#hey watcha talkin about hey whats goin on hey what're we talkin about
july-19th-club · 4 years
the butting-in thing though is specifically because. a) if people are talking and you’re not in on it they could be talking about you and you wouldn’t know it and b) if people are talking and you’re not in on it it could be interesting or important and you wouldn’t know it . and because i had an entire childhood full of trying to insert myself into situations and interact because i’m...not extroverted exactly but very inclusion-focused for an introvert and then being told ‘oh never mind it’s not important’ which of course, the instant someone says that, you know it is, they just don’t want you around
anyway i am over halfway through my twenties and have not broken myself of this habit even though i know it makes me come across as annoyingly interruptive and insecure but such is life
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