#hei lao ge
okbrambleberry · 6 months
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This meme but with the Kyoshi characters.
Ps. I don’t know if we ever got precise descriptions for The Flying Opera Company so I did some imagining
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hadesisqueer · 2 months
Remember, though: Nothing will match the level of insanity of Kuruk and Kyoshi and their companions.
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zongduofeverywhere · 1 month
kyoshi era incorrect quotes
kirima: Guess what number I’m thinking of. wong: 420? kirima: No, that’s really immature of you. Someone else guess, and please take this seriously. lek: 69. kirima: Yeah it was 69.
rangi: I'm gonna need a human skull but you can't ask why. lao ge: Only if you also don't ask why. lao ge: pulls four pristine human skulls out of their bag rangi: … rangi, grabbing a skull: This one will do.
lek: How do tall people possibly sleep at night when the blanket can't possibly cover you? kyoshi: yun, it's four o'clock in the morning. lek: So, you can't sleep, huh? Is it because of the blanket?
hei-ran: That's it, you're grounded! rangi, no kyoshi for you! kirima, no stealing for you! And kyoshi… oh my god, is there anything that you love? kyoshi: Revenge. hei-ran: No vengeance for you. kyoshi: I was going to say "I'll get you for this," but I guess that's off the table.
hei-ran: You get turned back into a baby but you retain all your skills and memory, what do you do? rangi: Eat a nickel. hei-ran: A reminder: You have retained all your skills and memories. kirima: Eat a nickel. hei-ran: Ok.
*kyoshi is considering cancelling plans, and rangi and lek are advising them on what to do* rangi: Just don't go. lek: Say you’re ill! rangi: Pretend to break your leg. lek: Really break your leg!
rangi: If this plan goes down the drain, where should we regroup? kyoshi: The afterlife, I guess.
yun: I ran into rangi in the kitchen at 1 AM last night and when I asked them what they were doing, they just shrugged, said “these are my roaming hours,” and wandered off, strumming vaguely on their guitar.
kyoshi, proudly: I slept. hei-ran: Is that so much of a rare thing that you have to say it?
yun: Don't joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.
hei-ran: So, rangi is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night. kyoshi: Why? hei-ran: Because I've caught them trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row. rangi, arms crossed and pouting: You'll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your a--.
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yilian0203 · 1 year
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"I look ridiculous! "
"Awww believe me, Hei Lao Ge, you look adorable!!! "
"In my dictionary, adorable means ridiculous."
Bonus of these cuties:
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atuats-sidechick · 1 month
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Do you think Lek and Atuat would get along? I don't think so with Hei-ran but it'd be funny
Ooh that's a good question! Lek's death was so unnecessary!
I think Atuat would love Lek, Kirima, and Wong. She'd hate Lao Ge and not be quite able to explain why, but trust her gut anyway. And I think she'd absolutely mother Lek and Kirima, while still participating in their shenanigans (aka annoying Rangi).
Hmnn tbh, I think Hei-Ran would grow to like them too? I think she's actually less stuck up than Rangi, though she makes a bigger show of it... 🤔🤔🤔 Like, I think she'd be less appalled by the idea of working with daofei than Rangi was at first... Even Jianzhu would, they chose to negotiate with Tagaka afterall... idk idk, gotta think about it
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dartalias · 1 month
Pirate Kyoshi/flying opera AU
I wanted to draw this for i while and i still think i will but in case i cant (no time, but i think i can make it) i just gonna drop my idea here:
Pirate Kyoshi and Flying Opera Company
(This will be SUPER long im thinking about it for a while now)
basically: "what if Kyoshi had accepted Tagata's offer" it would be like "i will go with you if you let everyone go."
I kinda mix a little bit with airbender Kyoshi too, but different, so follow me here:
for this AU specific i thoght in make Kyoshi enter the fitht nation and pretend to be a non-bender to Tagata at the beginning since canonically she dont earthbend in front of her intil the seafloor (dosent happend in this scenario)
Why?? do you remember when Tagata say she dosent have use to earthbenders in a ship? But she look to Kyoshi and see "potential"
[Important detail in this AU: Tagata recognise Jesa's fetures in Kyoshi just like that other pirate did (see this in a coment somewhere and love it), i didnt make a backstory for them but i think it would be cool, the point is: she knows Kyoshi is Jesa and Hark daugther]
Because of that Tagata is divide trying to figure out if Kyoshi is an earthbender or an airbender, and Kyoshi's plan is just pretend she can't bend anything to make Tagata "lose time" intil she finds a way to ether escape or defeat her
But when Tagata try make Kyoshi airbend Kyoshi thinks "this will never work, im obvious not the avatar" what make her relax (which is what was missed in the firebend test in canon btw) and dont think about it much
And then she airbend
And BOOM, suddenly she's the avatar, literally only her knows it, and she is surrounded by a bunch of daufei, while being untrained, scared and lost in a completely unfamiliar territory
So, since she cant go back to Yokoya (Tagata and the deal she made etc etc.) She goes to her cannon next impulsive plan B
The Flying Opera Company
Somehow she convince Tagata to bring them in the ship as her "team" or "guests" bc she needs more training (its true) and they would be the only daufeis who would have some idea of how to help her
So she goes to the tea shop and convince them to joing her (in almost the same way of cannon: "you're our lider's daugther and its offering transportation") and agrees to teach her if she joins they, making their vows instead of Tagata's, this way they would be a gang working for pirates instead of part of tagatas krew, which make its possible to Kyoshi be/go openly againt her (not that something would really stop her, but still..)
And thats would be kinda it, they would be runing with the pirates, making caos. With a airbender in there ship they would be easily the "best"/bigest pirates ever (she can literally control the wind, in a ship) besides, fighting with a airbender is something you wouldn't expected or be prepared to do in the daufey line of work
And Kyoshi would be pretending to be just an airbender (probably making up a history of "i couldnt try it or they would figure out", or "it didnt work before" or "i knew it but couldnt train it" something like that) both for Tagata and the Flying Opera (exept Lao Ge who figure it out, maybe he teach her how to kill people here too)
So besides Kyoshi being almost openly agains Takaga and planing for her dawnfall, (she is BAD at pretend to like someone) and seemed to be more of a willing prisioner then a real part of her crew, having a daufei airbender is a super advantage and Tagata is smart enogth to use Kyoshi in her benefit even when Kyoshis is trying so sabotage her or going agains orders, thats a dangerous dinamic, especially with Kyoshi involved, but i think would be great to see it
I dont know how this would end tho (maybe a postponed seafloor rise?)
Some still untied points:
-Jianzhu would still be a big villan, i have some plans for him (and maybe Hei-Ran) but nothing concret
-Rangshi is obviously the endgame, i just dont know yet when she would join Kyoshi (she would never let Kyoshi go with Tagata, so they would have left before Rangi arrives) but since she would definitely go after her and i think this would be it, at some point she finds her and tags along
-Kelsang dies protecting Yun from Jianzhu
Is killed by Jianzhu when he discoveres Kyoshi to be the avatar
Dies trying to go after Kyoshi
Lives and help Kyoshi with airbender later on♡
-Lek lives
-i have NO IDEA how to make Kyoshi get her things (fans, makeup, diary etc.) but she does
And thats it
Write this make the drawing ispiration grow back stronger so maybe i will do somethings of this later
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 16 days
Headcanon Court: Kyoshi is a (not so) Mini-Yangchen
(aka "Kyoshi is a shiny Yangchen")
Hear ye hear ye! Headcanon court is now in session~!
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I've come to you all to present my case, that Kyoshi......looks like a Tall, dark, freckled Yangchen.....and maybe might be related to her on top of that. 030
"Silly, you've been talking about this idea for awhile-" And I'm going to keep talking about it~! Because this lil' brain worm won't worm away TT0TT
No spoilers for Yangchen's novels (the hoops I had to jump through to keep it vague enough....man TT0TT), but obvie spoilers about Kyoshi's.
Maybe it's a crackpot theory/headcanon! But it's MY crackpot theory/headcanon and I bid you all to hear me out with what (little and circumstantial) evidence I have! <(˘ ˘ ˘)>
First off, they both are described as pretty. c(◕ヮ◕n ) (THIS IS IMPORTANT I SWEAR! It's not simp behavior I swear!)
While Kyoshi seems to have a poor idea of herself, she is called pretty/beautiful by multiple people, including: A drunken sailor, Jianzhu, Rangi, and Yun.
Yangchen is called pretty by Kavik (DoY), and by extension Kyoshi.
....ON A COMPLETELY UNRELATED NOTE (it's not) Kyoshi's mom/Jesa has been called pretty and beautiful by Kyoshi and the same drunken sailor.
*cough* On the note of Jesa. Let's talk about how similar she is with her daughter. 030
Apparently, Kyoshi and Jesa look A LOT alike. To the point they could be sisters (possibly because Kyoshi is darker skinned and maybe has different hair/eye color to her mom.....maybe)
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We know they both have the same freckles.
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Now why didn't the FoC see the resemblance with Kyoshi? Tbh, besides Lao Ge, they were under the impression that Jesa/Hark didn't have any kids so they might've waved the similarities away.
Lao Ge probs saw the resemblance and just....waited for a dramatic reveal (he's quirky like that, plus he's the only one who worked with them before Kyoshi was born, the other three joined after Jesa dropped Kyo off). Of course, there is the line in SoK where "People could resemble each other. No one’s face was as unique as they thought it was." Which SHOULD throw a wrench into my theory/headcanon but boo to that! Sometimes there IS a resemblance for a reason, like Kyoshi/Jesa or Rangi/Hei-Ran (or Zoryu/Chaeryu)...it's because they ARE related! TT0TT. But that same line could explain why Kirima/Lek/Wong didn't clock Kyoshi at first.
"Ok Silly, now when are you going to bring Yangchen back up?" I'm getting there I'm getting there~! Now that we've established that Kyoshi and Jesa both look VERY similar, you know. Family resemblance an all~! ;D
Let's talk about the time Kyoshi mistook Yangchen FOR her mother/Jesa! :D
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Man, Yangchen must REALLY look like Jesa for Kyoshi to be freaking out like this. Like she didn't even register the lack of freckles that's how similar they looked!
Like, they REALLY drive home how similar Jesa and Yangchen look. Like REALLY REALLY drive it home. The only other person they drive it home as hard as this is Hei-Ran/Rangi, and it's because they are mother/daughter. After that it's Jesa/Kyoshi for the SAME reason. (and then after that it's pros Zoryu/Chaeryu because they are brothers).
Because: Kyoshi looks like Jesa. And Jesa looks like Yangchen. This means, Kyoshi looks like Yangchen! (shiny variant because diff skin tone+freckles, Kyoshi's eye color seem to change with the wind jfdsaklfj sometimes it's a very grey-green, and in LoK it's more akin to Air Nomad grey)
Now for a sloppy/quick edits to drive the point home:
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(I didn't edit Kyo's eyes for the last one, like I said, her eye color changes with the wind....tho tbh this eye color matches her statue from Book 1)
"Ok ok, you think they look alike! What's this about being related?"
I know I made a joke that it'd be funnier if Kyoshi was more closely related to Aang, just to make him sweat a little (could've sworn I made a different joke about it being funnier if Kyo was more closely related to Aang than Yangchen but I can't find it jklfjaslkf). But realistically, after all of this, I can see her being more closely related to Yangchen. And I think it fits better narratively for both characters.
Throughout her Novels, Kyoshi's had to deal with the pains of family, her own blood family. How she'd been wronged and left abandoned. And if it wasn't dealing with the sins/shadow of her family, she had to deal with the sins/shadow of Kuruk.
It's a complex that was burrowed deep within her. Unsure how to understand familial ties.
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The theme of family follows Kyoshi, even if she's not actively thinking about it. From her own issues with her own blood parents in RoK, to the clusterfuck that is the Fire Nation in SoK (that can probs be best summed up by Nyahitha here):
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Family is a big theme in Kyoshi's novels. Found family and/or Blood family. Just...family. Yangchen's novels also has a theme of family, specifically relating to Yangchen and Kavik's siblings and their dynamics (tbh Yee really likes family themes, because it's something that also comes up in his Genie Lo novels. Specifically about her parents in Epic Crush and her "sisterhood" with Yunie and Gyuan Yin in Iron Will). Key thing is the sibling part, esp with Yangchen involving sisterhood.
With Kyoshi it feels like a complex and one that needs resolution. And Yangchen is, ironically enough, the one that gives it to her at the end of SoK. (which also is a great thing/end cap for Yangchen's arc but that goes into spoiler territory so we'll leave it at "trust me bro, if you know you know ;D").
Yangchen comforting Kyoshi comes full circle for both their arcs (tho Yangchen's is retroactively made, cause her novels came later). And if Yangchen was actually related to Kyoshi, it would just drive the point home even farther imo.
Because, how fucking tragic and juicy would it be for the Avatar that Kyoshi looked up to.... The one she used as a template to become a better Avatar. Wasn't only not perfect like she thought she was, but was also her own flesh and blood? Esp after all the betrayal and drama her own blood had caused her up to that point.
Kyoshi still hasn't processed that Yangchen is the real reason her world is miserable and fucked. Yes it was because of Kuruk's neglect and death, but if he didn't neglect some of his duties then the world would've been MORE fucked. Yes Szeto made it harder on Yangchen. But it was Yangchen's own actions and thoughts and desires that led her to siding with humans over spirits. She had to clean up Szeto's mess with the humans, but Szeto didn't tell her how to handle the spirits.
Yangchen's actions DIRECTLY hurt Kuruk and Kyoshi (this isn't to blame Yangchen, love the lady, every Avatar makes mistakes, we love them. But even Yangchen fully takes responsibility for that).
And like I said earlier, if Yangchen was also her own flesh and blood and not just a previous reincarnation, it's an added blow. Kyoshi was once again hurt by her own family.
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Echoing back to that passage in RoK....except here, Kyoshi can make that amend. She can forgive Yangchen (there's no forgiveness resolution per se in the book, Kyoshi is more preoccupied with the fact she still feels a bit lost than she is blaming Yangchen for her woes but that's like a HUGE step for Kyo :'D).
But seeking closure with Yangchen would also heal the burden she's had from Jesa. Heal the scars left by her parents and her losing Kelsang. Even more directly than just another "Air Nomad" hugging her.
Plus, I just think it'd be cool if Yangchen was her great-aunt or great-great-Aunt and everyone was freaking out over it jkfljdsa;lfj (below is roughly what the family tree would look like, not sure how old Yangchen's mom was so I put Yangchen in two spots because it could go either way depending on the ages):
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"That means Yangchen had an actual sibling" yeah but she didn't know about it, duuuuuuuuh. She only saw Jetsun as her sibling and she was realistically probably her cousin like 5 times removed. :'D "But if Jetsun/Yangchen might be related, could that mean it's actually Jetsun and Yangchen's shared lineage they could be descended from? Not just Yangchen?" Yeah that could work too. But I think it's more fun to call Yangchen Auntie so (great-)great-Aunt it is for me! 8U
Tldr: Kyoshi looks like her mom Jesa. Jesa looks like Yangchen. Thus Yangchen and Kyoshi look like each other. Maybe they are actually related by blood and that would be cool because it would heal Kyoshi generational trauma or something something family themes in the book~!
Court adjourned! :'D
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swiftsaltsweet · 4 months
The Hunt for Kyoshi: Chapter 7-Moonlight Tryst
Characters: Rangi and Kyoshi (plus whoever appears in Rok)
Pairing: Rangshi
“What are we going to do?” She asked steely, still not looking up from the ground. She was ready to uphold her duty, or at least, what remained of it. “We need you to capture Kyoshi,” Jianzhu instructed. “Capture?” “Yes, we need to set an example of an Avatar murderer,” Jianzhu responded, oh so matter of factly again.
(Canon Divergent AU- “What if Rangi wasn’t there when Kyoshi ran away, and Rangi had to hunt her down?)
Prev chapter
Other Sites: AO3 and Fanfic.net
A/N: Hey look! I slowed down enough to take a second and actually name my chapters TT0TT (not sure if you get notifications for that but…..sorry u_u)
Sorry for the delay in releasing the chapter btw, I started writing ch 9 (which was originally ch 8) and then had to pivot. And then got sick on the vacation (and thus was not really doing anything but existing lol) and fdksljaflkjaf now I’m back and just running around. 
Anyway RIP to Kyoshi, poor girl can’t breathe without people reading it the wrong way
It was very clear to Kyoshi, she and her new team were not in a good position. Kyoshi hadn’t thought to pack any rations or supplies in her delirious state at the mansion. Only contents from her room and chest. And even then, she’d apparently forgotten a shoe she meant to pack.
The rest of the team hadn’t had a chance to grab anything from Cameleon Bay either. No supplies, no food, no money. It was like she was flung back exactly nine years into the past, like a homeless orphan on the street. 
“We need a score,” was all Kirima said, as she leaned back into the saddle. “Hujiang’s too far, and we need supplies…stat!”
“Hujiang?” Kyoshi asked. She’d never heard of such a place.
“It’s a secret daofei gathering place,” Wong explained. “It’s not on any maps. You’d only know about it if you traveled in daofei circles. We keep it well hidden for a reason.”
“The best jobs would be there, but we need a job now because we’re in dire straits thanks you to!” Lek yelled from the reigns. 
Kyoshi flexed her jaw, but remained silent. Neutral jing, neutral jing. She kept repeating.
It wasn’t entirely her fault, but she didn’t help the situation back in Chameleon Bay. That being said, they also would’ve been stuck there without her and Pengpeng. 
However, she didn’t need to defend herself, as Kirima was the one who came to her defense. 
“We wouldn’t have a bison now without her, you know?” 
Lek pouted, almost looking a little guilty. The boy had been the most attached to Pengpeng since she had joined the group. Everyone loved Pengpeng if she was being honest. Kyoshi was the one that dampened the mood, but that was something she’d grown accustomed to over the years with the villagers. It didn’t seem to annoy her that much, since she realized she had a really good bargaining chip she could use. 
“What are we going to do?” Kyoshi asked, a bit concerned about what Kirima meant by ‘score.’
“It’s exactly what I meant.” Kyoshi continued to give her a confused look. “We’re going to break into a joint and steal.”
Kyoshi’s stomach twisted into a knot, this was exactly why she hated daofei. They just took things that weren’t theirs. But perhaps she couldn’t judge, she used to do the same in Yakoya when she was a starving child. She even kept a coin from an offering box she stole from, too guilty to spend it and too scared to bring it back. 
“We aren’t going to hurt anyone, right?” She wasn’t prepared to hurt innocents on her revenge quest, at least not yet. The thought of being able to made her nauseous, but she knew it would most likely be a reality she must face at some point.
“Of course not, dear!” Lao Ge spoke up. “That would defeat the purpose of us being sneaky. Plus, what kind of scum would we be if we just harmed laymen willy-nilly?” 
The other three members nodded, to Kyoshi’s surprise. Well, her mother’s journal did say they were a smuggling operation. Maybe they weren’t the worst kind of daofei? Like they weren’t the violent kind? 
Kyoshi inwardly grimaced as she remembered two of Kirima’s stunts with Rangi, contradicting her earlier thought and making her rethink her perspective on the group. She may have to get back at the waterbender some time for that. Especially for the second offense.
Oh, right. Rangi. 
Kyoshi rubbed her face in exasperation, then winced when she accidentally touched the bruised spot on her jaw where Rangi had headbutted her. 
“I can fix that for you later if you want. After the job, and after we get something to eat. I need energy,” Kirima told Kyoshi, receiving a muttering thanks from the tall girl.
What am I going to do about her? She thought, her mind back on Rangi. 
There were five constants in this world of theirs. The sun will rise tomorrow, there will always be taxes, death is inevitable, and the Avatar would be reincarnated. And the fifth, and unknown to most people, was “If Rangi makes a promise, she will deliver.” 
Kyoshi’s stomach curled inward. It wasn’t if she was ever going to see Rangi again, but when. 
Kyoshi leaned her head back on the saddle and let the cool air flow over her as she steeled her resolve. Ok, next time I see her, I’m going to tell her everything!
She tried to picture how the conversation would go.
“Rangi! I’m the Avatar! Please don’t throw fireballs at my face! It’s against your duty!”
“Rangi, listen! Jianzhu killed Yun and Kelsang, I need you to join me on a quest to get revenge and kill him myself!”
Kyoshi curled in on herself. The more she thought about it, the more the idea sounded cringey and horrible. Rangi wasn’t going to believe her if she just blurted that out, who would? If anything she might get angrier. She’d need to use such a method as a last resort. 
She also couldn’t just go around yelling about how she’s the Avatar, especially with the way her bending was. 
My bending. She groaned. She’d convinced the rest of the Flying Opera Company to teach them their forms in exchange for Pengpeng’s services, even Kirima. Though Kirima was very confused why an earthbender would want to know waterbending forms, Kyoshi’s excuse that ‘wisdom can be gleaned from every nation’ tied her over well. 
But that type of training wasn’t going to start until they were in a more stable position. Which meant, the faster they got their ‘score’ over with, the faster Kyoshi could get her revenge. 
“So, what’s the plan, where are we going?”
The group hid on the outskirts of Youke village, a decent sized village where travelers frequently passed through. It wasn’t supremely wealthy, but it did contain enough riches to hold the group over.
Their first order of business was food. Luckily, there was a lake and large stream nearby the cave they hid Pengpeng in. Kirima got to fishing, with Lek starting the fire. Wong and Kyoshi were in charge of carrying and cooking the meat, and Lao Ge was…..well…. He was there. Sometimes they’d see him by Pengpeng, feeding her various greens and feed he must’ve sneaked off to forage for her.
While Kyoshi and Wong prepared the food, Lek and Kirima wandered off south of the village. When they came back, their hands were full of bundles of black clothing.
“What’s that?” Kyoshi asked as she twirled one of the fish sticks over the fire. 
“Our disguises,” Kirima said. “We normally wear make-up for jobs, but, well, we don’t have any.”
Kyoshi stood up in surprise. “Wait, I think I have some!”
Lek’s ears perked up, but became sullen with Krimia’s next words. “No, that’s yours. We can’t take it. At least not yet. Plus, it would be worse luck for us to wear our face with someone who hasn’t taken the code yet, than us not wearing it on a job at all.”
Kyoshi blinked. Code? Oh, right. The code her mother had written about in her journal. It was a ritual to join the Flying Opera Company, many oaths had to be taken. “Then, let me take the oaths now!”
“Wha-why not?!” 
“You need to earn our trust, kid. And this,” Kirima threw a stack of clothes at Kyoshi. “Is your initiation.” 
“This one looks good,” Lao Ge eyed a scroll in his hand. 
It had been about a day or so since they had been in Youke village, and since they’d been scoping out the place. The team had decided on how to split things up.
Lek and Wong would scope out places that had money and various treasures. Kirima would handle places with make-up, and if time sufficed, medical supplies as well. Kyoshi thought the priority for Kirima’s part should’ve been reversed, but she held her tongue. 
That left Kyoshi and Lao Ge, who decided to scope out bookstores and libraries. Lao Ge had made a convincing argument that wealth can be found in knowledge or something or other. 
Kyoshi glanced at the scroll in his hand, it looked like some kind of government document on wells or something. She frowned. “That’s not a bending scroll”
Lao Ge had made special mention that one of the reasons they were doing this was so they could gather special bending scrolls for Kyoshi. Any kind, really, she needed all the help she could get. But they were especially in dire need for air and fire scrolls. So far, they've had no luck.
“I know, but there’s something special in this one. Maybe not for you, but for the group!” He hid the scroll behind a shelf, probably to find later that night.
They walked around the store a few more times before it felt like they were drawing too much attention by just looking rather than buying, and left. 
The duo walked by an inn, where two older women appeared to be gossiping. 
“Oh I just hope that girl can find her in-law soon!” The woman with a fan cried, fanning herself for dramatic effect. 
“It’s such a shame when a family gets separated!” The other woman dabbed at her eyes with her handkerchief.
“Oh I know, sometimes I think my husband is still shaken up from when-”
The conversation became harder to hear as they got farther away, which was pretty far. Those two women were very loud. She looked back, and saw the inn and noticed various windows were open due to the heat. She made a mental note, in case she needed to hide away in a room tonight.
“Worry not, little disciple.” He waved a hand at her, getting her attention back. “Just go to that bookshelf on the far right side, I think it’ll have what you’re looking for.”
Kyoshi hadn’t looked in that section of the store, that had been Lao Ge’s side, but she could only take his word for it. “Thank you, Sifu.”
“And don’t feel too nervous, we’re just here for a quick hit and we’ll be gone. As long as you don’t sell us out, or get captured, it’ll be fine.”
Despite his intent, his words didn’t settle Kyoshi’s nerves down.
Kyoshi finally understood why her outfit had a lot of bands around the arms and legs. It was to to pocket stuff into her clothes, and for the items to stay there more easily.
She and Lao Ge, and the rest of the Flying Opera Company, were dressed like stereotypical thieves. Head completely covered except for the eyes. Lao Ge carrying a giant sack to fill their goods in. 
“No no! Put those in this bag, and stuff this in your tunic!” Lao Ge whispered as they cleared out sections of the bookstore. He’d made sure to gather the scrolls and books he put aside first. 
Kyoshi scanned the walls and noticed a few new scrolls that weren’t there that morning. Some with a lot more colorful binding. She grabbed them. 
“Ok we’re done here! Let’s get back!” Lao Ge yell-whispered to Kyoshi. 
Kyoshi nodded, stuffing the last of the scrolls that took her fancy into her tunic, and carrying the rest in her arms. Lao Ge heaved the giant bag onto his back, and they slowly squeezed it out of the window.
The quiet night was broken with whistles and alarms in the air. 
“Quick! Get her!” A commanding voice called in the dark, it made Kyoshi stiffen in response.
“Tch,” Lao Ge got into a bending position. “Looks like Kirima got spotted. Listen, stay on the roof and out of the light. Just focus on making your way back to camp!”
“But how am I going to get on the ro-” Kyoshi swallowed her scream as she saw Lao Ge’s foot come down and launched her into the air. She landed on a nearby roof with a soft thud. 
Kyoshi gripped the uneven tiles as her foot rested on the gutter, trying to steady herself before pulling herself up. 
A little more warning could’ve been nice. She thought, annoyed. 
She stood up slowly, until she was in a stable half-crouching position, and slowly moved her way over the roofs. Staying out of the light wasn’t too hard, as the giant moon was obscured by clouds for the time being.
She was surprised to find she was more athletic than she realized, as she was able to clear gaps in the roof with a jump, small or long. Or perhaps it was just the benefit her height and the close proximity of the roofs had. Either way, it made her feel good in a way.
She moved swiftly through the darkness, surprised to see her servant training and light footsteps coming in handy. 
She was about three-fourths through her route when she saw guards appearing on the street below. Kyoshi cursed to herself. She’d been so lucky up until now. All the ruckus was on the other end of the town. If the guards were here, either the other  members had shaken them loose, or some guards had wisened up and thought to check for other members around the city. 
As Kyoshi wondered if she should stay where she was at, or continue onward, the moon decided for her. It started peaking through the clouds, if she stayed she would most definitely be spotted. She looked at her surroundings and noticed the inn from earlier. Unlike that morning, most of the windows were closed now, except for one. 
She took a deep breath, and started running and bounding to the door as quietly as she could. Her foot slipped slightly on the roof tile just as she jumped through the window, just enough that it made a sound. 
She slipped behind the window and sneakily looked out. The guards were whipping their heads back and forth.
“Did you hear that?” One said.
“Yeah but I don’t see anything,” said the other.
“Maybe it was a mouse cat?” The first one offered. 
After a few moments, they finally started to walk away. Kyoshi finally let out the breath she’d been holding. She was lucky that this inn happened to be here with a vacant room. At least , she assumed it was vacant. What kind of sane person would keep their window open while they occupied it? 
They must’ve left it open to keep the air circulating. 
But Kyoshi’s moment of reverie in her escape was put to a halt by the sound of sharp small breaths.
Someone’s in here! She whipped around to look, but she was met with pure darkness. Oh now you go back behind the clouds! She cursed at the moon. 
The sharp breaths continued, at first Kyoshi thought it was a person, then an angry spirit. Now, she realized they sounded familiar. She wasn’t sure where to place where she’d heard it from. 
“Kyoshi….” she heard a familiar voice whisper in the dark. Hearing her name caused Kyoshi to lurch. 
Unsure whether to run backward or take a step forward, her feet accidentally entangled themselves over each other, with her body decidedly flying forward. She caught herself with her left foot after a huge step forward, but the momentum got her again and she needed to bring her right foot forward to balance herself out.
Her right foot, however, connected with something on the ground in front of her, and caused Kyoshi to fall tail over teakettle over the object on the ground. She landed upside down on her shoulders, as she heard the voice gasp in pain. 
Kyoshi scrambled, rolling herself over, and attempted to sneak into the shadows as the light of the moon came back. Damn it! That thing has it out for me!
She pulled her leg back, but not fast enough before the figure, their features cast in shadow in front of the moonlight, turned their head. 
There was a flick of a wrist, and a flame torch appeared in the figure’s hand. Kyoshi stared in the eyes of her second worst fear. She was alone in a room with Rangi.
Kyoshi needed to reevaluate her friend’s ability to keep a promise. Apparently, she was as quick as she was capable of delivering on them. 
Kyoshi froze, gripping at the loose scrolls in her arms. 
Is it better she can’t recognize me in this get up? Or is it worse? Was the only thought that went through her mind. She decided on ‘worse’ because in the time it’d take for her to reveal her identity, Rangi would’ve already turned her into barbecue pork shrimp.
But as Rangi slowly analyzed Kyoshi, she stopped at her face and her features became soft. “K…Kyoshi?” she whispered.
Really?! I know there’s not a lot of ‘almost seven feet tall’ people in the Earth Kingdom, but surely I’m not the only one! Kelsang and Wong were around her height too!
But Kyoshi’s frantic train of thought came to a halt when she really took a look at Rangi’s appearance.
Rangi didn’t have her armor on, instead she was just dressed down to her sleeveless white tunic and under shorts that fell short on her upper thigh. 
Her eyes were slightly glazed, as if she was half awake. Her cheeks had a slight sheen to them, as if fresh tears had just been spilt. She also had a large bruise formed across her face accompanied by a busted lip.
Yeah, I’m going to get Kirima back for that.
The most important thing she noticed from Rangi was, she wasn’t attacking her. Kyoshi’s eyes widened in surprise. This was her chance! 
Kyoshi shifted the scrolls so that all the loose ones were being held by her left hand, then she scrambled to face Rangi and close the distance.
“Rang, I have something to tell you, please listen!” Kyoshi took her right hand and cupped Rangi’s face, wiping away some of the wetness. Rangi flinched a bit, but didn’t move away, her eyes were still wide and glazy. “Jianzhu he-”
There was a sudden crash that shook the room, and in an instant the room was illuminated with new light. 
Kyoshi turned around. Guardsmen stood at what used to be the entrance to the room, a giant hole cratering the frame. Light from the hallway spilt into the once darkened room.
Kyoshi looked at the men, who bore a shocked expression that matched her own. After a brief standoff, Kyoshi’s brain came to a screeching halt. She realized what the men saw.
There was an unknown person, dressed as a stereotypical thief, in a dark room with the window open. With said thief’s hand on what appeared to be a defenseless, half dressed, and crying woman. 
To her horror, Kyoshi painfully realized how much of a prowler she really looked liked.  
Kyoshi's brain went into overdrive, a scream stopped midway up her throat by her heart. Sweat was pooling all around her body. She was sure the spirits had it out for her, why else was everything going so sideways? Did one of her past lives screw the spirits over so bad they had to curse her? Was it Kuruk? She bet it was Kuruk.
She pulled her hand away from Rangi, and put her hands up in a surrendering pose. “I-uh, it’s not what it looks-” Kyoshi’s eyes widened and her body moved instinctively in front of Rangi, as she saw the guards bending a giant earth boulder. 
“M-miscreant!” One yelled in a high pitched voice, before hurling the rock at the two girls. “Lech! Intruder! You despicable fiend!”
Kyoshi quickly pushed Rangi out of the way of the boulder and dove past her, saving them from the boulder. Then she made a break for the window. The boulder left a giant crater in the floor, and Kyoshi could hear disgruntled voices from the room below. At the same time she registered that, she also heard a slam and a clattering. Kyoshi was sure she may have thrown Rangi too hard and her poor friend had hit the wall. 
Kyoshi was sure that wasn’t going to help Rangi’s mood, but at least Rangi wasn’t crushed. Definitely lost some friend points there. She grimaced to herself as she jumped out the window and onto the roof.
She started running down the rooftop when alarms and sirens started to blare in her direction. Great.
With no need for stealth, she began sprinting to the nearest rooftops, light be damned.
As she bounded her way over roof tops, she realized she heard a whooshing sound. She risked a chance to look back, to see a very angry Rangi hot on her heels. She was using that new jet-stepping move she created back in Chameleon Bay to make her way across the rooftop gaps. 
“Gah! I’m sorry!” Kyoshi yelled. Hoping the blanketed apology would balm whatever rage her friend was in. Instead it acted more like gasoline on a fire.
“YOU’RE SORRY?!” Rangi roared incredulously. Kyoshi felt a weird pull from her left side, and quickly leaned to the right to avoid it. 
Great, now she’s chucking fireballs.
A candle went off in Kyoshi’s head. Wait, I felt the fire! I can sense that element! M-maybe if I firebend, that’ll stop her! Yelling her Avatar status might not be a good idea, but maybe showing it would be. Especially since she had a firebender near her that they could use as a cover-up!
As she ran and dodged the oncoming fireballs, she kept trying to perform a fire fist. C’mon, just a little flame! A spark! Anything!
But no matter how many punches or swings she made, she just couldn’t get a flame to burst from her fist. Ah, forget it! Seeing the futility in her efforts, she swung her fist down and behind her as she ran.
She felt something respond to her motion, a different kind of pull. Kyoshi watched in horror as a giant chunk of the ground from below, followed her arm motion and shot right into the rooftop behind her. It decimated the rooftop, knocking Rangi’s feet out from under her and knocking her off the roof. Rangi locked eyes with Kyoshi, a look of surprise and betrayal on her face, before she was soon sent barreling towards the ground.  
Kyoshi could feel the blood leaving her face as she painked and quickly threw her arms up into the Soft Bridge position. Hoping either the ground would soften, or a pillar would come up and meet Rangi before she fell too far. 
Her bending took the form of the latter. A giant pillar shot up from the ground at a rapid pace, meeting Rangi mid air. Rangi hit the pillar with a resounding THWACK. Arms and legs sprawled out like she was performing a belly flop in the water. 
The pillar shot up higher than the tallest building nearby, due to Kyoshi’s lack of control, and only stopped when the pillar was perfectly framed in front of the moon. Almost like the moon itself was mocking her.
Kyoshi didn’t move, she just stared with an expression mixed with deadpan and terror. It felt like an eternity as she saw Rangi’s hand slowly appear and grip the edge of the pillar, and then pull her head over the edge to look at Kyoshi. 
Fresh blood trickled down her nose and forehead from where she made contact with the pillar. Rangi’s face bore an expression that walked the lines of absolute contempt and “You HAVE GOT to be kidding me!” 
Kyoshi felt sweat pooling down her body as her anxiety increased. Yeah…… I can’t salvage this. And then started sprinting harder than she ever had before. Sprinting over the last few rooftops, and having to haphazardly bend a too high of an earth slide to tumble down to get to the bottom.
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As she rolled she could hear Rangi screaming her name. She was far back, but Kyoshi could tell she was gaining. Kyoshi opted for a riskier route, and cut through the nearby lake. She earthbent a sloppy, giant bridge out from the water.
Kyoshi quickly scrambled across, and as she did, she could see the rest of her team just over the hill; they quickly maneuvered Pengpeng to get closer.
Kyoshi looked back as she ran up the hill, Rangi was now crossing her bridge. Kyoshi, in a panic, threw her hands down into Subduing Bridge, and the earth quickly retreated right beneath Rangi’s feet, causing her to fall into the water. 
She could hear the Fly Opera Company yelling for her, and she pushed herself into a full sprint. She heard Lek call for Pengpeng to take off just as she felt something cool wrap around her waist as someone earthbent a launch pad beneath her feet.
Kyoshi was flung through the air, but was gently pulled into the saddle by Kirima’s waterbending. Kyoshi was surprised to find herself still holding onto all the scrolls she’d taken, none had left her tunic or grasp since she sprinted out of the hotel. 
Kyoshi looked down and saw Rangi just reaching them as they were well into the air. She saw Rangi let off some sparks in frustration, before she completely disappeared from sight behind the clouds they’d ascended too. 
I’m really in the gopher dog house now…. Kyoshi thought, gasping for air after the intense chase.
When she turned around, everyone, sans Lao Ge, was giving her the biggest side eye she’d ever seen. 
“So, quick question,” Lek started, sizing Kyoshi up. “Why was your ex chasing you half-naked?”
Kyoshi’s only response was throwing the scrolls in their faces. 
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A/N: FOC: What were you doing on the job????Kyoshi: It’s not what you think! Nothing happened! TT0TT And she’s not “half naked”, she’s just wearing PJs! ….I think…..FOC: You’re just raising more questions than answers!
More comedy of errors on Kyoshi’s side, rip Kyo enjoy it while it lasts, cause when the shoe drops well…. u_u
Anyway, Jianzhu chapter next 8U (now you know why it’s been a struggle TT0TT)
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unfortunatelycake · 10 months
Tomb of the Sea really hits differently when you've seen all the other dmbj dramas
Watched that one first, not realising it was part of a huge number of adaptations from the same work, and damn I missed out on a lot of stuff.
What hits hardest is Wu Xie telling Ma Rila not to called Li Cu 'Xiao-ge'. Just did not understand that on first watch, on this rewatch that hit me right in the feels, aaaaaaa
Other thoughts:
Aaaaaa so much character development!
Actually love Liang Wan. She's kind and she tries so hard.
Hei Xiazi my beloved <3
Su Wan, sweet bb boy (ok so Wang Haoxuan is why I watched this drama the first time around but I did not expect his character to be such a sweet, ridiculous Little Miracle Prince)
Actors from previous dmbj dramas recast as other characters absolutely blows my mind every damn time they appear. Or are you telling me that Lao Ma is actually Wu San Xing and Wang Can is actually Liu Sang/has clearly been reborn a million times??? (I haven't seen the Tomb of the Sea side stories, or Echo of Moonfall... and have no idea where to watch, halp???)
Su Nan's makeup. What brand and what magic is she using because that's hella long-lasting.
Always love Wang Pangzi <3
Rewatching after seeing the other dramas reaaaaaaally puts a different perspective on Wu Xie's character. First time around he was hard to understand, but this time less so.
The fuck was that last scene with Li Cu sitting in the classroom??? Did I miss something there??? Were we meant to get a second season or something that never appeared??? Am I just dumb???
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shookethdev · 2 years
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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atla-suki · 1 year
characters from the kyoshi novels ranked in order from least stinky to most stinky:
1. hei-ran. she’s so fancy and proper, need i explain?
2. rangi. mama raised her right.
3. wong. daofei be damned he’d find a way to smell like roses.
4. zoryu. he’s the firelord c’mon now.
5. kyoshi. pre-rok i think she’d smell a little stinky bc of work. but aside from that she probably washes her hands every 10 mins and smells decent when she’s not cleaning up after yun. in sok and after she definitely smells good.
6. jinpa. i love him sm and he probably smells good BUT he spends heaps of time w his stinky bison so that costs him a little
7. kirima. smells alright.
8. kelsang. again, smells okay but nothing amazing
9. atuat. probably smells like my grandmas couch idk i can’t explain. that kinda musty smell yk but she’s still got decent hygiene.
10. lek. teenage boy smelly sweaty gross. that’s all.
11. jianzhu. ok he doesn’t smell BAD per-se, but he definitely uses too many fragrances to make himself smell good and it’s just too much at once and doesn’t have the desired effect. that counts as smelly in my book
12. tagaka. she probs just doesn’t care tbh
13. kuruk. loml BUT he definitely is a bit stinky
14. yun. see idk i feel like he’d have great hygiene usually but also would go 4 days straight w/out a shower bc he just forgets to. he also loses points bc he spent like 2wks in the spirit world and was ABSOLUTELY smelling rank after that + i feel like once he entered that villain era he just stopped caring. stinky boy.
15. xu ping an. dude was in prison for AGES there’s no way he doesn’t stink.
16. lu beifong. the mustiest man alive. idc if he tries to be presentable he still stinks.
17. lao ge. bro is a million years old. that’s a million years of stink slowly accumulating.
18. uncle mok. certified stinkiest.
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hadesisqueer · 2 months
Doing kill counts of the ATLA universe out of boredom (not including the Yangchen or Roku novels because I have not read them yet, so no spoilers).
Sozin: Unknown, but he committed genocide on the Air Nomads, so at least thousands.
Azulon and Ozai: Unknown but are to blame for the death of thousands, maybe millions.
Jianzhu: Kelsang, Saiful, Chamberlain Hui and a few other sages, all those Yellow Necks-- he had confirmed kill count of over 5000 people.
Tagaka: Unknown amount of people, but she killed Amak and clearly killed more. So at least one known and many others unknown.
Amak: Unknown but he was a professional assassin, so-- yeah, probably a dozen or two at least.
Kelsang: The Living Typhoon! He caused the deaths of a bunch of pirates. Unknown amount of kills, though.
Hei-Ran: Unknown amount of kills, but she had the record of most kills during Agni Kais, so several people at least.
Yun: Like four randos in the Earth Kingdom, Jianzhu, Lu Beifong, Chancellor Dairin, a bunch of Fire Nation guards, Father Glowworm-- like a dozen kills at least.
Kyoshi: Killed Xu Ping An, Yun and Chin the Conqueror, so known kill count of three. Unknown, definitely more.
Lao Ge: Unknown but probably many people.
Kuruk: No known human kills, but did slay several dark spirits.
Gyatso: He was surrounded by a lot of corpses of Firebenders, so the guy definitely killed like a dozen people at least.
Aang (possessed by the Ocean Spirit): A few hundreds at least. Then again that wasn't really him because the kid was possessed, that was the Ocean Spirit*
Zhao: One known, the original Moon Spirit.
Long Feng: One, Jet. Thought it was really unclear at the time.
Yon Rha: One known, Kya.
Sokka: One, Combustion Man*
Azula: One, Aang. Sure he came back but the kid was dead.
Ursa: One, Azulon.
Zaheer: The Earth Queen, and I guess you could kinda count Aiwei? Though he didn't really die. Anyway, one or two.
Ghazan: I guess you can count himself?
Tarrlok: Two, himself and Noatak.
Unalaq: One, Raava I guess? She came back though.
Korra: Technically One, Unavaatu. Sure, her uncle was gonna die anyway, but she finished the job and felt responsible for not saving him, so she kinda saw it as killing him.
Mako: One, he killed Ming-Hua with lightning.
Suyin: One, he killed P'Li.
Kuvira: Hiroshi and two guards, so like three.
So far I can't think of any other deaths? Like there's people like Iroh who was a general and most likely killed people as well, and you can argue that the rest of the Gaang likely took some more lives (most of all Sokka, Toph and Suki while they were taking down those airships during the comet, I mean someone had to fucking die there c'mon), as well as probably believing that the rest of the Red Lotus killed as well. And more probable kills from more people. But no confirmation though lmao.
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acesgroupchat · 2 years
Drabbles December Day 5:
50: It’s not safe here | watching a meteor shower
31: Shen Wei
This is one of few places in the city high enough to see the stars. He is already waiting when the first meteor zips across the night, trailing stardust.
“Did it hurt, Hei Lao ge?” The voice is close behind him. Shen Wei smiles, reaching back as a sharp chin hooks over his shoulder. “when you fell from heaven?”
Shen Wei laughs, softly. There are too many answers to that, from that’s terrible to you know that it wasn’t heaven, to actually, yes. It hurt quite a lot. He leans in to kiss Yunlan instead, as another meteor flashes past.
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eyenaku · 2 years
Ji ji fu ji ji
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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yilian0203 · 7 months
"Ay, don't be scared! Hei Lao Ge won't bite!"
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The inspiration lmaooo:
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444namesplus · 1 month
Ba Baa Baas Bae Baes Bais Bam Ban Bao Baos Bau Baus Be Bees Bei Beis Bem Ben Beo Beos Beu Beus Bi Bias Bie Bies Bii Biis Bim Bin Bio Bios Biu Bius Bo Boes Bom Bon Boo Boos Bou Bous Bu Bua Bues Bui Buis Bum Bun Buo Buu Buus Chi Chia Chias Chie Chies Chii Chiis Chim Chin Chio Chios Chiu Chius Chu Chua Chuas Chue Chues Chui Chuis Chum Chun Chuo Chuos Chuu Chuus Da Daas Dae Daes Dais Dam Dan Dao Daos Daus De Dea Deas Dee Dei Deis Dem Den Deo Deu Deus Dha Dhaa Dhaas Dhaes Dhai Dhais Dham Dhan Dhaus Dhe Dhea Dheas Dhee Dhees Dheis Dhem Dhen Dheo Dheu Dhi Dhia Dhies Dhiis Dhim Dhin Dhio Dhios Dhiu Dhius Dho Dhoa Dhoas Dhoes Dhois Dhom Dhon Dhoo Dhoos Dhou Dhous Dhu Dhua Dhue Dhues Dhum Dhun Dhuo Dhuu Dhuus Di Die Dies Dii Diis Dim Din Dio Diu Dius Do Doa Doas Doi Dom Don Doo Doos Dous Du Duas Due Dues Dui Duis Dum Dun Duu Fa Faa Faas Fae Faes Fai Fais Fam Fan Fao Faos Fau Faus Fe Fea Feas Fee Fees Fei Feis Fem Fen Feo Feus Fi Fia Fias Fiis Fim Fin Fios Fius Fo Foa Foe Foi Fois Fom Fon Foos Fous Fu Fua Fuas Fue Fues Fui Fuis Fum Fun Fuos Fuus Ga Gaa Gaas Gae Gaes Gam Gan Gaos Gau Ge Gea Geas Gee Gei Geis Gem Gen Geo Geu Geus Gi Gia Gias Gie Gies Gii Giis Gim Gin Gios Giu Gius Go Goe Gom Gon Goo Goos Gous Gu Guas Gue Gui Guis Gum Gun Guo Guos Guu Guus Ha Haa Haas Hae Haes Hai Hais Ham Han Haos Hau He Hea Heas Hee Hees Hei Heis Hem Hen Heo Heu Heus Hi Hie Hies Hii Hiis Him Hin Hio Hios Hius Ho Hoe Hom Hon Hous Hu Huas Hui Huis Hum Hun Huo Huu Huus
Ja Jaa Jae Jaes Jai Jais Jam Jan Jaos Jau Jaus Je Jea Jeas Jee Jem Jen Jeo Jeos Jeu Jeus Ji Jia Jias Jie Jies Jii Jiis Jim Jin Jio Jios Jiu Jo Joa Joas Joe Joes Jois Jom Jon Joos Jou Jous Ju Jua Juas Jue Juis Jum Jun Juo Juos Juu Juus Ka Kaas Kae Kai Kais Kam Kan Kao Kaos Kau Kaus Ke Kea Keas Kee Kei Keis Kem Ken Keo Keos Keu Keus Ki Kia Kie Kies Kim Kin Kio Kios Kiu Kius Ko Koe Koes Koi Kois Kom Kon Koo Koos Kou Kous Ku Kua Kue Kues Kum Kun Kuos Kuu Kuus La Laa Laas Laes Lais Lam Lan Laos Lau Laus Le Lea Leas Lee Lees Lei Lem Len Leo Leos Leu Leus Li Lia Lie Liis Lim Lin Lio Lios Liu Lo Loa Loas Loe Loes Lom Lon Loo Loos Lou Lu Lua Lue Lui Luis Lum Lun Luo Luos Luus Ma Maa Mae Maes Mai Mam Man Mao Maos Mau Maus Me Mea Mee Mei Meis Mem Men Meo Meu Mi Mias Mie Mies Mii Miis Mim Min Mios Miu Mius Mo Moa Moas Moe Mois Mom Mon Moo Mous Mu Mua Muas Mues Mui Mum Mun Muo Muu Muus Na Naa Naas Nae Naes Nai Nais Nam Nan Nao Naos Naus Ne Nea Neas Nee Nees Neis Nem Nen Neo Neos Neu Neus Ni Nii Niis Nim Nin Nio Nios Niu No Noa Noas Noe Noes Noi Nom Non Noo Nou Nous Nu Nua Nuas Nues Nui Nuis Num Nun Nuo Nuos Nuu Pa Paa Pae Paes Pai Pam Pan Pao Pau Paus Pe Pea Peas Pee Pees Pei Peis Pem Pen Peo Peos Peu Pi Pias Pie Pii Piis Pim Pin Pio Pios Piu Po Poas Poe Poes Pois Pom Pon Poo Poos Pou Pous Pu Puas Pue Pues Pui Puis Pum Pun Puo Puu Puus Ra Raa Raas Rae Rai Rais Ram Ran Raos Rau Raus Re Reas Ree Rees Rei Reis Rem Ren Reo Reos Reu Reus Ri Ria Rii Rim Rin Rio Rios Riu Rius Ro Roa Roas Roe Roes Roi Rois Rom Ron Roo Roos Rou Rous Ru Rua Rues Rui Ruis Rum Run Ruo Ruos Ruu Ruus Sa Sae Saes Sais Sam San Sau Se Sea Seas Sees Sei Seis Sem Sen Seos Shi Shia Shias Shie Shies Shii Shiis Shim Shin Shio Shios Shiu Shius Shu Shua Shuas Shue Shues Shui Shuis Shum Shun Shuo Shuos Shuu Shuus Si Sia Sii Siis Sim Sin Sio Sios Sius So Soe Soes Sois Som Son Soos Sous Su Suas Sui Suis Sum Sun Suo Suu Suus Ta Taa Taas Taes Tai Tais Tam Tan Tao Taos Tau Taus Te Tea Teas Tees Tei Tem Ten Teo Teu Thi Thia Thias Thie Thies Thii Thiis Thim Thin Thio Thios Thiu Thius Thu Thua Thuas Thue Thues Thui Thuis Thum Thun Thuo Thuos Thuu Thuus Ti Tias Tie Tiis Tim Tin Tio Tios Tiu Tius To Toas Toe Toes Toi Tom Ton Toos Tou Tous Tu Tua Tuas Tue Tues Tui Tuis Tum Tun Tuo Tuu Tuus Va Vaa Vaas Vae Vaes Vai Vam Van Vaos Vau Vaus Ve Vea Veas Vee Vees Vei Vem Ven Veo Veos Veu Veus Vi Vie Vii Viis Vim Vin Vio Viu Vo Voa Voe Voes Voi Vois Vom Von Voo Voos Vou Vous Vu Vue Vues Vui Vuis Vum Vun Vuo Vuus Wa Waas Wae Wai Wam Wan Wao Waos Wau Waus We Wea Wees Wei Weis Wem Wen Weos Weus Wi Wia Wias Wie Wies Wii Wim Win Wio Wiu Wo Woa Woe Woes Woi Wois Wom Won Woos Wou Wu Wua Wuas Wue Wui Wum Wun Wuo Wuos Wuu Wuus Za Zaa Zaas Zae Zaes Zai Zais Zam Zan Zaos Zau Zaus Ze Zea Zeas Zee Zees Zei Zeis Zem Zen Zeo Zeos Zeu Zeus Zha Zhaa Zhae Zhaes Zhai Zhais Zham Zhan Zhao Zhaos Zhau Zhaus Zhe Zhea Zhee Zhees Zhei Zheis Zhem Zhen Zheo Zheos Zheu Zheus Zhi Zhia Zhie Zhies Zhii Zhim Zhin Zhio Zhios Zhiu Zhius Zho Zhoa Zhoas Zhoe Zhoes Zhoi Zhom Zhon Zhou Zhous Zhu Zhuas Zhuis Zhum Zhun Zhuos Zhuu Zhuus Zi Zia Zias Zim Zin Zio Ziu Zius Zo Zoe Zoes Zois Zom Zon Zoo Zoos Zou Zous Zu Zuas Zue Zues Zuis Zum Zun Zuos Zuu
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