#horsemen of tyr
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behrjbehr · 20 days ago
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A quick attempt at drawing Hugo! Wearing his red jacket
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germanicseidr · 5 years ago
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Origins Germanic And Celtic People
Now I have seen this question a few times before in this group. What is the relationship between the Celtic and Germanic culture? Both cultures share many similarities when you look at their Gods and customs, even the Romans sometimes mixed them up but yet both cultures are still two seperate and different cultures.
To answer this question we have to go back to the end of the copper age and the early bronze age. The Yamnaya culture, also known as the Proto-Indo European people, lived around what is now called the Russian steppes. These people lived as nomads and were skilled horsemen. Hordes of these Yamnaya horsemen decided to migrate towards the west around 3000BC. They brought along their Gods, languages, culture and a lot of misery.
Modern DNA research and archeological evidence can easily confirm the invasion theory. All over Europe, a sudden change of burial customs can be observed from somewhere around 2800BC. The DNA of European people changed as well, showing how the Yamnaya people replaced the original European population, an estimated 70% of European population got replaced by the invading Yamnaya people.
As you can guess, the Yamnaya migration didn't exactly go peacefully. In fact every native male of modern day Spain got wiped out, the females were used by the Yamnaya people to continue reproducing. The Yamnaya people were responsible for the first ever genocide, slaughtering entire populations of which traces have been found in the form of mass graves in modern day Germany.
Almost every modern European carries the DNA of these Yamnaya invaders also known as the R1B haplogroup. Within 800 years these Yamnaya people replaced and resettled most of Europe. These invaders spoke the Proto-Indo European language and had their own pantheon of Gods, the chief God called Dyeus out of which Tiwaz/Tyr developed and later Wodanaz/Odin.
Over time this language evolved in all parts of Europe into new languages like the Proto-Celtic and Proto-Germanic language. The Proto-Indo European Gods evolved as well. The Earliest Celtic culture developed from Yamnaya influenced people below the big rivers like the Rhine. In what is now the Alps, the Hallstatt culture developed around 800BC together with the first Proto-Celtic language.
This Celtic culture spread to the North into Belgium, the Netherlands, England and Germany. It also spread southwards towards Northern Italy and Spain to the West in France and to the east into Czech, Austria, Slovakia and Hungary. Meanwhile all up in the North, the Yamnaya influenced people of modern day Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Northern Germany and the Northern parts of the Netherlands developed their own culture as well during a period which is now known as the Nordic bronze age.
This Nordic bronze age is the true ancestor of the Germanic culture, This bronze age dates back to around 1700BC until 500BC after which the Germanic iron age started which ended when the early medieval ages started. During this Nordic bronze age, the fundation of the Germanic culture developed, think of the rock carvings in Sweden, the worship of Sunna and the ritual sacrifice of humans into bogs. During the Nordic bronze age the Proto-Germanic language developed as well.
The Proto-Celtic language later developed into different languages in different areas, four of these languages still exist until this day: Welsh, Breton, Irish and Gaelic. Unfortunately the Celtic languages of mainland Europe have gone extinct. The Proto-Germanic language developed into many languages we still know and speak until this day like all the Scandinavian languages (except Finnish), German, Dutch, English, Frisian.
Celtic territory was huge until around 400BC, basically a large part of Europe was Celtic until several Germanic tribes decided to migrate southwards. They clashed with the Celts and pushed them back until the river Rhine. On several occasions, the Germanic people tried to push beyond the Rhine but were pushed back, one of their last attempts was in 58BC during which the Celts asked the Romans to help them defeat the Germanics. This was probably a very bad decision because this led to Caesar invading Gaul, conquering it for Rome and killing countless of people during his genocidal campaign.
The Celts and Germanics continued to clash with each other over the centuries but they sometimes also came together to form alliances against common enemies like the Romans. All of the tribes living around the border between Celtic and Germanic territory became influenced with each other. Some Celtic tribes became Germanic, some Germanic tribes became Celtic through both violence and trade.
Here is the answer to the question. What is the relationship between the Celtic and Germanic people? They are two different cultures but they have the same roots, their cultures both developed from the Yamnaya culture which was brought into Europe during the bronze age. I can write posts later showing the exact similarities between the Celtic, Germanic, Greek, Roman and Slavic culture.
Here are pictures of: Map of the spread of the Yamnaya culture, Proto-Indo European language tree, Map of Celtic territory before Germanic migration, Map of Proto Germanic territory, Mass grave people killed by the Yamnaya, Map spread of r1b dna,
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thepilgrimofwar · 5 years ago
Finale 1 - Edited Roll20 Log
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Outside the walls of Arenias’ fortress was a celebration. Banners of all colours fluttered in the wind as Beathyn’s cannons continued their relentless shelling. All of the Emberglades were represented. Wintergale volunteers and Men of the Blackbanner led by Zarannis. Militia from the Heartlands and Shalemarch under Judereth. Even Westheath prisoners-turned-soldiers, promised amnesty, aiming to fight twice as hard to prove their loyalty to Relriah who had stepped forward to lead them. They knew of her, most of them growing up in Westheath together.
It wasn’t difficult to convince them to follow The Daughter of Illithia who was Arenias’ last remaining heir. After being explained the state of things by Relriah, they were more than happy to fight for someone who was just as ruthless- but not at their expense. They promised to deliver her father’s head as a coronation present for the true ruler of Westheath.
But despite the celebratory mood, there was still a dread that hung low in the air. Victory was close at hand, but it made the idea of dying -now- so much worse. A pointless last stand by Arenias. The last gesture by a Lordling that was already dead. The same outcome would be reached if he just surrendered- only with less bloodshed on both sides. But Stenden had been clear.
A prolonged siege to starve them out and forcing a surrender was not an acceptable option. They needed to snuff Lord Illithia and his loyalists out once and for all. The war had gone on long enough, and with the help of the heroes who had come to aid him, they were going to end this- Here. Now.
[Event Start]
Thanidiel Highdawn:"How much does the Lordling wish for us to keep intact?"
Esheyn:"An important thing to consider.”
Ethalarian:"I would imagine as much as possible, Highdawn."
Thanidiel:"I'm just saying. There's a lot of tinder here and nothing runs the untrained out of a fortress faster..."
Ethalarian:"I don't think they've much interest in ruling a load of torched tinder, either."
Lirelle:"I believe all of their militia have deserted them. Only those fanatically loyal are left."
Thanidiel:"I'll show them fanatical loyalty underneath my mare's hooves."
Lirelle looks up to the defenders on the walls. "I'm sure some of them are already regretting it."
Ethalarian frowns. Destroying his fellow countrymen to the man doesn't appear to sit well with him.
Thanidiel:"Highdawn will run down the riflemen ahead. Will your horsemen be handling the infantry?"
Ethalarian:"You can leave it to me."
Isilos pointed at the guards infront of Thanideil's troops. "Soften them up so the others can pass through."
Thanidiel:"Mm, fuck that. Redirecting - this city is so piss-narrow. I may split the heavy cavalry for now."
[Combat Starts.]
After the strategy concludes, the siege begins in earnest under the blasts of Beathyn’s cannon fire. The fighting is intense as the Coalition engages Arenias’ loyalists street by street, and block by block. Smashing through barricades and navigating roadblocks, the battle soon becomes a slaughter for the hopeless defenders. Nevertheless the fanatical opposing force put up a fierce defence.
The casualness with which the Crows move is at odds with the militia scattered around them. A flick of Lirelle's hand is enough to propel them forwards, horses trotting forward as their riders let loose. Their mage followed cautiously behind, her magic sending chunks of masonry flying from beneath the feet of the defenders. Lirelle herself hung back for now, save for a single bolt of black that washed over the crossbowmen, leaving nothing but corpses in its wake.
Ethalarian secures his helmet in place and spurs his charger forward without a word. As he races through the streets, he gives his orders with hand signals, dirt and loose stone flying through the air at the thunderous passing of his cavalry.
Esheyn and her troops take to the walls, climbing up the ladders quickly to dispatch their foes.
Vaelrin was here. And was here the entire time for whatever happened over the last few weeks at this particular location at this particular time when things were surely at a particularly violent era. Nevertheless, Vaelrin's best interest was to pursue and protect those who were with him in battle and with a bellowing call, he and bowmen took aim to the Arbalesters on the top of the wall.
[Meanwhile at the inner walls of the north]
Vissehn 's troops had been on the move long before the main army and they had carved their corner-- one man at a time, one night at a time. It took time to break a perimeter; more time to dig in. Lots of cardgames played silently-- lots of sleepless nights. Now, however, it paid off; their commander's eccentric strategy bringing them to the back of the field, where defenses pointed quite the other way. Springing up, they levelled their rifles at the bombardment canon, trying to make quick work of things on their side of the battle. All the while, their young and reckless commander sang a jaunty tune.
Vissehn Sings
"Lay them out, oh bullet born Reap all they have sown Arenias of the blatant scorn will find his castle blown!"
And so they let loose, all of their shots, in a blaze of gunsmoke and shells.
Vissehn takes a moment to fire into the air, letting enemy and ally alike know that a Hawk has entered the fray.
[Back to the Main Assault]
Isilos channeled healing light towards Esheyn while commanding his Magisters to puch back the entrentched. "Clear the path, we need to make it to the other side. I will focus on keeping our ranks alive."
Thanidiel yells to her compatriots. "Highdawn will be blocking the advance of the lancers."
Ethalarian:"Good luck."
Mara Blazingdawn:"Soldiers! Fan out! We will not be left out of this fight!"
A runner comes in from their eastern flank, calling for reinforcements. The siege had gone well on the Eastern Wall. -Too Well- so much so that the militia-men had over extended and were now cut off.
Ethalarian immediately wheels his cavalry around, waving for him to follow. "My cavalry will ride to relieve the militia! We'll get there fastest."
The battle continues as Ethalarian rides down the streets leading eastwards and comes to the militia’s aide on the right flank.
Oosaarn and the arbalesters charged through the broken wall. Sprinting past broken buildings and rubble until they were well within the city. He orders his troops to attack the infantry on his left while both arbalesters attacks those straight ahead.
Esheyn continues their assault atop the wall, but she instructs her troops to descend and move to join the others.
Vaelrin bellows forth a command ordering his troop to follow him as he charges off on his steed towards the middle of the wall where the hole allowed entryway. With most of the ranged disposed of, his focus now turned towards something else. Without so much as a flinch, Vaelrin's presence was now alongside Lirelle as a command ushered forth a wave of arrows towards the nearest enemy.
Mara Blazingdawn raises her sword to order her forces forward. "Advance through the breech! We need to get into position to engage their infantry! Double time!"
Rallying her troops to her Mara Blazingdawn bellows at the top of her lungs as they enter the fray. "Drive these cavalry back! We need to clear the way!"
[Meanwhile, on the right flank]
Ethalarian 's cavalry arrives at the flank and he immediately begins to take stock of the situation. "Forward!" he bellows to his militiamen. "Buy the levies some breathing room!"
Ethalarian spurs his lancers forward, aiming to relieve the beleaguered levies. Light radiates from the lancers behind him and begins to knit closed their wounds. "You!" he shouts, directing his lance at some poor unfortunate soul. "What the hell happened here?"
The sargeant responds. They had broken through and made full use of it. Only to discover later that it was because they were let in -intentionally-. This whole eastern flank was a trap.
[Meanwhile, in the North, at the Inner Walls]
Vissehn shouts as the hit lands, but it doesn't seem to do enough. He looks to his militia men. "C'mon, bring 'em down!" They reload, and fire once more-- into the arablesters this time.
Vissehn:"Ilithia went to war
Far beyond their reach
Here we bay at their door
To hammer down a breach!"
Vissehn:"If we die we die glorious, lads! Let 'em remember we sang to our demise!"
[Back to the Main Assault]
Lirelle continues walking forward, the Crows behind her picking off targets as they went. As she passes Vaelrin again, she turns to look at him briefly. saying not a word as was promised. She stops behind Thanidiel's horsemen and the shadows curl around her, dissipating to reform in an instant to engulf the guards and rifles.
Thanidiel is unphased as the dark magicks swirl around them - those of the Emberheart militia reacting on the contrary until settled under the standard of Tyr's Hand again.
Isilos wiped the blood from his scythe and looked to the other streets. He didn't like being delayed when there was an objective.
Oosaarn and those arbalest mercenaries turned the nearest corner and ran headlong into the group of house guards down the ruined street. [All basic attack on House Guards]
Esheyn grits her teeth. She has a LOT of ground to cover if she has any hope of catching up with her comrades. But her troops are in a better position to assist, and so she calls to them, "TO ISILOS!" before jumping down to rush toward the fray.
Mara Blazingdawn finishes cleaning her blade from the recent skirmish. "Press forward! We have the advantage!" Ordering her knights to move into the ruins, the lesser guardsmen engage the House Guards while Mara's personal guard attack the Infantry further into the city.
[Meanwhile, on the right flank]
The trap continued to circle in on the remaining militia, also trapping Ethalarian.
Ethalarian squares his jaw as the severity of the situation begins to dawn on him. Cut off. Surrounded. "Hartwood! Duskarrow!" He shouts as loud as he can, hoping they can hear him over the din of the battle. "Fall back! Get the militia out of here, warn Highdawn and the others!" The broad-shouldered knight at the head of one of the militia formation falters. "But-" Ethalarian waves, cutting him off. "No argument, Sergeant! I'll delay them as long as I can!"
Takes one look at the situation, then back at the knight who had come to their rescue. "What about you?" He asks.
Ethalarian shakes his head. "You heard me. The last thing I need is a bunch of fucking farmers getting in my way."
Krissen Dawnhollow who had believed she had their lines of retreat cut off frowns. "Noble of you. But futile. Just like my Lord's stupid last stand. Are you here to make one of your own?"
Ethalarian wheels his cavalry about, facing now the one that had begun to approach him. "Nothing quite so elegant as that." He shrugs his shoulders. "Just no other options."
Krissen Dawnhollow shrugs. "Such is life, is it not?" She makes a wry laugh, for she knew that her fate would be similar. Shortly.
Ethalarian cracks a wry grin, leaning forward across the horn of his saddle. "Not that it's going to matter here in a few minutes," he says with a wry laugh, "but I don't suppose you have a name?"
Krissen Dawnhollow:"Krissen Dawnhollow," she says.
Krissen Dawnhollow raises her hand for her troops to attack. Whatever futile victory she had won on this side of the fortress was going to be pointless soon enough. As was the Knight's last stand. "Let's finish this."
Ethalarian discards his lance and draws Faithbreaker from its scabbard. The crimson blade flickers to life as it had so many times before and one of the knights behind him sounds a blast of his horn. "Let us indeed." Hooves drive into cobblestone with a thunderous sound as he spurs his charger into action, followed by what remains of his retinue.
[And on the Inner Walls North of the Main Assault]
Vissehn and his lads slipped off the battlements, and with a rush ran to the remaining bombardment canon. Vissehn waved them around, and his soldiers attempted to commandeer.
Vissehn cheers and his men, and the remains of his militia, aim for the final bombardment canon on the battlements.
“If we die now, we die with a canon!"
The boy holds tight to his canon, watching the arbalesters fell his men. Until there was none but himself.
Vissehn, alone as his luck seemed to fade, breaks out into song. "When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made! All the world wondered."
Thanidiel hears his song. "Are you singing to -comfort- yourself!" bellows through the streets.
The Main Assault was now closing in on the Inner Walls but none were in range to support the Hawk
Esheyn and her troops break into a run toward those battling up ahead. [All Sprint]
“Center formation! Fall back and reform! Rear formation! Attack!” Mara Blazingdawn the Dawnspire Knights engage the Houseguard bringing steel and courage to purpose.
Just as the arbalesters fire at Vissehn, the forces from the Eastern Flank arrive to assist
Ethalarian 's cavalry appear from the right flank, tattered and flagging but unbroken. A tree of a man leads the front most unit of cavalry, recognizable to most as Knight-Sergeant Hartwood. "Run them down!" he cries. "We need to end this quickly for the Captain's sake!"
[The Battle Quickly concludes and all forces meet up]
"Commander Highdawn!"
Thanidiel looks at the rider from Ethalarian’s unit. "Dawnstalker does not ride with you. Report."
Hartwood shakes his head. "The right flank was a trap, sir. Last I saw of him he was completely enveloped by the enemy." The big man looks grim. "I saw his banner charge into their leader's formation but- We need to hurry."
Thanidiel does not shout nor rile at the news - accepting it quietly with the phoenix greathelm obscuring her thoughts and features. What there is - almost automatic on the heels of Hartwood's words, is the swishing motion of the Tyr's Hand standard and the beat of the armoured cavalry's hooves as they move shortly from a rippling trot to a full gallop through streets and along walls to the eastern flank.
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What she finds when she arrives is a scene of calamity- not a single one of the Lancers that had left under Ethalarian's banner remained standing. She finds him at the center of the formation, badly bloodied but somehow still breathing. At least for the moment. His wounds are many and they are deep. His head turns, eyes unseeing, toward the sound of hoofbeats as Highdawn's formation approaches and he manages to barely lift a hand.
Thanidiel slows enough to swing off of the back of her pale mare, allowing the beast to come to its own stop as her armoured frame lands onto the cobblestone. The motleyed band of horsemen that had followed her all the way from the South, just as Ethalarian had, already bringing themselves to a pause aways from the scene. Sweetness does not soften this moment, for Highdawn is not sweet and has always been all of the weapon that Ethalarian had wished to dehumanise into. Her gauntletted hand lowers to his, enough to curl around, as she delivers the plainfaced observation. "You are dying. My Light would do nothing but spur you to the end before it could uplift you."
Thanidiel then seethes out, angry but restrained, "We should have gone together. Traded places."
Ethalarian sputters a half-choked laugh and gives a shake of his head, bloodied lips twisting into a crooked grin. "S'w-what I always liked about you, Th-Thanidiel. Always a...a laugh." He lifts his chin and tugs sharply, with what little strength he has left, and the buckles clasping his curiass in place give out. "Shut up," he hisses through clenched teeth as his numb fingers fumble for something. "I picked this."
Thanidiel:"The dying or whatever you're fumbling for in there? If you think I like you enough to go into my Great Uncle's lands and hand Nuellen your dogtags..." The ex-Knight picks up on his manner, letting everything else said pass by with flickers of her ears as she drops to her knees. Facilitating the ease of whatever was being given.
Ethalarian finally finds what he's looking for- something kept close to his heart- and weakly takes it into his grip. "Everything." The color begins to fade even more rapidly from his ruddy skin. Unable to lift his arm anymore, he rocks his shoulders in her direction and slaps whatever is in his hand- smeared with his blood- into her chest. "Keep...this...close." Ethalarian winces from the pain. "Foot...footlocker."
Thanidiel examines the bloodsmeared object, using the leather underside of her glove to wipe away and discover its details. The greathelm, as always, obscuring anything animate to her. But whatever it was, the stalks of her ears freeze and pull back - threatened, or alarmed, taken aback? Either way, it all braces and chills through the rest of her frame as she looms over the dying Knight. Hostility replacing affection even still as she grits out a simplistic, "Fuck you," as the ramifications process through her mind. "You're going to make me live for this?" She had wanted this all to be the end; a merit of good work to at least a few peoples before bringing over a century of nightmare to an end.
Thanidiel growls after - the sound reverberating through her chest, and throat, and the layers of padded cloth and metal encasing her. Even still, the deliberate motion is present in the other's dying vision; the press of Elleynah's World to her breastplate.
Ethalarian squeezes Thanidiel's hand weakly and seems to laugh- his body shakes, at least- and that wry smile returns to his face. He wants to say more- to give her a few final words- but he can't summon the energy. All he can do is nod weakly. She knows his meaning. She'll understand. Regardless of whatever difference they may have had, she would do what needed to be done. That was her way. And then, at long last, his grip goes slack in her hands and he stills completely.
[Event End]
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alteredphoenix · 5 years ago
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I did a run through Stratholme a couple days ago on an alt and came across this line, one of many Eligor Dawnbringer says when you defeat Balnazaar, and it got me thinking. A quick skim on Wowpedia shows that as of the Blood War undead activity is growing exponentially, with no sign of the Brotherhood of the Light nor the Argent Crusade making significant progress on reclaiming the former city as “a bastion of the Light and a new beginning for Lordaeron”.
Would be interesting to see what has - or  might - become of it, as well as learn what the Brotherhood has been up to since Cataclysm. It’s safe to assume, however speculative as it is to do so, that they and the Argent Crusade were involved in the Blood War under Maxwell Tyrosus and Turalyon’s command following the Burning of Teldrassil that would cause the fracturing between the Alliance and Horde’s Light-based groups to fall back into faction exclusivity. As it is their mandate to fight “against any element of evil” that threatens the safety of Azeroth, the only possible outcome I can imagine (until canon says otherwise) is that the Crusade finally saw legitimate payoff in monitoring Sylvanas’s actions during the Andorhal stalemate and threw their lot in with the Alliance.
What comes afterwards, now that the Blood War is over, is up for debate. It’s been stated, again since Cataclysm, that the Brotherhood and the Crusade are starting to drift apart due to differences of martial and moral conduct applied between the two. According to Korfax and Eligor Dawnbringer, the Brotherhood has a history of “brash, thoughtless decisions” that are not held in check by “morals, guilt, and useless human emotions”, as well as guaranteeing they will fight anyone or anything that is an affront to the Light, even if those people are their comrades. Battle for Azeroth showed clear parallels to Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, with a good portion of the War Campaign revolved around the tenuous relationship between the Alliance and the Horde but also the living and the undead. There are no known Forsaken members among the Brotherhood, unlike the case with Leonid Barthalomew in the Crusade, but seeing as there are no problems that arise when he sends you to help the Brotherhood purge Tyr’s Hand of the Scarlet Crusade it could stand to reason that perhaps they have no qualms working with Forsaken so long as they are not aligned with the Scourge or Sylvanas and do not intend to get in the Brotherhood’s way.
Although this does bring up another question: How would they react to seeing Calia Menethil, sister of Arthas the Lich King, as an undead woman risen from a naaru’s Light? I think she would be a bigger source of contention among the Brotherhood. On the other hand, I like to think they would know about Sir Zeliek and Sally Whitemane, both death knights whose faith in the Light was strong it persisted into undeath...except both are (or in Zeliek’s case, was) under the Lich King’s service, and both times the Four Horsemen of Death clashed against the Argent Crusade - not exactly good impressions you’d want to leave behind.
It’s tough to say, and I don’t anticipate any developments regarding the Light-Void Arc until either towards the end of the Shadowlands expansion or in the expansion after that...or in the future, left to be resolved after years of buildup.
It’s food for thought.
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kclenhartnovels · 7 years ago
Abomination Series Masterpost
All characters will be tagged by their names, and everything related to this is tagged abomination series.
The Abomination world will eventually become a series of books, should everything go according to plan. There are at least three, possibly four books in the series, or it will be a collection of shorter stories all together. The Abomination world is urban fantasy, and while it primarily focuses on the trials of Heaven and Hell fighting over earth, the problems and creatures are much more vast than that.
Available here is the prequel to book one, following Fletcher and Merrick. Their arc is recently finished and all available to read. Fletcher, a young demon who newly earned his wings, is assigned to distract a guardian angel, Merrick, from his work with a woman. Surrounded by a colorful cast of characters that all have plans of their own, Merrick and Fletcher end up falling in love and must fight both to keep that love secret, and to protect themselves and their kind from the perils of the worlds.
Book one follows the aftermath of Fletcher and Merrick's relationship (spoilers!) as everyone's plans begin to fall into place or fall apart, as the case may be. It centers around Eve helping Merrick get back into heaven's good graces after his dalliances with demons.
Book two (Theory of Souls) centers around Raen, a necromancer who is quite content finding his way and his research on his own. Unfortunately, magic is hard to keep quiet, especially when his work is discovered. The book has more character than plot at the moment, but I'm pretty sure Sal is the cause of some of the trouble. Half of the book is Raen's theories and an excuse for me to show off the worldbuilding.
Book three (The Garrison) is where shit starts to go down. Adem's revenge-fueled bloodlust reaches new heights, and he is doing his damned best to start the apocalypse and bring the one angel he wants to get his claws around the most: the Seraphim. The only problem is, the Seraphim arriving on earth means far more destruction than anyone else wants. With Chael captured in hell, the rest of the Garrison must work together to both save him, and the worlds.
There may be other books, or at least story collections, covering Kindle and his search for his younger brother; Emeric and his history with Eve; and Aldoron finally getting his soul released from a medallion after fifty years (someone put him back).
Characters are listed below, starting with their moodboards, and any storylines. All storylines are listed in chronological order for your convenience.
Eve - Origin Story | Engine Oil and Rosewater | Christmas Eve with Eve | tag
Raen Toussaint -  The Book |  Unexpected Harbor | To the End of All Days | tag
Merrick - Fledgling Assignments | The Perks of Being Dead | Parisian Drinks | Cold Bunkers and Velvet Blankets | Second Chances | The Glory of Heaven | White Lies | Weak at the Knees | The Warm Light of Heaven | Again and Again | Brimstone and Stardust | Take Out the Gunman | Abominations | Stargazing | The Oncoming Storm | Redemption | The Damned | The Fallen | tag
Fletcher - Fledgling Assignments | The Perks of Being Dead | Parisian Drinks | Cold Bunkers and Velvet Blankets | Second Chances | The Glory of Heaven | White Lies | Weak at the Knees | Interlude | Flipped Perspectives | The Warm Light of Heaven | Again and Again | Brimstone and Stardust | Take Out the Gunman | Abominations | Stargazing | The Oncoming Storm | Redemption | The Damned | The Fallen | tag
Chael - Dreams of Heaven | tag
Eztli - tag
Tyr - Interlude | Flipped Perspectives |  tag
Teremun - tag
Temujin - tag
Michael - A Void of Stars | Beasts | Dreams of Heaven | tag
Adem - tag
Razi -tag
Grim - tag
Narissara - tag
Sal Benito - tag
Morgan Kane - tag
Isabel Harper - tag
Prince -  A Void of Stars | Beasts | tag
Emeric Jaegar - Germany, 1864 | France, 1869 | Coming Home |  tag
Aldoron - tag
Kindle - tag
Four Horsemen:
Pestilence - tag
Death - tag
War - tag
Famine - tag
Writing Prompts and One-shots
1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7 \ 8 \ 9 \ 10 \ 11 \ 12 \ 13 \ 14 \ 15 \ 16 \ 17 \ 18 \ 19 \ 20 \ 21 \ 22 \ 23 \ 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 |
Human AU for Fletcher and Merrick
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Questions Answered and Character Tag Games
1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7 \ 8 \ 9 \ 10 \ 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
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katsbookcornerreads · 5 years ago
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I saw at night, and behold…a red horse… Answering to self-absorbed warmongers in a trite internet call center, Scarlet is certain she would rather face the battlefields. However, it doesn’t escape her notice that War is all she was ever known. Horseman of the Apocalypse doesn't exactly build a well-rounded resume. Lonely and longing for the husband she was forced to leave behind, Scarlet painfully admits that life isn’t worth living… not without him… From Hell to the Golden Throne, Tyr, god of justice, has hunted his wife across the realms. Unprepared to find her working as a phone operator, Tyr is certain of only one thing, Scarlet is no longer the woman he fell in love with and he is determined to bring that woman back to him… even if it takes the rest of eternity. But when a prophecy as old as the Horseman themselves begins to turn, Scarlet and her kin realize they must bear the defensive. Bound by her responsibly to guard the four seals that will unleash the Apocalypse, Scarlet struggles to overcome her mistakes, allow herself to love again, and return her seal to its rightful place… or risk a chain reaction that will force the Horsemen to take up their mantles and destroy the new lives they've worked so hard to build. Can Scarlet learn how to enjoy living again with Tyr beside her? Or will she succumb to her mistakes and take the Horseman down with her? On a Red Horse is an exciting first in a series from New York Times bestselling author Monica Corwin, if you like the work of Larissa Ione, Karen Marie Moning and Kresley Cole you will love the first book to the Revelations series! $2.99 or KU! https://www.instagram.com/p/B7V-VBvAYtA/?igshid=1d179tlwm9ofq
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tipsycad147 · 6 years ago
The Icelandic Rune Poem
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 (in Modern English)
   From Runic and Heroic Poems by Bruce Dickins
   Fe - Wealth
   Source of discord among kinsmen
   and fire of the sea
   and path of the serpent.
   Ur - Shower
   Lamentation of the clouds
   and ruin of the hay-harvest
   and abomination of the shepherd.
   Thurs - Giant
   Torture of women
   and cliff-dweller
   and husband of a giantess.
   Oss - God
   Aged Gautr
   and prince of Ásgardr
   and lord of Vallhalla.
   Reid - Riding
   Joy of the horsemen
   and speedy journey
   and toil of the steed.
   Kaun - Ulcer
   Disease fatal to children
   and painful spot
   and abode of mortification.
   Hagall - Hail
   Cold grain
   and shower of sleet
   and sickness of serpents.
   Naud - Constraint
   Grief of the bond-maid
   and state of oppression
   and toilsome work.
   Isa - Ice
   Bark of rivers
   and roof of the wave
   and destruction of the doomed.
   Ar - Plenty
   Boon to men
   and good summer
   and thriving crops.
   Sol - Sun
   Shield of the clouds
   and shining ray
   and destroyer of ice.
   God with one hand
   and leavings of the wolf
   and prince of temples.
   Bjarken - Birch
   Leafy twig
   and little tree
   and fresh young shrub.
   Madr - Man
   Delight of man
   and augmentation of the earth
   and adorner of ships.
   Logr - Water
   Eddying stream
   and broad geysir
   and land of the fish.
   Yr - Yew
   Bent bow
   and brittle iron
   and giant of the arrow.
Picture  howarddavidjohnson.com
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behrjbehr · 5 months ago
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Creatures of Conquest, War, Death and Famine
The 4 horsemen of tyr, the brothers:3
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