#hehe we're running behind schedule but by god we are gonna do them all
lunetual · 2 years
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tenhoe · 5 years
Wake up - Hwanwoong imagine (ONEUS)
So I'm not sure who shares a room with woong but here it's youngjo hehe 🌸
You were making your way to the boys' dorm. You agreed to spend the day with them, since it was the first time in a while that they had a free day. You appreciated that they wanted to spend it with you, although your schedule was packed with things you need to do. You still managed to make room for them.
You got to their dorm and the door was opened by Seoho.
"Good morning!! Will you make breakfast like you always do?" He asked, excited about your arrival.
"Yeah, sure, but only if you help me." You booped his nose and walked to the kitchen. Seoho cheered in the background, jumping around. He was basically a big baby.
"Youngjo hyung she's gonna make breakfast!" He cheered. Youngjo walked into the kitchen with a towel over his shoulder. He was wearing a plain black shirt with shorts. Literally a mess but still cute.
Seoho was dressed in a hoodie as if it was winter.
"Morning wifey." He said casually. "What are you planning on making?"
"Anything that Seoho wants." You turned to Seoho. Youngjo and Seoho didn't share very similar breakfast food preferences and therefore Keonhee was always the one to choose what to eat when you cooked.
"Oh so I don't get a choice either?" A deep voice said as it walked into the kitchen. Geonhak.
"Of course you do, what would you like?" You turned around and finally saw him. He was so cute, especially wearing that pink shirt. It was a colour you were never really used to seeing him in.
"Remember that one time you surprised us with an American breakfast?" Youngjo said.
"What, bacon and eggs?" You raised a brow. It wasn't a hard breakfast to make and surely wasn't surprising.
"There were pancakes too." Seoho said, a little bit with a pouty face.
"And you told us to eat with a fork, and that was weird." Geonhak also joined it. “It wasn’t at all but I like to pretend it was.”
"On top of that, Hwanwoong and Dongju really enjoyed it." Youngjo said. "It wasn't something they eat all the time, you know?"
"Fine, you convinced me. I'll make you an American breakfast. You can start waking everyone else up in a bit."
Not so long afterwards, you were setting up the table with loads of food on it. You made sure to make a lot because Keonhee ate a lot and apparently the maknaes loved this breakfast.
You didn't want to run out of food so quickly with all seven of you eating.
"Is Hwanwoong awake?" You asked.
"I think hyung is still trying to wake him up." Seoho admitted.
"Did Keonhee try?" Looking around the kitchen conjoined with the living room, you found Keonhee hiding while looking at you. You raised a brow.
"Keonhee doesn't want to try! I'm hungry!" Keonhee finally shouted. "He's impossible to wake up, okay? I'm not in the mood."
"We're not eating unless everyone is here."
"The food will get cold, can we just dig in?" Keonhee tried defending himself and basically everyone else since Woong was the only was who currently asleep.
"No. I'll go wake him up. And put some pants on." You walked away, upstairs to Youngjo and Woong's room. You knocked and Youngjo opened the door.
"He isn't waking up, don't even try." Youngjo said before walking right past you and to the kitchen. You sighed and walked up to Woong's bed.
You shook him a bit, because you didn't know how to wake him up. This was the first time you've ever tried.
"Woongie~ wake up~" you cooed into his ear, his response being a frown. You pouted and climbed on top of him, to which he grunted a bit. His eyes started slowly opening but they closed before seeing you were the one on him.
You bent down and whispered in his ear again.
"What.." he finally said something. "Let me sleep."
"It's almost 11 Woong, you have to wake up. I made you breakfast." You gently told him, jumping up and down a little so he could be shaken up. You were on his torso and could tell he wasn't breathing very well.
"Who are you?" He lazily said in his early voice, which was surprising to you. "Hyung, why are you on me?"
"Do I look like hyung to you?"
"Hwanwoong." You said, a little more sternly this time. "Wakey wakey."
You pinched his cheeks and started kissing his nose. He looked really irritated, but you continued anyway. A few moments later, he finally managed to open his eyes, which then widened to the size of dinner plates.
"Good morning, sunshine." You smiled at him.
"Y-Y/N, what are you doing?" He stuttered, unsure of what to do and how to react.
"Trying to wake you up." You said, sitting up. You were still on his torso but didn't find it weird because you were close.
"Y-you can get off now.." he said, avoiding eye contact.
"Y/N, how's it going with-"
The door behind you opened and revealed Seoho, who was very surprised. Despite him being the second eldest in the band and much older than you, he was such a baby.
So to him, this was chaos and he was not going to stay quiet about it.
"I'm sorry! You can continue!" He bowed and ran away, slamming the door.
"C-continue? Y/N.." Hwanwoong repeated after Seoho.
"Oh god.. this is not gonna go well." You muttered under your breath.
"Y/N!! Get off!" Hwanwoong finally yelled at you. You quickly got off, and Hwanwoong stood up. "Don't do that ever again!"
You giggled as he walked away to the bathroom looking like an angry rabbit.
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