#he's out here trying to operate as peers w/ppl (aggressive of him clearly b/c he's Flouting Status) and communicate to communicate
also speaking of being autistic and the immediate encompassing social rejection / ostracization because of that; realizing a shorthand for that interpretation of like, people could accept themselves if they could accept winston just being like he is (an autistic person even if inadvertently as per the writing) and that’s fine actually, being like oh i mean people are Projecting on him lol. and not in the potential positive way of like, consciously relating to him in a sympathetic manner lmao, but in the way of like, someone can’t deal with [xyz] about themself so baselessly or not they project the trait onto some Other person and reject them for it. e.g. here the way that would mean like, what if i could be deemed cringe & unmeritous. but that’s unacceptable to confront b/c there’s no reconciling it with any good outcome so long as you also think that the whole situation / principle of [yeah some people are cringe / unmeritous and you have to Not Be Them or you’ll get eternally shit on b/c you deserve it] is unavoidable and/or just Correct. so instead you decide who’s clearly cringe and unmeritously deserving of punishment by superior people (whom you absolutely are one of) and reject them by doing the Superior Thing of pointing out that loserness & giving them shit for it, or at least rejecting them some other way like just more so ignore / avoid / deny that person lol....if someone can be Sympathetic despite like, making mistakes ever instead of being magically perfect which is surely the ideal, or ever existing for even a moment in ways that might seem Not mindblowingly epic and admirable and enviable and dignified as all hell, then that could mean You could be like that, and What Of That....much less what of like, being nd / specifically autistic in this discussion (b/c Eye am projecting that consciously & sympathetically and i’m correct. it is simply Recognized. and who else would even care. get outta here. and also the “you don’t need to Know someone is ‘officially’ nd to then decide their behaviors are only Excusable b/c of that, when they’re not doing anything wrong in the first place & it’s wild to think you should get to punish someone b/c they’re like weird or annoying to you” like it applies in fiction here too. winston’s just out here even with this unusually actively cooperative approach and sometimes acting like he gets to Talk or Be Physically Present or Having A Personality & people are like get his ass) as not even some negative in the first place, even though other shit that might be considered like Undignified / Unimpressive is hardly necessarily a negative, but in some medium in which experiences are Portrayed and shown to us, it can simply be like, we just never see or even refer to those kinds of moments that must exist when it comes to characters who are deservingly epic thank you, we would all seem extremely likable and be entirely above plenty of everyday shit that’s just not stuff that’d seem epic to some audience, and beyond that one would totally be the Not Like Other People winners who like by definition have to be better than pretty much everyone else, b/c what else is there, that nothing’s ever simply a meritocracy and any principle that some people inherently deserve less than others and you can totally externally Tell is fucked? nah. the probably accidentally autistic characters are always all Other People who the rest of us get to dislike b/c tl;dr Couldn’t Be Us (but what if it could be (cue eternal commitment to going Nah wherein nd people are just worse than nt ones and Just need to decide to start acting right, b/c everyone else has totally always been Choosing to act correctly & winningly & that’s why they’re so epic & normal))
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