#honestly while typing this up i had another tumblr tab open so i could scroll through the dash while working on it and i was
octobersymphony · 3 years
behaviour >:)
put an album in my ask and i'll tell you my 3 favorite songs and my overall opinion
>:) thank you sarah!
i adore every pet shop boys album, but i think behaviour is among the best of the best - i would put it and very as like, tied for first place favourite. (i will say that if i had to pick just one favourite psb album i would lean slightly towards very but it's very (lol) close). it was hard for me to narrow it down to just 3 favourite songs because honestly?? every song on this album is just spectacular and they're ALL my favourites. but here goes (this is long)
1. being boring: honestly i think this is unequivocally their best song. literally absolute perfection in every way, being boring is soooo beautiful and poignant and really showcases some of neil's absolute BEST lyricism - like "i never dreamt that i would get to be / the creature that i always meant to be / but i thought in spite of dreams / you'd be sitting somewhere here with me" MAKES ME INSANE BRINGS ME TO MY KNEES SCREAMING AND CRYING. i love the progression of the verses as it reflects through time across the decades as an elegy and honestly the production on this track is SO rich and lush i love the guitar i love the drums i love the multitracked vocals i love everything about it. i think neil said once that he wanted the vocals to sound like it was being whispered into your ear and it makes it feel so personal (because it is so personal!).
2. my october symphony: with this url i feel obligated to give a shoutout to this one lmao but honestly it fully deserves it... honestly it's So neil tennant to read a book about shostakovich and the fall of the soviet union and then have this whole song about like, reflection on the collapsing past and looking towards an uncertain future etc etc (i don't remember where precisely it was from, but i remember reading someone's commentary about putting it in the context of being a gay man following the aids crisis which. Much To Think About) i think neil's lyricsm really shines in kind of these big picture contexts if that makes any sense at all. but that being said, one of my favourite lines is "shall we remember december instead? / or worry about february?" honestly i partially just like it for the internal rhyme (remember/december and worry/february) - i think there's a lot of moments where the rhyme scheme and wordplay and all is just. really fantastic just the whole "as an indication / change the dedication / from revolution to revelation" is SO clever. and sonically?? i LOVE this track i love the backing vocals and the uwuwuwuwu ahhhhhhhhs and the double tracking in octaves and the bassline and the house piano and the guitar (shoutout to johnny marr) and the strings near the end and literally everything about it. literally just writing this up in a couple minutes for a tumblr post is making me realize how much i adore this song
3. the end of the world: i actually had kind of a hard time picking what song i wanted to put for #3 here (i actually started little writeups for jealous and nervously) but i eventually decided on the end of the world - this is definitely a track that feels like My Song because it was somehow like the 2nd psb song i ever heard due to idk spotify algorithms or whatever and it's right up there at the top of my most listened spotify songs of all time (up there with west end girls and it's a sin and always on my mind) just due to the longevity of it being in my listening repertoire. so really it's a hit single in my heart. i love the line "prophets all predicted exinction / the virgin spoke in apparations / and if it all came to pass now / you feel we'd all deserve it somehow" SO dramatic and the juxtaposition of that with the chorus "it's just a boy or a girl / it's not the end of the world" is soooo good. also love how neil is trying to emulate enjoy the silence with the guitar here lmao
i was considering doing an honorable mentions section here at the end with other songs but quite honestly i think i would just be listing the entire rest of the album. i think behaviour is such a special, poignant album that really shows off some of psb's best work
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isa-ghost · 4 years
A Formal Report To Staff
I’ve emailed the support team three times, each with strong feedback. Each containing MORE PROBLEMS than the last email. I begged them to take me off the beta. In fits of frustration, I’ve demanded to be taken off it too. I was told I’d have to deal with it. I was given responses that were little or no help at all. And I’m not the only one having these issues. These issues have been so severe and frustrating, I have been the least active on the site I have ever been. I have heavily contemplated leaving Tumblr altogether, and have been extremely displeased (to say the least) that these issues have prevented me from enjoying my blog, interacting with my friends/mutuals, and more. 
This beta was forced onto users without warning, without user’s consent, with no insight as to what would change, how it would change, why it would change, what was new, or any other changes/additions the beta would give. This lack of communication is unprofessional, inexcusable, and irresponsible. And the fact that they don’t give you an option to turn it off or opt out is, quite frankly, bullshit. Implementing a "beta” that feels half-assed and has this many issues in the first place without any kind of communication is irresponsible.
Their only semi-decent answer to this problem has been XKit. Which is not compatible/available with all browsers!! And really, it should be a big sign they SHOULDN’T CHANGE/ADD SOMETHING if their answer to it is “oh, just use XKit to undo it/turn it off.” JUST DON’T DO IT! You shouldn’t be relying on an extension/add-on to make your users happy! And if the users who don’t want these changes/additions are somehow the minority in all this, I certainly don’t see a single peep of any kind anywhere from the users that want/are supportive of these things! I’ve seen nothing but problems with this beta being reported, and frustration/hatred of it being expressed. And 0 action taken by the staff to fix any of it. If it’s still being worked on, it never should have been released to users in the first place. They should not be forced to put up with the bugs that this beta still has. The staff should not be randomly selecting users (not every user has had the beta forced upon them) to be beta testers. This is also irresponsible of them.
The staff’s communication to users about updates is AWFUL. The way they implement new things or change existing things without any mention of it or warning of when these things officially implement is AWFUL. 99% of the time they add or change something, nobody wants it or asked for it, and/or it’s a tiny change that didn’t need any attention whatsoever to begin with! They seriously need to start remembering the saying, “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it!“ The staff should be holding polls or ASKING users their opinions on something before they do it, not just throwing it in and forcing them to deal with it! And if they don’t want to wait for feedback on an idea before they do it, then they should ALWAYS make an option to turn off/opt out of whatever it is!
Tumblr’s most BASIC FUNCTIONS: posting, reblogging, editing posts, a user’s personal settings, HAVE BROKEN. They will not open or load, and if they do, the user has to wait several seconds before it FINALLY opens. When it doesn’t open, this happens:
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This can/will appear 2-5+ TIMES (aka, the user will have to try and click “Aa Text/etc,” the reblog button, or the edit button 2-5+ TIMES, and on top of that, the window takes several seconds to load each time before you even know if it’s going to actually open or not!!) before Tumblr lets you open the posting window, the reblog window, or the editing window. It might even be happening with other functions on Tumblr that I just haven’t personally experienced yet.
Tumblr’s most BASIC FUNCTIONS should NEVER be malfunctioning, no matter what. A half-implemented beta/update, some random issue, NOTHING. NOTHING should make these functions unable to be used or any sort of hassle to use! This shouldn’t be happening, and shouldn’t be allowed to happen! It honestly makes the staff look incompetent when these simple things aren’t developed to a point where they don’t break. At the very least, they should not break as often as they do. And speaking of basic functions breaking, don’t even get me started on how often tags break and malfunction. That’s been an issue forever, and a highly reported and complained about one at that. And yet here the staff are, once again changing the whole appearance of Tumblr instead of working on more pressing issues; thus once again making its userbase feel unheard or ignored.
And as if those basic functions breaking aren’t enough, there’s YET ANOTHER ONE that (at least for me) keeps breaking! THE DASHBOARD ITSELF.
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Anywhere between 2 seconds and a few minutes, if I scroll any longer than that, this happens to my dash, and nothing will load. And if I try to scroll back up for it to load, the things that HAD loaded are no longer loaded OR the dash just straight up disappears and all I see is the dash’s blue background. At that point I can’t even refresh my dashboard to fix it or click anything whatsoever. I have to close Tumblr and reopen it in a new tab. And most of the time, I can’t even do that, because this BREAKS MY ENTIRE BROWSER. 
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MY ENTIRE BROWSER WILL STOP RESPONDING 1-3+ TIMES BEFORE I CAN DO ANYTHING AT ALL. Sometimes it will crash COMPLETELY. Not only that, but when Tumblr lags my entire browser and makes it stop responding, then EVERY OTHER APPLICATION ON MY LAPTOP will lag out or stop responding as well! My laptop is admittedly old, but even in its old age, it DIDN’T DO THIS BEFORE THE BETA WAS FORCED UPON ME. The beta is literally screwing with my WHOLE laptop because its issues start with the site, extend to my browser, then spread to anything else I have running at the time! While some of that is most likely my laptop’s age showing, again, it never did this before the beta started to mess with everything.
Being on Tumblr just... isn’t worth this much frustration. This needs to change. It needs to be taken off user’s accounts until it’s completed or (preferably to me) not implemented at all.
On top of all of these issues, I personally have been suffering another huge problem with this beta. My add-on Tumblr Savior will not work. I use Tumblr Savior to blacklist URLs of blogs I don’t want to interact with (and have blocked, but Tumblr’s blocking system is awful and doesn’t keep blocked blog’s posts off your dash or anything. Blocking a blog should COMPLETELY wipe the existence of a blog you block out of your sight EVERYWHERE. But that’s a whole other issue I won’t even get into... Again, a highly reported and complained about issue that the staff haven’t done anything about). I also use it to blacklist tags I don’t want to see, or a tag that people I follow use for their followers to blacklist a specific type of content. I use it to blacklist words and phrases so posts containing them don’t appear. I use them to blacklist triggers and things that make me uncomfortable. I know many users who also use this add-on to properly blacklist URLs, tags, words, phrases, and more to keep it off their dashboards. Many use this to blacklist triggers and sensitive material that Tumblr’s filtering systems do not properly take care of. This add-on not functioning with this beta could be harmfully affecting users. I personally cannot enjoy being on Tumblr without Tumblr Savior functioning to properly filter all that I need filtered.
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This is every URL, tag, word, phrase, or otherwise that I have to blacklist to comfortably be active on Tumblr. NONE of those things are being properly blacklisted by Tumblr’s filtering system (especially blacklisting URLs to properly block a blog since Tumblr doesn’t) and are appearing on my dash and bothering me. Not only that, but Tumblr Savior ALSO does the following for me:
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Since Tumblr Savior isn’t functioning, my radar, sponsored, suggested blogs, etc are all crowding my dash and also bothering me. Those checks mean they should be hidden. They are not hidden. I’ve had to unfollow some tags that I was following because they’d keep suggesting random annoying posts to me. 
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I even restored defaults and reloaded all of my saved blacklists and settings. It didn’t work. I’m assuming its obviously not up to the staff to make Tumblr Savior work because it’s not theirs. But on the other hand, it was working fine until they forced the beta on me. The beta is what’s making it not work. The beta, between all the issues I’ve mentioned before, and making me unable to use Tumblr Savior to enjoy being on the site comfortably, is making it basically impossible for me to be on the site at all. I’ve mentioned all of this information in the three emails I sent and none of it was effectively acknowledged, let alone fixed.
And lastly:
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I just... I really REALLY hate this. I hate it on mobile (but I tolerate it), and I REEEALLY hate it on desktop (I REALLY want it gone!!). Desktop and mobile don’t need to be similar!! Desktop is desktop and mobile is mobile, stop changing them to be the same constantly!! AT LEAST give users an option to turn this stupid number’s visibility off! I get tons of notifications from all my blogs, I get a TON (99+) on my main blog alone! I don’t want this here!! I don’t need to be notified I have notifications, I know! I don’t need to be pressured and pestered to look at them every frickin time I get one!! This is one of those changes that didn’t need to be added!
Instead of breaking everything on the site, and focusing on the appearance of Tumblr, here are just SOME of the suggestions/requests that TONS of users have mentioned in the past, all of which (to my knowledge) have been ignored or unseen by staff:
The ability to change what blog is your main blog.
FIXING THE TAGS, so posts ACTUALLY appear in them and none of the other issues happen.
When all posts containing a certain tag are deleted, the tag stops appearing in your tag history.
Fix the problem where posts with links in them don't show up in tags.
PROPER BLOCKING. If I block a blog, I don’t want to see it ANYWHERE. I don’t want to see it in tags I look at, I don’t want to see it reblogged onto my dash by people I follow. I want it completely GONE so I don’t have to blacklist URLs.
Sending asks from a side blog
Add the different text fonts and colors available on mobile also available on desktop
When a blog is reported, DONT JUST GIVE THE OPTION TO BLOCK. They're being reported FOR A REASON.
When a blog is hidden from Google search results, you can no longer search for tags/posts on that blog's search bar. FIX THAT.
There's been a glitch lately where if you click a notification about a post to see said post, it says the post no longer exists/has been deleted when it hasn't.
Make it so when you block a blog on your main blog, it blocks that blog on all your sideblogs too.
When the OP is deleted, delete all reblogs of the post.
After I finished this post, TAG CRAWLER STOPPED WORKING. FIX THAT! Unbelievable.
There's plenty more ACTUALLY helpful things that could be changed or added, but these are the ones I see talked about the most. Anyone who reblogs this, please don't add more because it's not the point of this post, thanks.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I’m emailing it to the support and hoping the staff actually read and do something about it. To any users reading this, reblogging to signal boost is much appreciated. Any additions backing up what I’ve said here are appreciated as well; especially if the staff take the time to look through the notes to see I really am not the only one who strongly dislikes this beta and is having far more issues with it than it’s worth.
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booksandgalore · 5 years
Mirrors of Pride [Yandere!BTS]
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Taehyung's company is enjoyable when he isn't contemplating about the different shades of black-and-white filters. Sure, he cares too much about the number of likes he has on social media.
And, yes, maybe you have to reject taking pictures of him everytime he hands you his phone, but true friends stay with each other no matter what. You just need to overlook his growing vanity, and ignore all the warning signs when he starts talking about someone non-existent.
Author’s Note:
It’s my first time posting (cross-posting) a story on Tumblr! Bear with me as I navigate how to link, edit my layout, etc. Though if you do have an tips and/or pointers on how I can make my blog look more appealing, haha, then I’ll take them. Do leave a comment if you enjoyed it!
The blueberry gelato you purchased was going to melt soon, but you couldn’t even taste it until Taehyung had some pictures of himself with your gelato and his. Currently, you had snapped over fifty pictures, in different angles, too, and you got out of your seat to take more. The sweltering heat made your baby hairs stick on your forehead and all over your cheeks.
”Okay,” you said, handing his phone back. “What do you think?”
You stood behind his chair as you watched him scroll through the photos one-by-one. Taehyung kept zooming in on his face, only to pinch his fingers back out and focus on a minuscule detail like a wrinkle on the right sleeve of his clothing.
“Can you take more on your phone? Maybe it’ll be different,” he requested, peering up from his device to look at you, his neck craned back.
You ran your fingers through your hair and felt the sweat of your scalp through your fingertips. Although you took a shower this morning, you were going to have to shower again later.
Breathing deeply, you brought your phone out of your back pocket and snapped a picture of him in this position. Taehyung immediately took a scoop of his strawberry gelato and held the spoon to his lips. You took a picture, and another when he closed his eyes but still had the uneaten gelato close to his lips.
Then, a drop fell onto his chin. It dribbled down. You were about to grab a tissue off of the table to give it to him until he mumbled that you should continue. You did as he asked. The sound of the camera shuttering was all you guys heard for the next three minutes as Taehyung continued posing in different positions.  
“You’re welcome,” you said, plopping down onto your chair. You reached for your dessert and found that it was half liquid. You looked over at Taehyung’s gelato; it was in the same state as yours, and you sighed.
Opening up Instagram on your phone, you started to slouch. Posts about vacations in California, Rome, and Beijing filled your timeline. Or was it feed? You were confused by the verbiage ever since Facebook bought Instagram and honestly where was the FAFSA police when you needed them? These "broke" college students shouldn't be out there living it up. And why were they on vacation when you still had two weeks of spring semester left? Did they take their finals early? When you were done, you handed your phone to Taehyung, who took it eagerly.
“Appreciate it,” he said. After browsing through the photos you took of him, he placed your phone down on his lap as he smiled at you. “I mean it. Thank you.”
You observed the silver rings on his fingers as he tapped on the table in a seemingly rhythmic beat. The rings were pretty. Maybe you should copy some of his style.
“You’re going to Korea soon, right?” You leaned back against your chair and splayed out your legs. A trickle of sweat ran past your neck.
It was really hot outside, but Taehyung wore a dark blue dress shirt, rolled up to his elbows, and had a black t-shirt inside that was revealed when the first two buttons of his dress shirt were unbuttoned. He also wore black ripped jeans. Wasn’t it hotter when you wore darker colors? Beauty was pain, you guessed.
“Only for one month in July.” Taehyung leaned back in his chair as well. “Why? Are you going to miss me?”
“No,” You shook your head, “you’re going to miss me.”
At this, Taehyung laughed loudly, his eyes crinkling. “Get KakaoTalk so I can text you without getting charged there.”
”Why? So you can spam my phone with pictures of yourself? You already have a mirror.” You narrowed your eyes playfully. “Also, how can I get KakaoTalk if you have my phone?”
”You mean this?” Taehyung showed your device in his hand, but he made no attempt to give it back to you. “I can just figure out your password.” He was typing in a random combination of numbers until he unlocked your phone successfully.
Startled, you rose up from your seat as he shielded the phone away from you.
“Relax, I’m transferring the photos you took of me to my phone!” he said, huddling himself into a ball. The people around you stared at him briefly before chatting to themselves.
With the slit of your screen showing through the opening in his posture, you glanced down, realizing he was going through your Snapchat messages and replying back with a selfie of himself. How typical.
“Taehyung...” You grasped his shoulder. “I’m not getting Kakao if you’re being like this.” It was a fake threat, but he didn’t need to know that. Honestly, you wanted him to stop because Hoseok was in your contacts and you knew Taehyung wasn’t fond of his step-brother. If Taehyung found out, when he already confessed these deep feelings of disdain about Hoseok to you, then you weren’t sure what he would do. He had a vanity problem already, and some slight possessive attachment in his friendship with you.
However, Taehyung continued mass replying to your friends.
”Taehyung,” you tried again, shaking his shoulder roughly. He didn’t budge. “Alright, I guess I’m gonna get your phone.”
He straightened up and stared at you. “I don’t have anything to hide, (Name). You know me. Do you have something you want to hide?”
“No.” You swore your heart skipped a beat when the lie rolled out your tongue.
“Then we’ll look at my phone together. It’s only fair, right?” There were moments where Taehyung sounded peculiar, and this was one of them. Was it something in his tone, or was it this… aura that he emitted? Either one led you–dare you spoke of it lest you became a bad friend who misinterpreted things and blew them out of proportion–to be cautious of him.
”Here.” Swiping his phone off the table, Taehyung placed it on your palm. ”The password is two, five, six, eight.” He wasn’t taking his hand away from yours, so you inputted with your free hand the code he gave you. The rings on his fingers provided a cool sensation on your skin despite the ongoing heat from the sun.
“You can check my texts," Taehyung suggested. "You can read through them."
You bit the inside of your cheek while you hesitantly tapped on his conversation with Taeyong, a mutual friend. There were Korean characters you couldn't decipher. The words were too advanced, and you only learned the language when Hoseok taught you sporadically. However, you did catch onto these English memes Taehyung and Taeyong shared with each other. You thought you were invading Taeyong's privacy somewhat as Taehyung encouraged you to keep scrolling.
"See, (Name)?" His eyes bore into your own. "I've got nothing to hide."
"Yeah, me too," you blurted back, letting him keep his phone and yours for now. You returned back to your seat.
Friends need to accept all the aspects that come with a person whether good or bad, you reminded yourself of this as Taehyung scrutinized the photos in your camera roll, eyes trained on his appearance and whatever it meant to him as he explored the saturations and color schemes he could use.
You observed your friend for a few more minutes before redirecting your thoughts to the final exams coming up. The stress to think about the exams rather than on the behavior of your friend had eased your mind considerably. Soon, you began to daydream off-topic about fast cars and towering mansions as Taehyung continued to edit his pictures.
Smiling unconsciously, you then remembered how you were a bit vain yourself. You had three thousand, one-hundred-seventy-five dollars and thirty cents to your name before. The rest of the money was in your latest Fila shoes, and in the latest iPad Pro that you cradled to sleep every night. When your three thousand, one-hundred-seventy-five dollars and thirty cents to your name dropped to a staggering fifty-dollars, you had promised for a new year, new you, and you made a resolution to curb your materialistic tendencies in the middle of sweet old July of last year.
“I’m going to change,” you declared to yourself, browsing through self-improvement articles online. You had another tab open, but you swore on your mother’s grave that you were just living vicariously through a YouTuber’s shopping haul and nothing more.
“I’m going to change,” you said to Taeyong and Jimin, your two closest friends, as you all painted random animals on a canvas. Hoping it will restrain the temptations of eating out and watching movies, you tried to love your newest hobby.
But people didn't change easily.
After all, we make money to enjoy money, you would say as you received your paycheck, the thickness of the envelope sending a familiar rush of adrenaline through the palms of your hands.
Soon summer break had ended and you were left daydreaming in your classes about the salary you'd get from becoming a doctor. You’ll have a stable job and a stable life, your mother would remind you in the living room every so often. You would doodle on the edges of your notes and wish that time could past by faster because you were stuck in a world where you were just you and the you then needed to step up from a measly five hundred bucks. Your fingers couldn't sprint against the piano keys as well as Jill, nor could you code websites in your free-time like Mr. Full-Ride classmate Jaehyun, but you did have money and it was what kept you going.
Money was entertainment. Money was activities. Money was the awe-struck gaze your parents looked at you with when you paid for the restaurant bill at a family outing. Money was whatever you wanted it to be, and it was breathtaking, inspiring, motivating, and, damn, your eyes were bleeding green, huh?
“How do you do it?” you had asked. “How are you so happy the majority of the time?”
“I’ll show you how,” Taehyung replied, one hand holding the strap of his backpack. He took out a hand-held mirror from the first zipper and gave it to you. “You have to love yourself.“
"And how do I do this...loving myself thing?”
“(Name), it’s simple.” He sighed, leaning closer to you to observe himself through his own mirror, a light red tint on his cheeks. “You think to yourself, you are everything you ever wanted.” Almost reluctantly, he peered up from the mirror to look at you, but you felt as if he never truly looked away, as if he was still tracing the contours of his nose and the outlines of his eyes, his lips, through the glare of the glasses perched on your nose.
“Beauty is on the inside.” He sighed again, placing a hand over his chest. “But it can also be made.”
You noticed the slight pout on his lips as he stashed the mirror away. He had never changed since high school. Always staring at himself as he walked past anything reflective, anything that resembled him, and you––
You had been snapped out of your memory when Taehyung voiced out a question.
"Should we go now? We have class tomorrow with Professor Smith at nine in the morning."
"Hm?" You blinked. "Ah, yeah, we should."
You threw your gelato in the trash and bidded a goodbye, heading off to your home. Developing a friendship with Taehyung was a journey, to say the least.
[next chapter]
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voidlitmoon · 4 years
Storm of Cuddles
(Actual fanfic posted July 4, 2019)
Honestly I was just scrolling though some fanfics and found some cuddlefics, and suddenly I just wanted more?? It was just so cute????
If you know of any cute short stories/one-shots that are super fluffy and/or cuddley (and no NSFW) tell me in the comments, there SO CUTE
Ao3 link
Fanfic master post link
Words: 1,261
Summery: ' Today sucked.
It wasn’t an assignment from school messing him up, or friendship problems, or really anything that happened today on the terrible Friday it was that triggered his anxiety to hate him with a vengeance, it just did. And Virgil hated it back. '
In which I really want more soft (yet angst driven) cuddlefics, so I write Prinxiety
Today sucked.
It wasn’t an assignment from school messing him up, or friendship problems, or really anything that happened today on the terrible Friday it was that triggered his anxiety to hate him with a vengeance, it just did . And Virgil hated it back .
Now though, he sat curled with blankets over his head, as soft snow flaked from the grey clouds high above outside of his window. Ha, snow flaked , his dad would be so proud if told that one. Well, if he even had enough energy to stand to go downstairs which by the way he did not . Instead he laid just below his pillow on the sheets, scrolling through the great mistake of Tumblr (which yes the screen light was bothering his head like crazy, but if your body tortures you, you torture back, right?) as anxiety grew and flourished in his chest.
A small ding from notifications made it flutter away for a small moment though, a smile flickering onto his face before falling back into unwanted neutral.
[Princey]- hey! dads going out tonight ona date, can I come over??
Virgil snorted at the spelling, typing back a response before the fear stopped him.
[On-The-Virge-Of-Panic]- One, fix the spelling before Pa murders you, he can hide a body
[On-The-Virge-Of-Panic]- Two, sure, just uhh don’t turn on the lights when you get here, got a bit of a headache
He bit his lip, thinking how stupid that last part was. Roman wasn't that stupid, they’d known each other since 6th grade for god sake. They had seen each other earlier today!  He was going to call Virgil out, oh no no nonononononono- Ding!
[Princey]- very well! See you soon <3
Virgil snorted at the heart. Shaking his head, one happy thought finally infiltrating his anxiety drenched mind.
He really did have the best boyfriend.
Roman skipped up to the house, waving one last time to his parents as they drove off. He knocked cheerfully, awaiting the very bubbly Patton opening the door.
After greeting both parents, he left them to their baking and books respectively before carefully making his way upstairs. Hearing the soft thunderstorm noises from behind a dark purple door confirmed his assumption that a headache wasn’t all his dark love was dealing with today. 
Resisting hitting his forehead for not realizing it earlier that day, Roman carefully opened the door to reveal soft lavender fairy lights shining on drawn spider curtains. The white noise from outside played from an open YouTube Red tab, the plugged in laptop placed nearly closed on Virgil’s desk as it rumbled throughout the room. And there on the bed, black and purple blankets shifted as the human underneath realized the other had arrived.
Roman placed bag just inside before shutting the door quietly, walking the short distance to the bed before setting down on the edge. Silence engulfed the two for a minute as Roman studied the posters placed along the walls, letting Virgil adjust to another human being in the room before finally in a quiet voice “so, not just a headache?”
The pile whined (most likely thinking ‘he knows he knows he's gonna leave you alone like you should be, you don't deserve anyone you sad sack’ but hey i'm just the author, what do I know?) causing Roman to chuckle.
“Can I touch you babe?” he asked, causing another whine before after a few moments the blankets to be shifted, causing an opening. He lightly laughed in victory before shifting off his red and white Letterman jacket and sliding in, instantly getting attached to. He wrapped his arms around the shivering body, feeling tears drip onto his white shirt.
“You came” Virgil cried quietly, head tucked under Roman’s chin. The older nuzzled into the black and purple locks, cuddling the smaller closer “of course I came” he smiled “I don’t know how I leave you half the time” Roman chuckled.
This was the wrong thing to say apparently to the anxiety ridden teen though, since he tried to push away. Roman opened his arms a bit so he could back away, but not escape. He looked down into purple and green eyes, tears still leaking from them as he whispers “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I force you to be around me.”
Roman blinked his own grass green eyes, before processing the line “oh, oh hun no” he pulled the smaller teen close again “no you misunderstood me. Darkling what I meant is that I never want to leave you ” he pressed a soft kiss to the shocked emo’s forehead before closing the gap again. Virgil hesitantly clung back on, head tucked against Roman’s chest as the older carefully let their heads escape the scalding blanket cave.
After time the shaking gasps calmed down as the two held each other, Roman rubbing circles on his back and whispering small encouragements. And finally after a while, the two fell asleep, still cuddling close as soft thunder rumbled across the dark room.
Patton placed his tray of brown sugar cinnamon cookies on a metal cooling rack, watching the steam roll off the dozen. His kiddo hadn’t been looking to happy today, so Patton had decided to cheer up his dark strange son with a batch of his favorite cookies.
..or five apparently the apron wearing figure realized as he stared around the messy kitchen, not realizing how much time had past. He had the first batch almost in the oven when Roman had appeared.. Ah Roman!
Patton chuckled as he realized the boyfriend was over, apparently wanting to go somewhere else as his parents Emile and Remy where out on a big date (Roman had swore earlier that both had mysteriously snuck ring boxes into their pockets, and the two had giggled over the couple proposing at the same time), and did not want to stay home with his chaotic twin, Remus. Patton quickly cleaned up the kitchen a bit (enough room to make dinner) before lifting the apron off over flour fluffed golden brown locks.
He skipped out to see his husband still in the same chair and position, the only difference was he was nearing the end of a different book. He swooped a quick kiss to the mans nearly black hair, breaking the trance Logan had been sucked into, and explained he was going to start making dinner soon. The adorable flustered nerd just nodded slightly before standing up out of the chair and replacing the pile of books back to their respective shelves, planning on assisting with dinner.
Patton grinned at the silent movement before making his way up the stairs, the soft rumbling of a thunderstorm finding his ears.
“Kiddos, I’m making-” he started as the door swung open under hand, but swiftly stop. He held his squeals at the sight of the two curled together, Roman protectively holding his sweet Virgil to his chest, tear streaks seemingly long dried along the emo’s cheeks. The father giggled before slipping his phone out and (after making sure his flash was off, he had a bad habit of leaving it on) snapped a few photos. He didn’t dare wake the two, seemingly tired after a bit of an emotional talk if the tear streaks and protectiveness had anything to say. He’d allow them to skip dinner tonight despite any protest from Logan, they seemed to need sleep. To be alone with each other.
With a soft smile, he carefully closed the door on the pair of teenagers, leaving the two to their storm of cuddles.
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velvetchen · 7 years
Anonymous | pt. i
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Scenario: Tumblr AU Pairing: Chanyeol/Reader Word Count: 1671 Rating: T 
Summary: You just shot to tumblr fame when the latest chapter of your webtoon went viral. Messages start flooding in – hundreds of people saying things good and bad alike. One anon catches your eye, and you find you just have to reply to them… 
next part >>
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You found out when your friends all started calling you. That morning, you woke to your phone bursting with notifications – your twitter, tumblr, texts, everything. You picked up your friend Jia’s next call, your groggy hello met with the sound of her excited screaming. “Y/N! You’re famous! You’re all over the internet today?”
Groaning, you rolled over and checked the time. 8:37, too early for anything. “What?”
“I said, you’re internet famous,” she said. “Strawberry Shortcake just hit it big.”
That shot you awake. You jolted upright and pulled your laptop towards you, logging in and opening your tumblr. “What? Oh my god.”
“I know!” Jia squealed. “Oh my god! You totally deserve it, Y/N, you’ve worked so hard on it. Congratulations!”
Your activity page had numbers you’d never seen before. Reblogs with comments. Your inbox, full. You felt dizzy. “I’ll call you back, Jia,” you said. You didn’t wait before you hung up.
What had just happened?
Opening a new tab, you typed ‘strawberry shortcake tumblr’ into the search bar – and nearly fainted at the results. The first link was your tumblr. The second was an article about it. About you. About your webtoon.
You didn’t know what to feel. The webtoon you’d been working on for more than six months, so far resigned to a few reblogs and barely more than five hundred followers, was suddenly famous.
We Can’t Get Over This Super Cute Romance Webtoon, And Chances Are You Won’t Either
Strawberry Shortcake, a super sweet love story written and illustrated by the owner of the strawberryshortcakecomic tumblr – known only as S – is something we just can’t get enough of. The cute story, light humor and to-die-for cold-hearted, bad-boy-with-a-heart-of-gold love interests will have you rushing through the chapters and smiling like a fool. The webtoon is available in English on Tumblr and translated to Korean on LINE Webtoon.
You scrolled down to the comments.
iluvBTSxox: aha wow so cute ~ ^o^ prettyboy88: ㅋㅋㅋ so nice blossom3bunny: i love it so much, thanks mika-chan for recommending it~~~
So that was how it had gone viral. Mika-chan, another webtoon artist, ultra-famous for her anime-style webcomics on LINE and tumblr. You felt flattered beyond belief. Immediately, you pulled up her tumblr – and there it was – her reblog of your latest episode along with the caption “one of my favorite webtoons ;o;”.
strawberryshortcakecomic asked: mika-chan!!! Thank you so much for liking my webtoon ;;;;;; I’m so happy you liked it <3 I hope you enjoy my work in the future too!
You’re welcome ㅋㅋㅋ it’s very cute
You couldn’t believe she had replied to you. Much less reblogged your work. It felt surreal. Opening your tumblr inbox, you got to work answering, still on the high of your newfound fame.
Anonymous asked: author-nim~~~~ the last chapter is so nice, please update, when does jinho take yoon ah on the date
I will be updating soon! thank you for liking it
Anonymous asked: that lake scene is so sweet omg
Haha I know right! Thanks :)
You won’t have to wait much longer, the next chapter will be up soon !!
 You moved to the kitchen with your laptop, setting it down on the counter and opening the fridge to get some yogurt and fruit for breakfast. You sat back down immediately, intent on answering as many new messages as you could.
snsd-superfan asked: i love jinho he’s so hot ugh
Anonymous asked: mika-chan brought me here and can I just say I’m in love with you and your work
Thanks! Love you too anon
The next message stood out, because while so far you had only seen one-liner compliments and messages about your work, this one was much longer. You read on, intrigued:
Anonymous asked: Dear S, I’ve been following you almost since the beginning of Strawberry Shortcake and I wanted to congratulate you on your newfound and very well-deserved fame! I know how hard you’ve worked and how much effort you put into making the chapters for us, your readers. I’m so happy to see you get the fame you were destined for! Now, about the last chapter, hmm. I feel like something is going on with Seong-jin...is he plotting something behind Yoon-ah’s back? Sincerely, C
You thought a minute before you wrote out your reply, pausing in between words to make sure it was perfect. This ‘C’ person had obviously put a lot of thought into their message. At least that’s what it looked like.
Dear C, Thank you very much for your long and thoughtful message! Honestly, I feel extremely surprised. I don’t know what to do with all this fame, haha. I’m so flattered you think I deserve it, and that you’re a long time fan. How long have you been here?
As for the plot...you’ll just have to wait and see. I have a lot of things in store for Seong-jin!
Love, S
You continued scrolling through your inbox, but that was the only message of its kind - which only made you more intrigued. When a reply popped up, you felt yourself swell with a strange excitement.
Anonymous asked: Dear S, you’re very welcome for the praise ^^ I’m sure things will only get better from here. I meant it when I said you deserved all the fame. I’ve been following your blog since the third or fourth episode I think. That was a long time ago! You’ve come so far since then. Your art has improved a lot too. I can’t wait to see what you have planned for Seong-jin. He’s my favorite character (yes, I don’t like Jin-ho! I think he is too perfect...something’s wrong...haha) Sincerely, C
Was it too soon for you to reply? Shrugging, you started typing anyway.
Dear C,
Aw thank you, you’re making me blush lol. Thanks so much for your support! And wow, since the third episode? I don’t even remember that far back, you’re right when you say we’ve come a long way. Thanks for the comment on my art, do you really think so?
I should be offended you don’t like Jin-ho, but maybe you’re on to something ;) kidding, kidding, I don’t want to give away any spoilers. Seong-jin is my favorite character too, he’s very close to me. He was the first character I came up with for SS. At first he was going to be my main character but I made Yoon-ah the main character at the last minute.
Love, S
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Anonymous asked: Dear S, I clearly remember the day I found your comic. It was actually reblogged by one of my real-life friends. I was crazy about webtoons so I was super excited to find a new one to read. You didn’t disappoint :) Am I really on the right track about Jin-ho? I mean, he is a vampire, but he still doesn’t have any flaws. I’m guessing that’s intentional. Maybe he’s hiding some dark secret lololol. I hope Yoon-ah ends up with neither of them though, they’re not that nice to her :( Sincerely, C
Dear C,
Oh, please thank your friend then! They must have known me from my other blog ^^
You’re right, it is intentional, but there aren’t any dark secrets coming up...yet. Haha. Jin-ho is that very cliche k-drama character isn’t he! Hot and cold and handsome as hell. I have a lot of fun drawing him. ;) And yeah, neither of them treat Yoon-ah right, but that’s plot progression for you. I’ve already confirmed on this blog that she will end up with one of the two. The ending is still a long ways away but I hope it’s satisfactory!
Love, S
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Anonymous asked: Dear S, yes, I’ve been following your other blog too since then! You’re very private haha. But you’re very nice and friendly too ^^ Jin-ho is total eye-candy! My friend has lots of screenshots of all the shower scenes lol. She sends them to me. He is definitely a cliche character, but those can be very fun to read and write too. Even if there aren’t any dark secrets I’m sure he’s still hiding something. Oh well, I hope Yoon-ah ends up with the right one then. I like her a lot and hope she gets a good relationship. I don’t doubt in your ability at all to come up with an amazing ending :) Sincerely, C
Dear C,
Am I private? I guess I must be, since I don’t even have a proper pen name! Aww, you think I’m nice and friendly, thanks, you’re not too bad yourself :)
Your friend has good taste lol. I’ll draw more shower scenes just for her ;) You’re right about cliche characters not having to be one-dimensional. I put a lot of thought into Jin-ho when I was creating him and he’s actually very similar to me. Stubborn, secretly caring, introverted (unfortunately not I’m not as hot lmao). You seem to know a bit about this writing thing, do you write?
Yoon-ah will get the happy ending she deserves! She’s my precious little flower baby.
Love, S
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 Anonymous said: Dear S, it’s okay, you can be as private as you want,. I’m just warning you that fans can get a little crazy about finding out who you are...so be careful. No, I don’t write, unless you count writing music, which is a lot different from making webtoons I imagine :) Are you really similar? I guess I’ll have to start paying more attention to Jin-ho from now on. Sincerely, C 
Dear C,
Thanks a lot for the warning! (wow, do you have experience with this fame thing?) I know, just a couple of hours since the explosion and I’m already getting hate. Writing music could be like making a webtoon, hmm...you’re making a story without words. Or with only dialogue. Huh, I guess not really.
Oh no, have I revealed too much? ;)
Why don’t you come off anon? I’d love to talk to you some more.
Love, S
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a/n so a little background - like all the scenarios i’ll write this is set in an ambiguous location with no set culture/mix of cultures, so you can take it to be anywhere (i intended korea). webtoons esp. romancey webtoons however are pretty popular in korea so a bunch of the comments and etc will be like on a korean website. after this part the story will mostly be told through a collection of messages, articles, posts & dialogue. also i know asks don’t let u write that much but bear with me ok
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babybarrie · 7 years
Dear Rabbit - Chapter 1
Summary: You’re abused by your own boyfriend and you just give up. But soon enough you wake up in Middle-Earth confronted by The Company. 
This is based on a song that I loved to listen to called “I Know I’m a Wolf” by Young Heretics. This also is written from some very personal things I’ve dealt with.
WARNING: Abuse, Mention of sex
Since that day on, you thought that maybe it was just that one time. Just that once. That you wouldn’t have to feel that sting again. That he was going to change for the better and take care of you the right way…. Oh god, how wrong you were…. So very wrong...
It’s a rainy day when he showed up again, you went walking to the door to open it, greeted by that face of his. He smiles with satisfaction to see you again but you’re not thrilled to see him. You flash a small, forced smile onto your face, letting him in.
“Hello!” with a hop in his step he comes into your home and proceeds to give you a hug.
You don’t hug back... You can’t... Your arm isn’t able to lift up to touch his back in return. He lets go and glares at your face but moves on to walk down the hallway with your better arm in his grip. You want to resist. You want to tell him to leave but you can’t... He just got here. Reaching your room he opens the door a bit roughly and mildly pulls you through. He releases your arm, going to your bed and puts down his car keys and phone. You’re still standing near the doorway not wanting to be closer to his proximity. Turning back to look at you, he gives you a smile and walks over. You want to flinch, to run, to hide, but you can’t, you don’t want to cause any more pain between you.
“Come here, let’s watch something on Netflix!” he says, pulling you to the side of the bed, sitting you down then carelessly nudges you to move over to make room for him.
You lean your head against the wall next to your bed as he grasps your computer to open up said website. He doesn’t even ask what you want to watch and immediately clicks on one of his shows that he currently is watching. A few episodes in and he starts touching you. You freeze not wanting it but you can’t do or say anything. He continues his hand up and down your arm and then to the top of your shirt. Moving it aside to get to the soft skin of your chest.
It’s dark now in your room. You're lying there with clothes back on and pain hidden in your eyes. You let him do it again... You should have said something but... You were so tired... So weak... So alone... All thoughts of him changing and being a better man had long since left your mind for months now. But you won’t do anything. You won’t ask for anything or beg.
Lost in praying that you won’t get another bruise today, that you won’t get yelled at again, you don’t feel him getting out of the bed or hear him changing back into his clothes.
“I’m leaving. Stay here. I can go to the door myself.” You see him go towards your bedroom door and pauses, expecting to hear what you always said to him before he left. What you always said to him even before all this…
“I love you... Be safe…” you whisper loud enough for him to hear. He smiles and opens the door before replying with,
“I love you too. I will. Bye.” He closes the door. You hear footsteps. Then the open and near slam of your front door.
You sit up to lean against your wall. It’s become a habit. You begin crying lightly. Eyes filled with tears but not a single emotion is written in them. It’s been six months… Each day was like hell... You didn’t know how much more you could possibly take. You meant those words you said to him before he left. You didn’t know why you meant them or why you still are feeling that way for someone like him. You knew that he didn’t feel the same way as you… Not anymore... You knew it... So why... Why are you still with him?
Time passes and slowly your empty tears stop falling from your bruised cheeks. You want to wipe them away but from experience you don’t touch anything, not wanting to feel more pain. It’s around 4 in the morning, you had moved over to your desk and spent most of the night trying to catch up on any work that you missed. Sitting up you go to your closet to change into different clothes. You pull out your favorite basil green, long sleeve hooded dress and your worn out light gray leggings. Moving down slowly to the ground of your closet you grab your bright brown laced-up leather boots. After putting all those on you decide to try and relax a bit. You sit back down at your desk, gently moving the mouse to wake up your computer and close your work window to open a new one. Typing in Tumblr, you scroll through your feed on your dashboard. You leave likes and make some reblogs of some posts that you enjoyed. It’s becoming harder to keep your eyes open, feeling the exhaustion creeping over you. You pull up a new tab and open Youtube. Going to your favorite list you click on the first song. You hear a piano start to play a slow but slightly haunting tune. Trudging back to your bed you lay down and right before the first section of lyrics are sung you pass out.
In a groggy state, you hear distant voices but you shake it off as your music still playing, going back to sleep. A few minutes later you wake up again expecting to be in some sort of curled up ball on your bed with your computer off from being left on for too long. But no… You were under thin tree roots that cover the sides of the small dug out. You were laying on a soft moss bedding. You feel the panic settle in your stomach and you blink a few times to get the sleepiness out of your eyes. You look up from your ditch only to get a glimpse of eyes of a very small being. He was wide eyed and looked kind of shocked. You squeak and tried to back away quickly only to have your back hit a tree trunk covered in more thicker roots. Immediately you cover your face with your arms as an automatic defense. You shake and quiver expecting the small being to attack you but you only hear his voice,
“Oh! No, no, no...It’s ok… I won’t hurt you. My name is Bilbo Baggins. I was only passing through to get to the river. Are you alright? Why are you down there?” Kneeling down to get a bit of a closer look at you.
You recognize that voice... But that can’t be him... He wasn’t real. You remove your arms to look at the person. It is him! But... How? How is he here in your world? You’re not sure with what to reply to him but soon, someone else comes over to take up the silence as you hear footsteps in another direction.
“Bilbo, have you gotten the water already? Why are you standing over a hole in the ground?” You hear the elderly voice coming closer to the two of you till finally, you see him standing next to Bilbo and now looking down at you as well. Gandalf! You know them both. You feel at ease but still, you were confused as to how they both got into your world... Wait... Were you in your own world?
“Oh, my... Who do we have here? Are you alright my dear?” Gandalf asks in a low and concerned voice. He squats down and offers you his hand. You hesitate and back away a bit more with what ever the tree space allowed. He frowns a bit but backs away to stand up, not wanting to push you or cause you to do anything that could harm you more. He saw the bruises on your face. He sighs and then turns to Bilbo.
“Stay here with her Bilbo... I think the company must see this and have Oin help with her injuries.” Bilbo nods in agreement and proceeds to sit down near the opening of the hole.
The company?! You move forward a little away from the tree trunk to have a better look at the outside world to confirm that you were indeed in their world. Middle-Earth. Well... That’s a thing… Bilbo continues to look at you with concern but also slight interest. You look back at him after taking in the surroundings.
“What is your name?” He asks, trying to start a conversation with you and make you feel a bit calmer.
“Y/N.” You answer in a small timid voice. Even though you know him as a fictional character, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be cautious.
“Y/N…. That’s a nice name. If you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing in this hole?” He is now looking at you with full curiosity, hoping to hear an answer out of you.
“I... I don’t know…” You answer honestly. Why were you here?
His eyes held a perplexed gaze while he twitched his nose. About to ask another question, he is cut off by a gruff, deep voice.
“What is going on here?” The voice spoke.
You could recognize that voice anywhere. That voice belongs to your favorite fictional character. Bilbo stands up and moves aside to give way to Gandalf and the one who you came to love while watching The Hobbit.
          “Thorin…” You gently say once you see his beautiful blue eyes.
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