#hook me up with any whaling ship reccs pls i have read jamrachs menagerie and the north water which seems like he just copies jamrachs
theelliottsmiths · 5 years
How important is the cover of a book to you when choosing books?
Bad covers don't make me less likely to read a book unless it's part of a genre pattern I don't care for. A lot of older books (especially the mid 1900s, wtf happened?) are ugly and it's not their fault.
I like a nice cover, obviously, and if there are multiple covers for a book I'll seek out the nicer one (see: the Southern Reach books, I have and adore this version and also have the matching collected hardcover) and have a couple of times bought another copy of a book because of the covers (I have two copies of all the first two ambergris books and Veniss Underground because new ones came out that are fucking gorgeous, sidenote why is Veniss Underground the third one when it's 1. Not an ambergris books and 2. Finch is an ambergris book currently out of print).
I don't like tie-in versions, mostly because they're out of place in a series, I don't like the real people in covers thing and the tone always feels wrong, but I appreciate why they happen.
And obviously, especially at the library, a cool/eye-catching cover helps. I picked up one of my all time favourite books because of the cover: If I had seen any of the other versions I would have for sure not bothered
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Warning: if you decide to read it be aware that it's so much sadder than it sounds. Yes, it's a tale of friendship and animals and a whaling ship etc but also it gets very... HMS Erebus, if you get my meaning.
Ps. If you're a publisher and you decide it's okay to change the cover pattern or size of the books halfway through I despise you. All of the first four Peter Grant books are the same size, then there was one of those super massive paperbacks, then a mass market paperback only, and then the covers changed from different colours to cream red and purple. It looks very cool but the fuck, guys?
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