#here they are. the one ship I dedicated the last 3 years of my life to
sly-s-n0nfusion · 27 days
Olberus headcanons
I tried to put 3+ years of severe brainrot about them in 4 pages of doodles
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zarnzarn · 2 months
@irondork tags on the first post made me go heheh out loud so heres part two of the reverse odyssey au
They set out in the morning.
Laertes and Anticles have taken over the throne until they return with the lost king, tears in their eyes as they wave the ship off, the smallest and sleekest one, fitted with twice the sails. Penelope and Telemachus keep their eyes on Ithaca until the last moment, her nails digging into his shoulder as they stand at the bow, and then she sighs and turns them to the captain's cabin with determination.
They turn into the open ocean with nothing but hope, all thirty five men that could fit in the boat rowing unrelentingly. She remembers some of them from the march out. They had left years ago as farmers and theives, come back as weatherbeaten soldiers, loyal and hardworking.
And guilty. Grieving, even, that their king gave up his life for them, thirty-five of them with either no one to go home to, or over-dedicated to the king, or filled with some odd sense of machismo, Cmietine had said, the night before they left.
Penelope knew better. They loved her husband, these men, to the bone, as had all the others who had begged and pleaded to be chosen to come. She knew better than anyone what it was like, after all, to have Odysseus look at you with his Athena-gifted eyes, to have him pull you in with a warm around your shoulders and a rakish grin as he flattered and joked and laughed. Knew better than anyone what it felt like to be caught in his wit and loyalty, to have his love and knew that helplessly, you could not help but love him in return. And for him to have fought by their side for ten years, brought almost every man home alive?
She knew the men loved Odysseus.
And she would use that well.
"Full speed ahead!" She shouts, trying to remember the confidence of her husband's orders, and keeps her eyes on the birds.
The first year, they sail until they run out of food, all the way back to Troy and then around, with one man in each direction awake at all times to search for even a glimpse of their wayward king. Penelope demands stories while they sail, of every scrap of her Odysseus from their eyes, encouraging them with what she can, making plans and strategies with Polites and Eurylochus and everyone else for when they find him.
They treat her with respect, to her surprise, never favouring another's order over hers or hesitantly explaining the reasons why they couldn't instead of dismissing her outright, that she wryly thinks must be at least partly borne of fear.
"I mean no offense, my lady," one of them says one day, rowing hard as he talks, after she says this. "But he really never shut up about you, ever. He once spent an entire evening after battle yelling at us how you would have done better."
She laughs at the thought, cheeks hot, even as the other sailors yell about disrespect and conduct before the queen and throw various things at the young man's yelping face.
Telemachus grows well on the ship. He finds it as easy to adapt as both his parents, and is beloved by the sailors as their own as he learns to handle ropes and oars and sails.
He does not understand the curse, does not understand why the adults around him weep so much, only knows that his father now swims in the waters and needs to be brought home.
Perhaps that is why he is the one to glimpse the scales in the water on the day they run out of food, despite Penelope's strictest rationing, when they all gather on the deck to hang their heads before one last speech, as the order is finally given to turn the ship back around home.
"Hello!" He shouts, waving wildly. "I'm Telemachus! Your son!"
His father blinks at him with five eyes- greyer than his, but still grey like his own- then smiles widely, waving back.
Telemachus hears gasps and cries and his mother's shout, but doesn't really wanna turn- he's finally seeing his father! After so long! Which means they can finally go home!
Penelope nearly trips them both overboard with how hard she rushes into him, one hand to her mouth as she sees Odysseus at last, at last. He looks gaunt, tail no longer silver but bright with dappled orange and red and yellow, dark brown like his hair, and they watch his expression wobble and tears leak onto his wet face as all thirty five of them clamber to the side of the ship, trembling with emotion as they shout greetings at him.
"Odysseus!" Penelope screams, laughing with joy as she gathers her chlamys up and steps onto the edge of the ship, ignoring the panicked rush of men trying to grab at her and the begging for Telemachus to stop trying to follow her bad examples. "Come here, you great idiot- where have you been?"
He swims closer almost hesitantly, diving under a wave and then reappearing next to the boat. He looks- shy, of all things, something like raw fear crossing his face as he flicks his tail and comes closer, even as the men run to get the nets, the ropes, the tub. Penelope laughs and reaches over the bow of the ship to strain downwards, arm outstretched to her husband, tears streaming down her face as he catches the next wave enough to meet the tips of her fingers.
And then Eurylochus next to her bellows, "NO!"
They all nearly jump out of their skin, and Penelope turns to look at her brother-in-law running across the deck to where one sailor is undoing the rope wound around a dirty rucksack, bag falling from his hand in shock.
Odysseus' fingers barely touch her own as the wave passes by, and then the winds of Aeolus still trapped in the bag burst out in a furious maelstrom, carrying their ship away in one direction, pushing the ocean waters in a forceful blow in the opposite, leaving Penelope screaming her husband's name in desperation as they're pulled apart once more.
Odysseus' answering scream of horror carries on the wind back to them, and then nothing at all.
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lgbtqiapnfreak · 2 months
Why I think Byler is endgame
Before we start, you must know I'm really skeptical about theories and all. I like to read and have fun with them, but believe them? It's really hard for me as a 20 years old queer person. Since young I've suffered being queerbaited by mainstream series, Stranger Things wouldn't be the first nor the last to do that.
I know today things are a little bit better, but for the sake of my poor broken heart, I'm always expecting a deception. Yet, I can see byler happening in season 5.
Here we go to the reasons why.
The existence of Robin
I've heard a lot of straight people say, before season 4 and even now, that "Will can't be gay because Robin is the gay person in the show. There is no reason for another one".
Like? The show can have 38272 straight, developed and important for the plot characters, all of them with love interests and happy endings, and one gay character inserted as a comic relief is fine. Two? To much to deal with.
I know, I know, disgusting. BUT what if I say that Robin was not a character added to the show only for a comic relief or identity representation at all? That she was presented for the watchers to consider the existence of a gay character in the show. For them to recognize some queer coded things that, without Robin, they wouldn't be able to?
Robin was presented to us in Season 3. As we must know, the third season of the show is mainly dedicated to character and relationships development. Thanks to it, we got to see the characters way more cylindrically, their fears, mistakes, who they are in their normal daily life. Mike, El, Hopper, Joyce, Erica and Steve gained many new layers in this season, but Will had the most special one: the first explicit hint of his sexuality.
And then, Robin appears. At first we are conditioned to think she likes Steve, the Duffers play a game with the watchers' heteronormativity using the dubiousness of their dialogs. And then, boom! She is lesbian. Not only lesbian but repressedly in love with a girl - at least was - and jealous of Steve.
Thanks to this coming out scene
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The interpretation door was open to see this as Will being in love with a boy, repressing his feelings and being jealous of the girl the boy is dating with.
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Will's jealousy and feelings for Mike back then stamped the background of everything, it was being slowly built inside the show - but not inside the character, remember the Snow Ball script? It was always there, just unseen.
Until here we are only remarking that Will is gay. But what Robin has to do with byler as a ship?
Well, if she is the queer character created to open this door for Will, created to gain the sympathy of the general public as comic relief character who bonded with two of the most popular characters of the show - Dustin and Steve - since s3, showing the watchers the struggles of a queer person in the 80's in a "light" way and making the viewers to cheer for her love life, of course her character holds a big role with byler building a romantic relationship.
Robin appeared in Season 3 because the viewers wanted Milven to happen in season 2 - thanks to the heteronormativity and kids sexualization I may say - when it wasn't going to, it wasn't scripted like this and it's not going to be endgame. So Robin's creating a scape route for the writers.
The hints given about Will being called a f@g and Mike over protective and supportive behavior with Will were not enough to create this bridge between friends and lovers as we know very well.
Movie Date and Schrodinger Cat
Moving on. We know Will is gay. Okay. What is still uncertain in the show is Mike's sexuality and required feelings towards Will. Here, we are focusing in the required feelings part.
I read a lot of analysis about the "movie date scene". I remember people discussing the blushing frame and the holding hands theory even before s4 coming out and at the time it sounded like joke to me - as I said I'm really skeptical. Yet, after rewatch the part and reading a lot (especially @greenfiend 's one about the holding hands thing), I feel like I finally understood why the scene is so spoken of.
It's pretty simple, it's another open door. Not like Robin who is there to guide us to read between the lines but as something that is open to interpret and rely on when they finally get together. It was made for when people start to question "where did this relationship came from?" and create assumptions like "it came out of the nowhere".
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In the scene, Lucas, Max, Mike and Will go to Starcourt's movie theater to watch a horror movie together. When arguing about Mike's behavior, Lucas remarks that he is spending romantic time with his girlfriend by going there. When they are finally inside, lumax and byler sits separately, then things start to get really fishy.
The construction of the whole next part, when they are inside the movie theater, from the beginning of the movie to the black out and end of the scene, are basically hands. Hands everywhere. In the close ups, in the people around them and even in the movie. Why? For us to see it, to think of it, to imagine. To imagine what? It's up to you of course, but we know people hold hands at movie theaters, specially when watching a horror movie, and we also know byler is the main focus on that scene for some reason.
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But they didn't show us their hands, did them? No. Because of that, no one can really say they were holding hands, but the same can't be said about them not holding their hands. The construction of the scene deliberately leads us to question the possibility, however there is no true answer. Like the Schorodinger Cat, they are holding and not-holding their hands.
Also, the "are you okay?" Mike says, the camera play and Noah's acting leads us to think that, if they are holding their hands, it was Mike's initiative, not Will's.
The whole scene is purposefully dubious.
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Noah looks down at his hand at the end of the interaction, up again, and then smiles. It's there but they don't show us! At the same time, if it was an unromantic moment, they would've shown us they were holding hands as they did before, so why not? Why do they keep the whole thing subtle, calculated, and masked by the MF plot if not to hold a secret meaning behind it all. A secret meaning for us to discover yet.
Like pleaseee, I swear this is some kind of torture for us gay people.
Mike's character construction and Finn's acting
I'm a ST fan since the beginning. I was here when the major public liked Jonathan better than Steve, when Mike was the favorite member of the party, and Finn was treated as one of the best child actors of the show. Looking back, it's pretty obvious things changed a lot since the third season.
Why things changed? In the last two seasons, Finn was accused of being "out of the character" and "having a bad acting". And Mike turned into a douchebag in public eyes.
The truth is: the way the writers had chosen to show us Mike changed. He still is the same insecure, paranoic, loyal, compassionate character who is a jerk sometimes from the beginning, but we didn't get the chance to see his POV since s2.
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Mike is a character trapped in the expectations of the viewers. They expected him to date El, to love El as a girlfriend, to treat her the way she deserves - what he can do, but clearly not as a boyfriend. Their relationship wasn't scripted the way it happened, so his character needed to go through some changes to remain himself. And, of course, for mlvn to end, the viewers needed to hate his version with El. Again, it is a scape route.
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His character is still the same, but the way we see him is different. The truth is the viewers expected Mike to acts towards El the way he did with Will after they started dating: unconditionally supportive, trusting, and understanding, but guess what? This was never on Mike's character to begin with.
He doesn't understand, trust, or support people unconditionally. They are showing how much he is inflexible and selective in what he wants to believe since the very first episode, we can see that in the relationship with his family and friends. Just remember his fights with Lucas in s1, s2 and s4 and Dustin in s2 and s3, they are his CHILDHOOD FRIENDS, but even them don't have the pleasure of Mike's unconditionally support and trust. The only character he is truly open to is Will.
These changes were made for us to see the difference between Will and the rest of the world for Mike. In season 3, when he appears to be a jerk to everyone, no exception at all, the only person he seems to retract this behavior for is Will. In season 4, Mike fights El and Will, but again, the only one he seems to understand and retract from his defenses for is Will. Again, the only person he is really open with.
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Now, speaking about sexuality, the other reason for people to blame Finn's acting is the awkwardness in kissing and intimate scenes - like the first I love you he heard from his girlfriend.
I don't know about you, but for me, it is almost painful to watch them kissing. Not only kissing, the whole dating thing looks like a performance, and it's not a good one, if I may say. But here is the thing, it's on purpose! The same goes for the looks he gives Will's and Eddie's body.
Don't even think that every look, expression, or camera play is not calculated. These people spend so much money in the show for it to be half assed by bad acting or misinterpretation of the script.
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kaledya · 2 months
Giovanni and Hurrem time !
First, it always make me chuckle when you call me 'Sir' (im very much a she) and each time I'm like *putting a suit and spreading legs* "I'm CEO now. Call me Sir and make my coffee black." Ahah
I mean, Giovanni deserve! He deserves and I give. And I'm ready to see your evolution in his design, when you want it and have time for it🌸 _
I'm very happy you like Hürrem! Thank you for liking the concept idea before anything else!
Oh my gods ! I knew it ! I knew it that guy was a cousin of Nick Wilde or whatever. I didn't want to assume like "he looks like a fox and he is giving Nick" but I did. And love it. I mean Nick ?
1. For Hürrem being half-rabbit, its because I imagine her mother (Parvin) being a mixed of Paimon and you know the female bunny in the Disney movie Bambi ? Very 50s inspired type of very girly girl design but with a demonic twist of course. And that is why!
Then you talk of Nick and I was like, yeah, I saw what you did here ! And we definitely have at least one braincells in common. Yes.
2.  For Hürrem name, yes I know the Turkish serie, I saw like 3 episodes one thousand years ago ?
And I know the historical figure named Hürrem.
I like this name because of the sound of it and the two dots on the ü. Its pretty. Then I just gave a logical reason with Parvin loving Hürrem Sultan in 'real life'.
I like Giovanni's name ! Italian. Like Addolorata ahah. Olcayto was really a surprise when I first saw his name, I never heard it before ! Its original.
Not unnecessary details. Details are great.🌸 _
I like that you like Hürrem background, and yes the Ars Goetia are miserable to the core. All of them.
I didn't think about SSAU Paimon ! Did you draw it somewhere and I missed it ? No ! *throw sparkles in panic* but yes, logically the heigher ranks demons are all fallen angels. They help Luci in the rebellion. I remember, Paimon and Lilith created the Goetia.
So yes Hürrem would have angelic blood in her veins I suppose because her grandfather on her mother side is a fallen angel. BUT in AA, the aristocratic demons are all corrupted by Hell (its just to say that they are more demon in their nature) This is why in a short story, Azrael ask to Abaddon to put a benediction on Charlie and Constantine to not be corrupted by himself. (It works better on Charlie than Constantine but its still a must) _
Yes, Constantine saw an opportunity in Hürrem and used it. Very diplomatic of him and practical.
I wonder if Elrond could be a proposition of a suitor in Constantine's head if Hürrem is successful to find Lilith with Giovanni? Just curious ! _
Hürrem is cute and you are right this type of character have the smoothest arc and changes especially when one party push the other to the better of themselves (they can break some time to time but they always come back together to slay again).
I love your little dialogue "Did you do crimes i dont know about ?" "No?!"
Ahah ! That was funny. And FLUFFY FEATHERS is the best nickname. I love it !!
(Giovanni's presence save the day!) _
The fanfics in Hell thingy is something that Hürrem would definitely like. She would ship everybody with Carmilla, Alastor with Luci and Vox with his assistant or something ahah.
I always find it so impressive Serenity is a doctor in her time period ? Like that is dedication. A nurse is what to expect but a all female doctor ? In America XXe century ? Slay.
I just imagine Human Serenity and an university professor argued for let her pass the test.
S : Thank you, sir. I will do my best. You said I have excellent scores at the last test ? Professor : I did. Very good. But... S : So, I'm on top of the class. This mean, with your marking I will pass, yes ? Professor *inconfortable* : Yes but maybe, I thought, doctor is very difficult, and for a woman of your background its your last chance to...(stay in line)
*Serenity jump on him and put a knife on his neck.*
S : ... I will pass, yes ? Professor : Yes. *removes the knife.* S : Thank you very much, sir. I will see you at the ceremony. _
Thank you ! I'm glad you her 😭 no need to use my others one then.
Thank you for your answers about Giovanni faq! It was interesting to know and now I can tie down the character of Hürrem.
•So shorter Hürrem it is. Noted. •Ahah, I just think that Giovanni would lost his mind if he meets Lolicia one day. •His backstory is very difficult and very well done. Tragic and important to his character. Its good. •The two options of the Clan gives to cubs is a good plan to manage the organisation and have members who actually wants to be part of the Clan and not forced to be part of it because they got keep as orphans. Liberty of choices. •the secret hideout in all the Rings give me Lupin The Third vibes (anime) and I appreciate it. •Ahah Giovanni and its 20 lucks charm on gun mastery make me thing of dnd. I think Hürrem would be fAscINatEd by the gunsmith expertise. _
The duo will first appear between episode 7 and last episode of season 1, perhaps two times but we will see much more of them in the season 2 !
Have a great day too 🌸🌸🌸 !!
LMAO! and SORRY!! (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠) We use the word "Sir" in my native language, regardless of gender, to be more respectful and sincere at the end of the conversation or at the beginning.English is burning my brain on this subject, every word has a different meaning depending on gender.In my native language, He/She/They/It all equals just one word.
And Lmao Yes, CEO Marquisev sir. Today your suit looks perfect as always and I will bring your Whiskey Neat and your Coffee black ☜⁠ ⁠(⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠)❤️/ (too Sweet cover by Reinaeiry)
*You can also think of me in a butler's uniform*
Thank you! When I reply to the messages you sent before, I will draw them as soon as I get the chance!!
Of course I will love Hürrem, she is a very well written character!
And I'm so glad you like Giovanni!!
Yes I remember! And it was a really smart decision. And very clever!
Yes' Precisely, and thanks to that brain cell, we now have Nick and Judy in Hell, sort of. YIPEPEPEP
And strangely, I'm already very fond of these two characters, I'm curious how their stories will progress!!
Yes, and I'm glad you saw it centuries ago. I think each episode is about 2-3 hours long. It would take a lifetime to finish the series.
Seriously, the sound 'ü' makes is so beautiful, for some reason, when you say Hürrem, you get the Vibe of a noble character!
And for the sake of connection, it was wise for Parvin to love Hürrem in Real life.
I'm glad you like Giovanni's name! And I love Addolarata's name, it's so creative! And seriously, I've never heard a name like that before.
And I'm glad you like the name Olcayto! In short, the meaning of the name means lucky in Turkish. (Serenity Sometimes is not CREATIVE person)
For some reason, ı thought Serenity like This while choosing the name from The books "What does lucky mean in other languages?! I mean, I can't just name the child Lucky, it's like the name of a pet dog."
And I'm glad you liked the details!!
Yes, unfortunately, the Goetia, they arereally miserable, but after all, they're noble demons, what can we expect?
Nope I didn't draw!! But I read that he was the one who was most loyal to Lucifer during his rebellion against Heaven, so I thought of him as a fallen angel!But after all, a cursed fallen angel, the reason Lucifer wasn't cursed as much as the others was because he was the True Archangel
And Yes!
Yes, you have made a really logical decision in AA. After all, even if they were fallen angels, they would not be strong enough to resist corruption.They are all demon now.
Yes, I remember that scene and it caught my attention.Seriously, Azrael's words there make a lot of sense.In the end, it's not in anyone's best interest for Charlie or Constsntine to be corrupted.
And I have a question. In SSAU Constantine and Charlie's blood is orange/a kind of resin color because they are half angel and half ex-human.
(Both of their blood has a seriously different structure. But , I can give an example of one of ıt characteristics, Charlie or Constantine's blood is like the blood of an angel, it is like acid for sinners)
But I do not intend to do the same for the children of sins.
So I'm planning to have their blood black like a hell-born, do you think that makes sense?
Yes .
Maybe, after all, he's the of the young Goetias close to Hürrem's age so he will offer this option to Hürrem and Elrond if her mission is completed successfully.
But if either of them does not like the offer and Hürrem does not want marriage as an option, Constantine can do something different Solution on what she wants.
Yes definitely! And such characters are so much fun to read!
I'm so glad you liked the little dialogues, and lmao that dialogue was my favorite too!
And I'm glad you liked the nickname! Giovanni would probably be the type to call people with a lot of nicknames.
LMAO Imagine, Giovanni and Hürrem are sitting while they are on a journey to move to another ring.Giovanni's attention goes to what Hürrem is reading and asks what she is reading.Hurrem she panicked and said that she didn't read anything and that it was nothing important
(30 fanfic tabs were open in Chrome at the time).
(By the way, funfact, if you have too many fanfic tabs on chrome, the box at the top will stop showing the number and say ':D 'lmao)
Yes, Serenity was a Doctor, and yes, women were often nurses at that time.
But this was a very difficult task. Serenity studied at university around 1940 and was there.There's a lot of sexism and a lot of racism at the same time.a lot of university didn't even accept women or people of color.
((English is not my first language, I researched and found out that the term "People of Color" is the best way to address, please tell me if I'm wrong))
In other words, this meant that Serenity was studying at university while dealing with a lot of things.
(I had to do a LOT OF research on whether this thing was possible (I hate racism and sexism SOOO much))
But in the 1940s, there were medical universities that accepted students of color.
Serenity studied at Howard University College of Medicine.
Also, the money and human connections that Alastor left her helped her a lot. It can be said that this path was nearly completely closed to the woman in that time(It was very difficult, especially if she came from a family with no money, that woman was usually just married off.),
But the door was open to Serenity, but she had to work in an inhumane way and she did it.
The reason she wanted to become a doctor was because people of color did not receive proper healthcare at that time. They're were not admitted to the hospitals, or even if they were admitted, they did not receive good service.
That's why Serenity wanted to become a doctor and then open her own clinic in her hometown, to ensure justice and help those in need. And she did this. When she announced that the she will open a Clinic, there were many people who supported her And they donated money to open her clinic and expressed their moral support for her. and she helped many people until she died.
She didn't even take money from patients who couldn't afford treatment This much. In return, patients always give her food or gifts. (There was a time when Serenity didn't even need to cook at home. She didn't need to buy food because she ate the food given to her as a gift)
I'm sorry for the lore dump, but while doing research, the more I saw discrimination, the more mad I became.
DEFINITELY! There is a possibility of such a scene There were probably men somewhere who tried to remind Serenity that a woman's duty is to be a housewife.
And Serenity be like: *putting a knife to the throat* Oh yes, If I should be a beautiful housewife.you will be a good fertilizer for the soil in my garden. Do you want to try??
After all other people's opinions are important, right?
And seriously the dialogue you wrote was beautiful!!
It was an honor to answer your questions!!!
-It would be really interesting if Lolicia and Giovanni meet!!
-I'm so glad you liked the background!!
-Yes, after all, "you can't force a dog to go hunting."(This is an idiom)And Serenity needs loyalty and love. There must also be fear, but such a structure cannot be governed by fear.
-Yes! I saw Lupine The third!! And I'm glad you liked it!!
-LMAO and yes!
-I seriously can't wait to see these two!!
Thank you for your return and I wish you a good day!! 🌸🌸🫂❤️
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seepylilthing · 10 months
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Welcome one and all , to BROADCASTTALE !
A lonely , broken down Mettaton , stuck in his dilapidated au , wished for another chance to be something stellar . His wish was heard by and outcode named Rose , and with her help he was able to create a brand new au for monsters like him
Broadcasttale was created with two things in mind: giving monsters with no home world a place to live and thrive , and creating something that could spread joy and laughter throughout the multiverse . Thus was born BTMTTTV (brodcasttale mettaton tv) .
A multiversewide TV station dedicated to entertaining the multiverse !
With your host and mayor , STELLAR !
No one in the multiverse is quite as dazzling as him , his voice is as angelic as it is charismatic , he captivates his audiences and steals their hearts .
He's a very kind and loving person over all , he cares deeply about his au and its residents , especially the cast members of his TV station . They're his family and he would do anything to ensure their safety and happiness .
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The multiverse news reporter , TOPAZ !
The energetic newsie is a little bit nosy and he's always looking for the next scoop , dragging his cameraman with him across the multiverse to capture and air stories from all over !
He's got a heart of gold and he'll always look out for the people he loves .
(He secretly has cat ears and a tail . They are hidden by his attire .)
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Speaking of cameraman , here's BLOOKSIE !
They're Stellar's beloved cousin (from another au .... ) , and Topaz's trusted cameraman
They're soft-spoken and timid , often thinking less of themself , but they do their absolute best , and when push comes to shove they always pull through ! They're much stronger than they give themself credit for .
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Can't have Sans without Papyrus . Meet KUNZITE ! (named by my good friend @knightpapyrus on Twitter)
He's Topaz's dear brother , he runs a cooking show on the station and his culinary skills are the best in the multiverse !
He's an absolute sweetheart and he'll defend his brother with his life (even if that means lying to people's faces that Topaz didn't inherit the cat gene)
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And last but not least , STATIC !
They're a ghost of a human child who used to live in the au broadcasttale was built upon . They somewhat resent the creation of the au , but no one seems to notice that they're here .
Deep down they have a loving heart , they're just very bitter about the initial destruction of their au , and aren't entirely open to the drastic changes that Stellar and Rose made with the broken world .
They/them , 11 years old .
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1. Fanart is a-ok ! Tag me in it even .
2. Headcanons are welcomed and encouraged . They may help me build upon the au !
3. Nsfw of the ADULT CHARACTERS is fine , so long as it's kept in adult spaces , far FAR away from minors .
4. Ships are ok , as long as they are not problematic type ships . Keep the adults shipped with the adults , and ship chara with people their age .
5. Feel free to design broadcasttale versions of other characters , and what sorta segment they could have on the station , I wanna see it , and who knows .... maybe I'll adopt some of them .
6. HAVE FUN !!!
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charmspoint · 3 months
Full Foreword
(Context: I wrote a long foreword for dance with the devil but AO3 nerfed me so I'm posting it here :3)
On 30th of June 2021 I published Rabid Dreams, Neon Lights and Your Teeth on My Tongue. It was supposed to be a one shot for an exchange, one that I at first struggled to write, before suddenly managing to find my stride. And what I wrote ended up capturing my imagination so intensely and viciously that on the night I posted it, I started planning the first prequel.
It’s now 14th of June 2024.
Three years later and we are finally here.
In many ways, this fic is my child. I truly think it’s some of the best writing I’ve ever done and certainly the best, most in depth character study I’ve ever done. This fic technically has two iterations, because when I first started writing it, it was supposed to be a 10k oneshot...then a 20k oneshot...then a 70k oneshot. Faced with such a big number, I couldn’t in my right mind post it all together and expect people to read 70k incessant words of a deep au (without a ship dynamic!) so I set to separating it into chapters. To separate it into chapters each previous section of the oneshot had to be rounded into a story that could stand as a chapter, and then of course there were some things I ended up not liking about certain arcs so I changed them, expanded them, shifted the character roles around, gave certain characters more screen time and more impact and well...you can expect to read about 101k words once this fic is fully finished. Just of this. Just of the prequel from Satoru’s POV. It’s hands down the biggest thing I’ve ever written and the big word count is one of the reasons this took so long. The other reason is that I wanted to have a weekly posting schedule. Currently, all chapters save from last two have been fully written, beta read and edited. I’m confident I can give you a regular posting schedule every Friday around this time.
Now for some dedications.
Firstly, this fic is dedicated to Sesshom0ru, who originated the initial prompt that fired off the oneshot and then this fic right after it. Thank you for patiently waiting for the prequel that was promised to you three years ago lmao!
Secondly, this fic is dedicated to Frappe. I met Frappe when she did art for CotA and we became very good friends, so much so that she was quickly wrapped up into the production of this fic. Frappe was going to draw the cover for this fic as well as spot art for each chapter. We were both very excited about it and talked about it constantly and some of that art, especially the cover which is completely stunning, does exist. But unfortunately, Frappe fell out of contact almost two years ago. I don’t know what happened to her but I hope it’s nothing bad. I hope life was just life and she got carried away with it, I still hope I see her discord avatar pop up in my dms again. Out of respect for Frappe I won’t be posting any of the art she had made for the fic, but this fic is still dedicated to her and I hope that one day she still gets to read it. This is for you Frappe, thank you for loving my boys as much as I did <3.
Thirdly, and most importantly, this fic is dedicated to Ker, my beta reader. If there are readers here who had read multiple of my fics, they are probably familiar with Ker’s name. Ker beta reads most of my big projects and most of the little ones that I think are really good. The reason you might have been seeing less of their name pop up in current projects is because I had them sat and beta reading 18 chapters for this crazy fic. And they did such a wonderful job with it too. I honestly couldn’t ask for a better beta reader if I tried, couldn’t find one if I searched the whole internet for them. Ker brings such incredible love and attention to detail to beta reading and editing my fics. I’ve had a fair number of people edit my fics, but only Ker does it with such care and attentiveness. I often say, me and Ker, we are coparents of this fic. It’s theirs as much as it’s mine. They not only beta read it, but also listened to my endless rants about it, encouraged me when I had doubts and cheered me on when I did something well. They don’t just point out grammar mistakes, they carefully go through the chapter and point out where things don’t flow well, when scenes should be expanded, when things should be better explained. They also react with a lot of baby emojis to Satoru’s antics. I have taken to referring to Satoru as Ker’s son whenever he’s doing something stupid. I cannot overstate how much Ker does and has done for this fic. They truly, honestly make me a better writer, not content with just correcting my grammar and then patting my back, but constantly challenging me to do better, to develop more, to surprise them again. I cannot overstate how important Ker is to my writing process and to me personally. This is why this might sound like someone endlessly gushing about their spouse, lmao. But they do deserve it. They stuck with my crazy, violent little story from beginning to the end and are already at the next starting line, eager for more. Ker is the best beta reader I could ask for, my loudest cheerleader and my most beloved. Thank you darling, for being you, you’re irreplaceable to me <3
It might seem silly to have such a long starting note on a silly little gang au fic of a manga that has almost run its course. But this fic took three years to make. A lot of love was put into it, a lot of energy and effort. I hope you all enjoy it and love it as much I do.
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cottonraincoat · 5 months
Five Fandoms, Five Ships!!
Get to know the blogger, via five different ships from five different fandoms!
thank youuu for the tag @sky-kenobye xx
gotta be honest for the majority of my life my hyperfixations have not been fictional media lmao (unless math is fiction and that's actually not an indefensible view) and when they are it rarely hops around so I have not made it up to 5, but alas!
1. Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) binge rewatching the prequels + watching owk last year sent me straight to the ao3 tag and the rest is history. I don't think I've encountered another set of characters that have made their entire lives about each other and then made the whole galaxy about them. although it is also for sure the people & the stories we tell each other that's kept me around, and I feel very lucky that I get to clown around with you talented people :)
2. Remus Lupin/Sirius Black (Harry Potter) what can I say I do like my gently depressed mentor types and their mentally unstable goth boyfriends. this was the quarantine rabbit hole & the one that really got me into writing fic & there's still that time travel epic I'm trying to write. (I'll give myself another three years)
3. Marvin/Whizzer (Falsettos) the musical. another pair of gay people being unhealthily obsessed with each other as the world fell apart around them, and finally learning to love each other just as it killed them, this time in 70s/80s nyc! admittedly this is 1. in the context of being in love with the musical as a whole and 2. correlated with the inexplicable and slightly embarrassing obsession with Andrew Rannells (the actor who played Whizzer) I had back in school. ah well!
4. Richard Wagner and Friedrich Nietzsche (19th century Germany) for the record this is a JOKE. although nietzsche was really properly obsessed with wagner okay. properly thought he embodied the spirit of civilization and dedicated whole books to him, and then coming to hate him at the end just as much he'd loved him (thought he embodied the sickness of civilization and dedicated whole books against him). I would say nietzsche's rolling in his grave but he probably already has been for all the stuff people think he said. god okay. see this is what happens when you try to philosophy but don't understand it because you end up shitposting about them on a fabricated dimension that's still comprehensible. well that made me sad. sigh.
5. me and my bed okay I'm getting myself out of here. goodbye!!
this has been going around the dash and I technically only had 3 sooo @heretolurkandnothingmore @usakostar @deathbyobiwan if you want and haven't done it!
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Muse (Part 3)
ROTTMNT Leo x GN/Rabbit Yokai!Reader
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Warnings: Fluff, Embarrassment, Aged-up Turtles
Synopsis: You've been visiting Run Of The Mill Pizza maybe a little too often just to see the blue clad turtle of your affections and draw him. You're pretty sure he hasn't noticed you at all, bad news for you, he has and he is far too curious about why you watch him.
A/N: I'm not sure how many parts of this I'm going to do, but let's enjoy this story while its still going on, yeah? Honestly I'm just trying not to jump ship to a different Leo x reader story that I'm DESPERATE to write... but I digress!! This is a repost from my old side blog since I wanted to make a main blog for this stuff. Let's get this show on the road.
The days had gone by pretty quickly, and at this point you had begun wondering if maybe, just maybe you should cave and show Leo your sketchbook, maybe it would be fine… you were a little surprised by his dedication to figuring it out… maybe it would be fine. Okay- yeah. You would show him, just to reward his dedication. The moment you had come to the decision a worry had started to bloom forth in your brain. What if he stopped talking with you entirely after he got what he wanted? As much as you liked to think the two of you had become much closer over the course of four weeks, what if he didn’t actually feel the same way…? What if his kindness was solely to butter you up?
No! No. You were assuming things, letting your fears and anxieties talk you out of your decision. Besides, if all he wanted was to see the sketchbook and he left afterwards, then you didn’t need him in your life… but it would hurt- If it is not meant to be it is not meant to be. It wasn't like you were dating anyway.
You took a few calming breaths, walking along the pathway through the group of street vendors and the crowds that surrounded them. You just needed to get to the one that sold what you were looking for, hand made crystal necklaces. They were nothing special of course, but you had always loved the way they looked and had finally saved up enough for one at your part time job.
When the stall finally came into view you relaxed, squeezing through the last bunch of people with a quiet apology before making your way up to the doberman yokai behind the stall who was currently in the midst of writing in a small black book. You smiled a bit. “Hey, Alden.” You greeted, watching the way he instantly closed his book and folded his hands neatly on his lap, looking up at you with intrigue.
‘Y/n! It’s quite good to see you again,” he insisted, smiling ever so slightly before he began to speak again, “where have you been? I was beginning to miss our daily talks.” He leans forward, book set aside as he rested his elbows on the table, resting his chin on his hands while his docked ears pointed eagerly in your direction. From the sound  of it, business hadn’t been great lately.
You smiled in response, chuckling and fidgeting with the strap of your leather satchel. “Well… I’ve been busy, making a new friend-“
“Ah, replacing me.” He shook his head, chuckling to show he was only teasing, his hand over his heart in mock offence.
Instantly rolling your eyes, a smile that reaches your eyes spreads across your face and you relax at how easy and comfortable this is. After all, Alden had been your friend for years, practically since you were both kids. “Oh hush, no one could replace you, drama king.” You hum, eyes flitting over his wares and you swear you see the curiosity bubbling in his chocolate coloured eyes. “So, I was hoping to get a necklace with rose quartz?” You offer, your gaze having lingered on the crystal for a little longer than you’d realized. You hand him the money for it, having become acutely aware of his prices from spending time here constantly.
Alden pauses at that, any teasing comment he was going to say being cut off by a bewildered expression as he tucks the money away. Nevertheless, he lets you pick one of the rose quartz crystals he has on display and then carefully winds some wire around it to make a little pattern and also hold it securely in place before putting it on a black wax cord that has simple metal clasps. “You know…” he begins, already standing to help put the loose choker necklace on you. It still takes you by surprise at how much taller than you he is. “Rose quartz is one of the most sought after love stones.” He murmurs, carefully hooking the necklace on you and adjusting it to sit properly.  “It’s meant to build trust, tolerance, and true unconditional love… So who is it then?” He muses, moving to lean against the side of his stall, head tilted.
You feel your face heat up the moment he explains the gem you had chosen. It wasn’t like it was your intent to pick a love stone, you just thought that one was pretty, you had felt drawn to it! “Oh- I- um…” You feel your phone buzz and swallow thickly, having a pretty certain idea of just who that might be, eyes darting down to the pocket of your denim jacket before meeting Alden’s unintentionally intense gaze. “Just… some guy I met… He’s- he’s really sweet… and funny-“
He holds up his two toned black and tan hands in a placating gesture and grins at you for a second, before moving back behind his stall and digging through his collection of rings, murmuring to himself. Soon enough he comes back around the stall and takes one of your hands, sliding the silver ring into your hand. “Green aventurine. For luck- in love and life in general.” He lightly taps the perfectly glossy and rounded gem in the centre of the intricately designed olive branch shaped band.
“How much is-“
“Free. You’re my best friend, dumdum. I’m giving you this for free.” He hums, huffing in surprise when you quickly hug him tight around his torso, burying your face in the soft fabric of his v-neck black sweatshirt. Alden can’t help but smile, holding you close, one of his hands resting on the back of your head, softly rubbing his thumb between your ears, earning a soft purr from you.
You pull away after a moment and look up at him fondly, already easing the beautiful ring onto your your thumb. “You’re the best, you know that, right?” You inquire, pausing when your phone buzzes again. You don’t want to be rude though, so you don’t answer it just yet. 
Waving you off dismissively, Alden just offers you a simple smile, gaze gentle as he pats you on the shoulder and then moves to sit in his chair once more, putting his feet up on the small milk crate you know is behind there so he can sit bunched up. “I think someone is trying to get your attention.” He hums, flicking one of his ears in the direction of something behind you, a bemused smirk finding its way to his face showing that he has a feeling on who it is.
You glance in the direction he had gestured in and pause at the sight of Leo weaving through the crowd and attempting to get your attention by furiously waving his hands. Growing slightly flustered before glancing back to Alden, you move to speak, but soon a new customer grabs his attention and you’re left with the knowledge that your best friend is 100% able to tease you about your crush.
Shaking your thoughts aside, you turn smoothly and wander over to one of the silk scarf stands where Leo is squirming through the crowd. You begin wondering why he didn’t just portal over to you, fully aware of his special skill since he had used it countless times to startle the hell out of you and try and get the drop on you. Shaking your head, you move to carefully guide him through an opening you had spotted. “Now why would a turtle with portalling abilities not use said skill to get out of that mess? You inquire, tone lighthearted and teasing.
Rolling his eyes, Leo offers you a cheeky smile, nudging you playfully. “I wanted to go it the old fashioned way.” He shrugs. You can’t help but notice the way he is glancing behind you in the direction of Alden’s stand. Before you can comment on that, he quickly brings it up for you, “so who was that? Your boyfriend?” He casually asks, starting to walk with you to look at some of the other stalls clearly not as familiar with the wares as you are.
“Oh, he’s just an old friend of mine. We’ve known each other since we were really little. More like a brother, really.” You offer, not at all missing how he seems to relax ever so slightly at that… but, that can’t be right. No. You imagined that. Why would he be tense about the possibility of you having a boyfriend? Because he wasn’t, obviously.
Leo nods to himself. “Cool, cool, cool-“ he began, pausing after a minute or so and then gesturing at your new necklace. “That’s new- pretty. It matches your nose!” He muses, referring to the pink splotch on your otherwise dark brown nose- one of the small things that normally made you a little self conscious about your looks. He seemed quite pleased with that realization, glancing into one of the stalls with intrigue.
You sit there for a moment, dumbfounded and gently kicking a rock off of the dirt path as he looks at the sweets, but you quickly shake yourself out of the flustered state you had begun to enter, carefully fiddling with one of your ears by softly brushing your hands over it. “Oh-! Um… thank you.” You murmur, noting the amused smile he offers at how flustered you got. “I recommend the  meringues.” You offer quietly. “The ones Donna make taste exactly like roasted marshmallows.” 
The idea of that alone seems enough for him and he quickly purchases two of them, not missing how the woman behind the stand seems to look between you both with intrigue, thought the familiarity towards you is what intrigues him most. As you’re walking away, he takes one of the pale gold sweets out of the small parchment bag and gestures the other one to you. “I got you one.” He offers lightheartedly. “Mm, also! Do you know everyone who works here or something?” He inquired, already taking a careful bite out of his meringue after he had assured himself that you’d taken yours.
Shrugging and guiding him over to a bench, you easily sit down, looking over the sweet with a bit of a far away stare. “Well, yeah. I do know everyone that works here. I used to spend all my time in this place, people watching.” You admit, noting how Leo has already finished his dessert while you hadn’t even started yet, quickly making work of it since it was only small anyway.
The slider quirks a brow, nodding to himself and sitting in deep thought, leaning himself against the back of the bench and even resting his arms on it in a very open gesture that has your face heating slightly, after all, in the movies you’d seen that was normally always a way the male love interest would wrap his arm around his love interest. “Huh. So why did you stop coming here as often?” Leo asks, glancing at you curiously.
You shrug again, not exactly wanting to admit to him that he was the reason. “I got curious about Run Of The Mill and discovered I really like their pizza.” And by pizza, you totally meant Leo. Sorry Hueso.
He nods in understanding, drumming his fingers on the backing part of the bench behind you for a moment before he notices you fidgeting with your bag a bit. “You okay, Y/n?” He inquired, soft concern lacing his usually confident voice.
You swallow thickly, not looking at him as you remove /the/ book from your bag and hold it out to him. It’s only when it has been a few minutes of just holding it there that you turn to look up at him, almost confused by his own confusion. “You can look in it-“ you urge quietly, nearly entirely loosing your nerve, especially when his gaze leaves the book and he instead completely locks eyes with you and shakes his head.
“Nah. I don’t think it’s time.”
Leo smiles slightly, standing up and widely stretching. “You’re giving in because of how much I bug you about it- probably telling yourself you’re giving me it to see as reward for how dedicated I am to my cause- or something like that.” He chuckles at that, not looking back at you just yet, not until he starts speaking again. “I want you to give me the book to look through when you actually feel comfortable doing it. I don’t want you to force yourself just to make me happy.” There’s a sincerity to his words that has your heart lodging itself in your throat and thrumming so loudly you can hardly hear it as he offers you a simple, “bye, little rabbit.” With a flashy wink and smile before swiping his sword through the air and disappearing into the bright blue portal before you can say anything.
Your hand that was holding the book goes slack and the object falls to the ground with a soft thud as you simply stare at where the portal was. That was new. You had thought Leo would jump at the chance to finally sate his curiosity, but apparently you had misjudged him.. expected the wrong outcome. Part of you wondered why he had denied himself, but you do know that you appreciate how he wants you to give him the right when you’re actually ready and not just “giving in” like he had said.
Boy… you were down bad.
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chaggiehearts · 6 months
Intro ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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Hi! Making a little introduction for my blog <3
You can call me Mimi. I’m 19 years old, I use she/her pronouns and I’m a lesbian. I’m also neurodivergent (though for privacy reasons I won’t be indicating exactly what I have). I speak both Spanish and English (with Spanish being my native tongue). I love Hazbin Hotel and this blog is entirely dedicated to this show that has taken over my life. I watched the pilot in the summer of 2020 so I’ve been here for a long while, but I didn’t get properly obsessed until the show released :)
As one could have imagined seeing my icon, header, username, blog description and general posts, I love chaggie so much, they're my favourite part of the show (as characters and as a ship). I do love the rest of the show too, they’re just my faves.
My favorite characters are, in order: Vaggie, Charlie (very unexpected top 2 I know /s, I love them <33), Lute, Emily (my other two faves!!!), Velvette, Carmilla, Rosie, Niffty and sir Pentious. That being said, I like almost every character. Though I mainly talk about Charlie and Vaggie because #brainrot, you may expect any other character too, specially the aforementioned.
Chaggie is my absolute OTP and around 80% of my posts will be about them. Some other pairings I also love are emilute, fallenwings, huskerdust, guitarspear, royalhalo, velmilla, zestmilla, qpr radiorose and cherrisnake. I adore the idea of Charlie's angels as an OT4 because I love throwing all my favorite characters into a ship and imagining the chaos that would follow 👍🏻
I tend to tag absolutely every character and ship I post/reblog about, so if anything here makes you uncomfortable don't hesitate to blacklist it :)
I'm interested in many other things, namely Project Sekai!, BanG Dream!, D4DJ, Love Live!, Vocaloid (specially the Evillious Chronicles series and the Night∞Series), Helluva Boss, RWBY, Red vs. Blue, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, The Dragon Prince, The Owl House, Steven Universe, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, Five Nights at Freddy's, Monster High, Ever After High, Rainbow High, Madoka Magica, Kakegurui, Danganronpa, Your Turn To Die, Sanrio, Cookie Run, Heathers, Les Miserables, etc.
My Helluva Boss sideblog is @fiizzarollii and my sideblog for anything not related to the Hellaverse is @dreamermarionette :)
I don't tend to do DNIs because I understand bigots don't tend to respect them, but well, if you're someone that discriminates others on the basis of anything and I find out, I'll block you. When it comes to Hazbin Hotel, I don't want to interact with you if you ship Valentino X Angel, Lucifer or Lilith X Charlie, Vaggie X men or Angel X women, those things really make me uncomfortable.
As a note, I’m extremely anxious and shy, so it’s difficult for me to DM people first and I might take a bit of time to reply, but I really enjoy meeting people and making friends so don't hesitate to talk to me if you wanna chat :)
Finally, I love drawing and writing. You can find my Hazbin Hotel fanarts tagged as “#my art <3” (though I tend to post the actually good stuff in my art blog @elverniia and just rb them here, I only post the stuff that is unfinished or too simple/messy here). I haven’t posted fanfics yet so idk what I’ll tag them, I’ll see when I get there!
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RidoAce week Day 1
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Day 1: Childhood/Family
Yes I have a fic accompanying this drawing that took 3 hours and somehow ended up shitty. Also yes I’ll be doing both for each day, I am dedicated to this. I blame @writesology for getting me hooked on this ship. Anyways, Enjoy :)
When Riddle thinks about his childhood, he wouldn’t say it was a particularly exciting one. Really, it was more like a routine, he never had time to play with other kids because he was either studying or practicing magic. He remembered how he’d look outside his window, seeing kids playing and think to himself “Why would they waste there time? They don’t have a lot of time in life, why not dedicate it to preparing for a good future?”
Thinking back on it, he realized how idiotic it was. He didn’t know that though, at least until he met Trey and Chenya that fateful day. He remembered how they urged him to come outside to play with them, how that turned out to be one of the best decisions he has ever made. That day, for the first time, Riddle felt like a kid, a type of kid he read in his stories. Of course, everything must come to an end, that for Riddle was when his mother found out and banned him from independent studies. After that, for a few years, he forgot how it was like to be a kid. 
Then he went to Night Raven College, where he reached the rope really quickly. Still, he wasn’t well liked, his temper and stricklier for the rules wasn’t something people liked. And for a while, he was fine with that.
Until he Overbloted.
In hindsight, he should’ve seen it coming. How all the repressed emotions, over use of his magic, and his general unhappiness made him finally reach his breaking point. Funny enough, the way he broke wasn’t cause of pressure, it was cause a loud-mouth first year decided that he had enough.  
Ace Trappola. At first, he really did think Ace was attractive. Tall, beautiful eyes and seemed charming enough. Of course after eating his tart, Riddle decided he didn’t like him. He was a annoying, loud- mouth bother to him and he couldn’t see why he thought he was pretty.
But…After he overblotted, apologized to everyone and threw an unbirthday party, Ace seemed to warm up to him. Riddle, upon noticing this, found he didn’t mind.
As the months passed by, he found he really couldn’t shake the thought of the first-year out of his mind again. Everything Ace did, he noticed and it drives him crazy how he keeps finding them endearing. He wishes he could just squash those feelings down every time he talks to Ace, or sees him smile, or just being him just made his heart flutter.
He thought at the time that it would’ve been impossible for him to love him. They were so different, not just that but they had such a weird relationship, friends? Maybe? Something else. He wasnt sure at this point…
But then, much to his shock, Ace confessed. 
It was when they were doing homework, Riddle helping him with a particular math question, when Ace told him.
“Dormhead, I really cant keep it to myself anymore, but i like you.”
And after that, it was history. Genuinely, the last 2 years in NRC had been one of the best years of my life, i felt like a kid again. Ace even gave me a promise ring at when I was graduating…
And now, were living together, almost 5 years later with out-
Riddle looked up from his writing, grinning at the child who stood infront of him. He had Ace’s hair and personality but Riddles eyes, piercing blue. 
“Daddd, come one papa made some pasta for dinner! He made it pink! Pretty pink!” The child whined, tugging on his fathers arm. Riddle grinned at him, “Now that sounds good right now. Will you take me to him, Orion?” Riddle asked, picking him up and kissing his cheeks. Just as he said that, Ace popped his head into the room, a grin on his own face. “Come on you two, dinner is gonna get cold if you dont get out here!”
Riddle and Orion nodded, the child kept chanting “pasta” as they went to dining room. As they sat down at the table, Riddle couldnt help but reminisc a bit. I mean, he was writing a book about his life since all his mothers…unsaviory, practicies came to light. Plus, he wanted to have something to look back on. But he couldnt help but think how ironic this was.
As a child he was told to look forward, follow the rules, marry a woman and to act maturely. But here he was, sitting with his husband and child, chatting happily, not caring for the rules currently.
If he thinks about it, alot of this is thanks to Ace, Trey and the others.
He has alot to be happy about.
If he could go back in time, hed tell his youngerself to love himself a little bit more. Take risks and to not listen to his mother.
But, if he did he would miss all of this, wouldnt he?
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daphnefangirling · 2 years
Bughead Appreciation Week - Day 1 Bughead Fandom Love Day
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First of all: thank you @bugheadcentral for putting this together! I think we all need this.
I won’t even attempt to name all the people in this fandom I’m thankful for because I will inevitably forget someone and feel terrible about it!
I have been in this fandom since Jan. 2017 and so many people have entered (and some since exited but I still remember them fondly) my life because of this crazy show. There’s too many to name in just one post (and I have mommy brain and would forget some of you)!
If we’ve ever interacted, I hope I made you feel like you mattered and like you brought something into my life. You all have. So here are a few blanket statements:
1. I’m so very thankful for all our Bughead fic writers who keep finding new ways of writing our ship falling in love over and over again in thousands of different manners. They have been especially important since canon has been failing us.
2. Thank you to all the wonderful gif makers. I stopped watching at 4.16 and you guys allow me to see only the good Bughead stuff that’s happened since then and remind me of all the wonderful moments we got before things got so completely messed up.
3. Thank you to the ones I call the 'Bughead commentators' because even though I stopped watching, through following your blogs, I can keep up with what’s happening in the land of Bughead on Riverdale.
4. To every single one of you who has encouraged my writing in any way, liked, shared, commented on my stuff: thank you! You enrich my online life and bring me joy. I’m grateful for you.
5. And finally, thank you to all the artists who’ve drawn Bughead. I hope it’s no secret how much I adore each of you, just look at my art collection and you’ll see that.
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So if you fall into any of these categories: I appreciate you and your contributions not only to the fandom, but to my life and I’m grateful for you. Thank you for being here.
And now a few ‘special thank yous'
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To my dear friend @cheryllclayton I’m so glad we met through this fandom (thank you Dollihaze for that!) and that you came to visit me which cemented our friendship for life. You’re my ride or die and I love you.
To my gal @alpacalypseartb I adore you, I feel so lucky to have you as a friend. You are wonderful and so ridiculously talented, it’s almost unfair! I think you are wise beyond your years and one of the kindest souls I know.
My kindred spirit @jughead-art: becoming your friend is one of the loveliest things to have happened to me. We share a passion for Bughead art and I’m forever in awe of your collection! Thank you for always enabling me or talk me down from a bout of crazy in the best way always!
And last but definitely not least: @bughead-in-the-comics how I love thee, let me count the ways! You are simply amazing in all things comics!Bughead related and my fandom experience is enriched by your presence. Thank you for being such a dedicated fan and for consistently putting a smile on my face with your Bughead posts and our chats in DMs.
I’m so, so sorry if I’ve forgotten anyone and made you feel like you weren’t important to me. If you follow me and you’re reading this, you are important and appreciated and you should know that. ❤️
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antariies · 2 months
20 19 questions for writers
tagged by @i-mybrunettelady!! ty nero :3c
tagging dama my friend dama @sylvaridreams
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
th. three.
2. what fandoms do you write for?
exclusively gw2 these days!
3. what are your top 5 by kudos?
i've only got the three published on ao3, so in order of most to least kudos is: forgive us, visions of the past: the departing, and HOW TO BUILD A CHAIR (THIS COULD BE GLORY) !
4. do you respond to comments?
yeas :•]
5. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmm! how to come back from the dead
6. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i would say all the gift fics i've written have pretty happy endings!
7. do you get hate on fics?
no. also how is that even a thing still
8. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
no, but i love to talk about ocs fucking creepy and wetstyle on discord with friends. if i were to write dedicated smut i think it would be a series of oneshots from my commander's pov. it's not harley's fault he has so much weird and freaknasty yet incredibly story-relevant sex. pussy that launched a thousand plots.
9. do you write crossovers?
once ☝️ when i was younger and on ff.net i wrote a SYOC pokemon/pjo crossover. it's been abandoned for years. poor thing.
10. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge
11. have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes! we haven't worked on it in a hot minute, but @hawkepockets and i have a fic about harley and prem's historic falling out pre-personal story, featuring our many headcanons about divinity's reach and the events surrounding the great collapse :]
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12. what's your all-time favorite ship?
13. what's one WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
ummm i have a wip called "lessons learned" and it was supposed to be a series of 2nd-person vignettes from the pov of the sylvari commander. expanding more on early personal story and how being raised/mentored by caithe and trahearne kind of fucked them up. whose bright idea was it to let miss "i will walk on my knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting" and mister "i want to martyr myself so bad it makes me look stupid" take a crack at the young and impressionable sapling anyway. now look at them. they're pushing aurene to meet the same unreasonable standards because it's the only way they know how to live. generational trauma fic. you know how it is.
14. what are your writing strengths?
give me a STRUCTURE! give me a set of RULES! if you say "here is a strict format you MUST follow" i will say "YESSIRRRR" and i will think inside of that box so hard and i will do it so good. i don't break rules but by god i'll bend them within an inch of their life. also i'm funny
15. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
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more of it now and forever
16. first fandom you wrote for?
pjo high school au
17. favorite fic you've written?
due to recency bias, my fave fic is always the one i worked on last. rn it's my wip "how to make coffee"!
18. what are your writing weaknesses?
the fact that i don't do it. my turnaround time is abysmal there's like a minimum two years waiting period in between everything i publish :[ also according to my boyfriend just now he says sometimes i don't explain things enough. sometimes i expect the audience to know what kind of broth i'm making but i haven't thrown them enough bones. and i don't realize this bc the broth is already cooked in my head. it's obvious to me but not to them.
19. have you ever had a fic translated?
i've had someone ask once if they could translate my fic, but they also wanted to repost it to a different website. so i turned them down. sharing is fine, but i'm just not comfortable with my writing being reposted somewhere else even with credit.
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moody4world · 2 years
okay so i was thinking
singer reader surprises Jack on tour , they had gotten into an argument but he questions the status of their relationship. so she sings him a song to let him know that she forgives him and still loves him
( idk if you watched victorious but that song " youre the reason" would be perfect )
hi hon!! i changed it up a little bit but i hope you still enjoy it!!<3
You’re the reason
A/N(?): i am !!NOT!! a writer, everything i write and post is simply for fun and not to be taken seriously
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You’ve been in the spotlight for almost your entire life. From being on Disney at the ripe age of 10 to appearing on the big screen with A-listers at only 17. You were not only an actress but also a singer. You had become one of the youngest female R&B artists on the charts at just 20 years old and you couldn’t be more proud of yourself.
Your parents never forced you because it’s always been what you wanted and they were your number one supporters and nobody could argue with that. Nobody except for Jack. Jack claimed that he has always been your number one fan and he would die on that hill. His words though not yours, he couldn’t believe that he was dating his childhood crush. The first time you met Clay he didn’t hesitate to embarrass his brother by telling you how Jack always fought him for the tv remote when he knew you were going to be on their tv screen.
Jack was proud to call you his and he would turn all his social media accounts to fan accounts dedicated to you if he could.
The two of you met at the MET gala two years ago and ever since then its been a down low friendship, to dating and now relationship. Jack always kept his celebrity connections as private as possible and you were no different. You were also proud of Jack and the fact that he was your boyfriend. Only problem was that you haven’t gone public with a relationship since your last very public and dramatic breakup in 2018, something that took a huge toll on you for a couple months. Once you finally got over that situation you told yourself it’d be best to keep future relationships private.
Jack understood this because he also agreed but he always told you private doesn’t have to be secret. You knew he was right but you were still scared of your relationship with Jack falling apart the way your last one did. You were so in love with him that you refused to let anything to ruin what the two of you have.
Unfortunately this topic was the main cause of your current argument. Jack has been touring for the past few weeks and the two of you have been facetiming every single day like you were doing right now. “Look at youuu all snuggled up into my hoodie” He had the biggest smile on his face as he always did when he looked at you. “It’s so comfy, thanks for leaving my favorite ones by the way” “It’s nothing baby” “I really want to post a screenshot of this right now” your smile faded with worry and Jack didn’t miss it “Y/n it wouldn’t kill us to post each other every now and then baby we’ve been over this.” “I know but I just don’t want to risk anything Jack, we’ve been over that too haven’t we?”
“At first I got it but now i’m starting to think you just don’t want to be seen with me y/n.” “Oh come on Jack you know it’s not that” “Then what else is it huh? Cause if you’re scared to even mention me to people or let me just post an innocent photo of us what am I supposed to think?” “Now all of a sudden i’m the bad guy for wanting to protect our relationship?” “This shit doesn’t need any protection y/n, you’re sinking this ship with your overthinking. I’m trying here baby but you gotta help me too.” Jack made valid points but in that moment you were too butt hurt to acknowledge any of that.
You shut down like you always did during moments like this, you didn’t want to talk about it anymore and just wanted to hang up. “Okay well I have a performance later so i’m gonna go get some rest. We’ll talk later, okay?”
You didn’t even want to make eye contact with him anymore because you knew you’d let some tears slip if you did. “Y/n you’re not hanging up on me like this. Talk to me baby tell me how you really feel. I’m sorry I got a bit heated. I just want you to let go of that fear, i’m nothing like him and you know how much I love you. Crazy fans and fake articles are the last thing you should be worried about. I want to show you off cause it’s what you deserve. We both know that.” You couldn’t say a single thing. His words had felt like a soft and warm hug of reassurance and safety. It was hard to express how you were feeling so you simply said an “I love you” and hung up.
Jack thought he had hurt your feelings because of the way you hung up. If it was up to him he would blow up your notifications with apologies and i love yous but knew that when you got like this he simply had to give you space. It was insane to you how loving and supportive of a boyfriend Jack was to you. But It was something completely new for you which made it slightly overwhelming in moments like these. You decided to get some rest before your performance of the night and once you woke up you were certain of one thing.
Which was, you were tired of keeping him a secret. You wanted everyone to know that you’ve found a man that treats you how every girlfriend or boyfriend should be treated. Loved how anyone in a relationship should be loved.
That night at your concert you surprised the crowd with a new unreleased love song you had written specially for Jack. You told your friends that it was a song you wrote for a very special person in your life that you would tell them about soon.
Your cousin had recorded the whole thing and sent it to Jack. To say Jack was surprised when he saw the video was an understatement. You had never mentioned that you were writing a song about him. He knows it must’ve been hard for you to keep that from him because he was the first one to know every thought process you had for any song you were writing or any show or movie you were casted in.
The song was called “You’re the reason” and the lyrics explained how he’s the reason you’ve become so much more confident in yourself and your career after such a hard time. He’s the reason for the huge genuine smile you’ve had for the past year and a half. When news of the performance got out everyone was curious to know who the special person could possibly be. You haven’t been spotted with anyone for a long time unless it was a co-star from the same movie.
That same night you and Jack decided to post a photo of the two of you announcing your relationship to everyone else.
y/n ☑️
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Liked by neelamthadhani and 503.856 others
y/n very few of you guys guessed it right, “You’re the reason is about jack!!! i’m gonna keep this caption short so i don’t simp on the main but just know i l*ve this guy
y/ngotcake queen is this white man bothering you🤨
jackharlow ☑️
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Liked by urbanwyatt and 489.677 others
jackharlow Always been her #1 fan and i’ll die on that hill. Love her forever🤞🏻
user2 First tom holland gets his celebrity crush and now jack too?! i really gotta start manifesting
druski ☑️ Aw shit we done lost another one man somebody better call dr. umar
y/n @ druski stop it😭
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strykno · 3 months
It’s time to talk about the cover of volume 34.... I love it, it’s probably my favorite cover so far, everything related to the third year cultural festival is awesomee, I wonder why... And it’s not every day that I have my 3 favorite characters on the same cover...
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The flyer team!!!! The best!! I understand well why they did not have a dedicated chapter, Oda was going to give them the cover (and it is a very good choice). It also proves that the preparation of the festival is the most important part of the arc, and few people seem to have understood it.
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Little thing I noticed: each of the secondary characters represented here had their moment of glory during this volume or shortly before. Ogiya was on the cover of volume 32 so Emoyama unfortunately could not appear. Nanoda became way more important these last chapters (Oda had to find a wife for Kori after all) and Shiina and Sukida had their own chapter. I have nothing against the covers showing only Komi and Tadano, but this manga is primarly all a celebration of unusual secondary characters, and this cover is a perfect example.
And I also think that the characters represented here are Oda’s favorites in this class, it's alway funny how Oda does not hide his favorites.
I especially like how Shiina seems to see the «hidden camera», it confirms even more her status as a character different from others…
Okay, now let’s talk about the most important part:
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At this point I praise for Oda to actually consider their alchemy and start doing more manga club chapters… Emoyama turning her laptop to ask Sukida about Shiina’s flyer… A good way to force your clubmate to learn how to communicate... (they are meant for each other it's crazy)
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And the drawing? Official yamanaka art on the cover AND in thevolume?? Lily drawing tiny purple hearts is just so adorable, the fact that the drawing is Yamai and Nakanaka kissing each other on the lips is even crazier. I know it’s pretty unhealthy to ship two real people. But this volume proved that Yamai and Nakanaka are what gives Lily the courage to come to school every day, to continue drawing, which gives meaning to her life. She’s just a fan who loves Perro Rabioso, you know what I’m saying? The hearts are also there to represent the affection she has for these two girls. The further we learn about her, the more I think I know how Komi and Lily will become friends, and it will have a connection to the relationship between Yamai and Nakanaka. I would have more time to talk about it one day during another one of those times where I say to much things about something simple (like here).
Okay now let’s talk about the REAL most important thing (notice how I avoided it from the beginning)
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For real? I like it, I admit that on my favorite drawing (the only one that I find pretty well done and I do not want to delete on a blow of frustratio) I made the hair a little more «brown» by putting a touch of orange for the reflection of the light. To have this color of reflection, I was inspired by Kim pine from Scott pilgrim, the brown used was kinda similar and I was thinking that the hair color from theofficial anime was too pale (why all modern anime are so desaturated? it’s super depressing).
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And to bring out the purple, what better than… Orange! Don’tlaugh, but my gradient came from a very simple and special idea…
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I'm serious DON'T LAUGH !
For the other drawings after this one, I went back to the purple hair shade because I didn’t want to get too far away from the source material, but I’m rather happy to draw a character with a unique hair color. This is the first time I color a redhead lol, it’s up to me to do my best! I would like to add discreet freckles, but really hidden to avoid having the comparison with Inaka. And no matter the hair color, it remains adorable. I hope that no one will be too disappointed to know that I will use this new hair color. On the cover the color detonates enormously and even it seems strange to see Sukida like that two years after the anime with the "outdated"official hair color and my hard work to be the only person in the world to make so much fanart of the same character, That’s why I apologize too, all my drawings will change because of it. When i woke up this morning and turned on my phone, I was skeptical about the color choice (I was rather screaming with joy when I discovered the cover) but after a few hours, I think the orange color is right and Lily is really pretty with it…
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Finally, this hair color reinforces what I talked about last time, Lily is not originally from Japan, this hair color is very rare, but way more present in America and, most of all, in Europe (especially in Ireland, Scotland, Ireland... but it's very present in all the other countries). But even with this in mine, she is half japanese, so it's probably one of her parents (one of her two moms I mean ;) ) who is from Europe.
Since we already have Rei and Mira who are American, I think Lily has a good chance of being European. And I even think that the 3rd year school trip will be in Europe (Japan (Asia) -> America -> Europe)! It would make here even more unique.
Redhead can be from anywhere in the world, but if she is European and French (the name being a reminder to the fleur de lys) I would lose my mind and shout "she is just like me fr" and I would apply to be her Japanese, English and French voice in the anime...
I think I'm going insane, it's better to stop yapping here, hope you liked witnessing me talking about my obsession for a background character !
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tuesday again 5/2/2023
some stuff i fucking HATED in this one
new K. Flay AND new LUNA AURA singles out last friday but the thing that kept me company through several walks was this (billboard called it "industrial rager" which seems fine close enough) used for the yellowjackets tv show (something i have not watched and never will).
my brain has really craved repetitive lyrics recently. not sure what that's about. not a repeated lyric, but love one that goes "lipstick on the rifle". spotify
ty discover weekly.
pour one out for the real ones, Vice's leftist gaming vertical Waypoint. if you've ever liked anything about the way i go about these posts you have them to thank. i would say they are the primary influence in the way i try to approach things like "is this a clever subversion that still holds a lot of love for the genre or does this not even know the rules it's trying to break". also a big factor in me going "okay this is what it says it is, this is the marketing copy and press releases" and a work says it's trying to do before assessing whether or not they do it well. may all the staff land softly, elsewhere, paid far more.
“There are a ton of destinations within gaming media that do a great job covering whether a game is worth your money. Instead, we want to focus on telling stories about why people play, and investigating how the games we love and spend so much time with come to be. Whether a game was a commercial success or has a small, dedicated community, we want to raise the conversation and take an in-depth look at the passion, people, and politics that underpin these worlds.” -Austin Walker, editor in chief until last year
the very last thing i read was this review of the new starred wars game, whose early review code sent to journalists was EXTREMELY different than what ended up shipping. this is uncommon but not unheard of, but almost nobody publishes a "null result" review like this one and it's a fascinating breakdown
This piece has, admittedly, gone off the rails, but if this had been a straightforward review, and at the end, I put an italicized section that said “based on 10 hours,” what would you say? If I’d finished the game but confessed at the end that the patched version was importantly different from the one I’d spent my time with, what then? Which review is worth more?
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i also read Behind the Sun, Above the Moon, a non-binary scifi/fantasy anthology. i was not impressed with this collection in whole or in parts. it could have benefited from a stronger theme and editorial vision (i'm not actually sure this thing had an editor, now i'm looking closer?)
this has billed itself "a Queer anthology inspired by magic and the cosmos". what i was hoping/expecting this would be: a collection exploring what it means to be nonbinary through the lens of scifi and fantasy. it actually is: an almost completely human-centric collection about people who happen to be non-binary and happen to live in scifi or fantasy settings.
the critical problem is that most of them are very slice-of-life in a fantastic setting as opposed to a short story with uhhhhhh a theme and a point it makes. the worldbuilding, while often interesting, is not integral. 3/9 of these are set in a contemporary setting, and all of them could be set in a contemporary setting without losing much. 3/9 (one overlap) feature a protagonist or deuteragonist who is a cop, and all three of those read very gay assimilation-y/feel very concerned with perfect gay rep.
i don't really expect anyone to be the next o henry here, but none of them are self-contained. not the sort of ambiguous ending in the Ha Ha Im Going To Think About This For The Rest Of My Life way, they all feel like “first chapter of a planned new adult trilogy”.
i love anthologies. i am always rooting for anthologies. i am no stranger to imperfectly written speculative fiction. this one is just kind of nothing? none of these are good or particularly enjoyable examples of the form, either as short stories or as speculative fiction.
i don't actually know what tipped me off to this book, it's been on my overdrive for...two years.
two out of three Magnificent Seven sequels are not worth my time, your time, or anyone else's. i have not bothered to watch Guns of the Magnificent Seven (1969, dir. Wendkos) bc i have a finite amount of time on this bitch of an earth.
i reluctantly have to hand the original some heterosexual rights. that move had a genuinely cute romance that fit in well with a particular character's growth, even if it was lifted whole cloth from Seven Samurai. this will be relevant when we discuss this franchise's hatred for women later.
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Return of the Seven/Return of the Magnificent Seven (1966, dir. Kennedy), starring exactly one member of the original seven, is so poorly paced that i paused the film during an "exciting" bullfight, got up to get more snacks, got distracted, and ended up cleaning my kitchen.
there is a great deal of untranslated, un-captioned spanish throughout this movie, including the entire opening sequence. i don't know how i feel about this. on one hand, yeah, fuck them americans, and i would not call the english-language dialogue particularly crucial to your understanding of the plot. on the other hand, what.
as opposed to the original seven all being men who are fairly polite and follow some sort of code, the replacement five are all kind of sleazy? one of them only signs on bc there's an entire village full of women on their own. in other relationships, there is the KERNEL of a really fascinating fucked up family dynamic between the villain and his sons, but we don't even get hints of that until well after the halfway point. this is the original movie but less interesting and sloppier. the camerawork and effects simply are not there.
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The Magnificent Seven Ride! (1972, dir. McCowan) is a really, really awful film to watch, and not just if you're a woman. this whole fucking film uses three separate instances of rape or gang rape as plot momentum. if you are not trying to fill out lee van cleef's filmography (only a thing me and @birdcfparadise are insane enough to do) this is actively skippable.
like okay. let’s just walk through the first fifteen minutes. lvc's young, new, nubile wife convinces him to let a kid who robbed a store get off with a warning instead of what lvc really wants to do, send him to jail. in return, the kid shoots lvc, kidnaps lvc's wife, and rapes and kills her on the trail. the movie, which wasn't good to start out with, does not improve from there. like the other sequel i watched, this is the original movie but less interesting and sloppier.
the one interesting choice this film makes: one of the seven is a failed journalist tailing lvc, hoping to get enough life details out of him to write a book. this is a fun period-appropriate twist and this could have been a fun proto-revisionist western/gracefully put the franchise to bed, but here we FUCKING are.
why'd i do this to myself: liked the original, like lvc.
the steam collections i'm sorting things into areworking, bc i forgot i owned Call of Juarez: Gunslinger (2013, developed/published Techland). i do not remember buying this, i assume it was $1.99 in a sale at some point. this is a silly arcade-y first person shooter.
i suspect it will be the kind of thing i play through once and then completely forget about, but i will have a fun ten hours-ish.
this is a personal problem, but the moment you give me a long-distance rifle, i want to play as stealthily and perfectly as possible. (except in fallout, where it is way more fun to charge up to enemies like a very small freight train with a shotgun). this game is simply not built for stealth. this game wants you to move constantly. i do like how enemies are encountered in little groups or knots, and don't come after you if you've cleared out one group and haven't hustled along to the next. enemy AI was simply not very sophisticated in 2013. this gives me time to meander around looking at everything and going "oh i coulda got up on that water tower" or "totally missed that barrel of dynamite".
i like how over the top but un-self-serious it is so far. competent shooter, fewer of the bells and whistles we expect from a FPS these days, but we don't really need to be fucking around with health packs and more than one kind of ammo for a gun. nothing's really annoying me yet and i haven't fallen deeply in love with it, so i don't have a ton of thoughts other than "huh this is a decade old video game with decade-old design sensibilities, which isn't bad just different". stay tuned!
separate thought: i do think that the game's artstyle is about as detailed as i ever want a game to get. nothing ever really needs to be more realistic than this. i do think we peaked in 2013 and what 2013 CPUs could handle. we have better raytracing and particles and whatnot now, but that's at the cost of eerily hyperrealistic games where there is little to no non-signage visual signposting. nothing is guiding your eye through a level, things (consumables, collectibles, etc) are very easy to miss. if video games are an art form you need to pick a thing your game looks like. make a stylistic choice for christ's sake. not this game though. it's doing okay.
made some fake meatballs (shut up) bc the giant bag of bargain store brand meatballs i used to practically live on have risen to $20 a bag. angel hair and meatballs are easy to acquire and easy to eat, even if they do generate many dishes to wash.
making my own is not much cheaper, and raw ground meat texture is one of the worst things in the world. plus i had some carrots and oats and lentils to use up anyway. this required more chopping than my hands cared for, even though i bought pre-juilenned carrots and just sort of roughly diced them. the texture is UNSETTLINGLY like real meatballs. that sort of spongy? bouncy? mouthfeel. the taste is, of course, nothing like real meat. they are a little crumbly in actual pasta, but oversaucing whatever noodles are at the back of the pantry will help.
no pics bc they look awful. eating a lot of various lentil sludges lately partly bc i am trying to clean out my pantry before i move, and when i could still afford grocery delivery they frequently gave me green instead of the far superior red lentils.
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when you get this ask you have to answer with 5 of ur fav songs and then send this ask to 10 of ur favourite followers :)
(only if you want to though!)
Oh ho ho! What a lovely surprise to see this in my ask box! 1. June in January. I love this, partially because it's one of the few winter songs that's explicitly not about Christmas, and because the month of January is so often associated with austerity and deprivation. It's nice to have a song dedicated to a month that doesn't get much other than diet fads, even if the song's message is very "the weather is terrible but love makes it beautiful." The Jo Stafford version is the one I grew up listening to.
2. Continuing on with winter songs, because it's snowing here and I love it, we have Snow by Loreena Mckennitt. (The version on To Drive the Cold Winter Away is better than the one on A Winter Garden/ A Midwinter Night's Dream, and I'll fight for this.)
3. I listened to The Mary Ellen Carter a lot last year (I was going through some things). It's a lovely blend of multiple great folk song genres, such as "songs about heists" and "songs about ships." The original is by Stan Rogers, but I discovered this cover version first:
4. This whole album is an old favorite of mine. The recorder is a highly underrated instrument, and it's a lot of fun to show this to people who've never heard a recorder nicer than the $3 plastic ones.
5. As far as I can tell, A. R. Rahman has never in his life composed a bad song. Mellia, I know you've already seen and enjoyed Jodhaa Akbar, so instead of Jashn-e-Bahaara, I give you this one (I didn't love the movie, but the song's a certified banger):
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