#hope you’re watching anon
circular-bircular · 11 months
Why the FUCK did you support LITERAL TRANSPHOBIA AND FAKECLAIMING? I fucking trusted you but no matter what someone posts you shouldn’t support that. Going through fucking months of posts just to explain away someone’s transphobia is disgusting and I hope you experience far worse.
…. Sigh.
I don’t typically publish these. But I’m so goddamn tired of this.
Remember how I stood up for Sophie’s pronouns and gender identity when she said a slur? Remember how I owned up to my own (completely accidental mistake) fakeclaiming of her? Remember how the space I helped cultivate for months and months and months, the space people have cited as being “so much more pro-endo with me there,” the place that started allowing more and more diversity of systemhood because I fought for it, got harassed for months on end due to multiple users posting intense amounts of misinformation about us, including people who weren’t ever in the server to begin with?
Remember how that document I wrote while triggered, while losing a huge chunk of friends at the time in SN due to how stressed we all were, while so dissociated that I forgot months, said that the transphobia of the admin was absolutely fucking inexcusable? Remember how I condemned admin for this? Remember how admin fucking got rid of the post when he even realized it was there, because he hadn’t even known it was words he’d said, because he has a goddamn disorder that causes that???
Remember how I wrote, in the same goddamn document that is STILL being used to somehow attack me today, that none of this excuses the behavior? Remember how I was trying to explain just the posts that had contributed to triggering the admin? Remember how I explained that this was to explain WHY the behavior happened, not to excuse it, because the document was ONLY a detailing of every single accusation and source of accusation that had, at the time, been levied against my home?
Remember how I wrote an entire response at the bottom about how I lost my safe spaces because of this?
Remember how I wrote about how disgusted I was with the sheer amount of people who blindly believed the word of someone else, rather than coming to me to fucking ask?
Remember how I’m not even in SN anymore?
I don’t support transphobia. I don’t support fakeclaiming. I never have, and never will. There are times I slip up, because my language usage is off and even if I try my best to be clear, I muddle things because I guess I’m just stupid sometimes. It happens. I’m human.
But at least I tried to put an end to the drama, rather than prolonging a string of hatred for months on end about a CDD recovery server that had around 120 members. At least I offer a place to recover for those willing to change their minds and be better.
I’ve done my part. Anon — do yours.
I haven’t blocked you. Go ahead. Tell me to kms or how I’m a stupid moron who is clearly an anti endo TERF cause they’re the same thing and that I deserve all the harassment I get.
I’m kinda fucking used to it.
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puckpocketed · 3 months
So do you actually believe PLD is a good player or is that part of the bit?
The PLD Post
i spent a good 2 days giggling about this to friends. i cant tell if ur a curious caps fan, a person who knows me from my other teams, a disgruntled kings fan (i’ve mostly ruled this out because im pretty sure i know all of the active ones on here) or WHAT. but i’m laughing. the tone of this ask is hilarious and vaguely accusatory but i will take it in good faith and answer <3 tl;dr yes and no. he’s better than people think he is rn, but he’s likely never going to live up to the potential of his tools unless something . idk. recalibrates his entire being. who knows!
i was working on something longer and more complex but i thought about it for more than 5 seconds and i REFUSE to go hockey-bro mode and pull out the microstats and i don’t wanna make this into a full on PLD manifesto. so. caps girlies (gn) HERE are your adoption papers under the cut!
if you are looking at pierre luc dubois who is 6’4 + 220lb and thinking “Oh he’s a power forward” i have to inform you he is in fact THEEE smallest mouse to ever play hockey in the whole world and in all of history. he sips nectar out of a thimble and sleeps curled up in a match box and goes fishing in a boat made from nutshells and twigs . he’s big, but he sort of plays small.
this is not necessarily a bad thing — he relies on foot speed and skill over hitting.
he can throw hits but prefers to stick check. he leverages his big frame to guard the puck and to defend, and it makes him simultaneously VERY effective and very much what i like to call a Nexus Of Crime. he is either drawing ten thousand penalties because people have to do something to stop him from driving the net with speed OR he is taking ten thousand penalties because he gets eager in the corners.
PLUS he’s huge and refs do just assume he’s committing a crime when they can’t see what’s going on <3 hence, Nexus Of Crime! if there’s a penalty he’s probably involved LMAO
not a “dirty” player by any means. not physical unless he decides he wants to. and there is no violence inside of him unless he’s deeply horsebonded to his team <- IMPORTANT re; playoffs aspirations. you won’t see him put himself on the line simply for the love of the game, he HAS to be committed to the team.
to be committed to his team… i’m honestly not sure what that takes. i’d guess a combination of knowing his role on the ice and in the locker room (this was very unclear on lak) consistency of messaging from coaches (also seemed to be an issue on lak)
i know nothing about caps coaching or management or the team vibes but i’m sure you can fix him <3 i’m ready to fall in love and ride this team to the sunset
this failhorse will NOT shoot the puck and if he does it will be the saddest soggiest most pathetic shot you’ve ever seen. you will tear your hair out in chunks if you watch him expecting an elite goalscorer.
he’s a pass-first guy. likes to drop pass! likes to drive play from the middle but is also capable of getting pucks off the boards. he needs a finisher on his wing. i could pull up stats here, there are stats to be pulled up, but i know this in my HEART from watching dozens of kings games: he would have had 10-15 more points easily if he wasn’t stapled to the 3rd line and had better finishers. many times i watched him tee up a very good opportunity only for his guy to miss the net or fan or just get knocked off the puck
individually, he thrives in front of the net. his ass is fat and he’s about to use it to screen the goalie. hes good at catching loose pucks in the crease to send them home <3 see his performance at worlds. he scored basically all of his goals right up there!!
most media coverage/narratives will tell you his point production dropped off bc of effort (which is true) but even the MOST resentful kings watchers will say pld wasn’t given his best shot playing with inexperienced+fringe nhlers, being line shuffled the moment he got a bit comfortable, and also not getting ANY net front time on the lak pp. i factor this into all my judgements of his performance.
He’s def earned his diva rep LMAO!! this is personal opinion here but he seems like a sensitive and easily rattled little clam… like he will have a couple of bad shifts and if there’s nobody there to shake him out of it he’ll lose his grasp on the game and play like shit <3 a rolling joke on kingstwt was figuring out which PLD we were getting that game, and you could tell by his 5th if he was switched on or off!!
they hate him for this but EYE think this is nothing new for athletes and if he can consistently stay in the zone he’ll probably be pretty good. mental fortitude of a wet tissue my beloved….
moving onto the Vibes section!! he was always good humoured in media availability and didn’t shy away from scrums even when public opinion soured against him and critiques of both his hockey and his character had reached a fever pitch. i like this about him. he always gave authentic answers and tried his best to accomodate them, and never hid behind his captains.
he gets along quite well with teammates despite the narratives. no seriously!! some of the the kings had a hang out during off-season right before they went to worlds!! there’s bisexual lighting!!!!
there’s interviews from old jets teammates that are just like. “he used to turn up at my house with his dog and text IM HERE with no warning and that’s how we became friends” or “his obsession with euro soccer teams bewitched me”. he had control of the aux cord. he was a den mother and planned group gatherings. a genuine sweetheart to every teammate he’s ever had!!
I don’t think he’s some. idk. secret 100 point producing star 1C. but i truly believe with the right environment he’ll probably hit 60 points again.
thank you for your time if you made it this far and i hope to see you all in the trenches (caps lb) next season 👍
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dancingisdangerouss · 2 years
God I need some dexter mogen headcons just enything about dexter morgen x reader I am begging you. There is not enough fan fiction about him.
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It is indeed criminal how few things there are out there for him. Which is weird, because I know you hoes on here love a suave, cocky serial killer with a thing for blood, so I don’t get why he’s not more popular. Like??
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Anyway. Here are some headcanons I’m pulling out of my ass:
Dexter is a Dork. If you remove the serial killer/Dark passenger vibes, he’s like just a nerd with weird fascinations. He strikes me as a very scientific guy, like you could ask him about molecules or some shit and he’ll excitedly prattle on for an hour about it.
He’s doing his best to come across as a regular guy, so he would be a very thoughtful lover. Taking literal notes down about things you like, stuff you mention wanting, etc. so he can surprise you with gifts. That adorable, doting boyfriend couldn’t possibly be a killer, right?
Dexter loves blood. We know this. It’s his life, his work, his obsession…So like a vampire, he comes a-runnin’ like a faithful puppy anytime you’re bleeding from something, just admiring the wound with a sense of great awe before sucking on it.
He’s so into it, he’ll even do what some guys do with their semen, where they spray all over the girl’s face and chest, except with his own blood. Finds it erotic to cut himself at just the right spot to make the blood mist all over you, gulping and huskily muttering about how fucking good you look like that before plowing you into the wall.
He needs a lot of reassurance. He talks about being a monster and a bad person in a flippant manner, but I think, deep down, it hurts knowing what he is. He plays it off like “oh yeah I’m a bad guy who kills bad guys, anyway, want some fries?” but I feel like he actually feels hurt and isolated by what he is, and just craves acceptance.
Dexter can be… a tad possessive and overprotective. He’s loved and lost a lot in his life, and he’s not about to lose you, too. Any guy talking to you? He’s puffing his chest and posturing, intimidating the man to leave. Someone hurting you? Even just by giving you a playful smack on the shoulder? His hand is around their wrist in a serpent’s grip, like, “you wanna lose that hand?”
As seen in the show, he doesn’t think he likes sex and acts like he’s indifferent to it, but dude is a sex fiend. He loves incorporating his kinks into it, too—assuming you know what he does in his spare time, that is. Would love to tie you down naked with plastic wrap, take a sample of your blood and lick the wound clean, and fuck you while you’re bound to the lab table, whimpering and unable to touch him back.
He’s also a very verbal guy in the bedroom. A real teasing, silver-tongued bastard who knows exactly what to say to make your knees weaken. If you have any kinks, he’ll take full advantage of that, whispering the filthiest of things into your ear. I personally think he has a really nice voice in general, and would use that to his advantage.
Aftercare. BIG into aftercare. We’ve seen with his lovers he’s very affectionate and playful, and I get the vibes from him that he would want to ensure your absolute comfort, however you prefer.
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giddlygoat · 3 months
How did Luigi react when he realized he died-
well, he thought he was dreaming for sure. it wouldn’t be the first time he’d fainted from fear or passed out from exhaustion in a mansion, so he strongly denied any of it was real at first. but he quickly realized that this ‘dream’ was way too vivid and strange to be a fantasy, and that’s when it started to sink in.
his big giveaway was probably how confused polturpup was? like, the pup was distressed that luigi wasn’t breathing, but the moment he realized luigi was simultaneously up and about, he crashed into luigi’s ghost form happily and luigi INSTANTLY felt something was off. it wasn’t like before when he would pet polturpup and the sensation was similar to the mist off dry ice, while being solid but in a distinctly dream-like way. this time, polturpup has straight up Collided with luigi, and in ways he could not explain, the dog is realer than before [it’s MY au and I get to make up the nonsense rules of the ghostly plane of existence! (and yes ghosts can pass through each other but it’s something that takes focus to do)]
ANYWAY, luigi is so horrified that he probably would have had a heart attack if he had a heart handy. it’s so much to take in at once, and he is overwhelmed to the point of incapacitation for a few minutes. the thing he feared most was ghosts, so actually becoming one felt wrong on all levels. honestly, the only thing keeping him from going completely mad was polturpup’s friendly presence and his mission to save mario.
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dykemarcille · 1 month
should i watch riverdale? I have never seen it. I need something insane to distract me from the horrors
my shortlist of INSANE tv shows: riverdale, teen wolf, gotham, legends of tomorrow, farscape. every show on this list has different levels of angst vs lightness, but all are good at making you go “girl What the fuck”
there’s sometimes an unevenness to quality (riverdale I only actively enjoyed s4-6, though I overall appreciated and liked the Project that was “watching riverdale”). Personally I thought the first couple seasons were too slow for me. if you want a teen series that does plot at a CLIP, then perhaps edge teen wolf or even the vampire diaries ahead.
MY RIVERDALE PITCH: a stylized show that is big on pastiche and reference and meta narrative. ultimately it progresses to a point where every character is fulfilling a different archetype, trope, or genre conventions. season 1 is essentially just “What if Twin Peaks happened to One Tree Hill?”, but I more greatly enjoyed “What if Betty was clarice starling and Jughead got abducted by mothman and None Of Them are free from the effects of incest rotting the very fabric of riverdale itself” etc etc. And yes there is more incest than you expect. The murder mystery elements are just plot engine.
other tv shows I always go back to when I want my brain to be distracted from the horrors: my perennial recommendations are person of interest, killjoys, and lost.
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ssreeder · 4 months
I finished “risking it all” yesterday and omg. I know I already talked about the plot twists from liab (which are still shocking btw) but ARA?? My bbg I love her so much. I know she’s been fucking awful but she’s my little meow meow. Poor girl she’s been groomed her whole life and mistreated. She’s not a violent dog she’s just responding to her surroundings but a violent dog is still violent. and dangerous.
I was so happy when hakoda wasn’t homophobic like yay!!! Acceptance!!
But omg bato..he’s so interesting. I love the way you wrote him it makes his character so much more deep. You better give him a bf in “into the fire” (I haven’t started it yet so) my mans needs to let go of that high school crush. But I get him. He’s so real. I wish he was MY cool uncle. But I’m glad sokka can find comfort with him.
Reho is pretty chill he just needs to learn to not be so trusting. He’s a D1 yapper and he’s so me.
When you have us that spicy zukka and you had to ruin it…
but whatever…
speaking of zukka.. the GOODBYE KISS ☹️☹️☹️☹️ I was so sad like they’re showing public affection but its the last time they ever get to!! I’m literally shaking and crying on the floor!! They’re so tragic I love them. They’re my Romeo and Juliet atp. zuko you self-sacrificing angel please just love yourself!!! sokka my baby you can’t just fix everything!! learn to grieve first!!! Aaahh!! I love them and the way you write.
You’re amazing sreeder. I hope you know that.
Bless your soul and the pen which connects to your incredible mind.
HIIII FRIEND YOU DID IT!!! you finished RIA!! super exciting haha.
I will say I am SUPER SURPRISED how many people like Ara??? Not only is she a controversial female character but she also caused harm to everyone’s favorite meow meow zuzu the purrrrrrrfect wittle baby. So I know she’s on people hit list lol… love that you like her though!!!
YOU WANT MORE BATO CONTENT?!?! *squirms happily* you should enjoy reading ITF haha.
& YES HAKODA WAS NEVER HOMOPHOBIC - Just prince zuko phobic but he gets over that as one does in a zukka fic haha. Ok ok ok thank you for complimenting RIA it’s my hot mess book I learned a lot while writing and I experienced a lot of life stuff so I’m happy you enjoyed so much it always makes me smile when people enjoy the middle part.
you’re amazing seriously from the depths of my soul thank you.
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oh!! ari, because of you and that ask, i started watching the apothecary diaries, too!! looks like i found myself a second husband :)) i want to put him in my pocket alongside my first husband, suguru <3
REALLLLLL they’re two sides of the same coin aren’t they…… silly little men
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^_^ meets ^<^
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inkykeiji · 2 months
The character who inspired Sukuna is Grimmjow! He doesn't appear until the arrancar arc but I promise, he is worth the wait~
oh i’ve heard of him!!! idk a thing about him but i’ve heard the name before hehe c: i like his hair (*ノωノ) he is veryyy cute anon u are not wrong,,, is he also a fucking psycho like sukuna orrrrr
these are the images that rly got me waaaaah >.<
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michyeosseo · 1 year
is semi a canon lesbian?
oh, nonny, you wound me
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screencaps context: semi’s expressing support (and understanding younger her would’ve appreciated to hear) when she thought her own son could have been 동성애 / sexual minority like her
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ahappyphjl · 8 months
Lmao I had class all day during the stream so I logged on for 2 seconds, donated, and dipped out
oh damn sorry u couldn’t watch it live, but awesome u still took the time to donate!! ✨
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setokaibassoulmate · 9 months
i’m gonna watch yu-gi-oh for the first time just so i can get to know kaiba more and understand why you like him so much (˶^u^˶)
your selfship is singlehandedly gonna make me watch an entire anime :D
Oh my god thank you so much?? This is like the biggest compliment and achievement ever😭. I hope you‘ll enjoy watching it and meeting Kaiba!
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m1d-45 · 10 months
anons original ask:
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that’s quite alright ! don’t worry about it, it’s not a big deal.
also, hello and welcome! admittedly, you’ve chosen a rather poor time to pop up (of no fault of your own, of course, i’ve just been rather [vague buzz of negativity] and very inactive on tumblr) but i do still check my notifications regularly. if you have any ideas you’d like to chat about, please feel free to send an ask !
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thychesters · 10 months
Same anon here - ive seen loads of people complain about LA zoro's characterisation & FWIW as someone who had no experience of one piece before watching the live action it did come across to me that yes while zoro is cool, a lot of how he acts is bravado and he is a bit silly, bits like him being unable to sit down with his swords , arguing about wearing black at kayas mansion laughing at what he did to helmeppos hair etc and he was getting more comfortable as the series went on (which made the whole argument with nami about being friends break my heart more ;_;) also afterwards I've watched a bit of the anime (loguetown to alabasta) and while yes there are loads more gags in general in the anime, he doesn't seem too dissimilar to me. Spends a lot of the time asleep, does some idiotic things but also actually has sense a lot of the time. (I actually found sanji more different - he seems nicer/friendlier in the LA than the anime to me, which might be a weird opinion) . Sorry for the essay! 😬
oh yeah i think zoro definitely tries to be cool—or thinks he is, and he’ll drop cool lines before doing something remarkably stupid, lmao. i really need to rewatch the opla since i haven’t seen any of it beyond gifs since sept and i’m basing what i remember off of that 😅
that’s awesome that you’ve started the anime! loguetown was a cool arc i enjoyed that really set you up for crossing into the grand line, and i love the villain and world building in alabasta. there are a ton of gags that were great in the anime but definitely wouldn’t have translated well into the live action! that’s the fun of having the too though, i think.
not a weird opinion to be though! sanji was much more tolerable in the live action, whereas in the anime he has some moments where his characterization crosses lines. i found him more charming in the live action
omg no not at all! i love essays! this is fun!
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ask-idv-night-watch · 2 years
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jeanmoreaux · 1 year
I’m so tired of people
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httpiastri · 1 year
Hello love!
It's been a little while, so first of all-Happy belated birthday! I saw the messages on the day and wanted to write a little something, but then I got so busy 🙈 so I wish you all the best, for all of your wishes to be fulfilled and a great year overall!
I really like the new layout, it seems so calm 🩵
I feel like my life has been so busy lately, I barely had time to catch my breath. But for now, I am incredibly happy to be here and getting to know me again in a completely different environment. My host family is so lovely and last weekend I met some nice au pairs that live really close to me, so now I am not even alone anymore haha!
Being here also means that I am kinda always out and about, so I only watched fp3 yesterday and the start of the f2 race today. It's a shame it got cancelled so soon :( but safety first of course!
I won't be able to watch the F1 race tomorrow, but I am still hoping for some Lando magic. I really want him to win the race, but I also want to be there and watch it live? But it will be Max's win anyways lol!
In the last ask you said you were planning dropping out of uni- I am sorry to hear that, even though its probably for the best if you don't like the subjects. I don't know how people react in your country with news like that, but just remember that it's most important to be happy with what you do! (Who knows? Maybe you want to do a year abroad somewhere as well?)
I will probably catch up on all the writing you uploaded in the last couple of days and go to bed then- I am exhausted 😴
love! hello!! thank you so much, i hope you get a lovely year too 💘 and thank you! my old theme was so random shssjhs i do enjoy this a bit more !!
aw it makes me so glad to hear that you are happy and that the people around you are good to you. and i love the positive mindset! it must be really challenging but you’re doing so well 🥹 and oooo you met some people!! that’s lovely !!! are they from a lot of different countries or is it all kind of similar? if you get what i mean shsksjs
yeah it must be hard to keep track of all racing when you’re so busy… i was disappointed about them cancelling f2 but i do think it was a good choice, it didn’t seem very safe. it just sucks that they can’t like postpone sessions instead of cancel them :( like i get that it’s because of the schedule on the track but it still sucks! for everyone probably
!! crossing my fingers for lando tomorrow !!!! hoping for maybe a little rain (but not so much that it’s dangerous) for tomorrow’s f2 feature so arthur can get some easy climbing…. pls he deserves some points 🙏🙏🙏
hmm well in my country i guess it’s kinda like… not super weird to not go to uni? or at least it’s common to take a few years off to work and stuff after high school. the good thing about sweden is that school doesn’t cost anything so i have no debts and won’t lose any money for dropping out, which i guess is a big problem for people dropping out in other countries. we even get paid to go to school here, and tbh i was gonna use that money to pay for rent but that’s not happening now…. so well 🫠 but yes thank you, i will try to remember that!! <3
to be honest, i’ve thought a lot about moving to another major city or even going abroad, because recently i feel like this place isn’t for me in some way. i applied (and got accepted) to a school in the second biggest city, but i have too many responsibilities here this year that i just can’t escape from so it just wouldn’t work out 🥲 but i really do think that moving abroad is going to be the goal for me for the future! idk how but im gonna try to make it happen lmao!! i shall take inspiration from your braveness 🥰🤭
awh, i hope you get some good sleep and dream sweet dreams of our boys!! 😚😚😚
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