queen-scribbles · 8 months
It’s Cold Outside
*shows up four five years late with the follow up fic to Let It Snow* HOLY COW, it’s finally done! \o/ Cribbing another Christmas song for the title bc I think I’m funny(especially bc the way this plays out is... pretty much the opposite of the song xD) ---- The snow had reached Brighthollow’s first floor windows and was still coming.
“Okay, I like snow, but this is getting ridiculous,” Adela commented, staring out the window. “It’s not as fun once it passes knee-deep. Then it starts being annoying.”
Heodan looked up from his book and smiled, “For growing up somewhere you said doesn’t get a lot of snow, you certainly seem to have strong opinions on it.”
“We don’t get a lot,” she said with a confirming nod. “That’s different from not getting any.” She raised an eyebrow pointedly in his direction.
“Adi, I have no strong opinion on snow,” he pointed out. “Cold in general I’m not overly fond of, but snow I don’t really care one way or the other.”
Adela grinned and crossed to flop on the couch near the fire, noting his chair was even closer to the warmth. “This an Aedyran thing?” she teased, folding her legs under her. “Increased sensitivity to cold?”
It was Heodan’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “We don’t all have fur, Adi.”
Her ears twitched as she laughed. “Touché. And I do know what Aedyr’s like. Aloth’s probably thanking the gods for thick stone walls right about now.”
“And fireplaces,” Heodan added.
“I think we’re all grateful for those.” Adela shifted, pulling her knees into her chest and resting her chin atop them. “No matter how adjusted we might be to the cold.” She smirked at a memory. “Even when you’ve had bad experiences with them a couple times....”
Heodan closed his book and leaned forward. “Do I want to know the story prompting that smile?”
“Oh, it’s nothing bad, and only slightly embarrassing.” She picked at the engraving lines on her necklace. “Ben, my oldest brother, is a baker, and he experiments with other cooking stuff in his free time. He’s really, really good, too. But, y’know, with him liking to cook and spending so much time around fire--ovens and fireplaces both--stuff’s bound to happen.” She bit back a smile at the Uh-oh in Heodan’s eyes. “The week before he got married, he singed off his eyebrows and half the fur on one arm b’cause he dropped a pot and leaned to pick it up without checking how close to the fire it was. He wasn’t hurt, but the kitchen smelled like burned hair for three days and me an’ Sirra teased him about it for months.”
He chuckled. “Poor Ben. What did he do to deserve such a scamp of a sister?”
“Oh, he gets me back,” Adela assured him wryly. “He calls me Cricket when he’s annoyed at me, b’cause I’m always getting cricks in my neck from reading for too long in one position.” She hugged her knees closer and bit her lip.  “How  ‘bout you? Any mildly embarrassing stories about your brothers?”
Heodan smiled as he pondered, fingers drumming the cover of his book. “A few... Before the family business picked up and started making decent money, Gyran and Lyam had to share a bedroom. One time when they were teenagers, Lyam walked in without knocking and caught Gyran and Lydia in the middle of what turned out to be their first kiss.”
She clapped a hand over her mouth. “Oh, no.”
He shook his head. “I’m not finished. Lyam made some smart comment--none of them ever shared what, exactly, he said--and Gyran spent the next ten minutes chasing him around the house with the express intention of tossing him out a window.”
Adela giggled, looking into the fire. “I think I’m with Gyran; first kisses are awkward enough without an accidental sibling interruption.”
He moved from his chair to the couch and raised an eyebrow in curiosity. “That sounds like the voice of experience.”
“With first kiss awkwardness, yes,” she admitted, face hot from more than just the fire. “Thankfully not with sibling interruption making it worse. I would also have thrown them in a pond or out a window. Fortunately, it was under circumstances where interruption was unlikely.”
“Oh?” No sooner had the word left his mouth than Heodan blushed and shook his head. “Sorry, I’m not.... not trying to pry.”
“It’s alright,” Adela laughed. She tucked loose hair back behind her ear. “It was a typical teenager thing” --she waved a hand vaguely in his direction-- “like your brother. Only mine was just a boy from school I’d been sweet on. I found out he was sweet on me, too, when we were working together researching Old Vailia for a history assignment. We needed a lot of old books and such that were in the back part of the library, very musty, a little creepy, where most people didn’t go unless they had to. Toward the end of our research, Xen said he thought I was very smart--and very pretty, and asked if he could kiss me.” She smiled and bit her lip. “After giggling like an absolute idiot for several seconds, I said yes and he did. I was so happy and flustered, I almost forgot my books when I went home.” She sighed, rubbed her elephant pendent. “Unlike Gyran and Lydia, nothing ever came of it, though.”
“Why not?” Heodan sounded almost indignant on her behalf, which made her heart flutter.
“Oh, it wasn’t by his choice,” she said with a rueful smile. “There was a rash of illness that worked its way through our town, and since his father was a priest and his mother was an herbalist, and orlans are responsible for all wrongs that befall folk, clearly it was their fault. They got run out of town. Despite protests from many, orlan and folk, that they were helpers and healers and would never hurt anyone. Prejudice is a powerful influence, and it won out. The illness continued sweeping around for another month and then died out on its own.”
“Well, that’s terrible,” he said, brow furrowed. “Did anyone apologize for the incorrect assumption...?”
“No, they all found ways to justify being suspicious, or pointed out there was no one to apologize to since Xen’s family had left....” Adela chuckled a little at his affronted expression. “Heodan, that’s the way it works for orlans pretty much everywhere. In fact, Necazoa was one of the better places in Ixamitl. Which is better than a lot of other places, like the Dyrwood.” She reached over and squeezed his knee. “Not everyone is as nice and accepting as you.”
That’s part of why I like you, she added to herself.
He made a noise of reluctant concession and gave her a wry smile. “According to you, my being so nice is why I’m here, all the way across the ocean, rather than one of my brothers.”
“I’m still allowed to be glad you’re here, even being pretty sure you got the short straw because you wouldn’t tell your family no,” Adela said with a laugh.
Heodan studied her face for a moment, gleam of firelight dancing in his eyes.  “Who says I see it as the short straw?” he asked. “I like it here, Adi. I’m glad I met- all of you, got to have a bit of adventure--”
“Even if more than originally planned?” she cut in wryly.
“Even so.” He flexed the hand of his injured arm and smiled. “My nephews think I’m just about the most interesting person in the world, according to Gyran’s last letter.”
“Oh?” Adela smiled, playing with the tail of her braid.
“You, of course, are the most interesting, since you’re the leader,” Heodan clarified with an answering smile, which made her laugh.
“Well, you can tell them I’m flattered,” she said. She let her legs relax down, feet dangling over the floor, and shivered a little even if the fire was plenty warm. “You write your family about me, huh?” she teased, even as the thought made her insides do a funny little flip.
Was it her imagination or did his face go slightly pink at the needling? The firelight made it hard to tell. “They like to hear what I’m doing. You’ve been there for... everything since Echo Bay,” Heodan teased back. “It would be difficult not to mention you.”
Adela giggled, then winced. “Did they worry about the, um, gap? After Cail?” After you almost died.
He shook his head. “I had written right before we went to Searing Falls. By the time I needed to write again, I’d recovered enough to do so.”
“Did you tell them about--”
“Fighting a drake? Yes. How badly that ended for me? No. I didn’t see a point making them worry from a thousand miles away. Especially since by that point I was on the mend, and-” he reached over to flick her bangs out of her eyes “-I’m fine now.”
She supposed she saw the sense of that. There were few better things than hearing (or reading) ‘by the way, I almost got killed fighting a drake, but I’m alright now’ to give parents an anxiety attack. And she was careful with phrasing in some of her letters home, even without any calls that close herself. “So if you ever go home to visit, or they come here, they get to just be surprised you have an arm that doesn’t fully work anymore and some dashing new scars?”
Heodan arched a brow at her for the last bit of the glib comment. “I’ll worry about that when I need to, Adi,” he said, glancing toward the window. “I think our current worry needs to be sleeping arrangements.” 
She hadn’t even realized how dark it was getting. The overcast sky and still-falling snow had thrown her off. “Did you have any thoughts?” she asked, standing on the couch to peer out the window and try to gauge how how late it was. 
“If you have a spare quilt or blanket--or both--” he gave a self-deprecating laugh-- “I can sleep right here--”
“No!” Adela cleared her throat. “I mean, yes, there’s plenty of blankets and quilts, in the others rooms if not here, but.” She turned and crossed her arms, eye level with him thanks to standing on the couch. “The bed is more than big enough for two kith, Heodan.” Especially when one’s my size. “We can each wrap in separate blankets if you’re worried about propriety” --Not that I think you’d do anything-- “and this is not a terribly comfortable couch for sleeping on. So unless you truly want to sleep this close to the fire...?” She arched a brow, waiting, and Heodan just shrugged. “We’re both sleeping on the bed.”
He chuckled. “Far be it from me to resist such a passionate argument. You win, Adela. Where are the blankets?”
“There’s some in the closet, but those are mostly the out-of-season ones; the lighter spring duvets or sheets. One of us might do better to raid one of the other bedrooms.”
Heodan pushed to his feet. “Let me go see...”
Adela hopped down from the couch as he walked from the room and banked the fire so it would burn down slowly and keep them warm as long as possible, while still being safe through the night. Then she went to the closet and dug out the satchel of preserved foodstuffs she’d kept for snacking purposes before they relocated to the warmer--sturdier--keep for the winter. When she left it here she figured it would be for days using the room for peace and quiet, not because she got snowed in. But it was still good and that was all that mattered.
Heodan returned with three blankets piled in his arms. “I figured it would be easier to partially remake beds than fold things right to go back in storage.”
“And I’d agree with you on that,” she said with a laugh. “Dinner is gonna be like camping, I’m afraid.” A gesture at the jerky, dried fruit, and nuts from her stash.
“Only much better protected from the elements.” He dropped the blankets on the bed and joined her to eat. “I guess we need to be careful, since we don’t know how long we’ll be in here?”
Adela wrinkled her nose and glanced out the window. “Probably. Though if it gets too dire we can try for the main keep...”
Heodan followed her gaze with a dubious look. “Adi, it’ll be drifted higher than your head by morning. I’d have to carry you.”
“That’s why I said if it gets too dire.” She chewed on a handful of nuts, her heart doing a little flip at the thought of him carrying her. “Long as we’re alright, better to stay put and hope it clears up.”
He nodded and they finished in silence.
Silence that gave Adela time to actually think about what she’d insisted on in a blaze of impassioned indignation. You are not sleeping on the couch. They would both be on the bed. She and Heodan would be sharing the bed. He’d be right there.
Oh, stop it, Adi, she scolded herself. It’s not the first time.
But Gilded Vale had been a lifetime ago; her crush a small and flickering thing rather than a blaze in her chest. Even with them bundled individually in blankets, she wasn’t sure how well she’d sleep with him so close.
She counted her bites, chewing slowly. Not delaying. Lost in thought. How to act normal.
Heodan picked up on something from her behavior. “Adi, if you’re not comfortable sharing, I really w-”
“No! No, it’s fine.” She was hot enough to wonder if her fur was singed. “Just lost in thought. It’s fine.”
“Are you sure?” He rested a hand on her shoulder. “Because you just said it’s fine twice in as many sentences.” 
“B’cause it is, I promise.” She stood and brushed crumbs off her dress, giving him a teasing smile. “I’ll even let you have the side closer to the fire; I know how you Aedyrans are about cold. And I have fur.”
He sighed but looked convinced. “If you’re sure.”
They each selected blankets and bundled themselves up in addition to the warm green and white quilt on the bed. 
“I apologize in advance if I steal the blankets,” Heodan said with a sheepish chuckle. “Just know it’s unintentional.”
“Noted,” Adela laughed. “And I forgive you in advance. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
They settled in, back to back with a small gap between them, and silence fell as they tried to get to sleep.
“Heodan?” Adela mumbled after a few minutes, only half-awake.
“Mm?” He sounded even more asleep than she was.
“If you finished that s’pply order you were workin’ on, I can just take it to Defiance Bay when I go for the hearings. Y’don’t need to bother a courier.”
There was a long pause, probably him wondering what made her think of--and bring up--the matter now. “We’ll see. It’s not bothering them if it’s their job.” The mattress creaked, as if he turned to look at her, but she was still facing the wall. “B’sides, I don’t think anyone’s going anywhere for a bit.”
This time, the silence remained as it settled over them, and it wasn’t long before she heard his breathing deepen in sleep. It didn’t take long for her to follow suit.
It was warm when she woke. Warm and dark.
Adela blinked and rubbed her eyes and quickly figured out the dark part was thanks to burrowing almost completely under the blankets. Warm took a moment longer to register--she was curled in a ball against Heodan’s back.
It shouldn’t have been a surprise; she was inclined to seek out heat sources in her sleep. But under the circumstances, it had her bolting upright, blinking herself awake with heart pounding furiously.
“Morning,” Heodan said, voice rife with amusement.
Oh, wonderful, as if this wasn’t embarrassing enough, he was already awake. “Mornin’,” Adela mumbled around a yawn.
“Did you know you talk in your sleep?” he asked as he rolled on his back. He seemed perfectly happy to stay ensconced in the blankets and looking up at her.
“...I have been told that, yes.” She raked her hair out of her face. She’d forgotten to take out her braid last night and it was in shambles right now. “I don’t suppose I said anything useful, like unsnarling that spell composition that’s been giving me and Aloth fits for a week straight, did I?”
Heodan chuckled. “Not that I heard. Mostly gibberish, with what I think were your siblings’ names occasionally thrown in?” He gave her a searching look. “But it was normal gibberish, so... no Watcher dreams?”
It hit her like a thunderclap as soon as he asked. “No.” They’d been getting worse (Edér shaking her awake, joking about buckets of water worse) for a couple months, and they’d left her alone last night. “You must be magic,” she teased, which made him snort a laugh as he sat up.
“Hardly.” Heodan stretched, shaking free of the blankets. “Does that mean you got a good night’s sleep?”
She nodded, undoing her braid to replait. “For once. Sorry that I, uh, got in your space.”
“Oh, I don’t mind,” he said with a reassuring smile. “The extra warmth was nice, once the fire started dying.”
“Oh!” Adela tied off the half-done braid and scrambled over him, out of bed, to stoke the embers back to life.
Heodan had made it out of bed by the time she succeeded, his focus out the window. “Still snowing,” he commented, nodding that direction.
“Wael’s eyes, really?!” She followed his gaze to see yes, really. “We’ll be here a while, then, I suppose.”
“At least we have plenty to do,” he said with a smile. “And you’re good company.”
“See if you still think that when I go stir-crazy,” she deadpanned. Which might be by the end of the day, depending on if I find interesting enough books. “But you are, too. Good company, I mean.”
His smile widened as he retrieved food for breakfast and her heart skipped a beat in response. Good enough she had no idea how--or if--she was going to keep certain things from spilling into the open.
But it looked like she was about to find out.
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from American, French, German and Dutch forenames, excluding the letter "I"
Aachry Aafan Aaldradran Aaltorg Aance Aanda Aarcorsus Aarlexanny Aarma Aberrya Abretje Aderry Adewaron Adjean Adjes Adradelord Agandy Agnel Agneth Albeanel Alberl Alberth Aldance Almatter Alphana Alvalrann Alynda Ameloth Andor Andsa Angobby Angotte Anoît Anpatsy Anyane Areth Argert Arnatte Arnda Aärollyne...
Beandordt Beandy Beanna Belva Bermared Bermarvé Berne Betch Betjenra Bette Betteffer Beugla Blancy Bober Bobyne Bodne Bonney Borgreter Bradrene Brannonne Brathann Brenn Brené Calber Calen Calfreen Carace Cared Carle Carloderes Carndren Carnekke Carry Casta Catsy Channem Chantone Charnekke Chary Chele Chery Chlora Clacon Claurégo Cléme Colger Colly Colte Coltje Conel Coredua Coresebet Corethaël Corgud Corna Corne Curaquel Cédrah Daalmune Daand Daary Dagdam Dagnès Dagtjean Dalevenjas Dance Dancecco Danevey Danger Danne Darnez Deannola Debashawna Debesty Delent Delma Delsa Derno Deterle Dolaume Dolernouk Duart Eandy Eanmarnes Eanne Ebert Edwallyn Elhane Ellanny Elotterre Emeloreda Erhald Esevalfra Ettyrolk Everenez Faber Fanean Fanes Fanna Faymo Fernda Ferta Floudua Fonna Frace Fracout Frada Freenjach Frelyne Frence Frentjet Fretterne Genny Geona Geonrya Geore Gerada Geran Geraurosel Gerce Gerry Gharkolyd Glaud Godoren Goeleeley Goren Gorostald Gotharl Gotheredem Gotthanto Gredd Green Grena Grenn Grenne Gretta Grettesl Guely Gunda Gunekkee Guste Gwenn Günth Haemaula Harachal Hareghaël Hellexanne Heody Hernouke Herreste Herryleen Hersha Holeonarry Holke Honne Honyaane Hopath Hugerme Hugorgen Hunda Hundy Hérès Jaandrenda Jaane Jaarma Jaccal Jacech Jacey Jacha Jachowanda Jacquelle Janatrane Jancenrany Jancent Jandy Jealen Jeandt Jeane Jeank Jeanlettha Jeart Jeathera Jefael Jentope Jerbas Jerren Jeryssam Jesmutz Jesta Joana Joanfra Joanoue Jodellmar Joelse Johanne Joharle Johartopha Johawn Johawrenja Jonne Jorace Joren Joret Jorobby Jorys Josan Josetchan Josetterna Josham Joshel Jossa Jostacha Joycey Juady Juanda Juang Juanna Julanor Jularady Jérane Jérola Jérèse Karace Karlee Karley Karlys Karmarmas Karryle Katha Kathemmy Kaymotte Keene Keharrya Kelle Kendy Kenrad Kento Keret Kryne Laneke Lareda Lascard Lauston Leesusto Lenry Leorna Lethannale Lorah Loredge Lorel Loren Lorgel Lorgeo Loscath Lotherno Loudy Louthendy Ludebke Luppe Luttace Lutto Lynnes Maggy Magje Magnèse Malken Manclah Marald Maranne Maraus Marayl Marebasto Mared Margarsus Marger Marla Marlessa Marley Marne Marnonny Marnoît Maroley Marom Marranneal Marryanne Marte Marton Maryl Mathes Matondse Mattera Maxen Maxene Medel Melauk Melleon Mesleen Monal Mored Morew Nadrenth Nonnya Ocheltony Olaurt Olker Olley Orader Ostéph Otheatra Otthéo Pamue Patheane Patrane Paura Pedert Penzo Pertanlore Pharce Phazel Poldel Polenethan Racquel Radle Rafje Rance Rannelf Ranton Redar Redus Remman Rencele Renthy Reste Rette Rocham Roeloen Rolaus Romadrene Ronne Rosett Rosetta Rothela Rotte Royce Rudol Rudon Rémen Sabrus Sadal Sannet Sanny Saymonsgar Scatton Shanna Shanne Shany Sharce Shelon Sheloyced Shlenney Sjaafjea Sopaud Stertando Suely Susta Sévenz Séver Sévertan Tabepha Talder Talenkel Tallee Tamarette Tellencely Tellyn Telyne Tendonne Tevernda Torryne Trana Tyrack Udets Urenjan Urette Uwenzo Valeert Valentz Valmand Valmanne Vetchella Vérès Waldelle Waytooke Werek Xandy Xeldele Yanue Yvolger Zablaurt Zabra Éloyann Élène Élèney Érèse
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wasa · 7 years
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0136 Final entry in the #Swiss edition of #headbadgeBZN. Heodie—a mash up of the founder's name and city: Hedinger, Otto, Dietikon. He started about 87 years ago and passed the business to his son Walter in 1978, who retired in 2010. • • • #headbadgeBZN #Bozeman #bicycle #headbadge #vscocam #cycling #typography #vsco #foundtype #vintage #heodie #switzerland #dietikon #vintage (at Interlaken, Switzerland)
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queen-scribbles · 4 months
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Taviloth and Ederity in the Kiss Picrew! Sadly couldn't get either Tekei or Heodi for various features, but!! I do have a bonus if she hadn't been a coward Tavi/Everin!
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queen-scribbles · 8 months
heodi snowed in (you can do it!!) - em <3
And I did! (and I might be unstuck now, so THANK YOU <33333)
Context for this: Adi was talking about a boy she liked back in Ixamitl and how it didn't go anywhere bc his family got essentially run out of town for Orlan Racism Reasons, Heodan is appropriately appalled.
“Well, that’s terrible,” he said, brow furrowed. “Did anyone apologize for the incorrect assumption...?” “No, they all found ways to justify being suspicious, or pointed out there was no one to apologize to since Xen’s family had left...” Adela chuckled a little at his affronted expression. “Heodan, that’s the way it works for orlans pretty much everywhere.” She reached over and squeezed his knee. “Not everyone is as accepting as you.”
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queen-scribbles · 8 months
I have the Ardrali thing all typed up and have made a proofread run through it.
Now the question is if I sit on it for a week to post on Valentine's Day bc it would be super fitting or if my impatience and excitement will get the better of me. xD
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
OTP asks with some throwbacks, #2, 17, 32 for Jas and Tristian and #5, 6, and 36 for Adi and Heodan?
Oooh, those are throwback, excellent :3 Very good questions, too.
2. Any sleep habits either had to get used to?
Jas talks in her sleep. Tristian being a light sleeper, it takes a while before she doesn't keep him up. Not so much a habit, but he tends to run warm, so when they start sharing a bed, she has to adjust to the temperature spike.
17. Who fell in love first?
They probably fell at roughly the same point, fairly early on. Tristian realizes he's falling in love first, though. It takes... almost a year(I think? at least) before Jas starts going "oh. Oohhhhhh" about the true nature of her feelings for him.
32. How do they resolve their arguments?
They talk things through as muchc as possible. Tristian is really, really hard to rile, and Jas is second youngest of six girls, she has perfected the art of "take a breath and count to ten before you talk" during an argument. I think there's maybe one time they went to bed angry, which was more Jas went to bed angry, didn't actually go to sleep but tossed and turned all night, while Tristian moped in the chapel. They both realized how miserable being on the outs with the other made them and apologized first thing in the morning.
5. What is their love language?
Oooh, I have this somewhere... Receiving, his is Words of Affirmation, hers is Physical Touch. Quality Time would be second for receiving for both of them and probably primary for showing.
6. When did they realize they loved each other?
Adi had a crush on Heodan pretty much from the day they met(he helped her find her lost grimoire), but I think she probably realized it was getting more serious and maybe could be called love about the fourth or so time she asked him to come adventuring with her and he said sure without hesitation and it made her inexplicably happy that he'd be with her.
Heodan I think started realizing when she almost fell in the gorge sneaking in Clîaban Rilag and he damn near broke the laws of physics(and his shoulder >.>) to catch her. It probably took until during his recovery from fighting Cail the Silent for him to fully realize it, but since he was unconscious for a good chuck of that, he deserves a little grace. xD
36. How’d they meet each other’s families?
Deliberately. There were specific trips made to Ixamitl and Aedyr for the purpose of meeting families.
Adi's family being bigger than Heodan's it as bit more overwhelming for him(also her dad and oldest sister were sus about him being folk. until they spent like 20 minutes talking to him and see how much he adore her).
Heodan's family was a little... reluctant? Skeptical? of her being orlan and what that would mean for the relationship, but they way he's written about her they give it a chance. This being Adi, who could charm the teeth off a stelgaer she's so sweet, it doesn't take long to win them over. (Also, Heodan's nephews LOVE HER because she's the same size as them and knows how to make a toy sailboat, which means Gyran and Lyia warm up to her super quick)
Relationship Asks
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queen-scribbles · 8 months
Heeyyyyyy so I hit ~750 more words for Heodi before I had to stop + it's poised to easily add more(aka FINISH) when I next get a chance.
I'm so fucking happy, this fic has been haunting me for years.
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queen-scribbles · 8 months
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queen-scribbles · 11 months
WIP Poll
tagged by @storyknitter and I'm gonna pass it along to @undyingembers and anyone else who'd like to do it
Rules: Make a 24-hour poll with the names of your wips, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner received.
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
tagged by @emeraldgreaves to find various words in my wips. I have three right now, if we count the languishing Heodi fic, so let’s see what we got.
It led to a lot of nights like this; staring almost unseeing into the campfire while Leliana and Alistair bickered over dinner preparations and Dane lay with his haunch pressed against her leg and the others all went about typical settling-in activities while Trinne tried to convince her thoughts to focus.  
“It is a lot to carry,” he said softly, doodling a sun and waves near her own random lines. “You know we’re always ready to help.”
She could feel his gaze on her as she stared at her sand-dusted feet. Considering the implication of her words, what to say in response.
He moved from his chair to the couch and raised an eyebrow in curiosity. “That sounds like the voice of experience.”
Just gonna open tag bc I’m feeling lazy, anyone who wants to share a snippet with words heart, grasp, mumble, horizon.
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queen-scribbles · 8 months
The Heodi thing is all typed up. \o/ It's 3,005 words long. 2,031 of that was written in two days after that blessed tag game.
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queen-scribbles · 8 months
I have over 2k typed up for the Heodi piece, and 1400 of that is from the new stuff.
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queen-scribbles · 8 months
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This is how old the Heodi draft is, when I open it it has the old-style buttons xD
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queen-scribbles · 8 months
finish your fics friday saturday
Tagged by @emeraldgreaves and while I don't currently have any oneshots still in the WIP except the long-languishing Heodi one, I'll see what i can do.
rules: send an ask with one of the listed WIPs, I'll add five sentences and ramble about it a bit. :3
Heodi snowed in help me finish this i beg you
(and I'll ramble about the Ardrali fic if you want, even tho I did finish the draft)
tagging @captainderyn @haledamage
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
Work in progress meme
 tagged by @forestdragoncat
Rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
Most of what I have right now is old stuff that’s sitting and waiting patiently for me to magically have more hours in my day to work on it, but here we go.
Heodi fluff
Ardrali meta
Brykar longfic
Commander!Fenris au
and technically, there’s OWaP and tLBT. I don’t have an in-progress chapter for either of those rn, but I’m happy to talk generalities about either of them
tagging @undyingembers @valkblue
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