logray · 21 days
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TRAIN TO BUSAN (2016) dir. Yeon Sang-ho
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smittenskitten · 5 months
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"Innocent?" "Pure like oxygen?"
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liveasbutterflies · 5 months
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You punks.
Lovely Runner (선재 업고 튀어) 2024
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bongdojin · 7 months
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Hospital Playlist 2 | 슬기로운 의사생활 (2021) dir. Shin Wonho
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psikonauti · 15 days
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Seok Ho Kim (South Korean, b. 1984)
Drifting consciousness-seoa#1, 2018
Oil on linen
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swiftletinthecloud · 1 month
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Love Next Door | 엄마 친구 아들 (2024)
@asiandramanet august bingo: color
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inpursuitofnunchi · 6 days
also the choi parents finally confessing to each other and being whipped for each other yes pls love in CAPITAL LETTERS y'all
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suuho · 10 months
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Don't you usually go to work with Jeongwon? He had to go in early for an emergency surgery. I'm going to buy him coffee. Are you guys married, or what? You're so good to him.
Hospital Playlist 2 | 슬기로운 의사생활 (2021) dir. Shin Wonho
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doyouknowbtsswag · 1 year
Hey ! Just discovered your account and I was wondering if you know the drama "Weak Hero class 1" ? Im in love with So-Ho character do you think you could write smth abt him ?
Joy Ride |So-Ho|
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I haven’t actually watched this kdrama till I saw your request. Thank you so much because now I’m obsessed 😭. I hope you like it though ❤️
I sat at my desk rolling my eyes at the boys sitting behind me. Their little friend group acts as if they run the school. No one says anything though everyone just lets it happen scared of what they'd do. Honestly, sometimes I feel as though they are all bark but no bite. Finally, when school let out I looked over at my boyfriend who was sleeping resting his head on a cute pillow. I packed my stuff up and went over to his desk.
"So-ho~," I said sitting at the desk in front of his. I gently knocked on his head waiting for him to wake up. He groaned and rubbed his face. "Good morning"
"Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" He said tiredly.
"School just got out" I chuckled. "You slept through the class again"
"Not again"
"Don't worry I have notes for you" I smiled.
"How about we hang out for the rest of the day?" He said as we walked outside together.
"Don't you have work?" I asked as we made it to his motorcycle.
"Nope they gave me the day off and I want to spend it with you" He smiled at me giving me butterflies. "Hop on"
"Get on the bike," He said putting his helmet on mine.
"No way I'll walk and-"
"Come on it's fun" He grinned.
"So-ho, le-"
"I promise I won't let you get hurt" He lead me to the seat. "Do you trust me?"
"I trust you"
"Then get on I'll go slow," He said as I hesitantly got on the bike. He sat in front of me grabbing both of my hands and wrapped them around his waist. "Just hold on"
"Alright," I said nervously tightly grabbing his waist.
He started the motorcycle and revved the engine making me jump. He started driving as I buried my head in his neck scared to look around. The drive started to feel nice and the small bumps in the road that made me flinch got better over time. I carefully peeked my head out from his back to look around the sudden gust of wind overcame my body as I loosened my grip from So-ho's waist making him smiley at the sudden comfort. I looked around at the streetlights coming to like as the sun fell. Even though I've seen those lights flash multiple times this felt different. The adrenaline in my body and the wind flowing through my hair made me feel free, it made me feel alive. So-ho pulled over in front of a restaurant getting off the bike.
"Holy shit," I said catching my breath and smiling.
"I thought you didn't like going on motorcycles" He teased putting his hands in his pockets.
"I didn't either," I said placing the helmet down.
"I guess we're going shopping for a helmet."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm gonna start driving you home" He grabbed my hand as we walked into the restaurant. "or you could ride with me while working.
"How about both,"
"Perfect," He said.
When the waitress came over we decided to share a meal since I felt a little sick from the drive we took.
"That's normal, you'll get used to it."
"That's good I want to ride with you all the time." I smiled.
"Why don't we walk up to the store up the street that sells helmets." He said while eating. "Then we can go faster since we weren't going that fast."
"Perfect, I don't want you to get hurt"
"I'm more worried about you." He grabbed my hand from across the table. "You're always my first priority"
"Stop you're making me blush" I covered my face the butterflies coming back.
"I'm serious" He laughed lightly. "I care a lot about you"
"I care a lot about you too," I said all red.
After we finished eating So-ho paid for dinner and grabbed my hand as we walked outside. There was a peaceful silence between us as we walked down the sidewalk. It wasn't too packed so it was nice feeling the breeze. He walked in front of a store that specifically sold sports gear along with a few other items.
"Ladies first." He said opening the door.
"Why thank you kind sir" I jokingly bowed as we both made how way to the helmet section. "What color or design should I get?"
"Let's see what they have," He said as we walked in front of the gear we needed. "There aren't many colors left" He frowned
"It's fine, I can always come back you know," I said putting a random one on my head" What do you think?"
He smiled and whistled which made me gently smack his arm. I rolled my eyes smiling.
"I think it suits you" He smiled crossing his arms.
"You think so?" I asked looking at the item.
"I know so, plus like you said earlier we could come back" He uncrossed his arms as we made our way to the front grabbing a few miscellanies things on the way. "I'll pay"
"You paid for dinner let me" I insisted pulling money out and before he knew it everything was in the bag.
"Have a nice day!"
"You as well" I smiled and dragged my sulking boyfriend with me.
"You should have let me pay," He said. "Especially since it's my bike"
"Hey, don't worry about it I'm happy I did"
"Next time I'm buying a bigger dinner and you can't pinch in a cent," He said stopping to look at the lights.
"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.
"I've never really paid attention to the scenery since I'm always on the run." He said smiling. "I'm glad I'm able to see it with you"
"You should give yourself some more time off you work so hard" I admired his face in the beaming light that captured his beauty. His smile already lit up the streets and his eyes were captivating. He looked over at me staring but I didn't care I let myself stand my ground just this once.
"You're cute," I said out of nowhere making him turn red.
"What was that all about," He said off guard.
"To be honest I dunno just wanted to say that" I smiled.
"You're a hot mess express sometimes" He chuckled looking me in the eye and cupped my cheek.
It was my turn to be caught off guard as he wrapped his hand around my waist making me drop the bag in shock. I felt like I was in a romance K-drama with the swinging lights in the background, instead of Jae-Chan and Hong-Joo it was me and So-Ho. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I gently kissed him. It wasn't fast but it wasn't too slow. We both blushed looking at each other and then looking away shyly. He hugged me and I hugged him back little did I know what was going on behind the scenes. He pulled away from the hug and bent down to grab the bag.
"Let's go back on the Joy Ride" He smiled putting the helmet on my face and giving it a knock.
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in water (Hong Sang-soo, 2023)
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mo-nroette-blog · 6 months
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my comfort dramas (4/19)
hospital playlist s1 (2020)
“there’s only one thing we, doctors, can tell our patients with certainty, “we will do our best.” that’s the only thing.”
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7698 · 5 months
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coreancitizen · 5 months
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I have a weakness for situations where a tall, handsome guy hides his adorable, tiny girlfriend in his big jacket.
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liveasbutterflies · 5 months
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Mom, let go of me!
Lovely Runner (선재 업고 튀어) 2024
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aestheticallysxx · 13 days
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It felt like I had met the man of my dream. I don't know who he is but I call him Mudflat Man.
| Love Next Door (2024)
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psikonauti · 9 days
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Seok Ho Kim (South Korean, b. 1984)
Distorted Portrait -Seoa#2, 2017
Oil on linen
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