#henry v doesn't let you out of making choices
thatsuhboldchoice · 1 year
hollow crown henry v!
i feel it's best to start with film versions
because it's so easy for them to pale in comparison with stage versions which are just so dynamic
confession time...i've never seen henry v!
i think i have seen fragments of branagh's film in the midst of a high school emma thompson situation
i know the gist of it in that there's a battle he gives a speech and he marries france (princess of)
oh and the chorus does a bit
speaking of i kinda can't bear to hear the chorus as a voice over
like i'm too attached to it as an article of theatre asking an audience to use their goddamn imaginations
that to have something to look at during it feels...incorrect
usually i don't go here's what i would have done but i definitely think it could have worked over a black screen
just like make the film audience do some work for a second before just showing it all
this red leather jacket though is doing the lord's work
aw he's so reluctant to go war
bishop dude's like let me throw some french into my speech to remind u sit on that throne too
the actor playing the french enovy here has some serious gravitas
henry is still like let me end in rhymes to show i'm serious
are we positive falstaff's dead? we've had a couple false starts before and that man's like a bad penny
france is supposed to be the enemy but nothing can make me hate the color blue
he sent a family tree like that's gonna convince someone
the message for the dauphin is so petty lol
'work your thoughts' just doesn't really work when i'm seeing it all unfold before my eyeballs with no work whatsoever
oh that was a very famous line out of nowhere
i love this little tavern quartet
henry's speech to the governor is...intense
but also to go into such detail as a tactic to persuade the governor so he doesn't actually have to sanction any of it...is interesting
the scene with the princess learning english is so adorable???
this actress is literally glowing
especially after the war scenes
oh no bardolph now things are serious
okay john hurt as chorus is like therapy
wouldn't be a shx play if we didn't have someone in disguise
i feel like the king should be sleeping not picking fights with random men in his camp
i guess i never realized that st crispin's day speech was just to his generals and not like the whole army?
still it's very propaganda-y
quite a persuasive piece of rhetoric but i am not convinced
this could end very very badly, hal
i don't think i was exactly wrong on what happens in this play
it is indeed...a lot of war
there's a direct relationship with how disheveled he is and how willing to commit war crimes he is
williams has a point hal
honestly trying to figure out the point of this whole exchange? is it validating the everyday soldiers who critique the king? is it showing that hal still shows mercy? still values them? is it how williams still defends himself instead of just rolling over? like what is this about?
the scene where he learns of the war dead is chilling bc he's so happy the numbers were so on his side...but like...that's a lot of dead
shakespeare really said history plays are for wooing women after you've royally fucked up their whole world
nice customs curtsy to great kings...*kisses her*
hmmm poetic but not sure we agree with that sentiment, shx
the wooing scene is really interesting bc it's like acknowledging that the war is only one part he has to like symbolically convince france
and then whoops it's all gone what a sucker punch at the end
ohhhh i see the boy was the chorus okay alright that's solid
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thevagabondexpress · 2 years
a mad scientist and an angry fanauthor v. the harmful myth of the cinnamon roll. or, some issues a tsc fan sees in tsc, pt. ii
"Alas, Christopher is far more at home with beakers and test tubes than he is with female company. Let's just hope he doesn't pitch poor Rosamund into the refreshment table." — James Herondale, Chain of Gold
Cinnamon roll. You know the term. You've heard it around. I don't know if it's still in use, maybe I'm dating myself with it. But you know what it means.
Think of someone sixteen years or older that you consider to be a cinnamon roll. Get a good picture of that person, fictional or real, in your head.
I was a cinnamon roll for a very long time. That's how my friends treated me, that's how my first girlfriend treated me, and it's even, in a few cases, a monicker they directly applied to me. And I hated it. It showed that they only cared to know me on this superficial level of "adorable baby too good and pure for this world." They didn't care about the less adorable, less innocent, less naïve, and definitely also a high school student and not a child who lay underneath the oversized spectacles, the choice to keep my business to myself (my school friends simply did not need to know what I read and wrote on AO3 or how foul my mouth could get if I wanted it to) and the long-standing hyperfixation. They didn't want to see about the parts of me that didn't fit their precious archetype.
Does this sound familiar?
Enter Christopher Lightwood. I can guarantee you this was his experience, except that never once do we get enough from his point of view in the series to let us actually see it. Maybe I'm just projecting here (because why wouldn't one project onto their fictional crush) but I had issues with the way Cassandra Clare wrote, framed, and treated Christopher long before his narrative's ending in Chain of Thorns. He was mistreated consistently by the narrative, by the society around him, and unconsciously by his own closest friends.
Think about it. He's consistently dismissed, even by those closest to him, as the cinnamon roll, the mad scientist, the one who's bad at social interaction, the one who's definitely not interested in romance, with no input from Christopher himself whatsoever at all to confirm or deny any of these stereotypes. He's constantly belittled, his friends and even his sister treat him like he's six, not sixteen (upon hearing of his death Charles calls him "Little Kit" as if the person in question wasn't two years away from being a legal adult). They seem to think he can't take care of himself just because he's absentminded, nobody ever tells him anything important (Thomas only realizes he should've told Christopher about Alastair once Christopher's gone), and any time he tries to step out of the "mad scientist" box his decisions are questioned and he's thrown right back in. Say what you will about Grace Blackthorn but she and Henry are the only people who actually get Christopher, who not only understand him but make attempts to understand him at more than a superficial level.
And because nobody's obviously outright hurting him and he doesn't have a deadbeat and/or abusive parent and he's pretty good at just keeping a cheerful face on about it because being angry and mean doesn't do anything but make a situation worse, you don't even realize it until you go back through and look for yourself. And I encourage you to look for yourself. I'm only the pastor, I ain't the Bible.
And guess what? Christopher Lightwood is also a textbook cinnamon roll.
Except he's not. There is no such thing as a cinnamon roll. They don't exist, no more than Santa Claus or Alexandria's Genesis. And that person you've just called a cinnamon roll? Yeah, they're gnashing their teeth, ready to scream.
The cinnamon roll is a myth. A harmful myth, one used primarily in three ways: by allo people against ace, aro, and aroace people, by neurotypical people against people with autism, adhd, and similarly-presenting neurodivergences, and by cis and binary trans people against nonbinary people, to infantalize them, to put them in a neatly definable category, and to keep them in that box where they have no power. As a person who is all three: a grey-asexual, nonbinary, and neurodivergent, it was a deeply hurtful label I couldn't escape.
Neither could Christopher.
And in the end, it killed him.
"some issues a tsc fan sees in tsc" is an attempt to break down the unacknowledged things in tsc that i unearthed reading chain of thorns, rereading the rest of the series in preparation for it, and writing two longform fanfics (one of them a genderbent canon reworking) for the last hours. click on the "some issues..." tag to see more of these.
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A Theory On The Puppet's Identity
Getting out way ahead of this one, because I think I already figured it out.
The Five Nights At Freddy's film follows a loose outline of the game's canon. Abby (an anagram of Baby) nearly gets put into the stomach of a clown-like animatronic, Mike's motivation is the loss of his brother (per Foxy-Bro theory), Vanessa is a "Reluctant Follower", and so on.
Another quick stop before the meat of this theory is the FNAF 2 minigame "Take Cake To Children", because it has something else that you may remember: the Puppet speaking, saying "S-A-V-E-H-I-M." This is very much the same to the closing moments of the film's credits, wherein we hear the Puppet's voice asking that someone "C... O... M... E... F... I... N... D... M... E..."
So, who do I think the Puppet is? Garret Schmidt.
Okay, bit of a stretch, but hear me out.
We know that Garret is taken by William Afton some years before the events of the film. We also know that Afton killed him ("First I kill your brother, then I kill you. It's like symmetry, my friend."), but we're a bit lacking in the details of the event itself.
There's no mention of Garret ever being found, not even his body. Well, the other victims of Afton that were never found were in the animatronics, so... why not again? Or rather: why not first?
Allow me to paint a picture: William Afton kidnaps and kills Garret Schmidt for reasons unknown, takes him to some distant location (possibly a branch of Freddy's located in Nebraska), and kills him. But it doesn't stick. The nearby security puppet (brand new technology designed by William himself) starts acting up shortly after the boy died. It doesn't take him long to work it out, to figure out that the kid's soul is now inhabiting the puppet.
This leads into the events we know of before the film, with him claiming the five victims that inhabit the animatronics. It also explains his control over them and his apparent assurance that he'll return from death: he's studied this phenomenon already when the Puppet got possessed, and again when he killed the other five kids.
But why Garret, why not someone else? Well, a few reasons.
Firstly: while it may just be him removing mention of Henry's contributions, both William himself and the training tape say "the owner of Freddy's", singular. So it's unlikely that Henry and Charlie are around to play their parts in this event.
Secondly, and more importantly: it would fit Mike's arc.
Assuming that Mike returns as our protagonist next time (maybe hunting down rumours about other Freddy's, trying to unravel the mystery?), then it's really the most logical choice to have it be Garret. After a lifetime of obsession, Mike has finally found peace with the past, has realised the importance of the present, and has really settled into being a guardian to Abby for the future. He's put it to rest, and accepted that he has the answers he's always wanted.
So what better time for the past to come knocking? Or, more accurately, what better time for the Puppet to ask that someone "COME FIND ME"?
If it is Garret, then maybe he's angry and bitter ("Oh, you could save her!"), or he could be happier about it ("At least you saved her."), or perhaps even just resigned ("You really think he's dead?"). Despite all his progress, despite how much effort he's put into letting the past stay in the past, it's come back to haunt him in a very literal way.
How does he react when the object of his obsession is really here and truly in front of him?
We'd also get some other interesting interactions with this, such as Abby meeting her brother, or Vanessa apologising for any role she may have played in Garret's murder.
So yeah, I'm putting my money on "Garret is the Puppet". Largely because I think it makes logical sense from an in universe perspective for it to be him, and also because I feel it would be the most emotional option for our (potential) protagonist.
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flamingredanon · 3 years
are you the one that made that au where rhm gets rewired into henry? if you are, i find it a really cool concept and would like to hear more
Thank you.
I have made some changes to the story so here are some rambles
The reason Galeforce rewired Right wasn't out of revenge or anything evil, it was to save his life as the old cybernetics the Toppats used glitched out during fighting while Right and Reg were trying to steal the Romanian Ruby a second time.
When Reginald finds out that Right could possibly be alive, he goes slightly feral in trying to find him. The two weren't married but were very good friends and Reginald had blamed himself for "killing Right" as trying to steal the Ruby a second time was completely his idea and not Terrence's idea.
Henry and Reginald will eventually meet and a pretty big choice will happen, but I'm keeping hush on all that for now.
Galeforce also doesn't just send Right to prison because he doesn't remember anything after he wakes up and Dr V confirms that Right would never be able to safely remember his past fully.
Galeforce was the one to give Henry his name of Henry Stickmin. I honestly would like to imagine that Galeforce is terrible at naming things no matter what universe or morality he is.
Right's memories aren't deleted but sealed away in the deepest parts of Henry's mind, with Right always being a part of Henry.
Henry is still clean shaven but only because Henry didn't like the feel of the moustache on his face and does not have Right's old accent.
Nobody but Galeforce and Dr V know about the rewiring and they have went through great lengths to keep it a secret from everyone.
Henry joins the Government willing, originally Galeforce was going to help Henry find a job and housing and just let him live a new life, but Henry overheard Galeforce arguing with his boss over needing to have more men in his group and offers to help Galeforce by joining his team. Galeforce was unsure of this, but Henry assured the Captain that this is what he wants to do.
Dr V still monitors Henry to make sure things don't go wrong, but she is also helping the Government improve their technology because after hanging out in their medical ward for the few days she was there replacing Right's cybernetics and rewiring his personality into Henry's current personality, she saw how out dated everything was and Dr V is not going to let that continue.
And here are a few bios on our Government skrunklies.
General Adrian Tempest, Galeforce's boss and the man who hands Galeforce and his squad their missions, which are usually small things Adrian doesn't want to get his hands dirty on. Is distrustful of Henry and hates technology.
Charles Calvin, top pilot of the Government who can fly almost anything with ease. Doesn't like how Adrian bullies Galeforce and will occasionally play pranks on him as a result. Is currently at war with Captain Canterbury about planes and helicopters being better then boats and ships.
Captain Canterbury, navy captain and one of Galeforce's oldest friends. Has a younger brother in the police force and has that older brother mentor vibe with everyone. Currently at war with Charles over boats and ships being better then planes and helicopters.
Hershell Panzer, armor and sword expert who can get hot blooded in battle. Doesn't like technology, but where Adrian is reserved with his dislike of the future, Hershell dons his great sword and slays any tech that does him wrong. Thankfully he sees Henry's cybernetics as more prosthetics then technology.
Johnny Panzer, Hershell's son who can get just as hot blooded as his father. Actually understands technology and hopes his father could stop murder the only snack machine on base. Is actually looking to transfer to police work but helps Henry get used to everything on base for the short time he is there.
Calvin and Konrad Bukowski, twins who are actually experts on the battlefield, working together to get the mission done. Off the battlefield, they are trouble making brothers who occasionally get into squabbles themselves.
Captain Galeforce, the current captain of the Government who is like a father to his squad, despite the headaches that they may give sometimes. Does not like Adrian and wishes for the day he retires or steps down from the position, something that won't be happening anytime soon.
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
I'll have you know that the skull crackening made me cry until I threw up (to clarify, crying did not make me throw up, it was the head injury, and I did so quite a few more times) though to be fair the only thing about the whole incident that upset me was that they refused to let me have my birthday there, smh
Plot twist: They had to revive Jekyll, otherwise Zosi would have killed the lodger that pushed J. The only reason that Lodger is alive today is because Zosi cant open doors 😔 /j
Also? Jasper, Rachel, n Robert not knowing Jekyll died is absolutely horrific and I adore it. Esp f he starts showing some more obvious signs of being dead/rotting 👀. Hey did you know Jekyll made a potion that can give ghost heartbeats. Like canonically? If you count a single deviantart post from probably a decade ago canon. Though that probably doesn't actually matter in this au as he was revived by Frankenstein, and thus his organs are probably actually functioning! That'd significantly decrease rot too I believe
If it isn't too medically possible we can always use the headcanon I invented for Peppermint Rot, That Jekyll's bones are very weak due to constant transformations ❤
Goodness gracious Imagine being the lodger in that situation, like heck. Also I vote the lodgers panicking and being in tears when running to Frankenstein about the incident. No "going into silent shock business" trust me, I have a rather deadpan/lack of emotion when speaking of some important things so my little brother just didn't belive me when I said something had died. I had to prove it. V awkward
Also did any other lodger see it happen/see the body 👀
I vote Helsby pushed him
Mmhm ignore the fact that I want to know why you called me a diet version of you, will you /J
Ugh... Vomiting... I have been lucky enough to never get a serious injury at all, counting away that one time a friend accidentally threw a fist-sized rock straight to the back of my head when I was like... 6... But I did vomit a few weeks ago bc I was a dumb bitch and stressed myself to the point of me throwing up for the first time in over a decade. Fun <3 Although nothing you are saying at this point can convince me that you were even remotely a normal child. You are probably a changling, I'm sure <3<3<3<3 /lh
Honestly? Zosi would have killed him and eaten his corpse if he got the chance. I'm honestly not even doubting that. If church grims ate kids that were just running in a graveyard they sure as hell can kill and eat the people that murdered their master.
It would be terrifying and absolutely traumatising for them when they realize what happen and I love it <3 AndI actually knew that bc you have mentioned it before and I found that post on Sabrina's deviantart! His organs probably would be functioning but I like to believe he takes that potion anyway bc maybe it helps to keep his organs intact and he likes to constantly feel his heartbeat, it's calming for him, even if he wished that it wouldn't be beating at all... Which is v sad </3
Mm... Weak bones, yes pls <3<3<3<3<3<3
I vote for them panicking, cradling Henry's body in complete denial trying to wake him up before realizing that he is completely dead, gone, his brain is literally spilling out onto the floor at this point, his eyes are rolling into the back of his head, they panic and takes Henry's body to Frankenstein who is both absolutely horrified at what they did to Jekyll, but wastes no time in trying to fix it?
Y'know what would be fun? If no one saw it, so only the Lodger/Frankenstein/Creature knows that he is dead. Maybe Maijabi too bc Frankenstein had no choice but to ask him for help so Henry would keep his memories/personality/everything else that isn't physical intact.
Helsby was actually the one I imagined when writing the murder, you read my mind <3
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mettaobsessed · 3 years
Ouat thoughts
I'm re-watching once and tbh...
I'm starting to like hook a lot more. I mean I still think cs is the most bullshit forced couple ever. But hook when he is alone is actually pretty funny.
I also like him a lot with charming. They work well together and have an interesting dynamic. (also very fruity lmao)
The character I'm actually disliking the most is Emma. She's kinda of an ass tbh. Always seems to think she knows better and is generally unpleasant. Emma could be those things but they could have made it funny or smtg. It just doesn't make sense with the hero tyoe character she is. (Like, the villains are generally arrogant as well, but it makes sense and is funny.) She was ok in the first season, but it all went downhill after that. Her and hook maximizes that for me. It's two characters that suck the soul out of each other. They have 0 chemistry. Even hook and tikerbell had a better dynamic than those two and they barely interacted. Right now she seems devoid of any sort of personality and is just bland. I honestly think she doesn't add much to the show when she's on. She clearly needs a lot of therapy and healing from her past and I think shoving her in a relationship was the worst choice ever. Her character deserved more from the beginning.
Also starting to not see the appeal in sq. Regina seems to generally dislike Emma. The only reason they became closer and helped each other was Henry. Sure, we have some interesting moments that are accidentally fruity, but the majority of interactions between them aren't that remarkable. I feel like their relationship building is mostly accidental and done under moments of extreme stress (which has been proven to bring people closer together). When there's no danger and things are normal, they barely interact and when they do it's very neutral, like people who do not like each other but have to be cordial. That's not romance material to me.
Also started seeing more flaws in Regina as a person. Still love her, but there's some things she says and does that are coming from a person who is not very mature. Specially the blaming everyone else atitude. I get why she does it, I was like that, but I don't think forcing her to be a happy family with the others is the key. The woman is clearly mentally ill and has a lot of trauma/wrongdoings to unpack. She needs therapy, not a shitty fairy dust soul mate or hope speeches. also think that her becoming the good queen was not a good ending. as much as I love her she did some unforgivable things. I mean there's literally a part where we see the dead bodies of an entire village. She didn't do it, but she ordered it. Shit like that can't be swept under the rug, just like many other things other characters did.
That's the thing, I think she is capable of change, but not entitled to forgiveness. It is veeery hard to forgive some of the shit she did. Forgiveness should not be the end goal,it should be bettering urself so you don't ever hurt anyone again. BUT Also don't think she deserves to be punished forever. I honestly think her character should have been more of the villain who retired as in not actively ruining others peoples lives, but if you cross her she will absolutely end you and is generally conscious of the awful shit she did, but does not grovel for forgiveness. Like instead of being chaotic evil, becoming a chaotic neutral sort of thing.
Another thing I really dislike is Belle and rumple. Fuck she deserves so much better. I may not like her character, but I still think that rumple is unforgivable and she deserves waaay better. Like what kind of stockholm syndrome abusive shit is that??
Im tired of them. Its like its being shoved down my throat and i don't want it. WE GET IT YOU SEE THE BEST IN OTHER PPL AND YOU ARE A PIECE OF SHIT. YALL LOVE EACHOTHER V MUCH BUT CAN WE MOVE ON???
Rumple to me is another futile and failed attempt at redemption. Just let them be neutral assholes man. It's ok to have morally corrupt characters and not redeem them.
If they progress from active evil to neutral it still is a possibility for others to have a healthy relationship with them.
Like Henry and Regina. All he wanted was for her to stop doing evil shit. Not become a hero. I honestly think that it would have been a better alternative.
My otp is officially Dragonqueen still. I still think they work together
Both have done some crazy shit, both have stopped doing said crazy shit. And they know what they're getting if they get into a relationship. They probably understand each other the most and know how to handle it if the other goes off the rails. They wouldn't need to walk on egg shells around each other and would probably be generally happier.
I just don't think Regina would ever work in a relationship with a hero or someone who has never done anything majorly wrong.
Still hate Cora, the blue fairy and Sidney.
Still think Zelenas reason for revenge is one of the most pathetic and bullshit things ever.
Oq is still a no from me dawg. Possibly the worst couple in the entire series. Regina doesn't even seem to love him. she just sees him as a hero fairytale happy ending and not the real him. I may not like him, but as a person he deserves better (also she killed his wife, mother of his son??? tf) his character is also one of the worst to me. I preferred the first actor tbh.
Mary Margarets outfits are also still a no from me lmao.
Got the biggest ew moment with Snows father, cause both snows mom and regina were super young compared to him. Gives me the biggest gross creep vibe.
And that's basically it.
Show with a great premise and initially cool characters, but bad writing ruined it all.
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flamingredanon · 3 years
Betrayed au but it's not henry betrayed.
So henry does his leep of faith from his scooter and he manages to get enough air that he made it on to the balcony like his hands actually are holding directly to rail. Reginald kinda annoyed that the other didn't just fall to his death or was in an easier position for tossing off moves closer to help him up resolving to find some other way of getting rid of him.
He just finishes getting henry to his feet when he finds himself shoved into the rail nearly losing his balance and going over.
"Thanks for the help but I'm sick of you getting in my way, but hey you're always going on about clan traditions so let me try out the oldest one!"
Surprised at the malice in henry's tone he doesn't react in time to the next shove and he finds himself going over the railing into the sea below.
After staring into the water to make sure the other stayed down henry took a few deep breaths before running into the airship screaming and crying that reginald lost his balance while helping him and fell over. Henry tries to get the clan to search the waters incase he survived the fall but the others argue reginald wouldn't want the clan being put into more danger by staying near the Wall looking for him. Henry relents still upset and falls into the hug rhm offers both as comfort for henry and for himself at the loss the clan just suffered.
No one aware of the pleased smile on henry's face as he buries his face further into rhm's chest.
Dr V finds Reginald's body and remembers being forced to save Right Hand Man and either does save him or just lets him be and Henry gets away with everything.
In the "Dr V scrounges up enough fucks to save Reginald" timeline however, she saves Reginald and gives him the bare minimum in cybernetics to save his life. She then gives Reginald a choice "Stay on her boat and work to help pay off his actual debt he owes Dr V for Right's and now his own cybernetics" (turns out threatening someone to do something has consequences) or "she will make him stay." If Reg refuses like an angry spoiled twink, Dr V just utters a simple code word and now Reginald is now happy to be Dr V's newest assistant.
In the "Reginald doesn't want to piss off the mad scientist lady" timeline, he begrudgingly works with Dr V and months later, he pays off his debt with hard work and she lets him leave. He has to swim to land because she only gave him the very basics in cybernetics, and now has to figure out how to get back to the clan. He could ask the Government for help or he could just get on the Toppat Space Station by himself via a teleporter he knows about.
If he goes to the Government, he is arrested and sent to The Wall where he nevers finds a way to escape. In the "Reginald uses common sense" timeline, he goes to the teleporter and teleports to the Toppat Space Station in which he could face Henry with an army of Toppats or face him alone. Facing Henry alone just leads him to be rewired and Henry's little secret is still a secret.
If Reginald again uses common sense, he rounds up an army and even shows first hand footage of Henry pushing Reginald off. Henry tries to pit the blame on Reginald trying to kill him first, but with proper evidence and a very angry red headed cyborg, Henry takes a one way trip out the trash chute into space without anything to protect him. Reginald is sworn back in as leader and Right gushes with how amazing Reg was.
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