#he's PEPPINO for god's sake
cutechan555 · 10 months
[Body switch saga]
Noise you are basically stronger and faster then peppino now that your in his body. He's too slow to even catch up to you. I want you to go out there and have some fun! besides it's not like he'll be able to catch up to you. Also that Librarian peppino and his clone don't even know that your noise and they are too tired to even do anything else at the moment.
Oh.. no
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emmetofthestars · 2 days
Btw absolutely obsessed with the idea that pepperman, vigilante, noise and fake peppino spontaneously assemble into a troupe specifically to annoy peppino postgame but otherwise dont get along at all. because they dont. pepperman and noise's egos absolutely clash theyre both too obsessed with themselves. vigilante would find it a waste of time to follow peppino around in the first place, and even then he probably hates the combined jackassery from pepperman and noise and just wants them both to shut it. fake peppino at most hates noise for. well. yelling at him in the noise campaign. and by the nature of being "a peppino" he doesnt like noise anyways. otherwise who fuckin knows if fake peppino has hot takes on the others but i imagine he really also only cares about seeing peppino so everyone else is unimportant to him at best and a severe dislike at worst. but god dammit they have to annoy that italian. for fucks sake.
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onippep · 1 year
Is it fine to talk about certain scars now?
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................. Which ones. Guessing, for thematic sake, you mean these?
[gestures to his top scars]
I, uh, guess so. Pfft.
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So, a little recap-- born in Italy, moved over here when I was 16. Shit happened at 19. Came back when I was 24.
We lived in a super-rural area when I was a kid, so I had no idea what all of that was about. I'd find myself doing things that boys would do and I'd get slapped around for it, or never really liking girls. All my friends were boys. I had a lot of body hair for my age. It was weird to my family.
I got a taste of big-town culture from my cousins and uncles and aunts; they're eccentric, and I'm pretty sure one of my aunts was gay (she never married). I got along with her pretty well, but god, my madre hated her, pretty sure. Haven't seen her in a long time.
Bottom line, I was the "weird kid" of the family, so my parents figured (Also as Italians) to give me a brother and sister, see if they could socialize me properly. Maybe they fucked up the first time. Worth a shot, right?
While my madre was pregnant with my brother, we moved here. Maybe city life would do me good. I was thrust into a highschool barely knowing any English, and naturally flocked to the outcasts and socially awkward weirdos that would get tossed around by bullies and such. It was brutal. I met a girl that disguised herself as a boy and went by a boy's name. I met a boy that had a crush on one of the bigger boys of the school. It was a bunch of new experiences that... for some reason, even with my upbringing, didn't feel foreign or weird. It suddenly aligned with me, and I didn't really think about it until I looked in the mirror one day and wanted to throw up at how I looked. I tried dating a girl I got along with. Being a teenager sucks. That shit hits you like a truck and bleeds like an open wound that you have no idea how to stop.
Not that I had the time to find a way. I did bad in school, got held back a few years, and within that time aggressively took my identity into my own hands-- I'm not who my parents thought I was, I hated my name, I hated them, I hated everything. I got quiet. I hated myself because I wasn't the easy, good-grade getting child that was born loving the body it was in.
One day, my dad gets me alone. He asked me what I wanted to do after High School. I said art. He asked me again. I said art. He said that was the wrong answer. I asked him what he wanted me to say instead.
"If you really don't believe you're a girl, then it's time to be a man."
I thought this had good intentions until I was at the front door of bootcamp with some fresh scars on my chest, a few years of testosterone, and...
Uh, what was I-- right.
Right, yeah, I was pretty much fully out a few years after I was... discharged. I had a fling with Anton. A few women. Some men. Tried the bisexual label for a bit but found out I was just a full-on homosexual.
...Did I get the surgery before or-- no, I think I...
[blanks out for a few minutes]
...[scratches his head] I-- sorry, I think I got something mixed up. I think I got top surgery after 'all of that'. Shit's scrambled in here.
...Right-- I was a fully out transsexual gay man by... I think I was 35? It wasn't a huge focus of mine though since I wanted to try and start my own business. My family knew hard they fucked up with me so they kept their distance-- I let them know how much they failed me (after many years of thinking I was the screwup). Eventually they started using my new name. It was sudden, and there were no apologies.
I couldn't get my art degree, sssooo... Peppino's Pizza it is. Yippee.
Met Gus a year or so after I opened it, connected with a few of the Italian community on the outskirts of the city, uh... then I...
[pauses again]
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--Sorry, this, uh, wasn't a really happy story, but I just. Wanted to say that it was worth keeping myself alive to see myself big, fat, hairy, balding, and smiling in the body I've got now. And happy with the men I've decided to let into my life to love me and this body. It's...
It's something. Better than nothing. I understand that now.
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lultimagoccia · 5 months
[ @pcrfumebcttles ]: If Peppino listens carefully enough, he could hear a familiar voice calling his name from down the halls of the studio. Desperate. Frantic. Hysterical. "Peppino....!!"
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... dear God. Dear merciful GOD.
Had he died. This was death, wasn't it. At least he wasn't alone, it seemed: a voice called out to him, and he could still feel the pliant warmth of Pino's hand in his own. He wasn't sure he wanted to go back to life again. It was all too much, all at once, all the time. Maybe he just wanted quiet, for a little while. He drew a little closer to Pino's side, hesitating, afraid.
Maybe he just wanted it all to stop, just for a moment. Please. For FUCK'S sake.
" ... hh. Here," he croaked, aware now that his entire frame was trembling. Too much. Too much, too much.
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