#heyyyyy jen
eusuntgratie · 2 years
gonna post tomorrow’s kinktober in a bit bc my brother-in-law is crashing in our hotel room so i won’t have an opportunity to post before post-wedding festivities and catching our flight tomorrow.
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slytherinshua · 1 year
heyyyyy!!!! Long time no see, stranger ;) hru?
emily!! i'm doing good hru!! it's been so long since we talked 😭 btw do u want me to keep using your jen moot tag or switch it to emily now?? <33
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wonieleles · 1 year
hi jen !! how are you ^_^
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stellarstarcelios · 10 months
Five Nights at Freddy's AU | FNaF 1: Child's Play - Chapter 3
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Heyyyyy, guys! Welcome back!
Here's the next chapter, where Mike stands up for himself!
Pizza divider I used can be found here!
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The sound of Mike’s old red pickup truck coming into the parking lot broke the silence around Freddy Fazbear’s pizzeria. The night guard parked a few spots away from the entrance, not that far from Mr. Jonston’s car, before turning off his truck and climbing out. He seemed a little more on edge than he usually was outside the pizzeria. But then again, this was the night he was going to try and actually talk to the animatronics, rather than try to keep them out of his office. 
To be truthful, Mike was terrified. He had no idea if this would actually work. If this surprised the robots enough to stop them for a bit, Mike doubted they would stop completely. Those animal robots seemed to be out for his blood half the time, and the man was deathly afraid of what would happen if this didn’t work. He knew Jennifer would be by herself with no job, no way to support herself, and Mike would be gone from her life.
He didn’t want that for her. He wanted to live for more than just his own self preservation. 
He wanted to live.
Mike shook his head as he turned away from his truck. He could do this. The night guard could do this. He had looked death in the eyes with these animatronics before, and he wasn’t going to just lay down and die like a wounded animal. The man had to show them who the human was around here.
Mike made his way towards the doors, meeting his boss and getting the keys from him as he always did. The night guard watched Mr. Jonston drive away after getting into his car, and he hesitated to turn back towards the pizzeria for a second. “...What if this doesn’t work,” he thought aloud. “What if they don’t even hesitate to… to kill me? They’ve tried to do that for a year now, and… and I…”
The human shook his head. There was no reason to think about that now. He and Jennifer rehearsed what he was going to do, some of the things he was going to try to say. He couldn’t just take their abuse. Mike was going to stand up for himself.
Taking a deep breath, the night guard turned, opened the door, and locked it behind him. He didn’t even take a second to look up at the animatronics or the room in front of him. He rushed to his office, already feeling like he was being watched by the three on the stage.
“Here we go,” he whispered to himself. “Jen, I hope this works. If not… I’m sorry.”
Mike tapped on the tablet to see through the camera in front of the stage, and he felt himself beginning to tremble. Nothing had happened for about an hour now, and it was nerve racking, to say the least. The night guard hadn’t expected the animatronics to be on the stage and out of the halls for as long as it had been. They hadn’t moved an inch from their spots.
Mike found himself setting down his tablet and taking deep, shuddering breaths. He closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. “Why haven’t they moved at all,” he asked himself. “They’re usually more active by this point. This doesn’t make sense…”
Mike heard a noise, and after leaning up from his chair, he opened his eyes–
He scrambled out of his chair with wide eyes and a loud shout, bumping into the back wall of the office.
What Mike saw for only a moment made his heart thunder in his chest. It looked like Freddy, it did, but it was sitting in the corner near the left hallway entrance. It looked limp with arms on the ground and its head tilted to the side, mouth agape.
But it was a golden yellow color. One so far removed from Freddy’s color in the dim light of the office. And those eyes… they were black with small white lights in the middle.
Mike closed his eyes out of terror, only to see flashes of white words under his lids. A static sound, louder than anything he had heard over the phone, rang in his ears. Mike’s breathing picked up and he could see the words in his vision.
“IT’S ME.” 
The human shouted out of panic and opened his eyes… 
Only for the visions, the noise, and the Freddy clone to be gone.
There was a dreadful silence in the air for a few minutes, other than heavy pants for air. The human’s eyes darted around the office and towards the hallway entrances for a few seconds, before Mike moved to his seat and collapsed into it.
“... What in the fuck was that,” he whispered with great horror. Never had that happened. He had never had such strange visions or sounds, and he had never seen that… copy? Ghost? Whatever it was. It looked just like Freddy. But something about it… something seemed so much darker and felt so malevolent about it. The Freddy copy he saw… something was so real about it. Something he could feel but couldn’t explain.
Those thoughts were cut short when the sounds of heavy footsteps began to echo from down the left hallway, from the stage. The animatronics were awake and active, and Mike was still terrified from that vision.
There was no time to let that overtake his actions now though, Mike knew the robots were coming for him. He had to let his plan go into action. He had to stop being afraid.
He had to stand up.
Chica stepped down from the stage next to Bonnie, turning to watch Freddy. When he was off the stage, she chuckled lightly. “Well, sounds like something spooked Michael already.”
Bonnie nodded. “Yep. Looks like we’ll have it easy tonight. If he’s too busy being scared of something else, it’ll distract him long enough for us to get to him.”
Freddy snickered darkly. “If that’s the case, let’s go get Felix. I’m sure he’ll want to get in on this.”
The three stage animatronics moved past the tables and walked to Pirate’s Cove. Freddy tugged on the curtain and a snout popped out, followed by the rest of Foxy’s face. The pirate furrowed his brows for a second before a wicked grin crossed his face. “Are we ready, lads,” he asked. Rather than that of a pirate of the seas, his voice now had a thick Irish accent laced into it.
“We are, Felix,” Chica spoke. “Let’s go.”
Foxy stepped out of Pirate’s Cove and onto the checkered tile, and he bared his teeth.
Time to show that guard what for.
Mike could hear footsteps beginning to come down the left hallway and he knew they were coming for him. He was beyond scared at this point, but he knew he had to at least give Jen’s plan a try. He had to stand up for himself, otherwise he’d just be letting them get what they want and dying in the process.
As the footsteps got louder, Mike took a deep breath despite his quivering form. He could do this. He had to at least try.
A deep frown and furrowed brows took Mike’s face. “This is where this ends,” he whispered. He then turned, took a step into the hall with clenched hands, and faced the end.
There they were. The four animatronics of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria. He could see their eyes all glowing as they turned in his direction. Mike could hear Freddy chuckle under his breath, and the robots began to move towards him. He kept his eyes glued to the animatronics in front of him. He couldn’t take his gaze off of them; it might be the death of him if he did.
Mike could hear the steps get closer and closer and see those eyes getting closer to him. Mike didn’t say a word though, just retained his glare.
The animatronics stopped within a few yards of Mike, standing there and watching his movements. He was standing his ground, to their surprise. Mike wasn’t running into the office or trying to make his way past them, and this made Freddy raise a brow in piqued curiosity. He folded his arms as Bonnie looked to him, then returned her gaze to Mike.
“Well, looks like you decided to come out of the office, huh, Mike,” she asked with fake sincerity.
Mike took another deep breath and found himself glaring at Bonnie. She was always the one to make him angry when it came down to it. “I’m not afraid of you,” he finally said. Mike knew he was scared, but he had to push that back now. He couldn’t show any fear right now. Not now.
Chica looked at him and laughed, putting a hand to her chest. “What could you possibly be talking about, Michael? You’ve run away from us or yelled at us out of fear how many times now? That would be proof of being pretty scared, if you ask me.”
Mike shook his head and gritted his teeth. “Shut your beak! I’ve been afraid of you for too long now. I’m tired of it, and I don’t want to be terrified anymore! You don’t know what I’ve had to put up with because of you four, and you don’t even know what I’ve been through because of you! No one else but my girlfriend may believe me about you, but I know what you’re trying to do to me! I’m not gonna stand for it anymore, you bastards!”
Foxy’s one eye narrowed in fury and he suddenly shouted, “What you’ve been through?! As if that’s anythin’ compared to what’s been done ta us!”
Those words seemed to strike a nerve in Mike, because his eyes narrowed in rage and he began to shout loud enough for his voice to echo down the hall. “SHUT UP! You’re just a bunch of fucking robots! You shouldn’t be such jerks! You’ve done nothing but try to kill me by stuffing me into that fucking costume! Don’t think I don’t know that you’re trying to kill me, you freaks! You shouldn’t have emotions! You’re just walking piles of scrap!”
Mike stamped a foot down and curled his hands tight enough that he was sure his nails would cut into his palms. “You stupid robotic animals just want to stuff me into a suit! Do you know how many people think I’m absolutely nuts for trying to tell them about you?! I’ve told my family and all my friends, but guess what?! ONLY MY GIRLFRIEND BELIEVES ME! NO ONE ELSE!”
The sudden volume of Mike’s voice seemed to make the animatronics’ brows rise, and Foxy even took a step back. It’s not like the human noticed, however, with how furious he was.
Mike pointed a finger at the animals. He didn’t even care about the plan anymore. He was going to say everything on his mind. Everything that had been on his mind for the past year, as a matter of fact.
Mike shouted again with his blue eyes slanted in fury. “I’m not gonna let you push me around anymore! I’m not afraid of you bastards! You’re nothing but a bunch of robots! I don’t care what you have against me, I won’t let you scare me anymore! You’ve made everyone think I’m a fucking nut, and I’m tired of it! You’re monsters, you’re piles of scrap, and I will fucking dismantle you if you dare step in that office again! Got it?”
Freddy suddenly shouted out, “And why should we care about you dismantling us?! It’s not like that’d be any worse than what happened to make us like this!”
Mike’s blue eyes never moved from Freddy’s eyes as he asked, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! You’re robots! You’re piles of metal with no real emotions! You expect me to believe you’ve not always been like this?! You–”
“LIKE YOU’D BELIEVE ANYTHING WE SAY, MIKE SCHMIDT!” Freddy suddenly screamed at a volume that made Mike flinch in shock. He watched as the bear began to shake, and Bonnie and Chica seemed to look at him with great… concern?
Mike had never seen such faces on the rabbit or chicken before, and his narrowed eyes softened. He watched as Freddy pointed a finger at him in accusation.
“You have no–no idea… what we’ve–been–through! You’ll never know… know what–what it’s like for us! You–”
“Fredrickson,” Bonnie suddenly spoke, putting her hand on Freddy’s shoulder. She looked up at him with a shake of the head. “It’s not worth it, buddy. Just walk away.”
Mike blinked in surprise. Fredrickson. That wasn’t Freddy’s name. He had never heard Bonnie call the bear that. “...What,” he whispered as he watched them.
Freddy seemed to choke up as if he was trying not to sob, and Chica placed a hand on his back. “Fredrick, listen, you know what we’ve been through.” She turned her head to lock eyes with Mike, scoffing at him. “He doesn’t need to know. I’m sure what he’s been through is nothing compared to our pain.”
Freddy looked down at Chica. “But, Chelsea–”
Foxy put an arm in front of his other friends and glared at Mike. “C’mon, lads. We don’t need ta be hearin’ nonsense from this guard.”
Mike watched the animatronics give him one last glare, Freddy’s eyes seeming to read more anger than the others. They then… turned around, walking out of the hall and never looking back at him.
The human found himself watching as the robots disappeared out of the hallway, before slowly backing into the office, plopping down in his chair… and staring at the wall, zoning out. 
The only thing that brought him out of his trance was when his alarm went off. But even after he was handing his keys to his boss, and climbing into his truck, he couldn’t keep what the animatronics said out of his mind.
What did he say that made them act so… human?
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dudeandduchess · 2 years
Henlo Jen!
How have you been?
Hey heyyyyy! Been extra busy these past few months, mostly bc of work. And emotionally tired from having been with a really… different kind of guy. 😂 But hopefully I get more days off (or just one, since I have been working 14 hour days and have only had two days off in August) to just chill and write again. 🙃
How have you bbys been?
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Hiii ally💕 I’m loving your behind the scenes of I Want it All!! They’re so cute 🥰🥰 Whenever you get the chance, I was wondering if you had any of what Sander and Robbe talk about, like when they’re alone without Amelia or their friends around? This is like after they’ve gotten together but it can be before that too!
Heyyyyy Tasfia!!! 💕💕💕 Thank youuuuuu 🥰🥰 and I'm sorry I've been sitting on this for a few weeks. I had to really think about this one, and I wasn't in a place where original thoughts were happening. But now I am, so here you go. I hope you like it!!! 😌
Behind the Scenes of “I Want it All”
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Communication is key
Sander and Robbe talk about everything and nothing. 
Of course they share about their jobs and what’s going on there; they talk about Amelia, specifically how she’s developing or what next step they need to take in her development, and they talk about their families, Ziggy, and their friends; but mostly their evenings are taken up with necessary daily communication, organizing the basic elements of their lives, like discussing their schedules and appointments, grocery lists, what to have for dinner, who's turn it is to cook, when Amelia was last changed, how they should spend their evening, what's happening tomorrow, etc. Robbe's always worried that they'll forget something, so they have post-it notes everywhere with reminders, like a running grocery list on the refrigerator or a checklist for Amelia by the front door. (When necessary, Robbe leaves post-its on Sander's keyboard to make sure he sees them.) Sometimes, though, they just leave little notes for one another, an "I love you," on Robbe's work bag, a "Hey Sexy," on Sander's sketchbook, a "Miss you already," on the bathroom mirror, or a "Can't wait to rip these off of you later," lying on Sander's jeans in his drawer. Much to Jens's amusement and Sander's embarrassment (tho secretly he appreciates it; he will just never admit it, never) their wall calendar is color coded. Robbe assigned everyone a color, and he keeps track of all their schedules that way. Every time he adds something to it he can’t suppress the feeling of accomplishment that briefly warms his chest. Sander rolls his eyes at him and lovingly calls him a “dork,” and Robbe just shrugs his shoulders and grins. So what if he likes being organized and knowing where everyone is supposed to be? So yeah, much of the time they’re just keeping on top of the mundane aspects of life. 
Their phone messages, however, are full of memes and gifs, links to tiktoks and funny YouTube videos, mostly stupid, goofy stuff, and lots of teasing and flirting. A lot of flirting. In fact, Sander loves to send Robbe inappropriate texts at work. He’s made it his personal goal to make him blush at least once a week and to have to physically leave his work space at least once a month. Robbe always sends him back angry gifs and middle finger emojis whenever he goes too far, but Sander just answers something like, “Shut up, you love it, now hurry home so I can make good on my promise.” Very occasionally the inappropriate flirting travels the other direction, but as Robbe is the one outside of the house, surrounded by coworkers, it’s rare. He’s more concerned with hiding his phone screen and responding to texts in the bathroom or under his desk out of sight. They message each other all day every weekday, and Robbe knows it’s a problem; but he doesn’t care. (They’ll sometimes even do it while sitting on the couch alone together because they are very mature.)
When Amelia’s finally asleep, that’s when they are able to relax and talk about whatever, and they do talk about anything and everything. They’ll reminisce about the past and make plans about the future. Currently, they’re planning their honeymoon, so they spend hours suggesting ideas and researching possibilities. Robbe has a list of running notes in his phone, and they add to it all the time. They also imagine future trips with Amelia, like taking her to New York with them next time or taking her to Disneyland when she’s a little older. Robbe will often tell Sander about the current book he’s reading or something funny he saw during the day, and Sander will ask for opinions about his drawings or tell a funny story from earlier in the day (there’s always a “You’ll never believe what Amelia did” or a “Your cat did this” story to share). When they watch movies or shows, Sander will listen indulgently while Robbe complains about how the book is better (or not as the case may be), and regardless, he’ll wind up giving a thirty minute lecture about how they are different and whether it’s a good thing or not; and Robbe will listen with a fond eyeroll as Sander makes a game out of naming a song within a few introductory notes. They also like to argue and tease, more like friendly bickering really, about music and movies, actors and books, food and drinks, anything they can disagree on. Robbe will even purposefully defend a position he doesn’t agree with just to watch Sander get wound up and passionate about it.  More than anything, though, they flirt with one another. Whatever they’re talking about, there’s a heavy dose of innuendo and touching involved that they use to their own advantage to make a point or win (aka sidetrack) an argument. They are healthy and young, so they do talk about sex and how hot they think the other is a lot. It just happens. They could be talking about something boring, and somehow one of them will flip it into something suggestive that leads them to the bedroom. Many of their conversations end up devolving into some kind of wrestling or tickling session (because, again, they are very mature). There’s also a lot of “Sorry I didn’t hear that. I was distracted...bc you’re hot,” or “Did you hear me? Are you even listening?” (”Nope. I was staring at your ____”).  No matter what they’re talking about, it almost always ends in laughter because that’s the most important part of their relationship, that they have a lot of fun together. They are always laughing and giggling together, and they wouldn’t change a thing.
One thing they both appreciate, though, is that they don't have to talk at all. They love being together and take comfort in each other’s presence, and sometimes it’s just nice to be together, maybe holding one another, maybe not. It’s always been this way, and as they’ve grown and their relationship has changed, this aspect hasn’t. They are content to just sit together and do their own thing--Robbe reading or scrolling through his phone and Sander drawing and/or listening to music. Or they’ll just cuddle in silence or while watching tv. It’s comfortable and homey, and they find it just as enjoyable as the laughter.
I hope this is what you were looking for. 🙈💕😌 As I said, it took me a while to figure out what to write because what do they talk about?  *I dunno....whines* lol  Thank you for your ask. It was sweet, and I had a lot of fun thinking about it after my initial panic. 💕💕✨
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kamilah-is-queen · 4 years
The One That Got Away
Warning: Angst
Note: Why does love play games with us? Why does it promise to make you feel happy and joyful with the one you care so much for only to end up in tears and heartbreak at the end? This is just a one off fic and I’m working on the other requests I have received.
Tagging: @kamilah-the-bloodqueen @helpconfusedpersonhere @origmansello @paodequeijofeliz-blog @clan-sayeed-fic @cheeto-choices @scarlet-letter-a0114 @fundamentalromantic @kamilahtopme @my-life-is-being-jens-wife. Tagging people who I thought would be interested.
It wasn’t supposed to end like this. Never in a million years did Kamilah think that this was the way her heart would break.
Amy was the one who had broken down all of her barriers. Who had made her know the feeling of what it was like to love again. After so many years Kamilah opened herself up to the young woman despite knowing the pain that would eventually follow.
But now..as she looked back at the shattered glass on the floor and broken picture frame, it was all just a big mistake. She never should’ve opened up her heart and vowed never to love again. Carefully, she sat on the ground and picked up the frame..it was their wedding picture that had been thrown to the floor in a angry rage.
“Amy..I’m-I’m sorry that it has to end like this” She couldn’t stop the tears from flowing while she felt her heart crumble to pieces as the picture did. She sat for hours and hours, crying all of her tears until there was nothing left. The pen and paper resting on her desk was picked up and she started furiously writing away all of the emotions she had left for she knew, that she would be heartless by the end.
2 hours earlier...
“I can’t believe you Amy, after everything?!” The door slammed behind her while the anger in Kamilah grew. “I-I didn’t mean to! I was drunk and she...she” “She what? Fucked you better than I ever could?! Made the whole fucking club hear how you screamed her name?!!” Kamilah tossed her blazer off to the side and slammed the car keys down onto the table making Amy jump as she carefully approached her wife. “No please, listen to me” she cooed, her hands gently cupping Kamilah’s face and pulling her in for a soft kiss.
She was shoved backward and stumbled down onto the floor while Kamilah’s eyes flashed a dark shade of red. “Get off of me, I don’t need to listen to you I heard everything myself and you enjoyed Priyas sex didn’t you!?” She stalked closer until Amy’s back was against the wall and trembling with fear. “You-I’m sorry alright! I was drunk, what else do you want me to say!?” The vampire was taken by suprise and yanked Amy up by her collar as her fangs bared. “You really dont care for me or my emotions do you!” She yelled and slammed her back up against the wall before breathing hard and letting her go.
“You know what Kamilah..I’m done. I can’t deal with this anymore. I know I made a mistake but can’t you understand that it wasn’t my fault?” She burst into tears as she scrambled away from the angry CEO and grabbed the picture frame resting on the table.” “I’m leaving and don’t bother to come get me!” she screamed while the picture was flung across the room and landed in a heap of glass on the cool floor.
“And this..” She yanked the diamond ring off her finger and shoved it into Kamilah’s hands. “I don’t want it anymore.”
“Amy no wait, Amy please.” She quickly realized what she had done and grabbed Amy’s hand. “You..You can’t go, I love you!” She pleaded as Amy wriggled herself free from Kamilah’s tight grasp.
“Tough luck Kamilah, you dont care for me and you never have, I’m just another useless mortal for you to play with.” The tears dropped down her face as she moved into the bedroom, slamming a suitcase down on the bed and quickly throwing her belongings inside.
Both of them could feel their hearts shattering into millions of tiny pieces, but there was nothing that could be done to fix the mistakes they made. Kamilah pleaded and begged Amy to stay but it was no use, her choice was made. “That’s why I married you then yeah? Just so you could my little “play thing?” Amy paused and looked up at Kamilah with red puffy eyes “You don’t understand how angry you can get, you don’t understand how scared I become when you let your rage consume you Kamilah. I’m afraid you’ll take your anger out on me and hurt me but not anymore, you can find someone who is just like you seeing as I’m not “the one”.
That did it for Kamilah, after all the endless kisses and laughs they shared, after all the happy memories they made together and after all the times that they whispered sweet nothing into each other’s ears and she was willing to give up just like that. She bowed her head and didn’t say anything as Amy finished packing her suitcase and rolled it towards the apartment door.
“Why don’t you run off to Priya then, see how she treats you” she calmly said as her icy glare turned towards Amy. “Are you serious?! I..I’ll never understand you Kamilah..maybe loving you was a mistake.” The door clicked shut and Kamilah stared at it as if it was Priya herself, and threw herself forward and punched and kicked at it with pure rage. When she finally stepped back, she was panting and standing before a pile of wood stacked on the floor.
“Hey Lily..can I uh, can I stay the night?” The cold rain dripping down onto her hair and soaking her clothes. She shivered slightly and not once did she look back to see if Kamilah was standing behind her. “Yeah of course!” “Thank you Lily, I’ll be there in a minute.”
She quickly ran into the building and wiped the tears from her eyes before knocking on the door and slowly walking inside. She smiled softly at the other woman as she slid the suitcase in behind her and softly closed the door. “Heyyyyy..wait why do you have a suitcase??” The young woman sighed and sat down on the couch and cleared her throat “Kamilah and I..we-we got into a big fight Lily.”
Instinctively, Lily’s arms reached out and pulled Amy into her arms and held her tight. “Oh Amy, I’m sorry. You can stay here with me alright?” Amy softly cried into her besties chest and clung onto her tightly. “T-Thank you Lily” she whimpered while blowing her nose with a tissue.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Amy sat up and cleared her throat. “I..I went out to get away from home for a bit and found myself at the club. I didn’t think that the night would end the way it did, but Priya ended up..”
The woman looked up and tried to steady her wavering voice. “We had sex in her club Lily.” All the guilt and shame caught up to her and she bowed her head. “You?! Oh my god Amy, but hey it’s alright. You can stay here until everything’s cleared up okay?”
“It’s not going to get better Lily.” She lifted her hand and pointed to the finger that had the ring as she burst out into tears.
Current time...
Kamilah began writing as she poured out whatever emotions she had left. She didn’t try and stop the tears from dropping onto the page as her hand scribbled away.
“Dear Amy,
It was never supposed to go like this and I’m sorry it did.
I know I’m not perfect, and I never will be and I’m sorry.
You deserve to live life to the fullest and be with someone who makes you happy, not scared.
Go and find that someone, that person who is perfect for you and open your heart to them
Just know that I’ll always love you Amy...
Yours truly,
Kamilah Sayeed”
That was it, the end of the love story that should’ve lasted an eternity. Everyone thought that nothing could break this love, but it ended up hurting the both of them.
Maybe one day they’d learn to love again..
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seokmingming · 6 years
Heyyyyy Jen~~~ Stray kids for the ask game :3
Heyyyyy Charly! Thanks for asking!!
Group: Stray kids
First MV: No clue, but since it’s the first song of theirs on my playlist, I’m gonna assume it’s Hellevator
Era I discovered them: Hellevator??
Era they were actually in when I discovered them: I think it was just before I am WHO
How I Found Them: People were talking about them
First Bias(es): This is a weird question, bc I kinda never really thought about biases when I first discovered them, but I suppose the one’s who caught my attention were Chan and Changbin
Current Bias(es): I mean I still don’t technically have a bias yet. But I love my son Seungmin
Bias Wrecker(s): No one and all of them at the same time?
Fav Song: Maybe Awkward Silence or Insomnia
Fav MV: My Pace
Fav Moment: I don’t stan them enough to have one, wait no when Seungmin went crazy dancing to Day6 on their Idol Room episode
Send me a kpop group
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fuckyeahexofics · 6 years
Heyyyyy! So I was wondering if you guys could recommend any fics where one person is protecting the other. If that makes sense. Thanks in advance!
You can check our bodyguard!au tag! Other fics with one protecting the other
B. Blossom (Baekhyun/Chanyeol, florist!au, NC-17)Blind but not Oblivious (Kyungsoo/Kai, high scool!au, PG-15)Gone like the wind (Suho/Sehun, superpowers!au, PG)never leave me alone (Chanyeol/Kyungsoo, It’s Okay That’s Love!au, PG-15)Shore (Kyungsoo/Kai, mermaid!au, PG-15)Summer Sunshine (Baekhyun/Chanyeol, romance, PG-15)The Guardian (Kyungsoo/Kai, PG-15)The little knight in shining armor (Kyungsoo/Kai, kids!au, G)You and Me (Kyungsoo/Kai, wolf!au, NC-17)you look hot (when protecting me) (Luhan/Sehun, PG)
-ana & jen
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therake-1996-blog · 6 years
The Gods in Real Life
So thanks to @justjen523, and due to the Scorpio in real life post, I've decided to do the rest of the Gods in real life. Credit to Jen for finding the pics for me!
This handsome man, Dennis Jospeh O'Neil
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would be our known and loved Zyglavis
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Heyyyyy sexy men!
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sapphiresea · 7 years
send me a “hey” and i will put my itunes on shuffle and give you a 10 song playlist        
1 ) africa – cady mcclain2 ) joyful girl – ani difranco3 ) spice up your life – spice girls4 ) back home ballers – saturday night live cast5 ) angels are watching – kati mac6 ) i’m better ( ft. lamb ) – missy elliott7 ) gravity – jen woodhouse8 ) steady pace – jess walker9 ) takin’ off – dani spieler, jenna coker jones & marla mindelle10 ) do what it do – og maco & twrk
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bethanyactually · 8 years
for my J/A all-angst, no-fluff, happy-endings fic anon:
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@teruel-a-witch replied to your post “heyyyyy I love your blog, I'm rewatching a lot of Jeff and Annie...”
anything elsiesnuffin ever wrote is riddled with angst, Physiology of Human Heart, It's Always open season on princesses, 5 ways Annie May spend her 21st Birthday
5 Times Jeff said Yes and 1 Time Annie did
these should have happy endings (well out of the 21 birthday ones only the 4th one has and only because it was originally so hopeless i couldn't bear it so when the author asked which fic i'd like continued she added a happy ending to it)
i basically used to read them when i needed a good cry or when the show was making me feel hopeless or when i had to work through burning anger over the writers beating the Jeff/Britta dead horse
https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3328099/Elsiesnuffin (they are not on ao3)
or and of course Jennifer's You Got Growin’ Up To Do and While We Still Got Time are 'want to jump off a cliff angsty but the pay off is worth it'
Thanks, Katya! I always forget about elsiesnuffin because I don’t read much fic on FF.net, and she was writing before I was part of the fandom. You always remind me of her stuff and then I go re-read a bunch of it. :) Definitely hits the angsty-but-not-much-fluff note that the Anon asked for.
I didn’t include any of @hello-wright-or-wrong‘s fic because I think most of it has a fair amount of fluff as well as angst, but of course I would rec Jen’s fic to EVERYONE who wants Jeff/Annie fic to read because it’s amazing. And of her fic, You Got Growin’ Up To Do is definitely the angstiest. (I forget about that one sometimes because it’s not on AO3...hint, hint.😉)
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dudeandduchess · 4 years
Yei! Welcome back mama jen!! I hope everything went fine❣
Hey heyyyyy, bby! Thank you so much! That’s so sweet of you to welcome me back. 💖 Yeah, everything went alright, and I got the big things out of the way so I’m free to write again. 🥰🍉
I might open up requests soon too, I’m not too sure. I just get really touchy when they sound like demands and not requests. 😂
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