#hes the main character hes the best arisen who tbh
inkywarden · 5 months
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Oh, Master… Such joy I feel.
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📌 🔮 📝 for the platober asks for your pick!! id love to hear abt any of your platonic f/os
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I was so torn on if I should do Grigori or Vaati for this, so I just caved and decided to do them both!
📌 How soon and why did you decide to make them an f/o?
Grigori - Before I had even completed Dragon's Dogma, I had assigned Grigori as my main Familial F/O because of how much I adored his character!
For the world he lives in, which is pretty dystopian specifically for himself, the Arisen, and even the Seneschal, Grigori continues to be very strong as a person despite everything. He's perhaps somewhat jaded, but not completely. This is especially evident when he starts to praise the Arisen as the two duke it out for the first and last time during his boss fight, after mocking/belittling them in previous scenes with a clear edge to his voice. He hasn't completely lost himself to despair like others may have before him.
It's that strength and willpower I admire most about Grigori, making him someone I look up to with a lot of admiration :>
(Plus he has so many fantastic quotes!! I tend to repeat the same ones over and over but shoutout to ones like "The hour for turning back is past. The world will have its answer: you or me? Death, or life beyond?" and "Your life belongs now to no other. You've won it by rights... It is yours to use or cast away as you see fit. Remember that...". They are all so great to listen to ingame!)
Vaati - Vaati is definitely one of my oldest Familial F/O's, being only JUST beaten by my dads Draco and Bowen from Dragonheart. Technically he could be my main Familial, but tbh being comforted by your twin brother versus your uncle and father figure have very different weights to them ghdfkjg.
I don't know when I decided to make him an F/O exactly, but I'd argue it would have been around the same time as when I started F/Oing Ghirahim! So, Vaati has been my brother for about 10 years or so (I don't mention it much, but I do strongly associate Vaati and Ghirahim to each other (in the sense that I tend to insert Vaati into something Ghirahim is part of and vice versa because it just feels right)).
As for why I decided to make him an F/O, he just RADIATES little shit twin vibes LMAO. There's something about the way he acts that says to me 'this is a young man who is just starting out as a villain. He knows how to intimidate perhaps, but not how to ACT like a villain'. Which I gleefully mock in the manga because he swaps back and forth from being cold and stoic to HAHA EVERYTHING IS GOING EXACTLY AS PLANNED and it's so funny to see ghdfjkg I adore it so much. He has a general idea of being a villain, just not specifics.
📝 Does your s/i’s presence in the source change your f/o’s story, and if so, how?
Grigori - My stories with Grigori are all AUs so I can’t answer in the context of it being in the world of Dragon’s Dogma, but I can answer for my Genshin AU and my Crossover AU!
In my Genshin AU, Dire (my S/I) is a very positive presence in Grigori’s life and allows him to be able to feel human again, as well as be respected and treated as an equal, rather than as a frightening, otherworldly entity that some believe will bring about the end of the world. Plus, he gets to live his life AS a human again, which he naturally enjoys most of all.
In my Crossover AU, Nowa (my S/I) is also a very positive presence in Grigori’s life! To the point he will gladly put time aside in his day so he can spend it with his nephew~ The two are very close and have a very strong relationship Grigori holds very dear to him. If things were to turn sour, Nowa will typically turn to Grigori for help and advice first, especially since he’s the best to turn to if a fight breaks out between the other characters in my Crossover AU.
Vaati - Much like Grigori, I don’t S/I into the world of Minish Cap/Four Swords but instead into AUs.
In my Spa AU, Ezra (my S/I) is about as chaotic as Vaati is, so they just enable each other hgkjgd. The entire AU exists for fun so it’s not as serious as Grigori’s stories, so I don’t have as much to say, but I do like to think Ezra (despite being as chaotic as Vaati) does act as a moral compass to Vaati and will tell him when to stop if he starts pushing it and is being too cruel to others.
🔮 Would you rather bring your platonic f/o into this universe or travel into their source?
Grigori I love you dearly and so very, very much. But the universe of Dragon’s Dogma scares me on multiple levels ghdkjgjdf. Do I need to detail how unsettling it is when i kill Evil Eyes and the Gazer boss? No thanks.
(Although if I could be safe with Grigori specifically then I don’t think I’d mind too much)
As for Vaati, I wouldn’t mind if I was suddenly in the world of Zelda because those games aren’t as sad as Dragon’s Dogma (unless it’s the world of Link’s Awakening, then I want out ghdkg). Also I could be a minish alongside Vaati as well lmao.
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