#he owns a little antique shop lmao
ladytauria · 8 months
Pairing: Tim Drake/Jason Todd Rating: Explicit (and please mind the tags) Chapter Wordcount: 4.9k
Jason tries to sell off his first heat to make ends meet for the upcoming winter. When he’s taken by traffickers instead, he’s sure that’s the end of him—until he’s rescued by a mysterious alpha. That “rescue” comes with a price: Jason’s heat hits shortly after, and… one thing leads to another, and now Jason and Tim are bound together by a fledgling mate bond. It’s not the first time Jason’s had to make the best of things, but… he finds it a little bit easier this time, especially as he grows to genuinely like Tim. Unfortunately, just as Jason is starting to settle into mated life, Tim’s ex-pack starts getting involved, and they don’t exactly approve of Tim’s choice in mate...
i was going to wait longer to post this, but... i've been dying to share it, lmao, so i'm doing so as a birthday gift to myself <3
under the cut is a preview of the first chapter, as well as chapter content warnings. i hope you enjoy <3
CWs: underage prostitution, kidnapping, non-consensual touching, non-consensual medical exam, non-consensual pelvic exam, antiquated sexual education, degrading comments, humiliation, dehumanization, non-consensual photography, hurt no comfort, (it's coming, i promise)
tumblr is being rude and not letting me upload my divider image so take this purple text instead
Jason hasn’t stood on a street corner in over a year. He'd hoped, deep down, that he never would again. But...
Here he is, dolled up in a pair of tight shorts and a t-shirt, the combo doing nothing to protect him from the chill. Even mild as it is, the cold cuts straight through his skin.
A cigarette, unlit, dangles from his lips. He turns a lighter around and around in his palm, but doesn't light it yet.
Luckily for him—or maybe unluckily, not even an hour passes before a car sidles up to the curb. Jason's no expert, despite his brief stint at a chop shop, but he knows enough to know this one is nice. Not top of the line, exactly, but good. Shiny. Sleek. All black chrome and tinted windows, the engine purring like a content house cat before it cuts, the car rolling to a stop.
The tires would fetch a decent price. Too bad his guy is laying low, with the rest of the shop.
The man who steps out is tall, with broad shoulders and thick arms emphasized further by a leather jacket. He's bald. Despite the darkness of the hour, there are sunglasses perched on top of his head.
Jason’s grip gets a little tighter around the lighter. He forces it to loosen as he lights his cigarette. The flicker of warmth at his fingertips makes the rest of him feel folder in comparison. He takes a long, slow drag before letting the smoke pour from his nose. It dissipates in the night; the wispy cloud getting lost in Gotham's smog.
He envies it, a little.
The man's gait isn't quite a swagger. His steps are slow. Confident. The size of him is intimidating. His scent, when Jason catches it, doesn't help matters. It's thick with alpha musk, both natural and artificial. Under that is the sharp scent of burning wood. The part of Jason that's purely omega, that cares only about the safety of pack and getting fat with pups and milk, perks up. There's a low, steady heat in his blood, something that's been building for weeks now, that grows a little warmer.
Jason keeps his scent tucked tight.
The alpha leans against the wall next to him, pulling out his own smoke.
“Got a light?” he asks, casual as you please. Like they’re just two work buddies on break together.
“Yeah,” Jason says quietly.
The man doesn’t do much more than bend his head down, forcing Jason to rise onto the balls of his feet to light it. The alpha’s hand rests on his waist, above his hip, steadying him. Under his shirt, Jason’s skin crawls. He hates being touched almost as much as he craves it, these days.
The alpha blows the smoke out, into the night, and says, “Thanks,” thumb rubbing circles into Jason’s hip.
Jason lets himself shiver. Knows it’ll be interpreted as desire; not a reaction to the dread settling in his belly.
Last chance to back out, Todd, he tells himself.
He thinks about his squat. About his nest, if you can call it that; assembled from old paper and cardboard, and things he found in the very bottom of lost and found bins. About the thin blankets, the creeping cold.
About the way the absence of his pack bonds grows harder and harder to bear with each passing day; the empty spaces aching like phantom limbs.
He won’t survive a heat on his own. Even assuming no one finds him, or that the difficult-to-reach location keeps him safe… He just. He won’t. Not with what he has.
Some of the men who have picked Jason up like to make small talk. Even flirt a little, like… Like it’s something real, and not a sick perversion. This guy doesn’t. “How much’re ya askin’, kid?” He’s still rubbing Jason’s hip.
“Depends on what you want,” Jason says back. He licks his lips, and then looks up at the man through his lashes as he takes another puff, hoping the move comes off as sensual, and not stupid. “My mouth…” Jason shrugs, exhaling smoke. “Fifty. But…” He leans back, tipping his head back, exposing a little of his throat.
The alpha watches with interest; greed in his gaze.
Jason keeps tight control of his scent—but he loosens it now. The milky scent of his puphood is an undertone now; slowly being overpowered by a more adult, omega scent. It’s thick and sweet, with just a hint of spice. The lure of impending heat floats between them.
The alpha’s grip tightens on his hip. His breath has caught in his chest.
Jason stubs the cigarette out on the wall and lets it fall from his fingers. It pains him to waste one like that—but it was only ever a prop to start with. He presses against the alpha’s side, wrapping his arms around the barrel of his chest, head tipped back. “If you want to make a proper omega outta me… I think a thousand is fair. Don’t you?”
God. He wants to ask for more. Heats are usually around three days. Alphas… Alphas may not be able to match an omega’s stamina in that time, but there are no shortage of other ways for them to touch him. To violate him. But he’s pushing it already, asking for a thousand. He’s a crime alley street whore, not a pretty little O with a silver spoon in his mouth and gold on his throat.
The alpha’s hand slips to Jason’s lower back, just above the swell of his ass. It— It’s a fight not to let revulsion sour his scent, his expression. His skin crawls. His stomach rolls.
“A thousand,” the man repeats, rolling the words in his mouth. Then his lips quirk up at one corner. “Yeah, kid. I think a thousand’s fair.” He stubs out his own cig before pulling out his wallet; a beat-up leather trifold.
Jason’s teeth catch on his lip. He watches him count one, two, three—five hundred dollar bills, folding them in half and offering them between two fingers.
“Half up front.”
He’s sure the alpha must be able to hear the way his heart thunders. If he does, though, he gives no indication. Jason takes the money, pushing it into the pocket of his shorts.
Then he lets himself be guided to the car. Just before Jason steps off the curb, the alpha grabs him, yanking him against his chest. His arm locks around Jason’s chest like a vice. Jason claws futilely at the arm around him. Though the alpha growls, scent sharp with pain, he doesn’t let go.
Jason twists. Kicks. “Let me go—“ He’s lost all control of his scent now; his terror is thick and sour in the night air.
The alpha covers his mouth—Jason takes his chance. He sinks his teeth into the meat of the alpha’s palm, clamping his jaw down as tightly as he can. Blood floods his mouth.
“Fucking bitch—“ The alpha snarls, dropping Jason.
Jason doesn’t think—he just runs, stumbling before righting himself.
Unfortunately, the universe has never been kind to Jason Todd, and she’s not about to start now. He’s not even sure what he trips on, only that one minute, he’s running, and the next—
He plummets.
He manages to avoid face planting, catching himself on his hands. Before he can push himself back up, though, the alpha reaches him—his boot slams into Jason’s side, knocking the breath from him.
The alpha kneels beside him, hand closing roughly around the back of Jason’s neck. He scruffs him roughly; thumb and middle finger pressing down on his scent glands, palm pushing at the back of his neck. Submission floods Jason’s veins. Unwillingly, he slumps into the concrete, all the fight leaving him.
He lets out a pup’s call—not for pack but for anyone. It’s small and helpless and immediately cut short by the alpha hauling him up and over his shoulder like a sack of grain.
Tears pool in his eyes.
He’s not strong enough to resist it. Not strong enough to do anything but twitch as the alpha carries him into the car. He drops him in the trunk, securing his limbs with zip-ties, rendering Jason utterly immobile.
Baldie slams the trunk shut, trapping Jason in the dark.
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lunar-serpentinite · 6 months
more assorted hjp headcanons
harry's relationship with touch, specifically with asking for and receiving touch of any kind, is very ehhh ?? touches are nice, esp from ppl he likes. but touch him for too long and he starts vibrating like a kettle that has had enough. touch him too suddenly and he's literally clawing out of his skin, and maybe yours too. touch him too often and he'd think theres some Plot going on. touch him too little and his abandonment isssues kick in.
in harry's childhood, every single request for physical aftection or reassurance has been met with sneers, flinches, looks of disgust and, at one very memorable time, a smack to the face. he stopped asking for positive physical contact soon after.
harry has never been to the sea or the beach before that time with the dursleys or when dumbledore took him the inferni cave. after his first proper and positive beach experience, he kinda wants a beach side house.
one of the songs lily and james used as a lullaby for harry was lavender's blue
harry thought of running away from the dursleys but things just start going badly whenever he tried
one of his fave ways to relax and unwind post-war is to fly out to the countryside with nothing but his broom, wand, and guitar to spend the day serenading the wildlife and pretending he's the only human being in the world
there's a whole small book published that has all of the magical species named after harry and hes fucking MORTIFIED
harry's fashion eventually evolves into something that resembles grunge, and by that i mean there's no statement to be found in his fashion choices. he gravitates towards darker colours since he thinks they help him hide in crowds better, and he developed a hobby of reforming whatever clothes he bought to make them feel more like his.
in fact, harry does a lot of customising of his things. hes a serial DIY-er and clothes reformer. nothing he owns looks the way they did when he first bought or got them. he says it makes them feel more like his, since they have his visible mark made by his own hands now
even before hogwarts, harry never thought abt what wld happen when he's an adult bc growing up to adulthood sounded like a luxury he cld never afford
once his life isnt in danger on the daily anymore, harry finds that he actually likes trying new things and new food, but only if other ppl arent perceiving him as he does so
one of harry's love languages is parallel play. hes quite content just being in the company of someone he cares about and theyre both doing their own thing without a word shared between them.
one of his fave foreign drinks is nom yen or thai pink milk
he actually did inherit a sizeable share of the sleekeazys hair potions company. the owner of the company, the dude who bought it from fleamont, actually offered to just hand the entire thing to harry bc Chosen One but he was like 'NOPE im fine not being in a position of power anymore thank u'
he was actually floored when he found out his grandmother euphemia potter was a slytherin LMAO
harry likes collecting random little trinkets that he finds in antique and thrift shops. he has a whole wall dedicated to his trinket collection back in his home
later in life, when he feels in his soul that he has settled and is finally free from the grief of his past, harry's stag patronus wld transform into a crow; transformation, change, freedom, and his love for the skies.
(his crow also pecks at draco's own koi fish patronus but it's neither here nor there)
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libras-interactives · 20 days
I have two questions about the utdm gang, mostly just for fun. How would they dress in the modern age and what would their ideal day off look like?
Dresses very well (when he can afford it...), clothes are always clean and hair always done even if his apartment is shit lol. In modern times he'd stand out bc he'd wear "old fashioned" 1920s dandy styles, or clothes "meant for women" like crop tops and cute shorts, and bright colors.
Ideal day off in both modern and 20's is going out to eat and dance with friends. You could convince him to stay in, but he'd still want to do something engaging and invite lots of people over. It's actually nice when he gets a boyfriend bc then hes out on dates all the time instead of bugging the far more introverted Jack and Eveline.
Already has no sense of fashion lmao,,, doesnt change much in modern times. Jeans, work boots and a tanktop. Maybe a button down or flannel if he's gotta look nice. Denim overalls if he's gotta work, a baseball cap he got for free at a feed store to keep the sun outta his eyes. Owns more work clothes than "regular" clothes for sure, and knows how to mend them.
A day off where you actually got Jack to relax: walking in a nice nature reserve or forest with no people, or a friend or two. Maybe some fishin', and grilling said fish in the evening with some friends over a fire. Going to sleep actually at peace and content with himself. God bless.
Wears whatever's on trend at the time, albeit with her own spin. She can look good in basically anything, would def be one of those fashion insta girlies. An ideal day off would be a nice spa day followed by shopping or a night out with her best friends. They could be doing anything - restaurant, dancing, a horror movie marathon.
Likes thrifting (and antiqueing in general), and prefers to alter and sew her own clothes. She's very opinionated against fast fashion haha. She'd be the one buying handmade jewelry at festivals. An ideal day off would be some restful fucking sleep with no one interrupting her enjoying a quiet morning at a cafe, browsing an antique shop or little bookstore, and going home to cook something while listening to a podcast/radioshow. Marius can come over and bring his friends if they do the dishes afterward lol.
Little Lottie:
Buying clothing for LL is an Endeavor (tm) bc of her sensory sensitivities and the fact like, trying on clothes in Walmart or Old Navy would be an awful experience for her. Also, when she likes an outfit, she doesn't want to wear anything else. So when they find a favorite thing, Lottie buys like three or five of them in increasingly larger sizes so LL can still have that specific shirt or dress when she gets bigger. She'll wear her halloween costume for months if she loves it.
Little Lottie's ideal "day off" in modern is much the same as it would be in canon; she wants a warm, secure home with no sudden noises or women shouting or strange men coming and going. She'd want to have space to lay out her legos and books and stuffed animals, and not be bothered or interrupted, but not alone - she wants to look up and see Lottie or MC close by in case she needs them. And when she's done playing she wants to go to their side for a snack and juice and be read to.
(Playing outside would be fun too, but parks and zoos are overwhelming and have lots of people - so a big backyard with a sandbox would be like, perfect)
Still dresses like he's in the 50's; he is not that old in the modern times, he's just stuffy and overly fastidious. At least he doesn't wear a hat and jacket all the time. Supposedly, there's photo evidence of him in a hawaiian shirt and sandals with socks in the myriads of family photo albums his wife keeps.
As for a day off - lord this man needs it - he has a list of places his wife Viviana wants to go, anywhere from museum exhibits to weird performative art installments to a tiny hole in the wall Greek place she heard about 4 years ago to the local Renfaire. In modern times it'd be much easier for her to get about with a wheelchair, so they can go out more. They're more restricted in the 1920s, but they try to make it work whenever Slyvester's off for a few days. Alas, big shocker, Flynn doesn't allow many of those.
Lightning bonus round Malwina is a normal happy teenager who likes going to ☆spooky☆ dead malls and doing tiktok dances with her friends and little sisters. Máire never left Ireland, is the reluctant mom-friend to her coworkers at the lesbian bar, and is v active in the Dublin punk & queer community. And is properly divorced LOL.
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savventeen · 2 years
2 ... With mingyuuuuuuu 🥺
break the curse, break my heart
pairing: cursebreaker!mingyu x cursebreaker!gn!reader rating: M (mostly for reader's potty mouth) wc: 5.1k prompt: ‘things you said through your teeth’ (from this list) summary: what's supposed to be a simple hex job turns into something much deadlier, and suddenly the two of you are fighting just to stay alive warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, near-death experiences, exorcisms (kinda), convulsing, blood, hospitals, but there's a happy ending friends no worries!!!, mingyu is self-sacrificing, self-harm (mingyu cuts himself so he can use blood for magic reasons), descriptions of a panic attack tags: modern magic au, curse-breaking as a career, they’re partners (in the business sense AND romantic sense), non-linear narrative, alternating pov, reader calls mingyu stupid approximately a billion times, but he absolutely deserves it so *shrugs*, seungcheol also makes a guest appearance as #1 hyung a/n: sorry this took approximately 84 years to complete (it was only supposed to be a drabble lmao) but i hope you enjoy it despite the wait!! also a quick note on the magic in this world: hexes are the equivalent of small pests and are more annoyance than anything whereas curses are Extremely Dangerous and often deadly
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Hex hunting is not what you expected to be doing tonight.
Well, it was your job, of course, but usually you weren’t called in on a case so last minute, and especially not on one of your few days off.
But apparently whoever owns this house-turned-antique shop called in a favor or two at the guild, and everyone else was busy, so here you were — hauling yourself up a ladder and into a dusty attic at nearly midnight on Saturday night because there was pesky little hex on the loose that apparently couldn’t wait until morning to be taken care of.
Whatever. Jeonghan would owe you one, and you plan to save that favor for something big. Plus, it’s not like you’re doing this job alone.
Right on cue, Mingyu’s voice filters through your earbuds in a petulant whine. “Jagi-yahhhhhh.”
You roll your eyes even though you know he can't see it, a hint of fondness trickling through the exasperation in the form of a smile, and you continue your scan of the first room of the attic. The bright teal glow at the end of your wooden staff is your only source of light as you look for any signs of the wayward hex.
"Why did I have to be the one to search the basement,” Mingyu continues. “Why couldn't we have switched?"
You snort, peering around a stack of old moving boxes that tower over you and seem to be more duct tape than cardboard, miscellaneous protective runes scribbled all over them in sloppy permanent marker. "You lost rock-paper-scissors fair and square, babe, I don't know what else to tell you."
Besides the faint scorch marks you've found that match the ones throughout the rest of the house, you haven't had any luck in finding traces of the hex.
"But it's so creepy down here," he whines, pout audible through the phone call. He's right, of course — you suppress a shudder at the thought of having to face the numerous shelves lined with antique porcelain dolls stored down there, and thank the stars for letting you win that particular battle of rock-paper-scissors.
Even still, you can’t help but tease him just a little. “If you stop complaining and actually clear the basement, you can get out of there much sooner, you know.”
There’s a moment of silence over the line, and you take the opportunity to do one last sweep of the haphazard piles of boxes and broken artifacts — your staff’s glow unwavering — before heading to the door that opens into the attic’s second room.
“Wow,” Mingyu deadpans. “I think I hate you and everything that you stand for, actually.”
You bark out a startled laugh, loud and carefree in the way that only seems to happen with Mingyu, and you feel a smile bloom across your face. “Oh, wow,” you giggle. “Whatever did I do to deserve such sweet words from you?”
The teal light flickers slightly as you trace your staff in a familiar pattern in front of the door, checking for traps and finding none. Satisfied, you push it open with a creaking groan and step carefully past the threshold.
“You know exactly what you did,” Mingyu scolds indignantly as you step fully into what appears to be an empty room. “And you will get sweet words when you stop forcing me to go down into scary basements, y/n. I swear, some creepy possessed toy is going to be the death of me one day.”
“Sure,” you reply, distracted. Something about the room is…off.
There’s nothing immediately amiss — boxes and antiques just like the previous room propped up and shoved against the walls — but there’s something, a feeling, that you can’t quite seem to put your finger on, and it sets you on edge. “Should’ve picked a different career if you wanted to avoid scary basements, though.”
“Funny, we have the exact same job description and yet somehow you never have to go into the basements — only me.”
“Yeah,” you murmur quietly. “Funny.”
Something’s wrong.
Your bad feeling coalesces into a pressure that starts to build in your chest and the hair on your arms stands on end as goosebumps race across your skin.
“Gyu, something’s wrong.”
Belatedly, you realize you’d just interrupted him in the middle of a sentence, but you’re too busy tracing a quick series of protective sigils in the air around you to care too much.
His tone turns serious in an instant. “What’s wrong? What’s going on?”
“Not sure yet, bad feeling.” There are only a few strokes left for you to complete when the teal light at the end of your staff flickers and then goes out.
“Shit,” you whisper.
Before you can open your mouth to answer, the end of your staff lights up again. But it’s not the calming teal blue that you’re used to. It’s red — deep, dark, and ominous — and the implication sends dread coursing through your body like liquid lead.
“Fuck, it’s not a hex, it’s a curse.”
You pivot to run out of the room, but before you can make it two steps away, something slams into you with enough force to knock you down to the floor. And then you’re screaming — the dark magic coursing through you in an agonizing wave that makes you feel like you’re on fire.
You realize you’re on your hands and knees and Mingyu is yelling in your ears and you feel like you might be dying, and for a few moments you forget that you’re trained for this. You might not have any of your usual equipment since it was supposed to be an easy in-and-out hex job, but you grit your teeth and remind yourself that you’re fucking trained for this.
"—cking answer me, y/n, please."
“Here,” you sob. You’re not sure how much time you lost, probably only a few seconds, but you think you can hear Mingyu pounding his way up the stairs.
“Fuck, thank god, okay. Hold on, I’m on my way. Just hold on.”
You can feel the curse trying to tear you apart from the inside out, an enraged wildfire with scorching claws, and it takes all of your concentration to pull the sharpie out of the pouch attached to your belt. You yank the cap off with trembling hands, and then another wave of agony courses through you and you collapse onto your side, unable to hold yourself up any longer. Doesn’t matter, you think. You don’t need to be sitting up for this, anyway.
You drag one of your sleeves up and shakily start to trace out a series of banishing runes — the ones you’ve known by heart for years now. But it only takes you a few strokes to realize you’re shaking too much to be able to draw anything legible. It doesn’t stop you from trying though, tracing wobbly shapes even as you can’t see them through your tears. And then the painful spasms get so bad that you can’t hold onto the pen anymore, and you’re left shaking on the floor feeling like every single one of your cells has become a raging inferno.
“Gyu, ‘m sorry,” you slur through your cries. “Love you, ‘m sorry.”
You don’t know if he responds, but you blink and suddenly hands are turning you over and clutching your shoulders, cupping your face, and — Mingyu is here.
He’s here and he’s saying something, his face a portrait of fear and worry, and you know deep in your gut that he’s too late. He’s too late and he’s going to have to watch you die right in front of him and that thought is almost more painful than the curse searing its way through every fiber of your being and then—
For a moment, the agonizing fire within doubles, triples, in intensity — the curse hooking its claws within you and coalescing into a pain so severe you didn’t think it was possible. The agony is so all-encompassing that you don’t even have the ability to think any last words, let alone say them, before the darkness claims you.
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Mingyu has always hated going down into creepy basements.
It’s his least favorite part of the job and he makes sure that everyone knows exactly how much he hates it whenever he’s forced to go down into one. (Especially when he lets you win at rock-paper-scissors, because even though he’s fond enough of you to go down into the basements in your stead, he’s not at all above whining about it.)
He knows it’s all psychological, of course, that any other rooms of the houses they’re called out to are just as likely to be affected by malignant magic. But — there’s something that always feels so sinister about descending a flight of rickety stairs into unknown darkness.
And of course, tonight’s last minute hex job just had to have a basement full of creepy dolls that seemed like they were trying to stare directly into his soul. Because the universe hates him and he loves you too much for his own good.
The blue glow of his dual war picks isn’t helping the situation either, casting ominous shadows wherever he turns.
He comes around a corner and finds himself unexpectedly face to face with one of the dolls — the porcelain cracked excessively at the corners of the mouth, making it look like its face is stretched into a smile straight from hell. Mingyu shudders.
“God, I hate dolls so much,” he tells you. “Especially this one. I swear it’s going to come to life and try to eat m—”
“Gyu, something’s wrong.”
Your voice is completely void of all the lighthearted bickering from just a moment ago, and Mingyu’s tone hardens to match. “What’s wrong? What’s going on?”
“Not sure yet,” you continue, distracted. “Bad feeling.”
He tightens his grip on his picks and turns to make his way out of the basement, but your whispered “Shit” stops him in his tracks. Worried, he calls out your name.
You gasp, loud and crackling over the phone call, and dread drips icily down his spine. “Fuck, it’s not a hex, it’s a curse.”
Before he can process how truly fucked that makes the both of you, you start screaming, and Mingyu promptly loses his goddamn mind.
His feet move faster than he can think, sending him rocketing up the stairs. But one of his boots catches on the top of the basement steps in his haste and he goes sprawling across the wooden floor.
He shouts your name as he scrambles to get up, and the longer you keep screaming instead of answering, the more desperate he becomes — begging you to just answer him, please, god, please.
You sob out a “Here” just as he’s making it up to the second floor, hating the house for being so huge it’s practically a mansion.
He curses in relief at the sound of your voice and says, “Hold on, I’m on my way. Just hold on.”
Soon the ladder to the attic is in front of him and he quickly sheaths his picks, practically flying up the worn wooden rungs. His movements turn frantic when he hears you slur an apology over the line, something that sounds an awful lot like a final goodbye, and when he sprints across the attic to the far room and finds you convulsing on the floor, his heart stops.
His worst nightmare is playing out right in front of his eyes, and he feels like he can't breathe when he falls to his knees next to you.
Your staff is glowing a deep, hellfire red off to the side, and from the shadows in the room he can tell that his picks are glowing the same sinister color. He grabs you by the shoulders and rolls you onto your back, flinching at the heat emanating from your skin.
“Baby, look at me. Hey, look at me, baby, c’mon—” You don’t respond verbally, but your tear-filled eyes open a fraction and lock onto his. He moves his hands to cup your face — it feels like you’re on fire, fuck — and vows, “I can fix this, baby, okay? I’m—”
Too late, something traitorous whispers in the back of his mind. You’re too late, and they’re going to die, and it’s going to be your fault.
“Just— just hold on, please, hold on, baby, I’m gonna fix this.”
He sees the sloppy runework on your forearm, knows in his gut that even if he redid them himself, it would be unlikely for you to survive the banishment. Devastation chokes him for half a second, freezing and unyielding and all-encompassing, before he realizes: you probably couldn’t survive…
But maybe he could.
Again, his body starts moving before his brain can fully catch up, snagging your dropped sharpie from the floor and scrambling to trace a transference rune on the unmarked skin of your arm. He copies the matching rune onto his palm, and with one more desperate plea for you to hold on, he slaps his marked palm over your rune.
He already knows the curse is a nasty one, but the way he can feel it digging its claws into you, ripping and tearing as it’s forcefully dragged through the rune on your arm and into his, brings bile to the back of his throat.
You scream your loudest yet before going scarily, horrifyingly limp, but Mingyu doesn’t have enough time to do anything but try not to pass out as the curse sears its way into his body.
It’s agony, and Mingyu knows he has a very limited amount of time. From the way it already feels like he’s being boiled from the inside, it’s probably even less than he thought.
Maybe I won’t survive this, a quiet, scared little part of him whispers.
He bites back a scream between his teeth and starts drawing a binding rune on his arm, taking another glance at where you lie crumpled on the floor.
Maybe I won’t survive… but you will.
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Consciousness, when it comes, is slow, syrupy.
For some reason, the fact that you’re conscious at all comes with a sluggish sort of surprise, a groggy, Huh. Not dead.
And then you realize just how freezing you are. It’s like your entire body has suddenly turned to ice. A voice in the back of your mind mumbles something about fire, but all you can focus on is how cold and how empty you feel, and—
Everything comes back to you with the force of a meteor — the curse, the pain, Mingyu, “I’m gonna fix this,” Mingyu, Mingyu, Mingyu — and you’re jolting into motion with a choked gasp.
It’s not the unthinkable agony of before, not even close — but it hurts.
Your body feels like its insides have been scraped out with icy, rusted spoons and your bones have been replaced with lead that’s been left to freeze in the arctic tundra. Just getting to your hands and knees feels like climbing Mount Everest, and dizziness threatens to send you sprawling back onto the attic floor.
But you push through it with a grunt, and from your right you hear Mingyu gasp out your name in question. You turn, almost falling over in the process, and find him curled up against a beat up old trunk and a pile of small cardboard boxes, one of his war picks tossed to the side and casting him in a haunting red glow.
He looks awful, sweat dripping down his face and expression scrunched up in misery. His entire body is tensed, strained with the amount of force it's taking to hold all of the pain inside, and one arm is pulled tight to his chest while the other is pressed to the floor, his fingers coated in something wet and shiny. 
You scramble as quickly as you can to him with a worried croak of his name, but he shoots out the hand he’d been holding against his chest and shouts, “Wait, stop!”
You do, but only because he sounds so scared. “Gyu, what…”
Your eyes trail from his worried face to his outstretched arm, to where a large burn sits in the palm of his hand, smudged with ink. More ink further up his arm catches your eye, and it’s with a dawning horror that you realize what exactly he’s marked there.
It’s a binding rune, and you think you’re going to be sick.
“What did you do?” It comes out as a whisper, and Mingyu doesn’t respond, just clenches his jaw and starts moving the hand he has on the floor.
You follow the movement, and you realize he’s drawn something on the floor with that shiny substance, a set of runes like the ones you tried to complete, and then something clicks in the back of your mind and you realize it’s blood. It’s his blood, judging by the equally dark and shiny tear in the knee of his pants.
No… no no no no no.
“What did you do?” This isn’t real, this isn’t real, this isn’t real.
You already know the answer to your question, the lines drawn in blood on the floor matching the ones you tried to draw on your arm. Since he used a binding rune on himself — stupid, stupid, stupid — the only way to complete the banishment is with a blood ritual. A stupidly dangerous, stupidly deadly blood ritual. “What the fuck did you do?”
His eyes flint with a steel-lined determination. “Took the curse,” he grunts.
All at once, all of the fear and worry coursing through you ignites into a righteous fury. You force your frozen limbs to move — careful not to smear his stupid, stupid runes — and clumsily crawl close enough to grip him by the shoulders as tightly as your shaking hands will allow.
"Kim Mingyu, why the absolute hell would you do something so fucking stupid?!"
You’re angry, furious, but it’s only a mask for the fact that you’re the most terrified you’ve ever been in your entire life. Desperate tears start dripping down your face, momentarily blurring your vision.
When you blink them away, you see him looking at you. No, not at you, into you — into your heart and into your soul.
And through gritted teeth, he vows, “Because you're the love of my fucking life, and like hell was I going to sit back and let this curse take you away from me."
A wounded sound punches out of you, and you twist your trembling hands in the fabric of his shirt. "So you're gonna let it take you away from me instead?"
Your fury melts into devastation, into grief, so quickly it leaves you lightheaded. You sway forward until your forehead makes contact with the burning skin of his neck.
“ ‘S not gonna take me.” He pants, pressing a searing kiss to the shell of your ear. “I promise.”
You can feel the way his arm moves as he traces out the final strokes of his blood rune, and you know the instant he completes it because his entire body tenses beneath yours. And then he’s screaming, raw and guttural, and then you’re screaming, and the curse fights every second with metaphorical claws and teeth until the banishment is complete—
And then, with a blinding flash of red, the house is silent, still, and dark.
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It takes Mingyu much longer than what’s probably considered normal to realize that he is, in fact, awake.
He thinks he feels like he got hit by a bullet train, but mostly he feels so floaty that it’s hard to tell anything at all.
“That’d be the drugs.”
Hmm. He knows that voice. He wonders what Seungcheol is doing in his dream. Usually his dreams have more color, though, not whatever this endless black is.
“Not dreaming. And you’d know that if you opened your eyes.”
What a revolutionary concept. One that proves much more difficult than anticipated, because somehow when he wasn’t paying attention, someone switched his eyelids out for anvils. It could take him minutes or even hours, but eventually he’s able to peel his eyes open a fraction. It’s enough for him to see… beige. Just— a whole lot of beige. And then a really blurry face.
“Hey, hey, Mingyu,” the face says, suddenly eager. “Are you in there? Are you actually waking up this time?”
Mingyu blinks, and opens his eyes a bit more, and the blurry form above him morphs into the worried face of Seungcheol, his dark eyebrows pulled together in hopeful concern.
Mingyu blinks again. “No,” he pouts.
Seungcheol barks out a laugh that almost sounds like a sob. “Oh, thank fuck.”
Mingyu feels a hand slip into his and squeeze — oh yeah, hands, I have those — and another gently brushes his bangs aside. “Hey, kid. It’s good to see you,” Seungcheol sniffs.
“Why’re you cryin’?” Something must have happened to Mingyu’s face if the mere sight of him brings Seungcheol to tears. Did he trip and fall down some stairs or something? He vaguely remembers a set of rickey stairs. “Wha’s wrong?”
For a moment, Seungcheol just looks at him, biting his lip like he has a million and one things to say and no idea which ones to start with. Then he sighs, deep and long, and shakes his head. “You’re gonna be the death of me, Kim Mingyu.”
You're gonna be the death of me.
Something in the back of his mind freezes, tugging at a connection, and then clicks into place.
All of a sudden, Mingyu is no longer in front of Seungcheol. He’s back in the basement, surrounded by shelves of porcelain dolls as he tells you over the phone, “I swear, some creepy possessed toy is going to be the death of me one day.”
And then memory after memory starts fighting its way to the forefront of his consciousness — red, sickly and glowing, the entire room bathed in it  — his war pick in hand, the sharp end slicing into the flesh just above his knee — you, lying in a crumpled heap on the floor, not moving, not moving, are you even breathing — the curse, ripping and tearing and shredding its way through the both of you — you, screaming, you, you, you—
He gasps out your name, body moving even as the memories continue to slam into him.
“Woah, hey! Calm down,” Seungcheol shouts, pushing Mingyu back down onto what he now realizes is a hospital bed. But he can’t calm down, not when he doesn't know where you are and the last time he saw you, you were— you were—
“Hey, stop it!” Seungcheol is practically laying on him, each of Mingyu’s wrists pressed to the mattress in a firm grip. “Stop, you’re going to hurt yourself!”
Mingyu’s wild gaze snaps to Seungcheol’s as he continues to struggle. “Y’n, where’s y/n," he begs. "Hyung, where— they were hurt, they were d— please, I need to find them. I need to make sure they’re okay, please, hyung, please, they have to be okay, they have to, please, I need—”
Hands suddenly grip either side of his face and Seungcheol is almost nose to nose with him, eyes wide and imploring as he orders, “Breathe, Gyu-ah. C’mon, breathe with me.”
Mingyu doesn’t realize how irregular his breathing has become until he tries to take a deep breath and ends up choking on it.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Seungcheol assures. “Let’s try again, okay, Gyu-ah? Just follow me; you can do it.”
He continues to talk Mingyu through the panic attack, words as gentle as the fingers he uses to wipe Mingyu’s tears from his cheeks.
Eventually, he gets his breathing under control, and all Mingyu can do is grip Seungchol’s wrists where they still cradle his face and plead, “Hyung.”
“They’re okay, Gyu-ah,” Seungcheol confirms with a crooked half-smile, one that’s cracking at the edges with leftover fear and worry. “Stuck in another bed just like you, but they’re okay.”
Mingyu’s relieved sigh is shaky at best, and Seungcheol doesn’t complain when Mingyu pulls him closer so that he can bury his still-dripping tears in Seungcheol’s chest. He just carefully adjusts their positions so that he can fully wrap himself around Mingyu without messing up any of the wires or sensors. “It’s okay, kid, let it out. I’m here, hyung’s got you.”
And somewhere in between Seungcheol’s comforting words and the most cathartic crying session Mingyu’s ever had in his life, he falls asleep. He doesn’t even realize he’s fallen asleep until he’s waking up to some kind of commotion happening outside of the room.
Between one blink and the next, Seungcheol launches himself out of the bed and Mingyu watches as he jumps about ten feet in the air when the door slams open right as he’s about to reach it.
And then Mingyu’s breath catches in his chest because — there you are.
You’re standing in the doorway, silhoueted by the fluorescent lights of the hallway, looking like some kind of avenging angel. The bottom of your wrinkled hospital gown barely peeks out from beneath the extra large hoodie that looks like it’s trying to swallow you whole (his hoodie, he’ll realize later — one that someone must have brought for you), and you’re wearing a pair of purple fuzzy socks pulled all the way up to your knees.
None of that detracts from the look of pissed the fuck off that you’re wearing like battle armor, though. And if he weren’t so absolutely, joyously relieved to see you, Mingyu would almost certainly be terrified.
It’s as if the whole world freezes for a moment as the two of you lock eyes. The grumblings of the irritated nursing staff fade into the background, and all Mingyu can feel is the beating in his chest calling out to you.
Home, home, home, it seems to say, and he breathes out your name in awe.
Your face goes from furious to relieved to leaking a constant stream of tears so fast that Mingyu almost gets dizzy watching it.
“Fuck, Mingyu,” you choke out, eyes roaming over his form like you’re afraid he’ll disappear if you look away. And oh, the sound of your voice, even as it’s clogged with tears, is the most wondrous thing he’s ever heard in his life.
“Y/n,” he repeats, holding your name in his mouth like it’s something holy, something ephemeral and reverent and a syllable away from cracking.
And somehow it breaks whatever spell the two of you were under, because then you’re stalking over to the bed and throwing yourself into his embrace as you sob, “Kim Mingyu, you absolute piece of shit, I hate you so fucking much.”
He laughs wetly as he clutches you, pulling you so close that anyone would need a crowbar to separate the two of you. “I know, baby, I know,” he says.
“I’m so fucking mad at you.”
“I know, baby.”
“If you ever do anything like that again, I’m going to fucking castrate you, I swear to fucking god.”
He feels like his chest might burst with all of the happiness trying to shine out from between his ribs. “I love you, too, y/n.”
“I’m just gonna…” Mingyu looks up at the sound of Seungcheol’s voice and sees him standing awkwardly by the door with a finger pointing out towards the hall. Mingyu nods, and Seungcheol nods back before walking out. He steps out of the door before popping his head back in and saying, “Oh, also, you probably have around fifteen minutes at the most before the rest of the boys realize you’re both awake and storm the castle.”
You snort softly against Mingyu’s shoulder, and he smiles wide enough that his cheeks ache. “Thanks, hyung.”
Seungcheol just gives him a thumbs up before finally making his leave, and Mingyu sighs, soaking up the feeling of holding you in his arms. He quickly tucks his arms up and under your sweater, wanting to hold you even closer, and involuntarily shivers when he feels how cold you are.
“God, you’re freezing,” he murmurs, using one hand to pull the thin hospital blanket over the both of you.
“Mmm,” you agree, wiggling until you’re tucked under his chin and wrapped around him like an extra-clingy koala. “And you’re my new favorite space heater.”
Mingyu grins. “I’m honored.”
“Don’t get used to it,” you grunt. He starts rubbing gentle circles on your lower back, and you melt against him with a drawn out sigh. “You’re still number one on my shit list.”
“Just as long as I’m your number one.”
He lets out a high-pitched yelp when you pinch his side. “Ow, jeesus, you’re pissed, I get it.”
“Good. Know your place.”
(If he blushes at those words, no one is around to see it.)
You lay together in silence for a few minutes — simply basking in the feeling of holding each other — and then Mingyu’s brow furrows as he realizes that you haven’t gotten any warmer. Also, he hadn’t really noticed before because he’d been too focused on you, but he’s feeling warm. Like, really warm.
“Hey, y/n.”
You grunt in acknowledgement.
“Is this Katy Perry hot-and-cold thing we’ve got going on a fun new side effect of the curse?”
“Oh my god, Mingyu,” you groan, untucking your face from his chest just so you can glare at him.
Mingyu holds back a grin as he raises an eyebrow. “Am I wrong?”
You glare even harder before huffing and tucking your face back into his chest. “No,” you murmur petulantly. Before Mingyu can hold his victory over your head, though, you power on. “And to answer your question: probably. We can have Hao and Shua check to be sure.”
Mingyu hums in agreement and presses his cheek to the top of your head. A moment later, a thought occurs to him, and he grins as he says, “We’re even more perfect for each other now.”
You lift your head again, eyeing him with a hint of suspicion. “Why?”
He tilts his head down so your foreheads are resting together, and his eyes crinkle with the force of his smile. “Thermodynamic equilibrium,” he whispers.
Your eyes soften, filling up with so much fond endearment that a few more tears decide to trail down your cheeks. “My baby is such a fucking nerd.”
And when you press your lips to his, the whole world goes quiet.
Home, home, home, his heart sings inside his chest. Home, home, home.
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Things I Noticed While Writing Light The Fuse: Part 7, Episode 3
And now they're together again for the rest of the episode 🥰
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It's funny, half the time the car doesn't have plates and other times it does lol at some point I'll do one big post about it
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Meredith's so cute lol I looked up Michigan while I was writing and yup sure does, that's something you don't notice as a Canadian 😅 the only thing I ever learned about my map was that Lake Huron looks like a donkey
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My family owns an antique shop and a few vendors like to bring in stuff like license plates cause I guess that's a popular collectable, so whenever I'm browsing the new stuff and I see Detroit I go 'wow just like Ethan' 😊 also he's very cute here, he makes me also wanna sit and playflirt with him 👉👈😊
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Ethan control those eyes man they're outta control! Also love how this is Meredith doing this just to mess with not only Ethan but also Matty, all while he's watching in (totally real but sadly unknown) jealousy and protectiveness. Wow, love these boys, Meredith could've matched them up so fast if Ethan wasn't a canon dumbass 🙄
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Hey wait Ethan's got a bandaid on he hurt himself while filming 😭
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I'm gunna bite my screen also lol at Matty driving so mad
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That was entirely for her. Ethan is now flustered and Matty's all mad, she's having a great time on this joyride lmao I also laughed out loud when the music stopped when Matty yelled at her, the editing in this show is so perfect 😂
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The little headshake cause Ethan couldn't just let her use her own door 😭 I know there's a ton of space back there but c'mon man
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Petition for season 2 to have no more bullying of Matty
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Calling that again I'm right and Matty either used and quit (even without Johnson) or he just doesn't partake that often (anymore?)
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I'm in love with you. Matty's really thinking about it, I wonder if he was just not gunna use them until they're brought up again
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You can really hear everything rattling around in there in this shot lmao I hope nothing was damaged. You can also see the back plate from here, wonder where the front one is?
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Matty's looking again, keep your eyes on the road man
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Another case of Horn showing up in something, this is such a funny running bit
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He sat down and immediately got to work, the man is thirsty give him a drink, someone!
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This look shared with Ethan about the fuckup is everything to me
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Can we stop bullying Matty please I'm begging you
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Oh Johnson just grabbed that from under the counter this whole time, I thought that was his, I was too focused on Matty this time to notice, also the look Johnson gives him. Percy also has three clocks on his wall but all of them have different times so I still don't know what time it is
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Johnson pours out the glasses, stops, and then goes back for round 2 lmao he's so thirsty, I wonder if he was like 'maybe Matty will want a bit more when he gets back' since he's having a rough time
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Okay Percy's actually really funny here getim
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I paused the ep to write out Matty coming back in the fic and was like 'wait is Johnson looking directly at Matty there' and it's like line of sight but wow
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See so not exactly a shared glance unless this is the very end of it, but hey he got his drink and Johnson waited for him 😊
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Tickets for money exchanged 👍 Guess it's always red going in and yellow coming out, that's a lotta duffles
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Oh wow it looks like the BaR legs are on the door, I wonder if that's their sign that this is a Checkpoint?
And that's it for today, ended up saying a lot about these few scenes, hit my limit again somehow, I thought I'd actually blast through them but this is a very busy episode! Tomorrow, we get to the fun stuff hehe ❤️💛💙
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cosmic-ships · 4 months
distraction time :3 if you had an endless amount of money to shop for gifts for your f/os, what would you buy them? :3c
I spent too long thinking about this.... ngl lmao THANK YOU KUROH ILU /PL!
Kylo/Ben - I would get him many things… Meditation stuff like artifacts that enhance force connection, Books and holocrons that delve into philosophy of the force mainly the balance between the dark and light sides (Or if the bad bad timeline) teachings of the Sith.
Charlie - Vintage vinyl records, high quality note pads so he can jot down ideas or notes!, tickets to Broadway shows, and maybe I'd stroke his ego just a little bit and get him his own custom directors chair hehehe
Mills - Portable solar chargers, high tech communications device, first aid kits, but also something sentimental like water proof locket that has photos of Koa and I in it~ (Something to remind him of his family whenever he's away from us <3 )
Matt - Geeky T-shirts, Tool sets, mini drones, portable chargers, and comic books (<- he feels like a comic book kinda guy hehe) Ronnie - classical horror movies, retro video games (uh ye Ronnie is lover of older games!), mystery books, and novelty mugs with funny pop culture references.
Flip - History books, music albums, personalized flask, and local art.
Paterson- high quality note books LOTS OF THEM because this man writes poetry as easily as breathing air, Fine pens like fountain pens <3, tickets to local events like poetry readings, live performances or art exhibitions! :D Also I would totally just MAKE Paterson something like a scarf in the winter time! ('cause I love to crochet!)
Phillip - Concert tickets, accessories like watches, sunglasses, designer wallets, I'd sign both of us up for improv classes because we're both witty and spontaneous lol
Jude - Books on relaxation and stress relief (My poor boy needs em), tickets to family friendly places like waterparks, kids museums and theme parks. Also camping stuff~!!
Adam - New wood working tools!, vintage clothes, fitness equipment like free weights and resistance bands, customized guitar since he knows how to play acoustic hhh, weird home decor as he's into that kinda stuff lol
Randy - A damn break LMAO KIDDDING! I'd get him a nice little desk plant, earbuds to tune out the assholes on starkiller base, a bunch of snacks and treats(bb deserves em)!
Caesar - and for the newest boyo! I'd get him wines, high end stationary, antique maps or historical documents, classic literature, and me… I'm a gift…please take me WHAT!? WHO SAID THAT!? COULDN'T BE ME!
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rainypebble07 · 1 year
Just finished the story ♡
I'm so glad Mike figured his shit out, and just in time. A shame Will got caught in the crossfire of his denial bubble implosing. It's hopefully the last time that poor boy gets pushed to the ground.
Kinda wondering obsessively about the behind the scenes here. How did Mike react to the lost of half of Will's paintings? Did everything eventually get replaced? How was Will during the months before the shops were combined? It was implied that Mike helped him through something by being his rock.
I'm sorry, i know thats a lot of questions I'm probably being annoying lmao
Spoilers for my fic, It Wasn't A Bad Thing (Rewritten) ahead! Also CW bc I kinda go into some stuff about mental health and I mention suicide in the third to last paragraph
No no no, not annoying at all! This is the kind of stuff I love talking about! Seriously!! (And if anyone's annoying it's me. Do you see how much I wrote?)
First, I'm glad you liked it! I don't often get people talking about it, so this was super nice!
Ugh, and I'm just happy everyone got to figure out their stuff in the end (even if Mike was fashionably late). I wanted to write a story where everyone had a little different problem, but they were all sort of figuring themselves out, right? Mike's figuring out his sexuality, Jane's figuring out if what she's putting people through is really worth it (And side note: it was very important to me that El had a conflict in this story too and that she wasn't necessarily in the right bc I think her role in why Mileven is a bad relationship is often overlooked in the show and I wanted her to be able to figure out that sort of thing), and Will's figuring out how to go about wanting something he thinks he can't have. And then I wanted all the conflicts to kind of clash together at the end, but then they help each other out and get the (sorta) happy ending they deserve! (Sorry about the random explanation, I do seriously love to talk about this stuff)
And your questions about everything that wasn't mentioned before the epilogue were actually really good! There was a lot that was sort of left up to imagination (and a lot still to be fixed) that happened after the big conflict and before the end, so I get it lol. Fortunately, I've thought about it before!
I like to think that all of Will's stuff was replaced. I mean, he couldn't have done half his job without it. Rest assured he was gifted a new microwave from Mike for his birthday (not an antique one, so unfortunately less colorful, but it does the same job). And speaking of Mike, he'd obviously feel really bad about the fact that all Will's stuff was ruined (I think Will would try to keep it from him, but Robin already mentioned it over the phone, so there's really no way to do that now). He'd try his best to help replace what he could because he sort of thinks it's his fault (and Will's like absolutely not, you are not replacing my things for me), but Mike would very much end up doing it anyway. And Will can't really get his paintings back, but he makes a lot of new ones!
And I think there was probably a lot to unpack after the big conflict. Like, everyone's learning to live with these new discoveries about themselves and everything that did happen that night didn't immediately go away the next morning. Will never thought very highly of himself in the first place and what Mike said would stick with him. Even though they made up by the end of the event, I think it would take a while for Mike to fully gain Will's trust again. And also the fact that Will was out on that bridge (he said he never actually planned on jumping, but obviously he was thinking about it) was probably looming not only over his own head, but Mike's too (I doubt they really shared that detail with everyone- maybe just El, but they both got some well-deserved therapy afterward). Just the overall mental state of everyone would probably not be at its best, but Mike and Will are figuring stuff out together now (and obviously El and Mike made up eventually and forgave each other, so she's in the picture too). Not to mention, Mike's not at all used to living as an openly gay man, so Will helps him adjust to that too!
After a couple months, Will would move into Mike's big-ass apartment and sell his so they have some funds for combining the shops (which was Mike's idea, but Will was completely on-board). As for still making money while construction's happening, they probably found some other place to sell some stuff (maybe even just an outside booth in a park, Will can't really give tattoos for a while, but he can do commissions!) Their friends would also try to help fund the construction. Mike's the most well-off out of all of them though, and I like to think he made amends with his family after talking to Nancy more and his parents would eventually totally support the idea of the shop (it might have taken a while for them to come around, but they would. I mean, we saw that Karen was still trying to reach out to him so there's some initiative there).
And then they open the shop and that's the epilogue and they live happily ever after the end. (And sorry I wrote so much, I had a lot a lot to say! Hopefully, it wasn't a completely useless read to you, so have a wonderful wonderful day/night/whenever)
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eliquidsconchshell · 1 year
girlfriend is awake but I’m still riding the autism train rn so MORE F-Zero headcanons 😁💥💥
Captain Douglas Jay Falcon:
- Because of his falcon punch/kick ability he literally cannot catch fire
- Has accidentally falcon punched/kicked in his sleep, burnt the hell out of his bed and almost Stewart
- Sleeps with a pillow on top of his head. Maybe two. (I’m projecting)
- Since he had his childhood ripped from him after his parents death, he’s really thankful Stewart isn’t super judgmental about him being childish (at least aloud) but never voices it
- Not social like at all, also struggles with empathy sob
- Stewart has to bind his legs and arms with bedsheets so he doesn’t punch/kick Stewart and set him on fire in his sleep
- Likes to bring Stewart little trinkets he finds (bird like tendency hehaha)
- Owns baby ducks
Dr. Robert Stewart:
- Def overworks himself a lot
- Almost always takes invites to events/social gatherings but feels bad whenever he leaves Douglas alone for awhile
- Bought fireproof bedsheets after Douglas set them on fire
- Despite dating Captain Falcon, Stewart and Samurai Goroh are actually pretty tight with each other; Daigoroh likes him a lot too hehaha
- Has a habit of unconsciously grabbing Douglas’ jackets to wear because they’re thicker and warmer than the ones he has
- Locked/Hid the knife sets he has because Douglas enjoys playing the knife game and Stewart is tired of stitching his hands
- Loves antique shopping/thrifting for old objects; took Douglas out with him once, he found a pair of busted up children’s heelies he could slide his feet into just barely and Douglas then refused to leave without them
(Don’t have a lot for these two sillies but they circle in my mind a lot)
Jody Summer:
- Pretty tall, like 5’9-5’10
- Extremely strong/buff because of her old Olympic training routine (she still sticks to it)
- Literally the sweetest woman in the world but will absolutely slam the shit out of someone in the most passive aggressive way (you can’t even be mad at her for it because CLEARLY it was your fault)
- Besties with Mrs. Arrow, they go out all the time (enter sad Tanaka and Super Arrow pouting together waiting for them to come back)
- Always absentmindedly twirling and combing through her hair, tugs on it when she’s stressed
- She really enjoys raspberry tea
- Throws Tanaka over her shoulder a lot, also just carries him under her arm like he’s a purse
- Has a lot of freckles
John Tanaka:
- Absolutely adores Jody and would do anything for her; def worries over her WAYYY too much to the point where it pisses Jody off LMAO
- Uncharacteristically short, like bordering under 5 foot LMAO
- Anytime Jody falls asleep in the office he stays with her to make sure she’s okay (aka like sitting right next to her watching her sleep)
- Chronic Lady Gaga listener
- Attempts to join Jody on her workout routines but quits after like 10-20 minutes
- Did actually win an F-Zero cup one time (although it was a novice one and was only there for Jody (she was investigating claims of criminals pulling shit there)), actually was going to propose to Jody but got cold feet when she approached him to congratulate him
- Autistic man :3 very expressive/emotionally transparent
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sunshineandviolets · 1 year
An Update to my TWC OCs:
under read more since this will be a little long, lmao
Divya Mistry
Identifies as genderfluid now, uses she/he/they.  Still with a terrible relationship with Rebecca. Has been getting in trouble with the law for quite a few times. A few months before the start of book 1, Divya was made to do community service work in town – because they protested heavily against Rebecca and the captain’s offer for being an officer instead of jail time. After his community work was finished, had been looking for a job in town since. Mostly recently (just at the start of book 1) received a job offer from Haley, since both were close during school, to work as an assistant at her bakery. Mostly just on tills and making drinks.
Only got involved with the whole murder investigation because knew something weird was going on in town and if anyone asks why they care to find the murderer, would exclaim that its cause they are one of the idiots that live in this town. And that there are some good people living here, they don’t deserve to live in fear.
Shivani Gupta
Usually spent her childhood alone, with no one but herself to really talk to. Enjoys spending most of her days in the gardens. However, there was tension between Rebecca and her aunt & uncle, since they were adamant for wanting Shivani to stay with them – worried that Rebecca was struggling on her own and wanted to help. With Rebecca’s pride / stubbornness and young Shivani thinking high of her mother, wanting to believe her mother cares for her – doesn’t move in with the aunt & uncle. But they still both did visit on occasion , and Shivani started to grow more closer to them than Rebecca herself.
In final years of college (going into masters), was in a very close relationship with Bobby. had a previous relationship prior that Shivani was rather distraught over ending. then Bobby and Her had been together for a few years and Shivani felt it could’ve progressed further for a proposal soon. But sadly... that day never came, esp after finding out about being used for her articles and realisation that Shivani kept trying to change herself to please someone who doesn’t care much for returning the compliments. Gives her all and more, but never gets the same.
At the start of book 1, currently works in a high school as a chemistry / biology teacher. But also likes to volunteer in the lab with Verda to help in anyway she can. Just wishes to be useful.
Karthik Achari
He studied Journalism in university, met Nikhita during his gap year and they both stayed together for the first year of university. Unexpected pregnancy, got married, Meera was born, Nikhita left. Got a part time job at an antique shop to help with university payments and now with a child. Thankfully had a good set of friends (still tries to keep in contact even with long distance) during university to help him as he was studying and caring for Meera. Also has his grandparents (Rebeccas side) to help. Does graduate with decent grades.
At the start of book 1, got promoted at the Wayhaven Press as an investigative field journalist. So is starting to spend more time out of the office and around the town, which is great since he loves talking with/being around people. Works with Bobby, others may consider it awkward since she is his ex. He doesn’t hold any grudges and is on pure friendly terms with her.
Jasmine Amari
Similar with canon, Jasmine lost her father at a young age and Rebecca is mostly absent in her life – choosing to focus more on her work than daughter. However main difference is that Rook was a known witch. Rebecca was aware ofc. But after he died, Rebecca didn’t want Jasmine to know about the supernatural and never mentioning that her father was a witch. However, when it was her birthday, but Rebecca wasn’t present and no friends remembered she was on her own, she spent that day looking around in her every nook and cranny of the house out of curiosity. In her father’s room, that she usually avoids going into, found an old box with a worn leather-bound book with rune patterns etched on the cover – feeling a small spark when she traced her fingers along it. It was in fact a spell book, and what’s interesting when she opened it – there was a note addressed to her from her father. Very much like ‘passing the torch’ kinda thing.
Jasmine does have magic, but it wasn’t until she found that book and learning more about her father and herself when her magic started to arise.
Tried to bring it up to her mother, in those rare moments Rebecca was around, but Rebecca deflects about anything to do with her father and supernatural claims. So, Jasmine stayed quiet, like she always does. Practiced her magic in secret, with the spells and cooking – the only ways she feel like she is close to him.
Studied history at university, met Bobby but she broke her trust and relationship ended poorly.
At the start of book 1, works as a  museum curator since has an interest in history and cultures. But also creates remedies and potions at her home for supernatural’s that live in town or are coming through.
Akira Nakajima
Is not the mc anymore. No Rebecca or Rook, Akira’s parents are seen as rather upper class, and the parents consider themselves rather important. Their mother is a politician that used to be the mayor of Wayhaven till she got out voted in the most recent election by Mayor Friedman. Co owns a fashion industry business with her husband, selling fancy brands and out buying small businesses. Their father also works as a headmaster at the high school.
Akira has two younger twin sisters, Reiko, and Mai – both who were 6 years younger. Their parents weren’t the greatest and tend to be rather controlling and cruel. Wanted perfection even from their own kids and terrible to those around them to gain respect. Heavily influenced Reiko’s personality, since all she wants is to impress them even if that means being exactly like them. When they were in university, they graduated with less than perfect grades and it was the spark of an argument with their parents. Which was the cause for them to finally leave and not look back. Which sadly meant leaving Reiko & Mai…
Throughout the years, Akira kept further and further way – trying to find their own path.
in school, Reiko got worse. As in peak mean girls era for her. Mai was seen more as a ghost in her own family, hearing secrets and fights but never saying a word. Until prom night, Reiko and Mai had an argument outside when Mai finally stood her ground and snapped. Then an incident occurred, and that was the last she saw of Mai.
This broke Reiko, and since a body was never found - the parents brushed it aside to just Mai running away like her sibling. No funerals, the parents never cared enough for her to do one.
but when Akira found out, got into another argument with them on the phone before hanging up. Is the only one that organised a funeral for Mai, even if they questioned whether or not shes even dead.
Hence how they became a private investigator, and their sisters case being the one case that they cant seem to solve (not that theyd ever admit).
At the start of book 1 , Akira got hired to find what happened to a client' friend "Janet ". Finding out she ended up in their hometown of Wayhaven was not ideal - but they will push down whatever feelings to focus on the case.
Whilst not working on PI cases, has a small garage where they keep busy fixing up cars and tinkering with robotics. Likes to keep busy, considers "sleep is for the weak'.
Nicola Bituin
She is no longer an mc nor will she be in the twc verse. Just wasn't vibing with her in this anymore.
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sugaroto · 1 year
I started working the other day 🥳
It's a little shop here owned by my neighbors and they sell.... well almost everything but in a messy way
It's so close to my house I think it takes me like 3 minutes to get there
I'm probably working illegally cause I have 0 papers and I'm getting paid 4€ the hour
And so far I have only worked for 3,5 hours each day but yeah
But like. I was probably one of their best customers growing up. I would go with my friends for souvlakia to the souvlatziko next door and then go shopping there all the time
I think I spent more hours trying to decide what notebooks and pens and pencils to buy rather than how many hours I'm working now
Also. Lmao He Is Stealing the customers
Those are too expensive (I mean I already knew that)
Especially the Harry Potter notebooks- they were like 1 or 2 euros more expensive than the normal ones
-OK FORGET ABOUT THE NOTEBOOKS he has a ?legal? list with prices
The thing is. Some stuff doesn't sell.
But they still sell it. Like a school bag with Arthur (from that cartoon show) can't be something new right?
Or those notebooks/Diaries (the ones that write invisible and have a light) I saw one today with high school musical Zac efron
Those are antiques at this point
Like yesterday he put a special offer on a Pokémon bag cause he wanted to get rid of it
It was kind of teared up, and more yellow than it should be. Dude if a child buys this for 10€ they're gonna need a new one in a week.
Also there was a pencil case (one of those big square ones that are full of markers and crayons) and he asked me to open it so we'd see what's inside and I thought it was weird that it was empty cause usually they have stuff and he was like "oh my grandson probably got it and kept the paints but didn't like the case. Put it in shelf"
DUDE dhfbjsbf
Also they have too much stuff
Like I keep putting prices on markers but when I go to put them on the marker shelf there's no more space
There are marker boxes on the floor
Stop getting new markers. Sell the old ones first please
Also the cash register hates me cause I tried putting 3+3 and it went ERROR
And I was like "I'm sorry Mr [Boss]!" Help and he came and fixed it :')
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mejomonster · 1 year
Luo Wenzhou is SO sappy. He hears straight people go to the Love Stone to be lovers certified by heaven and decides to take Fei Du there. ToT I suspected it was more than just work and wanting Fei Dus input. He's SO sappy
But fei du has had many a girl and boy to play with and knew about the stone already ToT
I love how Luo Wenzhou secretly wants flowers, Fei Du picking him up from work, Fei Du to cuddle and kiss goodnight, to shield Fei Du from the cold, just every sappy thing in the book. But he also wants to be the chivalrous one instead of Fei Du - even though he melts when fei du is chivalrous for him - because he Loves taking care of Fei Du. They're so sweet. Agh. They're also so Well Matched in how they want and also want to give, want to be home for each other, lead, they're both so!! Like Fei Du is perhaps pushed toward that taken care of role, but he picks up Luo Wenzhou from work and indulges Wenzhou and in a lot of ways is giving and taking care of equally in his own way. And Luo Wenzhou is clearly spoiled rotten too, for all he spoils Fei Du... Fei Du also has been indulging him exorbitantly since they decided to move in.
I love that Luo Wenzhous instinct when flustered is to go into daddy mode but in an annoying "I'm scolding you" way lmao. I love that Even Now, on a romantic outing, these two fuckers are Still competing "opponents" with a pretext. The appeal of the enemies to lovers setup, in some respects like the constant "battles" these two maintain well into being lovers.
Chapter 100:
Around the winter solstice, the days were shortest and the nights longest. Night was already beginning. A cold moon partway between a crescent moon and a half moon hung up high by a distant corner of the Drum Tower, tainted by a bit of clear mist, an echo of the light of the snow on the roof tiles.
“So the reason they ran away was that their studies were too stressful and they wanted to celebrate Christmas?” Fei Du tightened his scarf, thoughtfully saying, “Do you believe that reason?”
“Who hasn’t been young once? Little whelps would do anything. Sometimes it won’t necessarily agree with adult logic.” Luo Wenzhou absently blocked the wind for him, carefully examining the surroundings.
He hadn’t had this feeling when he’d come here during the day, but now that it had gotten dark, the whole Drum Tower scenic spot had become a great maze. All the street lights looked exactly the same, stretched out in long lines, like some sort of secret bewitching array in a wuxia novel.
Aside from the landmark of the Drum Tower itself, all the little alleys seemed to be identical. Even the antique-style old shops had their closed doors in about the same positions. There were three-way intersections everywhere. Sometimes you’d run into a street sign or two, like winning the lottery, but their directions were unclear. Walking through here, it was easy to lose track of where you’d gotten to.
The two of them had good senses of direction, especially Luo Wenzhou. After a good number of years working as a front-line criminal policeman, he had a particular sensitivity towards geographical layouts and human facial features. But despite this, he still felt somewhat disoriented shuttling along the little streets at the side door.
“No, come back, it’s not there.” Luo Wenzhou turned on his phone’s flashlight, considering a rare street sign for a good while, calling back Fei Du, who had turned in the wrong direction. “Did those two brats really have nothing better to do? What were they doing here in the middle of the night?”
Fei Du suddenly said, “Going to the Drum Tower at midnight, the two of them must have been going to see the Lovers’ Mirror?”
Luo Wenzhou had been standing on the little step next to the street sign; taken unawares, he missed a step and stammered, “Wh-what?”
“Lovers’ Mirror is one of this city’s top ten scenic locations for a date. It’s in the Drum Tower scenic area,” Fei Du said in surprise. “Haven’t you ever heard of it?”
Luo Wenzhou measured others by himself, thinking that if he didn’t know something, then no one knew it. He’d wanted to sneakily lead Fei Du over on the pretext of “investigating the details of the case” and receive certification from the venerable Jade Emperor, but he absolutely hadn’t expected this—that Fei Du would disregard his proper duties to the extent of investigating scenic locations for dates when he had nothing else to do.
“Why would I have heard of a stupid thing like that?” Luo Wenzhou said grumpily. “I can see your specialty is fooling around with girls and little fools. If you spend all day thinking about useless things like this and your company hasn’t closed down yet, your resources really must be plentiful.”
Fei Du was very wronged, because this just happened to belong to the small category of things that were his “proper business”—the Drum Tower’s leading attraction for couples was very simply and crudely made, but the outcome was extraordinarily good; all the bosses who were thinking of branching out into this sphere had devoted a great deal of thought to studying this issue among others and remained perplexed. Fei Du not only knew that there was a Lovers’ Mirror at the Drum Tower, he could even recite the annual turnover of the little photo shop next to the Lovers’ Mirror.
After a momentary blankness, he keenly noticed the flustered exasperation in Luo Wenzhou’s words. Fei Du’s heart suddenly moved lightly as he realized something.
Fei Du exerted all his effort to manage to keep from smiling, pretending not to know that the “investigation” was a pretext.
Luo Wenzhou, meanwhile, felt that he’d done the most idiotic thing possible and determined that he absolutely couldn’t let Fei Du know, pretending that he was a decent people’s police officer and the “investigation” wasn’t a pretext.
With the two of them firmly grasping both sides of the “pretext,” they looked at each other with respectively “innocent” and “upstanding” expressions, then averted their gazes, each harboring his own intentions.
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the-golden-ghost · 2 years
Updates on Sam's Family
Jerome: Sam's dad. Has some kind of Evil profession like idk selling insurance. Social-climby. A thorough and complete bastard who would sell all his kids to Satan for a corn chip and has tried to do it!
Blanche: Sam's mom. A timid and ineffectually polite little woman with a love of crafting and antique dolls. She also sucks, for reasons I won't elaborate on.
Herman: Formerly Jarvis but I never intended that to be his final name lmao. He MIGHT be Faith's dad depending on what route I end up taking but if so she and Anya have different mothers. He basically is just his dad's replacement. Whether he wants this or not has never been relevant to Jerome. He peaked in high school and has no morals but he doesn't do anything outright EVIL either. Actually he just doesn't really do anything, at all.
Winslow: The elder of The Twins™ and the Nutcase Sibling. We could compile a list on everything Wrong with Win but we'd be here all night. He's failed at everything in his life from college to career building to parenting but he IS a mechanical genius, and well, talent is talent! He made a career of harnessing The Horrors to build deathtraps and doomsday devices of all shapes and sizes. All on commission, of course, never for his own use. He's not a monster, after all (in his own words), and it pays the bills.
Maxine: The younger twin and also The BESTEST and SMARTEST and SUCCESSFULEST sibling (just ask her!) She managed to make a high-paying career as a defense lawyer WHILE the Horror Apocalypse was in full swing and she's damn proud of it. Not just anyone can do that. Anyway she's fabulously wealthy and so blinded by her own awesomeness that she refuses to admit that anything might be wrong with her. A non-insignificant portion of her job involves Keeping Her Twin Out Of Prison For Aiding In What Could Be Called "Murder"
Samuel: The shop owner ever. He had one dream in his pathetic little life: to open a humble pawnshop, get married, and raise a family. Unfortunately his DICKWEED FAMILY decided to open ALL THE HOSTS OF HELL and that kinda ran his business into the ground and caused his wife to leave him which led to his eventual suicide. Which led to the haunting of the shop, which led us to the plot.
Cecilia: The baby of the family. Anything fucked up that happened with the family both before and after The Horrors got unleashed has been hidden from her view with a web of carefully constructed lies to keep her Pristine and Untouched and Untraumatized. She's the perfect child, the perfect wife, the perfect mom, the perfect sister. She's also damn aware of how much her family sucks but she wants as much as they do to keep up the facade. She was the one they CHOSE to live the perfect life, after all. Shouldn't she play the part and be happy to be in it?
Anya: Herman's daughter. 19 years old. In college to become a claims adjuster. Not her chosen profession; she'd rather be in paranormal studies but her father wants her to have a stable, normal career and a good life.
Emmeline: Cecilia's daughter. 7 years old. She was born just months after Sam died. She's also an absolute MENACE and likes to collect bugs (alive and dead), crown herself the Swamp Queen (covered in mud and leaves as is fitting) and tell anyone who listens about the beheadings of medieval monarchs in GREAT detail.
Bianca: Win's daughter; still working on her so I don't know much yet but she Exists that's all I can say
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dadbodbobby · 3 months
Movie Title: A Light Unto My Path
Julia Roberts-Nurse-Anna Phelps-Madeline’s Mother-Dies too young, was given the lamp as payment for treating Ramòn when he couldn’t afford to go to a hospital
Bridgit Mendler-Madeline Phelps-Anna’s daughter-90’s dance teacher who inherits the lamp after her mother dies suddenly-Auctions off her things, lamp included, to help pay off debts in the modern day
Jacob Vargas-Ramòn Fueves-Mexican immigrant in the 60’s, buys the lamp from Klara’s shop
Mila Kunis-Klara Brodsky-Antique Collector-1960, sells the lamp to Ramòn shortly after he moves to America, they bond over being immigrants and having to learn English
Chris Knowings- Jeremiah Bates-1800’s-Daisy’s Ancestor-Creator and Original Owner of the lamp
Ben Barnes- George Clarke-PI turned Historian hired by Daisy to track down Jeremiah’s lamp
Octavia Spencer-Daisy St. Clair-Modern Day-Final Owner-Jeremiah’s Descendant-Hires George to track down her lamp-Youth League Hockey Coach trying to get her family’s lamp back into the family.
Jade Petty-John: Caroline Jones, a young woman hired by Jeremiah’s children to care for him as he dies. Uses her proximity to Jeremiah to steal the lamp and sell it for her own gain.
Plot Twist: The lamp was stolen from Jeremiah as he lay on his death bed, by George’s ancestor Caroline.
The lamp appears in the movie because it’s created by Jeremiah Bates in the 1800’s, and it’s important because of the people who are unknowingly tied together in their journeys by this lamp, that eventually makes its way back into Jeremiah’s family.
Why it’s important. Owned by each character at some point, the movie follows the lamps journey and the people unknowingly impacted by the lamp.
Octavia Spencer’s character, Daisy St. Clair, is so important to the plot because without her, the lamp would’ve never been able to return to Jeremiah’s family. She’s reclaiming an important piece of family history.
Movie Bible:
Come watch as multiple families paths are intertwined across multiple generations, cultures, and centuries without them knowing, but being impacted by it none the less. Every character impacts and is impacted by a simple lamp in some way or another. From a simple shop keeper to an energetic dance instructor, this little lamp continues to shine its way home.
The Wind-Cat Stevens
Closer to Fine-Indigo Girls
Extra: The title is a reference to Psalm 119:105 “Thy word is a lmao unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
Even though the title of the movie is taken from a Passage of the Old Testament, there are no overt religious themes throughout the movie.
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italoniponic · 2 years
May i request hcs of deuce, sebek and jack trying to court their crush who happens to be awkward and very shy when talking to others? (Basically idia but without the otaku-)
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
| Notes: Hi, anon! Now, as you can see here, my definition of courting is someone making their crush like them back by understanding them, helping, making themselves useful for something, etc. And that’s solely bc idk how a usual courting would go lmao So… I just wanted to say that. Maybe I’m just reading things my own way, idk. Maybe I need to read more books?  There’s a very similar ask but with Ace, Kalim and Floyd, tho I’m not sure if you’re the same anon (especially bc in that one, it’s more emphasized that the reader avoids people). But in case someone likes this specific reader! But this was really sweet to make, hope you like it! I did bc I always like to write especially for Jack <3 Thanks for the request <3 |
Deuce Spade, Sebek Zigvolt, Jack Howl x g!n awkward and shy reader / headcanons / crush / fluff / use of “you” pronouns
Cherry’s Harvesting event 🍒 Masterlist
Charming But Awkward
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Deuce wasn't exactly introverted like you. In fact, he had never been able to put “names” to his own personality. He is open to talk when he should be but shy in other situations. In a way, he understands your feelings a little, like when you can't engage in a conversation and keeps quiet, probably wondering if you said something wrong;
Despite this, as you have always been kind to him and care about what he says, Deuce inevitably ended up falling in love with you. But how would he make you notice him? Show that he was a potential boyfriend as much as an honors student? Deuce spent days trying to think of what to do;
Since this doesn't always prove to work for him, Deuce decides to first do things naturally. He combines this with some advice from Trey, the most introspective kind of person he knows and wouldn't be shy about asking anything. Well, Trey isn't exactly shy but he knows what would help Deuce and you in this case; 
Among other things, Deuce always agrees with what you say to show support and confidence in your speech during conversations. In any doubt he has about a subject, you are the first person he asks;
You end up doing a lot of study sessions at the Ramshackle, which is a little less noisy than Heartslabyul — a place where everyone is relatively social and eccentric, in their own way. Deuce is very fond of accompanying you to your dorm and one of the reasons is because the antique furniture reminds him of his grandmother's house;
Deuce may not be a great comedian, but he likes your smile and knows how to make you laugh when you most need to. It helps a lot in your mood, especially when you're feeling down. Deuce is the first to notice this. He once blurted out that when you don't smile, the world loses its color and that's why he captures it so quickly;
Needless to say, those words generated a long moment of silence between you, Deuce trying to hide his beet red blush face with his hands while babbling gibberish and you looking away, your heart suddenly pounding. You could only think of the natural and subtle way Deuce said that, literally without thinking;
Deuce will always defend you if someone makes fun of you because of your lack of sociability or takes advantage of your shyness to do something. It doesn't make him very proud but, he knows exactly what bullies do to more shy people so a siren always sound on his head when someone makes a weird approach on you;
If you're not feeling well enough to shop, Deuce offers to do it for you and deliver to the Ramshackle. Of course, you know he won't be able to do it all the time but, his care is very touching. Even if he makes multiple calls to make sure he's picking the right things off the list, you know his intentions are good;
Talking more with you, Deuce began to understand more a world of which he never had much contact. He must have been a shy kid at first, until his life started to “shuffle” from pre-adolescence and continue on that path until he won the game. But next to you, he doesn't worry too much about these things and manages to be himself;
At the end of the day, Deuce didn't have to do more than the impossible for you to think of him differently. It may not be entirely but, Deuce understands your difficulties and wants to help you in whatever you need, in addition to showing how much he cares about you. He is very cool without even realizing it. You sigh, but it's a joyful sigh. You are in love after all.
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It didn’t need to be very smart to realize that you and Sebek were two really contrasting people. You were extremely shy, talking to other people was a real challenge. Meanwhile, Sebek was imposing and audible — literally — with a strong presence that set him apart from everyone else. But despite these differences, he eventually fell in love with you;
That's because you two are more alike than you think, and you had earned Sebek’s trust by quickly commenting on how Malleus had a fantastic aura — the reason you couldn't talk to him very well, just as strictly necessary. But this recognition about his Young Master made Sebek think about how you were an excellent observer;
Soon after, Sebek was completely fascinated by your stillness and your quiet manner. Your kindness in always being willing to listen to him and take him seriously. Sebek always invited you to watch his workouts and even though it wasn’t a very interesting activity for you, it was kinda cool to watch Sebek in a sword duel with Silver;
Lilia had to pull Sebek's ear for wooing you so “badly” in the beginning. Yes, he needed to train but it wasn’t you being a special spectator in those sessions that would win your heart. He needed to do something more sensitive that could involve both of you. Sebek had no idea what to do — at least, he never had that kind of concern in the Valley of Thorns;
Following his tutor’s instructions who only had experience through several romantic and obviously unreliable books, Sebek sought to try to be kinder to you and understand your difficulties as a shy person. Which he doesn't quite understand because quieter people like you would be very welcomed in the Court of Thorns;
But in any case, Sebek would like to show you respect. You are his beloved one after all, even though he took quite a while to accept. But, therefore, you must be treated well and even if people cannot hear your voice, Sebek will repeat your words and make sure that you are definitely heard;
Sebek sometimes shouts your name in the middle of a conversation and turns to you, smiling excitedly, “Do you have any comments to make on this topic?”. You take your time to advise Sebek how not to try to please you, which he devoutly writes down in a special notebook. Despite Sebek's strange manner, it is visible that he has good intentions and his care captures your heart;
Even though he’s just as socially awkward as you, in his own way, Sebek is much more effective in other activities. He helps you during physical education with some tips and offers to carry you in case you’re tired. If you have a question and are afraid to ask someone, you can pick him up without fear!;
Sebek will always praise you, even in the small things, loud and clear because in his opinion, the world needs to recognize your greatness — and the Young Master’s too, of course, but... maybe yours should be more? The first years ended up calling you the “New Waka-sama” because of this, in which Sebek defended your honor by praising you even more;
Talking to you more and getting to know you better, Sebek remembers other humans he met who were very similar to you. Mr. Zigvolt is, much to his own surprise, the first one that comes to mind. When you smile, grateful for his help with something, Sebek wonders if his father would be happy with something like that too. To make you soften his heart built of principles hard as a rock, you are really an amazing human!;
But it's a side of Sebek that you're happy to get to know and join with your growing admiration for his potent way of putting himself in front of people. Watching Sebek yell at people for bothering you for being a recluse or talking in a lower tone might not really solve anything but, it's pretty funny. The way he is willing to stand by you makes your heart race and you want to become stronger to do the same for him, even if it’s in your silent ways.
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Within all proportions, Jack understood very well your personality type and the difficulties you feel most of the time when trying to talk to other people and not get too used to the lively social environment in which you find yourself in. Well, Jack wasn't called a “lone wolf” all the time for nothing;
First of all, the fact that you two met was the fruit of a mere chance — and a lion full of issues. Because, in general, you two are the type of introverts who wouldn’t be able to interact under normal conditions. Jack never approaches people unnecessarily and you would perhaps be intimidated by his tough aura, which would make conversation more difficult;
But you met, became friends, and now Jack realized how madly in love he is with you. He doesn’t know when or how, only that your company does him great good and if it were necessary, he would give his life for you. Jack sometimes doesn’t believe that he is already thinking about these things so soon;
You will notice that, whenever he has the opportunity, Jack will be by your side to help you in whatever it takes. Jack tries to control himself on his answers when you ask about his kindness — or you don't even question anything, he's just used to excusing his actions — because he doesn't want to seem overly rude and push you away. It's a hard habit to control;
While respecting your personal space because that’s something Jack also likes, he will always end up following you or walking next to you in one way or another before he realizes what he is doing. Sometimes you call him to stand beside you to walk together. Jack is a good company and his stature gets people right out of the way without you having to put in a lot of effort to ask them to;
Jack always stays by your side when you get together in a group with others. If he makes any comments, it is usually in your direction and he pays close attention to your reply. He doesn't try to make you a highlight of the conversation but, if you happen to let something slip — quietly or loudly — he'll know and in his quiet way, show that he cares;
It could be said that Jack’s most reserved behavior came from his mother and some of it ended up passing to his younger brother as well. Because of this, he knows how to act normally with you and do things that you would probably enjoy — at least, if it were the other way around, Jack would enjoy it too;
When you don’t feel well enough to go out or do something, you end up staying by the Ramshackle and Jack is the first to support your decision, saying that a “time for yourself” is always good and healthy. His understanding is always welcomed by you. But if you happen to be tired of being alone and want someone calm to talk to, he will come in a minute;
Spending time with Jack is precisely the moment of tranquility you need. You can spend a whole hour in silence and it will still be worth it. In general, you read together or study. To your surprise, Jack gets very close to you. “A lot” in the sense of being more by your side than you would expect coming from him;
But not too close to the point of suffocating you. There is a comfortable closeness and a feeling of security that takes your heart every time you watch him read or do something. Sometimes you notice Jack try to look at you as subtly as he can and then look away, disguising it;
You couldn't help it — in fact, you didn't even want to try not to — to fall in love with Jack back. His way of doing things always puts you at ease and you feel safe to be yourself around him, even if you don't have much confidence in your conversational skills. Still, in conversation or in silence, you would always choose Jack to keep you company.
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savventeen · 2 years
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#in my queue world - 728 posts
#savv speaks - 139 posts
#savv reads - 83 posts
#woozi - 68 posts
#seokminnie - 64 posts
#god - 52 posts
#moot chats - 52 posts
#fanart - 51 posts
#mingyu - 49 posts
#like - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i desperately want to go to the pumpkin patch with him and drink spiced apple cider and laugh at the antics of the goats in the petting zoo
My Top Posts in 2022:
2 ... With mingyuuuuuuu 🥺
break the curse, break my heart
pairing: cursebreaker!mingyu x cursebreaker!gn!reader rating: M (mostly for reader's potty mouth) wc: 5.1k prompt: ‘things you said through your teeth’ (from this list) summary: what's supposed to be a simple hex job turns into something much deadlier, and suddenly the two of you are fighting just to stay alive warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, near-death experiences, exorcisms (kinda), convulsing, blood, hospitals, but there's a happy ending friends no worries!!!, mingyu is self-sacrificing, self-harm (mingyu cuts himself so he can use blood for magic reasons), descriptions of a panic attack tags: modern magic au, curse-breaking as a career, they’re partners (in the business sense AND romantic sense), non-linear narrative, alternating pov, reader calls mingyu stupid approximately a billion times, but he absolutely deserves it so *shrugs*, seungcheol also makes a guest appearance as #1 hyung a/n: sorry this took approximately 84 years to complete (it was only supposed to be a drabble lmao) but i hope you enjoy it despite the wait!! also a quick note on the magic in this world: hexes are the equivalent of small pests and are more annoyance than anything whereas curses are Extremely Dangerous and often deadly
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Hex hunting is not what you expected to be doing tonight.
Well, it was your job, of course, but usually you weren’t called in on a case so last minute, and especially not on one of your few days off.
But apparently whoever owns this house-turned-antique shop called in a favor or two at the guild, and everyone else was busy, so here you were — hauling yourself up a ladder and into a dusty attic at nearly midnight on Saturday night because there was pesky little hex on the loose that apparently couldn’t wait until morning to be taken care of.
Whatever. Jeonghan would owe you one, and you plan to save that favor for something big. Plus, it’s not like you’re doing this job alone.
Right on cue, Mingyu’s voice filters through your earbuds in a petulant whine. “Jagi-yahhhhhh.”
You roll your eyes even though you know he can't see it, a hint of fondness trickling through the exasperation in the form of a smile, and you continue your scan of the first room of the attic. The bright teal glow at the end of your wooden staff is your only source of light as you look for any signs of the wayward hex.
"Why did I have to be the one to search the basement,” Mingyu continues. “Why couldn't we have switched?"
You snort, peering around a stack of old moving boxes that tower over you and seem to be more duct tape than cardboard, miscellaneous protective runes scribbled all over them in sloppy permanent marker. "You lost rock-paper-scissors fair and square, babe, I don't know what else to tell you."
Besides the faint scorch marks you've found that match the ones throughout the rest of the house, you haven't had any luck in finding traces of the hex.
"But it's so creepy down here," he whines, pout audible through the phone call. He's right, of course — you suppress a shudder at the thought of having to face the numerous shelves lined with antique porcelain dolls stored down there, and thank the stars for letting you win that particular battle of rock-paper-scissors.
Even still, you can’t help but tease him just a little. “If you stop complaining and actually clear the basement, you can get out of there much sooner, you know.”
There’s a moment of silence over the line, and you take the opportunity to do one last sweep of the haphazard piles of boxes and broken artifacts — your staff’s glow unwavering — before heading to the door that opens into the attic’s second room.
“Wow,” Mingyu deadpans. “I think I hate you and everything that you stand for, actually.”
You bark out a startled laugh, loud and carefree in the way that only seems to happen with Mingyu, and you feel a smile bloom across your face. “Oh, wow,” you giggle. “Whatever did I do to deserve such sweet words from you?”
The teal light flickers slightly as you trace your staff in a familiar pattern in front of the door, checking for traps and finding none. Satisfied, you push it open with a creaking groan and step carefully past the threshold.
“You know exactly what you did,” Mingyu scolds indignantly as you step fully into what appears to be an empty room. “And you will get sweet words when you stop forcing me to go down into scary basements, y/n. I swear, some creepy possessed toy is going to be the death of me one day.”
“Sure,” you reply, distracted. Something about the room is…off.
There’s nothing immediately amiss — boxes and antiques just like the previous room propped up and shoved against the walls — but there’s something, a feeling, that you can’t quite seem to put your finger on, and it sets you on edge. “Should’ve picked a different career if you wanted to avoid scary basements, though.”
“Funny, we have the exact same job description and yet somehow you never have to go into the basements — only me.”
“Yeah,” you murmur quietly. “Funny.”
Something’s wrong.
Your bad feeling coalesces into a pressure that starts to build in your chest and the hair on your arms stands on end as goosebumps race across your skin.
“Gyu, something’s wrong.”
Belatedly, you realize you’d just interrupted him in the middle of a sentence, but you’re too busy tracing a quick series of protective sigils in the air around you to care too much.
His tone turns serious in an instant. “What’s wrong? What’s going on?”
“Not sure yet, bad feeling.” There are only a few strokes left for you to complete when the teal light at the end of your staff flickers and then goes out.
“Shit,” you whisper.
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63 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
jihoon is exhausted.
to be fair, he can’t really remember a time in recent memory that he wasn’t exhausted. and he knows it’s been the same for you, too — covering for other departments and working overtime and spreading yourself paper thin between friends and family obligations.
you both consider yourselves workaholics, and he knew what he was getting into when you decided to move in together. but he feels like he’s barely seen you these last couple of weeks and — he misses you. he misses you a lot.
you make sure to talk everyday (communication had been something you both struggled with in the beginning) but with your conflicting schedules he feels like it’s been eons since he’s gotten to just, sit with you.
he’s never been much for initiating physical affection, but he misses the way you let him wiggle his cold toes under your thigh when you’re watching anime together on the couch. he misses the way you seem to be magnetically drawn to him whenever one or both of you are trying to cook in the kitchen — a hand at his elbow, his waist, a cheeky hip check, a cheek pressed to his shoulder, a nose to his neck. he misses the way you press your fuzzy socks against his bare feet under the kitchen table when you’re both eating cereal at one in the morning. he misses the way every once in a while you’ll take his hand and pull him out of his thoughts and the apartment and into the passenger seat of your car, pulling up an artist you’ve been meaning to show him and letting the music play over comfortable silence as you take the scenic route to nowhere — one hand on the wheel and one hand holding his.
he misses you — and when he drags himself through the door well past midnight to find you fast asleep on the couch, laptop still open precariously on your stomach, something in his chest slides into place with an aching clarity.
silent beneath your light snores, he takes off his shoes and shuffles over to your sleeping form, delicately removing the glasses that were slipping off of your nose. the laptop is next, and then there’s just you in your oversized hoodie and a pair of boxers and your stupidly adorable fuzzy socks, and — jihoon is so, so in love.
he sighs, feeling his heart swell behind his ribs, and he decides he’s tired of missing you. it’s easy for him to crawl up and over until he’s laying on top of you with his head resting against your chest. the movement wakes you up, but only barely — enough for you to instinctually bring your arms up around his back and waist and mumble out, “hoonie? ‘ssat you?”
he hums, and you hum back before immediately drifting off again, a “love you” trapped on the tip of your tongue.
jihoon hears it, though, as he always has with you — as you always have with each other. and so he tempers his thoughts to the metronome of your breathing, and with the solid tempo of your heartbeat beneath his cheek, he finally lets himself succumb to his most precious melody.
102 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
the D in DK stands for Dihydrogen monoxide
pairing: dk x reader rating: G wc: 0.5k tags: fluff summary: seokmin just wants to make sure you stay hydrated :( a/n: this is for you @dokyeomblr bc ur last reply gave me brainworms and also hydration is important >:(
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staying hydrated is hard for you.
not for any particular reason, of course. it’s just always been something that you struggle with. and no matter how many times people tell you how important it is to drink lots of water, you can never seem to remember until it’s hours too late and your body is cursing you for forgetting to take care of one of its basic needs.
you’re not sure when it was exactly that seokmin first took notice of your little predicament (probably the first time you complained about a headache in front of him), but in the last few weeks, he’s made it his personal mission to make sure you stay hydrated.
it started off with him giving you a water bottle every time you saw each other on campus, always making sure you took at least a few sips before he had to run off to one of his approximately 2380238 obligations. and then it upgraded to a personalized tumbler full of ice water — the cup was your favorite color and covered in adorable angry cartoon cats. when you’d taken your first sip from the straw, he’d smiled so wide and proud that you’d felt your heart skip three beats. (and then you’d choked on your water and ended up hacking up your lungs as he worriedly patted your back, but you try not to remember that embarrassment).
which brings you to now, the week of midterms, and the realization that you’ve somehow acquired your very own hydration fairy.
you know he has his own busy schedule to attend to, but somehow, every few hours seokmin manages to find you and refill your tumbler with fresh, cold water. sometimes there are even little pieces of fruit in it — "for the vitamins, y/n!" —and more than once, you’ve been so focused on your work that you didn’t even realize that seokmin was there and putting a straw to your lips until half the cup was gone and you felt like you could focus again.
it’s one of those times now, late thursday afternoon in the campus library, and when you turn to look at where he’s crouched down next to where you’re sitting, your breath catches in your chest. he’s tired, you can tell – who isn’t right now? – but even then, he’s one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen. the golden light filtering in from one of the nearby windows gilds his silhouette, and the light of his soft smile brightens all of the dark, exhausted corners between your ribs.
finally, after weeks of keeping the question on the tip of your tongue, you hold up your nearly empty cup and ask, “why do you keep doing this?”
his smile brightens, a sun cresting over the horizon. “can’t let my beautiful sunflower wilt, can i?”
110 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
you glow pink in the night
pairing: non-idol!the8 x fem!reader rating: G wc: 1.7k prompt: none, i just wanted to post something for minghao's bday <;3 summary: you and minghao are in a long-distance relationship, and minghao returns to his apartment after meeting you in person for the first time. he finds a surprise you left for him in his luggage warnings: none tags: fluff, just pure romantic fluff, long-distance relationship, Yearning™️, talks about kissing, they are so in love it's insane, love letters a/n: i wanted to break my angst streak and post something soft for minghao day. also, while it's not explicitly stated, i wrote this as the reader being a transwoman! if that bothers you in any way, please do not interact, thank you 💜 (this was originally a sapphic minjoon threadfic that i'd posted on twitter) a/n pt. 2: there are two theme songs for this fic — can't help falling in love cover by ingrid michaelson and pink in the night by mitski
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The apartment is quiet as Minghao enters.
First, there are the soft thumps of his sneakers when he toes them off in the entryway. Then, the jingle of keys as he drops them onto the countertop, the acrylic frog keychain you had gifted him clinking softly against the tile, followed by the low whirring of wheels across the wood floor as he drags his suitcase behind him to the bedroom.
The springs squeak as he flops face down onto his mattress with an exhausted grunt, and then — silence.
He's never been a huge fan of silence. Don't get him wrong, he loves the quiet — soft moments in nature or normally bustling parks.
But silence, pure silence, the kind that feels like it compounds in on itself until it feels like you're completely ensnared in it — it always leaves a little too much room for unwanted thoughts to flutter to the forefront of his consciousness, swirling and uncatchable like dust motes in the afternoon sunlight.
This particular silence echoes a little louder than usual, though. The absence is felt a little more keenly — the yearning leaning a little bit more towards unbearable than not.
He really should have expected this — a crash, one that would inevitably come after such an incredible high.
And oh, what a high it had been.
He had saved and managed and planned and saved some more until finally, finally, the stars had aligned, and he'd been able to take time off of work and school and book a flight to New York — to where the other half of his heart lives.
To you, his long-distance girlfriend of two years and the woman he planned to marry someday.
For an entire week, you'd gotten to live in each other’s pockets, gotten to never be more than an arm’s length away instead of thousands of miles. Gotten to be face-to-face, heart-to-heart, (lips-to-lips), instead of screen-to-screen.
It had been heaven.
And like all things, the good and the bad and everything in between, it had come to an end.
So here he lay, a fourteen-hour flight and an hour-and-a-half bus ride later, in a space devoid of the warmth of soft skin and high-pitched giggles that he'd just had the privilege of getting to hold in the palms of his hands.
His surroundings had so swiftly gone from hallowed to hollow, and he releases a shaky sigh into his pillow.
He doesn't want to sink any further into that line of thinking, so he rolls over and pulls his phone out of the pocket of his oversized hoodie, turning on his playlist full of swooping orchestral music and blasting it at full volume.
He tosses it beside him and goes to get up and start unpacking before realizing he almost forgot to do something important.
Snatching his phone back up, he holds it up above him as he's lying on the bed and turns on the front-facing camera.
Before he can overthink how tired he looks, hair falling all over the place and bags under his puffy eyes, he snaps a quick photo and sends it to you. He follows it up with a few quick texts letting you know he made it home.
to: y/n ❤️✨🌻
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145 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hey :)) I love that promt list.Can I request things you said at wedding with coups
our ending is made for each other
"Choi Seungcheol,” you start lowly, a dangerous edge to your tone, “you had better not be proposing to me right now, at our best friend's wedding."
pairing: choi seungcheol x gn!reader rating: T wc: 1.1k warnings: alcohol (reader gets drunk), lots of cussing (reader has a potty mouth oops) tags: fluff, just pure ooey-gooey fluff, humor, established relationship, talks about proposing/marriage, reader is an angry drunk and it's adorable summary: while at their best friend's wedding, seungcheol brings up the fact that he wants to marry reader someday. reader proceeds to have a little bit of a breakdown (the mostly good kind) a/n: hihi thank you so much for the request! i'm not 100% satisfied with this, but i still had a blast writing it and i hope you enjoy reading it :) title from svt's 'happy ending' || prompt from this list
You don't process what he says at first.
The wedding reception is well underway, cheesy romantic pop music blasting through the speakers as different groups of people let loose on the dance floor. You've also had a little more to drink than usual, already tipsy and steadily heading towards drunk, so when Seungcheol murmurs something from where he's next to you, it's no surprise that it takes your brain a while to catch up.
And then you think you must have heard him wrong. You turn in your seat and ask, "What?"
Ethereal is the first word that comes to mind when you look at him. His suit jacket hangs abandoned on the back of his chair, and he's rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, showing off his strong forearms. His long hair is pulled into the half-up style that you love, and the colored lights dancing across his face remind you of the stained glass windows you grew up around — like he's something almost holy.
You're brought out of your momentary reverie when he turns to look at you, surprised, like he didn't realize he'd spoken aloud. "Huh?"
You elaborate, "What'd you just say?"
"Oh." He looks back over to where he'd been staring before, and you follow his gaze to where the bride and groom are seated, falling into each other as they laugh about something. When you turn back to Seungcheol, he's already looking at you, a soft smile on his face. "I said, 'That's gonna be us someday.'"
Quite suddenly, you don't think you're sober enough for this, for the way an earnest kind of yearning bleeds out of his big doe eyes — especially when he pulls your hand off of the table to hold it gently between his own and promises, "I'm gonna marry the hell out of you someday, y/n."
You think your heart might have migrated into your throat, and it feels like the rest of your organs have decided to play a spontaneous round of musical chairs.
Of course you've thought about what your future together looks like, of course you have, especially after years of being together. You've spent more time than you'd like to admit daydreaming about what it would be like to go from calling Seungcheol your boyfriend to calling him your fiance and then your husband. And more than once, the two of you have talked about and reaffirmed that you're both in it for the long haul, but…
"Choi Seungcheol," you start lowly, a dangerous edge to your tone, "you had better not be proposing to me right now at our best friend's wedding."
His eyes blow impossibly wide in shock, and you would laugh at his expression if your heart wasn't trying its damndest to suddenly become an Olympic gymnast.
"No, oh my god, no," he assures, squeezing your hand. "He would actually murder me if I did."
You raise your eyebrows, confirming, "No?"
He smiles, sheepish. "No." His expression smooths into something soft and contemplative, and he doesn't let go of your hand as he scoots closer to you, knees touching.
"No, I was just..." he trails off as he searches for words, and you get distracted by the way he starts playing with your hand. It's an endearing habit he has whenever you're together — using whatever part of you he can reach as a fidget toy while he's thinking.
Finally, he asks, "You know how sometimes something doesn't feel real until you say it out loud?"
He trails a callused fingertip down your fourth finger, stopping where it meets your palm. "I realized I wanted it to be real." You look into his eyes, and he's looking back at you with a hopeful kind of longing, one that steals the breath right out of your lungs. "That I want it — a future of forever, with you — to be real."
For a moment, you feel suspended in time. The lights continue to paint Seungcheol in a kaleidoscopic chiaroscuro, the music and laughter a faint mumble in the background. You know you love him — have loved him for a long time now — but in this moment, you feel so full of that love that you think your chest might explode like an overinflated balloon.
And since you can't actually explode, your inebriated body does the next best thing. Angry tears start burning in the corner of your eyes, and you feel one of them drip down your cheek as you say, "Fuck you, Cheolie. I'm so mad at you right now."
Seungcheol's jaw drops. "What?"
You use the hand not currently being held to angrily scrub at the tears continuing to fall. "I bet Seungkwan that I wouldn't cry at the wedding, and now I'm about to be out fifty bucks, and it's all your fault."
He laughs, incredulous and confused, and he uses one hand to start gently wiping your cheeks with a napkin. "I— I'm sorry?"
"You should be! You can't spring something so disgustingly romantic on me when I'm drunk and already in a state of heightened emotions!" You send him a particularly scathing glare over the hand he leaves pressed against your cheek. "Especially when I'm realizing how utterly and irrevocably in love with you I am! Fuck you!"
He starts giggling, and it's one of the most beautiful sounds you've ever heard, and it only serves to make you even angrier. With the tone of a man who's absolutely besotted, he says, "I always forget you're such a belligerent drunk."
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156 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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werewolf-witchboy · 4 years
Tokoyami Fumikage X Male Reader
Being A Witch Boy And Dating Tokoyami
WARNINGS: none uwu
Being a witch has nothing to do with your quirk, you just like practicing the dark arts and witchy things.
I'm not going to mention what your quirk is, so you can imagine that you have whatever quirk you want, or you can imagine yourself as someone without a quirk.
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💀 Tokoyami had been fascinated with your hobby of witchcraft ever since he met you. He was most fascinated with the fact that your actual quirk has nothing to do with how your witchcraft works.
🕯 He had already thought you were cute before, and he had been in that time of his life where he was starting to question his sexuality a little- but after you showed him your witchy interests, he fell hard for you.
💀 He may be a dark and edgy birb boi, but he's also quite shy and awkward. He probably would have never confronted you about his crush if you hadn't told him your feelings for him first.
🕯 When y'all started dating, literally everyone was like "FINALLY!!" cuz it was super obvious that the two of you were meant for each other.
💀 When it comes to what type of witch you are, i'd say you're a witch of all traits.
-You love dark and spooky things, but you also love pastel colors and nature.
-Your room in the class 1A dorm is most likely full of plants, candels, a variety of antiques and trinkets, and shit that you can't buy at stores until it's around Halloween time.
🕯 Tokoyami likes to ask many questions about all of the different types of things you do, and he actually pays attention and is super interested. You'll even teach him some new things, and show him how to do them himself.
💀 You love Dark Shadow as much as you love Tokoyami himself. Though they're both very different in personality, you find them both charming and adorable (despite them both saying they're not "adorable," they're dark and spoopy lmao).
🕯 He also loves your animal familiar.
-Your familiar rarely comes out of your bedroom. Since you're dating Tokoyami, you allow him in your room (which means a lot more than he probably thinks it does, cuz spaces where witches do their magic and recharging are very sacred to them) so he gets to see your familiar quite often.
💀 It's rare for familiars to show affection to anyone that isn't their bonded witch, but your familiar absolutely loves Tokoyami.
-They'll hop onto his lap immediately as soon as he sits down in your room.
🕯 Both you and Tokoyami thrive in the darkness, so there are often times where you both hang around in your dimly lit room cuddled up together just talking all day (or even sometimes laying there in comfortable silence).
-You'll be in there together for so long that all of your friends will start questioning where you're both at, and not even realize that you're just in your room.
💀 He obviously likes you a whole lot, but he's super bad at saying it with words. He's just shy and bashful. BUT THEN DARK SHADOW EXPOSES HIM LMAO-
-You'll be standing there looking super cute, and Tokoyami will just stare at you and want to say something so badly. Then Dark Shadow appears and is all like "wOw yOu'Re sUpEr hOt" and Tokoyami just dies right there in the very spot he's standing cuz he can't believe that just happened.
🕯 That's another thing- Tokoyami stares at you a LOT. He even did it before y'all started dating, but now he doesn't even try to hide it.
-You barely noticed at first, but once you started noticing how often you catch him staring at you, you can't help but tease him a little.
-You'll stare at him back, directly in the eyes, and he'll get super flustered and embarrassed.
-Then to calm him down and make him feel less embarrassed, you'll giggle at his flustered-ness and give him a lil beak kiss...which just makes him even more flustered.
💀 He's definitely the type who wants to be a total romantic, and speak all poem-like to you, and shower you with praises, ect. BUT he gets so flustered when it comes to affection, and second-guesses himself when it comes to his ideas of showing affection.
-He's scared of coming off too strong, or seeming to clingy, or even not doing enough, so he never really gets the chance to act out any of how he wants to show affection- and to top it all off he can't help but be absolutely smitten every time you give him affection of any sort, and he'll not know how to react to it.
🕯 You never call him out on his shyness or how he reacts to your affection, you're not offended with any way he reacts to you. You think it's super cute how innocent he seems when it comes to all of this, and of course you encourage any time he gets a little bit of confidence to hold your hand or compliment you (without the help of Dark Shadow lol).
💀 His feathers get all ruffled when he's flustered, and OMFG it's too cute. 🥺😭
🕯 Something that he loves so much is when you borrow his clothes. Because for him, it's kind of a way to show affection towards you without being super direct about it.
-So him being like "you're cold? here, wear my sweatshirt" translates to "TAKE EVERYTHING FROM ME, KEEP IT FOREVER, I LOVE YOU FJSKDJFHR-"
💀 Don't come @ me- Tokoyami listens to death metal, but he'd totally vibe with something like kpop if you introduced him to it.
-He's definitely a Loona stan.
🕯 Highkey though, now that I think of it- he probably also listens to Joji and Billie Eilish.
-Like, really moody sad boi hours indie music.
-He'd have Will He playing in his headphones, and he'd be all edgy and in his feelings, but he'd also be doing something like baking cookies at the same time lmfao.
-He'd have a playlist named "songs to cry to," but he'd be listening to it while knitting sweaters for puppies or something.
💀 No, you didn't ask me what kind of music that I think Tokoyami listens to, but you got it anyway. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
🕯 If he's at a store, and sees something kinda spooky looking that makes him think of you, he'd quickly get it and think all day of giving it to you, and he'd want to watch you add it to your collection of lil trinkets and antiques.
-....But he'd chicken out so hard I stg.
-This poor baby would rehearse how he'd give it to you in his head over and over again, and then when the time comes to give it to you, he'd get suddenly so tongue-tied and worried if you'd actually like it or not.
-But, of course, you love whatever he gets you every time. Your always super surprised when he gets you something, cuz it's not your birthday or any special day, and you never expect gifts from people.
-Every time you accept a gift from him, you always want to squeal, tackle him, and shower him with kisses- but you resist doing so with all of your being, cuz you know he'd malfunction.
-Instead you very profoundly thank him many times, and give him one especially loving kiss.
-Seeing your extra surprised and happy reaction always relieves him so much, and it makes him want to do it all over again and gift you a whole shop full of trinkets. His lack of hundreds of dollars is the only thing that stops him.
💀 You're the type of person who wears a lot of black, and scatters bright colors here and there within your look. Your style ranges from goth to pastel e-boy.
🕯 You don't like to change other people's styles or tell other people what to wear, but every once in a while, Tokoyami expresses an interest in dressing like you- which you go NUTS over.
-You'll let him borrow your pastel sweaters, and he'll let you put bright colored hairclips in his feathers.
-He now even owns some pastel colored clothing of his own, that you either gifted him or he secretly bought himself at some point.
💀 He used to be shy about changing up his style every once in a while at first. Whenever you'd take pictures of him wearing bright clothes, he'd softly ask you not to show them to any of the others.
-Eventually he became confident enough to go out in public those rare days he'd wear bright colors, and everyone is always super supportive of the different style.
🕯 He had never been in a relationship with another guy before he started dating you.
-He started questioning his sexuality around the time he started high school, but it was never a priority at first because he was more focused on working hard to get into U.A. and thinking about his future being a hero.
-aNd tHeN hE mEt yOu, and now we're here lol.
-ANYWAYS, y'all go to pride parades together.
-Something he isn't shy about is his sexuality, cuz as soon as he realized how he felt about you, he was all in and that was that.
-Y'all go all out for parades with face and body paint, and shirts with your flags on them, and even sometimes bringing signs and flags to hold up and wave around.
-Some of your friends will come with the two of you, whether they're there because they're also lgbtq+ or just because they support it.
-It's the most social the two of you are the entire year, cuz your both introverted lil emos that don't really talk to many people outside of class 1A.
💀 So yeah- I think Tokoyami is highly underrated and I'm extremely soft for him. He's an emo birb boi, what is not to love.
-I believe in emo birb boi supremacy.
-Rise all Tokoyami stans, we shall take over the entire anime world someday.
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