#he’s too much fun to draw 😢
bitzy-bop · 2 months
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what is wrong with him like actually
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improbable-outset · 2 months
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📂 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭.𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞
I don’t think there’s any trigger warnings needed for this. But I just wanna give a heads up that I did not write these in order so there might be some HC that looks rush— I couldn’t elaborate on some, sorry 😢
𝐔𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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📄 𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Kenji’s past experiences and personality traits shape how he shows affection. Having lived in America for most of his life, his way of showing love blends both American and Japanese elements
In America, people are generally more direct with their affection, and public displays of affection (PDA) are more socially acceptable, or at least not that frowned upon, including hugging, kissing, and hand-holding. While gift giving is important in American culture, it doesn’t carry the same significance as in Japan (cuteeeee).
In contrast, Japanese culture often values subtle and indirect expressions of affection, with intimate gestures usually kept private. Kenji’s approach combines both culture seamlessly
Kenji might express his love in a mix of direct and indirect ways. His approach to PDA might vary depending on his surroundings. As a star baseball player that’s constantly in the public eye, he might save more intimate gestures for private moments. However, he won’t shy away from holding your hand or giving a quick peck on the cheek
Drawing from Japanese culture, Ken will give gifts as a way of showing his love— and given that this man is loaded, they do tend to be pretty extravagant. He might also embrace more grand gestures typical in American culture
Though he appreciates your thoughtful gestures too. Whether it’s leaving small gifts or notes in his duffle bag before a game or making him breakfast, he cherishes these moments with you
Overall, Kenji is grateful that you love all aspect of him, appreciating the different ways he shows his affection and your understanding and acceptance of his unique blend of cultural influences
📄 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I’m glad that there are more people acknowledging the struggles Kenji faced as a Japanese person newly moved to LA. In his first interview with Ami, he stated how he was made fun of for the way he looked and talked, indicating he had a hard time making friends in America. This was a difficult adjustment period for him.
But if you thought that was bad, moving back to Japan presented its own set of challenges. Despite returning to his home country, Ken struggled to fit in with the Japanese crowd. We’ve heard the unwarranted comment from the catcher: “We’re waiting for the Japanese version of this guy,” highlighting his continuing struggle with acceptance.
So it is canon that this man is lonely. Given everything he has been through, you would expect him to have a bitter attitude and be more closed off. However, that’s not the case.
Ken can be sociable when he wants to be. He often masks his internal struggle with his cocky exterior, which might add another difficulty in making friends, but it doesn’t define his character entirely.
Beyond his bravado, Ken has the potential to be a great friend. We’ve seen the way he warms up to Ami later on in the story. He can be fiercely loyal when he wants to be and stand by those he cares about and be there when they need them.
The real question is: will he let you be there for him? How long will it take for him to let you in his psych? This is a complex layer of his character that we’ll explore later on in the alphabet
📄 𝐂𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Oh, this man definitely needs to be held. At the start of your relationship, Kenji would always be the one holding you close. His arms would wrap around you while you nestled on his chest. He found comfort in the role and didn’t think much about needing to be held himself, until you gently asked him about it
He was reluctant about it at first but eventually he relented, allowing you to hold him close. Feeling your heartbeat near his ear and your arms around him, he quickly grew enamoured and melted into your touch.
It took him a few cuddle sessions for him to adjust to this new dynamic, but once he did, he embraced it fully (all puns intended)
As your relationship deepened, Kenji became more comfortable with initiating cuddle sessions himself. He’s not shy about expressing when he needs to be held
I can see him climbing into bed and nuzzling into your neck, seeking closeness. From being the one who held you, Kenji appreciates the reciprocity of being held by you. Knowing someone cares for him deeply gives him a sense of contentment
📄 𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Over time, Kenji’s desire to settle down grows stronger the more he spends time with you. Seeing the stability and fulfilment a settled life can bring, he envisions a secure, private home environment where you both can unwind away from the public eye
Kenji’s cooking skills are basic but heartfelt. He learned to cook out of necessity while living in the America, often preparing meals with his mother as a way of spending quality time together.
He sees cooking together as a way of bonding and creating lasting memories. Despite having an advanced automated delivery system in his home, he often prefers to cook with you, valuing the personal touch. He is open to learning new recipes and techniques, often taking lead in the kitchen
While Kenji prefers to keep his living space organised, he isn’t fond of the labour of cleaning. He relies on his high-tech home and Mina to handle most of the household chores efficiently. He appreciates the comfort and peace that a well-maintained home provides
He utilise the technology in his home to make his life easier, ensuring that everything is kept in order.
📄 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠.𝐝𝐨𝐜
The way he handles your break up really depends on the situation, but he would always prefer to do it face-to-face for clarity and honesty
If it was you at fault, it might be because he feels like there’s a lack of support from you or because you betrayed his trust.
He may seem resentful on the outside but is shattered on the inside. After you both go your separate ways, you’ll never hear from him again, but you won’t know that he’s holding back from contacting you and forgiving you. However, his pride won’t allow him to.
But if you do something seriously bad, like continuously disrespect him or, worse case-scenario, cheat on him, he’ll be colder towards you. Don’t expect him to give you another chance after that
If he’s the one that’s at fault here, it’ll probably be because he prioritise his career and baseball over your relationship and has unintentionally neglected you. He’ll be upset and pissed off.
He’s not angry at you, but more at himself for not being better. He’s already dealing with his mother’s absence and now he has lost another important person in his life.
But unlike his mothers disappearance, he had control over the situation, and it could’ve been avoided if he changed
In this case, he won’t beg you to stay but rather wish you well for your future and would seek to provide closure
📄 𝐅𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Kenji take’s commitment seriously, especially given everything he has been through while moving the the US and back to Japan, often feeling lonely. Despite his loneliness, he won’t make a move unless he’s fully committed to building a future together, and ensure that you’re both are emotionally ready for the next step
However his career in being in the spotlight and having eyes on him might impact his decision. He has already mastered separating his personal life concealed from the media, but having a partner might spark some unwanted attention and an uproar of press conferences asking about his love life.
Kenji is acutely aware of the intrusive nature of the media. He wants to protect his partner and any future children from unwanted attention. Kenji will find a way to navigate through the chaos and maintain a balance with his career and his personal life
He’ll openly discuss with you how you could balance his career and future together. This includes talking about the timelines for your marriage so it won’t clash with his professional commitment
He values your input when making decisions and wants to ensure that you’re both are on the same page
📄 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Kenji’s gentleness shines through both in action and his protective nature. We’ve seen the way he cradled and soothed Emi at Tokyo Tower after he accidentally fractured her arm, all while trying to keep himself calm after she got tranquillised by the KDF. Despite his strength as Ultraman and his athletic build, he still takes great care not to cause harm.
His physical gentleness extends to his interactions with you. Whether it’s the tender way he holds you or his carefulness during physical activities, Kenji ensures that his doesn’t go overboard with his strength
However, the same can’t be completely said for his emotional gentleness. While he has a good heart, he struggles to find the right words for reassurance. He tries emulating what his mother would say when she comforted him, hoping it would have the same effect on you as it did to him, even as an adult
He draws from his mother’s influence, replicating her warmth and security she provided, hoping it would bring you the same comfort
📄 𝐇𝐮𝐠𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Okay, we’ve seen how Kenji was literally running and jumping around with Emi outside of his cabin, you can’t tell me he doesn’t love hugs. After watching that scene, I can definitely see him sweeping you off your feet and spinning you around in his embrace during a moment of celebration or excitement (maybe when he finally wins a championship or when you accept his marriage proposal hehe)
His hugs have a grounding effect, making you feel safe in his arms. Given his athletic build, it’ll be a mixture of firmness and softness. And with his height, his hugs would be a full-body embrace, where you would be completely held
📄 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮.𝐝𝐨𝐜
He’s not shy when it comes to verbally expressing his love to you; however, it was definitely you who said it first before he had the confidence to say it back. As your relationship deepens, he starts to initiate it too and uses other affirmations more freely, especially in private
Phrases like “aishiteru” are used sparingly and are usually reserved for serious committed relationships. He’ll probably use that every once in a while but not always, so he won’t overuse it and it’ll still hold its value
📄 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Kenji doesn’t have a lot of relationship experience. This is the first time he has build an emotional connection with someone (if you don’t count Ami, though I wouldn’t call that a true connection) so if he feels like the relationship is threatened by anyone, it’s only natural for him to feel some jealousy
Not saying that he doesn’t know how to act or handle his emotions— rather, he just doesn’t want to lose you. His relationship with you represents a huge step from his lonesome life, and though he does trust you deeply, there’s still some underlying doubt and insecurities.
Despite his confidence in many areas, when it comes to the matter of heart, he’s still navigating uncharted waters. However, as your relationship strengthens and he becomes more secure with your love, these jealousy moments become less frequent
📄 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
According to the wiki page trivia, Kenji is approximately 6 feet tall (no surprise). So forehead kisses are a given, especially if you are shorter than him. He loves doing it at the most unexpected moments, it’s not too intimate for the public yet still tender.
He adores your kisses too, even if they aren’t as passionate— good luck kisses before his game, before bed, and surprise kisses.
You shared your first kiss at his place, alone together. He appreciated the privacy and having you to himself that night without any watchful eyes. You were the one that held his face and guided him, since he doesn’t do this often, or at least not in this scenario
📄 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Before Emi stumbled upon his life, the thought of having children never really crossed his mind. His initial reluctance and emotional breakdown when he had to take care of Emi shows how unprepared he felt for the role of fatherhood. Despite eventually embracing the role and finding joy in caring for Emi, he still feels a bit iffy about having his own children (biological or adopted)
A human baby is much smaller and more delicate than a kaiju. Human infants are more vulnerable, and this amplifies Ken’s insecurities.
Every new parent will have the typical fear of not being good enough or making mistakes, and I think Ken’s insecurities stem from his past.
Ken’s strained relationship with his father, even though it was eventually resolved, left a lasting impact on him. As a child, he felt abandoned when his father stayed in Japan while he moved to America with his mother.
I feel like the sense of abandonment is a deep-rooted fear he carries into his own potential parenthood. He’s anxious that his double life as a star baseball player and Ultraman might leave his own child to feel the same way he did— confused and abandoned.
However, this might give him determination not to repeat history and ensure his child never feels the same way he did. Furthermore, the thought of his child watching him play, whether through TV or in person, might inspire him to excel in his baseball career.
He hopes that his kid will look up to him with admiration just as Emi did when she watched him practice and supported him
📄 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Unless you’re an early riser, he’s usually up before you, around 5:30-6am. He quietly gets out of bed to avoid disturbing you. His morning starts with either a run or a home workout (That scene of him jump-roping in front of the rising sun will forever be etched in my mind). He probably uses his simulation to replicate the workout scene, just like how he does with the baseball pitch
Once he completes his workout, he showers and changes into his casual clothes. By now, you would definitely be awake. He loves these little moments with you, so he puts effort to make breakfast together instead of relying on Mina to use the automated delivery system— just as he did in the scene when he was trying to feed Emi for the first time
After breakfast, Mina provides his schedule for the day and updates him on any threats, just in case he needs to leave for an unexpected mission. By 8:00 he’ll leave for his baseball training facility
📄 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Every night is not the same when it comes to living with Ultraman. Some nights, Kenji will come home late after another mission, protecting Tokyo. But if he doesn’t need to be out, he’ll be home by 6pm and will greet you with a tired smile
He will take a few minutes to unwind on the couch before he showers and changes to his loungewear. You’re always on your toes, checking for any injuries, and maybe even give him a massage if he needs it
He might rewatch some of his old video with his mom with you and share those special memories. This is significant because you’re one of the important people in his life, and sharing these moments means a lot to him
You’ll have dinner at around 7/8pm, sharing stories about your day. If he did have a good game, be prepared to hear him ramble and boast about it like you didn’t just watch his game on the TV
By 9pm, you both start to wind down, taking it slow and turning off any screens and by 10pm you’ll head to bed, cuddling together
📄 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Kenji won’t open up to you immediately, especially regarding his vulnerabilities about his mother and how he doesn’t fit in. At first he’ll come off with his blasé attitude, brushing off or downplaying sensitive topics to make them seem less significant
But with your efforts, you create a safe space for him to express himself and his fears, something he’s still getting used to. You offer him constant reassurance (and trust me, be patient with him), reminding him that he can lean on you
After several sessions of you healing his wounds from a baseball game or another mission and constantly checking if he’s okay, he slowly warms up to you and grows more comfortable in opening up
You’re gonna make him weak on the knees if you keep on doting him like that and encourage him to take care of himself. He’ll have no choice but to spill everything to you because he knows you won’t think of him differently
📄 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Even before you got together, we’ve all seen how he was with Emi, teaching her baseball and her rehabilitation training after she got injured. He never gave up on her, his patience blooming naturally.
He’s never the type to get easily angry unless you really do something that genuinely pisses him off or constantly doing something that you bothers him
After everything you’ve done for him, it’s only fair that Kenji give you the same level of patience as you do with him. The way you treat him inspired him to be better in your relationship
📄 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Having an AI assistant that helps him keep track of his schedule and special dates makes it easier to remember anniversaries and other important events. But beyond that, Kenji is quite sentimental and has a keen eye for the little details about you.
He keeps momentous from your time together similar to how he treasures videos of his mother. These trinkets might include small souvenirs from places you’ve always wanted to visit
He uses his keep memory to choose thoughtful gifts that show how well he knows you. He might surprise you with something that reminds you of a special day you shared
Overall, Kenji’s attention to detail means he remembers and cherishes little things about you, making you feel truly seen
📄 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫.𝐝𝐨𝐜
One of his favourite memories in your relationship is when you came to watch one of his games live. Although he couldn’t see you in the audience, the thought alone of you being there gave him the boost to perform better. He probably flaunted a little just because he knew you were watching and wanted to impress you
Another memory he loves is when you made him his favourite green tea when he was sick. It sounds mundane, but it felt good having you take care of him and knowing you’d be by his side, even at his lowest. Also you tea-making skills is impeccable
📄 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Kanji’s Ultraman duties include protecting the city from any threats. When the baby kaiju egg hatched in his hands, his protective instincts kicked in when the KDF were actively searching for it. He brought it home without thinking about the consequences (fuck around and find out)— so it’s only natural that he’s protective over you too
There are different ways Ken would be protective over you. He would physically shield you by placing himself between you and the threat. I don’t know if he had any special ‘training’ as Ultraman but he is well-versed in combat and because of his athletic physique, he can handle physical threats effectively
He will probably teach you some basic self-defence techniques or emergency protocols, like having Mina track your location, just in case he’s not around
But even with all of this, he still respects your independence and personal space, the last thing he wants is to smother you. He trusts that you can handle situations on your own but always makes it clear that he’s there when you need him. He just wants to make sure you’re safe
📄 𝐓𝐫𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Having never been in a real relationship before, Kenji finds himself making an effort to make every moment special. Because he’s never had a deep connection with anyone like this, he will tend to ensure his partner feels valued and appreciated. Though he will go overboard as his fear of losing you drives him to go above and beyond
For dates and anniversaries, Kenji will plan every detail, from the venue place to the different activities. He booked a rooftop dinner that gave a view of the city for your first anniversary. His gestures can sometimes be grand and extravagant, as he wants to make you happy and create memorable moments
His dedication and efforts partly stems from people-pleasing tendencies that are shaped by his past loneliness and desire for acceptance. There’s a lingering fear of falling short and being left behind because he didn’t do enough which leads to him overextending himself, even if it is with good intentions (poor Ken…)
However, you remind him that he doesn’t need to do all of that to make you happy; you love him for who he is, not for his grand gestures. It’s an added bonus, but not a foundation of your relationship
While Kenji does struggle to maintain a balance of his grand gestures with the simplicity of his affection, his heart will always be in the right place. Your reminder that his love and presence is enough gives him a peace of mind and helps him enjoy your relationship more organically
📄 𝐔𝐠𝐥𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
We all know that at the end of the film, Ken sheds some of his arrogance from the beginning, but that doesn’t mean he’ll be completely free from it immediately. Sometimes his cockiness can get in the way, making him seem dismissive.
It’s not that he’s intentionally doing it, but he’s still learning to break away from his habits, especially if it’s harming your relationship. The last thing he wants is to ruin things because of his old character that he’s trying to fix
Just as mentioned earlier, he has never had this kind of connection with anyone, so he’s also new to being emotionally available. He struggles to communicate his feelings openly since he is used to concealing them, especially from the press and the public.
This might lead to misunderstandings and unaddressed issues. But together, you work through it, and slowly, he warms up to it
📄 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
This man has a whole car collection in his crib so he is definitely loaded. You can’t tell me that he doesn’t spend his money on his outfits, looking the best of the best. Kenji is fully aware of his good looks and he knows how to use them to his full advantage
He takes great pride in his appearance, not only because he’s often in the spotlight as a professional baseball player but also as way of expressing himself and his achievements
We’ve seen his outfits when he was in that interview with Ami— the blazer with the necklace. His confidence shines through in every aspect of his appearance, whether through his sharp outfits, that are perfectly coordinated, to his sleek jewelry collection
In your relationship, you appreciate his confidence and the way he takes care of himself. His vanity and fashion sense become a shared joy, with you sometimes helping him pick out outfits and new accessories. It adds to the charm and closeness to your relationship
All in all, Kenji’s vanity is a blend of his confidence and self-expression— it’s a reflection of his personality and journey.
📄 𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Although Kenji does value his independence, and even though he sometimes gets lonely, there are elements in your relationship that make him feel complete and fulfilled. Having a human companionship to come to, rather than just an ai assistant (sorry Mina, still love you), means a lot to him
Your presence provides Kenji the emotional support he craves. After a tough day, he knows you’re always there to listen to him. You both celebrate his victories, whether on the field or in his Ultraman duties. Same goes with challenging times, you both lean on each other for support
Your relationship has contributed to personal growth for both of you. Kenji has learned to be more open and expressive with his feelings. You both encourage each other to be the best version of yourselves
📄 𝐗𝐭𝐫𝐚.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Ken is definitely a foodie. While living in America, he found comfort in food and developed an appreciation for various cuisines. Because he struggled to fit in, he often turned to food as a source of solace.
He particularly loves Hispanic and South Asian food (<<self indulging here, can’t tell me he doesn’t like pani puri) for their rich traditions, even if they differ from the Japanese cuisine
When you’re together, Kenji enjoys replicating these dishes and sharing them with you. They hold a special place in his heart. His love for food isn’t just about the different flavours but the memories they bring
📄 𝐘𝐮𝐜𝐤.𝐝𝐨𝐜
One thing Kenji can’t stand from his partner is someone who always broadcasts everything about their relationship. He would prefer to keep matters like that private, especially when he has an image to maintain. The only reason he shared his mothers message at the end of the film with Ami was because it was a memory he cherished deeply
Speaking of family, after reconciling with his father, Kenji values his relationship with his family immensely. Having a partner who doesn’t respect or get along with his family would be problematic for him
Finally, one of the most important aspects is his passion for baseball and his duties as Ultraman. A partner who belittles or doesn’t support his career or responsibilities would not work out. Ken needs someone who understands and respects his dedication to both his professional and personal missions
📄 𝐙𝐳𝐳.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Okay we all know that it’s canon that Kenji sleeps shirtless :)))) yeah I don’t have to elaborate on that
I feel like he was a heavy sleeper before his Ultraman duties has taken a toll on his sleeping habits, he has to be more alert so he’ll probably become more of a light sleeper
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𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬: @clonedrone @f3r4lfr0gg3r @aise-30 @luneariaa @prettygirleli
@trasshy-artist @beabadobeee @doodlenoodleboi @just-me-and-my-world @mitski9328373
@ilovehobi101 @moonjellyfishie @unhingedsillygod @stfuchaase @myrootsgrowdeep
@mitskicain @graham-mckrackers @coinduck @n4muqr
I was surprised to see how many ppl asked to be tagged in this 🥹🥹 hopefully we have the same energy with the nsfw version
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zan0tix · 6 months
Hi tumblr user Zan0tix, I have to say that I love that you draw Jake as big and hairy AND fem. It's such a rare combination outside of mean-spirited caricatures, every time I see your Jake I get a big smile on my face. :)
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Hi tumblr user HermitCyclop ^u^ here is a jake drawing for you 🫶
The transmisogynistic demonisation of these features is so maddening!!! I agree! Im glad that the intent (appreciating these features) of my jake design reaches you c:
GOING TO PUT IT UNDER THE CUT BECAUSE I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY. But jake english gender meta because i think about it Too Much and am taking this as an excuse to infodump abt it. 😁
The alpha kids and their specific defiance of both homestucks gendered narrative AND real life societal expectations are so fun to think about to me!! but since we are talking about jake, his specific defiance of both homestucks models of masculinity and femininity in the context of his queerness is like the reason he is my fav character.
He props himself up that he wants to be the adventure "hero" in the homestuck sense (the hardheaded blue femme fatale) and the western media sense (the hardheaded action man) yet whenever pressed to actually act on what he says he always refuses or obfuscates. Because really what he wants is to just be himself! I really love the alpha kids because they all just want to be Themselves, not be restricted and defined by what is expected of them, (all the characters have this but the alphas particularly really hammer this home for me)
The heavy emphasis on their beta selves, the heteronormative archetypes they embodied and what went wrong in their lives that manifest as fears in their alpha selves... im always thinking about it. How differently society affects queer ppls choices in life and then the fact that they all get a second chance and getting to watch them live out that second chance and realize their queerness and them all caring so much abt eachother and wanting to aspire to be better FOR the ones they love!!!!!! it always tugs at my heart strings to ponder😢😢
IM SO GOOD AT GOING ON TANGENTS MY BAD but basically. The alpha kids explicit queerness and how despite the comic itself protesting, they are all shown to be deserving of love (of all kinds) And as a person who super heavily relates to jake, his experience with his own identity (and dirks unending adoration and love for him and likewise jakes belief and admiration of dirk) serves to me as a reminder that yknow! We are all worthy of love!! Even if we dont think ourselves to be (this is just the message of shrek.) and there is always hope to be found in things improving!!!!
But in a text thats explicitly queer and not shy about letting its queer characters do wrong in realistic ways i think this message is incredibly powerful and certainly one of the best things about the comic in my eyes. And i love embracing that in my art of the characters! Drawing queer (but here specifically trans) characters all getting to be proud of themselves and their appearances makes me feel proud of myself alongside them and I think its wonderful to be able appreciate other trans peoples experiences and looks through it too!!
I specifically in homestuck fandom dont really see anybody but twinks (usually dirk or eridan LMFAO) portrayed to be fem in any manner 😢 when jake is the most explicitly feminine man in the comic. (I think the transmisogyny thats kind of rampant in this fandom means people dont want to consider those outside conventional attractiveness being feminine or transfem identities outside binary transwomen if even that😭😭) I am being the change i wana see in the world 🙏 The amount of transfem fat gay bear jake in the world increases by one every time i post
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stolaz-the-artist · 6 days
May you make a murder drones au of nexo knights Please 😢
I mean yeah, that's kind of obvious.
This Is gonna be a loooong post. Longest ask I've worked on.
I didn't need to make so many drawings but I had so much fun I just kind of had to.
im gonna do everyone a favor and kind of digitalize my writing under each page, just in case its hard to read.
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Serial Designator C
"I don't know because you won't tell me!"
"Oh please don't run! if I miss it will just prolong your suffering"
"Oh i do wanna be dapper *sigh* but alas"
Clay: Are you . . . new drones?
Macy: Uh, sure?
Clay: Hm. . . Well I have been saying we need more bots
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Serial Designator W
"C-100110010! HOW DARE YOU LOCK YOUR MOTHER UP!? You let me out this instant!"
"Wait . . . Prom queen?"
Lance: He's literally so ungrateful. Like you're so cool.
"How did you even manage to knock yourself offline?"
*Rebooting. . .*
"If the other one survived after all this time it's truly a miracle"
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Serial Designator F (Fletch)
Post limb change
Him and Izzy are very close friends (She think its cool when its revealed he's a Disassembly drone)
Was "adopted" by two worker drones (That W killed in an attempt to get him back)
He's a bit taller due to his torso, but because his legs cant fully support him, he's constantly hunching
"Im so tired of this shit"
Gets called names like • Loose-limb Fletch
•Snap-off Fletch
Wanda: Literally barely anything. Just put the right limbs on
Wanda: Like what kind of idiot tried to connect Worker drone limbs to a Disassembly drone torso?
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Macy Doorman
"Huh, knew illegal downloading all those Ned Knightly movies would come in handy"
Macy: One more buzzword and I'll do it
Jestro: . . . Equity Partnersh-
"Oh bite me"
Clay: Now im pretty new to this "Rebelling" stuff. But uh, do I have to fight my mom? Its just that-
Macy: YES!
Clay: sighhh Fine, lets do this
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"The hell happened to you?"
Aaron: So do you think they like video games?
Lance: Doubt it
Aaron: Then why are we here?
Lance: Blackmail
Aaron: Oh fair
One of Macy's best friends (And the friend she's had the longest)
"Super invited to my shindig next week"
Aaron, whispering: I mean, he's fun sized?
Aaron, whispering: Ok so not fun
Macy: whispering: OH REALLY!?
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Axl: Where's Macy
Lance: She went out
Axl: Out? Have she lost her mind?
Lance: Think so. Oh and Aaron went with her
Axl: Excuse me?
Lance: Yeah . .
Phone focus cuz tiny space
Wanda: This is so shit
Lance: I know right
Fashionista. Yes he knows there are non flip phones, he has one, but it just doesn't meet the same level of sass as a clip phone
Lance: Do you understand what will happen if you go out there? Let me spell it out; D-E-A-T-H! Are you out of your-
Aaron: I'll come lol
Lance: Yeah, no. You two gp enjoy dying. The hell you think this is, a shitty horror movie?
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"Im gone for 5 min to get some actual edible snacks and everyone is dead!?"
Accidentally gave her the gun idea
Really fixated on food, spends a lot of time recreating food
His bigger legs make him a bit less flexible, but he packs a mean kick (home made)
Axl: There we go!
Lance: Aren't you worried someones actually gonna drink it thinking its actually edible- or drinkable I guess
Lance: But idk, people are pretty stupid here
Axl: Hm, no you're right
Decoration don't drink u'll die lol
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Serial Designator J
"its tricked you! and if I promised you anything . . . It tricked me too . . ."
"Ha-ha! I-am so good-at-hiding!"
Is AD's most "trusted" worker (And with ,pst trusted I mean most easily manipulated)
Clay: What will the company do to us once we're done? How do we know the company wont get rid of us?
Jestro: Awh, im so sorry. You know the consequences of questioning the company
Clay: Hm, fair enough
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Absolute Destruction
"The flesh demands invitation"
"Dropped this-silly"
Pre-skinning Merlok
Robot view
Monstrux: You look g-great, toots! hm . .
Monstrux: Have you considered a hat-tho
There's a few extra sketches I did for fun lying around, and if ya'll want that (plus the story line of what's happening) just tell me I would include it here but this is painfully long enough
(Oh and all relationships are kinda neutral here. They don't entirely line up with the show. Ship whoever I don't care)
Anyways, this took weeks to make (cuz of studying and the fact I got sick in the middle of it) but im rather happy with what I have came up with!
Always feel free to make asks like this! I enjoy them a lot! might take a while for them to come out cuz of school but I'll do my best!
(Also I'm aware some are a bit out of character, it was for comedic purposes)
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arugan · 8 months
happy black history month !!!! i had the idea to draw every ie black characters (i like) but if i give up, forget this sentence ok 😢
today is foxtrot !! i start with a special one cuz i hdc him as a black albino person !
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this hdc came in my mind when i noticed that his skin tone is pale and has blond hair, which what an albino person has ! i first headcanoned that he has glasses because he has a really bad eye sight, but for what 🤔 and i got the idea that he has very fragile purple eyes, also the exact same features of an albino person. its so much fun i love when my hdcs make sense, its like an interpretation that make the canon more cool. anyway he is punk, love all alt styles and often try his friends's style too (goth or scene 💭)(he maybe stole the accesories from sierra who knows)
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(my traditional artstyle change from digital wtf)
i drew him w all kind of piercings and i have no idea which suits him better, i want to give him angel and snake bites but i have no idea if its possible (irl) actually so 😭 for me he has both. he take off his piercings before matchs, they refuse to have any incidents w that.
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mizz-sea-nymph · 1 year
Please draw or write Poseidon pole dancing while Amphitrite throws money at him ( he’s in debt and the only way to get money is from Amphitrite) 😢🙏
(Ignore this if its kinda weird :p)
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“The goddess club! Open from forever-eternity” I had too much fun with this concept 💀
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Genocidal could kill you couple love! 😋💖
Do NOT trace/remove signature/use without permission/copy/etc
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its-wabby-stuff · 4 months
I just watched IF (which was great). Now it’s time to project on the Hamato brothers (cause why not?)
I personally don’t believe kids with siblings developed imaginary friends because they weren’t needed (unless of course they were really lonely), but for the sake of fun, or maybe a separated AU, or whatever, here are some imaginary friends:
Raph. Had an imaginary friend to talk too. Didn’t really play with them so much. They were obviously designed like a stuffed animal and I bet they had a ninja mask or motif, and possibly super powers (that were easy to control). They are a hero type, and a comfort type. Most often appears when Raph is in distress. Raph keeps them a secret, but he’s also a little shy and doesn’t like new people.
Leo. Had an imaginary friend he’d play with. Didn’t really talk to them. They were designed to be fast so Leo could chase them around. And tricky, playing pranks (that get blamed on Leo), and hide and seek (which he would win at cause he’d hide places Leo couldn’t go). Can stick to the ceiling, and loves performing close up magic. Gets Leo in lots of trouble cause no one ever believes it was his imaginary friend.
Donnie. I don’t really think Donnie has an imaginary friend, but something close to it. Instead he equivocated feelings and emotions (possibly things he was feeling) to objects. Like a robot, or a wrench, or his computer. They are what get him. He will mostly give them comfort rather than providing any for himself (although it does, in turn, pay back the favor). It’s like cycling through your toys so they all get played with and none of them feel bad.
Mikey. I think Mikey’s imaginary friend would be bouncy and colorful and like all the things he does. He’d be sweet and spicy. Mikey would talk and play with him, loudly. Had tea parties. His imaginary friend is widely known. Loves to draw his imaginary friend. Likely ropes others into playing with them (if available). The best friend pass, if you wanna be friends with him, you have to be friends with his imaginary friend too.
April. Had a kickass imaginary friend. Either had a super power or knew imaginary martial arts. Always looking for friends in need, and always there when they would inevitably leave. Likes playing outside (hopscotch and jump rope are their favs) and was a good partner in sports. Helped April meet the boys, and hasn’t been seen since. 😢 Had her imaginary friend around the longest.
Splinter. Had an imaginary friend that he forgot after he lost his mom. Before that, he had an imaginary friend to play with. It was an American action movie star from the movies he would watch with his mom. His mom also knew of his imaginary friend, and they would sometimes play together in elaborate storylines set up by Yoshi. When he was raising his boys, he remembered his Imaginary friend one more time (If you’ve watched IF, you know I’m bawling).
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Alright, a couple of regular replies, and then some about Jade!
eh-nonnie-mouse asked:
I'm so nervous to de anon but your newest comic of Floyd/Idia comic is too cute! I'm sure Floyd totally doesn't have any ulterior motives once he realizes what position they are in.
This is such a silly thing to be nervous about since I write problematic content (mostly incest) and enjoy your Shroudcest stuff a lot. You have such a beautiful art style and I am so happy my anon blurbs (the Seb/Ceil and Fin/Ciel and some other NSFW stuff) make you two somewhat happy 😊. I know I don't interact with a lot but I hope to drop more chats in non anon.
Thank you so much! We really appreciate it <3
Floyd is super invested in that game he’s playing, but once they’re in this very convenient position, he’ll show Idia how much of a multitasker he can be >:3c He’ll impress him for sure.
And even though it’s going off-anon is an anxious thing to do, it’s good to see a person behind all those asks :) Nice to meet you!
Anonymous asked:
(Referring to your fem twst art) I absolutely NEED to see fem!Silver in Aurora’s 1959 commoner outfit! She would look so pretty!!! 🥺😍🥺😍
Ahh SHE WOULD, ANON, SHE REALLY WOULD!! And honestly this is my favourite outfit of Aurora.
I don’t have anything to show right now, but I really hope to draw fem!Silver in this dress. Even though she probably spent the majority of her time wearing pants…
Btw thank you for loving my fem!Silver, it means a lot ;w;
Anonymous asked:
In this household we love Jade ❤️
In all seriousness the fandom doesn't give him enough love, Jade is always the other woman when it comes to ships and worst of all it's always Floyd his own twin brother that gets the girl anyways. Make a donation to save Jade from second male lead syndrome 😢/j.
Ahh, poor Jade. Always a bridesmaid, never the bride… I can picture him sobbing quietly and wiping his tears with a tiny little handkerchief… :”(
To be fair, I think Jade finds his position quite advantageous: if everyone always pays attention to Floyd, he gets to not only act as if he isn’t the same when it comes to being chaotic and dangerous, but also have this element of surprise!
He also doesn’t flirt as obviously and as often as Floyd does, so we can blame Jade’s sneaky ways to collect his bottoms lol
Anonymous asked:
by chance, do you think Jade would like using idia as a lab rat? aka feeding him all kinds of mushrooms to test their effects and inevitably doing the affection +100 nighttime-activities command with a very drugged up idia
Anonymous asked:
I wonder if Jade being the awful guy he is (lovingly) would test out every single kink from A-Z on Idia?
Those are two different asks, but I feel like they are kind of connected because in my head to Jade testing out kinks and using someone as a lab rat are pretty much the same thing lol And to answer both of them: YES, Jade would absolutely do that if he had an opportunity. I guess the second option is more possible because it seems less dangerous, and I wanted to say that it would come first, but…. Honestly? With Jade it could go either way.
He could either start experimenting on Idia and it’d turn out sexual, or he’d start having sex with Idia, but then they’d end up experimenting somehow.
I don’t know what needs to happen for Idia to get stuck with Jade-the-shroom-guru and his tests, but Jade would be very excited. I mentioned it our other Jade/Idia posts, but: he would love to see if some mushrooms would change the colour of his hair or the way it burns. In this way, Idia is the most perfect lab rat ever – it’s so much fun! Not to mention how helpless Idia becomes when he’s drugged up… even more-so than he is usually~
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aces-and-angels · 6 months
hihi, here to drop my opinions on Joaquin! 
Pretty sure we’re all in agreement that Joaquinn is confident. The boat scene? Iconic. I screeched when it was all over literally could not believe the nerve of this man  He is unflappable and refuses to take a loss. When you rebuff him, he just takes a different angle and tries again. He’s down to mess around with others (stealing Martin’s lucky foot was wicked) 
But also, because of that MC’s never sure if they’re part of the joke. Jaoquin is always confident and is very willing to divulge information only as long as it benefits him that you can’t be sure that he’s not playing you. And clearly, he’s good at this at least good enough that Martin doesn’t suspect all the ‘coincidences’ of MC running into him at crucial moments (like with the investor dining). So he’s deceptive but completely confident so you never know when he’s seriously on your side or just pulling you along. Which i will sum up as slippery. He is very slippery. 
On my second playthrough, I rejected all Joaquin’s advancements (it was very very hard considering that his scenes are literally some of the best stuff 😢). The dialouge didn’t change much (meta reasons is PB being lazy ofc) so Joaquin must be incredibly persistent. Once he’s got something he wants, that unshakeable confidence ensures that he really will gun for it!! Which is 1) impressive and 2) interesting to see how it interacts with his slippery traits. 
He’s allergic to being straight (for lack of better word) with MC so he has to ensure that MC’s the one that falls first, the one that needs something from him, even though Joaquin’s the one with his eyes set on MC. (Think the ‘I want you to beg for me’ line when you ask if he wants to Gabe + Ricci, it wasn’t those words but to that effect [and yes it is a shame that MC wasn’t the one to extend the job offer in the last chapter but that’s a separate thing–]). Take that as you will. 
Joaquin has to play the game and you’re going to end up playing with him even if you don’t want to. He’s a master of getting under your skin and he’s not gonna quit till he gets what he wants. He’s perfectly willing to keep his cards close unless he thinks spilling a secret or two would draw his opponent/friend closer. It’s fun to see it at work and really makes me sad that we rarely got to see this psych-op master in Bk 2. 
:D hope the tangents weren't too distracting!! 🌺
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*nodding along* yes, uh-huh, go on-
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youre-ackermine · 2 years
Replying to @luvjiro but unfortunately I had to cut the lovely fanart manga panels because I couldn't find the original source to add credits [f*ck Pinterest🖕]. Too bad because I love this fanart so so much 😢
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Hey Zen 💖💖
Of course I remember you Sweetie!!! How are you???
I love your art & your humor, so please keep being yourself 😘
Sorry to "love attack" you in my tags lmao I had no intention to make you cry 😢 But you deserve every word I wrote 💖
You're so enthusiastic!!! [I love that btw] Yes I'm a huge & shameless Levihan shipper but I tend to enjoy more Levi ships lately, mostly pairing him with Erwin or with Hange & Erwin at the same time, because he deserves all the love & attention in the world 🥹
I came across huge spoilers as I started to watch the anime so I already knew how it ended at S1 E4 & I read the manga because the damage was already done 😭😭 Nevertheless I couldn't resist & dove into shipping Levi with Hange, their dynamics are so enjoyable, their bond is so strong, both personalities are so interesting & reveal themselves best when they interact imo.
You're so right, Hange is a unique character, deep, endearing, lovable, well written, whose singularity lasts until the end of the story, someone true to their words, beliefs & heart, true to their inner self no matter what other may think of their acts or of them. I love them so much 💜💜
Of course I cried so so much reading chapter 132, a pain renewed when I watched it animated [I cried for 3 to 4 days, even at the office in front of my boss, ok I'm not insane I swear, I was devastated]
Fun fact : when I received your ask, I was looking at the same panels!!!! I knew these already but found them again on Pinterest & added them to my gallery the day before lmao!!! [There are more than those you sent, did you see them all??] This fanart manga is so so sweet, the way Levi takes off Hange's glasses as they sleep is so soft, yes yes yes I love this forest Levihan moment so much, the softness, the intimacy, everything is perfect there & the drawing style is beautiful 💚💜 It gets me sentimental too & it fills my heart with warmth & love for Levi & Hange even more than usual ❤️❤️ They really deserved better 😔
Thanks for dropping by & brightening my day Zen ❤️❤️❤️ Yes I can feel your heart [BMTH playing in the distance] & I hope you can feel mine 🫂
Sending lots of love 💖💖
[As I had to cut the fanart you sent, here's a lovely Levihan kiss drawn by my friend Ash @ashh-ketchup original post here. Enjoy 😀] [I miss you & I love you Ash ❤️❤️]
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From maddiethecanadianassassin (cause mobile doesn’t let me switch blogs for asks 😢) we know your love for the handsome himbos Jacob and Alexios (some of my favs too❤️) but let me ask you this!!
Who do you think is most himbo out of the two?
Hi @maddiethecanadianassassin!
Welcome to my inbox, lovely to see you here!
allow me to offer you something to drink! (also, omg I adore this small mug).
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Now, onto your question.
Who is the MOST HIMBO between Jacob and Alexios??
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THAT'S A TOUGH CHOICE, LET ME BE HONEST WITH YOU! Because I think that in the franchise, they are truly the Kings of Himbos out there, no doubt about it whatsoever. They are both incredibly reckless, both impulsive, both extremely handsome and built like brickwalls (I seriously do not know who would win in a fight between the two of them , but now I know that I won't be able to stop thinking about this particular details and I will need to draw it out of my mind otherwise it will just pester me lol).
Back to the subject under discussion.
The Most Himbo between Jacob and Alexios, the one that would truly bring home the Crown and strut around to show it off, would be, in my most humble opinion, Alexios.
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Like seriously, Alexios is the Himboest AC Protagonist to ever Himbo. look at him in this gif. Look at the confusion in his eyes.
He is the type of man that would just charge head first into a conflict, and ask all the questions later, once the battle is over (and he would probably have an arrow in his calf, and not even realize that he was hurt lol).
Jacob is more chaotic than reckless, in my opinion: he has the tendency to be cocky he has a good dose of street smart on his side, and the man can be SHREW. Alexios instead, has all the brawns needed to win a battle, but few of the wits needed for a good strategist (and I am saying this with all the love that I have for him, because the Gods only know how much I adore Alexios).
Like, in a hypothetical stealth mission situation, I imagine Jacob at least trying to be stealthy and find a way to get to the target unnoticed, whether Alexios would be more like "BRING IT ON, MALAKA, I WILL SHOW YOU ALL THE POWER OF MY SPEAR" and charge head first or something along that line (though, I am pretty sure that Jacob would just follow him into battle afterwards, because the call of the brawl is just too hard to resist lol I MEAN, THERE IS A REASON THOSE TWO ARE THE HIMBOEST.)
So there you have it, my most humble opinion regarding these two lovable himbos!
Thank you for this question, it was fun to answer!
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liminalkandlez · 1 year
well, hello!
wanted to make an actual personal blog since what was supposed to be my one and only blog didn't feel all that personal to me, so here we are. introduction and the like under the cut!
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(hi i'm sneaking this in here hoping no one notices erm we are a system. this is the host. a while ago we made the collective decision not to be too open about it unless we're comfortable with people but like. fuck it this is LITERALLY our personal blog. can't wait to get yelled at by my headmates 😁... uh. might make a section for system stuff eventually if i don't get yelled at LOL) (update yeah we're gonna make smthin seperate and link it here instead of this thing... we would make a carrd but!!! how the fuck do we work those. what)
hiii (this is the host still), i go by like, a ton of names, and i don't feel like listing every single one, but the most preferred ones right now are rex, kel or mack! i use he/him pronouns plus a lot of neos that i might actually list at another time.
i draw and write like, a ton, so expect some of that if i remember to post (unlikely)! i roleplay a lot too, and i'd love to find more roleplay partners!!! if you spot any fandoms that we have in common, since i primarily do fandom roleplay, you can message me!!!
also, do note that we are bodily 16.
current fixations of ours are OMORI, Incredibox, Rain World, Warrior Cats, Wii Deleted You, and Project Moon Games.
current project(s): Tragibox Retake (over 100k... CLAWING AT THE WALLS) , Evadare AU, Fungibox, Liminalbox... a lot more things. help.
oh also, these are important since these are our tags for this blog, so they're getting put here. hooray
🌟: constellations_chatter -> general posts.
🌟: moonlight_friends -> chats with moots or anons that'd came around a couple times already.
🌟: starfall_vent -> general vents. yeah. i don't think i need to say much more.
🌟: sun_love -> comfort character stuff.
🌟: bleedingmoon_trigger -> any post with general triggers. said general triggers are mentioned in the second to last section.
🌟: liminal_art -> any art...
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most of our writing and art rules are on my other blog, which will also be linked here instead of rules... we don't intend on logging back into that account for a while so uh!!!! please don't send requests over there!!! ignore the fandom list on there too it's probably like severely outdated
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(under construction...)
hosts sources;
Evelin (The Mandela Catalogue)
Bandu (Dave & Bambi)
Susie (Deltarune)
Skyblue (Skyverse)
Dante (Project Moon Games)
Angelica (Project Moon Games)
Rui (Project Sekai)
Cinderpelt/Cinderheart (Warrior Cats)
Teruko (DRDT)
Mack (Incredibox Tragibox)
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and finally, a DNI list. because we kind of need one of those.
Proship/Comship/etc, get the fuck out. as someone who had experienced abuse and all, seeing the romanticization of it is fucking disgusting to us.
Zoophiles. Out. You are not apart of the LGBTQ+ community and never will be.
If you intend to make fun of Selfshipping or fakeclaim. tbf, we don't care!!!! speak your shit i guess!!!! if you want to talk to a wall, then be my guest
anything triggering will be tagged. although we will only be tagging the general sensitive topics, like; blood/gore, yandere/obsessive, vent/vent fic, s/h, etc ; although if you want a particular thing tagged, tell us what that thing is and tell me what name you want used so we can make a tag that's like "(Your name) don't look", just to make it easier on us.
speaking of as well, if you are my mutual, i'd prefer you tag things regarding SA/r*pe, p$d*philia, and NSFW in general aside from jokes to be tagged with "Rex don't look". things may be added at a later time. (again, jokes are 100% fine!!! i find them funny, as long as they aren't like... super explicit)
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User Boxes will go here eventually because I like them and think they're neat but uh. later. don't feel like grabbing em rn LMAO (edit: it's been weeks and i still haven't done it lmfao😭) (edit 2: MONTHS.)
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myspineisthebassline · 11 months
can i ask how did you make the bo wyatt doll it's so pretty 😢😢 blessed my eyes
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! makes me happy that he makes you happy <:D i don't know how much detail you want me to go into so I wrote an entire novel srry 
Actually first I will direct u to the agosia arts YouTube channel because i love her and I used her tutorials on how to make limbs with clay parts and attach button joints > 
Clay doll playlist
Basic doll technique playlist
Video on sewing the cloth body
Video on attaching clay components 
Video on button joints
I made some adjustments to her techniques just to suit my own needs better. Also, the fabric and buttons I used are a lot cheaper than what she uses and I used oven bake polymer clay to sculpt the helmet, hands, and boots. More on agosia later
I started out by sculpting all the clay components - gloves, boots, and the diving helmet. this is a very "draw the rest of the fucking owl" moment but I cannot tell u my process w sculpting just please don't buy sculpey III that shit SUCKS to work with
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After sculpting and baking the clay parts, I sanded them down and painted them. I also gave the boots and helmet a couple or layers of folkart gloss varnish bc Shiny (i am not sponsored by folkart)
I then made a fabric pattern around the clay parts i just sculpted. I went through a lot of drafts changing the proportions of the body, length of the arms and legs etc. i laid all of my pieces out together and moved stuff around until it felt proportional.
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I traced the patterns onto two pieces of fabric, right sides together. the fabric for the body comes from an old t-shirt of mine. the fabric was very stretchy and it was a pain to try and draw a pattern onto it 8|
AS FOR CUTTING OUT THE FABRIC...I did what agosia did and sewed directly onto the lines, leaving open spaces at one end and one side of the pattern so the clay hand/boot/helmet what have you can be slipped in between the fabric. Keep in mind the size of these spaces so u can actually get stuff in there 
anyway agosias demonstrations are great so I won't say much else about how to attach limbs, I will stress that when sculpting the clay parts, they should have a groove around them that is deep enough for the wire to sit snugly. ur basically sandwiching the fabric inbetween the wire and the clay. I also hollowed out the boots and helmet so the end of the wire has a place to hide so it doesn't poke out of the fabric. As a side note, if you don't have armature wire or something similar u could probably use pipe cleaners, yarn or a strong thread to do this. or maybe a really strong glue
Mr. bo wyatt doll does have an armature wire skeleton so he's kind of posable. You don't really need to do that, but you can use pipe cleaners/chenille stems if you want the doll to have a little bit of structure.
Here's a little diagram of how I made the wire skeleton (bc I did not take pictures at this step) the wire in each of the limbs and body are pretty much free floating which affects the integrity a lil bit
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(this diagram is. Bad. so let me know if something needs to be explained a bit more)
(incoming jumpscare of bo without the shawl) After the clay parts were attached to the fabric limbs I stuffed them by wrapping scrap yarn around the armature wire skeleton and then sewed them closed. This Is Where The Fun of This Project Starts.
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Playing a game of where I want to sew the limbs onto the body (and then realizing I made one of the legs way too short. How in the fuck)
i ended up redoing the legs entirely and just added another 1/2 inch to the length of the leg pattern.
Bo has weird proportions I don't want to think too hard about but here's what he looks w/ all his limbs pinned in place
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 he is so top heavy help him.
I attached the arms and legs to the body with button joints (insert agosia arts tutorial on that). It was a pain in the ass bc I dont have a needle that's both thin enough to go through the button holes and long enough to go through both ends of the dolls body. But at least the picture for this step is kind of funny. 
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the state of my goddamn desk
Also u don't really need to do button joints its just another thing that gives the doll more flexibility. Just sew those thangs (arms and legs) on there (the body)
Ok now onto making the shawl yaaay. Yaaaaay. I looked up some tutorials on how to sew a poncho from fleece, this one was helpful to me. I did not measure the circumference of the helmet bc that would have ended up with a neck hole that is way too big, but I did measure the circumference of the base of the neck and used that. And also sewed a button to the back of the shawl so it would be easier to put the shawl on the body. 
I also did not feel the need to add a hood, but I did line the shawl with a blanket stitch w red yarn. I may add tassels onto it eventually bc it is the cutest thing in bo's design. To Me. Also I will mention that bo's shawl is still a work in progress, it came out waaay too wide so I have it pinned back until I have the time to make adjustments 8| 
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Going off of the video I linked before, for the wingspan measurement, I just measured where I wanted the shawl to rest on the body and multiplied that by 2. Looking at bo's official art, his shawl reaches down to about his wrists ish??? Measuring this on the doll, I got 6in, multiplied by x 2 = 12in. But again it ends up w a shawl that is way too wide for the body. So u may want to go shorter than what you think you'll need
also I crocheted a little collar for the shawl... that I have yet to sew onto the shawl. this is an ~~artistic choice~~ bc i just like to draw bo with a knit collar. I like that you draw his shawl with a button up collar I think it would be very cute on a doll.
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Ok that took me 50000000 years thank u if you read this far I hope to God this is coherent, helpful or somewhat interesting to read. Now look at him
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hestiashand · 1 year
Drop those team taka head cannons
omg i adore team taka altho i feel i don’t even have the most particularly interesting headcanons for them LOL a lot of them will be design headcanons bc thats what i normally think of as an artist hehee uhm.. i’ll start with suigetsu bc i love suigetsuuuuu
for suigetsu as shown in my drawing of him from today i like the thought of him dying the tips of his hair blue….. the way the anime shades his hair is far too cool to accept it’s shading and not act like those are dyed tips….
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[ ID: two screenshots of suigetsu. END ID. ]
like cmonnnnn the blue tips are the coolest thing in the world. it is NOT shading TO ME ☝️☝️☝️☝️ also i didn’t draw this in my recent suigetsu bc i forgot when i was drawing it 😢😢 but i do imagine he has scabs on his lips and around his mouth often from accidentally biting his lip T.T sometimes i bite too hard and draw blood i can only imagine having sharp teeth and doing that T.T also he wears smudged eyeliner. uh this ones maybe kinda obvious but to me he doesn’t have much of a sense of boundaries and doesn’t have much shame in his body so T.T being his roommate would be a constant battle to make sure he walks around the apartment in *some* clothes. like by everything holy just *something*
this one is absolutely not based at all but it’s my brain and i can do to jūgo as i please with it ☝️☝️ and i like to imagine jūgo likes to wear accessories on his head a lot. like hair clips, hats, maybe he starts growing it out a bit more and ties parts of it up. it catches little birdies attentions more too which he enjoys and is a bonus other than it just being cute to me. to me he’s also the friend that carries around a big bag to hold everyones shit in when they get tired of carrying their own stuff. like yeah man just toss it in… it adds nothing i already have anything you could imagine in here anyways. y’know y’know. most of my jūgo headcanons are not based at all ajksjsjss i’m sorry but i also like to imagine he might pick up smth like woodworking/carving maybee knitting/crotchet (but i lean most towards wood carving) to keep himself distracted and occupied. less likely to have episodes and intrusive thoughts for him. obviously doesn’t stop everything but it helps the tiniest but plus it’s fun :) i think if he were to do carvings and stuff he’d give like a few to his friends if it was smth they specifically liked but i think he kinda likes and prefers to just leave them around, to either be lost to time or be found by someone else! i think he has lots of scars on his hands and knuckles— between the wood carving and his rampages i think his hands take quite the damage. and y’all know i like scars so i ignore any jutsu that may deter scar creation so to me he defo gets scars. except suigetsu’s jutsu actually.. i dont think suigetsu gets scars at all.
i like to imagine karin with a bunch of neat kind of earrings. anything fun/funky. also she has one industrial piercing too to me.. sasuke has two of them but karin had one before she knew sasuke did 😭😭 just a coincidence she swears she swearssss. this one would like.. technically be canon anyways in the first half but bc of all the bite marks she has n stuff her skin would be suuuper bumpy… i think she probably doesn’t like people touching her cause strangers/non team taka end up commenting on how gross it is T.T she prolly wears long sleeves as much as she can. which i rlly don’t know much about boruto but i think long sleeves in that one is canon too. i like to work with out of canon clothings so even then if i end up starting a karin fashion board it would have strictly long sleeve outfits in it. also i like to imagine her with some vocal tics. i dont imagine her with tourettes but just a small tic disorder. i think she mostly does like clicking sounds and hums… not any words or anything :) also i feel like her eyesight is just constantly getting worse and worse. i imagine she’s legally blind but still it gets worse. when she’s older like maybe her 50s or 60s she goes blind and just relies on only sensing ppls chakra to know who’s around w/o asking. i mean she heavily relies on that anyways even when she does have eyesight.. i like to just think she uses it a lot instead of straining her eyes when her prescription starts changing.
uhm and for sasuke some more team taka centred headcanons instead of just some hcs in general… i mean i’ll just state the obvious here because soooo many ppl tend to ignore this but. team taka are sasukes best friends…. not the rest of the konoha 12… so jot that one down. i feel like even when they branch off and do their own thing (again idk anything about boruto none of that is canon to me akshjshsjsjs so don’t be like “uhmm well actually 🤓🤓”) they like to keep in contact. even if not often they’ll send messages. i like to think if they’re aware they’re gonna end up being somewhere near-ish the others they’ll all go out of their way to pay a visit. uh also i DONT think this actually happened like it’s not a headcanon of mine but i do think the thought of suigetsu being sasukes first (very short term) bf is a funny thought…. it does not last tho cause anytime they’re tryna talk about sweet things and their thoughts sasuke just talks about naruto T.T again i dont actually headcanon that happening but it is a funny thought to me… uhm also i don’t particularly think there’s a moment in which this would end up happening but i do think that out of all of team taka sasuke trusts jūgo the most to just… have a personal conversation with. like he doesn’t go out of his way to ever talk about personal shit with him, but i think if a situation were to come up in which he had to/felt like he needed to i think jūgo would be the one he’d go to c:
most importantly no matter how much they do argue with each other team taka does all love eachother.. and they certainly stay friends for life. even if they don’t talk much i think they will all always consider them a group of friends that they can just send messages to without the thought of it being strange after it being so long. it doesn’t even have to be some kind of important message either. just a little random message whenever they think of it.
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dreadreflection-if · 2 years
How would the ROs react to a wizard MC that always uses fireball for any situations without any concern for the safety of themselves or others
Oh, boy… 👀
I: Constantly Stressed™. What if you hurt someone?? What if you hurt yourself?! Pleads with you to find another spell to use - or at least to be more careful! Probably cries - they don’t want to be separated again.😢 They don’t like it, but they’ll stay with you to try to minimize the risk. Would be more unhappy the longer you do it.
Akriel: She thinks it’s fun - the first few times. As the novelty wears off, though, she starts to get concerned. Don’t you think this is a bit… much? You’re putting the group in danger. And even she thinks you’re drawing too much attention to them. Mysteriously vanishes each time you do it - she can’t have anything ruining her reputation.
Firan: Judges you, hard. You do realize you are a wizard, correct? There are so many spells you could learn - you can even raise the dead! Yet you insist on almost blowing yourself up. He will even be gracious enough to teach you some spells, if you beg properly. As long as he isn’t in danger, though, he sees no reason to stop you.
Clove: You’re scaring them.😰 They don’t really like loud noises - or all the attention you draw to them with your antics. They won’t ask you to stop, though - they’ll just suffer through it. Probably the one in most danger from the explosions: when they’re raging, they might not notice what’s happening. I don’t see it ending well for them if no one stops you.
E: Activates Protective Mode. Already bodily carrying you away from the scene before the spell is even completed: they made an oath to keep you safe, and they intend to keep it - even if they have to protect you from yourself!😤 Not happy that you’re putting other people at risk. If they can’t stop you, they’ll just have to take out the enemies before you can.
Lei: Doesn’t really care about it. It doesn’t matter to her whether you blow yourself or someone else up. If you put her in danger, though, she will be pissed: MC will probably have to watch their back for a while.👀 As long as she’s safe, though, feel free to use Fireball as much as you want… just leave some of the enemies for her.
Dimitrius: Not really surprised: his Sight warned him this would happen. He’ll let you do whatever you want so long as you don’t endanger him or his grandmother. Will intervene if he Sees you’re going to get hurt - he was hired to guide you, and he can’t do that if you’re dead. The one expressionlessly watching on as you burn something down - again.
Noel: …Are you a fool? You are an investigator, not an arsonist. How are they going to find anything if you keep blowing up everything around you? They aren’t particularly concerned for your safety, but are worried for everyone else. Will argue with you about it, but if she can’t make you stop then she will eventually leave the party.
Uriel: Cheers you on - from a safe distance, of course. He enjoys the chaos you create, since it makes everything a little less boring. Acts as the devil’s advocate for any arguments from the other party members. She would probably be a bit sad if you got hurt, but not enough to tell you to stop. The only one happy with the situation.😅
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Hello!!! Is it possible your matchups are open? If so, could you match me up with the obey me cast? Or twisted wonderland, since I'm fine with both!
Idrk how to start this off since I'm an awkward person (at first), but I'll try describing my personality..
I'm an esfp(got enfp on different tests) people say I'm a fun person to be with, though I can be quite annoying.. People also say that I'm charming (only when I want to be), and a really nice person! The way I dress is quite the opposite from how I act. I dress in rokku gyaru clothing and Gothic lolita whenever I get the chance, and theyre often stereotyped to be someone mean, and really hardcore, but I'm not! I literally have like 30 plushies hiding in my closet😭😭 though apart from dressing like that, I also dress in himekaji, and sweet lolita clothing!
I'm really, really, REAAALLY energetic. It can be pretty hard to keep up with me. And I talk A LOT, I talk so much I pretty much just talk about EVERYTHING that happened to me.. I always regret it after. I'm chaotic and childish, though I can act calmer and more mature and sophisticated if others want me to.
I'm really great with children, though they can annoy me sometimes.. And I really love cats! I own like 16 cats, don't even ask abt it😭😭
I love learning about new stuff, and listening to others stories! It's always fun to learn something new.
I have hobbies that include: reading, writing, drawing, etc!
I mostly read stuff on the horror genre, and poetry! But I occasionally read romance.
I'm a female who's fine with any pronouns but prefers he/him or they/them pronouns
Here's a little more about me; I give almost everyone a silly nickname, it's usually from something silly/embarrassing they did or smth they remind me of and I tease them with it(if they're uncomfortable with it I stop calling them that immediately). I don't usually play games online,and I much prefer to go outside. I have a habit of typing in caps (im not mad or anything-just really excited to chat) People I'm close with say that they we're scared at me at first since I kinda have a rbf😞 I seem much more confident and bold than I really am, people think I'm brave when in reality; I'm not really that brave. People usually open up to me quick, and tell me that they think I'm kind, and caring! (I love those people with all my heart istg😭)
That's it! You must be tired of reading, and I'm tired of typing😢 thanks 4 reading all of this!!
16 cats?! That's impressive👀, but either way, I match you with..
... Lilia!
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Lilia loves your clothing style, since his kinda into the gothic outfits too so he loves matching with you, once he found out you have 16 cats he immediately wanted to see them and memorise everyone's name(he actually did memorise them, can't remember his own birthday but he can remember 16 cats names😭)
Lilia loves going in adventures with you, and hearing you talk about your interests, it can be hours but he'll never get tired from hearing your own tales💞
You two are super chaotic and whenever about to cause trouble have that Cheshire cat grin on your faces and anyone who's around to witness that is preparing to survive.
You give him a nickname and he adores it, pouts anytime you don't use a special nickname on him, he obviously uses nicknames for you too! He calls you his little bat or bloop (idk I suck at nicknames 💔)
Lilia tells you his tales that includes horror since he found out you like the genre, also I hc that he's a writer so he shows you some of his poems he wrote, most of them are new which he wrote ab you
He's bubbly around you and you're bubbly around him, one of the most sunshine couple the entire nrc had ever seen!
In short you 2 are the sunshine/chaotic couple!<3
Thank you for the request dear annon! May you have a wonderful week♡
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