#honey where's the toaster
taestripes · 2 years
i'm okay.
source: it's 2 am and a half i just finished banana fish with the last episode that i was taking so long to see since i knew what was gonna happen and said that it wasn't worth it but inside i was so fucking scared and it took me months to finally watch thinking it would make the pain be less but fuck me ig cuz oh boi was i wrong being a rookie stupid silly me knowing i can't seek for an online therapist this late and all my friends that care for my current mental health state are asleep so i have to cry alone at bed just absorbing everything that happened even though i'd rather not have a thing for sad stuff and now i just can't
i can't stop suffering from happening.
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luveline · 1 month
hi jade!! if ur still up for kbd, can we see an instance where mom feels insecure about her parenting like she feels like she's doing something wrong or being a bad mom (she's not) and Steve just helps her through it? thank<3
KBD —Steve can make you feel better just by being himself. mom!reader, 1.4k
Wren wriggles like a worm on the floor. You’ve spread her baby mat out over the rug, rainbow hearts and stars and smiley faces all around her. 
“Mom, what did you say? What’s tummy time?” Beth asks. “I can’t ’member what you said.” 
Wren whines. Her face is smushed into the floor again. 
“Tummy time is to help her develop her muscles,” you say. “It’s supposed to help her hold her head up by herself. Not working yet…” 
You slide your hand between Wren’s face and the floor. 
“Come on, baby, you can do it,” you say. 
“Try her on your chest,” Steve says, Dove in his arms as he walks through the kitchen doorway into the living room. “She’s much happier when I lay her on my chest before her nap. I lay real flat on the couch.” 
You scoop Wren up under her armpits. Her hair is getting much longer now, the same wavy texture as her father’s, though as she’s grown older her hair has thickened. You’re sure she’s gonna have full curls when she’s older, but for now, you hold her to your chest and brush a hand through those waves thoughtfully. It’s much darker than Steve’s, as are her eyes.
She gurgles as you carry her to the couch. When you lay down, Beth crawls to your side to ask if she can sit on your feet. 
“What are you upto now?” you ask Steve, laying Wren out on your chest. You realise that’s not gonna work and pull her down so her face and neck are flat on your stomach instead. 
“We just washed our hands,” Steve says, letting Dove down. “She made a little mess, that’s all. Need something?” 
“Come n’ sit down, baby,” you murmur, beckoning him in. 
Steve doesn’t need telling twice. He sits in the armchair by your head and feels around for the TV remote. Things go quiet, Dove with her Barbie’s to the right of the room where all the toys live, Beth squeezing your ankle, and Steve clicking through channels until he finds the family movie channel. You tease Wren’s cheek where she rests, but she won’t lift her head. You’re scared she’ll smother herself. 
“Honey, what am I doing wrong?” you ask. 
“Doing what?” 
“Tummy time? She never wants to lift her head.” You frown. “S’like she doesn’t wanna see me.” 
“Maybe you’re just comfy.” 
You sigh and lift Wren again. When she sees you, she smiles. “Ba?” she says. 
“Hiya, baba,” you say softly, “what’s wrong? You don’t wanna play with mama?” 
“Ba,” she says again, dribble curling down her chin as her hand grabs for your face. You let her down against your chest, unperturbed when she grabs your ear. 
“No tummy time, then.” 
“That’s fine, she was on her tummy for a long time earlier,” Steve says, “she’s probably just tired out.” 
“It hurts my neck to hold it up all the time,” Beth says. 
You scrub your eye. Are you hurting her? You hadn’t realised she was tired, but how could you not know that? You’re her mom. 
You’re tired, too. You murmur a sorry to Beth and take your legs from under her. You curl in, pill bug style, baby curled in with you. “Sorry,” you whisper, kissing her forehead. 
“Ba,” she says again, her spit on your cheek. 
You’ve had one of those shitty mom days. You burnt the last bagels in the toaster so Beth had to have toast, which she doesn’t even really like. You tore Avery’s Princess Polly dress trying to clean the sleeve. Dove cried because you didn’t listen to her story, Wren won’t do tummy time, and Steve wouldn’t have done any of those things. He’s amazing, and you’re just… you. He makes being a dad look so easy, he was basically born to do it, and you love your kids but you suck. Today sucks. 
Wren babbles all over you. “Ma-ba ma,” she says, then, “grrrrr.” 
“You growling at me, baby?” 
She lets out a bunch of gr’s and wr’s. You rub her back, tickle it until she giggles. Even the sound of her bumpy baby laughter doesn’t improve your mood. 
Steve goes to the kitchen in silence. He opens the freezer a couple of times, and then he’s calling for the girls to come and have some ice cream and chocolate fudge. Avery tumbles down the stairs from her room. She could take the hallway to the kitchen, but she stumbles into the living room instead. “Hi, mommy,” she says, smiling widely, “are you tired?” 
“A lot,” you confess. 
“Can a kiss make you feel better?” 
You turn your cheek and poke it. “Please. Just one,” —she darts forward to kiss you soundly— “go have your ice cream, baby, quick, before Dove eats it.” 
Steve dodges her. He has a bowl when he returns. He says your name so nicely you don’t think twice about taking it. An ice cream sundae melts inside, three scoops of thick ice cream adorned with cut fruit and a chocolate fudge heart. 
“It looked better five minutes ago. I did yours first.” 
“Where’s yours?” you ask. 
“I thought I’d share yours,” he says. “No?” 
You grin. “Nope.” 
“Alright. Can I sit with you, at least?” 
You straighten up. Wren stays in one arm, your bowl rests on your leg. You lift the other to take your spoon, while Steve sits next to you, not a millimetre of space between your two bodies. 
He doesn’t ask for the baby, which is actually nice. Usually eating with a child in tow is irksome, but you feel a little more capable without his asking. And besides, Steve’s fully trained. You could drop any baby into his lap at any hour and he’d take them without complaint. 
He doesn’t ask you what’s wrong, but you know you could tell him. Can tell he’s waiting for a confession, or ready to let it go. 
You don’t want to talk about it. Admitting your failings is too embarrassing, sometimes, and he’s biased, so he’ll tell you anything to make it go away if he needs to. Instead, you sit, you eat your ice cream, and you rest your face against his shoulder, listening to the girls scratch their bowls in the kitchen. 
“You can go to bed early, if you need to,” he says gently. 
“No, I’m okay.” 
“How about a shower? A walk?” He lifts his head to press his nose against you. “Just let me know what you want.” 
“I’m okay, really.” 
“Okay,” he says, both of you aware that you’re not fully okay, and that he doesn’t believe it. “Can I have some of those strawberries?” 
You scoop up some strawberries and lift the spoon, but notice movement from the corner of your eye that makes you laugh in surprise. Wren is opening her mouth, waiting for a bite. She’s just on the cusp of being old enough for soft foods, but she’s never expressed any interest, until now. 
“Oh, do you want to try?” you ask, laughing. “I’m sorry, baby, this is much too sugary for your first bite.” You lean down to kiss her head. “Sorry,” you murmur into her hair, “we’ll have to find you something tomorrow.” 
Steve smiles so hard you can hear it. “Wow, soft foods already!” he says to her, rubbing the tip of his finger up and down her chest. “Our big girl, huh? Are you mama’s big girl? Daddy’s big girl?” 
“Ma,” she agrees, before her lips part again for a taste. 
Steve looks into your face proudly, eyes darting between you both. He looks at you like you’ve just hung the moon, when you didn’t do much of anything. 
“What should we make her?” he asks. 
“I don’t know, what do you think she’ll like?” 
“What do you think?” 
You abandon your spoon to soothe one of her curls away from her forehead. “I don’t know… she looks like an applesauce girl, doesn’t she? Or maybe some sweet potato.” 
Steve wraps his arm around your shoulders. “We’ll have sweet potato mash for dinner, then, and she can have the first bite. Good idea, angel.” 
You turn into his hold, letting him nose at your ear. 
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vanteguccir · 6 months
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         𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where it's part of Matt's routine to prepare breakfast and pack his girlfriend's lunchbox every day.
REQUESTED?: Yes, by @sturniozoey
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism, copy, or "inspiration"! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
A/N²: This tiktok inspired me to write it 🩷
   ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
Sunlight began to filter through the half-open curtains, painting the room in soft shades of gold.
The sound of Y/N's phone alarm echoed abruptly, interrupting the silence of the morning, waking Matt who, with a sleepy sigh and eyes still closed, stretched his arm over his girl's body to turn off the device that rested on the bedside table.
His blue eyes slowly opened, finding Y/N's serene face beside him, lightly crumpled by the pillow and with strands of hair over her forehead and cheeks.
With a gentle smile, he leaned forward, brushing the strands out of the way before placing soft kisses on the soft skin of her face, spreading them across every visible space. Each touch was full of affection, as if he wanted to express all the love he felt for her in those small gestures.
His slightly dry lips from sleep finally found hers, sealing a sweet kiss over her numb ones, his beard tickling her chin slightly.
Y/N mumbled something indistinctly, still half asleep, ignoring his attempts to wake her up and just snuggling closer, sinking into the soft sheets and his warm chest. She didn't want to leave that moment, that comforting hug, but she knew she needed to start the day, or she would be late for work.
Reluctantly, Y/N pulled away from Matt and stretched, feeling completely enveloped by the feeling of warmth and security he provided. The girl slowly got up, hearing Matt's low laugh - who was watching her with loving eyes - still feeling the echoes of drowsiness, walking towards the bathroom.
While Y/N enjoyed the invigorating shower, Matt stealthily headed to the kitchen, determined to go through the motions of his daily routine and prepare his girl's breakfast. With eyes still tired from sleep, he began to gather the necessary ingredients, listening to the low sounds coming from Nick's room, who had probably woken up earlier than them - if he had even slept.
Waffles were Matt's specialty, and he knew exactly how to make Y/N's favorites. Skillfully, he mixed the dough until it reached the right consistency, adding an extra dash of vanilla. When it was ready, he placed it in the toaster, ensuring they would become golden and crispy.
While they cooked, Matt carefully cut a papaya into separate slices, arranging them on a plate with a sprinkle of oat flakes and honey on top, in the exact way his girlfriend ate it every morning. Next to it, a bowl of fresh berries waited to be added.
While the delicious aroma of waffles filled the kitchen, Matt prepared the typical black coffee, adding to the scent that surrounded the room.
When everything was ready, the boy delicately organized the breakfast on the wooden table, arranging the waffles with the berries on top above the pink plate with small heart designs, the papaya next with a spoon and a Harry Potter mug with steaming coffee.
With breakfast ready, Matt dedicated himself to preparing Y/N's lunch.
He knew that she worked incessantly at the office and that, despite having an hour's lunch break, she almost never managed to complete that time - always needing to return to her desk as soon as possible, which often resulted in her not being able to eat properly, or because of the type of food or whether she needed to buy it from a restaurant.
That's the reason why, when Matt discovered this situation a little over a year ago, he started to include the task of cooking Y/N's lunches everyday, and preparing her bag to take to work.
It's easy to say that his love language was acts of service.
Matt opened the fridge and took out some of the food previously prepared the night before - rice and seasoned broccoli, before taking out the raw steak, which he would fry at that moment, choosing a healthy and nutritious dish that he knew was her favorite and simple type.
"Good morning." Nick's voice sounded behind him, the oldest triplet opting to lie down on the couch while he waited for Matt to vacate the kitchen, as he did every day.
"Morning." Matt replied in a low tone, keeping his focus on his main task, not noticing his brother slowly falling asleep while hearing him using the many utensils.
He took a frying pan from the cupboard under the sink, placing it on the stove and pouring in a small amount of olive oil, waiting a few seconds for the ceramic surface to heat up enough for him to place the beef steak, turning it slightly and once in a while, making sure it was medium cooked.
Carefully, he divided the whole meal into individual portions and placed them in vacuum-sealed containers that could be reheated in the microwave hours later, ensuring that each one remained fresh and flavorful.
Before closing Y/N's small cooler bag, Matt took a sheet of pink post-it from one of the drawers on the counter, fishing out a black pen and writing a cute little message, expressing all his love and wishes for her to have a great day, before drawing a little heart. He placed the note on top of the containers, knowing it would be the first thing Y/N would see when she opened the bag.
With everything ready, Matt placed it next to the top of the stairs that led to the front door of the house, making sure Y/N didn't forget it.
With her work clothes already on and her hair still damp, Y/N walked out of the room she shared with Matt, feeling refreshed after her morning shower. Her light footsteps echoed down the small hallway until she reached the kitchen, where she found Matt leaning on the counter, busy washing the dishes he had used to prepare her breakfast and lunch, her eyes finding momentarily Nick asleep on the couch, letting out a nasal laugh.
A warm smile lit up Y/N's face as she approached her boyfriend, enveloping him in a hug from behind, her arms encircling his bare torso, caressing the exposed skin of his belly. She rested her face on Matt's shoulder, breathing in the natural scent of his post-sleep skin.
"Thank you for taking care of me, pretty boy." Y/N whispered, planting soft kisses along his right shoulder, up to his neck. Y/N's lips left small lipstick marks along the way, making Matt blush slightly, and a silly smile formed on his face, his blue eyes shining with love.
"All for you, petal." Matt replied, turning to look at her tenderly. Their eyes met, overflowing with love and mutual admiration.
Y/N pulled away slightly so Matt could finish washing the dishes - not before kissing his lips for long seconds, finally sitting down at the table to eat the breakfast he had prepared.
As she enjoyed the waffles and coffee, they chatted idly about Y/N's company gossip and Matt's plans for that week's videos, enjoying each other's company.
Time seemed to pass faster in Matt's presence, and soon, it was time for Y/N to go to work.
"Thank you for the breakfast and lunch, honey. I love you." Y/N said goodbye with a tender kiss on her boy's lips.
"I love you more. Keep me on your mind."
"Always, babe." Y/N affirmed, promising to think about him throughout the day.
With a heart full of love and gratitude, she walked out the door with her bag in hands, ready to face another day of work, knowing that she would have Matt waiting for her when she got home.
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lis-likes-fics · 5 months
aaron hotchner drabble
tw: none, fluff. 750 words
Aaron is a light sleeper. It just comes with being in his line of work. When he married you, sleep became a little easier to indulge in. He loves holding you as he sleeps, an arm around your waist, his nose nuzzled in your hair. You're a warmth he adores, and one he welcomes.
And you're also really funny.
Sometimes in a worrying kind of way.
The bed dips next to him sometime in the middle of the night, and Aaron is warmed by the movement and the chill that follows. His eyelids part heavily as he orders them to open like the agents he orders on the field. His sleepy gaze follows you out of the door of your bedroom, closing it behind you as you do. He lets out a groggy sigh, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
Aaron shuffles the covers off his body and stands to his feet. He opens the door you closed and walks after you.
He comes up carefully behind you as you stand in the living room with a pillow in your hands. You're tapping on it like it's a tablet, giggling about something under your breath and then “typing” something out.
“Hey, honey,” he whispers, setting a hand on your waist so gently and he turns you to look at him. Your eyes are open, but you seem to look right through him, even as you snake a hand around his own waist. “What did you find?” he asks as he takes the pillow from you.
For a moment, he gets worried. Because as soon as you hear him, your smile drops and you look annoyed.
“I don't want to hear your excuses.” You give up the pillow, staring past him as you shake your head.
“I'm sorry,” is what he says, wanting you to elaborate without accidentally upsetting you.
“You can't just give me wet-willies.”
If the pillow hadn't proved it, your reprimand just did. Never in his life has he ever given you, or anyone for that matter, a wet-willy. You're sleepwalking again.
“Okay,” he chuckles lightly. “No more wet-willies.”
He rubs your back as you lean into him. You make no move to walk, so he just holds you.
“What about the baby?” you ask randomly.
He raises a brow, wondering what's going on in your head. You could be talking about Jack, but you've never called him “the baby” before. “What about the baby?” he counters.
You tilt your head. “Did you tell them?”
“Tell them what?”
You scoff, blinking strangely. “The goose bit a bug on the baby.”
Your nonsensical words amuse him to no end. Part of him feels guilty for finding this so entertaining. You've been a tad stressed lately, which is why you've been sleepwalking a little more than usual. But it's nothing the two of you can't handle.
“Is the baby okay?” he asks as he guides you slowly back to the room before Jack wakes up at the sounds of your voices.
You scoff again. “It's a baby.”
While that does answer his question, he takes it anyway. “Well, let's talk about it in bed,” he says.
You walk with him, though your words protest. “We can't.”
“Why not?”
“The zombies.”
Aaron can't help the little chuckle that slips past his lips. He looks at you, “Where are the zombies, honey?”
“On the toaster.”
He loves you.
“How'd they get there?”
“Tap dance.”
“Tap dance?”
“On the sofa. Like this.” You raise your hand, wiggle your fingers, and then give a thumbs up. When you've finished, you drop it again at your side.
“That's really good,” he laughs, trying to be quiet as he leads you into the bedroom, closing the door behind him with his foot. You hum in response.
“Lay down,” he murmurs at your side of the bed.
“On the plank?”
He nods, his smile hurting his cheeks. “Yes, on the plank.”
“But there are sharks.”
He kisses your forehead fondly. “I'll protect you from sharks.”
“Okay.” You lay in bed, and he pulls the covers over your body and rounds to his side. When he's securely at your back, he wraps his arms around you once again and pulls you into his chest.
“Goodnight, honey,” he whispers into the back of your head. He kisses your shoulder, sighing gently. “I love you.”
“Love,” you mutter distantly, “like loaf. Bread.”
He smiles against your hair, rubbing your side. “Yes,” he says, lulling you back to sleep with soft touches. “Bread.”
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archangeldyke-all · 11 months
yeah............ yeah.
men and minors dni
sevika's home. finally. you can hear her kick her boots off by the door, can hear the shuffling of her taking her poncho off and hanging it on the hook. you smile sleepily, curling into yourself further and drifting back to sleep.
you're half awake-half asleep, eyes still closed, brain still off, but consciously tracking the movements of your girlfriend as she wanders around the apartment. you hear the hum of the microwave, the click of a lighter, the heavy sigh of her exhaling after her first hit.
her fork clinks against her plate. the faucet turns on then off. there's a clatter when she puts her dishes in the sink. you manage to pry your eyes open when you hear her sneak into the bedroom. "baby." you say through a smile. sevika smiles sweetly down at you. "you're home."
"hi honey." she says, pressing a kiss to your head. "go back to sleep. i'm gonna shower." you nod, your heavy eyelids shutting as you drift off.
you wake up again when the calming white noise of the shower squeaks to a halt. finally, you think as you roll on your back. you open one eye to watch sevika as she tugs her sleep shirt on, her wet hair clinging to her face, a toothbrush between her lips. she's so pretty. her eyes catch on yours and she rolls her eyes.
"supposed to be asleep." she mumbles around the toothbrush. you giggle.
"missed you though." you say. she melts, quickly running back into the bathroom to spit her toothpaste out and then back out, flicking the light off and jumping into bed. she lands on top of you with a grunt. you laugh.
"missed you too." she says as she wiggles under the covers, planting her face on your tit, her hand coming up to grab the other. you wind your hand around her back, gently tracing patterns over her soft cotton sleep shirt.
she's snoring in seconds, and now, with sevika in bed with you where she should be, you fall into a deep slumber.
"honey." sevika grunts. you groan, flopping your head to the side.
"five more minutes." you mumble.
"no that's not--i need you baby." sevika says. you nod into your pillow.
"y' just put the bread in the toaster and push the lever down. 's not that hard. i believe in you." sevika chuckles beside you, breathy and flabbergasted.
"i'm not-- i know how to work the toaster." that makes you blink an eye open, looking at sevika skeptically. she rolls her eyes. "i burnt the toast one time!" she says. you huff.
"whaddya want?" you ask, sleep slowly receding from your body and mind. you become more aware of your surroundings. it's still pitch black in the bedroom-- still night time. sevika's hovering above you, her body pressed against yours. between your legs, her hips are shifting in tiny little circles. oh. a smile creeps up your face.
"shut up." sevika says, like she can see your knowing smile through the darkness. she can't, she just knows you well enough to know when you're about to tease her. you giggle.
"i didn't even say anything!"
"you were thinking a lot of stupid shit though. i can tell."
"you sure you wanna call me stupid before asking to fuck me?" you ask. she huffs.
"go ahead, honey." you say. she freezes. "take what you need." you whisper, assuring her. she snaps back into action, growling as she descends onto you, her hands clawing at your pajama bottoms, her lips crushing against yours. you gasp against her, and she takes the opportunity to shove her tongue in your mouth. you moan.
"i fuckin'," sevika grunts, "fuckin' missed you today." she says. you hum in sympathy. it was a friday, which is typically your date night, unless silco demands sevika's presence at some dumbass meeting like he did last night. sevika ducks down to suck a hickey in your neck, and you thread your fingers through her hair.
"'s okay baby." you say. she whines against your neck, shaking her head no. "what's wrong?" you ask.
"not okay." she grunts as one of her hands snakes under your shirt to paw at your tits. "missed you." she says. you giggle.
"i'm here now, honey." you say, lifting your hips up to grind against hers. "show me how much you missed me." she growls, sitting up to strip you down.
her hands are fast as she shucks your shirt off your body, faster when she pushes your waistband down your legs. you're naked beneath her in seconds, panting as she strips herself above you. you paw at her, scratching her abs, ribs, thighs. you fondle her tits, giggling when she gasps as you give her nipples a tug. sevika rips her own shirt off, then descends on top of you to kiss you breathless.
one of her hands moves between your thighs, her cold metallic fingers against your cunt making you jump. "sevika!" you gasp. she chuckles, her fingers rumbling to life between your thighs. you shudder. "oh fuck." you moan. sevika hums above you, satisfied to have her hands on you finally. "y-you, oh shit, you coulda had me when you got home." you say between whimpers.
"but you're so cute when you're sleeping. wanted to lay with you for a bit." she mumbles as she notches the vibrations of her fingers up. you gasp. "then i woke up fuckin' soaked from a dream about you." you squeak at her words. "'n i couldn't wait any longer."
"what-- ah! what was the dream about?" you ask as your thighs clench around sevika's hand.
"you." she says. "the way you smell. your skin." between your legs, sevika's fingers start rubbing small circles around your clit, the vibrations notching even higher. you groan. "your lips." she says, bending down to give you a quick peck. "those noises you make." she says. you whimper. "yeah, just like that." she says, a smile in her voice.
"you close?"
"good." she says, suddenly tugging your legs open and pulling her hand away. you groan.
"why'd you stop?" you ask as sevika shuffles in the dark above you. she chuckles.
"needy much?" she teases. you pout.
"'s your fault!" you protest beneath her as sevika's hands move your legs. one of her legs hitches over your hip, and you melt into the bed beneath you. "oh shit. yes, please." you beg beneath her. she laughs.
"anything for you, baby." she says as she sinks down, her cunt sliding against yours. "fuck." she says. "you're soaked."
"you're soaked." you gasp at the feeling of her, warm and wet and grinding delicious circles against you with her cunt.
"fuck." she grunts above you, her claws clenching into your thigh. "so fuckin' good." she grunts. "i love this pussy. 's perfect." you whimper, your hands flailing out to grope sevika. one lands on her flesh bicep, and you sink your nails into the muscle, making sevika's hips stutter. your free hand finds one of her tits, fondling and tugging, making her whimper. "cut it out." she grunts. "'y gonna make me cum."
"that's a good thing." you tease beneath her. she huffs, smacking your hands away, pinning them above your head. you struggle against her grip, but it's futile.
"i was gonna fuck you nice and slow, but you're just too needy, aren't you baby?" she asks above you, her hips still. you huff. "you need more?" she asks. you nod, sputtering to speak when you realize she can't see you.
"please." you beg.
"please what?"
"please fuck me, sev." you whine. the grip on your wrists tightens, and sevika starts to fuck you.
with each thrust of her hips, a squelching sound rings out into the bedroom. you aren't sure if it's your cunt or sevika's-- or maybe both of yours together. the thought makes you shudder.
above you, sevika's trusting with little 'ah, ah, ah's. sevika's laid out over you, her tit's occasionally brushing against your face, her grip on your leg and wrists painful. against you, sevika's clit bumps yours on every other thrust, both of you gasping each time it does. you reach your head off the pillows, mouthing at sevika's tits, nipping and biting and kissing the flesh above you. she shudders.
"fuckin' quit." she grunts, her hips moving even faster against you. you giggle, sucking her nipple into your mouth to bite it gently. she jumps and whimpers. "shit!" her hips begin pounding against you.
above you, the headboard starts to smack against the wall. you pull away from her tit with a pop, kissing her nipple before laying back against the pillow beneath you.
"you fuck me so good sevika." you groan out. sevika shivers above you. "so good. your cunt feels so good, honey, i-- shit!" you gasp when her fingernails claw into your wrists' fragile skin. "you close?" you gasp out. above you, sevika whines. "awe baby. needed me so bad you woke me up for it? huh? needed my pussy that bad?" you tease. sevika's hips stutter, the rhythm of the headboard's smacking faltering as she tries to collect herself. "'s okay honey." you whisper. "love it when you're desprate for me." you say. "love the way you fuck me." sevika's silent above you, her grunts fading away as she gets closer to her orgasm. "you gonna cum?" you ask.
"y-y-yeah." she stutters.
"love you, sev." you whisper. the words push her over the edge, her thigh twitching against you, a choked sound escaping her mouth above you. beneath her, you grin. "that's it baby." you coo up at her. "there you go." sevika's gasping for air above you as she cums, her hips' thrusts turning into small grinding circles against your cunt.
the moment her shaking subsides, she's releasing her grasp on your wrists and shooting down your body to kiss you filthily. you groan against her mouth as she swipes her tongue against yours, your free hands wrapping around her back to hold her close to you. she hums against your mouth, her lips curling into a smile against yours. "love you too." she whispers against your mouth. you grin. "you didn't cum." she whines. you giggle.
"'s okay. i'm very satisfied. my girlfriend just fucked me so hard she dented the drywall." you tease. she chuckles above you, sitting up to untangle your legs.
"nuh-uh. i'm not done with you yet." she says shooting down to throw your legs over her shoulders. you gasp, your hand coming up to tangle in her hair. "made a mess on your cunt, baby. want me to clean it up for you?" she asks, licking your inner thigh. you giggle.
"yes please." you feel her grin against your skin.
"my pleasure." she grunts as she buries her face between your legs.
your eyes roll back in your head, and your last coherent thought before sevika's tongue starts to work against you is: there goes our saturday morning sleep-in.
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stargazedwinchester · 7 months
Womanhood | Dean
Summary: Dean helps to comfort you during your time of the month, without much experience about periods, he tries his best.
This is a little different to the actual request, I hope that’s okay! I’ve tried my best to replicate it though :) Let me know if you want Sam’s/Cas’s version too!
Based off of this request here, thanks!!
Word count: 1,134
Warnings: some swearing, not loads!
♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
This morning, you woke up with the most unbearable pain, cramps that felt like your appendix had ruptured. You groan in pain, hoping it would subside soon. You clutch your belly and slowly get out of bed. Your alarm clock flashes 7:39am, and you let your head fall. “I love when I have no sleep,” you mumble to yourself, letting out a huff. Looking behind you, Dean isn’t passed out, snoring so loud it would’ve probably woke you up anyway. You hold your belly and walk out toward the kitchen.
“Morning,” you grumble, and Dean turns around from the stove. His face lit up seeing you at the doorframe, your hair a mess and in one of his spare Star Wars t-shirts and your own pyjama shorts. “Someone’s looking rough.” He jokes, noticing you’re not smiling back. “Aw honey, what’s wrong?” He asks, his smile quickly fading. The smell of breakfast hovers over you, like it’s mocking your morning sickness. “I think I’m coming on my period today…” you say, and Dean turns round to face you, letting the eggs and bacon sizzle quietly on the stove. Toast pings out of the toaster at the same time. “Are you sure you’ll be okay for today’s hunt? If you’re in pain, I’m sure Sammy and I will handle it fine.” He genuinely looks concerned, as if you haven’t had plenty of periods before. It hurt like hell, sure, but you could manage just fine. Along with the fact that periods can make you super emotional and/or angry, you were certain it could come in handy when killing a couple of monsters.
“I’ll be fine Dean, honestly. I want to come with you both.” You smile, leaning over the counter top. Dean nods in agreement. “It’s always fun having you around. If you change your mind just let us know, okay?” He shoots you a quick grin before turning back to the stove, plating up your breakfast. “Where’s Sam?” You question, usually he’s already by the table reading his favourite book or getting ready to go out for his morning jog. “I think he went for a shower, I’m not sure.” Dean spins round and passes you a plate with 2 slices of toast, egg, bacon and hash browns. “Wow, this looks really good, Dean. Thank you.” You smile warmly at him, and he returns the gesture.
♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
Your rapid breathing causes you to hunch over and rest your hands on your thighs, you take a deep breath. “God damn…” you say, looking up at Sam, who’s right in front of you. “What a kill!” You chuckle to yourself, wiping your hair out of your face. You stand up, giving Sam a high-five. “Good job, Y/N. It’s like you don’t need our help.”
“I know, right? I’m just that go-“ “Y/N! Watch out!” Sam cocks his gun and tries to shove you out of the way, a sudden loud bang shocks you as you feel something sharp pierce your skin abruptly. You fall over, Dean rushing to your side. “I’ll cover you, Dean, make sure she’s okay!” Sam quickly checks back at you, noticing blood is pouring out of our calf.
“Fuck. Y/N, are you okay? Does it hurt?” He panics, shuffling over to apply pressure on your leg. He rummages in his pocket for a handkerchief and immediately applies it to your wound, he rushes to whip his belt off and tie it tight enough around your leg to hopefully stop the bleeding. You can practically see the fear in his eyes, and you laugh quietly.
“What’s so funny, huh? Almost dying?” His hands shake, trying to keep the pressure on your leg at all times.
“I’m not gonna die, Dean. It’s just a gunshot. Stop worrying,”
You place your hand on his, and he gazes at you with so much worry. His gorgeous hunter green eyes comfort you, even though he’s feeling the complete opposite. You pull your hand up to his face and caress his cheek, he finally shows some sign of calming down. It’s like his whole body relaxes by just your touch. “I’ve honestly felt worse.” You joke, slowly moving your body to sit up. You wince, feeling cramp in both of your abdomen and your leg. “Help me get up,” you say, and Dean pulls you up, anchoring you from underneath, your arm draped behind his back. “Let’s get you home.” He says, catching his eye on Sam, making his way back inside.
♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
It had been a few hours since you arrived back at the bunker, you lay across the sofa, clasping your belly as the cramps still hadn't subsided. Your leg, however, had been patched up neatly by Sam, and were given some painkillers for it. It didn't seem to work that well.
"How're you feeling?" Dean pats your foot, walking past the sofa to perch himself on the very little space left on the armrest. "I feel like I've been shot in two different areas," You try to joke, but it only makes Dean glare at you, waiting for a real answer.
"Could you get me some period pads, or tampons, please? Either work," You state, trying to sit up. "Uh, yeah, I can do that. What... size?" Dean looks puzzled, which only makes you smile. "Regular, Dean. Get the ones with wings."
Dean stands up and gathers his thoughts. "Pads with wings. Tampons with wings. Got it. I think." He places his hands on his hips and looks to the ground, then to you. He smiles lovingly. "I'll be right back." He says, before grabbing his flannel and exiting the door.
♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
An hour or so had gone by, and you hadn't moved from the sofa. your cramps have worsened to the point of also giving you a headache. You hear the door open, then close. Dean's back from the store, and he's got a white carrier bag full of items. "I'm back," He chuckles, "Got you a few things." He walks up to the sofa, laying the bag on the coffee table next to you. "Oh, Dean, you didn't have to..." You trail, as he takes out chocolate, a small teddy bear with a t-shirt that reads 'Get Well Soon' with a small red heart underneath it. He had also bought you the pads that you had asked for, aspirin, fresh bandages for your leg and a small bunch of red roses.
Your smile gleamed as your eyes met his. "You really didn't have to." Your voice almost a whisper, and he moves closer to you. "I know, but I wanted to." He smiles, leaning in to give you a quick kiss.
"Thank you." You say, reaching your hand up to the nape of his neck, pulling him in for one more.
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 6 months
More Boyfriend Headcanons: Leo Edition
• "leo can you-" "-already on it." "you don't even know what it is." "doesn't matter."
• never late to anything, he will call or text if he is
• you think mikey's puppy eyes are irresistable? leo's has him beat
• very mature but if you put on music, he will dance with you ridiculously with no hesitation
• often hums to you while you're falling asleep
• you don't wanna talk out the fight you just had? okay, enjoy killing the big ass spider by yourself that somehow ended up in your shower
• has a very steady hand so if you wear eyeliner, he will gladly do it for you and it's always even
• cheek pincher
• "it's just blood, y/n, no need to be upset. i'll clean up, you go shower."
• "i don't shave, but let me help you cause you've knicked your face 5 times now and it's stressing me out."
• "well don't you look so happy to see me this early in the morning."
• "honey, have you seen my-nevermind! i found it!"
• if he's feeling extra playful, prepare for mini pranks like dumping cold water on you in the shower or scaring you
• you have a skin care routine? yes, he is all in
• gives you the bigger piece of chocolate or food item always
• he's mad at you? he calls you dear
• panicks when you call him leonardo cause then he knows he's in trouble
• does the sidewalk thing where he walks on the traffic side
• he gets extremely clingy when he's drunk
• short circuits whenever you throw a pick up line at him
• can and will smack your ass randomly
• insists on fixing things for you, which he does successfully (mostly), but he's the reason why your toaster exploded and you had to get a new counter top
• doesn't matter that he's 3 times your size, if he's in the cuddly mood, you are now his body pillow
• will nuzzle into your neck from behind
• snores
• he only used the 5 in 1 body wash (iykyk) until he met you and now he will only use dove body wash because of you
• will make you tea all the time
• will leave you written reminder notes everywhere
• acts like he hates when you have to help him clean his shell, but he can't stop the churring noises he makes when you do
• since you're smaller than him, your footsteps are lighter, but since he's well trained, sneaking up on him is nearly impossible (you did get him once, but he continuously denies it)
• praise, praise, and more praise
• will watch those cheesy romance movies (if you like them) with you
• will cover you with a blanket if you fall asleep in the recliner or on the couch
• oh you're ticklish? for your own good, try to keep it a secret
• type to ask you to let him know where you're at/who you're with/how long will you be. it's not to be controlling, it's incase of emergency
• gives you space to be independent but can't help himself to micromanage when he sees you doing yoga/exercizing cause you're "doing it wrong" (you're not, it's his excuse to sneak little peeks)
• no problem with getting you tampons/pads if you have periods
• no problem with helping you bind or tuck if you're trans and working through transitioning
• very good bedside manner. of course he'll rub your tummy if you're feeling bad, it's so soft
• very bad at not parenting you...work in progress but he won't realize it unless you put him in his place
• good at reading emotional ques, not the best at executing comfort but he tries
• he's still learning and growing but he's a quick study. he'll learn and adapt just for you
• he definitely said 'i love you' first
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Making breakfast for them before they leave w/harvey specter pleaaaaaaaaaase
Send me a comfort prompt
Warnings: Mentioned sexytimes, but not shown; fluff
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"What do you wanna eat?"
"Eat?" Harvey scoffs, picking his shirt up off of where it's hanging on your bed frame. "I thought you didn't do one night stands."
"And I thought you didn't do sleeping over, but you're here, so. Your point?"
"My point is this is all seeming a little too cozy."
"I'm not sending you out of here running on empty. And after last night, I know that you're running on empty." You smirk smugly, resting your hand on your hip as a slow smile curls Harvey's lips. "It can be toast, or coffee, something. But it has to be something. So?"
"Jelly? Jam?"
"Yes, dear?"
"For the toast," He chuckles. Your brows raise and fall as you take up your robe and draw it on, tying it as you head into the kitchen. Honey on toast, that's a new one.
You're trying not to overthink the last twelve hours—going home with a stranger that you met at a mixer, having what was quite possibly, the best sex of your life, and waking up to find him still there. He'd looked so deliciously disheveled and sleepy, and had smiled gently at you as you'd opened your eyes.
You shake your head a touch to try and rid yourself of the thought as you get the bread and butter from the fridge. The honey's already on the counter, so that's that squared away. You pop a couple of slices into the toaster and grab a plate for it before you turn to the coffee maker.
You don't have to overthink anything. You know that, logically. That doesn't stop your mind from racing. Are you ever going to see him again? Did he have a good time? He must've, right? He wasn't drunk when he came home with you, and he spent the night. He had at least a bit of a good time, right?
C'mon, don't be so hard on yourself. You know what, he had a fucking great time. More importantly, you both did.
"Coffee smells good."
You jolt a little as he comes into the kitchen. You glance back, nodding and waving toward the toaster.
"Toast is toasting."
"Thank you."
You pour the freshly brewed coffee into a mug, sliding it over.
"Milk's in the fridge if you want it."
"No thanks."
"Yes, sweetheart?"
You snort a laugh, shaking your head as your face goes hot.
"You know what I fricking mean."
"No thank you." He settles against the counter beside you, taking the mug up and drawing in a sip.
"You always insist on feeding your one night stands?" He asks once he's swallowed.
"So I'm special?"
"I wouldn't say that. I just don't usually...Have one night stands."
"Well that makes me even more special."
"If you say so."
Harvey reaches out, gripping the tie of your robe and using it to tug you closer. You let him, watching him as his eyes skim your face.
"Remind me where you work?" He asks.
"McHenry, Sigmund, and Lowell."
"Good firm."
"Yes, it is."
"Not the best, though."
"Is that so?"
"Nope. If you were working for the best, you'd be working with me."
You reach out, prodding the toaster as the bread pops up.
"Honey," You nod toward the jar on the counter, beside the butter. Harvey lets go of your robe, turning to the toaster and plucking the slices out of the toaster. You take another mug down, taking your damn time about pouring your own cup of coffee. You take a few sips, giving him a guarded glance as you hear him take a bite of his toast. Harvey hums softly at the taste.
"Alright—" He speaks up through his bite, "I was knocking you about making me toast, but this was a better idea than I thought."
You smile smugly, giving a little shrug as you take a sip of your coffee.
"I'm very smart, Mr. Specter."
You look over, smiling curiously as he dusts his fingers off and reaches into his jacket pocket. You raise a brow as he draws a card out of his pocket, holding it out.
"What's this for?"
"We ought to have a conversation."
"Because we slept together?" You ask, taking the card.
"No, god no," Harvey chuckles. "I mean, it was great, but that's not why we should hire you."
"Nice save."
"I mean it. You made some damn good points last night—though you made an even better one when you brought me home with you. " He pops the last of the toast into his mouth before he turns away from the counter, chewing still as he says, "Alright. Now I have to go."
You nod, pushing off of the counter and drifting after him as he heads for your front door.
"You've overlooked one critical thing, Mr. Specter."
"What's that?"
"I'm not in the market for a new job."
"That's a mistake." He turns to face you, smiling. "But that number's also good for...Other things."
"Such as?"
"Drinks, dinner...Anything else that may follow."
"And if I choose not to use it?"
"Well," He glances away, shrugging a shoulder. "That's up to you. But it's another mistake." He takes a step closer, cupping your cheek and drawing you in for a kiss. You expect it to be a quick peck, but you sway into him as his lips slip tenderly across yours, his tongue gently prodding between your lips. Before you can really give into it, he leans away, giving you a bright smile as he gently pats your cheek.
"Have a good day—and thanks for the toast."
"Yeah...Yeah, you, too," You smile.
You can't stop thinking about him. It's not overthinking, not this time, but he's just...On your mind, all week. His card is burning a hole in your pocket. You've been carrying it around with you,m switching it between bags and purses and jackets, and just...considering.
Now, you've decided to do a little more than consider. It's Friday night, you've got no plans, and you're sure he does, but...You make a call. He picks up on the first ring, and chuckles when he hears your voice.
"I was hoping to hear from you."
"Oh?" You grin, flattered as you sink back in your desk chair. "Why's that?"
"I owe you some toast."
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deedeeznoots · 5 months
Let’s Go to Malaysia, Yeah?
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➺ Characters: Nanami Kento, Fem!Reader 
➺ Word count: 2.7k
➺ Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst 
➺ Content: It’s smut so MDNI!! Specifically: Slight voyeurism (there’s no people around but you’re both outside), Oral (reader receiving), PiV, Creampie, Use of the word “wife” a lot, angst at the end because I don’t believe in happiness
➺ A/N: I thought about this on a random Thursday night at 1 AM and couldn’t rest until I wrote it into existence. 
➺ Synopsis: You and your husband Kento Nanami go on a beach trip in Malaysia and have some fun in more ways than one~
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The sound of chirping birds and ocean waves wake you up from your slumber. Still groggy, you instinctively reach for Nanami, but the bed comes out empty. Rubbing your eyes, your vision lands on the open windows, the sun slightly blinding you from the view. Though it would be nearly impossible to miss completely, the bright yellow sand standing in contrast to the deep blue ocean was a sight to see. Turns out, renting a small house by the beach in Malaysia was an amazing idea, something your husband came up with. Speaking of…where was he?  
Hearing some commotion from outside the bedroom, you put on your robe and leave to follow the source. There, you find your beautiful husband making breakfast in the kitchen. Shirtless, the morning sun reflects off his back as he cuts up fruit. God he looked good, you thought. 
Moving quietly, you swiftly hugged him from behind. He jumps up a little in shock before going “Good morning, darling”.
You giggle at his reaction and simply go “Hi Kento...” and leave small kisses on his back as he continues cutting fruit. Eventually, he drops the knife and turns around, looking you straight in the eyes.
 “…yes?” You question jokingly. He doesn’t say anything, only giving you a small kiss on your lips. You had other plans though, and grabbed a hold at the back of his neck, deepening the kiss. Nanami groans in response, but doesn’t protest, lifting you up and placing you on top of the counter. As he slowly grinds himself between your legs, you joke “it’s so early…”. Your husband simply laughs and says “it’s never too early for my wife…”. As your tongues continue to intertwine, you begin to remove his pants when—
The toaster. The sound snaps Nanami out of what he was doing and he begins to remember his original plans for the kitchen. Lifting you up again, this time to help bring you back down to the floor, he tells you “Let’s not waste breakfast” with a laugh. 
Somewhat disappointed, you comply anyway as you were a little hungry and Nanami did work hard to prepare it for you two. Sitting on the table, Nanami puts down a plate of toast and syrup with a side of fruit. You weren’t sure if it was because it was made by someone you loved, but it was possibly the most delicious meal you ever had. The bread was perfectly toasted, with the syrup acting in perfect juxtaposition to the crunchy exterior of the toast. The fruit was no joke either, perfectly cut into symmetrical shapes and acting as the perfect side to your meal. God, it was amazing. Your husband was amazing. 
“…Baby are you listening?” Nanami’s voice snaps you out of your daydreams. “Huh…?” You ask, staring at him blankly. Shaking your head, you go “Oh… I’m sorry honey haha I was too focused on this amazing breakfast”, your voice slightly muffled from the food in your mouth. Your husband just laughs and goes “I was just asking if you wanted me to bring anything while we go on our walk”. 
“Oh! Let’s bring the chairs so we can watch the ocean for a bit” you say, excited. Nanami nods and you two continue making small talk over breakfast regarding your plans for the day, enjoying each other’s presence along with the beach view through the large window in the living room. 
“Man, that was a good breakfast! Thank you so much for that… you’re getting really good at making bread by the way” you say as the both of you walk around the beach. “Thank you, anything for my wife” Nanami chuckles, of course. Your husband always told you he’d give you the world, and you believe him. Why wouldn’t you? He shows you every day, and this day was certainly no exception. 
The sand is hot against your feet as you and your partner find a place to set your chairs. Looking around, you point to an empty spot close to the ocean “what about there?” you ask. Nanami just nods and takes your hand to walk you both to the spot. You set both your chairs down as Nanami puts up the umbrella for both of you. He also offers to help you put on your sunscreen. 
“Sure! Let me just go get it” you respond. 
It started out innocent enough. You feel the slight cool of the sunscreen as your husband rubs the cream onto your skin. He started with your arms, being oh so diligent to make sure your skin was fully protected. He started again with your back, once again not missing a single spot. Once he got to your shoulders, however… that was a different story. Something about it felt more…sensual, and both of you felt the change in mood. 
While rubbing the sunscreen on your shoulders, Nanami decided to begin kissing your neck. The warm kisses sent a cold shiver down your spine and you jumped up. “H-h-hey! What are you doing?” you ask, shocked. Your dutiful husband simply hums into your neck and continues kissing your most sensitive spots. Once the initial shock smoothed over, you got more into it. Leaning into his soft kisses and letting out soft moans as he continuously abused your neck. Not too much though, you were in public after all. 
Well…kind of. See, one of the main draws of picking this specific spot to go to was because of how far it was from the public area. There was  likely no people for miles, making it the perfect spot for you and your introverted lover to do all kinds of fun (in lots of different ways, of course). Still, anyone could theoretically walk to this side of the beach with no issue, but why would they? There was clearly nothing to see here. 
Except I guess…a man in between his wife’s legs eating her out like she’s his last meal. “K-Kento! We’re in public!” you yelp out in between (now much louder) moans. “Shhh… it’s okay” he shushes, the vibrations of which are felt on your pussy, causing you to moan louder. “N-ngh, God— don’t stop!” you moan out, which simply makes your lover laugh. Pulling away, with only a string of his saliva working to connect the two of you, he goes “Careful honey, we are in public, remember?”. Frustrated, you grab him by his hair and lightly push him back between your legs. You were careful not to actually hurt him, of course, and you thankfully didn’t receive any complaints from him, as he simply goes back to looking up at you while sucking on your clit, at the corner of your eye, you can see the sunscreen, now carelessly tossed to the side.
Right. This started with sunscreen. What happened with that? 
Right… after finishing lathering your shoulders he began getting to work on your legs. You were still lightheaded from having his lips on your neck, so you didn’t pay much attention while he continued rubbing the lotion on you. At one point though, he suddenly stopped. Confused, you’re about to ask him what’s wrong when he hushes you with a soft kiss. You comply, and are so zoned out that you don’t even notice Nanami beginning to remove the bottom half of the bathing suit you put on. “…May I?” he asks for your permission with his soft voice. Unable to deny him in the state you’re in, you nod. From there, he began kissing down your body. From your shoulders, to your breasts, to your stomach until finally, he made it there. 
Which leads you back to the predicament you’re in now: where you’re a moaning mess as your husband makes out with your pussy. Like always, Nanami is diligent. Making sure to catch all your sweet spots and to pay extra mind to your clit. He worked slowly, but don’t worry, he was definitely getting the job done. “P-p-please…I’m close, I’m so close please Kento please”, you spit out through incoherent moans. Nanami doesn’t say anything, he simply flattens his tongue against your clit as your orgasm continues to build up. When you finally get there after a few seconds of riding Nanami’s tongue, you’re only able to see white for a while. Breathing heavily, your legs begin to tremble as you zone out, staring wide-eyed into space.
Nanami is seemingly unfazed, however, as he simply pulls your swimsuit back up and gives you a chaste kiss on the lips, allowing you to taste a bit of yourself. He holds your hand tight and says “Let’s rest for a bit and then let’s go swim, ok?” He smiles innocently, as if he didn’t just give you the best orgasm of your life just a minute before. Slowly snapping back into reality, you kiss your husband’s hand and go “o-ok…”, still out of breath from what just occurred. Nanami let you take your time to cool down, showering you in affirmations of how beautiful you were and how he was sorry but  simply couldn’t resist you.
Eventually, you’re able to calm down enough to make your way to the ocean. Your legs still wobbly, you’re the perfect target for splashing. The cold water hitting your skin as your lover cruelly splashes water on you “Kentoooo…stop it! Haha!” You laugh as you splash him back, getting his hair wet. Getting serious for a second, he simply mutters “You’ll pay for that, darling”, before swiftly picking you up and spinning you around. Letting out a goofy scream, you go “Baby wait— you’re gonna drop me! Haha!”. To your surprise, he actually does drop you in the water. You were fine with this, as this gave you leverage to grab onto his leg and pull him down with you. Letting out a yelp, he lets out a hearty laugh as he falls into the water with a splash. “I win! Jerk!” you say in between laughs. 
Though, he  simply goes quiet and looks deep in your eyes. He lightly grabs your face and gives you a deep kiss. Pulling away, he whispers a soft “I love you”. Flushed, you’re about to say you love him back when you feel another cold splash against your face right and your husband’s laughter “…but you’re so cute when you’re mad!” He exclaims, standing up. “Hey! No fair! We were supposed to have a sweet moment!” You yell out as you climb up his back, forcing him to give you a piggyback ride. One he complies to, of course. 
After having your fun, the both of you dry yourselves off outside before going back to your small vacation home. “I’m going to catch up on some reading darling, there’s some books I really need to finish”, Nanami tells you as he starts to enter the room. “Alright, I’m just gonna take a shower and then I’ll join you” you respond. He nods as he closes the door behind him. You had other plans, of course.
You were going to join him.  
Though…it wasn’t going to be for reading. You still had to pay him back for his stunt at the beach, after all…
After your short shower, you enter the shared bedroom of you and Nanami. There was nothing out of the ordinary, except for the fact that you were wearing nothing but a towel. 
“Darling…” your husband looks up, taking off his glasses. “Aren’t you going to put some clothes on?” He asks, but you could feel it in his voice, he was getting riled up. You got him right where you wanted him. 
“Hmmm…I don’t know darling,” you say, teasing him “I think I like things exactly like this”, as you finish your sentence, you drop your towel, showing off your naked body to Nanami. You climb on top of him and sit on his lap. He was hard. Why wouldn’t he be? His gorgeous wife was sitting naked on top of him. He simply smiled as you brought your face closer to his, your lips nearly touching. “While I appreciate the sentiment darling…” Nanami grabs your wrists as he flips you over on the bed “…it seems you forgot who’s in charge here”. He now stood on top of you, his large frame hovering above you as he brought himself closer to kiss you. Finally, your lips touch and the both of you get to work removing all of Nanami’s pesky clothes. You were thankfully already taken care of, so things were much easier. 
Finally fully naked, Nanami lines himself up against you “I’m sorry baby…” he starts, “I know we usually do foreplay first but I need to be inside of you right now”. His dick is in perfect alignment with your pussy, where even through the smallest movement by you, you could have him inside. You’re just as desperate for him as he is for you, so you just nod and go “it’s okay… I’m already wet enough for you, see?” you say as you dip your fingers into your pussy before pulling out, showing Nanami proof of your arousal. He simply exhales a sigh of relief as he begins to enter you. Starting slowly, as to not hurt you, he starts with shallow thrusts until he’s all the way in. 
Finally inside, he picks up the pace, looking you in the eyes the whole time. “God— you’re gorgeous you know?” he says in between thrusts, though you’re too fucked out on his cock to be able to pay much attention. You simply moan as you’re forced to take his dick over and over again. This makes him stop, and he looks at you. Before you can ask him why, he goes “Say it, darling”. “Say wha—“ you are cut off, “Say you’re gorgeous”. 
“That—that’s so embarrassing Kento…” you reply. It did make you feel a bit shy to say affirmations with a dick inside of you, but Nanami didn’t budge, he simply kept looking at you until you said the words. “Okay…I’m gorgeous, the only one for you” you smile, it did feel good to say, but Nanami’s thick cock thrusting in and out of you right after you said it probably helped in that regard. 
You began to feel the pit in your stomach grow, and you knew exactly what it meant “K…Kento… I’m gonna cum…” you moan out. Nanami softly kisses your wrists in response and says “yeah…me too darling, let’s finish together, yeah?”. 
You both do just that, moans and grunts filling the room as you both reach your high. “I love you baby… I love you so much” Nanami moans out as he kisses you through your orgasms. 
After you’ve both calmed down, Nanami pulls out and lays next to you. “Come here, darling~” he coos, pulling you towards him for cuddles. “I meant it you know, when I said you were gorgeous…you should say it to yourself more often” he whispers in your ear. You simply smile and give him a kiss on the cheek “Yeah…I’ll make sure to try. I love you baby…” your eyes meet his, and it’s almost like you can see the whole world through only his eyes. He gives you a deep kiss and as he caresses you to sleep he goes “I love you too, my beautiful wife”. 
You groggily wake up to the walls of your room, a very different sight to the vacation home you were just in. It’s dark, with no windows open, and if you opened them, you likely wouldn’t be greeted to the soft waves of the ocean. What just happened? You think. Was I dreaming?
You instinctively reach for your husband’s side of the bed. It’s empty, of course. Still groggy and with possibly the worst headache of your life, you get up and make your way to the kitchen. 
You make your own breakfast. A sad combination of stale cereal and milk.
It’s the reality of course, but one you’re still unable to accept. In this reality, there is no beach view, there is no cold ocean to splash in, there are no birds to wake you up, and most importantly there is no Nanami. 
What is there though…are two tickets to Malaysia. Looking at them, the dates stand there bold, almost as if to mock you… spelling out the day you’ll forever hate the most. 
NOV. 1ST, 2018
Yeah…that’s right.
You two were never able to make it to that trip, were you?
A/N: Like Nanami? He’s also mentioned in this fic!
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probably-writing-x · 1 year
Figured Out
Summary: reader and conrad taking care of their kid ?
Authors Note: Thank y’all so much for the requests and the love recently. U da best
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“Con why won’t she sleep?” You groan, patting the back of the baby in your arms, rocking her back and forth.
“We’ve tried everything. She’s changed, she’s fed,” Conrad runs a hand over his hair, “What else does she want?”
“Should I take her downstairs?” You ask him, “I could put her in the pram.”
“No, it’s still in the car,” He returns, blinking away the sleep in his eyes.
“It’s still in the car? Con I need it tomorrow before you go to work.”
“I know you do, I’ll get it out before my shift.”
“What if you forget?”
“I won’t forget.”
The baby in your arms stirs again and continues whinging in your arms, every so often letting out over-tired cries.
“Come on baby,” You rub her back as she buries against your chest.
Yours and Conrad’s daughter was now six months old, and she’d started the phase of sleep where she just … well, didn’t sleep. She’d sleep for an hour at most and then be waking up, with nothing seemingly relaxing her enough to go back to sleep.
“Come on honey,” You repeat again, laying her back across your arms as you rock her back and forth.
She looks up at you with blinking eyes that begin to slow down in the darkness of the room, until eventually she’s back to asleep in your arms.
“She’s asleep,” You whisper to Conrad, whose eyes open quickly as if he had just been on the cusp of sleep.
“Thank god,” He smiles tiredly, watching as you settle the baby into her bassinet beside yours and Conrad’s bed.
With every ounce of caution you can muster, you slide back into the bed beside your fiancé and rest down against the pillow.
“What are we doing wrong?” You whisper into the dark, turning your head to glance back at the baby’s bed, as if unsure if the peace would even last for more than two seconds.
Without any response, you hear the faint snores of Conrad from beside you, already collapsed into his own exhaustion. And, eventually, even with a thousand thoughts running through your own mind, you drift asleep too.
Until the next hour hits.
“Babe have you seen my keys?” Conrad calls to you, rushing through the house with one shoe still in his hand, kicking the other onto his foot.
“Table next to the couch,” You return quickly, flicking up the toaster before it burns and lathering it with a thin layer of butter.
“Got ‘em,” He announces, kicking his foot into the other shoe as he grabs his laptop bag from the floor, fixing his tie in the mirror.
“Here, take this,” You hand him two slices of toast on a paper plate.
Conrad grins and takes the food from you, holding it in his free hand as he bends down to kiss Ada goodbye, “Be a good girl for Mommy okay?”
She gargles up at him from her high chair and grabs her hands out to reach him as he rushes away.
“See you later, babe,” Conrad calls out to you as he disappears out of the door, shutting it a little too loudly behind him.
You look back to your daughter and she hits at the table clipped on in front of her chair.
“He used to kiss me before he left too,” You smile at her, “But I think you’re his favorite now.”
You’d been dating Conrad since the two of you were 18. And, now, you were 24 and engaged and parents to your daughter, Ada. He had a corporate job that earned you enough to pay for the upkeep on the Cousins house, and you were a writer - having published two books before you’d fallen pregnant. You were in the process, at the minute, of writing the third book of the series. But Ada kept you busy enough nowadays that it seemed you never had the time to catch up.
Though, with a face that cute, you knew you’d choose this every time.
Parenting hadn’t been easy on you and Conrad - the extra budgeting, extra responsibility, extra worry, lack of sleep - it all played a part. You weren’t the same couple that you were before you were parents, and you always knew that would be the case. But sometimes you missed the Conrad you had before. Nowadays, the two of you were always in such a rush. And, when you weren’t in a rush, you were both too exhausted.
“Is someone ready for breakfast?” You throw on a smile and look down at your daughter, carrying over the plate of baby food to start feeding her.
She giggles and hits at the chair, her feet kicking in excitement.
You’d always choose this, you’d always choose her.
“This is what I’m saying Frank we can’t keep sidestepping this,” Conrad’s voice comes through the door that shuts loudly behind him, “Well we need to get a team together and-“
You poke your head back to see him coming through the door, his shirt untucked and his tie now loose around his neck as he kicks his shoes off at the door.
“Then they need to-“ Conrad cuts himself off, “Yeah, okay, we’ll talk about this tomorrow. Bye.”
“Ada who’s home?” You look down at where she sat on the floor between your legs, both of you playing with her toys on the floor.
She claps her hands together as Conrad walks into the lounge, visibly relaxing when he sees her.
“Hello gorgeous,” He grins, lifting her up onto him, his arms around her, “Have you had a good day?”
You push yourself to stand up, “She had her breakfast but didn’t eat much lunch.”
“Okay, what did you give her?”
“A couple of those pouches, the spaghetti one is normally her favourite but she didn’t eat it,” You explain, dragging a hand through your tangled hair, “She had some snacks this afternoon though.”
He nods, “Well at least there’s something in that tummy,” He tickles at her belly and she giggles.
“We’ve got tacos for dinner, is that okay?” You ask him, “I can make something else if you don’t fancy-“
“Tacos is perfect,” He assures you.
You force a tired smile and go to walk towards the kitchen before his hand reaches out to stop you.
“I haven’t said hello,” He points out, shifting Ada onto his hip as he pulls you into him, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips.
“Hi,” You smile as he pulls away.
Conrad leans in once again and kisses your lips, a little more longingly, “And that’s for this morning too.”
You laugh and he wraps an arm around your waist, letting you lean into his chest.
For a moment, the three of you are content just like that. You can feel his heart in his chest and his arm around you do softly and the way his chin rests atop your head. Ada reaches out towards you with grabby hands and you take a deep breath, taking her out of his arms.
“Come on, let’s start your dinner,” You say to her, heading towards the kitchen, “Babe can you get her bottle?”
“I got it,” He calls back, following behind you.
You set Ada into her chair and turn around to heat up her food. Conrad carries in her cup and her teddy, wiggling it along the surface towards her to make her laugh.
He was always good at this. Coming back from work and just switching off, switching into Dad mode instantly.
“So how was work today?” You ask him, stirring a spoon around the food in her bowl, “That call didn’t sound too happy.”
“You don’t need to worry about that,” He shakes his head, “Is Daddy’s office silly? Yeah?” He grins down at Ada and she hits her hands against his.
“What’s going on though?” You question again, checking the temperature of her food against your tongue.
“Honestly, it’s just stupid office stuff,” Conrad reassures you as you walk over to the two of them.
He places a hand on the small of your back and kisses your temple as you lean down to give her the bowl, pressing it down onto the high chair table.
“I can feed her this,” He says, “You go have five minutes to yourself.”
“No you don’t have to-“
“(Y/n),” Conrad cuts you off, “Give yourself a break.”
“I-“ You take a deep breath, “I’ll get started on our dinner.”
He laughs, “That’s not what I meant.”
“Well, Fisher, aren’t you hungry?”
After bathing her, you set Ada down to sleep and come back downstairs.
Conrad’s changed into a tshirt and sweats and he’s laying across the length of the couch as you come into the lounge. You go to sit on the other couch before he reaches out a hand to stop you.
“Where are you going?” He mumbles, his eyes closed.
“To the-“
“Here,” He says tiredly, reaching out his arms so that you can lay on his chest.
You smile at the sight and move yourself to lay on top of him, letting his arms wrap tightly around you as your head rests on his chest.
“I’m so tired,” He mumbles against your hair, “Who knew having a baby would be this tiring?”
You hum in agreement, trailing patterns along the material of his t-shirt.
You turn your head and rest your hands on his chest, looking up at him, “Con.”
He tilts his head enough to look down at you.
“What’s going on at work?”
“(Y/n) honestly you don’t have to-“
“I know I don’t have to ask, but I want to.”
He takes a deep breath, moving his hands up and down your back, “I’ve got this big presentation on Friday. They want me to present the idea for this new project and it’s just a complete mess - we haven’t got a team together, they don’t want to give us a team, it’s this whole thing.”
You nod, watching the weight lift from his shoulders just a little.
“I just need to find the time to get it done,” He explains, “But I have all this other shit to do during the day, I just don’t have time.”
You wiggle yourself up just enough that you can reach his face, pressing a kiss to his jaw. He hums against the contact and leans into you.
“I’ll figure it out,” He assures you, brushing your hair from your face, “What about you? What’s on your mind?”
You take a deep breath, “I just-“
You stop yourself, looking at him for a moment longer.
“Do you ever think we have no idea what we’re doing with Ada? Like we’re just completely blind?”
He chuckles, “I think that’s what parenting is.”
“No but I mean,” You push yourself up a little on his chest and look at him more intently, “I just get so scared that we’re doing something wrong. It seems to come so easily to all the other Moms and then I just feel like I’m… not good enough.”
“Woah, woah, woah,” He shifts his hands to your upper arms, gripping them as if squeezing sense into you, “Where’s this coming from, darling?”
“I just-“
Before you can say anything, the monitor rings out with the sound of Ada stirring in her sleep, breaking into a cry.
“I’ll get her,” You say quickly, releasing yourself from him and standing up.
“(Y/n)…” He calls after you as you hurry up the stairs.
There are tears brimming in your eyes and a tremble in your hands, a numb awareness that you’d just admitted what you’d been keeping from him for months. You pick up Ada from her bed and soothe her back to sleep, rocking her back and forth to calm her until she eventually drifts back off, fatigue getting the better of her.
You walk through into the en-suite and brush your teeth, wash your face, make yourself feel a little more human. And, before your feet can even drag you downstairs, you sit down on the bed and feel your own tiredness coursing through you, draining you. You’re asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow.
When you wake up the next morning, you’re certain it’s the first night in forever that you’ve actually slept through the night.
A certain Mom panic fuels you as you bolt up to check Ada’s crib - finding it empty, along with the other half of your bed empty too.
You’re just about to worry when you hear the sound of music playing downstairs, your heart relaxing a little before you head down.
In the kitchen, Conrad has Ada in his arms, dancing back and forth with her to an old Green Day song. He hums along to the tune and she rests her head on his shoulder, nuzzling into him.
“Good morning!” Conrad grins when he sees you, where you’re leaning against the doorframe.
“What- uh- what happened last night? I don’t think I woke up once,” You stifle a yawn, blinking the sleep from your eyes.
“Nope, Mommy didn’t wake up, did she?” He tickles at Ada’s chest, “Daddy and Ada agreed that you needed some rest so we took the liberty of being very very good last night, we only woke up once, Daddy gave Ada a bottle and then we went back to sleep.”
“Con…” You trail off, the emotion hitting you just a little.
“We’ve had breakfast, we’ve changed, we’re good to go,” He explains, “There’s pancake mix on the stove if you fancy it, I can make some before I go to work.”
“Oh my god yeah, what time is it? Don’t you need to go?” You panic a little, standing up straight and reaching out to take Ada into your arms.
“(Y/n),” Conrad says softly, resting a hand on your waist, “I’ve got all the time in the world, don’t panic.”
You relax a little and frown at him, “You’ve got all that work to do though, and that important presentation and-“
“Hey,” He stops you again, “Nothing, and I mean nothing is more important than making sure that you’re okay. Do you understand?”
You reach up onto your tiptoes and kiss him quickly, watching as Ada reaches out for you and grabs you. You grin and take her into your arms.
“Alright, go to work Fisher,” You encourage, “I can hold down the fort here.”
He smiles at you and kisses you again, longingly, before rushing off to grab his things to leave.
You look back at your daughter, and again towards Conrad as he’s leaving. How could you be doing anything wrong when this felt so perfect?
That evening, Conrad gets back an hour late from work. You can tell he’s stressed as soon as he gets out of the car, but he steps through the front door and erases it all instantly.
“How are my girls doing?” He smiles when he sees you waiting for him, “Have you had a good day?”
“We have,” You return, “Ada’s got a surprise for you too.”
“A surprise?” He widens his eyes at her and she reaches out for him, “I love surprises.”
You walk him through to the dining room and tell him to take a seat. He sets Ada into her high chair and sits down at the table.
“Alright, now I know you’ve got this big presentation, and I know it’s not exactly going to plan right now and you don’t have the time to work on it,” You explain, “So, I thought we’d help you out.”
Conrad narrows his eyes at you as you lean back against the counter, “Are you going to hold me hostage until I get it done?”
“Something like that,” You smirk, reaching behind you and grabbing a wrapped burger, throwing it in his direction.
He catches it quickly, his eyes watching you in adoration.
“We ordered your favourite food, enough to feed like ten people, I’ll get your laptop, we’ll put some music on, we can put a film on, and by tonight that presentation will be perfect,” You explain, walking over with the full tray of the rest of the food and drinks.
“(Y/n) you didn’t have to-“
“I know,” You cut him off, “But you didn’t have to this morning either. We’re just helping each other.”
He smiles up at you and you lean down to kiss him quickly.
“And Ada, you’ve got something a bit less exciting than cheeseburgers,” You grimace, setting down her bowl of food to start feeding her.
She giggles and claps her hands together, reaching out for the spoon in your hand.
“(Y/n),” Conrad pauses as he takes a bite of his food, “I’d say we’re doing pretty good.”
“Do you think?” You fight back a smile as you turn back to him.
He hums in agreement, leaning back in his chair, “We’re figuring it out.”
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wilbursprincess · 8 months
“It Was So Lonely Sleeping Alone”
Superstarbur x Female Reader
Warnings: Just a whole lot of soft, fluffy reunion sex. Enjoy :)
This was one of the blurbs I wrote for my personal fictober this year, with the prompt “Reunion Sex”. First of 5 blurbs from my fictober I like enough to post, haha! This one is inspired by my own Bursona invention, whom I call “Superstarbur” after my favorite Taylor Swift song Superstar! I know, I know, quite the mouthful lol.
Smut under the cut!!!
I sigh, stretching out my legs on the empty, empty sofa. Wilbur’s been gone for just over two weeks, playing multiple sold out shows all over the country, and I was happy for him. No matter how many cute little videos of him slipping my name into songs during soundchecks, half-asleep selfies in his bunk on the bus, or dirty texts detailing every little thing he wanted to do to me, I still missed him. A lot. I missed Wilbur so much I could almost feel his absence, like an aching hole in my chest.
In the absence of him in our house, I’d taken to wearing his clothes. Obviously, they didn’t fit me at all, hoodie sleeves draping far over my hands and almost tripping on the hems of his sweatpants. But I didn’t care. They smelled like him, a familiar mix of his aftershave, deodorant, and shampoo, which was the closest I had to Wilbur himself.
A car door slams outside, making me jump, phone plopping screen-down onto the rug. I shake my head, silently chatising myself for being so jumpy at such a small sound. Retriviving my phone from the floor, I get up the sofa, heading into the kitchen. Maybe tea would calm my nerves.
Setting the kettle on to boil, I rummage through the cupboards, setting Wilbur’s favorite mug down and dropping a chamomile tea bag inside, adding a generous squirt of honey before topping off the mug with the freshly-boiled water.
I hear a key slide into the door, snapping up my head.
It’s just Tommy checking in on me.
The door flings wide open, bringing with it the chill of night air and a spray of rainwater, and the thunk of a suitcase.
A suitcase?
Socks sliding on the wooden floor, I run into the front hallway, just as an achingly familiar voice speaks from the doorway.
“Will?” My breath catches in my throat as Wilbur steps into the light. “You’re home?”
He smiles, looking absolutely exhausted. “I am. I decided to surprise you by coming home a day early-”
Without waiting for him to finish his sentence, I run into his waiting arms, not caring how the water from his raincoat soaks into my clothes. “I missed you so much, Will,” I murmur into him, and he nods, hugging me tighter.
“Fuck, I missed you so much too,” he replies, tipping my chin up and kissing me. It’s deep, slow, and soft; making my heart swell with love.
“Do you need anything?” I ask when we pull back some time later. “You look exhausted.”
Wilbur smiles, somewhat-wearily. “That’s quite an understatement. I feel like I haven’t slept the entire tour.”
I press my mug of tea into his hands. “Have this, Will, you’re freezing, and go change,” I tell him, ushering him into our room. “I’ll make you some food, ok?”
While he changes, I get to work in the kitchen, frying eggs, popping toast into the toaster, and mashing up the remnants of an avocado I found in the fridge.
“That smells amazing.” Wilbur’s voice makes me jump, looking up from where I’m flipping the eggs. He’s changed into flannel pajama pants and an oversized hoodie, the silly matching cow slippers I bought us last Christmas on his feet. “Fuck, I haven’t had a proper cooked meal in ages.”
I slide the eggs onto the avocado-laden toast, topping it with a sprinkle of red pepper flakes and my favorite bagel seasoning. “Here you go. It’s not much, but-”
Before I’ve even finished my sentence, Wilbur’s shoved a bite of toast in his mouth.
“You could maybe try not to choke on your first night home in over two weeks,” I tease, and he swallows the mouthful with a smirk.
“That’s the best meal I’ve had all tour,” he says, smiling. “I’m so glad to be home.”
I perch on the counter while he finishes his toast and tea in record time, entertaining him with stories from when he’s been gone.
“Do you want to sleep now, Will?” I ask, rinsing off the plate and putting it in the dishwasher.
Sleepily, he nods. “I didn’t sleep great on the bus,” he murmurs, looking like he’s about to fall asleep at the table. “I have a lot of sleep to catch up on.”
“You go get ready for bed, I’ll finish cleaning up,” I tell him, leaning up to plant a kiss on his forehead.
Wilbur’s already in bed when I get into our room, dozing while I turn off the light and snuggle up to his side.
I close my eyes, expecting him to be asleep already, and I’m not expecting him to stir, groaning and pulling me closer into his chest. “I missed you so much,” he whispers, lightly planting kisses all over my face. “It was so lonely sleeping alone on the tour bus.”
“It was so lonely sleeping here alone too,” I murmur my reply, playing with his hair. “I’m so glad you’re home.”
Groaning, Wilbur rolls on top of me, slipping his hands up my shirt and kissing me so hard it shocks me for a second. “I need you,” he breathes, squeezing my hips as his teeth sink in my lower lip. “I’m so horny.”
Giggling, I trail a hand down his bare back. “Are you, now?”
He nods. “Haven’t had any privacy all tour,” he gasps, rubbing over my nipples. “Walls are too thin on the bus.”
“Well, I’m all yours,” I coo, reaching down to palm at him over his boxers. Wilbur whines and tries to push up into my touch. “You wanna fuck me?”
“Yes, fuck yes,” he groans, fumbling to get out of his boxers as I tug my shirt off over my head. “I might not last very long. Haven’t cum for two weeks.”
I laugh. “No problem.”
His fingers trail south, thumb flicking my clit as his fingers pump in and out of me as he grinds on my thigh.
“Oh, fuck, right there,” I moan out, eyes rolling back into my head. I’ve had plenty of time alone in our house with my toys when I missed Wilbur, but even just his fingers felt so much better than anything I could do myself.
Wilbur pulls his fingers out of me, sucking them into his mouth and sighing in pleasure.. “You always taste so good,” he whispers, sinking his rock-hard length into me. “But you feel even better wrapped around my cock.”
His first thrust makes us both groan, my back arching as I feel myself stretch around him. “You fill me up so well,” I pant. “You’re so big.”
I wrap my legs around his waist, letting him get a better angle and thrust into me deeper, his soft moans in my ear making everything between my thighs drip.
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” Wilbur whines.
“I love how vocal you’re being, it’s so hot,” I moan, tugging at his curls. He responds with another loud moan, tugging me up so my clit grinds into his lower stomach.
The urgency of his hips snapping up to thrust deeper and deeper, all the beautiful noises he’s making, and the fact he’s panting like a dog tells me he’s close to his own climax, and if we hadn’t been apart for over two weeks, I’d be making fun of him right about now for not even lasting five minutes.
My own orgasm hits me like a train, and I press my face into his shoulder as I ride it out. When I manage to come back to earth, the sight of WIlbur’s face as he’s right on the edge of finishing almost makes me cum again.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he cries out, and I feel him twitch inside me, spilling himself inside me before pulling out and releasing the rest on my stomach.
Before I can remind him that he’s just cum all over my stomach, he flops back down, all ready to cuddle. “I just came so hard and so much,” he murmurs happily. “I think my balls may be completely deflated.”
I burst out laughing. “You know you’re laying in some of it, right?”
He pushes himself off my chest to see I’m right. “Oh shit,” he laughs.
“You wait here, I’ll get us cleaned up,” I tell him. “I know you normally handle this, but you look like you’ve collapsed.”
After running some warm water over a towel and cleaning up the mess dripping down my thighs, I head back into our bedroom, kneeling on our bed next to Wilbur and gently cleaning him up.
“I love you so much, darling,” he murmurs, looking at me with soft admiration in his deep brown eyes. “You’re coming on the next tour. I can’t be apart for you for so long ever again.”
I lean in, hair brushing his bare chest as I plant a kiss on his forehead. “Even though we won’t be able to do this?”
“I’ll bribe everyone to leave us alone on the bus for a few hours whenever we’re in the mood,” he promises. “I’ll bring you out on stage every show and ask the fans to bring you gifts.”
“What kind of gifts?”
I smile down at my now-fast asleep boyfriend. “Goodnight to you too, I suppose.l
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sw33tlight · 4 months
Infatuated.[Part. 1]
David McCall x F. Reader
Obsession, Mental Ab/se,S/x
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“Can you like stop and get the fuck off me you creep.” Rolling her eyes (y/n) pushed her way through the crowd. How was she supposed to find her friend of years in this large ass crowd with gross sweaty people and gyrating everywhere. She decided to take a break and step outside while flipping off random creeps and pushing people out the way. When she finally managed to get outside she felt someone grab her hand she turned and there was her best friend Maya “Maya where the fuck were you.” “Are you fucking crazy, you can’t run off like that”. Giving her friend a nice big glare before noticing the two boys behind her. One with an ugly beard smoking a cigarette and another one younger looking built cute face, nice eyes, and a pretty smile. She hadn’t noticed how long she’d been staring at the kid till he said “What got somethin’ on my face or am I just sexy” she scoffed and rolled her eyes turning her attention back to Maya who was playing with the other dudes hair. “Maya who the fuck are these guys and can you stop that we were supposed to be home an a hour ago.” Maya turned to face the girl yelling at her about curfew like she ever followed hers. “Y/n since when did you care about curfew plus isn’t David here a cutie” She winked at (y/n) but before she could say anything the supposed David kid started talking “Yeah ain’t I cute honey?” He asked smiling. She couldn’t help but give a breathy laugh. She looked him up and down bit her lip and then dragged Maya away saying “Nice to meet you boys but we’d better be going”. She took Maya back to her motorcycle “Put the helmet on and hold onto me I will not be driving the speed limit” She said to Maya who reluctantly followed as she was told “thank you sweetheart”
As the two girls rode away and home, the guy David stood there watching until they were out of vision. ‘That Maya chick had a fat ass” said Logan “Yeah okay Loggie” David replied looking over the pier. “Igh’t time to head home.” The two men went into their respective cars and to the house. Maya stepped off the bike and onto the pavement. Teasing the rider as she returned the helmet. “ you know your parents are actually gonna murder you this time right?” the girl with (y/hc) sighed and flipped the girl off as she started the bike.
Returning home she walked the long drive way to make sure no one would hear she snuck through her window and changed it to PJs, wiping her makeup off, brushing out her hair and brushing her teeth. Hopping into bed she looked at the time on the clock next to her. 2:00 am. She seen the light turn on in the hallway and footsteps her dad’s. She turned so her face wasn’t visible and pretended to sleep as her door slowly creeped open and closed again. The light shutting off in the hallway. She stayed there a moment slowly falling asleep. She had classes to study for she had a huge test on Monday even if it was now at this point Saturday morning.
She rose in the late morning 10:00 am read her clock. She got up brushed her teeth, did her hair, washed her face properly, picked an outfit of the day and set it on the bed. She went down stairs to see if any breakfast was waiting for her or if anyone was up. Her step-mom was down there doing work. “Oh (y/n) there some pancake batter in the fridge if you give me a moment I can make you some or there some cereal” smiling she replied “pancakes sound nice, thank you” going back upstairs she took this chance to get ready for the day. She hopped in the shower washing her hair, shaving, styling her hair, blow drying it, changing, doing light makeup. After about and hour and a half she went backs downstairs the pancakes in the toaster oven waiting to be heated up. In admits her eating her pancakes the phone rings. She picks it up it’s Maya. The two girls are having a hushed but exciting conversation. “Hey do you think I could go over Mayas today and sleepover?” Her step-mom gave her a look but reluctantly agreed. Finishing her breakfast and going upstairs she packed a bag, said bye to her step-mom and brother and left for Mayas.
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cottagecheese1 · 7 months
Chapter 2
summary: A few years after your father died, your mother marries a new man, to you having a new family meant new begging's, but what happens when your new begging comes spiraling apart just because of the people that made them. paring: dark stepdad Andy Barber x reader x dark dbf Lloyd Hansen x reader x dark stepbrother Johnny storm x reader x dark bbf Colin Shea.
warnings- (DDLG undertones) stepcest, Johnny is NOT Andy's biological father, he is the adopted son. smut, do not engage if you are uncomfortable with any of the following, spanking, blackmail, p in v, edging, thigh riding, oral, fingering.
Series master list right here
The day was new, sadly, after last night you didn’t know if leaving your room was a good option in the first place, well of course you’d live, but the embarrassment you felt at the moment made you feel like the world was ending. You always felt a little sensitive and awkward towards every little situation that came your way. When you say it in your head it always sounds like a bad thing even though there are worse things in the world, and you shouldn’t even come close to feeling unfortunate in any situation–or thats what your mother would tell you, at a point your life your mother used to make you feel vain–blaming you for your fathers death saying it was your fault, of course you knew your mother had loved you, I mean she was also going through the grief of losing her husband, you shouldn’t be selfish–thats what she would also tell you.
After a long two hours of laying in bed, you rolled in bed and looked at your alarm clock that read 9:23am, and you could already hear the shuffling and laughter of the boys in the kitchen, deciding to just suffer through it and just hope nobody brings up the previous night, they all probably forgot about it by now, right? You could only hope because you sure haven’t forgotten.
Making your way down the hall where the chuckling and the sizzling of bacon started to make itself more present as you stepped into the kitchen, your head automatically goes down towards the floor when the chatter abruptly stops–the awkward sizzling of bacon mocking you as you walk towards the bread.
Andy stops and turns toward you with a small smile while leaning on the marble countertop, finally deciding to break the silence, “good morning honey, I made breakfast if you’re interested, bacon and uh maybe some pancakes if Johnny will save some for the rest of us.” he says the last part while turning towards a shirtless johnny stuffing his mouth full, mumbling out a “sorry”.
You tilt your head up toward Andy, and grab the bread, “no thanks Andy, maybe later–thanks though–well not that I don’t want any it's just-” you stutter out, until Andy interrupts you with a soft chuckle.
Andy walks behind you–tucking a piece of hair behind your ear before he leaned down to press a small kiss to your temple, “Oh pumpkin, what am I gonna do with you hm? With your cute self.” your cheeks tinted red, and besides that you could hear Johnny, and Colin snickering–probably making fun of you.
Not really knowing how to respond, but suddenly another thought comes to mind–where's your mother? Now curious, you turned and asked Andy, face still red as a beet, “um- where's my mom?” Andy half listens to you as he plays with your hair softly.
“She’s on a business trip, won’t be back for a few weeks, so you get to spend some alone time with us.” Andy says as he smirks.
You advert your gaze back to the toaster and give him a quick “okay”, before turning back around he huffs dramatically grabbing his keys swiftly, but before he heads out, he stops before the two chuckling boys.
“You boys be nice, treat her good until I get home, okay? Oh honey, if you need anything just give me a call, okay? Johnny should help you with anything, if not, I’ll be back around 11:00. Be good you two.”, and at that Andy was out the door, now it’s just you and them.
Johnny sighed and got up dramatically, “I’m gonna go take a shower, you kids have fun.” he said as he walked toward his bedroom.
Now it was just Colin and you, but as soon as you heard the toaster pop up, you scurried to your room–not even bothering to grab the butter–once you got to your room, closing the door you sighed and switched your phone on for the next hour.
After another 30 minutes of contemplating if you should leave your room or not, you do. Opening the door slowly, and walking down the hall to the living room, where you thought watching TV would be an option for you, but Colin seemed to be taking up the couch and the entire atmosphere, and God was it intimidating.
Before you could turn away, and advance to the comfort of your own room–Colin stopped you abruptly. He threw his head back over the back of the couch, and called your name out.
“Hey!- don’t leave, come join me, I’m watching 21 jump street, I want you to come watch it with me.”
He sounded so demanding, but maybe that's just his way of expressing himself, so you watch as he scoots over a tad, and pats the spot next to him. This is when you seem to notice he doesn’t have a shirt on under his thin jacket, but you still sit down awkwardly next to him.
Suddenly he scoots closer to you, and wraps an arm around you, pulling you to him slightly as he says “relax baby, just getting comfortable, you wanna lay on me?”
“Oh, well I’m ok right now, I wouldn’t wanna-” he cuts you off by his own words, “cmon baby, I don’t mind, it's just some friendly cuddles, don’t gotta be all shy about it.” he says the last part chuckling.
You stay silent as he speaks again, “Here–I’ll help you.” Coin grunts a bit as he pulls you on top of him, and pushes your head onto his chest, softly stroking your hair. As much as you’d hate to admit it, it did feel kind of nice, maybe because he was nice and warm, and solid–Colin interrupts your train of thought when he speaks again.
“Isn’t this nice baby? All nice and relaxed…You're such a good girl, you know that?” he says with a mischievous glint in his voice while stroking your back, his voice still vibrating off of you he continues, “So, so quiet. Bet you're a virgin huh? All pure and untouched, from the way you're grinding on my dick and acting all innocent about it, you have to be.”
You feel stiff all the sudden, like you can’t move, now you're overly aware of the fact that his dick is poking your thigh. Then to make things worse he leans down toward your ear, “You know me, and Johnny talked about fucking you last night? Or how adorable you would look trying to wrap your lips around our cocks–and the tears that would run down that pretty face as we both fucked you till you couldn’t walk–or talk–bet you're a cock drunk bitch when you have the chance, huh?”
This is when you really started to freak out, trying to shove away from him eagerly, “Stop! Get off me! Andy will come back any time.”, and Colin just laughed at your plea, which made you slightly confused.
“Oh Baby, you poor girl, Andy’s the worst of both of us, if you knew all the dirty shit he’s said about you, you’d be crying–or well you already are–your new daddy just wants to pound you into his mattress until you're crying honey, and so much more.”
Your eyes widened at his statement, that couldn’t be, Andy cared about you..right? The thoughts that ran a million miles in your head suddenly got interrupted by another presence entering the room. Johnny.
Crying out for him as Colin licked and sucked on your neck, making you whimper pathetically in the process, “Johnny, please get him off of me..” you said pleadingly.
Johnny stared at you mockingly as he bent down to your level, where you still laid beneath Colin helplessly. He stroked the side of your face teasingly before he said, “Now why would I do that hm? Not when you’re whimpering so sweetly baby.” Colin then let up off you, leaning back into the couch, pulling you into his lap in the process as you felt your thighs subconsciously rub together.
After Johnny made his way beside you and Colin–sandwiching yourself between them as result, he stroked your thigh up and down, slowly making his way to your clothed core, “Look how fucking red you are, just from some teasing hm? you wanna feel me sweetheart? Don’t even try to hide how wet you are–bet you haven’t even had your first kiss yet.”
You had to be slightly surprised at his forwardness, no you haven’t had your first kiss yet, but you just told yourself that you're waiting for the right person. Colin chuckled at Johnny’s antics, this is also when you noticed that Johnny was not wearing a shirt–or pants for a matter of fact, this realization made you feel hotter all over.
Colin leaned over and looked at Johnny, “You know the old man won’t like it if we take her first kiss without him being here."
Johnny rolled his eyes and scoffed, still stroking your thighs, “Fuck that old geezer, I'm taking what's min-” Johnny got cut off by a loud slam of a door and jingling of car keys jingling. You three looked over toward the door to see Andy in the doorway, his arms crossed intimidatingly.
“what's going on here fellas..trying to break her in without me?” Andy said with a smirk as he reached the end of his sentence. He walked over to you slowly, and took your small face into both of his large hands, “And what about you honey? Having fun without daddy, hm? Good thing I’m here now.” He ends the last of his words with a chuckle.
Pleading for help wouldn’t even save you right now, after what Johnny and Colin just confessed to you–especially Andy–all you can do is hope for the best.
A/n: sorry for the short late chapter ya'll (I edited it at the end because the order was fucked up for those who were as confused as me.)
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wannab-urs · 4 months
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Bared Teeth
Pairing: Dave York x f!Reader
Summary: Biting the hand that feeds you OR Dave doesn’t know how to accept domesticity and care.
Warnings: Softness and affection, stark descriptions of domesticity, food, brief reference to past injuries, arguments, me fucking with canon, nonsexual slapping, weird smut. WC: 2.1k
A/N: Thank you endlessly to @atinylittlepain, @pr0ximamidnight, @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin, and @beskarandblasters for reading this, for hyping me up, and for generally being amazing human beings. This is the first thing I’ve written in like two months and I’m decently proud of it. Plus, I missed these two a lot. They’re my favorites (don’t tell AGOY!Dieter, he’ll cry). 
Dave York Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | AO3 | Kofi
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His back is pressed against your front, your arm wrapped around his torso, leg between his legs. He holds your hand against his chest, pressed over his heart. You press a kiss to the back of his neck, just under where his too long hair curls against it. You feel him wake up, his body shifting against yours. He presses a kiss to your knuckles before extricating himself from your tangled limbs. 
He goes to the bathroom, takes a piss, brushes his teeth. You watch him through the open door. He goes to the kitchen and puts the kettle on. As he waits for the water to boil he rummages in the cabinet for a tea bag and the jar of honey. He makes your tea and sets it on the table. You get out of bed, take the tea off the table, and take a sip through a smile. He makes it just the way you like it. 
You slot two pieces of bread in the toaster, crack eggs into a pan and scramble them, dish everything up onto two plates. You eat in comfortable silence, sip your perfect tea, watch Dave shovel eggs into his mouth. 
He clears the table, hand washes the plates while you gather your clothes for a shower. You go to the bathroom, strip your clothes off and toss them in the hamper, turn on the water in your shower. He slips in behind you just as you get your hair wet. His ribs are no longer bruised, but some of his movements are still halting. You trace a finger over his scar and he backs away from the tender touch. 
You squirt shampoo into your hand and reach for him, burying your hands in his thick hair. You massage the shampoo into his scalp, work it through his hair just starting to curl at the ends. You like it long, like having something to grasp. You tug hard at the back of his head, just to keep him from getting skittish. 
He shies away from soft touches, too used to hard ones. He seems to lean into your hands anyway. You run your fingers through his hair as the soap washes out and down the drain, press your lips into the hollow of his throat, let him wash your body with a softness he doesn’t himself deserve. 
You have to go to the grocery store. Dave has to stay hidden in your apartment, away from anyone who might be looking for him. He isn’t comfortable sitting still since his body has mostly healed. He strips your bed and carries everything down to the laundry. Back in your apartment, he puts your clean clothes away. He gets furniture polish and an old rag and dusts your dresser, your nightstands, your kitchen table. He puts away the now dry dishes from this morning. He goes back downstairs and switches your bedding over to the dryer. He sweeps and mops your floor, scrubs the toilet, wipes down all the counters, scrubs the grout in your shower. He retrieves your bedding and makes the bed army style. 
He has never, even with Carol, done anything so domestic as clean an entire apartment for someone. He feels awkward sitting in your clean apartment, waiting for you to come home with groceries he will help you put away, help you turn into meals. He doesn’t know if he can do this anymore.
You carry the bags into the kitchen and set them down on the table. You put away all the cold stuff while Dave stands stiffly behind you in the archway. You hand him a bag and he asks you what’s in it. He’s doing your chores and you’re buying him things at the grocery store and it’s all a little bit too much. 
“What is this?”
“Well I know you prefer coffee to tea and all I had was that shitty instant coffee.”
“Don’t do that. Don’t buy things for me.”
“Why not?”
“Just don’t.”
His whole body is taut with tension, a coiled spring that will either snap or lash out under this much pressure. You snatch the bag from him and pull out the body wash and shampoo you bought him, carrying them to the bathroom and setting them next to yours. 
“What is that?”
“I thought you might want to stop smelling like flowers? I got you sandalwood. I hope that’s okay.”
“It’s not okay. Why are you doing this? Why are you buying me shit? You don’t need to buy me shit. It’s not like I live here.”
“Then what is it we’re doing Dave? You sleep in my bed and you eat my food and you’re doing fucking chores. Your toothbrush is in my goddamn bathroom for fuck’s sake. What exactly are we doing here?”
“I don’t know, okay! I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. I’m not staying. This isn’t that.”
He grabs his still unpacked duffel bag, pulls his shoes on, and leaves, slamming the door behind him. You throw it open and chase him into the hall. 
He turns and pushes you back through the threshold of your apartment. He stalks off down the hallway and you watch him go. 
The reason he’s been holed up in your apartment is not because he wants to play house, not because he even wants you necessarily. The entire reason, the only reason, he’s stashed himself in your apartment is because no one knows about you. It’s too dangerous for him to go anywhere, the risk of being seen too great. He killed Mac, meaning Mac knew who and what he was. There would be others. 
Before he came back to you broken, nearly dead really, it had been an abstract concept that he could get seriously hurt. That he could die. Now, though, you’ve seen him nearly dead and you can’t bear the thought of him being gone. 
You stand in your doorway for a long time, willing him to come back to you. Finally, you close the door and slip into your bed. You hardly leave it for days, needing to have eyes on the door he’d eventually walk through. He has to come back, he will come back. 
He pounds on the door. You open the door a crack and he shoves it open. You stumble backwards with the force of it and he snatches your arm and kicks the door shut behind him. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” he growls.
“What’s wrong with me?” Your voice high pitched and breaking on the last syllable. You yank your arm back from him and shove him in the chest. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Dave?” You shove him again, and his back hits the wall. “You fucking left! You were gone for days.” You wrap your hands into his shirt, pulling him toward you and shoving him away over and over. “I didn’t know where the fuck you were. Do you not fucking get it? Do you not understand how it feels for me when you walk out that door? I never know if you’re coming back. If I’ll ever get to see you again. You can’t just fucking leave like that.” 
“Why the fuck not?” Dave shoves you away from him and you hit the ground. You look up at him, tears pooling in your waterline. Chest heaving, hackles raised, eye wide and locked with yours – he’s like a prey animal about to meet its death. He’s terrified. 
“Because I love you.” He recoils at that.
“No you don’t,” he whispers before stalking further into your apartment, away from you. You scramble to your feet and chase him into the kitchen. 
“Yes I fucking do, David. Maybe you aren’t capable of love. Maybe you have too much blood on your hands or you’re too fucked up inside and full of shame too feel anything else. Maybe you’re a disgusting, dirty, defiled person who doesn’t deserve to love or be loved.” You cage him against the counter, one hand on either side of him, body trembling with rage. “You were always going to lose everything because you never deserved to have it in the first place,” you spit at him. 
He slaps you then, hard, a stinging hot pain blossoming across your cheek. You slap him back, just as hard, watch his head snap to the side with it. You grab his cheeks in your hands. 
“But I’m a terrible person too, David. I must be. Because I love you so much, it’s like I’m caving in on myself. I feel this fucking rot in my chest, this dark thing that is slowly consuming me and it’s you. I love you and it’s fucking killing me because you won’t ever let me have you – not really. You won’t ever stay.” 
He hangs his head and it looks like shame, his shoulders slumped like your love is a weight he can barely carry. You snag the curls at the back of his head in your hand and drag his face up to look at you. 
“When you aren’t here, all I can think about is losing you. When you aren’t here, my whole body trembles and my chest aches. I can’t work or eat or sleep. Do you understand me? I am so afraid of losing you..” He squeezes his eye shut, face scrunching up in something like pain.
“No,” he whispers. 
“The only thing that could destroy me is never touching you again, do you understand me?” He shakes his head. You kiss him then, soft at first but quickly devolving into more teeth than tongue. He bites your lip and you jerk his head back so far he starts sinking to the floor with it. You follow him down, straddle him as he sinks against your kitchen cabinets. 
He pulls you as snugly against him as you can get, savoring the feeling of your body pressed against him. He slides his hands under your shirt and lifts it off of you before shoving you off of him. You land sprawled out on your kitchen floor. He dives forward and rips your shorts and underwear off of you in one go. You sit up and tug his pants down, his hard cock springing out and bobbing against his stomach. 
You want to tear him apart, but you need him inside you. You grab his shirt and pull him down on top of you, slamming your mouths together again. He thrusts his hips against your core, the head of his cock catching your clit. 
You growl and reach between your bodies, guiding him inside you. You hook a leg around his hips and pull him close to you, bury him inside yourself. He sets a brutal pace, your back sliding on the floor. You brace a hand on the cabinets and drive your hips up to meet his. He fucks you fast and hard and it hurts. He’s tearing you open and making room for himself inside you. You drag his shirt off, needing to feel his skin. He doesn’t even slow down. Your nails sink into his shoulders. You feel the powerful muscles shifting beneath his skin. 
He grabs your right leg and throws it over his shoulder, leaning forward enough that you feel the stretch as he pounds into you. It almost hurts, the way your muscles pull, and you dig your nails in deeper. You can feel his skin gathering under your fingernails. You pull your leg back and kick him in the chest. He sprawls on the floor much like you had earlier. You dive for him, crawling onto his lap and settling him deep inside you again. 
You lean forward until your face is over his. He plants his feet on the floor and fucks you just as hard and fast as before. You grab his jaw, forcing his mouth open, and spit onto his tongue. 
“Mine,” you snarl. You let go of his jaw and he swallows. 
Whatever reservations he had before are gone, at least for the moment. As you clench around him again and again, your eyes rolling back into your head and your body going limp on top of him, he realizes he is completely and utterly yours. 
He marks you as such, coming deep inside you, fucking you until his cock goes soft. In the aftermath, you lay with your head on his chest. He traces soft lines up and down your spine, his lips pressed against your hair. . 
“Will you stay?”
“For now.”
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napakmahal · 2 months
Moving in with Tadashi blurb
“God where did all this crap come from?” Tadashi dropped a cardboard box with shoes written on the side in black sharpie. “Seriously, I shared a room and your old place wasn’t that big.”
You scoffed looking around at all the boxes with just his name on them. “It’s all your crap. I could sell all your tech shit and we could buy ourselves a small house.”
Moving into your new apartment was scary, tiring, but so exciting. It would be Tadashi’s first time living somewhere he couldn’t just look over and see his little brother sleeping there. It would suck and he and Hiro had a pretty long conversation about how he wouldn’t be around as much anymore. Hiro swore he would be happy he got his own bathroom but he was genuinely sad to see his big brother go. You decided that the pull out in your very small living room was designated just for Hiro to come visit.
“Ha-ha,” He laughed sarcastically. “But at least we got all the boxes up here.”
You breathed out and grabbed one of the bright orange box cutters. “I know, I think I just lost five pounds. We cannot do this ever again, like I’m so tired. Can we just stay here forever?”
“This place is the size of my old bedroom. We cannot stay here.” Tadashi joked and started unloading the boxes of kitchen supplies. When you announced you’d be moving in Cass gifted you two a blender, toaster, pans, pots, plates, cups and lots of silverware. “Besides this is just one stop before we get our house.”
“A house? Damn Hamada, we should’ve started saving last year.” You looked back at him as you unpacked some wall frames. “Seriously, I don’t know how Cass does it. The rent on that place has to be in the thousands.”
You laughed together and picked out a few more things. In one of the boxes was an air mattress GoGo gifted you when she moved in with Honey. So you’d sleep on that until the mattress you ordered showed up.
So you divided and conquered. You went for the kitchen and dragged your new kitchen supplies behind you to wash and put away. A few hours past when Tadashi came jogging out of your new room sweating and out of breath.
“I did it, I finished the bedroom.” His breathing was weirdly rapid.
You pointed at him. “Why are you so out of breath?”
“The pump stopped working mid-way and I had to blow up the mattress manually.” He took a sip out of his water bottle.
“Oh my god,” you laughed still washing the new appliances. “Sit down, just relax.”
He did, for a while as you just washed the dishes. The whole thing was so mundane. Was life going to be like this all the time? You weren’t married but what if this what it was like?
Suddenly, as you were drying them you felt to arms snake around your shoulders. Tadashi dug his nose into the side of your neck.
“Hi.” You said sweetly.
He replied, muffled, “hi.”
“What’s up?” You asked.
He sighed and pressed kisses to the side of your neck. “I miss my family.”
“Aww, baby. They’re not very far, it’s like a 30 minute drive. And next week we’re having the over for dinner.” You dropped the towel and turned around.
Tadashi’s dug his head into your chest. “I know, but it’s so quiet without them.”
Your voice was quiet and you started petting his head with your fingertips. “Hiro’s at school right now. You wanna call him over?”
“No, not today.”
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coffeeghoulie · 5 months
Mushy May Day 2: Late Night Snacks
Cirrus and Swiss share a moment while everyone else is asleep.
Mushy May put together by @forlorn-crows <3
Divider by @ghuleh-recs <3
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Cirrus yawns as she leans heavily on the edge of the kitchen sink, the light low and yellow as she turns down the dimmer. The cold ceramic tile under her feet is enough to keep her awake, alongside the growl in her stomach.
She waits for the toaster, the heating elements glowing a bright orange that almost remind her of Dewdrop's eyes when he gets upset. Cirrus plays with the end of the ties on her sweatpants, willing herself not to jump when the toaster pops, but fails anyways, laughing softly at herself as she collects the two halves of her everything bagel on a paper plate.
"Evenin', whisp," an easy voice filters into the kitchen, and Cirrus jumps higher than she did when the toaster popped.
"Swiss," she gasps, laughing with a hand over her chest. "Quit being so damn quiet."
He smiles, scratching idly at his stomach as he moves over to one of the cabinets, bare chested and barefoot. "Where's the fun in that?" he teases, reaching up for the bulk jar of trail mix on the top shelf. Cirrus watches appreciatively as the muscles in his back flex as he stretches.
Cirrus grins, turning away from him to fish a butter knife from the drawer. "Can't sleep?"
"I don't know how many times you've spent the night with them," Swiss says, tossing a handful of dried fruit and nuts into his mouth. "But damn, the little bug can snore. And then I was hungry, so here I am."
She smiles over her shoulder at him, flashing him with sharp teeth before. "Same boat. At least, the hungry part, not the snoring. You know Cue doesn't snore."
Swiss snorts, picking out a cashew with his claws. "Nah, she doesn't. A real angel, isn't she? At least, as close as we get."
"You've got that right." Cirrus hums, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear as she grabs the container of soft goat cheese from the fridge, the stuff that Mountain brings in from the Abbey's goat herd. "Could you be a dear and grab the honey jar for me, switchblade?"
He doesn't answer, but sets the trail mix down to root in the cupboards again.
"Thanks," she says, smearing the goat cheese over her bagel, the knife scraping over the crispy, toasted sides. Swiss passes her the honey and a spoon, even without her asking, and she flashes him a smile in thanks.
The cheese melts over the bagel, enough to get soft and spreadable, and Cirrus drizzles a little honey over each half.
"That looks good," Swiss says through a mouthful of peanuts and almonds. "I should try that next time."
Wordlessly, Cirrus takes half of her bagel and holds it out, not looking up at him as she finishes putting honey on the other half, closing the jar one handed. "Wanna bite?"
"You're too sweet, whisp," Swiss says, swallowing the trail mix with a dramatic gulp. Some of the honey's started to drip off of the edge, getting her fingers sticky. Cirrus jolts as she feels something hot and wet, turning to catch Swiss's mischievous gaze as he licks the dripping honey.
She rolls her eyes, but she matches his grin as he takes a bite.
"Shit, that's good," he says with his mouth full. Cirrus takes a bite next to where he did, letting her eyes shut as she eats, the goat cheese tangy on her tongue.
"Mhm," she agrees, chewing. There's a rustle as Swiss shoves his hand back into the trail mix jar. She knows without opening her eyes that he's picking out a handful of M+Ms.
They stand there in near silence, just existing together as they eat. Cirrus sways slightly, the feathered tuft of her tail brushing against the tile. "M+M me?" Cirrus asks, brushing a few crumbs and sesame seeds from her tanktop.
Swiss's mouth quirks up in a smirk, and he tosses her a blue one. She catches it and pops it in her mouth before she turns to put the goat cheese back in the fridge, her paper plate in the garbage. "Thank you, switchblade."
"For you, whisp? Anything," he says, batting his eyes as he downs his handful of candy. "Swear to the father below these get so much better when they're in trail mix."
"It's the salt," Cirrus yawns, stretching until something in her back pops like a glow stick. Swiss groans in sympathy, turning to close the trail mix jar and put it back on the top shelf.
"Yeah, that's probably it," he says, shutting the cabinet door. "I'm heading back to bed, Cir. Get some sleep?"
Cirrus smiles, running her fingers through her hair. "That's the plan, I need to get back in bed before Cue wakes up. Don't like her waking up alone."
Swiss takes a deep breath. "I get it. I'm the same way about the bug."
Cirrus steps to leave the kitchen, but then there's a big hand curling gently around her bicep, and she lets herself be pulled gently into the multighoul's arms. "Good night, whisp," Swiss says, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
She smiles. "Good night, switchblade."
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