#his design is so plain compared to some other hermits but
rendiggitydog · 1 year
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It’s a literal crime I don’t draw impulse more
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limelocked · 4 years
Sundial blurbs
So most of my part of the Sundial au has been locked into general au chat on our server in the form of joking, theorising and sometimes writing as much as the discord character limit allows me to. I did the two first blurbs in this post today and @pomodoko commanded i actually post it and tag them so here they are, sorted into story chronological order and not the order in which i wrote them
Also this is the link to the document with general information on the AU
--- Dreams POV, the inciting incident
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8- NINE It has been ten seconds since Fundy landed at the bottom of the stairs at the lowest level of the building, there had been a noticeable thud that sounded distinctly unpleasant but Dream hadn't picked up on any cracking noise that'd indicate broken bones. Not that it'd be easy to hear over the commotion that led to later events.
Because it'd been seven seconds since Techno had lost his balance because of the falling fox mentioned and seven seconds since he stood back straight, almost brushing against Wilburs taller frame. It had only been five short seconds, that might have felt like weeks to others, since Wilbur in turn furrowed his brow and geared up for retaliation. Four seconds ago techno had been pushed. Three, Wilbur had gone into the wrong portal. Two, Philza had with Fundy still leaning on his shoulder tried to stop them both. One, they were gone.
It was surreal. The room had been filled with chatter before the fight, louder during the fight and now it was quiet. One second in the future, after it had all happened, the silence broke by no one who had seen it happen but by Tommy, babbling on about something with Fundy that didn't matter to anyone but himself. He quieted down when the person he was intending to talk to was nowhere to be found, confused. "Where'd Fundy go?"
"He and Wilbur already went through" the lack of effort it took for Dream to bend that truth would be concerning if not for his record, and technically they already had. "Oh-" an unsatisfactory answer but not one that would send him towards the throat of Noxite. "You can just talk to them back home. Come on." The portal after the hermits was supposed to be theirs, something quickly confirmed as they enter the community house with a crisis averted, or rather pushed back until a later date, and two people lost to another server.
--- Omniscient/Unknown POV, the dreamsmp aftermath
un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf... sept, huit, neuf... sept, huit... Seven hours later was when the lie couldn't hold anymore. Tommy already didn't trust Dream much but Tubbo had been a help in convincing him that Wilbur and Fundy were just away building or something. But the truth comes eventually. He sent a clear message of; <TommyInnIt> stop lying to me
Hour eight was the worst, accusations being thrown and swords being drawn. Screaming and explanations that never really felt enough. The ninth hour was bad in another way, depressing. Tommy's anger had simmered into bargaining as if Dream, George or Tubbo had the power to do anything of substance. It never got to begging, Tommy's pride forbade that but the things he put on the line for help that he couldn't get made it almost seem like it.
Noxcrew was contacted and they confirmed that the hemits had talked to them about the guests. Solutions were suggested and just as quickly rebuffed. Hour ten was a loss and the eleventh hour was one where Tommy and Tubbo got to speak alone.
"Can't you just use your powers or whatever to make the portals take us to hermitcraft" he was exhausted. "It doesn't work like that, probably, and Noxite has probably already tried it" "Yeah but Tubbo could you do it?" "I mean... maybe?" To that something glinted in Tommys eye, hope that Tubbo didn't want to extinguish as fast as it needed to be. "But I'm not allowed into the MCC world anyways so it wouldn't work" "FUCKING CHRIST TUBBO everyone here's useless!"
--- Technos POV, first night on hermitcraft
It's the first night and bones tower above him.
There were other buildings around, and the area was lit up well but eyes followed him from the darkness, eying the stone tools he'd manage to scrape up while leaving the group now probably settled in a warm house far away. This world scared him, the monsters and the way his sword hit differently, and the fact that the air itself felt new.
A pair of eyes glowed at him from it's place under one of the ribs of a beast too huge to want to think about. Techno readied his sword, but the dog decided that it'd rather go back to sleep. This world scared him and he just knew he'd gotten lost now because his goal had been to retrace his steps, the path that Xisuma and Bdoubleo had shown them to the little village far away by boat, to find the house cleft in two and then head straight out to sea until he could find a better place to stay than the tension thick cabin that their hosts had suggested.
Another dog offered a quiet bark in his direction and with an embarrassed sssh, covering fright, he continued forward. He had found the water, true, and he remembered something vague about a neighbour... but... No. No he decided that he'd choose a direction and if there weren't any light he'd just have to turn around or dock and make a little cave to live out of. It wouldn't be glorious but neither is 5 million potatoes.
A boat is placed into the water at the straight of Joebralta and a pig starts to row.
Clang. He is confused. The boat shakes in the middle of open water, he's been turned around. Clang. A trident, something he's only really seen in Skyblockle, shoots into the air a meter to the right of his boat. He speeds up. Clang. It misses, but he has decided that the sea is no longer safe.
--- Technos and Ethos POV, the first days in hermitcraft
He's starting to feel bad for leaving. Still justified, but also bad. He felt horrible the instant the championship room disappeared from right in front of his eyes with Wilbur still in it, and still worse when Wilbur then Phil and Fundy appeared next to him in this world, all statues as unseen confused messages fill the communicators of the worlds inhabitants.
When they arrived he was surprised that a lot of the hermits knew about them, or at least him, from the returning cast of hermits that played in MCC and their apparent tendency to tell stories as soon as there was space for it. It'd made it less awkward but the looks from the others stopped him from talking much about his side of the tournaments.
This was perhaps night four? He had stepped ashore in a jungle a bit from an area he could almost feel at home in with its skyscrapers reminiscent of some survival games arenas. But it was built by someone and someone should be avoided so he had trudged through plains and deserts walking around it only to find more tall buildings in another jungle.
The jungle was... safe? Safe from people at least, less so mobs. He had a little cave with a bed now that kept the hot and humid air out most of the time and while small and cramped and utterly horrible it felt far safer than returning to the others... even though he could practically hear Phils calm and nonchalant reassurances.
Leaving the small home he searches for the water he remembers spotting nearby. The bright orange tracksuit wasn't something he wanted to wear but there wasn't much of anything else and it still needed to be washed of stone dust and sweat no matter how much he disliked it. He leaves with a compass and map to find his way back, and around other peoples territory. And water is found easily with these. Stone, coal and redstone is scrubbed away in the freshwater lake that's only relatively cold, but it still feels nice, like the wind on his island in skyblock or in the skywars arenas.
Not too far away a man is working in a terrarium of his own design containing no animals but currents in thin snakes coiling around comparators and observers. The change to the nether has been an exciting one but it did come with problems for the technicians and thankfully for this one the Google hasn't broken too far beyond belief and is back in functioning order faster than expected.
Satisfied he looks at the path that he paradoxically want to end and to continue and decides to wait, flying up to sit near his portal instead to think about it and access the expansions he's already made. Something bright orange is spotted in the distance which at first is ignored, it can wait, until the realization of a possible abandoned shulker, so very common in this group, grabs him and almost instantly leaves as it moves around.
Several seconds later the orange turns brighter and the idea of lava pops in and out of his head in a flash.
<Etho> Beef have to lost an orange llama? <VintageBeef> no? <VintageBeef> at least I dont think so...? <Etho> o_o
He's been keeping out of the way for a while, like usual, and only knew some of the news about new people on the server. That they'd gotten there with Rendogs sports gang by accident and that they'd been living mostly over at Bdubs' place to avoid having them be excluded to their own little village. Apparently something had happened, he'd missed the details but it was looking like there was a manhunt for someone or something that he should by all means be more invested in.
Curious he misses the orange go out of view in favour of finding out about this missing thing in case he's found it. A person and a description, hidden deep in other messages. His height, human pig hybrid, last seen wearing...
Does he want to do this? He knows his way around a jungle but it's still annoying and Xisuma lives close by... but he's most likely AFK. Well, you make a good first impression on the new guys if you find their missing friend.
--- Omniscient/Unclear POV, Technos time with Etho
Silence is golden in silver light. The hermits can stay up days on end without sleep, working through nights when it’s needed and even with guests this doesn’t change. Like the sliver of moon in the sky, Ethos hair glows radiant from inside the redstone machine he calls the Googler and Techno does nothing but look on as repeaters are moved and redstone is smeared in new paths into blocks he has never seen before, something he’s had to get used to lately.
His host works in silence until a question breaks the jungles chime and an answer is given with the rhythm. The redstone had changed and he thought he had fixed it, an unhelpful follow up is posed and a pause is moved into a somewhat oversimplified version of the circuit. They both know that Techno is no help here, but the company is nice and something is learned.
Etho in the day when working the fortress tells Techno about the old days and in turn Techno admits to never having left those old days for long. Etho talks about Pause and Beef. Techno fails to talk about his own team.
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zap-writing · 5 years
The sun sets on another day - TRSNS fanfic
@redstone-sun‘s fic fucked me up so I did what I know and wrote about it to cope asdfghjhgf
the basic summary of this fic: Mumbo has a Bad Day(TM) and we stan Good Guy Iskall 
AO3 Link
On days like these, Mumbo felt his guilt like concrete weights tied tight around his throat.
The actual impulses and desires to obey that sanguine call no longer affected him as often as they used to―perhaps out of sheer necessity rather than true recovery, but the fine details didn’t matter. Not to Mumbo at least. The intrusive thoughts and feelings, however, were another story.
Sometimes he wished he could just press a button and fix all of his problems like one would a faulty machine, force him through some kind of psychological reboot. His prescribed process was tedious enough as it was; exposure therapy was a snail’s race by nature, and the transitions were mind-numbingly gradual. From mentions of redstone, to discussions of redstone, to looking at redstone, to touching redstone, to holding redstone, to――
And so on and so forth.
Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, and the process was anything but linear and orderly. For a long while it felt like every step he took forward, something would send him three steps and a stumble back. One moment he was setting up semi-complex circuits from memory in his obsidian home, the next Grian would make an off-hand comment about a test contraption one of the hermits built nearly killing him and Mumbo would find himself involuntarily wishing it had.
Those moments scared him. He knew that it wasn’t really him thinking then, that it was just some heinous, corrupted part of him, some deep innate brand of the Red Sun festering behind his eyes. But it wasn’t any less terrifying to catch himself tempted by the crimson voice in the back of his mind that told him he didn’t belong in the overworld, that he needed to continue wiring in the quartz covered plains or he’d never be satisfied, to beg and steal and lie and cheat if it meant getting back to the Sun’s dimension, that if anyone got in his way he had to kill kill kill kill kilL KILL KILL KILL KILL K―
. . .
Those nights, Mumbo felt pain beyond anything he’d known before, from the crescent welts of his fingernails dug deep into the meat of his forearms, to the once-foreign hopelessness that left him wondering why anyone thought he was worth saving anymore.
On days like these, Mumbo found himself convinced that he’d never be released from his blood-stained binds.
It hurt more than he cared to admit, having redstone so intrinsically ruined for him. Sure, he had brute-forced his way into standing it enough to look over blueprints with Iskall and play with it like a child when he was alone, but it was never the same. Nothing compared to the satisfaction of improving on an existing design, nor the pride and excitement of inventing something entirely new.
Inventions. Redstone was such a progressive material, a resource far beyond any of the hermits’ understanding. It was able to do just about anything if only someone could crack the code to get there. Most of them already knew of the wonders it could provide--plenty of the hermits used redstone-based bionics, or at the very least a form of enhancement.
Iskall was no stranger to them, obviously. Perhaps Mumbo shouldn’t have been surprised, then, when the man came to him amidst his wallowing with a stack of crudely arranged notes in hand. He was somehow more chipper and cheeky than usual if the bright smile on his face was anything to go by. There was a proud sort of flourish as he handed the papers to Mumbo, who sat with wariness and confusion. That apprehension, however, was quickly replaced with curiosity.
Blueprints and notes regarding the conception of redstone-powered contraptions and devices would typically be a quick read for Mumbo, but even having been friends with Iskall and Grian for quite some time, there was no way to scan through the chicken-scratch handwriting and less-than discernible doodles in a short amount of time.
Mumbo’s initial attempt at cracking the code that was Iskall’s notes was interrupted not ten seconds in when two loaves of bread, an apple, and a bottle of water was set down in front of him, making him flinch slightly. He stared at the selection for a moment, mouth suddenly dry, before nodding his thanks and reaching for the apple. It was in that instant that Mumbo realized he didn’t remember the last time he had something to eat and swallowed down his embarrassment.
The two men soon fell into silence as Mumbo worked through the notes bit by bit, often pausing to right papers that had somehow folded or flipped upside down in Iskall’s attempt to organize them. Though it took a while, a careful read through informed Mumbo of Iskall’s plans to research a possibility of mechanically repairing his vocal cords.
There was a prominent section on the usage of prismarine crystals and diamond powder to color match the box with his eye prosthetic, and another that explored the possibility of controllable pitch and volume settings.
(In a better scenario, Mumbo would have been terrified at the possibilities that would come with giving Iskall such power, and even now he wondered who the first prank victim would be.)
All of it was quite clearly in the early stages of development, but Mumbo could help but brighten up at the thought of Iskall being able to talk again. It wasn’t something he liked to think about for long or often, but he missed Iskall’s voice. Before the incident, his friend’s laughs and sly comments were one of the things that helped the days go by, and Mumbo knew he wasn’t the only one who thought so. The man deserved his voice and more for what he’d gone through.
But information on Iskall’s voice-box plans came to an unexpected stop halfway through the stack of notes. Suddenly Mumbo was reading through two different handwriting styles about mechanical joints and synthetic muscle fiber and artificial nerve endings and――
He stopped reading. This section contained far too many things he knew too little about.
Head spinning from unfamiliar jargon, he looked up at Iskall in question.
“F...f-for Gri..ian,” came the harsh rumble from Iskall, startling Mumbo in the process. Both of the men stared at each other for a moment, each sheepish in their own right, before Iskall pulled out a relatively new-looking book and began writing.
[Doc let me take a look at his arm a bit ago and helped me out with the technical stuff. I’m hoping that we can replicate a pair for Grian. Took much more work comin up with this blueprint than it did for my voicebox plan lol ]
Mumbo went from bemused to ecstatic as he read Iskall’s explanation, feeling surprisingly hopeful for the first time in a long time. The sheer thought of his friends getting back what he took from them made his heart swell with guilty joy.
The technician’s part of his brain fired off a million different inquiries about how they could get these plans to work, but his heart ached knowing this was a project he wouldn’t have much part in if any. He didn’t specialize in bionics for one, but even if he felt like dabbling in the expertise for the benefit of his friends, Mumbo didn’t want to get too involved out of fear of relapse.
Especially not after today. He just wasn’t ready.
“These plans are incredible, Iskall.” Mumbo whispered in awe, flipping through both sections of the packet thrice over. A part of him yearned to add notes and suggestions of his own along the margins of the already messy prints, but he swallowed down the eagerness and handed the papers back to Iskall with a shaky hand. Far too fast for him to subdue, bubbling apprehension rose into his chest again as a presence beneath his ribcage scolded him for not ripping the notes to shreds when he had the chance and Mumbo turned away from Iskall in shame. He didn’t even notice himself staring off into the corner of his room until the scratching of a feather pen against paper got his attention again.
[I was hoping you would say that. Wouldn't be Architech patent-worthy without your approval :) ]
Mumbo gave a half-hearted as smile his dear friend stored the notes away in a light blue shulker box he hadn’t seen get brought out. As Iskall packed the box up, a red hot silence burned within the room and Mumbo flushed at the uneasiness of it all, hating the fact that he couldn’t enjoy the company of the people he loved anymore. It made him feel like an ass when he was so unresponsive and caught up in self-pity, but at the same time it felt like acting as if nothing ever happened would be a slap in the face to everyone he wronged. He was halfway through a mental reprimand when Iskall huffed through his nose and came to sit beside him at his birch wood table.
A beat or two passed in silence before a steady hand reached out to fix the uneven part in Mumbo’s hair, smooth out the collar of his dress shirt, and pat him gently on the side of his face. The warmth of Iskall’s hand damn nearly drove Mumbo to tears. With cloudy eyes, he watched as Iskall tilted his head, expression a melancholy mix of fondness and sorrow.
[It’s bad today, huh?]
With a sharp intake of breath and clenched teeth, Mumbo glanced away from Iskall. He’d rather pretend he was fine than admit to the Red Sun’s influence holding strong sway over him today. But before he could come up with something to say, Iskall was already shoving his book back into Mumbo’s hands.
[Don’t try to lie to me, I can see it in your face. And in the stubble on your chin.]
“I…“ Mumbo started, cotton-mouthed and ashamed, closing his eyes to prevent the tears from glossing over his vision.
Sweet scarlet whispers pricked at the back of his head and swirled behind his eyelids, reminding him the Red Sun never sets the Red Sun never sets the Red Sun never sets, and he tensed his jaw to try and drown out the words with a high-pitched strain. The world around him grew warm and tight and dark, and despite his best efforts, the voices seemed to just get louder.
All at once, Mumbo realized that Iskall was pushing at his shoulders and letting out determined, wordless noises as he tried to bring the man from his panic. Mumbo brought down his hands from where he found them pressed firmly against his ears, noticing that his face felt warm and wet. He silently wiped at his cheeks with his sleeve, defeated.
“...Yeah. It is.”
“I-I...It’ss oh-k-kay.” Iskall offered gently, releasing his hold from his friend’s shoulders and sliding them down to his arms as he scanned Mumbo for any more signs of distress. As soon as his hands were free, he reached for his book again.
[It’s a nice day out today. Let’s go for a walk. I’ll shoot Grian a message to meet us in the shopping district.]
Before Mumbo could begin to read, Iskall plucked the book from his hand and began writing frantically, leaving Mumbo to wipe at the heavy tears that pooled over the edge of his eyelids once again.
[Let’s not tell him about my plans yet. I don’t want to get him excited for something that could take months or more to even start on. Promise to keep it a secret for now?]
Mumbo couldn’t help but flash him a warm smile. This man has done so much for both him and Grian even in wake of his own obstacles and responsibilities. There was nothing in this world or the next that Mumbo could offer as retribution.
“Sure thing. You have my word.”
Iskall huffed a laugh, grabbing and immediately shaking Mumbo’s hand with unnecessary earnest.
[Jolly good cheers mate! Let’s get you ready for our stroll, shall we lad? Pip pip!]
With a good-natured roll of his eyes, Mumbo stood from where he’d been sat since early that morning, bones audibly popping from inactivity, and made towards his room to change into a clean white button-up and dress pants, leaving his coat on the bed. It took him a moment to brave the mirror in the corner of his room, but once he could stand to look at his reflection, he made an honest attempt to make himself presentable. After smoothing out the folds and wrinkles in his shirt, Mumbo pulled at his mustache a few times in an attempt to style it, lamenting that he didn’t have the time to shave the shadow from his jaw.
There was a soft, gentle hum from Iskall that got Mumbo’s attention as he exited his room, and he walked closer to read what his friend was saying.
Bashful, Mumbo blushed and shut the book. Compliments always made him somewhat embarrassed before, but it hit him much harder nowadays, especially when he felt bad about not being able to clean up as much as he preferred. Despite his self-consciousness, Mumbo was grateful for Iskall’s encouragement and offered a small smile in thanks.
As he and Iskall locked up his house and began the journey towards the shopping district, Mumbo watched him message Grian and shake with silent laughter―probably at something stupid Grian responded with, knowing them, but he was too engrossed in thought to catch what was said―and noticed that for the first time in a while that he couldn’t hear the honeyed song of the Red Sun, nor could he feel its pull deep within his bones.
Truly, Iskall and Grian were gifts from the universe he didn’t deserve. It was a bloody wonder that they still stood by him after all they went through. Despite everything, his friends still cared for him. Still loved him. There was nothing he could do to repay them for that. And nothing could compare to the outpour of adoration he felt for them in return.
On days like these, with his best friends at his sides, Mumbo felt free.
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crowsent · 5 years
did a text post bc the formatting is easier. also because so i won’t bombard you ( @yalltookmyurlideas ) with words
i basically created my son ethel when i was late middle school. almost summer. i was watching this one anime, servamp, and there was a character with a really interesting design of blonde hair with black streaks (his name was hyde) so my middleschool self i went “neat! i want an oc like that!” so i designed ethel based on that one anime character with weird hair. and that was his only defining trait for a while: weird hair
originally, ethel had white hair and genetically inherited black streaks (again bc i was in middleschool) and i created the first drawing of ethel (first pic i sent) when i was a freshman in highschool and the whiteness of the rest of his hair compared to the streaks is very visible.
at that point, my backstory for him was essentially “pale, loner, likes shakespeare, wears hoodie, highschooler” his shirt is just a really creepy smiley face bc i really wanted to turn up the emoness of his design. pretty sure he had a girlfriend or a partner whose name was like. carmen. or camillia. or something that starts with a c. she dies and serves as fuel for him to be angsty bc again. middle school
then i became a junior and looked at his initial design and went. “what if i make it darker?” bc i hit peak emo phase when i was a highschool freshman and was one step away from wearing mcr outfits every day to school. you know the one. that one jacket.
2nd and 3rd pictures i sent were the darker and gritter versions of ethel. hence the darker hair (you can barely see the dark streaks in the third photo) and edginess amped up to 11. his hair was like a chestnut brown at that point and the black streaks were less visible. he remained without a background for the most part but i added “girlfriend was killed, wants revenge” to his bio because i guess i wanted him to be even edgier? and he kind of becomes a hermit who hates society at the end of his character arc. just a grumpy nihilist with depression bc at the time i did not know how to handle my own mental health and it manifested as that.
i didn’t fully create a backstory for ethel until i reached my senior year. then i went fucking ham and changed his entire character. he went from “name is ethel, pale, loner, likes shakespeare, wears hoodie, highschooler, lost a girlfriend, wants revenge, really edgy” to Ethel Ash
so basically. ethel lost both parents when he was young and was put in foster care, bouncing from home to home without really having a place to belong. he didn’t feel wanted by anyone, didn’t have support from any adults in his life, started trouble just to get some goddamn attention bc he felt invisible and it only led to people labeling him as dumb and a problem. bc of the lack of support in his life, he fell in with the wrong people when he was in highschool. fights. petty theft. vandalism. that kind of stuff. sent to juvie a few times because he got caught. at this point, his hair was just plain brown and he doesn’t dye it until much later.
then he graduated highschool, but only barely. he’s pretty smart, interested in philosophy, strategy, math, and classical literary works (shakespeare which is p much the only part of his original backstory that survived) but his teachers essentially labeled him a problem child and gave him next to no attention. so he p much accepted society’s label that he’ll always be no-good and kind of ran with it.
he got involved in organised crime after he graduated and by organised crime i meant the mob. he became involved with the mob in california (where he lived) and bc he’s smart and well-versed in like strategy and math, he kind of picked up being an informant. like. he became that one guy people in the mob turned to for info. doesnt particularly like being involved in the shady deals that go down, but if he’s being an informant, he’s needed. and if he’s needed, he has somewhere to belong.
so he overworks himself. sleeps little, eats less, and essentially becomes a machine who haunts the local coffee shop typing on a laptop that’s protected from everything under the sun. he wears a hoodie over his creepy smiley face shirt which he just nicked from some random dpt store to keep himself from being seen by the security cameras and is essentially a fucking internet gremlin with next to no face-to-face human interaction.
but of course, this (coupled with vices like drinking and smoking) takes a toll on him and his body finally gives out and he collapses in an alleyway. not passed out, but definitely delirious from lack of sleep and food. which, considering his criminal background, would fuck him over if he got seen by some random person and reported to the police. or worse, sentence him to death if he got spotted by someone from a rival gang who would love to get rid of someone dangerous like him.
instead, he got found by c. i will call her camilla in this instance bc i genuinely don’t remember her name even though she got a big reboot to her character as well. ethel’s like. 20-21 at this point. camilla is 22 and is in a prestigious college taking a double major in english and food management. she’s not particularly rich, but is upper middle class with a single mother living in new york who fully supports her in what she wants to do and regularly calls her to make sure that she’s safe. and camilla, spotting this dude who looks like death incarnate, stops and makes sure he’s okay and ethel keeps telling her not to call the cops or call an ambulance.
and camilla, also very smart but has enough chaotic dumbass energy to sink a ship, takes ethel to her apartment where he devolves into a high fever and she helps him through it.
he gets better and is just ????? towards camilla because she’s nice to him even though he did nothing for her. he leaves her apartment as soon as he can, but they end up running into each other again at the fucking coffee shop bc im a sucker for cliche and they kind of clicked.
they bond over shakespeare together because camilla’s an english major and ethel’s a fucking nerd for shakespeare. he doesn’t tell her what kind of work he does, but she figures it out anyway because she’s not an idiot. there are bruises on ethel’s body and his eyes always dart around the room, looking for an exit. she lets him know that she knows, and she lets him know that it’s not his fault that the world let him down, that he felt that he didn’t belong.
and ethel kind of breaks after that? like. he very reluctantly works as an informant in gangs bc he’s chasing the high of being needed and wanted and this random college girl just up and tells him that it’s not his fault that he’s never felt warmth in his goddamn life?
she doesn’t try to change him bc she’s in college and she has essays to fucking worry about and ethel never even does anything like dox some innocent soul so while she’s kind of uncomfortable with ethel’s job she’s not like majorly concerned about it. its a rule that they never talk about ethel’s job when they hang out bc ethel doesn’t like talking about what he does and who he associated with because of the issues of his childhood and she really doesn’t want to think about the fact that there are a lot of bad people her best friend associates with bc he feels like he has no choice so it’s kind of silence on that topic.
but ethel kind of changes himself. he wants to change. bc hey. it’s not too late. he hasn’t done something like murder so if he quits and turns himself in, he can get like a few years at most and come out and live a better honest life. and like. camilla’s floored and flattered that her friend would do this because she inspired him to do better? and she’s like “all my life, i wanted to start my own cafe and when you get out, ill hire you. how’s that sound” and they’re like. both soft and ethel is fully fucking prepared to go to the police and out literally every single motherfucker he worked with and turn over a new leaf.
but then someone catches wind of what he plans to do.
and fucking murders camilla.
bc they thought that camilla was forcing ethel to change for her and the logic is that “if the person telling him to quit and betray us is dead, then he wont go through with it” but it completely fucking backfires.
and ethel goes fucking ballistic.
instead of just going to the police like a normal person and confessing everything like the names of the people he works with and letting the police deal with them. he just straight up drops off the grid. and fucking mails the goddamn police things like full names, addresses, safehouses, etc. he straight up obliterates the gang he works with by systematically doxxing them to the fucking police one by one, ruining all of their operations, and hunting them down one by one.
this is the point where he dyes his hair black, but only streaks of it to remind himself of camilla. camilla had planned on streaking her hair hair red bc it goes well with her black hair and ethel streaked his hair black to remind himself of her. he doesn’t turn himself yet in bc he doesn’t plan on doing that until he literally finds all of the men and women he’s worked with in the past and leads them to their arrest and it’s an ongoing thing because his former colleagues went into hiding so he’s having some difficulties.
but he still plans on turning himself in once he’s done. and once he gets out, he plans on starting that cafe. and he’s going to fill it with bookshelves of classical literature. and he’s going to keep living his goddamn life.
and i wrote most of his backstory in math class because i genuinely could not give a shit about math. and that’s ethel. my son. my child. my baby. i love talking about him. he’s precious and i adore every inch of him.
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zipline188-blog · 7 years
To the north Korea - The Tallest 3g base station Worst Tyranny - Through History, Nuclear Crisis, as well as Economy to Sport
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The actual Democratic People's Republic involving Korea--- The Most Anti-American Condition in the World
A Brief History of the Hermit Kingdom
Following Japan's destroy during World War 2, Korea regained its self-sufficiency. Almost immediately, then Soviet Union/USSR --- now Russia--- set up a hardline Communism regime in the northern half the Korean Peninsula with Betty Il-Sung as warlord, which has been recognized by the People's Republic of China (PRC).
zip line
Just, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea ---known on the outside world as Northern Korea--- was born on May one particular, 1948. For over a year, the idea joined China and the Soviet Union as one of merely three countries with a Marxist administration. non-etheless, NK's generation was opposed not only through Koreans but also by the globe. Through those years, the actual South Koreans founded the particular Republic of Korea underneath the direction of America plus the UN. Since then, Korea had been divided into two states, typically the Communist North and the noncommunist South.
In postwar decades, under Soviet-sponsored Communist command, Norh Korea began coverage against its neighbor, stopping efforts to let the Koreans unite their nation. But it really was nothing compared with often the violence during the early 1952s. A war broke in the Korean Peninsula any time over 60, 000 NKorean troops invaded the Southern Korean territory. Simultaneously, about November 1, 1950, the actual Chinese Communists announced help to the Korean Communists within the fight against SK, sending 190, 000 troops. The world took offense to NK's invasion.
During Korea's 1950-1953 War, the Soviet-backed North Korea failed to beat South Korea, which was maintained America's troops and the UNITED NATIONS Security Council. In many ways, ?t had been a clear-cut victory intended for Washington and Seoul, though Moscow, China and NK had worked hand in hand in order to win the war. Positively, it was one of the most significant beats inflicted on the Chinese armed service. On February 1, 1951, the UN General Construction approved a global embargo with shipments of arms and also war material to the PRC and the Soviet-backed regime.
Since no peace treaty has been signed, the Republic connected with Korea and Pyongyang always been at war and started a turbulent era in which continues today. On the other hand, this war had turned To the south Korea into one of the weakest lands on the planet.
Over the forthcoming decades, Washington and their Traditional western allies refused to recognize Upper Korea. From that time upon, the anti-American government has grown to be one of the Earth's most singled out states.
North Korea: A Isolated Nation
The sized-Ohio land is a full-fledged Communism republic in Far East, geographically surrounded by South Korea, The ussr, and the People's Republic associated with China. The nation is known each at home and abroad beneath the name of North Korea, Korea DPR, or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. It is governed by a good one-party rule under tyrant Kim Jong-Un. Domestically, he's got condemned people to poverty along with repression. In modern historical past, most Communist regimes had been (are) less hardline when compared with North Korea's rule apart from Mao Tse-tung, Pol Marijuana, and Enver Hoxha. The particular influence of Mao Tse-tung's 27-year dictatorship was important in the establishment of the significant tyranny.
Its terrain is actually predominatly mountains with filter valleys and plains. Typically the Amnok, Duman and Daedong are the main rivers inside sized-Ohio territory. Dividing state into nine provinces. Inhabitants estimated at 21 , 000, 000. On the domestic scene, Pyongyang is its capital.
About the economic side, the animal regime has left it as the particular poorest nation in Asia. There are regions in Ellie Jong-Un's Korea where endurance is below 40. Inspite of some minerals, the DPRK suffers from a poor natural useful resource base unlike other Oriental nations such as Mongolia, Vietnam, Uzbekistan and the Philippines --- which had not permitted the roll-out of roads, bridges, industry, plug-ins, airports, and electricity. A lot of the nation's population are done subsistence-level farming.
Agricultural merchandise (fruits and vegetables), vitamins and are the leading exports. Moreover, the country's bloody guideline sells arms to some repressive states in the developing planet. As a resource-poor country, typically the DPRK is heavily relying on foreign aid. Similarly, their economy is also financed simply by remittances from emigrants who have work in Middle Far east and Japan.
Politically, often the Democratic People's Republic regarding Korea has never known a time free of tyranny, being one of the Globe's most secretive societies. On account of this, the country remains one among just a few places where the Communism Party is the only authorized political party. As one of the planet's few remaining Communist nations, on the other hand, the DPRK is amongst the enemies of Internet.
Kim Il-Sung: 1948-1994
Kim Il-Sung is the first Head of Express, who was declared "President to get Eternity", in politics N . Korean. His tyrannical federal government was a virtual kleptocracy. When Kim Il-Sung's death, having been replaced by his handpicked successor Kim Jong-Il, the son. Back in the 1980s, having been designed as his beneficiary.
In some Third World countries, having been perceived as a benign master. In the tyrannical years of Believe Il-Sung, however , the DPRK gained international fame being a terrorist country and good links with pariah and anti-American states. Using Soviet/Chinese support given in exchange for his / her pro-Moscow policies, he, like sent terrorist bands to be able to South Korea while the state's economy was in a decline. Along with Muammar al-Qadaffi involving Libya, Kim Il-Sung ended up being sometimes referred to as a paymaster of international terror through Cold War.
In the despotic decades of Kim Il-Sung, he had several personal mechanic from the Soviet Union along with the People's Republic of Tiongkok.
Former North Korean mind of state Kim Il-Sung --- a self-avowed life time Maoist--- was part of the technology that included others Marxist dictators such as Mao Tse-tung, Nicolae Ceausescu, Enver Hoxha, Fidel Castro, and Erich Honecker.
Kim Jong-Il: 1994-2011
Kim Jong-Il was leader of the DPRK between year 1994 and 2011, a period high were important contatcs along with Washington and other capitalists locations. Kim Jong-Il passed away keep away from 2011. Throughout the 1990s, he'd enjoyed a rapid rise in To the north Korean Politics.
He very first became involved in his homeland's politics when he, at the involving 30, worked with the Office of Propaganda and Disappointment. Back in the mid-1990s, he encountered a blow when miserable publicity came after their wife, Sun Hye Hope, defected to Switzerland, growing to be the most important North Korean find to do so (that year on your own, there were 20 defections).
The passion for cinematography seemed to be well-known both within and out of doors North Korea. The tour's top hatted dictator had been author of a book known as "On the Art of Cinema". Nevertheless that isn't all. In the past, a great actress from South Korea was kidnapped by Betty Jong-Il's agents and assists to run the nation's film business. Astonishingly, he boasted an accumulation 20, 000 foreign video titles. By 1994, the actual North's leader Kim Jong-Il received two gifts via America's former Head connected with State Jimmy Carter: illegal copies of "Gone With the Wind" and "The Godfather".
Northern Korea's "God-King" Kim Jong-Un
The nation's modern political background has been marked by the dynastic dictatorship of the Kim family members. Since the early 2010s, Ellie Jong-Un is the national warlord when he succeeded the delayed President Kim Jong-Il, his or her father. In doing so , this individual became the third ruler inside the country's history. Without a doubt, they are as dictator as the father.
This high-poverty territory is not a traditional monarchy, though the new ruler could be named "North Korea's God-King" Believe Jong-Un. Indeed, his electrical power is absolute. Virulently anti-American, he is followed by most of the state's people with a religious fervor. For the time being, he has devoted more electricity to lining his own pouches than to serving his country.
Despite being one of the poorest spots on the Asian mainland from the wake of the break-up from the USSR and its satellites, the particular North Korean state possesses spent billions of dollars in huge monuments to deity Kim Jong-Un and his loved ones. Unequivocally, Kim Jong-Un's face looks down from wall surfaces everywhere.
Little is known with regards to Kim Jong-Un's life. Having been born in the early 1980s, being typically the son (youngest) of Hope Jong-Il and the grandson associated with Kim Il-Sung. He is amarried to Ri Sol-ju found a daughter. Apparently, Betty Jong-Un was sent to Europe to study in a private institution with a false name in addition to establishing strong links with Upper Korea's ambassador. Then, he or she entered Kim Il-Sung University or college, where he majored throughout physics. In those several years, he enjoyed playing baseball and the NBA's stars have been his favorites athletes at the same time.
Like Josip Broz Perico of the former Yugoslavia as well as Albania's left-wing leader Enver Hoxha and other Marxist rulers in modern history, Ellie Jong-Un is famous for his treat lifestyle.
Despite his childhood, he rose rapidly with government and party rates high in the 2010s. He joined up with the inner elite of the Workers' Party of Korea Bash. Today he is the youngest master on the Planet. Much of the blame for often the nuclear crisis has been located upon Kim Jong-Un.
N . Korea's Stalynist-Inspired Gulags
Since late 1940s, the Hermit Kingdom is a totalitarian condition, making it the world's older tyranny. It is estimated that NK features lost up to 4 zillion people (30 percent in the country's population). In this state, large parts of the country is beset with well-armed soldiers, army agents, and spies. Lens with foreigners have been suspended. For many decades, travels were being forbidden outside the country.
Coming from 1950 to 2012, the actual tyrannical rule has massacred upwards of 500, 000 people--- all political opponents are generally tortured and executed, although some are sentenced to challenging labor in the political dejecting prison camps (North Korea's Stalynist-inspired gulags).
During Cold Conflict, its political philosophy presented a model for some hardline regimes in Southeast Asian countries, Black Africa and Key America. In part, the Maoist-inspired regime of Democratic Kampuchea (DK) was inspired by simply NK's notorious military principle to launch a genocidal revolution in Pol Pot's Cambodia throughout the 1970s. Way too, there were other pro-North Korean language tyrannies: Mengistu Haile Mariam from Ethiopia, Mugabe regarding Zimbabwe, Nicaragua's 1981-1990 Sandinista rule of Daniel Ortega Saavedra, and the left-leaning navy dictatorship of Lesotho's Leabua Jonathan.
A Xenophobic Dictatorship: North Korea & North america
North Korea seems to be generally known among Americans currently. Why? Relations between the two states are getting worse considering that 2012 after North Korea launched the Kwangmyongsong-3- model satellite and agreed to commenced a nuclear test---just a period of time when the notoriously corrupt authorities of Kim Jong-Un found power.
Pyongyang today is without diplomatic ties with the Claims and most other G-7 says as well as some capitalist nations around the world around the globe. Apart from Cuba, To the north Korea is the only unacknowledged Communist state by Buenos aires. For its unfriendly ties while using States and South Korea ( "avowed enemy"), DPR Korea has become the most anti-American state since the 1950s.
Often the Asian rule has demonized Washington to point involving blaming for the nation's troubles. In troubled NK there are actually xenophopic museums, showing it has the hatred of the United States of The us. Under an aggressive indoctrination program, children and adolescents are forced to learn anti-American testimonies and speeches in the open public schools and universities.
By simply 1984, North Korea's hardline rule did not allow their very own Olympic contingent and sporting activities administrators go to Los Angeles Game titles, boycotting the Summer Games at last in history.
In recent decades, New york has tried to improve associations with NK, but with no success. On June 19, 2150, the Clinton administration removed some economic sanctions versus Kim Jong-Il's harsh concept. Over that year, Our country's Secretary of State Madeleine Albright made a information trip to Pyongyang, the first pay a visit to of a high-ranking American public to the Asian nation. Inside a few years, the Asian republic was removed from the Oughout. S. list of state vendors of terrorism. During that period, the New York Philharmonic --- one of the English-speaking world's almost all prestigious symphony orchestras--- launched into a tour of NK, being the most prominent ethnic exchange between Washington and also the Asian republic.
Abject Regulations
Korea DPR is currently one of several poorest countries on the Planet ---while its regime poured thousands into the development of weapons connected with mass destruction. Over the past 3 decades, nutrition, electricity, and as well as other living standards get declined sharply. Sadly, a lot of the country's people remain not of very good and their number are expanding.
Unfortunately, their poverty-ridden individuals have one of the lowest charges of utilization of health companies on Earth, while the Stalynist master and other aides of the country's political elite ---a big number of yes-men--- have a lavish life style. It is estimated that the life expectancy on the average North Korean is actually half of what it was ahead of Cold War when the intégral regime was backed by economical friends such as China, the particular USSR and other Communist-bloc declares.
In many aspects since 1954s, its economy is a problem and the nation needs key economic reform to become self-sufficient. South Korea's per household income, for example , is about 12 times greater than that of Northern Korea, one of the lowest lasts on the Asian mainland.
Involving 1989 and 2012, the country's economy boasted one of the Global worst performers. Until 1990, the then Soviet Association had subsidized North Korea's economy with oil and also other products. Meanwhile, China --- now Marxist in simply name--- has reduced the economic aid following a brand-new era of ties together with South Korea's democratic govt.
From 1995 through 2050, its poverty came to the head when a famine got destroyed out, killing three mil (up to 20 percent associated with NK's population died regarding starvation) --- the the twentieth century's worst famine. Ahead of that, famine hadn't also been North Korea's companion during its history unlike Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, and Somalia. Sadly for the Stalynist tip, the DPRK, not quite Mississippi, had become the "Poorest state on Earth" by exceeding several sub-Saharan African republics and war-torn countries.
Elemental Ambition
North Korea has been an obscure-nation on American television and few people recognized about the nation until the past due 1980s. Much of Twentieth-Century world-wide politics was an era where Asian country was simply a "small threat". non-etheless, pretty much everything changed over the following several years. What happened? At the optimum of the economic crisis, the Communist-torn North Korea attracted popular worldwide attention when it came forth as a country with a true power to produce strategic molecular weapons, bringing global disapproval on to the tyrant Kim Il-Sung. The Stalynist rule offers accumulated plutonium for a an explosive device since the mid-1980s. Previously, inside early 1960s, the DPRK built a IRT-2M variety nuclear reactor sponsored with the USSR. In fact , on the other hand, Upper Korea has the highest government spending worldwide (14. 3% of GDP), well prior to Oman, Eritrea, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, and Israel.
In the early 1990s, this famine-stricken nation was the first express to withdraw from the Indivisible non-proliferation Treaty after introducing nuclear weapon tests. In 17 months, the Ough. S and Pyongyang agreed upon an interim agreement designed to resolve the nuclear anxiety. This agreement was as well as other negotiations over the pursuing months. In some ways, Believe Jong-Il's strategy began to are worth it as the South Korean government and Washington sent school funding to Pyongyang.
From the nineties, the murderous North Korean language dictator had seen typically the nuclear weapons as the solely way to maintain power right after diplomatic and economic scarves were established between Southern region Korea and North Korea's traditional allies: Russia as well as the People's Republic of The far east (against the bitter visitors of NK). The totalitarian rule plans to use which platform against the United States, Okazaki, japan and South Korea.
Absolutely, Kim Jong-Un has placed NK on the agenda to the 21st century that is exorbitant to its weight on the globe.
Diplomatic Partners
Despite getting strong links to Sth Korea since the 1990s, Beijing ( its largest stock trading partner) and Moscow usually are two pro-North Korean allies. In this atmosphere, the Kremlin holds a special chapter. Soon after naming himself President for lifetime in the late 1940s, Kim Il-Sung visited the USSR more than once throughout his long-time administration. By October 1991, often the country's former strongman built his 39th travel to the actual Russian capital.
Internationally, landmass China is other pal. On July 11, 61, the Sino-North Korean Treaty of Friendship and Complicité was signed. Throughout Mao Tse-tung's 27-year dictatorship, the particular DPRK had a historical close relationship with the PRC. On Octuber 25, 1986, a statue of Hope Il- Sung was set up in a public school within China's city of Yunan. In just a matter of decades, by the year 2003, Bejing offered to host tells you with Japan, Russia, The united states and the two Koreans within the nuclear crisis.
Aside from Russian federation and the former Soviet republic of Belarus (under typically the dictatorship of Aleksandr Lukashenko), there are not partners about European soil. Ties using Western Europe were unstable during the second half of the Twentieth-Century.
Outside of Europe and Parts of asia, the Socialist government with the island of Cuba will be its most notable partner within the Third World since the mid-1960s. With Kim Il-Sung's urging, for instance , the Cuban dictatorship turned down to compete at the 1988 Seoul Games.
Among NK's other diplomatic connections tend to be: the tyrannical regime involving Zimbabwe's Robert Gabriel Mugabe, Iran, Syria, and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (which kicked off of during Hugo Chávez's presidency). NK joined the N'T in the early 1990s jointly of Asia's last associates.
From the 1960s to nineteen-eighties, a number of members of Betty Il-Sung's rule traveled to The african continent, Middle East and the Spanish-speaking world to establish new lens.
Within Latin America, often the Chilean administration of Liberador Allende (the world's just freely elected Marxist brain of state) was mostly of the states to recognize the N . Korean rule diplomatically inside the early 1970s. Back in the later 1980s, Peru's head connected with state, Alan García Pérez --- a Sorbonne-trained sociologist--- had given political identification to Pyongyang despite being a international outcast and angering Seoul. Ironically, the Andean republic was hit by means of two terrorist organizations (Khmer Rouge-like Shining Path as well as the pro-Cuban Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement). With the exception of a little Latin America's states, none other government recognized NK ahead of 1990.
Throughout it is history, this Bulgaria-sized location is recognized globally for a full-fledged terrorist nation subscribing to Cuba, Syria, Sudan, plus the Islamic Republic of Afe. By 1983, four ministers from South Korea ended up killed by North Korea's military agents on Burmese soil, inciting patriotic efervescencia against Seoul. Four many years afterward, the international Airport associated with Seoul was attacked by way of a group of anti-South Korean terrorists--- a year where the Asian Video game titles were held in Seoul. Though the North Korean terrorism reached a head when there were other attacked a year prior to 1988 Seoul Summer Video games.
During the second half of the twentieth century, the genocidal routine proved a haven with regard to terrorists, supporting radical activities in the Third World. By 85, President Ronald Reagan denounced Iran, Libya, North Korea, Cuba, and Nicaragua like a "Confederation of Terrorist States". Throughout the 1980s, the nation's diplomats -among Kim Il -Sung's benchmen--- were linked to pill trafficking and smuggling pursuits in Europe.
Athletic Promozione
Sport is a vehicle due to its Communist propaganda on the entire world stage since the 1960s as soon as the North Korean Olympic Panel was accepted to remain competitive in the Summer Olympic Games and Globe Championships. Under a sportive nationalism, the athletic software has been developed to satisfy the actual national image rather than the To the north Korean people. In spite of becoming a poverty-ridden country, the Olympian system is one of government's 1st priorities --- a country wide policy to shake off their status as a terrorist point out.
In recent decades, it has possessed a host of Olympic and universe champs in disciplines for instance boxing (Yong Jo Gu), gymnastics ( Pae Gil Su, Kim Gwang-Suk and also Hong Un Jong), judo (Kye Sun), table tennis ( Pak Yung Sun), firing ( Ho Jun Li), track and field (Jong Song-OK), and wrestling (Kim Hwan Cher, Kim Yong-sik & Il Kim).
Throughout team sports, the could volleyball squad made any splash on the international landscape when they surprisingly obtained the particular bronze medal at the 72 Munich Summer Games ( the Soviet Union is the winner and Japan earned silver).
Behind table tennis, basketball is the most popular pastime inside Communist-infested North Korea, possessing competed in the last FIFA Planet Cup in sub-Saharan Cameras.
By 1986, the entire Asiatische Olympian family received throughout shock when Pyongyang rejected to attend the X Seoul Asian Games. Two years afterward, the Games of the twenty fourth Olympiad ---which were completed by South Korea's autocratic anti-Communist state --- were boycotted by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and their allies Cuba, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Nicaragua, and the African island regarding Seychelles. Following its never host some events around the 1988 Olympic Program, Ellie Il-Sung's tyrannical regime withdrew from the Seoul Games. Athletes' dream of participating in South Korea didn't come about and the dubious boycott denied them the means of further honors, currently being Kim Yong-sik, one of them. Locally, he was a sporting idol for the North Koreans following his sensational performance in the 1986 Wrestling Global Competition, picking up a gold honor.
Over the next century, on the 2000 Sydney Olympics, typically the Koreas entered the arena under a single flag initially since 1948.
Ties having Genocidal Dictatorships
In fact , often the leftist government of Northern Korea was a key person during Cambodia's genocidal program of Pol Pot (1975-1979), who slaughtered over several million people in the Southeast Asian Kingdom. Around this moment, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was one of the allies of the Democratic Kampuchea --- also known in the West for the reason that "Khmer Rouge"--- providing stuff, diplomatic (in the Not and other international organizations), armed service and moral support.
Underneath Kim Il-Sung's 46-year dictatorship, the North Korean status established direct links with Ethiopia's Marxist revolution. Alongside Barrica and other Communist-bloc states, NK supported Ethiopia's occupation involving Eritrea.
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extremezipline-blog · 7 years
To the north Korea - The Planet's Worst Tyranny - Through History, Nuclear Crisis, as well as Economy to Sport
zip line
The actual Democratic People's Republic associated with Korea--- The Most Anti-American Condition in the World
A Brief History of the Hermit Kingdom
Following Japan's beat during World War 2, Korea regained its self-reliance. Almost immediately, then Soviet Union/USSR --- now Russia--- set up a hardline Communism regime in the northern half the Korean Peninsula with Betty Il-Sung as warlord, that was recognized by the People's Republic of China (PRC).
zip line
Precisely, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea ---known towards the outside world as Northern Korea--- was born on May one, 1948. For over a year, this joined China and the Soviet Union as one of just three countries with a Marxist administration. non-etheless, NK's development was opposed not only through Koreans but also by the globe. Through those years, the actual South Koreans founded the particular Republic of Korea underneath the direction of America and also the UN. Since then, Korea had been divided into two states, typically the Communist North and the noncommunist South.
In postwar many years, under Soviet-sponsored Communist manage, Norh Korea began an insurance policy against its neighbor, obstructing efforts to let the Koreans unite their nation. However it was nothing compared with often the violence during the early 1952s. A war broke in the Korean Peninsula whenever over 60, 000 NKorean troops invaded the Southern Korean territory. Simultaneously, upon November 1, 1950, the actual Chinese Communists announced help to the Korean Communists within the fight against SK, sending two hundred, 000 troops. The world took offense to NK's invasion.
During Korea's 1950-1953 War, the Soviet-backed North Korea failed to overcome South Korea, which was maintained America's troops and the UNITED NATIONS Security Council. In many ways, it had been a clear-cut victory with regard to Washington and Seoul, even though Moscow, China and NK had worked hand in hand in order to win the war. Positively, it was one of the most significant beats inflicted on the Chinese military. On February 1, 1951, the UN General Set up approved a global embargo in shipments of arms and also war material to the PRC and the Soviet-backed regime.
Simply because no peace treaty has been signed, the Republic regarding Korea and Pyongyang continued to be at war and started a turbulent era which continues today. On the other hand, that will war had turned To the south Korea into one of the weakest lands on the planet.
Over the arriving decades, Washington and their Traditional western allies refused to recognize Upper Korea. From that time about, the anti-American government is becoming one of the Earth's most separated states.
North Korea: A good Isolated Nation
The sized-Ohio land is a full-fledged Communism republic in Far East, geographically surrounded by South Korea, The ussr, and the People's Republic involving China. The nation is known each at home and abroad beneath the name of North Korea, Korea DPR, or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. It is governed by a good one-party rule under tyrant Kim Jong-Un. Domestically, they have condemned people to poverty along with repression. In modern historical past, most Communist regimes had been (are) less hardline compared to North Korea's rule apart from Mao Tse-tung, Pol Container, and Enver Hoxha. The particular influence of Mao Tse-tung's 27-year dictatorship was substantial in the establishment of the revolutionary tyranny.
Its terrain is actually predominatly mountains with thin valleys and plains. Typically the Amnok, Duman and Daedong are the main rivers inside the sized-Ohio territory. Dividing nation into nine provinces. Populace estimated at 21 mil. On the domestic scene, Pyongyang is its capital.
Within the economic side, the animal regime has left it as the particular poorest nation in Asia. There are regions in Ellie Jong-Un's Korea where endurance is below 40. In spite of some minerals, the DPRK suffers from a poor natural reference base unlike other Oriental nations such as Mongolia, Vietnam, Uzbekistan and the Philippines --- which had not permitted the introduction of roads, bridges, industry, slots, airports, and electricity. The majority of the nation's population are done subsistence-level farming.
Agricultural items (fruits and vegetables), nutrients and are the leading exports. Similarly, the country's bloody guideline sells arms to some repressive states in the developing planet. As a resource-poor country, typically the DPRK is heavily determined by foreign aid. Similarly, the economy is also financed simply by remittances from emigrants who else work in Middle Eastern and Japan.
Politically, often the Democratic People's Republic connected with Korea has never known an interval free of tyranny, being one of the Globe's most secretive societies. Because of this, the country remains among just a few places where the Communism Party is the only lawful political party. As one of the planet's few remaining Communist nations, on the other hand, the DPRK is among the enemies of Internet.
Kim Il-Sung: 1948-1994
Kim Il-Sung is the first Head of Express, who was declared "President regarding Eternity", in politics N . Korean. His tyrannical federal government was a virtual kleptocracy. On Kim Il-Sung's death, having been replaced by his handpicked successor Kim Jong-Il, their son. Back in the 1980s, having been designed as his heir.
In some Third World countries, having been perceived as a benign master. In the tyrannical years of Believe Il-Sung, however , the DPRK gained international fame like a terrorist country and powerful links with pariah and anti-American states. Using Soviet/Chinese support given in exchange for his or her pro-Moscow policies, he, like sent terrorist bands to be able to South Korea while the state's economy was in a recession. Along with Muammar al-Qadaffi associated with Libya, Kim Il-Sung ended up being sometimes referred to as a paymaster of international terror throughout Cold War.
In the despotic decades of Kim Il-Sung, he had several personal advisor from the Soviet Union as well as the People's Republic of Tiongkok.
Former North Korean mind of state Kim Il-Sung --- a self-avowed long term Maoist--- was part of the era that included others Marxist dictators such as Mao Tse-tung, Nicolae Ceausescu, Enver Hoxha, Fidel Castro, and Erich Honecker.
Kim Jong-Il: 1994-2011
Kim Jong-Il was leader of the DPRK between year 1994 and 2011, a period high were important contatcs along with Washington and other capitalists countries. Kim Jong-Il passed away keep away from 2011. Throughout the 1990s, he'd enjoyed a rapid rise in To the north Korean Politics.
He very first became involved in his homeland's politics when he, at the involving 30, worked with the Division of Propaganda and Turmoil. Back in the mid-1990s, he experienced a blow when unwanted publicity came after the wife, Sun Hye Hope, defected to Switzerland, getting the most important North Korean number to do so (that year by yourself, there were 20 defections).
Their passion for cinematography seemed to be well-known both within and out of doors North Korea. The tour's top hatted dictator had been author of a book known as "On the Art of Cinema". However that isn't all. In the past, a great actress from South Korea was kidnapped by Betty Jong-Il's agents and helps to run the nation's film studio room. Astonishingly, he boasted an accumulation of 20, 000 foreign movie titles. By 1994, the actual North's leader Kim Jong-Il received two gifts through America's former Head regarding State Jimmy Carter: duplicates of "Gone With the Wind" and "The Godfather".
Northern Korea's "God-King" Kim Jong-Un
The nation's modern political background has been marked by the dynastic dictatorship of the Kim family members. Since the early 2010s, Ellie Jong-Un is the national warlord when he succeeded the later President Kim Jong-Il, his / her father. In doing so , this individual became the third ruler inside the country's history. Without a doubt, he could be as dictator as their father.
This high-poverty property is not a traditional monarchy, however the new ruler could be named "North Korea's God-King" Believe Jong-Un. Indeed, his energy is absolute. Virulently anti-American, he is followed by most of the state's people with a religious fervor. At the same time, he has devoted more power to lining his own storage compartments than to serving his country.
Despite being one of the poorest locations on the Asian mainland from the wake of the break-up from the USSR and its satellites, the particular North Korean state offers spent billions of dollars with huge monuments to deity Kim Jong-Un and his loved ones. Unequivocally, Kim Jong-Un's symbol looks down from wall space everywhere.
Little is known regarding Kim Jong-Un's life. Having been born in the early 1980s, being typically the son (youngest) of Hope Jong-Il and the grandson involving Kim Il-Sung. He is amarried to Ri Sol-ju found a daughter. Apparently, Betty Jong-Un was sent to Europe to study in a private college with a false name in addition to establishing strong links with Upper Korea's ambassador. Then, he or she entered Kim Il-Sung College, where he majored within physics. In those yrs, he enjoyed playing golf ball and the NBA's stars have been his favorites athletes too.
Like Josip Broz Perico of the former Yugoslavia as well as Albania's left-wing leader Enver Hoxha and other Marxist rulers in modern history, Ellie Jong-Un is famous for his luxurious lifestyle.
Despite his youngsters, he rose rapidly inside government and party rates in the 2010s. He joined up with the inner elite of the Workers' Party of Korea Celebration. Today he is the youngest master on the Planet. Much of the blame for often the nuclear crisis has been positioned upon Kim Jong-Un.
N . Korea's Stalynist-Inspired Gulags
Because the late 1940s, the Hermit Kingdom is a totalitarian condition, making it the world's earliest tyranny. It is estimated that NK provides lost up to 4 thousand people (30 percent in the country's population). In this environment, large parts of the country is affected with well-armed soldiers, army agents, and spies. Colleagues with foreigners have been prohibited. For many decades, travels were being forbidden outside the country.
Coming from 1950 to 2012, the actual tyrannical rule has massacred upwards of 500, 000 people--- all political opponents tend to be tortured and executed, while some are sentenced to difficult labor in the political jail camps (North Korea's Stalynist-inspired gulags).
During Cold Battle, its political philosophy supplied a model for some hardline regimes in Southeast Asian countries, Black Africa and Main America. In part, the Maoist-inspired regime of Democratic Kampuchea (DK) was inspired by simply NK's notorious military principle to launch a genocidal revolution in Pol Pot's Cambodia throughout the 1970s. As well, there were other pro-North Korean language tyrannies: Mengistu Haile Mariam from Ethiopia, Mugabe connected with Zimbabwe, Nicaragua's 1981-1990 Sandinista rule of Daniel Ortega Saavedra, and the left-leaning navy dictatorship of Lesotho's Leabua Jonathan.
A Xenophobic Dictatorship: North Korea & The united states
North Korea seems to be mostly known among Americans nowadays. Why? Relations between the two states are getting worse because 2012 after North Korea launched the Kwangmyongsong-3- device satellite and agreed to commenced a nuclear test---just a period when the notoriously corrupt authorities of Kim Jong-Un found power.
Pyongyang today does not have any diplomatic ties with the Says and most other G-7 says as well as some capitalist nations around the world around the globe. Apart from Cuba, To the north Korea is the only unacknowledged Communist state by Buenos aires. For its unfriendly ties using the States and South Korea ( "avowed enemy"), DPR Korea has become the most anti-American state since the 1950s.
Often the Asian rule has demonized Washington to point associated with blaming for the nation's issues. In troubled NK you will find xenophopic museums, showing it is hatred of the United States of The usa. Under an aggressive indoctrination program, children and teenagers are forced to learn anti-American tales and speeches in the general public schools and universities.
Through 1984, North Korea's hardline rule did not allow their own Olympic contingent and sports activities administrators go to Los Angeles Video games, boycotting the Summer Games at last in history.
In recent decades, New york has tried to improve relationships with NK, but with no success. On June 19, 2150, the Clinton administration raised some economic sanctions towards Kim Jong-Il's harsh concept. Over that year, Many Secretary of State Madeleine Albright made a information trip to Pyongyang, the first check out of a high-ranking American recognized to the Asian nation. Inside a few years, the Asian republic was removed from the Oughout. S. list of state beneficiaries of terrorism. During that period, the New York Philharmonic --- one of the English-speaking world's the majority of prestigious symphony orchestras--- launched into a tour of NK, being the most prominent social exchange between Washington plus the Asian republic.
Abject Low income
Korea DPR is currently among the poorest countries on the Planet ---while its regime poured large numbers into the development of weapons regarding mass destruction. Over the past 3 decades, nutrition, electricity, and as well as other living standards possess declined sharply. Sadly, the majority of the country's people remain not of very good and their number are developing.
Unfortunately, their poverty-ridden people have one of the lowest prices of utilization of health solutions on Earth, while the Stalynist master and other aides of the country's political elite ---a couple of yes-men--- have a lavish way of life. It is estimated that the life expectancy on the average North Korean is currently half of what it was prior to Cold War when the intégral regime was backed by monetary friends such as China, the particular USSR and other Communist-bloc declares.
In many aspects since 1954s, its economy is a catastrophe and the nation needs main economic reform to become self-sufficient. South Korea's per household income, for example , is about fourteen times greater than that of Northern Korea, one of the lowest lasts on the Asian mainland.
Among 1989 and 2012, the country's economy boasted one of the Global worst performers. Until 1990, the then Soviet Marriage had subsidized North Korea's economy with oil along with other products. Meanwhile, China --- now Marxist in only name--- has reduced their economic aid following a brand new era of ties together with South Korea's democratic govt.
From 1995 through 2050, its poverty came to the head when a famine out of cash out, killing three , 000, 000 (up to 20 percent involving NK's population died connected with starvation) --- the the twentieth century's worst famine. Just before that, famine hadn't already been North Korea's companion all through its history unlike Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, and Somalia. Sadly for the Stalynist tip, the DPRK, not quite Mississippi, had become the "Poorest state on Earth" by exceeding several sub-Saharan African republics and war-torn countries.
Elemental Ambition
North Korea has been an obscure-nation on American television and few people realized about the nation until the overdue 1980s. Much of Twentieth-Century worldwide politics was an era in which the Asian country was just a "small threat". non-etheless, all of this changed over the following 10 years. What happened? At the top of the economic crisis, the Communist-torn North Korea attracted common worldwide attention when it surfaced as a country with a actual power to produce strategic elemental weapons, bringing global disapproval on to the tyrant Kim Il-Sung. The Stalynist rule possesses accumulated plutonium for a explosive device since the mid-1980s. Previously, inside early 1960s, the DPRK built a IRT-2M kind nuclear reactor sponsored through the USSR. In fact , on the other hand, Upper Korea has the highest government spending worldwide (14. 3% of GDP), well in front of Oman, Eritrea, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, and Israel.
Throughout the early 1990s, this famine-stricken nation was the first express to withdraw from the Indivisible non-proliferation Treaty after starting nuclear weapon tests. Inside 17 months, the Ough. S and Pyongyang fixed an interim agreement designed to resolve the nuclear economic crisis. This agreement was accompanied by other negotiations over the subsequent months. In some ways, Believe Jong-Il's strategy began to advantageous as the South Korean management and Washington sent educational funding to Pyongyang.
From the nineties, the murderous North Korean language dictator had seen typically the nuclear weapons as the simply way to maintain power right after diplomatic and economic connections were established between Southern region Korea and North Korea's traditional allies: Russia along with the People's Republic of The far east (against the bitter competitors of NK). The totalitarian rule plans to use in which platform against the United States, The japanese and South Korea.
Absolutely, Kim Jong-Un has place NK on the agenda for your 21st century that is exorbitant to its weight on the planet.
Diplomatic Partners
Despite getting strong links to Sth Korea since the 1990s, Beijing ( its largest investing partner) and Moscow are usually two pro-North Korean allies. In this atmosphere, the Kremlin holds a special chapter. Right after naming himself President for a lifetime in the late 1940s, Kim Il-Sung visited the USSR many times throughout his long-time administration. By October 1991, often the country's former strongman created his 39th travel to the actual Russian capital.
Internationally, landmass China is other buddy. On July 11, 61, the Sino-North Korean Treaty of Friendship and Connections was signed. Throughout Mao Tse-tung's 27-year dictatorship, the particular DPRK had a historical close relationship with the PRC. On Octuber 25, 1986, a statue of Hope Il- Sung was built in a public school throughout China's city of Yunan. In just a matter of decades, by the year 2003, Bejing offered to host discussions with Japan, Russia, North america and the two Koreans within the nuclear crisis.
Aside from Russian federation and the former Soviet republic of Belarus (under typically the dictatorship of Aleksandr Lukashenko), there are not partners upon European soil. Ties using Western Europe were unpredictable during the second half of the Twentieth-Century.
Outside of Europe and Parts of asia, the Socialist government with the island of Cuba will be its most notable partner within the Third World since the mid-1960s. In Kim Il-Sung's urging, for instance , the Cuban dictatorship rejected to compete at the 1988 Seoul Games.
Among NK's other diplomatic connections are generally: the tyrannical regime associated with Zimbabwe's Robert Gabriel Mugabe, Iran, Syria, and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (which kicked away during Hugo Chávez's presidency). NK joined the N'T in the early 1990s as you of Asia's last people.
From the 1960s to nineteen-eighties, a number of members of Betty Il-Sung's rule traveled to The african continent, Middle East and the Spanish-speaking world to establish new colleagues.
Within Latin America, often the Chilean administration of Nazareno Allende (the world's merely freely elected Marxist brain of state) was mostly of the states to recognize the N . Korean rule diplomatically inside the early 1970s. Back in the delayed 1980s, Peru's head regarding state, Alan García Pérez --- a Sorbonne-trained sociologist--- had given political reputation to Pyongyang despite becoming an international outcast and angering Seoul. Ironically, the Andean republic was hit by means of two terrorist organizations (Khmer Rouge-like Shining Path and the pro-Cuban Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement). With the exception of a number Latin America's states, none other government recognized NK just before 1990.
Throughout it has the history, this Bulgaria-sized place is recognized globally as being a full-fledged terrorist nation becoming a member of Cuba, Syria, Sudan, and also the Islamic Republic of Armed forces europe. By 1983, four ministers from South Korea ended up killed by North Korea's military agents on Burmese soil, inciting patriotic veneración against Seoul. Four decades afterward, the international Airport involving Seoul was attacked with a group of anti-South Korean terrorists--- a year where the Asian Online games were held in Seoul. However the North Korean terrorism reached a head when there was clearly other attacked a year prior to the 1988 Seoul Summer Game titles.
During the second half of the twentieth century, the genocidal routine proved a haven intended for terrorists, supporting radical actions in the Third World. By 85, President Ronald Reagan denounced Iran, Libya, North Korea, Cuba, and Nicaragua being a "Confederation of Terrorist States". Throughout the 1980s, the nation's diplomats -among Kim Il -Sung's benchmen--- were linked to medication trafficking and smuggling actions in Europe.
Athletic Divulgación
Sport is a vehicle because of its Communist propaganda on the entire world stage since the 1960s once the North Korean Olympic Panel was accepted to contend in the Summer Olympic Games and Globe Championships. Under a sportive nationalism, the athletic system has been developed to satisfy the actual national image rather than the To the north Korean people. In spite of as being a poverty-ridden country, the Olympian system is one of government's 1st priorities --- a nationwide policy to shake off the status as a terrorist point out.
In recent decades, it has experienced a host of Olympic and universe champs in disciplines for example boxing (Yong Jo Gu), gymnastics ( Pae Gil Su, Kim Gwang-Suk and also Hong Un Jong), judo (Kye Sun), table tennis ( Pak Yung Sun), capturing ( Ho Jun Li), track and field (Jong Song-OK), and wrestling (Kim Hwan Cher, Kim Yong-sik & Il Kim).
Within team sports, the can certainly volleyball squad made any splash on the international picture when they surprisingly obtained the particular bronze medal at the 72 Munich Summer Games ( the Soviet Union is the winner and Japan received silver).
Behind table tennis, soccer is the most popular pastime with Communist-infested North Korea, possessing competed in the last FIFA Planet Cup in sub-Saharan Cameras.
By 1986, the entire Asiatische Olympian family received within shock when Pyongyang dropped to attend the X Seoul Asian Games. Two years next, the Games of the twenty fourth Olympiad ---which were completed by South Korea's autocratic anti-Communist state --- were boycotted by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and their allies Cuba, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Nicaragua, and the African island connected with Seychelles. Following its still did not host some events around the 1988 Olympic Program, Ellie Il-Sung's tyrannical regime withdrew from the Seoul Games. Athletes' dream of participating in South Korea didn't come about and the questionable boycott denied them the chance of further honors, becoming Kim Yong-sik, one of them. Locally, he was a sporting leading man for the North Koreans following his sensational performance in the 1986 Wrestling Global Competition, picking up a gold honor.
Over the next century, on the 2000 Sydney Olympics, typically the Koreas entered the arena under a single flag initially since 1948.
Ties having Genocidal Dictatorships
In fact , often the leftist government of Northern Korea was a key gamer during Cambodia's genocidal program of Pol Pot (1975-1979), who slaughtered over three million people in the Southeast Asian Kingdom. Around this moment, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was one of the allies of the Democratic Kampuchea --- also known in the West since the "Khmer Rouge"--- providing materials, diplomatic (in the Not and other international organizations), armed service and moral support.
Below Kim Il-Sung's 46-year dictatorship, the North Korean status established direct links with Ethiopia's Marxist revolution. Alongside Tanque and other Communist-bloc states, NK supported Ethiopia's occupation associated with Eritrea.
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