#headless livestream
trashpandaqc · 10 months
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coming up for the internet in a couple weeks! playing a 10 min AV set along with this insane lineup https://twitch.tv/headlessbloodidol
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drenched-in-sunlight · 3 months
*light spoiler under the cut
(clear image of the headless Marika statue in the Land of Shadow, from the Red Bull special livestream yesterday)
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I love this so much because
1/ she’s built like a brick fr
2/ compared to the current statues in the Lands Between where she’s depicted with downcast eyes and somewhat crucified position, this one she seems much more commanding and in control of herself . Probably from the time of her prime.
3/ this makes the fully intact statue of her in Messmer’s boss room x10 times funnier. The guy is probably fighting for his life to protect that one 😂
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theemporium · 10 months
all im thinking is streamer!gf with lestappen because hello???
streamer gf editing videos so late that lestappen is forcing her to bed with them
Lestappen donating her moeny every stream with a cheesy pick up line
lestappen watching her old streams when they are away 😭
no because imagine ferrari and red bull employees running around like headless chickens trying to find these boys before a conference. and they eventually find both boys huddled in one of their driving rooms, watching their girl livestream whilst sending wee comments to make her giggle😭😭😭IM SO SOFT STOP
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sukunasun · 1 year
could we get mma!geto fics
deep sigh...
geto suguru doesn't mind getting up close and personal—but only when it comes to the fighting of course.
says he likes to see the pain and anger simmer in their eyes with every swing he throws, every punch that feels more like a bite. amidst the bloodied knuckles and broken bones, his body, his being becomes a weapon, like there's a beast housed in there. an unstoppable force. nothing holds him down, not an iron cage or the fear of loss, of death. so capable and equipped, not to win but to kill. he picks them apart by their weakest points, precise and powerful, striking where it'll hurt the most and leaving no traces but broken hearts and bruised egos behind.
"he's more than just a fighter," you say, with clenched fists and passion-flamed eyes, "in one word, geto's kinda...legendary," so enthused, so enamoured. it's not your biased heart talking here because you're an expert at these things.
although you wouldn't call yourself a fan when devotee sounds more accurate given the countless hours you've dedicated to research and impulse buying—scrolling through wiki pages, analyzing old interviews, watching late-night matches on a glitchy livestream, catching a tiny glimpse of his figure from a shitty seat in a stadium, or buying an ugly t-shirt from his online store when the one made by a fan artist is cheaper and looks way better in your opinion—still, you'll do it now and again because he isn't like everyone else, he is a perfect being, untouchable, you'll love him from afar like this, settling for whatever bit of scraps you can get hoping to get closer, and yet...
"you don't know me," geto simply says when he's come face-to-face with you. well, technically he's looking down at you from where he stands tall, heads above you. he's every bit as handsome as you'd expect, the kind no injury or scar could hide. you think to say something, gush over him, the man of your dreams in the flesh, a long-awaited meeting now realized but it's all too much. 
his sweat-glistened skin, his flushed cheeks, the soft panting breaths, the gentle rise and fall of his chest, and the way he ever so gently flicks his hair away, not to mention that dripping line of red that seeps from his nostril shouldn't make him look as sexy as he does, something about a bruised and bleeding man practically makes you swoon. oh how you'd always dreamed of this image, your imagination supplied you with multiple scenarios of him atop you and most preferably inside you too. 
to be this close to him, so close you could reach out and touch. but a bigger girl always takes the temperature of a room before walking into it, only now you've made the crucial mistake of forgetting where you are, and who exactly could be listening. "um...i didn't mean–" your eyes scan across a sea of judgemental eyes taking you in, contempt written all over their faces. there's a heat pooling in your eyes, a lump caught in your throat, visibly constipated would be the word to describe it, but geto doesn't feel pity for you. 
instead, his expression contorts into scorn, rolls his eyes at your desperate attempt to explain when you're choking on your words and flittering around like a headless chicken. he must think you're so awkward, so lame, just another one of those people with nothing better to do with their lives. "you should leave, you're taking up space," he says, pushing past you with a shove like you were merely a nuisance to him, your shoulder bumping into his torso. but it doesn't hurt honestly, not as much as the disappointment, the humiliation he's left you with. 
back home, you dismantle the shrine. an altar made with the labour of love, and many long nights spent crafting this holy site. suguru is a name you can't look at the same way, now riddled with sour definitions. mean, rude, arrogant, and all the synonyms bundled into one. suddenly, the pictures on your wall stare back at you differently, geto and his camera-ready poses, in designer pieces, perfectly curved happy smiles and sultry smirks turning against you. "he brushed me off like i was nobody, like i was nothing," you sniffle. 
with shaky hands, you tear them down hastily, omitting to start from the corners or to roll them back into tube containers. making it quick so it'll hurt less, like tearing a bandaid off. "psh, taking up space..." you shake your head in disbelief, "what a fucking asshole." 
stuffing the bins with crumpled magazines and the journal entries you were enthusiastic about, another collage you've put together, the pencil writings have faded, laser stickers peeled from the edges. however, the binders and photo cards have been kept well, pristine even, and you consider if there are notes and letters you wrote to him tucked into the spine, believing you'd send them someday, but you refuse to keep them.
flipping through, you can't help but cringe at the thought of a man being this famous as an athlete. you understand sponsorships and brand deals, but turning into a celebrity, a commodity...maybe it was an act all along, a persona he's crafted. there was no underestimating the man's capabilities, the ease and precision with which he strikes a punch or spews cutting words are unmatched, why would it be different when it came to your first meeting. 
"you've idolized him, it was a parasocial relationship at most..." you say. given the circumstances or the 'end of an era,' as you've put it, there'd be no other way to comfort yourself but with the hard truth. 
and it shouldn't feel this...hollow. an empty space left behind without any notice, like it ended too abruptly. you'd always known the phase would come to a close, but you had pictured meeting him at the end of an aisle, twirling in his arms under heavy rain, or a bittersweet goodbye at an airport maybe. anything resembling a whirlwind romance that would replace the daydreaming. anything but this. 
people meet all the time, people fall in love, was it too much to believe you'd be one of them. and you tell yourself you'll get over him, it wasn't meant to be anyway, what did you expect, that he'd see you and fall in love? you wouldn't know any different, the closest you ever got to love was...obsession really, he was never a real person to you. "all this for a man who never knew i existed." you're sure wherever suguru is, he'd be absolutely fine, happy even, and not the least bit gutted about what he'd done. 
the rest of geto's day plays out like usual—he fights, he wins, then tends to the nosebleed. nowhere in those allocated time slots for cryotherapy and post-match interviews does he think about you. or the way your eyes fell. or that he instantly regretted it the moment he left you standing there. 
across the gym, nanako calls from where she sits on a boxing ring,  "that wasn't nice, papa!" perching her head against ropes, her legs swing off the edge. beside her, mimiko nods in agreement, cuddling her dolly closer to her chest, "you were being mean..." she mumbles. the sandbag crushes and swings to the rhythmic, muffled beats of bandaged fists meeting leather. resounding, familiar, enough to tune out the disappointed tone in their voices. 
his punches come to a halt, "i know," he sighs exasperatedly. pressing his forehead to the sleeve and watching the sweat pool by his feet. drip, drip, he takes a deep breath in. willing himself to think of something else, anything that could ease the tightness in his chest, the grinding of his teeth. the guilt that bubbles up becomes unbearable, itchy and prickling all over his skin. heat creeping up his neck, to his ears, he's embarrassed, ashamed. he should know better, he'd been better. a part of him grieves, long gone were the days of geto suguru and his straight As and pressed uniforms, always thanking the teachers and using honorifics in between. 
geto learns that he doesn’t react to it as smoothly as he would like—your wobbling lips and puffed up cheeks, teary eyes shining, lashes clumping with tears, an expression he can't seem to forget, like your world was crumbling before your very eyes—he knew it was wrong, knew you were vulnerable and he did it anyway. 
when was the last time he got this hung up over a couple of badly chosen words, all for some fangirl?  you've got him giving away easy hits and fucking up his game-plan, ruminating. he's supposed to be training, working on his form, looking up the next guy he's meant to beat to a pulp and analyze his moves, all that and eating these tiny meals he abhors, the ones made up of bland chicken breast and broccoli. 
bottom line, he's meant to brush these things off as he always does. but the urge to get on his knees and beg for forgiveness is almost as strong as the urge to punch something. he only settles for the latter because geto never gets on his knees, and he never begs, the thought alone is enough to send a shiver down his spine, why does he even think of it as an option.
"she got to me didn't she?" is less of a question, and more of an admission but the twins giggle as if they know he's already done for. 
geto sits across from you at a crepe place a week later. famous for its strawberry sauce and the whipped cream they make from scratch, it's a good choice for a first date spot. the tables are covered in red and white checkered linen, there's an upbeat pop tune playing in the background, and sitting right between the two of you is a centerpiece made up of fresh daffodils. 
but this isn't a date. there's nothing romantic or intimate about it and how he's even managed to find you is still a mystery let alone what his intentions are with choosing such a scene. "my daughters like this place," is the only explanation you get. 
he's wearing what can only be described as undercover chic. greeted you by the door dressed in black head to toe. along with sunglasses and a face mask, but the earrings give him away. well, that along with the cut on his lip and the stitches over his eyebrow. "you got my letter," he merely states, without a 'hello' or 'thanks for meeting me on such short notice'. he doesn't mention why he's sent actual mail to your office instead of texting or calling like a normal person—how easy it was for you to recognize those familiar black inky lines scribing a time and place on paper with zoo animals decorating the edges—you might have ignored it, reported it, if not for the part of you that wholeheartedly gives into him, the infatuation still hasn't worn off. 
"so um," clearing his throat and keeping his voice low, geto's arms fold across his chest. it makes him look too big for his seat, bulky and broad, "about what happened the other day—" he chokes out.
"it's fine," you cut him off immediately. the last thing you need right now is to be reminded of it. took forever to wash away the embarrassment, to scrub off the eerie feeling of his dismissive gaze, his cold stare, a shining vaseline-lined face that would forever haunt you the rest of your days. "i don't even remember it," you wait for him to continue but he just..sits there. 
head tilting curiously, suddenly interested. "not even the part about me being...what was it you said...legendary?" he teases, laughing to himself. it sounds lovely, bright and clear. almost so good you think he's rehearsed it but you know it's just another one of those things geto does, that adds to his charm.
your cheeks puff up as you chew, the jam is sweet and so are the little slices of fruit. you munch and chew, growing annoyed by the second, "it's not that funny," you mumble.
geto brushes off your offended expression, "relax, it's nothing i haven't heard before, let me guess—you love me, you're my number one fan, and you want to ride me and have my babies," he lifts an eyebrow, a self-satisfied smirk appearing.
your fist clenches tight around your fork, "y-you don't know that for sure, in fact, you don't know me at all."  
geto scoffs, actually scoffs in your face, "i know what you're like, you're just another groupie who wants to get close."
"groupie?!" you exclaim, "as if i'd ever sleep with you after the way you've treated me—" your nose turns up at him, anger flaring up to the max, "i wouldn't want to be chucked around and felt up anyway, besides, you wouldn't be able to," you lie again, throwing the final jab to his overinflated ego for effect, to put him in his place. now emboldened by fury, by the urge to prove him wrong. 
you're so loud the other customers turn their heads, somewhere in the back a plate drops to the floor, the shock is evident. mainly because of how explicit you're being but....anyone would be crazy to think so. to say such a thing. how blasphemous. suguru is so physically strong that he forgets not everyone can split wooden blocks into halves with their bare hands like it were the easiest thing, hooking sandbags up to a rig with one arm, you've seen him breaking doors down with a mere shove in movies, and how could you ever forget that one picture of him holding two litre water bottles in his hand and having it look so out of proportion, dwarfed by their massive size.
there's no doubt about it, not only could geto lift and toss you around like a ragdoll, feeling you up any way he desires, but it would be effortless.
he starts grinning, "is that a challenge?" geto quips, smirking and suddenly interested in the half-eaten crepe. he gives it a once over, lightly jabbing it with his fork. contemplates if he should try it when he's been off sugar for years but maybe he'll make an exception now. he could always just burn the calories later, maybe do an extra sparring session with gojo over the weekend, but just for the occasion, he thinks he could indulge a little because he makes a decision then. 
"i like you, we should do this more often," he shoots you a look that isn't like the rest. assured, demanding, knowing you wouldn't deny him. "any objections?" leaning forward he cuts himself a piece of the pastry, lapping up every last bit of jam before he stabs at a large chunk of berry. taking a big bite of it, your eyes widen at the instant blush blooming on his cheeks because he more than likes it, in fact, he keeps at it til there's none left.
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lukkabloom · 2 months
Fun facts abt residents & castle trio according to Ikevamp Radio (ヴァンなま) Part 7
Episode idk the number but Happy 7th Anniversary Ikevamp!!
(Hoping they don’t private the stream like so many of the other ones)
It’s with Morishin (Sebas’s VA) ONLY so I’m kinda bummed about that… but he always makes every episode chaotic so I guess that’s a plus (no this isn’t Sebas hate)
(The headless Arthur and Vincent in the background I CAN’T HAHAHHA)
This years theme is TABOO so we’re getting gacha & events with these themes :)) in JP at least
So apparently in the Ikesen livestream, on June 3, it was determined that the nickname for Yamada Shiro, the artist for Ikevamp and Ikesen, would be “Shiro-chan” (it’s cute)
Morishin is like “Shiro-chan are you watching??” and then proceeds to worry if it’s appropriate to say that (but everyone in chat just spams “Shiro-chan!!” in the comments)
Morishin touching Leo’s boob mousepad LMAOO (also the fact that apparently he was told in the rehearsal that he was allowed to grope it) → and then told by the comments that maybe he touched it too much
After the ads, Morishin said “... So I was told that I was seen by Shiro-chan..” while groping Leo’s boobs??? HAHAHA 
So the first segment is called “Open the Forbidden Door: Ikevamp Taboo Quiz” where they use the youtube live chat feature to ask the viewers questions & they answer
The first question is [TABOO Level 1] Out of these options, one person is hiding their TABOO… their least favorite food. Which of these people are lying? 1: Charles (likes souffle) 2: Isaac (likes sandwiches) 3: Vincent (likes pancakes) 4: Mozart (likes cookies) WAIT THEY ANSWER VIA IN-GAME VOICE LINESS???
Charles: Things I like? Let’s see…. I like souffles. They’re delicious as a meal or as a dessert, and while we are waiting for them to bake, we can talk a lot with each other.
Isaac: My favorite food? Hmm… If I were to pick one, it'd be sandwiches. I can eat it while I’m reading or doing research.
VIncent: Woahh! It’s a fluffy pancake! Yup, it’s my favorite food! I like eating it with butter. Hey, can I eat these? 
Mozart: Cookies, scones, and the like… How can you eat those foods that get messy and fall apart a lot?
Question 2!! [TABOO Level 10] (the jump from levels what the—) According to the Ikevamp election 2024 “The forbidden couple ~Whose hand will you take tonight?~” Story event (which will be available in the future), which of these kink (?) options are not available in the story? 1: Hypnosis play 2: Honey play 3: Brush play 4: Ice play
(the difficulty level increased suddenly…) the one with the highest vote was the brush play?? (what is that? Don’t answer that pls) But the correct answer was option 1: Hypnosis play
3rd question  [TABOO Level 30] Whose lower abs (iliopsoas muscle) is this? (There’s an image of it) 1: Faust 2: Jean 3: Leonardo 4: Shakespeare
The most voted answer is Leonardo, which was the correct answer (from the 4th anniversary birthday card)
4th question  [TABOO Level 50] Whose xxx (nipple)  is this?? (there’s also an image) 1: Theo 2: Arthur 3: Comte 4: Dazai
The chosen answer was Arthur which was correct!! (image from the 2018 election of Arthur’s sexy wet illustration)
5th question  [TABOO Level 70] According to Sebas’s story on the “7th Anniversary Let’s speed up the main routes campaign” which words can be best replaced as xxx from the original line? The line being “Why is it… that the more you touch me here, xxx” 1: my heart beats rapidly 2: my body becomes hotter 3: you become sweeter?? (idk how to translate this accurately it’s an expression) 4: my dyungyun bangyuns (similar to option 1 but more comical)
The options were more diverse, with 3 being the most popular choice, but 4 being the 3rd most popular choice (darn it). The correct answer is… Numero 3
6th question  [TABOO Level 100] The ultimate forbidden action in ikevamp is, of course, blood-sucking. Listen to this please: (insert audio) Whose sounds was that? 1: Galileo 2: Vlad 3: Napoleon 4: Drake
Galileo got the most votes, and he was the correct answer!!
Morishin as confused that the more the level increased, the more they got the answers correct
Also we’re able to listen to the other options sucking blood (how is this allowed on youtube???)
The next segment is “Hidden Secrets: Taboo Talk” using X (Twitter) they introduce the viewer’s taboo episodes.
Morishin said that it wouldn’t be weird if Comte (or everyone in Ikevamp) would participate in Paris Olympics (happening rn) with their buff bodies HAHA
Next Morishin introduces the different pictures of this campaign where viewers could slide their fingers on screen (on the characters) and remove their clothes /// (again HOW IS THIS AVAILABLE ON YT???)
Now we get to see how people decorate their avatars :)) love the big Moussette one
NEXT!! We get to see amazing fanart with the theme of TABOO!! THEY’RE ALL SO PRETTY & AMAZING I love it when official companies appreciate their creators and communities
In the “I love yu” segment (love that it’s been here since the beginning) 
(it’s only Sebas here so I’ll just have his name once) Sebas: *Hums* Today was such an amazing day. Who would’ve thought that we would be able to go to the beach as a leisure activity? The observation details were everywhere! It was almost too much by myself. As soon as I get out of the bath, I shall start taking notes in my journal. *GASP!!* I felt a signal of wanting to know the contents of my diary!! Are you curious? You want to know, yes? Of course. I’ll go to the center of the bathtub and shout my love of these historical figures.
Arriving at the beach, everyone couldn’t take their eyes off of your figure in a swimsuit, but the ones to take the initiative were Master Arthur and Charles. Because surprise, it was them two who had chosen your swimwear. “You can enjoy the beach to the max with a girl’s swimsuit” is what they said, not even willing to hide their true intentions. The two—as the sexy representation—stared at you in your figure, enjoying the beach to the fullest.
Following them, Masters Napoleon and Isaac took some time walking by the shore. I was watching them from under the parasol, but their figures depicting young love was something out of a drama. Holding your hand tightly as you were blown by the salty winds, showing the future of the cutest love triangle… On which channel could I watch the second episode?? Oh, my apologies.
After the walk, the ones who invited you for lunch were Masters Leonardo and Drake. The large fish that Drake caught was swiftly chopped by Leonardo, completing an exquisite sashimi lunch. Of course, the soy sauce was provided by myself.
After lunch, a drawing event was held by the van Gogh brothers in the sand. The three’s challenging tastes clashed, completing a squid-like product the more you look at it, the more you love. Everyone’s satisfied expressions were brighter than the sunlight in the summer, and is that wholesome moment—allowed to be viewed for free??
After that, you were invited by Dazai-san and Faust to sunbathe, but as soon as I heard that they want to “xxxxxx” you, I, Satou Akihiko, could not stand by and watch! I replied. I stumbled on my words from the aggressiveness, but please understand my consideration. 
Leading you to Master Jean and Shakespeare, the three of you listened to the sound of waves. The three of you shared your own world there—mmm, very romantic. 
When Herr Mozart and Vlad invited you out into the shade, your cheeks were very warm, as if you had a heat stroke. Cooling off in the shade… I would like to experience that as well. I am waiting for your invitation. 
At last, it was dinner time, and you were invited to a seaside restaurant by Comte and Galileo. While you were enjoying the seafood dishes, the two were sipping on their wine. As a historical maniac, the scene was a delicious dish. Sebas can eat much more!!
Of course, I was able to enjoy time with you too. Sitting by the shore, laughing “ahaha, ahaha” and “Hey~you did it,” splashing water together. Your face was glowing with the drops of water, something from a dream. 
When the others are with you, they look so happy. To be able to observe them is something I enjoy. However, there is a side of me that wants to keep you all to yourself. This way of thinking… may be taboo for a butler like me. But it should be okay if it’s something I do in my head. Here, let me think of a confession of love I want to say to you at the beach.
“Even if I know that this is a forbidden love, my feelings for you cannot be stopped. I want to take you to the far ends of the sea, where no one will know of our circumstances. That is how much I love you.”
With this, I, Sebas, will be able to overcome this challenging summer. Well, before we overheat, let’s get out of the bath and start writing in our historical figure journals. The fact that I have this journal is something the others must not know—a taboo. 
AAAND that’s the end of the segment
They have a new PV (yayyyy) and it looks so HOT??? It should be released by the time this post is out
Leo’s sequel will be out this winter (for the JP players)
Lol I literally forgot how much fun I have watching this (as well as how much time it takes to translate this in one session haha)
Also if anyone wants me to translate/want me to expand on more things, I can take things into consideration and (maybe) do it
If anyone got this far, have an amazing rest of your day/night!!
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the-real-maglev · 5 months
Dream BBQ Analysis & Speculation: the Reveal Trailer
Hoo boy, at least I can get this one out of the way early. This trailer was a massive piece of whiplash when it was first posted and its still very engrossing to this day. I dread covering this one because there's a lot of stuff shown here but there's virtually zero clues towards what any of it could be at all. There's so many things packed into 25 seconds that it's almost overwhelming. I'll see what I can unpack though.
[Flashing lights warning, this is a bit redundant since the trailer also has the warning, but I felt like it'd be courteous]
The Japanese text just reads Dream BBQ, nothing of note there, even with the wierd backgrounds. Speaking of which, we see minimal scenery in this trailer due to the backgrounds instead primarily consisting of gradients and other such designs. There's also a bunch of misc clips during the opening that don't seem to bear any particular significance (like the wall of Froggy talking and Taski's anxiety dance), so I'll trim it down to only the scenes I deem important enough to cover.
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The first notable scene is the rotating ENAs with the changing background color. Something I notice is that the uniform is rendered in grayscale here, but that's not the most interesting thing. First, one of the ENAs here has the season 1 colors despite wearing season 2's outfit and hairstyle. Maybe this is hinting towards them being one in the same rather than different characters like most people assume? The language the staff has used in regards to BBQ ENA's relation to season 1 ENA seems to point to that as well. Very interesting indeed, but that isn't even the most interesting part of this clip.
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Thats right, four brand new color combos: green+eraser pink, yellow+orange (who looks like cheese personally), purple+tan and wierd color I can't identify+cyan. Whether these are hinting towards us meeting more ENAs or are just funky trailer visuals, only time will tell. I think the purple+tan one looks cool though. Very miniscule detail, the ENAs on the left have their torso color reflect the right side of their face, while the ENAs on the right side have their torso color reflect the left side of their face, something that goes for BBQ ENA and season 1 ENA as well.
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That's not even all from this clip, since it gives the first look at Broken ENA. She curiously doesn't have her hat here, but that's probably just because she's upside down and gravity is active. I'll get into Broken ENA more when we get to the Steam trailer, there's a lot to say about her there.
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This may be a reach but I feel like this shot may imply a casino area. My main thought is that this may be linked to the neon alleyway shown in the screenshots on the Steam page, but I'm basically just spitballing here.
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Here we have the debut of a character I'll be dubbing Orca, since they bear resemblance to Peruvian orca carvings. Its details cannot be made out here due to the angle, however a clearer view of this character has appeared in the Fangamer merchandise, so I'll get into it more when I reach the merchandise. From this shot, though, I can assume this character isn't the most hospitable, considering our first impressions of them are them devouring ENA.
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Here we have this headless blue horse made of... threads? Some sort of winding material. I feel like this character may be based on Leghorse from Space Funeral, but I'm willing to accept wrongness there. It's also surrounded by these root pants characters that I have a feeling will be recurring minor NPCs throughout the game. Interestingly, they seem to be bowing in worship to this horse character. I have a bit of a theory as to why
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This here is a beta screenshot of the quest board, which was shown off in the 2022 ENA Day livestream (and archived on the ENA Wiki). I have far more to say about it when we get to the Steam trailer, but for now I want to draw attention to the icon beside the quest title on the left side, which depicts the horse character. Perhaps this horse will be responsible for quests? That would explain why the roots were bowing down to it, since it seems to give orders to others if it's a quest manager. The opening of the Steam trailer gives me other ideas though, which combines with the fact that the quest board has changed design to make me doubt that this is the case. Still an interesting prospect I think.
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I need you to really take in this egg, it will be crucial to understanding Dream BBQ
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Now we have a rather interesting character who hasn't been seen since. I feel like this might actually be a different character manifesting out of the clothes like how Phindoll just lives in and ophanim-esque residence. I'm thinking those birds could coalesce into a different NPC.
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After those incredibly dense 25 seconds, the trailer thankfully slows down dramatically for the next two thirds of its runtime, spent mostly on this screen here. There's still plenty to dissect here, though. I will be going over each panel left to right in the bulletpoints below.
• First up, Froggy makes his debut here. A bit strange that Taski Maiden was revealed before him when he's meant to be the secondary protagonist, but I digress. Speaking of digression, the ENA Wiki says that he bears a resemblance to Tsubakura Enraku from Len'en Project (mainly in sharing key colors in key places) and the comparison is bizarrely sound so I just have to share it. The visuals definitely seem to paint a laid back, possibly slacker picture of him, which lines up with how he was described in ENA Day 2023, being a foolish comic relief sidekick with a high opinion of himself. He was described as being based on comic relief characters in old Japanese detective dramas, which makes me feel like he shares an origin with Gumshoe from the Ace Attorney series, though his only two known lines (from the Steam page and the delay announcement) seem to imply that he's going to be rather commanding and rude. I must also draw attention to the docks he sits at. The green sky and gray terrain make me think this may actually be a more dreary version of the overworld from season 1, which was depicted with a green sky in Temptation Stairway and always had gray grounds. Quite a neat area regardless.
• This is the first time we see BBQ ENA with her iconic megaphone and the first hint towards Meanie ENA's personality. Not much to say about this panel other than I find the pose to be amusing. I'll take the opportunity to say that BBQ ENA and Teto in Mesmerizer wear incredibly similar outfits and I'm taking my followers down with me. I'll take this time to spout my 10000 years theory, as I call it, which states that Dream BBQ takes place... well, 10000 years after Temptation Stairway. Reason I say this here is because the very insistent terminology of the team makes me think BBQ ENA actually IS the same person as season 1's ENA after all, it's just that she's matured after spending eons in the realm of Runas. Likewise, the world and other characters have changed a lot in that time a well to a point of unrecognizability, going with the statement that we might be seeing familiar faces but very different from when we last saw them. I find it to be a very interesting prospect personally. I'll be getting back to this theory soon in this post.
• Here marks the debut of the little guys that Taski Maiden lugs around. I'll say that I see Taski being a child and thus they aren't her children, no idea what relation they could hold though. I have a feeling there will be a quest involving bringing Taski's little guys back to her. I have some other misc things to talk about with Taski while I'm here though. First, I just love how free-form her design is. Like, it seems that every pattern on her body and even those wierd whisker outline bits are able to move independently and I feel like that will lead to some very expressive animation. I'd also like to note an insane theory I had that I heavy doubt will be true but I must still share because of the strange amount of evidence: Taski Maiden could be connected to (or straight up *was*, following the 10000 years theory) Moony. Both have gray skin (with Taski's skin tone looking like a middleground between the halves of Primal Moony), a single rounded eye (with Taski's being on the right side of her face, just like with Primal Moony), some other iconic attribute in place of a second eye (Moony's geometric inclusion and Taski's mask thingy) and are voiced by Lizzie Freeman (this is admittedly the weakest point because Lizzie also voices Sad ENA but it's an existing similarity so I've got to say it). Taski's little guys are even split into dark gray and light gray halves, with the darker side on the left, just like Primal Moony, with their body shape resembling a chibified Primal Moony too. If there really is a connection, it'd explain why Taski seems to be quite a major character. This even ironically plays into the 10000 years theory, with Moony getting less mature being an amusing contrast to ENA getting more mature. Nonetheless, it's a bit of a crack theory, but it's there.
• Then we have the noteface guy, who I nickname Henoheno due to that being the start of the long name that kanji face has. He's always struck me as looking like sort of boss, however there's like nothing to go off of. All I can assume is that his appearance in ENA Day 2024 means he'll be in Lonely Door and he'll be more important than the average NPC.
• And lastly, the sea of blood area. This area has appeared in just about all the promotional material, likely due to just how strange and creepy it is. Curiously, the eye in the sky changes colors in the Fangamer lenticular poster. I wonder if that'll happen in-game or if that's just something Fangamer did to give the poster more movement. This area seems extremely important and I'm sure we'll be spending plenty of time here, as disconcerting as the area may be. Possibly we'll even be revisiting this area in multiple chapters.
Not even gonna bother talking about Clown anymore because I already said a ton about him in the teaser analysis. This post has been in my drafts for days and it feels amazing to finally have it posted. I hope you all like my insane theories. The next post will be about the Steam trailer... or more appropriately, only part of it, since the Steam trailer is so loaded with information that I'm splitting its analysis into multiple parts.
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Just checked in on the livestream and as expected it's been corrupting. Apart from the clear terror in Knight Luigi and Princess SMG3's eyes the corruptions honestly look more goofy than creepy so far.
I just did as well because I haven't seen it in a bit, and yeah, the corruption is a bit goofy. I mean this nicely, but they kinda look like creepy pasta corruption,,
OH WOW MARIO IS HEADLESS <- just got to the Mario Mysteries part as I was typing this out
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cyberphuck · 1 year
Anime Club!
Seb and I are starting a two-person anime club where we each recommend an anime and watch one episode of each every day (or most days) and jot down some thoughts about it. (very, very, VERY old friends of mine might recall Saturday Night Anime Club, which was a weekly livestream I used to have where we'd watch four or five episodes of different series. I watched a lot of series back then that I wouldn't have seen otherwise.) We’re starting with Serial Experiments Lain and THE BIG O!
Serial Experiments Lain E01
Prewatch: I've been sort of avoiding watching this series because I have a loathing of 2000's era anime (why are the colors so washed out, please, it's okay to make something red), but that era is the one Seb grew up with, so a lot of these series are close to his heart and he kept encouraging me to watch at least one of them. I've heard of Serial Experiments Lain, but I have absolutely no idea what it's about, so I'm going in blind.
My Episode Summary: First of all, the opening theme sounds like it was sung by The Cranberries?? Like it's not them but it sounds exactly like them. The opening is a mix of the main character floating around with a sleepy look on her face.
Seb: Trans girls really like this series.
The episode opens with a schoolgirl committing suicide by jumping off a building. Later, Lain sees one of her classmates crying, and hears that the "dead" girl has been sending emails to her friends, who think it's a cruel prank.
Me: *Lain is taking off her jacket* are we gonna get schoolgirl nakedness? This seems like a schoolgirl nakedness kind of show
When Lain gets home (to her weirdly sparse room), she puts on her Internet Bear Hat and logs into her futuristic email, where she finds she's also received a message from the dead girl, who says her body is gone but she's still alive, and that she's with God.
Me: If you're a protagonist in a serious 2000's anime, your parents hate you and each other.
Lain goes to her dad, who is surrounded by computer monitors, surfing the web (and looking at headless people?). He laments that Lain's mom doesn't seem to understand that the internet is the wave of the future, but is delighted when Lain asks for a better computer.
Me: Seriously Lain's expression is always "oh my god I'm so high right now"
On the train to school, the cars suddenly jolt to a stop and the conductor announces there's been an "accident." Later Lain either hallucinates, visualizes, or witnesses another one of her female classmates committing suicide by train. Her face warps eerily just before the train hits her.
Later, Lain sees the building-suicide girl walking on the road and stops to talk to her, asking her "where are you?"
Me: Runaway train never goin back, school girl on a Japanese track Seb: You don't know what's happening yet but-- Me: I definitely don't know what's happening in this show
Thoughts: I got a lot of Satoshi Kon vibes, especially from the opening scene. The actual art style is just bog-standard 2000's stuff but the blocky background cut outs are actually really cool.
I'm really intrigued by the premise of this show, even though Lain is always wearing O_O face. Something about anime schoolgirls comitting suicide is just engaging. The series is only 13 episodes, so I'm looking forward to a lot of weird shit happening in a short period of time.
Prewatch: Seb described this as "the show that looks like Batman the Animated Series" and we both remember it being referenced on 2003 Teen Titans. It was on Toonami when I was a teenager so seeing clips from it is kind of jarring. I've seen one or two episodes from this series and I know it's about a guy, a girl, a giant robot, and like. A train?? But I don't remember much else.
My Episode Summary:
Me: Are buttons the main export of this city?
"I'm Roger Smith. I'm very good at my job." *Proceeds to be extremely bad at his job*
Roger Smith is a negotiator; the show opens on him pulling into an abandoned hangar and exchanging a briefcase full of money for a young girl. When the young girl's father shows up,  however, he says that's not his daughter, it's an android who looks like her. Roger tries to get the money back by detonating a bomb inside the briefcase and then flying it out of the bad guys' car, but it gets shot open and the money spills everywhere. Fail.
Seb's right, this artstyle looks *just* like BtAS.
Me: Wait go back, *what* happened and everyone lost their memory? *rewinds* Oh, right, nothing happened and everyone lost their memory.
Roger returns to his home and talks to his butler, who informs him that a young lady has come to see him. It's "Dorothy," the android that isn't the old dude's daughter. She says that she needs Roger to be her bodyguard and refuses to take no for an answer.
Seb: He does have like the yaoi proportions
(During an important action scene, Seb and I got the giggles and suddenly everything that was happening was the funniest thing ever.)
Roger and Dorothy go to an abandoned warehouse, where they find the old dude dying. He greets Dorothy as "Dorothy II" and says she's his real daughter (??) and then fukken dies. Roger gets an alert on his "about to be hit by a missle" watch and shoves Dorothy out of the way, then tells her to go and be bait for the bad guys since she's an android and she's stronger than a human.
Dorothy runs superduper fast as the bad guys shoot at her. While they're distracted, Roger blows them the FUCK up with two missiles shot from his car, which is something his car can do apparently. Then they get word from their cop friend-- a giant robot is attacking the Mint!
They get in the car and floor it to the Mint, where a giant robot is indeed trying to get the minting plates. Dorothy says something like "father, stop this!" and Roger gets out of the car, turns on his watch, and summons a giant robot.
(the crowd goes "yaaaay!" which was particularly funny to me.)
Big O and Crab Robot (also known as Dorothy I) battle in the street, wrecking a bunch of buildings in the process, which is probably bad. Dorothy II is still freaking out and goes running towards them, her arms making unsettling jiggly motions. The cop friend chases after *her,* telling her to get out of the way.
Meanwhile, Big O blows a hole in Crab Robot's chest. It falls down, straight towards Dorothy I and cop friend, while Roger goes "oh no!!" as if he's not sitting in the cockpit of a giant robot that could easily stop them from being crushed.
...why does the ending theme sound like a Boys II Men/Mariah Carey collaboration
Thoughts: This anime absolutely doesn't take itself seriously and I love it. The artstyle is fun to look at, though the action scenes are a little lackluster. The giant robots don't really have a big fight, they just kind of grab each other, which I guess is more realistic but not as exciting to watch. Still, I'm sure they're gonna get up to some interesting shenanigans over the course of the series. Of the two, I’m most interested in what happens in Lain. I hope Big O gets more exciting as the series goes on.
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“Finish them,” she scrawls on the weapon.
Them. A colorful people whose souls are alight with hope for a powerful future. “A just peace, not just a piece.” When the bulldozers come and their villages are razed to the ground, they stay. Their existence is a powerful resistance. They are cactus roots that are impossible to ever fully pull up, as steady as the olive trees that have been tended by their patient hands for generations. 
Them. Jesus was one of them. Brown-skinned, born in a manger in the Occupied West Bank. His family fled from a genocide on a donkey, downtrodden and fearful. He flipped the tables of injustice; he didn’t obliterate them. “Let the little children come to me,” he said. Their little children are scared. Orphans. Starving. 
I am guilt, sympathy, and empty words. I am hopeful and hopelessness coexisting. I have no wise words to bandaid a wound that has festered for more than 76 years. I am not equipped to comprehend, and I have never loved my home and community enough to die for it. But I have heard the wail of a father as he holds his lifeless, headless baby boy on Instagram. I have seen their livestreams, their pleas, their crowdfunding videos on TikTok— “PLEASE DON’T SCROLL”—to ask for one minute of my attention in this dystopia. Enough.
You arm your worldview with a twisted biblical narrative. Your thirst for Heaven has you encouraging Hell on Earth. I’ve traced the veins of your gospel, and its heart is not beating. I am suffocating in the presence of your Jesus. I want no part of your Savior who dazzles with his military might, his muscled arms firing armaments destined for a besieged city that is 40% children. As if the annihilation of God’s children is all justified by a few Bible verses taken out of context. If we cannot—and will not— see God in the faces of our Muslim brothers and sisters, have we not missed the point entirely?
Them. Palestinians. A colorful people whose souls are alight with hope for a powerful future. We must act. For injustice against them is a threat to justice everywhere. Our humanity shrivels, sputters, and chokes. 
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avixenk · 5 months
Hi so remember the music interlude? Headless Angel? Well I might have become a little obsessed and clip it for your and mine repeat pleasure.
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trashpandaqc · 10 months
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yesterday's live set, yesterday's auto-generated lyrics. thank you to HBI crew and community for a great experience!
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shipwreckedcomedy · 3 years
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It’s a Shipwrecked Kickstarter, so you know what that means: livestreams every Sunday! Join us this Sunday from 2-6 pm Pacific on our YouTube channel for the first one of the campaign. There’s sure to be snacks, games, special guests, and chaos. Don’t miss it! 
Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story | Now on Kickstarter! 💀
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awigglycultist · 3 years
I love how on the shipwrecked headless livestream it froze it was just us watching the name wall and everyone in chat yelling "WALL!" for a good minute or two
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lies · 2 years
Members of Shipwrecked Comedy watch the first cut of the trailer for their upcoming series Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story.
This happened during the July 3, 2022, livestream for Shipwrecked's next project, the Case of the Greater Gatsby. Gatsby will be a mystery/comedy audio show set in the 1940s, the heyday of radio narratives. You can support the project's crowdfunding campaign, which runs until July 24, at The Case of the Greater Gatsby kickstarter.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
XD funny idea,headcanon spree 2020 Kurt meets a immortal person who even though is like headless for example they chill and be like “..what now?..should I report you to the police?..”
Kurt thinks you're just another victim, but he doesn't know you're actually immortal.
When he tricks you into looking out the sunroof and speeds up to decapitate you, he laughs as your headless body slumps back into the seat.
But some of his viewers think the body's fake and he goes on a tirade about how everyone thinks content is "staged" nowadays, jabbing at Bobby's work.
He fails to see you, however, still moving as you take your phone out of your pocket, enter his livestream, and donate $1 with the message "Nice try, dipshit. I need my head."
Kurt recognizes your user and wonders how tf you could be online. He swivels his head and sees you sitting upright, completely fine except for the fact you're headless.
The viewers start spamming "so no head" jokes.
But he begrudgingly stops the car so he can retrieve your head, keeping you locked inside.
After that he tries finding other ways to kill you--as his audience demands it and you could very well report him to the police.
But nothing works.
You just get up and come back every time, drinking every laced water bottle in the car and not even flinching as he attacks you with a drill, gun, knife, car, etc.
He could run over you numerous times and it doesn't kill you. All your wounds immediately heal.
It drives him insane, leading to a lot of tantrums from him as his viewers mock him.
"I swear I'm gonna crash this car and kill us BOTH!!!!"
"Kurt, I'm not gonna report you to the police. Honest." You're just as cool as a cucumber, wishing he didn't get so upset.
Obviously, he's delusional and paranoid about you lying. But when even his viewers agree that he needs to chill the fuck out bc they're getting bored and want him to find new victims...he eventually listens.
And you become a regular customer of Spree, checking out Kurt's channel and giving him shoutouts on your own. He discovers you gained quite a following from your videos of death-defying stunts and discussions of immortality in fiction.
"You never told me you did cool shit like this!! We could've collaborated!!"
"I didn't have the chance to tell you because you've been trying to kill me over and over."
"Oh......well can we still collab?"
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Live Stream Murderer (Part 2) | Spencer Reid x reader
Requested by @thatsonezesty13 / Summary: You’re kidnapped by the Live Stream Murderer, who is in search of his soulmate. He tortures the women for 36 hours and whoever lasts that long is in his eyes; his soulmate. Will you make it through the 36 hours of torture? 
| Part 1 | 
A/N: here is part 2! Thank you for all the attention on part 1! I love seeing all the likes, reblogs and comments, especially the ones asking to be tagged so they don’t miss the next part! <3 hopefully you all enjoy this one as much as part 1!! xx 
*possible trigger warning and could spoil the ending of part 2 for you; blood, talks of death, description of a bloody and headless person 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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Your head was pounding, and you could feel your body was weak from the torture. How long had you been passed out? The last thing you remembered was a hot poker penetrating your side. There sitting in front of you was the man who would probably haunt your nightmares for forever.
He wore a sickening smile, “Hi.. I was wondering when you would wake up.” He stood up and held a red straw to your lips.
“Fuck you.” You whispered weakly. There was no telling what was in that drink and you weren’t about to find out. 
He frowned, “But you’ve made it 28 hours.. only 8 more and you’ll be,” His fingers went to caress your cheek, but you revolted at his touch, “my soulmate.” He said the last word like he was in a loving haze. 
You’d made it through 28 hours with this psychopath? You watched as the man went to the storage closet and pulled out multiple instruments and set them on the table next to you. He clicked a button on a remote and the camera in front of you flashed a red button. You figured it was live streaming now and there was a chance the whole world was watching this freak torture you; including Spencer. 
Oh, Spencer. Your heart felt overwhelmed at the thought of him. He’d suffered the loss of Maeve and you worried he would never recover. This was probably bringing those terrible emotions back to the surface. 
“I have to see if you can withstand more pain.” His voice was behind you and then a knife cutting the ties off your left arm. If you weren’t weak, you’d try to fight him with one hand, but with your injuries suffered so far and the knife still in your leg, there wasn’t much to do. 
“I have to see if you’re my soulmate.” His fingers gripped your upper arm, “This might hurt.” 
Your breathing increased as you wondered what was next. Your eyes fixated on the camera in front of you and you tried to focus on the one thing that made you happy. The one thing you loved most in this world. Spencer Reid. 
It was a trick you’d been taught during your training. You were keeping your mind preoccupied by coming up with various scenes, happy scenes. Spencer’s face crossed your mind and suddenly you were transported to a library. You were sitting across Spencer, books in front of the both of you. You could see him peeking every once and a while to look at you. You knew because you were doing the same thing to him. 
 “If you keep staring at me, we aren’t ever going to get this finished.” 
His fingers continued to dance across the page as he read and he gave a small smile, “I’m not staring at you.” 
“Okay.” You shut your book, amused, “Tell me what you just read.” 
His fingers stopped and he knew he’d been caught. He finally looked up at you, “I have no idea what I just read.” 
You let out a laugh, “Spencer Reid!” You stood, “We have to finish this paper for Dr. Johnson’s class!” Grabbing the two books on the table, you headed toward a row of library books, “These don’t have what I need.” 
In this imaginary world you and Spencer were young, college students. It was a normal life with no danger. No BAU. No cases. Just you and Spencer living a normal life. 
“I’m sorry!” He chuckles, standing to follow you. He stops behind you as you put the two books back on the shelves, “how am I supposed to concentrate when I’m in front of the most beautiful girl in this universe?” 
You turned around and faced him, “Spencer Reid.” 
“y/n y/l/n.” He copied your tone, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear, “I love you.” Those three words. You wanted to hear it again. 
“Say it again.” Your fingers wrapped around his wrist as he cupped your cheek.
His other hand cupped your other cheek and subconsciously caressed your cheek with his thumb, “I love you.” 
You let out a scream as the man pulled on your arm, dislocating your shoulder from it’s socket. No no.. take me back. Take me back to standing there with Spencer in that library where you heard the words you’d wished he’d confess. 
How much more of this could you take? How much more could anyone take? This was an insane amount of pain and all you wanted to do was sleep. You wanted to give up. 
You sobbed, finally breaking, “Please stop.. just please.” 
“I can’t.” He sighs, “36 hours.” He taps the watch on his wrist. 
You were fading, or at least you wanted to fade away. You’d been strong during all this because you knew you’d get to see Spencer again. He’d been the one to keep you going during this, but right now you don’t know how much more you could take. You wanted to make it through this just to be able to tell him how you felt. Your thoughts slowed and the darkness consumed you. 
As soon as the live stream was posted, Penelope began working her magic. However, it was still proven to be a challenge on pinpointing the location. 
He had to watch as the man pulled your arm out of it’s socket and listen to your screams of agony. He’d kill him. He knew if he’d ever see this man he’d kill him with his own bare hands for harming you in this way, such a public way. 
“Please.. please hang on just a bit longer.” He pleaded to the screen. 
More disappointment as the live stream cut off when your eyes went closed. You’d passed out from the overwhelming amount of pain and exhaustion. 
8 hours later there was another livestream, but this time there wasn’t anyone seated in the chair. You were gone and his mind went to worst. You’d lost the battle. 
“I’ve got it! I’ve got the location!” Penelope yelled through the comms, the location immediately sent to everyone’s phone. 
There wasn’t time to think as everyone rushed out the door and toward the known location. However, when they arrived, it was Hotch and JJ who went in first. As Spencer followed, Hotch immediately came back out stopping him at the door. 
“You don’t need to go in there.” 
Spencer was confused, “What? Why not?” He tried to push passed Hotch again and the look on JJ’s face told him everything he needed to know. “Let me see!” 
Hotch lost the grip on the determination of Spencer and he passed through the door way. Spencer skitted to a stop at the sight before him. No no no. 
His knees his the floor.  This wasn’t happening again, please no. He silently begged. “No! No no!” He couldn’t help the sobs that overcame his body. 
There in the middle of the room laying on a blanket where the chair had been was your headless body in a pool of blood. 
Criminal Minds tag list: @thelovelydreamer17​ , @la-vie-en-amour1​ , @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25​ , @astra-inclinant-sed-non-obligant (possibly: @astra-x-inclinant​)  , @bluerose512​ , @lolychu​ , @varsityalthete​ , @televisiondreamstomorrow​ , @harry-hollands​ , @lumineshawn​ , @lyss-xo​ , @rexorangecouny​ , @sassy-hades​ , @britishspidey​ , @ateez-star​
***i’ve added all the ones asked to be tagged in this story to my criminal minds tag list because I only have taglists by the shows and/or character I write for instead of specific stories. In the future if you’d like to be taken off the list, just shoot me a message! xx 
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles  , @simonsbluee​ , @thewolf-and-thesheep​ , @obxrafejjwhore​ , @abbiesthings​ , @itstaskeen​ , @reniescarlett​
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