#honorable mention to airi in top 20
kokomoluver · 3 months
ok some orlando preds as promised:
mini: sylvie win szyndlar, amaya rodriguez, aliya yen
top 10: navy forrest, harper shwalb, mikalea florez, reese braga, tinsley wallace, lainey hess
jr: helena olaerts, elsie sandall, regan garena
top 10: berk scifres, lelani lawlor, skye harrell, anita rodriguez, sara von rotz, camila giraldo, kendyl miller, amabella tarrago
teen: gracyn french, kylee keasares, giselle gandarilla
top 10: brooklyn ladia, bella rose penrose, bella rey d’armas, desa jankes, elizabeth bilecki, miyah lagrant, leila winker
sr: dyllan blackburn, sophie garcia
top 10: lexi blanchard, sammi chung, preslie rosamond, ashley choy, destanye diaz
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foxblood · 1 month
The Threads of Memory: I Matchmaker
Chapters: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25
Morena sat in the seat across from Madame Toussau in her parlor with her shoulders tight and face slightly pinched, sipping from a teacup decorated with delicate pink ropes of petals belonging to no specific flower.  Her eyes fell upon the matchmaker, narrowed in skepticism, and took in the lush pinks and oranges of her dress that seemed to affront the neatly kept sitting room’s airy blues and greens.
Madame Toussau waited for Morena’s assessment, always best to let the client find the first words.  Especially one as particular as this mother -- single mother, if the portrait of herself and four children on the wall was any indication.  
Morena finally set her cup down on the saucer.  “Please, drink your tea,” her command practiced, and Madame Toussau found the cup in her hand as soon as Morena asked.  Morena continued, “if I may be frank with you madame, a matchmaker is my last resort.  This process brings me no pleasure, but I’ve tried every avenue to return my son Gale to society.  There is no more I can do on my own, and so I am forced to --” she rolled her wrist, “-- If he will not make social connections, then I must make them on his behalf.”
“So, are we seeking a spouse?” Madame Toussau asked.
Morena gave a curt shake of her head.  “I will not impose such a thing upon him.”
Madame Toussau finished her tea and set the cup down.  Morena filled it again, topping her own cup up as well.  Madame Toussau considered the lines of Morena’s face, the worry pulling at her mouth.
“Then a companion,” Madame Toussau ventured, “someone he may get along with, avoiding the mention of marriage.”
“You are capable of such a thing?” Morena watched her face for any twitch or doubt.
“Under the correct circumstances.  Why don’t you tell me about your son?” Madame Toussau prompted.
Gale leaned back in his desk chair, massaging the expanding ache in his chest.  He squeezed his eyes shut and focused on the expansion of his lungs with each slow breath he took.  Sometimes, the orb eased away if he just let it file its complaints and breathed through the ordeal.  Sometimes it would spasm like a crack of thunder through his ribs, hungry and threatening to suck him and the whole of Waterdeep into the abyss if it was not fed.  This, this was just a grumble.
The ceiling beams melted together in his vision when he opened his eyes.  His pulse throbbed hard in his neck, and he missed the first knock at the door because it mixed with the sound of blood in his ears.  He muttered a curse when he heard the second knock, fumbling for the drawer in his desk where he kept the enchanted trinkets Tara managed to pilfer and picking apart the tangled chains of amulets.
The orb throbbed harder, reaching for the weave within the locket.  Gale pressed it to his bare skin, the magic peeling his flesh away and sucking the locket dry of magic until it was hot in his fingers.  He tossed the spent thing beneath his desk and wiped the sweat from his forehead before answering the door with black spots still dotting his vision.
“Mother?” his vision resolved on Morena’s stout frame, then on the tall and thin outline of a second woman, “and a guest,” he smiled politely, “to what do I owe the honor?”
Morena’s eyes stared pointedly past him and into the flat.
Gale stepped aside.  “Please, come in.  I apologize for the mess, I wasn’t expecting company,” he bent down and kissed his mother’s cheek as she stepped across the threshold, “should I make some tea?”
“That would be best, Gale,” Morena’s voice assured him that what followed would not be a request, “I must discuss something with you.”
Peiotr cleared his throat for the third time, his legs dangling uncomfortably off the rattan chair not built for dwarves.  Velim barely glanced at him, tapping the page of their notebook with their pen to feel the muted round of it against the barrier of their fine lambskin gloves, and laid down another line of notes about the ins and outs of matchmaking as Madame Toussau had described.  A loose strand of dull brown-black hair fell out from their ponytail and they tucked it behind their ear.
“Should I not be the nervous one?” Velim teased in their trademark deadpan.
Madame Toussau chuckled, disguising her laughter with a cough when Peiotr’s nose grew redder.  “It’s not unusual for those doing the matching to experience more nerves than the matched,” she assured Peiotr, reaching to squeeze his hand across the table.
“And you’re my agent, not my father,” Velim reminded him as the flush reached his ears.
Peiotr crossed his arms.  “I just want to see him for myself.”
Velim glanced at the clock tower peeking above the buildings.  “Might have decided against it, he’s late.”
“Perhaps nerves on his part, too,” Madame Toussau chimed.
“You intend to get lost once he arrives, don’t you, Peiotr?” Velim asked, dotting a spot of ink on his freckled arm.
He scoffed and tried to wipe the ink away, leaving a black smudge on himself.  “Aye,” he grunted.
Madame Toussau straightened up, her long neck craning over the crowd on the street.  “There he is,” she waved to a man making his way through the crowd.
The man gave her a shy wave back, and Velim closed their notebook to catch a better look at him.  Brown hair slicked back, brows drawn close in concern and a couple weeks’ worth of a beard, tall enough to see over the crowd and well-dressed in the way of a man who stepped out of the house too quickly to consider pressing his shirt.
Peiotr hopped down from the chair as Gale jogged up the stairs with a breathless apology prepared.  Peiotr intercepted him before he reached the table.
“Peiotr Ironfoot,” he extended his hand and shook Gale’s in a crushing grip that left his niceties a pained grimace, “Velim’s agent, good to meet you Mr. Dekarios.”
“Peiotr,” Velim leaned forward on the table and waited for him to look at them so they could mouth “get lost” as they wiped the remaining ink off their pen.
Peiotr cleared his throat and released Gale’s hand, glancing back up at the man’s face, but he was already fixated on Velim.  He met their muddy green eyes and looked away as though burned, then looked back and ran a hand through his hair.
“Shall I get us some coffee?” he asked, “my treat, for making you wait.”
Velim sat back in their chair, assessing him.  “Sure.”
“Nothing for me, thank you, Gale,” Madame Toussau said, “I do no indulging on business.”
“Not even coffee?” Velim asked, flashing the sharp white canines wood elves sometimes possessed.
“Not even coffee, sera,” Madame Toussau made a shooing motion at Velim, “now, you know the rules.  Behave as though I am not here at all.”
“A difficult thing to do,” Velim commented, ignoring her rules as Gale glanced back at them one last time before ducking into the cafe, “where did you find him, anyway?”
Madame Toussau laughed soft, like windchimes.  “I could ask you the same.”
“Peiotr?  He’s the only stranger willing to take a chance on me based on the letter I wrote him, that’s all,” they waved her questions away, “how’d you make your way into matchmaking?”
Madame Toussau scanned Velim’s still face, their skin smooth and flawless when they dropped the practiced facial expressions.  “I used to be a madame of a different sort,” she watched for a reaction.
“Got sick of making yourself the match, then?” Another practiced half-smile.
Madame Toussau restrained herself from scolding Velim for their packaged expression.  If the pair was good, they would begin to emote properly.  Gale returned with two espressos in small cups and a glass full of water, which he placed in front of Madame Toussau.
“Forgive me, my mother raised me better than to leave a lady without refreshment of some kind,” Gale apologized as he sat across from Velim.
Velim took the chipped cup of espresso from the center of the table, long fingers domed over the top so the steam billowed into the palm of their hand and held it like that on their side of the table until Gale sipped his.  They savored the rich warmth against the chill of the encroaching autumn, then set it down with their fingers still resting on the rim.
“I’m sure I’ve been a topic of discussion already as punishment for my tardiness,” Gale began, “but I know very little about you.  This whole process happened in such haste, I hardly remembered your name when I stepped out the door today.”
“Velim, if you need the reminder,” they said, “half-retired Vulture, surgeon, and author.”
“Of course, Velim,” he rolled their name around in his mouth, matching the sound of it to their placid face, “a Vulture, you said?  With the Waterdeep Public Health Corps, I’d imagine?”
Velim inclined their head, urging him on.
“A perilous occupation, how long have you been in it?”
They tapped on the table, counting the years.  “15 years, give or take.”
“15 years?” Gale’s eyes widened.  Madame Toussau also took notice of the statement and leaned in.  Gale stuttered out an excuse for his disbelief, “Gods, are you under some divine protection?”
Velim shrugged.  “Perhaps just lucky, there are more of us highly tenured plague doctors than you may expect.  ‘One who lives the first two years will live another ten,’ the saying goes,” they changed the subject, “I hear you’re a researcher at Blackstaff.”
“Once, but no longer,” he held his espresso in front of his mouth, a barrier between himself and Velim’s probing gaze, “one could say I’ve been on an extended sabbatical.”
“What did you research?” Velim pushed past his shield.
“Ah, well, have you ever heard of the Empire of Netheril?” Gale asked, “I don’t imagine your personal studies take many forays into archaeology.  It once soared above where the deserts of Anauroch sit today.”
Velim leaned forward.  “I know very little about Netheril,” they admitted, “an empire based on magic with floating cities.  That’s about all.”
Gale set his espresso down and seemed to forget about it as he flourished his hand in introduction.  “Then you may be interested to learn that the current state of magic in Faerun -- and, indeed, the world over -- is connected intimately with the fall of Netheril wherein the Archwizard Karsus attempted to wrest control of the weave from Mystryl and destroyed him entirely in the process.”
“Himself, or Mystra?” Velim cocked their head to the side.
“Mystryl,” Gale corrected, “the god of magic before Our Lady of Spells, and the reason we mortals have the limits we do with her arts.”
“Mystryl,” Velim glanced up at the gutter around the roof of the building, where an intrepid pigeon cooed and eyed the finger sandwiches on a neighboring table, “can you find remnants of those floating cities in Anauroch?  I imagine you could, deserts preserve such things.”
“Well, yes, but my particular area of study lies elsewhere at the moment,” Gale bloomed under the rain of their questions, “I’ve been studying the works of an Archmage known as Ortenkus who lived some thousand years before Karsus’ folly.  He was instrumental in the annexation and settlement of the western border of the empire, near the Silver Marches.  Recently, I’ve been investigating a tale regarding a military victory he wrought.  During Ortenkus’ lifetime, a small nation whose name has long since been lost became a wall to Netheril by somehow inverting their magic.”
Velim’s mind added a new observation to their catalog with every word he spoke, relieved that they might observe him unwatched while he spoke.  The spinning wheel earring he wore had no mechanism for removal.  He reeked of magic, and it crackled over them as static because he spoke with gestures pronounced enough to waft it over them from across the table.  Every few seconds, he stole a glance at them with a kind of bashfulness in his eyes as though asking for permission to continue.
Gale continued on, a train rolling down the tracks of his thoughts.  “Ortenkus, as the main strategist for the King at the time, was tasked with laying the nation low.  He spent twenty years and twenty days in the great libraries of Palter -- an enclave known even among the Netherese as a bastion of knowledge -- and when he emerged, he descended to the earth with a strange egg.  He disguised himself as an old man and walked into the foremost bastion of the country, left the egg beneath the center of their government, and walked back to Netheril. 
“Within a year, the country lay in disarray without even the knowledge that they were once allies with any of the other groups within the land.  The infighting destroyed them, and with each fracture Ortenkus led the armies of Netheril in to seize the lands.”
“Wait a moment,” Velim interrupted.
Gale’s speech stuttered to a stop.
“How, exactly, did Ortenkus initiate memory loss on such a mass scale?  The erasure of an entire culture suggests psionic impact on the level of…” they trailed off, unable to think of a comparison, “well, regardless, what could mediate such a thing?  The focus must have been enormous, no smaller than the ones they used to power their cities.”
“Yes, the mythallars,” Gale nodded sagely, then leaned forward on the table as though sharing a secret, “but I haven’t the slightest idea how he did it.  No mention of anything but a strange egg within any translation or account I’ve come across,” a smile tugged at the corner of his lips and he lowered his voice, “my personal theory is that he made use of a living creature of some sort.  Perhaps something of ilithid origin, given their psionic capabilities.  A sufficiently powerful ilithid being placed at the center of a society may cause enough neurological fallout to destroy the whole thing down to the very bolts.”
“Ilithid,” Velim repeated, “no archeological sites for this event, I imagine.”
Gale sat back and ran a hand through his hair, dislodging a greying strand that fell against his forehead.  “One, possibly, but it’s out in the Silver Marches.  Difficult to reach under ideal conditions…”
“Which the Silver Marches do not possess,” Velim finished.
Gale leaned in again.  “So you’ve been?”
Velim glanced at Madame Toussau, and she blinked at them reassuringly.  Velim picked at the chip in the rim of their espresso cup.  “A year ago, for diphtheria.  We lost a whole crate of antitoxin and a horse to the mud before we even reached the outbreak.”
“Gods, what a fetid wasteland it is.  Even the hags avoid the place.” Gale chuckled to himself, “you mentioned you were an author?”
“Just textbooks.  Peiotr’s been looking for a publishing house that might take my fiction, but no such luck as of yet,” Velim explained, “the matchmaking itself is for research.”
Gale thought of his mother’s demand for cooperation and felt a pang of relief as the expectations lifted from his shoulders.  “What are you writing that would require you to employ a matchmaker for research?”
“You’ll laugh,” Velim’s smile this time was genuine, but muted, “it’s a romance about an accidental match with a devil.”
Gale did laugh, just a little.  “What makes a devil lovable?”
Velim shrugged and finished their coffee.  “If there’s anything to love, I’ll find it.”
Gale’s voice ached, and yet Tara sat on the bench beside the door and swished her tail at him with expectation.
“It went well, Tara,” he assured her, scratching behind her ears the way she liked and sitting beside her to doff his shoes.
“Nothing strange about them?” Tara demanded, “no scales or claws?” she sniffed him tentatively.
“No such thing, Tara,” Gale huffed, “I did bump into a dragonborn on my way home.”
She sniffed again.  “Could be.  Your mother asked me no less than four times if I had heard from you.”
“You visited my mother four times?  Tara, you must quit pestering the poor woman,” Gale scolded, his voice soft.
Tara flicked her ear at him.  “She was concerned, you were gone for hours.  I was under strict orders to report back as soon as you arrived, but I only expected you gone an hour.  We both did, and look --” Tara trotted to the glass doors to the balcony and sat pointedly in front of the reddening sky.
“Then it went much better than either of you expected,” Gale stretched and shrugged off his vest, “they’re a surgeon and work with the Waterdeep Public Health Corps, and as though they had the time to spare, they’re also a published author.”
Tara met him at his desk and settled on the shelf he set up above it just for her.  “And did you give them time to speak about being a decorated plague doctor, author, and surgeon, or did you simply talk their ear off until you were hoarse?”
“They kept asking me questions, Tara,” Gale collapsed into his desk chair with a sigh, “thank you for talking me into going.”
“Do you need me to fetch you something?” Tara purred, the scolding out of her voice.
“No, Tara, thank you,” Gale smiled at his ceiling, “I’m feeling just fine.”
Velim closed the door of their flat behind them and slid all three deadbolts into place before their shoulders slumped.  They sat on the bed, pulled off their boots, and tucked them beneath the bedframe, then fell back.
They pulled their gloves off one finger at a time, then plucked the Ring of Mortal Guise off their ring finger and dropped it into one of the gloves for safe keeping.  Their scales reappeared, glossy black in the low light filtering in from the sunset.  They studied the shine on their hands, their claws filed as short and flat as they could get them without hitting the quick.  They ran their hand up their arm until it caught the edge of a scale coming loose.  They pinched the edge between their thumb and forefinger and plucked it off, leaving a pale green patch of skin underneath.  Blood beaded up jewel-like where it had still been attached.  
They listened to their neighbors argue below them until someone threw something soft and dull across the room.  Velim took the increasing volume as their sign to get up.  They sat at their writing desk and lit the oil lamp with a wave of their hand.  They pulled a box from the shelf and dropped the scale into it, replaced it, and pulled a leaf from the sheaf of paper in the drawer and began writing their report on the date with Gale Dekarios.
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bandsanitizer · 3 years
5, 20, 43 & 51 for the 5sos asks
hi!! thank you for the ask!! hope you are doing well 💖
5. top five songs overall?
this is a difficult question LOL based solely on my tastes and preferences etc I’ll go with (in no particular order outside of the only reason as 1st):
the only reason, story of another us, os/co, close as strangers, and high (honorable mentions to moving along, over and over, red desert, and kill my time)
20. a song that indulges your emo needs?
I’m going to say over and out? first because drums. second because alex gaskarth writing credits.
43. what color do you associate with each of the members?
THANK YOU FOR THIS QUESTION! I have so so so many feelings about 5sos and colors that I’m putting it in small text to save space. if it’s difficult to read pls let me know and I’ll make it bigger. it just got a bit… long and honestly I have more thoughts about like their ships/pairings as well
okay so easily Calum is dark green. like specifically dark green like forest green-ish in terms of like range of green between yellow and blue, as well. this is because Calum is very very much a cool color—but blue is too cool, like even teal isn’t warm enough to capture the grounding that Calum has, yet he lacks the energized aspects of the warm colors. he definitely has some yellow—he’s pretty friendly and he has his brighter moments, etc (I’d say a lot of his luke and duke interactions are this) but he’s an earthy color. he’s grounded. he’s thoughtful and introspective and while that can be self-orientated he’s very aware and observant. like he’s just… he’s the dark green that resembles the non-creepy sort of comforting surrounding of a forest/trees.
michael is red and I mean bright red like his hair. an unforgiving and unapologetic red. the kind of red that sticks to everything it touches and sticks out in a crowd. which seems odd for michael, but to me he’s always comes across as someone who doesn’t go down quietly or without a fight. someone who wants to know they done something with their life. which is pretty universal, but michael is such a driven dude and he’s 5sos’ number one spokesperson regarding pushing them towards bigger risks and greater chances (them dropping out and the killer queen recording are two examples) and that’s something I find to be bright red? that it’s a fiery sort of passion that can be burning or just a light? that michael is emotions in the sense that I’m sure he has a bit of a temper? but also is so… when he’s happy and proud? he’s so genuine about it? like in general he’s very genuine whether he tries to pretend like he’s not and that’s bright red bc there’s no hiding bright red? it sticks to everything and I do think something about michael is so specific that he leaves behind something with everyone he meets.
luke is blue, usually a sky blue, but a wide array of blues. like everyone has duality but luke does in a way that’s unsuspecting? in the way that blue jeans aren’t usually bold but a swipe of blue eyeliner is a whole statement. he’s blue in that luke moves a lot between softer and harsher sides, deeper and brighter moments. that there are distinctions between front man luke and interview luke and livestream luke and luke posting things on social media that are… subtle but stand out. that he can take up a whole arena with his presence but just from an interview? hard to tell he’s the lead singer sometimes. he’s blue in how blue is full of things. full of meanings from stormy seas to clear skies. full of capacities from making an outfit go from dressy to casual to stepping up an all black fit to a focused statement moment. he’s also just a cool color in the sense he’s introspective and logically led (which is how I associate colors) but he’s a lot more free? airy? than a grounded color like green. he’s mostly clear skies though. and it’s a warm and happy that’s not necessarily the full warmth from the sun on skin? more like that feeling of “today will be a good day” that he’s a star but night skies and bright lights or going unseen in the daytime. just a whole lot of duality in this man i’d say.
last but not least, ashton is a deep red. the kind of red that’s usually velvety or viscous. to start, he and michael are both red (in general) for the emotions I associate them with. they both carry an ability for warmth (think red and fire etc) and they both are emotion dudes. passionate af. they’re the kind of colors with something to say and won’t go unheard. that said, ashton is the “layers” deep red can have. which is like more so the way ashton has very purposeful personalities for situations (like I said with luke) but they’re very *line down the middle* sort of distinct. that he’s the dad friend and the uncle and the older brother and the snippy cousin who won’t talk to you at family reunions and also that other cousin who will start up a conversation out of no where. he’s full of opinions and thoughts and it’s deep red in the sense that he won’t always share them? but they pull or reach out and sprinkle in things he creates. idk if calum’s the open comfort of a forest then ashton is the embrace of a library or comfy couch in a dimly lit room.
51. realistically, what member do you think you’d get along with the best and the least (based on how they appear to the public)?
I can tell you that I would get along with Ashton the least. Particularly as current Ashton, while earlier 2014 Ashton might’ve been the best for this question. I just don’t think I’d vibe with him? We’d probably get angry at each other lmao
Maybe I’d get along with Michael best? He comes across as a friend you don’t need to have a lot of shared interests to maintain a friendship with and I’d say he comes across as pretty patient with people. I think we’d get along regarding these burst of wanting to talk to people and hang out but also having moments of needing space and some realm of alone that isn’t lonely.
5SOS asks!
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taww · 5 years
First Take Review: Valvet Soulshine Preamplifier & A4 Mk.II Amplifier
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I stumbled upon the Valvet brand fairly randomly. Looking back at my original email to Alfred Kainz of highend-electronics, Valvet’s US distributor, it appears I caught wind of the niche German marque via a review of their E2 amplifier ($2,990) on 10audio.com. In it, Jerry Siegel compared it with some very well-respected solid state and tube competition - Pass, First Watt, Cary - and came away smitten with the musicality of the little 20-watter. I perused the rest of the Valvet line and was immediately drawn to how it blended sleek, unassuming styling with a focus on tried and true design approaches. Tube preamps with solid state amps (no Class D in sight), super quality passive parts, minimalist Class A and single-ended topologies, all in urban-lifestyle friendly packaging... Valvet was speaking my language. The relative obscurity of the brand (at least here in the States) and lack of online reviews only added to the intrigue. A review was clearly in order, and Alfred was kind enough to oblige us with the Soulshine tube preamp ($5,890 in the configuration we received) and A4 Mk.II monoblock amplifier ($7,890). 
Alfred provided this description of the company:
Valvet is located in Bargteheide, in the north of Germany, near Hamburg. What we have here is a very consistent vision by designer Knut Cornils in design and execution. Knut founded the company in 1991 and has been building Class-A amps since 1982. Knut has evolved a distinctive architecture of Class-A modules using high-quality components in minimal designs, featuring valve pre-amplifiers with separate power supply and solid-state mono-block power amplifiers.
Valvet Soulshine Tube Preamp ($5,890)
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The Soulshine is Valvet’s top preamplifier line and comes in a number of configurations. The model we received is a line stage and includes a compact external power supply and stepped attenuator with remote control. Recently, two further upgrades became available: the Soulshine IIz ($8,890) featuring a dual-mono external supply, and the Soulshine Trio ($10,990) with built-in phono stage and quad supplies. @mgd-taww​ has the full review of our base configuration coming out imminently, but I'll share some observations from my time with the unit.
I really dug the sleek look of the Soulshine - super slender, with a minimalist front panel sporting two polished chrome knobs, a 2-digit volume display and the Valvet "V" softly glowing in blue. There's zero panel markings, which makes input selection a bit of a guessing game, and slightly odd is the fact that the free-spinning volume knob (it's a rotary encoder for the electronically-controlled attenuator) has a dimple to indicate position, despite it being completely uncorrelated with the actual volume setting. The attenuator itself works extremely well - volume control is a bit on the coarser side, definitely not 1dB across the range, but adjustments are quick, smooth and noiseless other than the gentle clicking of the internal relays. Best of all, the outputs are quickly muted to eliminate any possibility of transients on power-up or turn-off which can be a real hazard with tube designs. The back-panel features 4 inputs - 2 balanced XLR, 2 unbalanced RCA - and both RCA and XLR outputs. The power supply is external, connected with a light, flexible and detachable umbilical cord. Under the hood, the circuit is simple and the parts are high quality, with relatively neat hand-soldered point-to-point wiring (Teflon-sleeved silver in our model). Like any tube component, it'll need some room to breath, but it generates a fairly moderate amount of heat and will fit in shelves with less clearance than typical tube pre's with tall chassis and upright tubes.
Tonally I found the Valvet to be fairly nondescript, and I mean that in the best possible way. There is just a hint of extra juice in the mid-bass, and the low end isn't as extended and tightly-controlled as the solid-state Bryston BP-17 Cubed ($4,500), but otherwise things felt quite neutral and in order - another example of the convergence of tube and solid state tonality over time. The top end had clarity and extension and there was neither the upper-midrange forwardness nor the rolled-off treble that one sometimes gets with tubes.
What it did have was a uniquely singing tone in the midrange that made it particularly expressive with soft melodic passages. E.g. on a performance of the Rachmaninoff Romance by cellist Alicia Weilerstein [Tidal], a passionate rendition of the theme is followed by a pianissimo echo. Through the Soulshine, the delicate passage sounded wonderfully quiet and intimate, yet still expressive; on the Bryston it came across a bit threadbare and pale. Every once in a while this could also come across as a bit of thickening, like just a dash too much cornstarch in the sauce - e.g. with Magdalena Kozena's Mozart arias, the ethereal floatiness of her voice came across slightly more opaque than I heard with the Pass Labs XP10. Tradeoffs, tradeoffs...
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Bryston BP-17 Cubed, Valvet Soulshine and Pass Labs XP10 locked in battle
I (or more accurately, my wife and I) heard a bit more editorializing going on with harmonics and timbre. One late evening I was playing some tunes on the Soulshine, Beethoven Symphony No. 2 to be precise, and my wife commented that the orchestra sounded rather sharp (pitch-wise) and nasal. Normally this is how American woodwind players describe European ensembles (who do indeed tune their A's higher and use totally different technique, reeds and often instruments). But in this case, it was a Montreal Symphony performance which she never previously commented on sounding particularly European. Switching back to one of the solid state pre's (the Bryston or Pass XP10) restored the expected timbre - her ears are particularly sensitive, and I can only surmise she was picking up on harmonic distortion being introduced by the tubed Soulshine. I could hear it as well, but to me it was pretty mild, and probably 99% of people won't notice it to the same degree.
The other area where THD may be coming into play is soundstaging. The Valvet has a healthy dose of that holographic tube feel, suspending instruments across a deep, airy and three-dimensional space... so much so that my wife actually felt the sound to be “too 3D,” something I doubt you’ll ever hear an audiophile say. Nelson Pass under his First Watt enterprise shared a design for a very simple 2nd-order harmonic distortion generator, called the H2, as a fun way to add some color to sound. He made this interesting observation about the phase of such distortion:
So why is the phase important? Well, it's a subtle thing. I don't suppose everyone can hear it, and fewer particularly care, but from listening tests we learn that there is a tendency to interpret negative phase 2nd as giving a deeper soundstage and improved localization than otherwise. Positive phase seems to put the instruments and vocals closer and a little more in-your-face with enhanced detail.
My sense was that the Soulshine adds more of the “negative phase” second harmonic - it has that deep holographic stage, without sounding up front and “technicolor” as some tube designs are wont to. Again, to my wife’s ears this effect sounded a little phasey and unrealistic, but I’m guessing many audiophiles will eat it up.
Some other notable and positive aspects of the Soulshine... it's extremely quiet, with nice black backgrounds. In fact, I found it to be nearly dead silent even when cranked to max volume, and considerably quieter than the Bryston which always had some level of audible hiss. Dynamics were strong, the Bryston capturing big hits in the bottom end with more slam and edge, the Valvet otherwise having more verve and nuance - piano in particular had great weight and presence on crescendi. There was a sense of ease, with plenty of headroom even on the loudest, most cacophonous orchestral passages, though I did find dynamics varied a bit with the volume setting, a likely consequence of placing the attenuator after the tube gain stages thus creating variable output impedance. Separation of instruments was excellent - whether listening to a small chamber ensemble or symphony orchestra, tonally-adjacent voices like viola vs. second violin came through with clarity and color. And while lesser preamps can blur the region below middle C (262Hz) into a bit of a soupy blend, the Soulshine clearly distinguished the lower registers of the cello from the left hand of piano accompaniment on sonatas.
All in all, the Soulshine struck me as a lovely and enjoyable preamp. Musically expressive and pure, it was significantly more engaging than the Bryston BP-17 Cubed, and made for an interesting counterpoint to the Pass Labs XP10 ($5,250 before being replaced by the XP12). I didn’t mention the Pass so far as @mgd-taww also uses the XP10 as his reference preamp, so I’ll let him do the honors of an in-depth comparison in his coming review.
Valvet A4 Mk.II Class A Monoblock amplifier ($7,890)
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The A4 represents the 2nd generation of Valvet’s original Class A monoblock design, the A3.5. This latest “Mk.II” iteration includes 33% larger power transformers (400W), more filtering (132,000µF each!) and upgraded parts throughout including audiophile-brand resistors and cotton-insulated silver wiring. Allegedly this brings the performance of the Mk.II closer to Valvet's flagship A4e ($9,890), a souped-up 4-chassis model with larger external power supplies and a bit more power. Despite the Class A design, the A4 is downright petite, each monoblock measuring just 230 x 110 x 310 mm (9 x 4.4 x 12.2 inches) but feeling hefty and solid - I don’t have the weight on me, but you’ll definitely want to firmly grasp each one with two hands. Power is rated at 55 watts/8Ω, 90 watts/4Ω in full Class A operation. In what seems to be a new craze (Pass Labs XA25 and models from GamuT come to mind), the output stage uses a single pair of high-power transistors per channel, and the signal path is direct-coupled with no global negative feedback.
My first night with the A4 ended in disaster. I still don't know what happened - my best guess is a wire got crossed in the hookup to my REL T-9 subwoofer - but upon powering up one of the monoblocks, sparks, a small flame and smoke ensued. Clearly something shorted out somewhere, and the A4 being a true minimalist design with zero protection circuitry means any mishap can end in catastrophe. Fortunately no human, animal or other device was harmed, but after weeks of anticipation to hear the amps, I was heartbroken. In my desperation, I listened a bit to one speaker through the other functioning amp, just to get a taste... and even from that crippled mono reproduction, I could already tell there was something very sweet and special about the A4, which made my misfortune even more agonizing.
Alfred Kainz was extremely understanding and had the amps shipped back to Knut @ Valvet for repair. A while later I got them back, and this time I completely steered clear of the REL hookup, instead feeding the subwoofer from my preamp just to be safe. The amps have worked absolutely flawlessly since so the only lesson here is to be extremely careful setting them up, which the manual also states very clearly...
With that out of the way... I think these are some very special amps. While I've heard Class A amps plenty of times in other systems, it's my first time having one in my own, and it was easy to hear from the first notes what all the fuss is about. There's a purity and density of tone, a freedom from electronic haze and grain, a fluidity of expression that's subtle in absolute terms but significant in visceral ones. Great Class A amps have given me the feeling of emancipating music from the chains of typical solid-state limitations, making Class AB (and certainly Class D) designs sound synthetic and mechanical by comparison. The Valvet is delightfully expressive, sweet and pure, with an honest and unforced way of capturing the warmth and beauty of a performance. The Bryston 4B Cubed, a 300W Class AB powerhouse, impressed me with how it carried some of these lovely qualities to a surprising degree, but the Valvet communicates with a higher level of musical connection and tactile presence.
At times, I've heard Class A amps come off a bit dark and slow vs. a very transparent Class AB design. I hear no such issues with the Valvet - in fact, it has all the speed of the Bryston 4B3, with even more dynamic alacrity and nuance. Twists and turns of a phrase are conveyed with uninhibited momentum. Its highs are as sweet and refined as I’ve heard in my system, but with no sacrifice of brilliance. Vocals have richness and complexity, and the variegated harmonics of the violin and oboe have startling trueness. And while it doesn't have the big Bryston's bass slam and depth, it still packs plenty enough wallop to be satisfying with rock and electronic fare. The Mk.II upgrades included a significant stiffening of the power supply, seemingly to good effect - close your eyes, and you would never guess you were listening to an amp rated at just 55 watts. It's by no means a current monster so I would stick with at least moderately-efficient speakers that don’t dip too low in impedance, but I’ve heard 150-watt amps that don’t have this level of control and explosiveness. Certainly compared to a 60-watt integrated like the Ayre AX7e or Bryston B60, the Valvet sounds like a powerhouse.
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I'll have much more to say about this wonderful amplifier in the coming months. One of the things I'll need to work on is getting some good comparisons on hand (the Pass XA25 and XA30.8 come to mind). And I have a much larger, 3.5-way reference speaker on order which will stress the Valvet's drive and current capability far more than my current 2-way monitors. In the meantime, if you value beautiful, engaging yet truthful reproduction, I strongly recommend an audition of the Valvet A4 Mk.II - it's captivated me enough to earn a long-term home in my system.
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kucigloss · 5 years
TOP 10 albums of the decade
Hello folks! 
The year is coming to a close, and I felt it necessary to share my top 10 favorite albums of the decade. It was so hard to narrow it down to only 10 but ultimately, I went with the albums that stuck with me the most during the most formative years of my life. I’m excited to see what my 20s will be like, soundtracked by new music of the 2020s. Let me know what your favorites were!
beach house - depression cherry (2015)
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This album made my xx-loving, emo/indie girl lifestyle feel so validated. Beach House songs tend to have a certain air of nostalgia, melancholy and hopefulness, but the airy, unique tracks on Depression Cherry are in an emotional universe of its own.
Faves: 10:37, Space Song, PPP
the garden – haha (2015)
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The Garden was my favorite band for the first half of high school. Every single album they put out creates a new ethos, with the Shears twins’ method acting supporting it all the way through. The Vada Vada universe was made whole when haha came out (I'm also probably biased because I was at their album release show lol). This is one of their most defining albums as an act that is constantly breaking molds and standards. Although that sounds contradictory, haha truly set the Garden apart as a band slightly outside of the “Burger Records” scene forming around that time, materializing the Vada Vada aesthetic into our dimension.
Faves: This House Can Build a Home, Crystal Clear, Gift
death grips – the money store (2012)
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Death Grips was my favorite band for the second half of high school. MC ride's gritty vocals/screaming paired with Andy and Zach's tight musicianship has been what makes death grips so powerful, album after album. This release in particular employs a more synthy-electronic vibe to its tracks, which may make it more accessible, but also more unique among their discography. 
Faves: Hustle Bones, Hacker, The Fever (Aye Aye)
US Girls - in a poem unlimited (2018)
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Every track on this album makes me want to dance. The sensual vocals over the vintage-tinged instrumentals make US Girls a go-to for me. Some tracks go super hard while others are more sensitive; but either track you choose to listen to will make you feel like a badass.
Faves: M.A.H., Incidental Boogie, L-Over
japanese breakfast - soft sounds from another planet (2017)
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This beautiful and heartfelt album takes me back to my early college days, when I first started up at KUCI! Michelle Zauner’s emotional traumas are exposed in her first release Psychopomp, which was meant to be her only album. After some growth and learning, though, this album was created and showcases an evolution; it explores the same themes of mortality, fame, and love through a more mature angle, without compromising her child-like raw emotionalism.  
Faves: Diving Woman, Road Head, Machinist, Boyish
parquet courts - wide awake! (2018)
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Political, poetic and emotional, Wide Awake! is a study of masculinity, relationships, and war in a weirdly fluorescent light (their album cover is the most fitting one I've ever seen). Andrew Savage is just a genuine dude with a shy aloofness that makes his scream signing all the more endearing. They use cowbells and talk about Alan Turing-- what else could I ask for?
Faves: Before the Water Gets Too High, Almost Had to Start a Fight/In and Out of Patience, Normalisation, Wide Awake
french vanilla - french vanilla (2017)
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This album changed my mind about riot grrl. Although their music is a bit more organized, almost neurotically, and much more instrumentally formal, French Vanilla takes the wailing vocals and angry lyrics the riot grrl genre was partly known for and made a beast of it's own. I love them.
Faves: Honesty, Carrie, Evolution Heavy Handed
little dragon - ritual union (2011)
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Little Dragon was one of those bands along with Crystal Castles, Blonde Redhead and others, that were the foundation of my music taste during the formative years of my life. I can’t explain more about the album without spoiling it; it’s just a lovely journey to take.  
Faves: Little Man, Brush the Heat, Shuffle a Dream, Crystalfilm
khruangbin - the universe smiles upon you (2015)
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Call it easy listening for hipsters if you want, but Khruangbin is one of the few bands I know where I can truthfully say I like every single track they put out. Their energy is infectious and seeing them live changed me for the better!
Faves: Dern Kala, White Gloves People Everywhere (Still Alive)
mitski - bury me at makeout creek (2014)
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Although Retired from Sad, New Career in Business holds a very special place in my heart, Mitski's junior release, Bury Me at Makeout Creek, is one of Mitski's most powerful and vulnerable albums. Her exploration of genre, sound, and identity are tangible, though admittedly not as much as her art school debut, Lush. Every track still experiments with poetry and taps into a new wound, but she sounds more confident in herself this time around. Where her sophomore album was a piano-ridden set of ballads, this album is much heavier with bass-heavy love songs, leaving listeners with a distinctly different taste in their mouths. Her Joni Mitchell-esque mania makes me cry and dance just the right amount. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
Faves: Townie, First Love/Late Spring, Francis Forever, I Dont Smoke, Drunk Walk Home, Last Words of a Shooting Star... so like all of them (oh and Class of 2013 from Retired from Sad belongs here too, same energy)
honorable mentions: 
show me the body - body war (2016) I officially became a cool e-kid when I went to my first show me the body show. Their new album is great too, but this ones a classic. (Listen to Tight SWAT when you’re angry, or not angry enough).
autolux – PUSSY’S DEAD (2016) This genre-defying album was the soundtrack to the end of my high school career. Every moody lyric and punchy drum beat had me feeling like Bella Swan in the second half of Twilight.
sasami – SASAMI (2019) I'm so very moved by every heart wrenching song on this album. That’s all.
Kadhja Bonet - Childqueen (2018) Beautiful neo-soul with a classic edge.
MGMT – Little Dark Age (2018) One of the best comeback albums ever. 
Anderson .Paak – all of his releases He was my top artist of 2019, whoops.
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hermitologist · 6 years
My 20 Favorite Records Of 2018
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Hi. I made a list of my favorite records of the year again. People seem to enjoy these things, and I definitely enjoy tearing my hair out trying to figure out what I liked best, so here we are again.
 This years list is chock full of heavy/sludgy bummer jams, post-rock epics, and super aggressive metal and hardcore, with a few poppier and more adventurous indie records scattered about. The honorable mentions list gets a bit more eclectic if you’re looking for stuff that sounds a little less like it was birthed from the loins of the late-90s/early-00s Hydrahead and Relapse discography.
As always, I welcome your suggestions for records and podcasts I might’ve missed the boat on, no matter the genre. There’s way too much good stuff out there to keep up with, so help me out.
Also: When my aging corpse is not being pissy about being used for something other than child-wrangling, eating, or sleeping, I try to run a few days a week and will listen to/briefly review a record on each run. Almost every record on this list has been a part of one of those posts, so if you’re interested in such a thing, please check out my Instagram. 
BONUS: I put together playlists of my favorite song from each of my top 20 records, so if you’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, just throw it on and see if anything grabs you.
Hermitology’s Favorite 20 Records of 2018 - Spotify Playlist
Hermitology’s Favorite 20 Records of 2018 - Apple Music Playlist
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20) Slugdge - Esoteric Malacology
This record is ridiculous in the best ways possible -- insane amounts of shredding, light-speed double bass and blast beats, and lyrics about slugs and other assorted beasts. It’s been ages since I went through my Swedish & Norwegian Metal phase, but this awakened those long-dormant receptors that used to hum when I listened to At The Gates, Opeth, Dimmu Borgir, Soilwork, et al.
Listen here.
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19) Ingrina - Etter Lys
Excellent French doomgaze/post-rock that sounds like it could very easily be the soundtrack to the apocalypse. Etter Lys has a familiar sound/vibe, but a refreshing energy and captivating sense of dark melody that really makes them stand out to me. Highly recommended for fans of This Will Destroy You, Rosetta, God Is An Astronaut, et al.
Listen here.
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18) Beach House - 7
This record was the perfect foil to all heavy stuff I listened to this year, and my go-to in-flight record of 2018. It’s a damn near perfect collection hazy, airy, dreamy, downtempo indie pop. I’d never been a huge Beach House fan, but 7 hooked me and pulled me in. Throw this your headphones on, press play, and melt into your chair or couch.
Listen here.
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17) Culture Abuse - Bay Dream
This record was not what I was expecting, but it ended up being exactly what I needed. (If that makes any sense.) Instead of a grimy, high-energy punk record, I got a fuzzy, bouncy, catchy-as-hell soundtrack to my entire summer. A perfect blend of The Ramones and peak-Weezer, with a vibe all its own.
Listen here.
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16) Deads - LLNN
Roughly forty minutes of insanely heavy and furious drop-tuned, down-tempo, doom-inspired crushers offset by eerie, cinematic synth parts. If you’re a fan of early-Cult of Luna and/or Isis, this record should be a new staple in your diet. There’s also enough atmosphere here to appeal to post-rock fans who might desire a little aggression boost.
Listen here.
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15) Heads. - Collider
Beautifully written sludgy rock that falls somewhere between the heaviness and spookiness of Young Widows and the heroin-soaked atmosphere and melody of Failure. For what it’s worth, I dig Collider more than either of the aforementioned bands’ most recent output. It’s a perfect marriage of influences, killer songwriting, an excellent recording, and a flat out fantastic record from front to back.
Listen here.
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14) mewithoutYou - [untitled]
I’ve been a mewithoutYou fan for ages and love everything they’ve done (so I’m a little biased), but this record is just on a completely different level as far as I’m concerned. It’s the peak of their creativity, songwriting, mood, dynamics, lyrics, production, etc. It’s got the atmosphere and moodiness of post-rock, the angular quirkiness of Fugazi, the energy of Refused (at times), and the all the character of a classic mwY record. It’s phenomenal, and doubly impressive because they made it 18 years deep into an already impressive career.
Listen here.
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13) Foxing - Nearer My God
I was familiar with Foxing before this record came out because they’d toured with many former tourmates, and while I appreciated what I’d heard from them, they never really clicked with me. And then I heard this record and it totally floored me. It’s incredibly ambitious without coming across as super scatterbrained or pretentious and it’s executed flawlessly (production included). This band should be massive, and I’m stunned that I’m not seeing this record on more year-end lists
Listen here.
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12) This Will Destroy You - New Others Part 1 & 2
Somehow TDWY managed drop two incredible full lengths a month apart, and I honestly cannot choose between the two (so I’m combining them into one). These LPs are arguably their best work as a band, the addition of Robi Gonzalez on drums has given their sound new energy, dynamics, and pocket, and there aren’t many bands in post-rock doing it as well as these dudes do. Incredibly impressive to be able to put out this much music all at once and have it be this consistent. 
Listen here.
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11) The Armed - Only Love
Somehow this record manages to be chaotic, energetic, beautiful, delicate, catchy-as-hell, abrasive, and atmospheric all at once. Sometimes it sounds like you accidentally have five different songs playing at the same time. Somehow modular synth-soaked punk/metal works. Clearly I cannot explain exactly what in the everliving hell is happening here, but I can tell you that it’s a wholly arresting record that blew my mind on first listen, and has gotten better with every listen since.  
Listen here.
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10) Hemwick - Junkie (EP)
Normally, I wouldn’t include an EP on this list, but this is one just too good to ignore. It’s 30 minutes of insane riffage and heaviness that sounds like it spawned from the same gene pool that produced Converge, Cult Leader, and Intronaut. It’s got the spazziness and brutality of the former, blended perfectly with the occasional post-rock/metal shift into the epic melody of the latter. Super excited to hear what comes next for these guys (hopefully an LP recorded with Scott Evans or Kurt Ballou?), because this is an incredibly promising “debut”. 
Listen here.
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9) Architects - Holy Hell
As a standalone record, Holy Hell slays. As a follow-up to losing a family/band member to cancer (guitarist, Tom Searle), it’s a fucking triumph. Somehow Architects managed to push through the grief and heartache, and pushed the boundaries of their musical creativity and emotive lyrics to create what is arguably their best record. Holy Hell is packed to the gills with with massive, arena-sized riffs and moshworthy breakdowns, sprinkled with just enough melody and dynamic to keep things fresh without losing its edge. An amazing accomplishment in the face of such adversity.
 Listen here.
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8) Slow Mass - On Watch
An outstanding fusion of mellow(er) post-hardcore, bummer jams, Unwound-inspired post-punk, and shimmery shoegazey goodness. “Suburban Yellow” (see playlist) is one of my favorite songs of the year, falling somewhere between the crushing gloominess of a Kowloon Walled City song, and the somber plod of a classic Pedro The Lion track. I tend to shy away from music with dual lead vocals (because I often prefer one of the voices to the point that I’d rather just hear it all the time), but Dave Collis and Mercedes Webb’s voices are so complimentary and perfectly balanced that they take these songs to another level. Bonus: I’d highly recommend watching their frigid Audiotree session. 
Listen here.
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7) Hot Snakes - Jericho Sirens
One of my favorite bands of all-time put out its first record in 14 years, and it was well worth the wait. It’s Hot Snakes doing what they do best --  ripping 30 minutes of high-energy post-punk jams fueled by the brilliantly weird guitar wizardry of John Reis, and propelled by the dual drummer attack of Mario Rubalcaba and Jason Kourkounis. I’m not entirely sure where I’d rank it in their discography, but having fresh Hot Snakes tracks makes the world a better place. 
Listen here.
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6) Cloud Nothings - Last Building Burning
What did we do to deserve two Cloud Nothings LPs in two years? I was a little worried about whether the band could churn out a record as fantastic as Life Without Sound (which landed at #7 on last year’s list), but they absolutely did. Last Building Burning builds on the catchiness and energy of LWS’s bummer jams, but adds a little extra grit, fury, and urgency. The result is a record that’s damn near peak Cloud Nothings. It’s got hooks for days, an energy that’ll make you want to bounce off the walls, and a nasty edge that brings to mind 80′s Wipers or early Hot Snakes jams.
Listen here.
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5) Cult Leader - A Patient Man
Cult Leader’s Lightless Walk was a Top 5 record for me in 2015, Gaza’s No Absolutes In Human Suffering was in my Top 5 in 2012, so it should be no surprise that they’ve cracked the Top 5 again. I’d be hard pressed to name another HEAVY band who has done it for me the way these guys have over the past six years. A Patient Man hits all the notes -- pure chaos, expansive and melancholic post-rock sections, and the most headbang-worthy breakdowns on the planet. It’d take a miracle to get this 43-year-old geriatric with a bad back to come out of mosh retirement, but the breakdown in “Aurum Reclusa” is seriously making me think about a comeback.
Listen here.
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4) Low - Double Negative
I don’t think I’ve had a record screw with my brain as hard as Double Negative did since I heard Kid A for the first time. It’s a spooky, brain-liquifying journey through sonic textures and ambience, arranged and mixed in a manner that is absolutely enthralling (and a bit unnerving and “wtf are my headphones broken?”at times). If you’re gearing up for a first listen, I’d highly recommend clearing an hour on your schedule, throwing on a good pair of headphones, and letting this have its way with you. If you’ve already heard it, you should listen to it again. It gets better and weirder and more captivating every time. It’s a trip, and a great one at that. 
Listen here.
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3) Daughters - You Won’t Get What You Want
As a standalone record, this is groundbreaking. As a “comeback record” it’s a fucking triumph. Their S/T record (2010) is one of my favorite heavy/noise rock records of all-time, and somehow YWGWYW surpassed my lofty expectations for a follow-up. It’s a dizzying journey for sure. It’s moody as hell. It’s coherent. It’s adventurous without being overly weird. And it’s all of the best things about their previous work distilled into a perfect chunk of musical madness. The best records are the ones that make your brain matter spill out of your ears upon first listen, but it’s the all-time classics that do that and get better with every subsequent listen. Sure, it’s a record for “when the mood is right”, but when I’m in the mood, this hits all the notes for me. It’s a masterpiece. 
Listen here.
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2) Holy Fawn - Death Spells
This record came out of nowhere and absolutely knocked me on my ass. I’m not sure I’ve had a record do that to me since I first heard Cloudkicker in 2009 -- knew nothing of it, had zero idea what to expect and literally had goosebumps for a majority of my first listen. Tempe’s Holy Fawn have created a unique blend of dense, dynamic, and cathartic post-rock, doom, and shoegaze with airy vocals that remind me a bit of Jonsi from Sigur Ros. It’ll be a daunting task to follow up this masterpiece, but I’m incredibly excited to see and hear what the future holds for these guys.
Listen here.
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1) Pianos Become The Teeth - Wait For Love
This was one of my most anticipated records of the year, and it not only lived up to my lofty expectations, but exceeded them. “Bitter Red” was far and away my most played song of the year, and I must’ve listened to Wait For Love 50 times during the month of February alone. It’s no surprise that I found myself going back to it throughout the year, and in revisiting for this list, it gave me chills just like it did 10 months ago. These dudes are doing melancholic and cathartic post-hardcore better than just about anyone these days, and I cannot wait to hear what’s next for them.
Listen here.
Roughly 80% of these records could/should have very easily landed on the Top 20 list (and probably would if I obsessed over this list any further and gave everything a super dedicated re-listen). They’re all absolutely worth checking out.
I know this list might be a little daunting, so I put together a Spotify Playlist of my favorite songs from each record, so you can just throw it on and see if anything grabs you. 
Thanks to my man Zack Hite for helping me out and putting together an Apple Music version of the playlist. 
Hermitology’s 2018 Honorable Mentions Spotify Playlist
Hermitology’s 2018 Honorable Mentions Apple Music Playlist
Baptists - Beacon of Faith
Birds In Row - We Already Lost The World
Boygenius - S/T EP
Candy - Good to Feel
Coastlands - The Further Still
Conjurer - Mire
Death Engine - Place Noire
Drug Church - Cheer
Emma Ruth Rundle - Dark Horses
Failure - In the Future Your Body Will Be ... 
Fiddlehead - Springtime and Blind
Hammock - Universalis
IDLES - Joy As An Act Of Resistance
Jay Jayle - No Trail & Other Unholy Paths
Jesus Piece - Only Self
KEN Mode - Loved
Man Mountain - Infinity Mirror
Mogwai - KIN
Nate Smith - Pocket Change
OHHMS - Exist
Ólafur Aarnalds - re:member
Polyphia - New Levels, New Devils
Portrayal of Guilt - Let Pain Be Your Guide
Prefuse 73 - Sacrifices
Rolo Tomassi - Time Will Die … 
Sectioned - Annihilated
Slow Crush - Aurora
Snail Mail - Lush
SUMAC - Love In Shadow
Svalbard - It’s Hard To Have Hope
Taken - With Regards To (EP)
The Story So Far - Proper Dose
Tides of Man - Every Nothing
Vein - Errorzone
Yashira - Shrine
The Deadcast (humor, sports, politics)
Chapo Trap House (politics, humor)
Hang Up & Listen (sports, culture, nerdy)
Effectively Wild (baseball)
The Frotcast (movies, humor)
The Trap Set (drums, psychology)
The Gist (current events, politics)
Song Exploder (songwriting, production)
The Modern Drummer Podcast (drums)
17 notes · View notes
patricksilverrose · 4 years
My Favorite Albums of 2020
It’s that time of year again! I’m a bit late on this since it took me a bit to finish off my list of new releases, but it’s time now! Here we will be looking at my top 10 favorite albums of 2020. I also did a post on my top 5 favorite EP’s and you check that out here!
Before we get into this, let me explain my system. I compile a list of majority of the releases I checked out over the year and have them separated into three categories: the good, the ones that have potential to be favorites, and the favorites. The good will have ** marked next to them and the potential favorites will have *** next to them. I didn’t have many releases this year that didn’t make it onto my list, which is great to hear.
As always, let me give some disclaimers. First and foremost: these are my personal thoughts and opinions on these releases. If you think a release should be higher, lower, or not even on my list, that is on you. Second: I am a metalhead, so most of the releases you will see on here are metal releases.
Now let’s first see the honorable mentions!
Semblant - Obscura** Amberian Dawn - Looking for You** Temperance - Viridian** Catalepsia - Inheritance** Kesha - High Rode** Thy Catafalque - Naiv** Deathwhite - Grave Image** Fluisteraars - Bloem** Clouds - Durere** Burning Witches - Dance with the Devil** My Dying Bride - The Ghost of Orion** Fallcie - Bad Blood** The Order of Chaos - Maniacal** Ad Infinitum - Chapter I: Monarchy** Miracle Flair - Synchronism** Caligula's Horse - Rise Radiant** Her Chariot Await - Her Chariot Await** Carach Angren - Franckensteina Strataemontanus** Haken - Virus** The Wise Man's Fear - Valley of Kings** Volturian - Crimson** Thy Despair - The Song of Desolation** Reasons Behind - Project M.I.S.T.** Psychotic Waltz - The God-Shaped Void** The Naked and Famous - Recover** Ravenscry - 100** Cult of Lilith - Mara** Smackbound - 20/20** The Anix - Graphite** Silentium - Motiva** Darzamat - A Philospher at the End of the Universe** Davina Michelle - My Own World** Walk in Darkness - On the Road to Babylon** DGM - Tragic Separation** Ulver - Flowers of Evil** Strvngers - Zayka** Goldenhall - Collide** Memoira - Carnival of Creation**
AfterTime - The Farthest Shore*** Rina Sawayama - Sawayama*** Diabulus in Musica - Euphonic Entropy*** Myrkur - Folkesange*** Ignea - The Realms of Fire and Death*** Vile Creature - Glory, Glory! Apathy Took Helm!*** Dark Sarah - Grim*** Lady Gaga - Chromatica*** Angel - A Woman's Diary: Chapter 2*** Aleah - Aleah*** I Miss My Death - MYSTO*** MoonSun - Escapalace*** Ayreon - Transitus*** Mikaela - Nocturne in Red*** Eleine - Dancing in Hell*** Light Field Reverie - Another World*** Veil of Secrets - Dead Poetry*** Invocation Array - Arctiinae*** Lindsay Schoolcraft - Worlds Away*** Black Crown Initiate - Violent Portraits of Doomed Escape*** Draconian - Under a Godless Veil*** Seven - Interdimensional Acts I and II***
Now let the fun begin with the top 10!
10. Nightwish - Human. :||: Nature.
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Ok, hear me out Nightwish stans. This album wonderful, but given that I don't listen to disc two and that there's a song on here that I don't like has it this low. Just be glad this one made it onto my list unlike their last album. Also his album was in a three-way tie for 10th place in my list. Anyways, this was a strong release from them. I love how they really figured out what it was they wanted EFMB to sound like. It's different, more symphonic, a bit on the gentle side; all while still maintaining that fairytale essence that we've all grown to love from them.
Favorite songs: 1. Shoemaker 2. Noise 3. Tribal
9. The Birthday Massacre - Diamonds
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I'm not gonna lie, I fell off these guys a bit in recent years since their newer music wasn't doing enough for me. This album definitely changed that. This album is so lovely. I definitely love how they're going in a more ambient/shoegaze type of direction now. It really adds such a lovely dimension to their sound. Yeah I miss hearing the stronger sides of Chibi's voice, but this more delicate side is really lovely.
Favorite songs: 1. Crush 2. Parallel Worlds 3. Run
8. Ani Lo. Projekt - A Time Called Forever
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This is a band that I discovered this year through their record label. I was blown away by just how strong her voice was. They definitely skew more towards progressive power metal than symphonic progressive metal, but I still definitely love this release. It's very strong, a lot of fun, and has a very solid production. Also wasn't expecting her to go full mezzo-soprano at times.
Favorite songs: 1. A Time Called Forever 2. Walk Alone 3. Back to You
7. Aeternam - Al Qassam
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This is another band I discovered this year. A model/performer/singer I like, Mahafsoun, was featured in a music video for this album so decided to give them a go. I'm a sucker for oriental metal bands. The strong production, beefy riffs, and lovely orchestrations really make this release for me. And their frontman has such a lovely voice.
Favorite songs: 1. Hanan Pacha 2. Poena Universi 3. Al Qassam
6. Operus - Score of Nightmares
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Once again, this is another band I discovered this year. After really liking the first song I heard from them, I decided to check out more from them. Such a great decision. This is the type of power metal I love. Dark, a strong symphonic element, and their frontman doesn't sound like every single power metal singer out there. In fact, he's a tenor! Yes, another male opera singer fronting a metal band! He doesn't go full tenor often, but when he does I always lose it.
Favorite songs: 1. La Llorona 2. Ruin 3. Lost
5. Dool - Summerland
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This album is so lovely. If you've never heard of this band, the best way I can describe their sound is if Black Sabbath and Fleetwood Mac had a baby. It's dark and doomy, while still having a light and airy production. I feel this album really shows off just how diverse and beautiful Ryanne's voice is. It's haunting, fun, pretty, and most importantly dark.
Favorite songs: 1. Dust & Shadow 2. Summerland 3. Wolf Moon
4. Snow White Blood - Hope Springs Eternal
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I had such high hopes for this release and it definitely didn't disappoint. Something that I love about this band is that they don't rely on the fact that Uli is a soprano and don't have her going full soprano in every song like most symphonic metal bands do. The fact that their lyrics are about fairytales, but they're still able to give the song such a dark spin at times is always great. The power and beauty this band exudes is so wonderful.
Favorite songs: 1. You Belong to Me 2. Never-Ending Waltz 3. Drop a Stitch
3. Oceans of Slumber - Oceans of Slumber
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I was a bit worried about this release at first given how different the singles were. But after giving it a full listen many times, I quickly realized I had nothing to worry about. It's still very different, but it still sounds like them. It has the heaviness of Winter and the darkness of The Banished Heart, but they also played with soul and low key have a country song on this release. It's such a unique release for them, but those haunting vocals and dark landscapes remind you it's them.
Favorite songs: 1. Pray for Fire 2. A Return to the Earth Below 3. I Mourn These Yellowed Leaves
2. Arkan - Lila H
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I was not expecting to love this album as much as I do. I had a feeling I'd really like it, but nowhere to this degree. It's so powerful and intense while still managing to maintain a level of beauty thanks to Manuel's cleans. The dualities between beauty and intensity play so well together on this album. I also love how proggy this album is compared to previous releases. It gives it such a fresh feel to it.
Favorite songs: 1. Black Decade 2. Shameless Lies 3. Crawl
1. Delain - Apocalypse and Chill
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Am I biased given that Delain is my favorite band of all time to have them be my favorite release of the year? Yes. Do I care? No. The production on this album is so good and I love how much they experimented with new things (having a choir, Charlotte screaming on a track, leaning into djent a bit more) while still staying true to themselves. And the theme of the album is really great look at the world, especially given how shit this year was overall. And just a heads up about the favorite songs, Masters of Destiny isn't on there since it was on Hunter's Moon which was released last year and I listed it as a favorite off that release.
Favorite songs: 1. Burning Bridges 2. The Greatest Escape 3. Combustion
And that’s all for 2020! Although this was a pretty shit year, there were definitely some amazing albums to come out of it. 2021 is already starting to look like a fun year for music and I cannot wait to hear what amazing gems will come out of it. But until then, I hope you all enjoy this list!
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sakurar0se · 5 years
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My Monthly Favorites - January 2020 Favorite Products & BeautChat 2019 Best Skincare
by Rosy Day Blog
I've decided to do something different this month since I previously received some goodies from BeautChat a Korean beauty review/blog site, and many of them happened to be my favorites in January. This post will serve as both my "Monthly Favorites" for January 2020, as well as my mini-reviews for the items received from BeautChat's 2019 Best Skincare winners. The back story is that I was contacted from BeautChat around October 2019 to participate in a "Best of Beauty" poll. I didn't know many of the products on the poll, so I just voted for what seemed the most interesting. The winners were eventually posted late December 2019/early January 2020, and BeautChat started contacting all participates for their mailing address. Each participant was given one of two different sets. I believe I got all of the winning items except for the sunscreen. Obviously not everything was a hit with me, but I will still provide a mini-review as a courtesy/special mention. I just wanted to say thank you to BeautChat for the opportunity and also to online store Jolse, which I believe supplied most/if not all of the winning products.
I was not given anything in exchange for reviewing any of these products. I enjoy doing product reviews to share my own experiences with the product and hope someone finds it useful. I do not work for BeautChat, Jolse, or any of the brands featured in this post. » View All Monthly Favorites
BeautChat 2019 Best Cleanser
ONEOSEVEN Low pH Chaga Cleanser
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Oneoseven’s brand ingredient of fermented vinegar, sounds like something that belongs in a pickled dish rather than your face, LOL. But this is actually a very good, all-rounder type of ingredient (kind of like centella asiatica). It’s very healing and anti-bacterial. The cleanser has a nice jelly kind of texture with little bits of green tea, that lathers into a nice little foam. It does smell like vinegar & green tea which is actually enjoyable if you like herbal/earthy kind of scents. People say you shouldn’t invest too much money into cleansers. However, this cleanser is 1. Not expensive, and 2. I can actually see and feel it gently exfoliating my face everytime I use it. I no longer use AHA or some kind of scrub in my routine. Just this and my Son & Park Beauty Water, have been keeping my sensitive face extra smooth and flake free. I’m very impressed with both this and their Illuminating sheet mask. I want to try more from Oneoseven, but they’re not exactly the easiest brand to find in the U.S. I am now a believer in fermented vinegar. Other interesting ingredients include: 1,000ppm chaga mushroom extract and 10 Complex (10 different skin brightening plants/flowers). Final Rating = 5/5 (Unless fermented vinegar as an ingredient and/or scent doesn’t excite you very much). » Buy Product
BeautChat 2019 Best Serum
TIAM My Signature Red C Serum
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This scared me at first because I had a bad experience over exfoliating with Tiam’s original vitamin C serum (when they were still OST). However, despite this version having 20% vitamin C, it was a lot more gentle with the addition of vitamin B12 (repairs and promotes growth of healthy skin cells) and glutathione (antioxidant - protects from free radicals). Since I have sensitive skin, I’m still a bit cautious and mix this with another serum designed to soothe irritation and redness. I even sometimes use this twice a day and I still haven’t over exfoliated. I have an extreme fear of over exfoliation. I’ll probably never try any other 20% vitamin C serum except this lovely gem from Tiam. Thank you Tiam for restoring my faith in vitamin C. In terms of results, you can expect the usual effects from vitamin C, though I’ll have to say vitamin C works a lot better with niacinamide. I often use a niacinamide serum after this and I become bright like a diamond. Final Rating = 5/5 (I can’t find a fault with this unless you don’t think it’s “strong” enough for you). » Buy Product
BeautChat 2019 Best Cream
Dr. Jart Cicapair Tiger Grass Cream
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Trying the Cicapair Cream couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m fed up with a lot of different products/ingredients, so I’m actually trying to go more soothing with my skincare this year. This cream is not only soothing (cica is a good all-rounder ingredient), but it’s a good hydrating cream for my combination skin, yet keeps me fairly matte and doesn’t add any excess oil. I have tried this on warm days as well, so I’m sure it will wear well into the summer (unless there’s a heatwave). You probably already know how great cica/centella asiatica is, so I won’t talk more about that. While I’m still on the hunt for a good anti-aging cream for night, this is my go-to for during the day. Final Rating = 5/5 (Unless you have very dry skin - this won’t be enough for you without facial oil). » Buy Product
BeautChat Top Sheet Mask
ONEOSEVEN Botanics Illuminating Moisture Mask
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This claims to brighten and hydrate skin with niacinamide, propolis, andrice extracts, as well as 3 types of hyaluronic acid and 6 types of flower extracts. The mask sheet itself is made of a combination of tencel and eucalyptus extract which is 100% eco-friendly. The mask does smell like a fresh bouquet from all the flower extracts (if you don’t like floral scents - this might not be for you). I’m not sure about brightening effects as I already use vitamin c and a niacinamide serum, but considering I didn’t use either of them when I used this sheet mask, my face did look more even and not as dull looking. It was definitely plump and hydrated from the hyaluronic acid, and I do feel that the tiny bumps I had on my face were a bit soothed and less severe from the propolis. I would totally purchase this sheet mask for myself. I would say the effects are similar to the Oneoseven chaga cleanser but obviously in a sheet mask format. Amazingly as I’m typing this, taking a quick glance in the mirror again, any darkness under my eyes have disappeared (I have minor dark circles by the way) and the minor bumps on my face are almost gone now. I guess this sheet mask does continue working even after you’ve long taken it off, LOL. Final Rating = 5/5 (Unless you don’t like floral scents and/or can’t handle some of the ingredients such as the flower extracts). » Buy Product
Please note that although the products listed below didn't quite work for me or just weren't to my liking, doesn't mean they can't work well for someone else. It's always important to know that your mileage may vary and I do try to see some positives with the products despite any negatives.
BeautChat 2019 Best Toner
Isntree Hyaluronic Acid Toner
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Despite this having 3 different types of hyaluronic acid, I actually wasn’t impressed with this toner and found it a bit “boring” compared to the tons of hyaluronic acid toners out there. This is a watery, almost gel-like texture that absorbs the best on a damp face, though it didn’t quite feel all that hydrating and it’s not like I have a dry face or anything. Maybe if it had more interesting ingredients, but almost everything has some form of hyaluronic acid in it, so this ingredient alone is a bit overrated for me to find products dedicated to it. If you want something cheap with a relatively short ingredients list, and isn’t as sticky as some of the other hyaluronic acid toners out there, then this is still worth a look. Final Rating = 2.5/5 » Buy Product
BeautChat Top Sheet Mask
Celimax Skin Repair Bee Tox Therapy
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The star ingredients are bee venom and 5% AHA. I’ve used bee venom before and do think that it’s a good ingredient. Though my first time taking this out of the packet, I already had a bad experience. The sheet mask was dripping wet with essence. Some of you might consider that a good thing, but when you have a small face coupled with a huge (for me) sheet mask, the essence was just getting everywhere. It was getting over my mouth where I felt like I was beginning to taste it, and it even got in one of my eyes which was not good at all. I was partially blind in one eye for a bit. This sheet mask would probably work better if I had laid down, but come on, I like to be able to move around and do things (I always use a silicone mask over my sheet mask to keep it on). Effects wise, I did feel like my skin was a bit more luminous (though not as bright and even as the Oneoseven sheet mask). However as someone with sensitive skin, I kind of dislike sheet masks with AHA in them. I feel like the longer they sit on top of my skin, the more they irritate it. I was right. The bee venom didn’t really do much for my skin barrier and I got a few tiny red bumps from the AHA. It’s a good thing I used my CBD oil and cica cream after - my skin might have been in worse shape. Despite my experience, if you can handle and you like both bee venom and AHA together (and you don't have a tiny face like I do), this might be worth a look. Final Rating = 2.5/5 » Buy Product
BeautChat Top Sheet Mask
Etude House 0.2 mm Therapy Air Mask Artemisia
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These sheet masks are supposed to be thin and airy, yet highly hydrating/nourishing and good for sensitive skin. The star ingredient is of course Artemisia and I am glad to give this a try after the Celimax Bee Tox irritated my skin a bit (and my skin was still a bit irritated prior to trying this sheet mask). If you’ve ever used a cica/centella asiatica product, the effects of this artemisia sheet mask are pretty similar to that. The redness was reduced so it evened out my skin and made my overall face look a bit brighter. It was also nicely hydrated from the excess essence. There was actually a bit too much essence. I got tired trying to pat it all in and wait for it to absorb, that I just towel dried the rest off (sorry, but I ain’t got time for all that). I don’t think I’d buy this for myself as I already have a lot of soothing products in my routine, but I wouldn’t mind using it (especially when traveling), and I’ll look into more artemisia products in the future. Final Rating = 3.5/5 (Does what it needs to do and is cheap). » Buy Product If you have any questions about any of the products above, please let me know. Photo Credits: Jolse/Sephora/Gotham Grove/Style Korean
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vacationsoup · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/best-hikes-near-fancy-gap/
Best Hikes near Fancy Gap
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There are many great choices for hiking around Fancy Gap, Virginia. These are our picks for the top 10 hikes in the area. You'll see beautiful vistas, waterfalls, bold flowing creeks, historical sites, wild ponies and more. Hike hard or look for something a little more laid back. If you like hiking, we hope this list helps you find one of the best hikes near Fancy Gap. Most are less than an hour from Pilot’s Perch Cabin, where you can soak in the hot tub after your hike.
1. Buffalo Mountain Natural Area Preserve
Location: Willis, VA (Between Fancy Gap and Floyd, VA)
Travel Time from Fancy Gap: ~40 minutes
Distance: 1.1 miles out and back (2.2 miles total)
Skill Level: Moderate
Highlights: 360 views; views of Pilot Mountain and the Peaks of Otter
Notes: Gravel road to the top can be tight; navigate Buffalo Mountain Parking Area when using GPS.
Hiking with Pilot's Perch
2. Cumberland Knob Recreation Area
Location: Blue Ridge Parkway Milepost 217.5
Travel Time from Fancy Gap: ~35 minutes
Distance: 2.5 miles (loop)
Skill Level: Strenuous
Highlights: Small waterfall and numerous cascades
Notes: This was the starting point for construction of the Blue Ridge Parkway. There is a picnic area with an easier 1 mile hike.
3. Devil’s Den Nature Preserve
Location: Fancy Gap
Distance: .5 mile (1 mile out and back)
Skill Level: Strenuous
Highlights: Devil’s Den Cave
Notes: It is close to the old Appalachian Trail.
4. Doughton Park
Location: Blue Ridge Parkway Milepost 238
Travel Time from Fancy Gap: ~1 hour
Distance: Numerous trails (2-7.5 miles)
Skill Level: Numerous trails (Easy to strenuous)
Highlights: Features stream crossings, historical cabin and homestead. Cross country skiing allowed in the winter.
5. Grayson Highlands State Park
Location: 40 miles west of Galax, VA
Travel Time from Fancy Gap: ~1 hour 20 minutes
Distance: Numerous trails
Skill Level: Numerous trails (Easy to strenuous)
Highlights: Get up close and personal with “wild” ponies. The Appalachian Trail passes through here. Beautiful view from the park’s balds.
6. New River Trail State Park
Location: 20 miles north of Fancy Gap just off I-77
Travel Time from Fancy Gap: ~20 minutes
Distance: 57 miles
Skill Level: Easy
Highlights: It is a 57-mile linear park along an abandoned railroad right-of-way. The trail’s gentle slope makes it great for visitors of all ages to hike, bike and ride horseback. Guided horseback trips, canoe and bike rentals are also available. Popular spot for fishing.
7. Pilot Mountain State Park
Location: almost halfway between Winston-Salem and Mt. Airy, NC
Travel Time from Fancy Gap: ~40 minutes
Skill Level: Numerous trails (Easy to moderate)
Highlights: The summit of Pilot Mountain offers great views of the Sauratown Mountains and Blue Ridge Mountains.
Note: It can get very crowded, and parking is limited.
8. Rocky Knob Recreation Area/Rock Castle Gorge
Location: Blue Ridge Parkway Milepost 169
Travel Time from Fancy Gap: ~50 minutes
Distance: Several trails (1-12.5 miles)
Skill Level: Several trails (Easy to strenuous)
Highlights: There are great views up top and a babbling brook down in the gorge, with ruins of old homesteads in between.
9. Stone Mountain State Park
Location: Off the Blue Ridge Parkway at Milepost 229
Travel Time from Fancy Gap: ~40 minutes
Distance: Several trails (.5-6 miles)
Skill Level: Several trails (Moderate to strenuous)
Highlights: Stone Mountain is a very unique rock formation. There is a 200′ waterfall and a mid-19th century farm. It is a popular destination for trout fishermen.
10. Thurmond Chatham Wildlife Management Area
Location: Off the Blue Ridge Parkway at Milepost 229 (close to Stone Mountain)
Travel Time from Fancy Gap: ~1 hour
Distance: 5.5 miles (11 miles out and back)
Skill Level: Moderate to difficult (slick rocks and river crossings)
Highlights: There are many river crossings, so prepare to get wet. That along with shade over most of the trail can make this a pleasant summer hike. There is a historic church on the grounds. Features a waterfall and a historic church and cabin.
Note: Tip from a fellow hiker: Check the weather prior to heading out, if the weather turns some crossings could become dangerous if not impassable.
Honorable Mention:
Beaver Dam Trail
Cascade Falls
Dragon's Tooth
Fred Clifton Park
Mcafee Knob
The Great Channels
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sonicawareness · 6 years
The Best Albums of 2018
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This is a list of the 20 best records to come out in 2018, with “essential songs” from each album. This Best Of list was created after listening to more than 2000 new records, spanning quite a few genres and styles.
Nothing beats actually listening, though, so don’t just read! Follow and listen to a curated Spotify playlist containing all of these songs!
And now the list!
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20 – 11) Ten Honorable Mentions – Listed Alphabetically with an “Essential Song”
Alison Wonderland – Awake (“Happy Place”)
Bun B – Return of the Trill (“Myself”)
Dashboard Confessional – Crooked Shadows (“Just What to Say”)
Eminem – Kamikaze (“The Ringer”)
Panic! at the Disco – Pray for the Wicked (“(Fuck A) Silver Lining”)
Punchline – LION (“Friend from the Future”)
Saves the Day – 9 (“Side by Side”)
Thrice – Palms (“Only Us”)
Vince Staples – FM! (“FUN!”)
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10) The Knocks – New York Narcotic
New York Narcotic is a fantastic collection of hip-hop infused indie pop songs featuring performances from the likes of Foster the People, Big Boi, and Sofi Tukker, among others. The album’s highlights often come from bringing in outside talent, but the funky duo known as The Knocks stand tall on their own, too.
Essential songs: “Ride or Die”, “Brazilian Soul”, “Shades”
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9) CHVRCHES – Love is Dead / Out of My Head
The third full-length CHVRCHES record is unquestionably driven by the unique vocal prowess of frontwoman Lauren Mayberry whose enormous choruses soar over the trio’s signature electronic compositions. While Loves is Dead is instrumentally sound, its Mayberry’s hooks and cadences that transform these songs from “good” to “great” at every turn.
Essential songs: “Out of My Head”, “Graffiti”, “Get Out”
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8) Elohim – Elohim
Elohim is a delicate, entrancing world of electronic sounds and haunting vocals. Unexpected, quirky earworms frequently emerge throughout its 43-minute runtime, revealing themselves at surprising moments that are otherwise surrounded by walls of atmospheric noise and rhythm.
Essential songs: “Half Love”, “Hallucinating”, “Fuck Your Money”
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7) Ballyhoo! – Detonate
For a good time, look no further than the energetic Detonate. Fusing the most pleasing blend of punk and reggae in recent memory, the Maryland natives successfully follow-up one of the best albums of 2017 (girls.) with a slight stylistic shift to get heavier than ever while retaining their playful charm. Detonate is an essential summer soundtrack.
Essential songs: “I Don’t Wanna Go”, “Maryland Summer”, “Riddled with Bullets”
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6) Turnstile – Time & Space
Like temporal time and secular space, the second full-length album from Turnstile both is and is not. Overwrought with contradiction, the 25-minute album is both pure chaos and elegant beauty, perhaps exemplified by the airy “Bomb” interlude that quickly makes way for the foreboding “I Don’t Wanna Be Blind”. Stylistically grounded in hardcore punk, Time & Space is both simple and complex, an album that will either alienate or appease.
Essential songs: “Generator”, “I Don’t Wanna Be Blind”, “Big Smile”
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5) Underoath – Erase Me
Erase Me is the best heavy record of 2018, a menacing, cohesive assault that wastes no time kicking things into gear with the appropriately titled lead-off, “It Has to Start Somewhere”. Imbued with the signature synthesizer-laced sound that Underoath helped pioneer more than a decade ago, the Florida sextet delivers wave after wave of a punishing metalcore / post-hardcore hybrid songs that live and breathe through dark, atmospheric tension.
Essential songs: “It Has to Start Somewhere”, “On My Teeth”, “ihateit”
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4) Kero Kero Bonito – Time ‘n’ Place / TOTEP
The third full-length record from England’s Kero Kero Bonito refashions an idiosyncratic sound that the trio invented in 2014 (Intro Bonito) and perfected in 2016 (Bonito Generation), introducing fuzzy rock instrumentation into their quirky pop blend. Album highlight “Only Acting” epitomizes this reinvention, perfectly balancing the KKB’s uncanny ability to craft, re-craft, and deconstruct genres at will.
Essential songs: “Only Acting”, “If I’d Known”, “The One True Path”
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3) Sofi Tukker – Treehouse
“I don’t give a fuck about they!” exclaims Sophie Hawley-Weld on the aptly titled lead-off, “Fuck They”, before Tucker Halpern’s pounding, jungle-driven rhythms take over and introduce the insatiable energy fueling Treehouse. Frequently channeling their worldly experiences and backgrounds, several songs feature extended Portuguese verses and choruses (often adapted from Brazilian literature), and the energetic “Energia” is entirely in Portuguese. Regardless of its lingual delivery, most of Treehouse consists of immediately danceable, instantly enjoyable songs that make for the perfect soundtrack to a bright, summer day.
Essential songs: “Fuck They”, “Energia”, “Batshit”
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2) Poppy – Am I a Girl?
The sophomore effort from Poppy continues to expand the horizons of her indescribably bizarre and eccentric musical landscape. Genres – and perhaps genders (“Am I a Girl”?) and likely lifeforms (“Time Is Up”, “Hard Feelings”) – bend to their limits and frequently break, snapping to unveil the next inexplicable moment on Am I a Girl?. Throughout its 39-minute runtime, the only constants are truly masterful production and Poppy’s sugar-coated voice. Despite being exceptionally catchy, Am I a Girl? is not an immediately digestible album, and it may take more than a few listens to fall under its inevitable spell. When it finally clicks, however, there’s an entire world of introspective lyrics and all-too-important criticisms of humanity to explore.
Essential songs: “Play Destroy”, “X”, “Girls in Bikinis”
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1) Logic – Bobby Tarantino II / YSIV
The best album of 2018 comes from Sir Robert Bryson Hall II, professionally known and credited as Logic, but performed as a mixtape by his alter-ego “Bobby Tarantino”. This follow-up to 2017’s Everybody (and more directly, 2016’s Bobby Tarantino) is masterfully crafted and packed with more than 40 minutes of the best hip-hop beats to drop in 2018. Logic annihilates each song with braggadocious bar after braggadocious bar, creating a hype-filled world of positive energy. As expressed by Rick Sanchez during the album’s introductory track, “Grandpa’s Spaceship”, this is a mixtape of “ATL style club rap” for when you are “in the mood to turn shit up”.
Essential songs: “Everyday”, “Overnight”, “Contra”
SonicAwareness.net Best Albums of 2018
Top 10 Albums
Logic – Bobby Tarantino II / YSIV
Poppy – Am I a Girl?
Sofi Tukker – Treehouse
Kero Kero Bonito – Time ‘n’ Place / TOTEP
Underoath – Erase Me
Turnstile – Time & Space
Ballyhoo! – Detonate
Elohim – Elohim
CHVRCHES – Love is Dead / Out of My Head
The Knocks – New York Narcotic
10 Honorable Mentions
Alison Wonderland – Awake
BROCKHAMPTON – iridescence
Bun B – Return of the Trill
Dashboard Confessional – Crooked Shadows
Eminem – Kamikaze
Panic! at the Disco – Pray for the Wicked
Punchline – LION
Saves the Day – 9
Thrice – Palms
Vince Staples – FM!
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marymperezga · 5 years
15 Best Friendscation Spots To Rent A Summer Beach House
Summer beach house season is just around the corner, and if you’re scouting out the best destinations for group-friendly rentals—the perfect friendscation, perhaps—you’ve come to the right place. We’re highlighting 15 spots with crowd-pleasing properties that you won’t have to crowd into, because a getaway with your friends shouldn’t feel like a game of sardines.
Summer Beach House Rentals
From splashy beachfront rentals overlooking the Gulf to airy island homes on Oahu, you’ll have your pick of multi-bedroom rentals designed with large groups in mind. Open floor plans, extra living areas, and large dining rooms make it easy to ensure that everyone gets a seat at the table.
Use FlipKey to find the right home at the right price, with some fun extras to boot. From tiki bars to heated pools, you could get a whole lot more than beautiful views and five-star reviews when you book a rental in these hot spots—and we’re not just talking about amenities. Many of these beaches boast top-notch boardwalks and buzzworthy entertainment options so you can make the most of every minute with your squad.
Miami Beach, Florida
“Whether you’re with family or friends, you can save a considerable amount by getting a group together and staying here.” – Guest Review
When it comes to affordable group getaways, it’s not hard to make a case for Miami Beach. Thanks to our selection of dreamy waterfront estates, finding your summer beach house has never been easier. Choose from multi-bedroom villas and squad-sized suites with all the bells and whistles (think dock access and rooftop decks). Sure, it sounds extravagant—until you do the math. Split the cost with friends, and you’ll spend less on that private tropical oasis than a budget hotel room.
See all rentals in Miami Beach!
Long Beach, California
“This home was great for our large group. The location was spot-on—close to the water, without a lot of traffic to worry about.” – Guest Review
Plan a friends trip to Long Beach, and you’ll spend your vacation enjoying miles of sunny coastline and unbeatable Pacific views. One of the city’s most popular beachside neighborhoods, Belmont Shore—”the Shore” to locals—is a top spot for beach house rentals. Book a stay in this walkable area for easy access to the beach, bike paths, tennis courts, coffee shops, and a variety of trendy shops and restaurants.
See all rentals in Long Beach!
South Padre Island, Texas
“Everything that I can think of was fabulous during our group trip. We fished off the dock and caught tons of ‘keepers.’ Staying on the bay side provided calm waters and beautiful sunsets.” – Guest Review
Whoever said three’s a crowd never booked a summer beach house in South Padre Island. This resort town off the tip of Texas boasts dozens of roomy rentals, so there’s no need to choose between your friends and your personal space. With amenities like game rooms and hot tubs, you don’t have to worry about catching cabin fever, but there’s also plenty to do nearby. Go jet-skiing, parasailing, or exploring; reviewers recommend Port Isabel Lighthouse and the South Padre Island Dolphin Research & Sea Life Nature Center.
See all rentals in South Padre Island!
Santa Cruz, California
“The house was a quarter of a block from the ocean. I can’t say enough about how nice it was for us to have two indoor gas fireplaces and a stunning kitchen to cook in.” – Guest Review
Even if your crew isn’t spread out across the country, choosing a destination can be the hardest part about planning a trip with friends—especially if you each define “vacation” a little differently. Santa Cruz hits the sweet spot between big-wave adventures and lazy beach days. This coastal city is home to famous surf spots like Pleasure Point, and some summer house rentals offer boogie boards and wetsuits as amenities. Of course, if your picture of paradise involves chilling out on the shore, Santa Cruz also offers 29 miles of beaches.
See all rentals in Santa Cruz!
Wildwood, New Jersey
“We were located near the Surfside Pier at the heart of the boardwalk. The house was exactly as advertised, and we saved plenty of money by using the barbecue grill instead of going out to eat.” – Guest Review
We’re not one to play favorites, but with its pristine beaches and colorful boardwalk, Wildwood ranks among the prettiest vacation spots on the New Jersey coast. From airy condos to rambling Victorians, this time-honored resort town offers perfectly sized properties for friend groups. When you’re not spoiling your dinner with a bucket of Curley’s boardwalk fries, you’ll have all the kitchen essentials you need to make a crowd-pleasing meal for the whole crew.
See all rentals in Wildwood!
Daytona Beach, Florida
“This property was great for our large group. Bedding set-ups were very flexible, and the fact that the rental was pet-friendly was icing on the cake. The front porch was a good gathering spot.” – Guest Review
If you’re looking for a summer house near one of the most popular beaches in the country, then it’s only natural to start your search in Daytona. Dubbed “The World’s Most Famous Beach” in the 1920s, when drivers held races on the hard-packed sand, this coastal hot spot is now home to Daytona International Speedway. Other top attractions include the boardwalk, Main Street Pier, and Seabreeze Boulevard, a popular place to shop. After an afternoon of sightseeing or a lazy beach day, head back to your rental to sip mojitos on the deck.
See all rentals in Daytona Beach!
Oceanside, California
“We had about 16 people here for a girlfriends getaway, and this rental fit us (and our bags) perfectly! It was nice to have tons of places to sit and sleep. To top it off, dolphins swam by every morning!!” – Guest Review
Gather your friends and get your beach fix in Oceanside this year. Known for its laid-back vibe and beautiful weather, this gem is central to all the activities SoCal has to offer. Bike the San Luis Rey River Trail, play a round of 18 at La Costa Resort, or take a whale watching tour. Whether you book a summer beach house on the coast or a few miles away, the perks of staying in a rental add up fast. You’ll spend less by sharing the cost—not to mention the cooking duties!—which means extra cash for happy hour drinks and jet ski rentals.
See all rentals in Oceanside!
Panama City Beach, Florida
“Our stay at this house was amazing! There was more than enough room, and each floor had its own hangout area and patio.” – Guest Review
You’re traveling with a group, and everyone wants to stay together. Easier said than done, right? If you’re on the hunt for a rental with multiple bedrooms and a massive dining room table, your search ends here. Panama City Beach offers summer beach houses that tick all the boxes and then some—think private pools and sprawling balconies overlooking the Gulf. The neighborhood’s not too shabby, either; this resort city is a hidden paradise for golfers, and outdoor mall Pier Park is a short drive from the beach.
See all rentals in Panama City Beach!
Honolulu, Hawaii
“The house was near all the activities we planned: hiking up Diamond Head, swimming at Hanauma Bay, and dinner in Waikiki.” – Guest Review
What’s that? You’re in desperate need of a tropical escape? We’ve got just the thing: a summer house in Honolulu with all your favorite people. Leave the daily grind behind for an island rental near downtown or your own private cove. No matter where you stay, you’ll enjoy easy access to Diamond Head and Hanauma Bay State Park—plus an enviable variety of activities from surfing and sunbathing to snorkeling and world-class golfing.
See all rentals in Honolulu!
San Diego, California
“We went out to San Diego for a bachelor party with 15 guys and had an unbelievable trip. The house was so incredible that we didn’t go out the first night just so we could enjoy all of the amenities.” – Guest Review
San Diego offers a luxe selection of beach house rentals, from cliffside mansions to modern oceanfront villas. Multiple living areas and lots of kitchen space go a long way toward keeping the peace on a group trip, but that’s not the only reason to book a summer house here. With so many sun-kissed beach spots (including La Jolla Shores and Mission Bay), it’s easy to find somewhere surf, swim, or shop by waves.
See all rentals in San Diego!
Dewey Beach, Delaware
“My kids think this is our beach house. It is exactly what you want for your Dewey Beach vacation: charming, well-maintained, and large enough to sleep multiple families.” – Guest Review
Tucked between the Atlantic Ocean and Rehoboth Bay, Dewey Beach is a destination for classic beach eats, live music, and—you guessed it—great rentals for groups. We can give you a few good reasons to book a summer house here, starting with events like the Solstice Celebration (June 21st) and Summer Vibes Fest (August 11–20). Throw in tax-free shopping and trolley service to Rehoboth Boardwalk, and you’ve got the ingredients for a memorable trip with the girls/guys/whole gang.
See all rentals in Dewey Beach!
Redondo Beach, California
“This house is perfect for a group that wants a nice place to come back to from the beach. I would rent it again for sure.” – Guest Review
This easygoing beach town is just a few miles from the bright lights of LA, but you won’t find chaos and congestion here. If you’re looking for a place where you can walk to the grocery store and hear the waves crash at night, Redondo is the perfect spot. Enjoy the cool breeze and California sun as you catch a wave, build a sandcastle, or start up a game of beach volleyball. Keep an eye out for frequent art festivals and free concerts at the pier.
See all rentals in Redondo Beach!
Topsail Island, North Carolina
“What a great vacation! We didn’t feel like we were tripping over each other. The kitchen was a dream, and being able to sit around the table for dinner together was great.” – Guest Reviewer
This barrier island south of the Outer Banks may be one of North Carolina’s quieter beach spots, but Topsail offers a solid selection of activities for groups. From surfing at public beaches to fishing along the Intracoastal Waterway, you won’t struggle to catch some sun here. With so many group beach houses on the island, it’s easy to find a home with enough space for everyone. Better yet? Design details like floor-to-ceiling windows and cathedral ceilings make local rentals feel equal parts spacious and glamorous. Translation: your real estate wish list is about to get even longer.
See all rentals in Topsail Island!
Cannon Beach, Oregon
“Everything you need is here. We were so surprised how well-stocked the entire home is. They’ve thought of everything.” – Guest Review
Stunning views, coastline hikes, and quaint cafes make Cannon Beach a super romantic spot to rent a summer beach house. Whether you want to hunt for tide pools or hike through Ecola State Park, you’ll find a rental in Cannon with your name on it—within walking distance of the waves. Top area attractions include art galleries, outdoor concerts, and a summer farmer’s market.
See all rentals in Cannon Beach!
Isle of Palms, South Carolina
“I stayed at this home with a group of women. The common areas easily held all of us, and the access to the beach was ideal.” – Guest Review
A picture-perfect location for girlfriend getaways and bonding with the guys, Isle of Palms is located just 20 minutes from downtown Charleston. Choose from beach house rentals with oceanfront views and over-the-top amenities like industrial kitchen appliances, so no one goes hungry. Fill your vacation with charter fishing trips and walking tours in Charleston, or clear your calendar for a week of endless beach days; either way, this gorgeous spot is a win-win for everyone.
See all rentals in Isle of Palms!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor Rentals blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post 15 Best Friendscation Spots To Rent A Summer Beach House appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://www.flipkey.com/blog/2019/07/10/15-best-friendscation-spots-rent-summer-beach-house/
0 notes
janerchambers88 · 7 years
15 Best Friendscation Spots To Rent A Summer Beach House
Summer beach house season is just around the corner, and if you’re scouting out the best destinations for group-friendly rentals—the perfect friendscation, perhaps—you’ve come to the right place. We’re highlighting 15 spots with crowd-pleasing properties that you won’t have to crowd into, because a getaway with your friends shouldn’t feel like a game of sardines.
Summer Beach House Rentals
From splashy beachfront rentals overlooking the Gulf to airy island homes on Oahu, you’ll have your pick of multi-bedroom rentals designed with large groups in mind. Open floor plans, extra living areas, and large dining rooms make it easy to ensure that everyone gets a seat at the table.
Use FlipKey to find the right home at the right price, with some fun extras to boot. From tiki bars to heated pools, you could get a whole lot more than beautiful views and five-star reviews when you book a rental in these hot spots—and we’re not just talking about amenities. Many of these beaches boast top-notch boardwalks and buzzworthy entertainment options so you can make the most of every minute with your squad.
Miami Beach, Florida
“Whether you’re with family or friends, you can save a considerable amount by getting a group together and staying here.” – Guest Review
When it comes to affordable group getaways, it’s not hard to make a case for Miami Beach. Thanks to our selection of dreamy waterfront estates, finding your summer beach house has never been easier. Choose from multi-bedroom villas and squad-sized suites with all the bells and whistles (think dock access and rooftop decks). Sure, it sounds extravagant—until you do the math. Split the cost with friends, and you’ll spend less on that private tropical oasis than a budget hotel room.
See all rentals in Miami Beach!
Long Beach, California
“This home was great for our large group. The location was spot-on—close to the water, without a lot of traffic to worry about.” – Guest Review
Plan a friends trip to Long Beach, and you’ll spend your vacation enjoying miles of sunny coastline and unbeatable Pacific views. One of the city’s most popular beachside neighborhoods, Belmont Shore—”the Shore” to locals—is a top spot for beach house rentals. Book a stay in this walkable area for easy access to the beach, bike paths, tennis courts, coffee shops, and a variety of trendy shops and restaurants.
See all rentals in Long Beach!
South Padre Island, Texas
“Everything that I can think of was fabulous during our group trip. We fished off the dock and caught tons of ‘keepers.’ Staying on the bay side provided calm waters and beautiful sunsets.” – Guest Review
Whoever said three’s a crowd never booked a summer beach house in South Padre Island. This resort town off the tip of Texas boasts dozens of roomy rentals, so there’s no need to choose between your friends and your personal space. With amenities like game rooms and hot tubs, you don’t have to worry about catching cabin fever, but there’s also plenty to do nearby. Go jet-skiing, parasailing, or exploring; reviewers recommend Port Isabel Lighthouse and the South Padre Island Dolphin Research & Sea Life Nature Center.
See all rentals in South Padre Island!
Santa Cruz, California
“The house was a quarter of a block from the ocean. I can’t say enough about how nice it was for us to have two indoor gas fireplaces and a stunning kitchen to cook in.” – Guest Review
Even if your crew isn’t spread out across the country, choosing a destination can be the hardest part about planning a trip with friends—especially if you each define “vacation” a little differently. Santa Cruz hits the sweet spot between big-wave adventures and lazy beach days. This coastal city is home to famous surf spots like Pleasure Point, and some summer house rentals offer boogie boards and wetsuits as amenities. Of course, if your picture of paradise involves chilling out on the shore, Santa Cruz also offers 29 miles of beaches.
See all rentals in Santa Cruz!
Wildwood, New Jersey
“We were located near the Surfside Pier at the heart of the boardwalk. The house was exactly as advertised, and we saved plenty of money by using the barbecue grill instead of going out to eat.” – Guest Review
We’re not one to play favorites, but with its pristine beaches and colorful boardwalk, Wildwood ranks among the prettiest vacation spots on the New Jersey coast. From airy condos to rambling Victorians, this time-honored resort town offers perfectly sized properties for friend groups. When you’re not spoiling your dinner with a bucket of Curley’s boardwalk fries, you’ll have all the kitchen essentials you need to make a crowd-pleasing meal for the whole crew.
See all rentals in Wildwood!
Daytona Beach, Florida
“This property was great for our large group. Bedding set-ups were very flexible, and the fact that the rental was pet-friendly was icing on the cake. The front porch was a good gathering spot.” – Guest Review
If you’re looking for a summer house near one of the most popular beaches in the country, then it’s only natural to start your search in Daytona. Dubbed “The World’s Most Famous Beach” in the 1920s, when drivers held races on the hard-packed sand, this coastal hot spot is now home to Daytona International Speedway. Other top attractions include the boardwalk, Main Street Pier, and Seabreeze Boulevard, a popular place to shop. After an afternoon of sightseeing or a lazy beach day, head back to your rental to sip mojitos on the deck.
See all rentals in Daytona Beach!
Oceanside, California
“We had about 16 people here for a girlfriends getaway, and this rental fit us (and our bags) perfectly! It was nice to have tons of places to sit and sleep. To top it off, dolphins swam by every morning!!” – Guest Review
Gather your friends and get your beach fix in Oceanside this year. Known for its laid-back vibe and beautiful weather, this gem is central to all the activities SoCal has to offer. Bike the San Luis Rey River Trail, play a round of 18 at La Costa Resort, or take a whale watching tour. Whether you book a summer beach house on the coast or a few miles away, the perks of staying in a rental add up fast. You’ll spend less by sharing the cost—not to mention the cooking duties!—which means extra cash for happy hour drinks and jet ski rentals.
See all rentals in Oceanside!
Panama City Beach, Florida
“Our stay at this house was amazing! There was more than enough room, and each floor had its own hangout area and patio.” – Guest Review
You’re traveling with a group, and everyone wants to stay together. Easier said than done, right? If you’re on the hunt for a rental with multiple bedrooms and a massive dining room table, your search ends here. Panama City Beach offers summer beach houses that tick all the boxes and then some—think private pools and sprawling balconies overlooking the Gulf. The neighborhood’s not too shabby, either; this resort city is a hidden paradise for golfers, and outdoor mall Pier Park is a short drive from the beach.
See all rentals in Panama City Beach!
Honolulu, Hawaii
“The house was near all the activities we planned: hiking up Diamond Head, swimming at Hanauma Bay, and dinner in Waikiki.” – Guest Review
What’s that? You’re in desperate need of a tropical escape? We’ve got just the thing: a summer house in Honolulu with all your favorite people. Leave the daily grind behind for an island rental near downtown or your own private cove. No matter where you stay, you’ll enjoy easy access to Diamond Head and Hanauma Bay State Park—plus an enviable variety of activities from surfing and sunbathing to snorkeling and world-class golfing.
See all rentals in Honolulu!
San Diego, California
“We went out to San Diego for a bachelor party with 15 guys and had an unbelievable trip. The house was so incredible that we didn’t go out the first night just so we could enjoy all of the amenities.” – Guest Review
San Diego offers a luxe selection of beach house rentals, from cliffside mansions to modern oceanfront villas. Multiple living areas and lots of kitchen space go a long way toward keeping the peace on a group trip, but that’s not the only reason to book a summer house here. With so many sun-kissed beach spots (including La Jolla Shores and Mission Bay), it’s easy to find somewhere surf, swim, or shop by waves.
See all rentals in San Diego!
Dewey Beach, Delaware
“My kids think this is our beach house. It is exactly what you want for your Dewey Beach vacation: charming, well-maintained, and large enough to sleep multiple families.” – Guest Review
Tucked between the Atlantic Ocean and Rehoboth Bay, Dewey Beach is a destination for classic beach eats, live music, and—you guessed it—great rentals for groups. We can give you a few good reasons to book a summer house here, starting with events like the Solstice Celebration (June 21st) and Summer Vibes Fest (August 11–20). Throw in tax-free shopping and trolley service to Rehoboth Boardwalk, and you’ve got the ingredients for a memorable trip with the girls/guys/whole gang.
See all rentals in Dewey Beach!
Redondo Beach, California
“This house is perfect for a group that wants a nice place to come back to from the beach. I would rent it again for sure.” – Guest Review
This easygoing beach town is just a few miles from the bright lights of LA, but you won’t find chaos and congestion here. If you’re looking for a place where you can walk to the grocery store and hear the waves crash at night, Redondo is the perfect spot. Enjoy the cool breeze and California sun as you catch a wave, build a sandcastle, or start up a game of beach volleyball. Keep an eye out for frequent art festivals and free concerts at the pier.
See all rentals in Redondo Beach!
Topsail Island, North Carolina
“What a great vacation! We didn’t feel like we were tripping over each other. The kitchen was a dream, and being able to sit around the table for dinner together was great.” – Guest Reviewer
This barrier island south of the Outer Banks may be one of North Carolina’s quieter beach spots, but Topsail offers a solid selection of activities for groups. From surfing at public beaches to fishing along the Intracoastal Waterway, you won’t struggle to catch some sun here. With so many group beach houses on the island, it’s easy to find a home with enough space for everyone. Better yet? Design details like floor-to-ceiling windows and cathedral ceilings make local rentals feel equal parts spacious and glamorous. Translation: your real estate wish list is about to get even longer.
See all rentals in Topsail Island!
Cannon Beach, Oregon
“Everything you need is here. We were so surprised how well-stocked the entire home is. They’ve thought of everything.” – Guest Review
Stunning views, coastline hikes, and quaint cafes make Cannon Beach a super romantic spot to rent a summer beach house. Whether you want to hunt for tide pools or hike through Ecola State Park, you’ll find a rental in Cannon with your name on it—within walking distance of the waves. Top area attractions include art galleries, outdoor concerts, and a summer farmer’s market.
See all rentals in Cannon Beach!
Isle of Palms, South Carolina
“I stayed at this home with a group of women. The common areas easily held all of us, and the access to the beach was ideal.” – Guest Review
A picture-perfect location for girlfriend getaways and bonding with the guys, Isle of Palms is located just 20 minutes from downtown Charleston. Choose from beach house rentals with oceanfront views and over-the-top amenities like industrial kitchen appliances, so no one goes hungry. Fill your vacation with charter fishing trips and walking tours in Charleston, or clear your calendar for a week of endless beach days; either way, this gorgeous spot is a win-win for everyone.
See all rentals in Isle of Palms!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor Rentals blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post 15 Best Friendscation Spots To Rent A Summer Beach House appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
0 notes
mrrolandtfranco · 7 years
15 Best Friendscation Spots To Rent A Summer Beach House
Summer beach house season is just around the corner, and if you’re scouting out the best destinations for group-friendly rentals—the perfect friendscation, perhaps—you’ve come to the right place. We’re highlighting 15 spots with crowd-pleasing properties that you won’t have to crowd into, because a getaway with your friends shouldn’t feel like a game of sardines.
Summer Beach House Rentals
From splashy beachfront rentals overlooking the Gulf to airy island homes on Oahu, you’ll have your pick of multi-bedroom rentals designed with large groups in mind. Open floor plans, extra living areas, and large dining rooms make it easy to ensure that everyone gets a seat at the table.
Use FlipKey to find the right home at the right price, with some fun extras to boot. From tiki bars to heated pools, you could get a whole lot more than beautiful views and five-star reviews when you book a rental in these hot spots—and we’re not just talking about amenities. Many of these beaches boast top-notch boardwalks and buzzworthy entertainment options so you can make the most of every minute with your squad.
Miami Beach, Florida
“Whether you’re with family or friends, you can save a considerable amount by getting a group together and staying here.” – Guest Review
When it comes to affordable group getaways, it’s not hard to make a case for Miami Beach. Thanks to our selection of dreamy waterfront estates, finding your summer beach house has never been easier. Choose from multi-bedroom villas and squad-sized suites with all the bells and whistles (think dock access and rooftop decks). Sure, it sounds extravagant—until you do the math. Split the cost with friends, and you’ll spend less on that private tropical oasis than a budget hotel room.
See all rentals in Miami Beach!
Long Beach, California
“This home was great for our large group. The location was spot-on—close to the water, without a lot of traffic to worry about.” – Guest Review
Plan a friends trip to Long Beach, and you’ll spend your vacation enjoying miles of sunny coastline and unbeatable Pacific views. One of the city’s most popular beachside neighborhoods, Belmont Shore—”the Shore” to locals—is a top spot for beach house rentals. Book a stay in this walkable area for easy access to the beach, bike paths, tennis courts, coffee shops, and a variety of trendy shops and restaurants.
See all rentals in Long Beach!
South Padre Island, Texas
“Everything that I can think of was fabulous during our group trip. We fished off the dock and caught tons of ‘keepers.’ Staying on the bay side provided calm waters and beautiful sunsets.” – Guest Review
Whoever said three’s a crowd never booked a summer beach house in South Padre Island. This resort town off the tip of Texas boasts dozens of roomy rentals, so there’s no need to choose between your friends and your personal space. With amenities like game rooms and hot tubs, you don’t have to worry about catching cabin fever, but there’s also plenty to do nearby. Go jet-skiing, parasailing, or exploring; reviewers recommend Port Isabel Lighthouse and the South Padre Island Dolphin Research & Sea Life Nature Center.
See all rentals in South Padre Island!
Santa Cruz, California
“The house was a quarter of a block from the ocean. I can’t say enough about how nice it was for us to have two indoor gas fireplaces and a stunning kitchen to cook in.” – Guest Review
Even if your crew isn’t spread out across the country, choosing a destination can be the hardest part about planning a trip with friends—especially if you each define “vacation” a little differently. Santa Cruz hits the sweet spot between big-wave adventures and lazy beach days. This coastal city is home to famous surf spots like Pleasure Point, and some summer house rentals offer boogie boards and wetsuits as amenities. Of course, if your picture of paradise involves chilling out on the shore, Santa Cruz also offers 29 miles of beaches.
See all rentals in Santa Cruz!
Wildwood, New Jersey
“We were located near the Surfside Pier at the heart of the boardwalk. The house was exactly as advertised, and we saved plenty of money by using the barbecue grill instead of going out to eat.” – Guest Review
We’re not one to play favorites, but with its pristine beaches and colorful boardwalk, Wildwood ranks among the prettiest vacation spots on the New Jersey coast. From airy condos to rambling Victorians, this time-honored resort town offers perfectly sized properties for friend groups. When you’re not spoiling your dinner with a bucket of Curley’s boardwalk fries, you’ll have all the kitchen essentials you need to make a crowd-pleasing meal for the whole crew.
See all rentals in Wildwood!
Daytona Beach, Florida
“This property was great for our large group. Bedding set-ups were very flexible, and the fact that the rental was pet-friendly was icing on the cake. The front porch was a good gathering spot.” – Guest Review
If you’re looking for a summer house near one of the most popular beaches in the country, then it’s only natural to start your search in Daytona. Dubbed “The World’s Most Famous Beach” in the 1920s, when drivers held races on the hard-packed sand, this coastal hot spot is now home to Daytona International Speedway. Other top attractions include the boardwalk, Main Street Pier, and Seabreeze Boulevard, a popular place to shop. After an afternoon of sightseeing or a lazy beach day, head back to your rental to sip mojitos on the deck.
See all rentals in Daytona Beach!
Oceanside, California
“We had about 16 people here for a girlfriends getaway, and this rental fit us (and our bags) perfectly! It was nice to have tons of places to sit and sleep. To top it off, dolphins swam by every morning!!” – Guest Review
Gather your friends and get your beach fix in Oceanside this year. Known for its laid-back vibe and beautiful weather, this gem is central to all the activities SoCal has to offer. Bike the San Luis Rey River Trail, play a round of 18 at La Costa Resort, or take a whale watching tour. Whether you book a summer beach house on the coast or a few miles away, the perks of staying in a rental add up fast. You’ll spend less by sharing the cost—not to mention the cooking duties!—which means extra cash for happy hour drinks and jet ski rentals.
See all rentals in Oceanside!
Panama City Beach, Florida
“Our stay at this house was amazing! There was more than enough room, and each floor had its own hangout area and patio.” – Guest Review
You’re traveling with a group, and everyone wants to stay together. Easier said than done, right? If you’re on the hunt for a rental with multiple bedrooms and a massive dining room table, your search ends here. Panama City Beach offers summer beach houses that tick all the boxes and then some—think private pools and sprawling balconies overlooking the Gulf. The neighborhood’s not too shabby, either; this resort city is a hidden paradise for golfers, and outdoor mall Pier Park is a short drive from the beach.
See all rentals in Panama City Beach!
Honolulu, Hawaii
“The house was near all the activities we planned: hiking up Diamond Head, swimming at Hanauma Bay, and dinner in Waikiki.” – Guest Review
What’s that? You’re in desperate need of a tropical escape? We’ve got just the thing: a summer house in Honolulu with all your favorite people. Leave the daily grind behind for an island rental near downtown or your own private cove. No matter where you stay, you’ll enjoy easy access to Diamond Head and Hanauma Bay State Park—plus an enviable variety of activities from surfing and sunbathing to snorkeling and world-class golfing.
See all rentals in Honolulu!
San Diego, California
“We went out to San Diego for a bachelor party with 15 guys and had an unbelievable trip. The house was so incredible that we didn’t go out the first night just so we could enjoy all of the amenities.” – Guest Review
San Diego offers a luxe selection of beach house rentals, from cliffside mansions to modern oceanfront villas. Multiple living areas and lots of kitchen space go a long way toward keeping the peace on a group trip, but that’s not the only reason to book a summer house here. With so many sun-kissed beach spots (including La Jolla Shores and Mission Bay), it’s easy to find somewhere surf, swim, or shop by waves.
See all rentals in San Diego!
Dewey Beach, Delaware
“My kids think this is our beach house. It is exactly what you want for your Dewey Beach vacation: charming, well-maintained, and large enough to sleep multiple families.” – Guest Review
Tucked between the Atlantic Ocean and Rehoboth Bay, Dewey Beach is a destination for classic beach eats, live music, and—you guessed it—great rentals for groups. We can give you a few good reasons to book a summer house here, starting with events like the Solstice Celebration (June 21st) and Summer Vibes Fest (August 11–20). Throw in tax-free shopping and trolley service to Rehoboth Boardwalk, and you’ve got the ingredients for a memorable trip with the girls/guys/whole gang.
See all rentals in Dewey Beach!
Redondo Beach, California
“This house is perfect for a group that wants a nice place to come back to from the beach. I would rent it again for sure.” – Guest Review
This easygoing beach town is just a few miles from the bright lights of LA, but you won’t find chaos and congestion here. If you’re looking for a place where you can walk to the grocery store and hear the waves crash at night, Redondo is the perfect spot. Enjoy the cool breeze and California sun as you catch a wave, build a sandcastle, or start up a game of beach volleyball. Keep an eye out for frequent art festivals and free concerts at the pier.
See all rentals in Redondo Beach!
Topsail Island, North Carolina
“What a great vacation! We didn’t feel like we were tripping over each other. The kitchen was a dream, and being able to sit around the table for dinner together was great.” – Guest Reviewer
This barrier island south of the Outer Banks may be one of North Carolina’s quieter beach spots, but Topsail offers a solid selection of activities for groups. From surfing at public beaches to fishing along the Intracoastal Waterway, you won’t struggle to catch some sun here. With so many group beach houses on the island, it’s easy to find a home with enough space for everyone. Better yet? Design details like floor-to-ceiling windows and cathedral ceilings make local rentals feel equal parts spacious and glamorous. Translation: your real estate wish list is about to get even longer.
See all rentals in Topsail Island!
Cannon Beach, Oregon
“Everything you need is here. We were so surprised how well-stocked the entire home is. They’ve thought of everything.” – Guest Review
Stunning views, coastline hikes, and quaint cafes make Cannon Beach a super romantic spot to rent a summer beach house. Whether you want to hunt for tide pools or hike through Ecola State Park, you’ll find a rental in Cannon with your name on it—within walking distance of the waves. Top area attractions include art galleries, outdoor concerts, and a summer farmer’s market.
See all rentals in Cannon Beach!
Isle of Palms, South Carolina
“I stayed at this home with a group of women. The common areas easily held all of us, and the access to the beach was ideal.” – Guest Review
A picture-perfect location for girlfriend getaways and bonding with the guys, Isle of Palms is located just 20 minutes from downtown Charleston. Choose from beach house rentals with oceanfront views and over-the-top amenities like industrial kitchen appliances, so no one goes hungry. Fill your vacation with charter fishing trips and walking tours in Charleston, or clear your calendar for a week of endless beach days; either way, this gorgeous spot is a win-win for everyone.
See all rentals in Isle of Palms!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor Rentals blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post 15 Best Friendscation Spots To Rent A Summer Beach House appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from The FlipKey Blog http://ift.tt/2pwuDRh
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janetchavezcom · 7 years
15 Best Friendscation Spots To Rent A Summer Beach House
Summer beach house season is just around the corner, and if you’re scouting out the best destinations for group-friendly rentals—the perfect friendscation, perhaps—you’ve come to the right place. We’re highlighting 15 spots with crowd-pleasing properties that you won’t have to crowd into, because a getaway with your friends shouldn’t feel like a game of sardines.
Summer Beach House Rentals
From splashy beachfront rentals overlooking the Gulf to airy island homes on Oahu, you’ll have your pick of multi-bedroom rentals designed with large groups in mind. Open floor plans, extra living areas, and large dining rooms make it easy to ensure that everyone gets a seat at the table.
Use FlipKey to find the right home at the right price, with some fun extras to boot. From tiki bars to heated pools, you could get a whole lot more than beautiful views and five-star reviews when you book a rental in these hot spots—and we’re not just talking about amenities. Many of these beaches boast top-notch boardwalks and buzzworthy entertainment options so you can make the most of every minute with your squad.
Miami Beach, Florida
“Whether you’re with family or friends, you can save a considerable amount by getting a group together and staying here.” – Guest Review
When it comes to affordable group getaways, it’s not hard to make a case for Miami Beach. Thanks to our selection of dreamy waterfront estates, finding your summer beach house has never been easier. Choose from multi-bedroom villas and squad-sized suites with all the bells and whistles (think dock access and rooftop decks). Sure, it sounds extravagant—until you do the math. Split the cost with friends, and you’ll spend less on that private tropical oasis than a budget hotel room.
See all rentals in Miami Beach!
Long Beach, California
“This home was great for our large group. The location was spot-on—close to the water, without a lot of traffic to worry about.” – Guest Review
Plan a friends trip to Long Beach, and you’ll spend your vacation enjoying miles of sunny coastline and unbeatable Pacific views. One of the city’s most popular beachside neighborhoods, Belmont Shore—”the Shore” to locals—is a top spot for beach house rentals. Book a stay in this walkable area for easy access to the beach, bike paths, tennis courts, coffee shops, and a variety of trendy shops and restaurants.
See all rentals in Long Beach!
South Padre Island, Texas
“Everything that I can think of was fabulous during our group trip. We fished off the dock and caught tons of ‘keepers.’ Staying on the bay side provided calm waters and beautiful sunsets.” – Guest Review
Whoever said three’s a crowd never booked a summer beach house in South Padre Island. This resort town off the tip of Texas boasts dozens of roomy rentals, so there’s no need to choose between your friends and your personal space. With amenities like game rooms and hot tubs, you don’t have to worry about catching cabin fever, but there’s also plenty to do nearby. Go jet-skiing, parasailing, or exploring; reviewers recommend Port Isabel Lighthouse and the South Padre Island Dolphin Research & Sea Life Nature Center.
See all rentals in South Padre Island!
Santa Cruz, California
“The house was a quarter of a block from the ocean. I can’t say enough about how nice it was for us to have two indoor gas fireplaces and a stunning kitchen to cook in.” – Guest Review
Even if your crew isn’t spread out across the country, choosing a destination can be the hardest part about planning a trip with friends—especially if you each define “vacation” a little differently. Santa Cruz hits the sweet spot between big-wave adventures and lazy beach days. This coastal city is home to famous surf spots like Pleasure Point, and some summer house rentals offer boogie boards and wetsuits as amenities. Of course, if your picture of paradise involves chilling out on the shore, Santa Cruz also offers 29 miles of beaches.
See all rentals in Santa Cruz!
Wildwood, New Jersey
“We were located near the Surfside Pier at the heart of the boardwalk. The house was exactly as advertised, and we saved plenty of money by using the barbecue grill instead of going out to eat.” – Guest Review
We’re not one to play favorites, but with its pristine beaches and colorful boardwalk, Wildwood ranks among the prettiest vacation spots on the New Jersey coast. From airy condos to rambling Victorians, this time-honored resort town offers perfectly sized properties for friend groups. When you’re not spoiling your dinner with a bucket of Curley’s boardwalk fries, you’ll have all the kitchen essentials you need to make a crowd-pleasing meal for the whole crew.
See all rentals in Wildwood!
Daytona Beach, Florida
“This property was great for our large group. Bedding set-ups were very flexible, and the fact that the rental was pet-friendly was icing on the cake. The front porch was a good gathering spot.” – Guest Review
If you’re looking for a summer house near one of the most popular beaches in the country, then it’s only natural to start your search in Daytona. Dubbed “The World’s Most Famous Beach” in the 1920s, when drivers held races on the hard-packed sand, this coastal hot spot is now home to Daytona International Speedway. Other top attractions include the boardwalk, Main Street Pier, and Seabreeze Boulevard, a popular place to shop. After an afternoon of sightseeing or a lazy beach day, head back to your rental to sip mojitos on the deck.
See all rentals in Daytona Beach!
Oceanside, California
“We had about 16 people here for a girlfriends getaway, and this rental fit us (and our bags) perfectly! It was nice to have tons of places to sit and sleep. To top it off, dolphins swam by every morning!!” – Guest Review
Gather your friends and get your beach fix in Oceanside this year. Known for its laid-back vibe and beautiful weather, this gem is central to all the activities SoCal has to offer. Bike the San Luis Rey River Trail, play a round of 18 at La Costa Resort, or take a whale watching tour. Whether you book a summer beach house on the coast or a few miles away, the perks of staying in a rental add up fast. You’ll spend less by sharing the cost—not to mention the cooking duties!—which means extra cash for happy hour drinks and jet ski rentals.
See all rentals in Oceanside!
Panama City Beach, Florida
“Our stay at this house was amazing! There was more than enough room, and each floor had its own hangout area and patio.” – Guest Review
You’re traveling with a group, and everyone wants to stay together. Easier said than done, right? If you’re on the hunt for a rental with multiple bedrooms and a massive dining room table, your search ends here. Panama City Beach offers summer beach houses that tick all the boxes and then some—think private pools and sprawling balconies overlooking the Gulf. The neighborhood’s not too shabby, either; this resort city is a hidden paradise for golfers, and outdoor mall Pier Park is a short drive from the beach.
See all rentals in Panama City Beach!
Honolulu, Hawaii
“The house was near all the activities we planned: hiking up Diamond Head, swimming at Hanauma Bay, and dinner in Waikiki.” – Guest Review
What’s that? You’re in desperate need of a tropical escape? We’ve got just the thing: a summer house in Honolulu with all your favorite people. Leave the daily grind behind for an island rental near downtown or your own private cove. No matter where you stay, you’ll enjoy easy access to Diamond Head and Hanauma Bay State Park—plus an enviable variety of activities from surfing and sunbathing to snorkeling and world-class golfing.
See all rentals in Honolulu!
San Diego, California
“We went out to San Diego for a bachelor party with 15 guys and had an unbelievable trip. The house was so incredible that we didn’t go out the first night just so we could enjoy all of the amenities.” – Guest Review
San Diego offers a luxe selection of beach house rentals, from cliffside mansions to modern oceanfront villas. Multiple living areas and lots of kitchen space go a long way toward keeping the peace on a group trip, but that’s not the only reason to book a summer house here. With so many sun-kissed beach spots (including La Jolla Shores and Mission Bay), it’s easy to find somewhere surf, swim, or shop by waves.
See all rentals in San Diego!
Dewey Beach, Delaware
“My kids think this is our beach house. It is exactly what you want for your Dewey Beach vacation: charming, well-maintained, and large enough to sleep multiple families.” – Guest Review
Tucked between the Atlantic Ocean and Rehoboth Bay, Dewey Beach is a destination for classic beach eats, live music, and—you guessed it—great rentals for groups. We can give you a few good reasons to book a summer house here, starting with events like the Solstice Celebration (June 21st) and Summer Vibes Fest (August 11–20). Throw in tax-free shopping and trolley service to Rehoboth Boardwalk, and you’ve got the ingredients for a memorable trip with the girls/guys/whole gang.
See all rentals in Dewey Beach!
Redondo Beach, California
“This house is perfect for a group that wants a nice place to come back to from the beach. I would rent it again for sure.” – Guest Review
This easygoing beach town is just a few miles from the bright lights of LA, but you won’t find chaos and congestion here. If you’re looking for a place where you can walk to the grocery store and hear the waves crash at night, Redondo is the perfect spot. Enjoy the cool breeze and California sun as you catch a wave, build a sandcastle, or start up a game of beach volleyball. Keep an eye out for frequent art festivals and free concerts at the pier.
See all rentals in Redondo Beach!
Topsail Island, North Carolina
“What a great vacation! We didn’t feel like we were tripping over each other. The kitchen was a dream, and being able to sit around the table for dinner together was great.” – Guest Reviewer
This barrier island south of the Outer Banks may be one of North Carolina’s quieter beach spots, but Topsail offers a solid selection of activities for groups. From surfing at public beaches to fishing along the Intracoastal Waterway, you won’t struggle to catch some sun here. With so many group beach houses on the island, it’s easy to find a home with enough space for everyone. Better yet? Design details like floor-to-ceiling windows and cathedral ceilings make local rentals feel equal parts spacious and glamorous. Translation: your real estate wish list is about to get even longer.
See all rentals in Topsail Island!
Cannon Beach, Oregon
“Everything you need is here. We were so surprised how well-stocked the entire home is. They’ve thought of everything.” – Guest Review
Stunning views, coastline hikes, and quaint cafes make Cannon Beach a super romantic spot to rent a summer beach house. Whether you want to hunt for tide pools or hike through Ecola State Park, you’ll find a rental in Cannon with your name on it—within walking distance of the waves. Top area attractions include art galleries, outdoor concerts, and a summer farmer’s market.
See all rentals in Cannon Beach!
Isle of Palms, South Carolina
“I stayed at this home with a group of women. The common areas easily held all of us, and the access to the beach was ideal.” – Guest Review
A picture-perfect location for girlfriend getaways and bonding with the guys, Isle of Palms is located just 20 minutes from downtown Charleston. Choose from beach house rentals with oceanfront views and over-the-top amenities like industrial kitchen appliances, so no one goes hungry. Fill your vacation with charter fishing trips and walking tours in Charleston, or clear your calendar for a week of endless beach days; either way, this gorgeous spot is a win-win for everyone.
See all rentals in Isle of Palms!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor Rentals blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post 15 Best Friendscation Spots To Rent A Summer Beach House appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://www.flipkey.com/blog/2018/03/21/15-best-friendscation-spots-rent-summer-beach-house/
0 notes
kevingbakeruk · 7 years
15 Best Friendscation Spots To Rent A Summer Beach House
Summer beach house season is just around the corner, and if you’re scouting out the best destinations for group-friendly rentals—the perfect friendscation, perhaps—you’ve come to the right place. We’re highlighting 15 spots with crowd-pleasing properties that you won’t have to crowd into, because a getaway with your friends shouldn’t feel like a game of sardines.
Summer Beach House Rentals
From splashy beachfront rentals overlooking the Gulf to airy island homes on Oahu, you’ll have your pick of multi-bedroom rentals designed with large groups in mind. Open floor plans, extra living areas, and large dining rooms make it easy to ensure that everyone gets a seat at the table.
Use FlipKey to find the right home at the right price, with some fun extras to boot. From tiki bars to heated pools, you could get a whole lot more than beautiful views and five-star reviews when you book a rental in these hot spots—and we’re not just talking about amenities. Many of these beaches boast top-notch boardwalks and buzzworthy entertainment options so you can make the most of every minute with your squad.
Miami Beach, Florida
“Whether you’re with family or friends, you can save a considerable amount by getting a group together and staying here.” – Guest Review
When it comes to affordable group getaways, it’s not hard to make a case for Miami Beach. Thanks to our selection of dreamy waterfront estates, finding your summer beach house has never been easier. Choose from multi-bedroom villas and squad-sized suites with all the bells and whistles (think dock access and rooftop decks). Sure, it sounds extravagant—until you do the math. Split the cost with friends, and you’ll spend less on that private tropical oasis than a budget hotel room.
See all rentals in Miami Beach!
Long Beach, California
“This home was great for our large group. The location was spot-on—close to the water, without a lot of traffic to worry about.” – Guest Review
Plan a friends trip to Long Beach, and you’ll spend your vacation enjoying miles of sunny coastline and unbeatable Pacific views. One of the city’s most popular beachside neighborhoods, Belmont Shore—”the Shore” to locals—is a top spot for beach house rentals. Book a stay in this walkable area for easy access to the beach, bike paths, tennis courts, coffee shops, and a variety of trendy shops and restaurants.
See all rentals in Long Beach!
South Padre Island, Texas
“Everything that I can think of was fabulous during our group trip. We fished off the dock and caught tons of ‘keepers.’ Staying on the bay side provided calm waters and beautiful sunsets.” – Guest Review
Whoever said three’s a crowd never booked a summer beach house in South Padre Island. This resort town off the tip of Texas boasts dozens of roomy rentals, so there’s no need to choose between your friends and your personal space. With amenities like game rooms and hot tubs, you don’t have to worry about catching cabin fever, but there’s also plenty to do nearby. Go jet-skiing, parasailing, or exploring; reviewers recommend Port Isabel Lighthouse and the South Padre Island Dolphin Research & Sea Life Nature Center.
See all rentals in South Padre Island!
Santa Cruz, California
“The house was a quarter of a block from the ocean. I can’t say enough about how nice it was for us to have two indoor gas fireplaces and a stunning kitchen to cook in.” – Guest Review
Even if your crew isn’t spread out across the country, choosing a destination can be the hardest part about planning a trip with friends—especially if you each define “vacation” a little differently. Santa Cruz hits the sweet spot between big-wave adventures and lazy beach days. This coastal city is home to famous surf spots like Pleasure Point, and some summer house rentals offer boogie boards and wetsuits as amenities. Of course, if your picture of paradise involves chilling out on the shore, Santa Cruz also offers 29 miles of beaches.
See all rentals in Santa Cruz!
Wildwood, New Jersey
“We were located near the Surfside Pier at the heart of the boardwalk. The house was exactly as advertised, and we saved plenty of money by using the barbecue grill instead of going out to eat.” – Guest Review
We’re not one to play favorites, but with its pristine beaches and colorful boardwalk, Wildwood ranks among the prettiest vacation spots on the New Jersey coast. From airy condos to rambling Victorians, this time-honored resort town offers perfectly sized properties for friend groups. When you’re not spoiling your dinner with a bucket of Curley’s boardwalk fries, you’ll have all the kitchen essentials you need to make a crowd-pleasing meal for the whole crew.
See all rentals in Wildwood!
Daytona Beach, Florida
“This property was great for our large group. Bedding set-ups were very flexible, and the fact that the rental was pet-friendly was icing on the cake. The front porch was a good gathering spot.” – Guest Review
If you’re looking for a summer house near one of the most popular beaches in the country, then it’s only natural to start your search in Daytona. Dubbed “The World’s Most Famous Beach” in the 1920s, when drivers held races on the hard-packed sand, this coastal hot spot is now home to Daytona International Speedway. Other top attractions include the boardwalk, Main Street Pier, and Seabreeze Boulevard, a popular place to shop. After an afternoon of sightseeing or a lazy beach day, head back to your rental to sip mojitos on the deck.
See all rentals in Daytona Beach!
Oceanside, California
“We had about 16 people here for a girlfriends getaway, and this rental fit us (and our bags) perfectly! It was nice to have tons of places to sit and sleep. To top it off, dolphins swam by every morning!!” – Guest Review
Gather your friends and get your beach fix in Oceanside this year. Known for its laid-back vibe and beautiful weather, this gem is central to all the activities SoCal has to offer. Bike the San Luis Rey River Trail, play a round of 18 at La Costa Resort, or take a whale watching tour. Whether you book a summer beach house on the coast or a few miles away, the perks of staying in a rental add up fast. You’ll spend less by sharing the cost—not to mention the cooking duties!—which means extra cash for happy hour drinks and jet ski rentals.
See all rentals in Oceanside!
Panama City Beach, Florida
“Our stay at this house was amazing! There was more than enough room, and each floor had its own hangout area and patio.” – Guest Review
You’re traveling with a group, and everyone wants to stay together. Easier said than done, right? If you’re on the hunt for a rental with multiple bedrooms and a massive dining room table, your search ends here. Panama City Beach offers summer beach houses that tick all the boxes and then some—think private pools and sprawling balconies overlooking the Gulf. The neighborhood’s not too shabby, either; this resort city is a hidden paradise for golfers, and outdoor mall Pier Park is a short drive from the beach.
See all rentals in Panama City Beach!
Honolulu, Hawaii
“The house was near all the activities we planned: hiking up Diamond Head, swimming at Hanauma Bay, and dinner in Waikiki.” – Guest Review
What’s that? You’re in desperate need of a tropical escape? We’ve got just the thing: a summer house in Honolulu with all your favorite people. Leave the daily grind behind for an island rental near downtown or your own private cove. No matter where you stay, you’ll enjoy easy access to Diamond Head and Hanauma Bay State Park—plus an enviable variety of activities from surfing and sunbathing to snorkeling and world-class golfing.
See all rentals in Honolulu!
San Diego, California
“We went out to San Diego for a bachelor party with 15 guys and had an unbelievable trip. The house was so incredible that we didn’t go out the first night just so we could enjoy all of the amenities.” – Guest Review
San Diego offers a luxe selection of beach house rentals, from cliffside mansions to modern oceanfront villas. Multiple living areas and lots of kitchen space go a long way toward keeping the peace on a group trip, but that’s not the only reason to book a summer house here. With so many sun-kissed beach spots (including La Jolla Shores and Mission Bay), it’s easy to find somewhere surf, swim, or shop by waves.
See all rentals in San Diego!
Dewey Beach, Delaware
“My kids think this is our beach house. It is exactly what you want for your Dewey Beach vacation: charming, well-maintained, and large enough to sleep multiple families.” – Guest Review
Tucked between the Atlantic Ocean and Rehoboth Bay, Dewey Beach is a destination for classic beach eats, live music, and—you guessed it—great rentals for groups. We can give you a few good reasons to book a summer house here, starting with events like the Solstice Celebration (June 21st) and Summer Vibes Fest (August 11–20). Throw in tax-free shopping and trolley service to Rehoboth Boardwalk, and you’ve got the ingredients for a memorable trip with the girls/guys/whole gang.
See all rentals in Dewey Beach!
Redondo Beach, California
“This house is perfect for a group that wants a nice place to come back to from the beach. I would rent it again for sure.” – Guest Review
This easygoing beach town is just a few miles from the bright lights of LA, but you won’t find chaos and congestion here. If you’re looking for a place where you can walk to the grocery store and hear the waves crash at night, Redondo is the perfect spot. Enjoy the cool breeze and California sun as you catch a wave, build a sandcastle, or start up a game of beach volleyball. Keep an eye out for frequent art festivals and free concerts at the pier.
See all rentals in Redondo Beach!
Topsail Island, North Carolina
“What a great vacation! We didn’t feel like we were tripping over each other. The kitchen was a dream, and being able to sit around the table for dinner together was great.” – Guest Reviewer
This barrier island south of the Outer Banks may be one of North Carolina’s quieter beach spots, but Topsail offers a solid selection of activities for groups. From surfing at public beaches to fishing along the Intracoastal Waterway, you won’t struggle to catch some sun here. With so many group beach houses on the island, it’s easy to find a home with enough space for everyone. Better yet? Design details like floor-to-ceiling windows and cathedral ceilings make local rentals feel equal parts spacious and glamorous. Translation: your real estate wish list is about to get even longer.
See all rentals in Topsail Island!
Cannon Beach, Oregon
“Everything you need is here. We were so surprised how well-stocked the entire home is. They’ve thought of everything.” – Guest Review
Stunning views, coastline hikes, and quaint cafes make Cannon Beach a super romantic spot to rent a summer beach house. Whether you want to hunt for tide pools or hike through Ecola State Park, you’ll find a rental in Cannon with your name on it—within walking distance of the waves. Top area attractions include art galleries, outdoor concerts, and a summer farmer’s market.
See all rentals in Cannon Beach!
Isle of Palms, South Carolina
“I stayed at this home with a group of women. The common areas easily held all of us, and the access to the beach was ideal.” – Guest Review
A picture-perfect location for girlfriend getaways and bonding with the guys, Isle of Palms is located just 20 minutes from downtown Charleston. Choose from beach house rentals with oceanfront views and over-the-top amenities like industrial kitchen appliances, so no one goes hungry. Fill your vacation with charter fishing trips and walking tours in Charleston, or clear your calendar for a week of endless beach days; either way, this gorgeous spot is a win-win for everyone.
See all rentals in Isle of Palms!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor Rentals blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post 15 Best Friendscation Spots To Rent A Summer Beach House appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://www.flipkey.com/blog/2018/03/21/15-best-friendscation-spots-rent-summer-beach-house/
0 notes
rijekapizza · 7 years
Honorable mention - Pepper’s by Mirko
Pepper's is a relatively recent arrival to Osijek's, ahem... vast and diverse panoply of pizza joints (due to my advanced age, I consider anything opened within the last 5 years "recent"), and it's not strictly a pizzeria, but is rather billed as a pizza/pasta/grill combination restaurant. The thing I like the most about it is actually the colorful red and green font they used for the logo, which does remind one of red and green peppers so... points for artistic authenticity? Yeah, we'll see about that. Anyway, I dined in Pepper's exactly once in my life, and that was about a year ago when I took my mom out for a mother/son date (make of that what you will, and I will not be trying to correct you on your assumptions because I know how you perverts think), I think the occasion was Mother's day but my memory fails me, no doubt due to early onset Alzheimer's and... wait, what was I doing again? Oh right, writing a pizza review! Being a pair of ruthless, unenlightened carnivores from Slavonija, we ordered ourselves some choice meaty meals from their grill selection. I ordered a proverbial staple - chicken kebab with a side of potatoes, thinking that this simple fare would be impossible to screw up too badly. But lo, the Universe laughs at my naive assumptions once more, for I was served the RAWEST chunks of meat this side of a raw foodist chicken still kicking around the yard pecking for seeds that died of natural causes! As one who deeply appreciates the technological advances humanity has made in the last million years or so, and which moved us away from eating raw flesh like a bunch of carnivorous baboons out on the African steppe, I found this level of incompetence frankly insulting! Also, I prefer my meat well done. Call me a philistine all you like! In any case, it is not often that I find myself thinking that employing now extinct hominids would improve the quality of a certain endeavor (the Croatian Sabor does spring to mind, however), but in this case I think this restaurant could use a pair of Homo Erectus working the grill, because this species possessed a proven mastery of fire, which is something I can't be certain of where their current chefs are concerned. It truly did feel as though that uncooked chicken kebab should have been consumed while squatting nude, in a dark, dank Paleolithic cave, to the accompanying sounds of now extinct megafauna outside - you know, I do believe there is a marketing gimmick here somewhere, I'll get back to you on that! To top it off, the waitress had the GALL to suggest that if I was not happy with their barely seared chunks of flesh masquerading as a professionally prepared dish, I should have specified how I prefer my meat prepared to the chef before they served it to me! Yes, because it is apparently MY responsibility to ensure that actual heat is used in the preparation of their grilled meats! The mind - it is indeed boggled. Other than that, the decor of the place is actually quite acceptable, quite well lit and airy, though I'm not sure how I feel about strangers watching me attempt to devour raw meat through a window looking out on the street... but hey, if you're not an exhibitionistic eater, don't eat your food in restaurants, right? Kind of like walking onto a porn set and being appalled at seeing nudity, you know? Now, as for the pizza itself! The delivery - to their credit - was made within 20 minutes, which is spectacular (dare I say, ludicrous) speed when compared to our other pizza joints, so the pizza was still hot when it arrived. Yes, one cannot count on getting their pizza hot around here, it's more of a bonus, really. The dough was nicely baked (apparently, some different hominids operate the pizza oven, or perhaps they've learned not to flee from the primordial glow of fire in the meantime - evolution in action!), and the cheese and tomato sauce were... sufficiently edible, that's all I can really say about it. Honestly, all of these pizzas taste so similar that either I'm incapable of detecting nuance in my food, or the pizzerias in Osijek are all secretly part of a single conglomerate, where we are given the illusion of choice but actually get the exact same shit wherever we order it from! I'll let you, dear reader, decide which is the more likely scenario (but the answer is the latter, because my taste is obviously impeccable!) I give the pizza 7/10 (exactly like the one from La Rosa, because it tastes EXACTLY LIKE THE ONE FROM LA ROSA), but a 9/10 for the service (speed of delivery goes a long way!) and a 10/10 for ostensibly mastering fire (it's an important technological achievement, after all)
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