#he's v from mystic messenger btw
majunju · 1 year
the world is Healing.......
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natasha-in-space · 9 months
'Why do you love rika. I love rika myself as well. Tbh for me its like, the more I stay in mysme fandom the more my love and appreciation for rika grows. It initially started as me being angry at the double standards of the most asian media fandoms in general cuz i realised that rika would have been more well loved if she was a man, people would use the male!rika's trauma to justify his actions and this thought has made me angry and made me "appreciate" rika out of spite. But it eventually has grown into a genuine appreciation for her. Idk how to explain but something inside me makes me want to protect her and save her from everything happened to her leading upto the current situation. And more hate she gets more i feel the desire to defend her.
Actually my no 1 is another character and he has a place of his own which no one could take (its yoosung btw) but rika...i think she might be a close second fave i guess - anon'
I accidentally messed up your ask, so I'll be replying in this way instead!
Thank you for the question, dear anon! I'm always giddy to chitchat about these things. I do want to prelude this by saying that this is not really a proper analysis, but more of me just writing out my personal feelings. I might try my hand at actual analysis one day, but, for now, I'm just sharing my own interpretations!
Mystic Messenger is probably the only fandom I have been in since... well, since it has formed, basically. It's wild to think about sometimes. Things are very different in our little space now, compared to how it was before. Public perception of Rika is one of those things. I can totally resonate with your frustrations on that front, unfortunately. I know many folks miss the time when the fandom was bigger, but... personally, I don't. Especially as a Rika fan. It was borderline exhausting trying to curate your fandom space as a Rika fan at the time. Hell, we had full blogs dedicated to solely hating on her, a fictional character, and people who expressed their love for her. And that's just here on Tumblr. People used to full on write hate comments under every single seasonal CG with Rika in it. It was terrible, and very, very disheartening to see. Especially since most Rika fans I've met over the years are the sweetest people. Granted, there is a case to be made for practically every mm character, and how the fandom may have misinterpreted them in one way or another, so it's not just a Rika problem. Just that she was majorly disliked.
If anything, I'm very happy Cheritz still continued to include Rika in the seasonal events despite it all. Props to them on that front.
Right now, thankfully, things are much more peaceful and respectful. Rika is definitely not the more popular character, but now you can openly express your love for her in the fandom space, without fear of being harassed. I'd say that's a great win for us!
That being said, as to why I love Rika... Hm, it's interesting to put it into words. I didn't have a strong opinion on her until V's route came out. I never really shared the collective hatred of her, but I didn't love her either, you know? V's route came out during a pretty rough patch in my life, and I think that helped me get personally invested in what it had to tell. Rika actually feels like a fleshed out character with many nuances, and that instantly made me interested in paying close attention to what they wanted to do with her.
Rika is complicated, to say the least. She always was, but, with all the added content to her story that Cheritz have put out over the years, her complexity only evolved further. I love that about her. I love morally dubious characters who's mind you have to carefully study and pick apart piece by piece in order to understand them. I love how she is not really a villain in a traditional sense. She is not actively pursuing harm on anybody, not in her eyes. It is fascinating to me how different her view point is, compared to those around her. How skewed her perception of the world around her grows over the years. It's both scary and captivating.
So, it started with fascination. Appreciation for her character and a desire to delve deeper into what makes her who she is today. I think... my appreciation has grown into love when her Behind Story came out. I know many folks have very complicated feelings towards it, especially since it came out alongside V's After End and its unfortunate push for forgiveness, but I never really viewed Cheritz establishing Rika's past as an attempt to wash her of her sins. It just came out at a very bad timing is all. If her Behind Story came out a bit later, I think public opinion of it would have been different. It's a shame that their huge mess up with the message in V's After Ending sabotaged it like that.
Thing is, Rika wouldn't be as compelling and interesting as she is, if she was truly innocent. That being said, I... relate to her struggles on a deeply personal level. Not as deeply as I do with Saeran, but her story and her struggles do make me choke up to this day. Because, in a way, I see my past self in her. Being able to read through her story, her thoughts, and her feelings have really made me form a genuine fondness to her. Her religious trauma, her painful path of learning to survive in an environment that actively tries to harm you at every possibility, her fears of being the devil everyone says she is, her inability to accept and love herself, because all she has ever known is pain, danger and hatred... It hurts. I think, everyone has that little voice inside their head. Telling them that they are bad and undeserving of the love people close to them are expressing. That everyone actually hates them. That there is something inherently wrong with them. It's heartbreaking that, in Rika's case, this voice has eventually consumed her to the point of no return.
When you are an abused child, who knows nothing but the hostile world they have at home, it will follow you into every crook and cranny of your life. Even when you're not home, even when you're 'safe', your mind and body will still be on high alert, as it's natural to try and keep yourself safe from harm. Rika's fear of the world around her, her deep inner self-hatred is something I have experienced as an abused child/young teen. It's debilitating, and it's heartwrenching to think that so many people have to suffer like this.
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I think the beauty of her story to me is the sheer tragedy of it. It's a tough pill to swallow, but people are not born evil. She has done horrible, immoral and unforgivable things, and yet, in some twisted sense, her heart was not filled with malice as she did so. She believed she was saving Saeran, she believed she was providing her believers the safety and love they couldn't get elsewhere, she believed she was trying to show her old friends the truth by taking them to her side. Of course, none of those things are actually true. Her real intentions were selfish, albeit not evil. A desperation to be loved and not abandoned. That dichotomy is both beautiful and tragic to me. (Some of these are very bad quality bc I can't screenshot stuff right now)
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Of course, there's also the whole V/Rika debacle. Personally, I never put all of the responsibility onto either one of them. That takes away the beautiful tragedy of their shared bond. V - or, Jihyun - genuinely cares deeply for her. He is heartbroken at all the suffering he sees her go through during his route. Of course, it's not just his care for Rika at play, but we're not talking about him right now. While, for Rika, he was her only anchor, her light, the one person who saw the real her and accepted her instead of forsaking her. At least that's what she thought. Rika and V are two very hurt and troubled individuals who have met each other at the worst possible time. And that makes it so sad to me. Neither him nor Rika truly wanted to harm one another. Whether there was any romantic love between them or not, they did care for one another deeply. Too deeply, even. Clinging to one another in order to satiate the emptiness they had inside, each in their own toxic way. It was not healthy. But it was genuine.
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And I love tragic bonds, be it romantic or not. There is something compelling about two people who do want the best for one another just causing more harm than good. It's also painfully truthful. Not to such an extreme, but the struggle of doing what's best with no direction is one many can relate to.
I guess, to conclude this all, I'd say I love Rika for her complexity most of all. There are so many layers to her, and her story is truly a heartbreaking one to behold. But, God, is it beautiful, too.
Also, may I just add, her voice actress is absolutely amazing? She puts her all into playing Rika, and her story wouldn't be as moving if it wasn't for her breathtaking work. Her voice acting made me cry a whole lot of times.
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hyobros · 4 months
2 years later, did the ssum get better? As in : is it more f2p? Did they make Teo less boring? Are the newer routes more interesting?
I haven't played for several months now because i dont agree with the direction it's taking. I'll be talking from what I've seen acquaintances saying and screenshots they send
1. More f2p? Don't think so, actually from what I've seen they've made a dumb amount of piu piu function texts only viewable if you spend batteries
2. Teo never has gotten an update. Also how dare you call him boring smh smh /hj
3. Harry's route is good but the team decided to leave him unfinished. So-called route ending is summarizing what the rest of the plan for his route was. When i looked in the files teo had 365 days listed, but harry ended on 200 something idk it's been a while but you can see the real number on the wiki probably. The phone calls used to be audio only but they updated so all of them are "video" calls like june and im sorry they look so dumb and they only restrict imagining what's going on on his side. Also the video calls use ai art for backgrounds. June's route pissed me off so much I quit. If you want mystic messenger melodrama and retconning of both the ssums lore and mysme then sure i guess. Haven't really seen any of henris besides what ppl say about it. June and henri's routes use ai art btw.
I personally wish the ssum was allowed to remain a slice of life sorta game instead of forcing it to be mystic messenger. V and Rika and Jumin are huge in june and henri's routes. In teo and harrys the references were annoying but I'd take that over a dead game overshadowing what's supposed to be a new project.
Teo's boringness was charming to me and a lotta other people. It was nice feeling like he's another internet friend (well. More than a friend after d14 lmao) that i can chat with throughout the day and it wasn't a big deal to miss anything. It was especially nice since the game came out shortly before i had a falling out with all my friends lmao. I don't feel like continuing and this went beyond ur ask 😕
But i think it says a lot that these were the winners for a contest last month
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kusukixcrystal · 1 year
MM Classpecting: Jaehee
Zen Classpect
Yoosung Classpect
Personality/General Info: Kind and hardworking. Independent, serious, and caring. Has own sense of humor. Organized. Dislikes when things are not according to schedule, or receives extra work. She is responsible, so she deals with it anyway. Works at C&R with Jumin, her boss. She is Catholic. Likes Zen and his musicals. Likes coffee, to the point she develops a big enough passion to open up a cafe in her route. Hates cat hair. Is the most suspicious member of MC when she first joins the RFA. Becomes protective over Zen’s career. Jumin trusts Jaehee, but she gets frustrated with him. Still loyal though. Doesn’t like Yoosung’s game addiction, but cares about him. He sees her as an older sister. With 707 she respects his work abilities, but is exasperated by his jokes. Short hair and glasses due to her job, because Jumin is worried that his father would flirt with her otherwise.
Jaehee’s mom married her father, who was 20 years older than her. He dies, then her mother when she was in the 9th grade. She is sent to be raised by her aunt and uncle. Gets scholarship to university and graduated early. V talked to Jumin and proposed the idea of hiring Jaehee into the RFA.
Role in Narrative: She is far away from the main plot, due to her lack of connection to Rika/V/707. In her route, her character arc is taking a risk and following her dreams. Stability may be safe (Job at C&R), but it’s killing her. Following her passion for coffee is risky, but having freedom to do what she wants matters more. Her childhood led to this need for stability, losing both her parents made her want to not be a burden to her uncle and aunt. She tried to do everything right in life: study, get into a good university and a good job. She has stability but she isn’t happy, slaving away at a demanding job for both C&R and RFA. She is the player’s breather route between the madness that is all of Mystic Messenger. In main story she supports the RFA with tedious paperwork matters, helping in the efforts for the Mint Eye mission. A supporting role along with Jumin.
Active or Passive: She studied hard, got a scholarship and started working at C&R all for the purpose of supporting herself. This is a selfish act (not the negative connotation of the word btw). She defends Zen often and supports him relentlessly, buying tickets to support him, which is selfless. She does a lot for the RFA and C&R. She does alot in the SEs with the Mint Eye mission, not for her sake, but for the RFA’s. Purely looking at what she does in the main plot (DS, 707 Route and SE), she is passive.
Classpect - Sylph of Mind: One who makes Mind, or makes through Mind for others.
How this applies to Jaehee: Jaehee does want to know what is happening around her, being the one who is most concerned about MC joining the RFA, for example, or needling Jumin if he fails to show up to work, trying to figure out wth is going on. In Zen’s route, she pries into his business alot when MC and Zen start showing romantic interest, even though Zen’s relationship is up to him, and she should have stayed out of it. Constantly suggested to go over to Zen’s house to help him when he was injured, even though MC could go instead. She is passionate about his musicals, excitedly rambling about it if MC shows interest in it (its so cute when she does this in phone calls <3). This is in contrast to how she usually is like to people she is not close with, formal and rigid. Same goes for coffee, where she obsessively starts researching deeply into it. Compared to the other RFA members, her relevance in the main story is little to none, being the farthest from Rika and V. Still, she is an indispensable member of the RFA, keeping a lot of it running in the sidelines.
A restrained Sylph can fade from relevancy, and I think she is looking at the main story. Her full potential can be seen in her own route. Working for C&R doesn't give her the chance to shine completely.
This is what the Hiveswap Extended Zodiac has to say about the Mind Aspect:
“Those bound to the aspect of Mind are-you guessed it-the universe's great thinkers. But don't for a second think that means that they have all the answers. They are very concerned with remaining rational, and they have such a firm hold on the constant conjunction of their thinking that it's easy for them to see the multitudes of the choices laid out before them, which often leaves them frozen and unable to act. That said, when a Mind-bound finally launches into action, they can execute a plan with unbelievable grace and precision. Their identity is fluid-it can change from day-to-day, from thought-to-thought, from interaction-to-interaction. Remaining logical is more important to them than building up a solid foundation of "self." At their best they are great innovators, architects, and creators. At their worst they can be nasty, inflexible, and indecisive.”
I think Mind is all about choices, thoughts, apathy and another way of viewing 'identity'.
How this applies to Jaehee: Jaehee is a logical and practical person. That is what lead her to where she is in the beginning of MM: working for C&R. She gets sick of all of the work she must undertake, but she she is frozen, afraid of quitting the stability of her job. When she does take action, though, she gets things done. Her role in backing up Jumin for the Mint Eye mission is indispensable. Not only that, but her management of the affairs of both RFA and C&R cannot be understated. She isn't easily replaceable either, as seen when Yoosung or MC tries to take on her role in some bad endings. She can be inflexible at times, an example being in Zen's route and her staunch refusal to let Zen date MC. She thinks its for his own good, but in this case she should listen to what Zen wants (traits seen in Sylphs as I've said before).
As the person furthest away from Rika and V, she has the least emotional investment in all this. This could be part of why she can make decisions without letting emotions cloud her judgement, like Yoosung. She encourages the other members to not be rash, to think through their decisions, even when everything gets intense with the hacker situation or Mint Eye.
Jaehee's Aspect is the opposite of Yoosung's, but both Aspects seem to focus on 'identity' or 'the self'. In Jaehee's case, her sense of self does fluctuate depending on who she speaks to. When MC brings up her love of Zen's musicals, her demeanor switches completely, absolutely elated to discuss her interests (attributes of Sylphs too). With Yoosung, she is gentle, treating him like a younger brother. With Jumin it is all professional, because he is her boss of course. It's difficult to tell which of these are the 'real Jaehee', when in reality her identity is just fluid like that.
Another point to how she acts based primarily based on logic despite her actual wants: Her wearing glasses and her short hair is all for the sake of her job. Jumin instructed her to do this so that Chairman Han doesn't flirt with her. She agrees to this as we see, because it is the logical thing to do. In order to have this job she must meet this dress-code, and she is willing to do this regardless of her real preference. And I do believe her REAL preference is having long hair and no glasses. We see this in her route when she stops wearing her glasses, since she never needed them to see. In her AE and Valentine's Day DLC we see her grow out her hair, showing that now outside of C&R this is how she prefers to present herself. She even looked like this in older pictures of her in-game, back when she was living with her aunt and uncle.
Looking at Jaehee's route, we see how she finally finds a passion for a coffee project, obsessively researching into it (Sylph). Jumin tells her to stop working on it and to focus on another project, but she has difficulty letting it go. For once, she is hesitant to just do what is asked of her, wanting to pursue this coffee interest. Her route focuses a lot on choices, and how Jaehee is at the cusp of making a big one: quitting her job to start-up a cafe. The logical part of her knows how risky it is, and struggles to decide on what to do. She is at a loss, but Zen and MC are there for her, helping her come to a decision. Zen gets her a coffee machine, and ultimately gets her to become less detached to her situation: the fact that she isn't happy with her current place in life. Jaehee reflects on all the choices she's made up to this point, thinking that that was what she was 'supposed' to do, according to society, in order to be happy. In a way, she thought that life was happening to her, when in fact she does have a choice. Her life was shaped by all the decisions she has made, and now it is no different. She gains courage and eventually does start that cafe with MC. In fact, it is successful. In the VD DLC, MC and Jaehee are constantly coming up with new menu options, and Jaehee looks at the recipes and logically thinks about the amount of ingredients, the ratio of them, etc, etc. She wants to improve on everything constantly by adjusting it. She is able to use the knowledge and experience she accumulated from C&R to her benefit.
Her route is less relevant to her role as a Sylph, since in her character arc she is more Active, where she is starting to become more selfish and less selfless. She is more of a Maid of Time/Maid of Mind solely based on her character arc. Though, her Mind Aspect is very prominent here, which is why I wanted to highlight her arc.
As a Sylph of Mind she is making, expanding, improving her Aspect. Since Jaehee is Jumin's assistant, you could say she improves Mind (I.e decisions for the Mint Eye mission). When she sees a lack of Mind somewhere, she will fix it.
Jaehee is a good example for why I think focusing on the character's role in the main narrative is so important. If you only look at Jaehee's route, you can easily gives her a different classpect. A Maid of Time suits the Jaehee we see in her route, making more Time for herself. Or a Maid of Mind, making Mind for herself, essentially making good choices for herself, which we see.
All in all, Jaehee Kang as Jumin Han's assistant is a Sylph of Mind.
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serenity-songbird · 3 years
Hii!! How about a oneshot of 707 introducing his romantic partner, who’s trans (female to male), to the RFA and Zen (I love him but he’s the only one who I think would react this way T-T) keeps saying that the reader is still technically a girl and not a boy
(Finally, a Mystic Messenger request!!! I love 707. I'm so excited for this. Let's do it!!! Sorry for such a late post BTW. Life is busy. Also, I wanted to be as accurate as possible to the real characters so I may have redownload the app and read through a bit of chats so I can convey the story in a Mystic Messenger way. I also did a lot of research on how to best convey Transgender thoughts and feelings in the most accurate and respectful way possible. If any information is incorrect or needs to be added, Plesse let me know immediately. I do not wish to offend anyone nor do I want to explain things wrong. I'm glad I did this. This was very fun and very informative. 😊😊😊)
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707 has entered the chatroom.
707 has added (Username) to the group.
(Username) has entered the chatroom.
I just can't beat this last level and it's killing me!!! *Crying emoji*
How many times must I scold you?
You should be studying instead of playing LOLOL all day.
At this rate, you will not pass your classes.
Have more self restraint.
At this point, I don't think scolding Yoosung is doing any good.
His habits remain the same no matter what we say... *Sighing emoji*
I can't help it!!!
Studying is sooo boring!!!
Just let me live my life!!!
??? *Shocked emoji*
Mr. Han?
What is the matter?
Is he having another of of his episodes?
I swear is he even mentions his cat...*Crying emoji*
Ugh...my nose is already getting itchy.
707, what is the meaning of this?
Who is (Username) and why have you added them to the group?
*Shocked emoji*
New member?!?!?!
The amazing 707 had arrived!!!
And he has brought his partner in crime!!!
Say hi, (Nickname)
...Hello. *Shy emoji wave*
It is nice to meet all of you. *Heart emoji*
Oh, hello...
It seems seven has given you your own emojis too...
Still, this is sudden.
Does V know you have added a stranger to our private chatroom?
Who cares what V thinks?!?!?!
If Seven has added another member to our group, then they must be safe.
HI!!! My name is Yoosung!!! Its nice to meet you!!! *Celebration Emoji*
*Kissing emoji*
Well hello.~
I can see from your emoji that you are a beautiful women.
My name is Zen, but you...
Can call me anytime. *Wink emoji*
W-well actually...
You see...
I'm not...*Hiding emoji*
*Angry emoji*
First off (Nickname) is my boyfriend.
So back off!!!
Also, (Nickname) was identified as the wrong gender when he was born.
So he is not a she.
Thank you very much!!!
Also, V knows (Nickname) and said it was okay.
Boyfriend!!! *Shocked emoji*
!!! *Suprised emoji*
What?!?!?! Boyfriend?!?!?!
In a relationship?!?!?!
Since when?!?!?!
This is the first time I've heard of this...
Still, if V said it was okay then I shall welcome you as well.
It is a pleasure to meet you, (Username).
I'm not sure how anyone can stand being in a relationship with seven, but to each their own.
Thank you??? *Confused emoji*
I resent that!!!
Is this another one of seven's tricks???
You've never mentioned him before...
I won't fall for it this time!!! *Angry emoji*
It's not that hard to believe!!!
I can find love too!!!
*Sends picture of you kissing Seven's cheek*
Don't suddenly send pictures like that!!!
That's a terrible picture of me!!! *Embarrassed emoji*
Don't be so modest (Nickname)!!!
Look at you!!!
You're so cute!!!
*Sends 4 other pictures of you, 2 of them where your off guard, 1 with you and Seven at the ferris wheel and the last one with you, Seven, and V on the couch*
No way...
He's real!!! *Shocked emoji*
The one time you are prepared not to fall for seven's tricks just so happens to be the one time he is telling the truth...
The irony...
Welcome (Username).
I look forward to getting to know you.
How did you get V to take that picture?
Oh wait...
Now that I look at it, it seems you caught both him and (Username) in a conversation.
Yeah, I don't remember you ever taking that picture.
Or the first 2...
Stop sending pictures of me off guard!!!
It's embarrassing!!!
But I love you!!! *Heart emoji*
I'm sorry to say this, but...
Isn't (Username) still technically a girl???
I mean, I can still clearly see the feminine features she has in these pictures.
Why would such a pretty girl want to be a boy?
Don't be like that Zen!!!
If she-
I mean he feels that he was born the wrong gender than I say let him be!!! *Nodding emoji*
I agree.
It is who he is after all and we should respect his decision.
I, for one, think he is very brave.
We shouldn't speak against a person's will to choose who they are.
I would have thought that you of all people would understand, Zen.
But I suppose a narcissist, such as yourself, can't help but be so judgmental.
*Angry emoji* You're not one to talk on me being a narcissist!!!
You're the most narcissistic person there is!!!
And I'm not being judgmental.
I'm just saying that technically they still have the...
You know...
Parts of a women.
I'm just not really understanding why a women would choose to be something she's not.
You have no right to say that!!!
(Nickname) knows himself better than anyone else.
Especially you.
So you should shut up about topics you don't understand. *Angriest emoji*
Now look, Zen.
You've even pissed off seven.
I agree with seven!!!
Stop being mean to (Username)!!!
You've even made them upset!!! *Angry Emoji*
I'm sorry.
I'm not trying to upset anyone.
It's just...
I don't really get it?
There is nothing to get.
(Nickname) is a boy.
End of story.
Accept it.
I won't let you just insult him like that *Angry emoji*
Seven...It's okay.
I'm quite used to this reaction.
I understand and I am not insulted.
Allow me to explain.
You see, when I was born, I was identified as a "female." Simply because of my genetalia of which I was born.
However, as I grew up, I didn't really feel like a "girl."
I didn't like to wear dresses or skirts, I hated the bows in my hair, and I didn't like to play with dolls.
I preferred to wear "boy" shirts, Jeans, and shorts and I liked my hair really short.
I loved to play rough and play sports. I didn't mind getting dirty.
I didn't fit the stereotypical role of females that society has made normal. I fit more in the category of a stereotypical Male.
This is known as gender identity.
What I showed on the outside through my voice, clothes, etc is my gender expression.
The more I realized who I was, I began to live according to my gender identity rather than the gender I was given at birth. This is known as gender transition.
The gender transition period is different for everyone.
Some people simply change their name and official documents as well as the way they dress and act. Like me.
Others actually undergo hormone therapy and undergo surgery so their physical appearance matches their gender identity.
I haven't personally done this, but I might one day. It depends how I feel in the future.
Others identify as neither a man or a woman and prefer the term non-binary or genderqueer and prefer to be called they/them.
It may be a bit difficult to understand and we often have to endure hate and criticism.
However, this is who we are and we are proud of it.
People often will make fun of us or harass us, but they should mind their own business.
Our personal lives affect them in no way and do not do anyone any harm. So I would appreciate it if you can respect my decision.
Even if you you don't understand it. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
I see...
Thank you. I think I understand a little bit better.
You are very brave and I support you.
If anyone even thinks to ridicule you, send them my way. *Fighting emoji*
I apologize if I offended you in anyway.
It is perfectly alright.
I understand what you meant.
Thank for your acceptance. Not everyone is very nice about it. So I appreciate it.
Wow. Very informative.
I learned things even I did not know.
Thank you for sharing. I know it must be hard.
We should all totally meet in person!!!
I liked how you explained things so simply.
Oh do you play LOLOL!?!?!?
*Sighing emoji*
How quickly you changed the subject...
I suppose it shouldn't be a surprise we ended up right where the conversation first started.
Yes!!! I love that game!!!
Add me!!!
My gamertag is (Gamertag)!!!
*Screaming emoji*
You're (Gamertag)???
You are the 2nd best player in LOLOL!!!
She is ranked right behind me.
Maybe once you stop sucking at LOLOL, you can get on our level.
LOL!!! *Laughing emoji*
*Pissed off Emoji* I do not suck!!!
My guild is in the top ten ranking and so am I!!!
*Annoyed emoji* Can't we go back to getting to know, (Username)?
I have more questions I'd like to ask in person.
I agree that we should meet up.
I second that.
Yes. I am curious as to what kind of person you are, (Username).
And how you know V.
Heck yeah!!!
707 has left the chat.
Meet you at Jumin's house in 30 minutes!!
Meet you there!!!
Yoosung has left the chat.
You need to ask first!!!
I'm so sorry, Jumin!!! I'll talk to him.
...Although, once his mind is set, even I can't change it...
(Username) has left the chat.
My house?!?!?!
Wait a minute...
This is another ploy to torture Elizabeth the 3rd, isn't it!?!?!?
Stay away from my house!!!
Jumin has left the chat
Don't touch my Princess!!!
Why do we have to meet at Jumin's house?!?!?!
I don't want to go anywhere near him or his damn cat!!!
*Sighing emoji*
It seems everyone is going to Mr. Han's house then...
I am curious to meet this (Username)...
I suppose I will go as well...
Though I really don't want to visit Mr. Han on my off day...
I'm sure you want to meet him as well, Zen.
Meet you there.
Jaehee has left the chat.
Damn it I want to meet him too...
*Crying Emoji* I guess I'll bring a mask and some allergy meds...
Zen has left the chat.
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fluffyspaceblanket · 4 years
In honour of yoosungs birthday I'd like to list some of my favourite yoosung moments
(BTW I love all yoosung moments and physically cannot include all my faves but here are some I can think of)
Saerans afterending
While in mystic messenger there is no true ending and no way to make all characters happy, in saerans after ending we really see yoosungs natural optimism and happiness, we can see how excited he is for the future and things to come
(also got some p sweet yooran moments eek)
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2. Day 7 chatroom
It would be a CRIME to make a yoosung moments and not include this chat.
This chat is my favourite mysme chat and will always hold a special place in my heart, it shows his development and how dedicated he is, which the fandom tends to overlook alot, I could go on about this chat for hours
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3. When he talks about LOLOL
Okay okay so I know this trait pisses alot of people off but I rlly like it, it might just be the league player in me but I love to listen to people talking about their interests, I know his gaming is an unhealthy habit but you can tell how passionate he is about it and I think that's amazing
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4. The deal with Jumin during ys route
While this is a quite forgettable moment during his route, it means alot to me. It shows yoosungs caring nature and despite what V has done he still wants to help him, it shows how ys is finally growing up and trying his best to protect the people he loves
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5. His phonecalls
Yoosungs phone calls will always be my favourite. His voice is just so calming and every phone call either makes me laugh, cry or swoon, I remember when I first played the game, every time I got a call from him I was literally the happiest person in the world and even though now I know when they're coming, I still feel the same jolt of excitement
Idk how you can listen to his phone calls and not fall in love with him
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Sooo yeahhh that's it, I would love to include more because this post could really be a thousand parts, it was so hard for me to narrow this down but I just love yoosung sm and I'm so glad to have a day where I can just celebrate his character <3
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zaelit · 4 years
⚠️Mystic Messenger spoilers ahead
Ok so. I got Saeran's AE Bad Ending 1. I absolutely didn't see that coming. I never missed a chat, collected a ton of hearts, probably destroyed my social life and sleep schedule and I was sooo sure I'd get Good Ending at my first attempt.
However, apparently, if you try to sympathize with that snake with Rika and that traitor oh god I trusted him V, aaand if you don't want to leave Saeran behind (really? Obvsly I don't want to, he's suffered so much and I tried to find another way to save us all, you can't do this to me!!!), you get this bad ending.
Meaning, the snake kidnaps our precious boy Saeran and forces him to become as he was before again (she literally says she wants Ray back, because Ray needed her while Saeran doesn't - and talking about this scene, Rika don't you ever try to hit Saeran again or I'll probably lose my mind) BUT he his now emotionless. He says that his condition isn't different from death. And oh lord I TRULY would've preferred to get a really sad ending in which both of us die rather than an ending in which Rika (I simply hate her so much, sorry) kidnaps him again.
So, yes. I really am so disappointed right now. Not in the game btw, it was great. Really, it gave me chills. But I really thought I was doing it all right and then this happens. Well, I started again from day 1 and this time, I swear, I'll save our boy.
Meanwhile, I just convinced myself that the only real reason I got the bad ending with Rika is because I said this to her:
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And you know what? I have absolutely zero regrets. Now I'm so sure that, even trying to understand and justify Rika, I'll never like her and she'll always find a way to make others hate her. And yeah, I know about her past but, still, even if Saeran tried to leave his past behind despite all that happened to him and all the wrong things he did, she never did. She continued to make the same mistakes, over and over again, torturing people and thinking that's love.
Here I'm coming, Saeran. This time for sure.
As always, I'm sorry for some possible grammar mistakes. I'm not an English native speaker but I rlly wanted to share my opinion on this game. I'll probably do another post once I get the Good Ending.
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mxdnightlvers · 4 years
Cold- A Saeran Fanfic
Game: Mystic Messenger
Story: Another story
Route: Ray route 8th day
Character: Suit Saeran
~~~Please read these warnings
TW; Slight exhibitionism, slight dumbification, choking.
(They're all consensual.)
These topics can make you uncomfortable so please dont read if you know this isnt your cup of tea.
~~~End of warnings :)
Thanks alot to @sensetenou for this idea!
*contains spoilers for Ray route :)*
My bed, it remained the same but now became too uncomfortable to sleep in. The sheets falling off, blanket tossed to the side, the pillows being the only item that's neat. The light from the window that usually was the start of another fun day soon became unwanted as the days became painful to endure. The clouds passed by slowly, in harmony with the wind. The birds chirped and the garden was visible from my window. It looks, peaceful.
The long walk down the hallway that soon revealed a gorgeous garden. The cold air that made me shiver a bit. Ray noticed that and offered to give me his jacket. He smiled brightly as he fitted it onto me and he toured me of the garden.
I stood out in the garden, looking at the flowers that reminded me of Ray. I haven't seen him all day and didn't seem well in the chat rooms either.
"Who's there?" I hear from behind me and turn around to see Ray.
His sobbing broke my heart as he spouted insults at himself. I wanted to tell him that he isn't worthless and that he is such a kind and caring person. I wanted to hug him and take all of his self hate away.
"Ray! Stop please!" I spoke up, my voice cracking halfway.
"I don't hate you! I really really like you! So can you please look at me?"
His eyes met mines and I pulled him in for a kiss.
My room was now off limits to all believers. The room that was prepared by Ray now had a suffocating atmosphere to it. I gazed outside the window, trying to relive my memories with Ray. I wonder if I escaped to the outside, I would be peaceful once more. The thought quickly disappeared myself as I reminded myself of Saeran.
"Saeran..." I mumbled to myself.
I turned my attention to my room and gazed upon the sight. The flowers that Ray gifted to me has now wilted, the stems barely holding the flower up. Those flowers were all I had left of Ray as I tried to hold his memory on for long as possible. I opened the chat room to see that V announced that the party was going to be on hold. I took a deep breath as I had an idea of what was going to happen to me. I was scared but I can't give up just yet.
The thought of Saeran crosses my mind again. Just, how much did he suffer to turn into this? I want to run away from this place but I want to stay, for Saeran and Ray's sake. The warmhearted man that would care for me was now someone who used anger as a shield for them. It was something hard for me to get used to. I did not want to accept any of this. I don't want to believe that he had been hurt so much to make him like this. Maybe if we escaped together he would finally find peace in his heart. I held onto the hope that we would soon escape this place as it was all I had.
"I need a break." I sighed looking at the clouds.
I weakly stood up and made my way into the bathroom. I turned on the sink to splash some water onto my face. I dried my face in the mirror and looked at how frail I had become. My color had faded from my face, my eyes being the only color visible. However, my eyes could barely keep themselves open, yearning for me to rest.
"Princess..." A voice I know all too well called out for me.
The room changing to a suffocating atmosphere and I took deep breaths, anticipating what's going to happen next.
The door was forced open and in its entrance stood Saeran. His eyebrows furrowed, mint eyes staring through me. His stance was tall even though he was only a few inches taller. His tie was slightly loosened and his clothes weren't ironed, making all the creasing visible. Just the sight of him made me feel timid.
"Tch! The RFA's attack is so lame with V canceling the party." He scoffed, looking at me in annoyance.
"V said that the party will be on hold-"
"Hahaha! V is just tricking you to keep you hoping. Do you honestly believe that man? What an airhead." He taunted, making me look down at the floor.
"Ugh you and V piss me off so much. Seriously, how can you be such a useless toy."
My eyes stayed fixed onto the bathroom tiles, my back leaned against the sink countertop and my hair falling forwards. His words would always tug at my heart but I always reminded myself to not let it get the better of me. Even if he is to call me names or to hurt me, he would eventually get hurt in the end. Either way, it's not healthy for the both of us. However, I cannot let myself be swayed by his actions and words as I hope to escape this place safely with him. I took deep breaths in this suffocating atmosphere, the tension rising more between us.
"Hey, princess. Are you ignoring me? Do you think you have a right to ignore me?" He snapped, my eyes directing their attention to his body.
"Such a boring toy, do something to entertain me!" He shouted almost hitting his hand on the wall.
"This is annoying. Such a useless toy! This is annoying. This is annoying. This is annoying!" He screamed.
His voice cracked as he desperately tried to insult me.
"Do you know why they cancelled the party? Because you screwed everything up not me! This is all your fault!" He scolded along with a loud thump against the wall only to see that he slammed his fist against the wall.
"Saeran that's enough! You'll just hurt yourself!"
"Shut up! Who do you think you are to tell me that!"
With that sentence he grabbed me by my waist and pinned me down onto the cold bathroom floor. My head pulsed from the impact, my eyes squinting from the pain. I tried to gain my focus back and looked at the figure above me. His hands were over my shoulders and legs beside mines, my legs falling onto the floor. His eyes seemed to be brighter through his hair, a smirk plastered on face. I moved my legs, pushing my body away from his but he pinned my arms down, pulling me back to him.
"You're the worst. You piss me off so much and you're so boring, should I just get rid of you here?" He cursed at me.
"Saeran please..." I pleaded, not sure what else to say.
My head still ached but I barely paid attention to his insults. He noticed that and gripped onto my arms tighter. I flinched and looked at him. He shouted at me to answer him but my words came out incoherent. He started holding me tighter, his nails hurting me a bit.
"Saeran stop." I winced at the pain.
It wasn't expected but he released his grip from me. His hands still held mines firmly but he wasn't hurting me anymore. His eyes were wide, seemingly shocked but he quickly removed any signs of worry.
"Ugh such a boring toy can't you do anything interesting?" He taunted.
He seemed somewhat timid a few seconds ago and now he's spouting insults at me again. Whenever he showed any form caring, his actions will always revert to his anger. His anger was a shield for him, he gets angry because he's scared that his hope will turn into despair. The small details meant a lot, which made me more aware of his feelings. I just wish I can somehow save him from this pain. He grabbed my head, pulling me out of my thoughts as he realized that I was spacing out.
"Tch! don't ignore me! Are you trying to provoke me?" His voice ringed in my ears but I managed to keep my eyes away from his
"Oh? You are ignoring me." He remarked as he realized my actions.
"Haha well? Make me mad! Mess with me Come on, try it hmm? I'll play with you." He yelled, his words echoing throughout the bathroom.
His face was inches away from mines. The feeling of his breath ghosting my skin, which raised goosebumps everywhere. I placed my hands on his shoulders, anxious of what's to come. He unexpectedly pressed his lips against my neck in places he had previously marked me. He bit down on my skin but not enough to hurt me. My eyes widened and my jaw opened at his actions not knowing how to react at first. If we were mutual about our feelings for each other this would be a pleasurable feeling but in the end he was just taunting me. I took deep breaths in, the feeling being somehow wanted and unwanted at the same time. My hands were still on his shoulders but my push against him became weaker. My eyes shut as I tried to redirect my thoughts.
His lips were placed on my neck. He was now gently nipping at my skin. He's above me but his hands that held onto me loosened. His grip onto me weakened. I questioned him and even, myself. My feelings were conflicted with my thoughts in a battle of 'yes' and 'no'.
He suddenly pulled away, and I opened my eyes to realize that my hands has unknowingly creeped into his hair. He was now towering over my body that was still laid out on the floor. I tried to gather my thoughts, confused by my own actions. Saeran looked down at me frowning but, it was not at my gesture but at something else.
"Didn't I tell you this already? This smell of yours been getting on my nerves." He insulted, mentioning the unknown smell once again.
"Don't tell me you don't even know how to wash properly." He scorned.
"But I don't know-" I replied standing up but quickly getting cut off.
"Do you want to know, hmm?"
I looked at him and thought about my answer.
"Hah! Did you think you actually had a choice even if you answered?"
He smirked at me, his devilish smile showing his intentions. He kicked off his shoes and walked towards me. My thoughts were immediately cut off when he grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the shower, my sandals falling off in the process. He turned on the cold water and pushed me into it. The feeling of cold water made me flinch and I quickly moved out of the water. Saeran however did not like my actions and dragged me back into the freezing water, soaking me in my clothes. I brought my hands as close as they can be, trying to create some sort of warmth as I trembled underneath the water. I pulled and twisted my wrist to be freed from Saeran's grip but the cold water made me weaker, keeping his grip firm onto me.
"Haha! Hahaha! I'll tell you. I'll tell you how much you need to wash before you see me." He laughed hysterically at my struggles, running his hand through his hair and looking at the ceiling.
His smile wide, forming creepily on his face and his messy hair that covered his wide eyes. He was pretty dry, only a few drop of water stained on his suit.
"Stop please!" I yelped, his eyes focusing their attention on me.
"Ugh, should I just mask your mouth or something. I'll listen to you after you're tamed." He looked at me with disgust, his glare making me timid and forcing me into obedience.
My back suddenly hit the wall, arching at the impact. He had his hand around my neck but they fell to my hips to keep me in place. The pain I felt quickly disappeared as he made no haste in attaching his lips to my neck again. My hands reached to his shoulders to push him away giving me no time to process the situation. I wriggled in his grasp, my legs brushing against his now, wet clothes. He bit my neck, any words that I tried to say turning into small yelps. He was rough, his teeth biting at my skin, sucking and licking at places. He got what he wanted as I couldn't say anything but incoherent whines. Even if I wanted to say anything, I don't know what I could say. Seeing Saeran react like this was very new and shocking to me. It may be to taunt me but he would never take advantage of me, so why would he go this far? His left hand trailed down my body and rested at the edge of my dress. My legs closed at the feeling but his hands gripped my thighs and forced them open.
"Please please please." I repeated in my thoughts, my eyes closing again.
I did not want to think about what's happening but my mind redirected itself.
I did not want to think about the way he kissed my neck so rough but so gentle. The feeling of his teeth gently nipping at me. I did not want to think about his hand loosening their grip on my hips and moving to the back of my waist and pulling me closer. His hands also gripping my thighs but loosening to circle his thumbs against my skin.
"Why am I thinking this way?"
"Why am I paying attention to the small details?"
"Why is he being gentle?"
"What does any of this mean if it means anything?"
"Why do I feel myself getting hotter despite the cold water that previously splashed on me?"
"I'm not supposed to feel this way."
"But... why does my body disagree?"
My yelps slowly became into soft sighs and whines. My body that was tensed slowly became melted under his touch. I did not want to give in but my body disobeyed. My breathing fastened as I became needy for him. I wanted to push him away. I wanted to struggle away but I also yearned for him. Even if I did try to push him away my grip would always intentionally weaken. It felt wrong but it also felt so right. I felt conflicted, being between pushing him away or giving into the temptation. His actions became gentle and he tried not to hurt me. Even though he's mean towards me, I couldn't bring myself to despise him. The small details meant so much more to me. He is rough at first but his actions became gentle and caring. I did not understand why and I don't think he realized it either. No matter how hard I tried to convince myself, my body and thoughts would always direct me to one answer. Slowly, my hands that were pushing him away, started gently pulling him closer. I moved my hands to entangle into his hair but he pulled away at my gestures.
"Who do you think you are to do that? Are you enjoying yourself too much?"
When he pulled away I did not bother to think about my actions as I had already decided on what I wanted. I paid no attention to his words and instead I studied his figure. Even though its wet, his suit seemed to fit him more attractively. His tie was loosened around his neck. His lips red and mouth slightly ajar from kissing me. His cheeks were tinted red and his eyes lost any traces of anger in them. He looked as if he was slowly losing his persona. If only I could pretend that nothing happened in the past few days and rush to him right now. The sight of him warmed my heart, hoping for him to hopefully find himself again. I could feel his gaze on me as if he was studying me as well. He lifted my chin up and I tried to avoid eye contact with him. I was sure that my cheeks were blushing and I was still breathing heavily. He understood my actions and softly chuckled.
"Oh? Haha Haha," He chuckled softly, "You are enjoying yourself aren't you princess? My my, such a naughty girl."
"Maybe you'll actually be good girl for me hmm?" He hummed in delight.
He leaned into me again and his hands ran up the sides of my body and stopped at the neckline of my dress. His hands played gently with the lace and my heart fastened at his movements. His gentle moments stopped and I was jerked forward towards his body. A loud tear echoed throughout the bathroom as peices of fabric fell off my shoulders. He had ripped the lace part of my dress, enough for it to fall off my shoulders. I gasped at my clothes that was now useless. He forced the dress off me and tossed it outside the shower. I was left in my underwear that was soon to be removed. He stayed put and made no haste in tossing my bra away as well. A blush became highly visible on my face and my hands crossed over my chest in embarrassment. He forced my hands to my side, my body on full view again. His movements were quick which gave me no time to react. He was rough but this time, I welcomed his actions towards me.
He pulled my underwear down along with his body and he looked up at me. My face reddened more and he chuckled at my reactions. We exchanged no words, our actions being enough to tell eachother what we wanted. He bit the inside of my legs and trailed his tongue up to my thighs. I gasped at the feeling and my hands moved aimlessly, not knowing what to do. He kept eye contact as the water flickered back and forth onto his face. His glare was intense and his eyes were now filled with lust. I tried talking but my words came out as soft gasps and sighs. He stopped at my thighs, leaving hickies there. He barely touched me and I was already going crazy. My hands moved from my sides and into his hair, tugging it slightly. He trailed his tongue further up my thighs, his breath ghosting where I needed to be touched the most. I held his head and pulled him closer, but again, he pulled away. I pouted, upset that he stopped his actions. He did not say anything and pushed me against the wall again. He stepped back and looked at me up and down clearly enjoying the position he had me in. He bit his lip and I crossed my hands over my chest and closed my legs, feeling shy once more. He frowned and placed his hands on my hips. This gesture made my hands fall to my sides but my legs remained tightly closed. He scoffed and roughly forced my thighs open. I tried to close them again but he shoved his knee between them.
"Ah ah princess. A toy like you dont have the right to be shy. You're just a useless toy who needs her master to train her hmm?" He whispered teasingly.
"Y-yes." I breathed out, his words at actions making me dizzy.
"Good girl."
I dont know if I obeyed him because of how needy I was, or the way he talked to me. Either way, his pet names and actions only made me want him more. I closed my legs around his knee, trying to create even a little bit of friction. I was desperate for even the slightest touch which he starved me from. He held my hips and I slung my hands around his shoulders. He kissed my neck, his teeth pulling and nipping at my skin. I seemed to long for oxygen more with every kiss.
He did not hesitate at all to mark me as his. He was rough, but also gentle with his actions as he claimed me. With every second that passed, I wanted, needed more of him. He held my hips with a bit more force and his nails dug into them slightly. Everytime I felt his teeth agaisnt my skin, small gasps and sighs escaped my mouth. He detached his lips from my neck and smirked at the marks he left on me. He then kissed me roughly which made it harder for me to kiss back. I was breathless as our mouths slid against eachother, my hands trying to grasp wherever I can on his body. He bit my lip, asking for entrance but I denied him. He mumbled something against my lips and suddenly rocked my hips back and forth against him.
The sudden pleasure made me gasp and he forced his tongue inside me. I tried to kiss back but it was almost impossible to. I pulled on his hair as his tongue slid agaisnt mines. He pulled away, letting me breathe and my head fell back in pleasure. He pulled me further onto him and forced my hips to grind against his clothed thigh even more. I whined, enjoying the feeling of finally receiving pleasure. My hair covered and stuck to my face but through the strands I saw him staring at me, enjoying the sight. His cheeks were tinted but his actions weren't flustered. I leaned forward, my head resting on his shoulder and I bit gently onto it. He flinched at first but surprisingly didn't push me away. I closed my eyes and my whimpers turned into soft sobs against his skin. I slowly started moving my hips in rhythm with his hands He loosened his hands on me, allowing me to move at my own pace. I started moving faster, my legs trembling against his as I approached my high. He realized I was close and removed his leg from my thighs. I whined at the loss of contact and the loss of my climax. I lifted my head up and pouted. He chuckled and pushed me completely off him.
"Look at you. I've barely touched you and you're already a mess for me." He cooed pointing out at my hair that stuck to my face and body.
He stepped back, smirking at me,"Such a messy princess."
His smile was somehow sadistic. He enjoyed this. He enjoyed seeing me want him and he loved not giving me what I wanted. He then started removing his clothes at an annoyingly slow pace. His first removed the chain that hung around his suit, then the buttons on his blazer. He was intentionally slow in his actions as he tossed his blazer outside the shower. He removed his tie but kept it hanging around his neck. He then started unbuttoning his shirt as he teased me with every action. One button. Then the second. Then the third. I waited slowly in anticipation, digging my nails into the wall to keep me from running towards him. The anticipation and pressure of his teasing got to me and I couldn't help but look away. He quickly snapped his fingers at me to direct my attention back to him.
"Look at me." He commanded.
"This is what you wanted right? Why are you looking away princess? Do it again and I wont let it pass so easily." His voice was stern but it also had a hum to it that reminded me that he was still teasing me.
I listened to his demands and forced myself to keep my eyes on him. He made me into his toy now. With every command I turn into putty and obey him and he loved it. He loved having control over my actions and using me how he pleased. His words were sharp but his tone always softened which made it apparent that his intention was not to be mean. He finally got rid of his shirt and tossed it aside. His body was littered with scars which made me guess where he got them from. The thought sunk my heart but I quickly shook them off as he walked closer to me. He was still in his pants, his bulge being highly visible. I bit my lip and crossed my legs tightly, the heavy feeling of arousal returning. He placed his hand against me on the wall and grabbed my chin to kiss him. I ran my hands down his chest and felt him flinch a bit by my movements. I ran my hands down to his pants trying to unbuckle his belt but they were quickly swatted away.
"Such a greedy princess. Did anyone tell you not to touch what's not your property?" He scoffed fully removing his belt.
He removed his last peice of clothing and my cheeks reddened at the sight. His body was on full view for me to admire. He stroked his cock a few times, small grunts escaping his lips. I placed my hands against his and guided his hands along his cock. His hand found it's place on the wall as he grunted with every stroke. He looked down and his hair fell forward as he sped up his movements. He stopped his actions but I didn't and continued to stroke him. His eyebrows were knitted and beads of sweat and water dripped down his forehead. He whispered at me to stop before swatting away my hands. His hands then found my waist again and he pulled me closer.
"Jump." He whispered.
I obeyed and jumped, wrapping my legs around him in the process. My hands were around his neck as he backed me against the wall once more. I felt his tip slide into my entrance but not the rest. He looked at me, a hint of worry showing as if he was asking for permission. My breathing was uneven and I was slightly panting from just wanting to get fucked by him. I slightly nodded and he slowly guided himself into me. I softly moaned at the feeling I longed for. My hands grasped tightly onto his shoulders as he slowly started to rock his hips. He pressed his lips against mines, his soft sighs more audible against me. He started thrusting faster into me and I whimpered against his lips. Every stroke made my body shudder in pleasure which made moans and whimpers slip from my mouth. I pulled away from the kiss and tried to catch my breath. My mind was hazy from the pleasure, my moans slipping more from me. He leaned into my neck, grunting at the pleasure. I raked my nails down his back feeling him wince a bit. He gripped my hips with more force, his nails digging into my skin. He pulled me closer onto him and the sound of skin slapping against eachother became louder than the shower. He bit down on my neck and my hips bucked towards him in pleasure. I tilted my head back which gave him better access to my neck. My eyes rolled back, my words coming out as incoherent slurs and whines. I was dizzy from his actions as I was only able to feel the mind numbing pleasure he gave me. I slowly lost any energy as I only wanted to feel him fucking into me. My grip loosened around him and I struggled to hold myself up against him. His thruts then sped up which snapped me back into reality, regaining my senses. My moans became increasingly louder and Saeran became more audible. I moved my hands to brush his wet hair out of his face.
"If you keep being this loud the other believers will hear you." He grunted, barely able to keep up with his words.
"I really don't care who can hear us." I breathed out, my words mixing in with my moans.
He chuckled and pulled me back in for a kiss. He kept his rough pace with every kiss, our teeth clashing together and his tongue pressing against mines. Our kiss was sloppy, both of us moaning into eachothers lips. He suddenly pulled out of me and set me down on the ground. Everytime he pulled away it killed me. I was dumbfounded by the pleasure that I never wanted to stop. He then spun me around, his hand firm on my ass and the other one wrapped around my neck. He quickly found his way inside me again and resumed his pace. My hands were placed against the wall for support, slipping and sliding off because of the water. He bent down to me and gently bit down on my shoulders. His teeth made me whimper and I bit down on my lip to try and subdue my moans.
His hand quickly tightened around my neck and pulled my head back to him, "Mmm princess you dont care who hears you right?"
I tried to reply but my words came out as whines and gasps. Instead, I nodded my head repeatedly.
"Well...? Don't hold them back princess, let everyone hear how good I'm making you feel." He chuckled and loosened his grip on my neck.
He started fucking into me faster and I allowed my moans to helplessly fall from my mouth. He removed his hand from my neck and held my wrist tightly as he focused more on his thrusts. I felt my orgasm approaching and I started pushing myself back onto him, chasing after my release. His grip however, tightened around my waist and forced me in place. He slowed down his thrusts and started moving at an agonizingly slow pace. I became impatient and tried to force my hips back onto him but he quickly pulled out of me. I whined but he gave me no response and started teasingly sliding against me.
"You're close arent you?" He hummed in delight. I just whimpered in response while nodding my head.
"Well beg for me princess."
His command startled me which made me hesitant but I complied regardless.
"Saeran please I..." I sighed, my words trailing off.
"Mm? I can't hear you." He teased me further.
"Saeran please I need you!-" I screamed but my words were cut off when he spun me around and picked me up.
He slammed himself back into me, thrusting as fast as he can. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into him, my moans being muffled by his shoulder. I felt my orgasm approach again and he thankfully didn't stop.
"Saeran...fuck...I." I whined as I tried to warn him but my words wouldn't form.
He got the hint and pushed off his shoulder. I quickly grasped onto his shoulder, a string of curses falling from my lips. My legs trembled around him and I repeated his name desperately as I came around him. I panted heavily as the fatigue dawned on me but he kept thrusting into me. He leaned into my neck, mumbling incoherent words as his thrusts became sloppy. His words were nothing but incoherent mumbles that got drowned out by the water.
"Saeran, please cum for me." I begged, hoping to push him over the edge.
He mumbled a quiet 'fuck' before slowing down. His hands tightened around me and he bit harshly onto my shoulder as he came. He kept thrusting until he became over sensitive and pulled out.
My legs were still wrapped loosely around his waist as I was too tired to hold myself up properly. He kept panting from his orgasm as he tried to slow his breathing down. I slumped down onto his shoulder and closed my eyes. His hands remained on my hips but they twitched, as if they wanted to let go but also hold on. We stayed there for a moment, not saying anything to eachother. I wanted to say something but I was too tired and breathless to do so. I tried to stop myself from falling asleep but my eyes refused to open.
I felt him shiver against me, the water making both of us cold. His words were incoherent to me as I drifted in and out of sleep. His tone was recognizable however and his words had a gentle undertone to them. The sound of water stopped and I was being carried somewhere. I was then freed from his embrace when I was placed on my bed. I felt the blankets shift around me but they fell back onto the bed without covering me. Saeran scoffed and the last thing I heard was his footsteps fading away before drifting off to sleep.
The End
Written by Dangerousfellowshoe.
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uwumessenger · 4 years
Can we get general headcanons for a scenario where obey me MC attending their sister's wedding and their sister is MC from mystic messenger 😳😳 I just think it'd be so funny for them to meet each other lmaooo and can mystic messenger MC be getting married to saeyoung ❤️ I love your blog btw you have some cute stuff 😭
mystic messenger x obey me simp nation RISE
ah yes i have been itching to get my hands on this request haha and thank you!! BUT OMG HAVE YOU BEEN IN MY BRAIN? BC OKAY SO LIKE TO FALL ASLEEP I ALWAYS NEED TO HAVE A SCENARIO PLAYING IN MY HEAD AND THIS WAS ONE OF THE SCENARIOS I HAD ONE TIME CJZMNDMSM i dont have an irl crush so all my romantic imaginations consist of the mystic messenger and obey me bois 😌💅🏻
Mystic Messenger MC is Obey Me! MC's sister and she invites the OM MC as well as the demon brothers to her and Saeyoung's wedding!!
(for the sake of lessening confusion, y/n is YOU and mc is the mystic messenger mc (and you can pretend it's you too or an oc i dunno) so let ur imagination run wild!!)
it's also assumed that y/n has already met the rfa, and y/n and mc do not have any other family members. but for some reason i picture that the reception count is large idk maybe all the mystic messenger characters have/made 20 mutual friends each djsksnjs just pretend the reception room is full 😭
also includes one or two spoilers for another story and the main plot for om!
this is long as hell btw dsjkskdjkjd but i separated it into parts + bolded stuff so hopefully it’s not as messy ! enjoy !
when y/n first got news of their sister's engagement, they talked everyone's ears off for WEEKS.
luckily diavolo was like you know what you can go if you take the brothers with you!!!
y/n was scared at first mainly bc um they are demons? and sometimes they act like 7 year olds? but ur like aight bet let's do this!!!!
time skip 2 the day of the wedding
(if ur a gal) y/n's sister made her the maid of honor
(if ur a mans) y/n will be the person walking mc down the aisle
so y/n had to be there fairly early to help with everything as well as get ready for the ceremony and reception
the entire 2nd floor of the nearest hotel to the wedding venue was rented out thanks to jumin !
the brothers took up a total of 2 rooms...lucifer, mammon, and asmo to one room / satan, beel, belphie, and levi to another
lucifer needed to be with mammon and asmo and practically kept them on an invisible leash considering that they have pretty bad self restraint in terms of their sin
but jumin also had to pull some strings to get the ceremony at a space station...hip hip hooray
the station said it was strictly only immediate family though, so the ceremony was just mc, saeyoung, y/n, jaehee (only bridesmaid/maid of honor if y/n is a boy), saeran, yoosung, jumin, zen, and v
saeyoung is in awe as he watches mc walk down the aisle...hes dreamed of this moment his entire life!
who would have known they'd actually manage to get married in a space station?? :')
after saying their vows, mc and saeyoung kissy kiss and all is HAPPY
idk how weddings work in terms of scheduling so let us simply time skip to the reception
the brothers pull up skrrt earlier than most guests but they arent the first ones to arrive
cue mammon, levi, and asmo arguing over where y/n should sit
satan interrupts and clarifies that y/n will be sitting at the head table with their sister. they r salty
oKAY UHHH time to start the reception!!
y/n and zen duetting???? beauty and the beast????? as they escort mc and saeyoung in for their slow dance???? YES PLEASE
like in the style of ariana grande and john legend
when the brothers see y/n as they sing the first line of the song they ! almost ! combust !
mc and saeyoung slow dance to the song and everyone has tears in their eyes. yoosung is crying into saeran's arms as saeran holds back tears. jaehee is crying bc she and y/n coordinated the entire thing and shes happy but also feeling stressed.
dinner is buffet style, and lucifer's attention and energy is now directed toward beel. this is a formal human event and not one of diavolo's parties where people are used to him hogging everything down...
but y/n was smart enough to help get the brothers' table to be seated next to the buffet so after all the other tables get their food beel could secretly go ham
the first interaction between rfa and the brothers happen between lucifer and v
v could see that lucifer was kinda struggling and decided to check in on him before checking in on the other guests
they end up talking a lot. mostly about how they both lied to their respective squads to try to protect them from the truth
lucifer of course tones the story down and doesnt give away that they r demons, though
y/n saw levi all pissy alone at the table so they grabbed yoosung and introduced him to levi. they were awkward at first but once yoosung mentioned LOLOL levi was all ears and they bonded over different games
y/n stays a bit to make sure levi doesnt reveal anything sus
meanwhile, asmo is flirting with zen. complimenting his singing from earlier as well as his rat tail
zen mentions that asmo's skin is glistening and the two of them go crazy over different skincare brands
asmo may or may not have accidentally said that he uses a lamb blood and aloe vera mixture yes i just made that up which confused zen but zen's reaction further confused asmo until asmo remembered !! im in the human world
so he played it off as a joke and told zen that he shouldnt furrow his eyebrows much otherwise he'll wrinkle quicker
as saeran walks to the ice cream station next to the buffet he sees beel holding an entire tray of fish with a suspicious looking belphie standing next to him
when belphie and saeran lock eyes the energy in that corner of the room turns so dark that you could see storm clouds forming over them : ◉ ∧ ◉ : ╏
anyway jaehee, like v, was checking in with the guests when she spots mammon investigating a gold doorknob
mammon nearly shits himself when jaehee taps him on the back and asks him if he is okay
satan compliments elizabeth the third when he sees jumin petting her on the balcony. they talk about cats for a while and jumin tells satan that he enjoys the company of another man elizabeth deems worthy to be in her presence
by the end of the night
everyone is helping with cleaning up the ballroom after all the other guests have gone
jumin thinks that beel is cool, since he ate all the food provided as well as the mochi party favors
mammon volunteers to take home all of the extra centerpieces and decorations. before lucifer says no, mc and seven tell mammon hes more than welcome to take them all home. it would just sit in their house and collect dust, anyway
when everyone is back in their hotel room (y/n stays with jaehee for the night so mc and saeyoung can get it on) yoosung invites levi to play some games with him in his room
zen shares a room with yoosung and eagerly watches the two boys playing
asmo needs to follow his sleeping schedule so he peacefully goes to sleep while dreaming of not-so-appropriate things. he’ll be back on his bullshit tomorrow
lucifer is trying to help mammon figure out a way to organize all the freebies he got to prevent all of it from falling everywhere when they go back to devildom. he also sets a centerpiece aside for diavolo to keep. cute!
belphie is knocked out and so is beel (food coma)
satan stays with jumin for a bit, wanting to be around elizabeth the third a bit longer, then returns to his room around 2am. he sees that levi isn’t back in the room and texts for him to return soon.
mc and saeyoung are <3333333′ing
unfortunately y/n and jaehee can hear it, as well as v since their rooms sandwich mc and saeyoung’s
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My thoughts on all the Mystic messenger characters and their routes :
Ok, last week I finished playing the mystic messenger game. I completed all the routes, DLCs etc. And, OMG, WHAT A RIDE WAS THAT ! . It doesn't have any appealing plot like other otome games, but this game sure did capture my heart,which most of the otome games fail to do so. The fact I could relate to some of the characters, I felt bad for them, concerned, weirded out at times , and so happy when they changed into a happy person because of me. The game deserves all the praise it gets, 10/10 👍
In this post, I will give my rating based on my playthrough for each character, and I will also say who is my true route as well, i.e, the route I fell in love the most, And please remember, these are based on MY opinions alone, please don't come at me, if it doesn't match yours 👀, Feel free to share your opinions about the characters as well & this post is way long beware ~☆
My playthrough order : I followed the recommended playthrough to get a clear picture of the storyline.
Zen 》Yoosung》 Jaehee》 Jumin 》 Seven》 V 》 Ray.
And for your kind information, I never played this game to get a bad ending, i didn't want to hurt those precious fictional characters just for getting one CG 🤐, but I do know what happens
SPOILER FREE!, I will be just giving MY OWN ratings , except for the rika part lol don't worry, ladies.!
Anyways, let's just jump into it ;),
Zen 🤍:
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His route : 9/10 ( not the best route, but I liked it anyways, as he is my 1st route)
His character: 8/10 ( I don't like narcissism or narcissistic people, I know it was his coping mechanism, but I kind of dislike those type of men, his attitude in Jumin's route, kinda pissed me off apart from that , he is great ! )
Is he my true route ? : NO, I don't like guys who are narcissistic, I understand that that its was his coping mechanism, to make him believe in himself, but still being narcissistic all the time is not ok, I have a bad memory because of those type of guys, moreover, I am not that confident irl 😂 , I mean the MC in Zen's route,will have to say lots of weird ass choices, and the fact that will impress him⁉️, i wouldn't even say those choices irl to anyone . I wouldn't mind being friends with him though. He is definitely the ideal BF material, but he is just isn't for me..Sorry, Zen.😅
Yoosung 💚 :
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His route : 9/10 ( apart from the "You are just like Rika", I personally enjoyed his route, the character development was the best at the end 👌)
His character : 9/10 (OMG! He is just so cute, I am not the one to get attracted to the 'younger guy' type, but this guy just changed everything for me, but he needs lots of attention , beware, yandere yoosungs will pop out if u don't care about him enough, and the fact this guy was the only one who was supportive for Jumin's relationship with MC in Jumin's route , showed how much of a cutie he is!, unlike others 😒, he was a bit annoying in V's route, but it is understandable, he deserves to knw the truth about the person who he admires )
Is he my true route ? : Kind of a YES & a NO. Eventhough I enjoyed his route more than Zen, like I said earlier I am not into those 'younger guy' type, he is a guy who loves to be babied and protected by a mature MC , and well...I am not that mature either 😛,in reality, I am a independent person, but when it comes to relationships, i liked to be babied 😏. I personally think he deserves someone better than me, I don't want to ruin his happiness 🥺
Jaehee 🤎 :
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A friend in need is a friend indeed, my bae,Jaehee! 😄
Her route : 7/10 ( ok, I am gonna be honest here, I did not enjoy her route, I was happy that she realized her dreams and goes for it, but do we have to ruin a character just for making this route dramatic? Yes, I am talking about Jumin, Do u guys even know, how much I struggled to even start Jumin's route, I was literally scared of him because of his potrayal in this route as that jerk which he was btw,this route actually made me avoid Jumin for sometime.I expected the relationship between Jumin and Jaehee to become a healthy one, but oh well, whatever, & the after ending was just frustrating,all the RFA members just isolated Jumin, seriously, eventhough he did wrong things ,I felt so bad for him, imagine his thoughts at that moment , ugh...Jaehee deserves a better route, I am just not a fan of 'downgrading one character to give more importance to the main one', it's just bad writing)
Her character : 8/10 ( she is an amazing friend, a bit mature one at that. But personally i felt , if she really wanted to pursue her dreams ,she could have resigned, if she is not liking it . She was behaving a bit ignorant at times, especially in Zen's route. She could have communicated with Jumin beforehand about her difficulty in handling the job? I knw it's very difficult to suddenly quit the job, but she has every right to resign,she does have the money to open a coffee shop, thn why?. Don't come at me, and tell me that I hate her just because she is a female character,HELL NO, I like her but still her route made me have mixed feelings. She was being rude at times , I really understood why CHERTIZ did this, to show women can liberate themselves to work for their dreams, but in a professional point of view, I still think the route could have been handled better. Small businesses success isn't as easy to get, and in my point of view it would have been nice to show how MC and Jaehee make it through in her route rather than making Jumin a jerk, because it ruined Jumin at first for not only me but also a number of players ,but oh well,🏃‍♀️, I do like her, she could be a great friend, nothing more that that )
Is she my true route? : NO, I am straight. I see Jaehee as a friend. Some ask a romantic route for her, but I don't mind about that , I was just glad that I could help her to realize her dreams as a FRIEND.
Jumin 💜 :
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I don't see a selfish jerk here, I see a soft boi , in a gigantic body, who is just lonely
His route : 10/10 ( Seriously, I did not expect to like his route one bit, I thought I would hate him more, but turns out, I freaking fell in love with the flawed "him" , HECK YEAH! this was the only route where i was being TRUE TO MYSELF, did not refer any guides, understood his loneliness, I could relate to him so bad, I was happy to help him during his vulnerable times 🤧.Zen was annoying ,but I didn't care much about it, because I knw why he was like this. I prefer the good ending, and yes he does propose for marriage to whom he have talked for only 11 days, but I was very sure he will listen to you, if u don't want the marriage immediately )
His character : 9/10 ( He is so cute in his own way,mature, intelligent,awkward and even gets insecure,because he thinks he does not deserve you?! , you deserve better than me ,Jumin 😫, he does get possessive and irrational and that could make others uncomfortable, but for me, I understood that as well, being an empath myself ,as this dude never had a relationship with anyone,he is new into this, I don't mind teaching him new things about the world, about love. His characterization in Jaehee's route was god awful and cheritz did a bad job in it , I think they decided to make him like this, just for DRAMA,Jumin might have a bad way of showing emotions but he is not a soul less demon. I have seen people calling Jumin an abuser, but I didn't see that at all, he was being an idiot and he acknowledges it, every damn time, an abuser doesn't do this at all, and no..I don't think Jumin is dominant daddy material one bit like how the fandom perceives him. This is his first relationship with a woman, I feel he would be sweet, embarrassed loving and a loyal husband material, and I love his "opposed to living together before marriage" thing as well, as my religion follows that too as well )
Is he my true route? : A. BIG. FAT. YES. HE IS JUST MY TYPE, dear lord. I have never seen someone so perfect and also with flaws just like me , this guy made me realize that all along, I just never showed empathy towards others and that's why no one wanted to talk to me irl, I didn't care what people told about me. He seriously made me understand my own flaws and I corrected it, he made me into a better person, big thx , Mr.Jumin . Morever , I was being myself in his route only, I loved all of his calls , he brings up the strangest things just to talk to you, that's just so cute WTH , this man will be so loyal I am sure of it !.I don't really care about his riches, I am just in love with his true self 😫🥺
707 ❤ :
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The main man of this game, hmmm....
His route : 7/10 ( ok, I was so hyped to play his route , cuz even before I started to play this game, 707 was so popular, I expected a lot, but it was a meh for me...he did have a VERY HEARTBREAKING PAST , he was suffering from a lot of things, I understand. But the whole route wasn't that gud though...and his secret endings are just painfully depressing and angsty, V's death just broke my heart, I felt so frickin bad for Jumin, how would he even handle those things?.It just destroyed me completely. Moreover I don't find 707's jokes funny at times, his route had good plot, but 707 failed to impress me in his own route)
His character : 7/ 10 ( oh boi,I am scared that I would be slaughtered with hatred for telling this, the fact that he was faking his own personality was very shocking to me, I did not expect that. I despise tsunderes ,and 707 is the literal definition of it, so yeah, It ended up being annoying for me. Even though I was hella depressed like 707 before, I couldn't find him #relatable at all. I don't knw why , but I couldn't see him more than a friend 🚶‍♀️)
Is he my true route? : NOPE. I was not impressed by him at all, don't knw why lol, I tried to like him as he is THE REAL TRUE ROUTE,but it is still not getting into my heart, maybe because I already started to love Jumin, idk. I felt bad for 707, I wouldn't mind helping him as a friend, but as a significant other...NAH....,I am not into these type of guys 🥴,sorry seven...
V 💙 :
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I can understand why Jumin and V were best friends...they be looking like DADDY 👀
His route : 8 /10 ( for me, I was happy that V finally understood that he was basically a obsessive simp for Rika, I hated that he blamed himself more, which somehow I agree, I feel like he could have said something to the RFA , yoosung was hella annoying in this route, he spoke as if Rika is an angel or something, which she is not btw, yoosung, she brainwashed saeran and freakin created a cult, and this is not something an angel would do 🥴, V is not just flawed or anything,he doesn't even love himself,and so clings to rika because she was so wonderful in her eyes as an idea .He kept the freakin truth hidden,just because Rika doesn't want to, of course, my baby,yoosung will ask about . V is too emotional,and he was a victim of rika's abuse and manipulation just like Saeran,I liked the plot and though I didn't fall in love with him , I did have a tinsy bit of crush on him, mainly because of his looks, more like a puppy love, the voice acting was on point 👌)
His character : 7/ 10 ( boi could have handled the situation with his crazy GF much better, he actually let Saeran get brainwashed by Rika, he could have done something, and the fact that he liked Rika only as an idea, showed that this guy was in a very toxic relationship, Rika and V are the perfect example of what happens when two people who doesn't love themselves date, and he was clearly the victim of Rika's abuse and manipulation. I also don't think he is an angel either, he has done some wrong things definitely, and the fandom should acknowledge his wrong doings)
Is he my true route? : NO. Though Jumin and V are very similar , I did not like the fact that he simped for his crazy GF out of his obsession alone and though, she was clearly showing red flags earlier, he thinks that the power of love can change her lol . He was so confusing for me to understand. 😂
Ray 💖 :
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His route : 10/10 ( The drama , the music, the plot & the voice acting was just fantastic, I was blown away by this route, but that doesn't mean I liked Saeran as a character, the boi needs therapy, not romance lol, sry,and the recovery from his brainwashed state was unrealistic )
His character : 7/10 ( seriously, the voice acting for both the personalities was just mind blowing, he is such a well written character, but his abandonment issues isn't something u should romanticize about, he loved the affection that the MC was giving , but one wrong move, he will change just like that , he confused affection with love. Some are telling that Jumin was abusive, which he is not btw , for me, suit Saeran was super abusive, WTH)
Is he my true route ? : HELL NO. Eventhough he was practically innocent because he was under the influence of that elixir or some kind of a drug and brainwashed by Rika , I would never in my life try to have a romantic relationship with those kind of people. I may like him after he receives proper therapy ,but NO, just No, I can help him as a person, but I wouldn't go for a kiss or something with him. 🙄
Rika 💔:
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This scene still gives me goosebumps 🙄
Her character : -infinity / 20 ( she deserves this uwu)
Ok, hear me out, I hate Rika so much , i know she has been through a lot, i really do.. but it doesn't mean you can emotionally abuse and brainwash Saeran, he would have been a better person,she turned a person who loves ice cream and cloud watching into a self destructive psycho, another story showed how much she is capable of by her words , She manipulated V to not tell RFA that she is gonna start a cult, WHAT THE HELL, V, do you not knw what she is trying to do here 😳 ? But whatever,V was being manipulated by her "playing as a victim" tactics, she also played with Jumin's feelings for her, I was about to throw my hands on her, how dare u do that to my man ??, made yoosung to obsess over her to make him think that she is absolutely a gud person, and left him to ponder over her so called 'passing' , making him unable to move on from her.
And oh god,the backstory did not make me feel bad for her one bit, it only made me understand why she has become like this. Like dude, I understood she had a shitty past, but so did the other members of RFA, but did they all become like a manipulative victim player? Hell no.. they learned from their mistakes and they change, but even when all the members were trying to help her, she denies that she doesn't need a therapy. She deserves a proper mental therapy and a proper jail time. NO EXCUSE FOR THAT, she did the same manipulation and brainwashing for all of her disciples to get them into Mint eye.
But as a character , Rika just rocked it for me , she was so successful in making me and a lot of the fans hate her as an antagonist. Her voice actor was so gud,she had such a good way of speaking manipulative, like God, I understood why all the RFA members were all kind of whipped for her, she is such a master piece as an antagonist. 🚶‍♀️🤫
Vanderwood 💞👀 :
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His character: 10/10 idk, why am I giving a rating for him though? I just love him 😂
Ok, I know he is a side character, but for some reason, I liked him more than 707 lol 👀, I just spoke with him only in one chatroom , but boi , was I whipped for him 😜
My favourite to least MM main characters and routes :
JUMIN - 19/20 ( 1st)
YOOSUNG - 18/20 (2nd)
ZEN & RAY - 17/ 20 ( 3rd)
V & JAEHEE - 15 / 20 ( 4th )
707 - 14 / 20 ( 5th, it's not that I hate him or something, it's just that I was neither IMPRESSED by his character nor the route, I don't mind him one bit! )
Rika -Though she doesn't have a route or a gud character she deserves a -infinity/20 ( and no place in my heart 🚶‍♀️)
Overall, this game is the best otome game ! , I actually paid for getting the hourglasses, I mean, I suck at patience, I was so intrigued by the story, but it was seriously worth it !. There are a number of otome games which charge more than this.
Thank you, Cheritz for creating Mystic messenger. This game totally changed how I perceived life, love ❤ and Romance 💕
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What Disney character would the RFA members be?
Yessss! I actually love this so much, I adoreeee Disney 🥺 I’ll add V and Saeran too! Btw this is just my opinion!
Also I for some reason did way to much research on this? Like?? I dunno lmao I got super into it pfttt
And if you want to add some other characters and stuff, feel free to do so!
RFA+ V and Saeran as Disney characters:
Ya boi it’s Flynn Rider! First of all, they’re both super flirty lmao, and it’s just, you cannot tell me that Zen isn’t Flynn like holy shit! They’re both ambitious, and when they care for someone they will do whatever they can to protect them. Both Flynn and Zen have sad pasts who make them who they are now, aaandddd! They also have different names! Just wanted to point that out lmao.
If he were to be another one I’d say Pirince Naveen, from Princess and the Frog. They’re both super playful, and want to have fun, and they also really care deeply for people close to them!
And to add another one: Aurora! Both of them are elegant and hopeless romantics!
Our sweet child Yoosung is Anna from Frozen!
Both of them are sweethearts, and they really want to find someone they can spend the rest of their lives with! At the same time, even though they may be a bit naïve, they’re both pretty brave! I mean (spoiler for Yoosung’s Route) the poor boi literally got his eye hurt for MC, and no matter what he insisted on going to Mint Eye with Seven. Both of them also really care about family, and they’re super loyal to them and everyone around them.
Another thing, it’s that both Yoosung and Anna are super playful, and bubbly! So I honestly think Yoosung would just be Anna. Imagine him singing love is an open door tho, that’d be fucking adorableeeeee
Tiana, from Princess and the Frog!
First of all, they’re both so similar with the work a little harder theme, like honestly that’s all they ever do! They’re both super workaholic, which may sometimes get in the way for spending time with family and friends. Both Tiana and Jaehee are super intelligent and strong women! And they’re always there to help their friends. Honestly Jaehee and Tiana are queens 👑
And they both are passionate with something to do with food! Jaehee with her coffee shop and Tiana with her restaurant, so I think they’re just super similar.
Alright listen! So when I was doing this I mostly do it on similarities on personality and such, and for Jumin both Belle and Jasmine seem the most similar
First of all, Jasmine! Both Jumin and Jasmine are in a role where they have to be the perfect heir. While Jasmine rebels against it in various ways, Jumin is more subtle about it. Whenever his father tries a new business idea because of a woman he met, Jumin firmly tells his father no. Even when Sarah Choi or whatever her name is (fuck herrrr lmao) is supposed to get married to him, Jumin yeets her and goes nope. They both care deeply about what they’re supposed to be ruling (?) over, Jumin with his company and Jasmine with her kingdom. And lastly, they both care deeply for their friends and family, and would do anything for them!
Now with Belle, Jumin loves reading. That’s a thing they have in common, and the both of them are super smart, and love learning about new things. Like Belle, he doesn’t have many friends, and is pretty confident, Iike our boy Jumin ;)
Peter Pan
But not the animated one, it’s the one we all had a crush on when it was like 2003, this Peter Pan:
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It’s absolutely perfect. Both him and Peter are super playful, they like joking around and just you know, living the high life.
But at the same time they’re both scared of their feelings. At one point, when Peter Pan and Wendy are dancing (best scene ever btw) Wendy asks Peter about his feelings, and Peter yells that no, he doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings and that he has none. He tells her that in the end everything was pretend and he doesn’t want to grow up, or admit his feelings for Wendy.
It’s like when Saeyoung was pushing away the MC, so they wouldn’t catch feelings for him. He wants to ignore his emotions and he feels they are useless. Also the gif above it’s perfect for my sweet child it’s adorable lmao.
There’s also Aladdin, because they’re both playful but they can be serious at times!
Now for our boy V! I choose Tarzan and Elsa! Now you may be wondering, Amanda, what the hell?
Well let me explain!
First of all Elsa! (Ignoring the whole Let It Go part of course lmao) Both Elsa and Jihyun have had super traumatic experiences. V with Rika, and Elsa with literally almost killing her sister. Due to that, they both isolate from their friends and loved ones, to protect them. Elsa to protect them from her power, and V does it to protect them from Rika and Mint Eye. They both only want the best for their loved ones, and they don’t care if they have to sacrifice themselves. Jihyun and Elsa are scared of hurting those around them, Jihyun doesn’t want anyone in the RFA to be involved with Rika, to get hurt. That’s why I think Elsa and V are just super similar. They both repress how much they’re suffering on the inside, and they are always the ones acting as a shield for the rest. (Also it’s part of perfect because Yoosung is Anna holy crap Frozen/Mystic Messenger au????)
Now for Tarzan, of course it’s not everything that’s similar, but one thing they have in common is that they care deeply for family, no matter what. Even when Tarzan is being shunned by gorilla dad (or Yoosung -oh damn-) because he says that he’s not part of the family, Tarzan still does whatever he can to protect them.
Now, since our boy is actually like 6 boys (Unknown, Ray, Suit, Saeran GE, Saeran SE, and Saran Judge and Forgive)
So I did the ones in another story and Saeran post SE!
Ray: So! Our boy Ray reminds me so much of Rapunzel from Tangled! Both Ray and Rapunzel are both being kept in a tower (Ray’s tower being Mint Eye.) They’re both smart and creative, and well, they’re loyal (except to Saeyoung lmao.) I feel like Ray is also pretty artistic (he made the cute little emojis for himself and everything, just adorableeeee.) I honestly totally forgot about a Disney character that doesn’t want to be abandoned (maybe Jessie?) because Ray is scared of other people leaving him.
Now Suit! He was my favorite to do :P
He is The Beast! First of all, they’re both hot headed and they’re mad all the time, but beneath all that, they’re both hurting and lonely. Honestly I need a freaking AU of Suit Saeran as the beast, they’re just so similar! Even though they may seem distant and grumpy, they care about the MC in the same way. When the beast saw that Belle was actually pretty sad and everything, he got her a room (I mean he did feel pretty sad you could see it in his little face :( ) and Saeran actually tries to postpone the MC’s Mint Eye ceremony because he actually cares a lot about them (awww)
And for GE Saeran: I just see him as Pocahontas. They’re both mature, kind and loving, but they still have a playful side to them. Also they both love nature, and they are pretty smart. Good Ending Saeran just reminds me so much of Pocahontas honestly, because Saeran can be serious when he needs to, but he is also pretty mischievous and playful (I love the call where he’s like “HA got you to say what I wanted lmao”)
And now, SE Saeran: He reminds me of Kristoff.
At the beginning of the film, Kristoff is actually pretty selfish, and is uninterested on Anna’s stuff lmao. He’s a loner, and pretty cold (you know that’s what ice does to you pft) but he actually cares deeply about his family and friends, and he does have an actual fun side to him! Saeran in the SE is a loner too, he mostly shuts himself off and doesn’t really like to socialize (me thoooo) but even though he acts distant and like he doesn’t give a fuck, Saeran actually does give a fuck. He secretly cares about MC, his brother and maybe even the RFA members, even if he doesn’t show it. He is also pretty cold, and fiesty.
Since Hamilton is on Disney+ now, technically they’re all Disney characters so here are the RFA members as Hamilton characters, like imagine if they were to do the musical this would be the roles they’d get (also I won’t elaborate on my choices pft) oh and for the MC’s here’s a little guide just in case lmao
MC 1: Brown hair, no eyes the one and only lmao
Mc 2: Blonde hair, (I feel like she’s a Karen but don’t tell her I said that)
MC 3: red curly hair, she’s actually pretty hot like wtffff
MC 4: short hair, she’s the one that would be done with everyone’s bs lmao
MC 5: the beautiful unicorn pony thing lmao
Now, Hamilton:
Hamilton: Zen
Aaron Burr: Jumin
John Laurens/ Phillip: Saeran
LAFAYETTE/Thomas Jefferson: Saeyoung, yes Saeyoung
HercULES MULLIGAN: I dunno, MC 5 probably pft
Angelica: Saeyoung once again (he FOUGHT for the role alright?)
Eliza: Yoosung
And Peggy: MC 1
George Washington: Jaehee (hell yeah)
Charles Lee (I’m a general WHEEE): Rika fuck her pft
James Maddison: MC 2
Mariah Reynolds: Saeyoung once again, it was supposed to be MC 3 but Saeyoung pulled some strings and became Mariah Reynolds at the last minute and when Zen finds out after the whole ‘Say No to This’ he is triggered and is about to kill him
James Reynolds: MC 4
And that’s all I remember for now lmao, hope you enjoyed it :D
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joy1579 · 4 years
Hey! So... When I started to play Mystic messenger I was a teenager, so I was wondering how the boys and Jaehee would react discovering that MC was a teenager too (platonic of course) I loved your headcanons btw ♥️
gah its been forever and a day since i was a kid. and even then i was like really bad at being a kid heh what do teenagers do? all i did was hide in the library and avoid socializing oops. whatever i had a lot of fun writing this! honestly i think they would all be very protective of you since the RFA really feels like one big family!
He is proud of you and wants to provide you with future opportunities because that’s how he cares about people, by giving them a means to earn money and have purpose. Also he is very interested in what you can teach him about pop culture.  
-        Age doesn’t matter to him too much. Maturity does and you had proven your maturity by helping the RFA faithfully and well
-        In fact, he is very proud of how well you did and mentions that your professionalism at such a young age shows great potential should you apply to C&R (you know him well enough to take it for the compliment it is intended to be)
-        His presence practically drips with “proud dad preparing for his daughter’s future” vibes and considering the 11-year age gap you suppose you couldn’t ask for much better
-        That is until he hears you chatting on the phone and using slang he’s never heard before
-        Now he’s curious and asking questions. You show him some him some vines you have saved and teach him a bit about pop culture leading to an unlikely but very fun friendship
-        You and he tease zen a lot by having Jumin use made up slang and you pretending its super cool and zen’s just not with it. Also imagine getting Jumin to do a secret handshake just to piss Zen off. It ends with the “nyah” pose
Acts like your best friend that you enjoy teasing. He wants to be a good role model but that shiz is hard. You two bond a lot over stories about school and the struggles of exams.
-        He is very relieved to not be the youngest anymore because now maybe everyone will stop treating him like a baby. (spoiler alert they won’t. Ever.)
-        He worries that he’s supposed to act like a big brother. He doesn’t know how to do that! He’s always been the baby brother, or the youngest member, or the newest intern. How does one be responsible?
-        Tries and fails to intimidate guys away from you to “protect” you (but zen said it was his duty to keep you safe! He said all men are wolves MC!)
-        “If all men are wolves why isn’t he worried about you Yoosung?” “huh? Hey wait yeah! Does he not think I’m a man?!” “ go get em tiger. give zen a piece of your mind”
-        He helps you with homework a lot but no cheating! He tells you about the time he cheated to pass a class only to get to the next level class and understand NOTHING it took a lot of tutoring and studying and work to fix that mess. Best to learn it now while it’s still learnable.
-        He refuses to teach you LOL “don’t end up like me MC! Be better!” you learn it anyway and end up playing with him frequently. The rest of the RFA blame him for this much to his dismay.
he wants to protect you in his own frankly silly way. still meme’s it up but doesnt want anyone “corrupting” you. actually he kind of treats you the way he would treat saeran.
-        He fights with V for the first time when V suggests leaving you in Rika’s apartment (with a bomb) but reluctantly comes around and does what V says
-        Stays a meme lord and is psyched if you can manage to out meme him
-        Definitely teases you about your age a lot (Yoosung is secretly glad to not be the ONLY one getting teased for being young)
-        “guys we have to protect the baby she has her whole life ahead of her”
-        Is the most adamant about not swearing, drinking or smoking around you
-        “y’all need Jesus there are CHILDREN here”
-        You may have to call him out on this behavior because seriously wtf you know for a fact hacking isn’t the most ethical or legal occupation and he’s gonna lecture you?!?
-        He may joke around but he up’s his protection game up about 10 notches because for real you have your whole life ahead of you
he basically adopts you okay. he wants to be your cool big brother friend and be everything his family never was for him. he takes care of you and stands up for you every chance he can.
-        He finds out very early on because the second he starts flirting seven shuts that shit down telling him your too young for that. He asks how young and is shocked but recovers pretty fast
-        You know the protective big brother trope? Yeah that’s him
-        He’s your ride or die friend too. Need a ride to school? He’s there on his bike, some dick is harassing you? He’s there to scare the punk off, and even though he doesn’t want to fight a kid he will if he has too
-        If its girls who are harassing, you he picks you up to give your rep a bit of a boost (it never hurts to be seen with such a handsome guy after all and if he shows up on his bike he’s also got the badass vibe going on)
-        He has ALWAYS wanted a little sister and now he’s adopted you. You’re his little sis now and he’s wrapped around your finger. He swears he’ll be a better brother than his brother was
-        He is so proud of all your accomplishments and is determined to encourage your dreams the way his parents never did (he might be living his family wishes vicariously through you but hey he treats you good so it’s cool)
-        She’s a bit worried about you taking on such a big responsibility as the RFA guest liaison at such a young age. What if your grads drop? Or you family gets upset? What if you had to also work a part time job and this interfered your young you need to be able to rest and live your life. (when you point out that she should do the same she brushes you off)
-        Not much changes honestly, she’s always been the RFA’s mom after all.
-        She gets a little stricter about language and “inappropriate” topics
-        She definitely encourages you to study and do well in school (and avoid any job’s Mr. Han offers you)
-        She still down to be your friend though! She’s all ears when you need to vent about school and you are always ready to lend an ear back when Jumin is giving you a hard time
-        You swap girl power ballads and she helps you set up a Zen fan club at your high school
-        Look he didn’t intend to kidnap and actual kid and he’s honestly a bit panicked when he finds out your age you looked older than that he swears
-        Thankfully your mature enough and smart enough to do what’s needed of you and he supposes as long as you don’t have a family searching for you it should be okay
-        He’s a little more reserved but honestly not much changes he’s still innocent and devoted he calls you princess and tries to spoil you as much as he can he may not see you as a romantic interest but your still his obsession.
-        He likes that you trusted him even more since your young and therefor more vulnerable. You’re his family now, a better family than he’s ever had.
-        If you are the princess, he is your knight in the strictest definition. Which is to say he is devoted to protecting and serving you out of dedication and reverence rather than romance.
-        He’s more verbally aggressive than physically aggressive
-        He doesn’t try as hard to seem intimidating because he thinks of you as a child, and he doesn’t have to prove how tough he is to a child it’s obvious after all.
-        Also his visits are simultaneously shorter and more frequent. Shorter because he tends to get flashbacks easier (since he sees you as a child despite you being a teen) and more frequent because they are less satisfying since he doesn’t let himself be physically aggressive.
(IDK why but I feel like he probably had an actual family with a girlfriend/wife and possibly a very very young daughter before the agency. Maybe she left him and that’s why he’s so impressed by MC’s dedication in the secret ending. Or maybe they’re both dead because broken hearts make more money than whole ones. Either way I think a teen MC would remind him of his possible family and so he would be hell bent on separating you from the danger and drama of literally everything that happens in the game.)
-        He’s legitimately (and rightfully) concerned about you when he see’s you on seven’s CCTV feed
-        protective and angry dad mode activated
-        threatens to tazer seven into oblivion if he lets something (or causes something to) happen to you
-        “what the hell are you doing she’s a civilian AND she’s got her whole life before her, you and I might have thrown away our lives but she didn’t! whatever’s going on you had better fix it NOW”
-        He is not speaking with you. No way no how. Every word he says to you puts you more in danger and he is not having your life on his conscious
-        That being said the second you’re in danger he is all in on ANNIHILATING whatever has put you in danger
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mysmediscord · 4 years
Mystic Messenger Halloween
HALLOWS WRITING CONTEST ENTRY #1 Written by: Kari’s Beneath the Mask#0503 ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Jumin: Zen.  Zen: yes?  Jumin: What exactly are you supposed to be dressed up as for the Halloween party in that picture? Zen: uh… myself? I couldn’t think of anything more beautiful to go as then the creation that creates jealousy amongst the gods.~  Jumin: I think you’re missing the point. Zen: Well what are YOU supposed to be, huh?  Jumin: I’m going as the scariest thing I could think of, obviously. Jumin: I’ll be going as you. Zen: WHAT Zen: AS ME? Jumin: Yes. 707: lolololol I have the pictures to prove it  707: we still need to get our Halloween picture together that mc requested btw Yoosung: MC didn’t request a picture?  Zen: are we ignoring the fact he got a picture of Jumin dressed as me I feel like I need to take a shower… 707: MC requested it from me specifically  707: I need you all to meet up outside the gas station at 3am  Zen: the gas station. Yoosung: you want to take a group photo at a gas station??? Jumin: I can think of far better places to take such a photo.  Jumin: I think we should take it at the cat cafè  Zen: NO Jaehee: I don’t think that’s a good idea. Jaehee: we should wait until tomorrow at least anyway, I’m very busy right now making preparations for the party. 707: It’s gotta be tonight~  Yoosung: why? 707: it’s…  707: ~a secret!~  707: just show up at 3am, ok? I’ll see you all there.  Zen: that boy is up to something… -Later- Yoosung: Guys Yoosung: I think something is following me… Zen: don’t tell me you ACTUALLY went  Yoosung: I had to!  Yoosung: he said MC wanted us there- I even talked to her and she said so herself! Zen: they’re both playing a prank then, it’s probably nothing  Yoosung: Zen…  Yoosung: if I die… Zen: omg Yoosung: tell MC…  Yoosung: I’ll miss her  Zen: Yoosung you aren’t going to die. Yoosung: AGHHHHH Yoosung: THERES A MONSTER Zen: ???? Yoosung: ITS ADTERMTME  Zen: Turn around and punch it lmao Yoosung: NO? Yoosung: ITSHONNAE KILLMEM Zen: ugh. Hold on, I’ll be there soon. Yoosung: ITS TOOLLATE FORME Yoosung: SAVEURSELF -Later, again-  Jumin: I cannot believe you kidnapped Elizabeth the 3rd to try and scare Yoosung.  Jumin: you’re lucky V talked me into giving you another chance. 707: BUT LOOK AT OUR LITTLE ELLIE AS A CUTE WITTLE GHOSTIE  707: SHES BEAUTIFUL 707: THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CAT  707: OF THE D E A D  707: MWAHAHAHAHAHA Jumin: touch her again and I will bring you to court.  707: Cat mom fights for custody…  707: T.T  707: come on don’t be so meeeaaan 707: she looked so cute >_< Jumin: she’s always cute.  Jumin: Now, I have to go leave for an early meeting before the party.  707: Hey Jumin: what.  707: Look at this picture of a wiener dog  Jumin: … ok?  707: it’s a…  707: HAAPPPYY HALLOWEEEENIEE!!!!! Jumin has logged out of the chat.  ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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that-cheer-up-anon · 4 years
hey op, i saw that ur into otome games soo i thought that you might like Mystic Messenger?? i've never been too into otome but this game is amazing so i thought of recommending it to you. also id like to know if MLQC is good?? cuz i might give it a try?? (ps: not relevant but id buy ur commissions but uhhh dont even have my own money so (Q Q )
yes I’ve heard of Mystic Messenger! I had a friend that got really into it when it came out. I thought of giving it a go, but I think it’s too... saucy for me.
I really like MLQC I have definitely spent too much money on this game and I was already broke before playing ahaaaa ;v; and I’d love to have a stamina buddy :D (btw my friend code is: 11474777)
It’s free-to-play but pay-to-win  and it doesn’t have ads which is SO NICE. There are different minigames that allow you to get ingame currency/resources for free so don’t sweat too much. There’s also texts, calls, knock-off twitter, dates, city strolls, and meeting them in person. That’s SIX different ways to interact w the boys outside of story mode not even including events, footage, rumours and secrets, and ASMR - YES THERE IS ASMR IF YOU PAY FOR IT (but honestly it’s expensive so I’d just look it up on youtube). TALK ABOUT SPOILED. also you can gun for just one or go harem route with no consequences heehee
The art and music is REALLY BEAUTIFUL. The voices are really good in BOTH Japanese and English, which is hard to find for me. ALSO IT LETS YOU CHOOSE BETWEEN WHICH DUB YOU WANT WHICH IS LIKE!!! IMPORTANT TO ME! BLESS! ALSO IT’S GETTING AN ANIME THIS YEAR AAAAAAAAAA
It has a stamina system where 1 stamina replenishes every 5 minutes which I REALLY APPRECIATE bc there are some games that are make you wait every 10 or more mins to get one stamina point AND I DON’T HAVE THE MONEY AND PATIENCE. I prefer it to games that have a ticket system bc then you don’t have to either wait until the next day for the tickets to replenish or pay for more tickets before you can continue the story
I was going into this gaming expecting cheesy cliche fluffy occasionally winky face story w a weak storyline using dumb tropes that forces you to be in contact w the love interests. NOPE. THIS THING HAS AN ACTUALLY COMPELLING STORY WITH MYSTERY AND INTERESTING CHARACTER DYNAMICS THAT BRING OUT DIFFERENT SIDES OF MC AND IS NOT AFRAID TO LAY OUT SOME ANGST which I am a SUCKER for IT DOES NOT MATTER WHICH OF THE GUYS YOU PICK.
You are a media producer for a company that your dad left to you after he passed away. There are people in the world with superpowers called Evol. Those that wield these powers are called Evolvers. There’s a lot of secrets and danger surrounding them and you are somehow involved, although you don’t know how or why. The main point of the game is to make your company successful, while also trying to uncover the truth about Evol, yours and the boys’ identities while also getting some romance. 
I also appreciate that each of the main LI’s have different personalities AND friendships/relationships besides just you. The MC also has friendships outside of the LI’s which is SUCH A NICE BREAK FROM A LOT OF OTOME GAMES. Like yes, you are main bae, but they all have work and a life outside of trying to be at your beck and call. 
I think this is long enough and I think I’ve made it clear that I really like this game. 
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demonicheadcanons · 6 years
Could I get a mystic messenger match up? I'm 27/female/pan . I own my own house And have since 18. I have a son (6) who was born of an abusive relationship and I love him to bits. I am a voice actor (website on page) you can find more info about me on there. I love cuddles and romance though I'm easily embarrassed I also have a habit of taking things one step further for fun and to embarrass my so. My dream is to be a house wife/mom and still voice act. Next dream job is a nurse. Thank you!
I pair you with:
V/Jihyun Kim
V would be great at dealing with your son and would care for him and yourself as much as he was capable of. He’d also work to help you if you had any trauma left over from the abusive relationship ((AN: congrats on getting through that btw!! It’s not easy, you should be proud ^^)).
He would maybe be less affectionate at first but honestly he would love to be cuddled, and would definitely be very romantic. He’d love spending time with you, getting to know you and making you happy.
V would do his best to ensure you can reach your dreams, and he’d be your number one supporter and fan with your voice acting ^^
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atopearth · 6 years
Mystic Messenger Part 9 - Saeran/Ray/Unknown Route
Yayyy! Ray/Unknown route!! Talking to Ray breaks my heart so much though💔 Any time you express the tiniest amount of consideration or care for him, he gets so touched. It makes me feel so sad that he has never experienced something so simple. It’s so sad that even though Rika is using him, he feels like he’s useful here. It’s so sad that he hates 707 so much.. It’s so sad that….I hope we can protect him properly in this route.
Tumblr media
When he talked about the pot plant that somehow grew two stalks when it wasn’t meant to, and how there’s the stronger stalk and the weaker stalk, you immediately knew he saw himself and Seven in it. How Seven is the healthy one living happily because he discarded Ray the weaker one, and so as revenge, he broke off the stronger stalk to use it as fertiliser for the weaker one. That simple analogy really shows his attitude towards Seven. Why do these twins have to suffer so much…. It’s pretty heartbreaking getting Ray’s hearts, since with the RFA, it’s mostly words that would hurt V and 707 and when it’s with Ray himself, I feel like I’m constantly feeding his insecurities and his sadness, making him reliant and obsessed with the heroine. But I guess this might be the best way to try and save him right now. But really, it was so kind of Ray to not give the elixir to the heroine because he doesn’t want her to be hurt by the side effects like he does. I wanted to cry seeing how considerate he is and yet he could never experience that consideration from anyone else.
I hate seeing Seven sad.. his phone call when he got told by V to not chase the hacker anymore was so down :( He seemed so heartbroken.. I hope V works up the courage, the responsibility and understands the need this time to tell Seven about Saeran.
Sometimes I can’t help but think that Yoosung is such a brat though, he tells people that they don’t understand him but it’s not like he puts in effort to understand the other side either, so what right does he have to criticise them? I hated how he said because his parents gave birth and raised him that they should understand him better or whatever, he’s the one that’s clinging to Rika and not letting anyone change his thoughts. He’s the most stubborn one that won’t listen to anything and he’s ughhh. His mum is just really worried about him and he says stuff like that on the chat, sigh. He says he’s disappointed in his mother for not understanding that he doesn’t want to forget about Rika and that he wants to find the truth, but counselling doesn’t mean he’ll forget about Rika, it’ll just help him organise his feelings, the only one that can change whether he forgets about Rika or not is himself, not a counselor. Frankly, I’m super disappointed in Yoosung, not only is he super annoying about Rika, but he has no consideration for others because he gives it all to Rika. Usually, I’m able to empathise with Yoosung to a certain extent and just not agree with him, but this time I have to admit, I really don’t like him and am extremely disappointed in how he is dealing with this. I’m disappointed that he’s spent most of his life with his mother and yet HE can’t understand her feelings and thoughts about this. Now, I’m annoyed about his whining lol. Rant over. On another note, Zen is just like a caring but naggy older brother hahaha, he’s so kind, too bad Yoosung doesn’t always appreciate it.
I am so happy for Zen that he got a main character role though, that’s great!! Gotta say that I was laughing along with Zen when Jumin said he wanted to try cross stitching because it’s just so hard to imagine Jumin doing that lmaoo. Tbh, I’ve always empathised with Rika to a certain extent but whenever I see and think about how she’s using Saeran and torturing him to get her personal revenge against V, I can’t forgive her and probably never will just because of how innocent and tormented Saeran has been all his life and yet she uses that and causes even more pain and torment to him physically and mentally! It’s absolutely disgusting and I just can’t bear to see Saeran suffer anymore! It hurts even more when Seven thinks that everything he’s doing is helping Saeran have a peaceful life when he’s actually suffering so much…
When V was talking about the daffodil that only withered more in sunlight and could only face the soil and take the nutrients from the flowers around it, I felt really sad… Daffodils are apparently Rika’s favourite flower..not that I really care for her but she’s important to saving Saeran since he’s so reliant on her.. I think the biggest mistake V made and continues to make in the routes is that he tries his best to save everyone by himself but he doesn’t realise that everyone is already hurting and that maybe, being hurt is better than knowing nothing and doing nothing. He also underestimated how difficult of a problem this was I guess and really should have let everyone else help him since it wasn’t just simply his and Rika’s problem anymore from the moment she dragged Saeran and other people into this.
It took some convincing but it’s true that in terms of dark energy, Yoosung is the one to teach that to Zen for his new character hahaha. It’s so funny when Yoosung starts talking all deep and poetic about the hopelessness in life for Zen to learn, tbh I relate a bit but it’s still lmao hahaha. Ray is so sweet for making a drink that looks and smells like that elixir for the heroine so that she won’t have to take the real thing and feel the pain from it. He’s already so busy enough and yet he’s caring about her so much.. Does he even sleep? I’m so worried about him..
OMG *SQUEALS* THE HEROINE KISSED HIM AND HE RAN AWAY!! He’s so adorable omg, I’m glad he’s starting to believe in the heroine more than Rika and that things might need to change, and that maybe he should leave this place. I’m so excited for a happy future and I’m so happy that the heroine is there for him but so mad that Rika is constantly manipulating him! Btw Elizabun the 3rd is the best, I can’t fault Zen for laughing so hard at Yoosung’s imitation of Jumin lolol. I mean, there was literally a phone call with Yoosung and he was talking about how pet bread is great and that croissants are popular but they leave crumbs across the table so you’ll have to constantly clean up its mess lmaooo. Save me, it’s so funny. It’s even more hilarious when Zen finally makes a breakthrough with his character on White and it’s so good that it’s making Yoosung scared hahaha!
As for Ray… It was expected that Saeran would appear considering the “cleansing” Rika did to him. Although he looks down on Ray’s personality and his tastes in the heroine, I think the fact that he thinks of the heroine as a toy to play with when he’s bored shows that despite their differences, there is some sort of feeling or affection Saeran has for the heroine. Omg… Those creepy Saeran emojis in the chatroom are so creepy!! They’re so scary! Scarier than the person himself lmao. But yeah, I’m scared for the heroine considering how crazy Saeran is. I absolutely hate Rika though, seeing Saeran scream for help from Seven pained my heart so much, I’m on the verge of crying. Just because Rika got hurt and is obsessed with revenge, she drags Saeran down with her, digging up all his negativity and trauma just to achieve her objective. She’s so disgusting and any kind of charity she’s done before does not cancel this out. Saeran’s suffered so much already and yet she has to continue tormenting him for her own personal benefit, it hurts so much to see Saeran like this. Please save him, Seven!! Saeran doesn’t want to hurt anyone, he’s just been manipulated into thinking that being “crazy” like this is the only way he can protect himself from others. I’m so mad that V hasn’t asked the others for help when it concerns them so much, especially Seven. He can’t solve everything by himself especially when Rika has her own army of believers! It isn’t just Rika that is involved, it’s Saeran too and he needs help!! Sigh. I’m so frustrated and sad that Saeran has to continue to suffer. And things are just getting worse because their prime minister father is on the hunt for them…
My heart is breaking so much… Saeran’s still treating the heroine as terrible as ever but Ray came back for a bit!! That means there’s definitely still hope! And despite everything, just like Rika said, I think that Saeran keeps the heroine there not just because he needs someone weak to show that he is a strong personality, but also because somewhere inside of him, even if he treats her like a toy, that’s how he’s showing his love for her. He loves her but he can’t believe in her love and so he can only treat her in this way to be close to her but also distance himself from her so that he won’t ever be hurt again. He loves her but is scared that he’ll get abandoned again, just like Saeyoung did to him when they were young. For Saeran, being abused by Rika or his mother was unbearable but still acceptable because they never abandoned him and that’s all he wants, someone that won’t dispose of him…. A part of him wants to believe in the heroine and that’s why I guess he’s doing all these things to kinda test whether she’ll stay with him no matter what.
I’m glad that the heroine got through to Saeran. Seeing him admit to his wrongs and apologise to the heroine that knew what he was thinking all this time… Knowing that despite all the depravity and hatred he shouted at her, he was the one he was truly shouting at, he was the one that was really hurt from all this, rather than the heroine. But the most saddening thing is that he thinks that the heroine only really cares about Ray and that she should live happily with him, when really, she loves Saeran himself and wants to protect all of him so there’s no way she only wants Ray! So, don’t disappear Saeran😢😢
I’m so proud that Zen told V to stop being so frustrating and thinking that everything has to be his responsibility! It is to an extent but blaming himself won’t get them anywhere! Seven is in trouble with his evil dad and V is still wallowing in where did things exactly go wrong! Best thing was when Zen said that the only person who can love Rika enough and correctly is herself. In the end, even if V loved her the “correct” way, if Rika doesn’t believe it or accept it or think that she deserves it, it won’t work out. The only person responsible for Rika is Rika herself, the only person that could truly help her was herself. Sure, V might have been able to help her if he did things differently but there’s no guarantee considering how her thoughts were, so really, no matter what he does, things could still have ended up like this. So, get a grip on yourself V and save Seven and Saeran with everyone in the RFA now!
It’s so wonderful to see Saeran and the RFA communicate and co-cooperate to save Seven from their father that kidnapped him. It was so heartwarming and sweet to see Saeran capable of being so happy and surrounded by others. It’s also great that he can finally live back in the light now that their father’s evil schemes and stuff he’s done has been brought out to be seen by the public. I’m glad the heroine was able to save Saeran, I’m still so thankful and happy about that.. the only sad thing is that we never got to see where Seven is. But as Saeran says, the twins are both really strong people that have been able to survive in the most dire of situations, so I’m sure Seven is all right. As for V and Rika, didn’t think Rika would “come back” so easily but she did so, yay I guess? As long as she’s not tormenting people anymore, I’m glad lol.
Overall, I’m pretty satisfied with Ray/Saeran’s route, I just wished that I could see Saeran and Seven happy together since that’s what they’ve always wanted and what Seven worked hard for.. but as long as Saeran is happy, Seven would be happy so it’s all good haha. It was a long but eventful 10 days. So many things happened but it was a good journey. Felt like the heroine had less of a personality this time around but that’s cool, since it was all about Saeran and that’s mostly what I wanted haha.
Now, to update my most favourite to least favourite routes! It would be 707, Saeran, Zen, Jaehee, V, and then Yoosung and Jumin are probably around the same to me tbh lol. But yeah! Now we just have to hope for a Vanderwood route I guess haha! Although, a Rika route is probably more likely lol.
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