#him again since. and the first time is probably only cuz Tammy died …
mintmentos · 6 months
Devastated that Cal’s monogamous he started crying because he loved Tammy too much to kiss Sol :(
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shi-daisy · 5 months
Family Ties
Day 5 for our cutie! Today on the agenda we have some slight sadness with brotherly stuff, cuz if Dorevan got his time with Tammy so is Ciaran these three are my babies! Can fall into both Threads & Daisies continuity or as part 1 of a twoshot with tomorrow's entry. I hope you like!
Tamlin Week 2024- Day 5- Shapeshifter
Family Ties
"Well, you're fluffy." Ciaran said as he studied his baby brother's form.
Tamlin was dizzily woobling around as he realized he now had paws, fur, and antlers. His unique shifter form was widely diffrent from Ciaran's who was an atropomorphic bird.
"What am I?"
"You look like a bear with antlers, your face is wolflike and so is your tail. I guess you could be counted as a chimera.
Nevermind that. You shifted perfectly on your first try, it's a sign of power."
"Oh thanks!"
He didn't mean it as a compliment. But the second Evergreen brother was too tired to argue with the wobbling little beast. He shifted back to his normal self, and sat on a bench.
As if it wasn't bad enough to compete with Dorevan's strength, now the little one had loads of power too. Well, at least if he didn't get the court he could fuck off to Summer and...No, not until their monster of a father was dead. He wouldn't put his mate at risk like that.
Ciaran took out his pipe and smoked, only then did he see Tamlin, slowly shifting back to normal and walking towards him. "Mama says you shouldn't smoke."
"Mama's not here."
His hazel eyes fell on Tamlin. It was unusual for such a young child to show such power, he prayed their father didn't break him too early. He and Dorevan were already loss causes.
'I need something stronger to wash this away.'
He raised an eyebrow at the nickname. "What is it?"
"How come no one else can shift like us?"
Ciaran picked him up and placed him in his lap. "It's the Evergreen family's power. Since the beginning of this family line we've all been able to shift into creatures of our choosing, along of course with a form unique to us. The trade off...It's unstable magic. You gotta be careful, little one. We...We are all struggling with it."
"Oh...Are you well?"
"Fuck no kid. Never."
Tamlin leaned into his brother's hold. "Can I help?"
"Doubt it...Just be good to mom. Be a good person. Be better than me."
Tamlin looked up at him, hazel on emerald green. He smiled at that little face. "You're good! Being better would be hard."
Ciaran exhaled the smoke upwards as if not to hurt Tamlin. "You're still so fucking naive, kiddie...If Dorevan gets the court, I'll have to take with me to Summer. Roxxanne will spoil you rotten."
"Nevermind, just know I'll get you out of here when we're able."
"Okay! Thanks Cece!" Tamlin said as he yawned and fell asleep on his brother's lap.
Ciaran was hoping his younger brother forgot this conversation as he grew older. He'd likely never live it down. Still he'd keep his promise regardless of remembrance.
In the end, he couldn't keep the promise. He died before Tamlin, he died the same day as their sorry excuse for a father did. So the little one took the crown.
Soon after, his beloved followed and he reincarnated with her. In every lifetime they were together, and the memories of the once Ciaran Evergreen were gone, still a pull brought this now gold songbird to fly to Spring.
His dear Roxy would guard their Summer nest, all while he visited the desolate court and the creature that seemed hold a connection to. Many whispered in Summer of the fallen Lord of Spring, but this didn't look like a lord. He was a golden furry beast, always shifted and alone.
Ciaran jumped until he was face to face with the creature sleeping in the floor, emerald eyes opened for a moment to look at him. He was puzzled and tired, but still smiled.
"Heh, you look like my brother..." He muttered before falling asleep again.
Ciaran tilted his head, they couldn't be related, the High Lord was probably confused. Still, he decided to take a rest.
He jumped over the man's head, it was fluffy. Ciaran got into position and decided to take a small nap.
They both felt somewhat safer in that slumber.
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