#historia likes vagina
leftistfeminista · 1 year
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María Cristina López Stewart, a brilliant 21 year old MIRista, student, historian, philosopher and poet.
From a comrade "But the girl also knows many other things, and with the deputy head of the unit - she is a humanist, now it is clearly evident - at the end of that day she dazzles us by talking to us about Auerbach, about Hegel, the German philosophers and how you get through them to Marx."
But to Pinochet's fascist thugs like Osvlado Romo she was nothing but a "nice arse, and a great vagina" as recorded by her friend in Being Luis, when he confronted Romo at his trial.
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Being Luis: A Chilean Life By Luis Muñoz Page 244
The sadistic guards cruelly boasted about enjoying her body to her friends and comrades.
But today we remember her for her mind and spirit. As the Blue Notebooks of her poetry are republished. Here we see the patriarchal, misogynist nature of the Pinochet project, the desire to bring these fierce intelligent women down to nothing but their feminine bodies. As objects to be used and consumed. In honoring he poetry and her thoughts, we refute these fiends.
She was a student at Liceo 7 in Providencia and a student of History and Geography at the University of Chile, and wrote the poems before her kidnapping in 1974. The text will be presented next Thursday at the Museum of Memory, after within the framework of the social outbreak his family decided to publish it. «For many years I thought that my sister's poems would not be understood. It seemed to me that we had not managed, as a society, to build 'memory' and vindicate those who were branded as terrorists, subversives and common criminals... After the social outbreak of October 2019, it seemed to us that a process was culminating and that the conditions were created for a new dialogue with history. The songs, speeches and slogans confirmed that not only was memory alive in the collective unconscious, but perspectives that had been postponed and repressed for centuries were also vindicated. Like a kind of revelation, we felt that it was time to share the poems from the Blue Notebook: there would be those who would understand them," says Patricia López, who edited the book with her daughter Cristina Alarcón.
« Today the books and notebooks are on the walls, on the stones or on the posts. Where is the best interpreted story? The facts are known in the street, a voice on top of a box, a honk at the kiosk on the corner , explosive bombs, tear gas, gunshots. Everything is there, the history of today and tomorrow . (7-21-73, "The Blue Notebook")
On September 10, 1973, one day before the coup d'état, Mary wrote the following verse:
Will 73 be like all the months that are sometimes called September? Won't a Hawker Hunter darken the sky ? Will the clicking of a rifle not break the harmony of sounds ? And a few days after the coup, these verses:
The story was defined in three minutes.
Life changes as suddenly as a gunshot that we all begin to hear and that still does not stop.
Mary's last poem reads like this:
No end, he told me it's just a chapter about to start. Is it true then, that not everything ends definitively? Is it true that prehistory led to slavery, slavery continued in feudalism, and the latter gave rise to capitalism, a new version of slavery? It's true? And then later...
Even in the darkest of moments, surrounded by degradation, she had revolutionary optimism in the grand sweep of history. That the new version of slavery that capitalism has subjected her to, would meet its' end. Despite the cruel methods of Junta guards to reduce women comrades to their bodies and raw femininity, she remained concerned with world destiny. Humiliation and degradation will not make revolutionary women forget who they are.
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erospendragon · 11 months
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Eu perdi a virgindade aos 8 anos, talvez 9, não sei, com uma garota uma pouco mais velha. Eu não fazia ideia do que estava acontecendo, era uma briccadeira dela, eu lembro de um modo confuso das coisas. O fato é que até hoje nào sei o que isso representou ou que impacto teve na minha vida. Ela era uma garota muito linda, mas eu não era nem um pouco intruído em nada, e não sei como ela era tanto. Tentei conversar com ela uma vez, há pouco tempo na vetdade, mas antes que eu dissesse qualquer coisa ela disse que não se lembrava de nada do passado, então não continuei. O fato é que me tornei uma criança e depois um adolescente tímido com garoras. Era um chefe nato entre os meninos, corajoso de um modo desconcertante com adultos, mas timido com garotas. Era comum que houvesse sempre uma garora apaixonada por mim, se esforçando por se aproximar, deixando evidente sua paixão, mas eu não sabia como reagir e não ficava com elas. Até que aos 13 anos de idade, uma garota chamada Patrícia, que era da minha sala e era a princesa do colégio, a mais linda, mais rica, mais incrivel, eu a achava encantadora e adorava conversar com ela, se apaixonou, mas perdidamente, por mim e me fez viver a maoir estupidez da minha vida. Nós dois éramos famosos no colégio, todo mundo sabia que eu era timido com garotas, mas isso era só num nivel de quando elas davam em cima de mim. Em amizades normais ficava tudo bem. Mas a Patrícia era a garota mais linda e eu gostava dela. Ela tomou todas as iniciativas e é evidente que em pouco tempo todo mundo sabia o que estava acontecendo e a pressão da timidez se tornou insuportável para mim. A melhor amiga dela, que era a lider das meninas e já havia perdido a paciência comigo, veio me confrontar, irritada, o que foi humilhante para mim: "você vai ficar com a Patrícia ou não". Então eu fiz a coisa de que mais me envergonho e me arrependo em minha vida. Eu inventei que tinha uma namorada no clube e que não podia ficar com ela. Depois de um tempo muito estranho, ela mudou, começou a agir de um jeito diferente e deixou de ser a garota doce que eu havia conhecido antes de eu a ter magoado por pura estupudez e covardia, sem querer faze-la mal, sofrendo por perde-la pois eu a amava, nao sei explicar de modo algum o que acontecia. Mas depois que eu entendi o que tinha acontecido, eu decidi que nunca mais na minha vida eu me acovardaria. E foi assim que me tornei o que hoje eu sou. Da pior maneira possível. Não há como reescrever nossos erros. E as vezes eu tenho a impressão de que erros são tudo o que cometi em minha vida. Eu guardei a historia da infancia em segredo a minha vida inteira até contar para uma amiga, que ficou irritada e revoltada e tentou me alertar que isso provavelmente tinha desfeito minha mente e me feito perder minha adolescencia com as garotas, mas eu nunca culpei a garota, ela talbém era jovem, e apesar de obviamente possuir uma precocidade, imagino que ela agiu assim assim por ter sido ela mesma vitima de algum abuso. Mas eu não sei."
"oh what a massacre. This Will bê THE Days of our lives."
Ok now you made me laugh. Well. Better.
"really, even this geeks ARE becomint ibteresting now that they find a porpuse in this life."
How this feel like girls vibes.
"we love being mean. Ir feels good inside our Divine vaginas of Fall."
Jesus fucking christ....
""Arster kartak lartearte nerida lictis."
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
the day the aot fandom realizes that historia is a lesbian who got pregnant in order to live is the day i can get a good nights sleep
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espritmuse · 3 years
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⌕ Pairing: Historia Reiss x reader
⌕ Warning: Degradation, anal plug, voyeurism (a tiny bit), spitting, begging, historia is a bit of a sadist
“I’m gonna use your pathetic cunt until I get tired of it. Don’t make any loud noises, keep your mouth shut, that all I ask, hope it’s not too hard for a dumb fuckdoll like you.”
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Bully!Historia who observes you mischievously in the school corridors, before approaching you, the high-pitched sound of her stiletto heels hitting the floor before unceremoniously dropping the things that were in your arms. Eyes on the floor, looking at the mess beneath your feet, your ears were quick to catch the mocking giggles of her two friends.
"Aw, such a messy girl...You know what? Maybe you should stay on the floor, then at least you won't bother me. " she said in a voice even higher than a bird's cry, looking up at you from her small height, a devilish smirk on her pretty face.
But don't get her wrong, she’s just playing with you a bit. Her true intention was now just in front of her eyes; you, knees on the ground, ass slightly raised, exposing your lace lingerie under your skirt.
That all she wanted to see.
Bully!Historia to whom nothing is refused. You are hers. It doesn't matter if you don't know it yet, the others will soon understand that nobody touches her precious thing.
So when she hears your little cries in the school locker room, talking desperately to one of your friends about the fact that once again the boy you had a crush on has rejected you, she can't help but smile to herself.
“Seems like no one wants to be near you...How sad, I could almost feel the tears running down my eyes. You’re so pathetic.” She stated, without you knowing that she was in fact the one behind this.
Bully!Historia who pretends to be disappointed and disgusted in front of the whole class when your teacher puts the two of you in a group project but who, in reality, was just waiting for that to happen so that she could carry out her perverted plan.
Bully!Historia whose favourite thing to do is to tie you up to her desk chair, only to place her pink vibrator on your already swollen clit. She loves to sit in front of it, her eyes directed at your sweaty face and your half-open mouth, begging her to stop.
“I’m gonna use your pathetic cunt until I get tired of it. Don’t make any loud noises, keep your mouth shut, that all I ask, hope it’s not too hard for a dumb fuckdoll like you.”
But your little cries have no effect on her. She stops when she wants to; you are entirely at her mercy.
Bully!Historia who adore when all of your little holes are full. Using one of her heart-shaped anal plugs on your ass, her dildo-vibrator on your clit and vagina, and, finally, her fingers for your mouth. With the help of a sex toy, she slowly inserts it in your throat as your lips wrap around its surface.
And she will not be satisfied until she has seen the tears flowing from your eyes and heard gagging noises leaving your desperate body.
“I have to help you train your throat now? You’re so fucking useless.”
“I know you love that you stupid whore, stop acting like you don’t. You finally have a purpose, you should be more than happy to be my personal fucktoy, at least someone tolerates you.” She said before spitting right on your face.
might add to that later lol….
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ackermom · 2 years
he's listening to taylor swift when it happens. okay, he's standing in the kitchen and leaning on the counter so he's just out of sight from the revelry in the hall, and he has evermore playing so low he can't hear it over the laughter and din, but the seconds are passing and he can feel it. that's what evermore is anyways. it's not just an album. it's an emotion.
and reiner swears his ex is psychic (among other choice words), because spotify is at 2:09 in right where you left me when he appears from around the corner with a goofily clunky headlamp around his forehead and an empty water bottle in his hand. he stops in the doorway, his sneakers squeaking on the tile, eyes flicking to reiner, before he continues past him towards the sink.
"hi," he says as reiner jerks upright and fumbles with his phone to pause the music. the laughter in the other room conveniently fades out just at that moment, and there's an excruciating three seconds as he slams his finger at his phone and taylor swift sings about breakups while his ex inconspicuously fills his water bottle at the sink.
"hi," reiner says when he's turned the music off. he swipes out of the app and shoves his phone in his pocket. he just barely glances at bertholdt over his shoulder. he can't help himself: "nice headlamp."
"there are more in the car," bertholdt says with his back turned, all too genuinely. he turns the tap off. 
"i'm okay," reiner says. 
he stays where he is and stares out the little pass into the living room as he feels bertholdt turn around and sip on his water. 
"you might want one," bertholdt says in between sips. "it's better to have your hands free."
reiner picks at a little tear in the wallpaper over the counter. it starts to peel off. shit. 
"i didn't know you were so into spelunking," he says, each syllable of the last word emphatic and plump on his tongue as he speaks. he smooths the little peel of wallpaper back and glances over to see bertholdt shrugging his shoulders. 
"well," he says. "it's what historia wants to do. and it's her birthday party."
"of course," reiner says, like he's not well fucking aware that this was going to happen at some point, that this birthday weekend at an airbnb in the mountains that's supposed to only sleep four but is currently hosting about ten late twenty-somethings was eventually going to leave the two of them alone in a room together. he's been avoiding bertholdt all weekend. he hopes that bertholdt's been avoiding him too. 
"you know," bertholdt says, a little lift in his voice that reiner recognizes with the hair raising on the back of his neck, like he's been here before, exactly here, "of course it's something she'd like. caves being... you know."
that's fucking stupid, and if they were still together, reiner would laugh. 
he peels at the wallpaper again. fuck it. "i don't know if vagina jokes are really your thing, hoover." 
"yeah," bertholdt says, laughs, even more awkwardly than the weird thing he said in the first place, and reiner has to make a point not to look at him, keeping his furrowed brow and wide eyes to himself as he tears up someone else's property. "but seriously, uh-" he clears his throat "-you'll want a head lamp."
"i'm not going," reiner says.
a pause. "really? that's why we came here."
"i'm going," reiner says, "i'm just not- i'm staying up here. there's supposed to be a little exhibit and stuff. a cafe."
there's not a cafe anywhere within fifty miles of the entrance to the cave, and they both know it. he feels bertholdt frown.
"it's supposed to be cool inside."
"yeah, well, they don't makes caves for these shoulders, so i'll stay up top and keep watch so none of you get stuck in there."
his shoulders are only half the battle. he doesn't want to admit that he's 90% sure he'd have a panic attack squeezing miles down into the earth between teeny-tiny crevices of rock just to look at some other, cooler rocks. he's never thought of himself as particularly claustrophobic, but he's really not willing to find out today. especially not in front of bertholdt, whose water bottle clinks on the counter as he sets it down. 
"you came all the way here just to go to a dinky little museum?" he asks.
"you don't know it's dinky," reiner says with a frown, glancing at him. "there are plenty of nice little museums. and i came out there to celebrate my friend's birthday. i made the cake, you know."
he sees something flicker in bertholdt's eyes. "i know. it seemed familiar." 
it's the way he sees that that for a moment- but it's funny, because all that time they were together, all those afternoons off baking cookies, they were all box mixes, just something to pass the time and an excuse to flirt, and it annoys him a little because the cake shouldn't be familiar, because bertholdt doesn't know him like that anymore and he's never tasted something reiner's actually bothered to buy a bag of flour for. he guesses that's the perils of unloading leftover baked goods on his friends, that they will eventually get back to his ex. at least now he knows what he's missing.
"caves aren't really made for tall people either," bertholdt says after a moment. "i could... stay up too, if you wanted some company."
of course he does. just not this company. he's not sure. not yet. 
"i'll be fine," reiner says. "you're much more inclined to caves than i am." 
he hears the lid of bertholdt's water bottle stop halfway through being screwed on as he gets the joke. "ah. because- i'm- see, that was better than mine." 
reiner glances at his water bottle. "you should slow down there. i don't think you're allowed to piss in the cave." 
another pause. “right. well, i’ll see you in the car, i guess.”
he leaves, disappearing into the clatter in the hall as the group readies head lamp and hiking boots. he thinks he could stay right here and none of them would even notice.
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sleepysnk · 4 years
Do you remember the talk about Erwin teaching the cadets sex Ed? I was wondering if I could request something regarding that. Anything goes, just something to feed my curiosity.
OH YES I REMEMBER THIS DISCUSSION, IT WAS PRETTY POPULAR LMAO. i made this into headcanons LMAO, i will feed your curiosity lol. i hope you enjoy! ♡
Erwin teaching the 104th about sex headcanons
Warnings: mentions of sex? sort of?
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Erwin Smith:
- Erwin had always assumed that the cadets all knew about sex, they're teenagers after all, what teenager wouldn't?
- he always never felt the need to teach them.
- that's when one day he was told by the government that it was required for him to teach sex ed, because it was important.
- he was a bit nervous to teach such topics, but he had to do it.
- at first, most of the cadets were confused on what he was talking about.
- when Erwin explained sex, the whole room bursted into a question fiasco.
- Eren would be asking a MILLION questions, like he wouldn't shut the fuck up.
- Mikasa would be sitting there just listening to what everyone was saying, but the girl was confused on what a condom was.
- Erwin would be legit struggling, LEVI WOULD HAVE TO SHUT THEM UP TO EXPLAIN.
- Armin would be so embarrassed.
- Jean and Reiner would act like the man, acting like they know all of this already.
- Connie would be laughing whenever Erwin said "penis" or "vagina".
- Bertholdt would be so embarrassed like Armin, he wouldn't know what to say.
- Ymir and Historia would be sitting there so confused and disgusted about penises.
- when Erwin had to demonstrate putting a condom on, everyone was so weirded out.
- "sir, why is a condom needed? it looks like it'll squeeze a penis"
- "dear god.."
- Levi would be so annoyed by their reactions, like it's just a condom.
- Erwin would be so embarrassed by some of their questions, like some weird asked so detailed.
- they would start asking Erwin and Levi personal questions on their sex lives, and that's when the discussion ended.
- Connie randomly stated he wanted to feel an orgasm, and Levi almost laughed.
- after that whole discussion, Erwin wouldn't be able to look at any of them without laughing.
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animentality · 3 years
yeah the shit with eremika and ymir and king was so laughable and shitty but uhhh,,, eren literally killing his own mom? historia ending up with the guy who threw rocks at her? like isayama should be banned from ever using pen and ink again the realest tragedy is all the papers wasted in the making of this bullshit
yeah isayama’s romance game is top notch. we have:
- female slave used as breeding stock falling in love with the guy who cut out her tongue and forced her to have his children and then had said children eat their mother alive
- mikasa literally has always and will always continue to be just devoted to eren forever. and no other character trait was ever given to her either. well done. 
- historia became a breeding slave, and just ended up with some guy who used to bully her. 
- grisha has two different bitches who just devoted their lives to the Plot and fell in love with him just cuz. 
- ymir our only gay died off screen and was never mentioned again. 
- reiner still thirsting over historia when it’s been three years and she’s married with a fucking baby. 
- annie is fine dating armin even though he literally inherited the memories of her dead comrade and thus “inherited” his feelings for her. 
- and on top of that, beruani was trash to begin with because she didn’t care about him and he had no real reason to like her other than she’s hot. 
- gabi and falco was so underdeveloped it was laughable. 
- so wow. incredible writing of romance, isayama, thanks.
and that’s not going over the plotholes of the whole rest of the plot with time looping bullshit.
ALSO dude. 
Ymir could’ve broken her own curse any time she wanted??
She spent like millions of years suffering in Paths for...the guy who cut out her tongue?
All just cuz I LoVeD hiM? 
And the bitch only broke out because Mikasa killed Eren? Really?
Because Mikasa is implied to just spend the rest of her life mourning over Eren like. 
How is she free, lmao?
Fucking women, dude.
Ruining people’s lives cuz they just can’t get over guys.
All of snk didn’t have to happen if ymir fritz could keep her vagina under control. 
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rukia-writes · 4 years
Can you write a nsfw for Eren? Like, they're arguing and make up in the best way? :3
A continuation of this request
✨Setting: modern au✨
✨Warnings: 18+, No minors 🔞 ✨
✨My apologies to historia fans ♥️ I do like historia. Also don’t ask me why I always have Eren eat his s/o out I just do.✨
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“Eren, that’s concerning. leaving Historia’s home so late. What were doing there?”
“I told you already.”
Eren leaned back in his chair with a calm look not taking this “old” arguement seriously. Eren merely told his girlfriend that he and historia were merely talking.
Not calming (Name)’s worry at all.
“That’s not good enough. How would you like it if I left Reiner’s house at a late hour-“
“I wish you would finish that sentence, (Name).”
Eren’s once calm expression was now irritated as his eyebrows were furrowed and he stopped leaning back in his chair.
“Well, now you know how I feel.”
“Yeah, but we did nothing.”
The two went back and forth for awhile until Eren anger had coming to a boiling point.
“If you’re going to be that way then you can leave.”
“Fine. I will.”
Eren watched (Name) leave as he merely went to his bathroom to take a shower.
The next day Eren had calmed down and was wanting to apologize as he quickly text messaged that he would be over soon to apologize.
However, after getting dressed he checked his text messages to see that (Name) had left him on read, which was a big no no.
Eren messaged her again and was left on read again. Eren wasted no time and nearly rushed over to (Name)’s place.
When he arrived the door was locked and his girlfriend wasn’t answering the door or her text messages.
Eren knew she was in there as he took out the key to (Name)’s home and walked in with out knocking.
“Hey! Where are you?”
“How did you get in?!”
Eren heard (Name)’s surprise as he walked into the kitchen to see (Name) making what Eren thought to be tea.
“I made a key.”
“When did you make a key?!”
“Don’t worry about all that. You’ve been leaving me on read. You know I hate that shit.”
Eren took off his black coat and threw it down to the ground as he rushed over to his girlfriend and kissed her on the lips with his right hand on her cheek. (Name) was surprised by everything and while Eren was a great kisser, falling for his kissing for a minute or two (Name) came out for her daze and pushed Eren away to Eren’s dismay.
“I’m still upset with you. You can’t seduce your way out of this like last time.”
“Fine, I apologize for fighting. I won’t hang out with Historia so late if it bothers you so much.”
Eren eyes conveyed a softness as he kissed (Name)’s forehead and then her lips once more. Eren knew his way around his girlfriend, where to kiss her where not to kiss her and while he kissed her while making out with her he certainly would apologize between kisses.
When he had his girlfriend laying down on their back on her kitchen island with her legs on his Eren’s broad shoulders, her shorts off, and Eren already licking (Name)’s clit (Name) came to realize how good Eren became at seducing her.
“We still need to talk-“
“We can talk later. Let me apologize.”
Eren talked in between licks as he then swirled his tongue around (Name)’s clit and then he swirled his tongue on her clit and didn’t care that (Name) was slightly tugging on his long hair.
Eren just wanted to please his girlfriend for now.
Eren’s wet tongue would go from (Name)’s wet cunt to her clit, up and down, as he heard (Name) say his name his licks only became fast.
“I’m sorry, (Name).”
Eren interrupted as he then sticks his index and middle finger inside his girlfriend’s wet cunt while still paying attention to (Name)’s sensitive clit. Eren became hard when he heard (Name) whimper his name, his fingers rubbing her vagina enjoying how wet she was becoming by the second.
Eren knew her spots and rubbed them with his fingers as he slowly went around (Name)’s clit. Eren would sometimes kiss it making (Name)’s grip on Eren’s hair tighten.
Within a few minutes, Eren knew (Name) was getting ready to climax and he welcomed it. Eren wasn’t expecting (Name) to squirt on his fingers.
“Wait Eren-“
(Name) warned but Eren paid it no mind as he kept his fingering and removed his face from (Name)’s cunt to see what was going on with intrigue and curiosity.
“Aw baby..are my fingers that good, huh?”
Eren looked from (Name)’s cunt to her face which was writhing with pleasure as she continued to squirt on Eren’s fingers that was still pleasing her. Eren then watched with a smirk on his face as the liquid was on his hand as (Name ) orgasmed. Eren listened to her pants and looked to see her covering her eyes with her arm.
Smirking Eren licked his fingers and simply asked his girlfriend,
“Should I apologize for making you squirt?”
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eremiie · 4 years
your last post was weird. just because you like dick doesn’t make you straight. not every man has a penis and not every women has a vagina. and also historia was literally forced to get pregnant. i’m pretty the last ask was a joke but your response was inherently transphobic and just weird
i don’t know if you missed it but i clearly stated that i DON’T think historia is straight...
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obviously liking dick doesn’t make you straight right off the bat, i never said that so don’t do that lmao
and what does the second part of your ask have to do with anything i said?
i think it’s clear that just bc you have a dick doesn’t make you a man, and just bc you have a vagina doesn’t make you a woman
nothing i said had anything to do with trans people, and if it did please point it out to me so i can apologize, but i didn’t mention trans people once?
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss/Ymir Characters: Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss, Ymir (Shingeki no Kyojin) Additional Tags: Pining, Masturbation, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Come Swallowing, Creampie, Grinding, Multiple Orgasms, Krista has both a dick and a vagina, Smut, Vaginal Sex, Cowgirl Position, Missionary Position, Vaginal Fingering, Krista is so horny, Accidental Voyeurism, Kissing, Sleepy Cuddles Summary:
Krista’s body was different from everyone else’s. She had never met or even heard of someone who had both a penis and a vagina, and as far as she knew, she was the only one. Krista already had bad self-esteem as it is, which her body certainly didn’t help with.
But now, she also had to deal with the feelings she had developed for her close friend Ymir.
As if things weren’t bad enough already with having to hide who she is and the way she is, she now also had to constantly hide erections which sprouted at the most random of things and sneak away from training more often than not to masturbate every time she sees Ymir, which certainly didn’t help anything.
Like any other time, she snuck out of training to go deal with her raging boner, little she knew was that this time Ymir noticed, and she fully intended to take matters into her own hands.
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hamliet · 5 years
hi! i was reading through your snk meta (which are so wonderfully thought out btw!! i couldn’t stop reading haha) and you mentioned your dislike of the “female deuteragonist love interest will be able to save the main male character” because it’s a “misogynistic trope disguised as female empowerment.” since this trope is so prevalent and i haven’t really considered it being toxic, would you mind expanding on this? thank you!!
Hello!! First of all, thank you for reading my metas, and I’m glad you liked them! Secondly, I want to be clear I was speaking in a specific context and my language may not have allowed for that, so apologies there. And thirdly, I’ll also add that every single trope ever can be problematic in a sense, so if you enjoy this trope, good for you; it’s just one that I personally despise. That is, again though, my personal taste. God knows I like some tropes that are even more blatantly problematic. That’s fine. I just really don’t like this trope because it’s trussed up as “look how much influence a female character has!” and I’m like... but is it? 
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So I was talking specifically not another a love interest saving her male counterpart, but about a trope I’ll call, as it’s often referred to as, “the magical healing vagina.” The concept is that a good romp with your true love will right all of an emotionally unstable man’s problems. However, this can work in say, fairy tales, or in certain emotional power fantasies which are just as potentially harmful and harmless as physical power fantasies (see: most superhero films, James Bond, etc. There’s plenty to critique in them but also plenty to enjoy if that’s the kind of fantasy you want. Escapism is not a bad thing, and I regret if I sounded like I was policing that). 
My problem with it is that it relies on the notion that women are only as powerful as their love can affect the man they’re with. It also never works in real life; like really, it does not and this idea--that true love--will cure a troubled man has led to major problems for people I care about. It plays into larger misogyny and the idea that a woman’s worth is in her vagina and how it’s used, and that she can save a bad boy by loving him when that’s seldom true. 
As for how the story in particular rationalized a mention of my dislike of this trope, I’m quite sure this post was written relatively recently after the Historia pregnancy reveal, in which my inbox was flooded with people insisting that Eren’s true love with Historia (which doesn’t exist in canon) would justify everything since he was doing it for their baby, and once he went public with it everyone would understand and justify everything that he’d done, and would right all the problems in SnK’s world. I'm not exaggerating. My response was to be like “no.” Such a solution especially does not work in SnK, which has a realistic depiction of trauma and war as a major player in its plot. If this was a power fantasy or a fairy tale, I would not mind true love teaching the world a lesson. But it just wouldn’t work with the worldbuilding of SnK. Also, at the time, another manga I really loved which was similar to SnK in its gritty reality ended up using this trope in the end. For some people, that satisfied; for someone who was invested because of the ugly, painful depictions of mental illness in this particular story, it was not satisfying and reiterated for me how much I dislike the trope.
Also, I think what bears repeating is that a love interest often does play a beautiful role in a character’s redemption or solving their issues. Finding out that you are loved through seeing how someone loves you is a very real thing, and isn’t inherently bad. Good, a “morally good” female character who challenges and influences said bad boy to grow is something I’m all for. I just reallllllly hate when it becomes magical healing vagina and post-sex most of the issues vanish, particularly in realistic works. 
So yeah. Personal opinion, critical thinking wise I dislike it, but you could easily pick apart tropes I do like too. :P 
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empty-movement · 7 years
Site Update!
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This might as well be a new image-- the only copy we had before was like 100 pixels high XD So glad to finally have a good copy!
That’s just part of what we’ve got going on with this update! The full list of changes is on the frontpage, as usual, but I just want to let y’all know that this time we’ve put some thumbnails of the new/improved art on the frontpage so you can see what images we’re talking about. I know all of you will be so excited to see that we’ve got a better version of the Akio nips pic (you can see his vagina bones ;_; ), as well as more doujinshi and additions to the Historia Arcana section!
And, I just want to make a special mention here, we’ve linked to our Russian sister site, Utenamania! She’s got a site map in English if you’re curious-- go say hello to our Russian friends (gosh, guys, they call themselves ‘utenists’ that’s freakin adorable <3)!
Coming up: 
In the near future you can expect a master list of all the changes that were made to the subtitles, and Gio is still diligently working away on the audiology revamp, which is going to have the different translations laid out side by side. You can check out an example here! Aaaaaaaaaaaand, I don’t want to say it too loud, we’re still trying to figure out costs, but we’re pretty sure we can get that Japanese release and get the musical! Fingers crossed!
As always, guys, you know how to get a hold of us-- I run the tumblr, and you can email me at [email protected], and Gio runs our twitter and you can email her at [email protected]!
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larubiainmoral · 7 years
Artista, perra y musa
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Ilustración por: Maria Alejandra Balaguera Granados
Instagram: @balaaguera
“Una mujer tiene que ser un monstruo para ser un artista” Dorothea Tanning.
A veces me considero un ser muy salvaje, que vive su vida como una tragedia y que lo disfruta, todas las mañanas se abre mi telón y espero que la obra no me aburra, no es mi objetivo principal ser musa de nadie, por más romántico que parezca, quiero ser la artista y en ese orden tengo mucho por protagonizar mientras vida me quede, siento una inclinación latente por todas las mujeres que en la historia han hecho lo que se les da la gana, un desorden, un caos incontrolable que han vuelto arte.
No recuerdo cómo llegué a Lee Miller, Elizabeth Miller, pero ha sido uno de los mejores descubrimientos de mi vida. Nació el 23 de abril (el mismo día que Shakespeare y pareciera que protagonizó una de sus tragedias), su niñez fue marcada por una violación de un pariente cercano quien la infectó de gonorrea, para ese entonces la penicilina aún no existía, razón por la cual fue sometida a tratamientos tortuosos a muy temprana edad, sus padres en el afán para que su hija no quedara traumatizada, acudieron donde un psiquiatra que les aconsejó enseñarle que el amor y el sexo eran dos cosas diferentes que no tenían ningún tipo de relación. Lee podía amar a un hombre y tener relaciones sexuales con muchos sin encontrar culpa, algo que nos arroja la importancia de la construcción social de la culpa a través de diferentes instituciones para amarrarnos como seres que no siempre queremos o entendemos el porqué de ser monógamos.
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La niñez de Lee fue marcada por otro acontecimiento del que poco se sabe, su padre, quien experimentaba con fotografía la retrataba a ella, a su madre y en algunas ocasiones a sus amigas desnudas, no se ha encontrado mucho material referente y tampoco hubo en el resto de la vida de nuestra protagonista rabia, rechazo o similar por su progenitor, sin embargo, esto desarrolló en ella una comodidad por la desnudez alejada de todos los tabús machistas que para la época surgían, en sus retratos exponía continuamente su torso desnudo o sus pezones, una mujer a la que su cuerpo que era un campo de batalla desde niña se le convirtió en una obra de arte y de inspiración para otros.
Lee Miller fue bailarina en su adolescencia, luego, en su traslado a New York, a la edad de 19 años, Condé Nast le salvó la vida cruzando una calle y la contrató como modelo de Vogue, convirtiéndose en la primera mujer paga por este oficio (antes las modelos a cambio de su trabajo solo recibían prendas), fue la protagonista de diferentes portadas y se convirtió en la musa preferida del fotógrafo Edward Steichen’s.
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“In Nast’s 30-room Park Avenue penthouse, furnished with chandeliers, gilt-framed mirrors, and Louis XV furniture, Steichen shot Miller draped in furs, jewels, and couture gowns. Over the next two years, Miller flitted between Nast’s parties—peopled with the likes of Josephine Baker, Cecil Beaton, and Fred Astaire—and the Upper West Side bohemian set’s bootleg gin bashes, where Dorothy Parker held court. A panoply of suitors—including Charlie Chaplin—took her to dance, sail, watch polo, and fly in two-seater planes.”
 Años más tarde cambió su oficio y se puso tras bambalinas para experimentar con la fotografía de moda, fue reconocida en este ámbito, sobre todo por su percepción del mundo y su estética, podía poner a una modelo perfectamente arreglada al lado de un órgano humano sin vida y encontrar armonía para componer fotografías exquisitas. Envuelta en la segunda guerra mundial, Elizabeth fotografiaba mujeres en uniformes para Vogue convirtiéndose después en reportera de guerra, una mujer de carácter fuerte que demostró todas las pieles que un ser puede ponerse encima. Una de las fotos más emblemáticas de este personaje fue desnuda en la tina de Hitler, a mí personalmente me gusta ver esta pieza como el triunfo de una mujer en una tierra dominada por machos.
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Después de ir tras él a París, fue la estudiante y musa  de Man Ray con quien descubrió la solarización y se introdujo al surrealismo, hizo de amante y tormento, Lee podía tener un solo verdadero amor, pero no entendía por qué sus múltiples relaciones sexuales con otros hombres tenían que enfadarlo, entonces, en medio de la ira, hacía que el artista violentara sus obras en la cara y el cuello como símbolo de los celos, la rabia y el dolor que le producía las conductas de Elizabeth.
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Fue además la musa de Picasso (el artista más emblemático del siglo) en 6 retratos, uno de los más famosos en donde su boca es representada por una vagina, existen rumores que este también fue uno de sus amantes, asegurando de la forma más explícita que compartían fluídos, sin embargo, que no era suficiente para el artista.
“Of course she was very beautiful, but that was not, in itself, enough for Picasso,” posits Penrose. “What was important was she had this tremendous warmth of personality, she was always the person who made everyone laugh. She also had a very American quick wit - the New York one-liner, the wisecrack.”   
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Jean Cocteau (otro de los artistas con los que se rumora un amorío) la utilizó como protagonista en su obra: Blood of a poet causando los celos aún más enfermizos de Man Ray.
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Lee tuvo 3 matrimonios fallidos y un embarazo a los 46 años del cual no se quería hacer cargo, sumergida en la depresión y el alcoholismo y enfrentando los cambios que su cuerpo tuvo terminó por ser autora de libros de cocina.
De Lee no se habla mucho, a pesar de ser uno de los personajes más fascinantes que conozco y en mi opinión uno de los referentes femeninos más poderosos e inspiradores. Yo quiero enfrentar mis batallas igual, despojarme de la construcción social de culpa con la que acarreo desde que nací con mi cuerpo, con mi sexualidad y con mi genio, quiero probarlo todo, desde el baile, la pintura, la fotografía, los idiomas, la escritura, hasta ser la musa que pintan por horas, pero en ese orden, primero siendo yo y luego siendo para otros, tal vez eso sea lo que socialmente se castigue, mujeres que hacemos lo que se nos da la gana.
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What's everyone's opinions on feminism?
Mikasa: The kind of feminist who punches everyone who talks shitReiner: Too sexist for thatBertholdt: Wants women to be equal, but not that hardAnnie: Likes the idea but doesn’t do anything for itEren: Totally thinks women are just as badass as guys, isn’t too informed on intersectional issues thoughJean: Thinks feminism is cool, but can’t really stop problematic behaviourMarco: ‘Hate breeds hate uwu’Sasha: Will wear a vagina costume and stare at you until you realized the true beauty of female empowermentConnie: Likes feminism, but fucks up checking his priviledgeHistoria: Wears ‘down with cis’ shirts to make ppl uncomfortableArmin: This is what a feminist looks likeYmir: Trans inclusive feminist who thrives on the ‘lesbian man hater’ tropeLevi: “Who run the world”Hanji: “Girls!”Erwin: Would be one of the ppl who don’t care about feminism until they have a daughter, is for equality in general thoughNanaba: Feminist to the last breathMike: Thumbs upMoblit: Thinks feminists are right but scary
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itiswas · 8 years
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Orgullosamente presentaremos: Historia de Vaginas…cuando los otros labios hablan We proudly present: The History of Vaginas…when other lips speak
El problema de las mentes cerradas es que siempre tienen la boca abierta The problem with closed minds is that they always have their mouths open
Si no tengo curvas soy gorda, y si adelgazó me veo enferma If I do not have curves I am fat, and if lose weight I look sick
Si me maquilló no soy natural, si no lo hago parezco dejada If I wear makeup I am not natural, if I do not I look careless
Si digolo que pienso soy grosera, si no lo digo que soy hipócrita If I say what I think I am rude, if I do not say anything then I am a hipocrite
Si me defiendo soy peleona, ya si no me defiendo que soy sumisa If I defend myself I'm a fighter, and if I do not defend myself I'm submissive
Si me rio lo tomo todo a broma, y si no amargada   If I laugh I take it all as a joke, if not then I am bitter
Haga lo que haga, siempre habrá alguien que critique! Whatever you do, there will always be someone to criticize!
Y a mi que me importaaa!!! And what do I care!!!
En una relación el hombre es el que manda In a relationship the man is the one who commands
El que manda las flores, los regalos, y los chocolates! The one who sends flowers, gifts, and chocolates!
Una mujer sin hombre es como un pez sin un bicicleta A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle
Si obedeces todas las reglas te perderás toda la diversión If you obey all the rules you will lose all the fun
Por qué la gente dice crece bolas? Son debiles y sensibles Why do people say grow balls? They are weak and senstivie
Si quieres ser dura, crece una vagina If you want to be tough, grow a vagina
Esas cosas realmente pueden soportar una golpiza Those things can really stand a beating
Yo no salí de tu costilla: tú saliste de mi vagina I did not come from your ribs: you came out of my vagina
Baños de Agua Santa, Ecuador
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