#how are you? :3c *kicking my feet in the air and twirling my hair around my finger*
flippedorbit · 2 years
i went “woagh why do i have 21 notifs” and then i opened my activity and out loud said “oh hello apollo!” so. hello apollo!!!!
get notificationed!!!!!!!!!!
5 notes · View notes
edendaphne · 5 years
"Discordant Sonata”- Ch. 12
TFW your rich AF dad is a stingy SOB who only gives you one shirt to wear 🤣
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(And YEP! In this AU Adrien wears glasses! He wears contact lenses for photoshoots/modeling)  :3c
>Read it here on Ao3<
>Read it here on Wattpad<
Music glossary: Andante - to go at a moderate, steady pace
French glossary: “Les Deux Sots” = The Two Fools/Idiots
(La Dispute (Amelie Soundtrack)- Yann Tiersen)
Marinette was upset.
Not so much upset, really. More like… confused? Frustrated? And not even at Fu, necessarily. It wasn’t his fault. But Fu was the messenger, and therefore, the undeserving recipient of her current mental ire.
With the critical 48 hours of Chat Noir’s healing complete, she’d gone to visit Fu to discuss some of the concerns she had about her new partnership, along with some other pressing questions. The answers were… not quite what she expected (or wanted) to hear.
No, Marinette, he’d said. You must not know Chat Noir’s identity, he’d said. Yes, I know you just want to protect him as a civilian. No, don’t try to figure it out yourself. If you find out too early, you’ll absorb the negative effects from the misuse of his miraculous. Yes, that is always what happens with the Cat and Ladybug miraculouses. Yes, that’s why wielders must not know each others’ identities; not until their souls and energies are perfectly in sync with each other. No, Marinette, you are not in perfect sync with each other. Yes, I know you don’t like it. But that is how it must be. Have a nice day, Marinette. No, I’m not kicking you out. I’m just... going to the spa to get rid of a sudden tension headache. Goodbye.
“Understood, Master,” she’d said. And honestly, yes; she really did understand.
But she still didn’t like it.
The conversation weighed heavily on her mind as she went about her daily chores, and she couldn’t help but stomp around the house as she worked, a perpetual crinkle fixed between her eyebrows.
She just couldn’t quite wrap her head around it. Negative effects? Truth be told, prior to this, she’d even almost suspected that Fu had exaggerated that aspect of the miraculouses, in order to keep her on the straight and narrow path and be responsible.
Such matters had been far from her mind while befriending Chat Noir. She’d never even thought to ask him about it. How long would these effects linger on, even after his change of heart and proper use of his miraculous?
More importantly, would the effects ever fully disappear? Fu said that every case was different. Sometimes the effects did fade. Other times, they did not; and in those cases, partners couldn’t ever reveal their identities to each other. In rare instances, the wielders would even have to return their miraculouses to the guardians, because they would never be able to work in proper harmony with the other. Marinette shuddered. She didn’t want to even consider that possibility.
In any case, Hawkmoth was suffering from such negative effects as well. What could his ailments be? Chat had mentioned that he seemed to be losing control of his akumas, and his judgment was becoming increasingly clouded. But was there more?
Frowning, she stuffed folded laundry into her dresser drawers with a bit more force than necessary. She quickly stood up when she was finished, yanking the laundry basket away with a huff as she headed towards her next task.
There was also another question, one she’d had even years ago, when she’d first become Ladybug. One she’d always been too shy to ask, always trusting in Fu’s judgment, never questioning him because of his seniority and experience (respecting one’s elders having been an integral part of her upbringing, particularly her mother’s).
But now that she was older, she’d finally gathered enough courage to ask him: Why hadn’t he revealed Chat’s identity to her years ago? With enough luck, she might have been able to steal back his miraculous when he wasn’t transformed while he was out of the house. So, why hadn’t he told her?
Fu’s answer had been remarkably simple: He’d wanted Chat to have a relatively normal life outside of the mask. He’d always held out hope that Chat would turn away from his unrighteous deeds on his own. Having people around him that treated him kindly and that he could trust would give him the courage to do so. If he didn’t have that, he would have felt that he had nowhere to turn to, and no choice but to remain as he was.
Fu added that if she’d had any contact with Chat, either as herself or as Ladybug, she would have treated him differently, possibly with hostility. Marinette had wanted to deny it at first, but she knew he was right. She would have treated him differently. Probably would’ve avoided him, spoken to him harshly, given him dirty looks from across the street. She might have even tried to convince her friends that he wasn’t a good person, much like her situation with Lila. Not that that had ever worked; that girl was just way too deceptive. After all these years, she’d given up on even trying. Without any concrete evidence, Marinette’s claims that Lila was a rotten liar wouldn’t convince anyone, except thankfully for Alya and Nino; but even they had been skeptical at first.
In any case, Marinette would have most likely become angry, cold, or maybe even embittered towards Chat if she wasn’t able to retrieve his miraculous right away. And Chat would’ve responded with confusion, hurt, and resentment towards both her and Ladybug, permanently eliminating any chance to become partners.
The troubled girl sighed wearily, walking towards the downstairs bathroom with a basket full of supplies for their feline guest, still mulling over her earlier discussion. There just had to be other options she hadn’t considered yet–
Still distracted, deliberating the myriad of possibilities and worrying over every potential outcome, Marinette swung the bathroom door open... only to be greeted by a tall, toned, and very much bare backside, whose modesty was barely concealed by a small towel wrapped around the waist. Rivulets of water coursed down the valleys and ripples of the lightly tanned skin, and her eyes couldn’t help but follow them down their path, gracefully gliding from the tops of the broad shoulders, still rosy and glowing from the shower’s hot water, and disappearing into the edges of the towel, which rode low along the hips. The shock of damp, golden hair gave Marinette the confirmation of who exactly the stranger in her bathroom was. Practically tripping over her feet, she slammed the door shut, a loud screech abruptly escaping her throat.
“OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH, I AM SOOOO SORRY!!!” she yelled in between pants. “I thought the bathroom was empty!!! I was just gonna drop off some muscles— I mean toilets— I mean toiletries!!! I’ll just... leave them here outside the door! SORRYAGAIN, BYE!!!”
Marinette sprinted all the way to her bedroom and plopped like a dead fish onto her chaise, letting out a long, shrill whine into the cushions. She flopped over onto her back, shoving a throw pillow onto her face, and considered smothering herself out of existence in order to avoid having to face Chat Noir ever again. Maybe she’d come back to Earth reincarnated as an actual ladybug, and she could flee from the city to go live in the country. Cannes was supposed to be nice this time of year.
Before her plans could come to fruition, specifically the one about becoming the insect she already felt like, she sluggishly removed the pillow from her face to get some air.
Only to be greeted by a small, floating… cat??
No, not a cat.
A kwami.
Chat Noir’s kwami.
“Boo,” he said flatly.
Marinette sat up, careful to not bump into the tiny god.
They stared at each other for a few seconds, although she suspected Plagg wasn’t so much staring as sizing her up. Gauging her adequacy, perhaps? He’d worked alongside countless other Ladybugs these past few millennia, so the thought made her a bit nervous.
“You must be Plagg,” she said, concealing her surprise.
“I see my reputation precedes me,” Plagg replied with a showy twirl. “I am quite noteworthy.”
Marinette’s eyes crinkled in amusement. That wasn’t quite was she’d been expecting.
She extended her hand with a smile. “Hi, I’m Marinette.”
Plagg took her hand and turned it over, examining her palm. “Hmph, no Camembert?” he asked with obvious disappointment. “Introductions can wait. My stomach cannot. ”
Marinette snickered. She hadn’t expected such an ornery attitude from a kwami; nevertheless, she decided she liked him already.
She tugged open her shirt pocket and said, “Hop in. Let’s go fetch some from the kitchen.”
Plagg approached the pocket and Tikki poked her little head out.
Marinette chuckled. “I’m sure you remember Tikki.”
“Always a pleasure, Sugarcube,” he bowed deeply with an exaggerated flourish that was so entirely Chat-like, she could definitely tell that their mannerisms had rubbed off on each other.
“Hello again, Stinky Sock,” Tikki replied.
“Hey, Camembert is the most amazing fragrance known to man. It’s a shame you’re not enlightened enough to truly appreciate the beauty of fermented foods.”
Tikki rolled her eyes, but nevertheless scooted over to let him in.
Upon reaching the kitchen and making sure the coast was clear, Marinette ushered the pair out of her pocket. She pulled out a plate and made her way to the refrigerator with Plagg hovering nearby, watching her curiously.
Marinette had anticipated that he’d be hungry, so she'd gone shopping that morning after visiting Fu, specifically to stock up on cheese. Even still, she had grossly underestimated just how ravenous the kwami would be; her eyes widened as the pile on the plate grew higher and higher.
Once finished, Marinette set it down on the countertop, trying to avoid thinking too hard about how all that food would fit inside his small body.
“Uhh, do you also want some crackers, or some fruit, or…?” she trailed off, unsure of how else to be of service.
“Nothing more is needed when you already have perfection,” Plagg remarked before picking up a particularly pungent piece of cheese and taking a deep, long whiff.
Tikki’s tiny features scrunched in distaste as she put some more distance between herself and the odorous meal.
Marinette stood beside them, not quite sure what to do with herself or what to say. Maybe Plagg could answer some questions without revealing too much.
Deciding to give it a try, she asked, “So... Plagg. What can you tell me about Hawkmoth? You don’t have to go into any details. Just anything that you think would be helpful to know, so we can figure out a plan to defeat him?”
Plagg frowned, then followed up with an appalled grimace. “Seriously?! Right in front of my Camembert??” He harrumphed. “Let’s talk about that jackass some other time. Believe it or not, I lose my appetite anytime I think about him.”
“Fair enough,” Marinette relented. She puckered her lips, deep in thought as she took a seat on the barstool nearby. “Oh, I know! What kinds of hobbies does Chat have? Maybe I can get him some supplies or other stuff that he likes, so he can relax and feel more at home.”
“Hmm… Well, you already know he likes games, both videogames and tabletop,” Plagg replied in between bites. “He likes to read. The classics, fantasy, sci-fi, fanfiction, comic books...” Another bite. “He spends a ridiculous amount of time writing poetry and short stories. Also…” Chomp . “Sappy movies... Anime.” Gulp . “He’s not a great singer, but that doesn’t stop him from busting into song and dance numbers from his favorite musicals. He is a decent dancer though.” Another gulp, punctuated with a smirk. “But I’m sure you already know that.”
Marinette averted her gaze, a surge of tingles invading her entire body as she remembered that first night together. It felt like a lifetime ago, yet she remembered that evening full of dancing as vividly as if it had happened yesterday.
Plagg gobbled up the last bit on the plate, then wiped his paws on the napkin Marinette had provided. He followed up with a mighty stretch of his small limbs, sighing in contentment.
Marinette’s posture straightened upon seeing that he’d finished his meal. “We should head back to the bedroom. Chat will be looking for you soon.” She hopped off the barstool and the trio made their way back towards Chat’s bedroom.
Marinette grimaced as she placed her hand on the doorknob and let out a pathetic groan. “I better figure out what to say when I apologize for walking in on him.”
They entered the bedroom and she shut the door behind them. She raised her eyebrows, looking hopefully at Plagg. “Do you think he’ll be furious with me?”
Plagg shrugged off her concern. “Oh, puh- lease . I bet he’d actually be quite pleased that you got a good look at him half naked, if he knew who you really were.”
Marinette could only splutter incoherently, her arms waving around like noodles. “WHAT?! WH-WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT??”
Plagg gave her a smug look and crossed his little arms . “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Bugaboo , but my boy is majorly crushing on ya.”
“A-a crush…? On me? O-or rather, on Ladybug…?” Heat instantly rushed to her cheeks and all the way to the top of her ears. “I-I wasn’t sure, he hasn’t said anything about it, and, um…”
Plagg shrugged. “Kid’s pretty insecure. Way more than when he first became Chat Noir, thanks to that no-good father of his.” He sighed. “Simply put, he thinks you’re way out of his league and that you’d never go for a guy like him.”
Marinette sputtered, “Out of HIS league?? Have you SEEN him?!” She whipped her arm around, pointing it towards the bathroom door. “He’s more chiseled than a Greek statue! He could be a model!”
“Yeah, yeah, he’s the cat’s pajamas, I know,” Plagg scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Anyway, he’s still sorting out his feelings, and definitely too afraid to say anything out loud.” A teasing glint twinkled in his eyes. “You wouldn’t happen to know what it’s like to be too shy to confess to someone, would you?” he inquired slyly.
Marinette felt the heat travel down her neck and towards her back, and she pursed her lips in shame, having nothing to retort with.
“Plagg!” Tikki rebuked, whizzing in front of him. “Whether Marinette can confess to her own crush is no concern of yours!”
“He’s right, though, Tikki,” Marinette admitted. “I guess it’s not always always totally obvious until you actually say it to them. I just… freeze every time I try to confess to Adri– t-to this guy. It’s like I haven’t progressed at all after all these years.”
“Don’t worry, little bug,” the cat kwami reassured her. “Sometimes actions speak louder than words. I’m sure this mystery man knows you care about him.” He rolled his eyes again and added, “Even if he’s too oblivious to realize it’s a romantic attraction.”
Before Marinette could reply, they heard the bathroom door crack open.
“Plagg...?” a familiar soft voice called through the small opening.
“I guess that’s our cue to leave,” Marinette whispered. “It was great meeting you, Plagg.”
“Likewise. See ya!”
With that, Plagg zoomed towards the bathroom and phased through the door, and Marinette quietly snuck out.
Minutes later, a rather sheepish Chat Noir emerged from the bedroom. Their eyes met and he stiffened, his body gluing to the spot.
Marinette leaped out of the couch and rushed over to him, utterly mortified, body trembling, spewing out apology after apology without taking a breath in between, looking seconds away from bursting into tears from remorse.
Chat placed his hands on her shoulders and squeezed gently. “It’s okay, Marinette, really! I guess I forgot to lock the door. I’m the one who should be sorry. I didn’t mean to traumatize you or anything.”
Marinette’s eyes blew wide open. “Traumatize me?? No way, you are SO FINE! – Umm!!” Her hands shot up, waving back and forth. “What I mean is, I’m fine!!” She composed herself and continued, “Anyway, I just feel really bad about intruding and violating your privacy. So, please, please, pleeeaaase, is there a way I make it up to you?”
Chat was just about to reassure her again, but paused. He gave her a timid smile. “Actually, there is one thing… Could you teach me how to do laundry?”
(Under Paris Skies - Pearl Django)
As he had only one set of clothes, Adrien resigned himself to the fact that it was time to do some shopping. He didn’t want to go by himself, however; it didn’t feel safe. He had no idea if Gabriel knew he was still alive. He might have dispatched people to search for Adrien and... “collect” him back to the mansion.
Plus, he disliked shopping and could use some company.
So here he was, standing outside of Chloe Bourgeois’ room at the Grand Paris Hotel.
He’d scarcely knocked once when the door swung open, a clearly miffed Chloe standing on the other side.
“You’re late!! Where have you been– Oh, Adrikins! It’s you!” Her face softened and gave him a brilliant smile, kissing his cheeks in greeting, then brought him into a tight hug. “Come in! It’s been ages!”
Before he could get a word in edgewise, he was quickly ushered into the room.
They sat on the elegant, pristine couches of her lounge room. Chloe crossed her legs and reclined into the cushions, placing her hands behind her head in her usual carefree way.
“So, to what do I owe the pleasure, my dearest Adrichou?”
Adrien took a breath and opened his mouth–
“Wait,” Chloe interrupted, holding her hand up, then sat up straight and leaned forward. She took a pause, looking him over. Analyzing. Scrutinizing. She scrunched her face in consternation, brows creasing in the middle. “I know that look,” she finally said, crossing her arms. “Something’s happened, hasn’t it?”
Adrien’s eyes grew wide and he suppressed a wince. How were all these women able to read him so well these past few days?? He shrugged indifferently for her benefit, mentally preparing himself to attempt to convince her that everything was fine and she was just imagining things.
Before he could say anything though, Chloe interjected sharply, “And don’t you dare try to lie to me, Adrien Agreste. I’m your oldest friend; I’ll know. Tell me everything, or I’ll kick you out.”
Adrien’s shoulders slumped and he exhaled. How is she doing this?!
Eyeing Chloe to make sure she didn’t have anything else to say, he began, “Father and I had a... disagreement.”
“I knew it!!” Chloe declared, throwing her hands up in the air.
He continued with a cringe, “And I... kinda sorta ran away from home.” He looked up at her timidly, hoping she wouldn’t yell at him for his recklessness.
“Do you have anywhere to stay?” she asked instead, without missing a beat, her voice now serious and full of concern. “You’re always welcome here, you know that. Just say the word and it’s done.”
Adrien smiled broadly. Despite all her faults, Chloe’s loyalty never faltered.
“I really appreciate that, Chlo. It means a lot.” He sighed, plopping backwards onto the couch. “I can’t though. Father knows this is the first place I’d go. But don’t worry, I’ve got… housing arrangements elsewhere. So I’ll be fine.”
She sat up straight, scooting towards the edge of the couch and leaning towards him expectantly. “Yeah?? Where at? It’s okay, I can keep a secret–” She stopped herself. “Err… wait. Actually, no. No, I can’t. So don’t tell me or I’ll accidentally blab everything to the first person who asks.”
Adrien chuckled. “Alright. Anyway, since I left in such a hurry, I didn’t bring any clothes with me. So I was wondering if–”
“OOOH, A SHOPPING TRIP!!” Chloe squealed, clapping and practically bouncing in her seat. “Yes, I’d love to join you!”
Adrien gave her a grateful grin. “You would? That would be awesome!”
“Oh one condition,” Chloe said, raising a finger for emphasis. “I get to pick out everything.”
“Wha–?” He raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Everything??”
She casually examined her nails as she answered, "It’s for your own good. We can’t have you looking like a hobo. ‘Cause I KNOW all you're gonna pick is nerdy t-shirts, baggy hoodies, and ripped jeans. And that simply will not do."
Adrien rolled his eyes. “Oh, alright. I agree to your terms.”
“Wonderful!” she replied, eyes twinkling with delight.
Just then, there was a knock. They both stiffened, glancing at the door, then back at each other with trepidation. Chloe wordlessly guided Adrien into the bedroom portion of her suite, making sure he remained concealed behind the adjacent wall.
She all but tiptoed towards the door, careful not to make the floors creak. Adrien held his breath as he cast a furtive peek from behind the wall, watching Chloe cautiously peer through the peephole. She sighed in relief, throwing the door open and placing her hands on her hips in indignation.
“You are LATE!” Chloe declared, then soundly smooched the person outside the door.
“My sincerest apologies. The appointment ran long,” the guest replied as she entered the room.
Adrien recognized that voice.
Chloe scoffed. “UGH, stop it with the politeness! You always sound like you’re about to make a business deal.”
Kagami gave Chloe an unamused stare. “As you wish... ma’am,” she replied with a mischievous smile.
Chloe waved dismissively with a tsk as she made her way to retrieve her hidden friend. “Anyway, suit up. We’re going shopping!”
“Shopping? What for?” Kagami asked.
“Adrien needs a new wardrobe and he cannot be trusted on his own.”
“Hey!” Adrien objected.
Kagami shook her head. “Oh, I agree, he is definitely going to need help. Otherwise he’ll end up dressing like a hooligan.”
“Exactly!” Chloe gestured wildly to show approval.
“Hey! Not you too, Kagami!” Adrien protested.
“Let’s face it, Adrien,” Kagami replied, folding her arms behind her. “Don’t get me wrong; I know you are perfectly aware of what fashionable clothes are supposed to look like. But your…” she wrinkled her nose, “...geek ‘impulses’–”
"FETISHES!" Chloe included.
“-are just too strong for you to resist. You need us.”
Before he had a chance to argue, Chloe called for them, already opening the door. “Well? Let’s go already!”
The trio exited Chloe’s limousine and made their way into the shopping center. They pointedly avoided the “Gabriel” shop and instead entered the Audrey Bourgeois Boutique.
The girls went straight to business, grabbing and piling clothes left and right, scouring through rows of garments and quickly creating matching ensembles with clearly practiced efficiency. Before long, they had a large pile of outfits waiting to be tried on and modeled on the fitting room platform.
“But Chlo, I don’t have my wallet on me,” Adrien whispered into Chloe’s ear. “How am I gonna pay for all this?”
Chloe scoffed. “Pfft, who needs a wallet?” She turned to the nearest store employee. “Hey, you. Add everything we pick out to the Gabriel Agreste tab, will you?”
“Yes, of course, Miss Bourgeois,” the employee replied politely.
Chloe turned back towards Adrien and gave him a wink, then sat down next to Kagami in front of the gigantic mirrors of the dressing area, sliding her hand into her girlfriend’s.
A couple of hours and countless outfit changes later, the three teens exited the boutique. Adrien carried more shopping bags than he could keep track off, all of them plastered with with Audrey's icon; and a part of him hoped that with this many bags from one of Gabriel's competitors, it would somehow get back to his father. Served him right.
Back at the hotel, the concierge assisted in bringing the haul into Chloe’s suite. Chloe whispered something to him as Kagami and Adrien made their way to the bedroom area to begin the task of unwrapping and organizing the new wardrobe. Minutes later, there was a knock on the door, which Chloe answered. A few moments later, she returned with a large yet unassuming black suitcase.
“Here you go, Adrikins,” she said, placing the suitcase on the bed. “You can store your clothes in here and take them back to whatever quaint little cottage you’re staying at.”
Adrien chuckled. “Thanks, Chlo. You’re the best!”
Chloe waved off his compliment. “Yes, well... We already knew that, didn’t we?” She hid a smile, busying herself with packing his clothes into the suitcase.
When they had finished and it was time for Adrien to go, he gave each of them a tight hug and thanked them again for all their help.
“Before you go...” Chloe reached into her back pocket, taking out a cell phone covered in glitter and faux diamonds, and handed it over to him. “Here, I had this old thing lying around. You'll need a SIM card, but the phone works fine.”
Adrien turned the phone in his hands, examining the exceedingly bejeweled exterior. “Wha-? Chloe, I can’t use this! I might go blind from all the sparkles.”
She scoffed. “Well, it’s not like you can be nitpicky at a time like this.”
“What’s the matter, Agreste? Too good for a bit of razzle dazzle?” Kagami heckled.
“You can make anything work, Adrikins. You’ll probably even start a hot new trend.”
Adrien rolled his eyes and pocketed the phone.
“Remember to call if you need anything.” Chloe gave him a stern look and jabbed a finger into his chest. “ANYTHING, you hear me?”
“Yes, ma’am!” he quipped with a salute, exiting the suite with his luggage.
“Ugh, you two will be the death of me,” Chloe groaned dramatically. “Now go, enjoy your last couple of days of freedom. I’ll see you at school.”
“Bye, girls!” He waved back at them. “I’ll let you know my new number as soon as I buy a new SIM card for the phone.”
With that, Adrien turned and walked down the hall towards the elevators.
Back at the door’s threshold, the pair watched him walk away in silence.
Kagami reached for Chloe’s hand and squeezed. “Do you think everything’s going to be alright? I worry about him. Mr. Agreste has not been himself for quite some time.”
Chloe squeezed back and sighed. “I dunno.” Then she added with a sneer, “Gabriel Agreste is a sad, old bastard whose soul died long ago along with Aunt Emilie. But, he’s connected and powerful. Who knows what he’ll do to try to get Adrien back under his thumb.”
Kagami let out a small, disapproving grunt. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”
Chloe lightly tugged her back into the room. “Oh, relax, you sound like a Star Wars character.”
“Star Wars? Now who’s the nerd?” Kagami teased.
Chloe sputtered. “Hush, you.”
( Life with Masks - Mystic Messenger OST)
After Chat dropped off the suitcase in his room at the bakery, Adrien embarked on his next mission: Going to the bank and withdrawing enough money to purchase everything else on his list, which included a new SIM card for Chloe’s old (and extremely bedazzled) phone, and a laptop for school.
He made his way to the bank, wearing the hood up on his zip-up hoodie, and pulling it down over his eyes whenever he saw any suspicious looking men in suits.
At the bank, Adrien filled out all the necessary forms, grateful that he’d taken the time to memorize his savings account number years back, when they’d first opened it.
However, today he encountered a different problem.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Agreste,” the bank teller said. “Like I said, I’m afraid that all your assets and accounts have been frozen. You can only withdraw money if your father accompanies you, or if he unlocks them himself.”
Adrien sighed dejectedly. “Isn’t there anything you can do?” he asked.
“I’m afraid not, sir,” she replied. “You would have to speak to your father to have him undo the restrictions. We can’t do anything until then... or until you turn eighteen years old. At that time, you can regain access without needing his permission, since you would officially be an adult.”
Adrien pursed his lips into a thin line. His birthday was still a month away.
All his savings, all the hard-earned money from his modeling work... Gabriel was keeping it all hostage, hoping Adrien would come crawling back to him, like some pitiful prodigal son.
Well, two could play that game. He filled out all the necessary paperwork to reclaim what was his, so everything would be all set up when his birthday came around. He also made sure that Gabriel would be permanently locked out of his accounts at that time.
He thanked the teller and left the bank, feeling morose and surly. He couldn’t even afford to get his used phone working, and was therefore cut off from all communication; save for whatever computers were available at an internet cafe or library. What else could he do?
Maybe Nathalie could help him figure out if there was anything else he could do legally. If he could even get ahold of her. He’d been worried about her while he was recovering at the Dupain-Chengs’; now was his chance to try to contact her.
Adrien walked to the nearest library and convinced the starstruck librarian to let him use their telephone.
The phone rang… and rang… and rang…
So he tried again. And again. And again.
But the same monotone voice repeated the same discouraging phrase:
“The number you have dialed has been disconnected.”
The boy frowned. Was Nathalie alright? He’d left her all alone with his father. He wouldn’t do anything to her, would he?
Mind whirling and chest tight, he sped to the computers to create a new email account (not risking logging into his usual one), and sent her a simple, nondescript message:
“u ok?”
He couldn’t help but remain glued to the computer, clicking and clicking to refresh the page, hoping for something, anything in response. He drummed his fingers on the desk. Crossed his legs. Uncrossed them. Crossed them again. Fiddled with his shoelaces. Opened a new browser tab to distract himself by reading the news, only to switch back every 30 seconds. Minutes ticked by. But still, nothing.
Eventually he resigned himself to the fact that he couldn’t stay in the library forever.
This wasn’t bad news, right? No news oftentimes meant good news. Receiving a reply in such a short amount of time was rather unlikely... Even though Nathalie always replied within five minutes, because she never turned off her email notifications… Ever. But her not replying this time surely didn’t mean anything, right?
Right… It’s fine, everything’s fine. Nathalie’s fine.
She has to be.
Adrien trudged aimlessly down a nondescript sidewalk, lost in thought, his attention eventually drifting back to his livelihood. Could he make do without a single cent for an entire month? Probably not… He’d have to find a job.
But who would hire celebrity Adrien Agreste to work in retail or flip burgers? They’d either laugh at him, or think he was pulling some elaborate prank on a hidden camera show. How would he even begin to explain that he’d left his home and was on the run from his very own father?
Adrien had seemingly no reason why he would choose to run away. He was a privileged young man who had everything: a famous and well-respected family, wealth, good genetics, people at his beck and call… the list went on. To the outside world, Gabriel was a devoted husband and father; a bit of a hermit after his wife’s “disappearance”, but not unusual for someone who was mourning a loved one.
Chloe hadn’t asked him why he’d left, but other people would. Obviously, the truth was out of the question. So, what was there to say instead? That he was just a spoiled rich kid having a rebellious phase?
It was a mess and there didn’t seem to be a way out; he was cornered. He knew it, and he knew that Gabriel knew it.
His only ace in the hole was that Gabriel didn’t know Adrien actually had a place to stay, thanks to the Dupain-Chengs. But he couldn’t rely on them forever. And, as he was quite literally penniless at the moment, his options were severely limited.
He was broke, with a famous identity and an infamous alter-ego, and near impossible to contact since he didn’t have a functioning phone. Things were looking bleak. If only he could–
Adrien turned the corner on the sidewalk when a blur of pink and black slammed against him hard. Both bodies clattered to the ground, along with a myriad of bags and boxes the other person was carrying.
Adrien raised his head sluggishly with a small grunt, then opened his eyes to find–
“Marinette??” he said, eyes widening in surprise.
The girl groaned as she lifted her head, slowly pushing herself off of him. One of her eyes cracked open, then both popped wide open in recognition.
“A-ADRIEN!!” she squeaked, her face turning ruby red in an instant. “Gosh, I am so sorry!!” she yelped, practically leaping off of him. “Are you okay?!”
She offered her hand and he took it. “I’m alright, no worries,” he replied, adjusting his glasses, which had shifted on his face when he fell.
He knelt down to help her pick up the items that had spilled out of their containers. “So, where are you off to in such a hurry?”
“Oh! I- uh,” she stammered. “I was just getting some things for a friend!”
Adrien took note of some of the books, games, and movie titles as he put them back in their boxes. “Your friend has good taste.”
She squawked out a weird laugh and mumbled in agreement.
As they rose from the pavement, something caught Marinette’s eye. “Oh!” she exclaimed, bending over to pick it up. “Here, you dropped this.” She opened her palm to reveal several Euro bills and coins, and a ticket stub.
He stared at the contents of her hand. “Are you sure these are mine?” he asked incredulously.
“Well, there’s about… maybe a hundred euros or so, and a ticket stub for that new movie, ‘Les Deux Sots’. ” A flash of recognition flickered across her features, and her cheeks flushed. She continued haltingly, “D-do you remember wearing this particular hoodie to the movie theater recently?”
Adrien contained a gasp and mindlessly ran his hands over the fabric, realizing that this was the same hoodie he wore on his date with Ladybug. He hadn’t worn it since then. Not until three days ago: the day of the last akuma attack, and his subsequent fight with Hawkmoth.
“Oh,” he replied quietly, accepting the items. “Thank you, Mari,” he uttered, almost in awe.
She smiled widely at him. “No, thank you for helping me pick up all this stuff I dropped! Sorry again for knocking you over,” she said sheepishly.
“Don’t worry about it, it was my pleasure. So, where are you going with all this?”
“Uh… Home, actually,” she replied. “My friend is gonna... pick them up later today.” She stepped forward to take the boxes and bags from his arms.
“Can I help you carry it back? It’s a lot of stuff; and you could barely see over the top of it,” he offered.
Marinette fidgeted with her hands, stammering, “O-oh, I mean, I-I wouldn’t want to impose, that is– I’m sure you’re very busy and have important things to do, I don’t want to bother you, and it is a lot of stuff, plus it’s pretty heavy, and–”
“Really, it’s no trouble at all; I’m not busy right now. And I’d love the company.” He added, “If you don’t mind, that is.”
“Oh!! A-are you sure?? Wow, you’re amazing! I-I mean, th-that would be amazing! Thank you!” she said, practically vibrating with elation.
“I’m happy to do it!” Adrien replied as they began the trek to the bakery. “I’m really glad we bumped into each other,” he replied with a wink.
Marinette’s head swiveled towards him, looking like she’d swallowed a golf ball, then exploded into a loud giggle-snort, which made him snicker in turn.
The pair walked together, enjoying some friendly, light-hearted conversation, with Marinette becoming more and more comfortable as they went. He was always thankful anytime she was able to relax around him and just be herself.
He dropped her off and they parted with a tight hug, which caused Marinette to let out a flustered squeak. While she wasn’t aware of it, thanks to her discovery, he’d be able to buy himself that prepaid SIM card for Chloe’s old phone and become reachable again. And the first thing he would do with that phone would be to send Marinette a text message, thanking her for everything she continually did for him and their friends, and for always being such a sweet person.
(Somewhere Only We Know- Keane (Max Schneider, Elizabeth Gillies, and Kurt Schneider cover)
Evening came and the city of Paris buzzed with activity, as it was the last weekend of summer vacation. Ladybug breathed in the crisp night air, hopping from roof to roof to rendezvous with her partner. A few blocks away from the Louvre, the quiet, unassuming edifice of the Saint Germain l'Auxerrois stood tall and stoic, as it always did; its stately gothic arches and ancient pillars contrasting with the chaotic energy and noise of its modern surroundings.
Ladybug spotted the distant figure of Chat Noir at the balcony of the church’s bell tower, where they’d agreed to meet. He leaned on the railing, looking content as he observed the scenery.
She nimbly landed beside him and chirped, “Hey, you!”
He turned around, his countenance brightening instantly. “My Lady! It’s so great to see your lovely face again.”
Ladybug’s insides fluttered upon hearing him use her usual nickname, the feeling becoming increasingly familiar the more time she spent with him, both in and out of the costume.
“Um, I brought some snacks from a little shop down the street,” she said, lifting up a small bag to demonstrate.
“Yum! That sounds wonderful, thank you!” Chat reached into his belt pocket, bringing out a small, rectangular box. “And I brought some playing cards!”
“Cool! I love card games! Where’d you get them?” she asked, feigning ignorance.
Chat rubbed the back of his neck and smiled wide, his cheeks becoming rosy; a look that was simply adorable on him. “Marinette gave them to me, actually. She got me some boxes full of really amazing stuff she thought I’d like. And I swear, she’s gotta have magical powers or something, ‘cause they were all totally spot on.” He rubbed his arm absently. “She’s so nice... I can’t believe she went out of her way just to help me feel more at home.”
Ladybug’s cheeks grew warm, feeling almost guilty for hearing him talk about her secret identity in such a favorable way without him knowing. Unsure of how to reply, she wordlessly offered the bag so he could pick out a snack.
“So, how did the cashier react to seeing Ladybug walking into their shop?” he asked, reaching inside. “Was he surprised?”
She chuckled. “I didn’t buy them as Ladybug, silly. I got them as myself. My civilian self, that is.”
“Oh! O-of course,” he replied with an embarrassed smile. “It’s easy to forget you’re not always Ladybug. Th-that is– obviously you’re always Ladybug, b-but not necessarily walking around as Ladybug, it’s just… y-you– uhh…”
She giggled, placing a hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay, I know what you mean. We don’t know what the other looks like, so it’s hard to mentally picture anything else.” She placed a finger on her chin, tapping it thoughtfully. “I bet that in real life, you’re actually a pirate with a peg leg. A daring, swashbuckling outlaw with a hook for a hand and a secret cave full of gold,” she said jokingly. “Oh! But you like music, right? So, maybe you’re actually a professional violinist. World renowned! Or, since you’re pretty athletic, I bet you’re secretly a circus acrobat! Are you in Cirque du Soleil, by any chance?”
“Ha ha, you’re hilarious,” he deadpanned. Then he leaned forward, quirking a flirtatious smile and waggling his eyebrows, and replied, “Obviously, I’m the quick-witted and dashing Han Solo type. Breaking hearts and taking names. People stop in the streets, jaws dropping, and they gape as I walk by, admiring my charms.”
“PFFT!” Ladybug snickered at his clowning and replied, lilting, “Oh, I’m sure. I can see it now.” Her voice went into a falsetto and she swooned, clasping her hands together, “Oh, Monsieur Solo Noir, you are such a handsome rogue! Won’t you whisk me away in your Catmobile into the sunset?”
He gave a small, amused hum. “So... you think I’m handsome, huh?” he asked, turning his body towards her, and straightened up his spine, placing a hand on his hip and cocking it with a smug grin.
Heat exploded throughout the girl’s body, all the blood rushing to her face. Plagg’s words about Chat’s crush suddenly popped to the forefront of her mind, and her thoughts became a jumble.
She stammered, “W-well, I mean, obviously you must already be aware th-that you’re conventionally attractive, b-but I-I, that is, it’s not like I just sit and ogle you like some kind of perv or something, but you’re definitely— y-you’re very– uhhh...” She continued babbling, hands flapping like flags.
Chat couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re so adorable when you get all flustered, Buginette. And I really mean that in the best way.”
Ladybug pursed her lips together into a thin line. AUGH, this… this GUY!!! Why did she have to act so foolish around the two blond boys that she’d hung out with today?! She never knew she had a type. But that must be it, right?? That she apparently had a thing for tall, green-eyed blondes? Was that what was going on, or was she actually crushing on Chat Noir while already in love with Adrien? Was that even possible?? Was she simply projecting her desire to be loved onto Chat because she knew he had a crush on her, whereas Adrien did not? That would be unfair to him; he didn’t deserve to be some rebound love. She needed to figure out whether her feelings were genuine, or if she was just being shallow and largely motivated by hormones.
UGH!! Why was everything so incredibly confusing?! Not that it mattered. By this point, they both probably thought she was a giant clod, what with her tendency to constantly make an utter fool of herself.
Thankfully, Chat took pity on her and changed the subject back. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. And actually, you were partly right. I am into music. Although I play piano, not violin.” He turned back towards the scenery, leaning on the balcony railing, and asked, “So, how about you? What are you like?”
Settling down from her utter failure at being suave, she replied, sighing, “Well… it’s hard to say. I’m a bit of a hot mess, actually.”
“Pfft, you?? No way! You always seem so on top of everything,” he replied, incredulous. “Although... I definitely believe the ‘hot’ part,” he teased with a wink.
Stifling a squeak, Ladybug’s insides seemed to seize up, and she fought the urge to jump off the belltower to prevent him from noticing her surely crimson-colored face. Attempting to sound aloof, she replied, “You flirt. I bet you say that to all the girls.”
“Would it upset you if I did?” he asked, voice inscrutable.
Her eyes popped open and she whipped her head around, the heat in her body inexplicably replaced with an uncomfortable chill down her spine. Was she... jealous?! She didn’t have any right to be. She had no claims on him. But knowing that didn’t make the thought of Chat lauding praise and paying special attention to someone else any less unpleasant, and she couldn’t help but feel mad at herself for feeling as such.
“Uh… I’m–” her gaze darted away nervously, trying to figure out what to say without embarrassing herself.
He scooted closer to her, shoulders almost touching, and leaned back on the balcony. He playfully bumped his hip against hers. “No need to be jealous, Bugaboo. Believe it or not, I’m actually kinda shy in real life, and pretty socially awkward; almost painfully so. Any attempts at flirting are clumsy at best, if I ever even bother to try.”
“I-I wasn’t jealous!” she huffed.
Veeerrrrry convincing, Marinette, she thought to herself.
“B-but anyway, I never knew that you were actually shy,” she continued. “You always seemed so confident.” It seemed there was a lot more to discover about her new partner; things she never would have guessed based on his demeanor, back when they were enemies.
Chat shifted the topic away from himself and began shuffling the cards as he sat on the floor. “So, before I interrupted you with my lame attempt at flirting, you were gonna talk about yourself. What do you do when you’re not Ladybug-ing and saving Paris from corrupted butterflies?”
Ladybug giggled and joined him on the floor as he dealt the cards. “Well, I enjoy making crafts, especially designing and making clothes. I’m great at baking. I love scrapbooking and journals. My favorite subject in school is art...”
A few hours, several games, and countless laughs later, the pair reluctantly agreed that it was time to part ways.
“Thanks for meeting up with me tonight, Ladybug,” Chat said, voice a bit quiet. “I haven’t had this much fun in a long time, so it really means a lot,” he added, timidly rubbing the back of his neck.
Ladybug’s stomach did a tiny flip. She wasn’t sure whether she was happy that he’d enjoyed himself because of her, or if she was sad because he’d hardly ever been allowed to have fun.
She shifted her weight, twiddling her fingers and replied, “I had a lot of fun too, Chat. I’m really glad we did this. We should turn it into a regular thing.”
He replied, voice husky, “I’d love that.” A shade of pink spread across his face, and he cleared his throat. He abruptly straightened up and sauntered towards her, wearing a smirk. “Soooo… can I walk you home?” he asked playfully. “I do want to be a gentleman for My Lady, after all.”
Ladybug snorted and lightly shoved his shoulder. “Nice try, Chaton. But a Lady’s gotta have her secrets.”
Before he could reply, Ladybug’s communicator beeped urgently with a notification, which could only mean one thing:
An akuma attack.
Ladybug sighed, stretching her arms over her head. “Welp… looks like our time together just got an extension.” She winked at Chat and asked, “Ready to go kick some akuma butt?”
He smiled, his hand reaching for hers and giving it a tight squeeze. “With pleasure.”
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fizzyren · 4 years
butterfly on a board
hello im back with more ffvii content, and back in my element with the dark sefikura >:3c 
this one’s pretty rough so please read the warnings!! this is also strictly remake compliant (with a few divergences being tifa and aerith arent around, obviously), so i’ve included the scene that inspired this> here (its only a few seconds long)
warnings: impalement, mild gore, blood, temporary character death (cloud), noncon, anal sex, some mind control, and serious misuse of materia
read over on my ao3 here, or leave a kudos if you enjoyed it <3
When Sephiroth launches himself back to give them distance, Cloud’s first instinct is to chase. That’s always been their game. Cat and Mouse. Back and Forth. Push and Pull. But something makes him hesitate, just a beat. That beat ends up costing him.
Sephiroth almost glows as he charges up for something, and Cloud braces for another high level elemental spell. Instead, Sephiroth unfolds with a burst of energy, a large, elegant black wing emerging from his back. 
His mind rings for a second. Memories of a man in red, his own black wing, a monster, degenerating. Cloud shakes the false memory away. But that’s just enough to let his guard down. He has just enough time to watch a violet glow of a spell in Sephiroth's hand before it’s hurtling towards him, too fast to dodge. 
The concrete slams into his back and he somehow manages to keep from bashing his head on it. But that doesn’t seem to be his biggest problem. Instead, when he tries to immediately get back up and brace himself for Sephiroth’s attack, his body doesn’t move. 
He doesn’t even have the time to be confused, watching his empty hand curl and pull against the gravity holding him in place. Before he can think of how to get out of this, Sephiroth is on him. The sharp, curved end of Masamune hums a hair’s breadth away from his nose and Cloud freezes. 
The vulnerability finally hits him, sprawled out on his back like this, barely even able to lift his head. Cloud grits his teeth, looking up the cold steel of Masamune to meet it’s master’s eyes. 
Sephiroth’s small grin screams his victory, bright eyes watching him with an excited hunger that shocks Cloud’s fight or flight response. But he can’t do anything about it now, nothing but useless squirming until the spell wears off. 
There’s a dozen questions burning in his head and not a single one makes itself known. Because he knows as soon as he speaks, it’s an open door to let Sephiroth speak too. He could do it any time, but fights like this are charged with something different, where words are also a weapon. 
And right now, Cloud has none. 
Sephiroth’s free hand brushes back his coat as he steps closer to Cloud. His boots settle on either side of Cloud’s waist and it’s almost funny how something so simple brings with the feeling of entrapment. 
Sephiroth grins down at him before twirling Masamune above him, a flashy show of strength before the tip hones in on him again and then thrusts. Cloud gets a split second of dread before the thin steel pierces straight through his chest. 
His mind rings again, another memory not his own, wrong wrong wrong, flashes like an afterthought. Of being suspended in the air with Masamune in the same place. Both in his past and in a time too far off to grasp.
Cloud can taste the sour burn of blood in his mouth before he coughs. That warmth lands on his lips and he desperately tries to call for a cura, his sword is still in his hand and the materia equipped in it to his disposal. But nothing happens, no rush of warm healing. 
Sephiroth chuckles above him, hand still on the handle of Masamune, low at the height of his waist and Cloud’s mind bends for a second, confused. He only understands why when he realizes that Masamune is too short. No, that’s wrong. It’s not shorter now. Instead, the other half of the blade is wedged into the concrete under him. 
“Hush now,” Sephiroth says, and the racing thoughts in Cloud’s head dissolve. For a moment Cloud doesn’t really know what he’s doing or who he is. All he can see are the dark swirling clouds above and the tall reach of Masamune pinning him to the ground like a butterfly on a board. 
Sephiroth is talking again, praising him? But Cloud doesn’t hear it, too heavy under his own haze and stilted panicked breaths. He can feel his body cough again, chest stuttering as he struggles to take in air, but it’s all underwater. Dull and muffled and cold. 
Cloud can recognize the warmth of a cure, settling in at all the places he didn’t think hurt so bad. His first breath is painful, and his eyes meet the point where Masamune is still in his chest. It’s easy to see from this point Sephiroth near his feet, too, a glow of green fading from his fingertips where he’s pulling Cloud’s pants off. 
“There you are. Did your previous fight wear you out so much you couldn’t handle this?” 
Cloud feels his moan rather than hears it. He’s still trying to wrap his head around this. Trying to shake away the confusion that blankets him in fog. His hands move up to his head, holding tight like it could stop the throbbing. He doesn’t realize he’s able to move until his body rocks and the blade in his chest cuts. 
A weak noise bubbles out of his throat as he looks down. He’s trying to piece it all together, trying to actually see Sephiroth and even that is hard. He shakes his head again, growing frustrated with why he can’t just, concentrate. 
It’s like a record skip. Cloud can see what’s happening, his legs parted around Sephiroth’s waist, the man’s hips rocking against him. It’s so obvious, and Cloud can’t put two and two together to name it. He watches it, over and over and over. 
Pleasure arcs bright in his hips, racing up the curve of his spine before it’s interrupted by the sharp pain running him through. There’s an awkward back and forth of Cloud’s moans breaking halfway into cries of pain when Sephiroth shoves him a little too hard and he can feel his body slicing itself on Masamune from the movement.
That stifling inability to breathe makes him cough again, blood back in his throat as he gasps uselessly. Sephiroth thrusts into him again, either ignoring his struggle or not noticing. Cloud knows it’s the former. The edges of his vision get hazy and Cloud squeezes his eyes shut against the pleasure-pain electricity that fills him. 
He starts to drift again, where the pain starts to go away, and he can hardly feel Sephiroth fucking him. Cloud bitterly thinks about how his mother used to put out candles in their house, a tiny metal dome cupped over top of the flame, snuffing out it’s oxygen until it went out. 
The warmth of a cura washes over him again, and Cloud gasps, the world coming back to him in sharp clarity. It has to be high level, a regen or even a curaga. Cloud doesn’t know just how bad he’s getting when Sephiroth decides to heal him. 
It’s like this that he has to face the facts. That Sephiroth is indeed the one healing him. That Sephiroth is fucking him, using him. He wants to be disgusted with this, wants to be mad and fight and kick and scream, but there’s something heavy in between his ears that makes him complacent enough. 
Cloud flinches when he meets Sephiroth’s eyes again. They’re glowing, much brighter than the normal burn of mako enhancements. Cloud watches his own view of the world flicker, grow fuzzy and green-tinted before snapping back into focus. He turns his head to the side, biting down another noise when Sephiroth thrusts into him harder. 
“I can feel you struggling, fighting me still,” Sephiroth purrs in amusement, sliding a hand up Cloud’s waist, “it’s futile. Why not enjoy yourself?” 
The wandering fingertips edge around the blood soaked fabric that frames Masamune. Cloud feels enamored, watching those slender, pale fingertips run up the flat of the blade, smearing his blood against the metal. 
Cloud knows he can’t actually feel that touch, but it’s like Masamune is now part of him, and the vibration from Sephiroth’s touch makes his gut clench. He manages to move one hand and grab at Sephiroth’s wrist, pulling it away from the blade. His fingers grip tighter with another thrust, Sephiroth’s hips slamming into him like a punishment. 
The same time Cloud yells, he feels the warmth of a cure again, stemming the bleeding at his chest, temporarily allowing him a full, clean breath of air.
All of a sudden the relief scares him. He doesn’t know how long this is going to last. How long does Sephiroth plan to keep curing him over and over? 
Sephiroth’s hands move again, easing out of Cloud’s grip like it’s nothing and grabbing the tops of his thighs. Cloud can see the motion he has planned in his head like a vivid picture, a hard pull, Masamune slicing him up to his throat. 
“Dont-!” He kicks out with his foot. He’s not thinking about how he can get away, just that he could possibly push Sephiroth away instead. He makes the mistake of meeting the man’s eyes again, wild and bright. Excited.
A chill raises the hairs at the back of his neck. He shakes his head, wordlessly pleading, even though he knows it’s pointless. Sephiroth has never listened to him before. Why would he now? 
There’s a half second where Cloud feels Sephiroth’s grip on him tighten, where he can take a clipped gasp and brace himself for the pain. When Sephiroth pulls him into his next thrust, Cloud doesn’t even feel the stretch of his cock. Pain shoots into his fingertips and into his jaw so bright his ears ring. 
He’s distantly aware of the fast rush of blood warming his own chest, Masamune now stuck out of his right shoulder. He can’t breathe, and he can’t even scream, not enough air and quickly not enough energy. He can feel his body getting cold, vision getting dark again. 
Cloud doesn’t realize he’s closed his eyes again, or how long he’s been passed out. Dead? Is he…? It doesn’t last long, a surge of electricity jerking him awake. He shoots up with a gasp, hands flying to his chest even though--
Cloud stumbles to his feet with gasping breaths, looking over himself. His hands are shaking from the adrenaline of the revival. And doesn’t that feel nauseating, that he knows what a revival spell feels like now. His front is a little sticky with blood, a clearly visible hole in his top from where he had been pierced through, but he’s completely dressed. 
His eyes flit across the distance to find Sephiroth standing there with a small uptick to his mouth and a dripping red Masamune in his hand. He flicks it to the side, Cloud blood splattering across the concrete in a curve. Cloud can’t help but shudder.
“You-” he stops with another shudder, cringing at the wet sensation of something warm trickling down the inside of his thigh. His whole body feels cold as he realizes what it is. He almost doesn’t believe it, staring at Sephiroth like he might give him an answer. 
Neither of them get another word in, and Cloud doesn’t get the chance to sort everything out. Suddenly his name is being called from behind the rubble and Tifa and Aerith appear at his side, both ready to fight, keeping Sephiroth in their sights. 
“Cloud! Are you okay?” 
“I-” Sephiroth’s smile grows as he stares him down. Cloud can’t stop looking at the arc of blood seperating them. He takes a deep breath, finally, finally, and gives a quick, short nod and a hum. 
Reaching back for his own sword, he prepares to finish this. No mess ups this time. And if he’s overly cautious in avoiding Masamune, well, that’s between him and Sephiroth.
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