#honestly I have worse/more cursed ships in my mind but those are dying with me
areuils · 2 years
Saint-Just/Enjolras (don’t look at me)
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I manifested this earlier, and the supreme being did give me some abilities to draw, and so I put pen to paper and thus this was born
It’s 12am here and I don’t have an eraser nor the will to make this actually good
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Here’s the significantly better and cuter work I did for empereur’s mercy. I refuse to draw Bonaparte well out of spite
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huntsman-ash · 4 years
RWBY LiveThoughts: V8E7
Since I finally have time for it today, lets make sure Im all caught up for the hiatus. 
Before we get fully started, an idea; Its not a war crime if they’re Grimm. Then its just self defense. So break out the napalm, the cluster bombs, the chemical weapons, the fun stuff. Make em regret it, yeah?
And we start off...on a farm. Looks like my moms old farm in South Dakota. Even on Remnant, hay is best used in bales.
Waiiiit. Thats the place the Whale set down isnt it. I see a Sayber running. Ah, and the Atlas military! Surely, the vanguard of a massive force to hold the line! Also Im glad to see a close up of the helmet for once, I want to make my own. Also, the gloves, and the rifle itself. Not sure why it doesnt have a stock, seems kind of silly...
And airships too, so they got some fire support...whats that wall behind them though?
Also it TOOK US 8 FUCKING SEASONS to get a close up of these FUCKING Weapons. 8. FUCKING. SEASONS. Okay maybe more like 5 cause they didnt first appear till 3 or so but come on. Im so picking this shit apart later. 
Pfft, bros got some nerves going on. Come on man, its just some Grimm, you’ll be FINE.
Atlas field harvesters resemble Halo’s JOTUN Farming equipment. As wel as our own. No surprise there.
Alright, bunch of Saybers, not seeing much of a threat here.
Hey, Paladins! Damn, they...look way different than I remember them to be. 
I wont lie, I dont like the Paladin design. Way to much visual noise, I cant tell where anything IS. 
Also that is the most 2D grass I have sever seen in my fucking life. What the hell are they growing here...
Huh, the whale has two sets of teeth. Wait, its just there? And its wpewing out Grimm. So...why isnt the air force firing on it? 
Yeah its not moving, its just raising its head and slamming down and vomiting out more Grimm. Im not sure what the issue is here, just...seal the mouth. 
Oh, huh. Apathys. Let me guess, RTs gonna try and tell us depression is going to kill most of Atlas. Oh for fuck sake. IM NOT IMPRESSED RT. IM REALLY NOT. IM MORE FUCKING ANNOYED THAN ANYTHING
Okay so...I see what this is. Its farm land outside of atlas proper and there’s an additional wall behind them, plus the power lines I guess? Seems like a viable place to make a stand. 
...thats it. Please tell me this is just a single detachment of the Atlas military because there is less firepower here than a NATIONAL GUARD UNIT ASSIGNED TO ONE CITY
Im fairly certain there are more people assigned to ONE UNIT attached to JBLM then I amm seeing here. 
Not to mention this is an OPEN FIELD the Grimm have to run through. This is a literall fucking TURKEY SHOOT. Running across an open field anywhere is a ticket to DYING.
Just ask the poor fucks on D-day.
Also uh...why is everyone in line formation? What is this, fuckin’ 18009s combat Napoleon style?
And did the distance suddenly change, I feel like the whale suddenly got a hell of a lot closer.
Just...I dont get this. This makes no sense. Did Ironwood learn how to deploy forces from a fairy tale book? This is legitimately some fuckin Lord of the Rings shit here.
RIP that one specific trooper hit by that Behemoth though. Dont worry friend, the thing walked next to a Paladin. Its getting its eye blasted out
And cut back to Ironwood. Doing...fuck if I know what.
Staring angrily it seems.
“Dammit, my tactical deployment by line formation and parade ground tactics isnt holding back the Grimm, curses!”
I know people have told me why this is. I understand myself why this is. But it really just...does...not...jibe with me. At all. 
Okay so more details; first, apparently Atlas has a subway. Makes sense, its a big island. Inter-system transits probably a given. Second; Was that Mantis Squad Omega? Some kind of unit maybe...interesting.
 Also I love how this guy just questions Ironwood. Like, bro, if the General says do it, do it.
Hold the fuck up, why is everyone outside? It looks like fuckin’ Cali during our lockdowns...what ever happened to martial law huh?
Also “underground subway stations”. Yes, thats...kind of what a subway IS. I guess maybe they have overhead ones like New York does. Mass transit be weird like that.
I mean HELL the signs on it are almost identical to the ones in NYC too! Even with the colored circles and train cnumbers. 
According to the sign here they’re at Pickens Square Station. 
Oh boy. Ironwood just fed these poor bastards into a meat grinder. Anyone here ever played the Metro game series, or read the books?
Remember the Dark Ones? The Nosallias? Yeah. Tight corridors and monsters only work out well for angry vodka fueled Russians.
Didnt see it very well but I THINK those Mantas had some kind of wing gun. Either thats new, a separate armament setting, or RT forgot what ind of weapons they gave their ships AGAIN.
Cant get the shields back up, yeah, no shit, they DETACHED ONE OF THE FUCKING PILOTS YOU IDIOTS.
Also hah, they arrested Yang, Ren and Jaune. Not surprised.
Beta squads apperently been hitting the whale. ‘Bombs, missiles, we cant make a dent, sir.” ...while Im not surprised by this, I also hear shades of the opening of Halo 2s level Metropolis. “Where’s the rest of your platoon?” “Wasted, sarge. Blew right through us. Rockets, fifty cals, didnt do nothing.”
Honestly they could have SHOWED THAT too. Them just saying it feels like a cop out to me. Take that as you will. But if you want us to see the things hard to kill, show it. 
Not that I figure Atlas’s rockets are much more than Dust in a propellent tank. Not exactly a Hellfire or TOW.
Nice to see proper military talk for...a moment anyway.
Or what I figure RT figures is proper.
Oh so now the whales moving. Okay...huh.
Jaunes commentary is the same as mine. Though I guess the size seems to shift depending.
Ohhh. Its MANTA. As in the gunships. Alright, sure that works. And this guys making a good call. If you cant hit the big one go after the smaller. Of which there seems to be a HELL of a lot. Actually holy fuck that Grimm spew is across like...ahlf the fucking island right now. Time to fuckin torch and burn people.
Ahhhhhh and they get to the proper idea.  If you cant punch it from the outside, hit it from the inside.
I knew a crew...three madmen, names of Keegan, Lahni and Mac. The Hivebusters. Something tells me a Venom bomb would do the trick...if it can rip apart Swarm creatures as big as a Snatcher or a Swarmak and reduce them to green slime, I think it’ll work on Grimm. 
Something tells me RT isnt gonna give em a bomb though. Too obvious.
NEVER MIND. “Science team is putting together a bomb.”
Also I LOVE how Winter’s pupils expand and retract in fear as she realizes what Ironwoods asking her to do.
Awww now shes getting the shakes too.
Salem directing this shit like shes some kind of orchestra leader. I mean it FITS but...I dunno.
Ah so the command deck is directly behind the whale’s glowing nose. Basically inside where the spermacetiy organ would be in a real sperm whale.
What the fuck is Emerald doing there?
Sneaking I guess. Huh. Why’s she sneaking around the whale. Also, huh. guess seeers can get fooled by Emeralds semblance.  Is HE STILL BEATING UP ON OSCAR? Jeez dude. Take a breather.
Honestly if this was TRUE I would be okay with it. Replace the Huntsman with, I dont know, a massively overequipped military for each Kingdom, let them run rampant...stomp the Grimm out or push them back to nonexistence...everyone lives happily ever after
Lets be real here, the idea of the academies? Really really fucking dumb. Its cute. Fairy tale like.
But if theres one thing this show has taught me its that fairy tales SUCK. Reality...tends to be worse.
Ah theres one of those torture hooks they mentioned a few episodes back. Nice of the whale to have a specific interrigation room.
And at last we get some information on how Salem works. Alright so...what happens if you seperate the parts then? Sink one in the ocean, launch one into space.
Sounds like Oz/Oscars telling the fans what we’ve been saying forever, Companion Book be damned; Salem wants to die.
These mind games bore me. Its cute, but I dont like it cause I cant follow that shit. Give me a straight up fight any day, fuck this sublty backroom fuckery
No lies from them both here honestly.
Medical supplies in Atlas seem almost the same as here on earth interestngly. Also, soup. Or...coffee, tea?
Blake with the obvious here. But I mean thats not really saying much cause...well. Not hard to outfight the Atlas military it seems like.  (Long suffering sigh)
Im gonna make a seperate post about my frustrations with that and leave it there. But dont expect me to stop fully complaining about it because everyones gotta have something to bitch about with this show, and I’ll be DAMNED if I start joining the BB whiners.
Good question, Ruby. Might be that YOUR NOT LIVING IN A FAIRY TALE
I’d like to see these people dying in Mantle. I refuse to believe that there isnt SOMEONE in the nation that once brought Remnant to its heel that wont stand and fight. Unless Im wrong about that too...
May backstory? May backstory. Yeah.  Not amazingly complicated but it works. Cant tell if shes Henry though...or was. 
Dramatic lightning flash
Cute you think that Ruby. Theres sides. Always are.
Further proof honestly.
Hazels look of though is amusing. Cant tell if he doesnt believe Oscar, or if his tiny peabrain is runing full bore to think this through.
Coordination between farm boy and professor.
Oh. OHHHH. Plants the seed of doubt in Hazels tiny mind, he uses the last question for himself, sees the truth... Clever, Oscar. Clever.
Hazel peabrain go THUNK
Ah so Mercs going off to Vacuo. Guess that means everyone else is going there next too. Eat that, random Discord person, I called it.
Course, CFVYs there so...maybe we get to see Yats beat up on him.
Oh hi Tyrian. Do you just...randomly roam the halls of the whale waiting to DRAMATICALLY REVEAL YOURSELF and give violent expositon? Im very much okay with that.
Also I love how he just...accepts this. Totally fucking bonkers, totally down with it. 
Oh shit, Tyrian and Mercury going to Vacuo? Damn thats gonna be INTERESTING. I guess Tyrian’ll fit in well enough honestly.
Flying Beringal literally out of the roof. 
I remember back when this season first started and I said those weird bone platforms looked like VTOL launch bays. Guess what? They are.
Merc and Em emotion blah blah DONT CAAARRREEE
Jaune thinking tactically for ONCE IN HIS FUCKING LIFE. An I mean military tactical of course.
Also I like how the Aces say they dont let emotions cloud their shit WHEN THEYVE BEEN DOING THAT THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME.
This ENTIRE PLANET is emotionally run. Thats why the Grimm are such an issue! Makes small note to make Remnant Adeptus Mechanicus cult
Seriously though...
I wont lie though, Hare isnt wrong. Wonder what happened to that Tortuga guy. Tyrian, is my guess. Love how Ren interrupts the moment they almost mention Clovers name.
Expendable, yes. Replacable, no. You should have a talk with squadron leader Grey from Star Wars Squadrons Ren
ANNNNDDD SEMBLANCE EVOLUTION. Or the edibles just kicked in.
This is cool and all but its really fucking dumb and hamfisted. Explain all you want. Mention emotions all you want.
The Aces are fucking huntsmen. HUNTSMEN. FUCKING. SUCK. They always have. Its a dumb idea. Yes, lets stop the hordes of monsters invading this world BY SENDING IN SINGLE OPERATIVES WITH FUCKING MELEE WEAPONS
I’ll make this clear to you, Ren, right here and now. If you faced a REAL elites, you wouldnt have stood a chance. Nor would RWBY. Their bodies would have been three-shot from 20 meters out with a breach and clear and stacked against the wall like cords of wood, one final shot to the dome to make dead sure they were down. None of this stupid flipping and acrobatic crap, none of this clashing weapons and Dust and semblances...no. 
You’d be dead before you knew they were there and they would move on. You’d just be another body to the pile, one more faceless corpse to add to their kill count. A meatgrinder in human form. 
Because thats not what RWBYs about, never has been.  And that is what annoys me slightly. That and the fact I cant distangle what I know of other universes and our own from RWBY’s. Its hard to hold a universe on its own when everything they make points towards it being like ours, but they change it when they see fit. 
I feel like thats bad writing.
Hehehe. Winter touched Elms boob.
Glad to know that Winters got her priorities right. Course, that bomb probably aint gonna do shit cause its Dust based.
...again, hoping its a chemical weapon...
Wait, the Atlas forces from earlier are STILL FIGHTING? Damn, these Grimm must suck if they couldnt wipe them out in that little time...
Also I cant tell if its getting dark cause of the storm or if its the dawn of the next day.  Or did...they shift time around? I lost track. I SWORE the sun was setting the last time we saw everything.
Also return of the shitty 3D grass...
Marrows gonna defect.
So according to May there’s still front lines. Cool. 
Oh, I guess hes a doctor too. Oh he MAD.
Ayyy Whitleys being USEFUL for fucking once in his shitty life.
Shes gonna hug him isnt she.
CALLED IT. For fuck sake...whatever. Cute. But whatever.
Oh annnnddd now Grimmquake?
No. It stopped...Bolide?
Annnnddd shes leaking coolant. And sparking. And dead.
RIP Penny.
The concept art of the beached whale looks so fucking silly. Seriously, just...detach the whole section there. Drop the fucking thing. 
Oh well.
And thats it for almost two months! Be prepared for me to BULLSHIT MY WAY THROUGH ALL OF IT and continue on with my military fanwank because THATS HOW IM SURVIVING 2020!
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Made of Love, Chapter 29
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Table of Contents
Ship(s): Logicality, (platonic) Prinxiety
All Characters: Thomas, Virgil, Roman, Logan, Patton, Dr. Picani, Joan, Talyn, and Deceit
Synopsis: Humans Roman and Virgil get wrapped up in some serious magic business without meaning to. Their other companions aren’t exactly as they seem, either. Together they all must defeat a great threat for the safety of humanity.
Chapter Desc.: Thomas and Logan get some alone time.
TW: Cursing, body horror
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Trying to train Thomas was decidedly… difficult. Roman and Virgil weren’t experts. There was only so much someone with less than a year's experience can teach. Patton would come by every once in a while, but he didn’t feel all that comfortable leaving Logan by himself for too long. Not that anyone could blame him. Ever since the freezing fiasco, he started to look like a real hot mess. Also the glitching happened more frequently, which was in no way a good sign. Specifically the weird arm thing, and not the flickering in and out of existence. The flickering had yet to make a comeback, and Virgil hoped it would stay that way, but with their luck hope is all it would be.
They were running out of time.
Logan was running out of time.
“Oh, I’m going to die when this is over.” Virgil flopped face-first into his bed. He and Roman had to go outside and train Thomas soon. “No matter which way this goes I’m going to just keel over. And then I’ll be dead. Free from this mortal realm and all of its anguish.” It was too much stress for one person to handle. Yet it somehow kept getting worse.
“Calm down. You sound like me.” Roman shut his laptop. “Only one of us is allowed to hold all the theatrics in this relationship.”
Virgil wasn’t even going to question how Roman heard a word of that muffled ramble. He turned his head to see the chair Roman sat in. "What kind of dysfunctional relationship is this, exactly?"
"A symbiotic one."
"Like Venom?"
"With less vore, I hope."
Someone knocked on the door. Virgil rolled over and said they could come in.
“Here.” Logan handed Roman something. “You should probably get Thomas acquainted with this before we lose any more time.”
"Wow, yeah, hi. You have absolutely no sense of social —" Roman froze when he processed what he held in his hands. “This is…”
Virgil shot up in bed. “Why are you giving Thomas your sword?” He didn’t like the implication.
“He’s going to need something to defend himself,” Logan responded simply. “Might as well not let a good sword go to waste.”
The casualness of it might have been the worst part.
Still, they took it. What were they going to do? Argue with a dying man? Because whether they accepted it or not, Logan was dying. It was just a matter of circumstance if he officially kicked the bucket or not.
The two played hot potato with the sword, neither wanting to be the one to give it to Thomas (along with its connotations), but Virgil shoved it into Roman’s hand at the last minute. Before they made it out of the backyard, Roman decided to give it to him. If he didn’t do it now he wouldn’t do it later. Better to get it over with as fast as possible.
“Okay, uh, Thomas,” Roman started. “We sort of have something for you.” He handed the pommel over. “You’re going to have to start getting used to it.”
Thomas looked at it quizzically. “This,” he let out a nervous laugh, “this is Logan’s.” He looked at them like he expected them to admit this was a joke.
Roman could barely even manage a smile. “Yeah.” He continued walking.
Thomas didn’t move. He looked at Virgil, his eyes begging him to say there was some other reason.
Virgil had nothing to say.
Throughout all these days, Thomas hadn’t actually seen Logan glitch out before. He had no idea it even happened. No one thought to explain it; most of the time they tried to pretend it didn’t happen. So he had no idea about the severity of it all. Was it the smartest idea to keep it from him? Probably not. But it just sort of happened. And no one wanted to be the one to correct it. How would they? Not only would they have to admit keeping information from him, but they also had to admit things were worse than they seemed. No one wanted to admit that.
If they were silent on it, then maybe it wasn't that bad. Maybe they had a chance to fix this. Maybe each day they spent with no new leads would be okay. Something would come up. Something good would happen. It was blind, forced hope with a heavy helping of denial.
After they were done, Thomas gave the pommel to Virgil. “It’s still Logan’s,” he said quietly.
Virgil could have sworn it weighed more after that.
“Where’s Logan?” Virgil asked Patton after they came inside. Roman went off to edit some photos. Thomas went to his room to, well, probably to sulk if Virgil was being honest. He had been doing a lot of that. “I have something to give back to him.”
“Out on the deck.” Patton’s eyes were on the TV, though it didn’t seem he was processing what was going on. His thumb ran along his palm in one of his nervous habits.
Virgil didn’t need to see that to know Patton was anxious. He felt it almost as soon as he stepped in. “It’s freezing — why would he be out there?”
“He needs to cool down.”
Last time Virgil checked, Logan needed the exact opposite of that. “What do you mean?”
Patton’s eyes flicked over to him before returning to the TV. “You’ll see when you go out there.”
That was a bit ominous. Still, Virgil went out. He found Logan sitting in one of the chairs dressed as if summer was right around the corner. If the sky was clear and Virgil hadn’t gone outside, he might have believed that to be the case. Logan’s skin was flushed in addition to a gleam of sweat on his face. “Uh, hey. You doing good?” There was an obvious answer, but Virgil thought it polite to ask still.
“I’ve certainly been better.” Thin wisps of steam rolled off his body.
“Yeah, I get that. Uh —” he went to step closer, but stopped — “where are your glasses?”
Logan moved so that the opposite armrest could be seen. His glasses sat neatly on top of it.
“Alright, cool.” He took a seat on the other chair. “I have something of yours.” He fished the pommel out of his hoodie pocket and placed it on the armrest of Logan’s chair.
Logan turned it over in his hand. “He’ll have to get used to it eventually.”
“You don’t seem surprised he gave it back.”
“I assumed that would be the case. I think I know my —” he caught himself, placed the pommel back on the armrest, and adjusted, “Patton and I are fairly acquainted with Thomas considering the whole raising him thing. While it was mainly Picani at the forefront we were still there along the way. It’s easy to predict what someone might do once you’ve known them for so long."
Virgil hummed, decidedly ignoring the abrupt correction. “So when did this happen?” He waved a hand around Logan’s direction.
“A few minutes ago. Patton still has no sway over it so I decided to come out here to attempt to not have a heat stroke.”
“Only you would somehow find a way to die of heatstroke in the middle of winter.”
“While I’m flattered by the endearment, I don’t think it’ll be the heatstroke that kills me.”
Virgil adjusted his hoodie strings. “So do you know what’s causing this?”
“I can’t say for certain, but…”
“You have an idea.”
“A hypothesis, really." Logan sighed. "I can do three different types of magic. Fire, ice, electricity. It didn't cross my mind when I was freezing from the inside out, but now that it feels like my skin is melting off, I'm starting to suspect there's a reason. My body is reacting to my magic being used, but I don't have enough to protect me from the heat or coldness that manifests from those spells. Plus," he extended his left arm to Virgil, "this appears to have gotten worse since its first appearance."
His entire wrist had a solid black band around it. The length of his forearm was littered with what appeared to be dark bruises. Like large storm clouds attempting to block out the sky.
“That seems… bad.”
Logan rolled his eyes. “Very astute.”
“Listen, I don’t know what you want me to say about this, this thing happening to you, alright? It’s fucked up and looks like some sort of bad omen.”
“I suppose you can think of it that way if you believe what Dolos said.”
Virgil grimaced. “Don’t remind me.”
Patton poked his head out. “Hey. Is everything, um, fine?” He tapped his fingers against the doorframe.
“I’m actually starting to cool down a little." Logan shrugged slightly. "So I suppose it’s as fine as it can be.”
“Right. Good. Um… I’ll leave you to it.” He left with a hesitant smile.
Logan stared at the door with a small frown.
Virgil looked at it curiously. “That seemed brief by Patton standards.”
“He just doesn’t like not being able to do anything.” He leaned his head back against the chair and closed his eyes. “I’m sure there’s also some awkwardness between the two of you still.”
Oh boy. Talk about an elephant in the room. “Is it wrong to still be a little mad?” Virgil decided to stare at the railing instead.
“Honestly, I’d be more surprised if you weren’t.” He directed his attention back to Virgil. “I love Patton, but I know he has a tendency to… overreact. Especially where his loved ones are concerned. It’s more than a little reasonable to be upset after getting blamed for everything.”
Virgil frowned. “The thing is, I don’t want to be upset. I understand why he did what he did. He had a shitty way of going about it, but it’s not like I can act like I’ve never had a bad reaction to something.” Yelling at Thomas was a pretty prime example of that. Something he still felt guilty for even after all these weeks.
“I’m not an expert on this, but it would appear you need to have a proper talk with him." He ran his finger over the intricate details of the pommel. "It may take some work to get back to where you used to be, though that doesn’t mean it’s not impossible. As long as you both want to get there.”
“You’re probably right.” Virgil pulled his sleeves over his hands. “Uh, I’ll leave you to it, I guess. I would prefer if you didn’t become a puddle of goop right after I leave.”
“I’ll see how it goes.”
Fair enough. Virgil slid the door open and walked inside. He was hit with anxiety strong enough to rival his own, causing him to pause before heading anywhere. Patton sat on the couch again, but with one of his legs pulled up to rest his head on top of his knee. His eyes were staring, unfocused, in the spot the coffee table used to be. Virgil wondered if this would be a good time to have a talk. Either it would be a good distraction for Patton, or just make things worse.
Before Virgil could properly weigh each option, he felt a vibration in his pocket. Weird. He didn’t get very many texts. He fished his phone out of his pocket as it continued to vibrate from the barrage of messages. They were all from the same contact, one Virgil recently dubbed, ‘That Bar Weirdo’. It seemed a fitting description.
Listen to me
I need you to listen to me
I did some snooping
Sort of in a bind
Okay I’m just going to call you
Virgil almost dropped his phone as it started vibrating intensely, the call screen popping up. He hurried to his room to not bother Patton with a one-sided conversation. Roman was sitting at the chair with his laptop. Right, of course. He left it in here. Rather than risk running out of time to go to Roman's room, Virgil answered the phone right there.
"Uh, what —?"
"Oh, thank God you picked up."
Virgil blinked. He noticed Roman lift his head and decided to turn on the speaker. Whatever the Theorist had to say he could say it to them both.
"I know I said I don't do calls but it'll be easier if I do it this way."
"What are you talking about?" Virgil kept an eye on Roman as he stood up to join him.
"Well first things first. The magic world sort of has rules. Unspoken rules that Magi are expected to follow. One of the important ones is to not let humans know magic exists. That's why I'm considered a black market Seer. I let anyone come to me to ask whatever they want and I give them real answers."
"This sounds like you're leading up to something big," Roman mentioned.
"Yeah, kind of." Something fell over. "Because I mean anyone can come and see me. Humans, shifters… one of Altair's men…"
"I'm sorry — what?" Roman jerked Virgil's phone closer to him.
Virgil jerked it back, giving Roman an annoyed look. "Men? What do you mean men?"
"God. Right. You two don't know anything. Okay, so back when Altair first started becoming a nuisance he had a large following. Magi of all kinds joined him for a chance to live without hiding. But over time their numbers dwindled. I personally thought none were left, but I guess a few decided to stick around."
“So what does that mean for you?”
“One of them came to see me earlier. He asked a pretty mundane question, but when I looked into his timeline, I saw who he was. And maybe I sort of did a little bit of a dumb thing and… tried to look for Altair through his timeline.”
“Why was that dumb?” Roman gazed at the phone curiously.
He shifted. “Apparently Altair was three steps ahead of me. He’s locked all recent references towards him.”
“How do you lock something like that?” Virgil asked.
“If you’re a madman with stolen magic anything is possible. Magic types are a lot easier to manipulate and combine than you realize. As far as I could tell, it was sort of like antivirus software for a computer. Which makes me the virus, I guess. Recent memories on Altair and where he is are behind a protective wall so people like me can't poke in easily. The guy figured out what I was trying to do almost as soon as I started looking. Apparently, that's a big no-no."
"So you're running away?" Roman asked.
"A little bit, yeah. I would appreciate it if you two came to help me out. Maybe bring that Machai with you — Patton, was it? He's good at killing, that could come in handy."
"Woah, hold it. No one's killing anything yet." Virgil scowled at his phone. "Just text me where you are and we'll be there as soon as possible."
"Sounds like a deal."
They hung up.
Virgil rubbed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I hoped today would at least be a little normal."
"You're asking for too much." Roman headed for the door.
When they entered the living room, they found Patton and Logan talking. Logan didn’t look like he would melt into a pile of flesh anymore, but he was drenched in sweat. Which was gross, obviously, but a hundred times better than being dead. Patton appeared more worried than relieved, however.
"We hate to interrupt," Roman announced. "But there's sort of a pressing issue."
"What kind of pressing issue?" Logan asked.
Virgil frowned at the address. It was two cities over. "The Theorist needs our help and we have to leave right now to get to him before anyone else does. We might need some backup."
"I'll go." Patton looked at Logan. "You should probably stay here. Not that I don't think you can't handle it —"
"I'm not going anywhere." Logan gave him a soft smile. "I don't think I could if I wanted to."
Patton returned it. "So where are we going?"
Thomas laid face first in his pillow for a very, very long time. He felt like garbage. Most of that had to do with still not giving Logan a proper apology. It had already been a few days — he should have done it by now. He should have done it the day it happened. What made him feel worse was that he apparently never learned his lesson. And he hadn’t even made a proper apology then. He knew the longer he waited the less likely it would be that he said anything. He couldn’t go without saying anything this time. Especially if the last thing Logan remembered of him was…
Groaning, Thomas flipped over. From the moment Logan’s sword entered his hand he realized he had to act fast. He wasn’t dumb. He knew bad things were happening that no one wanted to admit to him. He’s been treated like a kid long enough to know when adults are hiding something. (Though it felt a little weird to label Virgil and Roman as adults because while, yes, by human standards they are adults, Thomas was older than them by a few decades.) He couldn’t say for sure what it was they were hiding, but he knew it had to do with Logan and how little time he had left.
“Why am I like this?” He pressed his hands to his eyes. “What’s so difficult about saying sorry? It should be easy, right?” He threw his hands to the side. “I’ve already done it. I just have to make it better.” A lot better. He never apologized last time, which meant this time he had to make sure Logan knew how sorry he was. He wouldn’t allow it to become another regret.
He sat up and swung his legs off the bed. Before he got up, his eyes caught sight of the photograph on his nightstand. The one of Picani and him from the broken picture frame. It was scratched, but not enough to ruin the whole thing. If anything it emphasized the photo's age. Thomas picked it up and turned it over. On the back was Picani's messy writing.
Old Lane Park. July 1993
Thomas remembered that day pretty well. There was a mural in the park that everyone was allowed to contribute to. So of course Thomas had to go. A huge event was made out of it. There were a lot of people and vendors even though it was a blistering summer day. He ended up helping a few younger kids with what they wanted to paint. Picani used to take a lot of pictures back then, so there was more evidence of this day somewhere in the house. Someone offered to take a picture of both of them.
That mural was painted over last year. Those kids were all adults now.
But Picani and Thomas were still the same.
They would always be a constant in an ever-changing world. Things may come and go, but at least they had each other. It only took Thomas half his lifetime to realize that. Even then it could still be hard to remember. It was easy to focus on what he could have had rather than what he did have.
It wasn’t fair to anyone involved.
Thomas put the photo back with a sigh. He couldn’t focus on that right now; he had something to do. He pushed himself off the bed and walked downstairs. The first thing that threw him off was the silence. It wasn’t ever quiet with all of them in the house. Did they leave? They wouldn't leave him alone, would they?
He quelled his rising panic when he spotted Logan sitting on the loveseat. Well — the panic about being left alone was gone. The panic about facing the music hadn't gone anywhere.
On the bright side, it didn't seem Logan noticed him yet. He was curled up in his corner, scribbling in his notebook. He had on the flannel Thomas picked out rather than the sweater he wore earlier. His hair looked somewhat in order which meant he took a shower. That explained the wardrobe change.
Standing around observing every detail instead of saying anything seemed to be enough to catch Logan’s attention. He stopped scribbling to look up. "Did you need something?"
Thomas jumped. "Uh, no. I-I mean —" he fidgeted with his hands — "not right now. I, um, I'm… gonna be over here." He awkwardly shuffled to the kitchen. This wasn't off to a good start. He opened the snack cupboard just to make it seem like he had a purpose for being in here. Nothing in there grabbed his attention, his stomach churning with nervousness, but he took the animal crackers anyway and sat at the breakfast bar. “Where’s everyone else?”
Logan turned back to his notebook. “There was an emergency they needed to take care of.”
“You didn’t go with them?”
Thomas wanted to question that further but figured it was best not to. Logan never gave basic answers unless there was a reason. Instead, he tried to figure out a way to go about the real purpose he was down here. It proved to be difficult to bring it up organically.
“I don’t believe you can open a container by trying to crush it like that.” Logan’s eyes were on him again. “At least not without also crushing your animal crackers.”
Thomas loosened his grip. His palms were sweaty.
“Is there something on your mind?” He closed his notebook.
“Um,” Thomas set the animal crackers down, “sort of?”
Logan raised a brow. “What do you mean by ‘sort of’?” He walked over.
“I mean…” It was now or never. “I’m an idiot.”
He blinked. “I’m not entirely sure how you came to that conclusion, but —”
“No.” He ran his hands through his hair. “That’s not the issue. Well, it is, but not the one I’m trying to focus on.” Why was this so hard? “Okay, let me start over.” This should be easy. Why wasn’t it easy? He was being genuine — he wanted so badly to make up for what he did — it shouldn’t have been so difficult. “I’m sorry.”
That didn't appear to clear up any confusion. “Sorry for what?”
“For what I said to you.” His throat started to burn. “I never should have thought it was okay. There’s no excuse for it, and I'm… I’m just so sorry.” He should have done this sooner. He shouldn’t have let it fester between them.
“It’s alright —”
“But it’s not. It’s — it’s so very far from alright. I said something stupid and hurtful and you’re never going to forget that. You didn’t do anything to deserve it. All you’ve ever done is care for me and make sure I’m okay. It seems all I’ve ever done is make you feel bad.” That extended to Picani as well. There were countless times where Thomas prodded where he shouldn’t have. He never meant to, but he was an idiot and it always seemed justified in the heat of the moment.
“I know it doesn’t make up for anything,” he continued, on the verge of tears. “I could say sorry all day but it doesn’t prove that I learned anything. And why would you think I have? We’ve been down this road before — Picani and I.” It was one of his biggest regrets. He never gave an actual, spoken apology then. He just sort of ignored it until the sting went away. “I’m sorry about that. I’m sorry about this. It was wrong and I understand if… if…” He tried not to cry. It wasn’t something he deserved to be upset about. “If you hate me or don’t forgive me or, or —”
"Thomas." Logan put his hands on his shoulders. Thomas shut his mouth immediately. "I don’t want you to think that I would ever hate you. You're my… you're family." He held up his left hand. "Do you remember when I told you about this?" A long, faded scar ran across his palm. Thomas nodded. “This is what hate is — what it does — and I’m never going to do anything like that to you. It’s okay if you make mistakes. You’re a child and you’re learning. As long as you recognize what you did was wrong, you are deserving of forgiveness.”
Thomas didn't hesitate to throw his arms around Logan and squeeze him tight. Fast and messy apologies flew out almost as quickly as his tears. He didn't think he could say sorry enough.
Logan just held him. He murmured calming words and assured Thomas he was forgiven.
Once the round of tears was over, Thomas pulled away. He felt a little less like garbage now. At least he didn't have this specific weight on him anymore.
"I'm always here for you." Logan brushed Thomas's bangs out of his face. "All of us are."
Thomas smiled. "Thanks, Da —" he almost literally bit his tongue — "Logan."
Logan returned the smile and (thankfully) ignored the slip-up. Before he could get out another word, he let out a sharp gasp. His eyes widened in panic as he frantically tugged one of his sleeves over his hand. "I-I hate to cut this short, but I should — I need a minute." He tried to inch his way out of the kitchen.
"Are you okay?"
"Fine," he answered through clenched teeth. "Don't worry." But as soon as the words left his mouth, he collapsed to his knees.
"Logan!" Thomas rushed over to him.
“Don’t. I’m, I’m fine.” He didn’t sound or look fine. He kept his left hand clutched to his chest and out of Thomas’s sight. “J-just give me a —”
A scream got caught in the back of Thomas’s throat. Logan vanished right in front of his eyes. What the hell happened? What did this mean? What should he do? Should he do anything? Should he call Patton? He should call Patton. Patton was normally the one who had the phone, right? What was going on? This didn’t make any sense. He couldn’t lose Logan like this. What was he supposed to do without him? What would he tell Patton? What would —?
Logan returned with a pained hiss. He was now sprawled on his back, grimacing at the ceiling.
“Logan!” He grabbed his hand. “Are you okay? What’s happening to you?”
“That’s a bit difficult to explain.” He groaned. “Look, I’m going to be —”
He disappeared again. Thomas flexed his fingers. There was nothing there at all. Not even a slight feeling. Logan was disappearing — actually disappearing. It wasn’t some sort of illusion or trick. His whole body was vanishing. But where was he going? How was it happening? He can’t just vanish into thin air. That wasn’t possible. This isn’t possible. It can’t be happening. It can’t, it can’t, it can’t, it can’t.
“What am I supposed to do?” Thomas grabbed Logan’s arm when he came back this time. As if maybe holding onto more of him would make him stay. “How can I help you?”
“Don’t, I’m —” He didn't even get to finish a sentence this time.
Thomas clenched his fists. He didn’t like that feeling. It wasn’t like someone was ripping Logan’s arm away from his grasp. It was just… gone. No movement. Like it never existed in the first place. That was probably the scariest part. If Logan vanished for good then it would be like he never existed at all. There would be no trace of him left. Thomas couldn't handle that. The idea of Logan being gone was still a foreign concept. But now it was here and the threat was very real. What if this was it? The last day any of them would ever see Logan?
He shut his eyes tight. He couldn't freak out right now. That wouldn't be helpful. But he didn't even have any idea on what would be helpful. He didn't know what to do. This was wrong. It shouldn't be happening. None of this should be happening. It was like some horrible dream. A nightmare. Logan couldn't just be gone like this. He needed Logan. They all needed Logan. If Logan was gone then there was no more Picani. If there was no more Picani then Thomas lost a guardian. Patton lost the one person who's been with him almost his whole life. What were they supposed to do without him? How could they have let it get to this point?
"Thomas. Breathe. I'm right here."
Thomas opened his eyes. How long had it been?
Logan was sitting up. "I'm okay. I'm not going anywhere." He looked exhausted and in pain, but all his focus was on Thomas. "Come on. Let's get off the floor." He clambered to his feet and held out his hand to help Thomas up.
Thomas took it, not knowing what else to do.
They made their way to the couch where Logan helped to calm Thomas down. It wasn't… it shouldn't have been this way. Logan just went through an excruciating dilemma, he shouldn't have to focus on Thomas. He shouldn’t have to pretend he wasn’t hurt just for Thomas’s sake. It wasn’t fair. But Thomas couldn't voice his thoughts. He was underwater and any attempt to speak filled his lungs.
Once he wasn't overly panicky anymore, Thomas decided to put on Animaniacs to have something that didn’t require a lot of brainpower to process. Not that he watched most of it, anyway. Most of his attention was on Logan. He stayed curled up on his corner of the couch and dismissed Thomas’s suggestions of going to lie down. He needed to make sure Thomas would be okay. Because that was his priority for some reason.
It wasn’t like his body kept disappearing into the void or anything.
He fell asleep by the third episode, though. It didn’t bring Thomas any peace of mind, but at least he was resting. He took out his phone and sent a text to Patton. Hopefully whatever they were doing would end soon. He didn’t like being so helpless and lost. He wanted to be able to do something. He couldn’t wait around any more. This was serious and they needed all the help they could get — that included him.
He was going to fix this.
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Beautiful Boy, Bathed in Disaster
As he laid dying in a Siberian bunker Tony Stark thinks about betrayals and broken promises. Left behind and half-dead he is faced with his worst nightmare.
Notes: This was literally written in hours, which is insane because usually I take forever to finish even a one shot. But this just flowed! The title comes from the song "In Loving Memory" by Chester Lockhart which played in repeat while I wrote this. I recommend you listen to it as you read it as well lol
There is a slight canon divergence as in my story, Pepper and Tony broke up after Iron Man 3 and Tony and Steve get together a little after Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
Borrowed some quotes from other Avengers works, such as comics and AA
AO3 Link
"Mr. Stark."
"Is everything a joke to you?"
"Funny things are."
"Big man in a suit of armor... take that off, what are you?"
"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist."
"I know guys with none of that worth ten of you. I've seen the footage, the only thing you really fight for is yourself. You are not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you."
"I think I would just cut the wire."
"Always a way out. You know, you may not be a threat, but you better stop pretending to be a hero."
"A hero? Like you? You're a laboratory experiment Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle."
"What the hell! What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me."
"We won."
"Oh, alright, yay! Alright, good job guys! Uh, let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. You ever try shawarma? There is a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I wanna try it."
"We are not finished yet."
"And then shawarma after?"
"Oh really you two knew each other? He never mentioned that...maybe only a thousand times. God, I hated you."
"Sometimes I wanna punch you in your perfect teeth, but I don't want to see you gone. We need you Cap."
"You are walking a little funny Steve, next time you should establish a safe word." . . . "You are walking a little funny Tony, what was that you were saying about a safe word?"
"Wait a second, no one else gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said 'language'?"
"I know...It just slipped out."
"We'll lose."
"Then we'll do that together too."
"Sometimes my teammates don't tell me things."
"I don't trust a guy without a dark side. Call me old fashioned."
"Well let's just say you haven't seen it yet."
"How can you possibly hope to stop me?"
"Well, like the old man said: together."
"No way we all make it through this."
"I got no plans tomorrow night."
"I will miss you Tony"
"Tony, when I woke up on this era, I had no one. Nothing. You gave me a purpose, somewhere to belong...You gave me a home."
"You wanna survive you gotta change with the times."
"Spend a few decades frozen in ice, then we can talk about survival."
"Just say it, say 'Tony I'm afraid of new tech!' admitting you have a problem is always the first step."
"Gosh Mr. Big Brain, your modern tech is so gol-darn confusing. How does this contraption turn water into coffee? Is it coal power or is it a miracle?"
"Hmm, sarcasm must be a modern invention, because when you do it, it just sounds wrong."
"But, with my armor gone, all I can do is improvise. Steve, even without your shield, you're still captain America. Without my armor I'm just ..."
"Tony Stark, THE Tony Stark, billionaire, genius, you are probably one of the three smartest men in the entire world. You are as tough as they come, you invented hardcore. The avengers are lucky you are on our side."
"Really? you know two people smarter than me?"
"Can't you just take a compliment."
"I am not half as good at - at anything as I am when I'm doing it next to you. And that's the truth."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"Good morning Beloved. Did anyone check the dumpster for Clint yet?"
"Funny you should ask that..."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"I'm worried about you, if you don't get some sleep..."
"I slept for 70 years - "
"Yeah, you've used that line before."
"Leave me alone. I am a senior citizen."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"He's my friend."
"So was I."
"Did you know?"
"I wasn't sure it was him--"
"Don't bullshit me Rogers! Did. You. Know?"
Images and memories flashed through Tony's mind as he laid on the cold floor of the abandoned Hydra base. The Siberian cold penetrating his suit as his mind raced.
Steve had known the truth about his parents' death for years. He'd known when they fought Ultron. He'd known when he gave Tony shit about keeping secrets, the fucking hypocrite. He'd known over a year ago, he'd known when he leaned over the table to kiss Tony. He'd known when they tumbled into bed that same night. He'd known for the rest of their relationship, even when he whispered "I love you" late at night and when Tony had said it right back.
He'd known.
And now all Tony was left with was a broken suit and an abandoned shield.
Tears fell out of his eyes as he fell back to the floor. Steve had left. He'd taken Barnes and walked right out, without sparing a second thought for Tony. After he and Pepper had broken up Tony had resigned himself to being alone for the rest of his life. Then Steve had kissed him and all of the sudden Tony had been in love again. They'd still fought but Tony had learned to see Steve's side of things and to explain his side of things to Steve. Tony had been sure that this was it. He'd fallen hard and fast for Steve.
"Well that shows you, huh Stark."
Some time later, Tony's eyes startled open as he realized that he had no way out of that bunker.
The temperature kept dropping, and Tony had long given up hope of a rescue.
"Well Yinsen, it looks like I did waste my life after all... I'm sorry."
Tony closed his eyes.
When Tony came to again, everything was still cold and painful. He tried to move, but the suit was frozen and still dead, quiet honestly, Tony didn't know how he was still alive.
The sound of footsteps echoed through the bunker, and Tony blinked trying to place the sound. Had FRIDAY alerted Vision?
A few minutes later two slender figures walked towards him.
"Father," he didn't recognize the breathy feminine voice that rang out, "We've found him. We've got Stark."
"He looks half dead. Should we put him out of his misery?" Another woman said, her voice a lot more confident. The two figures walked closer, and Tony struggle to keep his eyes open. There was no way he could defend himself.
"Patience daughter, I have plans for Stark." A deep voice responded. The two women walked into the sliver of light that managed to get into his cold dark tomb. He finally laid eyes on them and his breathing grew harsher. The two women were not...human. They were humanoid, but one of them was blue, and her body was littered with mechanic enhancements, the other was completely green with deep burgundy hair. The two of them exuded murderous vibes. The kind that Tony usually only got from Natasha and Pepper. He drew in a harsh breath and tried once more to get up from the cold floor he'd been planing to die in.
"Such fighting spirit. It's a pity that humanity does not appreciate you Anthony Stark." An imposing figure approached from the shadows. He was huge, probably bigger than the hulk himself. "I have waited a long time to meet you Stark."
"Yo...u..... kno...w....m...e?" he managed to croak out.
"I do, you are not the only one cursed with knowledge."
"..w- wh..who...?" Tony could barely keep conscious. He was still on the verge of death, and aliens invading earth was literally his worst nightmare. A new voice rang out and a squid looking figure joined the others.
"Rejoice, you will have the privilege of being saved by The Great Titan, Thanos."
"Wh...wh.." Tony gasped for breath, "...why...?"
"I have come for you Stark. Earth's Greatest Defender. When I first enslaved the Asgardian, I thought his task a simple one. After all this planet is quite primitive compared to others we've conquered before. Yet, you and your team managed to defeat my army." The titan walked closer to him, "Imagine my surprise at realizing that it hadn't been your Asgardian ally who'd laid waste to my ships and army, but a simple human. Fascinating. After that it was difficult not to pay attention. Time and time again, you defend it, and this is your reward" The titan waved a hand towards the pathetic picture Tony painted.
"G..go..f..fuh..Fuck...yo...yours...self." Thanos smiled and waved a hand to those behind him.
"Give him a blood transfusion, The Accuser should have provided enough, and make sure he survives. Once he's no longer on the brink of death, bring him to me."
Tony had passed out after his encounter with Thanos and when he'd woken up he was being moved. The pain had dulled down, most likely a result of the forced blood transfusion. He'd shuddered as he thought about it. Once more a victim of nonconsensual body modifications.
This nightmare just kept getting worse.
He was laid on a hard surface and bound. The genius took a moment to analyze his current situation, he seemed to be in some sort of medical room, there were holograms displaying what he assumed to be his own vitals. The technology seemed advanced and otherworldly so he took this to mean that he'd somehow made it into the ship. What was this Thanos actually doing here? Where they still on Earth? Was Earth under attack?
That final thought made him pull at his restrains, he immediately slumped back in the bed his body still felt like he'd been run over by a bus.
'or two super-soldiers'
Tony closed his eyes as the entire fight replayed in his mind. God he'd been so fucking stupid. And now here he was trapped by some crazy alien bent on conquering earth. Who would protect Earth now? Rogers and Barnes were definitely on the wind now. About half of the team were sitting in Ross's super secret prison. He hoped Vision runs and hides that damn stone. God knows were Natasha was hiding.
And Rhodey. Rhodey was in no condition to fight.
The door to the room he was currently trapped in opened and in walked the mad titan himself, accompanied by his two daughters? Who looked nothing like him.
"Stark, you are awake."
"Where am I? What do you want? You better stay away from Earth or I swe-"
"Don't worry, the time will come but there is much to do before I return for Earth's salvation." Tony's jaw clenched as he watched the purple maniac approach him. "Like I said, I am here for you Stark."
"What do you want from me? From the looks of this ship, you have no need for my tech much less my money, so what do you want? Weapons? I'll die before I ever create another weapon of mass destruction!" The titan simply smiled and sat beside him. His two deadly looking daughters stood guard by the door.
"I am here to offer you a place in my order, as my son and perhaps my heir." Tony stared incredulously and glanced at the other two in the room and saw their shocked expressions. So he hadn't shared his plans for Tony with them.
"Excuse me?!"
"I admire your bravery and tenacity Anthony, you would do well in my order and when I have achieved perfect balance in this entire universe I wish to retire, but I must leave someone in charge. I think you would do well."
"You are out of your mind." the brunette gritted out.
"You could help me save this entire universe from itself, and then you would be the most powerful man in the universe. Join us Stark"
"Never. I can't believe you thought that I'd say yes to this."
"You and I are quite similar you know. I too was called mad for trying to protect my planet. I tried to save my planet and our people, I was ignored, and the entire planet perished. Are you not tired Anthony? Of trying to save a planet that doesn't want to be saved?" The ache in Tony's chest grew and he continued to glare at Thanos.
"Never." Thanos let out a disappointed sigh and got back on his feet.
"I had hoped you would see reason," he walked towards the medical equipment in the room, "perhaps a little reminder of what Earth has repaid your loyalty with will help."
Tony couldn't help his scream at the pain his head was under. As he trashed he thought he saw pitying looks come from the two women by the door.
Everything went dark.
His father sitting him down at 8 years-old and handing him a glass of whiskey. The start of his alcohol problems.
His father handing him hot tools despite his bare hands. The reason he doesn't like being handed things.
Tiberius Stone.
The Cave. The open hear surgery without anesthesia. The waterboarding. Yinsen.
"When I ordered the hit on you, I worried that I was killing the golden goose. But you see, it was just fate that you survived that, you had one last golden egg to give."
The Palladium poisoning. The fight with Rhodey. Rhodey taking off with his suit.
The helicarrier fight.
Extremis. Maya. Aldrich. AIM.
His break up with Pepper.
Ultron. Thor lifting him by the neck, as everyone watched and did nothing to stop him.
A video of the winter soldier killing his parents. Steve's betrayal.
Steve walking out on him with Barnes in his arms and dropping the shield.
"Tell me my child, do you wish to forget? To bury all this pain and suffering. All the betrayal and abandonment?" . . . . . . . .
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pocket-luv101 · 5 years
Across Time || Chapter 2
Fandom: Servamp Ships: KuroMahi (main), LawLicht (side) Characters: Kuro, Mahiru, Hyde, Licht
Summary: Mahiru falls into a well and is taken to a new, fantasy world. He comes across a half-blooded cat demon trapped in a tree. After he frees Kuro, he helps him collect the shards of the sacred jewel. (KuroMahi, InuYasha AU)
Ch.1 || (Ch.2) ||
“Thank you for bandaging my wound, Uncle.” Mahiru said to Toru after he finished treating the injury on his waist. The events of the previous night were unbelievable but he couldn’t say they were a dream. He needed to return to his time. He glanced out the window to where the villagers were rebuilding the houses. “Do you need help with the houses?”
“You don’t need to do that. Attacks like last night are common in our time.” He said but he went on to warn him. “I’m worried the Sacred Jewel will attract more powerful demons. There are also humans who will do anything to take the jewel from you. Word will quickly spread that the jewel has returned. You need to be careful with who you trust.”
“Can you tell me about Kuro? You said he’s half demon but he protected me from that centipede. I would like to know if I can trust him.” He pictured the expression Kuro had when he took the jewel from him. He said he wanted to be human. Did the jewel have the power to change a person? He touched the jewel hanging around his neck. Toru had fashioned a necklace for him to wear the jewel.
“He was pinned to that tree long before I was born. There had been a lot of rumours for why he was cursed. I don’t know if you can trust him but the enchantment will keep him at bay. The pray you chose is a strange one though.” He changed the subject to the jewel. “I don’t know why the jewel was inside you but we cannot let it fall into the wrong hands.”
“You said your sister bound the jewel to her body. Do you think the reverse is true too? Could her soul be inside the jewel? Yesterday, the jewel created the image of my mother and she protected us. Maybe my mother and your sister are connected.” He saw how Toru’s brows furrowed. Mahiru understood that the possibility was outlandish because they were from different times.
Yet, Mahiru held the hope that he could see his mother again. He looked from the jewel to Toru. The situation could be the same as his uncle where they appeared the same but were different people. “My uncle in the future must be worried about me. It has been a day since I fell into the well. I would like to return to my time and tell him what happened at least.”
“I understand how you feel but there might not be a way to return. We should focus on protecting the jewel.”
Kuro stood in front of the Ash Tree and the question of what he should do next echoed in his mind. He touched the place his brother had shot him. As he did, his fingers brushed over the bell they enchanted him with. The man could easily stop him with one word. He had to wait until the man left before he fled from the village. He didn’t have anywhere to go so he found himself returning to the tree.
The grass crinkled behind him but he didn’t sense a menacing spirit approach him. He looked over his shoulder and spotted the man from last night. He muttered a curse when Mahiru turned towards him and their gaze locked. Kuro thought he intended to take him back to the village and he prepared to run. He doubted he would be able to flee far due to the bell around his neck.
Mahiru walked to him. He was carrying a basket of food rather than a weapon to subdue him. Kuro decided to wait and see what the man would do. He took a pear out of the basket and tossed it to him. He caught it with little effort but he looked at it suspiciously. “Is this my final meal before you kill me? Where did you get so much food?”
“Are you always this sarcastic?” Mahiru rolled his eyes and placed the basket on the ground next to the tree. He sat on a large branch and plucked out an apple for himself. “The villagers gave these to me. I can’t eat all of these by myself so I thought I could share them. Are you hungry?”
The villagers would refer to him as Shirota-sama and ask him if he would use the jewel to protect their village like his mother had. He began to feel overwhelmed by their expectations. He went into the forest so he could be alone with his thoughts. Mahiru unconsciously walked to the tree and found Kuro. He thought he looked lonely as well so he wanted to speak with him. But Kuro remained quiet.
They were strangers so Mahiru understood his reluctance to speak casually with him. He bit into his apple and enjoyed the silence of the forest. He tilted his head back to stare at the green rooftop above them. His gaze fell onto the small mark in the tree trunk. He lightly placed his finger over it. “There’s an arrowhead in here. I thought it was a diamond when I was a kid. We’re in the same situation, aren’t we?”
“Why would you say that?” Kuro tilted his head slightly. He studied Mahiru’s face and his soft, brown eyes. He was surprised to see compassion in his expression.
“My uncle told me that you were pinned to this tree more than fifty years ago. The tree kept you from aging and dying but the world has changed so much. We’ve both been taken across time. This world must be as strange to you as it is for me.” Mahiru took out another apple and cut it in half. He offered one to Kuro with a kind smile. This time, Kuro took the apple.
“You’re the strangest human I’ve ever met, Mahiru.” He said between bites of the apple slice. Mahiru couldn’t help but notice Kuro’s sharp claws and he was reminded that he was part demon. The apple’s juices slid onto his fingers and he licked it off. Mahiru took out his napkin and grabbed Kuro’s wrist. His grip was gentle but firm as he pulled him closer.
“It’s dirty to lick your fingers like that. Wipe your hand properly, Kuro. You’re part demon but you’re not a caveman. You better take my napkin this time.” Mahiru placed the cloth in his hand. He let go of his hand but Kuro felt his warmth linger. Kuro wiped his hand and watched him from the corner of his eyes. He was certainly different from other humans.
“I never heard of a human giving a demon a lecture so casually. Aren’t you going to ask me about the reason I was cursed by my brother? Most people would ask me about that by now.” Kuro thought that it would be best to bring up the topic himself.
“I overheard a lot of things from the villagers.” Mahiru admitted. Kuro winced as he thought of what they might’ve told him. His eyes didn’t hold any judgement or fear towards him. “I feel comfortable talking with you but you might not feel the same. I won’t force you to talk to me about something so personal. Anyways, you cleared it up with the villagers for them to let you go.”
Kuro didn’t correct him or told him that he broke out of the feeble prison they put him in. Mahiru twirled the protective beads he wore around his finger. He thought of his uncle’s warning. “Honestly, I wouldn’t be this brave with any other demon. I don’t need to worry about you attacking me. With that bell around your neck, I can subdue you by simply saying ‘sit’.”
Following his words, Kuro was pulled to the ground. Mahiru gasped and knelt next to Kuro to help him up. He gently rubbed the spot where he hit his head. He scratched his cat ears lightly and they moved in response. “I’m sorry, Kuro. I didn’t mean to activate the incarnation like that. I’ll be more careful not to say it from now on. Are you hurt?”
“I accept your apology but can you stop petting me as if I’m a dog? I’m a nekomata.” He couldn’t tell him that he enjoyed the way he scratched his ear. He pulled his hand back and Kuro sat up. Mahiru noticed Kuro’s ears twitched and he wondered if his heightened senses heard something he didn’t. Kuro stood and said, “You should go back home. The forest is full of demons.”
“I want to go back home but I don’t know how.” Mahiru sighed and curled into a ball. “The well brought me back in time and I want to go back. I don’t know how to fight demons who wants the jewel. This situation is complicated.”
“If I were you, I would throw it into the ocean and be rid of the troublesome thing. With the tides, it’ll be moving constantly. There are yokai after the jewel but only a few of them can sense the it. It’ll be a while before any of them finds it.” Kuro returned the napkin he gave him. The era was harsh and he didn’t know if Mahiru could survive in it.
“But if I don’t guard the jewel, who will? Some people will say ‘someone else will deal with it’ until it’s too late. I can’t be that person because…” Mahiru trailed off and gripped the necklace. “What if I gave it away and the person is killed for the jewel? What if someone finds the jewel and uses it to hurt others? That’s worse than simply accepting this task myself.”
Kuro could see that he was frightened and uncertain yet he wasn’t running or hiding from the responsibility. He decided that Mahiru was as brave as he was strange.
Mahiru stood on the edge of the Bone-Eater’s Well and stared down the dark tunnel. After he talked with Kuro, he wanted to find more answers. Could he return by simply jumping back into the well? The jewel might be the safest in his time where there weren’t any demons. Then again, he might find himself in a different time period again.
He stepped off the ledge and returned to solid ground. He considered what he should do next. The centipede demon was terrifying to him and he knew he would have to face more eventually. Mahiru had never been in a fight in his life so how could he keep the jewel safe? He would have to talk to his uncle and ask him to teach him how to use a weapon.
A chorus of wings broke his concentration and he looked up to see a murder of crows fly through the sky. In the tree nearby, Kuro was perched in a tree. “If you’re going to be staying in this time period, you should be more aware of your surroundings. Those crows would’ve attacked you if I hadn’t been hunting for my dinner.”
“You were going to eat those things?” Mahiru grimaced. He moved to stand beneath the branch. “Do you intend to sleep in the forest as well? If you don’t have a home, you can come back to the village with me. I’ll make you a proper meal that doesn’t include wild crows. I’m a good cook but I’m not familiar with the cookware of this time period.”
“You don’t need to go out of your way to help me. I work the best alone.” Kuro tried to brush him off. He could sense danger nearby and the crowd were likely after the Sacred Jewel. His peaceful nap would be ruined if demons attacked the forest. So, he decided to protect him while he was in the forest.
“If you change your mind, Uncle Toru’s home is the wide hut with the chimney. Goodbye, Kuro.” He said and continued back to the village. Mahiru looked back to Kuro and saw him walk away. He thought of his wish to become human and he became curious about the man. He turned back to chase after Kuro and talk more with him.
A hand clapped over his mouth and stopped him. Mahiru tried to call Kuro’s name instinctively but the hand stifled his voice. He fought against the person’s grip and tried to free himself but they were stronger than him. He began to panic when he saw more people approach him. They were human but he didn’t recognize them as any of the villagers.
They dragged him away to a stone house deep in the forest. He was shoved to the ground but he managed to catch himself. He scraped his hands against stones and winced in pain. Mahiru pushed himself up and scanned the room. Bandits blocked the door and he knew he couldn’t escape easily. His uncle told him humans would be after the jewel too so he held onto it protectively.
“Who are you?” Mahiru stood and faced them. They approached him and he took a step away from them. He desperately searched for a route he could escape but there were too many people. The most he could do was run and dodge their attacks. One managed to grab his arm and restrained him again. “Let go of me! I won’t let you take the jewel.”
“Hold him still. I’ll take the jewel right off his neck.” The tallest man of the group stepped forward with a long sword. He was likely the leader of the bandits. He stumbled as he walked and swung his weapon haphazardly. Mahiru shuddered when the man stood over him and he doubled his effort to escape. Another person clapsed his free arm to hold him in place.
The man swung his sword downward and Mahiru felt blood on his arm. It wasn’t his blood though. He was shocked that the bandits’ leader had injured his comrade. Without his grip on his arm, Mahiru was able to dodge the man’s next swing. He also pushed aside the other person restraining him so he wouldn’t be injured either.
Mahiru noticed how the leader was staggering as if he was drunk. He picked up a spear that one of the bandits dropped. He didn’t know how to use it but he held it in front of him. The spear allowed him to keep a safe distance from him. He countered the man’s sword but it wasn’t as effective as he hoped it would be. His sword was powerful enough take down the pillar next to him.
The building started to collapse around him and Mahiru had to leap away from the falling ceiling as well as the man’s sword. The other bandits appeared confused as the scurried to escape. Debris struck one of the bandits and he fell to the ground. Mahiru helped him up and waved to a man nearby. He pointed his spear at the door. “Get everyone out!”
“Yes, Boss!” He yelled. Mahiru couldn’t respond because the man was rushing towards him. He ducked out of his path and bandit leader crashed into the wall. The impact was enough to create cracks in the wall. Mahiru scurried to his feet and walked to the far side of the room. He might be able to defeat the large man if he made him run into enough walls.
“Look here!” He yelled and waved the jewel in his hand. Mahiru managed to evade the man but it was difficult with rocks falling around them. The third time he led him to another wall, he tripped over a rock. The jewel flew out of his hand and it skipped across the room. He wanted to go after it but the man was already standing over him with his sword. “Help!”
A blur of red stepped in front of him. Kuro caught the man’s hand and stopped his sword. Relief filled Mahiru’s chest when he saw him. He kicked the bandit and knocked him back into the wall. He held out his hand to help him stand. “Troublesome. This place reeks of death and dead bodies. You can handle yourself better than I thought if you took down these people.”
“I didn’t.” Mahiru bit his lip when he saw the dead bodies. He gasped when the bandits’ leader stood once again. There was a hole in his chest where Kuro had kicked him. A crow demon broke out of the body and Mahiru adjusted his grip on his spear. “What are we going to do?”
“I’ll fight it. You run back to the village and get your uncle. As long as that crow doesn’t eat the jewel, it’s weak.” Kuro extended his claws to fight. He kept Mahiru in the corner of his eyes so he could protect him. He saw his face become pale and the sight confused him for a moment. Mahiru rushed to a pile of rubble and he dug through the rocks.
“I dropped the jewel earlier. Please, keep that demon busy while I find it.” Mahiru searched through the debris but the crow was faster. It swooped past him and picked up the jewel in its mouth. Before Kuro or Mahiru could do anything, the crow swallowed the jewel and began to grow. It broke the roof and chunks of wood started to fall over them. Kuro covered Mahiru’s head with his arms to protect him.
After the dust settled, they leaned away from each other. Mahiru searched the sky for the crow and spotted it in the distance. He took Kuro’s hand and pulled him out of the building to chase after it. “The demon is flying towards the village. I can sense the Sacred Jewel. We need to stop it before it reaches the village and hurt someone.”
“How do you plan to catch that crow? Neither of us can fly. I can run fast but that won’t help us much. Even if we manage to cut off its wings, the jewel will heal the demon’s body.” Kuro pointed out yet he continued to run beside him. Mahiru thought over what they should do until he spotted a lone horse a few feet in front of them. It must’ve belonged to one of the bandits.
“I have an idea.” Mahiru grabbed the bow and arrow quiver. He shrugged them onto his shoulders before he went back to Kuro. “Thinking simply, we can take down that crow if we work together. You will run as close to the demon as you can and I’ll shoot it down.”
“This sounds like a troublesome plan.” He groaned but he knelt in front of Mahiru. He climbed onto his back and wrapped his arms around his neck. Kuro adjusted his hold on his legs so he wouldn’t slip before he ran forward. Mahiru was surprised by how fast he was but Kuro’s hands kept him from falling. He trusted Kuro so he let go of his shoulders and took an arrow from his quiver.
Mahiru imitated the archers he saw in movies and held the arrow against the bow. The bow string was stiff and it was difficult to pull it back. He aligned the arrow head with the crow and let go of the string. The arrow cut through the air but it didn’t fly very far before it descended back to the ground. He muttered a curse and took out another arrow.
His second arrow missed as well and Kuro asked, “Have you shot an arrow before? We’ll never be able to shoot down that crow if you don’t put more power into that arrow.”
“This is my first time but I had to try!” Mahiru was frustrated with his own inability to help. He could see the village in front of them and a sense of dread fell over him. The demon flew into a crowd of people working in the fields. People screamed as the crow picked up a child. “There must be another way to take it down. Let’s head to higher ground and jump down on it. We need to be careful not to hurt the boy.”
“You like to order me around, don’t you?” He jumped onto a tree branch and followed the bird. Mahiru buried his face into his shoulder so he wouldn’t be hurt by the branches. He felt the air rushing past him and he looked up. Kuro seemingly flew over the tree tops and the distance between them became smaller. They were almost above the bird and Kuro summoned his claws.  
“Kuro, when you kill that crow, I want you to drop me.” Mahiru looked down at the river. The crow was flying low over the water so the distance wouldn’t hurt him. Beneath his hands, Kuro’s shoulders tensed. It was clear that he was doubtful of his plan. “This is the only way to save that child. I’m a good swimmer so don’t worry. I trust you so please trust me as well.”
“You’re crazy.” He said as he loosened his hold on his legs. Kuro jumped onto the crow and used his claws to stab it. The boy fell out of the crow’s talons and Mahiru jumped after him. He grasped the child’s arm and pulled him into the safety of his arms. They plunged into the river but Mahiru was able to recover quickly. He swam to the surface and kept the boy’s head above water.
Mahiru pulled them onto the rocky shore and his breath was ragged. A few villagers ran towards him and one hugged the boy tightly. “Thank you so much for saving my son!”
“It’s okay. I’m glad that everyone is safe.” He smiled at the family. He looked back to Kuro who landed on a rock nearby. Mahiru followed his eyes to the crow floundering in the river without its wings. The limbs it lost started to drift back to the demon and he remembered that the jewel allowed it to heal itself. A leg floated nearby so he grabbed it to prevent it from flying away again.
It was difficult to hold onto the talons. Mahiru thought quickly and tore a strip of cloth from his shirt. He tied the leg onto his arrow before he posed to shoot. With the limb, the arrow would be drawn to the Sacred Jewel. He couldn’t miss. He whispered a prayer and let go of the string. The arrow flew directly into the crow and Mahiru cheered.
His excitement dwindled when a flash of light erupted out of the crow. Mahiru was almost blinded by how bright it was and he had to cover his eyes. He thought he heard the sound of glass shattering. Rays of light shot through the sky in random directions like shooting stars.
The light faded and Kuro moved to stand beside him. “Your arrow was powerful. It should be enough to keep him from recovering for a while. We should take the jewel from it while we can. You can sense the jewel, right? Where is it now?”
“I…” Mahiru’s eyes never left the sky where he saw the light. “I can sense it all around us. It’s not in one place but how can… The closest place is a few feet away from us in the forest. Let’s go.”
He grasped Kuro’s hand and led him into the forest. His words were confusing but he helped him search through the bushes for the jewel. He found the crow struggling to fly with its wing pierced by an arrow. Kuro grabbed the demon and it turned to dust in his hands. The only thing that remained was a small, pink shard. “What is this? Where’s the jewel?”
“I think this is the jewel.” Mahiru bit his lip. He placed his hand over Kuro’s and the shard glowed between their fingers. “This is a fragment of the Sacred Jewel. The jewel must’ve shattered when I shot it with my arrow.”
Mahiru stared up at the night sky and thought of the jewel shards. How many were there? The shard they recovered was small. If the others were the same size, there could be hundreds scattered across the country. He could sense them if he concentrated but they were faint. Guilt clutched his heart. He needed to recover the jewel but he knew he couldn’t do that alone.
He entered the forest to search for Kuro. Mahiru took the familiar path to the Thousand Year Old Tree and found Kuro sleeping like when they first saw each other. Kuro’s ears twitched at the sound of footsteps and he opened his eyes. “You shouldn’t be out this late, Mahiru. If you’re lost, I’ll take you back to the village.”
“I wanted to speak with you.” Mahiru slipped out the pouch from beneath his shirt. “The villagers helped me find a few more shards but we only recovered two of them. The shards are small but they still hold the power of the Sacred Jewel. We need to find all of the shards before anyone else.”
“I don’t know why you’re telling me this.” Kuro tilted his head at him. Mahiru knelt in front of him and gently wrapped his hand around his. A warm glow appeared around them and Kuro recognized it as the jewel shard’s light. He was surprised that Mahiru would give a demon one of his shards.
“I want to find all the jewel shards but I don’t have the power to fight on my own. Thinking simply, it has to be us.” Mahiru squeezed his hand and looked into his eyes. “After we put the jewel back together, I promise to make you human. Please, help me.”
His offer was enticing to Kuro. Yet, it was his brown eyes that made Kuro answer: “I’ll help you.”
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save your strength and stay alive
so so so
today is,,,fizz’s birthday !!!
yeah my two internet friends have birthdays one day apart what were the heckin odds
anyway so forever ago I wrote this au where Albert was this weird low key villain and now heres part three
part 1
part 2
ship: I honestly dont even know, failed ralbert, platonic sprace ??
genre: the phattest angst
warnings: character death, car accidents, bleeding, lots of blood, abuse mentions, sex mentions, mentions of low key cheating, sorta panic attack, major guilt, sad stuff, rain, thunder storms, cursing, be careful kids
editing: m e h
words: 2030
Spot squinted into the rain, flinching every time a boom of thunder banged in the sky above him. The wind was howling, almost drowning out the pounding of his heart that sounded in his ears with every breath. The dirt road was thick with mud and he knew that he could get stuck at any moment.
But getting stuck wasn’t an option. He had to find Race.
Hopefully there was still a Race left to find.
The rain was coming down in sheets so thick that even with his headlights on high he could hardly see a foot in front of the car. It didn’t help that he was on one of the back roads of the Blue Ridge Mountains and was, hence, surrounded by trees.
But, this was Race’s thinking spot. There was a clearing about another mile or so down this road that Race would go to when he was overwhelmed and needed to clear his head. Spot couldn’t imagine that there was any other place he could have gone, but he had made Romeo stay at home just in case Race decided to come back.
“Fucking hell,” Spot cursed as a crack of lightning pierced the sky. He hated the thought of Race being out in this weather: alone, miserable, and suffering. They wouldn’t even be in this predicament if it weren’t for Albert Fucking DaSilva.
Spot still couldn’t believe that Albert had intentionally hit Race. It didn’t matter what someone’s past was, any person should have the decency and the sense alone not to hit someone.
And then there was the fact that he had made out with someone mere minutes after hooking up with Race. Spot understood that one night stands came with their own set of rules and were not for those, like himself, who had standards, but it seemed odd to him that Albert had decided to make out with Finch when Race was standing in the same room and then have the audacity to ask for a round two.
But then again, what did his virgin ass know?
The bottom line still remained though: Albert had hurt Race worse than anyone had in years, and, once Spot found Race, they were not allowed near each other again. There was no one in the entire world that Spot cared about more than Race and Romeo. At this point the both of them practically lived with Spot and his mom since Race’s dad was never around and when he was he was always drunk and both of Romeo’s parents spent weeks on end in DC where they worked with the Secret Service.
The three of them had grown up together and vowed to always protect each other. He and Race had wreaked havoc on a few of Romeo’s particularly nasty exes. Spot was certain that he and Romeo would be doing the same to Albert. No one messed with their family.
There was a piercing BOOM! and Spot jumped, losing control of the wheel for a second. His tires slid across the slick mud and he struggled to regain control of the car.
“Fuck come on!” Spot tensed his arm muscles as he turned the wheel as hard as he could into the skid. His foot fumbled for the brake pedal and he put all his weight into slamming it into the ground. He held his breath, waiting for the car to stop and hopefully not skid into the tree line, but, just when he thought he was safe, he felt his car smack into something very, very solid.
Spot’s eyes flew open - when had he closed them? - and was met with the sight of the bed of Race’s unmistakably totaled pickup truck smashed into the front of his car.
For one second Spot sat paralyzed with fear, a million scenarios running through his head: he had just killed his best friend, no, Race wasn’t in the car, no he had to be in the car, but, since he had hit the bed of his truck maybe he was okay, Spot’s airbag hadn’t gone off so maybe it wasn’t that bad but he could be bleeding out or dead or dying or severely injured or dead he could be dead he could be dead what the hell was he doing he could have just killed his best friend-
Spot wrestled with his seatbelt and pushed open his door, not even feeling the rain as it soaked him through. The drivers door of Race’s car was smashed in -which later Spot would realize meant that the accident was not his fault because he had hit the bed of the truck, not the side- and after struggling with the handle for a minute Spot gave up and went around the passenger’s side. Thankfully, the door was fully intact on this side and Spot pulled it open.
The first thing he registered was Race leaning against the wrecked drivers side door and he breathed a deep sigh of relief. Then he saw the blood.
It was everywhere. On the seats, the door, the dashboard, the floor the shards of broken glass, and Race’s clothes, face and hair. Spot had never seen so much blood.
He pulled out his phone, praying that there was service out here in the middle of nowhere in a rainstorm, and dialed 911 - better to do that now than when he was choked up and overwhelmed by his actions later.
Then he ducked into the passenger seat and pulled the door shut behind him. If he was going to die, he might as well be a little less soaked.
“Race?” Spot called over the rain. “You with me?”
There was no response.
Spot’s stomach clenched and he scooted closer, extremely mindful of the broken glass scattered around him. He reached out to touch Race’s shoulder, but stopped short when he remembered the earlier interaction with Albert.
“Fucking DaSilva,” Spot muttered, opting to instead lean closer to his best friend. “Antonio,” he said firmly. “Can you hear me?”
Please respond, please respond, please respondpleaserespondpleasepleaseplease-
And just like that, everything was okay again.
“Yeah, I’m here, it’s okay.” Spot tried to sound soothing despite his nerves and the terrible looming thought that he was the one responsible for the accident. But, he needed to hear it from Race. “What happened kid?”
“Seanie, you’re-” Race coughed painfully and Spot winced, “uh, bleein’. Wha’ ‘appened?’”
“What?” Spot was confused and looked down at himself briefly before remembering that he was not the primary concern. “That doesn’t matter right now, kid. Can you tell me what hurts?”
“M’ ‘ead,” Race mumbled, closing his eyes again. “An’ m’ leg is stuck.”
“Okay.” Spot surveyed the wreck and saw that Race’s left leg was, in fact, pinned between the seat and the crushed door. Spot then noticed with alarm that there was a bloody stain on both the driver’s window and the steering wheel that matched with the injuries on Race’s head. At first, Spot wondered why the airbags hadn’t gone off, but then he remembered that Race had taken his airbags out to replace them with better ones because when he had bought his truck there had been a recall on them, but had never gotten around to it.
Spot put his head in his hands. He had insisted that Race reinstall the airbags in his truck, but clearly he hadn’t tried hard enough. Maybe if he had tried harder this wouldn’t have happened. Like maybe if he hadn’t agreed to let Race go to that party he wouldn’t be bleeding out right now. Maybe if he had just put in a little more effort, cared a little more this wouldn’t have-
“S’potti’?” Race’s weak voice pierced through Spot’s thoughts. “Wha’s wron’?”
There were so many things he could have said. I’m sorry I let Albert hit you? I’m sorry I let you go to that party? I’m sorry I didn’t force you to put those new fucking aribags in your truck? I’m sorry we’re sitting here right now? But Spot instead blurted out: “I’m sorry I hit your truck and hurt you like this, I skidded on some mud and it was dark and raining, and I didn’t see you until after I had already hit you and I’m just-I’m so sorry Tony.”
“‘ean, no, i’ wasn’ you- i-” Race’s words started to run together more, but there was a firmness behind them. “I’ wasn’ you. I’ ‘as som’ guy, he ‘it me ‘n drove away, an’ I go’ pushed int’ ‘he door, ‘n then a few mi’ut’s ago somethin’ ‘it th’ back o’ my truck ‘n my ‘ead jus’ bump’d th’ ‘teerin’ wheel, ‘n-”
“That was me Tony,” Spot whispered, cutting him off. “I hit the back of your car. God, I’m so sorry I really didn’t mean to, you must be in so much pain, I-”
“No, no,” Race mumbled. “‘topp’d bein’ able t’ feel mucha anytin’ afta th’ firs’ few minutes o’ so.”
This comment did absolutely nothing to calm Spot’s fears.
“‘re you okay tho’?” Race asked, cracking open his eyes again to look at Spot. “‘f your ‘urt you needa take care’o yourself.”
“No, I’m fine kid. Don’t worry about me. The ambulance should be here for you soon anyhow and if they decide I need help, I’ll let them help me.”
Race shot him a sideways look that almost made Spot laugh before his eyes fluttered shut again. For a few painful seconds the silence between them was filled by just the rain pounding on the roof.
“I wish I never let you go to that party,” Spot whispered, toeing at the worn carpet with his boots. “Then none of this would have happened.”
“Don’ be sorry,” Race muttered, barely audible over the rain. “‘s betta this way. I was neva gonna ge’ betta anyway ‘n I was gonna de’troy m’self at somepoin’, betta now than latah, ya know? I’ve fough’ so ‘ard already anyway. There’s no poin’. Least I gotta ‘ave sex wit’ a hot guy on’ las’ time befo’ I died.”
Spot’s head snapped up. Why was Race acting so self destructive? He had probably just had a panic attack and that combined with whatever injuries he had sustained had sucked the last bit of energy out of him. Spot knew that that wasn’t good, Race always gave up in some sense after a panic attack, and he couldn;t have him doing that now, especially not now. He needed Race to keep breathing and survive this.  
“Tony? No, hey, I need you, a lot of people need you, and you're gonna be fine anyway. The ambulance is gonna be here soon and they’re going to help you. It’s all going to be okay. Save your strength, okay?” Most of those words were for Spot’s own sake. He knew it was a very real possibility that Race would not make it, and Race’s own calmness toward the situation was not helping. Whenever Race had previously been injured, he had been freaking out and his state of calm was only adding to Spot’s nerves.
“Sean,” There was a sadness to Race’s voice that Spot had never heard before, “Everythin’s not goin’ t’ be okay, ‘n tha’s alrigh’. You’ll be fine, Ro will be fine, ‘s gonna be okay. I’ve ‘ad som’ time t’ think abou’ it. Jus’ know ‘s not your faul’ alrigh’?”
“Antonio, no, stop that,” Spot felt tears spring up behind his eyes. This was it, he was losing his best friend, and there was nothing he could do about it. What did you say to someone who had already accepted their death? What were you supposed to say? Did it even matter anymore?
“‘s okay Sean,” Race whispered. “I-” He coughed again and Spot felt his heart clench. “I love you.”
“I love you too, kid,” Spot whispered.
“‘ell Ro I lov’ ‘im too.”
“I will,” Spot promised. “I promise.”
“Thank you fir everythin’,” Race struggled to keep his eyes open. “I couldn’ ‘ave ask’d fir a betta frien’.”
“Of course Antonio,” Spot whispered, watching powerlessly as Race’s eyes fell shut and didn’t open again. “Of course.”
and thats that
there will be one more installment and hopefully you wont have to wait 6 months oops
hbd fizz
feedback is always appreciated hmu to be on the taglist
tag list
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Taking a Sick Day
Deep in the never-ending vastness of space, Hat Kid’s spaceship was floating rather close to a colorful planet down below. Inside the spaceship, Hat Kid was spinning in her captain's chair, bored out of her mind. She spun around, and around, and around again while trying to think of what to do today.
She had just been to Mafia Town yesterday and the Conductor and DJ Grooves were currently way too busy producing their latest movies. She didn’t really feel like going to Alpine Skylines today and… woah. Was the room spinning all by itself now?
Hat Kid stopped the spinning of the chair with her right foot and slowly adjusted her vision. After everything stopped moving she sighed and jumped out of her chair. She now started to pace back and forth on the giant pink rug that was in the middle of the room. Was there anywhere else she could go? There wasn’t really any more areas she go to on that planet except-
���Ow! My circuit-board!” a robotic voice interrupted her thoughts. Oh great she thought to herself. What now?
She stopped pacing to stare at Rumbi (her little cleaning robot) who was currently banging itself on the door to...
She grinned a wide and mischievous grin. Subcon Forest. Why didn’t she ever think of that?
It had been forever since she had last been with her (contractually obligated) BFF! She had mostly spent this past week collecting hidden treasures and getting rid of all those time rifts that had suddenly appeared in random locations. And yes, technically he did tell her to stay out of his forest or else he would be “disappointed”. But come on, who would be disappointed to hang out with their best friend?
She quickly ran through the door that led to her bedroom and headed toward the telescope that allowed her to teleport to the Subcon Forest.
Time for some quality time with her BFF!
To be perfectly honest, today couldn’t have been any worse.
Snatcher felt light-headed and overall the most dreadful he had ever felt waking up. He coughed for what seemed like the fifth time in a row and slowly got up out of his armchair. His head started to ache as soon as he stood up causing him to groan in pain. This morning was not going well for him.
What was this? A curse of some sort? No, no… that didn’t seem right. A curse would feel much more painful (although his head felt like something was constantly drilling into it). Of course, there was the possibility that he could actually be…
Ha! No way. He couldn’t be sick. An all powerful spirit? With the flu? What a laugh! He made people beg on their knees for mercy! He controlled every inch of the forest! He had devoured the souls of thousands! He laughed to himself thinking of all of these horrible things with joyful glee. He quickly regretted that decision as he began to cough loudly, his throat felt extremely sore after doing so.
Okay. So maybe he was a little bit sick.
Who cared though? He was still his old terrifying self and a simple cold wouldn’t stop him from doing what he did best! Even if this headache was quite bothersome, it was nothing that a delicious soul couldn’t fix!
Just then he heard a cry from within the forest. Someone had stepped into one of his traps. What impeccable timing! He quickly straightened himself up, cleared his throat, and teleported to the trap that was set off just a few seconds ago.
“AHAHAHAHAAA! FOOOOooo... wait a second.” Snatcher sighed and finished with  “It’s just you again.” before glaring back down at the person who had been caught in his trap. Of course, that person was none other than Hat Kid who was now looking back at him with an apologetic expression on her face. “Well that’s just perfect.” he mumbled under his breath. He really wasn’t in the mood to deal with this today.
Hat Kid looked back at him, puzzled. She had expected Snatcher to be a little bit more excited to see her after she had been gone for so long. Actually, now that she looked at him closer... he didn’t seem too healthy. Bags were under his eyes and his voice sounded raspy. He had started to rub his forehead and he scrunched up his face as if he was in pain. She started to get worried.
“Are you okay?” she said while observing his movements very closely.
“I’m FINE.” he growled back, annoyed at her question.
He’s lying Hat Kid thought as she could see right through his behavior. He was sick, he just didn’t want to admit it.
“More over...” Snatcher spoke up after clearing his throat. “I thought I told you to never come back here a-” he stopped halfway through his sentence. He felt like he was about to sneeze.
Uh oh Hat Kid thought as she pulled out her umbrella and opened it. Whatever he was about to get out of his system, she did not need to be covered in it. She crouched down and shielded herself as Snatcher finally got the words out.
“Ah. Ah. ACHOO!” Snatcher sneezed while a bolt of purple lightening struck awfully close near Hat Kid. Hat Kid almost jumped out of her skin. So that’s what happens when a ghost sneezes... she thought while looking horrified at the blackened spot on the ground. There were not words to describe how thankful she was that she hadn’t been fried by spectral lighting just then. She looked back up at Snatcher who was sniffling and honestly looked even more miserable than before.
Okay, that settled it. She knew what she was doing today.
How did he manage to get into this situation?
As of this moment, Hat Kid had taken his hand and was now dragging him all the way back to his tree-home with no explanation as to why. He thought about retaliating and showing the kid who’s boss, but that sneeze from earlier really drained him of his strength. Not to mention that the coughing wasn’t exactly helping him get his point across.
“I’m fine, kid. Now let go of me!” Snatcher spoke in between coughs, his voice had gotten progressively worse now.
“No.” Hat Kid said firmly. “You’re going to rest now.” she stated, with a hint of authority in her voice. He opened his mouth to scream at her, but all that came out was groans of agony. His headache had also gotten worse and now felt like someone was driving a nail into his head. Once they had gotten inside his home, Hat Kid pointed at his armchair.
“I’m not sitting down kid.” Snatcher decided that if this kid wanted him to rest so badly he was certainly going to make this harder for her.
“Now.” Hat Kid snapped back at him and gave him a shove. Before he could even protest, Snatcher found himself falling back into the armchair. He shot her a look full of hatred but Hat Kid just smiled back at him. She took the large book sitting atop the table across from the armchair and placed it in his hands. “I’ll be right back!” Hat Kid then began to walk out of his home and teleport back to her ship.
Did she really expect him to stay here and read until she came back? Ha! As if he would even consider listening to her. To be fair though, he did feel a bit more comfortable now that he was sitting down. And he already had a good book in front of him that he could read while she was gone…
Ah, peck it. Besides, he was rather curious as to what she was going to come back with.
He was about halfway into his book when Hat Kid came rushing through the entrance of his home with a backpack and large, brown paper bag in her arms. “About time you came back.” Snatcher muttered, his throat still feeling sore. “What took you so long anyways?” he asked as Hat Kid placed the backpack aside and the paper bag down onto the floor.
First she pulled out a colorful quilt that had many patterns sewn into the front of it. She ran over to him and threw the blanket onto him without any warning.
“Wha- hey!” Snatcher said in surprise but Hat Kid was too busy pulling more things out of the bag to even notice. He just simply mumbled under his breath and tucked the quilt more snugly around him. Hat Kid then pulled out a small glass bottle and a spoon from inside the bag. She stepped onto the ottoman, and jumped onto the arm of the armchair so she was now face to face with him.
“Kid… what are you doing?” he asked, confused by her strange actions. She then uncorked the bottle she was holding and poured a strange liquid into the spoon in her other hand. The substance, whatever it was, was a deep purple and had a very unpleasant smell to it. Hat Kid then moved the spoon in his direction.
He looked down at the spoon and then back at her, not amused in the slightest. “I am not letting you put that spoon in my mouth.” he said while crossing his arms.
“Why not?” Hat Kid frowned and tilted her head in a curious manner.
“Why not?! Do you have any idea what that stuff could do to m-” before he could react, Hat Kid shoved the spoon into his now open mouth. Snatcher’s screams were muffled as she put her hands over his mouth, forcing him to swallow. After swallowing the foul smelling liquid, he soon found out that it tasted just as good as it smelled. He gagged and stuck his tongue out, hoping to get rid of the awful taste.
“What the HECK kid?! Are you trying to poison me?!” Snatcher kept gagging, convinced that he was dying. Hat Kid just laughed and pointed at the label on the bottle. He stopped overreacting to read the words on the label. It read Science Owl’s Patented Grape-flavored Medicine! (good for curing coughs, headaches, and runny noses!).
Hat Kid jumped off the armchair and ran back to the paper bag. She pulled out the last two items that laid at the bottom of the bag, a plush of a corgi and a pink box of tissues. She handed Snatcher the plush and set the box on the right arm of the arm chair. She then went back to the backpack that  was laying on the floor still and pulled out a notepad and a pack full of crayons.
Snatcher watched as she sat on the ottoman and began to draw. He simply sighed and went back to reading the rest of his book. He expected her to leave in about a couple hours, only to find her still sitting there. There were multiple drawings that she had made lying on the floor. Doodles of the fire spirits, some dwellers, a couples of his minions, and even doodles of himself.
“Why are you still here kid?” Snatcher asked, going back to looking at his book.
“To look after my BFF! Why else, silly?” Hat Kid replied with a giggle in her voice. As much as he hated it when she called him her “BFF”, he was starting to get used to it.
“Don’t tell anyone about this kiddo. Ever.” he said to her in threatening tone.
“I won’t, I promise.” she said in tone that assured him that he didn’t need to nag her about it.
It was around nightfall by the time Snatcher finished his book and while he closed it and placed it aside he and to admit, he was feeling a lot better now. Guess the medicine did help after all.
He looked back at the ottoman expecting the kid to still be drawing to instead find her asleep, curled up in a fluffy blanket. He assumed that she must have brought it with her inside the backpack. He went over to where she was sleeping and placed the corgi plush in her arms. She smiled and mumbled something unintelligible in her sleep. With that, he smiled and when back to sitting in his armchair with the quilt wrapped around him.
You know… maybe this kid wasn't so bad after all. Sure she was annoying, and mischievous, and stepped into his traps, and wouldn’t stop harassing him no matter how many times he threatened her. But other than that, the kid was alright (though he would never admit this to her face).
His eyes grew heavy and he slowly drifted to sleep along with Hat Kid. In the morning he would be well rested and feel nice and energized, all thanks to his BFF.
The End
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scorpio-karma · 6 years
More TVD Bullshit: 4x06 Edition
I'm continuing my re-watch of certain episodes in S4 to basically remember (and understand) more about Bonnie, Expression and the whole story around it. My method right now is basically rewatch the episodes with Shane in them since he's the catalyst for the Expression SL. Anyways after the rude awakening that was episode 4, and my ability to get through episode 5 with less ranty moments so I thought I was prepared to get through episode 6 — I'll save you the time, no I wasn't. 
So in a twist of events the character that I hated the most was Stefan, and Caroline, who was actually barely in the episode, was a close second. With an episode that drives home that message of "Elena and only Elena matters" I would have thought that I'd hate her the most or at least Damon for being the one to drive that message, but no, it's Caroline and Stefan with how they got the hybrid Chris killed as his reward for helping them — and for who? Elena who I find in no way more worthy of life than him. Sure he was a character barely there for literally one episode, but it just points out the blaring issue of the special treatment Elena gets within the narrative of the show. However before I really start in on that I'm going to talk about the events that led up to this.
So before I even started the episode I found myself annoyed by the recap of episode 5. Elena get all weepy about killing Connor (vampire hunter) and immediately blames Damon for it. Now I’m not usually one to defend Damon -- he does a lot of bad shit with little rhyme or reason and I don’t have time for that kind of nonsense -- but the scene where she kills him it’s very clear why she killed him and they’re reason is personal to her, Jeremy. Damon was actually nowhere near that her mind, “stay away from my brother” neck snap, sounds very much like a vampire Elena with heightened emotions would do. Things like this are the reason why I don’t believe her turning into a vampire changed her personality -- it just heightened all the annoying qualities about her because as shown in earlier seasons she has no qualms with people dying as long as they aren’t her friends. Anyways this is literally the extent of my annoyance with her this episode which a miracle in itself. Instead we get a nice look into her brain and find out she is actually as self centered as she comes off. Unfortunately it’s under the guise of lamp-shading that leads nowhere and is mostly there as a jab at criticisms of the show. However I did enjoy the fact that she’s a lot more self-aware than she seems, but that weirdly makes her worse as a person. 
So into the episode, which involves Elena going insane due to the hunters curse which I’m pretty sure is the only reason she really feels bad for killing him. I guess I lied because Elena does annoy me briefly when she’s arguing with Stefan about not trusting him and says “don’t bring up Damon”. I just felt like saying “sweetie being waay too defensive for someone in the same boat” which I guess makes sense if you’re the cheating one in the relationship. They really didn’t set Elena up very well for her relationship with Damon -- things like this are the exact reasons why people say she cheated on Stefan with Damon. 
So anyways while Elena is having one of her episodes Klaus kidnaps her and the gang separates into two groups to save her -- the ‘productive’ group and the ‘makes everything worse’ group which Stefan is weirdly. I spent the majority of the episode wondering why he was trying to get her back from Klaus.He knew that she was perfectly safe with him. Sure there’s reasonable trust issues, but he knows better than anyone at this point tat Klaus has a vested interest in Elena staying alive, so while everyone is looking for a way to break the hunters cure he wastes an episode trying to find a suicidal from basically her rubber room -- believe it or not those actually have a function and it’s to protect people from themselves. 
I’m going to start with the productive group because they annoyed me a lot less. It’s basically Bonnie and Damon going to Shane. This plan starts with Bonnie saying the spirits won’t let her use magic and Damon forcefully telling her to do something and then she does. That right there annoyed me because for one, why is she acting reluctant is we the audience know she’s going to do it anyway. That was at first what I thought to be one of the few subtle ways the show uses to take her agency away because she can’t even do something voluntary at this point, but then something Elena’s hallucination of Katherine got me thinking. She says that “you got her Grams killed, her mother turned into a vampire. I’m pretty sure Bonnie hates you” (paraphrased). This episode made me think that is very plausible because she’s the only one treating the situation with the right amount urgency. She’s not jumping immediately to save Elena’s life and when they find the solution she’s not immediately telling Jeremy to kill a vampire. She tries to make sure everything isn’t worse by asking Jeremy if he truly wants to become a hunter. This is about the closest she get’s to character development that’s immediately taken away by not immediately jumping to save Elena. God how I wish things had stayed that way, actually if I’m wishing for something it would be for Bonnie to have actually killed Elena at prom, but sadly if that happened I know the writers would just have her dying bringing back Elena instead of Jeremy that season, but hey, that at least would have made more sense.
Anyway there’s Damon who didn’t annoy me, but I did find him pretty much useless. Him going with her to see Shane was pointless, in fact truer to his character he should have been apart of the making everything worse group. He actually made little sense to me here by not doing the irrational “save Elena” thing. There was literally no sense of urgency with him even when found her on the bridge and has to save her from killing herself. And even earlier when he calls Stefan makes little sense.
And while I’m on things that make little sense to me, April Young. Now she’s not exactly my favorite character, but I honestly don’t get the hate around her. I would have actually expected more people to be defending her since she’s only there as a ditsy plot device. Granted if she had been killed off there were more worthy characters of her place such as the hybrid Chris in this episode, but to me she was always a non-entity -- she has zero agency or even character development, she was a legit prop and no different in this episode as a way to expose Shane who I gotta say for such a ‘mastermind’ (I’ll give him credit for setting up the sacrifices as well as he did), he was really terrible at covering his tracks. Hosting an event at the same place as the girl who’s father you convince to sacrificially kill himself and others is either absent minded or that cruel either way neither is smart.
Caroline and Tyler quite honest was one of my favorite ships, but this episode reminded me why I found it easy to ship her with Klaus (which has since waned to not a ship I prefer, but I still don’t hate). This show also reminded me that for a show that spent so much effort avoiding the words slave or slavery, they sure make a lot of allusions to it. First with Emily, then with just about every black witch and the literally with Klaus and his sired hybrids who are his henchmen without a choice. And Tyler let’s Caroline in on his secret to change that and she immediately betrays that by actively, with Stefan, getting Chris killed. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been so mad a Caroline as a character because she was always the one with the most character development, but this was just an episode that highlighted that she can be just as hypocritical as Elena. 
Edit: I thought I posted this but apparently I didn't and it's been in my drafts for over a year.
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nicolabarth · 6 years
Pairing: Lucifer/Michael/Adam Milligan
Word Count: 1579
Written For: @spngenrebingo and also @humongouscandycoffee. Happy Birthday!
Square Filled: Hell
Summary: The cage has wifi since Sam spent time there. Adam thinks the internet is a nice distraction until the Archangels discover it, too.
Warnings: Cage fic, crack turned serious, no torture!
It’s a fact that everywhere Sam Winchester goes, there’s wifi. And apparently, if he stays somewhere long enough (like about 80 hell years) the wifi lingers after he’s gone. At least that’s Adam’s theory about why they have an internet connection in the cage.
While Sam had still been there, Michael had snapped a laptop in existence for Adam and he had used it aimlessly to distract himself. They’d all been tense. Without a body, Sam’s soul had been defenseless against the cage, no matter how much Lucifer had curled around it to protect it, alternating between murmuring soothing nonsense and cursing Castiel for only taking the body with him. When Death had shown up, Lucifer had practically shoved Sam’s soul into his hands, begging him to take it somewhere better.
After that, things had gradually gotten better. The internet is a nice distraction, and after a few hundred years, Michael and Lucifer actually manage to exchange whole sentences without any of them containing an accusation. Ever so carefully, Adam manages to stir them towards happy and safe topics. Like the creation of the universe before humans came along. How Lucifer had ignited the sun and the stars. How Michael had drowned some of the Leviathans in lava. How Gabriel had come up with the platypus. And how Raphael had liked playing catch with the lightning in the sky.
And when the archangels fight (again), Adam curls up in a corner with his laptop.
Then one day he finds Lucifer in front of it. The archangel looks up with a smirk on his lips that can’t mean anything good. “They wrote a song about you.”
Adam blinks. “Me?”
Lucifer nods.
“Who’d write a song about me?”
Lucifer’s grin gets wider. “The Supernatural fandom.”
“The what?”
In his own corner, Michael sighs. “The prophet Chuck wrote books about your brothers. Apparently some people liked them. A lot.”
And there Adam thought being locked into a cage in hell with two archangels as company is the heights of how surreal his life could get. “And those books mention me?”
“Yup.” Lucifer fiddles with the laptop as if he’s dying to finally reveal what exactly he found. “And the fans wrote a song about you. Wanna hear it?”
Adam looks at the literal devil through narrowed eyes. “What’s the catch?”
“Why would there be a catch?” Lucifer’s try for an innocent face gets completely ruined by the fact that he’s still grinning.
It probably doesn’t matter what Adam says now, in the end he’ll listen to the damn song. Would be the first time Lucifer doesn’t get what he wants. Well, technically the second, since he kinda wanted to destroy mankind. “Fine. Play it.”
And of course it’s about how Sam and Dean forgot him in the cage. Adam throws Lucifer a bitchface that the devil answers with a shiteating grin. When the refrain comes along for the second time, Lucifer starts singing along: “We are never ever ever saving Adam ever! He’s been dead for four years and we haven’t tried at all …”
“I’m not dead!” Adam finally shouts over the song. “I was dead! I was in fucking heaven! But someone just had to start the fucking Apocalypse and needed a fucking ride!”
Only when the silence that follows his outburst rings in his ears, does he realize that Lucifer has closed the laptop. Both archangels are staring at him, and there had been a time where that would’ve frightened him.
“We’re not playing that song again,” Michael finally says.
“It’s really catchy, though,” Lucifer protests, but it sounds a bit half hearted.
Michael walks over to his brother and takes the laptop out of his hands. “Give me that.”
“If you want to act all big brotherly, Michael, you should’ve started at Stull Cemetery.”
Oh great. And there they go again with the accusations. It’s an old argument by now, though, more like something they’re too used to to let go. There’s no real anger behind the words any more.
Michael just sighs. “You know the reasons, Lucifer.”
“Shit reasons.”
“Maybe you’re right.”
That’s a new one. Adam blinks in surprise at the same time as Lucifer does so, too. Then Lucifer leans forward, grin tugging at the corners of his mouth again. “What was that?”
Michael just growls at him, though.
For a while they all return to their respective corners, Michael doing something on the laptop now. There’s a lot of furrowing his brows and low muttering, but he doesn’t actually say anything.
After a few hours or maybe centuries – Adam had never learned how to tell time down here – a question occurs to him. He looks at Lucifer through narrowed eyes. “Why did you google me?”
Lucifer goes for a nonchalant shrug, but he avoids Adam’s eyes. That’s definitely very new.
A bit later Adam catches Lucifer humming the melody of the song. The humming stops as soon as Adam glares at him. “It is very catchy,” Lucifer defends himself.
“You know me never getting out means you never getting out either?” After all, who are Sam and Dean more likely to get out of here? Their brother or the literal devil? On the other hand, you never know with Sam and Dean ...
Lucifer shrugs. “I don’t expect to.”
“You don’t?” Adam asks surprised.
“Nah. I had my chance. Blew it so Sammy could have his piece of mind.” When Adam starts to say something Lucifer lifts a finger. “Don’t say a fucking word about that!”
“I was going to say that that’s actually surprisingly nice of you.”
He probably should’ve know not to say something like that, because it results in an archangel glaring angrily at Adam. “As I said, don’t say a fucking word.”
“Adam …” Michael interrupts them. He sounds a bit distracted. “Would you mind explaining the concept of shipping to me?”
Maybe the laptop had been a bad idea. Apparently, Michael had googled Adam, too. (Why do archangels keep googling him? Why is this even remotely a problem he has to deal with?) And he had found a thing called Midam. Adam guesses it makes sense with the whole vessel thing and all, and of course it leads to Lucifer making a lot of jokes about Michael jumping Adam’s bones. Lucifer also likes reading them fanfic summaries.
“This is a good one!” Lucifer is grinning again. “Listen: Alpha Michael was very disappointed that Adam popped a knot when he presented.”
Adam is pretty sure he doesn’t even want to know. “Popped a what?” he asks anyway.
Lucifer makes a vague hand gesture. “It’s probably a kinky thing.”
Okay, fine. That’s enough. If Lucifer want to play this game, he’s get what he deserves. Adam walks over, snatches the laptop, and is vaguely surprised that he’s still in possession of all of his limbs a moment later. Just to be safe he retreats to his own corner.
It doesn’t take long to find a ship called Michifer. It’s surprisingly easy to find art and fanfiction for it.
Showing it around leads to two archangels falling very silent for a century or two. Like, eerily silent. No accusations anymore, just the two of them eyeing each other. Sometimes they talk in Enochian, which Adam is getting better at, but when they speak low and fast he has no chance. If Adam had known that showing them a ship would have this result, though, he would’ve looked for it sooner.
Now and then Lucifer claims the laptop for himself. Apparently he has a blog now where he reblogs nature photography. It seems to make him happy.
Usually, he doesn’t stare at the screen unmoving for hours (or centuries), though. Usually he doesn’t pull on his lower lip in thought. Usually, he doesn’t get up to carry the laptop over to Michael’s corner. Usually, the archangels definitely don’t put their heads together to whisper for quite a while. Not just talk lowly, but whisper like they actively don’t want Adam to hear.
Not that it isn’t nice that they finally get along, but everybody would be nervous with two archangels staring at them and whispering. Especially since whispering in Enochian always sounds like hissed warnings of impending doom.
“What is it?” Adam snaps finally. What are they going to do to him? Kill him? He’s in hell already.
Lucifer nudges his brother. “You tell him. He’s your vessel.”
“You brought this up,” Michael protest.
Lucifer lifts an eyebrow. “You really want me to talk to him about this?”
Michael pulls a face at that. Then he turns to Adam. “Well, we just found another ship, and we wanted to ask you something.”
Seriously, how is being locked into a cage in hell with two archangels as company not the heights of how surreal his life could get? “No kinky sex,” Adam jokes. He’s definitely heard too many fanfiction summaries by now. “And in case you want to tell me your trueforms have tentacles, I’m not into that either.”
More whispering. Then Lucifer saying: “No, I don’t think it counts as a kink.”
Michael shrugs as if he wants to say ‘You’re the expert’. Which is probably fair, seeing as his brother invented sin, if certain old books are correct.
“We wanted to ask you,” Michael says finally, “what your thoughts on polyamory are.”
If Adam is totally honest there could’ve probably been worse questions. And in the end he is very happy that he answered honestly.
Tagging: @askatosch @brieflymaximumprincess @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @schizonephilim @coffee-queen448 @little-boyking @solo-skywlker @talkmagically @whinywingedwinchester @logicalize @batfam-art @blakechaos08 @captain-winchester-27
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readbythestarlight · 6 years
So this will be 10 episodes since the one where we lost Molly. Just throwing that out there.
Also it’s apparently my 9 (NEIN) month anniversary for being subbed to G&S which means it’s also my 9 month anniversary for watching CR and also the show has been going for 9 months as of the 11th so. That’s cool.
I like that jacket, Sam.
Broadway advert lol
“Andrew Loyd Website”
“I could have backed up all night” and “I’ve grown accustomed to her encryption” I’m dead
Okay that was hands down Sam’s best ad he’s so goddamn creative
NEW YORK NEW YORK I’m so excited I loved the last live show
I need it
Oh wait it doesn’t actually say sleeves are bullshit
I still love the shirt tho and I want one
And the bumper sticker
“It makes it sound bad when you say it like that” guys it WAS bad xD
Poor Caduceus is having an Experience
Cad: “You keep leaving”
Y: “They keep finding me”
Cad: “I think you might have the right idea”
guys you need to convince Caduceus to sTAY
Oh no don’t get Cad he’s sad and tired right now
I mean y’all almost left him behind which was crummy
Caleb really wanted to yank that axe out
Also how does healing work? Like does the guy have permanent brain damage in the are where the axe wrecked now? If it had hit somewhere vital to like, say, memory, would his memory be gone? Enquiring minds want to know.
When Caleb tries to be intimidating it both makes me laugh but also freaks me out a little
I LOVE when Matt has cool props
So does Travis lol
J: “Have you heard of THE Traveler”
Galen: “….Oh no not another one”
Nott and Jester building up Galen like “no no you’re totally special!!!”
“Missed all the major organs” sAM xD
“The Mist…ake” I’m crying
lol promoting this guy to first mate I’m crying
“We got a new pet!”
“Let’s call him Professor Thadeus the second!”
They forgot they had someone tied to the mast too what nerds
They cut up his nice shirt xD
I adore that Travis has totally got the islands and shit memorized so he can be super in-character
Also Cad is being too quiet it’s making me sad
Caleb The Navigator
Captain Fjord
First Mate Galen
Oh oh oh they should have a guest to come aboard and sail with them
Oh noooo they left the magic invisible cart
YES THANK YOU MATT y’all need to talk to Caduceus thank you Matt for pointing out that poor Taliesin has been silent for 30 minutes
Oh no have they somehow fucked over Cad’s mission?
I’m curious about this. Because obviously Taliesin knew this was exactly how the M9 were, so I can’t believe that he would have made Cad to be wholly incompatible with them.
He’s feeling really low and lost I think it’s time for a group hug
Him almost dying really freaked him out (and I think it really freaked Taliesin out too)
Caduceus is the ship’s cook
Mmm Beau is starting to feel like Caleb is trying too hard to excuse the bad things they do
I think the dock thing was a disaster for sure but I don’t think it was necessarily that they REALLY did anything wrong?
I’m not sure what exactly Beau is feeling bad about? Like freeing the genie wasn’t wrong, the boat thing was a mistake built on bad choice but it wasn’t them being inherently bad, and they didn’t kill Algar, so?
Ah, she’s feeling like she didn’t leave Nicodranus better than she found it
I like this whole “why didn’t we try to talk it out first” thing because it’s nice that two of them are having some moral conflicts. I also like what it says about Fjord and Beau as far as character development.
I mean I don’t think boiling it down to “like we were justified in our actions” really covers what Caleb said. He did say they could have handled things a lot better, but that they did what they had to to survive a situation they could have but didn’t handle better.
“I don’t want to drive you guys away” BEAUUUU my heart
Yasha staring off south “looking for a storm”
Caduceus cooking for the group is literally just my favorite thing. They totally needed a group member who could like make them slow down and eat and just like… take care of themselves, even just for the length of the meal.
Beau went from “I’m sorry for killing these guys” to “fuck those guys they’re dead anyway let’s smear their name”
We should not split up
There’s no way any of this could go wrong
Awwww Caleb showing Nott the stars and planets so sweet
SEE Caleb understands that things went horribly wrong. I honestly think he’s just trying to keep their spirits’ up.
Nott honey you don’t have to be okay with him using suggestion, I understand you both admire and need him but you can be mad at him
“Nott is a one-earther”
Have I mentioned how much I love Caduceus?
Fjord’s just like “please tell me you mean you talk to alive grieving people and not the dead people”
Oh no
They’re coming for them
You should NOT go back
Sam is like “why the fuck are we going back” and I agree so hard
Fjord should not stay on the ship Nott is right
N: “Oh, oh, what other languages do you speak?!”
J: “I speak Infernal”
Everyone cracks up
Oh this is going to be another disaster
Although I guess the guard guys wouldn’t be expecting them to immediately come back?? Maybe??
“I’m gonna bake, fuck it” I LOVE CAD
“I look like Captain Crunch btw” I’m crying can’t breathe omg
Except isn’t the captain dead lol
“Unknown do-gooders” well that wasn’t the reputation I expected
These lies are getting more and more ridiculous
“The little devil girl who drowned a hundred years ago” Taliesin and the idea of a ghost story is just… so perfect.
Beau stop xD
If this ghost story isn’t in campaign 3 someday I’m gonna cry
I’m so glad that Orli is coming along
They hired the tortle! :D
Nott is really being adorable with the “we are a team and you are important” thing. Obvious, but adorable.
Taliesin wanted ghost stories and now we’re getting islands people avoid because strange ancient unnatural stuff
Okay quick aside but this conversation with Yasha and Caduceus makes me think — I love how there’s this group of people who seemingly should have nothing in common, but in a lot of ways they have things they can understand about each other. Struggles they can related to. It’s really nice.
Jester and her multiple message spells lol
I’ll miss you Marion!
Oooo a glow in the water?
Awww Matt that’s really pretty!
“Sometimes the things that are the most beautiful are the things that can hurt you the worst” that’s very profound, Jester.
I’m gonna cry I don’t want Jester to be sad don’t be sad (Laura needs to stop looking like she’s gonna cry because it’s gonna make me cry)
And the way she does this little laugh like she’s trying to brush off how sad she is like STOP IT IM EMOTIONAL.
Marion was gonna leave with Jester’s dad but then he didn’t come back and I’m thinking at some point they had better kick the Gentleman’s ass for abandoning her
The way Fjord is so sweet and soft with Jester is so cute I can’t decide if I ship them or if I just want them to be soft and close but not romantic I think I’d be happy either way but my god Fjord’s being so gentle with her is killing me
“There are vegetarian options as well”
Marius: “Thank you, thank you, it’s very good—they’re crazy aren’t they?”
Cad: “Oh yeah, they’re completely crazy.”
I desperately hope they get attacked by a sea monster at some point
“Captain Tusktooth”
Tiny elf-owl Frumpkin omg
He’s loaning her tiny owl Frumpkin for a week I cry
M: “I poke him to see if he bites me”
Tr: “He’s dead”
“I’m gonna probably start talking to fish at some point in the near future” Caduceus Doolittle
When Nott is sincere like when she’s talking to Caduceus right now is so sweet
I take it back it’s too soon to talk about Molly Sam
“Between you and me, Jester’s a really bad cleric, so…” and Laura almost spits out her drink lol
I want to meet the rest of the Clays someday I hope some of them are still alive
“A sign that there could be, for all of us, another chapter” Nott is getting me in my feelings tonight
Matt: “You get the sense that the fish would be happy to”
Cad/Tal: “I’m a lunatic aren’t I?”
M: “Yeah.”
C/T: “I’m sorry.”
M: “Yeah, no, it’s great! :D”
The fish: “sure, sure, suresuresuresure sure”
Oh godddd sky monster?
“Professor Thadeus…?”
Oh. Fuck. Creepy flying humanoid thing.
lol Beau making sure it’s not Yasha
Oh jeez poor Yasha
…Okay Matt that wasn’t cool because it’s past midnight and the windows are open and I’m feeling weirdly paranoid now
Harpies omggggg
Caleb’s really not gonna be able to use fire for this without risking the ship
Oh fuck don’t get the deck hands
Okay the sail isn’t that big a deal Jester can probably mend it, so save the deck hand first
Harpies are not sirens that shouldn’t be allowed to do anything
Oh poor Nott
I love Cad’s beetles
“Snack time” Cad you’re so creepy sometimes xD
15pts of beetle damage hell yeah
Okay I take it back Beau might have done the best thing saving the sail.
Okay this is too easy of a fight tho what’s coming that’s worse
Oh daaaaamn snapped her neck with the sail rope
Caleb Nott this isn’t nice xD
“We saved his life with the power of friendship” I’m crying
F: “How do we prevent further heart episodes?”
Awkward friend hugs are best hugs
Nott please don’t eat harpy meat
Cad’s gonna compost the harpy
Beau is keeping Frumpkin in her pocket of course she is
Oh god the ship is gonna sink
They’re gonna end up stranded on the cursed island just watch
Gonna try and block the hole…. with a mattress
I’m shocked they managed to patch it bless Galen for that Nat20
Caleb being clever to save the ship with his magic bubble
I hope they don’t get Orli killed
They gonna get sunk
Oh wait
Does Caleb have to stay inside the bubble?? I hope it doesn’t start to fill too much
YAAAAAS what a good episode!
Oh please wear pirate outfits I’m begging
I’m so excited for next week
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thewildheroine · 6 years
Meet Me In Between |Part One| (Infinity War Spoiler Story)
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Warnings: Blood, explosion
Word Count: 2152
Pairing: Ghost!Peter Parker x Reader
A/N: OH MY GOSH GUYS I’M SO FREAKING EXCITED FOR THIS SERIES. I’ve been thinking about it since I saw Infinity War and I’m happy to have finally gotten a chance to publish it. This is a spoiler story though so please, Please, PLEASE, if you haven’t watched Avengers: Infinity War yet do not read this story. The biggest motivating/plot point is the most heartbreaking scene in the movie. I hope you guys enjoy the first part of Meet Me In Between!!!!!!
(Muy Importante endnotes at the bottom!) 
|Intro and Summary| |Part Two|
I stare out the window of the classroom. The early morning sun comes in thick rays past the skyscrapers. Our teacher drones on at the front drones on at the front of the class about the civil war or something close to that at least. My attention is on what is happening outside though. The sound of cars and people racing to get to work reverberate all the way from the streets and up into the class.
Abruptly I feel something brush against my elbow as though whatever it is is trying to grab me. I wave my hand around so people just think I’m discouraging a fly. Most of them already know the truth anyway. Well, they think they know the truth. Every single day I’m bombarded with questions about my ability to “see ghosts” and every day I try to explain to everyone that that isn’t how it works. Most of the time the inbetweeners that find me don’t actually mean to. In the between, the space I call that is stuck in the middle of the living and dead and world, people who have been lost for God knows how long meander around not knowing what is going on and occasionally bumping into me. I avoid them. At least I would if I could see them.
Whatever my gift is doesn’t allow me to use it to its full capability. I can only feel the inbetweeners. Their emotions as well as their bodies. Ever since I began high school I honed my ability to zone them out so I wouldn’t be called a weirdo.
The thing is, people did find out but they didn’t see me as the peculiar ghost girl. They adored me actually. I guess I have the Avengers to thank for that in a way. Because of them, my ability is seen as just another cool quirk rather than a curse. It’s made me popular in my school and people idolize everything about me because of the fact I can enter the in between.
Again, the invisible in-betweener bumps into my shoulder, and I shake my hand at them more so I can push whoever it is away. I ignore the transition when I go from the living world to the in between. Like always the empty class is covered in cobwebs. The world is dimmed by an eternal twilight that watches me nefariously. Instead of being able to see whoever is bumping into me I just see a warped space in the air that looks like a veil that is rimmed with a blurred rainbow.
I sigh and drop my head into my hands, willing the in-betweener to disappear. When he continues tapping my shoulder though I growl and look up at him or where I think he is at least. The tapping then stops and I can feel the glimmer of fear flowing through my head. The bulwark that guards my mind rises defensively, shutting off the emotions he has managed to force into my head.
“Y/N,” a voice next to me says. It isn’t his though. “Hey, adventurer lets go. If I’m late to astronomy again Ms. Hurley’s going to give me detention.” The in-betweener flickers away from my vision, reminding me of a dying light bulb. Once I return back to my world I have to let my eyes adjust to the amount of light pouring in through the windows. My eyes blink hard as I look up at Lily who taps her foot at me to show her sarcastic impatience.
“Sorry,” I shake my head and grab my backpack from the ground. The nearly weightless item hangs loosely on my figure as I stand and start walking out of the class with my friend. A crowd of people waits conspicuously outside, stalling to see the so-called ghost girl make her way to class.
“Move it, kids,” Lily hisses at them so that the crowd splits in half. “The adventurer isn’t doing interviews for underclassmen today.” I shoot each of them an apologetic smile before glaring back at my friend.
“I’m not doing any interviews for anyone ever,” I retort frustratedly before aggressively tearing my headphones out of the phone jack. Lily fakes disappointment while we begin mounting the flight of stares to astronomy.
“Awww,” she bemoans, randomly leaning against my body to be dramatic. I have to grab the metal railing for support. “Come on adventurer. Not even for those boy toys always checking you out?” I scoff and roll my eyes. My hand twists around my back and shoves the headphones into my back pocket.
“First of all I hate being called ‘the adventurer’,” I emphasize my point by mimicking quotes with my hands. “I don’t adventure. Sometimes I’m in the in-between and sometimes I’m here and also there are no guys checking me out.” Lily stops at the top landing, leaving me to push her away so we don’t block anyone's path.
“Oh, come on Y/N!” she chuckles loudly. I close my eyes, not wanting to acknowledge all the eyes locked on us. “Eli has had his eyes on you since sophomore year,” I smirk and nod, almost able to find her ignorance humorous.
“Yeah,” I drone and turn towards our class. “Wonder why that is?”
“Don’t pull that Y/N,” Lily groans as she follows me into Ms. Hurley’s class. The entire ceiling is a window shaped like a dome which allows us to use her giant telescope. Thousands of dollars of the school budget had to have gone into this room alone. I wouldn’t expect less from a Montessori school. Especially one located in Manhattan.
“Don’t pull what Lily?” I ask placidly, honestly too annoyed at this point to react with any emotion.
“That whole, oh my life is so hard. No one really likes me as a person and they only want to hang around me because of my weird gifts.” I watch, bemused at how she slouches her shoulders and whines in a high voice to imitate me. I blink hard and shake my head, still wondering how that impression even resembles me.
“I am nothing like that,” I reply calmly. Lily straightens herself, brushing the invisible specks of dust off of her dress before grinning ear to ear.
“That is totally like you,” she smiles smugly. I open my mouth to begin arguing but the door shuts behind me loudly, signaling that Ms. Hurley just entered the class. My eyes stay pointedly on Lily for a moment more before I slump into my seat. Our teacher clumsily approaches her desk while trying to balance a mug of coffee in her hand. Much to our relief, she sets it down on the wood before any of the contents has a chance to spill over the edge.
She sighs tiredly before pulling up something up on her laptop. I half listen to her as she begins informing us about our class agenda. Just like in history class, my attention is dragged over to the window. My eyes stare out of it expectantly. Something pulls at my heart suddenly and I know that for the first time in a very long time it is my own heart speaking to me.
Without explaining myself, I stand from my chair and walk towards the glass. Everyone stalls for a moment, curious about what the hell I’m doing. Finally, Ms. Hurley calls for me to sit back down. Instead of listening to her directions though, I keep approaching the window. I’m barely able to breathe once I reach the glass. My heart palpitates too fast.
Reluctantly, I look up as much as I can, silently dreading what I may see. At first, I find nothing but the warm blue sky. A few birds coast on the wind but there is nothing extraordinary about what I’m looking at despite the feeling that still rages inside of me. My eyes stay on the sky though, not hoping but preparing for what will come. Finally, I see what was calling for me. Right when it enters our atmosphere it just looks like a black streak heading towards New York. The normal person wouldn’t think much of it. I’m anything but normal though.
“Get down,” I whisper while backing away. Whatever is up in the sky doesn’t slow down and I begin fearing the absolute worse. I turn around to see all my shocked peers staring up at me, probably thinking I may have just looked at a ghost. My eyes meet Lily’s though and she automatically knows that it can’t be that.
“Guys,” my voice raises from my panic. “You need to get-”
I don’t even get the chance to finish my sentence when the window behind me is blown out. My body flies forward before meeting the ground harshly. Luckily my arms wrapped around my head right when the impact happened, keeping me a little safe while I skid across the floor. I slam against the leg of a chair that was left in a hurry.
As I pull myself up I hear the screams of my classmates as they rush out of the door to escape what had just happened. I look up, the black spots getting in the way of me seeing all of what just fell to the Earth. Gusts of air keep entering the school as I stand.
Right outside of the class is a giant thing of metal. Mechanisms work together to keep it up in the air and off of the Earth’s soil. Not giving it a second thought, I step towards the ship, the cord connecting me to it taut and basically begging me to investigate. The wind being emitted from the growling circle of metal blows my hair around my face but I’m too focused on what I’m seeing to keep the strands from disrupting my line of sight.
The ship fills up the whole entire street. Debris fly around Greenwich wildly. Pieces of newspapers even manage to float up and into the classroom. I crouch to the ground instinctively, preferring not to risk capture by what may be inside.
“Y/N!” Lily shouts for me. I stand and turn around to face her as she sprints into the classroom. Her hands immediately rise to check my face for any injuries. She swipes her fingers at the cuts I hadn’t even known existed since I was so infatuated with the ship. “We need to go,” she gasps breathlessly while staring behind me. I glance away from her and watch in complete awe as the debris in the streets floats upwards. Before I can figure out how Lily pulls at my arms. She struggles as I drag my feet into the linoleum flooring. Only when she starts imploring me to run do I turn away from the catastrophe that is New York and out of the messy classroom with her.
Lily keeps leading me even when we get to the bottom floor of our school. Her hand stays on mine as she tugs me away from the front door where I can hear the sounds of a fight beginning. We run through the cafeteria, which may very well be the only room in our whole school that wasn’t destroyed by the ominous ship.
Finally, we exit the building and pant. Lily laughs, relieved by how she made it out of there alive. I know how much that means to her. She and I went through the original attack on New York together with our mothers. It terrified her even to this day. I, on the other hand, am anything but relieved.
I still hyperventilate fearfully as though there is not enough oxygen in the world to support every cell in my body for even a moment. My hands run themselves through my tangled hair, tugging out strands as they move across the scalp mercilessly. Again, I look up to the sky, still hunting for something that I don’t know.
Then I see him swing overhead. His red and blue suit is just a blur against the monochromatic backdrop but I recognize him in an instant as the Spider-Man. My heart falters when I realize he is rushing towards the invader. A tear falls from my eye when the superhero disappears behind our school, leaving me alone with my confusing emotions.
“Please don’t go,” I mumble, not knowing why I would say it in the first place. Even Lily looks at me strangely as I collapse to the ground in an emotional heap made of tears and blood. I wheeze against my hands that were nicked by the glass when the window shattered. I wish that it was someone else’s emotions in my head. An in-betweener who is still in shock from arriving in the new domain. It’s not though. The heartbreak I feel comes from my very own heart and soul and I don’t have any idea if I’ll ever know why.
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed the very first part of Meet Me In Between but I do need to let you guys know something. With finals approaching along with the end of the year I’m super stressed (especially since I have two really low B’s. Oof.) Seeing that that is the case I’m going to be posting my stories less frequently. If anyone would like to share any preferences they have my ask box is always open. I was thinking I would post Fly Away Wednesdays, Meet Me In Between Fridays and any one-shots, requests, or challenges during the weekend. I’ll probably begin this schedule after this week.
If you would like to be tagged from now on in this story please leave a comment or send me a message via ask/chat box. Requests are open as well!
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zoadgo · 6 years
a curse most sweet | The 100 | Shaw/Raven
Rating: General Audiences Words: 1203 Tags: Raven POV, Canon Compliant, Canon Scene, 5x11, Angst A/N: I just needed to write Raven’s POV for 5x11 because I am simultaneously so thrilled and heartbroken tbh. @zavenkru is the best for giving me a second opinon on this one!!
Raven sees Shaw standing there, and it’s all she can think. Guns turn on him, and just-
The ground falls away from beneath her feet, and it doesn’t even matter that he’s kicking their asses, or that Echo killed that other guy, or that he just saved them all, because all Raven can feel is dread. She should be happy he swooped in and saved the day, but she can’t. Because when he showed up, the way she felt… She cares about him. Maybe even loves him.
Everyone Raven Reyes loves ends up dying. Horribly. Just like-
“You’re welcome,” he says, and Raven wants to cry. He saved her, he’s already said he cares about her, and it’s a goddamn tragedy, because she knows she’s cursed. She wants to run to him, and check if he’s okay, and instead she storms past him, angry to the point of tears at him and the universe.
She inspects the guns - not that there’s all that much to inspect, honestly - and tries not to think about how he could have just died. How he probably will die, and how it will destroy her, just like it has every other time she’s lost people. Raven breathes in the cold air sharply and grips the metal in her hands desperately. She’s angry at herself, for letting herself fall for him. Hates that she didn’t back off earlier and let him go, that she kept coming back for that damn smile and how he looks at her like she’s incredible - which she is, but it’s been a long time since someone has made her feel that way.
The walk back to camp, Shaw tries to talk to her, and Raven makes a beeline for Murphy. If anyone can repel other people, it’s Murphy, especially with an obnoxiously large gun. Raven falls into the easy pattern of shit talking with him, and vaguely dirty jokes, and tries to ignore the hurt looks Shaw sends her way. It breaks her heart, but not as much as it did when he stepped out of those woods and she realized she could lose him. She didn’t even know she’d found him, and she could have lost him.
Every time Shaw tries to talk to her, Raven avoids him, and eventually he picks up on the message, looking less like a kicked puppy and more pissed off. Which is fair, and is what Raven was going for, isn’t it? She wants to drive him away - no, that’s a lie, she doesn’t want that. She wants to throw herself into his arms, and hug him, and kiss him, and check that he’s okay, and fight side by side with him, and-
Raven sets her jaw and tinkers with more mechanical scrap, not even trying to build anything, just trying to look busy and focused enough that Shaw will leave her alone. Sternly, she reminds herself that she doesn’t get what she wants, not in this world. If she wants something, she’s only setting it up to be destroyed. And the only thing worse than driving Shaw away and making him hate her would be living in a world without him, so Raven continues to ignore him.
The plan comes together, and this time, Shaw is right in the middle of making it. Raven should be, too, but that would mean standing side by side with him and she can’t. It hurts to be near him, to know that in a better life they could be together, but he’s probably going to die in three days.
Two days.
Everyone is afraid, the night before the war, and no one sleeps. In their groups, friends and warriors run through the plan again and again, and mutter words of encouragement. Shaw walks among them and reminds everyone of important things on how not to die. Raven picks a tree, a very nice tree, and leans against it and tries not to cry.
God, even his voice is perfect. And he’s going to die tomorrow. Not all of them will, but Raven loves him, so of course he’s going to die. She’s going to find his body, probably, or he’ll die trying to save her. Isn’t that just how it goes? Anger and sorrow wage war within her, a solemn premonition of events to come.
Shaw walks up to her, and Raven doesn’t move. Doesn’t look at the canteen he offers her, and tries not to break down. She wants him so bad and she can’t have him because she can’t have nice things.
“It’s been four days,” Shaw says, and Raven’s heart is in tatters, “we’re about to go to war, and maybe you should forgive me for saving your life.”
That’s what he thought? That she’s mad at him for the stupid plan and heroics that worked? She couldn’t care less about that, it was only the catalyst for her realization.
Shaw waits a moment, and then he turns, and Raven’s resolve crumbles. She can’t let him walk away. She can’t let him die without knowing what it would be like to kiss him, and if he really feels the same way about her. If she’s cursed him anyway, the least she can do is get what she wants for a moment. Just one moment.
Raven reaches out and grabs Shaw’s jacket, pulling him back around and into a fast, deep kiss. Just enough for her heart to right itself, snapping back into place like a dislocated joint. Just enough for her to know what his lips feel like on hers, and how his hand feels gripping her hip. And to know that, yes, he kissed her back, he feels the same.
In that moment, fear leaves Raven’s mind. It rushes back as she breaks away, but less than before. She loves him, and everything is less scary in his embrace. Plus he looks at her as if she’s just given him some advanced calculus to solve, and it’s phenomenally adorable.
“I’m not mad at you for saving my life,” Raven explains, tears straining her voice because she’s so damn worried about losing him, “I’m mad at you for making me care about yours.”
Raven can’t think about the emotion Shaw looks at her with, because it’s all too much already. Even with her hands still gripping his jacket, a part of Raven screams to push him away, to stop caring so he can be safe. But none of them are ever safe, and, well, the ship has quite soundly sailed on not caring.
“Understand?” Raven breathes, or at least she tries to. It’s hard to remember how, with the intensity of Shaw’s gaze on her.
And then he leans in, and he kisses her and that’s so incredibly dangerous. The universe wants her to suffer, and what better way than this? But with a singular intent, Shaw kisses the fear out of her, the looming dread, and the heartbreak. Raven’s mind goes blessedly quiet as he holds her gently and kisses her as if it’s their last day on Earth.
As Raven’s knees go weak and Shaw continues holding her up anyway, she makes a solemn vow to ensure that it’s not.
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ikonislife · 7 years
Drabble #4
-Hanbin x Reader
-Friend to lover drabble.
-Is this too long to be a drabble? If it is lemme know, I’ll just move it to the normal masterlist. 
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You had thought by this age, those days of enthusing over your crush on a boy who would never look your way would be long gone, a thing of the past. Who knew the boy would only upgraded to a man, and you still very much gushing about him in your diary near daily. If you have to be really honest with yourself, all this seems a bit childish considering you’re no longer a teenage girl with only a kiss under your belt to count as “dating experience”. Yet if you think really hard, there’d be no other way for you to openly dream of the man without it getting back to his ears by the end of the night. Your guy best friend and roommate, Bobby? Also his best friend and boy, has he got loose lips. Your girl best friend? She got scooped up by Bobby faster than you could even finished introducing them to one another. Although you know she wouldn’t mention this tiny crush to her dear boyfriend, the chance of it getting out by some freak accident still greater than you’d care to risk. Plus, you didn’t want to burden her, having putting on her the need to lie to Bobby, whom she had never lied to before. 
- Once again, Hanbin had made it quite difficult for my poor heart to function. Why does he feels the need to roam this apartment as if he lives here. Honestly who does this boy think he is, showing up unannounced looking mighty fine in that giant white button up he stole from Bobby. 
Also, what is it with him and Bobby being shirtless 25 hours a day. Does neither of them know of this concept call PJ shirts or are they just too broke to afford shirts. What happened to mutually respecting the common space between roommies. 
On that note, he got yet another tattoo and lord does it
The sudden thunderous bang of the front door had your heart near leaping out of your chest, the neat rows of unfinished thought permanently ruined with a giant jagged black line wiggling its way through the page before the pen too, tumbling out of your grasp fro shock.
“Hey Y/n!!!!”
“God, Hanbin. You’re going to give me a heart attack one of these day. Why are you here again, where’s the bunny.” 
Of course out of all the day for him to walk in on you penning down your deepest thought, it’d be the day where you finally convinced yourself to enjoy the living room, taking the chance to utilize the space without Bobby’s incessant screaming at the TV. Seriously, what even made you think writing in your diary in the common space would be a good idea, you should’ve known this would happen even as sure as you were they had gone out for dinner. The cosmic hates you, of course this would happen.
“He ran into his girl, she was on her way up and they abandoned me so I came back to hang with you. Well, more like I didn’t wanna be third wheel.” Eyes lingering in your wide open book, his lips suddenly curl up in a mischievous smirk. “Ooooo diary. Whatcha wrote? I saw my name.” 
Is it possible for your blood to physically drains from your body in an instant, because if it is, you were sure that’s what happening right this second. Even in the muddy reflection of the Tv screen, you could tell your face had just gone ghost white from the sudden reminder that the gateway to your most secretive thoughts is still very much in public domain... Worse, Hanbin’s domain. 
“NOTHING!” As your panicking self regaining a bit of composure after a less than normal scream for an answer, the leather bound book slowly closing and as inconspicuous as you could, slid it away from sight under the cushion. “I mean, nothing, it’s nothing.”
Giant puffy coat shed, Hanbin settles just beside your warm body, stealing body heat and no doubt already craving skin-ship in the short 10 minutes since Bobby had left him to have his own fun. A stupidly adorable pout blooming on his cherry soft lips, those doe eyes working you into a stupor but before it could accomplish its mission of prying info out of you, his desire for skin contact overdrive every other function in his body as Hanbin nudges his nose right into the crook of your neck. 
“Please, tell me! Y/n~ I saw my name~”
“It’s nothing.” You sigh in relief, mentally thanking yourself for having written your deepest, most intimate thought in (insert your language). At least you’re not all dumb and daze when it comes to Hanbin... Although, you’re this close to just giving him the damn book just to shut his whiny ass up. Seriously, how could a grown man be on par with a three years old, Bobby really didn’t named him whine king for no reason. 
“Please~ I promise I won’t tell anyone. I saw my name, Y/n~~”
“It’s private, Binnie, I can’t...” You’re struggling, the truth teetering at the tip of your tongue, asking, begging to see the light of day especially when hanbin is practically on his knees, dying to know. You aren’t even sure what’s worse, fighting the urge to kiss him right there on the spot or keeping this secret. He had made it near impossible not to let your gaze lingers on those sharp collar bones peeking from the wide neckline white tee sheer enough for you to make out the dark patch of ink so handsome on his smooth skin. 
Yet you’re scare, fearful of the catastrophic power of the words waiting to be unleash, would it pummel this friendship into nothingness? You’re too much of a coward to find out, even with the sweet begging and gentle whisper... You just couldn’t.
“Oh...” How Hanbin could shift from sounding like honey to this icy tone cutting at your heart in a mere second, you’re too drunk in him to keep up with. “It can’t be too good then if you’re so afraid of me finding out.” Gone were the little teasing smirk, gone too was the soft nudges and tight hug around your waist. In place, a bitter chuckle, almost in disbelief that you could think of him as anything else other than a friend. Had he done anything wrong, offended you somehow that you’d resort to badmouthing him in a diary. A dreary sigh rips from his lungs as the handsome man shy away from your touch, getting up preparing for another trek in the cold night. 
“No, Hanbin. That’s not what-”
“It’s okay, Y/n. I know I can be a lot sometimes, the bunny told me all the time. I understand.” Even when he’s upset with you, Hanbin couldn’t help but does his best to soften the blow with a weak smile. Actually, he’s not upset with you really, just the situation. As he pull back the jacket that hadn’t had a chance to dry, Hanbin mentally curses himself for being so careless, for forcing you into revealing things that no one should see in the first place. 
“Binnie, just listen for one second, please.” Before his cold fingertips could reach for the handle of the front door, you had thrown your body in between his and the wooden barrier, a desperate gaze in your eyes. “I’ll tell you, just, promise me you won’t be angry.”
“You don’t have to, I’m sorry for pressing. I know diary is something precious and really, you don’t have to. Just tell me that it’s not something bad. I shouldn’t have look in the first place, i’m sorry.” And with that Hanbin remains silent, his gaze intently on your shifting features but those beautiful eyes no longer as stormy. 
“I want to tell you for awhile now, just, I’m too much of a coward to.” No longer could you bear the burning of his gaze so yours downcast to his chest, the place where you had always associate with warmth and comfort through the many movie night he’d let you rest your weary mind on. “I wrote that you made it difficult for me, for my heart.” His lips parted in what you guess, shock, and you could feel the force of thousand storm forming into word at his tongue. “Just let me finish, don’t say anything yet.”
Your eyes searching for his, looking for any sign at all but all you got was an undecipherable mixture of emotion flashing, mingling with confusion. Nevertheless, hanbin respects your wish and kept his lips tight. 
“Thank you.” Your eyes flutter close, the most strenuous sigh dances its way from your quivering lips. “I said you made it difficult because my poor heart overworks itself every time you’re near me. It’s like any second, you could look my way steal all the air out of my lungs and honestly, I don’t know how much longer I can handle it. I like you, Hanbin, I like you so much that it’s unbearable but I know you won’t ever look my way. I don’t know if you’ve never notice the way I act around you or chose not to but it’s unlike how I am with any other guys. And I know it’s stupid to write in some stupid diary but it’s the only way I could stop myself from overbearing you.”
Once again, your search for any emotion on his face fail as your heart breaks at the blank canvas, lacking any and all response to the giant bomb you had just dropped on him. Unknowingly, your lips whisper a meek “please say something” with tears pricking at your lashes but Hanbin stays still. 
“I’m sorry, this must all be so suffocating for you. Now that you know what I wrote, you’re welcome to leave.” A small apology chokes out of you before your body moves aside, clearing the doorway for the stunned man to make his way into the night. At this point, you’re not sure if you want to linger and watch Hanbin leaves at in the light of your crush made public and also its demise within just a few minutes, so you walk away. 
“Goodbye, Hanbin.”
Even before the last syllable of his name hits the air, a strong hold on your wrist cast yet another mystifying shadow on your features and before you could even process which way was up, Hanbin already got you in his arms, clinging on tighter than he had ever done before. 
“You didn’t even give me a chance to breathe before condemning me right into the friend zone. That’s just mean, Y/n.” 
“You say this is suffocating for me but, have you notice?” 
As much as you’d like to forever stay in his arms, resting your cheeks on his chest as your skin soaks in the rumble of his steady heartbeat, you’ve got to know what he’s on about. Pushing the clingy boy just as far as you could without him fighting to pull you back in, you gaze up at his face only to find the cheekiest smirk and a small kiss to your nose. 
“What are you talking about?”
“I suffocate you with my body all the time, and I don’t see you complaining. Like 5 minutes ago, I quite literally thrown myself into your lap on the couch.”
“You’re just teasing me now...” 
With a long sigh and a slight scrunch of his nose, Hanbin presses yet another kiss onto your skin, this time your cheek.
“What am I going to do with my clueless girl. I like you, for awhile now but I’m bad with words. I kept thinking of how to ask you on a date but it’s hard expressing so much emotion into words. So i smother you with affection instead.”
“You mean it?” You had always want to believe there’s just a bit extra love in the way he display his affection toward you but never once let yourself actually buy into it. To know it was all his effort to convey what he couldn’t say sets your heart ablaze. 
“Always! Get your coat, let’s go out too. Then maybe after, we’ll cuddle and you can say all those things you want to write down about me to my face. I’ll listen to it all, even all the things from the past.” 
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fillintheprompts · 7 years
Sequel to the Infinity Prompt
My village held its’ breath when I was born. Never before had they seen someone with that symbol on their wrist. The midwife took me away from my mother immediately and gave me to the village doctor. They told her that the number on my wrist was a zero. That I’d taken one breath and never drew another. It was my first bit of irony. The man cursed to live forever, dead to the world at birth.
The first few years of my life were strange. I wasn’t allowed to leave my home. I knew the doctor as my father, but I knew who my parents were. I just wasn’t allowed to see them. In 1902, the year I turned 3, my mother died, trying to protect my father. He owed a lot of money to bad men overseas, and he couldn’t pay his debt. They tried to take his life, but my mother stepped in front of him and he ran away. I decided that day that my father wasn’t a good man. I was glad to have the doctor.
The bad men came back when I was 4. The doctor explained that I was halfway through my life that year and I became reckless. I ran where I wasn’t supposed to and did things that would get me killed. These men found me and were very impressed by me. I was a small African boy with green eyes. They saw dollar signs and snatched me. I never got to say goodbye to the man that raised me.
I spent days on a ship alongside my real father. He was always either sad or plotting. Before we reached the shores, he’d found his way to the edge and fell overboard. No one was really cleared if he jumped or actually fell. I remember the last thing he said to me: “Look out for yourself and only pay attention to the people who are after you and those who can get you away”. Terrible man.
We made it to America. I was sold to a private adoption agency under the name Andre. My baba named me Adetokunbo, so that is my name, I thought. I was adopted by a lovely white family. Mildred and Leonard Wilson. The Wilsons took care of me and taught me the value of life. Mildred was a homemaker and Leonard, a doctor. I was happy to be with another doctor for the time I had left. When I turned seven, I went to them.
“Are you going to miss me,” I asked. “You know, when I’m gone?” They looked shocked and confused.
“What do you mean, Andre,” Mildred asked. “Where are you going?” I showed her my wrist. She looked confused for a moment then laughed. “Sweetheart, what does that look like to you?”
“It’s an eight,” I replied. “In a year, I won’t be here. Are you not going to miss me?” Father sat me on the couch and motioned my mother to join us.
“We would miss you so much if you were going to be gone from us,” he started. “But you won’t. That sign isn’t an eight, son. It’s an infinity symbol. It’s supposed to symbolize forever. You won’t be dying at all.” That’s all I remember from that conversation. I was too busy thinking of what I was going to do for the rest of my life. There was so much.
When the roaring twenties were starting, I’d just turned 21. I was finishing university and moved from my home in Oklahoma to live in New York City. My family was saddened by my move and looked down on New Yorkers, who didn’t have the privilege we had of having a celebration when Oklahoma became a state. I was 8 then and I was celebrating a lot more than that. Now that I was in New York, I planned on being an entertainer. I wanted to be in the films, but ended up backstage.
That’s where I met the love of my life. Her name was Lillian. She was a gorgeous woman with the acting skills of an angel. We went dancing a few times and she was the one to convince me that I should put makeup over my number. So I did. I was no longer the freak that would live forever, but the hero who could die at any time. I enjoyed it for a bit, but then I came to realize some things. I wasn’t dating Lillian. I loved her and she was using me to one up Zelda Fitzgerald. Apparently there is nothing more wild and free than carrying a colored on your hip. 
I left New York shortly after. I went back to school to become a doctor like my baba and father. I’d loved doctors so dearly, I thought becoming one would make me love myself again. It didn’t work. Being a student was hard for me. I could memorize things like I did my cues, but in practice, I had no idea what I was doing. By the time 1925 hit, I was spending my days in a speakeasy trying to figure out my life. I met the love of my life there. Her name was Eliza and she was the bartender. She cared for me. She made me laugh. She even got me to make her promises so I wouldn’t be super drunk and violent anymore. I loved her.
What made me love her the most was that she was like me: she didn’t cover her number. The 20s were full of people trying to one up each other and appear mysterious. The best way to do that was to use makeup to cover your number. Eliza was concerned about her number because she was also unusual. Not like me, but she had two numbers on her arm, separated by a dash. So, she new she lived somewhere in the ballpark of 29 to 45. That could happen any day for her. We spent each day like it was our last even if I wouldn’t know a last. We made a life together and had a child, James. James was born with a 15.
When James was 5, we sought the help of someone who could change fate. She was supposed to change my number so that I would not know eternity without my family, but instead, she sealed it. I was bitten that day, and Eliza was murdered. She was 37. I was 35, and not ready to live forever without her. Even worse, my beautiful son had only 10 years of life left in him. I knew what I had to do.
I went home and tucked my boy in for bed. He slept peacefully. I watched over him until he fell asleep and reached over to bite him. As I was close to coming down on his neck, the door was kicked in and I was brought out onto the streets by a group of men. They threw gasoline at me and set my on fire. I was in pain for days before I finally stopped screaming and pretended to die. The men stopped checking for me and I ran away. I looked after my son from a distance as they spun tales about his father’s change and how they think I killed his mother. On the day James died, I was there, but I couldn’t reach him in time. He was walking down the street and a shootout started up, making him the first casualty. I cried for months.
At some point, I thought it was okay for me to return to public light. It was the 60s and no one knew me. I didn’t have a mirror in hiding, and didn’t account for my change in appearance after being set aflame. People ran screaming from me. I went back into hiding, only to come out at night to feel the fresh air against my crisp skin. Every now and then I’d find a person clinging to life and check the number on their wrist. It would look suspicious if someone with an actual number on their wrist lived forever. I’d only found one other like me. An old man, washed upon the rocks along the water, soaking wet. He was old, extremely old, and looked like he’d suffered many regrets and losses in his life, which he was barely clinging to. I bit me, then took him home with me to rest. I thought I would have a friend to grow with and learn from. Instead, I was met with fear, anger, and tears. He tried to throw things at me, but his frame was to small and weak. He just tired himself out.
When he settled down, he told me his story. His life and loves lost. I cried. What had I done to this poor man? He left me not long after that. Every once in a while, I watch him  from a distance. He sits on his porch and watches the young couples. Some of them stop to talk to him, but he refuses their company. I don’t think he knows I lurk between buildings to make sure he’s okay. I don’t think he ever will. Honestly, I do it more for me than for him. I couldn’t live with myself if I knew he’d been bitten only to suffer, and I still have a long way to go for that to rest on my mind.
@fandomscoffeeandbooks @art-over-matter
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blueinkblot · 7 years
The Reverse AU of Escape
*Escape was written from @another-tyler12-blog; @secretatotiusmundi had an idea for the reverse of the original AU - one where the butler stays in the mansion with you.
@markired @synodicsean @darkdorkmorks @fear-is-nameless @seanmcloughlin @ego-surveillance-squad @lum1natrix @viostormcaller @purrtlepuff
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The Groundskeeper locked the room Celine had been in, and the bolt slid home with a solid thunk.
"What’s going on? Where’s Celine?” 
The Colonel had missed Celine being possessed... or whatever the hell had just happened.
“She’s gone.” The Groundskeeper shot you a look. “And so is everyone else.”
He walked away from where your group was assembled, towards the center of the second floor, and the Detective moved to follow him.
“Hey, wait a minute! Where the hell do you think you’re going?”
“Away from here!” the Groundskeeper replied. “This place is cursed. And if you had half a brain, you’d all do the same.”
“Don’t walk away from me! Where’s Celine? Where’s Damien?” the Colonel called, eyes searching each of you.
“I’ve spent 25 years cooking for these uppity fucks. I’m not about to die for them. I quit! Bitch!”
The Chef turned and followed the Groundskeeper to leave.
The Butler laid a hand on the Colonel’s shoulder. “I know things seem far beyond your control right now, but such that it is for all of us here, I shall take my leave and I implore you to do the same.”
You watched this exchange with a sinking feeling in your gut. You knew that none of the others had the connections to Damien - or, hell, even Mark, but he was dead already - that you and the Colonel did, but how could they jump ship while more people were dying?
“I won’t let my friends die in this godforsaken house, and if you all are too much of a coward to do the same, you’d best leave before I kill you myself.”
 You shook your head. “There’s no way I can leave,” you said. “Not while there’s a possibility of my friend still being alive.”
Nodding, a softer look in his eyes, the Colonel turned to continue investigating, heading the way the others had.
“Now you hold on a second, I’ve got more questions - ”
“Get your hands off of me!”
You shared a frightened look with the Butler. Whatever it was that had a hold on the house was turning those of you that remained against one another.
The Detective turned back towards you as he followed the Colonel. “What the hell is going on here?”
Then he too left, and it was just you and the Butler.
“Sir Butler, you should get out before this gets much worse - ”
“My name is Benjamin.”
“Oh.” You looked up at him and noticed that he wore the same worried expression you did. “Well then, Benjamin, you should get going before anything else happens. I have a bad feeling about all of this.”
He looked down at his feet.
You whipped around, only to find a weird, greenish haze had fallen over the hall.
You heard other voices begin to speak, and continued to look around. Were you losing your mind?
“Attorney <y/n>, are you alright?”
You snapped back to the hallway, lit as before. Benjamin was holding you by both shoulders.
“If I’m going to call you Benjamin, you’ll call me <y/n>,” you said. “ ‘Attorney’ sounds too official.”
He laughed. “Alright. Are you alright? You looked... disoriented.”
“I thought I heard something.” You shook your head. “Once again, though, it’s this house...”
You looked around but the door to the room was still shut (and locked, you thought).
“We need to go find the others and sort all of this out,” you finally said. “No use questioning possibilities when we haven’t confronted all of the certainties.”
Walking through the rooms downstairs, the two of you couldn’t find anyone. You walked into what looked like a study to find a preponderance of evidence laying on the table, the cabinets, and even a pinboard propped up.
You held up a framed picture of the Colonel and then dropped your arm, expecting him to appear from behind it as he did before.
“There you are!” came a voice from your right and you turned, seeing the Colonel striding towards you intently. “I’ve been meaning to ask you some... questions...”
He trailed off when he saw all of the paper as you had, and as he began investigating you and Benjamin shared a glance across the table.
“What is this?” the Colonel asked, and you shrugged.
“Colonel, in my professional opinion, it looks like a lot of evidence.”
He shot you a scathing, sarcastic look and you stifled a laugh. “A lot of damning evidence,” you continued, the smile falling from your face. “Pointing the finger at, ah, you, me, Celine...”
“The detective’s been keeping tabs on us?” he asked.
“I saw a video,” you began. “I know the Chef was reluctant to give up anything he knew, but he let me look at what Little Buddy - that creepy doll thing in the kitchen - had captured. And it was Mark and the Detective talking about Chef and, well, you,” you said, turning to Benjamin. “Background checks, really, but I think it indicates that they had some sort of relationship before we all got here, even if it is a professional one.”
“So this was set up?” Benjamin asked.
“I’m not saying that,” you replied, “but Mark definitely did his research before we all arrived. The timestamp was three or four days ago, too - he wanted to make sure nobody was going to kill each other.” You gave a bitter laugh. “Guess that failed, didn’t it?”
“He was... researching us?” the Colonel asked.
You shrugged. “I would assume so, if for nothing else than to make conversation.”
“DETECTIVE!” the Colonel shouted, and you jumped at the volume of his voice. “DETECTIVE!” 
Both of you followed the Colonel as he looked for the detective.
“Where is he? He took them from me...”
The Colonel was furious. 
“He took my friends from me… He took… Celine… He took… Damien… Where is he?!”
He came up the stairs and found the Detective lurking around. Gun still drawn, the Colonel threatened the Detective and the Detective threatened the Colonel. You thought you heard the Detective accuse the Colonel of having an affair with Celine before a shot rang out.
The Detective fell to the ground, and you tried to wrest the gun from the Colonel’s hand. Another shot rang out, and you felt as though you’d been stabbed in the gut. 
You pressed your hands to your stomach, and lifted them to see them covered in blood. Your blood.
You tried to bend over to see the wound, but winced in pain and felt yourself begin to fall backwards. You toppled over the railing, and then you fell into darkness.
“It was an accident... I swear...”
It’s not fair, is it?
Mark lay on the floor in front of you, and you moved towards him only to notice his eyes were black. No pupil, no sclera, nothing.
Your heartbeat thrummed in your ears like a drum.
Damien and Celine appeared in front of you, and their voices echoed as they spoke. Damien glowed blue, which seemed odd, and Celine red.
“He took everything from us. He trapped us in here with this broken shell and no way out.”
Damien gestured to what you guessed was Mark’s body.
“It’s true,” Celine said. “All this time I thought it was the house, but... I never thought he’d follow us here.”
“And we played right into his hands. He’d been planning this for years, and now that sunuvabitch is out there, walking around in my body - ”
“Damien, we can’t do this right now,” Celine interrupted. She turned to you. “Look, I know you have questions, and I can’t answer everything right now  - ”
<y/n>, can you hear me?
“Just know that Mark took everything from us in his twisted quest of vengeance,” she said, gesticulating between herself and Damien. “But death does not mean the same thing here.”
You felt your eyebrows furrow.
“What Celine means by that is,” Damien began, “this doesn’t have to be the end. You’re trapped in here just the same as us, but -”
Come on, <y/n>, I know you’re still here.
“ - your body, broken as it may be, is still out there.”
You heard your heartbeat thrumming in your ears once more. You weren’t dead.
“Mark’s not the only one who can use this place to his benefit,” Celine explained. “The same way that I brought you here, is the same way I can send you back.”
“But you can’t survive on your own,” Damien said, a sneer on his face. “You’re dead, after all, the Colonel saw to that.”
You felt a pressure on your chest, pulsing, and then air inflating your lungs.
“You can’t blame him, honestly, he’s a good man - ”
You gasped, your eyes widening at the artificial sensation of breathing. Celine halted mid-sentence and they both watched you warily.
You suddenly felt the sensation of being dragged backward and reached out towards the two of them. They lunged for you, hand outstretched towards yours, but you were being pulled away from them too quickly.
You lost your vision for a moment, and then, when your sight returned, you were laying on the floor. Staring at the ceiling, you could see the railing from which you’d fallen.
“Step back, William, they’re with us again.”
The Colonel and the Butler leaned over you. You took a deep breath and then shut your eyes, exhaling in relief.
“CPR,” you said. “Good idea.”
“I... I thought we’d lost you,”  the Colonel said. “Now I see it was a joke - and a good one, too. Where’s Celine and Damien? I must congratulate them on the good job.”
“They’re dead, William,” you said. “I don’t know where I was, but... I saw Mark’s body, and Celine and Damien too. They’re in some dark in-between, and they wanted to send me back. Heaven knows what Celine might have actually done.”
The Colonel looked distraught. “You’re sure? You saw them?”
You nodded. “Both of them. They were together, though.”
With the Butler’s help you stood up. “Come here,” you said, holding your arms out. The Colonel turned to you, looking timid for a moment, then launched himself into your arms. You laughed, then winced as the wound on your stomach ached.
“Careful, William,” the Butler said. “I don’t know how long my handiwork will last.”
You moved your cut clothing aside and saw bandages around your torso. “I got the bullet out and tried to stop the bleeding,” the Butler said, and you looked up at him. “I don’t know how much blood you’ve lost.”
“Thank you,” you said, and hugged him next. “Ah, sorry, blood,” you murmured, leaning away, but you saw both the Colonel and the Butler had blood splattered on them.
“Do you know if the Groundskeeper is still here?” you asked as they draped your arms over their shoulders. Both of them shook their head.
“I’m trying to decide if we should bury them or simply get the hell out of here.”
“If we see him, we’ll ask. Otherwise, we should leave.”
You met eyes with the Butler and nodded.
In time you found the Groundskeeper and Chef in the entry hall.
The burials were short, as were the speeches - each of you said a few words over their hastily-made shrouds - and as you tossed a handful of dirt into each grave you wondered what would happen to them in time.
“I’m sorry,” you murmured over their graves as the others walked away. “I don’t know what happened or how they brought me back. I hope you find peace.”
And, turning away yourself, you headed back into the mansion to finally leave the horrors you’d witnessed.
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Siren Songs - Fic
“'Twas in the Land of Willows that I heard th' unfathomed breath
“Of the Horns of Ylmir calling—and shall hear them till my death.” 
~ From the Horns of Ylmir, The Shaping of Middle-Earth, Tolkien
((Note: Please check the content warnings carefully. This has not been proof read for more than spellings, and, though canonical to the Earendil of this blog, some of it is misrepresentative due to it also being me ditching a really bad mental health day onto a character. A couple of further notes are at the bottom. Quote at the top is taken from a version of the song Tuor sung in the land of willows, that awoke sea-longing in both himself and Earendil. Ylmir is Gnomish name for Ulmo.
((This is very long and rambley and I’m not exactly fond of it but eh.))
His father sings of the Horns of Ulmo, when Earendil is but seven years of age. It is at a memorial feast for all the dead of Gondolin - and all those who have died since, and the people had been begging for that specific song. Though they cannot stay forever, this place is under Ulmo's protection; they can rest and heal and grieve for the time they have, until again they must press on to the sea. He does not understand why father insists on going to the sea, not until that moment.
Earendil does not hear the Horns of Ulmo.
What he hears is an ancient, formless voice. And what he feels is something almost grabbing his soul, tugging at it. Embedding itself there, slowly draining pieces of himself away.
He gasps and his father turns to him, 'no' on his lips and horror in his eyes.
None of the elve can hear it, not yet.
But Earendil does not notice, for all he can hear is the rushing of waves and the voice like a whisper against his ear.
He does not realise father has taken him away from the feast for hours. Not until he manages to fight past the all-consuming of the ocean. The voice is still there, whispering come come come to me come but he can ignore it for now. Almost, anyway. He is cradelled on his father's lap - father who is sobbing and begging for mercy - and mother is running her fingers through his hair, and father's too, and a healer is fussing about them.
"Why are you crying, father? What is wrong?"
His voice is small, and father only holds him closer, rocks them both, and sobs all the harder.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"Shhh, shh, I love you, you are safe, all will be well, shhh."
Come, little peredhel, come unto the seas. Come little peredhel, come and join with me.
Earendil burrows his face into father's chest, reaching for mother with one hand. She takes it, kissing it and holding it close to her heart.
He does not understand exactly what is wrong, not yet, only that something has immutably and irreparably changed.
By the time they reach Sirion, Earendil knows why father must go out onto the sea. Why he cannot be with them. He can ignore the calling for his lessons, and he plays with Princess Elwing. But whenever he stops, his eyes turn towards the ocean, and its siren call. Mother sighs and rocks him.
The next year he has to wade into the shallows to silence it. Princess Elwing is starting to do better in her classes than he, for he can rarely concentrate enough to pay attention. Mother is unhappy, but for a while it is enough.
After he turns ten, but before he turns eleven, father starts taking him out on his shorter journeys, teaching him to sail the boat. Its a trade, at least; he learns to fish with both lines and nets, and this is the most he has seen of his father in years. He declares that, someday, he will sail all the way to the west, and force the Valar to save his people. All of them. The Princess is proud of his attempts, and he is proud of how adept she is at the studies of state. Mother tells him that, at his birth, she foresaw that he will succeed.
He turns fifteen, and by now he knows what happens if he does not go to sea; the world turns grey, until he is driven from it by the fact only love of the sea remains. The sea is a jealous lover, and is stealing away every other bit of joy and love he has. He hates the sea for it, but he still loves it. And there are only three loves left to him - his parents, the sea, and Princess Elwing. Mother tries to hide it from him, but she cries each time he leaves.
He is twenty two. His wedding is planned, and for a time the sirens are at bay. His joy at his marriage, about bonding with Elwing, is so great it drowns it out. But not all is well; his parents have promised to stay to see him wed, but father is old. Not only is he old, but the call of the sea has consumed him. He can barely sit up for all the energy it has stolen, let alone stay. He goes to sea and is well on the waters, but he comes back and it is only worse; the joy never returns. He knows that, soon, he will lose his father to the ocean. Father leaves on his wedding night, even as he consecrates his marriage. Mother leaves too.
When he is twenty nine, his sons are born. They are beautiful and everything to him, and he loves them with all he is. Everything pales next to them. Everything but the sea.
He tries. He does everything he can to silence the longing . After two years Elwing begs him to try again; he is so consumed by the song that everyone worries, that he not even barely functions as a person. Still, he does not wish to leave his family for as long as he can get away with; he manages to make a deal with the siren-song - he will not go to the ocean yet, but he will build a ship worthy of her, and capable of taking him all of the way west. Cirdan hesitates, but agrees to help. Earendil will travel west, with three mortals he also grows to love on more ways than one, and he will plead to the Valar for both of his races.
He fully expects to die either on or at the conclusion of his quest.
And, honestly, he's fine with that.
Maybe, if he's dead, the sirens will finally shut up.
He goes further and further and further, giving the ocean more and more of himself in the hopes of a few more moments, a little more time, another laugh or story or smile with his sons.
It is never enough.
He tries to wait until he cannot physically stay longer, until the longing has drained so much of him away that he is little more than flesh stretched over bone, unable to perceive anything but the call. Then he drags himself to the sea once more, and sets off. Elwing frowns a little harder each time she stands on the shore and watches him leave, holds him a little tighter each time he comes back.
He pushes himself to breaking point every time. At least for a while; eventually, the twins grow old enough to realise when he is ill. They know of illness, though thankfully only of the mortal types. And they cry and sob and try to make him better each and every time he fails to find the energy to drag himself from his bed.
He cannot bring himself to hurt them more than he already has, cannot decide if being gone or being only physically present is worse for them. Which upsets them more.
When Elwing tells him they are most upset when he is ill, he cannot bring himself to stay.
He starts staying less and less, leaving once he finds himself to smile. It's a struggle, but it drags out the inevitable.
The ocean is happy to see him more often, after all. But it would rather he came further away. He hesitates and struggles and tries to force it silent; he knows he must go to Valinor, he knows it has been spoken of as his fate to cross the ocean.
Eventually, though, it is not enough. He thought - honestly believed - that it would be enough. He went as far as he dared, gave so much of himself to the sea. But he returns home, and the life doesn't come back. Elwing and the boys are there to greet him. She kisses him, and they pull him and hug him and demand his attention.
He falls to his knees and takes them in his Elros and his Elrond arms. They radiate concern, but it barely reaches him. He clings to them, sobbing. Why is he not happy to see them? Why is his love drowned out by the sea? Why can he not love them as they deserve?
He had lost the love of everything but his wife and his children and the sea.
Now he has lost his family, too.
He wants to love them, he wants to be thrilled to see them - and he does love them, he loves them more than life itself. More than anything else in Ea or beyond. He knows this, it is an absolute truth.
So why can he not feel anything?
So many have tried to cross the sea, dying in the storms and horror. The sea took his love for the world and for the green places. The sea took his parents, on what should have been the happiest of days. And now the sea has taken his love for his wife and his sons; there is nothing left any more, nothing but the irresistible call of the sea.
At least, he supposes, if the sea kills him he will not have to deal with its siren-song any more. Will not have to deal with how only by being upon it he can feel.
The next time he leaves, he knows he will not be able to return.
He is sailing and on the ocean, and still Earendil cannot rest. Here the siren call does not trouble him, but worry for his people does. All his is and was and will ever be is consumed by the fear for his children and his wife and his people. He knows his dreams are no mere dreams, and that the winds have so suddenly shifted to lead them back towards Sirion can only be Ulmo's own warning. They sail and sail and sail, praying they will make it in time.
He sits at the helm of the boat, wrapped in a blanket and tired eyes. The moon is shining brightly, and Erellont keeps them on course even as the others sleep. They keep telling Earendil to rest. He has forgotten how.
Instead he stays awake, praying to any and all the Valar that his family are safe. Tells them he will offer anything he has - his life, his death, his body, his mind and soul... anything - if only they will keep his wife and children safe.
When he sees the light coming from the East, he knows his prayers are meaningless. And that he is too late. He curses the sea and its siren song, that pulled him so far. That stopped him from being any help at all.
He would recognise his wife anywhere, in any form, but the silmaril still around her neck gives her away. He doesn't know what has happened, or why she is alone, but for the first time in days he moves from his vigil at the prow, even if only to reach out to her.
Earendil expects his wife to land on his arm. He does not expect her to fall from the sky.
Not quite quick enough to catch his fallen wife, now a bird and shivering even in her unconscious state, Earendil instead gathers her carefully into his arms. As he tucks her beneath his shirt, carefully over his heart, she is cold as ice itself. But he can feel her breathe against his chest; there is some form of hope still. He cradles her form, squinting out over the ocean to see if any other birds are with her. He thinks he sees two smaller gulls for a moment, but it is merely a trick of the moon's light.
When the winds fall silent, he knows then it is hopeless.
Ulmo has retracted the haste; there is no longer any reason for him to return to Sirion.
His sons, his beautiful, precious sons, are dead.
He tells Erellont to set the anchor and that they will work out a plan in the morning. Without waiting for a reply, he finally heads below deck. Discarding his shirt, he burrows under the blanket, and wraps Elwing tightly in his arms.
He has no idea if she will be able to return to her own form, knows not what horrors she has seen or what will happen now. Indeed, there are an awful, awful lot of things he does not know. Just that Sirion is gone, and so are his children - his half-elven children, who have no fate beyond their deaths. Who are not just dead but are as though they never existed.
He knows that, unless he can make it over the mountains of Aman, that his cries might be heard by the Valar, and unless those cries are convincing enough, that every last elf, man and dwarf in Middle Earth will die in grief and torment, under Morgoth's thumb. That there is no hope left within Middle Earth, that nobody can save themselves. So he will go, he will give everything he has, for the hope that as few people as possible have to know this pain. He will plead on behalf of all his peoples; he will tear the Doom of Mandos, he will break the Ban of the Valar, and force them to listen.
He will save his people, and he will die for that crime.
He cannot think of anything he wants more.
Somehow, he makes it to Valinor. He leaves Elwing on the shore; she must not suffer more than need be. The sirens are quiet now, for the first time in years. He would weep for joy, but that he still grieves his children. Not just their lives, but the time with them that was lost to the sea. There is little left of Earendil now; he does not believe the world can be saved, that any hope is still within it. But he continues on, driven by the knowledge that this is the only chance anyone has.
Driven by the change to spare even just one person this pain.
He makes it, he makes his case, they agree. There is no elation in the victory, nor in the offer of the choice to chose his fate. The emotions when he learns his sons escaped the bloodshed, that they are alive, are too raw for him to process; he cannot understand what he has been told - his children are dead, but they are not dead, and the fact they are not seems to shake the very core components of his reality. With the determination to save the world gone, there is nothing.
Somehow he makes it back to Elwing, and he can barely perceive her as a person; he found her on the beach, and upon seeing the waves again the whisper of the sirens comes back. He wants to die. He wants to die right now and be gone from this reality. He thinks he would still want to be mortal regardless of what happened, and is not sure he could ever be happy living forever, but also knows he is in no state to make such a choice. So he hands it over to Elwing.
And she decides they will be elves.
So elves they will be.
They go to tell the Valar, and expect either to be killed and sent to Mandos for their crimes, to be reborn later washed clean and anew (that would be fine, Earendil things, just so long as Mandos washes the sea-longing from him as well). Instead, the Valar tell him he must take the silmaril to the sky, as a beacon of hope to a world sorely lacking in it. That this is the service they ask of him in return for the lives of his wife and children. And that he will just have to work everything through.
Earendil cannot bring himself to feel anything. Elwing beside him yells at the Valar, screams it is not fair to use his desperation for their own ends. The King of the Noldor is more reserved, but plees for his nephew - for them to at least give him time to rest before he is sent beyond - nonetheless.
Nobody stops him from stepping out of the Máhanaxar. The woman who calls herself his great-grandmother opens her arms to him.  He leans against her, and she embraces him. He is too drained to care, too exhausted to weep, too hopeless to try and silence the siren song resurging in his mind . She braids her fingers into his hair and rocks him as his parents did so very long ago, and it is as little comfort now as it was then.
He just wants everything to stop.
((Notes: I feel I should point out that, though they phrase it as such, the Valar are not being entirely malicious here; they are well aware of the fact that Earendil can never feel whole unless he is travelling, even if it is a task - there is no peace for him in Aman. At least, not without fundamentally altering who he is. Also they are aware that he wanted to chose mortality, and would have done even if he wasn't wanting to die at the time, but (slightly willfully) misinterpret a wish to no longer exist with Ea as a wish to know what is beyond the borders of reality - so sending him to patrol the borders of the skies is a compromise that gives him that. They are, however, entirely manipulating him into agreeing to this.
((Also, mortals are not supposed to experience sea-longing. It is bad enough for elves to be drained of all joy for Middle Earth and ability to be at peace there, but for a mortal and a half-mortal child? Who are not equipped to deal with it? Things are much, much worse.))
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