#honor MJ
guzhufuren · 1 month
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insane gay people and their codependency (pt. 8/?)
Meet You At The Blossom (2024) Word of Honor (2021)
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boybandjediorder · 3 months
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y'know, as much as I love competent commander cody, i think that he should be allowed to be a little stupid sometimes. those times include his scheduled 3am wine and bathrobe time when he thought that he might give baking a chance.
long story short, cody is no longer allowed to bake and obi-wan does not like being woken up at three in the morning to come rushing to cody's aid with a fire extinguisher
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mroddmod · 2 years
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spidey before he got picked up by the big guys...
@spideywillandmjwheeler 👁️👁️
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MJ currently has superpowers and a terrible costume and honestly i couldnt let that stand
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cricketnationrise · 9 months
3:15am, anywhere in the Brownstone, Alex or Henry (or both) follow your bliss. The vibes are “Sleep Please Come To Me” by Matthew Barber — I’m not projecting, you’re projecting. As spicy or not spicy as you feel like. xoxo MJ/kiwiana(-writes)
First of all - thank you for introducing me to Matthew Barber! How does he get his voice to do that?
Second of all - mwah I love you, I wrote you some words about it
want your own ficlet? read more here.
3:15am, the brownstone
For all it’s the City That Never Sleeps, New York is quiet outside Henry’s window. It’s possible that the bulletproof glass windows are responsible for the unnatural hush, but Henry wouldn’t be surprised if somehow the entire metropolis got together to go to bed early on purpose, just to taunt him. Just to leave him alone with his thoughts. Just to really highlight how bad Henry’s insomnia is—and how much worse his insomnia has gotten even after finally being allowed to leave the palace.
It feels like some sort of cosmic punishment, a cruel joke: Henry gets out from under Gran’s immediate influence, gets to put a bloody ocean between himself and his biggest stressors, gets to choose how he lives for the first time in his life—and he still can’t sodding sleep. 
Henry’s been actively trying to sleep since one in the morning, and it's sometime after three now. He’s tried his usual tricks of Bake Off and chamomile, even tried reading Dickens of all people. Normally, something either works by now, or he’s wired enough to realize sleep won’t come at all and he’ll grab his notebook and write until the sun comes up. Tonight, Henry is stuck in this heinous limbo—too awake to sleep, too tired to push through to morning. The real trouble is, Henry knows what would work. 
Or who would, rather.
But that someone is clear across Brooklyn, tucked into his own apartment, out of Henry’s reach.
Intellectually, Henry knows it’s a good idea for him and Alex to live alone for a bit before moving in together. It will benefit them both to figure out who they are when they’re alone, away from their families and roommates—who they are as single entities. But it does gall at times like this, when Henry knows that if Alex was spending the night, he’d already be asleep. 
If Alex had been here tonight, they would have eaten pasta on the couch, done the dishes side by side, sneaking light, loving touches between bites and passing clean dishes off to be dried with a kiss. If Alex had been here tonight, they would have retreated to the study for a few hours, Alex to his readings and case studies and papers, Henry to his plans for the shelter, his manuscript, his email updates for Bea, and the poetry he wants to surprise Alex with for his birthday.
If Alex had come to the brownstone tonight, Henry would have pulled Alex away from his laptop with a gentle hand in his hair, a tender kiss against his neck, a murmured plan of putting his mouth somewhere distinctly lower. Alex would have tripped in his haste to pull Henry up the stairs, would have thrown Henry’s good jumper clear across the room, desperate to get his hands on the dip of Henry’s waist, would have covered Henry’s body with his own, and met every movement of Henry’s lips with matching passion and love.
If Alex was spending the night, Henry would be curled around his boyfriend right now, soaking up his warmth, pressed so close not even a hair could get between them. If Alex was here, their legs would be tangled together, he’d be able to match his breathing to Alex’s, he’d be able to feel Alex’s heartbeat beneath his hand. If Alex was here, Henry could pull Alex on top of him, could let himself be covered and surrounded by his boyfriend, could drift to sleep with the faint smell of cinnamon in the air.
If Alex was here tonight—
There’s footsteps on the stairs, a creak of the floorboards on the landing, and then his bedroom door eases open. Henry’s brief tension melts away as a shaft of moonlight reflects off a chain necklace he knows better than the back of his own hand — the key and ring strung through it glinting in the pale blue light.
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kexing · 1 year
me and the 3 people who still genuinely love enchanté
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444m777 · 2 months
29 things I love about Michael: Day 4
Michael’s love for water. In his own books Moonwalk and Dancing the Dream as well as Honoring The Child Spirit in Conversation with Michael Jackson you learn how much respect and love he has for water/bodies of water. Lakes, rivers, beaches and the ocean even though he admitted he was a little bit intimidated by the ocean haha.
Quotes on water:
“There is something about our souls that need water… it’s like therapy, it’s like meditation. It’s like soul food for us. We need it” - Michael in Honoring the Child Spirit
“I see Neverland being a lot more water. I want lots more cascades and caves and it needs a lot more water. That’s how I see it. I think water is healing…” - Michael in Honoring the Child Spirit
“It’s like stepping into a river and joining the flow. Every moment in the river has its song. So I stay in the moment and listen” - Michael in Dancing the Dream
“Hold me like the River Jordan” - lyrics to Will You Be There written by Michael
“We are like ripples in the vast ocean of consciousness” - Heaven is Here poem by Michael
“I remember going swimming as a child and making a wish before I jumped into the pool…I wanted to do something special. I’d stretch my arms out, as if I were sending my thoughts right up into space. I’d make my wish, then I’d dive into the water. I’d say to myself, ‘This is my dream. This is my wish,’ every time before I’d dive into the water” -Michael in Moonwalk
I L O V E water. Forreal. I’m a Pisces through and through! I grew up on the island Aruba. So we were in the water often. I lived near the beach. It was great. Water is sacred and spiritual aside from it being refreshing and quenching. And another thing I also love is the fact that he (unconsciously) used water as a spiritual practice (something I found out this year - and something I’ve been doing for quite some time). In his book in Moonwalk he mentioned making wishes before jumping in the water. It is said that water is a conduit and amplifier. Basically a wishing well.
I actually have a small cup of water and medium sized bowl of water on a table (I practice ancestral veneration) and I say my well wishes/gratitude into the bowl of water. I also speak positivity into water before giving it to my plants (and they grow beautifully). I think Michael might’ve heard of Masaru Emoto and his book The Hidden Messages in Water. Emoto is of course not the only one that believes and wrote about the sacredness of water. It’s just one of the many books that comes to mind in the moment.
It’s a really nice thought to know we share the same values/ideas surrounding how amazing water truly is ☺️
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It’s Michael’s birthday month and so I’m sharing every day something I love about him. Feel free to join in or use the tag #29thingsMJ I’d love to read what you love about him
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munson-mjstan · 1 year
This man is responsible for bringing one of my all time favorite characters to life. I love him so much, I only hope I can covey it properly when I meet him ❤️
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heyhelloitsmilo · 9 months
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designing gwen stacy for e-9187 (Eddy's universe)
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and MJ (based on zendaya's mj)
they are girlfriends
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teasemic · 2 years
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✨_:(´ཀ`」∠):_ ✨
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franollie · 6 months
the multiverse but its just me creating 5000000 different variations of gwemj
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devilfic · 2 months
What is a "codependent psychosexual platonic relationship"? Genuine question
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need I say more
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cygniavenue · 2 months
in my eurylochus/ctimene era tbh
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ponytailcoby · 9 months
The reactions to last night really are giving
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mjkltoad · 1 year
I miss OWL tumblr
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lesbianerxi · 1 year
a moment of silence for wang lingjiao/sha hualing. eliminated in the first round, but never gone from my heart
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