#honestly i kinda ship nat and maria but didn't know if this was the place or time haha
I love your marvel sickfics! Would you consider doing a sick Natasha and Maria with the rest of the boys caring for them? That would be so cute!
yeah, here's the drabble i got for ya! it kinda turned into more of a nat + maria with steve thing, so i hope you don't mind!!!
Natasha’s head bobbed forward into her hands as she sneezed and across the room, even though Nat couldn’t see it, Maria gave her a knowing look. She’d come down with a cold a few days ago and was still recovering. Even an organization like S.H.I.E.L.D. wasn’t immune from a good office cold.
“Now it’s a party,” Tony quipped, tossing Nat a box of tissues.
She rolled her eyes, turning away from him to blow her nose. Tony had invited everyone to his tower for a cocktail hour of sorts and at that moment in time, Natasha regretted showing up.
Though she first started feeling the signs two days ago, her cold had definitely settled in her head now. She sniffled and the pressure caused her sinuses to prickle again.
“HehH! TSSHH!”
“Bless you,” Steve offered as he approached them, water bottles in hand. “Water?”
“Dod’t you kdow this is a cocktail party?” Nat said thickly, sniffling again.
“Don’t you know it isn’t healthy to drink at cocktail parties when you have a headcold?”
“Touché,” she smiled, accepting the water. “Oh, hey, have you seen Hill by chance?”
Steve nodded. “I think she might’ve stepped into the ladies’ room? Banner said she wasn’t feeling well.”
They both watched as a protesting Tony was dragged away by Rhodey.
“Why won’t you just do one Pickleback with me?”
“Because it’s like, the nastiest shot ever,” Rhodey scoffed, shaking his head. “I don’t trust any man who thinks Irish whiskey should be paired with pickle juice.”
“You goig to add thad to your lisdt?”
Steve laughed. “My to-do list? Probably not.”
Nat smiled, watching the way the corners of his eyes crinkled as he laughed. A hand on her shoulder made her start.
“Oh! Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” Maria said.
She opened her mouth to say something else, but turned away from them to sneeze. She pinched her nose shut just in time. “Hh’GGGNNT! HehH! Heh’XXXT! Whew. Just wanted to say goodbye before heading out.”
“Heading out?” Steve asked. “Why so early?”
“Probably the same reason Nat’s eyes are so glassy,” Maria joked. “Just can’t seem to shake this cold.”
In spite of herself, Nat felt the color rise to her cheeks. “Oh, well, by cold’s on id’s way out.”
“Yeah, it sure sounds that way,” Steve said. “If you’ll give me a second, I might be able to whip up something that can help. Bucky used to make them for me when I was sick.”
Maria shrugged. “Yeah, sure. I’ll try anything.”
She sank down into the couch next to Natasha. “You too huh?”
“Oh,” Nat waved her off. “Probably allergies, honestly.”
Maria nodded. “Yeah, I hear Banner has ’em bad.”
As the they talked, Steve was mixing up Bucky’s drink of choice for Steve when he’d come down with something: a hot toddy.
Apparently, Bucky’s father used to give them to Bucky as a child. Steve shuddered at thought. Medicine in the ’30s was... something.
As he approached them, he smiled. It was pretty rare to see them both so... relaxed wasn’t the right word. Maybe off-guard?
“Here,” Steve said, handing Nat her drink first. “It’s a hot toddy.”
“Mmh. Thagk you.”
He started to hand Maria hers, but she was desperately fanning her hand in front of her face. “S-sorry, I godda— h-hihH! Hih’XXXT! Hap’SHHHH!” Her nose crinkled again and her breath hitched all over again, but the feeling dissipated.
“Jeez,” Steve said, handing her a drink and rubbing the back of his head. “I hope this thing works, or that you both at least get some rest tonight.”
Nat rolled her eyes, a hint of a smile playing at her lips. “Yeah, with this party goig od? Doe way.”
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