#holy crap Solas what the…
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misculenica · 2 years ago
A love letter to the facial animations... And Solas's design.
I just love that first encounter with Solas, and how telling it is if you really pay attention.
We all remember how giddy he is, perhaps he even has a playful nature to some. He seems utterly delighted that you're there (of course he is - you're going to fix all his problems).
Knowing Solas, he always came across as someone who is very bad at hiding his true feelings about things (he can't help but declare everything/point out how clever he is/how wrong everyone else is) - he's an awful liar. He's quick to correct himself, but not quick enough to not let you know exactly how he feels about something.
Looking at in in more depth with hindsight of who he is and what's really going on, it's just that extra layer of ohhhh that's interesting. Praise to the creatives involved in the storyboards/animation/facial expressions, because hot damn it's beautiful to look at.
So let's go frame by frame like manaics. (yes, it's because I'm writing fanfiction and wanted more insight into his thoughts/character)
The first closeup we get of him is this;
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This is not a happy man XD
I would suggest he's just unhappy with you (I believe I mentioned in another post that Solas throughout the game has a sort of grudge against you for being the cause of all this - besides himself + Coryphidkfdfsdfus), but given the situation, I don't blame him for being on piss-mode.
But just... The way he stares at Inky just hits so hard. Imagine this guy you don't know grabs your arm and gives you this stare - it'd scare me more than the demons XD
That, and the fact that when he does the thing, he looks at you
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It just- whether it's my writer/artist heart or just my solavellan heart hitting me with this idk. Just nnnf how come I never noticed this.
And the first rift is sealed, and Inky stares at him all like O.o "What did you do?" And he responds "I did nothing. The credit is yours." But there's this second/half second pause of interesting aniimation from Solas that I think deserves attention/applause.
Here's his immediate response to "What did you do?";
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He's staring at the mark - with such intensity - before his brain catches up to 'oh right, respond solas respond'
And as soon as he makes eye-contact with Inky, it turns to this;
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The difference in these expressions hits me right in the vhenan. I really want to congratulate the animators for this, because holy crap that's a lot of information about a character and their mindstate in the space of a couple seconds - pretty much a 'blind and you'll miss it'.
And then the rest of the scene, he pretty much has the same head tilted to the side, vague smile on his face, 'I'm just going to twiddle my fingers in front of me' look happening - and it kills me.
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(Also it's slaying me that Solas is leaning down as if he's speaking to a child)
All humble and appeasing, until you look away.
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I particularly love this next part, where Varric tells you Solas kept you from dying in your sleep. And he just has this;
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Like; "yes, what do you think about that?" turn to look at you, instead of any verbal confirmation.
They rest is pretty much similar. Though I just adore the contrast of his expressions when he's 'in the moment' and then 'in character' - it's so goddamn telling from the very beginning.
I would kill to install flycam - if anyone can give me details on how to install a flycam for Inquisition (I've tried before, but any links I get taken to have dead sites/pages)
And I just want to share a happy egg.
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Part 2
I now have flycam installed and it works, however- controller isn't an option and i don't have a numpad on my keyboard XD gonna have to dig out an old keyboard!
But overall the software works and i've been able to use it! Success!
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hallahart · 29 days ago
penultimate Veilguard thoughts from RIGHT before the last battle (I’m assuming) so big act 3 spoilers
Immediately act 3 is exactly what I wanted this game to be and makes me walk back a lot of my worries. We have STAKES! PAYOFF! I can forgive a messy middle for a great finale
loved the weird fade shit when ghilly was stabbed. That’s what it’ll be like when solas wins?? Where do I sign up
Ahaha I remember early in the game being confused why Solas was so vehemently against blood magic, when in Inquisition he was very “it’s just a tool”. Now it makes sense! We stan a liar 💕
similarly, LOL at him swearing on ~everything that HE wouldn’t personally bring down the veil, knowing full well that rook killing Elgarnan would do it. Never change bb
like I get it, they’re foils, but maaaaybe solas couldn’t move past his regrets so easily because he literally CAUSED THE BLIGHT AND ALSO AGING AND DOOMED HIS CIVILIZATION. kinda more to work through there
The Varric story actually ended up working OK for me because I felt like you were supposed to figure it out or suspect, rather than a huge twist. Hate that it happened (and that solas stabbed him which ugh does feel ooc to me but I don’t think his death was intentional) but narratively makes sense. His death has to feel meaningful for new players too, they had to spend time with him.
Sad about Harding but holy crap I might have just pulled off a dragon age romance without tragedy. I could not have handled Assan dying. the Taash dialogue after did break my heart, though. They’re so young 😢
Fighting alongside Fen’Harel WE HAVE ARRRIIIIVVVVVED. I desperately wanted secret companion solas and I’ll TAKE IT.
If you’d shown me a single frame of the last 30 minutes of this game a year ago I would have lost my goddamn mind
inquisitor speaking in hallelujah cadence about solas I am unwell
FINALLY Inquisitor and Dorian have a scene together… of like a line… I tried to get them in the cobbled swan at the same time but it didn’t work lol
vaguely bummed we didn’t get an inquisitor and solas scene in the lighthouse, alas
i cry every time they play the inquisiton theme
where is Cole. I know he’s not in this game but WHERE IS COLE
the ending so far is giving me big origins finale feelings which is high praise
pray for me lol 😫
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galadrieljones · 2 months ago
gala!!!! I haven't had the time to enjoy riptide lately but I NEED you to know that it's living absolutely rent free in my head. Abelas! God damn it. Solas shattering glass. Christ. Your writing bars none, I love it so much I wish I could eat it. I have no idea what you have in store for the wolf in riptide but holy crap I've missed this. I'm shaking in my boots. I'm shaking the bars of my cage. I'm climbing the ceiling on all fours. I'm eating the drywall. I'm howling at the moon. I'm fucking dreaming about butterflies. And red hair. Much like Solas, I suspect. Gah!
Omg thank you so much 😭 ❤️🙏 This comment is wonderful, and it has made my day/month/year. I look forward to your return, as Ameridan makes his dashing appearance in Sene's life, and Solas continues to...toil...(for now) 💕
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sinfulpetgirlrd · 6 months ago
No, I will not. Dont buy this cash grab trash. We waited how long after DAI and this mcu/fortnight/doughy bull crap is what they give us? No.
Since when is DA action combat like every single game ever now?
IDK who that dwarf is but it's not Verric. Oh sure the voice is but the face? At least from DAO to DA2 and DA2 to DAI the characters kind of looked like they did in the game before.
WTF is up with the fornight character introductions in the gameplay reveal? This is DRAGON AGE not a damn mmo fps. Clearly the og fans of the games are not the target audicence now, its the kids and teens who play fortnight.
So.Much.Neon, im sorry is this cyberpunk now?
Holy shit Solas, my egg headed baby, what did they do you
I've seen a lot of bad ui and menus but Im sorry no, get that shit out of here.
Dark fantasy game but yet the demons are cartoony looking, smooth, child friendly. Were's the gore? The disgusting abominations? Jesus where's the blood?? Oh sure you see a super small splatter in the air when an attack connects but like? Where does that go? Does it just auto evaporate into thin air? Why is EVERYONE bisexual? Are they doing that because BG3 did it? Where's the gay/straight only characters?
STOP supporting these companies when they come out with garbage like this. STOP letting them ruin our games. They RUINED this like they did fable.
signed an angry gamer whos been gaming since the ps1 days and am sick and tired of them ruining beloved franchises.
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they stopped a whole ass blight. give them the griffon.
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thebookworm0001 · 2 years ago
9, 10, &14 for WIP asks! (Also I'm v much enjoying volleying questions with you 🥰)
Link to the asks
Thank you very much! I'm enjoying it too!!
I have Very Many wips so these are coming from all over the place
9.What is your favorite dialogue you’ve written so far?
This is from a scene after Ellana and Solas (as a big fuck-off wolf) attend an Orlesian ball together in my Happy End fic. This back and forth is quite possibly my very favorite exchange of theirs. I have almost certainly shared this section before but I’m sharing it again because I love it that much. 
“Your beauty captured their attention. Your power commanded it. It is a potent combination.” Ellana pulled back to look him in the eye, a jest ready to roll off her tongue, and her mouth went dry. The affection and heat and, yes, jealousy in his gaze sent lightning down her spine. She shifted her weight onto one hip and licked her lips. 
“Is that so?” Her voice was more solid than she felt, and she was silently grateful for the practice she’d had that night in masking her true feelings. 
“Indeed.” Gooseflesh rose across her skin as Solas’s eyes traveled her body, gaze lingering in places that made her heart race. “When confronted with such a woman, what course of action could be appropriate other than to fall at her feet in supplication?” As he spoke, began to kneel, lowering himself until he was on his knees before her. He held her gaze as his fingers skirted the hem of her gown. Ellana swallowed hard. 
“I don’t seek worship, Solas,” she said, voice going hoarse. His eyes shone, lips twitching upward before he schooled his expression into calm focus.  
“And yet,” His fingers hovered just above her ankle, “you are deserving of it all the same.” 
and then they have sex
10.What is the last line of dialogue you’ve written
“I visited your kitchens earlier.” Ellana’s brows drew together. What did her kitchen have to do with this? The staff Vivienne had hired was trustworthy and more than competent. Poisoning - intentional or otherwise - was out of the question. “You’ve an incredible pantry. Herbs and spices as far as the eye could see. Yet no witherstalk.”
This is a little idea for my Happy End fic that came out of me playing with the new infant update in the sims. Basically, Ellana gets a stomach bug, and Vivienne is around so she comes in to help a bit. The thing is, Vivienne knows Ellana and Solas are together. This is her going ‘You’ve been screwing him without birth control you do get that you might be pregnant, right?’
She’s not but it gets her thinking about whether kids are a part of her future with Solas. 
14.What have you been finding frustrating with writing this chapter/fic?
I’m actually gonna answer this for my post-trespasser long fic. 
It feels massive. I have an outline for it - which I never do - because I just needed to see where everything was going. I wanted a guideline for myself, even if I ditched it later, so I could try and lay down some through-lines as I went.
But holy crap it feels huge. And it’s intimidating the hell out of me even when I know I’m under no obligation to do it any sort of way or even do it at all. 
So I am very stuck on the first chapter because it feels Important but I can’t convince my brain that it’s okay to jump around with this project, despite that being the best strategy I have to make big things seem smaller.
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gentrified-kirkwall · 2 years ago
i think my main beef with focusing on solas’s pain feels weird when there are [probably] going to be countless deaths as a result of his actions. i personally wouldn’t care much that he felt about it or would’ve given anything for it to be difficult in that situation. i’d just be focused on ‘holy crap dying sucks, and i don’t really have anything to do with what’s going on anyways.’
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daitranscripts · 2 years ago
Here Lies the Abyss Pt. 11
Divine Justinia
Here Lies The Abyss Masterpost First: The Champion of Kirkwall Previous: Staying on Guard
The party continues through the Fade, fighting demons and finding remnants of fears. They approach a figure.
Alistair: What? That can’t be… Loghain: Impossible. Stroud: By the Maker, could that be…?
Justinia: I greet you, Warden. And you, Champion.
Cassandra (if in party): Divine Justinia? Most Holy? Justinia: Cassandra.
PC (Cassandra not present): Divine Justinia.
Dialogue options:
Special: Cassandra, is it her? [1]
General: I thought you were dead. [2] + Sera slightly approves + Cole slightly approves
General: I don’t understand. [3]
General: You’re not her. [4]
1 - Special: Cassandra, is it her? PC: Cassandra, you knew the Divine. Is this really her? Cassandra: I… I don’t know. It is said the souls of the dead pass through the Fade and sometimes linger, but… We know the spirits lie. Be wary, Inquisitor. Alistair: I don’t recall the Divine glowing. In my experience, that’s something spirits do. Loghain: That can’t be the Divine. It’s most likely a demon. Stroud: I fear the Divine is indeed dead. It is likely we face a spirit…or a demon. [5]
2 - General: I thought you were dead. PC: From the little I remember of what happened at Haven, I thought you were dead. Alistair: I don’t recall the Divine glowing. In my experience, that’s something spirits do. Loghain: That can’t be the Divine. It’s most likely a demon. Stroud: I fear the Divine is indeed dead. It is likely we face a spirit…or a demon. [5]
3 - General: I don’t understand. Back at Haven, I saw… I thought I saw… How can you be here? Alistair: She isn’t. Things in the Fade have a tendency to show up looking like people you know. Demons, mostly. Loghain: The Divine is dead. This… must be a demon. Stroud: She’s not. I fear we face a spirit… or a demon. [5]
4 - General: You’re not her. PC: What are you? A spirit? A demon? The real Divine couldn’t have survived Haven. Justinia: Couldn’t she? How much of Haven do you truly remember? [5]
5 - Scene continues.
Justinia: You think my survival impossible, yet here you stand alive in the Fade yourselves. In truth, proving my existence either way would require time we do not have.
Diplomatic Hawke: Surely you can understand our concerns and explain what you are. Humorous Hawke: Really? How hard is it to answer one question? I’m a human, and you are… Aggressive Hawke: Then simply tell us what you are.
Justinia: I am here to help you. You do not remember what happened at the Temple of Sacred Ashes, Inquisitor.
Dialogue options:
General: That’s right. [6]
General: How did you know my title? [7] + Solas slightly approves
General: Do I have you to blame? [8]
6 - General: That’s right. PC: No, I don’t. Justinia: The memories you have lost were taken by the demon that serves Corypheus. [9]
7 - General: How did you know my title? PC: The real Divine would have no way of knowing that I’d been made Inquisitor. Justinia: I know because I have examined memories like yours, stolen by the demon that serves Corypheus. [9]
8 - General: Do I have you to blame? PC: Did you take my memories? Justinia: No. You lost them to the demon that serves Corypheus. [9]
9 - Scene continues.
Justinia: It is the Nightmare you forget upon waking. It feeds off memories of fear and darkness, growing fat upon the terror. The false Calling that terrified the Wardens into making such grave mistakes? Its work.
Alistair: I’d like to have a few words with this Nightmare about that. Loghain: Then perhaps I owe this Nightmare a visit. Stroud: I would gladly avenge the insult this Nightmare dealt my brethren.
Justinia: You will have your chance, brave Warden. This place of darkness is its lair.
10 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: Why do demons serve Corypheus? [11] + Solas slightly approves + Cole slightly approves
General: How do we get home? [12] + Sera slightly approves + Cole slightly approves
General: Oh, crap. [13] + Iron Bull slightly approves - Sera slightly disapproves
General: Can I kill it? [14] + Sera slightly approves - Solas slightly disapproves - Cassandra slightly disapproves
11 - Investigate: Why do demons serve Corypheus? PC: Corypheus seems to have a lot of demons at his disposal. How does he command so many? Justinia: I know not how he commands his army of demons. His power may come from the blight itself. But the Nightmare serves willingly, for Corypheus has brought much terror to this world. He was one of the magisters who unleashed the First Blight upon the world, was he not? Every child’s cry as the Archdemon circles, every dwarf’s whimper in the Deep Roads…the Nightmare has fed well. [Back to 10]
12 - General: How do we get home? PC: Can you help us get out of the Fade? Justinia: That is why I found you. [15]
13 - General: Oh, crap. PC: The big demon Erimond was trying to bring through? Justinia: Yes. PC: It’s nearby? Justinia: Yes. PC: Well, shit. [15]
14 - General: Can I kill it? PC: How do we hurt it? Diplomatic Hawke: We should likely focus on escaping the Fade first. Humorous Hawke: That’s a little optimistic, isn’t it? Aggressive Hawke: I like the way you think. Justinia: You hurt it by escaping the Fade and leading your people against Corypheus. PC: That wasn’t what I meant. Justinia: I know. But for now, it is the best answer I can give you. [15]
15 - Scene continues.
Justinia: When you entered the Fade at Haven, the demon took a part of you. Before you do anything else, you must recover it. These are your memories, Inquisitor.
Wraiths appear to the side, and the PC defeats them.
Justinia: Run while you can! Warn them! Corypheus: Bring forth the sacrifice. Justinia: Why are you doing this? You of all people? Inquisitor: What’s going on here?
A memory plays when the final memory is collected. The Divine is held by Wardens and magic.
Corypheus: Now is the hour of our victory.
Justinia (to the Wardens): Why are you doing this? You of all people?
Corypheus: Keep the sacrifice still.
Justinia: Someone help me!
The PC enters.
PC: What’s going on here?
Corypheus turns to face the PC, and the Divine uses the opportunity to knock to orb from Corypheus. The PC grabs it, and results in an explosion. The memory fades.
Alistair: So that mark on your hand… it wasn’t sent by Andraste. It came from that orb Corypheus was using. Loghain: So Andraste didn’t bestow her mark upon you. It came from the orb Corypheus used in his ritual. Stroud: So your mark did not come from Andraste. It came from the orb Corypheus used in his ritual.
Justinia: Corypheus intended to rip open the Veil, use the Anchor to enter the Fade, and throw open the doors of the Black City. Not for the Old Gods but for himself. When you disrupted his plan, the orb bestowed the Anchor upon you instead.
Dialogue options:
Angry: That doesn’t help! [16]
Anxious: So it wasn’t Andraste? [17]
Pleased (non-Andrastian PC): This is what I suspected. [18]
Stoic: Let’s keep moving. [19]
16 - Angry: That doesn’t help! PC: That’s it? Justinia: Yes. PC: That tells me nothing! Not about Corypheus or a weakness for the demon… or even a way out of here! All it tells me is that I should break his damned orb next time it starts glowing! Justinia: Yet even that information may one day help you. [20]
17 - Anxious: So it wasn’t Andraste? PC: So this was, what, an accident? A random ricochet in the middle of a fight? Justinia: And if it was? PC: If it was, then neither the Maker nor Andraste were in any way involved in this! I’m just… Justinia: If you believe in the Maker, then you believe He made this world and everything in it, including your accident. And if you do not, then nothing has changed. [20]
18 - Pleased: This is what I suspected. PC: I never thought Andraste did this. I did this myself, through my actions. No Maker required. Justinia: And now you may be certain. [20]
19 - Stoic: Let’s keep moving. PC: Was that everything you wanted me to see? Justinia: For the time being. [20]
20 - Scene continues.
Justinia: You cannot escape the lair of the Nightmare until you regain all that it took from you. You have recovered some of yourself, but now it knows you are here. You must make haste. I will prepare the way ahead.
She disappears.
Alistair: What’s wrong, Hawke? Loghain: Is there a problem, Hawke? Stroud: Something troubles you, Hawke?
Diplomatic Hawke: Those were Grey Wardens holding the Divine in that vision. Their actions led to her death. Humorous Hawke: I wondered if you might be concerned about the Grey Wardens holding the Divine in that vision. Their actions led to her death. Aggressive Hawke: Trying to ignore the Grey Wardens holding the Divine in that vision? Their actions led to her death.
Alistair: I assumed Corypheus took their minds. You’ve seen it happen yourself. Come on. You can add it to the thing to yell at the Wardens about when we get out of here. Loghain: Corypheus had clearly taken the Wardens’ minds. You yourself have seen them do this. In any case, we can deal with that after we escape. Stroud: I assumed he had taken their minds, as you have seen him do before. Come. We can argue after we escape this dark place.
Hawke: Oh, I intend to.
Next: Questions for the Divine
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dacompanionreactions · 4 years ago
Oooh, new DA reaction blog! I'm so excited and really liking your writings! Since you have a soft spot for teen!inquisitor, how do you think the DA:I companions would react to a very young herald (4ish-8ish maybe)?
Thank you! And I'm sorry this took so longggg
Cassandra wants to leave then and there. She can't interrogate a child. Everything about the situation is so terribly wrong. After the Herald attempts to seal the rift for the first time, she's by their bedside praying that they will wake up. When Roderick talks about having them sent to Val Royeaux to be tried, she explodes. "You want to send a child, a child, to be tried? Look at them! They're not even nine years old!" From that moment onwards, she assigns herself as the Herald's personal protector.
Varric's heart drops like a stone. He's seen a lot of shit but nothing was worse than seeing the Herald being an eight year old child. He's determined to keep them safe, kind of keeping them under his wing like a mother hen. He'll get into the business of writing children's stories for them. The main character is surrounded by loved ones who support them the whole way through. Varric writes these stories because he wants to show the young Herald that they aren't alone in this, that they have loved ones who care deeply for them. "We're all here for you, kid."
It's been a while since Solas has felt close to anyone, but when he discovers the pain he's inflicted on an eight year old, he is determined to keep them safe. He knows it's foolish to get attached but he can't help himself. Solas sees himself as responsible for mentoring the Herald. If they show signs of being a mage, he teaches them how to control their magic. If they're not a mage, Solas will teach them about the history of Thedas and (in a more simple context of course) the technical aspects of the Fade.
Dorian wants to laugh at first. The Herald of Andraste... an eight year old? His compulsion to laugh is replaced with sadness. When they're sent through time, Dorian fights tooth and nail to keep them safe in Redcliffe. After the time travelling shenanigans, he'll constantly be checking up on the young Herald. No child should have to witness someone die, even if it's in a reality that no longer exists. When he's in a particularly foul mood, he'll curse the Maker for ruining the Herald's childhood.
"Holy shit," Sera says, then realises she's talking to a young kid. "I mean, uh, crap?" She wasn't anticipating the Herald to be young. A child. She was envisioning an eighteen year old maybe, not that this would make her feel any better. Sera doesn't care whether the child is Dwarf, Human, Qunari, Elf, noble or not, her immediate concern is their safety. She'll mercilessly prank the hell out of anyone who dares to badmouth them. On the field, she makes sure every single arrow counts towards the Herald making it home unhurt. On their off days, she gets started on teaching them archery. The lil' Herald is completely under her wing.
Blackwall feels pity for the young soul. He has no doubts they've seen and been through more than the average child. With this in mind, he makes sure not to underestimate them. Mainly, he'll be worried about being a bad influence on them, considering what he's done in the past. Blackwall will also distance himself from the kid at first, hating that he's lying to them, but when he sees them struggling to deal with the demands of just about everyone, he tells them they can always come to him.
Cole understands the pity for the Herald and the anger towards the Maker harboured by other people. Many may think otherwise due to his spirit mind, but he understands. The real Cole was only a child when he starved to death. Cole couldn't do anything for him, save hold his hand, so when he finds the Herald trapped in their own mind, he knows he can do something for them. He knows he can help. And that is precisely what he does, and continues to do for as long as he is able. He's determined that there won't ever be another child, another Cole, left helpless again.
The Iron Bull heard from Krem that the Herald was a kid, but he wasn't expecting them to be so... young. That's when everyone realises Bull is actually great with children, especially the Herald. He calls them 'Imekari' and hoists them up onto his shoulders back at Skyhold. Bull wants to give them a childhood since events at the Conclave stripped them of that. On the field, he will fiercely defend them. Dad Bull is in the house.
Vivienne is shocked at two things. One: that a child has seen and been through so much. Two: that they have accomplished so much at their age. Frankly, it's damned impressive. Vivienne assigns herself as a mentor to the Herald, but she makes sure to let them know they can talk to her about matters outside the Inquisition. She will always check up on them, especially after battles. Vivienne will also book trips away to give the poor Herald a break from, well, everything.
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a-world-in-grey · 5 years ago
For @secret-engima because both of us are still sick (I think I bruised my ribs. From COUGHING. How the HELL-) so here, have a few rambles. One a fusion, one a cross over.
-Nox doesn’t meet Sola until later, because Regis had showed some forethought and forbade his strong-willed eldest from meeting her newest brother until Nox was alright with it.
-(Which sent Sola into a fine mood. That’s her BROTHER. Who saved their Littlest Brother because Sola wasn’t there to protect either of them.)
-(In the four days Nox spends unconscious, Sola displays her Displeasure by joining the Kingsglaive training and all but Daring her father to stop her. And meeting Ardyn and dubbing him Uncle because her brother is his nephew and that makes him Uncle. Case closed.)
-(No it’s not because it makes her father and Uncle Cor and Uncle Clarus twitch and her new Uncle Cid wheeze with laughter. Why would you say that?)
-So Nox first meets Sola when Sola brings dinner to Nox and Ardyn (and maybe their father doesn’t know she bullied the tray off the servant assigned to bring it to them, Regis having decided to let Ardyn and Nox settle without the stress of Regis and Noctis being there, but Sola will apologize to said servant later but Nox agreed to stay and Sola wants to meet her new Little Brother since Littlest Brother got to meet him earlier.)
-Nox’s first meeting woth Sola is her knocking on their door but opening it before either he or Ardyn can get up from where Nox is huddled into Ardyn’s side. Nox looks up and nearly inhales spit down the wrong pipe, because there’s a girl his age with red hair and blue eyes, magic emanating from her in a casual way Nox doesn’t ever remember a Lucis Caelum doing, but that lets him feel how smug-pleased-love-love-love-family-brother-gratitude-regret-protection-mine-mine-mine-
-While Nox gapes at the girl, Ardyn cheerfully greets her as Fiercest Niece, and his fellow redhead - and holy crap Nox can see hints of resemblance beyond their coloring, but thank the Six that she apparently takes after their mom otherwise there’d be no hiding Ardyn’s lineage - and she responds with ‘Uncle’ and pleased and possessive curl to her magic that shows absolutely no negative feeling to being claimed as family by the Chancellor of Niflheim.
-Then while Nox is still gaping, because when did- what? The girl turns to him and greets him with ‘Little Brother,’ no hesitation or disdain, just that same fierce love, the possessive mine to her magic that reminds Nox of a dragon guarding what is Hers.
-And Nox... doesn’t really know how to react. To a sister he’s never had before coming and claiming him (claiming both of them) despite being more than old enough to know about bastards (and wait, does this mean his sister is the Crown Princess?) and Niflheim and that Izunia means the Chancellor of Lucis’s enemy.
-As they eat, and as Ardyn fills the air with chatter (his new sister - Sola - isn’t much for words apparently, making it up for the near empathic communication she manages trough her magic) and teases Sola for terrorizing the Kingsglaive with her temper, Nox slowly lets his magic out into the air and tangle with Sola’s.
-The change is near instantaneous. He can feel Sola’s emotions so clearer now, can feel her regret at Nox getting hurt, her anger at herself for not being their to protect BOTH her little brothers, and her determination to never let something like that ever happen again. And Sola’s delight when Nox tangles his magic with hers, soothing his uncertainty and fear away with nonverbal reassurance (silly Little Brother) that somehow works far more than words ever could because Nox can feel Sola’s sheer brazen certainty and protectiveness and he can feel from that alone that anyone badmouthing him or heir uncle within her hearing is... probably not going to like what comes next.
-Nox sends his magic to curl around Ardyn as well after a moment, and the rest of dinner is... pleasant. Enjoyable even.
-Even when an exasperated Regis comes by to scold Sola for not waiting for Nox to meet her and Sola’s completely unrepentant smirk, Nox can only smile from where he’s curled into Ardyn’s side.
-When Cor’s magic flares in confused panic, there are a few things Regina is prepared to encounter. The Citadel’s been feeling odd the entire day, in a distinct manner Regina rememders from her days as Skull that always precluded Reborn-instigated Chaos.
-A red haired bby!Cloud napping on her Murder Child is, admittedly, not one of them.
-Murder Child is not pleased when Regina whips out her phone to capture the adorable moment, and in that time her magic gets a second, closer look at the bby!Cloud.
-Oh, a bby!LC Cloud. Her bby?
-Her bby. Her sick bby.
-Regina scoops the toddler out of Murder Child’s lap. The little girl grumbles a bit, magic curling out with only semi-conscious disgruntlement at being moved when she wants to sleep, but latches onto Regina like a limpet and Regina coos. Her baby is so cute! She has Ardyn’s hair and magic!
-Well, not entirely hers. Her from another dimension and Regina goes to hunt down her dimensional counterpart before anyone overreacts to the bby!Cloud’s disappearance. And so she can learn her little girl’s name.
-Regis, S!Cor, and S!Clarus are somewhat alarmed when, in the middle of searching for where Sola’s newest hidey hole is, trip over thin air and the world sort of... Glitches. Well, Cor is more annoyed than alarmed, but he’d also been in the middle of checking the top of a shelf and landed flat on his back, wheezing.
-Regis is more alarmed when Sola finds him, or rather when a woman he’s never seen before finds him carrying his sick daughter curled up and latched onto the woman in a manner that will make prying Sola off... difficult. And probably requiring a crowbar.
-The woman - looking far too much like him, the hell? - peers at him before lighting up and bouncing over. Regis is caught completely flat footed when she introduces herself along the lines of, ‘Hi, I’m Regina, your counterpart from this dimension and can I know the name of the daughter I’m going to have?’
-Regis would like to sit down.
-Then Clarus and Cor show up, along with their older counterparts and S!Clarus is just as freaked out as Regis is seeing their youger selves. S!Cor doesn’t react until he sees Sola in Regina’s arms, at which point he scowls and Looms threateningly, but Regina merely chirps delightedly that Murder Child turns into Murder Adult and Murder Adult is a fantastic choice as godfather, she applauds her other self’s good sense.
-Regina learns Sola’s name (and agrees that Sun is a perfect name for her little fire-haired healer baby) and spends the rest of the visit fussing over her little girl while both Cors hover in the background (S!Cor with possessive disgruntlement and Murder Child with curious fascination) and Clarus gets Weskham to help Regis and S!Clarus adapt to the sheer insanity that is Regina. And then Ardyn and Titus show up and Regina shows off her not-daughter to her husband and Uncle. Titus Melts, and Ardyn immediately flips into Healer Mode over his Cloud-Niece, and whoops, Regis and S!Co learn that Ardyn is a Lucis Caelum and does that mean the Chancellor of Niflheim is one too?!
-Sola naps through the whole thing, snoozing away on Regina’s shoulder. Regina gets ALL the pictures.
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thinkdragonage · 5 years ago
Tevinter Nights
Some mild spoilers within my thoughts on the stories below the cut. I also speculate about what characters I think we might see in DA4.
1. “Three Trees to Midnight” by Patrick Weekes
An odd couple sort of story featuring a Dalish elf and a Tevinter mage (not magister!) trying to escape the Qunari. I imagine we might see the Huntmaster again. I enjoyed it. 
2. “Down Among the Dead Men” by Sylvia Feketekuty
Nevarra is fucking creepy! Maybe we’ll see Myrna again, I don’t know. I had a bit of trouble really getting into this one, and I’m not sure why. 
3. “The Horror of Hormak” by John Epler
WHAT THE FUCK. Ok, I’m glad that I didn’t read any of the WTF reactions about this story before I actually read it, because I imagine that this one might suffer from outsized expectations given a lot of the reaction to it. But coming at it unaware... man did this mess with my head. WHAT THE HELL JOHN EPLER. Has definite and dire implications for the world of DA4, so if you read just one story from this collection, perhaps make it this one. (Actually, I wrote this before I finished and now I think the last story is probably the most essential. But if you read only TWO read this one and that other one.) Also, maybe we’ll meet Ramesh again.
4. “Callback” by Lukas Kristjanson
Skyhold! Sutherland! Solas adjacent content! I don’t know if it’s ‘must read’ but I certainly enjoyed it. I enjoyed the Sutherland story line in Inquisition so it was nice seeing this ‘callback’ (and interesting to see what’s happening with Skyhold post-Inquisition).
5. “Luck in the Gardens” by Sylvia Feketekuty
Lords of Fortune - thieves from Rivain, basically, are definitely going to feature heavily in DA4 if the stories in this collection are any sign. And it’s fun to read a first person story told with such character AND ALSO YAY DORIAN PAVUS! Also some really creepy shit in this one, and a cute kid.
6. “Hunger” by Brianne Battye
Oh god I fell so in love with the two wardens in this story. Do you ship them? I ship them. This felt very much like a DA: Origins tale... like it could have happened to Alistair and the Warden easily. We didn’t really learn anything groundbreaking lore-wise (aside from the Wardens all fucking off to Weisshaupt now, but I think we knew that already) but it was still a charming read.
7. “Murder” by Death Mages by Caitlin Sullivan Kelly
Sidony!! I absolutely adored all of the Multi-Player characters so it was a pleasant surprise to see one appear here, and she’s AMAZINGLY GRUMPY. I love her. And yes, DA4 will be filled with Wardens, Lords of Fortune and Mortalitasi (probably companions of all flavors).
8. “The Streets of Minrathous” by Brainne Battye
This one felt like a crime procedural with incompetent Templars taking the place of incompetent cops. (Only they’re not as bad as cops, somehow). It had a very DA2 vibe to it, aside from taking place in Minrathous. A good yarn, but not as memorable as some of the others.
9. “The Wigmaker Job” by Courtney Woods
SPEAKING OF MEMORABLE. This one is just about as horrifying as the Horror of Hormak, though with slightly less lore implications. Oh and yeah, I forgot to mention CROWS. We are definitely getting a Crow companion in DA4 and I’m going to call it now: his name is Lucanis Dellamorte and I’m going to romance the fuck out of him.
10. “Genitivi Dies in the End” by Lukas Kristjanson
One of the very best stories in the lot! An adventuring party made up of some of Thedas’ most famous writers (excluding Tethras, though he does get a mention) goes searching for secrets related to the Dread Wolf. They reveal precious little of actual lore in this story, but I’m sure we’ll hear about their discoveries in the next game. Oh and we will definitely definitely meet Rasaan, the qunari who pursues them, again, though likely as an adversary and not a companion.
11. “Herold Had the Plan” by Ryan Cormier
Just a good yarn with great characters that could have been set in any fantasy world but just happens to be in Thedas. Maybe we’ll get Bharv as a companion but I kind of hope we don’t. 
12. “An Old Crow’s Old Trick’s” by Arone Le Bray
GIVE US LESSEF OF THE ANTIVAN CROWS AS A COMPANION YOU COWARDS. Best Crow ever? I know, I know... Zevran... but Lessef is an old lady! She’s amazing! I love her. Great story.
13. “Eight Little Talons” by Courtney Woods
Another favorite. Someone called this story the horniest of the lot and well... it is about a group of high level Antivan Crows. I’d be disappointed if it wasn’t horny. I’m sure we’ll see some of these folks again once we recruit Lucanis (especially his grandfather). This felt like a classic Agatha Christie tale, so I was bound to love it.
14. “Half Up Front” by John Epler
Oh god I LOVED THIS ONE. Mage and her hot elven girlfriend save a whole town... it’s just great. Oh yeah, have I mentioned the Qunari and the whole rogue Antaam attacks? Definitely going to be a big part of DA4. So many big parts. 
15. “The Dread Wolf Take You” by Patrick Weekes
Holy crap, this one probably has the most clues as to what we’ll be dealing with in DA4. I just finished it and still need to digest it, but I think it was executed really well with the nameless characters and three different narrators. And that ending. Ugh! Also, I love Charter.
Overall, this might be my favorite Dragon Age book yet. Felt like we got a wealth of information and characters to mull over in the coming YEARS while we wait for the next game, more so than just a standalone regular novel would give. 
My only regret is getting a physical copy instead of the kindle version, because you know what? I know I’m going to want to reread sections and that’ll be easier on my old ass eyes on a kindle :P (Also, can search for words/phrases, that kind of shit.) So I might buy it again on Kindle b/c I’m a big sucker. Does anyone want my copy? Assuming you’re in the US please.
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Yo I took so long battling Corypheus and the dragon that at one point when they were almost dead the game was like “Girl you still going?? Let’s just finish it for you.” Like on the second Corypheus battle I was out of potions and almost everyone died and it ended at the right time and I was playing as Solas so,,,miracles fjsbdb.
OHhh nOoO. Solas is upset bc the orb is crushed and when Elle went to see everyone, Solas was behind her, BUT THEN HE DISAPPEARED WHEN SHE LOOKED BACK!! HMMM?!
I wanna give Solas a hug I’m so sorry baby🥺😔.
Cullen wanted my attention and he soon got it aND UGH I LOVE HIM!!
I finished the game within 157 hours wHOOO. I love this game and can’t wait to do Cassandra. Gonna do her and Solas at the same time bc I can’t wait to do Cassandra djwndb.
Hnnnng. I don’t like any of thiiiiiiis.
Cassandra is coming with me (for whatever I guess) and I love her and she’s gonna murder someone if I don’t so👀. Yes baby come with me :))).
Cullen said “you look lovely. Have I told you that?” UGH I LOVE THE PUPPY!!!
Now it’s time to go and watch The DLC bc I,,,don’t have money and won’t be getting it any time soon. I saw some parts of the DLC but wanted to wait till the end of the game and the time has come >:))))). But yh hehe ;).
and Hydra the question about a game I had was that in late 2018 when we started talking (it’s gonna be 2 years soon holy crap) you mentioned this game about a god wanting to destroy the world. And the player has to find him or they love him?? Im not sure. Now,,,idk if you can remember what game it is at all,,,but all I can think of is Solas as being the god for no reason right now but idk what it was called and it’s been bugging me and I wanna know if you somehow remember it xjandn. Sorry if you can’t and I’m bothering you it’s just,,been in my head and I would scroll to when we started talking but my computer is trash and on phone it would take forever jsbsbd. But yeah love youuu👀💙.
And GODDDDD. I’m still so excited to play Cassandra I love her,,,and I’m sticking with Mage bc I’m not gonna be different this time XD. Finna go do it right now >:)))).
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thedeadflag · 4 years ago
@lelianasface wrote:  holy crap i honestly didn't even notice the double blight insinuation, as much as i thought they were implying the darkspawn were just becoming more intelligent or organizing I suppose. damn 😬
Yeah, it took me a bit, and I’m not 100% certain, but still about 85% certain the mural is referring to who I think it is.
And it makes sense (to me at least, hah). 
Solas really hated the Grey Wardens, and really didn’t like the idea of them pre-emptively going after the old gods in the deep roads like Clarel wanted them to do (i mean, the whole demon angle was just Bad, but the concept of going after the old gods was what Solas seemed to take issue with most). Now at the end of DA:I we see him wanting to rend the world to bring back Elven society, and he’s forging the way for two old gods/archdemons to come back for a possible double blight...methinks he didn’t like the Wardens snooping around and potentially sabotaging one of his backup plans after his first plan with Corypheus failed.
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heartslogos · 5 years ago
newfragile yellows [651]
“What’s the matter with the two of you?” Solas looks between Ellana and her husband as the two of them lie down over their wooden table. Well. His daughter is draped over the table, hair covering her face. Her husband is sitting across from her, head tilted back towards the ceiling looking like he’s run three marathons, a triathlon, and then carried each of their several children up and down several flights of stairs. Solas knows he did not do this because Solas just finished putting those several children to bed for them.
He is a very good grandfather. He comes over after working because his good daughter asks him to and then he takes care of his grandchildren while said daughter and her husband…sit around their kitchen table looking like they’ve been thrown through several torture devices.
“Riddles,” Ellana says.
“Ah,” Solas understands immediately. “Do not feel as though you need to elaborate. In fact, I would be quite pleased if you didn’t.”
“Grim’s class is doing riddles,” Bull says, ignoring Solas entirely. Solas doesn’t know what he expected. “Each of them have to bring a riddle to class to share. It’s suggested that they each find five riddles in case one of their classmates has the same riddle they do. Ellana and I were going through the list of riddles. Would you like to read this list?”
Before Solas can answer Bull continues.
“No. Of course not. Because this is bullshit.”
Solas sits down next to his daughter and starts attempting to fix her hair. He now understands why it looks like she stuck her head in a cotton candy machines.
“Never attempt to use linguistic tricks on a lawyer,” Solas says. “Also don’t challenge a lawyer to a question of semantics.”
Ellana sits up, grabbing her phone from the middle of the table, “Father these are fucking ludicrous. They start of fine. Acceptable. Age appropriate. And then — then there’s this fucking bell curve. The kids are asleep right? I can cuss again?”
“I would argue that you were never allowed to cuss to start with, but given that one summer I left you with Sylaise it’s a moot point. I regret it to this day.”
“There’s this bell curve,” Ellana continues. She hasn’t even opened her phone, she’s just holding it and waving it around as she talks. Solas hasn’t seen his daughter in court in a while but he hopes she hasn’t brought back her bad habit of gesturing wildly as she speaks. The last time he saw her do that in person she’d nearly hit her witness. “There’s this bell curve where suddenly the riddles hit peak absurdity. A steep incline of — of falsehoods.”
“They’re technically  — “
“Don’t you start with mean the technicalities,” Ellana points at her husband. “Don’t do it.”
“Don’t get into technicalities with a lawyer,” Solas says, petting her hair in an ill fated attempt to soothe her. “Ellana, you’re going to upset yourself further.”
“No, you need to — “ Ellana puts the phone down, breathes in deep, and points at the phone. “Listen. At one point it asks — it leads the question, Father, it leads the fucking question. It asks — which hand is best for stirring sugar into tea? Hand. It says it in the question itself. Which hand.”
Bull goes to take a drink but then spits it back out and puts the cup down, wiping his wrist over his mouth as he turns to the side, pushing his chair back to put his head in his hands.
“Fuck I don’t know why I keep trying to drink anything. I just know I’m going to choke on it as I laugh with sheer dumbfounded frustration.”
“The answer is you better use a spoon,” Ellana hisses. “Father. What the fuck — that’s entrapment. They baited you into believing the instrument being used is your hand. You are using your hand to stir a spoon or some other item that would dissolve the sugar. It is in the preliminary statement. The premise is that you are choosing a hand. Your hand, someone else’s hand, a waiter’s hand, some kind of hand. And then it goes and says hey dummy better use a spoon.”
Solas grimaces.
“That’s an outlier and shouldn’t be counted for your bell curve average,” Bull croaks from the other side of the table. “I don’t know why that one was stuck right in the goddamn middle of the average brain teasers. That's the kind of crap I expect Krem to come up with. That precocious little shit.”
“And then it starts asking the vaguest possible shit,” Ellana continues. “So Bull and I start getting metaphysical on this. Metaphorical, even. And then it gives the most fucking literal answers that don’t have anything to do with the question. The question purposefully uses misleading and opaque syntax and diction in order to avoid the literal answer rather steering the listener towards a more vague and figurative answer.”
“That’s the point of word games and riddles,” Solas says, “And that is also why such word games are banned from our family. Including variations of word games such as Scrabble, Bananagrams, and other sundry pass times.”
“I feel like, spiritually speaking, I’ve been dragged behind several cars and had the shit beaten out of me,” Bull says, voice muffled by his hands. “I feel stressed out.”
“I feel like I’ve done a full jury trial,” Ellana says, “Against the DA with press coverage and gag orders on top of that. Holy moly.”
Solas gets up, collecting Bull’s half full glass to rinse it out in the sink and bring them both new glasses of water. Or wine. Or both. They could probably use both.
“Do you understand why all of the games in our house are based on probability rather than any actual thought?” He asks as he sets the glass down in the sink and rolls his sleeves up.
“Don’t start on that, Dad, Bull’s got a head for math and he’ll use it to cheat at every game of chance possible.”
“It’s not cheating. It’s just logic. I can’t just turn it off.”
“Tell that to the casinos.”
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a-shakespearean-in-paris · 6 years ago
FanFic Writer’s Appreciation Day
I’ll be honest: sometimes I feel like a bad fanfic reader, because it’s hard for me to keep up with reading as I write. However I feel extraordinarily fortunate that I have found a group of lovely and supportive people here on this crazy site, and I really want to support them. So for fanfic writer’s appreciation day I decided to assemble a list of long fics and one shots I really enjoy, as well as recommend some amazing Dragon Age writers. So without further ado...
Wind and Flame by @skyholdherbalist I love the relationship between finn and cullen sky is developing in this fic. Plus she has such a way with words, and the way she writes intimacy has a very earthy feel to it that I adore. Good stuff :) (also I rec her rock band AU...it’s adorable.)
The Dead Season by @galadrieljonesI am so behind on this fic, you have no idea. Heck I don’t even really read Solas all that much but Gala has such a way with words that I was hooked on the characters and situation from the get go. Just all around awesome :) Also I rec her Last of Us writing <3 
(by the way gala your art makes me so happy whenever I see it on my dash <3)
Wandering in the dark by @ladymdcI was sold on the AU idea (30s and 40s is actually one of my favorite periods) and I was hooked on the amazing writing and premise. 
The Saarebaas and the templar. by @andaran-atish-an  another fic i am behind on (yeah you’ll see that a lot on this list.) but I loved the chapters I have read thus far and there’s really a compelling story going on. Plus I don’t mention this a lot but I live for cullen and a female Qunari quiz pairing <3
A tempting Vision: by @tiashepard Cullen, hot smut, and booty appreciation. What more can you ask for? also Evelyn is def one of my fav Inkies too :) (also I tagged this blog because couldn’t tag your other blog for some reason too, lol.)
Uninterupted by @agentkatieI need to dive down and read the Two Commanders but this is some amazing smut right here that I couldn’t resist reading because I’m always thirsty. Katie has more amazing one shots too :)
Rehabilitation by @laraslandlockedblues Lara has many awesome stories but I’m mentioning this one because it was the first one I read, and I still really enjoy it :)
The Revelation of all things by @ellenembeeOne big epic and romantic slowburn with an awesome Quiz <3
I also want to shout out some amazing people who have amazing OCs and do amazing prompts and have awesome ideas that I love to read about: 
@star--nymph: I love Eury that is all. (art is also a blessing <3)
@cullenvhenan: I love Immy that is all. (and art is also a blessing lol <3)
@princessvicky01: Annabel: AWESOME. (also awesome smut)
@briarfox13: crap where do I even begin with all your awesome OCs?! Plus hello fellow Connor fangirl <3
@jonogueira: Aine series? Amazing. 
@crystal-grace: holy Maker so many amazing OCs and beautiful art with them! Love hearing about your ideas!
@inquisitorsmabari: SO MANY AWESOME PROMPTS
@ocean-in-my-rebel-soul : SO MANY AWESOME PROMPTS YOU’VE DONE
AND SAME TO YOU @norroendyrd you do Cole so well an
and also @buttsonthebeach  and your stuff <3 <3
@melaena‘s Cullen journals? THEY GIVE ME LIFE. (seriously you have such an amazing grasp of his character.)
@ma-sulevin? so much hot smut. <3
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crackinglamb · 2 years ago
As usual, I know all of these, but you know how I like to play along. 😊 For AO3 Wrapped, let's go with #15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you? (and) #30. Biggest surprise while writing this year? *bonk bonk* 😘
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
WG, of course. There's no end in sight there, holy crap.
Just Like Fire is also incomplete, although whether or not it will ever be done is up in the air. It's a prompt fic; I throw something into it when I feel like it. I think I only updated it once or twice in all of 2022. I have a handful of prompts already written for it that are leading towards a definite (and canon...ish) ending. It wouldn't take much to finish out.
I am still diligently, if slowly, working on Of Ruins and Restoration. I'm maintaining my aim of not posting any more of it until it's finished, so for now it remains a oneshot with the promise of More to Come(tm).
I've haphazardly started work on a sequel to She's My Plus One, although it's still in the nebulous 'lots of ideas, no plot' stage.
Our poor collaboration A Wolf Named Vengeance is hanging out there forlorn and lonely, but not forgotten. We just need the world to slow down and give us some time, dagnabit.
And finally, no longer a WIP, but not yet posted, I've finally written a more complete version of Maker Damned Fools. That will be the other big posting project for the new year, lol. Because you know me and multiple weekly updates. It's free serotonin!
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
...I am more than slightly in love with the Iron Bull.
I mean, I've always liked his character and I need to have Adoribull in my life (and fics) like I need air. But this year saw that morph into some serious what-ifs with Imogen (that I even wrote and posted [here]) and a desire to get back to my long-neglected Bullmance playthrough.
I haven't lost any of my interest in writing Solas, but hey, you know me. I'm poly. 😏 Yes, I know I have a type. Yes, I can hear you cackling. 😂
Thanks for the asks! *bonk bonk* 😘 From this list.
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twowritersmn-blog · 6 years ago
Chapter Three
There she is again. Sitting in the same spot she always does in this class. I wonder what she’s always thinking about when she stares out the window? She always looks so...sad. Like she’s constantly surrounded by storm clouds, even when it’s sunny and clear out.
You’re doing it again, dude. Stop being such a creep! And pay attention or you’re going to fail this next test.
Right as I’m thinking this, she snaps her head around and her eyes lock onto mine. Crap! Now she knows I was staring.
Ok, just keep it cool man. Just start looking around so it doesn’t seem like you WERE looking at her...even though you totally were. Geez, she’ll never-
“Mr. Pendragon, can you repeat the last thing I just said?” the teacher calls out, making me nearly jump out of my skin.
“Uhhhh…..” I manage to mutter out as I feel myself start to flush that oh-so-embarrassing shade of bright red.
“Uh huh, as I thought. Look, I know witches might not be as interesting as dragons or knights or ancient kingdoms, but in my class they are just as important and I’d like for you to at least pay SOME attention to my lessons.”
“Yes, sir. Sorry.” I mumble and shrink down further in my seat.
As the lesson goes on, all I can think about is her eyes. I don’t even know her name but somehow, her stare has the ability to entrance me like nothing else. It’s almost...terrifying and intoxicating.
Ok dude. Seriously. Listen to yourself man! That’s it, later at lunch you are GOING to talk to her. At least ask her name and apologize again for mowing her down in the hallway earlier. You also have to give her back her book. I think as I remember the small leatherbound journal I had stowed away in my backpack. She dropped it when we crashed in the hall but I was too busy tripping over my own words to give it to her. But that will all change come lunch.
*   *   *
“Oh no, OH NO! Where is it?!” I say as I dump the contents of my bag onto the table in front of Wendy’s tray.
“Where’s what?” she half speaks, half garbles out as she munches on a PB&J sandwich. She washes it down with some strawberry milk and then gives me a questioning look.
“My book! My little journal I always carry around with me?”
“The leather one? Oh yeah, I didn’t see you with it today. That’s weird.” She says as she begins ripping open her package of miniature cookies. When she couldn’t use her fingernails successfully, she began tearing into it with her teeth and making little snarling noises.
“This. Is. BAD. I NEED to find that book, Wendy. Like, yesterday.” I say and place my head into my hands to begin thinking.
Ok Sola. Retrace your steps. You had it this morning in your hands when you walked out the door. You had it walking to school. Then it was still under your arm when you walked in the door and crashed into-
“Uh, hey…” says a small voice as my thoughts are interrupted. I snap my head up and stare up at the owner of the voice. It was the same scrawny looking kid from earlier, the one I had run into this morning in the hall.
Of course! That must be when I dropped my book! Aw shit, if someone else has that book, even if they can’t read it-
“You, uh, dropped this earlier. When I, uh, ran into you. Well, more like you were a brick wall and I was a wrecking ball and I knocked you down. Not to say that you’re, uh, built like a brick wall or anything. Also, not to say that you aren’t, uh, strong or anything. I’m sure you’re a strong girl, er, woman, er, young lady? I-I’m...going to shut up now.” He says and the shoves a small journal into my hands and beings quickly walking away.
My book! Holy crap, he had it this whole time? And he brought it back to me? Maybe this kid isn’t so suspect after all…
“Hey wait! C’mere a sec’ will ya? What’s your name kid?” I say as he approaches the table and sits down.
“Avalon. Avalon Pendragon, but my friends call me Lonnie. Er, they would anyways.” He says as he reaches his hand out. I stare at it, wondering what the heck he wants me to do with it. He isn’t holding anything so, what am I looking at?
“Uh…” I say. Then, Wendy looks back and forth between us, sighs, exaggeratedly rolls her eyes.
“Oh boy...I’m Wendy Jones. And this eloquent creature is Solara Nightshade. Just, don’t call her by her full first name unless you want a broken rib.”
As she takes both of our hands and shakes them with her arms criss crossed over her body, Lonnie blanches a bit but lets out a small chuckle and nods his head in understanding. For the rest of lunch, we talk about the lesson from Paranormal Studies and about how “interesting” witches are.
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