#heinrich is an ancestor brought back in the modern era... sorta?
loosesodamarble · 1 year
Faust Family Tree
I decided to create a family tree involving mine and some friends' ocs.
Discordia, Moros, and Harmonia are @lyranova's ocs. Ida is @marune2's oc.
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The names of the parents and grandparents to the main Faust kids and Discordia are ones that I just came up with. Not entirely at random mind you.
I just wanted to have a little fun using mine and my friends' ocs to show how in canon the Faust family is pretty much dead. But thanks to the fandom, it's alive and well! (Relatively well, at least. People in this family are a little on the weird side. I'm looking at you Nacsele kids, you little freaks./lh+j)
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