#hes upset because it gets in the way of them goofing off and hanging out and just enjoying being kids
fictionalwhores · 2 years
Dating Rafe Headcanons...
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-Rafe’s shows love through quality time with a mix of acts of services 
-He makes sure to at least have one legitimate date a month and to hang out with you at least once a week and spend some time watching movies or goofing off together. Rafe gets really upset if his schedule is busy or if his dad is being a pain in the ass and he isn’t able to hang out with you as much 
-He gets busy a lot throughout the day on the days he can’t hang out with you but he tries his best to send you a good morning and good night text and promises he will listen about your day and what happened when he is free 
-If you’re stressed he does his best to help you with whatever it is, even if it means staying up until 3am with you organizing all the lists of things you have to do and then working with you on some of your school assignments, making you food and making sure you eat it and helping you relax while he cleans your room and then cuddles you 
-Whenever you sit in his lap Rafe always gives you a cheeky smile before squeezing your boobs or your ass (He just likes them okay) 
-Rafe’s favorite pet names for you consist of Babe, pretty girl, and princess (Can be sweet or taunting)
-Taking his dad’s boat for dates on the water
-At parties there are lots of stealing looks across the room as you make your way closer to each other 
-Rafe keeping his hand in your back pocket or on your waist because he’ll be damned if another man is about to touch you 
-Rafe always walks with you to get your drink at parties because he knows how kooks are and he doesn’t want something to happen to you 
-He hates dancing and so he always watches you in the middle of the crowd and loves watching your hips move 
-You convince that boy to STOP WEARING GEL IN HIS HAIR 
-when he’s sleepy he gets kinda whiney and rubs his eyes a lot and pouts at you and he just turns into your big baby 
-If he walks in to see you in his shirt he’s either gonna be like “Awwwwww” or “Fuckkkkkk” there’s no inbetween and there’s no telling which one you’re gonna get 
-Rafe always gives you a small peck on the lips, smiles at you, then leans back down for a deeper kiss 
-He likes buying you small random gifts and tries to brush it off as nothing but his heart always melts when you love it 
He gets kinda distracted when you talk and just smiles while watching you because you’re so 
-If you’re short Rafe loves standing behind you when you’re in an argument and glaring at the other person over your head like “Go ahead. I dare you to hurt her” 
-If you’re a tall girl (First of all he swoons over your legs) and he’d stand next to you waiting for something to happen 
-Rafe lowkey kinda panics when you get drunk because he’s trying to wear off whatever he drank and focus on finding you now 
-but he’s the best at taking care of you when you’re back home 
-His hands are big and yes they’re used for kinky things but like….. Come on he gives the best massages whether you’re having cramps or your back hurts or you have a knot in your neck 
-Just imagine him cupping your face when you’res stressed and kissing your forehead while his thumbs work against your temples 
-Going to business dinners with his dad and Rose 
-Rafe’s holding your hand under the table the whole time because even if he is big and seems bold, he’s really scared and he’s trying not to say the wrong thing to upset his dad
-Him taking you golfing and you teasing him if he misses 
-If you didn’t know how to play in the beginning of the relationship, you definitely do now 
-Having sooo much fun driving the golf cart around and chasing each other to the next hole
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Am I the Asshole for reporting my coworker a second time? (TW// Sexual Harassment, Mentions of Suicide, Mentions of Self Harm)
(🍫💵 so I can find it later.)
I work a job where I (22 F/NB) am a cashier at a local supermarket. I have a few coworkers close to my age, but most are either in their late thirties/early fourties' or are kids who go to the local high schools in the area.
Around the beginning of this year, we'll call him Abe (17~ M) attempted to ask out my coworker who we'll call May (16~ F). They'd hang out semi-regularly along with the other kids still in high school, and while they never caused trouble, they did tend to goof off and joke around a lot.
May refused him, saying she wasn't interested. For WHATEVER reason, he did not accept this rejection and continued to ask. This was an issue, as not only is it sexual harassment, but Abe is a cart-pusher and May is a cashier. He was already a pretty lazy employee (management was always upset at him because he'd get caught playing on his phone instead of working), but now he'd purposefully go through her lane at the supermarket just to ask her out repeatedly and beg to be with her. Every time he found her alone, he'd go right up to her and keep pestering her about it. She felt so uncomfortable and unsafe about it that she told our team lead, who agreed to stay by her side. This was spread to our management, who make sure she isn't alone so that he can't corner her about going out with her.
I have witnessed him doing it many times, enough that I reported it to HR when May refused to do it herself. They told me to get her into contact with them and report it to them, and finally I convinced her to do it.
There was a sort of peace period after that, where they weren't scheduled at the same time. But recently he's taken it a step further and has decided to come in on ANY day she is scheduled (even if he isn't) to keep trying to ask her out. Most of the cashiers are aware of the situation and got upset with him. One of the few who is around my age (and recently pregnant) even cussed his ears off for harassing her so much because it didn't look like management was doing anything. Abe declared that the pregnant coworker broke his heart, and now his behavior had gotten WORSE.
Abe would look at those who he'd "hang out" with at work and either try to guilt them into helping him win over May's heart, complain about her not living him, and talk about how "white people suck"/"white people are so shitty" despite BEING white (to my knowledge, please don't go after me in the notes about this) himself. He'd also stalk her work bestie around and trash-talked the pregnant co-worker, all while NOT DOING HIS JOB, by the way.
One of the habits he has picked up however is miming actions to his fellow minors. The one I heard him use mostly was of him pretending to shoot himself in the head.
But one day I was working as the customer service rep for the night (no one else could do it), and I gave him a polite nod when he walked past. He smiled at me and then mimed cutting himself.
This was not something I had heard of him doing before, but when I talked to my coworkers they said "yeah he was doing this too".
In the moment I had given him a very firm No, because it was not work appropriate. Abe insisted, and pretended to cut his wrists again.
I'm on anon so none of you know me, but I used to severely struggle with suicide and self harm from a young age. However I have gotten better since becoming an adult and have made MASSIVELY impressive strides to a happier life. From this, I understand joking about suicide, because if you joke about it with someone you are not only in a safe place to bring it up BUT are coming around to the idea of telling people that you need help.
Joking about self harm, however? I've never heard of it. It's an entirely different ball park. You don't joke about those things.
In the moment, I was in disbelief, and I felt sick. I even started mentally shutting down, to the point where I couldn't even do my usual tasks properly without being specifically told to start them. Everyone noticed. I even cried once I was in my car while my sister was picking me up and safe, because I was trying so fucking hard not to think about that time in my life when I had moved myself so far past it.
Right at the beginning of shutting down, I did tell a manager. I told the manager who worked the next day as well, just so that I'd be SURE something happened about it. Abe visited that day on his day off because May was working again, and I panicked so much at seeing him that I hid behind customer service until one of my work friends told me he had left- instead of staying at May's side like I usually would. (I put my mental health first- it was a tough lesson that I managed to learn last year to the point that I do it in my day-to-day. She wasn't left alone with him though, don't worry.)
It genuinely sickened me that he has been miming cutting himself to other minors, when I know that if I had been May's age and had seen that amidst recovery, I would have spiraled and started all over again. Abe's lucky none of them are like that (at least openly) and that I was uniquely affected whereas the others were just "creeped out".
I ended up reporting his actions towards me about a week after I convinced May to personally report his harassment, and then I found out that the first manager I talked to (who has a soft spot for him, he does use this to his advantage to get out of trouble at work) asked him what was wrong and his response was "I'm having a bad day".
Considering that he does this every day he comes into work, whether he's actually working or not, on top of everything else (and how it effected me)- I am very hurt and genuinely hate him after all of this when I hadn't hated him before (despite the fact that I have only hated 2 people in my life before that point). However, I don't know if he was joking about how bad he feels about the fact that she does not want him at all or if he's genuinely hurting himself, and I feel sick at the thought of my actions if it's the second scenario.
Even if he's sexually harassing my coworker, no one should ever feel like they deserve to be hurt or that they don't deserve life. That's what I believe. And I'm worried that, should Abe find out I reported him twice over this, that he'll yell at me and say that I'm an asshole for doing that (and I know it would happen, because that was his response with my pregnant coworker). I know I'm doing the right thing by reporting the continuous harassment, but my heart is genuinely conflicted now. He needs to stop, but what if my actions are causing this response? I could never live with myself knowing that I was the reason someone hurt themselves. My anxiety won't let it rest.
And so, Tumblr, I must know...
Am I the Asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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cherryrainn · 1 year
Greedler x reader, where the reader’s hyper and goofing around with him per usual, but then onceler snaps at them because he’s tired from work and feels horrible about it later?
━━ ✧ 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬
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─ ✩ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ; greedler (onceler) + you
─ ✩ 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ; ooo, i like this. thank you for your ask!
─ ✩ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ; just onceler snapping at you LMFAO
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you and onceler had always shared a playful and light-hearted dynamic. your hyper and goofy nature seemed to perfectly complement his confident and flamboyant personality. it was an unspoken agreement that you'd bring out the more carefree side of him, a side that not many had the privilege to witness.
today was no different. the two of you were hanging out in his luxurious place. you were being your usual bubbly self, cracking jokes, dancing around, and generally being a ray of sunshine. you were in your element, and you didn't even notice the fatigue that was evident in oncelers eyes.
but as the evening progressed, you started to notice a shift in his behavior. his responses grew shorter, his smiles became forced, and he began to appear more and more drained. yet, your excitement and energy remained undeterred, until it became too much.
in a moment that took you completely off guard, onceler snapped. his usually composed voice escalated into a full-on yell, telling you to "just shut up!" the force behind his words echoed through the room, leaving you stunned into silence.
your laughter died down, replaced by a heavy, uncomfortable silence. you felt the weight of his frustration hanging in the air, and suddenly, your goofing around felt inappropriate and insensitive.
without a word, you turned and left the room, feeling a mix of embarrassment, hurt, and confusion. onceler's outburst had caught you off guard, and you felt so so stupid.
onceler was left standing in the room, his anger evaporating as quickly as it had erupted. the moment the door closed, he sank onto the couch, burying his face in his hands. the guilt was immediate and suffocating.
he knew he had let his exhaustion get the best of him. he understood that your intentions were pure and that you were just trying to bring joy into his life. but in that moment, he couldn't control his frustration.
hours passed, and the room remained eerily quiet. onceler's regret gnawed at him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he had driven you away with his own inability to manage his emotions.
finally, he couldn't take it anymore. he dialed your number, his voice soft and remorseful when you answered. "i'm so sorry," he began, his voice heavy with regret. "i should never have yelled at you like that. i was tired, but that's no excuse."
your voice on the other end was gentle. you explained how your intention had never been to upset him.
onceler listened, his heart sinking further with every word you spoke. he apologized again, genuinely and sincerely, promising to make it up to you in any way he could.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
So you changed the narrative againy? Where is your theory that jikook are private ? Karmaaaaa
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Hi? How are you? Are u jealous? Are you sad that it wasn't your favs hugging, touching and joking around? That ain't even the way u use Karma. Are you upset because satellite Jeon is for Jimin and Jimin alone? How are u feeling anon? Hmm? Work that out so u can see how dumb it is that you need to keep coming back to what? Turn us into Tkkrs? Bring us into your cult? Bet you're really annoyed right now aren't ya?
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I am on cloud fucking 9 right now. So I'm feeling generous and I'll break this down for you like you're five. My theory (that I stand by btw) it was answer to u people saying they don't hang out anymore. We don't see them spending time together. My theory has nothing to do with Jikook having moments in Bangtan content. That is always going to happen. Always. They have a gravitational pull where as long as they are in the same vicinity they will end up next to eo, goofing around or in their own world. That can't be helped. They're a couple, they can't just turn off the fact that they enjoy being together.
Now anon, listen. Are you listening?👂🏽There is a huge difference between them spending time together during ot7 content and them being seen together IRL.
You know how u call Jikook fanservice? Well guess what? They know that. U call them brothers, they are aware. A couple who can't be out but still want to show the world they love each other. What are they gonna do? Hide behind said fanservice. Boom! Jikook get to have their cake and eat it too. Its a pretty sweet deal if you ask me. And boy have they been milking that.
The hickey on JK's neck could have been easily covered. And even if it wasn't covered, they didn't have to tell us about it. Alright? GCFT, JK could have kept that shit to himself, he didn't have to share it. The amount of times JK has told Jimin he loves him, what, u think he couldn't wait till they got home?
Fam. "Jikook is fanservice" is the best gift y'all could have given these 2 mofos and u don't even know it!
So yes, they can get away with Jikooking during official content because it will be written off. But they can't get away with being spotted everywhere eating and skating and taking private trips anymore. Because now there's no FS excuse. That, is what my theory is about.
Now, listen to this very satisfying sound of JK slapping the Jibooty. And the way it bounces? See that jiggle? 🤭 Mmh! You're welcome.
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xoxkpop · 1 year
relationships outside the group
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miya !
 ˗ˏˋ contact name. christopher 👨‍👦‍👦
 ˗ˏˋ nicknames. aussie boy, chrissy, father ; miyami, mi oh my, mimi
     ……❪ a duo that just makes sense. honestly iconic two parents of headache children. it's obvious that they are super close. just don't ask how they became friends because they have no clue. she says that chan has helped her a lot with being a leader. she wasn't sure that she was cut out for it in the beginning but chan really taught her everything she knows. chan says that he sees miya like a sister and she even gets along really well with his family. chans sister often hangs out with miya when she gets the chance. ❫
 ˗ˏˋ contact name. joyful🌞
 ˗ˏˋ nicknames. joy baby, joyful, cheery ; mimi, miss miami
     ……❪ this duo is kind of also suspected. it's not shocking that they're friends, having that miya was also an SM trainee for some time. joy has also taught miya a lot, but joy says miya has taught her more. their friendship is more mature than a lot of miya's other friendships, just because that's how they like it to be. honestly you would think they're middle aged women out for brunch. ❫
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jj !  ˗ˏˋ contact name. robby🖤
 ˗ˏˋ nicknames. robby, booby, bob ; double j, no j, auntie j
     ……❪ unexpected to be honest. though they make a great pairing. they're pretty much adult children. and yes she is auntie j. if you know you know. she looks at bobby like a brother she always wanted growing up. they like to goof around a lot but when it comes down to it they can both be very serious when needed ❫
 ˗ˏˋ contact name. hyunaaaa
 ˗ˏˋ nicknames. hyunie, hyu ; little j, jayjie, jiminie
     ……❪ though they aren't as close as they were a few years back, jj says that hyuna is forever her older sister. in times where jj feels like being the oldest s too much, she goes to to hyuna to lean on. she has said i the past that she was beginning to feel bad for always dumping her issues on hyuna, so she started to calm it down, which is probably the reason they haven't been as close lately. ❫
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jiyun !  ˗ˏˋ contact name. my mina❤️
 ˗ˏˋ nicknames. minnie, mia, mine ; jiji, yunnie, yu
     ……❪ they're in love actually. they started dating in 2019, and then not long after that jiyun left the company for unrelated reasons. the company and members were all very supportive of this relationship and are so excited for them. though everyone is highly upset that they feel the need to hide their relationship, but it's not like they can while mina is in twice. the relationship is very cute and loving. they do a lot of things together and luckily most fans shrug it off to be a close friendship. ❫
 ˗ˏˋ contact name. miss jisoo-ah
 ˗ˏˋ nicknames. goddess jisoo, bestie, jichu ; jichun, angel jiyun
     ……❪ such a cute friendship, a gorgeous friendship at that. the two of them go viral like every month because when they're together its just stunning. because jiyun is very public with her life still, her and jisoo often post together and go out a lot. ❫
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hyelim !  ˗ˏˋ contact name. dober boy🐶
 ˗ˏˋ nicknames. doberman, sang, yeoyeo ; limmy, hye, hoppy
     ……❪ they are an odd duo, they are so introverted individually but somehow it works for them. it's easy to see they get along well but they weren't always that way. they were extremely awkward when they first met. their leaders thought they weren't going to bond at all until they randomly started texting and hanging out. everyone was kind of shocked but happy they became friends so well. ❫
 ˗ˏˋ contact name. seulgi unnie🫶🏻
 ˗ˏˋ nicknames. sista, ulgi ; hoppy, miss hope
     ……❪ a matured sibling type relationship. full of advice and love between younger and older sister kind of thing. not a lot of people know how actually close they are, but they've been friends since hyelim was a trainee. a lot of the members were former SM trainees, and though it isn't at all known, hyelim was for a very short period of time in 2014, and seulgi kind of took her under her wing during that time. hyelim is still very appreciative of having a role model during that time. ❫
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yoonji !
 ˗ˏˋ contact name. wooyoungie oppa💜
 ˗ˏˋ nicknames. wooyo, youngie, kirbs ; yoon, baby ji, oonji, cillie
     ……❪ a cute friendship, flirty for sure. well, on wooyoungs part at least. yoonji is very introverted, shy, and bashful, meanwhile wooyoung is extraverted and outgoing. so he usually sees that opportunity to tease and flirt with her, just for his own fun. their members tease them for it all the time, even their fans when they catch it from time to time. wooyoung says that yoonji is someone he feels very comfortable around and she reminds him a lot of himself in some ways. yoonji says wooyoung is easy to talk to and really fun to be around ❫
 ˗ˏˋ contact name. my woman❤️‍🔥
 ˗ˏˋ nicknames. soms, omi, blondie ; lover, luci, bitch
     ……❪ iconic. i mean, they're iconic as it is, but together? amazing. they're actually a married couple with four childrens and two dogs. kidding. but they act like it. they flirt but in that best friends that want to confuse everyone around them kind of way. "hey sexy mama" "hey beautiful lover" that kind of flirting. ❫
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slimeywooper · 10 months
Labmas AU - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 12 Part 2 - Game
CW: I don't think it will bother anyone, but I'll note here that there is a scene that could make some people uncomfortable.
Kudari hasn't made any noise in the last couple of minutes, which isn't normal. You look over to him. He's staring into space, unblinking, mouth hanging open slightly, and saliva starting to drip down his chin. "Uh, Kudari, are you okay?" You start to waive your hand in front of his face, trying to get his attention.
Hearing the concern in your voice, Nobori looks over as well. Reassuring you, he says, "Kudari's fine. This happens every now and then. He sleeps like a normal person, but sometimes he gets hit with the circadian rhythm cycle Galvantula have." Nobori reaches into his coat and pulls out a handkerchief. He wipes Kudari's chin, then folds it into his shirt collar like a napkin. "Sometimes his body will stop responding in an attempt to conserve energy, even though he's had plenty of rest. Don't worry, he'll be back to normal soon. Don't say anything bad about him while he's in this state, though, he can still hear you." Nobori smiles at you, attempting to ease your anxiety.
Just as he had said, Kudari slowly begins to move again. Taking the handkerchief off, he hands it back to Nobori, who in turn lays it on the table. "I'm sorry, little one. I did not mean to worry you," Kudari utters slowly, coming out of whatever stupor he had been in. "As you can see, Dr. Colress was able to create us, but unfortunately, he wasn't quite smart enough to iron out some genetic inconsistencies in our genomes. We are stuck living with his failures."
You suppose it was naivete on your part that made you assume the hybrids were perfect mixtures. Kudari's circadian rhythm was a negative trait from his Galvantula half in a similar way that Nobori's inability to have children was one from his Chandelure half. "Oh…" You say softly, unsure of what to express.
"Don't say such things, Kudari, they may upset (Y/N)," Nobori chastises him.
Kudari glares back at him, "I would never purposefully upset them!" he argues, voice becoming louder.
Stepping between them, you announce, "It's okay, really. I'm not upset," hoping to ease the quickly rising tension. "Well Kudari, now that I know the rules you are supposed to follow, we should be able to keep each other on track. You told me Colress doesn't like to be proven wrong, but we don't even have to do that. Just making it so he has nothing to complain about will be considered a victory in my eyes."
"Okay!" Kudari exclaims, sounding excited. "I am so happy you are not upset with me! Maybe after we work today, you can hang out in my room? Or tomorrow! That would be better, because it's a special day!"
His enthusiasm is endearing, so you ask him to explain, "What makes it a special day? Do you have something planned?"
"I cannot tell you yet! That would ruin the surprise!" He starts doing his little dance where he hops from his right legs to his left, back and forth.
"Alright, I'll wait for tomorrow, but for now, we can't put off our work for much longer. We need to think of a solution for when we need to take a break." You put your hand up to your head in thought, when Kudari interrupts your deliberation.
He matter-of-factly informs you, "Earlier today, Dr. Colress let me make a web that I'm going to use as my designated break area. So the temptation of entering the break room will no longer be an issue."
That's shocking news. You would have assumed Colress would purposefully do something to sabotage Kudari, but that actually seems like a reasonable thing. This would mean you only have to get someone to watch Kudari momentarily while you run to get something for yourself. You nod your head, "Sounds good. We should get started before he returns. If we're still in here, he'll think we're goofing off. He told me to start feeding the Pokemon when we were done talking."
"May I assist you in your assignment? I get rather bored when I'm not working," Nobori offers, as he retrieves the handkerchief from the table, stashing it in his coat's inner pocket.
You are pleasantly surprised by his suggestion, and accept, "Sure, we'd love to have your help." Kudari has a sour expression on his face from this turn of events. Not noticing his mood shift, you resume your statement, "It will go much faster with you here. There's actually a cart in the wash room we can use to hold the bowls of food. Let's head down there and get started."
Everyone leaves the room and makes their way to the elevator, entering as the doors open. It's a tight fit, but you're all able to get in. The back of your hand brushes against Nobori's. Such close proximity is getting to be too much for you. Is he feeling the same thing? Or is it only you being tortured? And what exactly are you feeling? There's only been a few instances you've interacted with him without others around, but it's always something you look forward to.
Arriving on the third floor, you ask Nobori, "Would you mind grabbing that cart and some of the feed for us? Kudari and I will wait by the kennels."
"Of course. I'll return shortly." He nods, before heading on his mission.
Kudari watches him leave, a look of distaste present on his features. He lowers himself, addressing you, "Little one. Nobori fancies himself your protector ever since you fainted in my arms. Let's play a game with him!" he speaks in a mischievous tone. "If he wants to be a hero, we should give him the opportunity!" His voice is strangely quiet, perhaps fearful Colress will overhear from wherever he is.
Thinking back to when you woke up in the suite with Nobori, your face grows red again. "I don't know what you mean. What kind of game are we going to play with him?" You say absentmindedly, trying to concentrate more on making a mental note of where the different Pokemon are in the kennels.
Perking up, Kudari is visibly trembling with anticipation. "Simple! I will take you to the web I made today, pretend I'm going to eat you, and Nobori will have to save you! Now let's go, I don't want to wait any longer!" Grabbing and lifting you up, he holds you close with an arm. One of his back legs begins collecting silk and feeding it to his pedipalps, which in turn move the strands to his open hand.
"Wait, wait, wait! Please stop! I don't want to play this game!" You shout, petrified, the situation abruptly taking a nosedive. This definitely isn't something Kudari should be doing. He ignores you, using the strands to first bind your arms, then quickly moving to bind your legs. Thoroughly wrapped so you cannot move your appendages, he grasps you with both hands now, charging across the room. Your frightened screams haven't subsided since he started, drawing the attention of everyone in the area.
It doesn't take long before he is climbing up a wall, heading for the ceiling corner which has the web he had mentioned previously. As he is holding you to his chest, you peak down, feeling sick from the height, but immediately relieved at the sight of Nobori in the group of onlookers below. He must have heard your screams and come to help, just like Kudari hoped he would.
"Nobori! Look what I have!" Kudari calls down. "If you want them back uneaten, you better find a way up here quickly! Hee hee!" The same trembling excitement you noticed in him earlier has returned and is now reverberating through you.
"Kudari, you Mudbray! Let them down! Can't you see you're scaring them?!" Nobori yells. This is the loudest you have ever heard him.
Attempting to persuade him to let you down, you plead, "Let me go, Kudari! I don't want to be up here! We need to get back to work! I'm not upset with you, just put me back on the ground and we'll forget this ever happened. Please, I don't want you to get in trouble again." You try to reason with him, but Kudari isn't listening. He is giggling to himself incessantly, eyes fixed on Nobori, waiting for him to make a move. Your fear lessens and you start to get mad due to him ignoring you. Since you came here, you've lost your home, had a job thrust upon you, and now been terrorized by someone who you've only ever been nice to and thought of as a friend. All of these things happened because you wouldn't stand up for yourself. It has to stop now, so you decide to take action, doing the only thing you are currently able to do. You reach your head up and bite Kudari on the neck, deep enough to draw a little blood. He makes a strange noise, initially a gasp which turns into a moan. His body stiffens, immediately pulling away from you, eyes wide with shock. Now holding you at arms length, he crawls off the web and travels down the wall.
Placing you lightly on your feet, he meekly apologizes, barely above a whisper, "I'm sorry (Y/N)," grasping the bite on his throat.
Nobori runs to you, and using a small burst of fire, dissolves some of the webbing that is binding you, so it could be pulled off easily. After you are free, you hug him. "Thank you. I'm sorry you had to save me again."
Breaking away from the hug, he states, "Nonsense, you saved yourself this time," as he smiles and looks into your eyes. Bringing his hand to your chin, he wipes a tiny smear of blood off your lip with his thumb. You should be mortified, but all you can feel is an ethereal peace. Looking around, you notice Colress has arrived and is currently glaring at Kudari. You know there is going to be hell to pay for this stunt.
Reacting first, you attempt to defend Kudari, "Please don't be too hard on him. He was only playing a game and didn't mean to scare me!" The look on Colress' face lets you know it is pointless to argue. His mind is made up.
"Kudari, my office. Now." Colress orders, not making an effort to even tilt his head in your direction. He leaves and Kudari follows, whimpering as he goes.
As the other researchers begin to disperse, returning to their work, you're left alone with Nobori. "What are we going to do?" you say, not asking a question, but making a statement. "Colress is surely not thinking of that as any kind of game. I shouldn't have screamed. Maybe Kudari would have let me down before Colress arrived…"
"Don't blame yourself. Sometimes Kudari is overtaken by certain whims. Something must have triggered him to want to do that." He tells you, lightly placing a hand on your arm. "We'll just have to wait until they come back. What I say won't matter, but you may be able to convince Colress to give him another chance."
Suppressing the negative feelings coming forth, you resolve to finish the task you were given. "Alright, let's continue feeding the Pokemon, then when the opportunity presents itself, I will see what I can do." Nobori nods to your plan, and you both get to work. The day isn't over yet, there is still plenty of time to turn it around.
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sehyix · 2 years
November 21, 2022
I'm the quality control auditor for a higher-education institution that trains professionals in specialized careers - like becoming idols or managing high-risk portfolios at financial banks and corporations. I'm walking through a warehouse to find one of the trainees that recently debuted over the last few weeks and coach him for his behavior. He debuted rather quickly and was wildly successful, but the institution felt that he was acting too cheeky and flirty, too fast. He's unloading boxes from a delivery and stacking them in a different area - it's something all trainees are required to continue working while they finish school. The girl he's flirting with books it when she sees me walk up with my clipboard.
I tell him that he's being warned about how he was acting overly flirty and goofy during the last broadcast his group had recently had, and that he needs to remember he's still new. He's intimidated by me but still a little aloof about it, and upon seeing the look on my face stops chuckling. "Noonim," he starts with a little bow, "I apologize for upsetting you all with my behavior. The thing is that I was looking up to You-hyung and emulating him because he's really popular with the fans that way. I assumed I could do it (flirt with the girls) because, You-hyung senior does it quite often and he's been goofy since he debuted." He brings you up directly because it's somewhat known that we are a couple, and possibly appealing to my jealousy? But I'm not deterred nor entirely sure if he knew that we were dating.
"You can't compare yourself to the peers that came before you. I'm aware that You is very popular for being a goofball and making that his charm but you are not him. You're also brand new and haven't built up the reputation to back up your behavior. So make sure you're acting right for the future. You'll know when it's alright for you to let loose. Now clean up this mess and get back to work." I point around to the mess of boxes that he should have had cleaned up but was busy flirting on the clock over. He bows in apology and gets to work. I make my way over across campus to meet up with the Dean and walk into his office. I tell him what the trainee has told me about emulating you and the Dean's look is grim. "Well then, You also needs to be spoken to," he tells me, glancing at me above his spectacles. Again, undeterred because this is my fucking job and I'm a professional, I nod. "I absolutely agree with that," I tell him wholeheartedly. He's staring me down with a "that's your man but I need you to do what I hired you for" look. He nods in acceptance and I bow my head to take my leave. You're more trouble than you realize, I think to myself.
Outside the building, I walk down the steps to shoo some students that were dawdling from getting to their class. They panic and run off at the sight of me as I notate the time off the clock tower in the distance. Your chuckling reaches my ears first from behind me before you try to wrap your arms around me and I stop you with a look. "Oooh, that looked so cute and powerful how people fear and listen to you," you compliment me and flash me a lopsided smile. "And you too, I've gotten complaints about you and taking your goofing off too far. Don't think you're getting off the hook just because I'm dating you. I have a career and reputation to uphold. Us isn't going to affect that," I scold you and you pout. "Okay babe," you whine, "how can I help?" I tell you to come with me to audit my next assignment so you can see how I work, and specifically learn what I'm looking for and how I guide and discipline the company's students and graduates. You happily agree to hang out with me this way and dress up in your finest business suit. We make our way over to a bank just off-campus that services the university and high-risk clients. Before we enter, you crack a joke about how you probably couldn't convince them that you were a business suit & tie professional and I give you a death glare, stopping you in your tracks. "Follow my lead, stay quiet, and don't make any jokes," I tell you before we enter.
The alarm goes off as I'm chatting with one of our graduates, that so happens to be a witch and was telling me about the real inner corruption and workings of the bank. You were standing behind her wide-eyed that no one there questioned your authenticity or credentials as she dropped bomb after bomb about the bank's secrets.
Hours later, my friend that met Dae in real life while I was dreaming this with you, tells me he asked her if she was in Mexico. Neither of us understand where that comes from, but seeing as I'm Latina my alarms are flashing off. Maybe it was a mistake? Maybe it was a coincidence? At this point, I don't even know anymore.
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briamichellewrites · 2 years
Chester had kissed Mike while hanging out at his place. Even though he was married with children and he didn’t like cheating, he let him because he needed to feel him. He touched his best friend’s chest to convince himself he was real. They backed up against the wall as Chester framed his face with his hands. They got lost in the kiss and didn’t notice that they were undressing each other. Until he felt the skin on his hands. He pulled away.
Mikey, it’s okay. His voice was gentle and reassuring. What were they doing? He was married. No, they were separated. What? Yeah, Sam was upset about him always working and she had filed for divorce. He apologized. Thank you. If you don’t want to, I understand. He got his shirt and started walking out.
Chazzy, please don’t leave. I need you. His voice and eyes begged him to stay. He came back over and kissed him again. This time, they went back to undressing each other before going to the bed. Something about Chester was gentle as he got on top of him. He wasn’t afraid of being with another man because he made him feel safe. Being with him felt natural. He had memorized his body after years of seeing it on stage and off, and he memorized his voice.
But he had yet to memorize the feeling of his body on top of his. Or his hands on his body. He didn’t even realize that he was moving inside of him until he felt his chest rubbing against his. Mikey! He closed his eyes because he knew for a fact that he wasn’t sleeping. Chester was right there. His Chester. He opened his eyes and saw his tattoos. After opening his legs further, he ran his fingers through his hair.
His body wanted more of him. He groaned because he had missed being with another person. For the rest of the evening, they took turns with each other’s bodies. When they were done, he went to the sink and rinsed out his mouth. Chester came up behind him after getting his underwear back on. He wrapped his arms around his shoulders.
After turning around, they kissed before he went down to his neck. I’m not done yet. He groaned as he made his way down his body. If he was dreaming, he didn’t want to wake up. Finally, they were both finished and satisfied. He rinsed out his mouth while Mike was in disbelief. Was that what he had been hiding? He was exhausted but so happy. He got dressed before stumbling back into bed. Chester asked him if he was okay after coming in between his legs.
“Chazzy, where the hell did that come from?”
“Mikey, I’ve waited two years to do that. I love you and I’m done hiding it. You’re my best friend but I want to be more.”
He nodded. “Just let me catch my breath first.”
Once he had, he looked up at him and saw his sincerity. He stood up and felt his heart. It was real. He was real. Everything was real. He wasn’t dreaming. What if he was no longer in the time loop? Even if in twenty years, he woke up again, he didn’t want to miss this. I love you. He would only be with him if he was single because he didn’t want to be the other man. Chester understood. He would talk to Sam. They shared another kiss.
Matt had kissed Elliot again before she left. They were not officially dating, which gave them both the opportunity to date other people. He didn’t want her to wait for him. The following day, Elliot and Rob were together in the studio. The band had the day off, so it was just them. They were goofing around.
She had so many memories of watching the boys record music there. He showed her his drum set and let her try it. She sat down on his stool as he pulled up a chair next to her and sat down. After picking up his drumsticks, she tapped out a rhythm before hitting the cymbal. He took the sticks and showed her how to play before handing them back to her. She copied what he did. Good.
He then got up and went behind her before taking her hands into his. Together, they played part in one of Linkin Park’s songs. That was awesome! He sat back down and she looked at him. They shared a kiss as Brad happened to walk in. He noticed them right away and he saw him kiss her forehead.
Before they noticed him, he slowly walked out. He wanted to make sure he had seen what his mind was telling him he saw. After looking back in, he saw her kissing him between his legs. Yeah, his mind was not playing tricks on him.
I just saw Elliot and Rob kissing at the studio. – Brad
Mike looked into the law. Kissing was not illegal, as long as it was consensual. That made him feel a little better. Should they ask him about it? No, as long as they weren’t sleeping together. Okay, he would try to forget about it then. What they didn’t know was that they were sleeping together. Rob had a very good poker face, so he could hide everything.
Just as Mike and Chester hid their hookup. Chester had left the next morning. He had to talk to his wife about the divorce because he had promised him that. Being with him was the best night of his life. Mike didn’t know what the hell happened, as he was still trying to process it. Did he regret it? No, and he never would. It was just very unexpected. He hoped they would end up together because maybe he would be able to save him.
He found Brad at the studio. What’s going on? He was still trying to figure that out. After sitting down, he told him to take it easy. He didn’t want him to end up in the hospital for exhaustion. Yeah, that was all he could say. Elliot and Rob? Brad once again told him what he saw.
“It’s not illegal.”
“It’s not. How many times has Rob had a girlfriend?”
Mike held up one finger.
“Yeah. Unless there are girls we don’t know about.”
Was he insinuating he was gay? He didn’t know what the hell was going on. Mike told him he had zero control over what happened. He woke up and shit just happened. What if this was real and all the other times, he was still asleep? That was possible but he couldn’t tell. He needed to talk to an expert. The only problem was where to find one. Were there experts on time loops? I’m not caffeinated enough for this. Now you sound like Chester! Oh my god!
“You’re obsessing.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Rob denied dating Elliot when he stopped by to hang out. She was too young. Brad jokingly asked Mike if it was gay to not have a girlfriend. He shook his head, making him laugh. I’m going home and forgetting this ever happened.
Brad reminded him he started it. Well, he was finishing it. Rob continued to be confused, as he grabbed his water bottle and sat down. Do I want to know? No, he didn’t. Ok, then.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon
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queenii-llama · 5 years
Me, minding my own business:
My brain: everyone assumes Will Byers is gay because Mike said he doesnt like girls and because he just wants to hang out with his friends, but he could very well be ace/aro as he clearly places greater value on the platonic relationships in his life and seems completely disinterested in the idea of being with anyone in a romantic way, in this essay I will-
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omiyagiri · 2 years
It’s More Than a TV
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pairing: Koutarou Bokuto x gn!Reader cw: slight swearing word count: 5.3k
Summary: Having Bokuto by your side meant the world to you. He knew how to cheer you up on your worst days, and you wouldn’t give up what you had with him for anything — even the chance to get rid of your days where nothing felt right. Because, at the end of a bad day, he’d always be there to help you put everything back in place.
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Bokuto was nothing but sunshine, even when you had the rainiest of days.
In fact, he shone so brightly you couldn’t help but be jealous at times. He was creating an illustrious career for himself; you were creating an illustrious attempt at the “Messiest Room in the Country” award. He had cheers and applause, with fans shouting his name in adoration; you had groans and grimaces, with coworkers shouting your name in annoyance. Even when facing the toughest of opponents, Bokuto faced them all with a smile — your opponents made you want to shrivel up and hide in the corner. 
If it’d been anyone else, you might have not been able to take it. He’d have been like any other celebrity — maybe even the whole “never meet your heroes” idea; you look at them with adoration, wishing you could be like them, but speak one word and realize it wasn’t as it seemed, and feel even more down about life. But, Bokuto wasn’t the kind of person to shove all his accomplishments in people’s faces. He wasn’t hiding any ill intentions behind a pretty smile, or some nasty personality behind a wall of achievements. It was this welcoming personality of his that was why he’d moved on from “some celebrity” into someone you know and care about. 
The whole ride home was spent with Bokuto babbling about the game. He’d just won in a really close match, and you’d been in the cheering section for him — hoping you were yelling louder than all the others shouting his name. The stadium was crammed with people, but every once in a while he’d glance your way right before a serve, and your heart practically leapt out of your chest. This super cool guy, someone who practically everyone in the room was cheering for, chose to look at you. 
 You — the person who probably wouldn’t last another week at their shitty retail job. 
 You shook your head, trying to dispel the negative thoughts. Bokuto was right next to you as you rode the train, but you doubted he noticed the few times it happened. He was too busy rambling on about his jump serve as he held the hanging strap, his other hand tightly wound in yours. 
Still, it was hard for you to believe someone like him felt the way he did about you. Others would constantly tell you how good you were together: that you were a perfect match, the cutest couple, the sweetest pair they’d ever seen — etc, etc. You smiled and were flattered every time, and yet it still didn’t feel real. Bokuto was a shining star, and you were just… some dust who happened to follow along. 
At least, in your eyes you were. And you tried to change that perspective, especially whenever you saw how Bokuto looked at you. He was a massive goof, but he also had the biggest heart you’d ever seen. Even when you were upset and ranting about how horrible this person was and that thing those people did and this and that, he would always listen to the very end. Then, he’d give you a warm smile, and do everything he could to make things better. Sometimes that meant making dinner; sometimes that meant lying next to you as you took a nap. Whatever it was, he found a way. 
Part of you felt bad for leaning on him like this. Surely, he had better things to do than to coddle you. And the more it happened, the more this feeling crept up. 
“And, we’re home!” 
You snapped out of your thoughts to the jingle of Bokuto’s keys. He was opening the door, guiding the two of you inside. You’d hardly even realized when you got off the train — at least you must not have been too out of it for him to say something. He tossed the keys on the table, of which you then picked up to hang in their proper place; your room might be a mess, but if either of you lost the keys to your apartment, there would be bigger problems than a missing sock or underwear. 
By the time you looked back, he’d already hopped on the couch, the remote in his hand and the TV flipped on — the news. 
You laughed to yourself, this situation so familiar. He just got home, and he was already looking to see the coverage of himself already. 
“You really can’t wait to get settled before putting that on?” you asked lightheartedly. You were taking your coat off, but unsurprisingly, he sat on the couch with a coat, scarf, and everything still wrapped in place. 
“I’ve got to see it live!” he retorted, grinning wide as he waited for his appearance on the screen — it was still another team’s coverage at the moment. 
You laughed out a sigh, heading over to the couch behind him. His eyes were fixed on the screen as you started to undo the scarf yourself. 
“You realize you can just pause it, right?” you asked, folding the scarf up and setting it on the couch. “Or did you lose the remote in all these layers?” 
He laughed, letting you guide his arms as he wormed his way out of the coat. Conveniently, he’d placed said remote next to him, just in arms reach of you. 
“Then it wouldn’t be live!” he exclaimed, and you laughed while laying the coat next to the scarf. “And no, the remote is right — ” He halted, suddenly frantically looking around the couch and the coffee table in front. You raised a brow, not surprised in the slightest. 
“Well,” he continued with a proud grin, “it was right here, and I’m sure it’ll turn up after I watch.” 
“Or,” you said with a small laugh, holding up the remote, “it’ll show up right before the coverage, as a divine sign that you should pause and slow down.” 
Bokuto looked up at you in shock, his eyes wide, as if he were a kid seeing a magic trick for the first time. 
“How did you — when did you — “ 
“The TV isn’t going to explode as soon as your coverage is done. I’ll pause it and even record it for you as a backup.” You hung back, hiding the remote behind you as he reached out to grab it from you, a blank expression on his face, “There are more important things right now.” 
He stopped, a pouty expression taking over. 
“What could be more important than this?!” 
You sighed, setting the remote on a table so you could sit down next to him. Wrapping your arms around him, you pulled him close, letting out a small breath of laughter as you noticed the now pouty and confused face he wore. Gently, you slid back and placed your hands on his shoulders, making sure he was looking at you and not the TV. 
He just stared back, lips pressed together in anticipation for what you were about to drop on him. 
“Please go take a shower. You stink.” 
He frowned a bit, but was still unresponsive. You pinched your nose, adding a bit of dramatics. 
“You stink, bad.”
He stared back at you, the blank expression worked in deep, but eventually, like a child, he sighed and you could tell he’d given up. Most people would consider it common sense to shower when you get home from something all sweaty and gross, but not Bokuto. He had his priorities. And you did your best to get him back on track, because if not, he just might be walking around smelling like that for hours. 
“I’ll only be there for five minutes! Five exactly!” he shouted from the bathroom, and you laughed, getting up to grab the remote. 
“Good boy,” you teased, and could imagine the face of determination he was probably wearing, trying to power through that shower. 
You might be a mess, but at least you had this under control.
Once you got back to the couch, you sat down and spread out, getting more comfortable now that you had it to yourself. The team’s coverage would be on soon, so you started recording from there and had your finger on the pause button in preparation. 
Though, you hesitated for a bit too long as the team’s logo popped up on screen, and as soon as you saw his face you knew you were done for. You always loved watching Bokuto play, and even if you had just seen this game, you were already itching to watch it again. 
Maybe you really couldn’t judge Bokuto afterall. 
Though, you weren’t always such an avid volleyball fan. The day you met him was the first professional game you’d ever been to — your friend was a huge fan of the Black Jackals, and had tickets to go with someone else, but something came up and the other person wasn’t able to make it. Your friend invited you to come instead, and you half-heartedly agreed, not expecting much out of it — it was just something to do on an otherwise eventless weekend. 
You’d seen professional games on TV, lazily paying attention every once in a while in restaurants when your food was slow, but in-person was different than anything you’d prepared for. You didn’t recognize the other team — you barely knew the Black Jackals, simply because your friend only had eyes for #13, who at the time you only knew as “something Miya” — but everyone on the court was beyond skilled. It was like they were part of a whole different world — one where volleyball was the law of the land. 
Still, you didn’t really know anyone on either team. You knew the name of one team, and half of one of their members, but that was the limit of your knowledge. Though, that didn’t take long to change when #12 got to work. 
Bokuto was like a whole cheering squad in one person. You didn’t know what was happening on the court, but he was hyping up the whole crowd all by himself. Soon, you were cheering along with your friend, feeling as into the game as a veteran audience member. Bokuto’s energy was outrageous, and you were practically bathing in it. 
By the time the game ended, your friend was determined to get an autograph from #13. You went with her, mainly just so you didn’t get left alone, but she gave you a sheet to get one too, insisting you couldn’t waste the opportunity. Though you weren’t sure if you’d go to another one of their games any time soon — you still didn’t really understand anything happening in volleyball — but you took your autograph sheet and went to the one person you knew you’d want an autograph from. 
Bokuto was just as cheerful after the game as when it began, signing the autographs with a smile. He seemed to be living in the praise, as if that was recharging him from all that effort. You had expected to stand there, nervously holding the straps of your bag in anticipation, but he had an air that seemed to make the whole crowd match his energy. He made small talk with each fan — the kids especially ate that up — but when he got to you he asked you a simple question. 
“Do you like volleyball?” 
Part of you wondered why he’d ask something like that — you were at a professional volleyball game. Asking for an autograph from a professional volleyball player. But, on the other hand, you were kind of out of your league here. You didn’t have any of the merchandise other fans had, decked head to toe ready to cheer as loud as they could, walking the stadiums with a feeling of home; you had whatever was most comfortable out of your clean clothes on, wandering the stadium like a baby duck who had lost its mother. 
“Honestly, I probably would have said no before today.” You hesitated for a moment, and a bright smile naturally overcame your lips. “But I had a lot of fun. I think watching your game changed that for me.” 
He froze for a moment, and part of you worried you’d said something weird, but soon he wore an even bigger smile than yours, signing the autograph with a fury. 
“Come back and see another soon, then!” he exclaimed, handing it back to you. The realistic part of you wasn’t sure when you’d be able to take off and see another one of their games, but the other part of you wanted to go ahead and buy tickets for the very next one they played. Unable to say either or, you nodded and thanked him. As you walked off, after putting the paper safely in your bag, he excitedly waved goodbye, and you couldn’t help but laugh and wave back to this practically stranger. 
When you left, you took a moment to gather yourself. You knew you might see him again one day, but it wouldn’t be any time soon. Work was busy, and you were still in college — you didn’t even go to see the college games, let alone back to back professional ones. So, as your friend gushed about getting to meet #13, “something Miya,” you accepted that you wouldn’t see the energetic Bokuto again — at least not anytime soon. 
Though, you were prepared to not see him — which is why you were so taken aback when you saw him walk into the same place for dinner as the place you and your friend had gone. You didn’t dare go speak to him — that would have been too awkward — but you did make eye contact. Although, not on purpose. You couldn’t help but stare as he walked in with some of his teammates, and suddenly, he was staring back. You both looked dumbfounded, but you were the first to pull away and nervously get back to your food. 
After that awkward encounter, even if you hadn’t said a word to him, you just wanted to go home. Your friend, though, wanted to go to some shops and pick up some things, since she wouldn’t be back in this part of town for a while. When you left a store and Bokuto happened to be crossing the street ahead of you, you practically dragged your friend away as you dashed in the other direction. Your friend hadn’t seen him, which made you assume that he hadn’t seen you (and you would be wrong). 
Eventually, your friend finished all of her shopping, and you went back to the train station together. You’d be taking different trains, so you exchanged your hugs and agreed to text each other when you each got home. Then, she got on her train and left. 
You tossed your phone in your bag, not wanting to see or hear any texts or calls until you got home, and quietly waited for your train. The silence would be great for helping you calm down after so many twists, turns, and surprises over your trip. Though, eventually the silence was broken, and you heard laughter overflowing from the other end of the station. Gravely, you realized you recognized it. Looking over your shoulder, Bokuto was waiting with some of the same members as before. There were fewer this time, but either way, they were all there. At the same station as you. Several hundred feet away. Within earshot. 
Against all of your hopes, wishes, and prayers, Bokuto seemed to realize someone was looking in his direction — and turned directly toward you. Your eyes locked for only a moment, before the embarrassment finally topped off for you, and as your face turned pink you quickly turned away. You could still hear them talking — some of them had noticed you and asked who Bokuto was looking at. You wanted to rush over and clear the air that you weren’t some creepy fangirl stalker, but wouldn’t that just make things worse? That’s totally something a creepy fangirl stalker would do. 
The longer it went on, the more your body felt like caving in on itself, and once your train finally arrived, it felt like a miracle had happened. Your phone could have been a great distraction, but you were too stressed to pull out and dig through your bag. Stepping through the doors, you hurried to an empty seat, plopping down with a heavy sigh of relief. 
“Don’t tell me you’re getting off on the next stop, too.” 
Your head jetted up, instantly recognizing the voice. 
“…Seriously?” you breathed out, before quickly slapping your mouth and stammering. Bokuto was right in front of you, grinning like an idiot. “I didn’t mean that in a bad way! I’m just — you know — shocked to see you again for like the, uh, fourth time now since the game?” you let out, flustered. “And I definitely haven’t been trying to make that happen! It just kinda ended up happening!” you tried to explain, before putting a hand to your forehead and groaning. “Which definitely sounded better in my head. Please, just, forget like half of what I’ve said, don’t mind me, I’ll move to another train car now — ” 
You quickly stood up to move, but stopped in your tracks as the man burst into laughter. 
“Calm down already! I didn’t think you were some freak.” 
You turned toward him slightly, still beyond nervous. 
“…You don’t?” 
“No!” he barked out with a laugh. “In fact, I thought each time was a chance for me to come talk to you, but you always seemed so busy, or the others I was with distracted me.” 
“You wanted to talk — ” you faltered, facing him fully and pointing at yourself, “ — to me?” 
“Yeah!” he exclaimed, full of energy. He wavered, suddenly getting awkwardly fidgety and looking around the train car. You didn’t know the man, but even you could tell it was out of character for him. 
“Actually, I couldn’t ask in the stadium,” he continued, “but I wanted to know if — ” 
He was suddenly silenced by the rumble of the train, where it’d taken a fast turn and sent everything leaning the other direction. This would normally be fine and under control and not cause any problems at all, if it weren’t for the fact that you had gotten so caught up in standing up and running away that you hadn’t bothered to sit back down or hold onto the strap. Which meant, instead of just slightly leaning and feeling unbalanced, then righting yourself up like any other normal person, you went tumbling down to the ground. 
Or, so you thought was the ground. Instead, an arm was looped around your front, holding you up and preventing you from smashing your face into the nasty, dirty, hard floor. 
“Hey, hey, are you okay?” Bokuto asked, clearly distraught. Though, you weren’t sure if he was more worked up about it or you; he sounded upset, but your face felt like the shade of a tomato. 
“I’m — fine! Yep! Fine!” you babbled out as he helped you back to your feet, and you intently kept your eyes on the window to the outside — far away from his face. He didn’t seem to notice, but he was still holding onto your hand as he held the hanging strap with his other — like he was trying to keep you from falling without even realizing it. 
“Are you sure? You look kinda freaked out,” he said simply, and you bit your lip at how obvious you were being, and how oblivious he seemed. 
“Yep! All’s good!” you said a little too quickly. Taking a breath, you tried to steer the conversation. “You were asking…? Before all that?”  
“Oh!” he exclaimed, but the awkward fidgeting didn’t return. Half of you wondered if your own awkwardness had cured his. “I was going to ask if I could get your number.” 
“Oh, yeah, sure — “ you said mindlessly, before your eyes shot wide. “Wait, could you what?!” 
“I’m guessing that’s a no?” Bokuto said, rubbing the back of his neck as you sputtered. 
“No, no — I mean, that’s not a no!” you fumbled, before pausing to catch your breath and compose yourself. “I’m just kind of, you know, surprised?” 
“Surprised?” he repeated, looking confused. “Why?” 
You just stared back at him for a moment, but knew this wasn’t a conversation you wanted to get into right now. Especially given he’d just asked for your number — you weren’t going to throw this chance away with any type of pity conversation. 
“Never mind,” you said, quickly shaking your head. “Here, let me see your phone and I’ll put my number in.”     A rush of excitement came over him as he hurried to pull his phone out. Only then did he let go of your hand, but you wondered if he even realized he’d been holding it that long in the first place. He finally fished his phone out, and you couldn’t believe how giddy he looked as he put it in your hand. You typed in your name and number, and it was like you’d told him you’d buy him a puppy — that, or he was the puppy you said you’d buy. 
Soon, you had everything put in, and handed it back to him. 
“Thanks! Can I put my number in yours?” he asked, still just as excited as before. 
“Oh, yeah, let me just get my phone out,” you stated, pulling your bag off your shoulders and digging through for your phone. You silently cursed yourself for just tossing it in haphazardly. 
But, at the worst possible time, the train was coming to a stop. You quickly grabbed onto the strap, not wanting a repeat of before, but still were digging and digging. 
“This is my stop,” Bokuto stated, looking over at the doors with a frown. “Hey, is that the autograph I signed?” he asked, peering over your shoulder into the bag. 
“Yeah,” you replied quickly, “But I think my phone should be right about here — ”
“That’s okay!” he exclaimed, and your heart dropped a little, thinking he’d lost interest with your rummaging. “Just let me see the autograph,” he continued. 
“The autograph?” you asked, but handed it to him. “Sure.” 
Quickly, he pulled out a pen — probably the one he’d been signing things with; it wouldn’t surprise you if someone giving so many autographs would just have one at all times — and added a little something to the bottom of the paper. Capping the pen just as the doors opened, he handed the sheet back and started to rush toward them. 
“You’ll know it’s me when you see that! See ya!” he shouted, and then he was gone. Looking down, he’d written a bunch of numbers and a big smiley. Now, you not only had Bokuto’s autograph — he’d written his phone number right next to it. 
The rest was history. After that, the two of you talked more and more, and now you were living together. With your relationship growing, your friend had practically begged you in the beginning to get Atsumu — who you learned had been the other half of “something Miya” — to give you his number, so you could give it to her, but she hadn’t come up a good enough reason to convince you yet. Eventually you did get the numbers of most of the team, but you only had eyes for Bokuto; you couldn’t be happier to be with him. 
Though, as your eyes flicked across him on the screen, the thoughts from earlier returned to the back of your mind. Swarms of “not good enough” and other intrusive thoughts loomed over you, casting shadows over your happy memories. You wanted to just enjoy the recording, and live in his sunshine, but your intrusive thoughts wouldn’t let you. 
The sound of the shower cutting off broke your thoughts, and you rapidly scrambled to rewind the TV. You paused it right before the coverage, sat back, and crossed your arms as if you’d just been sitting and waiting the whole time. Soon, you felt arms wrap around you from behind, as dribbles of water dripped down from clumpy, wet hair. 
“Five minutes, told you!” Bokuto said happily, and you leaned your head back to look at his goofy smile. 
“Mhm, and did you actually dress afterwards? Please tell me you remembered the importance of putting on clothes, no matter how excited you are.” 
“I did!” he replied, a pout settling on his lips. He grabbed one of your hands, pulling it back to rest on his shoulder and feel the fabric of his t-shirt. “See? Clothed. Just who do you think I am?” 
You let out a small laugh, running your thumb in circles from where it was pressed. 
“You don’t want me to answer that.” 
“Hey!” he burst, before hurdling over the back of the couch to flop down next to you. “As an apology, I think you should press play.” 
“Fine, fine!” 
Laughing, you did as he said, and watched as his eyes lit up watching the screen. No matter how many coverages he watched, some things never changed. 
“See! Look at that cross shot!” he shouted, pointing at the screen. “Didja see it? Wasn’t it so cool?!” 
You laughed, focusing more on him than the screen. 
“Yes, Bokuto, I saw it. I was there.” Your gaze lingered a moment, smiling at him with both your mouth and eyes. “They’re always cool when you do them.” 
He grinned, not taking his eyes off the screen, though seeming a bit flustered. 
“Aw, it was a fluke.” 
Nope, he never changes. 
You kept watching, but soon the announcer wrapped it up, and moved onto the next segment of the night. You placed the remote between the two of you, expecting Bokuto to grab it to rewind and watch it again, but instead he turned the sound down and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. 
“Just reminding you, but…” He tugged you a big closer, “I’m proud of you, you know?” 
You hummed a bit in confusion, looking up at him. 
“What’s this about?” You grabbed the remote, going to rewind it. “Here, I know you want to watch it again — ”
He reached out and playfully swatted the remote away.
“Don’t act all shocked or try to avoid the conversation,” he stated, poking you in the cheek. “I’ve seen that look in your eyes. You’re thinking again.” 
You laughed, trying to play it off by poking him back. 
“I’d hope I’m thinking. If not, I might have some big problems going on — we wouldn’t want that, would we?” 
He grumbled a bit, moving on from poking to flicking you in the nose. 
“You know that’s not what I meant. You're doing the bad thinking again.” 
“No I’m not!” you retorted, but he pressed a stare onto you. You frowned, knowing you weren’t getting out of this any time soon. “Okay, okay. I’m guilty. It’s not that bad, though. I just need time to work it out, that’s all.” That was a bit of a lie, but you wanted to move past it. You didn’t want to end up looking pitiful to him. He’d had such a good night — winning the game, seeing the cool coverage of himself — you didn’t want to muddle it. 
He sighed, and just when you thought the conversation was over, he suddenly pulled you over into a full hug. You yiped in shock, awkwardly sprawled over him. 
He didn’t need to say anything. He pulled you a little closer, and you knew what it meant. He was there for you, and he wasn’t going anywhere. Soon, you wrapped your arms around him, letting yourself bask in his warmth. He held you tight, letting you lean into the crook of his neck, and made you feel safe. Sure, you were getting vulnerable. But there wasn’t a hint of judgment or pity in his hug — just warmth and love. 
“You’re doing your best, right?” he asked. 
“Yeah,” you mumbled meekly, your voice muffled against his skin. 
“Then that’s all that matters. You don’t need to compare yourself to anyone else, since everyone else is living their own life and dealing with their own things. All you need to worry about is yourself, and how you can do better.” 
“…Yeah,” you reluctantly mumbled out again and you felt his chest rumble as he laughed against you. 
“I feel like you’re not listening.” 
“I am!” you shouted, pulling your head up and looking him in the eyes with a sharp stare, hands propped against his chest to hold yourself up. “I’m doing my best and that’s what matters because everyone else is doing their own thing so I should just do mine,” you prattled out with speed, faster than you were thinking. 
“Close enough,” he said with a laugh, before placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “Remember what I keep telling you, it’s — ” 
“ — not ‘impossible,’ it’s just ‘hard,’ ” you finished, and a bright smile came over him.
“See! I don’t even need to remind you,” he cheered, “turns out you were paying attention.” 
“I told you I was!” you shouted back, sending light punches to his chest from your position on top of him. They probably wouldn’t hurt even if you tried, and your barrage just sent him laughing with each hit. 
“You weren’t paying that much attention to the TV, though…” he said, and gave you a knowing look. You frowned, looking the other direction. 
“Well, I saw everything in person, so I was happier just seeing how you reacted — ”
“You’re always so happy to watch with me, though!” he whined. “It’s almost like you’d already seen what they had to say…” 
“No!” you shouted back, a little too quickly, and he laughed at your hastiness. 
“No need to hide it, I could hear it while I was in the shower.” He grinned as you pouted silently. Noticing your flustered state, he took the opportunity to flip you over and pin you down from above. “All that fuss about pausing and waiting, only to watch it by yourself! I should get some sort of apology for that.” 
You wore a faux annoyed look, crossing your arms. 
“…I’m sorry.” 
“You can do better than that!” 
You sighed, pursing your lips. 
“I’m super-duper sorry?” 
“It’s just not enough…” he hummed, and leaned in close like he was going for another kiss, but instead went on the attack, tickling you in an instant. Teasing you wasn’t enough, he was getting all he could out of this opportunity. You couldn’t help but break your serious look, laughing as giggle after giggle was forced out of you. Bokuto grinned down at you, laughing along as your armed uncrossed, grabbed and pushing at him with each hoot and holler. 
“Bo — ku — to! Stop that!” you shouted, kicking your legs and trying to squirm out from under him, all while a big smile took over your lips. 
Eventually he got his fill, and slowly started to let you go. Sitting next to him on the couch like before, you leaned into him as he wrapped his arm back around your shoulder. This time was different, though. You didn’t have any thoughts of doubt lingering, or any worries about how tomorrow would go. Afterall, you were there with him, and if the worst of your worries were if he would try to attack you with tickles again, you had to be doing pretty good. 
“Meanie,” you blurted out, still unable to wipe the smile from your face. 
He ruffled your hair a bit, smiling back and gently planting a kiss on the top of your head. 
 “I love you, too.”
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by kenzie cross-posted from my ao3
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iguessigotta · 2 years
Ooo wait, so we have kitty cat Dark but what about puppy Dark? I can imagine him being a suck up 🐶
hey! thank you for the ask! I'm so happy people like my Cat!Dark 🥺 ok this has been floating around in my head all day today, let's see if I can make something coherent lmao
so you know how most dogs are really excitable and LOVE people, but some dogs pick like 1 or 2 people and no one else is allowed near them without threat of bodily harm? guess which group Dark fits in
you are, obviously, his person. no one will harm or upset his person if he has a say in it. not to be dramatic but he'd die for you. or kill someone. please don't let him. he'll fuckin do it
(Wilford is, again, included in the group of people Dark approves of. though with the two of them, it's less protective and caring vibes, and more feral and.......have you ever seen 2 just....really dumb dogs....just going apeshit. running around, barking and growling and snarling, claws and teeth everywhere, looking like they're gonna kill each other, but they're just goofing around. havin a good time. playin with their pal. it's rare, but these two are sometimes like that. it's likely because they're the only people they can let loose with without fear of actually hurting each other. if you're lucky you might get to actually witness Dark and Wilford goofing off once or twice - quite the feat given how careful these two are about when/where they throw down. Dark has a reputation as an irritable, no-fun-allowed kind of guy to uphold, you know)
Dark has been known to growl occasionally. but not always angrily. he does it in the same way Rottweilers will growl or make happy grumbling sounds
he doesn't always realize he's doing it. usually it'll happen when the two of you are spending some quiet time together, curled up on the couch or relaxing in bed. it starts as a contented sigh that turns into a deep rumbling as his arms subtly tighten around you
Dark will also growl when he's upset or in pain. if you listen closely the next time he gets into an argument with someone, you'll hear that familiar rumbling coming from him
he almost never realizes he's doing it, which is....it's really fucking cute.........please don't tease him about it
he seems to have like a sixth sense for you and your emotional state. like he can feel your moods in the air, no matter how hard you've worked to hide it. feeling down/angry? he won't call you out or confront you about it (unless you're in crisis obviously) but he will do a few small things to help improve your mood
small things like: gifts! sharing his favorite stuff with you! food!
you're not sure how he does it, but Dark always seems to have food on hand right when you're hungry enough to complain. is he able to sense it? or does he just walk around with snacks in his pockets, just in case?
having a rough day, and you're on the brink of tears when you get home? when he greets you with his normal "welcome home" hug, he'll hang on a little tighter, a little longer. later, when you're sitting on the couch, decompressing with a favorite movie/show, Dark just might come up behind you and drape one of his jackets or sweatshirts or his favorite blanket over your shoulders, smiling softly as you sigh and lean into his hands. speaking of leaning....
leaning on people. large dogs especially tend to lean on people (i've never understood why they do it, but it's real cute) and Dark is no exception. he doesn't just walk up and drop his full weight on you though, he's more subtle than that
if the two of you are standing next to each other for whatever reason, expect him to slowly lean into you, until you're practically glued together. shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip, he usually won't put his arm around you when doing this, because it's meant to be a covert way for him to show affection. no one can tease him about being soft if no one ever sees it. big brain moves
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starlitangels · 3 years
Family Reunion
So... I have a small headcanon (that I’m not totally married to but enjoy) that Ollie and Geordi are cousins so... yeah. 1.7k words
“You okay, cutie?” Geordi asked as we climbed out of the car. I shut my car door and went around the hood to grab his hand.
“Yeah,” I said.
“What’s wrong?”
“I just—I’ve never been to a partner’s family reunion before. And this might get overwhelming from more than just a social standpoint.”
“Are you planning on reading my family’s minds?”
“How else am I supposed to know how to react in a way that will get them to like me?”
“By just being yourself?” Geordi suggested, letting go of my hand to wrap his arms around me. “They’re going to love you anyway, cutie. Because I do—and I know they trust my judgment. Plus you’re just all-around great so there’s no way in hell they wouldn’t like you.”
I chuckled, burying my face into Geordi’s chest. He held onto me.
“It’s okay. Everything’s gonna turn out fine.”
A car door slammed somewhere nearby. “Geordi? Oh my God—you got tall!” a voice said.
“Ollie! Hey man! It’s been ages since I saw you!” Geordi replied, letting me go but still holding my hand. “Where’s your partner?”
“Ah. Couldn’t make it. Work, y’know? Not that either of us are too upset. Just another boring family reunion.”
“Yeah. I know what you mean.”
“So, are you going to introduce me to your partner or not, goof?” Ollie asked, giving Geordi a pointed look while nodding at me.
Geordi swore. “Right. This is my cousin, Oliver. And this is my partner.” He gave Oliver my name. I held out my other hand.
“Nice to meet you. Call me Ollie.”
“Hi Ollie,” I said. No magic signature... I peeked into his head.
Glad Geordi found someone—always so sweet but kinda timid—partner seems nice—wonder what food Mom brought—don’t think Geordi’s still mad that I used to spend more time with his dad than he did... should probably ask...
I pulled out of his head as Geordi tugged on my hand. “Shall we go inside?” he asked.
Ollie followed behind us into the community center. Their family had rented out one of the party rooms to hang out and maybe go swimming or ice skating or play on the basketball court.
“So,” Ollie asked me. “What do you do for work?”
Crap. How was I supposed to explain my job with the Department without giving away anything about magic? I smiled. “I work for the city,” I said. That sounded governmental enough, but vague.
“Doin’ what?” Ollie seemed more curious than trying to paint me into a corner.
“Internal Affairs,” I said. It was a lie that I knew unempowered people wouldn’t push too hard for details regarding.
“Ah. Fun,” he said, dropping his chin.
“Yeah. There’s a reason I don’t really tell people that right off the bat,” I said.
“Do you enjoy it?”
“I mean... it’s work? I don’t know if I’ll ever enjoy a job. But I don’t hate it.”
“That’s good, at least. And, yeah, I totally get you. Before I started working for Vesta I hated every obligatory thing in my life.”
“Oh mood,” Geordi remarked. The three of us sat at a long, plastic folding table in some folding chairs. Geordi and I on one side, Ollie on the other. A few older adults were milling around. Geordi had dropped the grocery bag of various potato chip bags we’d brought on the potluck table before we sat down. I idled around in their heads, just picking up on vibes and moods. “How is Vesta, Ollie?”
“It’s pretty good, actually. I really like my job.”
“Aren’t you dating one of your coworkers?” Geordi asked.
Oh—now that was some drama I would eat up.
I leaned forward in my seat.
Ollie scratched the back of his head. “Technically, yes,” he said. 
I slid my telepathy into his head. Not on the same team anymore—crush since I started at that place—only one who was really nice to me—can he blame me?
“But?” I prompted, smiling impishly.
“But we’re not on the same team—they actually got promoted to another department like a year ago.” HR didn’t have a problem with that—not that they knew for a while—hehehehehe—
Oh. Oh that little giggle—this man was definitely Geordi’s family.
“Nice,” I said.
—damn it—forgot to bring his dad’s drill again—been meaning to give that back for months—since I bought my own—
“So,” Geordi began hesitantly, searching for a conversation topic. I poked a thought into his head. Ollie forgot to bring your dad’s drill. Geordi pounced on the suggestion. “How’s the reno going, Ollie?”
“Almost done, actually. The house is looking great.” He nodded. “You guys should come by some time. We can make dinner, you can meet my partner, and you can see what I’ve done. I mean, I did pretty much the whole thing by myself.”
I swore. “Seriously?”
—lotta work—rewarding but exhausting—I did that with my bare hands—well, not bare—I’m not stupid—I wore gloves—
“Yeah,” Ollie remarked. “People kept telling me to just hire things out but... it felt good to do it myself. I even built my own kitchen island. Granite countertop and everything.”
“Wow,” I said. “Granite. Nice.”
—I mean—Geordi’s dad taught me just about everything I know—when it comes to handiness, anyway—woulda been impossible without uncle—
“Yeah. Although, credit where credit is due, I couldn’t have done any of it without Geordi’s dad teaching me how to use tools and build things,” he said.
I slid out of Ollie’s head and squeezed Geordi’s hand twice under the table. He gave me a long, hard squeeze in response. I slipped into Geordi’s mind. —spent more time with my dad than I did—paid more attention too, apparently—good for him—glad Dad got to teach someone, I guess—
The bitterness was evident in the tone of his thoughts. A point of tension there, even though he and Ollie seemed to be getting along fine otherwise.
I poked back into Ollie’s head, staying in Geordi’s at the same time.
—looks kinda sad—wonder if it still hurts him—I never meant to hurt him by spending so much time with his dad—I just wanted to learn how to do things—it was fun—satisfying—didn’t realize when I was younger that Geordi felt hurt—never wanted to hurt him—closest thing I had to a brother—
In an effort to change the subject, I cleared my throat. “So what does Vesta do?”
“We’re a distribution company,” Ollie said.
“Fun,” I replied. I squeezed Geordi’s hand. He regrets hurting you, I thought at him. We can talk about it later.
“And your partner works there too, then,” I continued, retreading ground we’d already tread to get away from Geordi’s hurt.
“Yes. We used to be in the same department but they got a promotion. They were, honestly, the best thing about that job when I first started. Really taught me how to do the work, you know? But not, like, in a condescending way. I’m still nowhere near as good as they are at the job, but I’m much better than I used to be. And—God—I had such a big crush on them when I first started.”
I laughed. “Well, glad it worked out for you both, then.”
“Me too.”
“Oliver! Geordi!” a new voice exclaimed. A middle-aged woman—probably in her fifties—came over to us. She pinched both of their cheeks, giving them kisses.
“Hi Aunt Patty,” Ollie and Geordi chorused in almost perfect unison. With the same irritated, juvenile tone of a kid sick of a relative.
“Oh, and who is this cute thing?” Aunt Patty asked, reaching out to shake my hand.
“My partner,” Geordi said. —every year, Patricia—stop treating us both like kids—grown adults—why are you like this—cutie, are you still here?
Yeah. Do you want me out?
No—I like you here—your voice is calming—stay—
Love you, cutie.
Love you too, baby.
His aunt shook my hand. I leaned back just a little bit so that she wouldn’t be tempted to pinch my cheek too. “Well, it’s nice to meet you,” Aunt Patricia said. “So happy to see that little Geordi has found someone who makes him happy.”
“Thanks,” I said.
I slid my telepathy out of Ollie’s head and into Patricia’s—trying to limit how many minds I was in at once to not get overwhelmed.
—seems happy—glad he found such a sweet partner—I miss these boys so much—remember when they were little and actually happy to see me—must know I love them—if I’d been able to have kids, I would have wanted them to be like Oliver and Geordi—even if they don’t like me anymore—
I yanked my magic out of her head. That was family drama I didn’t need to snoop on. I’d tell Geordi about it later, in case he might want to consider reaching out to her.
“So, Oliver, how’s the house?” Patricia asked.
“Almost done.” Ollie nodded.
“Well, would you mind if I dropped by sometime when it’s finished to take a look? I’d love to see the work you’ve put into it.”
“Sure, yeah! Absolutely.” He smiled, but I noticed it was strained. I slipped into his thoughts.
—because that won’t be awkward at all—hasn’t stopped acting like I’m ten since the last time I saw her—maybe a brief visit will be fine—still my aunt—do love her, even if she’s a bit eccentric—
“So, Aunt Patty, how’s work going? Still teaching?” Geordi asked.
Patricia started to respond enthusiastically.
Geordi was humming the Tetris theme in his head, not even listening. Just keep nodding and “mmhmm”ing—she won’t even notice—bah bu-bu-bah, na-na-nah, duh-duh-da—stOP Geordi!—this stupid song!—
I decided to plant It’s a Small World in his head, singing it myself.
Thaaaanks, cutie, he thought sarcastically.
My pleasure.
I held his hand under the table. He was squeezing my fingers pretty tightly.
You doin’ okay, Geordi?
Yeah. Yeah I’m good.
At that moment, the door opened again and a few couples strode in. One of which was Geordi’s parents. “Food’s here!”
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eremiie · 4 years
i dont know if its ok to ask but- jealous possesive eren pleassee.. tyy🤸‍♀️
no, nothing;
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❥ eren x reader | 2.4k words | modern au
❥ content: possessive eren wooo, wall sex??, cum play i guess
❥ a/n; yes yes this is late idk what happened??? anyways this is season 4 eren, that’s the vibes this gives me
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"what are you doing?"
eren had your jaw in between his fingertips, head pointed up towards him yet eyes darting around to avoid his gaze.
you hated when he was like this— when he thought every little interaction with anyone other than him was some kind of advancement. it irked your nerves, yet your mouth stayed quiet and you stayed compliant when he spoke to you, when he confronted you.
your fingers danced up and down the material of his sweats to distract yourself. "nothing." your voice came out in a low mumble, nervous that if you spoke any louder than you were, eren would find it offensive.
at least to you it was nothing, only a couple minutes ago before eren called you to stand in between his legs from where he was perched on the railing of the stairs, you were a distance away with your other friends, namely sasha, jean and connie.
it was late at night, moon in the sky as the five of you goofed off in front of connie and sasha's apartment. you had no reason to be out so late— other than the fact that you all were bored. you'd decided to get together at their shared apartment for a small get together but the house quickly became a bore.
connie tried to teach you a skateboard trick that sasha couldn't seem to get the hang of, although he deemed it as "one of the easiest tricks to learn." and since the title of the trick was self proclaimed, you wanted to try to see if it really was that easy. you didn't see any harm in that, you didn't see any harm when you finally attempted the trick and almost fell back, the rough surface of the skateboard flying out from underneath you and jean having to catch you before you injured yourself.
the four of you had a moment of laughter, and you had thanked jean for catching you. you didn't process what you were doing at the time because once again— you found nothing wrong with what you were doing. you found nothing wrong when your hands were encased with connie's for him to steady you, because it was just to steady you. you found nothing wrong when his hands were around your waist to prevent you from falling, and you found nothing wrong when you and jean were play fighting, you getting him back for letting the smoke from the joint ghost right in your face.
but eren did, he always did. every little gesture that was just friendly to you was flirty to him, every little gesture that mean nothing meant something in his eyes. it was irritating, you could always feel his eyes burning into your back, and you always felt like you had to watch your back. you felt like prey that was constantly being hunted, constantly being stalked and watched.
eren took a drag of the joint between the fingertips of his other hand, turning his head to the side to blow the smoke out before looking back down at you again. his gaze was intimidating, the way his eyes were low lidded in boredom— as if he's not surprised. like you have done this before and still haven't learned, even though there was nothing to learn, and a viridian stare that felt like it was looking right through you didn't help to ease the tense feeling in your muscles either.
"what do you mean nothing? you didn't see how they were all over you?" he asked you, tone low much like yours earlier, except it was steady and made you shrink from below him.
do you shake your head no? you didn't see how they were "all over you," but no didn't seem like a good answer for you, then again, you had no reason to lie to him.
you felt the tips of his fingers on your jaw tighten. eren let out a small incredulous laugh, as if he was in disbelief with your answer. wasn't it obvious? how could you not see the way they were touching you, messing with you, they were practically trying to make eren upset, they always did, and he didn't know how he was the only one who saw it.
his eyes trailed over your body, almost as if he was searching for something. "look at what you're wearing." your eyes skimmed over your attire. it was simple, his jacket draped over your shoulders at his request, covering both you shirt and your shorts completely as it was too big on you.
"eren, theres nothing wrong with what i'm wearing, they don't care,"
"how do you know?" eren furrowed his eyebrows at you in confusion, or maybe slight frustration at the fact that you weren't getting it. his hand dropped down from your jaw to your neck, resting it there while his thumb smoothed over your jawline in a relaxing manner if it wasn't for the conversation at hand. "baby, you're not watching them, i am."
the joint was brought back up to his mouth as he took another hit before letting go of you and sliding off the railing. "sasha," he called out for the girl, her hickory ponytail whipping as she looked towards the two of you. "here." his hand was out with the drug in hand, using his fingers to beckon her over to retrieve it while his other hand snaked around your waist pulling you close to him in a possessive manner.
sasha scurried over from where she was sat on the concrete, saying something to jean and connie before jogging over. "where are you guys going?" she asked as she plucked the joint from eren's fingers, putting it up to her own lips.
"______ needs to get something in the house, we'll be back in a minute."
you shuffled on your feet at his words— you didn't have anything to get.
sasha dismissed the two of you with a nod of her head, walking back over to the other two and repeating what eren said as he took you up the stairs of the apartment complex. he twisted the knob to the apartment until the door swung open, pushing you inside and shutting the door behind the two of you.
"eren, what—" his hand flew to your hips to push you against the door, your back hitting it with a thud that you were sure could've been heard by someone on the other side of the door. he towered over you, eyebrows coming together in aggravation.
"why can't you just fucking listen?" his question came out laced with venom, and you let out a small whimper with how tight he was holding you in place, his hips pressing into yours keeping the distance between the two of you almost nonexistent. "i'm not just saying this shit for no reason, you don't need to be letting them touch all over you. is that what you want?"
you repressed rolling your eyes and held your tongue, not responding to him once more. it almost seemed like your favorite thing to do— leaving him without a response, leaving what you were thinking up for interpretation although it looked like he already knew what you were thinking.
"i'm just trying to do you a favor." he murmured as he studied your face, grip softening just like the features on his face when you didn't respond, only a small pout gracing your features. his hand dipped down until it was underneath the fabric of his jacket, smoothing over the skin on your hip when it slipped between your shorts and shirt. "here,"
his mouth came down to kiss your forehead before pecking kissed down the side of your face, and you closed your eyes. you were used to this, it was the same process every time, he'd get envious, talk to you about it as if it was your fault, and then try to sweet talk you, convince you that it's you, and that it's okay, as if there was an issue in the first place. it happened every time.
eren let both of his hands slide to your ass, lifting you up until you were pushed against the door and leveled with his face. he held you up by your thighs, pressing his self into you and continuing his kisses down your neck.
his teeth nibbled at the soft skin and you held back the noises trying to elicit from your throat. it felt good, it did, he felt warm against you, and despite how he tended to act sometimes; you felt safe when you had him so close to you.
"since you seem to forgot," his hands moved quick, one of them wrapping around your torso to hold you up while the other one moved to pull down your shorts. the cold air of the apartment hit your legs all too quick— goosebumps spreading over your skin that were quickly soothed by eren's warm hand smoothing over your thigh once more. "let me remind you who you belong to."
and there he went, grinding himself against you, attacking your neck with kisses, you were sure he left a couple hickeys that'd be visible in the right lighting.
eren groaned when his finger went down to pull your underwear aside, the warm slick from your cunt meeting the side of his fingers.
he brought his hand up to his mouth, tongue sliding over his index finger as he tasted you, and you bit your lip feeling yourself clench around nothing.
eren shuffled to untie his sweatpants with one hand, then pulling them to his thighs along with his boxers before holding your underwear to the side and sliding into you with one quick motion. "fuck," he groaned feeling you sheath him inside of you.
a soft moan left your parted lips and you grabbed onto eren for support, your fingers twisting the fabric of his shirt as you held onto him, like how he held on to your waist.
his head buried into your shoulder as he pulled out and back into you, groaning into your neck as he continued to kiss you, your back hitting the door with every thrust. "oh, shit—" your sentence came out choppy, every stroke of his was hard, cause you to jolt up every time.
one of eren's hands went down to rub at your thighs before trailing back up your back to grab a fistful of your hair, pulling your head back to expose your neck more to him. you winced, but the hold he had on your hair soon felt like nothing when his lips were on your skin again.
"nobody fucks you like this, yeah?" his voice came out muffled as he spoke against your neck.
you struggled to respond, pleasure was flooding your body and you almost felt incoherent with the way he was fucking you, it felt all too good, it always felt too good. it was something about the way he wanted to fuck you and let you know that you were his, and that you'll never be anyone else's.
"yes, yes." your voice was shaky, and you could feel eren smiling against you. he let go of your locks and moved his hand just a little bit further south to grab your neck instead.
he sped his pace up, and your hips moved to get him deeper— you were practically impaling yourself on him, every time he fucked up into you, you tried to meet his hips.
the lewd noises between the two of you were dirty, they made eren want to fuck you harder, knowing that despite everything that was happening moments ago you were always ready to let him fuck you good. "god, eren," you choked out, feeling his hand around your neck tighten.
you weren't worried about anything else— not about the fact that the other three could walk in at any moment, not about the black spots that were appearing in the corner of your eyes, not about the fact that this was supposed to be your lesson. you were only worried about the way his cock slid against your walls, the way that small tinge of pain made your body jerk when he would hit your cervix yet feel so good at the same time. your were worried about how your clit would hit the fabric of his shirt every time he fucked into you, and how close you were.
and by the way his hips were stuttering, the way his movements were becoming more sloppy, and his grip loosening on your neck, you knew he was close too. "what?" he breathed out, it almost sounded like a pant.
"i'm gonna cum," you moaned, and he dropped his hand from your neck to reach in between the two of you, thumb rubbing your clit in large messy circles until you tightened around eren, a cry of what could have only been his name leaving you as you came around him.
his eyes screwed shut as he felt your slick run down him, when he pulled a little out of you he could see the white ring you left around the base of his cock and he groaned as he used you to get himself off, thrusting into you a few more times before filling you up with his own cum with a grunt.
your legs felt weak, if he were to put you down now you weren't sure if you would be able to stand. so you sat there in his arms for a few minutes, both of you trying to catch your breath and come down from your high. your head was rested against his shoulder and his against your chest.
finally, eren slowly pulled out with a hiss, he was still a little sensitive. he let you step down, still holding onto him to not fall and he pulled your underwear back into place, his fingers pressing the cloth against your cunt  until he could feel his cum wetting the fabric, the squelching noises making you whimper.
"now let's go back out there," he sighed, content with the way you still gripped onto him as you pulled your shorts back up unsteadily.
"and remember who's cum you're filled with when we do."
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lxvislxdy · 3 years
Imagine Bakugou x stoner!reader
So... maybe I got carried away, and maybe this turned into more of just you and the bakusquad being besties, but I literally love this concept and will 100% be writing more.
Warning(s): obvious mentions of drug use, and some language. All characters are 18+.
So, let’s say, just for the hell of it, that this is a quirkless!college!au 
just imagine...
- you befriend Sero and Denki first, meeting them in a class, and they love you right off the bat
- you’re personality just meshes so well with theirs, you become bffs almost instantly
- the three of you raise hell in that class, I’m convinced, like RIP to whoever sits near you goofs
- you slowly start to hang out outside of class. maybe it starts as a study sesh, but let’s be honest here. the three of you can’t focus to save your life, and eventually Sero asks if you guys wanna smoke
- and, to their complete surprise, you outsmoke them (Denki later bows down to you, literally, and proposes to you with a ring pop. he’s such a dork I love him)
- this becomes a weekly thing, as it should, and the three of you are practically attached at the hip
- your favorite part of hanging with them is, of course, all their crazy stories about their friends
- so of course they want to introduce you to the bakusquad, and you are just as eager to meet the rest of the group, if not a little nervous
- Denki and Sero assure you they’ll love you (”c’mon, you’re just like us, they’ll adore you!!!”) and they take you out to lunch with Mina and Kirishima
- now, if you thought you, Denki, and Sero was a chaotic trio, just wait until you add Mina to the equation
- Kirishima lives for the chaos and thinks you’re adorable, but the guy has his hands full keeping the four of you out of trouble, that’s for sure
- (when Bakugou’s not around, Kirishima is in charge of the braincell, I don’t make the rules)
- Mina immediately kidnaps you for a girls night, and is ecstatic about having a girl to hang out with her and the boys 
- (SIDE NOTE, Mina introduces you to Jirou, and the three of you are THE baddest bitches around, thank you. the three of you definitely have girl nights and either kick the boys out, or force them to join, face masks and all)
- anyway, you finally get the opportunity to meet Bakugou
- and, as always, he’s in a sour mood. but! you don’t let his grumpiness upset you, in fact, you take it in stride and throw his attitude right back at him
- you aren’t mean, and you certainly aren’t going out of your way to bug him, but if Bakugou makes a snide comment? you better believe you’re throwing one right back at him
- and at first, Bakugou is annoyed, and thinks you’re mocking him. like, who do you think you are? 
- but the more he gets to know you, he realizes that you’re way too sweet to be that mean. you fit right in with the idiots he’s friends with.
- and, to be honest, it drives him nuts. because he likes you. he likes you, and he likes when you snap back at him, and he likes watching you goof off and laugh with his friends
- in true Bakugou fashion, though, you’re convinced he hates you. it’s just the icing on top of the cake when one night you notice that every time you’re there, and Sero lights up, Bakugou disappears 
- when you finally tell Mina this, she laughs. actually laughs! and you’re just like ....what?
- turns out, Bakugou hardly ever smokes with them, and he’s just like that. 
“Trust me, babe,” Mina tells you, “It’s not you. Bakugou just doesn’t know how to relax, he’s got a terrible case of trust issues and a bad attitude to top it off. But he likes you, trust me! He’ll come around.”
- you weren’t so sure about that, but you take her word for it. 
- and then, one night it’s just you, Denki, Mina, and Bakugou, and he stays!
“Someone with a brain has to make sure you idiots don’t do something stupid.” He says, when you ask.
- that night ends up being one of the funniest nights of your life. the three of you are high as a kite, and everything is funny. seriously, you can’t stop laughing!
- then, you find out Bakugou’s birthday is on 4/20, and you have never been so excited in your life (so you say). it’s the funniest, most ironic thing to you
- you go up to Bakugou, grabbing both his arms by the biceps, and are going on and on about it, bouncing on the balls of your feet and giggling, and Bakugou just listens to you talk and he blushes 
- you’re adorable, and he can’t lie to himself anymore, he likes you. he really likes you. and this realization really freaks him out (he calls Kirishima later that night absolutely freaking out, and he has to totally calm him down. Kiri ships it)
- over the next month or two, he tries his best to not give himself away, but it’s so hard. 
- he starts sticking around when everyone smokes together, and sitting next to you during movie nights (because you always fall asleep, and theres a good 80% chance you end up leaning on his shoulder), and he offers to help when you complain about a class you’re struggling with
- and it all comes to a head one night when he gets jealous. 
- he was definitely reading too much into things, but he swears you’re acting clingy with Sero, leaning on his shoulder, and grabbing his arm when you laugh, and playing with his hair. he definitely has himself convinced Sero is making a move on you, and he’s pissed.
- at some point during the hangout, he gets up and storms out of the room, and no one really notices but you and Kiri. after a minute or two you’re curiosity gets the best of you, so you go after him
- he’s in the kitchen, glaring at this plant Denki and Sero have (that is totally, 100% dying, and probably can’t be saved) and he’s pouting
“I don’t think staring at it is gonna bring it back to life.” You say, and he just looks at you weird and asks what you want
- you say you’re just checking on him, and he asks why you care. and you’re just like dude ??? i care about you? hello? we’re friends ??
- and Bakugou, being himself, snaps at you and makes some kind of rude comment
- so you snap back, offended because you’d just wanted to check on him
- and halfway through you telling him what a jerk he is, he kisses you
- he kisses you like his life depends on it, because he’s still pissed off about Sero and, come on, Bakugou Katsuki doesn’t do anything halfway
- and maybe the two of you make out in the kitchen for way longer than you want to admit
- and maybe you laugh and call him an idiot when he tells you he was jealous of Sero
- and maybe Denki catches the two of you, and screams like a little girl on christmas morning
- cue protective Denki and Sero telling Bakugou he better not EVER hurt you... and then crying happy tears a minute later because you’re so cute together
- after that, Bakugou is literally never seen without you by his side. he walks you to class, cooks you dinner at least once a week, helps you study and takes you out every time you ace a test. this man knows your coffee order, and has your schedule memorized, it’s impressive 
- god forbid he see’s you eating junk food
- listen, he knows how Denki and Sero eat when they get the munchies, okay, and that is absolutely not allowed. this man is such a simp behind closed doors, he will literally make you homemade snacks for when you go smoke with the guys. 
- he’s not the greatest with words, okay, but he loves you and he shows it through small things like that. he’s always pushing you to do your best, and bragging about you, and doing little things to remind you how much he cares
- he’s also a little over protective, but he means well, and cmon it’s kinda cute when he get’s jealous, sometimes
- but overall you guys are just the cutest couple. like the bakusquad is absolutely obsessed. (you make Bakugou soft, but don’t tell him they said that)
- and sure you fight over little things every once in a while, but you learn how to handle Bakugou’s attitude quick, and it never lasts too long. 
- if you do have a big fight, you take a step back and let each other cool down, and then you make Bakugou talk it out. he hates it at first, because sharing his feelings is so not something he wants to do, but it does help and he knows it.
- if, on the rare occasion, the two of you have a bad fight you can’t resolve on your own, therapist Kiri is there to save the day
- now, let’s get down to the whole reason i made this au in the first place
- the first time the two of you celebrate his birthday after getting together, he makes it clear that the day of he just wants to spend it with you
- so the weekend closest to his bday, the whole squad goes out and celebrates, but when it comes to his actual bday? Bakugou has a surprise for YOU
- you show up to his apartment, not really knowing what to expect, and this man pulls out a pan of brownies
- yeah, those brownies
- turns out, he and Sero used to sell them in high school
“What? Sero already sold, and I can cook, so we just... did it. It was good money.”
“How could you keep this from me?! Have I told you recently that I adore you?”
He just laughs, “You’re such a dork.”
- so you have the PLEASURE of getting high with Bakugou for the first time
- and let me just tell you, you’re in for a treat
- Bakugou. is. so. clingy. as soon as it hits, you know, because he’s wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his lap
- he’s speaking so softly?? and he’s just relaxed, and content with holding you and talking about anything and everything, just cuddling with music in the background
- high! makeout sessions! with Bakugou! that’s it, that’s literally it. he is INSATIABLE 
- the man just wants to kiss you, for hours, okay? give him what he wants!!
- he used to get super paranoid, that’s why he doesn’t smoke much, but with you he’s calm and comfortable, and not anxious
- it becomes tradition to make brownies on both of your birthdays, and you look forward to it all year
- and every once in a while, Bakugou will smoke with the squad, and they quickly learn that he can’t keep his hands off of you when he’s high. they tease him relentlessly, and Sero and Denki definitely have asked him (aka whined to him) to stop hogging all your attention
- also, he definitely lights the bowl for you, because he is a gentlemen
- shotgun kisses. yup. that’s all I have to say.
before I get carried away again, this is the end. Thank you for reading! I literally can’t get enough of this au I’m in love with it!! I’ll be writing more of this au soon, hopefully, and my requests are open!! 
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demon Brothers as Roommates
So, the MC has left the Devildom and, of course, everybody is quite sad… But this time around, they have a little trick up their sleeve. With just a bit of magic (and training thanks to Solomon) the MC can now summon one of their favorite demon boys up to the human world with them! There's just, uh, one problem though… After being summoned to their side, their beloved demon now refuses to leave it.
Alright MC, enjoy your new demonic roommate!!
Apparently Lucifer is on sabbatical… And yes, he does appreciate that irony in that.
Lucifer actually has a surprising amount of human world money stashed away in alias accounts (because this man renting a cheap motel on business trips? Let's be real) so he uses that wealth to get them a place befitting his standards… which are high.
Spacious apartments in nice areas that would make even the upper middle-class shit their pants? Congrats, MC, that's where you're staying now!
Even with all that money, though, Lucifer CANNOT sit idle for a second. The guy is used to working all his life and just sitting around would drive him insane!
Expect him to still be running some Devildom affairs long-distance style while doing something else on the side, probably stock market stuff tbh.
Is going to want to pay for and provide everything himself but will respect the MC if they still want to work and split the bills (not to a ridiculous degree, though, like half-and-half because that would mean getting three jobs at least).
A lot of trips and vacations too, especially if the MC likes to travel. It’s a good excuse to relax while also technically doing something so he doesn’t lose his mind doing nothing in particular.
He is going to be that strict roommate who expects you not to be a slob and isn't afraid to say so. Regularly scheduled cleaning/organization days are mandatory because hygiene is important. Take some pride in yourself and wash up, MC. That kind of thing.
Also going to have short-fuse for… antics. If you want to prank him, do so at your own risk because he may prank back (and that’s not nearly as fun as it sounds, trust me.)
Yeah so, living with Mammon is like the inverse of Lucifer. Prepare to be poooor.
Man has no human money, are you kidding me? Even if he did, he wouldn’t keep it for very long. Couples budgeting is a MUST if you’re looking to survive.
The apartment is going to be whatever the MC can more or less afford on their own with Mammon shoved in somewhere like a cheap lamp… Don’t expect a lot of room.
However, Mammon is great at the hustle. Man can work multiple jobs and actually be pretty dang good at them. For the most part, anyway. He may occasionally trip up and get himself fired, but he bounces back quick.
If the MC isn’t so moral he can also uh… “find” some extra money lying around too. Just be careful when playing with fire, right?
Even if they’re poor as shit, Mammon is still a blast to be around. The guy knows how to have fun on and off of a budget. Lots of “window shopping” (getting kicked out of stores for goofing off), nightclubs, amusement parks, and cheap fun. They’ll never be without a story to tell or a smile on their face!
He IS pretty slobbish though. He’s not going to remember to clean up after himself unless told, but he’s also not going to be bothered if they don’t do the same thing. A weekly cleaning day is going to be ideal unless they don’t mind living in a pigsty...
Prank waaaaars!! The kind of guy to get them both water guns and have a war in the middle of the apartment complex. Good luck getting any rest with Mammon around.
Whelp, your room is now his room, quite literally MC. You had to pick the shut-in…
The guy isn’t exactly poor but what human money he does have is all wrapped up in his many interests… Merch interests specifically. 
Thankfully, he won’t take up too much space. Put him in a room with a desk, bed (or bathtub), TV, and computer and he’s good to go! 
He’s not going to be a complete bum, thankfully. There’s no way that they can get him to leave the apartment, but he can run small online stores (usually anime themed) or become a streamer. Probably enough to help pay the bills, but not much more.
If they don’t mind having a literally permanent housemate, then being with Levi has its own kind fun. Lots of anime marathons, movie nights, and game nights. Really, it’s just like how he was in the House, but now transported to the human world.
Is probably going to want a pet goldfish, snake ,or lizard so prepare to house Henry 3.0.
When he does leave the apartment, it’s to take the MC to conventions, concerts, or anime stores. He always manages to get just enough money for these trips, but never says where the money comes from… Best not to ask. Could be black market for they know...
… He’s a shut-in. He’s a shut-in roommate. Hygiene isn’t exactly his main concern. If they ask him to, he’ll make sure to clean up after himself, but he may need a reminder.
Can have a fun side, but just don’t mess with his stuff too much. He doesn’t need a Mammon 2.0 around too...
He's either hatching a plan for world domination or adopting 10 cats… One or the other.
About as poor as Mammon at first, but threat not. He won’t be for very long. Satan is intelligent beyond his years (or equivalent his years maybe?) so he’ll probably net himself several degrees within a couple semesters like a certified prodigy.
At that point, there really isn’t much to worry about (aside from student loans, join our pain Satan) but he can sell himself just fine and probably get some high paying job like a lawyer or doctor or whatever… I’m not jealous…
They’ll start out in a pretty modest place, but there will be upgrades fairly quickly when he starts racking it in so Satan’s a fairly decent choice as a roommate.
He does still have that nasty habit of breaking things when he’s pissed off, but that can be subverted by getting a pet! Just hold up whatever cat you own when he’s about to rampage then declare that he’s scaring/upsetting them and he’ll stop in his tracks. Works every time!
Probably going to be the most domestic out of the brothers. He enjoys cooking (and ain’t half bad at it either), shopping is a practical necessity, he’ll take care your pets like they were his own flesh and blood, etc.
There will even to be points where he’s in bed reading in the middle of the night with tea and reading glasses like some kind of grandma so take that image for what you will.
Satan is the prankster of the household, but he does his pranks more as a way to give grief to his enemies rather than for funsies. Be warned, if you poke this bear he will retaliate for sweet, sweet revenge and he has centuries worth of pranks behind him. Good luck.
It's a new party every night, sweetie, get used to it!
Asmo is the only other brother who has some amount of money to offer from his own trips to the human world, but it's just a modest amount.
Is totally willing to work to help pay for a nice place. He wants a building nice enough to host parties!
Would go back to modeling and maybe dip his toe into acting from time to time… He gets a lot of gigs (this IS the Avatar of Lust after all) so they won't be strapped for cash. Which is good, because Asmo is a very "business by day, but party every night" kind of person. 
Do know that his shopping is NOT going to slow down either. Keep an eye on the budget.
He’s also going to make friends wherever he goes so he’s going to want for them all to hang out at least somewhat regularly.
That being said, he can tone it down some if the MC so desires, just know that they can’t keep him cooped up in the apartment for too long or he’ll start getting antsy. You can’t keep this stallion locked up, MC, he needs to run free!!
Being with Asmo is going to be like having a free pass to whatever gathering the MC wants to go to, at least. He could even get them into red carpet events with just his sheer charisma, charm, and er-… “charms.” Who doesn’t want to meet their favorite actress or singer, eh?
But oh, sweetie, please don’t prank him! Life is too short to waste on silly games (he also just genuinely just doesn’t enjoy being messed with so best not do it).
Brave choice, MC, but quick question. How in the world are you going to pay your food bills???
Beel is a real sweetheart through and through but his stomach is NOT. That thing will eat them out of house and home! (Maybe even literally!!) Both of them are going to have to work and probably some pretty looong hours (cause he’s got no money either).
Honestly, Beel would be best as a personal trainer in the human world. He’s a pretty decent combination of tough but genuinely kind and motivating. (The fact that he’s pretty easy on the eyes would help out a lot too).
But the MC won’t have to worry about Beel sneaking off with someone just looking for some “quality time.” He’d take his job seriously, though he’s not particularly versed in what the human body can’t handle so only the really dedicated (or masochistic) would stick with him anyway.
“Good work last week, April! You did so well that we’re going to go from 500 pushups to a thousand! … I can see you’re worried, but I believe in you.”
But hey, he can deadlift well over 2,000 pounds without breaking a sweat so who has the balls to argue with him, anyway?
Trying out every restaurant in town would be a must. He’d even plan out vacations for them with the sole purpose of travelling the globe and tasting the different flavors. Food trips!!
He's neat enough since he used to tidy up a lot for Belphie so no need to worry about him picking up after himself (except for the occasional pile of wrappers. Toss those out unless you want ants)
I mean, you can prank Beel if you want. He'll be pretty good-natured about it as long as it stays harmless. Just don't ruin any of his food, got it?
So… Belphie makes for some excellent décor! Really he is great at laying around and looking fantastic just… he’s not that great at much else...
Realistically, choosing Belphie as a roommate is kind like having a high maintenance pet. He’s good for love and cuddles, but he’s not going to be helping with the bills or anything unless they whine incessantly about it.
If the MC can make enough for the both of them, then it should be fine. They won’t get upset and he won’t be crabby but if not… Oh boy.
Regular job Belphie is a needy Belphie. He’ll come back from whatever job he’s working, likely a night shift, and demand attention or cuddles right then and there. He needs to recharge those batteries, after all...
If he isn’t working then he's at his happiest. He can even pull off being a “househusband” of sorts. He’s not going to go above and beyond the call of duty, but he can keep the place clean, get a basic meal on the table (provided someone teaches him some human recipes), and get groceries if he needs to… You know, basic domestic shit.
They’re going to have to come to terms with the fact that, at some level, Belphie just doesn’t believe in “common curtesy” or “human decency.” If some neighbors are being too noisy for his liking, he will troll them to oblivion and beyond. He may even get sued for it if he takes it too far, so the MC will have to keep an eye on him…
He’s the House’s #2 prankster, but unlike Satan he doesn’t need any malice to be a little shit. The MC will be pranked and it will be at the most unexpected times. Be warned...
Check out my Masterlist for more!
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mxchellesworld · 3 years
punishment games
natasha romanoff x reader
synopsis; in which your efforts to get back Nat’s attention leads to a much different result than expected 
warnings; smut obvi, use of strap ons, degradation, light impact play, use of restraints
a/n; so recently i’ve been on a binge of reading nat fics and goddd did i miss her!! anyways this idea came to me last night so i wanted to get it out asap before i forgot lol as always i hope you enjoy!!
also fuck the marvel timeline but if you place this around age of ultron it works
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You were being testy. And you knew it too. You also knew it was wrong to push blame onto someone else but technically Natasha started it. (no she didn’t)
It was another Stark party, a night of drinking and loud music over a meaningless celebration. However you loved them nonetheless, being able to smother Nat and taste the vodka on her lips while you both watched the boys goof off as if they didn’t normally.
However that was all pushed to the side when you saw some random blonde chatting it up with her. Usually you weren’t the type of person to be upset over someone talking to her but the moment the unfamiliar hand reached forward to tuck away a strand of loose red hair, no offense to Bruce but suddenly you were seeing green.
It was at an instant the gears in your head started spinning. Making your way to the small section where you were all sitting you marched right past her, adding a little sway to your hips before approaching the key to making this little plan work. Thor.
Ever since you had met him you had a little tiny crush on him. Who wouldn’t he was a god for fucks sake, 6’4 and sculpted to perfection. While yes, Natasha was your soulmate and only had eyes for you, she understood the appeal.
“Is this seat taken?” you asked twirling a piece of your hair leaning in for him to hear you over the bass pounding. 
It was as if he knew exactly what thought was swirling in your head just by taking a look past you to the sight on the leather couch parallel to him, he met your smirk as he responded, “Always a place for you my pretty little mortal.”
You giggled as his hands went to your hips pulling you down onto his lap. Your arm went around his neck, fingers running through his golden locks.
Turning your head you looked back at Natasha who was suddenly no longer interested in the woman sitting next to her.
Y/n: 1, you thought in your head. 
The next hour was spent still in Thor’s lap. As bold as you two were being he never let his hands steer any lower than your hip or waist. He caught you up on Asgard business. Even promising to take you someday. As intimidating as he seemed deep down he was nothing but a puppy. 
A few more minutes of laughing it up and he tapped on your thigh, “If you’ll excuse me my dear but I need to make a quick trip to the gentlemen’s room. However I will pass you on to my friend here,” he said pushing you onto another lap. 
You waved goodbye before turning your attention back to the newest player in your little game, “Hey there soldier,” you said with a smile. 
“Hey Y/n,” Steve said with a playful roll of his eyes. 
“So how’s the party been for you,” you asked before he cut you off. 
“Cut the shit Y/n.” 
“Woah Steven! You kiss your mother with that mouth?” you said with a laugh. 
“I just wanna know why you’re here instead of oh I don’t know hanging around your girlfriend.” he said nudging his beer bottle in Natasha’s direction. 
“Well when mommy’s and daddy’s get in fights-” Steve’s groan cut you off, “Anyways. She’s caught up in her own conversation.” 
“Really because it looks like she wants to bite someones head off.” 
This time when you turned around, dark green eyes were glaring right into yours. And they said the winter soldier stare was scary. However instead of fear it was nothing but pure heat shooting straight to your core. 
Looking back at Steve you played with the buttons on his blue, size smedium button down “Listen all you gotta do is sit here and look pretty, maybe give me a good squeeze once in a while. Nat’s not gonna hurt you.” 
The blonde scoffed, “Why do I find that hard to believe.” 
“I don’t like this attitude on you Steven,” you said playfully furrowing your brows, “did your little boyfriend Sam teach to act like this.” 
Steve lifted up his finger like he was about to scold you when a cold hand on your shoulder made you both freeze up, “Don’t bother Stevie, I know just how to put her in her place.” 
Natasha: 1
Her hand went down to your wrist pulling you along down the hallway and into an elevator, “Nat-” 
“I don’t wanna hear a single fucking word from you. Got it?” she said facing the metal doors. You gulped seeing the way her jaw clenched. Nodding your head knowing she was watching from the corner of her eyes. 
Once in your room she wasted no time in shoving you on the bed. Her lean frame over yours, trapping you under her. 
“Do you think it’s funny to act like a little slut in front of all our friends?” 
“No Nat-” your sentence ended before it started when a slap was landed on your cheek. The impact making you moan out. 
“Is this what you wanted princess? Did you need me to bring you back here and use you like the little fuck toy you are?” she said lips mere inches away from yours. 
Learning from past mistakes you kept your words to yourself and eagerly nodded your head, panting from the steady ache between your legs. You whined as she got up, watching as she walked to the little chest where you kept all your toys. 
“Get to the center of the bed and put your arms up,” she said without looking back at you, “clothes off, except your panties.” 
Instantly you followed her request going as quickly as you possibly could. She made her way over with metal cuffs, locking you in place before going back to the chest. You watched as she turned and made her way to the bed again, a long red toy attached to a strap was in her hands. 
She let out a mocking laugh as she noticed your eyes get wide when she lifted your legs to put on you instead of herself, “aw you didn’t think I was gonna reward you did you angel?” 
“Natty please I’m sorry,” you whimpered out as she moved to straddle your hips. The material of her jeans rubbing your legs made you painfully aware of you state of undress. 
She reached forward to squeeze your cheeks in one of her hands, “You should’ve thought about that before you wanted to whore yourself out to the boys.” 
“Now you’re gonna lay back and watch me fuck myself. And just maybe if I’m satisfied enough I’ll think about fucking you,” she said stripping herself of her clothes. 
You watched as she settled between your legs, one hand on the silicone cock and the other on your thigh, making you jolt. Her pink tongue licked a strip up the toy before she took it in her mouth. Never once did her eyes leave yours. 
It was as if you could feel her actions, the way she moaned around the toy bobbing her head. You knew it was nothing more than just to tease. The drawer full of lube suddenly forgotten about. 
Once she was done you watched as she settled herself on the tip of the toy, slowly lowering her self down. One hand squeezing on her breast, fingers rolling her perky pink nipple. You mewled at the sight, hips rising and digging the toy deeper inside her. 
“Oh look at my cute little toy just aching to make me feel good,” she said as she started moving her hips in slow circles. 
All you could do was dumbly nod in agreement. Your hands ached to touch her soft skin. Imagining the sight of little crescent marks on her hips as you fucked into her had you going crazy. 
“You know this could’ve been you malysh,” she said with a swift roll of her hips, the soft coo of her accent going straight to your core, “I would’ve even settled for a double ended toy, but from what I’ve seen tonight you don’t deserve any relief.” 
She picked up her rhythm, palms steady on either side of your head as she bounced up and down on the silicone cock. The sounds of her juices and moans drifting through the room was like music to your ears. 
You swore you could’ve cum on the spot. The sight above you was nothing short of heavenly, “Nat please let me help you,” you said breathlessly. 
“Please let me touch you! ‘M sorry,” you slurred out. 
“Aw my pathetic little baby,” she said leaning forward to wrap her hand around your throat. The slight amount of pressure making you gasp.
“I haven’t laid a single finger on you and you’re already so mindless,” said finally letting her lips touch yours. You moaned at the familiar taste of her favorite alcohol. 
It was almost embarrassing how on edge you were. Her words alone could make you finish. And you wouldn’t have been upset about it. 
She pulled away and reached up to undo the cuffs. Your hands falling limp to the side before you grabbed onto her face. Pulling her lips back onto yours like you had been missing all night. 
“Wanna make you cum,” you said against her lips. With one hand on her hip the other went to rub on her aching bud. Her head fell to your shoulder, leaving bites to muffle her mewls and whimpers. 
“That’s it princess, make me cum for you. Such a good little fuck doll for me to use, baby,” she heaved out. 
“Just for you Nat!” 
With a few more rough thrusts of your hips and figure eights just how you knew she liked them you felt her body spasm over you. Soft lips forming a perfect O as she let out a silent scream. Her ragged breathes warm against your skin as she rode out her high. 
Once calmed down she got off the toy, helping you take off the strap and tossing it to the side. You were about to sit up when she pushed you back down into the sheets, leaning over to grab her phone from the bedside. 
“Nat what are you-” A quick glare from her was all you needed to shut yourself up. 
“Hey Thor? Yeah I’m gonna need a favor, and bring Steve with you.” 
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