#he's like. reliable and such a core part of the team and the foundation
mmmmuffins · 2 years
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anyway did yall know that i love daichi
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suworkbook · 5 years
Season 1A in Review: Pearl
Pearl. Pearl. Pearl Pearl Pearl Pearl Pearl.
Pearl demonstrates severe emotional dysregulation, which appears to be symptomatic of trauma brought on by the war. Pearl has real difficulty controlling her anger and agitation in situations that make her feel unsafe. She has ruminations of guilt - her reaction to Sugilite hurting her was to feel that it was her responsibility to save Amethyst and Garnet from themselves. She has strong negative reactions to embodied power, as you’d expect from a survivor of a war/combat situation. 
I speculate that she is someone whose situation has outgrown her coping mechanisms. What began as fear of specific external dangers has now become a much broader and more relentless fear of any feelings Pearl interprets as vulnerability. Pearl is afraid of fear itself, and this is embedded in either the reality, or the resultant self perception, of being helpless or overwhelmed by events around her.
It is Pearl’s unaddressed trauma that seems to have set a very unbalanced foundation in the team dynamic. Pearl treats Amethyst unfairly and unreasonably - not because she is an unfair and unreasonable person, but precisely the opposite. Pearl cannot feel safe and trusting of a relationship with someone she doesn’t perceive as honourable, reliable and consistent, because her core approach is this sceptical, self-protective, ‘realistically paranoid’ stance. People have to prove themselves to her. Garnet is a clearly a source of safety. Amethyst is not. Pearl is taking her trauma and recreating it in her relationship with Amethyst. And while everyone seems to know this, they seem to have given up addressing this with her, which suggests Pearl has been doing this for a long, long time. 
Pearl is also a consummate performer. This is something she carries in her body, it’s a deeply held part of her. And when she flips the switch, she flips it hard. But her focus on appearances means she’s frequently not engaging fully with the people around her. She looks out for Steven’s safety, wellbeing and moral and physical education, she clearly, genuinely loves Steven, she has lofty aspirations for him - but there’s little interest in who Steven currently is as a young individual. She doesn’t listen to him and often doesn’t care about what he says he needs if it’s not something she herself comprehends. It’s like her job is Mom of Steven and she’s going to do it perfectly and then clock out at 5:45 because work-life balance is important. 
I anticipate Pearl’s arc is... well, going to be about all these things. She needs to deal with her trauma. She needs to start engaging with the world as something real, not just as a stage full of marionnettes that she’s pirouetting her way through without touching. She needs to start making genuine connections, to trust others and demonstrate that she hears them in return. 
And if she’s holding half a dozen swords while she does it, well, I won’t complain.
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DevOps for Dummies — Everything you need to know
DevOps tools allow organizations to create and improve products at a faster pace than they can with traditional software development approaches. And, it’s gaining popularity at a rapid rate.
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The adoption of DevOps, agile and public cloud services among businesses worldwide is increasing by the day. These are seen as the major shift in enterprise IT, and as the next wave after the Internet. Thanks to digital democratization, due to which businesses have to be nimble to remain competitive. That said, security threats and cybercrime continue to outsmart this business despite having cutting-edge security wall around them. To this end, DevSecOps was born to bridge the security gap into DevOps, just as DevOps bridged the development and operations divide.
What is DevOps?
DevOps is the practice of operations and development engineers participating together in the entire service lifecycle, from design through the development process to production support.
DevOps is also characterized by operations staff making use of similar techniques like that of the developers for their systems to work and a lot of process automation as well.
What Are The Strategies in DevOps?
Continuous Integration:
Continuous Integration (CI) is the practice of automating the build and testing of code when developers integrate the code and share it across the repository. The changes in the code are sent to the repository and tracked using the version controls once after every task is completed. The changes in the code are pulled from the shared repository, tested and validated to the main branch which is also called a trunk or master branch.
Continuous Integration utilises a centralized server which continuously monitors and pulls in the changes done in the source code. When a failure or error occurs, it’s easy for the development team as they are a part of the built from the initial stages, identifying the bug and fixing the build is the developer’s responsibility before he makes further enhancements in the code. The most important advantage of continuous integration is, finding errors becomes easier. Since all the changes reflect clearly, pinpointing a specific change is quick to identify.
Continuous Planning:
Continuous Planning involves expert DevOps consultants who set expectations and milestones by evaluation of existing processes and systems to strategize a complete roadmap. To achieve seamless DevOps automation, we use industry-leading software tools and frameworks such as Docker, Puppet, Selenium, etc.
Continuous Delivery:
Continuous delivery is an ongoing DevOps practice of building, testing, and delivering improvements to software code and user environments with the help of automated tools. The key outcome of the continuous delivery (CD) paradigm is code that is always in a deployable state.
At its core, continuous delivery follows a streamlined process commonly known as the continuous delivery pipeline. The pipeline begins with the developer committing his code to the source repository. For every check-in, automated tests (unit, regression, performance, etc.) are run to ensure high-quality code. Once the code is verified, the executables are deployed automatically to an intermediate environment such as staging, integration, or UAT. At this point, the code is ready to go into production, and can be pushed live on-demand.
Continuous Monitoring:
Continuous monitoring refers to the process and technology required to incorporate monitoring across each phase of your DevOps and IT operations lifecycles. It helps to continuously ensure the health, performance, and reliability of your application and infrastructure as it moves from development to production. Continuous monitoring builds on the concepts of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) which help you develop and deliver software faster and more reliably to provide continuous value to your users.
What Types of Services are Provide in DevOps?
DevOps provides a set of flexible services designed to enable companies to rapidly and reliably build using DevOps practices. These services simplify provisioning and managing infrastructure, deploying application code, automating software release processes, and monitoring your application and infrastructure performance. Services of DevOps listed below in details:
Infrastructure Management
Infrastructure management is a fundamental building block for any organization striving to achieve a DevOps methodology. Our DevOps services can work with your company to utilize the cloud in improving scalability and reliability.
Configuration Management
Configuration management standardizes resource configurations and enforces their state across IT infrastructure. Senior DevOps engineers can help your company do this in an agile and automated manner.
Code Inspection & Integration
Clean code is the foundation of continuous integration. Experienced DevOps engineers can work with your team to help test and improve code, verify artefacts for deployment, and help ensure quality build and code reports.
DevOps Automation Service
Automating the deployment process makes companies more efficient and agile while reducing overall production time and the associated risk.
Staff Augmentation
One of the most significant hurdles when building out a DevOps team is finding experienced talent. Our DevOps engineers are among the best in the world, ready to join your team and contribute immediately.
Through virtualization, developer and IT teams are able to use the same compute and network environments, further breaking down barriers in a DevOps organization and reducing costs substantially.
Tools that are used by DevOps
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DevOps tools allow organizations to create and improve products at a faster pace than they can with traditional software development approaches. And, it’s gaining popularity at a rapid rate.
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pixelgrotto · 6 years
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The horrific Resident Evil playthrough, part thirteen
When I first began my Resident Evil series playthrough about eleven months ago, I didn’t expect it to end with a brand new game, let alone a remake of the excellent Resident Evil 2. But here we are, and RE2make came out about a week ago. Snobby purists will tell you that it lacks fixed camera angles and this is an awful thing, but honestly, RE2make’s probably the first stand-out video game release of 2019, and the positive praise that it’s gotten from the press is well warranted. 
I imagine that if I’d played RE2 back in 1998 when it was new, this re-imagining is how I would have remembered the game over the passing years. Leon and Claire are back in action with hyper-realistic faces thanks to the top tier RE Engine developed for Resident Evil 7, and the Racoon Police Department, surrounding city streets and underground labyrinths of the original game have been laboriously re-created from the pre-rendered backgrounds of yesteryear, with Capcom even pulling in scrapped beta material from Resident Evil 1.5 (like the gun range in the police department) to make a product that’s trying its darnedest to be the ultimate version of the seminal survival horror sequel.
On that note, the dev team should be praised for how well they brought the right gameplay bits together. The shooting is good, the exploration creepy, and the enemies have several new tricks up their sleeves. Zombies are tougher to deal with than they’ve ever been, with headshots no longer a reliable way of blasting them to oblivion. They’ll lurch and moan and take five rounds to the cranium, and it seems that the universal agreed-upon strategy for handling this new breed of shambler is to aim at their legs and kneecaps, making them fall to the ground. Tree zombies show up near the finale and serve as one of the most dangerous new breeds of B.O.W., capable of one-shotting you if you get too close. And then there’s the T-103 Tyrant, AKA Mr. X, who’s become an amusing (and slightly annoying) meme as Twitter rants and raves about how aggressive he is at stalking you throughout the game. He not only wears a suave fedora (that you can shoot off for an achievement), but has ominous footsteps punctuated by a pulsating theme that always kicks in at an inconvenient moment to let you know that X GONNA GIVE IT TO YA. 
Perhaps more of a nice surprise than these elements, however, is the game’s writing, which isn’t as skilled as what we saw in Resident Evil 7 but still elevates concepts that were hinted at in RE2 but held back by the Playstation’s technical limitations and a small script. In the original, we all assumed that Raccoon City Police Chief Irons was a corrupt dude with a strange fetish for taxidermy, but here it’s clearly spelled out, with journal entries detailing how the guy actually gets off on slicing open beasts and soon moved from animals to people. On a less morbid note, RE2′s Sherry Birkin was a cute but mostly vapid child who didn’t bat much of an eye when her mother died, but here she’s a brave little survivor who has to escape from Chief Irons’ creepy orphanage (in a scene highly reminiscent of the “hide from the Bakers” moments of RE7) and cries legit tears when her mom collapses in front of her. And Ada Wong, a character that I’ve frankly found to be a walking femme fatal trope in RE4 and RE6, is actually presented as a legitimately interesting mercenary rather than just a pretty face. You can almost see moments during her interactions with Leon - the sweet, naive rookie cop on his first day who really wants to do some good in a damned city - where this gal just might feel for him instead of simply being a wannabe Catwoman who ends up stringing him along for twenty something years.
With this much quality stuff in the mix, does RE2make surpass the original? I think for some people it might, though for me it hits the same high bar as its predecessor, but doesn’t quite clear it. The remixed score, for one, is far too atmospheric and minimal for my tastes despite a few standout tracks - like the Mr. X music - and the game seems to realize this by offering DLC where you can switch to classic background tunes in certain spots, an opportunity that I easily took advantage of. There are also a handful of annoying puzzles in expanded areas that I could’ve done without, like a bit in the sewers where you have to collect a bunch of chess-shaped spark plugs to proceed. Finally, RE2make sometimes feels like a title that’s clearly standing on the shoulders of giants, and perhaps the reason for this is because even with its angular 32-bit graphics and temporarily odd control scheme, the classic RE2 is still a really damn good experience that established core foundations for the franchise. We’re not dealing with RE1 here, which was a great but relatively simplistic game that saw its concepts fantastically evolved by the first REmake. We’re talking about a 1998 classic that’s still a tough act to beat for any follow-up which isn’t radically different in a fresh way (for example, RE7), and with that in mind, a remake was probably never going to exceed the original. I will say that RE2make comes damn close though, and frankly I would be thrilled to see future re-imaginings of important games hit the same level of quality that Capcom managed to achieve here. (I’m looking at you, Final Fantasy VII Remake...)
This may be the last Resident Evil game I’m tackling in this playthrough, by the way, but I’m not quite done blogging about the series yet. I still have to plow through the RE movies (oh lord), and then, at the very end of it all, I’ll do a post talking about the sum total of my experiences and what I learned along the way. We’re not quite at the blood-soaked end yet...but we’re almost there.
All screenshots taken by me. For more, check out this Twitter thread showing my step-by-step progress through the game.
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cbhunter494 · 3 years
How To Lead Jo Owen Ebook
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How to Lead: The definitive guide to effective leadership (4th ed.) by Jo Owen. Based on original research into some of the world’s best organisations, How to Lead cuts right through all the myths and mysteries to get straight to the heart of what it really takes to motivate, inspire and deliver results. How to Lead: The definitive guide to effective leadership - Kindle edition by Owen, Jo. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading How to Lead: The definitive guide to effective leadership. Jo Owen eBooks Epub and PDF format Jo Owen eBooks. How to Lead: What the best leaders know, do and say. Pearson Business, August 2012. [email protected] A unique and brilliant combination of authoritative guidance and stimulating and entertaining advice, How to Leadhelps you resolve some common challenges that every leader will face:. Why should anyone want to follow you as a leader?
How To Lead Jo Owen Ebook Reader
How To Lead Jo Owen Ebook Cover
How To Lead Jo Owen Ebook Free
How To Lead Jo Owen Ebooks
The one-sentence summary
Successful leaders will take on risk, change and ambiguity.
This book contains all the important stuff about leading well: motivating people, building networks, selling ideas, influencing people, giving feedback, evaluating people, and learning to be lucky
It takes you through the foundations, practice and mastering of leadership, and makes the point that leaders aren’t necessarily at the top of organisations
The main qualities fall into focusing on people,being positive, and being professional (that means having loyalty, honesty, reliability, solutions, and energy)
Leading from the middle involves finding your way through the matrix. Those who fall by the way are:
the expert (technically competent, but that’s all) cave dweller (territorial) politician (political) boy scout (naïve) autocrat (acts as though they already are a leader)
A survey of 1,000 leaders reveals the qualities they look for in emerging leaders:
adaptability, self-confidence, proactivity, reliability, and ambition
Luck is normally down to practice, persistence, and perspective
There are good quotes to be had here:
“ Many sins are forgivable, but disloyalty is not one of them.”
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“An organisation full of Ghengis Khan wannabes is unlikely to be a happy place.”
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“It is possible to learn leadership. If you know how to, you are well on the way to success.”
“The successful leader will take on risk, change and ambiguity.”
There is an interesting checklist of what people want from a good boss:
Shows an interest in my career
I trust them – they are honest with me
I know where we are going and how to get there
I am doing a worthwhile job
I am recognized for my contribution
Not much. This is a well-organised and thoughtful book on leadership
A survey of 1,000 leaders reveals the qualities great leaders need: 3 Ps leading to a fourth:
·People focus
·Professionalism…leading to Performance.
He distinguishes between emerging leaders, leading from the middle, and those at the top.
Leadership foundations
Find the right boss; always deliver; no surprises; ditch the excuses; adapt your style; have an alternative; learn; do what is right; size the prize; understand costs and risks of decisions; follow strategy and values; build consensus; flip a coin – don’t hide, decide; motivate; set direction; communicate; fight the right battles
Towards leadership mastery
Start at the end; take responsibility; raise the bar; drive to action; act the part; keep on learning; set expectations; have a plan; shape your team; set your style; protect your territory; deliver results; craft an agenda
Ineffective leadership behaviours
Ego; no emotional quotient; focus solely on expertise; naïve about networks; hires weak clones; threatened by talent; poor delegation; problem focused; can’t do approach; retreats into comfort zone; political; keen on status.
I’ve been tasked with ‘learning to lead’ for the remaining weeks of this term, inamongst the other things I’m doing. To that end, I’m reading a range of books and articles, watching videos and generally trying to learn from the experts. 🙂
Looking on Amazon, there were lots of 5-star reviews for a book by Jo Owen entitled How to Lead: what you actually need to do to manage, lead and succeed. I’ve just finished the first chapter entitled ‘Focusing on People’ and it has lots of good ideas and advice crammed into it.
Here’s my notes and reflections on what I’ve read:
Leaders are made, not born
Owen says three principles underpin his book:
Everyone can lead
You can load the dice in your favour (but there’s no magic recipe)
You can learn to be a leader
Leadership is not about the position you are in but about the way you behave. Leaders need followers, otherwise they are not leaders! There is no particular intelligence requirement for leadership, but instead some core behaviours:
ability to motivate others
honesty & integrity
ability to handly crises
‘Performance’ is not mentioned in the above, but naturally flows from them.
You don’t need to know it all
Some leaders suffer from ‘altitude sickness’ in that they can’t cope at a higher level when they’ve been successful further down the hierarchy. Sometimes this is due to a perception that you need to ‘have all the skills’ immediately. Instead, good leaders radiate self-confidence and build on their strengths whilst realising that learning is a lifelong process.
Despite being an author and consultant himself, Owen says that people learn from lived experience, not primarily from books, manuals and conferences. That being said, these can help you understand your experiences and build upon them.
Focusing on people
Good leaders focus on other people, not themselves. There are three major elements to this:
Decentring – knowing yourself and how you affect others
Influencing people – selling ideas to them
Managing upwards – influencing the boss
In order to deal with other people you need to know what makes them tick. Owen suggests trying to ascertain their Myers-Briggs personality type. Regular readers will remember that I wrote about such tests back in a post entitled “You can tell a lot about someone from what they’re like.” You don’t have to use the Myers-Briggs indicators – you can use your own such as ‘big picture’ vs. ‘detail’. Understanding what makes your colleagues, and especially your boss, tick helps you press the right buttons.
Selling ideas
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In order to influence others, you need to focus on the third of three levels that are naturally used when you try and sell an idea or object to someone:
Features – the innate characteristics of the idea or object
Benefits – the features people want from the idea or object
Hopes & dreams – what can be achieved through the idea or object
By tapping into peoples’ hopes and dreams you can motivate and inspire them to action. Owen recommends reading Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People, if you haven’t already. I listened to it as an audiobook a while back, but will be purchasing the book soon!
What makes people tick
Owen, rather pessimistically, asserts that fear, greed and idleness makes people tick. These can be seen as ‘influencing levers’. He gives some advice as to how you use these levers:
How To Lead Jo Owen Ebook Reader
Fear – ‘de-risk’ ideas by, for example, running pilot projects.
Greed – be clear r.e. the WIFM? (What’s In It For Me?) factor. This has as much to do with recognition and status as money.
Idleness – find a way in which the idea supports the other person’ agenda. This will motivate them to action.
Owen gives some great advice taken from the world of sales. At the end of the meeting, give the person or group of people to whom you are pitching a choice between two positive ideas. It takes effort to reject the idea completely, so people will usually choose one of your two option, leading to success on your part!
The unforgivable sin
After interviewing 700 leaders, Owen came up with a list of the following traits that they are looking for in emergent leaders:
How To Lead Jo Owen Ebook Cover
Most mistakes are rectifiable and forgivable, but the one unforgivable sin for them is disloyalty. As one put it, ‘Don’t outshine me, don’t outsmart me and don’t outflank me.’ Wise words indeed. :-p
Influencing the boss
Although you are not usually in control of who is your boss, you can still influence your relationship with them. Influencing your boss, says Owen, has three elements:
How To Lead Jo Owen Ebook Free
Finding the right boss (find a sponsor more senior to your immediate boss and make yourself useful to them)
Delivering the right results (a matter of style and substance – use the ‘style compass’ on your boss and what your ‘must-win’ battles are)
Having the right behaviours (you have to adapt to your bosses’ style as they won’t adapt to yours. Make sure they know what you’re good at, what your capacity is, and what your progress is)
How To Lead Jo Owen Ebooks
I enjoyed the first chapter of How to Lead– it was general enough to be applicable without being vague, and opened my eyes to strategies that could work well in my new position. 😀
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fantasypandit0 · 3 years
Most intelligent Approach to Play Dream Cricket
Dream cricket is essential for the dream sports classification. It's an internet game where a virtual gathering of genuine cricket players is made and things are scored dependent on how those players play, in actuality, matches. From IPL to T20, players have a superb chance to play with their #1 cricket match in different organizations. The absolute best thing is you have two decisions to play the game, Free or Paid other option. Underneath the paid decision, on the off chance that you are attempting to bring in some cash by getting a charge out of the game, look at the paid form of this game. In any case, in the event that you might want to realize how to perform dream cricket association match effectively, Then, at that point pick the typical release. The thought is clear; you play reasonably with the best gathering, make focuses and bring in cash. 
Dream Cricket in India
  Dream Cricket for Money is in the core of three vivacious business regions - Web, cricket and gaming. Dream sports has out of the blue become general discussion. Two or three organizations until years and years back, there are as yet an expected 60 dream sports programs in India by and by. The commercial center of Imagination classes is assessed to get $5 billion dollars in the accompanying years and years. 2 from 3 games darlings in India are think about dream gaming now, alongside an expected 100 million will presumably take to at least one of their foundation/applications toward the finish of 2019. 
Tips to play Dream Cricket 
Examine Players Execution 
It is vital to comprehend the current of the players prior to choosing one. Numerous individuals commit an error of choosing players dependent on their standing and not their present playing structure. 
Comprehend Pitch Condition/Execution 
In some cases the triumphant or losing of a specific group depends on the pitch they are playing. It's anything but a significant part to comprehend which pitch which period of cricket. Like a few pitches are a batting field or some are useful for balling. It is important to examine the pitch. One can get the examination from different forecasts web journals and destinations like Intermediary Khel. 
Select well performing players 
The players chose for playing the match ought to perform reliably in the past matches. A conflicting player is consistently a danger regardless of how well he performs. Likewise it is fitting to not choose players who have been sidelined in past matches. 
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Select the top-request batsman 
Players like MS Dhoni and Virat Kohli and a portion of the top performing batsmen in the Indian cricket crew. So such entertainers should be chosen to play on the field. One must be cautious and mindful while choosing players with the goal that their groups perform best. 
Select the best strike bowlers 
It's difficult about Batting. Bowlers additionally have an exceptionally significant influence in the dream cricket crew. Picking right bowlers can help support the focuses in the match. 
Pick best performing Star and X Players 
The Headliners and X Players (called Commander and Bad habit skipper on regular stages) are the players which can assist with acquiring extra focuses. These focuses can make one dominate the whole game with immense wiggle room. 
Make cognizant Speculation 
Each player is determined some credit focuses on all Dream Cricket stages. Now and again it so happens that the player is found out most elevated credit point yet doesn't perform well while a player who is determined low credit focuses performs amazingly. So it is critical to break down the exhibition of players prior to contributing as opposed to simply going on the credits. 
Settle on ready choices. 
The choices of players and making a dream group on any stage make some particular memories limit on every one of the destinations. So it is imperative to be ready prior to making a group as the progressions can't be, made after a particular time. 
Check Specialists expectations. 
There are different web journals and forecast locales online that one should allude to prior to making a group. This can assist with settling on better choices and be ready constantly. 
Procure greatest extra focuses. 
Each time your chose performs incredibly, you are given a particular measure of extra focuses which can help colossally in dominating the game.
For more info : - Dream11 Paid Team
Dream11 Grand League Team Today
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tak4hir0 · 5 years
AI Is Eating Software deepkapha.ai By Martijn van Attekum, Jie Mei and Tarry Singh Introduction Marc Andreessen famously said that “Software is eating the world” and everyone gushed into the room. This was as much a writing on the wall for many traditional enterprises as it was wonderful news for the software industry. Still no one actually understood what he meant.  To make his point he stated this example: "Today, the world’s largest bookseller, Amazon, is a software company — its core capability is its amazing software engine for selling virtually everything online, no retail stores necessary. On top of that, while Borders was thrashing in the throes of impending bankruptcy, Amazon rearranged its web site to promote its Kindle digital books over physical books for the first time. Now even the books themselves are software." Marc Andreessen This was 2011.  Marc Andreessen TechCrunch Interestingly, Andreessen also said the following: "I, along with others, have been arguing the other side of the case...We believe that many of the prominent new Internet companies are building real, high-growth, high-margin, highly defensible businesses." Marc Andreessen (Read the full blog article at his a2z VC fund) Little did Andreessen envision that the same software industry could be at risk of being eaten. Fast forward to 2019 and the very same software industry is nervous. Very very nervous! And the reason is AI. Especially for those who haven’t bulked up their AI warchest.  Acceleration Wave (2009 - 2019) - When Software Started Eating the World Andreessen was right.  The companies that embraced software in 2011 are the current market leaders in their respective fields, and the top 5 market capitalization companies worldwide in the second quarter of 2019 are all offering some type of software solutions (ycharts.com).  Concurrently, the period since 2011 has shown an unprecedented growth in the developments in AI. Although several key ideas about AI have been around for long, a number of processes have accelerated their potential use. First, computing power, in particular for specialized AI chipsets, has vastly increased. Second, the amount of training data for AI algorithms is exploding with the advent of data lakes and a fully connected internet-of-things world, expanding AI domains and decreasing the costs to train algorithms. Third, a large number of technological bottlenecks (such as vanishing gradients) have been solved over the last few years, massively increasing accuracy and applicability of existing algorithms. Lastly, the decrease in costs for cloud storage and computing plus the facilitation of distributed collaborative working, made combining highly specialized knowledge easier than ever before.  The extent in which Andreessen’s cherished software companies are weaving AI into their products is however often limited. Instead, a new slew of start-ups now incorporates an infrastructure based around the above mentioned AI-facilitating processes from their very foundation.  HyperAcceleration Wave (2019 - 2030) - AI Has Started Eating Software Driven by an increase in efficiency, these new companies use AI to automate and optimize the very core processes of their business. As an example, no less than 148 start-ups are aiming to automate the very costly process of drug development in the pharmaceutical industry according to a recent update on BenchSci.  Likewise, AI start-ups in the transportation sector create value by optimizing shipments, thus vastly reducing the amount of empty or idle transports. Also, the process of software development itself is affected. AI-powered automatic code completion and generation tools such as TabNine, TypeSQL and BAYOU, are being created and made ready to use.  Let’s quickly look at a few example applications of this hyperacceleration wave: Automating the coding process by having TabNine autocomplete your code with AI! DeepTabNine Tabnine It is trained on around 2 million files from code repository GitHub. During training, its goal is to predict each token given the tokens that come before it. To achieve this goal, it learns complex behaviors, such as type inference in dynamically typed languages. Once Deep TabNine developers realized the parallel between code and natural language processing, they implemented the existing GPT-2 tool which uses the Transformer network architecture. The inventor of this tool is Jacob Jackson, an undergraduate student and ex-OpenAI intern who quickly realized this idea and created a software tool for it. Getting answers to any question about your medical data As AI will create the query to get the answer for you! Here, a group of medical researchers created a tool that you can ask literally any questions on medical data and the AI generates a customized SQL query that is then used to retrieve the relevant data from the database. Speech Text to Generating Database Query automatically Question to SQL Generation It's called Question-to-SQL generation. They used RNN (a form of deep learning, an AI on steroids for text analytics) with Attention and Point-Generator Network. For those more inclined to exploring the technical part of this feel free to read their research here and software code here. So is it time the armies of database administrators (DBAs) to go home? Creating a beautiful website based on your sketch While AI translates your sketch into code! Want to build your website quickly? All you need to do is sketch it and this platform will use AI to create software code like html, css and js code ready in vue.js instantly. Sketch to create a website with AI Zecoda Easy, huh? Just input your sketch and voila! your website pops out at the other end! Find out more about this platform here. These are just a few examples of how AI is increasingly encroaching all parts of software development and eliminating mundane tasks of coding and programming rapidly! This is due to the motivation to automate the process of numerical analysis, data collection and eventually, processing and relevant code production. Researchers have higher-than-ever awareness and knowledge to infiltrate each and every problem at all levels with AI-powered software, from day-to-day anecdotes such as: Which kind of cookies shall we recommend to a customer given their shopping preferences? To large-scale, manufacturer’s dilemma, for example: How do we automate the production line in an individualized yet systematic manner? And finally, to the processing of building smarter, easier-to-use software that may even write code for you. Apart from assisted decision making, diagnostic and prediction, work of AI researchers and influencers have led to a hyperacceleration wave: Software powered by AI does not only achieve performances comparable to the human level, but creates something that would challenge an average person’s imagination and perception of their own abilities. A person can no longer tell apart the fake celebrity faces generated by generative neural networks from the real ones, or need not remember the name of every function they will use when writing a script. Imaginably, the wide application domains and near-human performance of AI-powered software will cause a paradigm shift in the way people deal with their daily personal and professional problems. Although some of us are pessimistic about, or in some extreme cases, consciously avoiding a world with overwhelming AI-powered software, there is not so much room for an escape. Amazon, Google, and even your favorite neighborhood florist, are actively (and sometimes secretly) using AI to generate revenue. Face it, or be left behind.   What would you do if you were BMW today? "At this point, no one can reliably predict how quickly electromobility will progress, or which drive train will prevail... There is no customer requests for self driving BEVs. (electric vehicles)" CEO, BMW A classic trap most big enterprises with established business fall for is getting micro-focused on existing business segments while losing sight on the slowly eroding economic and business climate. Tesla's story as an electric car is known to all but many may not know that it is the self-driving feature and the heavy use of AI in both software and hardware where the secret sauce lies. They have already driven 10 billion electric miles and the cars are collecting all the more data to disrupt not just the automotive markets but its adjacent markets in manufacturing, servicing, sales and in general mobility. Tesla's AI is eating all other automotive industry's business. A few weeks later after his annual address, the BMW chief had resigned. CEO's and executives who however do wish to proactively adopt AI should do the following 5 things Concluding thoughts 1) Have your AIPlaybook Ready Last year I did a keynote panel together with a few industry peers and I was asked if AI could eat software and I said "Yes". Take a listen. Any company that is not in possession of its AI Playbook, that is not armed with data, algorithms and machine learning models, is certainly going to find itself in serious quandary. An example of an AI playbook is to assess your firm's maturity thoroughly and plan for ROI driven projects. AI Playbook deepkapha.ai 2) Upskill and/or hire a (good) data science team Upskilling your staff to be able to drive your AI transformation is the key to success for any organization aspiring to become an AI company. We've advised several large-scale data-intensive projects and here are a couple of key arguments that executives should take to heart. In a couple of years embracing AI is not a matter of trend riding, but survival; To survive an era in which AI is dominating both market and software, CEOs and executives need to level up their mindset for successful adoption and application of AI within their enterprise, for which they either have to upskill or find a good data science team; Know your game: A good team helps you understand how AI will make your company survive; Examples are abundant in the industry and it is key for companies to pay attention to latest trends and launch several smaller projects to extract out the key projects that can be industrialized at scale. 3) Develop Algorithms & Execute Your Data-Play From Day 1 Upgrading your technical infrastructure that can develop the latest AI algorithms, process large quantities of heterogenous datasets, build and train both industry benchmarked and novel AI models is an important first step. Once that is established it is very critical to develop meaningful dialog channels to envision and dream project ideas that are pain killers and dive directly into solving those problems with data. Finally, executing from Day 1 on the "good-enough" data models and algorithms is where a true AI company can define its momentum and gain sizeable lead from its nearest competition. 4) Implement a distributed knowledge structure As access to the right data is a key to valuable AI solutions, ensuring access to data generated or acquired within the company and outside will be of crucial importance. Following this realization, pharmaceutical companies are starting to create central repositories of the data gathered in their clinical trials. Consequently, their data science teams will have access to a structured knowledge database they can use to train AI algorithms.  A second way to ensure the distribution of knowledge, is to set up a distributed collaboration structure. With the advent of software mimicking group processes from setting schedules, having meetings, or doing a brainstorming session, integration of knowledge and expertise should no longer be limited by geographical location. 5) Tap into AI start-ups with relevant knowledge Andreessen’s example of Disney buying Pixar in order to stay relevant has paid off for Disney, which sold for over 8 billion dollar in movie tickets this year, making Disney the second biggest media company (Forbes). Yet the latest developments suggest AI could also optimize movie-making processes. Moreover, as Disney is creating a consumer platform with Disney+, AI might form the necessary basis to ensure optimal usage of the data generated by this platform. When not wanting to build data science teams from scratch, collaborating with or taking over relevant start-ups might again be necessary for companies such as Disney to stay competitive. So yes, AI has started eating software. What are you going to do? ___________________________________________________________ About contributing authors Martijn v Attekum MD (Oncology) and PhD Dr. Martijn Van Attekum (MD, PhD) works as a data scientist in biomedicine at the University of Cologne. He is an experienced project manager and writer, and is skilled in genomics, oncology, and machine learning. As Visiting AI Researcher at deepkapha.ai he participates in ground-breaking deep learning projects on medical image analysis. In his free time, he is very much attracted to everything the mountains have to offer, such as climbing, hiking, and mountain biking. Jie Mei PhD Computational Neuroscience Dr. Jie Mei is a computational neuroscience researcher who has completed her studies at the Ecole normale supérieure and Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. She is currently based in Edmonton, Canada and is responsible for the growth of AI research department within deepkapha.ai and its companies. Her research interests include computational neuroscience, neurorobotics, machine learning and data analytics in healthcare and medicine. She is also an active startup advisor.
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newstfionline · 7 years
To Understand Rising Inequality, Consider the Janitors at Two Top Companies, Then and Now
Neil Irwin, NY Times, Sept. 3, 2017
ROCHESTER--Gail Evans and Marta Ramos have one thing in common: They have each cleaned offices for one of the most innovative, profitable and all-around successful companies in the United States.
For Ms. Evans, that meant being a janitor in Building 326 at Eastman Kodak’s campus in Rochester in the early 1980s. For Ms. Ramos, that means cleaning at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, Calif., in the present day.
In the 35 years between their jobs as janitors, corporations across America have flocked to a new management theory: Focus on core competence and outsource the rest. The approach has made companies more nimble and more productive, and delivered huge profits for shareholders. It has also fueled inequality and helps explain why many working-class Americans are struggling even in an ostensibly healthy economy.
The $16.60 per hour Ms. Ramos earns as a janitor at Apple works out to about the same in inflation-adjusted terms as what Ms. Evans earned 35 years ago. But that’s where the similarities end.
Ms. Evans was a full-time employee of Kodak. She received more than four weeks of paid vacation per year, reimbursement of some tuition costs to go to college part time, and a bonus payment every March. When the facility she cleaned was shut down, the company found another job for her: cutting film.
Ms. Ramos is an employee of a contractor that Apple uses to keep its facilities clean. She hasn’t taken a vacation in years, because she can’t afford the lost wages. Going back to school is similarly out of reach. There are certainly no bonuses, nor even a remote possibility of being transferred to some other role at Apple.
Yet the biggest difference between their two experiences is in the opportunities they created. A manager learned that Ms. Evans was taking computer classes while she was working as a janitor and asked her to teach some other employees how to use spreadsheet software to track inventory. When she eventually finished her college degree in 1987, she was promoted to a professional-track job in information technology.
Less than a decade later, Ms. Evans was chief technology officer of the whole company, and she has had a long career since as a senior executive at other top companies. Ms. Ramos sees the only advancement possibility as becoming a team leader keeping tabs on a few other janitors, which pays an extra 50 cents an hour.
They both spent a lot of time cleaning floors. The difference is, for Ms. Ramos, that work is also a ceiling.
Eastman Kodak was one of the technological giants of the 20th century, a dominant seller of film, cameras and other products. It made its founders unfathomably wealthy and created thousands of high-income jobs for executives, engineers and other white-collar professionals. The same is true of Apple today.
But unlike Apple, Kodak also created tens of thousands of working-class jobs, which contributed to two generations of middle-class wealth in Rochester. The Harvard economist Larry Summers has often pointed at this difference, arguing that it helps explain rising inequality and declining social mobility.
“Think about the contrast between George Eastman, who pioneered fundamental innovations in photography, and Steve Jobs,” Mr. Summers wrote in 2014. “While Eastman’s innovations and their dissemination through the Eastman Kodak Co. provided a foundation for a prosperous middle class in Rochester for generations, no comparable impact has been created by Jobs’s innovations” at Apple.
Ms. Evans’s pathway was unusual: Few low-level workers, even in the heyday of postwar American industry, ever made it to the executive ranks of big companies. But when Kodak and similar companies were in their prime, tens of thousands of machine operators, warehouse workers, clerical assistants and the like could count on steady work and good benefits that are much rarer today.
When Apple was seeking permission to build its new headquarters, its consultants projected the company would have 23,400 employees, with an average salary comfortably in the six figures. Thirty years ago, Kodak employed about 60,000 people in Rochester, with average pay and benefits companywide worth $79,000 in today’s dollars.
Part of the wild success of the Silicon Valley giants of today--and what makes their stocks so appealing to investors--has come from their ability to attain huge revenue and profits with relatively few workers.
The 10 most valuable tech companies have 1.5 million employees, according to calculations by Michael Mandel of the Progressive Policy Institute, compared with 2.2 million employed by the 10 biggest industrial companies in 1979.
Major companies have also chosen to bifurcate their work force, contracting out much of the labor that goes into their products to other companies, which compete by lowering costs. It’s not just janitors and security guards. In Silicon Valley, the people who test operating systems for bugs, review social media posts that may violate guidelines, and screen thousands of job applications are unlikely to receive a paycheck directly from the company they are ultimately working for.
And the phenomenon stretches far beyond Silicon Valley, where companies like Apple are just a particularly extreme example of achieving huge business success with a relatively small employee count. The Federal Express delivery person who brings you a package may well be an independent contractor; many of the people who help banks like Citigroup and JPMorgan service mortgage loans and collect delinquent payments work for contractors; and if you call your employer’s computer help desk, there’s a good chance it will be picked up by someone in another state, or country.
Across a range of job functions, industries and countries, the shift to a contracting economy has put downward pressure on compensation. Pay for janitors fell by 4 to 7 percent, and for security guards by 8 to 24 percent, in American companies that outsourced, Arindrajit Dube of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and Ethan Kaplan of Stockholm University found in a 2010 paper.
These pay cuts appear to be fueling overall inequality. J. Adam Cobb of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and Ken-Hou Lin at the University of Texas found that the drop in big companies’ practice of paying relatively high wages to their low- and mid-level workers could have accounted for 20 percent of the wage inequality increase from 1989 to 2014.
The same forces that explain the difference between 1980s Kodak and today’s Apple have big implications not just for every blue-collar employee who punches a timecard, but also for white-collar professionals who swipe a badge.
Phil Harnden was coming out of the Navy in 1970 when he applied for a job at Kodak, and soon was operating a forklift in a warehouse. He made $3 an hour, equivalent to $20 an hour today adjusted for inflation. That is roughly what an entry-level contracting job testing software pays.
The difference between the two gigs, aside from the absence of heavy machinery in Apple’s sleek offices, is the sense of permanence. Mr. Harnden put in 16 years operating forklifts before he left in 1986 to move to Florida. When he returned 10 years later, he was quickly rehired and even kept his seniority benefits.
In interviews, tech industry contractors in Silicon Valley describe a culture of transience. They can end up commuting to a different office park that houses a new company every few months; in many cases 18 months is the maximum a contractor is allowed to spend at one company.
“I would rather have stability,” said Christopher Kohl, 29, who has worked as a contractor at several Silicon Valley companies, including a stint doing quality assurance on Apple Maps. “It’s stressful to find a new job every 12 to 18 months.”
The compensation these white-collar contractors receive puts them squarely in the middle rungs of workers in the United States, and the most skilled can make six figures (though that doesn’t go far in the hyper-expensive Bay Area housing market). Apple, based on its consultants’ report, expected to be indirectly responsible for nearly 18,000 jobs in Santa Clara County by now at an average pay of about $56,000 a year.
There are some advantages. If they work for one of the companies like Apple or Google that feature a subsidized, high-quality cafeteria, contractors can enjoy the food. They can tell their friends that they work at one of the world’s most admired companies, and enjoy predictable, regular hours. Once in a while, a contractor will be hired into a staff position.
“It’s not evil,” said Pradeep Chauhan, managing partner of OnContracting, a site to help people find tech contracting positions. “They have a job and they’re getting paid. But it’s not ideal. The problem with contracting is, you could walk in one day and they could say, ‘You don’t need to come in tomorrow.’ There is no obligation from the companies.”
And that is the ultimate contrast with the middle-skill, middle-wage jobs of earlier generations of titans--a sense of permanence, of sharing in the long-term success of the company.
“There were times I wasn’t happy with the place,” Mr. Harnden said of his Kodak years. “But it was a great company to work for and gave me a good living for a long time.”
When an automaker needs a supplier of transmissions for its cars, it doesn’t just hold an auction and buy from the lowest bidder. It enters a long-term relationship with the supplier it believes will provide the best quality and price over time. The company’s very future is at stake--nobody wants to buy a car that can’t reliably shift into first gear.
But when that same automaker needs some staplers for the office supply cabinet, it is more likely to seek out the lowest price it can get, pretty much indifferent to the identity of the seller.
Labor exists on a similar continuum.
The right product engineer or marketing executive can mean the difference between success or failure, and companies tend to hire such people as full-time employees and as part of a long-term relationship--something like the transmission supplier. What has changed in the last generation is that companies today view more and more of the labor it takes to produce their goods and services as akin to staplers: something to be procured at the time and place needed for the lowest price possible.
There is plenty of logic behind the idea that companies should focus on their core competence and outsource the rest. By this logic, Apple executives should focus on building great phones and computers, not hiring and overseeing janitors. And companies should outsource work when the need for staff is lumpy, such as for software companies that may need dozens of quality-assurance testers ahead of a major release but not once the product is out.
There’s no inherent reason that work done through a contractor should involve lower compensation than the same work done under direct employment. Sometimes it goes in the other direction; when a company hires a law firm, it is basically contracting out legal work, yet lawyers at a firm tend to be paid better than in-house counsel.
But as more companies have outsourced more functions over more time, a strong body of evidence is emerging that it’s not just about efficiency. It seems to be a way for big companies to reduce compensation costs.
Linda DiStefano applied for a secretarial job at Kodak during Easter week of her senior year in high school in 1968, and was hired to start immediately after her graduation for $87.50 a week, today’s equivalent of $32,000 a year. She put in four decades at the company, first as a secretary, then helped administer corporate travel and other projects.
It bought her a house off Lake Avenue, a new car every few years and occasional long-distance trips.
Ms. Ramos, the Apple janitor, lives down the road in San Jose. She pays $2,300 monthly for a two-bedroom apartment where she and her four children live. Before overtime and taxes, her $16.60 an hour works out to $34,520 a year. Her rent alone is $27,600 a year, leaving less than $600 a month once the rent is paid. Overtime, in addition to the wages from one of her teenage children who works part time at a grocery store, help make the math work, though always tenuously.
She works from 6 p.m. until 2 a.m. On days when one of the other cleaners doesn’t show up, she may get a few extra hours, which is great for the overtime pay, but it means even less sleep before it is time to take her children to school.
There is little chance for building connections at Apple. “Everyone is doing their own thing and has their own assignment, and we don’t see each other outside of work,” said Ms. Ramos in Spanish.
Ms. Evans, who was a Kodak janitor in the early 1980s before her rise to executive there and at other leading firms like Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard, recalls a different experience.
“One thing about Eastman Kodak is they believed in their people,” said Ms. Evans, now chief information officer at Mercer, the human resources consulting giant. “It was like a family. You always had someone willing to help open a door if you demonstrated that you were willing to commit to growing your skills and become an asset that was valuable for the company.”
The shift is profound. “I look at the big tech companies, and they practice a 21st-century form of welfare capitalism, with foosball tables and free sushi and all that,” Rick Wartzman, senior adviser at the Drucker Institute and author of “The End of Loyalty,” said. “But it’s for a relatively few folks. It’s great if you’re a software engineer. If you’re educated, you’re in command.”
But in the 21st-century economy, many millions of workers find themselves excluded from that select group. Rather than being treated as assets that companies seek to invest in, they have become costs to be minimized.
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louisyffq873-blog · 5 years
3 Mistakes In Colleges That Make You Look Dumb
Numbers say a lot more than words particularly when we're considering business world and profit figures like a evidence of like a successful business. GE?s numbers inside the last 20 years have been getting the greatest level because the foundation with the company. Jack Welch has been around charge with the company?s operations during pretty much everything time. Under his leadership GE has undergone numerous transformations that caused it to be number within the field of these operations today. Welch is renowned as one in the best managers from the century for not just meeting the forecasted figures but also for changing the minds of his employees and being the best inspiration for the children.
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His famous "hardware" reduction and remodeling occurred quickly after he stepped into his CEO office. Taking into consideration economics? recession and drastic restructuring from the company Welch met strong criticism of his politics, but GE?s future was the supreme goal for his actions. The company was delayered and destaffed greatly. These were the very first important steps about the path of accumulating potential and its distribution in the right direction. Instead of having seven layers inside the company with a huge selection of divisions and sectors with even more managers, Welch rebuilt GE So that there are only three layers underneath so it was possible to directly speak with each division and know each top manager. All of that was done for better control, free flowing communication and amount of responsibility of everyone inside company.
The "software" component change was taking place after GE dramatic structural innovations. Welch knew that without inner idea of every employee with the importance of maintaining productivity levels, there would be no change. "Work-outs" and "Best practices" were the initial performance boosters implemented by Welch in late 80?s. The real difference was seen in the few years when productivity increased first by 2% and when compared with 4%. By integrating the efforts of employees on all levels and considering their suggestions, GE could reach such amazing results, especially taking into account the amount of money it saved-thus earned. "Best practices" was continuing to fight for higher productivity levels, mainly because it brought the knowning that they needed better processes planning and much better customer happiness, additionally they needed to develop friendly relationships making use of their suppliers. Those actions combined together resulted in higher productivity and realization to do some things wrong, which often permitted to be right inside future.
It becomes clear that Welch had a new vision was his company by firstly implementing drastic changes inside the skeleton for the firm and as opposed to organs in the "body" were undergoing changes. Those changes were aimed at giving people tasks that would integrate knowledge and experience and wish of self-development. The combination of these techniques made GE one from the strongest companies inside the world, one from the best employers. The power of as being a good spot to be effective at led GE to actually being number one, the work that Welch was pursuing since he took over as the CEO.
Integrate diversity, the what are named as "boundaryless" company was another challenge that Welch sought to get over. The company?s employees did not have to consider advice or new technologies outside GE, all this was for sale in their very own company. With this newly adopted system, players in the team learned quickly from the other person and cooperated successfully among one another. An integration model was created on the basis from the a huge selection of post-acquisition reviews as a way to guide manager in different part from the company, who are to blame for integrating a newly acquired operation. Those activities could range from taking control of the account to realigning this company.
Stretch programs- there would be a unique way to set high goals and employees were inspired to be as good since it is possible or even better to accomplish them. Managers are not accountable for those goals but those who first got it done were greatly appreciated and awarded accordingly. This was just how Welch saw an open and trusting environment inside the company which guaranteed as practice have proven to become the top performance accelerator and creativity source. The results on this system did not make management wait a long time. People with no boundaries on the excellence started aiming at the very best possible a higher level performance and let their imagination free. The differences in numbers were not in regards to a few hundredth, but about whole numbers of 10 inventory turns, which seemed impossible till the system. The success on this newly originated system laid in ?no-punish-failure?, where people just weren't afraid of being fired as a result of unachieved goals. Rather is was stated they should be aiming at what you see as his or her best and therefore we were holding driven by their unique ambitions to acquire to the desired number but not work a sixty hour week to the sake of having one of these number written on the time sheets. Because this idea found this type of great implementation in real business it is really a brilliant strategy to make people take interest inside their work and perform on a better level.
Another great discovery in the commercial world of GE were service businesses that took GE?s look at what they do to a new level. No more these were just manufacturers of high quality equipment, they were the check in services that took proper care of any difficulty an individual might face within the course of making use of their product. Multi-billion investments into services business equipment for monitoring Aircraft Engines whilst in flight or medical diagnosis in real time, led the business to using sixty-six per cent of the business in services in lieu of in manufacturing. This goal was a far fetched Welch?s dream last but not least it came true inside late 90?s. With the integration with this start up business line, GE made their potential customers almost fully dependable with them. This was obviously a perfect strategic move, which gave the corporation considerably more power as their services were needed as much for their products and combined together they were the core of success. Value-added benefits that customers received from GE?s services were of great importance and provided both companies with strong partnership ties, on several levels. It not just caused profits for both parties but generated trusting and reliable conditions for cooperation.
Apart from high productivity, correct strategic politics and necessary employee satisfaction there exists another significant factor inside the core of every successful business. Product quality is blood with the company if it's not at all clean, company cannot function properly. In 1995 the business?s survey established that most employees were dissatisfied with the product quality we were holding making. When products were analyzed pupil GE was operating at the rate of 10,000 times the Six Sigma substandard quality. It meant a whole lot of money being lost and a lot of productivity as well. GE invested huge amount of money into educating its managers which has been not optional as Welch wanted to possess only the most effective people he could easily get. As a result in a couple of years, GE?s performance was in excess of expected. For instance their repair shops were operating three times faster than the shops of the immediate rivals. Also medical equipment showed tenfold increase within the products? life the fact subsequently provided strong customer trust and loyalty toward GE products. The returns around the investment were well over the expected amount and resulted in the investment would have been a very successful one.
Welch as a leader of an big multi-business company desired to see only highly professional people employed in it. This was the aim of another project this became a success. The new model with the company requited solely those with highest standards and big dreams to the future. A player in the team which could not match the needs of the "4E?s" was let free. The essence of GE ended up being to take a lot off their employees and also to provide a great deal. Welch belief that these people ought being paid well, loved and respected. They need to feel that they can are one of the most recourse with the company, they need to be constantly educated and challenged. Jack Welch was this kind of employee himself and wished to begin to see the same attitude toward work and company from his team. Such philosophy was the secret of your huge success story called Jack Welch. His innovations and reforms were dramatic sometimes, but always proved being the right thing. He took each of his business entities like a separate most significant one and gave it the most attention, thus the GE empire will almost certainly grow and develop inside the future, in case there is GE being guided by such leaders as Jack Welch.
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louisrmvr521-blog · 5 years
Colleges An Incredibly Easy Method That Works For All
Numbers say a lot more than words especially if we have been considering business community and profit figures like a proof like a successful business. GE?s numbers in the last twenty years have been receiving the highest level considering that the foundation in the company. Jack Welch has been doing charge with the company?s operations during pretty much everything time. Under his leadership GE has undergone numerous transformations that got number in the field of these operations today. Welch is famous as one from the best managers of the century for not only meeting the forecasted figures but for changing the minds of his employees and being the maximum inspiration for the children.
His famous "hardware" reduction and remodeling came about right away after he stepped into his CEO office. Taking into consideration economics? recession and drastic restructuring of the company Welch met strong criticism of his politics, but GE?s future was the ultimate goal for his actions. The company was delayered and destaffed greatly. These were the 1st important steps around the path of accumulating potential and its distribution in the right direction. Instead of having seven layers inside the company with hundreds of divisions and sectors with more managers, Welch rebuilt GE So that there have been only three layers underneath so which it was possible to directly talk to each division and know each top manager. All of that was done for better control, free flowing communication and higher degree of responsibility of everyone within the company.
The "software" component change was going on after GE dramatic structural innovations. Welch knew that without inner idea of every employee with the significance of maintaining productivity levels, there would be no change. "Work-outs" and "Best practices" were the initial performance boosters implemented by Welch in late 80?s. The real difference was seen in a few years when productivity increased first by 2% and when compared with 4%. By integrating the efforts of employees on all levels and considering their suggestions, GE surely could reach such amazing results, especially looking at the amount of money it saved-thus earned. "Best practices" was continuing to battle for higher productivity levels, as it brought the realizing that they needed better processes planning and customer happiness, additionally they necessary to develop friendly relationships using their suppliers. Those actions combined together generated higher productivity and realization of accomplishing specific things wrong, which often granted include them as right in the future.
It becomes clear that Welch stood a new vision was his company by firstly implementing drastic changes in the skeleton around the firm and compared to the organs of the "body" were undergoing changes. Those changes were directed at giving people tasks that would integrate knowledge and experience and wish of self-development. The combination of which techniques made GE one of the strongest companies inside the world, one of the best employers. The power of as being a excellent place to work at led GE to actually being number one, the work that Welch was pursuing since he became the CEO.
Integrate diversity, the so named "boundaryless" company was another challenge that Welch sought to beat. The company?s employees did not have to consider advice or technologies outside GE, it all was accessible in their unique company. With this newly adopted system, players from the team learned quickly from the other person and cooperated successfully among each other. An integration model was created for the basis from the numerous post-acquisition reviews in order to guide manager in a part of the company, who will be accountable for integrating a newly acquired operation. Those activities could vary from taking control from the account to realigning the organization.
Stretch programs- there would be a unique strategy to set high goals and employees were inspired to be as good as it is possible as well as to accomplish them. Managers are not accountable for those goals but those who first got it done were greatly appreciated and awarded accordingly. This was the way Welch saw a and trusting environment inside the company which guaranteed as practice have proven being the most effective performance accelerator and creativity source. The results with this system did not increase the risk for management wait to much time. People with no boundaries towards the excellence started aiming at the highest possible a higher level performance and let their imagination free. The differences in numbers weren't in regards to a few hundredth, but about whole numbers of 10 inventory turns, which seemed impossible till the system. The success on this newly originated system laid in ?no-punish-failure?, where people were not afraid for being fired because of unachieved goals. Rather is was stated that they can needs to be aiming at what they see as their best and thus we were holding driven by their own ambitions to acquire for the desired number however, not work a sixty hour week for your sake of possessing this number written on their time sheets. Because this idea found such a great implementation in solid business it is really an excellent method to make people take interest within their work and perform with a better level.
Another great discovery in the commercial arena of GE were service firms that took GE?s look at what you do to your new level. No more these were just manufacturers of high quality equipment, these folks were the check in services that took proper any issue an individual might face inside course of utilizing their product. Multi-billion investments into services business equipment for monitoring Aircraft Engines during flight or medical diagnosis in solid time, led the corporation to getting sixty-six per cent with their business in services as opposed to in manufacturing. This goal was obviously a outlandish Welch?s dream and finally it came true within the late 90?s. With the integration with this new business line, GE made the clientele almost fully dependable in it. This was obviously a perfect strategic move, which gave the corporation a lot more power as his or her services were needed as much for their products and combined together these folks were the core of success. Value-added benefits that customers received from GE?s services were of great importance and provided both companies with strong partnership ties, on several levels. It not only caused profits for both parties but generated trusting and reliable conditions for cooperation.
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Apart from high productivity, correct strategic politics and necessary employee satisfaction there exists another necessary factor within the core of each and every successful business. Product quality is blood with the company of course, if it is not clean, company cannot function properly. In 1995 the business?s survey established that most employees were dissatisfied while using product quality we were holding making. When services were analyzed pupil GE was operating in a rate of 10,000 times the Six Sigma level of quality. It meant a lot of money being lost and a whole lot of productivity too. GE invested huge amounts of money into educating its managers which was not optional as Welch wanted to get only the best people he might get. As a result in couple of years, GE?s performance was higher than expected. For instance their repair shops were operating three times faster compared to shops of their immediate rivals. Also medical equipment showed tenfold increase in the products? life the fact that in turn provided strong customer trust and loyalty toward GE products. The returns for the investment were well over the expected amount and meant the investment was obviously a very successful one.
Welch as a leader of the big multi-business company wanted to see only highly professional people doing work in it. This was the objective of another project which became a success. The new model from the company requited solely those with highest standards and big dreams for the future. A player of the team which could not match the needs of the "4E?s" was let free. The essence of GE ended up being to take a lot using their employees but in addition to give a great deal. Welch considered that these people ought to become paid well, loved and respected. They need to feel that they can are probably the most recourse with the company, they need to become constantly educated and challenged. Jack Welch was this type of employee himself and planned to understand the same attitude toward work and company from his team. Such philosophy was the secrets of an huge success story called Jack Welch. His innovations and reforms were dramatic occasionally, but always proved being the right thing. He took each of his business entities as being a separate most significant one and gave it probably the most attention, thus the GE empire will grow and develop in the future, in the event of GE being guided by such leaders as Jack Welch.
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zionrkuj367-blog · 5 years
Secrets To Getting Colleges To Complete Tasks Quickly And Efficiently
Numbers say greater than words in particular when we have been considering world of business and profit figures like a proof of as a successful business. GE?s numbers inside last twenty years have been receiving the greatest level since foundation from the company. Jack Welch has been doing charge in the company?s operations during all of this time. Under his leadership GE has undergone numerous transformations that got number inside field of their operations today. Welch well known as one from the best managers of the century for not just meeting the forecasted figures but also for changing the minds of his employees and being the maximum inspiration for the kids.
His famous "hardware" reduction and remodeling happened almost immediately after he stepped into his CEO office. Taking into consideration economics? recession and drastic restructuring of the company Welch met strong criticism of his politics, but GE?s future was the greatest goal for his actions. The company was delayered and destaffed greatly. These were the 1st important steps on the path of accumulating potential and its distribution in the right direction. Instead of having seven layers in the company with hundreds of divisions and sectors with a lot more managers, Welch rebuilt GE So that there were only three layers underneath so who's was possible to directly talk to each division and know each top manager. All of that ended for better control, free flowing communication and level of responsibility of everyone inside company.
The "software" component change was happening after GE dramatic structural innovations. Welch knew that without inner knowledge of every employee from the significance of maintaining productivity levels, there would be no change. "Work-outs" and "Best practices" were the first performance boosters implemented by Welch in late 80?s. The real difference was seen in a few years when productivity increased first by 2% and compared to 4%. By integrating the efforts of employees on all levels and considering their suggestions, GE could reach such amazing results, especially considering the money it saved-thus earned. "Best practices" was continuing to fight for higher productivity levels, because it brought the knowning that they needed better processes planning and much better customer care, additionally, they needed to develop friendly relationships using their suppliers. Those actions combined together generated higher productivity and realization of doing specific things wrong, which authorized to ensure they are right inside the future.
It becomes clear that Welch a new vision was his company by firstly implementing drastic changes inside the skeleton for the firm and as opposed to organs from the "body" were undergoing changes. Those changes were aimed at giving people tasks that might integrate knowledge and experience and wish of self-development. The combination for these techniques made GE one from the strongest companies within the world, one of the best employers. The power of as a excellent place to function at led GE to actually being number 1, the job that Welch was pursuing since he took over as CEO.
Integrate diversity, the what are named as "boundaryless" company was another challenge that Welch sought to conquer. The company?s employees was lacking to watch out for advice or new technologies outside GE, all this was for sale in their unique company. With this newly adopted system, the members of the team learned quickly from each other and cooperated successfully among the other. An integration model originated on the basis of the countless post-acquisition reviews so that you can guide manager in almost any part with the company, who're accountable for integrating a newly acquired operation. Those activities could range between taking control from the account to realigning this company.
Stretch programs- there was obviously a unique approach to set high goals and employees were inspired being as good because it is possible as well as to realize them. Managers were not accountable for those goals but people that got it done were greatly appreciated and awarded accordingly. This was just how Welch saw an empty and trusting environment in the company which guaranteed as practice have proven to get the most effective performance accelerator and creativity source. The results on this system failed to make the management wait to much time. People with no boundaries on the excellence started aiming at the best possible degree of performance and let their imagination free. The differences in numbers are not about a few hundredth, but about whole variety of 10 inventory turns, which seemed impossible till the system. The success with this newly originated system laid in ?no-punish-failure?, where people weren't afraid to be fired as a consequence of unachieved goals. Rather is was stated that they should be aiming at what they see his or her best thereby they were driven by their very own ambitions to obtain towards the desired number however, not work a sixty hour week to the sake of possessing this number written on their own time sheets. Because this idea found such a great implementation in tangible business it is really an excellent method to make people take interest inside their work and perform with a better level.
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Another great discovery in the commercial arena of GE were service businesses that took GE?s take a look at the things they do to some new level. No more they were just manufacturers of high quality equipment, we were holding the follow-up services that took proper any risk an individual might face within the course of utilizing their product. Multi-billion investments into services business equipment for monitoring Aircraft Engines whilst in flight or medical diagnosis in solid time, led the organization to using two thirds of these business in services instead of in manufacturing. This goal was obviously a outlandish Welch?s dream last but not least it came true in the late 90?s. With the integration on this home based business line, GE made their clients almost fully dependable on them. This was obviously a perfect strategic move, which gave the company much more power as his or her services were needed as much as his or her products and combined together these were the core of success. Value-added benefits that customers received from GE?s services were of great importance and provided both companies with strong partnership ties, on several levels. It not merely caused profits for both parties but generated trusting and reliable conditions for cooperation.
Apart from high productivity, correct strategic politics and necessary employee satisfaction there is another significant factor in the core of each successful business. Product quality is blood of the company of course, if it's not at all clean, company cannot function properly. In 1995 the organization?s survey indicated that most employees were dissatisfied with the product quality these folks were making. When services and products were analyzed as it turns out GE was operating with a rate of ten thousand times the Six Sigma quality level. It meant a great deal of money being lost and a lot of productivity also. GE invested huge amounts of money into educating its managers which was not optional as Welch wanted to get only the top people he might get. As a result in a couple of years, GE?s performance was in excess of expected. For instance their repair shops were operating 3 x faster as opposed to shops of these immediate rivals. Also medical equipment showed tenfold increase inside products? life the belief that subsequently provided strong customer trust and loyalty toward GE products. The returns on the investment were well over the expected amount and meant the investment was a very successful one.
Welch being a leader of your big multi-business company wanted to see only highly professional people in it. This was the objective of another project that also became a success. The new model in the company requited just those with highest standards and big dreams for your future. A player in the team which may not match certain requirements of the "4E?s" was let free. The essence of GE ended up being take a whole lot from their employees but in addition to provide a great deal. Welch considered that they ought to be paid well, loved and respected. They need to feel that they are essentially the most recourse in the company, they need to get constantly educated and challenged. Jack Welch was this type of employee himself and desired to understand the same attitude toward work and company from his team. Such philosophy was the secret of the huge success story called Jack Welch. His innovations and reforms were dramatic occasionally, but always proved to be the right thing. He took every one of his business entities as being a separate most critical one and gave it essentially the most attention, thus the GE empire will almost certainly grow and develop within the future, in case there is GE being guided by such leaders as Jack Welch.
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educationtech · 5 years
What are the basic topics a software developer should learn?
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Qualities that a software developer possess
With the hold of technological advancement, the demand for software developers of B Tech Colleges is increasing. Arya is also one of the best B Tech Colleges. They collaborate with data scientists and analysts to build software and applications that are transforming the entire canvas of the global society on a massive scale. There are different kinds of applications that address all our needs. Also, we have smart personal assistants that perform a range of impressive tasks for us, from controlling our IoT devices to doing the shopping for us.
The Role of a Software Developer
In other words, a software developer from the Best Engineering Colleges in Jaipur brings the computer to life. It means he/she designs and builds the foundations of operating systems. Based on this, computer programmers create programs and applications that are useful to the end user. Software development job requires students of Top Engineering Colleges in Jaipur to take charge of the entire process of creating functional and versatile software for different kinds of operating systems. It varies right from initial planning to writing the code, encrypting it and testing it.
Primary responsibilities in a software development job:
Designing and Creating Software
The main responsibility in a software development job of the students of B Tech Colleges in Jaipur is to develop functional software. It is to be done after performing extensive research on the specific requirements of the user.
Evaluating Both New and Existing Software
Once the coding and encrypting part of the software is completed, software developers of B Tech College in Jaipur then run tests. The main aim is to ensure the completion of functional and free from bugs. They have to perform quality assurance (QA) tests and diagnostic programs on newly designed software. It must be done prior to their launch as well as the existing projects so as to test their efficacy and reliability quotient.
Enhancing Existing Software Systems
A software developer’s job does not stop at just software creation. Students of Best Engineering Colleges also require to monitor user feedback and suggestions. They must incorporate those suggestions into the existing software infrastructure to continually improve it. Software developers must be able to identify the core functionality of software programs. It includes the understanding of what the users are looking for from the software. Apart from performing the functionality, software developers of Best B Tech College in Jaipur also need to enhance other aspects of software like its performance and security level.
Maintenance of Existing Systems
Software developers have to continually monitor and maintain the efficacy of both the new and existing software systems. In case of any issue on the existing software platforms, software developers have to find solutions to those problems and eliminate them in due time. This again includes running QA tests from time to time and rewriting the code to debug it. It is the process has to continue until the code is completely error-free.
Collaborating With Other Teams
A large part of a software developer’s work involves working in close collaboration with other developers in his/her team. It includes project managers, computer programmers, graphic designers, and database administrators. Software developers of Best Engineering Colleges in Rajasthan have to regularly consult with clients and project managers to learn about the progress of their software projects.
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coin-river-blog · 6 years
Bitcoin, the future of money? Image Shutterstock.
CCN had a chance to speak with Paul Puey, founder of Edge Wallet and veteran crypto entrepreneur. Edge Wallet was previously called Airbitz. In the early days of crypto, Airbitz was a Bitcoin-only wallet that featured a directory of brick and mortar businesses which accepted Bitcoin. It was one of the only mobile wallets which allowed the user to own their private keys without having to see them.
While it was very popular as Bitcoin wallets go, the era of Ethereum and beyond made it necessary to adapt to people who expect to be able to use more than one cryptocurrency.
Edge is AirBitz for the Multi-Asset Age
Today, its descendant is called Edge, a modern multi-asset wallet, modular in design, which is focused on user-friendliness.
Paul Puey of Edge Wallet, formerly Airbitz
Puey says that the Airbitz codebase was so ingrained in the Bitcoin architecture that they had no choice but to rebuild much of it from scratch, keeping intact the core security model: Edge servers never see your private key, you own your coin and can take your private key with you between devices and even wallets.
The security model is what we rallied around. It was contrary to a lot of the enterprise models. So we called it the Edge security model of securing data. When we transitioned to Edge, we said this is the model we’re going to use, while also making it a platform for other apps to use.
Edge wallet enables a user or merchant to set up a wallet — while retaining control of the private keys — and accepting major cryptos including Monero and Ethereum in a matter of minutes. With Airbitz, they were one of the first to easily enable this. Today, they are one of the few companies to offer such features and use open source code.
Puey also explains during the call that while the business directory was one of the most popular features of Airbitz back when it took a lot of manpower to maintain. “As soon as we added one Bitcoin business, three more would stop accepting it – and we wouldn’t even know about it,” he tells us.
“You could find out pretty easily when a company started accepting cryptocurrency, but nowhere could you find out when a merchant stopped accepting it.”
CCN remembers a very notable example of this: Rakuten made headlines across the cryptoworld when it acquired a Bitcoin wallet company and integrated Bitcoin on its flagship store. Then one day it stopped accepting crypto and no one noticed. Same thing with Expedia and others.
In-Person Crypto Usage Still Ways Off
This sparks a discussion about the lack of in-person adoption of cryptocurrencies. Puey believes that the real problem is reliable point-of-sale systems which seamlessly integrate cryptocurrencies.
Businesses don’t want to have to care about what method of payment their customers are using. They want convenience and integration with their existing inventory and business management systems. Puey believes that a crypto-native firm, rather than a firm already embedded in the point-of-sale industry, will be the ones to make this a reality.
Where we are today is definitely not where we expected the industry to be from the perspective of merchant adoption when we entered the space back around 2013/2014. While we believe firmly that that is how we will interact with crypto going forward, we’ve realized we’re in a different phase. It is in a phase of speculation because, number one, many people just don’t know what will succeed. Sure, Bitcoin’s on top, but there are a whole lot of bets saying it could be another currency. And in that sense, people have a little bit of discomfort saying well, okay, we’re going to really hang our flag on this or that one.
“The biggest missing piece in merchant adoption is that there are no tools to incorporate cryptocurrency into their entire business model.” – Paul Puey
Acceptance Is Only the First Part of the Merchant Conundrum
This reporter said that FIO (Foundation for Interwallet Operability) should help with businesses having to choose a cryptocurrency. Puey disagreed, saying that while FIO might make it easier to accept funds, it doesn’t make it easier to integrate cryptocurrencies into a business model. He said:
This is the biggest answer to your question. The biggest missing piece in merchant adoption is that there are no tools to incorporate cryptocurrency into their entire business model. The point of sale is only the start of it. And even there, there are no great options available.
The essence of the thing is that the killer app for merchants will be a superior point-of-sale system that can do it all – to include dealing with the post-payment aspects of accepting cryptocurrency. Some grand combination of Node40, a cash register, and a smart payment kiosk which supports all relevant forms of payment is required.
Simply developing such a product would not be enough, either. The merchant would also have to see an advantage in using it – such as lower fees and a wider customer base. While it’s far from impossible, in today’s market it simply isn’t where the focus is.
Augur Uses Edge
Puey says that Augur makes use of Edge code without Augur users necessarily needing to know as much. Augur is not their only partner, but it’s one of their more recognizable name brands.
On the business-to-business side of things, Edge is a code development powerhouse, creating enterprise-grade software on a security model that is philosophically consistent with crypto natives. They work on the borderline: users can be their own bank but still have a degree of convenience that’s hard to attain with standard wallet implementations.
One of our flagship partners, Augur, integrates our Edge platform inside of their app. It lets people use Augur much like Airbitz, where you just create an account and login. Private keys are created, encrypted, and backed up automatically.
He says that Edge is infinitely expandable at this point. Blockchain development teams can use the Edge SDK to build mobile products. Edge can more easily integrate new blockchains than it could have in the Airbitz days, when even forks of Bitcoin were hard to do.
Every blockchain is now a plugin. In most cases you can just find another blockchain that’s similar to it, copy and paste, and change the code to query that blockchain, and create and sign transactions on it.
Being open source, companies are able to use a white label version of the product, and Puey says that several currently are.
Core Member of the Foundation for Interwallet Operability
Edge is part of the Foundation for Interwallet Operability, along with wallets like Mycellium and BRD. As we previously wrote about FIO:
The Foundation for Interwallet Operability is a standards body of sorts and it governs the FIO Protocol, a protocol that “will provide an enhanced layer of usability features for existing and future wallets and exchanges.” Its goal is to increase blockchain adoption and the userbase of cryptocurrencies generally by encouraging ease-of-use of lack of friction in wallet and exchange designs.
Puey says of Edge’s membership in FIO:
As one of the founding members of FIO, all of the wallets that are founding members are getting the implementation of FIO added to the wallet. So by the time it hits mainnet, you’ll have FIO support on almost half a dozen major wallet sin the industry. […] The idea of sending to a name is not a new idea in the industry. Many different projects have tried to do this. But their biggest issue is they had a faltering on business development. They didn’t convince the industry to adopt those standards. And I think this is what FIO did right. They really focused on the business development.
Enabling Easier Acquisition and Storage of Cryptocurrencies
Edge, since it was called Airbitz, has always focused on the user experience. Their core belief is that mass adoption doesn’t happen when the user is required to do too many things they are not used to doing.
They strive to serve as many use cases as possible. The Edge wallet integrates Changelly and other exchange platforms. It also has Simplex, which enables users to acquire cryptocurrencies with credit cards and bank accounts.
Through a partnership with Simplex, which supports US customers, Edge enables users to purchase cryptocurrency with a credit card.
Puey says when a user goes to make an exchange, the wallet will figure out which platform is best to use for their use case. It checks between Changelly, ShapeShift, and ChangeNow to see which service will best meet the user’s needs. Users who don’t want to create accounts are directed to exchanges that don’t require them, although Puey says most will in the long run. While Edge is not the only wallet to have built-in exchange capabilities, it is one of the few which US users can use with no friction.
Edge Wallet is the only wallet which will allow you to swap between blockchains and finds the best deal for you at the same time.
Edge is available for Android and iOS. It is not available for the desktop at present time, although its open SDK could be used to develop a wallet for desktop compatible with Edge private keys.
Featured image and other noted images from Shutterstock. Screesnhots provided by author.
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jacksgreysays · 7 years
OH MAN! I'm dying trying to imagine backstory in 'Never looking to go back'. Did Kiba and Shikako have some Land of Moon Battle equivalent? AKA The One Time Kiba Ignored Captains Orders (and why he now trusts every idea, no matter how crazy)
I actually have a lot of ideas for this AU–some world building, some backstory, and, like, narrative arcs revolving around each character as if I have even a decent track record at multipart/chapter series and not dozens of WiPs and unfilled prompts staring sadly at me from one of the many windows on my desktop.
But Kiba and Shikako’s time in the war is pretty vague in my head, mostly because–like Mal and Zoe’s relationship–it’s meant to be kind of just something reliable and there. Not boring, but rather foundational? So they might reference their shared past occasionally, but I think unless there’s a particularly pertinent reason for it, neither of them like to talk about the past. And, you know, PTSD.
Then again, having a Land of the Moon equivalent sounds like an excellent idea and would fit very well in this AU (given, you know, Firefly is set on other planets and literal moons). And that was a very nuanced situation that would fit well in the ‘verse–minus Shikamaru, since Team 10 in this ‘verse is still part of Konoha aka the Core–and may very well be a good “flashback” to bring Sai into the narrative.
And I think, more than just blind obedience, Kiba took away from that scenario that sometimes they will have disagreements, but so long as they trust each other, then it will work out okay. 
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