liked James Tartt Sr. From what Jamie told you, he was always an ass, but, for some reason, he still listened to him.
"I know it's not true. It's never been true. You've never been bad luck. But...the old man has always had ways of getting in me head and I just-"
"Ghosted me."
"It was wrong. Fucked up. And Keeley...she asked about you and I'd brush her off. You didn't deserve that."
"No, Jamie, I didn't, especially since I was always there for you. I was always supporting you. Even when you stopped answering my calls and leaving me tickets, I still watched your matches."
Because I love you. "Because you're my best friend."
"I was a prick, but-but I've been doing much better. Punched my dad in the face too."
"Good. He deserves it."
He nods, "So...we good?"
"I suppose. But if you ever do this to me again, Jamie. I'm kicking you so hard in the balls that you'll never procreate."
Jamie winces, "Yeah, alright. I hear ya."
You smirk, and hold your fist out. He bumps it with his and you two share a smile.
Things were back to how they used to be. You and Jamie texted each other every day, grabbed lunch or dinner when you could, you had movie nights, and you were at the games again to cheer Jamie on.
You cackle when Jamie hands you a kit like his, "What's this for?"
"You still collect every version of my kits, yeah?"
"Yeah. I'll wear this now," you pull it over your long sleeve and do a twirl, "How do I look?"
"Fucking fit," he murmurs looking you up and down. He then clears his throat, "Um, I, gotta go. Coach does this meaningful speech before each game."
"Yeah okay. See you after then. Good luck, Jams!" you hold your fist out and he bumps it.
You watch as he walks to the locker room and you're startled when Keeley scurries over to you, "Oh. My. God! He's into you, babes!"
You look at her confused, "What? No, he isn't."
"He called you fit and he was totally checking you out! He had mad heart eyes seeing you in his kit!"
You snort and roll your eyes, "You're seeing things, Keels."
"Hell yeah, I'm seeing things! I'm seeing that Jamie Tartt is into you!" she pokes your side and then pouts, "Why aren't you happy? I thought you'd be happy about this! Isn't this what you wanted?"
"I'll be happy if he ever tells me he has feelings for me."
"When he tells you he has feelings for you. Because he does. I saw it with my own eyes." You shake your head and she huffs, "Fine, be in denial. But you owe me twenty quid when he confesses!"
"Sure, Keels."
"Go! GO! That's it! YEEEESSS!!!" you, Keeley, Rebecca, and everyone around is hollering and jumping for joy when Jamie scores the game ends with Richmond winning.
After the game, Jamie runs up to you, twirling you around, "There she is!"
You laugh as you hold onto him, "You did great, Jams!"
"Our luck is turning around and I think I have you to thank for that."
"What? Me?"
"Yeah. Ever since you've been coming to our matches, we've been doing better than ever."
"Highly doubt that's because of me. Pretty sure it's because you and the team have worked hard to get here."
"Nah. Pretty sure it's all you," he gives you a flirtatious smirk that you've never seen directed at you before. At Keeley and other women, yeah, but never you.
"O-Oh, well, uh, you're welcome, I guess?"
"I'm gonna shower and change real quick. You're coming with me and the lads for dinner and drinks!"
"I am?"
"Yeah. You're my plus one and before you ask, Keeley is coming too."
You look at Keeley for confirmation, "Yup! I'm Roy's plus one." Because now her and Roy are a thing and you never thought they would work well together but they do and they're so cute, you could vomit.
"I should probably change then, right?" you look down at your Jamie replica kit he gave you before last week's game, paired with jeans, and coat.
Jamie shakes his head, "Nah. You look gorgeous. I'll be out in a bit!" he holds his fist out and you awkwardly bump it.
"Yeah. See you in a bit."
Keeley is bouncing in her stilettos, "Well?!"
"That means nothing. I'm going as his friend."
Keeley groans, "You're impossible!" she shakes you by the shoulders.
Sam closed down his restaurant to the public so he can host the team and staff of AFC Richmond. The food was amazing, you loved that he shared part of his culture with everyone. After dinner, drinks were flowing and you chatted with Jamie's teammates getting to know them better.
After a while, you felt your leg starting to feel sore and you began to put your weight onto your other leg. You rode here with Jamie, you didn't want to cut his night short.
"Here," Jamie says, pulling you down onto his lap. He props your leg onto another chair and starts massaging it, all the while keeping his conversation going with Colin.
You look to Keeley, who's doing a little happy dance while Roy sips his beer and continues to glare at everyone.
"Do you wanna go home?" Jamie whispers in your ear while still massage your leg.
The intimacy catches you off guard as you stammer out, "N-No. I don't want to cut your celebration short."
"It's fine. I just don't want you in pain or nothing. I'll be seeing them tomorrow anyway." You shrug, not really sure what you should say.
"Alright, up," Jamie taps your hip and helps you up. He stands and announces his departure, "Alright, lads. I'll see you all tomorrow!"
"What? You're leaving now?" Richard asks in disbelief.
"I've had enough of ya for one day, besides, wanna spend some time with me girl," he points to you and the boys all give hoots and cheers.
"Use protection!" Keeley hollers jokingly, causing you to look at her horrified and Jamie just laughs her off.
Outside of the restaurant, Jamie hangs his jacket over your shoulders and walks beside you, hands in his pockets.
When you approach his car, he opens the passenger's side for you. Before getting in you ask, "Why did you call me that?"
"Call you what?"
"Your girl."
He shrugs, "You've always been my girl."
"I know it's fucking cliche or whatever, but it's true. I was just too dumb and blind to not see it.
"I know you're probably thinking I'm bullshitting you, but I promise I'm not. You-You don't understand how much happier I've been since having you back in me life. I feel whole and on the top of the world. When I scored the winning point today and I saw you jumping and screaming my name, I just thought 'Fuck. I love her so much'. And the thought of losing you again...it terrifies me to me core."
"I want to believe you, Jamie, but...I dunno."
"Tell me what's on your mind," he slips his hands into yours.
You look down at your intertwined hands and you laugh in disbelief, "I've always been on the sidelines when it came to you. Felt like you never truly saw me despite me being at your side for so long. I've-I've always dreamt of hearing you say that you have feelings for me and now you're doing it and I'm-I'm scared that you'll eventually push me to the side again."
Jamie's shaking his head fervently and he gently cups your face, "No. No, I'm never doing that again. I see you, Y/N. I do. I see your beautiful smile, the crinkle your nose makes when you see something you don't like. I hear the snort you give when I say something stupid. I see how fucking fit you look in me kits." You giggle and Jamie is beaming, "I see you and I love you, Y/N. I'm not pushing you to the side anymore. But I know I can be a lot, so we can go things your pace. Your way, your rules, whatever. I'm here for the ride."
"Okay," you reply meekly, still in disbelief that this was happening.
You watch as he glances down at your lips and begins to lean in but then freezes when you both hear, "YOU OWE ME TWENTY QUID!"
You burst out laughing, looking over your shoulder and giving Keeley the finger.
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forthechubbies · 2 years
Mafia! BTS! x Wife! Chubby Reader
Being Korea's deadliest kingpins made seven men into untouchable demons, yet their little wife is made out of sugar and spice?
Our little Wife . V
Sex Sells.
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Strong language; Jimin’s a drunk asshole, fat shaming, Intense name-calling, sexual assault, puking, violence, man-handling, and bondage. I did say spicy
Jimin’s Past. IV
How else would the brothel remain untouched by the ever-growing society we live in today? Hiding in the dense shadows of Busan, The Brothel’s sign ominously blazed in a firey feisty crimson tint. Yes, for tonight, their god has returned as a return to bless their dreams once more.
Feeling numb through the high alcohol consumption, He smiled for the first time tonight. At what? Himself. He felt foolish for falling hard for a slut like you.
He snickered.
Jimin detests the persistent feeling of worrying about you. Unbelievable, Right? Not really, The sweetness of your warm squishy skin ghosted over his cold limbs due to the building's poor condition.
Autumn’s chill rattled the windows. You love autumn; He fell in love with you genuinely in the autumn-That day, the temperature played in his favor causing you to cuddle up to him as the orangish leaves crunch under their shoes. A plain walk through the park to the outsider but to Jimin, it was pure bliss.
Now, Look at him, Miserable, Heartbroken, ... Bitter.
May how far Jimin has fallen.
Bringing the pint glass to his puffy pink lips tilting his all the back to realize it's bonedry.
Jimin scoffed. “Tapped out.” sitting the glass bottoms up, He gently slides the glass to his collection on his table. “ Three.Four?....Eight! Come on, baby!... 13!-Damn..” His excitement died down at coming to realize a minor yet annoying error.
“That's an odd number...I wouldn't say I like odd numbers...I w-will have just one more.”
Jimin rushed to the stairs leaving in nothing short of pajama pants and its matching top open for the world to see...He forgot to button up after taking his shower.
Freezing mid-sip, Jimin focused solely on you- your shy and flushed expression made his eyebrow twitch-
“ You are by far the prettiest woman I have sight ever.” She leaned in. “You should work here. You would make a gold mine.” She laughed at your bewildered innocence. “ Yep, Korean men secretly worship chubby women like you. There's this young pervert who always comes in asking our chubby girls to sit on his face.”
Your mind is anywhere except on earth. How did your night end up like this? You should be at home in a hot bubble bath melting away the stress of today. Instead, your god knows where with women who have a one-track mind.
Jimin crept several steps over towards you. You looked healthy and as plump as a peach. He found it humorous how much you looked like an actual businesswoman. Slutty tight skirts and blouses ready to be ripped off, and those high heels that would look perfect in two places, and neither of them is walking, at least not straight.
Jimin clicked his tongue. Calm down. Calm down. It's probably what she fucking wants..She’s just an attention whore. Old habits die hard, they say.
The feeling of unknown eyes tracing your figure made you squirm in discomfort.
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Whether it was your desperate need to excuse yourself or your phone pinging off the hook; had Jimin seeing red. Who the hell were you so eager to run off to? Sure as hell wasn't any of your husbands!?
Then who?! Who!
A face full of boiling rage fueled by a dangerously drunken state was a recipe for disaster. Jimin slammed his pint on the bar shattering the glass entirely; he followed you out front and was hot on your heels.
“Yah!” His voice boomed through the quiet red, lit streets.
Startled, You spun on your heels, and the shock of seeing Jimin made the blood in your veins run cold. “J-Jiminie?” You shuddered at his death glare.
Jimin scoffed, tucking any blonde stragglers behind his ears. “ You don't get to call me that after what you did to us!” His chest heaved with sorrow. “You threw away the only people willing to love you forever; what an ungrateful little whore you are. or Are you doing this for attention?” He truly got a kick out of that one.
You stood silent on the brink of tears; He wasn't worth your tears or your time. You turn on your heels only to take two steps before being manhandled by your arm.
“Yah! Don't walk away from me like I'm not fucking talking to you!” Jimin's anger took the physical form of tears. His throat burned so did his nose from the chilly early morning air.
Morning air? Is this correct? 5 am was rapidly approaching, and you had yet to close your eyes to start a new chapter the following day. You want to go home- Your real home; maybe you were stupid for creating this strike. Perhaps you should go back home.
“Your right, Jimin.” Your tears fall onto your ivory blouse. “I'm sorry for being selfish.”
Jimin froze. “No-No, your not getting off that easy. You don't get to get off that easy!” He yanked your skirt, bringing you closer into his arms. “ I want you to take responsibility...You hurt me bad, Chimmy.”
It wasn't until Jimin’s hands started to wander, You recognized the libidinous tone in his voice. He wouldn't dare ravish his own wife, Right?
“Now, Jimine, Let's talk this-”
Jimin shook his head. “There you go, Using that honey voice of yourself. Fuck. You know how to piss me off.” He stole your lips in an instant, biting and pulling at your swollen lips.
Your face pinged at his highly flammable breath. He's drunk. “Jimin-Wa-Wait a min.” You put up a good fight attempting to crease his assault, but even though you're around the same height, his strength trumps yours.
You hissed at the freezing brick wall; Jimin slammed you against- “Jimin! Stop it! This isn't funny!” One of your little hits landed on Jimin’s face.
He froze. You did the same, desperately catching your breath. Jimin’s sweaty blonde locks blocked his eyes; his tongue glazed his irritated lips.
“I can get rough too, Cow.” Jimin lowly chuckled, untying his pajama’s silk belt. “Be a good girl and face the fucking wall!” Jimin spat, gritting his teeth. He yanks you around to face the wall by the roots of your hair.
You gasped in pain.“Ow! Jimin! Please-”
“Please?! Did you just ‘Please’ me?! I hadn't done shit to you yet, and you're already begging.” He groans, taking big steps forward to sandwich you between him and the wall. "Since you're so eager - I guess I should at least tease you..but first- "
You squeaked in pain as his brutally bondage your hands behind your back; you could feel the silk cutting off your circulation. "You're a despicable little monster, Park Jimin!” You spat in his eye when he give you a window. " and you always have been."
Your word choice was an additional shot to his manhood and the end result was a harsh smack sending you to the ground. "Pretty bold words for tied-up cattle-” He flashed an eat shit-grin. “-In a woman's clothing.” The cheeky bondage method Jimin displayed is one of his favorites, a technique used for his clients who seek thrill and lore as much as insane pleasure.
Yn’s arms were kept tight behind your back with no wiggle room.
“You talk big but look at you...at my mercy” He looks at you in amusement as he squats beside you. “You're ours, Yn! When you met that demonic bunny, you sealed your fate. You don't even know what a real monster he can be-
Your heart stopped an ink-like figure crept out of the darkness, inching closer. “Jimin! Turn around!” Jimin failed to heed in time, costing him a stone punch to the jaw, followed by the figure’s heavy black boot to his abdomen.
You were expecting Jimin to be in somewhat pain; however, He chuckled, signaling for a timeout between the figure. Lacking, Your extra set of eyes, thanks to Jimin; you couldn't get a good look at him.
“Come on. I barely touch her yet. You can't be that mad.” Jimin swiped the blood caked up in the corners of his mouth. “ Aish, Don't you think you hit me a little too hard-”
The figure remained silent but waited no time to send Jimin to the ground again.
“Ah! Fuck!” He coughed up the dirt in his lungs before finally puking up the ungodly amount of poisonous liquid he had consumed.
Your sniffs and whimpers didn't go unnoticed. You squeeze your eyes shut as its heavy boots stop at your shuddering body. You've managed to set up and have knees to your chest.
The figure had a great view of standing above you like this. You heard his shoes glide on the gravel; Is he gone? Oh please, please, god, please, please. You swallowed your fear and opened your eyes; you quickly learned how much of a mistake you had made.
He rudely had no disregard for your personal space. The tip of his nose grazed yours, and his eyes bored into-
Those big eyes...Jungkook? But his build is different; he's larger than my Kookie...It hasn't been that long, right?
He leaned into your lips to have you reject him. “ What are you crazy?! I'm married!” You extended your leg to his chest to keep him a bay. It worked until the bastard started feeling up your leg; he kissed your ankle.
The touch-starved stranger dragged his gloved hand down your battered stockings and tarnished soft skin. He clicks his tongue, pushing your foot off his chest.
Did he just roll his eyes at me?
He stood up before snatching you up by your silky bonds. “ Eep!” You felt nausea after being treated like a ragdoll for the past hour.
The last thing you heard was Jimin’s voice before blacking out.
The warm sunlight overwhelmed your sleepy eyes. Once your eyes adjust to the sunlight, The horror settles in-
You were cleaned, dressed, patched up, and placed in your princess room.
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sidthedollface2 · 1 year
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The one that got away
Pairing: Eddie x Fem Reader, Steve x Fem Reader, Eddie x Chrissy
Summary: Can you and Eddie remain friends while you both bottle up your feelings and navigate your relationships?
Can Eddie forgive you when you accidently start a family with Steve, leaving him in the past?
Word Count: 6k
Warnings: Angst, hurt/comfort or hurt/no comfort, SMUT including oral and penetration. Swearing, cheating (not on reader), talks of sexual assault, nicknamed you Poppy cuz y/n is meh, brief Chrissy mentions. Btw, sorry in advance.
A/n: Took me all day to read it over and edit minor things only for the app to not save. So if you find any mistakes, ignore it. I fucken tried. Lol.
You couldn't say that you regretted what happened between you and Eddie. He was your best friend after all. He had been ever since you both were small kids. His mama would braid your long hair whenever she'd babysit you, she couldn't wait till she had a little girl of her own. Eddie was always a handful as a child, always getting into trouble and talking back. In her eyes you were just the cutest little thing, picking her flowers and telling her how much you wished she was your mom. She loved you as if you were her own. So when she passed when Eddie was 10 it was hard on the both of you, but at least you had each other to lean on. 
You were always a soft spot for Eddie, he felt like no one really knew him like you did. Especially since the one person he truly loved, his mama, loved you more than anything. He remembers all the times she'd tell him how adorable it would be if you both grew up to love each other, he never told you because at the time he thought it was gross. You were just his friend nothing more. 
But at 16 when Eddie saw your sweet mouth wrapped around a cherry lollipop, the sticky red gloss on your lips called to him. Something changed. He saw you differently, he just couldn't tell you, he wouldn't let those teenage hormones get in between your friendship. So he shoved it down, way down. He always thought you were pretty, that natural pretty too. Like those girls who just need mascara and lip gloss pretty. When your pink tongue licked your bottom lip humming at the sweet lollipop, yeah he shoved those feelings so far down that he forgot all about it, till Steve Harrington asked you out the following year. 
What Eddie didn't know was that you only said yes to Steve to get experience in kissing and other things, so that when you finally kissed Eddie he wouldn't laugh at you. You just didn't expect to lose your virginity to Steve either. Eddie had been so mad about the date you didn't dare tell him about what you both had done. "Are you fucking kidding me Poppy? He's a fucken asshole." Eddie seethed, glaring at you from across the table. You had casually mentioned the date at dinner time. Hoping he would be preoccupied with his meal, you were wrong. "You just don't know him like I do." You countered, Steve was in almost every one of your classes and he had been your science partner for Mr. Clicks class. 
He was always sweet and kind to you even though he was popular.  Eddie's eyes widened, perhaps from jealousy. The fact that you spent any amount of time with Steve to actually know him twisted in Eddie's gut. After the date you and Steve had become little more than friends, he was always inviting you to his games and you were his number one girl on his arm whenever he had his huge parties. 
At 19 Eddie had literally crushed your heart. He had been so heartbroken at seeing you and Steve together. Everytime he caught you in Steve's lap at lunch he'd halt and just walk the other way, each time a piece of his heart would chip off. The last straw was when he saw the hickies across the top of your breasts one day. You had bent over to tie your shoe, Eddie didn't mean to look but the scoop of your top and the guitar pick necklace he gave you caught his attention. You looked so pretty that day, your face had a natural blush, now that he thought about it, he knew you had been with Steve. Instead of telling you how he felt, how he's loved you since you were kids. How he would like nothing more than to taste how sweet your lips would be against his. Instead of telling you how he felt, he sought after his third choice. 
"So we're still on tonight right?" You and Eddie had been having weekly movie nights since way back when. Tonight would be no different. After work you would stop by his trailer with a handful of snacks and pop, both stuffing your face till your stomachs hurt.   "Oh, actually I had to pick up Jerrys shift at work, so I wont be able to. Sorry Poppy." You accepted the excuse, Eddie had taken more shifts at work, something about saving to get out of Hawkins. 
That night you had gotten off work earlier than expected and when you drove past Eddies trailer you saw his van parked just outside. Jerry probably showed up for his shift after all you thought. When you took the U-turn to check up on Eddie, you didn't expect to see him in his room. As you peeked inside his room from the window a knot formed in your throat. Your breaths became quick and fast  and tears started streaming down your face. The sight before you was like a knife to your heart, stabbing and slicing, deeper and more violent the longer you stared.  
The beautiful Chrissy Cunningham lay on top of his bed, topless. Her humble breasts were being sucked and groped by Eddie, while he lay between her legs, clothed thankfully. Her cheer skirt bunched at the waist left nothing to the imagination. He looked to be enjoying it, of course he would. It was Chrissy, Hawkins very own Queen, with Eddie Munson, the boy you loved since you were 7yrs old.  A loud sob escaped your mouth, stopping Eddie in his tracks.
As you ran to your car, the front door to the trailer flew open. Eddie's eyes met your teary ones as you put the car in reverse. You couldn't hear him pleading for you to 'Stop' and him yelling your name between your hiccuping sobs. 
Eddie felt like he lost you that day. It was a pain he had never felt before, an ache so deep it would never heal. He had tried to call you over and over, frantically pacing his room hoping you would answer. When he showed up at your door knocking like he was the police your step-dad threatened to call Hopper on him. 
On Monday Eddie waited outside your house at 7am to take you to school, he had gotten there early to make sure he didn't miss you leaving your house. You didn't go to school that day, or the next. You spent 3 days at home sulking, crying into your pillow. Seeing Eddie make out with Chrissy's tits just broke you in ways you didn't think was possible.
 He probably went back inside the trailer and fucked her like you didnt mean a single thing to him. Like you weren't madly in love with him. You were his childhood friend of course he was never going to see you as anything more. It was so stupid to think you even had a chance. To even dream that one day he would see you the way you saw him, love you the way you deeply loved him was foolish. So incredibly foolish, because he never would. Not while perfect Chrissy had his attention. Not while her pink lips tasted like bubblegum and she gave her body freely to him. No you would never get the chance to call him yours.
Back at school you were very careful in avoiding Eddie, whenever his voice carried in the halls you'd sprint the other way. At lunch you and Steve just sat in his car, eating whatever your mom had packed that day. A sweet giggle caught your attention and sure enough there was Chrissy and Eddie walking back from the woods. Her arm wrapped around his elbow. His hands were in his pockets as he looked to the floor, kicking some pebbles out of his way.
 Before he could look you in the eye, you looked at Steve and gave him a beaming smile. You didn't think Eddie would leave Chrissy's side but 3 knocks at your window told you otherwise. 
When you rolled down the window Eddie's eyes were glossy, his hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in a few days. The dark circles around his eyes were more prominent than before. His skin was dry and dull, lacking the life it once had. You guessed the disheveled look was from whatever he and Chrissy did in the woods or all weekend.
"Where've you been? I've been calling you all weekend and even went to your house." Eddie accused, scowling at the man sitting next to you. You could feel the strain in Eddie's words, worry etched all over his face as his forearms braced against the frame of the window. 
"Was just sick." You cough.
Steve glanced over to you. You didn't seem sick when he went over to your house on Sunday. Puzzled at why you would lie he just shrugged his shoulders and kept an eye on Eddie. 
"That's bullshit Poppy." He gritted. 
You sighed, rubbing the bridge of your nose in irritation. No longer wanting to prolong the inevitable. You opened the door to the car, slamming it behind you, finally confronting him. "You lied to me Eddie. You lied to your best friend so you could go and fuck Chrissy!" You loudly exclaimed, arms crossed over your chest for protection. 
"Are you jealous?"
You scoff.
"Don't act like you're not. I see how you frown at Steve, you did it just now. Sad really, how quick she made you lie to your best friend though. I've never lied to you Eddie not to go hook up. Let me ask you this, have you lied to me before? To hang out with her? That night you left me alone at Tommy's party because you had an 'emergency.' Steve had to break down the bathroom door because Andy had followed me in the restroom and he touched and grabbed and tried to ra-"
"No Steve." You interrupt, tears rolling off your cheeks as you recount that night.
"Where were you Eddie?" You sniffle, voice weak with hurt.
"I thought so."
 Eddie's face was one of shock, and anger, but most of all unbelievable sadness. He did lie to you. He did hook up with Chrissy that night. And it made him sick to his stomach knowing that while he was having sex with her you were being sexually assaulted and almost……
He couldn't finish the thought. He had never seen you so broken and you had every right to be upset at him.
 He took a step forward, reaching to pull your arms apart to embrace you in an apology, but the way you tensed and flinched away from him caught him off guard. You had always reciprocated his affection. So seeing you deny him was a different kind of suffering. 
"I'm…..I'm so sorry Poppy." Eddie's voice was so quiet you barely heard him. His big brown eyes stared at you like it would be the last time he'd see you. There was a slight quiver in his lip as he saw the shift in your eyes and how small you looked. From his sweet and beautiful Poppy, whom he loved with every fiber of his being. To the cold icy glare you were now giving him. He knew right there that you no longer cared for him. He no longer was a staple in your life, Steve was now your person. You'd call Steve if you ever needed anything, and Steve would answer that call each and every time, just like he did that night.
"It's ok Eddie. It wasn't your fault." You reply, giving him a tight lipped smile, wiping at your tear eyes. 
Eddie watched you walk away from him with Steve's arm around your shoulder. He'd lost you in the blink of an eye. He'd lost you and you weren't even his to lose. It was the idea of you being his that he lost. He had seen it all with you, a future. A future his mom had always wanted for you two, and secretly he wanted it too. Waking up in bed next to you every morning, the big house with a family dog and 2 kids. God he really wanted to just feel you next to him, the warmth of your body wrapped around him. The scent of your hair as it draped over him every time you made love.
Two weeks later he asked Chrissy to be his girlfriend. She said yes. Eddie didn't graduate that year, too focused on trying to make Chrissy happy, while still trying to be somewhat of a friend to you was his top priority. You had accepted their relationship, even if seeing them together tore you apart limb by limb. The one organ that would always beat for him, was your heart. No matter how many times he'd wound you, you just wanted him to be happy, even if his happiness was with someone else. You'd suffer in silence, death by heartbreak you'd say. Some days just being with Steve would soothe the ache, but him and Nancy were off and on, causing you to be his trusted rebound. 
"You should just tell him Poppy, I'm sure he likes you too." Steve stated, taking a sip from his milkshake. You two had been having lunch at the diner when the topic of Eddie came up. "Well, It's too late now. He's madly in love with Chrissy and besides they've been together for a year now, I'm not about to be a homewrecker." You counter, swirling a french fry into some ketchup before shoving it into your mouth. 
Funny how the world works because that same night Eddie had called you in a panic. Chrissy had gotten so mad at him, throwing insults and hurtful words which eventually lead to her slapping Eddie in a fit of anger. He didn't tell you it all started with him mentioning your name.
 He had finally gotten tired of Chrissy questioning his love for her, he planned to end it that night and finally confess his feelings for you.  "Do you even love me Eddie? She sounded so small it almost broke his heart. 
He couldn't bear to tell her the truth so he stayed quiet instead. 
"Ed's, we haven't fucked in months. Is it because of her? Poppy?!!" He couldn't help the pink blush that painted his cheeks. Yes he did want you in that way but he also wanted so much more. "You want to fuck her don't you!!" She screamed, lunging to strike him before he grabbed at her wrists, holding her back. She continued to raise her voice more and more each time.
 Tears ran down her pink cheeks as she thrashed in his grip. He was able to take the hurtful words she was calling him. He had heard them his whole life, by now they just bounced off his skin. What he wasn't prepared for was Chrissy insulting you. No, he couldn't have that. 
Once Chrissy seemed to calm down Eddie let go of her wrists, wiping at her tears as they fell from her eyes. "Answer me." Her voice was stern as she glared at him.
"Chrissy, just stop." He said with a raised voice, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. 
She wouldn't relent until she got what she wanted. She kept pushing and pushing, jab after jab until one of her remarks made Eddie see red. 
"Your pathetic Eddie! How could you want to fuck that whore! She's been with half the basketball team!!!" She seethed. 
Chrissy's eyes dilated in fear as Eddie stormed toward her, backing her up against the wall. His eyes filled with blinding rage, nostrils flared with each inhale and exhale as he looked down at her in hatred, her misty eyes doing nothing to soothe the storm she caused. Needing to release his anger Eddies fists pound the wall behind her, caging her against the hard surface as he towers over her. He lowers his head to her level, voice laced with venom as he finally answers her.
"You want an answer Chrissy? How's this? No, I don't want to fuck her…..not at first. I'd make love to her all fucking day and night till I memorized the pretty whimpers she makes when she comes on my cock. Then once I'm drunk off her delicious pussy from eating her out like she was my last meal, I'd fuck the whore outta her, record the the sound of my cock slamming into her tight pussy and send you the mix tape."
"...Then she just fucken slapped me." 
You both sat on his couch, face to face, legs criss crossed. He mindlessly was rubbing at your knee, his light touch sending butterflies soaring in your tummy. 
"Do you want me to kick her ass? I fucken will Eddie. You just give the word." You joked, sort of, as you punched at the air, earning a laugh from Eddie. 
"No sweetheart. I don't need you getting hurt." He smiles, holding your hands in his, already rubbing at your knuckles as if you had punched Chrissy. 
A tiny gasp leaves your mouth when you notice two red marks on his cheek. "She scratched you Eddie." You tenderly trace the scratch, cupping the side of his cheek with your palm. Eddie leans into your gentle touch, face nuzzling at the warmth of your palm, a stark contrast to Chrissy. Your tiny hand found the nape of Eddie's neck pulling him close, to place a sweet kiss upon the high point of his cheek. 
As you pull away Eddie tilts his head, his nose brushing against yours before his mouth crashes into you. He kisses gently at first, years of pining and yearning leaving him breathless. You don't dare pull away, parting your lips to grant him entrance. Eddie moans against your mouth when his tongue dances with yours. It's so much better than he thought, your lips are soft and supple as he takes your bottom lip in between his teeth. 
You take control, when you throw your leg over his lap, straddling him on the couch. A satisfied moan rips through him as he wraps his hands behind you, squeezing your ass between his fingers, rocking your hips back and forth over his bulge. Feeling the denim of his jeans rub at your core, heating your body with every pass. 
"Fuck, baby. Feels so good grinding on me." His fingers trace tiny circles on your shoulders, making you shudder at the sensation. Nudging at your jaw, he peppers wet kisses down the curve of your neck, nipping and sucking at your skin, smothering himself in your scent. 
He hooks a finger under the strap of your tank top, gently pulling it down, exposing the curve of your shoulder. "I've wanted you for so long Poppy, can I have you?" He whispers, as he kisses and licks at your collarbone humming against your skin. You want him in every way possible, his firm tattooed body over and under you with a sheen layer of sweat at he fucks you in each corner of his trailer. You want every thought of his mind, all his dreams and desires in detail as you cultivate a guide on reaching all those goals and more.
 Above all those fantasies you wish you could grant him, the one thing you desire more, is this boy's soul to be intertwined with yours. His beautiful chaotic soul, with its good days and bad, for however many times he's hurt you, your mind, body and soul screams and claws at your chest. Ripping you open from the inside out just to be near him, just for an ounce of his attention, a half second of his unyielding love. Without another thought you nod, giving him permission to take you to bed. 
Eddie takes his time removing your clothes, unwrapping you like a gift on Christmas morning. His eyes sparkled at finally getting to see you undressed. Standing in the middle of his bedroom he takes you in, inch by inch. Kissing every ounce of skin he sees, marking you as his with lavender bruises. Equally as excited you slip your fingers under his shirt, feeling his toned body under your fingertips, bringing his shirt over his head you gawk at the ink that covers his chest. 
You shy under his gaze when he unclips your bra, exposing your perfect breasts to him. "Fuck baby, youre so fucking gorgeous." He coos, squeezing your tits between his large hands. He sits down pulling you to stand between his spread legs so he's eye level with your chest. 
Admiring your perfect tits he places his face between your breasts, pushing each one towards his face, dragging his tongue between them. The wetness from his saliva cools your heated body. You jolt when his mouth latches to your pebbled nipple, sucking and swirling his tongue around your peaked bud. 
Closer you need to be closer, feel his body flush against yours, you straddle his hips again. Bare chest to his bare chest, the heat of his skin sizzling deep within your heart like the sun on a summer day. It feels so natural to be in this moment, his arms tightly wrapped around you, his ear to your chest, listening to the hammering of your heart you know he can hear. Eddie places a loving kiss to the hollow of your throat.
 His strong arms lift you up,wrapping your legs around his hips, he spins you around laying you on his bed. Hovering over you he continues down your body, kissing between your breasts, the curve of your waist, kiss upon kiss making up for lost time. His large palms smooth up and down the sides of your figure, making you squeal when he sneaks them under your ass pinching and palming you, groaning at the meat between his fingers."Tickle baby?" He whispers, chin resting on your pubic bone. 
His eyes are looking up at you from between your legs and you think you might die. 
"Super ticklish." You giggle, running your fingers through his long locks, scratching at the nape of his neck. Exploring your body like he has all the time in the world, a small gasp leaves his mouth as he pulls your panties down, hands instinctively caressing your sex. The way he's eye level with your core makes you squirm under him. "Shit, look at you sweetheart. So pretty." He mutters, running his fingers between your folds, coating them with your wetness. He could play with you all day if you let him, but he's too eager and desperately needs to taste you. 
"Oh fuck Eddie." You moan, grasping at the sheets when he licks a stripe up your cunt. His wicked tongue zig zags through your folds, slurping at your lips pulling gasps and moans from you that no one else has. Your back arches off the bed as he sucks your clit, humming into you in delight. You can feel him smile against your core, happy to devour you till morning. "Mmm you taste so good baby." He relishes, spreading you open with his fingers in a V, before plunging his fingers inside you, pumping into you, searching for that spongy spot that you know will have you seeing stars.
 "Oh my god there Eddie." Breathless, you stare between your legs panting in pleasure seeing Eddie feasting on you like he's starved. With his fingers feeling you from the inside and his tongue twisting and sucking your clit your legs begin to tremble. "Oh fuck fuck fuck Eddie im gonna come." Your legs attempt to close around his head as your pleasure keeps rising. "Come on my tongue baby, I fucken need to taste you." He speaks between his lapping, not once changing pace or pressure. 
A high pitched whimper bursts from your throat as white dazzling stars cloud your vision. Rouge tears escape your eyes at the intensity of your orgasm. Eddies beaming up at you, eyes the size of saucers as he kitten licks you, slurping up your sweet arousal. Kissing your pussy over and over "love." Kiss. "This." Kiss. "Pussy." Kiss.
You pull him up towards you, wrapping your legs around his waist, grinding your cunt into him. Eddie groans, chest heaving with adrenaline. The weight of his body flush against yours lights you on fire. You need him, want him in all the sweet and loving ways your heart desires. The nibbling at your earlobe and his breathless pants so close to your ear makes your body tingle with anticipation. 
You can feel his hardened length grind against you as his hands roam the expanse of your body. Touching every inch, storing every freckle and scar in his memory. You can't wait, years of lusting after him you need more. "Eddie, I want to feel you." Ghosting your fingers down his torso, his breath hitches as your fingers work to unbuckle his belt. He stands, shuffling out of his jeans, discarding them in the mess of his bedroom. The visible tent in his boxers has you drooling, fingers itching to grab him. You make grabby hands at him earning a chuckle as he stalks towards you. He stands in front of you as you sit at the edge of the bed, gently grabbing your chin between his thumb and index finger, bringing your gaze towards him. 
You look so beautiful sitting nude in his bed, big doe eyes looking up at him. "Poppy, you make me feel things I never thought I could." He confesses,  kissing you softly at first, smiling against your mouth like this is the happiest he's ever been. If he's being honest, being with you was always the highlight of his day. Tonight though would be memorialized into his heart forever. 
"Mmm, Eddie, want you to fuck me." You whine, deepening your kiss, biting at his lip with need. He moans into your mouth as you palm him through his boxers, fingers pulling at his waistband eager to feel his heavy cock between your hands. His boxers pool at his ankles as his cock springs free, a bead of precum glistening at his tip. "Oh fuck" he hisses as you take his length in your hands, stroking his pretty cock in slow up and down motions, cupping his balls with your other hand. Eddie thinks he might pass out with how good your hands feel around his cock.
 Your wet mouth wraps around his tip, swirling around his mushroom head. Tongue licking his shaft from base to tip, your eyes bore into his, enjoying the way he falls apart from your mouth alone. "Oh my god, your mouth is sinful" he groans, throwing his head back, hips bucking into your mouth. His hand wraps around your hair, gently pulling you off him. "Lay back sweetheart, let me show you how much I adore you." He breathes, crawling over you once you've settled at the head of the bed. 
With his hand wrapped around the base of his cock, he lines himself up to your entrance. Ever so slowly he pushes in, inch by blissful inch until he's fully sheathed inside you. "Fuck so tight baby, I'm not sure I can last." He whispers, holding your face between his palms, tenderly peppering your face with kisses. You whimper, biting your lips at the delicious way he's stretching you open. His eyes never leave yours not for one second as he thrusts into you over and over filling you with his cock till you're a blubbering mess.
 "Yes Eddie, oh god yes." You cry out, tears breaching your waterline as he throws your legs over his shoulder, pumping into you even deeper. He cages your head between his forearms, fingers interlocking yours in a tight grip. Your eyes gloss over with emotion, a deep ache tearing at your chest. This doesn't feel like fucking, not the way he's looking at you and holding your hands. Not in the way he's kissing your lips, licking into your mouth savoring the feeling of your tongue massaging his. His hips don't dare fuck into you like he wants. No, he's slow with his motions, feeling the way your cunt pulls him in when his hips meet yours. 
You don't know how but he's holding you so incredibly close, enamored with feeling you under him. His mouth is devouring each and every moan you're giving him. All rational leaves his body when he gazes in awe at how his cock disappears inside you with every thrust. He becomes so lust drunk off your pussy as his release draws near, finally confessing what he's wanted to for all these years, each confession spoken through whimpers of pleasure while he pistons his hips faster and faster.
'youre mine, all fucking mine', 
'Gonna make you make my wife one day, gonna buy you a big ring and a house.' 
'Wanna breed you so fucking bad baby. I love you so much, always have'
'Gonna be me and you forever sweetheart' 
His sweet revelation brings tears to your eyes, pushing you over the edge in heart bursting ecstacy. Ropes and ropes of hot come paint your walls as Eddie releases inside of you with a guttural moan, hips jerking forward filling you to the brim. 
Collapsing beside you, Eddie pulls you towards him, arm wrapping around your shoulders as you lay your cheek on his chest. "I meant every word Poppy, I'm so fucking in love you. I'm sorry it took so long to tell you." 
You were about to respond when Eddie cut you off, "You don't need to say it back, I just need you to know." 
Within minutes Eddie had drifted to sleep, still holding you close, afraid you'd slip out of his grasp. "I love you too Eddie." You whisper, running your hands over his chest, finding home above his heart, the heart you wanted so much to love you. 
 While Eddie dreamed of loving you for eternity you stayed awake, guilt and shame invading your every thought. How could you sleep with another girl's man? You couldn't become what you always hated a "homewrecker." Eddie and Chrissy didn't break up, they just had a fight and you took advantage of his vulnerability. 
Your stomach twisted with nausea, not only did he cheat on her with you, but you very well became another rebound. You knew Eddie cared for you and perhaps in the thrones of passion he confused friendship love with romantic love, yeah that makes sense. Of course he was hurt and heartbroken over Chrissy, and needed an outlet, a distraction. And there you were, a perfect distraction. Tears pricked your eyes as you realized you had ruined over 10 years of friendship in 1 night, a night you would never forget. 
Eddie had stared at his ceiling for what seemed like hours the following morning. Waking up alone, without you by his side left a gaping black hole in his heart. He must have read you all wrong, he thought you wanted to be together. The soft touches and shy glances, you said you wanted him. Oh god, did he come on too strong and scare you away? Was his confession too abrupt, did you even feel the same? Most importantly could you still be friends? 
Fear. Fear gripped him in a chokehold. Fear that he had pressured you to do something you never wanted. He couldn't live with himself if you felt he was too pushy or even forceful, he needed to make sure you were ok and that he had done nothing wrong. 
Eddie frantically knocks at your door, almost shouting for you when you don't answer quickly enough. When you answer, covered from head to toe in sweats in the middle of summer, he knows something is wrong, were you covering your body from him? 
"Hey Eddie." 
Hey Eddie? That's what you say after everything that's happened? So casual like you didn't just rip open his heart and spit on it. Hey Eddie? Like he was just a guy you met at the hideout and decided he would be fun for the night? 
"Poppy, did I do something wro–"
"No. You didn't do anything wrong. I did." Your voice is firm when you respond, you don't go into details as to why but Eddie takes your response as regret. He made love to you and you regretted it, didn't love him back. You didn't say it back or even acknowledge his dreams for a future with you. Based on how you're dressed and the dampness of your hair. He figures you showered immediately, scrubbing off his love with vigor and scalding water. Unable to bear the memory of his hands on you, you dressed in soft silky sweats to mask that feeling.
"Oh. Uh, are we gonna be ok? Still friends?" 
"Still friends" The corner of your mouth flicks up in a slight smile. You know from here on out things would be different. Eddie sees it too, in your detached stare, cold and unmoving. Your arms are crossed over your chest to stop your quivering frame from embracing him. Your Eddie. Chrissy's Eddie. 
He nods, stepping away from your porch, no longer able to take the awkwardness. Even if you didn't believe he would use you as a rebound his next request confirmed it.
"Oh uh Poppy?" 
 "Don't tell Chrissy." 
"Never, I promise." 
That was the last time you spoke to Eddie. He and Chrissy stayed together, you couldn't even look at her, the guilt of breaking that girl code too strong. And Eddie, he couldn't look at you either, at least not in front of Chrissy. Her jealousy ran so deep she practically forbade him from even looking in your direction or speaking to you. So many more fights stemmed from even being in the same room with you.
Eddie found out through the grapevine that you and Steve were official, apparently it was pretty serious too. He'd see your car outside family video often. One time he even spotted Steve at the mall, one of those jewelry sales associates was showing him some rings. He didn't know if it was just a gift or a engagem- he couldn't finish the thought. 
Eddie had woken up in a house he didn't recognise, covered in his own vomit and piss stains. Head pounding and throbbing from the intense hangover he had. Seeing Steve buy you a ring was enough to make him spiral into the darkness of his thoughts. It wasn't the first time he let his vices take control and it wasn't his last.
The last time Eddie saw you it was winter in Hawkins. You were having breakfast with Steve, of course, he had become your new…he didn't even know. Was he still your boyfriend or your fiancé? It didn't matter you had slept with Steve and yet he was still allowed to be your friend, but not him. It was partially his fault. Chrissy had him on a tight leash and he allowed it, slowly distancing himself from you. In the end choosing her over all the years he had with you. Not only had he let you down, but he also failed his mama's wish of you and him being together.  If she was alive today he'd never hear the end of it. Matter of fact he knows without a doubt she would have set something up to make sure you both fell in love with each other. He just can't fathom that he let her down. 
 Your bright laugh carried throughout the diner, gracing Eddie's ears as he admired you from outside.  You looked as beautiful as ever, a natural glow from within despite the gloom that covered Hawkins. Eddie sat in his car watching as you devoured pancake after pancake, seeing you lick the sweet maple syrup off your fingers took him down memory lane. He thought about that night often, in the shower when Wayne wasn't home to hear your name leave his lips as he fisted his cock. Almost slipped your name a few times when he was with Chrissy, she had called you a whore, which made no sense since he could barely feel a thing with her, it was like throwing a hotdog down a hallway. 
Eddie watches as Steve holds you by the waist, guiding you to his car making sure you don't slip on the wet pavement. Eddie lowers himself in his seat, hiding as you both walk closer to his car, Chrissy's car. 
"Is my little angel satisfied? Or are you still hungry?" Steve asked, as he helped you out of your coat. 
"Satisfied." You smile. 
Eddie rolls his eyes as he hears Steve give you a big wet exaggerated kiss, punctuating the Mwah. 
Yeah, Steve was still your boyfriend. He was happy for you, genuinely happy. But what Eddie didn't see was that Steve didn't kiss you on the lips. No. Steve leaned down, hands delicately holding your hips as he playfully kissed your tiny swollen belly, only visible once he had taken your coat off. Eddie and the rest of your friends had no idea. Not a single clue.  
The following month you left Hawkins for sunny California, thinking you'd never go back to the state of heartbreak, only to return 3 years later. 
"Eddie! She's back." 
'Honey, who is it?' 
"Wrong number Chrissy, go back to bed." 
"Where is she?" 
"With Steve."
Tagging those from my previous fic:
@lady-munson @tlclick73 @edsforehead @hideoutside @kissmejoey @amira0303 @luv-flor7777
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luveline · 2 years
Jade! I’m obsessed with your Zombie au!! I’d love to see something where r uses some survival skills and gets crafty, and Steve being impressed with her problem solving! Hope this inspires you in some way! <3
thank you for your request! steve zombie!au ♥︎ fem!reader 0.9k
"We're lost." 
Steve pokes his cheek with his tongue. He knows you're lost. It is completely unnecessary for you to point out the obvious, and yet. 
"We wouldn't be if–" 
"I didn't take us down the wrong side road," you finish. "I know. Thank you for being so gracious about my mistake. You're always so nice to me, Steve." 
It's not all your fault. Steve is twenty two years old and doesn't know one Indiana road from the other. He couldn't tell you how to get from Hawkins to Indianapolis if you paid him too, and he can't really read maps any better than you can. 
"I think," he says, throwing the map out to get a better look, "we're here." He points to a place just under Columbia City. 
"And we want to cut through until we get to… Churubusco?" 
He nods. He's gonna keep you both off of the highway and back into small towns and residential spaces for a while. You need food and toiletries and some space from one another for sure. 
The issue you and Steve are having currently is a distinct lack of road signs or natural indicators. The sun is moving slowly down in the sky, a sticky yolk-yellow through bright white. It would be less depressing if it were even slightly blue. At least it's finally stopped raining. 
"Does the sun set in the East or the West?" he asks. 
"East. No, West. Uh. Pass." 
"You don't know?" he asks. 
"You don't, either!" You frown down at your shoes as you kick the wet road beneath. "This is what I mean when I say I think you're a secret sexist." 
"I love women," he says defensively. 
"But you don't trust them," you say dramatically, like a heartbroken actress from a transatlantic movie. 
He snorts and shoves the map back into his coat. "Let's go that way," —he points toward the sun— "and hope we don't starve to death, I guess." 
"No, wait, wait. Turn around." 
"Turn around!" you demand. 
Steve lets you boss him around these days. When you've been the sole company of someone for a full month, you learn to let go of the things that might irk you rather than suffer from constant arguing. And, Steve's decided he's been a little moody and you may not strictly deserve it. But he's not gonna tell you that. 
He turns around and you rummage through his pack. You pull out the first aid kit, and he doesn't bother asking as you click it open. You take out a needle, which is a little worrying. He doesn't care until you're edging it toward him.
"Woah, what the fuck. I thought we were getting along," he protests, flinching backward. 
"I need to rub it against your hair." 
"Right, and when it slips into my eye, we'll call that friendly fire." 
"Steve! I know what I'm doing." 
You might, but you won't enlighten him. You rub the eye of the needle against a piece of his hair pinched taught in your fingers. It goes on for so long he starts to wonder if you're trying to light him on fire, or summon a stroke of lightning to strike him, but then you pull away and look around the road searchingly. You grab a leaf near the edge of the road and walk away from him determined. 
And look, Steve has his inhibitions, but he really doesn't want you to leave him there. Say whatever you want, he doesn't have to explain it to himself and he refuses to, only rushes to follow you and wrap his hand around your backpack strap. 
You stop short and crouch on the floor.
"Hey," he says, concerned, "are you alright?" 
"Come here."
"It's wet." 
"Come on, Harrington, get on your knees." 
The way you say it makes him feel a certain emotion. He blames it on the apocalypse and kneels down. 
You've dropped your leaf on the surface of a shallow puddle. Steve stares as you place the needle on top of the leaf carefully, waiting as the leaf spins in the water. He thinks that the needles weight is pushing it down, until it stops sudden and stays pointing the way you came. You look up at the sky and smile when you find the sun. 
"Okay, sun must set in the west, then." 
"What just happened?" 
"I made a compass." 
Steve looks at your needle. "What?" 
"I made a compass! Your hair magnetised the eye, and it's pointing north because of the Earth's magnetic field. Tada." 
He states at you. His stomach hurts, and his ears are ringing, and you look adorable when you're feeling smug but it's your knowing it in the first place that really gets him. Steve's always had a soft spot for dorks. 
"Nice job, nerd," he says genuinely. 
"Ha! Though I was a dummy?"
"Oh, you are." He stands up and tugs your backpack strap. "Grab your needle, witch, we might need it the next time you fall on your ass." 
"I slipped one time, Steve." 
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cornyonmains · 1 year
I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about season 3 of The Witcher, but one thing is for certain, I'm loving Jaskier's progression as a character.
I think it goes without saying that a huge turning point for Jaskier was his falling out with Geralt on the mountain in season 1. As I read his character at that point, he was quite in love with Geralt, and very much suffering from the belief that he wasn't enough for Geralt in any sense of the word, not as a lover, a friend, or a traveling partner. You see this insecurity ramp up throughout the entirety of the season 1 finale, and to think Geralt hadn't noticed that was lunacy. He did, which was part of the problem. Geralt needed to lash out, he needed someone to lash out at, and there Jaskier was, already wounded, the easiest of targets, and Geralt goes full savanna apex predator on his ass. Then he left him, on a mountain, that he knew Jaskier didn't know how to traverse safely. He said fuck off, and also die.
Jaskier could have crumbled, and for awhile, he probably did. But this led to a key moment of character development, because it caused Jaskier to take himself out of Geralt's shoes and get back into his own. To introspect. And Jaskier realized that he was enough, that he'd done a lot for Geralt, and that Geralt's refusal to embrace his own humanity while still wanting Jaskier as a friend resulted in him becoming an emotional punching bag. And Jaskier, rightfully pissed off after reaching these conclusions, channeled that anger into the post-break-up banger of the century, Burn Witcher Burn. But at the core of what ultimately makes Jaskier one of the most sympathetic and relatable characters in this show, is that he didn't do it so much as he was angry, but because he wanted Geralt to hear it. Because his songs are how he expresses what can't be spoken. The tragedy of Jaskier's character is that he was always going to forgive Geralt. That he was always going to drop what he was doing to trail this man with an affection even Yennefer doesn't easily mock, because it would be entirely too cruel. He wrote that song so Geralt would come and say he was sorry and Jaskier could go back to settling for scraps of his time.
So then we come to season 3, and enter Radovid. Enter the first person Jaskier's met in 30 long years that intrigues him as much as Geralt, and he's absolutely taken off his guard by that sentiment being returned after he's spent over half his life accepting something like that could never happen for him. He's 50 years old. Jaskier has accepted his fate of endless pining at this point. So when Radovid asks him to sing a song about his white-haired witcher, Jaskier slips up. He reveals too much, and it gives Radovid the chance to say exactly what Jaskier needed to hear.
"Does the witcher know how lucky he is to have you?"
I imagine it's rare for Jaskier, who spends his life finding the right words for others, that someone would find the right words for him. It's little wonder he was so immediately fascinated by Radovid, and so immediately heartbroken.
For 3 seasons and multiple decades, we see Jaskier's entire character formed by the hurt he endures being part of Geralt, Yennefer, and Cirri's life. And despite all that hurt, all the rejection, the betrayal, the torture, harassment, manipulations, and political intrigue we see Jaskier progressively becoming a better and better person. He helps Geralt, Yennefer, he helps the elves as the Sandpiper, and watches Cirri without a word of complaint. He throws himself into any dangerous situation asked of him, and helps Yarpen's men. He doesn't let the pain make him bitter. He still thinks love is beautiful, even when it hurts. He drinks, he fucks, he makes merry. He writes sad songs about Geralt.
Jaskier's development, his portrayal as a character, has been a true highlight of this series.
I sometimes think the djinn, in some cruel last jab at Jaskier and Yenn, used them both in Geralt's wish as a form of punishment. For Jaskier, his punishment for wanting so much, so quickly, was to spend his life wanting the one thing he couldn't have. That thing being Geralt, because to punish Yen, who so badly wanted control of her own destiny, he tied it to Geralt's. It's like a magical ouroboros of misery. And for Geralt, who tried to put a stop to the madness, the djinn rewarded him with the thing he wanted most. A family. A wife, a daughter, and a best friend who would never leave. It's some dark and complicated shit, and I think it rings true to the tone of the story itself.
Never has any character in this history of everything deserved to bone a hot Redanian prince more.
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thelargefrye · 1 year
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SWEET HOME … drabble
pairing : yeosang x f!reader (background poly ateez)
genre : non-idol au, fluff, established relationship
warnings : language, nightmares
note : in the same universe as CALMING DAYS and YOU ARE MY UNIVERSE.
yeosang’s worried he when can’t find you in the apartment.
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yeosang hates having nightmares. he's pretty sure its the worst way to wake up, and trust him, he's woken up to wooyoung's annoying loud laughter and the fire alarm too many times. but he hates nightmares even more when they involve his lovers.
this nightmare basically knocked the wind out of him because it involved you. you, his precious love, who has gone through so much with him and the others. you, their last addition to their small family and finally moving in with them. he loves you and hates thinking about the idea of you being upset because of him. because him and the other's failed to prove their love to you.
yeosang hated those nightmares that only took his worried and blew them up. seeing dream you cry made him want to cry in real life. so that's why yeosang immediately tries to reach out for you when he wakes up. but the sense of dread runs through him when he realizes that you are not in bed with him.
turning over he sees the spot that you are suppose to be in empty and a sense of panic rushes through him as he thinks back to his nightmare. at the end right before he woke up, you left him, them. you left with tears in your eyes and your bags packed, leaving them forever.
where were you? he thinks as he throws the comforter off of him and head out of your recently shared bedroom – your bedroom still in the redecorating stage. the guest bedroom slash home office being turned into your bedroom. your bedroom in their, now your, apartment.
yeosang felt disheveled all over as he rushed through the apartment checking all the rooms. he even checked your room to see if you were in there, unpacking, but alas it was empty. the boxes and suitcases still there untouched.
then he made it to the kitchen and living room where he found seonghwa in the kitchen. the eldest turned to look at his younger boyfriend with a look of concern when he heard him running through the apartment.
"what's wrong, yeosang?"
"where's y/n?" yeosang ask, feeling his nerves and worry grow by the second.
"y/n?" seonghwa repeats your name like he's confused by it.
"yes, y/n, our girlfriend! where is she?"
"whoa, yeosang calm down," seonghwa says as he rounds the counter in order to comfort yeosang. he sits him down at the dining table before he adds, "y/n will be back. she and yunho went to the store."
"she did? when? why didn't she wake me up?" yeosang feels a rush of emotions come over him and knowing that you just went to store and didn't leave makes him want to cry. his nightmare wasn't becoming a reality and you would be home to him soon.
"silly, she didn't wake you because she went to the store for you," seonghwa says, running a hand through yeosang's bedhead. "now what's wrong? why were you looking for her and storming through the apartment like a madman?"
"i had... fuck, i had a nightmare about y/n leaving us. she told us she could tell we didn't love her and couldn't stay in a place she wasn't welcomed. fuck," yeosang can't stop the tears at remembering how heartbroken you looked, "hwa, i love her so much. when i woke up and she wasn't there next to me... i was afraid that she actually left."
"oh baby," seonghwa says pulling yeosang into his arms and comforting him. "y/n won't leave us because she knows how much we love her. she knows how much you love her. it was just a bad dream, don't think about it anymore, okay?"
right after seonghwa said that, the apartment door opened and your voice rang out softly as you called out yours and yunho's return. yeosang immediately stood up and made his way over towards the door where he sees you struggling a little bit in taking your shoes off, a small white box in your hands. yunho standing behind you with bags in his own hands. seonghwa comes past him and takes the box out of your hands, giving you and yunho quick kisses.
when you finally step into the living room, yunho moving past you with the bags, that's when you notice yeosang standing there looking at you.
"oh, yeosang, hap–
you don't get the chance to finish as yeosang rushes over and presses his lips to your own. the kiss catches you off guard as yeosang holds you close to him and you rests your hands on his shoulders as his wrap your waist. when he pulls away you look at your boyfriend with a surprised look.
"what was that, yeo?" you ask as you cup his face and you watch him melt into your touch.
"i... i love you, that's all," he tells you and you smile at his words.
"i love you too. happy birthday, love," you tell him and that's when yeosang remembers that today was in fact his birthday. that explains why you and yunho went to the store, to get food and cake for his dinner later tonight.
yeosang doesn't say anything, but instead brings you close in order to hug you. "i love you," he whispers again, feeling tears build up again as he holds you close to him. "i love you so much."
"i love you too, yeosang. so, so much," you say back, your hands running down his back.
"i'm so glad you're hear with me and seonghwa and yunho and the others. we all love you so much. thank you for moving in with us," he says and you pull away from the hug, a confused laugh leaving your lips as you look at yeosang.
"what's all this about so suddenly?" you ask but yeosang shakes his head.
"don't worry about it, i'll tell you later. why don't you go help seonghwa and yunho while i go get changed," yeosang says and you smile at your longest boyfriend, pressing one last kiss to his lips before you're shuffling off to the kitchen.
yeosang can't help but smile as he watches yunho tease you, both of you with wide grins as seonghwa wraps his arms around you, a soft smile on his face as well. he can't help but breathe a sigh of relief because he knows that you won't be leaving them anytime soon.
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suffer with me tag : @sanjoongie @songmingisthighs
tag list (bold means unable to tag) : @invuwrld @frankenstein852 @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @marahleiwhen @kpopnightingale @harry-the-pottypus @rdiamond2727 @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @kryybebe @dementedaly @simeonswhore @moonm1st @nvmbheart @spooo00oky @frogogh @marsanhwa @kryukyustar @sookacc @seongwin @melomatz
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and-claudia · 9 months
His Heir pt. 40 (Darth Maul x pregnant! reader)
Hey guys... I am back. We're just not gonna talk about how my semester went there towards the end... Anyways, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!! Here is your present!!! The next part of His Heir!!
Wordcount: 2300+
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“Oh. I knew I forgot to tell you something about the plans for today.” Dasar said, upon seeing my shocked face. 
“What is he doing here?” I asked, voice shaking. I wasn’t sure if I was nervous or heartbroken to see him. 
“He’s here for you.” Was all he said. 
The boat was docked and Totin got off first. Maul stepped closer as I approached the side. He offered me his hand without a word and I took it. Dasar stood behind me as Maul helped me step over the small gap between the dock and the boat. It felt like the silence that surrounded our small group was going to kill me. 
“Well, Totin and I have a few things we need to check on.” Dasar said, breaking the silence. 
I looked at him with panic in my eyes. He took a dramatic deep breath to show me to breathe. I took a deep breath and nodded. 
“Have a good evening.” I said to them. 
“You as well,” Totin said before addressing Maul, “We’re glad you made it, Lord Maul.” 
Maul gave them a nod and we stood quietly watching them walk down the dock. Once they were gone Maul turned to me. 
“How are you feeling?” 
“Fine.” I said quietly, I wasn’t snappy or short, it just felt like I had forgotten how to talk to him. 
“Words cannot begin to express how sorry I am, I fucked up.” He said looking at me with sadness in his eyes. 
“Yeah, you did, big time.” I couldn’t just forgive him, not this easily, “I can’t forgive you, not right now. I’ll be honest I could care less if you came to the wedding, what hurt the most was that you weren’t there for me and him when you promised you would be.” I said, placing a hand on my stomach as if to protect the baby from him. 
“I know, I cannot forgive myself for that either… I know I’ll have to earn back your trust. I know it won’t do much in terms of regaining your trust, but I am hoping it will at least score me a few points… I had a picnic on the beach prepared for us.” 
“You’re lucky that I am practically always hungry.” I said, cracking a small smile. 
He smiled as well and offered me his arm, “We’ll let’s not keep you waiting then.” 
I took his arm and allowed him to lead me down the dock. True to his word, a picnic blanket had been set up for us with an array of food. Maul helped me take off my shoes before he did the same. Then he carefully helped me sit down on the blanket. 
“How did you have time to get all of this planned?” I asked, looking at how beautifully everything was set up, even down to the vase to put the bouquet of flowers into. 
“Totin played a big role in it. He helped me get the kitchens to prepare the food, and then he obviously arranged for the servants to bring everything down to the cove and set it all up.” 
I nodded along as he spoke. Even though he had help, it was still such a sweet gesture, especially when it came to the consideration of what food had been prepared. As I gazed over it all, it was all of my favorites and not a single piece of food that I had any sort of aversion to. 
“Would you like something to drink?” Maul asked, reaching into the basket beside him and pulling out an odd-shaped decanter filled with a sparkly, deep green liquid. 
“Is that Emerald wine?” I asked in shock. 
Emerald wine was extremely expensive because the fruit used to make was only found in a few places. I had never actually had any before, but I recall it being had at certain events on Mandalore. 
Maul nodded, “It is. This particular one is non-alcoholic. It’s completely safe for you to drink.” 
“Well, in that case, I would love some.” 
The decanter made a pop when he opened it making me jump slightly. 
“Sorry.” Maul said, handing me my drink. 
“It’s okay, I think me jumping scared him more, honestly.” I laughed as I took the glass from him. 
I swirled the liquid around in the glass, watching the green glitter swirl around creating a mesmerizing pattern. Once Maul had poured his own glass he held it out to me and cheered my glass before we both took a drink. 
“Oh, that is good.” I said. 
“Have you never had Emerald wine before?” He asked. 
I shook my head.
“Well, once he’s here, I’ll be sure to get us the best bottle of the real thing for you to try.” 
“I’ll hold you to that,” I said before taking another sip, “Now, what all do we have?” 
We ate and made easy conversation, it was nice. I was almost able to forget about all the turmoil he had caused a couple of days prior. Almost. But not quite. Maul must have noticed this. 
“Please don’t think I am trying to distract you from what I did to you.” He said. 
“I know you're not… it's just… it’s hard for me when someone I trust to be there for me lets me down. I was so used to being on my own as a child and having no real form of support from anyone that as an adult it takes me a long time to let people in and when I do, it means I truly trust them, and to be let down by someone that I have let in… it hurts, to put it plainly… I really don’t know how to describe what it feels like.” I said as tears began to form on my lower lash line. 
Maul dropped his head slightly, “I’m sorry, my dear.” 
“I know… I know…” 
Maul reached over hesitantly and when he saw I wasn’t going to retreat away from him, he grabbed my hand. We weren’t looking at one another, instead we were both fixed on the horizon. The two moons had risen and were casting a beautiful glow out across the water. 
I wasn’t sure how long we sat in silence but eventually, it began to feel like my eyes were barely staying open. 
“We should probably get going. Tomorrow is the start of all the fun festivities, it best to get a good night's sleep tonight.” I said. 
Maul agreed and stood before turning around and helping me stand up as well. 
“Do we need to bring this all back with us?” I asked referring to the platers, blanket, and basket that had been used. 
“No, Totin said that the servant droids will come to take care of it.” 
I nodded before we began making our way back up the beach. It was quite a long trek back to the palace and by the time we got there, I was completely exhausted. Maul escorted me to the room I had been staying in but stopped once we got to the door. 
“What are you doing?” I asked, clearly confused. 
“I wasn’t sure how you were going to respond to me showing up like I did. So, a separate room was prepared for me.” He explained. 
“Oh… well, can you have your stuff brought here? It’s a large room… and I would prefer to have you here… with me.” My voice was quiet as I made the request, I was still hurt, but that didn’t mean our whole relationship had to stop. 
“Of course I can.” He said with the faintest of smiles graced his face. 
He followed me in and took in the room. I dropped my shoes by the door since they were covered in sand and Maul slid his off next to mine. Despite how tired I was, I also felt quite gross. Between the salty air and the sand, I felt grimy and really wanted to wash up before climbing into bed. 
“I am going to take a shower… care to join?” I asked, already heading to the bathroom. 
“Of course.” Maul said, following not too far behind me. 
The shower was nice. I was able to get all the grittiness off of my body, and Maul had even begun to give me a light shoulder massage. 
“This feels great, Maul, but I need to get out and get off my feet. It feels like they are going to fall off.” I said, leaning back into him carefully so neither of us would lose our footing and slip. 
He pressed a kiss to my shoulder after dropping his hands from them, “I can continue on the bed if you want me to.” He offered quietly. 
I nodded as I reached over to shut the water off. Then I carefully stepped out and grabbed my towel. Once I was dried off I grabbed the silk robe that was on the hook and put it on. I used the large vanity mirror to make sure it was adjusted correctly over my belly before tying it shut. 
“I’m going to go sit for a bit before getting ready for bed.” I said to Maul, looking at him through the mirror. He nodded as he adjusted his towel around his lower hips. 
“I’ll be out shortly.” He said. 
I nodded and made my way over to the bed. I could the baby moving a lot which was odd considering how late it was. Of course, his sense of time was thrown slightly by travel and being on a new planet with a different rotation time than back home, but I didn’t think it would cause him to be this off. By this time of night, he has usually settled down. I sat down with a sigh, glad to be off my feet. Then I laid back and put my hands on top of my belly. 
“Ik'aad, why are you so active, hm? Do you have any idea how late it is?” 
He seemed to move even more in response to my voice, which I took as him telling me no, he didn’t know how late it was. 
“Well, it’s past midnight. You should be settled down for the evening.” 
I got a kick in response. 
“It doesn’t matter that we are on a small vacation, your buir would like to get some rest without you moving around like that in there.” 
“Are you getting onto the baby for being too active?” Maul asked, leaning against the open doorway to the bathroom. 
“Yes, I am. Come here. Feel how active he is!” I said, tilting my head to the side to look at him from the side of my belly. 
Maul pushed himself off the doorframe and walked over. I was still lying down on the bed with my legs hanging off from where I sat down originally. Once he was close enough I straightened back up from where I had leaned to the side to watch him walk over. Maul stood between my legs and put his hands on my stomach. 
“Wow…” He said after a moment, “What’s got him so riled up?” Maul asked with a small laugh. 
“I don’t know… I hope it’s not like fetal stress or anything… I know that can cause a sudden increase in movements…” 
“It’s not that, dear. If something was wrong the medical droids would have told you and wouldn’t have cleared you to go on the trip.” Maul said and I nodded, knowing he was probably right, “Maybe he can just tell that you’re happier than you were a day ago…” Maul suggested. 
“Perhaps. Or maybe he just knows you’re back and he’s excited to have both his parents back together.” 
“That would make two of us.” Maul said. 
I shook my head, “Three.” I corrected him, causing him to smile softly. 
“Would you like me to continue your massage?” He asked. 
“Raincheck? We have a lot to do tomorrow and the following days. I know I’ll need one in the coming days.” I said. 
Maul nodded, “Of course, dear. Anything you need in the next few days, please don’t hesitate to speak up. I know you’re going to be super involved with everything, so anything I can do to make your life easier, let me know.” 
“Okay, well you can start by helping me up and changing to go to sleep.” I said, holding my hand up to him. 
He carefully helped me sit up before walking over to the wardrobe that my clothes had been put into. He found one of his tunics that I had brought to sleep in as well as a pair of sweatpants that the servant droids had unpacked from his stuff while we showered. He brought them over to where I was still sitting. Once I was standing, he undid my robe and gently pulled it off my arms before tossing it on the bed. Then he slipped the tunic over my head and pulled it down over my belly, running his hands over it to smooth out the fabric. He quickly changed into his sweatpants before collecting his towel and my robe, but before he walked them back to the bathroom, he pressed a kiss to my forehead with the promise that he would be right back. 
While he was gone, I climbed into bed and got situated under the plush comforter. When he returned he shut off the lights and pulled the curtains closed that would shine too much sunlight into the room come morning. Then, he climbed in beside me. I turned to face him. There were a few beats of silence as I just took in his features, softly lit up by the full moons. 
“Thank you, for coming.” I whispered. 
“Of course, dear. I promise to never abandon you ever again, okay?” He said, finding my hand under the covers and giving it a squeeze. 
I nodded, “Please don’t.” I whispered as I scooted closer to snuggle up against him. 
He held me close as we both fell asleep fairly quickly knowing we had a big day ahead of us.
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