#household: evans
meliesims · 7 months
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Front yard. I was very inspired by this lot found in MTS.
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wolvesandshine · 5 months
Barty: I’m going to kill my dad
Evan: Sure we can kill my dad too my house is on the way
Regulus: I volunteer killing my parents as a trial run
Everyone else:
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eddiewhump · 20 days
‘girl dad buck this.. girl dad buck that..’ but where is the love for girl dad eddie? eddie, who has two younger sisters and leaps at any opportunity to play dress up? he was built for tea parties and extravagant living room fashion shows
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ankabaiam · 5 months
Hey guys, is it just me or... are they heart shaped? 🥹❤️
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screenshot from @neverevan's gif
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doodlecrumb · 23 days
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Um- um- hi! I made a new thing, because people liked my last thing. I feel honoured y’all like my art. I don’t have words for it except thank you. I hope you enjoy this one too!!
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annabellelupin · 1 year
Lily: why is Regulus always so quiet
Sirius: how am I supposed to know
Regulus, eavesdropping from across the room (internally): you can't have voice dysphoria if you never speak
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until-i-set-him-free · 4 months
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BuckTommy in A Softer World, part 5 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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cevansbrat0007 · 5 months
I was looking at the post where you shared what the Barbers house looks like and I had a thought. What if Andy was left in charge of the kids and one of the kids messed up her precious kitchen with a sharpie or her reading area? Who is in trouble the kids Andy or both?
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Oh, everyone would be in trouble. But depending on how much time had elapsed between when the incident initially occurred and you arriving home, Andy would probably get the brunt of it.
Because he should've been paying better attention after he put the twins, AJ and Rory, down for a nap. And why the hell didn't he realize that he'd left a new pack of sharpies laying out on the coffee table?
On the coffee table!
They were left in perfect reach of two sets of tiny, meddling hands. Those hands just so happened to belong to two tiny humans who decided that their Mama needed some pretty pictures to look at while she's busy cooking in the kitchen.
Had Andy thought to bring the twins video monitor into his study with him during their naptime, he would've known the moment those two woke up. He would've watched his babies plot and plan in a language only they seem to understand.
And he would've seen, and then been subsequently impressed, by their little jailbreak.
Andrew Stephen Barber would've had time to drop his work and meet the adventurous twosome at the top of the stairs, where he could've escorted them down and gotten them a snack.
Instead, he was treated to the sounds of your panic screams. Followed by the sounds of two toddlers crying. And now he has to deal with you dragging him back into the sanctity of his study to give him an earful about how he had better hope that marker comes off with soap and water.
Otherwise he's gonna have to move out, or find you a brand new house with an even better dream kitchen.
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blurglesmurfklaine · 2 months
OKAY SINCE LITERALLY ONE (☝️) PERSON WHO IS NOT ALEX ASKED! Here are some more Texas!Buddie Thoughts:
When Eddie first joins the 126 (years before Buck arrives in SA) Paul looks at him, turns to TK and says, “Egg.” TK looks confused for a second, then gets it and asks, “Really? Your team or mine?” and Paul really isn’t sure, but DOES know there is a certain Queer Air about Eddie Diaz
I have decided that this is all happening post season seven
I have also decided Buck’s daughter’s name is Alicia, pronounced the Spanish way (Ah-Lee-See-Ah) because her mother is an old flame from Peru
Sometime between seasons 7 and 8, a social worker calls Buck and informs him that he has a biological six year old daughter and he has to choose between accepting his responsibility as her legal guardian or waiving all parental rights. He says “Of course. Yes, I’ll do that” and the social worker says, “Yes to which one?” bc they need a clear confirmation either way but Buck doesn’t realize because it’s not even a question, he has a DAUGHTER of course he’ll take her
Buck absolutely falls in love with this little girl from the get go. He’s wrapped around her pretty little finger like a blue ribbon babeyyyy!! He would move heaven and earth for this child! Go to hell and back!
He, however, isn’t the only one. Because after she’s living with him for about six weeks, Buck gets served with papers. Alicia’s grandparents are suing for custody.
Buck can’t bring himself to risk losing this fight. So he moves to San Antonio (where his old flame and her parents migrated to from Peru right before Alicia was born) so Alicia can see her grandparents as often as they want and Buck can still be her legal guardian
When Buck starts at the 126 (yes it’s still the 126 even though it’s set in San Antonio now) it’s sort of the inverse of Under Pressure—the whole house is all “Yeah yeah, Eddie ‘Pretty Boy’ Diaz, we all know you’ve got the calendar in the bag” and because he’s Eddie he’s like “Aw don’t say that, Mateo, at this point it could be anyone’s game!” All humble and shit but then TK spots Buck The New Guy and says “Idk I think Cali over here might give you a run for your money” and Eddie is just like. 🙃 McFuckingScuse Me?
Of course Eddie forgets any and all jealousy/insecurity the SECOND he finds out Buck has a kid
The first time Alicia meets Eddie she is incredibly shy about it, until Eddie hears Buck call Alicia some cute shit like “mi amorcito” (internally Eddie fucking MELTS )and is like “Oh you speak Spanish?” And Alicia’s eyes go bright and she immediately opens up and starts talking Eddie’s ear off in Spanish and loves him on the spot
This is post season seven so Buck knows he’s bi and knows there’s ✨something✨ between him and Eddie, but based on everything he’s learned from the rest of the 126, no one really knows much about his dating life or preferences. A few failed flings with girls, but that’s all he really knows.
The first time Chris and Alicia meet, Alicia assumes Chris knows Spanish because his dad does. She tries talking to him and he’s like ????? She then calls him a No Sabo kid and pledges to teach him better
Alicia loves Bluey. Chris complains when she comes over and puts it on, says he’s too old for little kids shows, but doesn’t make any effort to change it.
There comes a point in Buck and Eddie’s relationship that it’s clear they… well—their kids play together. Buck packs their lunches (since his captain at the 118 turned him into a pretty damned good chef). Eddie walks them to the bus and gives both of them hugs and kisses. Buck and Alicia spend more nights at the Diaz residence on the pull out couch than in their actual apartment. It’s all disgustingly domestic.
It’s not like Buck and Eddie are dating. But they’re also Not Not Dating.
Of course, neither of them are the ones to realize it. Marjan is. She says something along the lines of, “Well, yeah, now that Buck and Diaz are together.” And both of them proceed to freak out like “WOAH WOAH WOAH NOW THAT WE ARE WHAT NOW”
And Marjan is SO confused because, “What? Are you two seriously going to try and pull one over on us? You’re attached at the hip. Even your kids act like siblings.” And then she watches their faces change and realizes, “oh my gosh, you really have no idea do you?”
The rest of the 126 make a BEELINE for the exit when their shift is up, leaving Buck and Eddie alone to discuss.
So they go out, maybe get dinner, go two-stepping because it’s Texas and it’s A Thing. BuckFigure out What They Are. Maybe not all of the questions are answered by the end of it, but they definitely had a great time with one another! Eddie is an absolute gentleman and walks Buck back to his place.
Where Tommy is waiting for him in the front lobby. Because i can do whatever I want ❤️
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t3rraria · 5 months
Teenage!buck: so, come here often?
Teenage!Eddie, who was invited to the grant-nash (Buckley) Household for dinner and is also bucks boyfriend so knows the house like the back of his hand: no
Teenage!buck: damn I'll show you around
Oldersister!hen: Evan if you don't shut the fu-
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magicalnerdsworld · 1 year
Bobby and Athena, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here.
Eddie: Hey.
Hen: Hi.
Chim: Hello.
Ravi: Hey!
Bobby and Athena: We gave you the key to our place for emergencies only!
Buck: We were out of Doritos.
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meliesims · 7 months
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The entrance, living room and kitchen. I'm very happy with how the darker interior turned out!
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cakepoppresent · 20 hours
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You are the love of my life And I sing this song to you
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gods-graveyard · 10 months
James Potter, on his wedding night
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ankabaiam · 5 months
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futurelabs · 1 year
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an newly employed history teacher | a housewife with a landline phone usage mania | a self made drummer | a candies’ robber | two little jokesters
the Stevens Household
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