#his defense is that he never claimed not to be a hypocrite
batfamilycannons · 10 months
Pt. 1 Hypocretical, secret disaster eldest sibling, Dick Grayson
Dick: Tim! How can you have not slept for two days?! That’s so unhealthy! You need sleep! Don’t run yourself into the ground, baby bird.
Also Dick *Hasn’t gotten a full nights sleep in 15 years, hasn’t gotten any sleep in 72 hours*
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kckt88 · 2 months
ñuhon naejot gūrogon.
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In the aftermath of Rooks Rest, a King's life hangs in the balance and Aemond reveals his true intentions.
Warnings - Angst, Drama, Langauage, Disagreements, Vulnerability, Confessions, Brother/Sister Incest, Kissing, Smut, Oral Sex (F Recieving), Loss of Virginity, P in V, Breeding Kink.
A.N - ñuhon naejot gūrogon - Mine to take.
Word Count: 4645
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
Tag List - @jasminecosmic99 @kaelatargaryen @yesterdayfeelings-blog @immyowndefender @0eessirk8 @darylandbethfanforever9
Daena sat quietly at the bedside of her older brother Aegon. The room was dimly lit by the flickering flames of several candles, casting long shadows on the stone walls.
The scent of burning incense filled the air, mingling with the metallic tang of blood and the faint, pungent odour of burnt flesh.
Aegon lay on the grand canopy bed, his body broken and battered from the battle of Rook’s Rest. His once-proud form was now a fragile shell, swathed in bandages and ointments.
Most of the skin on the left side of his body was severely burned, a patchwork of raw, angry red and blistering black. His breaths came shallow and ragged, each exhalation a reminder of his tenuous grip on life.
The maesters had worked tirelessly since his return, their faces etched with exhaustion and worry.
They had done all they could, setting his broken bones and applying salves to his burns, finally dosing him heavily with milk of the poppy to numb the pain.
Now, all they could do was wait and pray.
Daena reached out and gently took her brother’s hand in hers. His skin was clammy and cool to the touch, a stark contrast to the feverish heat radiating from his wounds. She squeezed his hand lightly, her heart aching with a mixture of love and sorrow.
Aegon was far from perfect; he had made many mistakes, and committed many sins, but he was still her brother, and she loved him.
Her violet eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she watched him, hoping he could sense her presence, feel her unwavering support. The once-vibrant King now lay vulnerable and fragile, and Daena’s heart ached for him.
“I’m here, Aegon. Please, hold on.”
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The heavy wooden door creaked open, and Daena glanced up to see her other brother, Aemond, enter the room. His tall figure was framed by the dim light from the corridor, casting a long shadow into the room.
He walked silently to the foot of Aegon’s bed and placed his hands on the wooden frame, his one eye, sharp and calculating, observing the scene before him.
Daena remained seated, her hand still holding Aegon’s, her gaze never leaving their wounded brother. The tension in the room was palpable, the silence between them heavy with unspoken words and long-held grudges.
After a few minutes, Aemond finally broke the silence.
“Someone will have to rule in his stead,” he said, his voice low and measured.
Daena’s lips curled into a bitter smile. “Let me guess, that will be you.”
Aemond’s expression remained impassive. “That will be for the council to decide on who will take on the duties of ruling the realm.”
Daena scoffed, her eyes flashing with defiance. “There is no one else but you. Even though Helaena is Queen, we cannot have a woman rule lest we be labelled as hypocrites, as we can’t forget the reason why Aegon was crowned instead of our older sister”
Aemond’s gaze remained steady, but there was a flicker of something—irritation, perhaps—behind his eye. Daena continued; her voice sharp with accusation.
"So, whose idea was it to parade the severed head of Meleys through the streets of King's Landing?"
"It was Ser Criston Cole’s idea," Aemond replied, a note of defensiveness in his tone.
"And you allowed it," Daena said, her eyes blazing with anger. "How could you let the symbol of our house be desecrated in such an appalling manner? Not even Maegor the Cruel would have resorted to such measures."
"It was to show strength" Aemond argued, his voice rising slightly.
Daena laughed bitterly. "-I very much doubt it. The only thing you’ve done is sow the seeds of rebellion amongst the smallfolk- that the power of the dragons isn't infinite"
Aemond's face grew taut, a mixture of frustration and anger. "It was necessary”
"For whom exactly-” Daena countered. "Rooks Rest cannot be counted as a victory. Sunfyre is gravely injured, and Aegon may never recover-how do you know that our sister will not have her dragons descend upon us”
“We have dragons too” replied Aemond.
“As I said, Sunfyre is injured-so he’s out, and I don’t exactly foresee Helaena riding into battle on the back of Dreamfyre-all we have is Vhagar and Silverwing”
“A fledgling dragon with no battle experience and a rider who’s been sheltered at Oldtown for so long that he practically doesn’t exist”
“Daera-” sighed Aemond.
“It’s all worked out rather nicely for you, hasn’t it? Now that Aegon is incapable of ruling, you’re ever closer to getting what you want.”
Aemond’s jaw tightened, but his voice remained calm. “What exactly are you implying?”
Daena finally looked up, meeting his gaze with a cold, hard stare. “You know exactly what I’m implying,” she said, her tone dripping with disdain.
She pressed a kiss to Aegon’s hand, her touch gentle and full of sorrow. Then she rose from her seat, her gown rustling softly in the silence.
As she moved to leave the room, Aemond followed her, his steps echoing hers. The door closed behind them with a heavy thud, leaving the room in silence once more, the only sound the faint, laboured breathing of the broken king.
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Daena strode into her chambers, her heart pounding with a mixture of anger and sorrow. Aemond followed closely behind, shutting the door with a decisive click and turning the key to lock it.
The sound echoed ominously in the room, filled with the faint scent of lavender and the soft glow of moonlight streaming through the window.
Daena whirled around to face him, her eyes blazing with accusation. “Did you do it?” she demanded, her voice low and fierce. “Were you the one who attacked Aegon?”
Aemond’s face contorted with a mix of hurt and anger. “How could you ask me that?”
Daena’s gaze remained unyielding. “I’m not a fool, Aemond. I know you’ve always believed Aegon was unfit to rule. That he’s a wastrel who’s never taken any interest in his birthright. Meanwhile, you, ever the good soldier, has spent hours training with the sword, studying history and philosophy. Aegon has had everything handed to him while you, the second son, have received nothing.”
Aemond’s jaw tightened, his eye flashing with barely contained fury. “Do you have any idea how it feels to be teased for being different? To be a Targaryen without a dragon?”
Daena’s expression softened slightly but remained firm. “I was once without a dragon too and it was only because of Aegon that I managed to claim Silverwing. Do you not remember how furious Mother had been when she found out?”
Daena’s mind going back to that day, oh how wonderful it had been. Aegon had taken her flying on Sunfyre, and they had snuck onto Dragonstone, their older sister left unaware as the two of them entered the dragon mount.
Aegon had been so proud of her when she claimed Silverwing, their mother-not so much. She had slapped Aegon to within an inch of his life, shouting and screaming about how he had been so reckless.
Their father had been indifferent to the whole situation, his wheezing breath may have whispered proud sentiments, but his heart and his mind were never present, not for them anyway. That was exclusively reserved for his precious Rhaenyra.
Aemond’s lips twisted into a mocking smile, and he began to clap slowly, the sound filled with derision. “Well done, sister. You were one of the lucky few to escape Aegon’s teasing japes and drunken slobbering.”
Daena’s eyes narrowed, and she took a step closer to Aemond, her voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. “You think you’re so much better than him, don’t you? You think you deserve the throne more than he does. Tell me dear brother, why do you deserve it?”
Aemond’s face hardened, and for a moment, the room was filled with a tense silence, the air thick with the weight of their unspoken grievances.
Finally, he spoke, his voice cold and measured. “I am what this realm needs, Daena. A ruler who is strong, who is capable. Aegon has shown time and again that he is not fit for the crown.”
Daena shook her head, a sad smile playing on her lips. “And what makes you think you’re worthy? Because you can swing a sword, recite ancient texts and ride the largest dragon in the world? There’s more to ruling than that, Aemond. There’s compassion, wisdom, and the ability to see beyond one’s own ambition.”
As Aemond turned to leave the room, Daena’s voice cut through the silence, stopping him in his tracks.
“Do you ever feel guilty?”
Aemond froze, his hand still on the door handle. He turned slowly to face her, his expression guarded. “What?”
Daena took a deep breath, her voice trembling with emotion. “For killing Luke. For what happened to Jaehaerys. You were responsible for it. Your actions led to the death of an innocent child. How can you even dare to look Helaena in the face, knowing that it's your fault? That you’re the reason she lost her son, why Aegon lost his son?”
Aemond’s face contorted with rage as Daena’s words hit him like a blow. His fists clenched at his sides, and his eye burned with a fierce intensity.
“Do you know they came here for you that night?” Daena continued, her voice steady despite the tempest brewing in the room. “But they couldn’t find you, so they took Jaehaerys’ life instead.”
Aemond’s expression darkened further, his jaw tightening. “Where were you that night, Aemond?” Daena pressed, her eyes piercing his. “-What were you doing?”
Aemond remained silent, his face a mask of defiance.
Daena’s gaze softened, tinged with sadness. “I know exactly where you were” she admitted quietly.
Aemond’s eye widened in surprise and anger. “If you already knew, then why did you ask?”
“I wanted to see if you would lie,” Daena replied, her voice tinged with regret. “After all it’s not exactly something you’d want everyone to know about, given your open disdain for Aegon’s repeated visits to the whores on the Street of Silk.”
Aemond’s face flushed with fury and humiliation. “Let me guess, Aegon told you, and the two of you had a good laugh at my expense.”
“Aegon did tell me,” Daena said softly, shaking her head. “But I didn’t find it amusing. If anything, I found it quite sad. That you have to resort to such a place to find the comfort and love you’ve been denied-”
Aemond’s anger flared even hotter. “I am not weak!” he spat, his voice trembling with rage.
Daena took a step closer, her eyes filled with empathy. “Seeking comfort doesn’t make you weak, Aemond”.
“Y-You wouldn’t understand-”
Daena took a deep breath, her voice steady but filled with emotion. “Tell me the truth, Aemond. Did you deliberately harm Aegon at Rook’s Rest?”
Aemond’s expression hardened, his eye narrowing. “Aegon shouldn’t have been there in the first fucking place,” he replied, his voice cold and dismissive. “But he interfered and suffered the consequences.”
Daena shook her head in disbelief, her eyes filled with hurt and anger. “You’ve been plotting with Cole behind Aegon’s back and undermining his authority in the council meetings. The only reason you have a place on that council is because Aegon granted it to you, he thought he could trust you and this is how you repay him? By attacking him with Vhagar and grasping for his crown?”
Aemond’s face twisted with a mix of rage and frustration. “Aegon is weak. He’s never been fit to rule. I did what needed to be done.”
“What’s next, Aemond?” Daena demanded, her voice rising. “Are you going to take Helaena as well-”
Aemond's face twisted in rage, and he stepped forward, his voice rising. "No!” His hands clenched into fists, and he took a deep, shuddering breath. "She is not the sister I desire"
Daena's eyes widened, and she took a step back, her heart pounding. "W-What?"
Aemond’s face was a mask of conflicting emotions: anger, longing, and something darker. "You think I plot and scheme only for power? You think I care only for the crown? You're wrong. I want you, Daena. I've always wanted you. And I will take you, just as I have taken everything else that was denied to me."
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Daena backed away from Aemond, as she watched him remove the belt that held his weapons in place, the loud clang of metal upon stone as it slid from his hands and hit the floor made her jump.
His fingers quickly occupying themselves with removing the bandolier strap before moving onto his green leather riding jacket.
"This isn’t you. The brother I knew would never hurt our family like this. Please, Aemond, let it go”
Aemond's expression was a tumult of emotions—anger, longing, and something darker. He moved closer to her, his presence overwhelming, and reached out to gently place his hand on the back of her neck. He pressed their foreheads together, his breath warm against her skin.
"Kostilus lēkia," Daena whispered, her voice trembling. (Please, brother)
Aemond smiled, a chilling blend of affection and possession in his gaze. "Ao issi ñuhon, se nyke jāhor emagon ao," he murmured. (You are mine, and I will have you).
Daena shook her head, her heart pounding as she tried to back away from Aemond. But he wouldn’t let her, his voice dropping to a whisper, his words caressing her ear.
"I may have one eye, but I'm not blind. I see the way you look at me. I know you desire me the same way I desire you." He leaned even closer, his breath warm against her skin.
"Tepagon isse dōna mandia, se nyke jāhor gūrogon ao hae issa ābrazȳrys, se mazverdagon ao issa dāria” (Give in, sweet sister, and I will take you as my wife, and make you my Queen).
Daena's heart ached with a confusing mix of emotions. "It's wrong, Aemond," she whispered, her voice trembling.
Aemond's smirk was both confident and predatory. "How can it be wrong when it feels so right?"
Daena's mind raced, searching for something to anchor herself. "What about your promise to marry Floris Baratheon?"
Aemond's smirk widened into a grin, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eye. "A boar is no match for a dragon."
Before she could respond, he pressed his lips to hers, the kiss searing and insistent.
Daena pulled away, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and desire. But the intensity of his kiss, the depth of his longing, was too much to resist.
With a soft moan, she gave in, winding her arms around his neck and kissing him back passionately.
Aemond’s hands slid down her back, pulling her closer, his kisses growing more fervent.
Aemond's kisses grew more insistent, his hands roaming over Daena's back as he slowly backed them towards the bed. Their lips never parted; each kiss more fervent than the last. Daena's breath hitched as she felt his long fingers deftly begin to untie the laces of her dress.
As the laces came undone, Aemond's hands brushed against her bare skin. Daena shivered at his touch, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and trepidation.
When the back of her legs touched the edge of the bed, Aemond paused for a moment, pulling back to look into her eyes.
"Are you sure?" he whispered, his voice rough with desire.
Daena’s answer was in her eyes, in the way she pulled him closer, her fingers threading through his hair. "Yes," she breathed.
Aemond smiled, a rare, genuine smile that softened his usual intensity. He leaned down, capturing her lips once more as he guided her onto the bed. His hands moved with purpose, sliding the dress from her shoulders and down her body, exposing her skin to the cool air and his burning touch.
Daena’s hands found their way to Aemond’s own clothing, eager to remove the barriers between them.
Once she had removed the out layers of his clothing, her fingers explored the hard planes of his chest and abdomen. Aemond groaned softly at her touch, his lips trailing down her neck as he pressed her back against the soft sheets.
Aemond positioned himself above her, his expression a mixture of vulnerability and determination.
Daena’s breath caught in her throat as she gently cupped his face with her hands. Her fingers brushed against the rough texture of his scar, a reminder of the pain and loss he had endured.
Slowly, she slipped off his eyepatch, revealing the sapphire he had placed where his eye once was.
With tenderness, Daena leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his scarred cheek. Her lips lingered there, as if trying to heal the wounds that had marred his flesh and his soul. She felt Aemond’s sharp intake of breath, a moment of pure vulnerability passing between them.
Her fingers moved to the tie that bound his long, silver hair. With a gentle tug, she undid it, and his hair cascaded down, framing his chiselled face. Daena smiled as she ran her fingers through the silken strands, marvelling at his beauty.
“So beautiful,” whispered Daera, her voice filled with affection.
Aemond’s gaze softened, the fierce intensity giving way to something more tender, more real. He lowered himself closer to her, their faces mere inches apart. His hand came up to rest against her cheek, his thumb brushing gently across her skin.
“Daena,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.
"Aemond," she began softly, her voice trembling, "Will I be enough for you? I cannot love you if you seek out others."
Aemond's expression softened, and he stroked her cheek "My visits to Sylvi are over. I won't go back there anymore. I promise-"
Daena smiled and silenced him with a gentle kiss. Aemond responded with a fervour that matched her own, his hands tangling in her hair as he deepened the kiss.
“My love-my sweetest-” whispered Aemond as he pulled away and descended down her body, kissing and nipping at her skin as he went.
“W-What are you doing?”
“I want to kiss you-here” replied Aemond as he pressed forward and ran his tongue over her warm wet folds.
She bit the back of her hand to keep herself from screaming as Aemond began using his long fingers to slowly tease her entrance.
“None of that. I want to hear how good I make you feel” growled Aemond as he began moving his tongue against her, in rhythm with his fingers.
“A-Aemond. Oh god. Please” moaned Daena, as she writhed against the sheets.
“That’s it-such a good girl for me” growled Aemond.
“OH-” whimpered Daena, as Aemond continued to move his tongue and fingers over her centre.
“I know your almost there. Let it happen. Come for me” whispered Aemond, his tongue moving across her pearl.
Daena arched her back and let out a scream as her pleasure erupted.
Aemond slowly crawled up her body, placing gentle kisses on her skin as he moved higher and higher.
Daena blushed furiously when she saw that Aemond’s chin was shining with her slick.
“Calm yourself issa zaldrīzes” muttered Aemond, as he swiped his fingers over his chin and then placed them in his mouth, sucking off her slick. (My dragon).
Goosebumps erupted over Daena’s skin as Aemond removed his hand from his mouth and then took hold of her breast, his fingers gently teasing her rosy bud.
“W-What are you doing?” asked Daena as Aemond’s hand slid down her body and began teasing her folds.
“I-I need to prepare you a little more” whispered Aemond.
“P-prepare me?” whispered Daena.
“You are a maiden-I don’t want to hurt you” replied Aemond.
“Aemond” exclaimed Daena as he slowly slipped a finger inside her, the slick from her first peak easing the way.
Aemond buried his face in Daena’s neck as he began peppering kisses along her smooth skin as he added another finger, moving them in and out slowly.
“So warm-so wet for me” rasped Aemond, his hot breath tickling her skin.
“I-I think I’m ready” whispered Daena.
Aemond removed his fingers and then moved between her open legs, supporting his weight on his left arm as he reached down and took his hard cock in his hand and placed the tip of it against her slick entrance.
“A-Are you sure?”
“Yes-” replied Daena as she felt him running his cock along her entrance.
“Y-You must tell me if it hurts” whispered Aemond.
Daena nodded and shut her eyes tight, taking a deep breath as Aemond sheathed himself within her.
“Your doing so well-” muttered Aemond trying to control himself.
“I-It h-hurts-“ whimpered Daena, the burning sensation bringing tears to her eyes.
“If it’s too much I can pull out-” offered Aemond.
“N-No just give me a moment” replied Daena softly as the tears ran down her cheeks.
Aemond leaned down and pressed gentle kisses to her cheeks, his tongue catching her fallen tears.
Aemond’s cock twitched and throbbed with need, and he released a shuddered breath while Daena sighed in relief. 
“Are you ok?” asked Aemond.
“I-I think you can move now” whispered Daena her hands running along the smooth plans of Aemond’s back.
Slowly Aemond withdrew and then moved forward, his cock reaching deep inside her.
“Are you ok?” repeated Aemond as he thrust inside her.
“Y-yes-I think you can move faster”.
Aemond rested his head in the crook of her neck as he thrusts faster, his moans muffled against her skin.
“Ooh Aemond-that feels good” whined Daena.
“Your perfect-” whispered Aemond.
Feeling a spark of pleasure Daena dug her fingers into Aemonds back, holding him close.
“P-please Aemond. F-faster. H-harder” exclaimed Daena.
“Daera-” moaned Aemond as he began to pound into her, his hips slapping against hers.
“-I-I f-feel-” whimpered Daena, an odd sensation creeping across her stomach.
“-Let it happen-my sweetest, peak for me” exclaimed Aemond.
“Fuck-that’s it-that’s it” muttered Aemond as he slipped his hand between their bodies and slowly began rubbing her pearl.
“AEMOND” screamed Daena as her peak exploded, making her entire body shake.
Aemond stopped, and rested for a moment as he allowed Daena’s peak to subside, his teeth grazing her shoulder.
“Did you enjoy that?” asked Aemond his voice quiet and raspy.
“Yes” replied Daena, fidgeting as she felt his hard length twitching inside her.
“Good-” said Aemond as he withdrew and quickly manoeuvred Daena onto all fours.
“What are you doing?”
“Now-I’m going to fuck you until you scream” said Aemond, delighting in the way Daena began nodding and whimpering as she pushed herself backwards against him.
“P-Please-Lēkia” whispered Daera (Brother).
“FUCK” groaned Aemond as he took his cock in hand and began rubbing it along Daena’s wet folds.
“Please. I want it-I want you, please don’t make me wait anymore” begged Daena.
“Fuck, that’s it” moaned Aemond his hard length filling her cunny in one smooth stroke.
“God. Yes. Aemond” sighed Daena.
He began to thrust in and out of her in deep achingly slow thrusts.
“Your cunt is dripping, it's so beautiful” sighed Aemond.
Slowly thrusting back and forth. Over and over, withdrawing further each time, until his cock entirely withdrew from her warm wet entrance.
Aemond marvelled at her body. Such a beautiful, succulent thing his sister was. Allowing him entry into the most sacred parts of her body.
He was her first and he would be her only. There would be no others.
Aemond began to fuck her in earnest, plunging his cock into her cunny over and over, thrilling to hear Daena’s moans of need echoing around the room.
Bracing her arms, she pushed against him so he could shove his cock in. Harder and faster, his fingers digging into her hips.
Aemond felt his stones draw in; his peak was fast approaching. Gods he wanted to keep going, the feeling of her tight wet heat wrapped around him was just otherworldly.
But he supposed he could always take her again; he knew it wouldn’t take long after he spilled his seed for him to be ready once more.
He planned to take her many times, he needed to ensure that his seed had a chance to take root.
He couldn’t wait to see her all round and swollen with his child, for everyone to know that it was his son that she carried inside of her.
Part of him and her together-nourished by her mother’s body, her milk swollen breasts-fuck he could feel it building, he was going to spill, he was going to fill her up.
But he didn’t want to, not like this, he wanted to see her face.
Aemond quickly withdrew, ignoring Daena’s whimper of protest as he rolled her onto her back and sheathed himself inside her again.
She wrapped her legs around Aemond’s waist, drawing him closer as he began to thrust inside her, his cock reaching deep inside.
“I-I’m going to give you my seed-see you all round and swollen with my child- moaned Aemond.
“Yes-yes. Aemond. I want it-” babbled Daena as his thrusts became more frantic.
“Fuck-” groaned Aemond as he felt the heat shooting across his abdomen.
“-Aemond” whimpered Daena.
“ñuhon, ry ñuhon” moaned Aemond pushed into the hilt for one last time, his cock throbbing as he spilled rope after rope of his seed (Mine, all mine).
“Ry aōhon” whispered Daena, as Aemond rested on top of her (All yours).
“A-Are you ok?”  Aemond as he gently pulled his softened cock from Daena, he looked down and saw the mixture of his seed and her maidens blood dripping onto the sheet.
Daena nodded slowly, as she allowed him to enfold her in his arms and hold her close.
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As they lay together in the dim light of Daena's chambers, their bodies entwined and their hearts beating in sync, a sense of peace settled over them. Daena's head rested on Aemond's chest, her fingers lazily tracing patterns on his skin. The silence between them was comfortable, filled with the unspoken promises of their newfound bond.
After a while, Daena broke the silence, her voice a soft whisper. "What will we do now, Aemond?"
Aemond's arm tightened around her, his gaze thoughtful as he stared at the ceiling. "First, I will wait for the council to name me regent. Once I have their backing, I will declare my intentions to marry you"
Daena lifted her head to look at him, her eyes filled with a mix of hope and concern. "And what about the war?”
Aemond's expression hardened, a determined fire lighting up his eye. "I will make plans with Cole. We will see an end to this war and to Rhaenyra and her brood of bastards”
"What about Aegon? If he recovers, he will no doubt resume his place upon the Iron Throne."
Aemond's face darkened for a moment, but then a small, almost imperceptible smile curved his lips. "Yes—if," he replied, the word hanging heavily in the air.
Daena's heart clenched, and she bit her lip in an attempt to stifle a sob. The reality of what she done crashed over her like a wave.
She had given into Aemond, and by doing that, she had set herself against Aegon.
Aemond noticed her distress and gently cupped her face, his thumb brushing away a stray tear. "Don’t worry my love, all will be well in the end-you’ll see”
Daena smiled slightly, but deep down inside, a part of her realised that she had just made a terrible mistake.
The monster had been unleashed and she had no idea how to stop it.
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novantinuum · 7 months
mmmmmmm. messy ass ramble thoughts ahead. this is not coherent, it is 1am, you have been warned.
so i've been thinking about that "i can fix anything! i can just keep messing up and fixing things forever, and you'll never have to know or think about any of it!" line during steven's lil manic panic moment in the ep everything's fine in the context of like... og SU episodes
this whole lil manic slip is one that's like... it seems a little extreme for him as a character at first, when one looks at the situation on surface.
but i think it really does shed a LOT of light onto one of his deepest fear. the same fear he's harbored for a good damn deal of the show.
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"i didn't wanna hurt anyone!"
this moment comes just a few eps after the S3 finale 'reveal' of rose shattering pink diamond. in that final scene of the season, steven gets 'confirmation' from garnet that this happened, and seems to accept it for what it was- a difficult decision made amidst a treacherous war.
but also, he Doesn't.
because he's the legacy rose left behind. because each and every day he's growing more into his power. because now, with this reveal of rose's decision to shatter on the table, he's putting each and every decision he makes under a microscope.
he had no choice, he claims. she wouldn't let him help her.
he had no choice. it was self defense.
but is that true?
isn't that the same thing his mom probably told herself before ending a gem's life forever?
even though she poofed bismuth and holed her away for suggesting the very same idea??
rose became a hypocrite... so what if HE becomes the hypocrite, too?
see, with steven... i think it's really easy in the main show to sorta... observe all his actions on the mere surface without considering the deeper tickings of his psyche. like... take lars being brought back to life. from audience POV, that's a good deed. steven just saved someone with his magic! positive moment.
but genuinely... i think this was one of the worst moments of his entire life. i think he's still haunted by it- by the fact that he can just "fix" people in that way. and i think fixing jasper's shattered gem only made the specter of that day worse.
steven believes his role is to be the Shield.
the protector.
the one who is willing to do whatever it takes- even up to turning himself in for a crime he didn't commit- to protect his family and his friends.
and like, we all know that it's not steven's FAULT that lars died. BUT- he still died while under steven's protection.
and so the same way steven blames himself for "hurting" bismuth, jasper, and eyeball, he blames himself for killing lars. mentally, he Takes Responsibility for his death. yet another tick mark in the box of horrible "mistakes" he's made, yet another tick mark landing him just a little closer to the rose he's desperately trying not to become.
and worst of all... it's a mistake he "covers up."
because his tears are able to bring him back from the dead entirely.
and years later he realizes this is true for gems as well ;-;;;
so yeah, i absolutely think lars' death was also at the back of his mind when he said that line at the beginning
what steven saw in the depths of his mind as he was panicking there was him slipping down a slippery slope of violence that he couldn't escape from
first, causing harm to other gems and calling it self defense...
then, letting your friend die protecting YOU when you're the one who should be protecting him and facing NO consequence for this misgiving because you bring him back to life
then, expressing anger so visceral it can shatter floors, destroy whole rooms, flip vans. out of control. inexcusable.
then... outright shattering a gem in a duel while training to hone that anger. once again, facing NO consequence because you bring her right back.
then, that sudden, terrifying thought of "what if i shattered white diamond"
like, steven has absolutely no framework by which to separate his actions from genuine desire or just plain abstract thought.
he has no framework by which to understand the beautiful tool of adding a "man would it be fucked up or what-" to the beginning of those sorts of intimidating, dark musings.
he has no framework by which to understand the complexities of his trauma, and the way in which genuinely fighting back against someone he once called an enemy might feel empowering- instead, it would seem he's disgusted in retrospect with how deep he pressed into that fight, how much a part of him ENJOYED it, all because of the horrid destination it led to.
anyways at this point steven thinks he has now become the Hypocrite like his mom, and that he's just destined to hurt everyone around him forever but never be punished for it and Ouch
this post has no end, these were just ramble thoughts, the end. goodnight. i am sleepy and need to prepare to make Wig tomorrow bc OH boy i am con crunch.
yeehaw .
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sgiandubh · 2 months
Bcac and gotraveltheworldluv are stalkers and so defensive if you doubt them. The shenanigans are getting too old and predictable. I’m not even a shipper and I think something is wrong.  it just doesn’t make sense. These fake dates are really strange. I mean it’s just not normal so it is questionable. The credibility is not there and these other bloggers are just a bunch of strange women.  I actually believe he has a relationship more with his costar then any of these fake dates it just seems so forced  and on public display. If it was real, why innuendos and why post it knowing fans will seek out? I’m not talking about relationships I mean seriously how can he have been with six women in two months and made sure that everybody knew about it. I’ve come to the conclusion he’s definitely hiding something, I’m not sure what. Even being married secretly I know you guys don’t think he’s gay, but I definitely don’t think that he is with all of these women that he claims to be.  I don’t think you’ve had any girlfriends.
Dear Hiding Something Anon,
BCAC, who? As for the other Pearl of Great Price, well... religious hypocrisy at its finest, really. I wonder what her congregation would think about her dirty, dirty little secret. Online stalking all those women, even those remotely purported to have breathed around S, surely won't get her extra brownie points, or whatever they are called, back in her red neck of the woods.
Funny you are not a shipper, but still found a way to ask yourself all the right questions. According to the Anti Gospel, you are just one step shy of apostasy 😱.
Gay, he is not. That is a lazy theory based on next to nothing, spare a questionable blogger's speculations (and the 'evidence' singlehandedly fabricated on Wikipedia, long debunked by me) and Data Lounge's almost desperate merry go round of three inconclusive pics and my dog's aunt recollections (Lola's aunt probably hails from Carmarthen and I think she has an excellent pedigree, but that's just about it). Whoever came up with this bullshit has no real knowledge of the gay world's dynamics, either and probably a very superficial, second hand exposure to it.
Speculating he fornicated with a half dozen of women in less than three months (and under public, even obsessed, scrutiny) is borderline demented. Sure, he does not need the consent of the King for such leisure activities, but come on: do they hear themselves? From me to you, Anon - I know still waters run deep, but he never stroke me as the randy devil type. I've seen way worse, including in my own backyard (and you'd give Someone your first born to babysit, without even blinking - such a mistake).
So yes, he does hide something. Once you enter this rabbit hole and provided you take a long, critical look around, you're bound to discover many interesting bits and bobs that add up and paint a credible theory.
What do I think he hides? A love story of our times, Anon. With slammed doors, pillow talk, terms of endearment and deep feelings. And yes, your assumption is correct.
And gee, thanks for your words, too. Much appreciated - why be a hypocrite?
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I also strive to be informative, Anon. You can seat by my side, at the back of the bus. This is where the most fun is happening and we even have the finest Gunpowder tea, freshly brewed.
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
eddie x cheerleader
they had a fight , eddie cant focus so he canceled hellfire
he still stays after school so he can watch her performance
he sees her smile is so fake
and even while shes performing he sees tears dripping out of her eyes
so he starts crying too
but once shes done performing , he follows her and gets on his knees and apologizes
Hopefully this is what you were looking for!
Angst with a happy ending :)
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Eddie Munson had his beliefs and refused to change them. He was stubborn and hard headed. Quick to be defensive and claim he is always right. Even if that meant putting his pride in front of his relationship with his girlfriend.
"Eddie it's just this is my last performance of the season and you haven't been to a single one since we got together. I know you hate sports, the jocks, and the atmosphere but can't you do it for me, just this once?"
The same argument again. The couple have been fighting about Eddie going to one performance, just one, before her cheerleading season ended. Always hurting when all the cheerleaders smiled at their boyfriends who watched in the crowd, Y/N wanted that. She wanted to feel supported too.
"I don't get why we have to fight about this. I told you I hate being around those people. And I have hellfire tonight, I can't just cancel that for your dance." He scoffed, arms crossing in a defensive manner. Arguing quietly in the hallway while the rest of the school was in class or the lunch room.
"it's not a dance! It's a performance, which you wouldn't know since you never bother to come." She spat, her own arms crossing in front of her. "look I get it, the jocks are assholes and treat you like crap. But I've been doing my best to make them leave you alone. All the girls on my team adore us because you make me happy. They even ask for you to come. Do you know how embarrassing it is to watch every boyfriend in the crowd cheering for them? They all have someone to look for in the crowd, someone to smile at and run to when the game is done? I have no one out there Eddie! I'm the only one left on the court once we are done." She explained, trying her hardest to keep her tears in her eyes. She could not ruin the make up she spent hours doing for her last performance.
"oh now you are being dramatic, not every girl on that team has a boyfriend sitting there." He tried to defend, ignoring the pain in his chest imagining her standing there alone, wishing for him to just be there.
But Eddie could not go against everything he believed in. He already was a hypocrite for dating a cheerleader, he couldn't break down his pride even more. Not when he preached to his sheep about the venom of popularity.
"I don't even know why I still try. Enjoy your club asshole, I'll find a ride with Chrissy." She spat, ponytail harshly swinging as she marched past him, a shove in his shoulder. Not a single word she said went through his brain, just right out of his ears. Too stubborn to even be there for her. Maybe she just needs to pull the plug on them? Was the disappointment worth it every time?
Eddie sat at the lunch table, hearing the boys talk about how excited they are for the campaign, Eddie couldn't match the atmosphere.
He felt so fucking bad. The way she looked like she was going to cry when she walked past him was stuck in his head. He tried to shrug it off, focus on the campaign at hand.
He couldn't, he cancelled hellfire the second all the boys walked in.
"I just don't have it in me." He sighed as he sat at his throne.
The boys watched their leader placing his head in his hand, obviously in distress.
"that's fine Eddie. Take the time you need. We'll just go watch the game? Lucas is playing! Plus it's Y/N's final game." Dustin said excitedly, he's secretly been dying to watch her perform, hellfire always landed the same days as games so he never got to see her.
When Eddie first dated her, Dustin was the most supportive. He didn't give a shit if Eddie liked a cheerleader after all the talk he preached. She was different, it was easy to tell.
Eddie's head snapped up at her name.
"you want to watch my girlfriend?" Eddie questioned.
"duh! I've been dying to see the routines she's made. They sound totally badass but it's always the same as hellfire nights so I never got to go." Dustin shrugged. Having no idea his words were stabbing Eddie even deeper in his heart.
The boys raced out of the room, heading to the gym to catch the game and apparently Y/N's performance.
Eddie truly was the only one who still held on to his words of the popular world. His club didn't even give a shit he was dating a cheerleader, all excited to watch her perform. Now he felt like even more of an ass. Simply refusing to watch her because he was scared of what his club would think of him for going back on his words. An excuse that had no truth behind it.
The boys found the only open spot on the bleachers, quickly filling it with their bodies.
Mike, Gareth, and Jeff quickly searching for Lucas but Dustin was searching for Y/N.
A huge smile on his face when she spotted her stretching, head down not bothering to look at the crowd. Dustin waited for her to look up just once so he could wave, but she never did.
By the time Eddie quit his pity party he got up, collecting his backup and walking to the gym. He walked in the doorway, searching for an open seat but the gym was packed completely. He sighed and leaned against the wall. Maybe if he was a good boyfriend and showed up on time, he'd have a seat.
Eddie realized he was catching the end of the game. The cheerleaders were finishing their last routine. Eddie felt even more like shit, he missed the whole thing except for the final damn flip. Truly never once seeing his girlfriend do something she loved. He watched her closely, a smile of hers usually fixed everything. But the smile she had wasn't real, it looked fake and painful. He could see her blinking rapidly, a sign she was holding back tears. Eddie found himself blinking just as fast. Trying to ignore the burn in his throat.
He stood against the wall for the next ten minutes of what was left of the game. Once he heard the final buzzer go off, he watched as everyone cheered. Lucas was thrown in the air by the team. Eddie felt himself smile at one of his sheep getting supported, maybe the jocks weren't that horrible.
His smile quickly fell when the basketball team moved over, now seeing his girlfriend packing up her bag, alone. Eddie looked to the bleachers to see, in fact, every single cheerleader kissing their boyfriends. His shoulders somehow slumped even more, she wasn't lying. She was the only one on the team who had no one to congratulate her.
Eddie for once decided his pride wasn't worth it. He dropped his backpack on the floor, gathering as much courage as his pathetic body could manage. He went to move but stopped when he saw Dustin running to her. Hugging her from behind. He laughed a little as she jumped and screamed. "That fucker and his little crush."
Feeling arms wrapped around her was the last thing she expected. She jumped and screamed as she turned around.
"OMG DUSTIN!" she screamed trapping him in a bear hug. Dustin didn't even care that she was sweaty, hugging her tighter as she hugged him harder.
She looked over Dustin's shoulder to see the rest of hellfire behind him with big smiles.
"holy shit. What are you guys doing here?" She was confused, the campaign in no way could have been finished. Eddie kept them for hours in that room.
She couldn't wipe the smile off of her face though. Her heart is warming, she had people in the crowd that came to see her.
"Eddie was in a bad mood so he cancelled, so Dustin of course said we needed to come watch Lucas but I think he wanted to see you more." Mike joked.
Y/N laughed as Dustin's cheeks flared red.
"that's adorable." She squealed kissing his cheek. His face turned even redder, completely burning.
Y/N wishes that the good feeling lasted a bit longer, because now she realized, hellfire was cancelled, the boys were here, and Eddie wasn't with them.
Dustin knew once he saw the look in her eyes change what she was thinking.
"I think he went to the bathroom." Dustin quickly lied, not wanting to hurt her more with the truth that her boyfriend never showed up.
She nodded fast, not believing a word Dustin said. She knew Eddie, and Eddie did not show up.
"well I have to go change and head home with Chrissy. Thank you guys for coming. It means a lot." She cried happily, throwing them in a group hug. Waving goodbye as she walked to the locker room.
Dustin was racing out of the gym, marching to the parking lot for a specific van.
"did she ask?" Dustin jumped hearing a voice behind him, turning around to see Eddie against the school wall smoking a cigarette.
Dustin marched up and threw it on the ground.
"seriously Eddie? You are out here smoking instead of being with her?"
"I know okay? I was going to go but once I saw how happy she was when you all were there, I feel like I didn't deserve to ruin her moment."
"Eddie you wouldn't have ruined it. You would have made it better. She wanted you there. Now forget your goddamn stupid pride for one second, take out your balls, and make it up to your hot girlfriend that is way out of your league!" Dustin demanded his finger smashing right into Eddie's chest.
If Dustin wasn't saying something so true, Eddie might just have kicked his freshmen ass for talking to him that way.
But he was right, so Eddie nodded and turned to walk back into the school. His backpack was still in the gym so he walked to grab it. Stopping in his place when he saw Y/N searching the gym floor in a panic.
Eddie walked up behind her, the floor creaking underneath his sneakers.
"Chrissy did you find it? I need to find that ring. Eddie is going to kill me." She panicked, searching under every chair.
"I don't think he'd kill you. He definitely deserves to be killed though" He said. Watching her body freeze as she turned to see him standing there.
She stood up fast, dusting off her skirt. She never got to change, once she made it to the locker room she realized the necklace she wore with Eddie's ring on it was gone. The necklace she wore to every game underneath her uniform, just to have him there somewhere.
"I didn't mean to lose it." She panicked
"I don't even know which ring you are talking about. I promise it's not that big of a deal." He tried to make her feel better.
"NO IT IS A BIG DEAL. It's the only thing I have to pretend you are here with me and I need to find it " she demanded, back on her knees searching the floor.
Eddie couldn't believe how much harder each blow got in his gut. It was like watching a bomb destroy every building one by one. He was watching her fall apart more and more, all because of his pride.
He kneeled to the floor in front of her, grabbing her hands to stop her searching.
"I'm here now." He tried
She yanked her hands free
"doesn't matter now Eddie. I'm graduating and will never cheer again. At least now you won't have to listen to me fight to get you here "
He deserved that, he knew he did.
"I'm really fucking sorry." He whispered, sitting across from her.
"whatever Eddie." She said, following his actions. Sitting with her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms tightly against her legs.
"no I mean it. I have been the most shitty boyfriend ever. Hellfire should never have come before you. My pride should have never been more important than you. I fucked up and I fucked up bad, I know that. The second the boys all cheered I cancelled hellfire and went to the game, I realized I was the only one stuck on my words. None of them cared I fell in love with you. They didn't care if you were a cheerleader and that I was a huge hypocrite. It was all in my head. And I should have been here to be there for you. You deserved to feel as special as you did tonight at every game. I made it to the end. I know that doesn't count for anything. But I am so happy my boys were there for you, when I was too proud to be. I don't even deserve you to even think of keeping me around. You should honestly dump me in the most cruel way possible. Slash my tires or something." He joked, smiling on the inside when she laughed, wiping the tears that were falling down her eyes
"but if for some reason you are just as dumb as me, and still allow me to be around you. I would really love to make this up to you." He finished, hand searching for hers once again. This time she didn't move it away.
"I might just be even more dumber than you are because I love you too." She joked, pushing her shoulder against his. He laughed with her, wiping his own tears.
"doesn't mean I forgive you though. You made me feel really shitty and I need some action to back up your words."
"absolutely baby. I totally understand." He said. Relief filling his body, he has one more chance.
"if you are up for it, I have the rest of my night open. Why don't you perform every single routine you came up with for me?" He offered.
A huge smile stretched on her face
"you really want to sit here as I do over like 15 routines?" She laughed
"as long as you keep the outfit on." He winked. Another smack to his shoulder but the way she smiled warmed his heart.
He has a chance to fix it, and he wasn't going to ruin that.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975@ago-godance
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Mary L. Trump at The Good in Us:
Like most Americans, I too want the national temperature to be lowered. I want to see the violent rhetoric to stop. And I want to see our nation unified. But the other side seems to be saying that, in order for that to happen, we’re not allowed to talk about Donal'd’s record of lawlessness, cruelty, and incompetence and we must make concessions to the would-be dictator. On Monday, while Republicans tried to shame their critics into silence by making false and increasingly incendiary claims that it was Democrats who are responsible for creating the context in which Saturday’s shooting took place, we were reminded just how dangerous things will get if Donald wins this election. Today, Aileen Cannon, Donald’s personal pocket judge, took the shocking (but not surprising) and illogical step of dismissing the charges against my uncle. Her behavior since acquiring this case has been abysmal and partisan; she has frequently skated across the line of malpractice. Her repeatedly putting her thumb on the scale in favor of the defense (who am I kidding?—she acted like she was lead counsel for the defense) felt even worse, because we know Donald is guilty. We know he stole our national security documents; we know held them in non-secure locations; and we know he refused to return them. We know these things because we witnessed Donald commit the crimes—and he confessed to them over and over again.
There is no way to interpret Cannon’s decision other than as a political favor from a corrupt judge who, along with the illegitimate super-majority of the Supreme Court (especially Clarence Thomas) is determined to put Donald above the law.
What happened at Donald’s rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday was deeply wrong and un-American. The same can be said of his plans for this country if he’s put in the Oval Office again. We can’t be quiet. We can’t let the side that continues to traffic in violent political rhetoric blame us shame us or scare us into silence. We must continue to sound the warnings—there will be no pivoting to unity and peace. There will only be Donald and his sycophants and enablers being exactly what we have known them to be. This morning, while pundits and columnists were, once again, falling for the promise to pivot to unity, Donald simply couldn’t help himself. In response to Cannon’s horrifying ruling, he called for the “dismissal of ALL the Witch Hunts—the January 6th Hoax in Washington, D.C., the Manhattan D.A.’s Zombie Case, the New York A.G. Scam, Fake Claims about a woman I never met (a decades old photo in a line with her then husband does not count), and the Georgia ‘Perfect’ Phone Call charges.” 
[...] Not long after Cannon’s corrupt gift to him, Donald announced the selection of Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his running mate. If his goal was to pick a hypocritical bully and revanchist sycophant, he could not have made a better choice. Clearly, Vance thinks he’s immune to the kind of consequences suffered by Donald’s former Vice President—you know, the guy who almost got hanged by Donald’s mob—but I’d still suggest that Vance watch his back. Vance is stronger than Pence when it comes to pursuing his own interests, but he’s as transactional as Donald. Pence has very few principles, but on one important days, he had least one when it really counted. Despite the enormous amount of pressure that was brought to bear on him, he showed up to do his job on January 6th. Vance will have no such compunction. If you have any doubts about that, consider his comments to George Stephanopoulos:
“If I had been vice president, I would have told the states, like Pennsylvania, Georgia and so many others, that we needed to have multiple slates of electors, and I think the U.S. Congress should have fought over it from there. That is the legitimate way to deal with an election that a lot of folks, including me, think had a lot of problems in 2020.” Of course, Donald gave this fellow-insurrectionist a promotion.  Jen O’Malley Dillon of the Biden-Harris campaign, put it this way, “[Donald] picked J.D. Vance as his running mate because Vance will do what Mike Pence wouldn’t on January 6: bend over backwards to enable Trump and his extreme MAGA agenda, even if it means breaking the law and no matter the harm to the American people. In other words, Donald didn’t want to take a chance that his new running mate would ever put the country first like Pence did. That’s one more guardrail that no longer exists. 
Mary L. Trump nails it in that we cannot unite around the fascistic and divisive Trump/Vance agenda.
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Felix and Chloe - two sides of the same coin. SEASON 5 SPOILERS AHEAD
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As you may know , MLB is far from a decent show. Poor writing choices are common and most characters are inconsistent. But today I want to talk about two characters , Felix and Chloe . This might be a controversial take but I think Felix and Chloe are two sides to the same coin . Both are quite similar in character and personalities but whereas one character receives hate by the fanbase and is slandered by the writers , the other character is loved and gets rewarded for doing bad things. This post will talk about how MLB introduces unintentional misogyny despite the writers claiming they are feminists. This post will also go in depth to analyze how hypocritical the fanbase is. This is not a Chloe defense post or a Felix hate post. This is a post criticizing the writers and addressing the double standards. 
Felix and Chloe - similarities
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Credits to @drawing2cope on tumblr. Link - https://drawing2cope.tumblr.com/
Despite what most fans may think - these characters have so much in common. First Chloe and Felix were both Adrien’s only childhood friends growing up. Second, both had a cuddly toy. Third , both had one abusive parent , for Chloe it was Audrey and for Felix it was Colt. Fourth , both had one enabling parent , for Chloe it was Andre and for Felix it was Amelie. ( Side note : the difference between Andre and Amelie is that at least Amelie loves her son and only enables him because she wants to show that she cares for him ) Fifth , both were part of the hero team. Sixth , both betrayed the hero team by siding with HM. The key difference is while Chloe failed , Felix succeeded. Both are bad as each other because while Felix seemed to have better motives, he had more control over the situation while Chloe was being manipulated and used.  Felix and Chloe are both essentially two sides to the same coin - both did bad things for different reasons and both had similar relationships with Adrien .
Why Felix receiving a redemption felt wrong . 
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Hot take - Felix character was ruined in Season 5 (and before you delusional Felix fanboys start typing nonsense and sending death threats , read the rest of the paragraph before judging.)  What makes Felix’s character compelling is that he is an anti-hero. He is morally gray and only works for himself. He is on neither Gabe’s or Ladybugs' side. His “ redemption arc” in season 5 came out of nowhere and was badly done. Felix does have potential for a redemption and I am not against it but it would’ve been much better written if his character wasn’t rushed and he was redeemed in later seasons - when he will be an established character. His redemption in season 5 felt poorly written because of how he never proved himself or apologized to Ladybug or faced consequences for his actions. His crimes ranged from SA , assisted terrorism and attempted genocide but only faced consequences for the third crime. Him getting away with his crimes is not a terrible idea if he was portrayed as a villain but since the writers are portraying him to be a hero at the end of S5 , this concept is pretty much ruined. Hopefully , in S6  he turns against the hero team and works with Lila. If you want to read more about my opinions on this Character - please read the post My Thoughts on Felix - anti hero gone wrong on my tumblr.
Double standards of the writers and fanbase
Miraculous ladybug despite being a show that promotes feminism has undertones of misogyny. Felix and Chloe have both done atrocious things - I argue Felix has done worse - but while one person seemingly faces consequences for their actions and is hated by the writers and fanbase , the other character is presented as a tragic hero who doesn’t face punishment and is loved by everyone. Just to make it clear , I am NOT an abuse apologist or a toxic Chloe stan but I can’t just ignore the blatant hypocrisy from the producers.
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The writers - more specifically Thomas - says on his twitter Chloe will never change because her actions are deemed too unforgivable and i quote “ Once a bully always a bully” . He also pretty much confirms Chloe will never be Queen bee saying “ Mean people don’t and will never deserve a miraculous”. This rule doesn’t apply to Felix, he is essentially a tragic character who is 100% innocent and deserves forgiveness and ownership of his miraculous despite being a nasty person. I am not denying he isn’t a tragic character - his abuse under Colt explains his motives which made him a compelling anti - hero but doesn’t excuse them. He is also a child too but compared to Chloe - a more malevolent one. The worst thing Chloe did was paralyze the train driver in Queen Wasp to cause a dangerous situation in which she saves everyone in order to get praise. She had selfish reasons but never had the intention of killing anyone. However the worst thing Felix did was mass genocide in Emotion with the malicious intention on murdering all humans. Both are horrible but it's obvious who is worse.
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Sure he had better motives of freeing his cousin and Kagami while Chloe only thought of herself but he never apologized to Ladybug or proved himself as a good person to her for what he did. When Chloe nearly killed those people , Ladybug tried taking her Miraculous and it was only after she got deakumitized that she apologized to her and gave her miraculous back. Felix by the end of season 5 got to keep his Miraculous despite not saying sorry to Ladybug or proving himself .She faced the consequence of losing her Miraculous while Felix got to keep his. He has been awful committing crimes such as SA , assisted terrorism , genocide , stalking and kidnapping but seemingly doesn’t face punishment for most of his actions. Chloe crimes although still horrid are much less heinous than Felix's. A terrorist and extremist earns sympathy from the writers but a spoiled bully is painted to be the devil and is the only character to face consequences.
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The Double standards the writers have for Chloe are too hard to ignore. Thomas himself mocks a fan who confronts him about the Hypocrisy saying he misinterpreted the show. If Thomas wasn't a hypocrite , he would've answered the question properly instead of ignoring it and mocking the fan . Chloe is no angel too , she bullied Marinette relentlessly, gave her trauma , took over Paris in miracle queen and Revolution, mistreated her friend Sabrina and nearly killed all those people in Paris in Queen Wasp but at least she is held accountable and experienced Karma. Her bullying Marientte causes Adrien to stop being friends with her and her teaming up with HM in Revolution causes Andre to disown her and send her to live with her abusive mother. Felix easily gave Marinette more trauma by exchanging all the miraculous to Monarch and is partly to blame for how Monarch won but Marinette seemingly forgives him and he joins the team. He even gets rewarded with a girlfriend and possession of his miraculous and still doesn't get his Karma. It's so clear the writers favour Felix while Chloe receives the short end of the stick.
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The fanbase is not much better , they slander Chloe, glad she is gone from Paris and sent to live with Audrey because they think she is irredeemable but sympathize with Felix and cheer on when he joins the team. When Chloe does something evil , the fandom label her as Satan and only wishes the worst for her but when Felix also acts in a similar way , the fanbase feel sorry for him and defend him saying he does everything he does to ensure his freedom . The fans say the neglect Chloe received from her mum does not excuse her actions but defend Felix's actions by saying " Colt abused him, He isolated and controlled Felix , Felix is blameless and everything is Colt's fault" . While I agree Colt is horrible , he never told Felix to SA Ladybug or to steal the Miraculous or kidnap Kagami. Why does " past trauma doesn't excuse actions" only apply to Chloe not Felix? The writers think this too sadly by how they demonize Chloe telling the fans parental mistreatment doesn't justify bullying, even having Mylene say in the Derision Flashback
" My mother abandoned me but you don't see me bullying Marinette"
But try justifying Felix's actions with his abusive childhood with the play he acted out in Representation.
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The hypocrisy of the writers are painted as misogyny even if it is not intentional because Chloe is female and is robbed of a redemption while Felix a male is deemed tragic and is given a second chance. Ultimately , both Characters are horrible people but one is portrayed by the narrative as a hero while the other is an irredeemable , oppressive monster who needs to go down
To conclude , Felix and Chloe are two sides of the same coin. Both are terrible people that deserved punishment . While I’d prefer Chloe getting redemption , I understand that at the end of the day not all people change. However Felix's character is poorly done in Season 5 and is redeemed out of nowhere. What annoys me the most is how Hypocritical the fanbase and writers are that Chloe is hated for being a brat and is not redeemed because she doesn’t show remorse while Felix is adored by the fanbase and is given a redemption despite not apologizing to Ladybug or facing any consequences. Again ,this is not a Chloe defense post or a Felix hate post, just me sharing my view on this. I'm surprised the fandom isn't addressing the similarities between these two characters . I cross my fingers that Felix either turns on the team and becomes the villain again or is held accountable in S6 and Chloe at least receives closure and becomes a better person in future seasons. But these are just my opinions. I’m not saying you are not allowed to like Felix or dislike Chloe. Feel free to disagree : ) . Don’t hate the characters , hate the writing .Please stay respectful.
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sageistri · 6 months
Can you please help me with understanding some points?
Today I saw a viminer that was clearly a Jimin anti and I’m so pissed that people claim to stan him just for a clout or because they believe in certain narrative that they have made up by themselves.
Their behaviour is truly hypocritical - she said Jimin has always been careful about lgbt community and v has been always loud about it - “Taehyung gifted Jimin “woman” clothes, so he started accepting himself”. But she never mentions that Jimin called out V for saying that man shouldn’t check selfies, called out members saying that he didnt get why they are so upset about wearing dresses.
But when in one ask someone said that V was being controversial about lgbt - “he called out Jimin for liking man, laughing at his attitude to Jungkook” that girl defended him🤡 like V has always been supportive more than Jimin
Tell me am I right or wrong? Do we have a masterpost about Jimin supporting lgbt or should we make one?
Ok I get this, and it's not like we can ever expect these people to paint him in a good light. The funny thing about how stans use idols or celebs in general talking about or engaging with queer media as proof that they're queer is funny because when you look at someone who's obsessed with queer media or at least wants us to think that they are, it's the straightest person ever. Enjoying a certain type of media doesn't mean you're part of that community, most times queer people engage with and consume straight media more, it doesn't make them less queer.
And I don't understand why we have to prove that Jimin supports LGBTQ.. is he getting an award for his support or does his support cause any significant change in the community?
Also if you ask the average kpop Stan who isn't an army that can't stand the idea of Tae with a woman so they try to convince themselves he's gay because he posted about a wong Kai war movie, to list 10 idols they think could be queer or idols who have helped to break gender stereotypes, Jimin will be the only BTS member on that list.
It reminds me of how armys diagnosed jk as autistic and call him "babygirl" when he would never be the first Idol anyone would think of when they hear the term "babygirl", also how years ago armys and Taehyung stans swore Tae was "unique" because he acted "weird". Everyone wants their fave to be "not like the others", stans and their neverending quest to prove that idols are queer or autistic because they think it makes them unique or because they want to see themselves so bad in the idol even if that idol is anything but.
I think we are past the era when we think someone is gay because they post about gay media. Most BL fans are literally straight women. I'm attracted to women and I consume more straight and mlm media than wlw, it doesn't change my sexuality.
A lot of people think Jimin is queer for reasons that are deeper than these.
Until a few years ago when certain BTS members discovered what the fans wanted to see and what was accepted by their international fanbase, they would literally say the most insensitive things to Jimin about his masculinity, Tae included. That man discovered that fans eat these things up and he's not looked back ever since.
Like I'm not accusing anyone of anything but I just don't think Tae is as close as he is with those wooga squad men and then he's actually queer, or that he could even push anyone to self acceptance. That's like the ultimate "bro club", they are misogynistic and I've heard homophobic too (although I don't know how true that is, I think people just say they are because they give that vibe and I get it). If he's actually queer and oh so forward thinking then being friends with people like that isn't a sign of self acceptance at all in my opinion or maybe wooga squad members are good people in private lol.
I don't think anyone should be making a post to prove that Jimin supports the queer community because he's the last idol that needs that defense.
Jimin has been subjected to homophobi* and transphobi* for years because he's always been himself but of course Tae is more progressive simply because he watched a gay Netflix movie and posted about it on Instagram 😭
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ouatsnark · 5 months
I've seen people compare Hook killing his father, Brennan, to the EQ killing her own dad, Henry 1.
Which, yeah, technically it is the same thing on surface level but I feel like people ignore the circumstances.
EQ apologists will claim that EQ murdering Henry was his own fault because he allowed her to be abused her entire life (which... While I would argue Cora is abusive, I don't really agree with because the man himself never abused Regina and even tried to advocate for her from what I remember) and because he owed it to her so she could be happy.
They then say she made up for it by naming her kid after him (which awww sweet, naming your kid after someone you MURDERED. Isn't that such a nice way to make up for what you did?).
They say his afterlife was too good for him/was given by Regina and he should be thankful he didn't get worse when he was a 'shitty' dad.
But they then turn around and go:
Oh Hook is a MONSTER because he murdered his own FATHER.
They point to the flashbacks in a swan song, ignoring the part where he abandoned them. Saying him lighting the lantern means that he was a good dad and him abandoning them couldn't be helped.
They say his actions didn't parentify Liam 1. They say he was sorry because he named his 3rd son after his first and that should have been enough.
That Hook was an asshole who orphaned his half brother out of jealousy and showed no remorse, ignoring the fact they eventually made up.
I just... don't see how?
The number one thing with Regina apologists is that they HAVE to make Regina into the biggest victim so that they can justify their love and defense of her indefensible crimes. In short, Regina Apologists are the biggest double standard hypocritical losers I’ve ever seen.
They have to insert their head canons about Regina’s childhood, demonize Henry Sr and then lie about Killian’s father, Brennan’s and Killian’s motives, ignore canon instances of Killian’s remorse just to lift up their tyrant queen.
They then come up with these ridiculous reasons to absolve Regina and Brennan of their crimes while ignoring the fact that if we use their logic, Killian should also be absolved of his (if they’d accept canon fact of Killian’s remorse). No, naming a child after your victim doesn’t absolve you of crimes. What good does that do anyone but Regina or Brennan? It doesn’t. The naming was solely for their own benefit.
How is replacing your first born making up for abandoning your children into slavery? Oh and if they say Brennan didn’t have any choice then why does he need to make up for anything? Can’t have it both ways peeps! No, Brennan naming his third son Liam doesn’t mean he is sorry it just means he’s giving himself a second chance and assuaging his own guilt just as Regina did with Henry Jr.
How about the truth: Villain Regina and villain Killian were both monsters for killing their respective fathers? Why can’t we leave it at that? But sure if they want to play the game of which one is worse, well, I have bad news for them. Regina was.
1. Regina murdered an innocent man. Killian killed his scumbag fugitive father.
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Henry Sr was a loving doting father that stood behind Regina no matter what she did. No, Henry Sr did not “allow” Regina to be abused her entire life
Anon is absolutely right when they say Henry Sr did try to advocate for Regina and did his best to stand up to Cora (1x18). Besides. What did they want him to do? She was a powerful dark magic user that could kill him with a snap of her fingers.
I find it interesting that Regina Apologists use the excuse that Regina fixated her revenge on Snow and not Cora because she was afraid of her powerful mother. Like ya wanna think about this for a second, RAs? If you claim that Regina was so afraid of her mother her entire life (even tho she snooped in her desk with no fear etc etc) then do you all think maybe her dad might have been too? What could Henry Sr have done against a powerful wife? He had no powers himself. So if he was scared of Cora, he put Regina before his own fears and stayed for Regina’s sake. He never abandoned her to face Cora alone because no matter what happened at least he could be there for his daughter? Just a food for thought there.
Bottom line was, Henry Sr never abused Regina but he was always there for her, no matter what atrocity she committed, even while she was killing him. So no, adult Regina being abused by her mother over who she marries does not justify murdering the father who loved and supported her and it sure as hell doesn’t justify murdering him so she can get a happy ending and curse an entire kingdom to a life of misery.
It’s like Regina Apologists can’t think past her heaving cleavage.
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Brennan did abandon his kids to slavery and to suggest otherwise is a lie. No, him naming his 3rd son Liam doesn’t make up for his abuse
He may have left a lantern on but that means jack crap the moment he abandoned his children to save his own skin. He had a choice. His choice was to die protecting them or at the least ensuring their own escape at his expense. But he chose to save himself and left his sons to face an unimaginable fate without him. Escaping your crimes and leaving your children to face your consequences is most certainly child abuse, neglect and abandonment.
And just so we are clear: Killian’s feeling of betrayal doesn’t justify leaving his half-brother an orphan. But which crime is more understandable? I can sympathize a lot more with the pain Killian felt in the face of his father’s betrayal than I can with Regina murdering a man so she can destroy the lives of an entire kingdom.
2. Regina committed her crime to destroy the lives of an entire kingdom. Killian’s crime effected three people.
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Regina committed cold-blooded premeditated murder of an innocent man for the sole purpose of ruining the lives of an entire kingdom. Her goal was to punish Snow for a crime she didn't even commit! The only person that Regina was taking into consideration here was herself.
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Killian wasn’t even going to go through with Regina’s test of killing Brennan, a crook and a child abuser, until he learned his half-brother’s name. It became a heat of the moment crime. A crime that only effected three people: himself, his scumbag father and his half-brother.
"You named your boy Liam. After my brother, after the son… you abandoned. Was he really that easy to replace? I saw what you said to him in there! It's the same thing you said to me! It was a lie then, and it's a lie now! … you would leave me." - past Hook 5x11
And despite what Regina Apologists say, Killian didn’t kill Brennan out of jealousy. To frame this as simple as jealousy diminishes the gravity of the situation here and Killian's pain. Put yourself in Killian's shoes for a moment.
You can think Brennan is telling the truth in this scene but I don't blame Killian for not believing him. The man callously left his sons to be enslaved, an act that eventually led to his beloved brother’s death, and here he finds out that his father has simply replaced his brother with a new son. When faced with this, Killian's walls go back up.
Brennan naming his son Liam was not an apology. It was to assuage his own guilt and give himself a second chance. Brennan claims he was honoring Liam 1, and maybe he thought he was, but it doesn't mean that Liam 2 wasn't a replacement for the sons he abandoned.
Lastly, it's a lie to say Killian never showed remorse.
The fact that he made Regina swear never to speak of this shows how immensely guilty and wrecked Killian was over this.
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He was also willing to die for Liam 2. Even in the past, he wanted to help his brother turn from the path he was on and not make the same bad choices he'd made. If Henry hadn't returned, Killian was ready to let Liam have his vengeance.
So I have some questions for the Regina Apologists:
If Henry Sr is a shitty father and doesn’t deserve an afterlife for not being able to protect his adult child from his powerful wife, then what does Regina deserve for emotionally abusing the son she illegally adopted and putting her curse and her happiness before his welfare? And yes, she abused Henry. Yes, she is to blame for how she treated him. This isn’t up for debate.
How is naming a child after your victim showing remorse and making up for the act? but Killian Jones can’t be forgiven when he actually expresses remorse and was willing to die for his half-brother and made peace with Liam (as Anonymous pointed out in the ask)?
if being a coward that didn’t stand up to someone more powerful means you don’t deserve happiness in the afterlife then what should murdering, raping and abusing children get you? Yeah, Regina did that.
So please answer the question Regina Apologists!
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One Insulting, Sappy Harris Speech Who would have thought that Harris all this time, over the last three and a half years, was not really an incumbent, but instead simply a fresh new and relatively unknown face (“Forward!”)? Did anyone know that the “newcomer” Harris always has been a pro-Israel hawk, a pro-defense budget hawk, a crime fighterhawk, and (along with Tim Walz) a China hawk? And even an Iran hawk, no less? (Did Harris simply ask her staff to find the 10 most important issues in the polls, and then find Trump’s positions on them, and then simply appropriate his?) But her most shameless moment was her transmogrification into a border hawk—this from the co-architect of a destroyed border that has let in 10-million illegal aliens who have wrecked the budgets of dozens of big cities and who are complicit in the importation of fentanyl that kills 100,000 Americans and have fueled a violent crime wave. Apparently, we, the people, whom Harris thinks are clueless, stupid, and amnesiac, must never ask her, “When have you ever before said or supported such things? And why did you not say or do such things when you were the second most powerful person in the United States over the last four years? And since you are currently still Vice President serving a debilitated and vanished President, why not do all of these things right now—given you have almost six months left on your term?" And who, contra Harris’s allegations, would have ever thought that Trump was responsible for Putin invading Ukraine when his administration (2017-2020) was the only one in four over twenty years (2004-2024) in which Putin never invaded a foreign country? So, rarely have we seen such a narcissistic and hypocritical rant as Harris’s acceptance speech. She, like most of the convention’s speakers, introduced herself to us with the anticipated victim “story” and “journey” (as if no one else in America has had a uniquely challenging story and uniquely good parents). (And haven’t we been told almost every detail of the Harris story previously by her sister, by her husband, and by herself?) She lectured us on the dangers of Trump who, she lied,  supposedly sent an “armed mob” to the Capitol (not a single one of the hundreds arrested in the Capitol was found to be carrying a firearm). In truth, Trump had no relationship with Project 2025 as she alleged. Then she claimed that Trump tried to bail out/release these supposedly dangerous rioters—this from the rebel rouser who tweeted out appeals to bail out immediately violent rioters arrested in the looting and arson of Minneapolis, May 2020. Talk about incitement! All this comes from the firebrand who shouted on national television that the already violent rioters in Washington DC should not stop (“They’re not going to stop, and everyone, beware. Because they’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop before election day in November, and they are not going to stop after election day. And everyone should take note of that on both levels.”). As for our future, she said nothing about her previous support for “snatching” patents, her mandatory buybacks of guns, her prior opposition to fracking, abolishing ICE, single-payer only government health care, price controls, fining corporations over gender equity, raising corporate tax rates, a wealth tax, a tax on unearned gains, and packing the court. What happened to those once vibrant advocacies? As for abortion, Donald Trump was pilloried in the primaries by conservatives for being too liberal on the issue. He always said leave it up to the states in accordance with Roe vs. Wade; no ban on abortion in instances of rape and incest; but a ban on late-term, partial-birth abortions in which a baby’s life is ended as it enters the world. He has never supported a national abortion ban, nor copied Project 2025’s abortion views.
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Your responses to the Stolas/Blitzo debate are… odd. I agree that Stolas is being hypocritical, overly judgmental, unfair, and ignorant of his own behavior- but isn’t that the point of the show? Blitzo’s also messing up in a lot of ways, he takes jokes/insults too far, he has problems respecting boundaries, he’s acting unfairly aggressive and apathetic. But that’s the whole point of the show, isn’t it?
We are only halfway through season 2 of a 3-4 season show, which means we still have sooo much further to go in the story. Therefore, of course the characters are still flawed. If Stolas and Blitzo were perfect and weren’t being flawed the story would be flat and boring- or if Blitzo was the only one making mistakes. Then there would be no show to watch, no?
Also, I feel like, if Blitzo’s allowed to be ignorant, narcissistic, and intentionally hurting others due to his insecurities, trauma (like being overly rude bc he’s defensive, disrespectful of boundaries) AND he’s allowed to make mistakes on his path to healing and redemption-
then so isn’t Stolas? Stolas also had a hard upbringing and an abusive marriage, so there’s many things he flawed in (like expressing proper intimacy, or properly self-reflecting). He’s not as far as Blitzo right now in his journey to be better but he will get there- as Vivzie has said herself. There’s still AT LEAST one and a half more seasons, in which will contain Stolas’s self reflection.
This is also why I think you might have the perspective that the SHOW itself sets Blitzo up as the bad guy. Because 1. Anyone with proper media literacy can also see Stolas’ flaws but more importantly 2. The show is about Blitzo, and at the moment is focused on Blitzo. Therefore we are seeing every side of him, the good the bad and the ugly. We haven’t entirely begun Stolas’ arc (we’ve like… dipped our toes) and thus the show isn’t putting a main focus on anything about him- his mistakes OR his healing. But those things will start to unravel as this season goes on and into the next season.
If you have the opinion that the FANDOM hates on Blitz? Well I can’t really help that, besides saying idk what side of the fandom you’re on. My side very much stays in the middle and admits they are both wrong.
I just feel you’re being too harsh on Stolas and aren’t really seeing the show for what it really is: HALF of a story about two equally flawed individuals.
You think I'm too harsh. I will be even harsher. The reason why I am harsh on Stolas is because the crew doesn't realize how much Stolas is fucked up as a person and how realistically in life Blitzo would get the heck out of their with that crystal and leave. Yep, no being gaslighted into a relationship based on a facetious grand gesture but just leave that unapologetic bird. The guy said he was trying to make things right but he never properly apologized nor showed he truly understood the gravity of power he had on Blitzo. Also most of all he doesn't understand how condescending and bigoted he was and even when Blitzo spells it out the doubles down and claims Blitzo is the bigoted one. It's projection on his part and shows he still hasn't learned anything while pretending he is. The problem is he doesn't have he narrative harshly hold him accountable. It doesn't try to correct his behavior but gives him new excuses to feel sorry for him as we groan at the narrative's favoritism towards him and how supposedly he's actually this great guy despite that erasing all of season one. Sorry, but Stolas is worse and the show refuses to admit it because they have fallen so in love with him. Also the guy should expect to instantly be forgiven and be sympathetic for it. That is what shows Bojack called out for which is feeling entitled to forgiveness after you didn't do anything to try to properly heal those around him while Blitzo gets wrecked for the same thing. The show is hypocritical on who it wants to punish and who it wants to reward. And it's rewarding a abuser who thinks he's the victim.
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opinated-user · 7 months
LO try not to villainise her victims challenge (impossible)
what a fun little game! can i play?
How to spot a smear campaign: Victims’s “crimes” will be enlarged, and even if they’re small missteps, they will be treated as if only the worst person on the planet would do such a thing
(like when Lizzy "made" LO to kick a bowl of soup into her lap by completely accident and that was turned into Lizzy somehow being abusive when she cried about it later? like when Courtney having common behavioral symptons for children who suffered CSA got turned into him being a "child molester"? like how he became a murderer in LO's posts for defending himself from a woman who attacked him? how about that time that LO bragged about beating Courtney 15 times in the stomach, because that is something she thinks is worth bragging about, got turned into Courtney threatening with a meatl tenderizer?)
Accusations against the victim will always be a reach, aka, they did ‘this little thing’ but it actually means they’re a racist/murderer/genocide supporter/fascist/have blood on their hands, even when the person’s actions never conformed to those crimes
(oh, like when LO called EssenceOfThought, a leftist transfemme, a terf for months because she dared to make video calling her out? like when she implied that P must be lying about her being a therapist and how it was "ominous" that she had a child, before anyone had any reason at all to suspect she was anything but a normal parent? like when she calls us hypocrites, supporter of child molesters and murderers of babies? like when she calls anyone who disagrees with her nazis? oh, do you remember too when LO spend hours arguing with an anon that was racist and transphobic only to treated them as if they were Lizzy? i do.)
All and any actions of the victims will be misenterpreted in the worst possible way, anything the person does will be taken as an offense and intentions will be read as hostile and manipulative, regardless of how clear they are
(like how Courtney not showing receipts for cat food means that he's scamming the people who donated to his kofi? something that is totally comparable to dishonestly using the 2000+ USD donated to you in order to buy a desk and then lied about when you had that event to pretend that desk was before it, of course. or do you mean like how he was talking about how, as a grown adult, he reasoned that your stories about being molested as a child are probably true got turned into "6 year old Courtney knew i was being abused and did nothing to stop it, she's to blame for everything that happened to both of us"? like how Brittany and other expressed concerned over you publishing the pictures of the health hazard your wife is still leaving in, but you turned all of that into them somehow blaming MO for it? like how you keep projecting that we're scared of you just because we abreviate your name?)
All victim’s actions will be taken out of context; ie, victim said something cruel to someone, but they take out the context of the victim being abused, threatened, tortured, forced into defense mode and finally attacking out of desperation to defend themselves and get free
(oh, just like Brittany having issue with her roomates and venting about it on her blog like any normal person would, got turned into somehow she not knowing how to deal with people! or do you mean like how you claim now that Brittany got a restriction order by her ex and almost drove her over with a car, completely ignoring that the first is a total made up lie and the second was completely taken out of context? or maybe how LO used for months one single phrase that Lizzy said with no context as her evidence that she was an abuser all along? or do you mean how Courtney totally threatened your life, but you left out the part in which your incest grooming of him had bothered him enough to react violently with the hope that maybe you could stop talking about how much you want to date your sister in front of third parties.)
The victim will commonly get provoked into giving a bad reaction, (anyone gets defensive if they’re accused of the crimes they never did, or simply triggering insults until they snap), and the reaction will become the new ‘proof’ that the victim is in fact, evil and guilty
(remember when Courtney had a violent reaction upon finding out that one of his abuser had a platform and responded by being transphobic? it doesn't matter that Courtney is out there defending the identity of LO. it doesn't matter that Courtney admits that was wrong of him and should have never done that. it doesn't matter that he has never misgendered LO once. it matters that she did it once and therefore he'll always be transphobic, and anyone who support him is transphobic, and clearly there's no other reason to dislike LO if isn't transphobia! or do you mean when you used all the mental issues and struggles of Patch against him as a reason why nobody should listen to him, especially not about the financial abuse you submitted him to?)
A lot of pressure will be put on you to react ‘correctly’ to the smear campaign; if you don’t accept to demonize this person at once, you’re getting scrutinized, shamed for your lack of morality, told that you support all these horrid things and that you are just as despicable
(oh, like how when Lizzy finally spoke up about LO cheating on her multiple times and sexually coercing her into doing things she didn't want, and only then LO pivoted into saying that Lizzy was a sexual abuser and a rapist all along! wait no, this one goes in the first. but anyway, how about everytime Courtney says anything and a minor happens to interact with that post? but it's okay when LO does it, obviously!)
You will notice a trend of people ganging together based on their demonization of the victim; they will set a standard where you’re accepted and welcome if only you also will demonize and hate this person, and if you don’t, you’re blocked, cast out, and accused of causing harm
(oh, right, exactly as LO did to KP the second she started asking questions about Courtney instead of accepting blindly whatever story LO decided to go about it)
It will feel very easy to accept to demonize this person, and going against it will feel risky, like going against the grain, doubting the word of the many and risking being demonized yourself.
(more KP examples insert here)
The smear campaign continues all the way until the victim is chased out of the community and denied a voice, even if the victim commits no further crimes, awful things will be said about them, their past ‘misdeeds’ continually brought up, until the victim is commonly believed to be worthless, and becomes completely isolated, scared of society and alone
(LO literally bringing up Courtney burning her pokemon cards when they were children as proof that Courtney was an abusive monster all along. or how Courtney fighting with her in general as children gets turned into more abuse. but when LO brags about beating the shit out of him, that's not abuse, that's just how children are!)
There will be no limit to what is considered okay to do to the victim of a smear campaign; even if the victim is accused of minor bad behaviour, it will become okay to threaten, insult, shout slurs, trigger, provoke, humiliate, manipulate, and repeat any kind of abusive behaviour to the victim, all because ‘they’re bad so they deserve it’.
(like how LO threatened to release the nudes of Lizzy to the public? like she keeps inventing new and boring insults to call us with? slurs? already done that, but you said that was censored so you, LO, have decided alone that was fine actually. LO has continously lie about things anyone can confirm)
People leading the smear campaign will switch between being ‘extremely grossed out and enraged’ to showing absolute joy and satisfaction when they find a new reason to demonize and smear the victim. People truly horrified of someone’s actions do not get a leap of joy when a new disaster happens, they’re not beside themselves to abuse the perpetrator all over again.
(oh, like when LO was so happy to keep publishing asks with archives of Courtney's old post that demostrated what a monster he was? or maybe like LO admitting that she only uses extremely serious situations about incest in order to spite people who read her blog=)
It will never, ever be acceptable to show any mercy to the victim. Forgiveness is out of the question, trying to understand them is out of the question. Even reading or listening to what this person is saying will be banned and forbidden, unless it’s for humiliating purposes. They will be shown as absolutely irredeemable, and associating yourself with them as evil and unforgivable. You will be instructed to block or unfollow or report the person based on what you’re told, without any significant proof.
(i decide to count here LO outright refusing to ever admit that Courtney went through any kind of abuse, even at the hands of her older brother, something that does actually nothing for her. the brother that, btw, not that long ago was using transphobic insult against her and never apologized for it anyway, but it's evil when only Courtney does it even if he does apologize.)
Do not fall for smear campaigns. If a large amount of people all agree that a person is the worst, but their story is exaggerated, out of context, sounds fictional, and doesn’t show any proof, and the people switch from being enraged to eager, doubt it. Participating in a smear campaign will help the abusers isolate and abuse someone, and you do not want to be a part of it. They will also smear anyone who stands up to their abuse, so you’re helping the abusers to create a place where pointing out abuse gets you cast out of the community.
(what a good article, LO. i'm sure this doesn't apply to you at all! because you have so much evidence and proof for everything you accuse everyone of being or doing, right? you have all the evidence unlike us, don't you? you always provide the entire context and never, ever, misrepresent, lie or forget to mention key details into anything... even if your target is a literal 6 year old child.)
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skrunklowumbo64 · 6 months
DISCLAIMER: Don't engage with a toxic user that's being called out, just block, report, ignore, & move one.
Remember when I made a public apology for making a callout tweet about a certain Tumblr group of IDW Sonic critics (a certain fox was one of them) on Twitter like roughly 2 years ago?
Yeah, I was in good terms afterwards, but a year later, when I randomly saw the edgy sadist fox man wishing death on a comic book writer showing up in my personal Twitter timeline, I took my apology back from him (plus some of his associates overtime) & gave my two cents about it.
The reason why he wished death on a comic book writer was because the satanically evil boogiestans were harassing & doxing his friend who had cancer. You know the old saying, 2 wrongs don't make it right. This isn't the only toxicity thing he has done & I got several evidence to show below.
CW/TW: Excessive Slurs, Bigotry, SH, & SA
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Plus archived links to his Twitter & Tumblr accounts.
There are way more than what are shown in the images & I can't expect to find them all. Several or so of them are from a few years or nearly a decade ago, but it does prove that he's always been an heartless irredeemable sadist, even before IDW Sonic existed & before you pull that "years ago" defense card, his behavior hasn't changed for the better, like these for example (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11).
What do I think about him?
He's overly smugged, to a point of being arrogant.
He gets overly insecure whenever, for example, any Sonic game gets any criticism &/or negative opinions from people who're either fans of Sonic or not.
Most of his "critiques" are in bad faith.
He has extreme accusatory behavior (I.E. He accuses people of hating Sonic & not playing the games for daring to like anything non-game Sonic related, getting things about Sonic wrong, & making AU fan fics that differs from the games).
He has a habit of blocking anyone over the most pettiest things (I.E. Anyone using the term, Mobius, being told to calm down, people liking transgender Bridget, people liking SnapCube & Team 4 Star (he also wants them banned over it), etc.).
He constantly relies on ad-hominem attacks & vulgar insults whenever he talks to anyone he doesn't agree with, either directly or behind their backs by screenshotting their posts then posting them in his clique chamber to complain about it or both.
He's got this obnoxious Anti-WokeTuber vibes going on despite claiming to be against bigotry.
He gets easily butthurt over people enjoying any non-gaming media or anything in general of not just Sonic, but also Kirby, Castlevania, Dragon Ball, TMNT, & more as well.
He's a massive hypocrite, like for example, he hates anyone making & enjoying non-canon Sonic material while he's faving/making rule 34 fan art & fan fics involving sonic characters voring each other or any other fetishy things (which are also non-canon material).
If you're wondering if I'm aware about his certain questionable fan fics & favs, I knew already cuz I was the one that caused a chain-reaction on Twitter in the first place by randomly DMing some one rando about it & I honestly wish they shouldn't bring it up whenever they argue with said fox. If you want me to talk about what I think of this Dwai guy nowadays, maybe, but not right now.
How do you think I found out? I just googled the username, checkout their account on some furry site, & went to their profile from some controversial bunny site that's publicly shown on their profile bio out of morbid curiosity. Before you ask, I don't have an account on that controversial bunny site & never will.
My reaction to said content on there was disgust & uncomfortable. I hardly engage with those UCP addict types cuz they're not the most pleasant people to talk to & they're always predictable.
Did you know that he was banned on Twitter seven times, plus all tweets made before 2023 aren't searchable & apparently his first 6 bans had something to do with involvement with you know what? If you're morbidly curious about it, examples here. Remember, don't waste your time trying to argue about it.
The more I see toxicity from him, the more I having trust issues increased & regret making an apology to him, to a point where I think he's too FUBAR to deal with.
If he sees this, he's gonna be like, "TWEEGARD ZNOHVWEHK!", "MUH VWEE ZPEECH/VWEE KONTWEE!", "DOT TEEL MEE WAT 2 DOO!", "PEEOHWEETON!", "KOHTIZT!" "VWEEN/EYEDEEDUBBAHEW STAEN!", "CHUHZT SEH YOO HEHT SAWNIK GEHMZ & GOH!", "YOO HEHT MEE CUZ I KWEETESEYEZD VWEEN!", "CHUHZT PLEH DA GEHMZ!", "SWAENDOHAHR!", "STAHKR & HOHWAZZAHR!" the no you card, strawmanning, "At least I don't (Insert whatever bad thing the stans did)!", ad-hominem attacks, the "Stans are being mean to me!" sob stories, the whataboutisms, screenshotting then whine &/or being smugged about me in his clique-ish echo chamber, & more, guaranteed.
If you're saying I made this because of that one argument or whatever, I always had issues with him before it, not because of different opinions, but because he's the most insufferable individual to talk to due to his arrogant, nihilistic, cuss-happy, & creepy nature regardless if it's about Sonic or not.
For those who're about to ask me to make more callout posts about the people associated with him, I'm not interested & please don't beg me into making them.
If you also have issues with him, share your thoughts here, it also doesn't just have to be about IDW Sonic or Sonic general.
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vaicomcas · 1 year
Justice for Godstiel
Call it revisionist history, call it propaganda. This is what I think about Godstiel and his deeds-- the thousands he killed in heaven, and other killings on earth as well as miracles he performed. it was presented as him becoming the big bad that had to be put down but that's SPN gaslighting.
Consider Cas had been fighting a civil war. Just because Raphael was killed, should we expect all of heaven to suddenly submit to him?
Apocalypse was considered God's will for millennia; Castiel claimed it was not God's will but never provided any evidence for that. It was really just his word, his conscience. Wouldn't most of the angels, who according to the show live in a very conservative and authoritarian society, be firm and sincere believers of apocalypse themselves? Anybody who has any knowledge of an authoritarian society know that it can only be successful because it makes at least a large fraction the members into true believers.
There were clearly layers of leadership in heaven; we saw Zachariah talk to the drunk in the bar implying he was one of the "middle management"; Bartholomew talked about their "superiors" implying there were many. With Raphael's death, there should be plenty of high level angels in his camp who can step in to lead.
From 1-3, it is almost certain that the civil war wouldn't have ended at 6x22, that Castiel needed to finish it in order to really stop apocalypse. Thousands may have to be killed because they were hell-bent on destroying the world.
In fact, I would go further than that. I already posted about my hc that when angels encounter a God-level threat like Amara, they use collective smiting. Why wouldn't the apocalypse-supporters use that on Castiel? I believe they did, I believe that's contributed to Castiel's deterioation because he was damaged by it, and I believe Castiel killed the thousands in self-defense.
On earth, he killed many by punishing who he saw as hypocrits and sinners; and he performed miracles such as healing lepers. Let's put aside the morality of his killings (KKK, homophobes, oppressors of the poor... I can concede that not all of the killings were justified but some are). He was trying to bring goodness and justice to the world.
Do you now what I find amazing about 6)? On the surface it was Cas mimicking God, doing with he thought God should do (punish the bad and save the innocent). The thing is, God made angels do those things. Castiel did it all on his own. This tells me two things. One, he didn't have support in heaven. The angels didn't share his mission and his conviction. Two, he didn't force the angels to do his bidding despite his god-like powers. He didn't turn them into "angels of the lord" or "heaven's terrifying weapon." He didn't. He respected their free will.
Castiel's creepy demeanor of speaking as the "father" and "you will profess your love unto" me? Just him having no idea how to be God, so had to copy what he thought how God should behave.
In Summary, Godstiel did nothing wrong and was really the better God.
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 1 year
I'll start this by saying you can ignore this ask if it's too annoying bc valid
but I just saw some absolutely bullshit takes when I was scrolling through mdzs posts
some people claimed that:
- jin guangyao and wei wuxian are the same and both killed for revenge so if wwx isn't evil then jgy can't be either (I- excuse me??)
- jgy did so much good for people and wwx just........ saved some wens (lmaoo???)
- jgy killed nmj out of self defense (ok so why did he keep coming back and acting nice playing/poisoning him for probably weeks if not months then????????)
- (this one is just crazy) wang lingjiao was just some poor commoner woman who couldn't fight back so wwx is awful for what he did to her
I'm sorry am I the crazy one here because these takes sound straight up INSANE to me like did the people who wrote it read the same novel I did??
"wwx stans are so hypocritical how can they say my baby's evil while they stan this cruel murderer who doesn't let his corpses reincarnate :((((" bitch????
I'm fairly new to the fandom and I can be wrong so can you tell me if I'm missing something (I doubt that i do tbh) but you seem very sensible and I just needed to get it off my chest
I'm not even saying people can't enjoy characters that are evil/morally gray bc some of my faves from other works are just that... but if you have to pretend these characters are some saints who didn't deserve what they got and drag down the main character just because you're salty then I don't think you like your "fave" all that much tbh
I hope you don't mind me ranting in your askbox, if you read my message then thank you for your time! Have a nice day! (I hope I didn't ruin it too much haha)
Hello anon! No I don't mind at all for this, rant away if you need to as I make my inbox open for it.
As to the idea that Wei Wuxian are similar, in terms of their status they had been born to, yes. But that's about as much of their similarity as they get. Just as how Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji are literary mirrors due to similarities in circumstance, but not mind or ideals. Yes, Wei Wuxian did kill in revenge, but he never denies this. He fully admits to this unlike Jin Guangyao, who continues to say he had no choice but to kill those that wronged him. The difference there is that, Wei Wuxian had been tortured, his guardians killed cruelly, his own sect almost was decimated by the ones he killed. Where as with Jin Guangyao, he killed many that endangered his political position or, verbally insulted him in some way. Between the two one's actions of revenge was foremost for the ones that had been wronged. For Jin Guangyao it was concerning his own ego.
Jin Guangyao never did anything for the common people. We are told several times in story that Lan Wangji, and the Lans are the outliers for this sort of thing. The watchtowers are nothing more than a repainting of the Wen's Advisory Offices and keep in mind, it was still under the approval of Jin Guangshan that they even were created. From a Jin Guangyao who wanted to please his father foremost. He also burned down a brothel of prostitute women, where in that, shows he cares for commoners of his own background?
A scum of a person, can be human and sympathetic, but it does not change that they themselves are in the end selfish, cruel and manipulative. That's what makes them terrifying, they use that sympathy to cause more hurt. Wei Wuxian never holds others hate of what he had done as unfair, just that he would not take rebuttal for what he never did and stands by what he did. Jin Guangyao never takes any sort of responsibility towards the ones he drags into his schemes and continues to say he needed to with no sympathy for the ones who had been innocent, saying that he should be the one pitied and forgiven.
You can like and enjoy an evil, just don't paint it as a saint when that is what the very work is against and criticizing. We are told that Wei Wuxian is meant as an ideal of morality, who this is still argued about and he is labeled "morally grey" and "just as wrong as the others" is just wrong from a literary and plot point of the book.
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housefinches · 22 days
What is wrong with you calling someone who said their suicidal abusive? This whole situation never involved you and you just had to make it worse
i don't know who you are so i don't know how much you know about this whole thing but the people involved were once some of my closest internet friends. we talked nearly daily for over a year. even if that wasn't the case though they made this more than just an interpersonal conflict when they made multiple mean spirited posts about someone who i still consider a very close friend of mine. anyways, this is what i said:
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and then when dean defended those actions by saying they just happened to say it in a public server that digby just happened to be in i added this:
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and i stand by what i said!! while i definitely don't think az is an abuser or that he abused digby in their relationship i 100% think that claiming that someone shouldn't have broken up with you because of your mental health is an abusive way to think about relationships. no one should ever be made to stay in a relationship that they are unhappy with! and digby isn't some schemeing villian because he ended a relationship at a time that wasn't ideal for the others in it. it sucks and it's a devestating thing to go through but before any of the posting there was no bad guy here.
i know that many of my followers came from deans audience and so you all may not agree with me but i really implore you guys to take a step back and think about what really happened here and whether or not you think it's right for someone to post the way dean has about all this. i don't think he's a bad person but i do think he has a tendency to handle these types of things very publicly and very immediately before he's had time to reflect and grieve and at this point in my life that isn't something that makes me feel comfortable in a friendship.
obviously im no saint, i probably shouldn't have said anything (it's hypocritical to say that things should be kept offline and then be sending people combtaive anons, i get it) but seeing someone that i care deeply about being bashed with no one coming to his defense is hard and in an impulsive moment i had really been hoping i could make them see that this isnt the way to be going about things.
anyways i will be trying to practice what i preach, if you want to say anything to me about any of this put it on this post, i won't be engaging with anything else.
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