#he married fs already
redwinewhiteroses · 24 days
What does your fs love the most about you?
Pick an image
Choose the image you are drawn to the most
Images are numbered from left to right
‼️For entertainment purposes only‼️
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Image 1
Your fs is really attracted to you sexually. It's really a strong energy almost like lust and desire. I think they love your body, sensuality and your sexual expression. They admire your physical body too much in a good way. They're really tempted by you. They might even be obsessive over you. Your fs feels intoxicated by you. I think you seduce them and they love that about you. You might know what your fs wants and you'll say it exactly the way he wants, I think he's so charmed by that. You could be a bit manipulative in getting what you want, and he is kinda turned on by that ngl. Also you might be a dom or have some control or an invisible grasp over him and he likes that. Like they can't say no to you. You or them could be a bit submissive and your fs likes that power dynamic. It seems that one has control over the other and they love that their partner is submissive or dominant over them. This could be a theme in your relationship. For some you might be into heavy makeup or roleplay or kinky stuff and they love that about you. For some of you, you might be a daredevil and pretty unconventionally attractive and they love that about you. For some of you, you guys might indulge in something together and they love sharing that experience with you, whatever it is.
Your fs loves your optimism and warm hearted nature. They think you are full of life and they feel inspired by you in so many ways. I think they love your cheerfulness and positive attitude towards life. You could be playful or goofy with them and they really enjoy that about you. You bring a lot of love and light to their life and they are truly grateful to have you as their life partner.
You could be a happy go lucky person or you might radiate a childlike joy and your fs adores you for all of those traits. They find you charming and confident.
Your fs loves your enthusiasm for life. You might have expressive eyes and they love your eyes. You make people feel valued and appreciated and that really catches your fs's eyes. You might have a lot of friends or you love building connections with people. Maybe you love celebrating people. You build community and your fs loves that. You can be a social butterfly. Your fs thinks you have a good friendship and a passionate love life. They might think they got the better end of the deal in your marriage lol. There's this energy of them seeing you as a catch. Almost like they feel a thousand times better about themselves with you by their side. You magnify their self confidence and they love that about you.
For very few of you, this relationship might have started as a fwb situation and progressed into a marriage. That's it for my dear group ones.
Image 2
They love the stability you bring into your relationship. They love how reliable you are and that actions always follow your words. They think you are reliable and they value your partnership and commitment more than anything and everything else. They feel at home with you. There's this strong sense of belonging they feel with you. They love that you bring so much joy and optimism into their life and how their life is now a thousand times better with you in it. They love how caring you are and they love the conversations you share. They love the depth of the relationship you have, they think it is so profound. They are incredibly grateful for your presence is what I'm seeing. If you are already married to this person, they absolutely love your marriage. I think they would love to have kids with you and raise them together enjoying those little cute family moments together. They basically love love love doing life with you. Living under the same roof with you is something they cannot get enough of. This is so precious 😭
They also love how nurturing and emotionally stable you are. They think you are quite mature and impressive when dealing with emotions and complex feelings. They think you are very secure in yourself and you know how to regulate your emotions really well. They feel very safe and protected in the relationship. They think you support them and they're very grateful for you. They feel understood and accepted for all that they are. They love how sensitive you are. You could be an empath or you feel things rather deeply and intensely. They love how you don't judge but rather fully accept and embrace all parts of thrm without discrimination. They love your healing presence. You might be feminine and a true romantic at heart and your fs loves that about you. They always appreciate your sweet romantic gestures.
They also love your emotional abundance. You radiate love and kindness. You embody the true essence of love. They think you are a good spouse and loving, gentle parent. They love how loyal you are and how secure your relationship is. You might be creating art or creative in general and they absolutely love that about you. You bring them a lot of peace and emotional wellbeing. Both your heart chakras are fully open in this relationship and finally you both could navigate towards spirituality together and heal and find a higher purpose in life. There is also a newness in your relationship, like it's always fresh, never stagnant, never boring and there's always more to look forward to. Your fs loves that abundant positivity and rejuvenation in your marriage together. There's overflowing love here. Really beautiful relationship 💕
One thing that is very prominent here is you could have many kids together or you or your fs could have a strong desire to have kids. Pregnancy and fertility is very abundant in this marriage. So there's a lot of good luck and high possibility if that is something you want.
Image 3
Your fs loves how warm and welcoming you are. They love how optimistic and joyful you are. They love the stability you bring into their life. They feel safe in your relationship. They are grateful for how supportive you are. They love how stable your relationship is and they think your relationship is built on a strong foundation with mutual trust and respect. They love being married to you. They love spending time with you and they love talking to you because you possess a lot of wisdom. They feel this sense of belonging with you. They feel at home with you. They feel well understood and supported by you. They might look forward to coming home after work just to see you. Also they love having kids with you. They would most definitely love to create a family with you. They love the acts of service you do to make their life easier. They are incredibly grateful for you.
Your fs loves how you stand in your own true power. Your fs feels like you can guide them and help them navigate difficulties in life. They appreciate the knowledge and wisdom you bring to the table. You might raise your kids well and you maybe a strong guiding light for them and your fs really loves that about you. You could have an answer to a lot of things and you resolve conflict easily within the relationship. You could do a lot of self reflection and your fs thinks that the stability you bring is multiplied ten times over due to your amazing personal qualities. You could be quite independent on your own. You have a good sense of self, likely from a lot of introspection. They see that, and they absolutely love that about you. They think you are a very thoughtful partner. You could go against the grain and you would definitely not fear standing on your own. I think you have a lot of power and inner wisdom. You stand true to your beliefs. You could be a bit of a loner but never lonely. You could have a passion for life and maybe you charge that power and transmute that into creative energy with alone time. Your fs loves how you have a life for yourself within your marriage. Like you could have your own passion and ambitions for things you love to do and you bravely pursue them without hesitating. You have a good balance of depending on your partner and venturing into the world on your own. Your fs loves your wisdom and sense of self and your bravery to stand true to yourself at all times.
Your fs loves how passionate you are. You might have a lot of energy. Contradictory to your self isolation tendencies, you definitely has a lot of drive and ambition for life. You could have a home based business or you might have a creative pursuit. Your fs loves your ambition and determination. You might be into fitness, high energy activities and you might have some interesting hobbies. It's never boring with you is what I'm seeing. You could be a go getter and action oriented and your fs loves how decisive you are. You are confident, spontaneous and daring, you might even challenge them in some ways and inspire them. You could also lead the relationship in some way and I think your fs appreciates that. Your fs and you could travel a lot together.
Your fs also loves how passionate you are. You could be very confident with your sexuality and you are great at expressing yourself that way. There's this fiery passion in your relationship and it's very real. You could have a lot of spicy time with your fs and they absolutely love your wild, crazy, passionate side of you.
There's a possibility of pregnancy here. You would most likely create a family with your person. If that's something you want.
In case you were attracted to group two, I suggest you read that if you feel called to do that. The energies were quite similar, not entirely but there could be messages for some of you.
Image 4
Your fs could love your femininity and your nurturing qualities regardless of gender. You could be a provider of sorts. You might have a good intuition and your fs loves that divine feminine side of you. Your fs loves how nurturing, soft and compassionate you are. Your fs also thinks you are enigmatic and alluring. You could have emotional depth and you could come across as a bit mysterious. Your fs is intrigued by you but at the same time loves that about you. You could have some specific fears or insecurities and your fs could be aware of them.
Your fs also loves that you are a bit possessive or jealous. You might have a tight grasp on your lovers or romantic relationships. Your fs loves how you are quite possessive over them.
You could be a hard worker and could be financially well off and your fs admires that about you.
You also have a tendency to give too much of yourself or too little of yourself in a relationship. I think it'll be healthy to have balance in your relationship with your fs. There could be a power dynamic of sorts and your fs kinda loves that. You might overextend yourself or give too much and your fs seems to love that regardless of that being a bit unfair. Youcould be carrying a lot of responsibilities and your fs might slack off and expect you to do them. Your plate is full in a way. You could be a risk taker and you just make things happen. Might not be for everyone, but you could be the breadwinner and your fs loves how you manage a lot of responsibilities on your own and never look to their side for support. Some of yall might be giving too little in the relationship, so your fs loves the chase. He loves the challenge and he wants to figure you out. Unravel more and more of you and your secrets. There seems to be a underlying unhealthy dynamic that plays to the benefit of your fs. Regardless your marriage with your fs could be fulfilling and passionate.
You could be highly passionate and sexual. You could be playful and adventurous. You could have a high libido and there also can be a huge emphasis on your physical relationship. There could be over indulgence in sexual activities and your fs loves that. Your fs also loves your daring and fiery nature. You could take charge in the bedroom and even in public life. Your fs could be submissive in a way and he loves the dynamic you have. For this group, your fs loves this dynamic that exists in your marriage and it's coming through strongly and not necessarily your individual qualities.
There could be a lack of balance in this relationship. It's not necessarily bad, if one particular partner enjoys being more dominant and carrying more responsibilities and the other partner is more laidback and less driven naturally and they both consensually agree that it is okay, there's no problem at all. But if overextending yourself isn't your own choice, it's better to achieve more balance in the relationship with your fs and resolve things if there are any visible or invisible problems. This was quite an interesting group.
Thanks for joining me for this reading! 💌
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
Hello for starters I love your writing and keep up the great work!👍😊
I was wondering if you could write some headcanons for Earth 42 Miles doing a skin care or mental health day with his s/o? Like doing face masks while relaxing and eating their favorite snacks/food. After noticing that miles needs some extra care from working since he's busy and kinda looks tired.
Miles self care day head cannons
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You see that Miles’ usually very bright features look tired, stressed and more gaunt so you decide to have a self care day. I mean, you could use one too
At first, Miles is very reluctant(I hc that he doesn’t believe he deserves this or you.) but you’re very persuasive so he caves
“Cleanse and replenish?” “yeah. It’s good for your skin” “Why is it slimy?” “Its rejuvenating” “I’m plenty juvenated” “Miles.” “fine"
Has a texture thing fs. But he does it for you
His eyes light up when you have his favorite movies and snacks waiting for him
“awww you shouldn’t have” “you deserve it, mi amor” “te amo, mi Corazon"
He’s a simp for you and he is so proud of it
If you run him a warm bath, he will literally marry you on the spot
“Ohhhh Mammmiii” “I know baby, relax” “You shouldn’t-“ “shhhhhh"
The epsom salt and eucalyptus bath soak get to him fr
“Feel better, baby?” “mhmmm"
Mans is a sponge. You get him a warm robe and slippers and he looks normal again
This man is so confused by your face masks.
“What’s ‘mask of magnanimity’?” “OOOHHHH I LOVE THAT ONE, ITS COOLING AND EXFOLIATES” “what’s in it?” “kaolin and aduki beans” “THEY PUT SHIT IN THE FACEMASKS??” “MILES ITS NOT SHIT OML"
He makes you repeat the ingredients 100 more times because he keeps dying laughing.
“Are you gonna take this serious or what?” “Mami, I promise” “You’re chuckling!” “I can’t help it"
his laughing made you laugh and you fell into him
You were out of breath from laughing and decided to sit on the couch and watch movies
“Ughhh why is it tight? Y/n. I can’t feel my face” “good. We have another 5 minutes anyways so stay still” “It’s the duki, I knew it.”
You laughed so hard, the mask cracked and you had to wash it off early
Miles went with you and he kept splashing you with water
“Miles stop it!” “what? I’m not doing anything” “sir! I literally see you flicking water on me” “...eso no es my fault"
You stared at him for a second before dying laughing
You decide to put on lip masks and order cake from UberEats
“How are we supposed to talk?” “Well I guess we’ll just have to suffer; beauty is pain, Miles” “beauty my ass, you were already gorgeous” “‘were?’” “you still are! I mean” “I know, Papi, I know"
Y’all fall asleep on the couch feeling fresh, moisturized and rejuvenated
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uyuforu · 3 months
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Charles Leclerc Future Spouse Indicators in Natal Chart
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Finally, here is a post about Charles Leclerc! Many people have been asking me that, I thought by starting this way with an interesting post ^^ Hope you will like it! Charles also seems to be interested in women only, and seems to be heterosexual, so talking about his FS I'll use pronouns she/ her.
All pictures were found on Pinterest
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The 7H
ᯓ★ Charles' 7H is in Taurus, his Future Spouse can be very beautiful physically speaking, and she can have some thickness to her body, such as curves, boobs, and Briede Cancer adds this. Cancer rules over the boobs and Venus signs usually rules over curves and the booty. (I see you all coming at me but astro does not lie .-.) Taurus sign here does not make her looks too tall or short, she has a "normal" height. She can have good skin and smells very good. She can have a pleasant voice to hear, she can looks gracious, charming, feminine like.
ᯓ★ His 7H is also with a Capricorn degree, which will make his Future Spouse looks a bit cold sometimes, have a more royal presence, yet she can be very charming to people and could be very good at making first impression. She can be slim too, though her height with the degree can go to the smaller type. She can also look younger than what she is, blessed with a young look.
ᯓ★ His 7H is empty, yet it is ruled by Venus, which is in Sagittarius 1H. Venus promises again of having a very beautiful spouse, looking very stunning. Her charm will be above the roof and many people can have a crush on her. She can be an extrovert and anyone can like her, have a good opinion of her. She can have many friends or know a lot of people. People just like her a lot, and if they don't it can be because of jealousy. She can be a very creative person too, and be into art, music, etc. Someone very nice, and she can look very classy. Venus being in Sagittarius can make her have a good body and perhaps toned, she can be quite independent and likes to enjoy her freedom. Venus being in the 1H can maker her have Taurus or Libra rising, or also her Venus can be in the 1H. Otherwise, she can be someone he knows already or someone his parents will present to him. She can also be someone he will have a crush on before coming to her. Love at first sight will mostly happen.
ᯓ★ Though despite the 7H is empty, Charles still has Part of Fortune in his 7H, which makes him be quite lucky generally about his partners and his Future Spouse. He will feel like a lucky man, and people will feel the same. There will be a feeling he will feel blessed to marry a woman like her. Moreover, Charles' Mercury sextile his Venus, which indicates his possibilities to marry someone younger than him.
The 10H
ᯓ★ Charles' 10h is in Leo, his FS can come from a country or place that is very famous, people could consider this place a luxury, somewhere rich people go, somewhere hot, somewhere a lot of CEO live, a lot of big businesses live, a place with big schools, a place known for important people, wealthy place, royalty could have happened, a place with a lot of history and an old place.
ᯓ★ His MC is also in a Sagittarius degree, making his FS come from a place with a lot of tourists, there could be an airport where she comes from, tourists could come a lot, it could be a touristic place, country could have religion part of their culture or very close to their history. country's economy could be really dependent on tourism, could be big colleges where she comes from, etc.
ᯓ★ Since there are no planets in and around the MC, we will focus on the ruler of the 10H, which is the Sun. Charles' Sun is in 12H Libra, and the house makes it more obvious she was born from a different country and place than him, and it could have been around water, somewhere art is celebrated. The Libra Sun makes her being born a beautiful place, a place known for its beauty and beautiful sights, it can be a wealthy place, a place good for shopping, a place known for jewelries, clothings, make up, etc. A place known because of a woman, or women being an important symbol. A place where people are charming and nice yet can be superficial.
Possible placement of his Future Spouse
ᯓ★ Cancer/ 4H
ᯓ★ Sagittarius/ 9H
ᯓ★ Virgo/ 6H
ᯓ★ Capricorn/ 10H
ᯓ★ Libra/ 7H
ᯓ★ Leo/ 5H
ᯓ★ Scorpio/ 8H
ᯓ★ Libra/ Taurus/ Venus 1H
When are they most likely to meet?
ᯓ★ We will focus on his Venus Return because Venus rules over the wife, and Charles' Venus returns once in 2022, twice in 2024, once in 2025, twice in 2027, once in 2028, 2029 and 2030.
ᯓ★ When it comes to his Solar Return, he has indicators to possibly meet her in 2025. He is indeed in a discreet relationships since 2023, based on his SRC of that year, there are still possibility that it could have been this year, yet 2025 seems also accurate. In this case, this needs to be more studied.
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ᯓ★ His Future Spouse could be someone who is very perfectionist, someone who works very hard and for whom working is important.
ᯓ★ She could want stability and she could like routine. She could also like working.
ᯓ★ She likes predictability, she could like to organize things too.
ᯓ★ She could be very neat. Hygiene and health are very important to her.
ᯓ★ She could hate lazy people, and she may feel pissed off when they do nothing. It can stress her. She can also feel anxious when she does nothing, feeling like she is waiting time and needs to be productive.
ᯓ★ She can be very good with details, and she can remember every single details about people she meets, but mostly people she loves! If she loves you, she will love every flaws of you, and in fact, it's not even flaws for her. The way she loves is realistic, she is not the type to romanticize everything.
ᯓ★ Love language could be mainly act of service. She loves to help people she loves to improve, and she wants to take care of them too. She will want to help people she loves in their daily life and for work.
ᯓ★ She can be a pet person, and pets can love her too.
ᯓ★ This is the kind of person who wants to improve a lot about herself, she could always think how she can improve better. She can be the kind of person who loves to help people, give advices, recommendations, etc.
ᯓ★ His Future Spouse could also look tired often, she could look a little depressed, sad, or really just tired.
ᯓ★ She could find her work to be super important to her, she could have an important job, or be an important person in her career.
ᯓ★ She is very hardworking, and not lazy at all. Making money is very important to her, she could know how to manage it well.
ᯓ★ She wants to live a good and luxurious life style, but just knowing she has money makes her feel very relaxed. Money is the key to easy life and unstressful life for her.
ᯓ★ She could look cold and distant at first or just not talk much. She can also not be that expressive. She can have a dark humor, or a certain style of humor people may think is harsh, not everyone get it.
ᯓ★ She could love to take control, and hate when someone try to control her. Very independent.
ᯓ★ Her reputation could be excellent almost, and people might respect her very much. People may think of she is one of the best at her job, and she could be famous too, or just very successful in her career field. She could have a lot of public attention. She is a very ambitious person.
ᯓ★ Her father could be famous too, successful, she could love her father very much, he could also be her role model.
ᯓ★ She could be very unique, someone who hates to follow the crowd like a sheep. She can be said to be weird, but she can love to be considered as someone who is not like the other. Something she may actually hate is to fit in the box. She could want to be different and will probably always search for that. It's another way for her to make herself seen.
ᯓ★ She has different tastes than the other people, she is pretty different. But she is very good at making friends. She is very social, and she may have friends from different cultures or backgrounds, people who have different tastes, or just friends who are very different from each other.
ᯓ★ She is very spontaneous, and love to surprise people with her ideas, thoughts and actions. The idea to be different is something she may also enjoy very much, it can also makes her feel special.
ᯓ★ She could be into humanitarian actions, she can also be on social medias, have an influence on it or just use it often. OR either hate them. lol.
ᯓ★ She has a very different perspective about things in life, so it's a totally new point of view. She just doesn't see things the same way others do.
ᯓ★ FS could be someone very nurturing, someone who is very sweet, nice, and gentle.
ᯓ★ She could look super young, or just very cute, she can make people (or Charles) want to take care of her.
ᯓ★ She is not an aggressive person, she is actually very sensible. This could mean that she could cry easily too.
ᯓ★ She can look very feminine, or just be in tune and harmony with her feminine side.
ᯓ★ She can love her family, loved ones a lot. She could love home things, stay at home too.
ᯓ★ Food is one of her biggest love story, and if she is feeling sad, food can bring comfort.
ᯓ★ Her mother can be very important to her, play a big role in her life, or she grew up with a lot of feminine figures around her.
ᯓ★ She could love children, want children, or even grew up with children around her. It's someone with whom Charles will want to make children. Pregnancy can be a theme here too.
ᯓ★ This person can be very secretive, as she may be scared to be hurt.
ᯓ★ She can look innocent, and it can lead people to be scared she will be hurt by the world. Charles would want to protect her. Charles would also want to nurture and protect her.
ᯓ★ Water can be important for her, she could love it or love to swim too. Living by the sea too.
ᯓ★ This person can be very loyal, not only to Charles but also to her family, people she loves and holds on dearly in her heart. Because of her loyalty, she can even be loyal to traditions. She will maybe want to create her own traditions too with her family.
ᯓ★ She can be moody too, or over sensitive. Because of that, she can be often in different kind of moods.
ᯓ★ FS can also be a foreigner, or she lives in foreign lands.
ᯓ★ FS can also be quite smart, and wise as a person. Perhaps more mature than her age.
ᯓ★ She is funny, open minded and also knows a lot of things about a lot of different subjects, which can be related to her being open-minded and curious.
ᯓ★ FS could have a very harmonious face or way to live. She could be very pretty. She can be someone stable, someone who wants to provide.
ᯓ★ She can enjoy good things from life, she can like to cook, to eat, she can be gourmand. She could love to shop, she can like fashion, likes to take care of herself, etc.
ᯓ★ She can look neat, presentable, clean, she looks nice and always put together. She can also love to smell good, and people can often say how good she smells.
ᯓ★ She could be wealthy, comes from a wealthy family, or will eventually have a lot of money. It could also be that FS is good with managing money, could be into trading, etc. Possible job could be related to money, working in a bank for ex. or living based on trades, she could have a stable job and income.
ᯓ★ This person doesn't seem to worry much, she is not loud and don't over talk about themselves.
ᯓ★ His FS could be someone very mature, or there is something very wise about her.
ᯓ★ She could be very smart, and even emotionally speaking. She could be good at school. Very studious.
ᯓ★ She could be a teacher. She could love the college life, or made important memories there. Studying may be something she loves, and they could meet while studying, it can also be abroad.
ᯓ★ She could be a foreigner, and live abroad. Or she could come study in his country for example.
ᯓ★ This person can be quite optimistic. Charles could find her pretty lucky too. She can be considered very funny, and she could have a good sense of humor. She has a good way to express herself and Charles could find her super funny.
ᯓ★ She is quite curious and spontaneous. She wants to experience different things, she wants to see the world, and learn many things. She may believe that's how you get wiser. She may love to travel too.
ᯓ★ She could be spiritual, or believe in spirituality. She could also be religious. This couple could have a spiritual bond too.
ᯓ★ Charles' FS is passionate, quick, she can talk fast, walk fast, do things too fast, she is not patient, and she might even pursue Charles romantically. She can be the type to "chase". Despite that, she is someone independent.
ᯓ★ She could have a quick temper too. Someone who feels very passionately her feelings. She could also show her love physically.
ᯓ★ She might care a lot about health, and sport can be very important to her too, she could have an interest in that.
ᯓ★ She might also not be scared of confrontation and fights. She def seems to be confident. She can be loud sometimes, or laugh very loud too. She can take things personally pretty quickly too. She doesn't have her tongue in her pocket.
ᯓ★ She could also be an extrovert, and she can be very passionate about what she talks about. She could also want to be in a relationship with Charles very quickly.
ᯓ★ She could be very good looking, very hot, someone who looks dark, charismatic, someone to whom Charles will feel an instant pull. Someone who attracts people like a magnet. She could be someone so attractive a lot of people are almost obsessed with her.
ᯓ★ She could be shy, or private. Introvert, and someone who doesn't speak much at first. She can seem closed to meet people. She can look depressive. She can seem bored, or just down. She may look tired too.
ᯓ★ She can be someone who is better to show her love through physical intimacy than actual words. She looks very mysterious.
ᯓ★ This makes an intense connection between those too. There is a true feeling of wanting to make one with each other.
ᯓ★ This person could be secretive and not want to reveal her secrets to anyone, and she could also want to keep her flaws and dark sides to herself.
ᯓ★ She can be possessive and jealous too. She can be very passionate and intense too, even in her eyes you can feel it.
ᯓ★ This person may have been hurt a lot in the past, or you just feel like she is lonely. She could be very sensible too, and may prefer to be alone in order to not be hurt.
ᯓ★ They could meet during volunteering, through friends, she can be one of his childhood friend too.
ᯓ★ They could meet out of nowhere, unexpectedly, in foreign lands or while traveling.
ᯓ★ They could meet during protests, on social medias, on the Internet, they could be friends online first.
ᯓ★ They could have a unique relationship when they meet. They could also just bump into each other at the weirdest moment.
ᯓ★ They could def meet online, on social medias.
ᯓ★ It can also happen at a party, with friends, or their siblings can present them to each other.
ᯓ★ They could meet at the library, or while buying books. They could meet at a club, college, school, anywhere you learn or get en education.
ᯓ★ They could meet because of technologies or phones matters. Karaoke, concert, speeches can be a thing here.
ᯓ★ They could meet in a shopping mall, somewhere people dress nice and fancy, at a party, meet at court, when signing a contract, when starting a business, at a wedding, or with friends, something can be linked to law, or marriage, or justice.
ᯓ★ They could meet at a beauty shop, at a concert, or a museum. They could meet somewhere linked to art, fashion, beauty, maybe a school specialized in those areas.
ᯓ★ They could have love at first sight, or it means they will find each other very attractive.
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Thank you for reading!
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m4sonn · 5 months
The outsiders, Aftermath AU (no deaths)
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(Thanks to my friend @peachyponyboyy whom I collaborated w/for this and probably will collaborate with for any future works like this)
Basically what would happen after the book/movie, also if johhny and dally didn’t die
Ponyboy: Gets a scholarship into UCLA for literature, When he's finished with college he gets his masters degree and becomes a professor at UCLA.
Sodapop + Steve: (NOT THE 'NAM!!!) Soda and Steve get together, both working as mechanics at the DX, they live in the old curtis brothers house when everyone left, the gang only coming back on holidays to visit steve and soda. Soda would later propose to Steve at a nice restaurant, inviting the rest of the gang to see. (Spoiler alert: the entire gang bawled. Absolutely WEEPED, happy tears ofc) they couldn’t get married legally since it was the 60s but they had a nice little ceremony somewhere nice for the gang. They would later adopt a little red head after finding her on the streets.
Darry: Would move out to give Soda and Steve space. Living in the house across from the two, would settle with a wife and kids, Having a special room just for Ponyboy when he visits from college, His family would always cook the turkey during thanksgiving. Would definitely remodel the house.
Dally: would still be a delinquent, fs. Would sleep in his car if he's not already crashing at soda and Steve's place. He appears every now and then, and definitely joined some weird gang with like 13-15 year olds. NOT aloud near darry's kids without adult supervision, too much of a bad influence. He also says he doesn’t like kids so he would probably end up punching them
Johnny: all the way dating Ponyboy, got into UCLA by dumb luck. Nobody even knows how he got in. He kinda just did, def got into a psychology major so he could help other people like the help he needed when he was a kid/teen. Ponyboy and Johnny live in a decent sized apartment near the university. Definitely don't have kids but have a Golden retriever (goldie, named after the poem nothing gold can stay) and a black cat (windrixville, after the town they hid out at.)
Two-Bit: Still has an obsession with Mickey Mouse, probably lives in an RV parked in the vacant lot near the gang's house. Adopts a mouse he found off the street, probably has diseases but it's ok. Named it Mickey, now searching for his Minnie. Probably sells tobacco to kids and teens out of his RV, somehow hasn't gotten caught yet.
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ladywisteriatarot · 5 months
Dear Lady Wisteria,
hello and welcome to the tumblr jk tarot
i hope your page stay away from those toxic anons
and keep this page calm and fun!
i would love to know what makes jk fs stand out among the people he dated/met ?? And are they really trust him since he is big celeb to be friends
call me ✈️ anon hehehe
my very first day i already had two toxic anons but do not worry, i dont plan to start fights. i block instead.
the empress. the emperor. the chariot. knight of swords. ten of cups. ace of pentacles.
she stands out because of her maturity and spirituality. like jungkook, she takes great value in taking care of herself, her own finances, her appearance, her mental health and he finds that "rare" nowadays to find someone who carries themselves like that. she's also not very clingy and does not demand attention or love like his ex-partners or general romantic interests, he chases her instead and he likes it. he thinks its annoying to chase someone for too long or being the one who is chased but because he knows that she genuinely isn't trying to play hard to get and just likes to take care of herself first before getting into any relationship, he finds it much more enjoyable. she also has a very stable balance between her femininity and masculinity, she's not more feminine than she is masculine or not more masculine than she is feminine. she also is one to date to marry, not the type to be fwb or have situationships and relationships without marriage in mind. doesn't like to waste time.
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leonaluv · 4 months
this moght be interesting reading to do, but can you do what words might knetz or the general public use to describe bts relationship with their fs?
so this will just be korean public , which someone did already ask what it be for them to be famous and who is famous .
Jhope- they seem like a rich couple , lol they save korean ( by having kids etc) nepo baby .
Jimin- beautiful couple , couple goals , he seems like husband of the year . etc forever love vibes
Namjoon- power couple vibes , thoughtful couple , genius couple
Jin- power couple vibes , they will say they are really enjoying life , fashion couple , they be seen as someone who has a refreshing relationship . new spin on the traditional relationship . unorthodox relationship
Jungkook- sexy vibes , fun couple vibes , adventure couple like , they kinda like seeing him on the bike with her ex.
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suga- just soulmates , quiet couple vibes , the introverts can find love to , they be seen a s wise couple , mind their own business,.
V- young couple vibes , some are going to think they just married because of the kids or think that they are doing to much , like Chen got hate for during another wedding ceremony . .
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blackcatreadstarot · 8 months
Charles Leclerc future spouse reading
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A small disclaimer before we start: some people might disagree with me, but you are not able to predict phisical traits with tarot cards. It's impossible. You are able to tell personality and overall energy, sometimes job, but never the colour of the eyes and the hair or if the person is short or tall. Unfortanetly, there are a lot of things you are not able to predict with tarot cards.
Before asking about his future spouse (FS) we need to ask if he even has one (not every person ends up being married). Let's start. Does he have a FS? Will he be married in the future? The knight of cups, the star, the fool reversed Yes, he has FS. The knight of cups is literally the card of a marriage proposal. Did he meet his FS? Ace of cups, knight of cups reversed, king of wands No, ace of cups indicates new romance, new relationship. The rest of the cards also don't indicate that he met her. Who is his FS? Are the cards able to tell anything about her? The tower, ace of pentacles reversed, the moon, 6 of cups, ace of wands, 6 of pentacles It's a person who has been through a lot: a disaster, a great loss, a trauma. It's a person who has a tragic past. Unfortunately, FS is in a bad financial situation. They don't have stability in life. There are fears and anxiety in their mind. Despite the fact that FS has been through a lot of hardships they remain kind and generous. FS is youthful and creative, very talented in arts or any other creative field. Right now FS might experience the moment of breakthrough in their life where they feel motivated and inspired. FS might start a new creative project. FS is generous and supportive. With all the cards above there's two possible interpretations: they might have been in a bad financial situation due to events in their past, but now they gained financial stability OR FS will gain that stabitily and she should not give up. FS also a person that will (or already does it) donate to charity. What is her job? 7 of cups reversed, king of cups, 5 of pentacles reversed It's a field where opportunities for advancement are restricted, it's where FS should be diplomatic and have a balance. Might be something involving diplomacy, counselling and giving advices. This job pays off well and will help them become financially secure. Also there's a possibility that FS missed a good job opportunity.
How they will meet? ace of pentacles reversed, the tower, the emperor They will meet during some tragic events or in situation full of chaos (alternative interpretation - their meeting will be very unexpected). He might bring stability in FS life (emotional or financial). His first impression of her: knight of pentacles, 3 of cups, 6 of wands He will see FS as a hardworking, responsible and practical person, as someone who's very protective of her family. He will think that FS is friendly and social (also maybe that they like celebrations and parties). He also will see FS as somebody who achieved their goals in life and gained some success. Might be under the spotlight (6 of wands came for him and for FS too). Her first impression of him: the wheel of fortune reversed, 3 of cups, 6 of wands FS might meet him during not the best period of his life. So FS might feel that he's in unlucky situation. But FS will still see him as friedly, social and happy person. They will see him as someone who recieves public recognition, who is successfull and famous, and is under the spotlight. His mother's first impression of her: knight of cups, strength, ace of cups She will see his FS as feminine, graceful and charming. Also as person who's able to bring people to common ground, some sort of mediator (recall the part of the reading about FS job - diplomacy and counselling). She will see FS as strong person, who's brave and confident, happy, creative and in love. His friends' first impression of her: queen of swords, the lovers reversed, the magician reversed They will see FS as someone who's honest, independant, fair and realistic. Also as somebody who has trust issues. Also as someone who missed an opportunity in life (the magician in reverse also mean manipulative and greedy person, but i think the first interpretation is a better choice and fits events I described above in the reading). What will be the fans reaction to the relationship: the world reversed, ace of swords reversed, nine of pentacles They will feel like the ground was swept from their feet, might be dissapointed and confused. I feel that later they will change their opinion and will see this relationship as a success. The outcome of relationship: queen of swords reversed, 3 of pentacles, the chariot there might be a person, who will interfere in their relationship or FS might bring baggage of fear and trauma from the past. Yet 3 of pentacles and the chariot indicate that he and his FS will be able to overcome obstacles and work on relationship together as a team. The hard work on this relationship will bring success.
Please, take in consideration that all written above is hypothetical. It's very hard to read on a person who's not in the picture yet. You will have more clear reading on a person who's present. So as always take it with a grain of salt. Used tarot deck: tarot de luz
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tomwambsgans · 6 months
tomgreg wedding would for sure not be very big. tom is a Wedding Guy but he also already did the Huge wedding and it did not turn out great. and there's no benefit this time to making it basically this massive public event that includes all their colleagues. even just taking all the people that tom may know as vague acquaintances through his career or from college, i feel like he would be hesitant to get all those people to come to another wedding, where this time he's marrying the previous bride's cousin. even if it wasn't a gay wedding, that's just so fucking messy and un-self-aware lol
so no, it could not be nearly as huge. but at the same time, they fs do not want it to look comparatively like they're eloping. it's got to still be a nice venue and a serious event. they're not trying to hide. both tom and greg DO want to show off how happy they are together, and to make this a point of very seriously and publicly declaring commitment and love. just also, it has to be careful because of tom's previous wedding.
inviting the roys would def be a huge discussion for them bc obviously it would be awkward as fuck for them to be there, but also by the time they're getting married it's certainly not a secret. shiv being there would be deeply awkward but not inviting her, if her brothers were, would seem targeted. i can't imagine a world tbqh where shiv becomes remotely supportive of tomgreg so honestly she probably wouldn't even WANT to come, so it's just a matter of appearances with the invitations, but they gotta account for how likely it is that any of the roys will call their bluff and actually come. roman is very likely to fuck shit up on purpose. shiv might even, too. kendall would care much less about tomgreg and more about tom being ceo, which would sour things for him. but personally I also think it's likely tom will stop being ceo and go on to do something more fulfilling some years post-finale, so maybe it would fine on that front. i imagine tom getting gerri and karolina to give him the rundown on exactly how public his and greg's relationship is, what the optics are, and what could happen to the company were they to get married... and perhaps, using the information he gets as an excuse to try to get out asap. but anyway connor and willa are definites, of course.
basically my thinking is that no matter what, the tomgreg wedding is getting pushed way out in the future just to make sure it doesn't look to the public like tom is remarrying super fast. it IS supposed to be a publicization of their relationship but they don't want their wedding to seem like it's for the whole world, so there's some amount of disregard that they need to have for the public eye, too. they're not trying to show off bc they don't want it to be reminiscent of the tomshiv wedding, but they do absolutely NEED it to be decadent. they don't want it to seem at all performative but it also can't seem too obviously like they're trying not to.
anyway with all this in mind i'm gonna go through each (main) potential tomgreg wedding venu and their pros and cons but also just how they might go
for obvious reasons it has personal significance to them, and having their wedding at a place like that would reinforce that this is a personal event that just happens to be public. it would give the excuse for an explicitly ancient roman Theme, at least vaguely, since the venue itself would certainly have actual ancient architecture. i love to imagine the custom suits they'd certainly commission, the red and gold and white, and the inevitability of rings engraved with nero and sporus too. the main con here, of course, would be how on the nose it all is. i can imagine tom deciding that it's too much and would maybe in fact be bringing too much of their personal history out into the open. maybe they'd prefer that that stay between them.
elsewhere in italy
there's a ton of appealing wedding venues all throughout italy, including places that are not rome but still related to nero and sporus, but my main thought tbqh is how they related to wine. i've fully settled by now into the headcanon that tom and greg start running a winery at some point post-series, so that tom gets to have a more satisfying version of his metaphorical wine baby with greg. i've mentioned it before but as someone in the liquor business with a not insignificant stint in wine-tasting, i think what would fit them best is a cab franc. therefore they'd most likely be staying in the northeast of italy to do that. and obviously that doesn't mean their wedding would have to be in the same place, but it would be neat if having the wedding there doubled as them checking out the area. this could also put them around Lake Como, which was a place tom expressed interest in when discussing wedding venues with shiv, so. at the same time, knowing he explicitly mentioned it to shiv does feel like a downside. just bc i don't thing the tomgreg wedding would/should be remotely a redo of the tomshiv wedding.
st. paul, minnesota
it's funny, i knew about lake como in st. paul before i knew about como lake in italy. it would be a really fun little twist if that was the como that tom at which wound up having the actual wedding with the love of his life, specifically in his home town, too, to bring it home that greg understands who tom really is. the biggest downside of st. paul, imo, is also simultaneously an upside -- that the venue would be small. so they maybe wouldn't get to have much decadence, BUT they'd be trading that for the excuse to keep it small. as in, the excuse of family. of course it's contentious exactly how supportive of the wedding tom's extended family and old friends would actually be... though I think that if nothing else, they might come for the fact of his success. and those would be the exact people that tom would love to prove his happiness to.
old new york
this is the setting that i honestly think tom would have chosen for his first wedding if it were up to him. like, put up against lake como i imagine him taking a minute to waffle but ultimately deciding on this. once again the tomgreg wedding shouldn't be a redo of tomshiv, but this in particular is just SO tom. and also, i think, the last one that shiv would have chosen. for tom, nyc was a lifelong aspiration, and for shiv it's nothing. having like a 1940s nyc ball-style wedding is probably tom's dream, and i imagine greg having similar lingering awe about that whole vibe. biggest downside is how much more likely it is for it to get trashed, either by roys (cough cough roman) or by people who hold some kind of grudge re: ATN. but good security would probably render that null anyway.
cruise ship
biggest upside is that it would once again be an excuse for the wedding to be relatively small. and narratively it's a fun way to bring it back home to their beginnings in Parks & Cruises... and for that same reason probably not a great idea? like realistically, it's maybe playing with fire a bit lol. but there are so many ocean-related motifs around tomgreg, and also they're kinda stupid, so i can still see it. a destination wedding in particular, with a built-in honeymoon, also feels perfectly decadent that way. AND they could combine it with either an italy option or the old new york option.
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403tarot · 1 year
Hey, can you do a reading for Yoongi and his fs? About their personality, their current energy, how they view each other and/or their messages to each other?
for now i see that yoongi has not yet met the person he will marry. when asking about the time in his life when he will meet them, it appears it could be during a very delicate period, especially psychologically. this person may come into his life as a "saving angel" who will help him to rebuild himself. they may have already gone through a similar situation to what yoongi will face and will then reach out to him.
this person may have a personality that is opposite to what they appear to be on the outside: others see them as introverted and mostly quiet, perhaps someone with few friends, very focused on their own work and goals to the point of neglecting external relationships. despite projecting this image, to those who know them, they reveal themselves as understanding (perhaps more than they'd like to admit) and concerned for those they care about. this person doesn't tend to show their own feelings much.
they have a scorpio-like vibe (it doesn't mean they are of this sign, but they may possess strong scorpio-like traits).
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at the moment, this person's energy fluctuates between well-being and discomfort. It's as if they're trying to take one day at a time and not overly anticipate the future. they are working on improving inner aspects and their self-esteem/self-perception.
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within the relationship, yoongi will see this person as someone who brings him comfort and with whom he can be himself. as the relationship progresses, yoongi may increasingly perceive this person as intelligent and unique. although they may have a somewhat cold appearance, deep down, they are sensitive, and he will feel the need to take care of them with great tenderness.
on the other hand, this person will have a completely different view of yoongi as they get closer and enter into this relationship. they will see yoongi as someone who carries many emotional wounds but has not lost the ability to be romantic, attentive, and kind. they will handle well the mood swings that yoongi seems to have, where one day he's fine and thinking about how to improve his future, and the next he's not so well, preferring to be more introspective and withdrawn. i see that this person will greatly respect yoongi's personality and his occasional need for alone time – it won't bother them. they are mature and seem to have a full awareness that yoongi won't be an extension of them, although at times, he may embrace them as if he wants to be.
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angelflungoutofspace · 8 months
abbott elementary season 3 ep 1 & 2 REVEIWWWWW
idk why but I thought y'all might wanna hear what I thought about the season premierrrrrr!!!! it was so good and so chaotic. so many things going on at once.
when Janine walked out and revealed as district, I HAD A HEART ATTACK. but then the context helped. im just a little confused because didn't the Manny the district guy say Janine could go back into her class 1-2 days out of the week to teach?? or was it just to go around about hearing feedback?? it was so sad to see Janine's kids not caring about her presence and the super mean substitute. But, that one little boy, Alex, made my heart just warm!!!! It just reminded Janine why she's doing what she's doing!!!
omg and Janine and Gregory?? the way Janine HAD THE CONFIDENCE to go talk to Gregory about her feelings at the beginning of the school year??? like where did that bravery come out of, and she handled the rejection so well. like honey. I would have DIED. but also.... the way Gregory just... moved on???? well, I get why. bro has to protect himself, but like come on greggy boy, don't tell me YOU DONT just feel a little of love for Janine???? but I love the way writers handled it at the end. they didn't leave the awkwardness for the season and that is something I APPRECIATE. and at least we know that Gregory and Janine still want to be friends and still miss each other platonically.
am I being paranoid for being scared of Manny the district guy???? Like my boy Jacob had a point. Manny WAS giving me some crush vibes and it doesn't help how nice and genuine he is. LIKE IM LITERALLY FALLING FOR HIM. and his mom was a teacher??? I would love to see him more, but just not as another pawn in Janine and Gregory's relationship. but, I knowwwww better. and my girl QUINTAAAA will make us wait.
I think Janine is getting really confortable and friendly with the district crew and it's kind of scary me because if she gets TOO comfortable, she won't want to leave. I think when the fellowship ends, they'll offer her a permanent spot on the team and she'll want to take it but still teach at abbott.
Barbara was so cute this episode, with her makeup. and with how honest she was to the district. as some who works at a high school and has been dealing with a particularly horrible district and administration, Barbaras words hit too close to home. but she realized that the whole district team is essentially just 4 Janines with the power and position to make things happen. and I think she's really opening up to relying on the district more.
omg my girl Melissa. honey., I was so scared every time Gary made a marriage joke. and when he proposed I HAD A HEART ATTACK AND FOR A SPLIT SECOND I THOUGHT MELISSA WAS GONNA SAY YES and the rest of the season would be wedding planning. but as embarrassing and heartbreaking as it was for Melissa, she stayed true to herself and was mature to end the relationship. and my girl just crying made me cryyyyy omg. she looks so sad even though she was the one to break up with Gary, AND I KNOWWWWWW SHE'LL STILL BE HEALING. I don't think this is the last well see of Gary since he goes to the school every Thursday, but I think it'll be the end of their relationship permanently. but now that Melissa knows fs was wants to date and knows she doesn't wanna get married, I think she's gonna be in her exploration phase. HOEEEEE PHASSEEEE. god please send Melissa a gay awakening PLEASEEEEE. she needs a rebound and no better rebound than a woman. that would be so fun and so true to her.
but yeah thats all I think so far. and it was a great epsidose and a great start to an already unpredictable season!!!
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spikezonebby · 1 month
Step one of the es s2 rewrite is figuring out what has to go. No time skip, no Decepticons as the big bad again, and no chaos terrans (unless I can think of something better to do with them but the Terran cast is already pretty solid rn). Cosmos can stay because I think he's cute but I'll figure out something more to do with him. And yes, we're getting prowl fs. Ratchet and drift too if I can make them fit. They will be gay and married
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uyuforu · 10 months
Can you do his boda PC after juno?
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Jungkook's Boda Persona Chart
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-> Perfect use for this gif lol
What is the Boda Persona Chart?
-> The Boda Persona Chart is a chart focused on the wedding day of the native! All the placements are indicators on how your D-Day will go. This Persona Chart is based on the asteroid Boda, discovered in 1938 by Karl Wilhelm. It was named after Karl Boda. Boda means "wedding" in Spanish.
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Planets & Asteroids Placements
Sun in Capricorn 2H, 12°
-> Sun in Boda PC represents the way the wedding will be, where it will take place, and what is the final result, the essence of the wedding. House is what shines most about it.
The sun is in Capricorn, meaning the wedding seem to be very well organized. Maybe money will be spent on it, it will be an important event for the family and close people. An event of the year type. The organization will be very professional, maybe hiring professionals to help with it. The style will be minimalist chic. Luxurious and rich style, Cold too. High society style. A very chic place. The wedding will be a success in everyone's eyes. It might be private for close people, not anyone will enter to the wedding ceremony. The 2H (Taurus) meaning that it's aesthetic and design will be what stands the most for the wedding. People will find the most luxurious things there: the best food, the best decorations, the best service, the best ceremony, etc. Good food! It will be a very minimalist wedding, but still very chic. There will be a sense of welcoming there, the aesthetic is cold but the feeling is very warm there. Romantic atmosphere. A lovely wedding. The 12° is under pisces, meaning it will be super cute and romantic. JK might sing a song at his wedding, it's a possibility. He will be very inspired by his wedding. It might also be a spiritual union. Or there is a part of spirituality. Romantic in cheesy type, can be also the type of wedding where everyone cry lol.
Boda in Aquarius 3H, 10°
-> Same as the Sun
The Aquarius placement there makes me feel like it will be a very unique wedding. There is a stellium in Aquarius which makes me feel like it's the most thing that will define the wedding: unique. There might be many stuff that make the wedding stands out. It might be a wedding that many people wait for, the most expected one. Some people will say it's weird. It might be unique for certain things, maybe for Koreans and his closed ones, and it might be because the bride is foreigner. So she might bring her own culture in it, which makes it unique. The 3H (gemini) can make the wedding happens in foreign lands! JK might get married in his FS's homeland, and since we have Aquarius stellium, I wouldn't be shocked. The Gemini placement means it's a wedding that will be talked about a lot. People from different cultures, different countries there. Gossips and rumors about it. So the wedding might shine through the world, many countries will talk about it. It might be an amazing wedding to the siblings of the couple, and the army, the people on the internet. The 10° (Capricorn) will make the wedding still appear classy!
Moon in Pisces 4H, 5°
-> The emotions towards the wedding, house represents which area the emotions are most felt towards
Okay, did I already say people will cry? Yes. Another confirmation. A very emotional wedding, people might cry because it's very romantic. It might be very artistic too, many artists will be present. More musically speaking. A lot of ballads played at the wedding. A lot of emotional people and speeches. Groom and Bride will both cry for sure. The 4H (cancer), full of water here wow. JK and FS's families will be the most to cry. BTS are also considered JK's family as he grew up with them, so they might cry too. JK or/and FS's mothers will cry the most. Bride can cry more than JK. It can also make a lot of people cry about it too, like armys and even delulus (lol). The 5° (Leo) makes the wedding cry of happiness. Many people will cry for emotions but it's mostly because of how happy they are. Overall, a lot of people will be happy for them.
Mercury in Sagittarius 2H, 19°
-> Legal matters, are they signing a prenup for ex? Wedding linked to spirituality or religion? How is the communication during the wedding?
With Sagittarius mercury here, the wedding could be spiritual or religious if anyone is. Since pisces and Aquarius are there a lot, the spiritual side could be more important. The communication during the wedding is easy, mature and open-minded. Again, many people from different countries and cultures, many people from different backgrounds too. It's a mix there lol. So, many translators can be present. People like that it's full of different cultures. With the 2H (taurus), a prenup contract can be sign. A spiritual or religious wedding too. There is a very warm communication here. People can be a bit shy with each other at first and then warm up. Many people can meet a lot of people. They can learn a lot. With the 19° (libra), def a prenup or a similar contract will be signed. Might be more spiritual than religious. It's divine union. A very fair, nice communication. Everyone respect each other. It's very balanced and I don't see a lot of arguments there, maybe none.
Venus in Aquarius 3H, 2°
-> Gifts they receive, how much money will they spend on it. Best part of the wedding + the aesthetic of the wedding, how the bride and groom will dress.
The Aquarius placement makes the natives feel like money doesn't matter much here. That they spent a lot or not, it's not important at all. They don't do everything to prove anything, they do it to make people feel comfortable. Humans before money. I guess the best part of the wedding will be how unique it is. People will love that. JK or his wife will dress in a unique way, or something unique about them. Maybe it's considered "unique" because the wife is foreigner? IDK! Don't forget the persona chart is on JK's POV. To him, marrying a foreigner is considered unique, that's may be why. Unique gifts lol! The less expected! The 3H (gemini) makes them spending money for the fun of it, in order for people having fun. This will be a very talkative, fun and open-minded wedding. People will love how fun it is. Laughing all the time. But it might be a wedding people gossip a lot about. The gifts will be interesting, fun, and stuff you can actually learn a lot with. Gifts related to traveling too. For the degree (taurus) it makes the couple appear so good looking, but because it's Aquarius it will be iconic look. Practical gifts or perfect for home. A very cozy and chill wedding. People will enjoy drinking, eating, talking to each other and dancing. A full pleasures wedding.
Mars in Aquarius 3H, 12°
-> Honeymoon and s3x, misunderstanding and disagreements about the wedding. House it’s placed in shows what the disagreements is about + what area of the wedding that most energy is dedicated to.
So I will be first taking about the misunderstandings and disagreements. I think the difference of culture will makes people confused. As it seems like JK will marry a foreigner, it's an international couple which makes the couple have more disagreements and misunderstandings about their habits. It can happen during the wedding too. It's part of the everyday life of an international couple. Being in the 3H, the communication and translation can be confusing sometimes. Aquarius also rules social medias, and being in the 3H, it can makes the wedding being revealed to the social medias in real time which will be a conflict. It can make also a lot of gossips about it. The 12° is under pisces, meaning the emotions can be confusing. Some people might not understand why other cry at certain moments. I think it's all part of the different backgrounds, different cultures and different countries. This is what create the most confusion.
Jupiter in Aquarius 3H, 22°
-> Best part of the wedding, Legal matters, are you signing a prenup for ex? Wedding linked to spirituality or religion? + in which area are you lucky with your wedding (the house is where it could manifest)
Like is said before, best part of the wedding will be the most unexpected things, or even the fact that it's a unique wedding. And again, because it's 3H, it will be fun and a wedding where people are laughing and talking a lot. People are just out there enjoying and being spontaneous. A bunch of humans having fun where all barriers are broken. Lucky for being a visionary wedding, this wedding will be iconic and maybe make a trend for other weddings. It can also break a barrier for marrying a foreigner, JK will maybe be one of the first Kpop idols still in the industry that does it. The luck could manifest in being a trend on social medias, people talk about it. Lucky because people talk about your wedding, your wedding are changing the world in a good way. Also with all these placements, it makes the wedding more spiritual but very down to earth style, not too spiritual that it might scared people. More rational spiritual type, I don't really see a vibe of a religious wedding. It might actually feel spiritual for them (the couple) but it's not a theme of the wedding. If it's a theme, it's very light. For the lucky part with the degree, lucky in the organization of the wedding, lucky with money, lucky with the public attention. The wedding will be famous for sure. The degree also makes the prenup very important for JK.
Saturn in Aries in 5H, 13°
-> Possible issues, worries and stress during the wedding + lessons learn during the wedding
Issues with fights, arguments can happen. It might be quick though, Aries makes things happen quick. The 13° is also an Aries degree, and the 5H is Leo house. In this case, it can be an argument or a fight that might happen during the wedding, a drama queen or a fight for stealing attention. For ex, the bride not being happy because someone showed up in white too (I wouldn't be happy either). Or a fight happening because the wedding is famous and people want to enter. Like fans or paparazzi. A lesson on not being impulsive, on waiting before speaking. Or talking before arguing.
Uranus in Aquarius 3H, 7°
->Where the wedding could be different: revolutionary.
Different because there is a lot of foreign things in the wedding: the bride, the place, etc... It's a visionary wedding, it will create a trend afterwards, many people will talk about it. It's a revolutionary love! A love that is unique and that will change many things.
Neptune in Capricorn 3H, 29°
-> How the wedding will be spiritually + illusions about it
The wedding will have a basic contract, even a prenup, but the spiritual side will not be the most obvious. But it's there. I feel like I repeat myself but man, Aquarius in 3H, how can I not lol. The illusions here are from JK's POV, because this is his Boda PC. If we consider this detail, that means that to him, the illusions during his wedding will maybe that people are cold towards each other, or that it's only intellectual people there. He will maybe scared that people are not willing to mix each other, or to make efforts. So he could have the illusions that it's actually this way. He could also have the illusion that people are not having as much fun and it seems.
Pluto in Sagittarius 1H, 6°
-> Where the wedding will be transformative
The wedding will be very transformative in a way that JK might live abroad after, or he will feel more of a stranger to who he was before. He will feel more mature, more open-minded and more of a foreigner. He will evolved in a very mature way. Because Pluto is in the 1H, it means the transformation really is about him, and not about his environment. He feel like a new person, his FS made him a better man. He feels like he may be a better person, he improved.
Groom in Aquarius 3H, 22°
-> How JK will be during the wedding, his POV
So, on his point of view, Jungkook will consider himself outstanding, unique, even visionary. He will feel like the first man to walk on the moon: no one ever did that before. He will feel like he is making the world evolved, like he is doing something truly amazing. He will just be himself and do whatever he wants, without caring about what people think. He will be very talkative, and open-minded. He will be very funny and witty. He will be a true romantic gentleman during the wedding, and will make sure his FS is treated like a queen. This placement also conjunct Jupiter exactly, which make me feel like JK will think of himself as very lucky.
Briede in Leo 9H, 6°
-> From JK's POV, how will be the Bride during the wedding
From Jungkook's point of view, his wife will be stunning, shining, the queen, the main character of the day. He will feel like he has to serve her, it's her day. She will be the sun in the room. He will think she is perfect and he will find her to be the most entertaining person in the room, very charismatic person. He will have eyes only for her (I'm melting as I'm writing). The 9H makes it obvious she is a foreigner, but she will outstanding to him. He will see her as philosophical and mature person, someone he can learn from. She will be very clean and well presented. He will see her glowing, there are no other words. She is healing him as he marries her. (and there im dying this is so fuc*ing cute)
Juno in Libra 11H, 5°
-> The feelings between the couple during the wedding from JK's POV
Love birds. Romeo and Juliet. Two soulmates marrying. They are just in their love bubble. Super romantic to each other, it will leave people in aww. It will be obvious they are in love. The 11H can make them appear as friends too, like friends who are in love. It's very cute because it means they are in love but they also talk and laugh, have fun like friends do. It's not only a romantic connection, it's a soul connection. They will have a lot of fun with each other, dance, laugh, have fun. It's their day and they are living it.
ASC (1H) in Scorpio, 17°
-> Jungkook's attitude during the wedding, his feelings, his actions and opinions + people’s first impression on the wedding
Jungkook might act shy, a bit reserved. He will be emotional, will feel so much passion for his wife, so much love. He might cry but might feel uncomfortable to do so, or will be shy about it. He might absolutely love to be physically close to his wife, always trying to touch her. He might look so good, mysterious, or just intimidating. Might wear black. He might also look so good people will envy his wife that day. Jealousy could happen? The degree makes that he looks lie a true king. He will maybe act extra sometimes, very romantic, cheesy, very fun and entertaining. He will enjoy being the star of the day with his Future spouse. For people's first impression on the wedding, it will look very intimate for such a wedding. Maybe people would expect more people to come, and it looks more intimate. They could find the couple very entertaining and like the main characters. The will find them so so so good looking. They will be glowing. People will be curious about the wedding, they will want to know a lot about it.
DSC (7H) in Taurus, 17°
-> Future Spouse feelings, thoughts, attitude and actions during the wedding. The guests, Legal matters, are you signing a prenup for ex? Wedding linked to spirituality or religion?
His future spouse will be very beautiful, very classy, charismatic. It's a true lady here. She will be glowing, so soft and so gentle. She just look like a Disney princess, almost perfect. She will look very feminine that day. The influence of the Leo degree will make her look like a sunlight, you will not miss her. It seems like people will have more their eyes on her than JK. Same as JK, she will act extra sometimes, very romantic, cheesy, very fun and entertaining. She will enjoy being the star of the day with JK. The guests will look very well dressed, elegant, and all will behave well. This will look like full of good looking people lol. People will have fun, and it will be a true party. It will be a traditional wedding with a contract.
MC (10H) in Leo, 24°
-> Reputation of the wedding, what people will mostly remember of it. How others see and what they think of your wedding? What do they talk the most about it?
A very famous wedding, people will have their eyes on it. When I told you people will talk about it a lot, I mean it. Very iconic. Like a royal wedding. The biggest event of the year. People will remember how fun it was, how beautiful, and they might even say to them "omg your wedding was so fun!" or "omg your wedding was so beautiful". It the type of wedding to make people feel like it was the best they attend so far, it would be hard to compete with it. It can make the wedding also be known for being romantic, many people will dream to have such wedding. People will say how cute, how they wish they have a wedding like this. Many people will make their wedding similar to this one after.
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2H - Sagittarius
-> Gifts they will receive, how much money are they going to spend on it
The sagittarius placement there makes me feel like it will be gift that comes from foreign lands, or maybe offering a trip somewhere? It can also be some stuff to learn, or some funny stuff too. It's just gifts you wouldn't think of first. It seems like it depends on the people, but the money spent will not matter at all. JK and his wife will literally not care much about it. And even for their wedding, they will just make it all so people have fun and enjoy the day. Because Mercury is there, I wouldn't be surprised if JK offered a song to his FS.
3H - Capricorn
-> The guests, how others see and what they think of their wedding? What do they talk the most about it?
The stellium in this house is crazy. Guests will be very presentable, and good looking. They will be very well mannered, and respectful. It can also mean having guests who have money. They will think it's a well organized wedding, a very good looking and classy wedding. They will think it's a respectful union. It's the kind of wedding that makes you drop your mouth. It will look like an expensive wedding. They will think that JK finally is a man. Talking about money, about power, talking about JK and his FS, the wedding, love, etc. Since Aquarius is there too, they could also talk how unique it is. It can mean people will mix each other in during the wedding.
4H - Aquarius
-> Jk's parents’ opinions and feelings on the wedding
They might feel like it's not common for them. The wedding will leave them like they know nothing, they are strangers where they are. They will feel like they need to be open-minded. It's not a situation that makes them comfortable because it's not what they are used to. Pisces is there too, making them emotional and attached to the couple. They could find the ceremony romantic. The moon there represents JK's mom, making her the most emotional. She could be crying a lot or just very invested in the wedding.
5H - Pisces
-> Wedding Party
Romantic, dreamy. The party could happen near water, so maybe near ocean, sea, or a swimming pool will be there? People will be emotional. People can cry. It will go well like clear water. People are nice to each other, and are very compassionate. There aren't judge people.
8H - Gemini
-> Honeymoon & sex
Honeymoon will be full of laugh, fun memories, discoveries, and spontaneity. They can talk a lot about many things, talking is what will happen the most.
9H - Cancer
-> Jungkook's parents in law’s opinions and feelings on the wedding, legal matters, are you signing a prenup for example? Wedding linked to spirituality or religion?
Okay, his parents in law will love the wedding, they will think it's super romantic, and it feels very familiar to them, so it makes me feel like the wedding will be in their home country, so bis FS's home country. They will be very happy and emotional to be there. Because Briede asteroid is there, it makes me feel like they like JK but they are more happy for their daughter than anything else. They are more focused on her than JK. Leo is very strong also in this house, so they will be much more comfortable than JK's parents. They will feel very invested in the wedding, even to a point to make it more entertaining. Very extroverted and very fun lol.
11H - Virgo
-> The guests
Clean, well mannered, well presented, well put together, all seem perfect. They know what to do. Guests are a bit cold to each other at first. Since Libra is also in the 11H, that makes them be a bit more open and talkative afterwards. They will be very charismatic and enjoy their time at the wedding.
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Thank you for reading!
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imaginespazzi · 1 month
Bestie, i'm back again! Twice in the span of a couple days, who am I?? Just tryna make up for missing last week 🥲
I've been having some late night thoughts about GH and so I thought why not just come spill them in your asks while I've still got some free time!
That Azzi and Drew reunion gonna be a lil explosive huh. But like it'll be a quiet simmering at first; Drew just trying his hardest to ignore Azzi cause he's still holding onto his grudge until he eventually breaks and unleashes on her and ooo man yeah I can just imagine how much more guilty Azzi will feel after that confrontation. I wonder how he reacts to Stephie too, like he can't not give in to the cuteness obvs, but I can imagine there's a tiny bit of resentment there too in the sense that Azzi went and started her own family and forgot him. The pookies gotta make up though and I need that uncle drewski and stephski bond 🥺
Also, I keep thinking about P getting married and man how I'd love to dive into her thoughts when she and Olivia eventually got divorced. Cause after witnessing both her parents get divorced twice, I just know that would have been pretty painful for her to go through that herself and follow that pattern (maybe why we should have listened to Drew and not have married her in the first place Paigey! 😭😭) , and to think that she probably thought she'd never have to experience that cause she found the love of her life at 15 and they were meant to be forever!
And yet still, even as my heart breaks for Paige and what she must have gone through after Azzi turned her down, I can't bring myself to be upset with princess. Maybe I'm just too blinded by my own love for Azzi in every universe (even in fiction) so I support her wrongs and rights lmao. But nah, like I just feel that she must have had valid reasons you know, maybe?
But yeah so many questions about the proposal! Like had Paige been planning it? Or was it kinda a knee-jerk reaction to whatever their situation was at the time?? Was Azzi just not ready for marriage/an engagement? Or was she planning on breaking up with P anyway even before the proposal occurred?? Cause like damn that's crazy that P was thinking 'marriage' while Azzi was over here thinking 'break-up'. Like was Paige just too oblivious to how things were between them? Or was Azzi just keeping all her worries to herself?? Ugh i think i'm having war flashbacks to that one angsty part in Here's To Eternity 😭
Obviously you don't have to address any of these babes, i'm just yapping away as always!
Oh the stargazing scene and the dancing in the snow scene is IMPRINTED in my brain. Lives in there rent-free.
LASTLY, bestie whatever happened to that mid-season W vibes recap lmao. Nahhh you've already blessed us with all the GH content so I'll let it slide 😂
Much love, Nivi, have a wonderful day 💗
AHHH BESTIE BACK ALREADY! We love to see it!
Gonna add what another anon said about Drew and Azzi over here cause I think that really hit it on the head.
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There's definitely some resentment there because I think Drew idolized Azzi and idolized what Paige and Azzi had so he's definitely in his feelings about that. And I think seeing Stephie is gonna hurt fs because that used to be Drew you know? Like he was there first baby but then he didn't get that for so long? (just made myself sad with that oops-)
The divorce with Olivia was definitely hard on P and we will be getting into that a little bit. There's multiple reasons behind it as well, one of which *might* add to the plot a little bit.
Azzi and her overthinking are apparently a constant in my fics but lmao not the Here's to Eternity flashback lol. Maybe Paige should have tried the same thing in this TL and just made Azzi listen lmao.
LMAO I have thought about the W-recap but time just hasn't been my friend. Maybe I'll do a not-so-mid-season recap. I'm so excited for the rest of the season especially because GABBY TO NY MAYBE? I will be insufferable if that happens.
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evansblues · 11 months
If she still chooses to be with this man knowing Alba and her racism and her group, I side eye her also and then she can’t be all that you say, because she wouldn’t be with him if she was. This is just the step he took that he can’t come back from. I don’t see why she would want to do that to herself. ///
I’m not copying and pasting that whole book but this is why celebs will never be with a “fan”, yes this situation is messy but it’s Hollywood and if FS becomes famous it’ll be like Alba who? This mess seems like a huge shitshow to various fans and they can imagine Chris counting back, but guess what worse and crazier things have happened. I’m old school, we saw drama and mess from the 80s/90s and it’s a thing of the past.
This shitshow isn’t even over and you’ve just basically said “Chris is done, it’s a wrap”
How old are you anon? Worst mess has been cleaned up publicly. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Life moves on, I hate when people kick others when their down even if they are down because of their own stupidity.
But the reality is We don’t even know the entirety of this situation and FS is not even in the picture yet and you’re judging her already?!
FS will have to have very thick skin for sure.
Chris could hit rock bottom and go through and transformation and boom they meet, you don’t know people’s journey, but I guess it’s easier to judge when it’s not you.
You know how many Hollywood scandals and marriages the public has witnessed over the years, only for not many to remember years later.
George Clooney was married decades ago but when you hear about his wife the only woman that pops up is who…..Amal Clooney!
If FS chooses to be with a man she actually knows to her core vs you not knowing said man and presently judging him based on how this current mess is being presented, you’re going to “side eye” her……... okay.
This situation is very easy to bounce back from publicly, PR and crisis teams are hired for a reason. I’d suggest you go google Hollywood scandals from the past and then come back and let us know if this this as bad as you originally think.
Chris will need someone who isn’t going to jump ship so easily when shit goes down and also someone to put him in his place, but he definitely doesn’t need anyone who gives up on him so easily, be mad at this mess and him all you want, but to say it’s not fixable or he can’t be redeemed when you know nothing and are just a bystander……sheesh.
I’m sure Chris will tell FS everything and she’ll be a good judge of character.
It’s funny people are claiming Chris must be racist due to Alba yet in twenty plus years not one time has anyone accused him of being racist, damn he must be good at covering his ass. 😂
Sorry for the rant, I don’t like people judging while not understanding they don’t have every exact detail to even judge.
Ugh, humans. 🙄
I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s seen worse shit. It’s odd to me the way people talk about this in context. There are wars in this world, children are going hungry, I’m about to read Britney’s book and I know it’s going to be some bs that happened to her. I have perspective on this, yeah it’s sad he’s not acting like who we thought he was, but that’s it. It’s just some messy PR. Even if he is racist, call him out and don’t watch his stuff. He’ll be fine on the other end.
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texasjen13 · 7 months
Hey, I love your blog and you're my favorite on all of Tumblr.
Can we get a full reading on Chris's FS situation? How is she handling all of this? I truly believe they're already in contact and suffering together through this whole mess.
I think Chris is juggling to get her to be patient and wait for things to end with Alba.
I really believe Chris's girl is already around, at least in the virtual world.
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First card out is :
the queen of coins reversed- What this card means is that a romantic interest or partner may be feeling insecure or possessive or maybe projecting those emotions. It can also mean that future spouse needs to focus on her and her goals.
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The clarifier card is:
7 of coins- which means that in a romantic relation, it represents fostering, patient and development, which is essential to a long-term partnership
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The next card I have is :
the 6 of pentacles reversed- which means that there is an imbalance in the relationship there could be lack of equal given future spouse may feel like they’re being taken advantage of and the other person meaning Chris on the other hand may feel that they’re holding back. And if they’re not careful it could potentially turn into resentment in the long run.
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Now, as the clarifier card we have:
Justice now the justice in upright in a love reading, says that future spouse should treat Chris Fairley and honestly just like how she would wanna be treated
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The next card we have is :
the 4 of coins-which means in a love relationship again it may have some jealousy or possessiveness it may be fueled with jealousy or possessiveness kind of like the queen of pinnacles reverse. They may struggle with insecurities and fears. Not only future spouse, but Chris may have that about her as well, but this is basically how she feels at the moment
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The card that is the clarifier is:
The hierophant- which means that future spouse is ready for serious commitment like getting married to Chris after this shit show is ended. And Chris may be feeling the same way once this show ends.
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The next code we have is :
the high priestess- Now, with the high priestess in a love reading, talks about duality, they could view each other as their other halves. It could indicate soulmate or twin, flame energy, and on the other hand, they could also be a karmic relationship from a past life. The high priestess, as a love reading, is a sign of spiritual union, future spouse, and Chris are either mirrors of each other or polar opposites. Now they are opposite. It means that they complement each other and the card is a statically associated with the moon which governs intuition, and they could be very well in tune with each other, and when the other half is upset without telling them.
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And for that clarifier, we have :
the four of wands- Which means that Chris and future spouse have a strong bond, built on trust, support, and understanding, and this signifies a harmonious and loving partnership.
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This is where it gets interesting because I have both the queen and the king of pentacles in reverse meaning that there is a soulmate connection here they’re both a divine pair, Chris and future spouse.
What the king of coins represents is a person who is stubborn and materialistic. So I’m assuming that might be Chris since he’s in the limelight and it’s a divine masculine. Because the divine female is the king of pentacles, and we already saw her at the beginning of the reading.
So wrapping it up, there is a lot of pentacles meaning that Chris’s future spouse is definitely a Virgo because the queen of pinnacles represents a Virgo and then you have the other coins that also represents earth signs, but since we have the court cards, the king and queen of coins.
She’s definitely a Virgo and Chris does have Virgo in his chart. It may be his north note or something like that but the sign is a Virgo and it’s not AB because AB is a cancer. Plus check out the Bonus reading
That indicates the lovers card and you could see there’s two women and one man
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blackcatreadstarot · 7 months
Ana De Armas Future Spouse Tarot Reading
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Does Ana De Armas have a FS? Will she be married in the future? knight of cups + knight of wands reversed + the devil reversed (10 of cups as a clarification card) yes Did she meet her FS? ace of cups + 9 of wands reversed + 4 of cups reversed (10 of cups as a clarification card) yes What cards can tell about Ana's FS? the high priestess + queen of swords reversed + 8 of swords reversed: it's definitely a peson with a good intuition, might be into things like astrology or tarot. This person takes things too close to their heart and can be pessimistic, bitter and cold hearted. Her FS is mature and has sense of responsibility, FS is brave person and able to look fear in the eyes. 3 of pentacles reversed + 2 of pentacles reversed + 6 of wands: FS is also not a team player and puts a lot of things on their shoulders that leads them to feel overwhelmed and disorganized and having hard time handling lots of things at once. FS is kind of "if you want to do something good, do it yourself" person. Yet they are successful at what they do, they have recognition in their field. 6 of wands can be also an indicator of a famous person. 7 of swords reversed + 8 of swords reversed + queen of swords reversed + 6 of cups reversed + page of wands + king of wands: so this person will go through a very serious transformation: FS is manipulative, a liar, overly critical, pessimistic and bitter. But they will face truth about themselves, they will be not proud of themselves, so they will learn from past mistakes and move forvard, FS will go through a renewal of conscience. Maybe that person will go to a therapy to solve their inner problems. They will be a completely new person: mature, yet young at heart, active, optimistic, full of energy, a leader, who takes control of their life, motivated and confident. 8 of pentacles + 3 of swords reversed + 2 of swords reversed + 8 of wands reversed + king of cups reversed + 6 of pentacles: a lot of cards in this reading are talking about overcoming past, transformation and healing. This person works hard on overcome negative past events, heartache, sorrow, depression. There were a moment in life when FS felt trapped, anxious, stressed and had problems with their emotions. It was definitely a rough patch in their life. With the 6 of pentacles I feel that this person will be either very open about their journey of transformation and experience or will help others who is in situation like he is. How did they meet? 9 of cups + 7 of cups + 8 of swords + 5 of cups (I asked for clarification cards and all these cards came out of the deck: queen of cups + justice + the devil reversed + the wheel of fortune reversed + the magician + 9 of wands + 5 of wands + queen of pentacles reversed + strength + knight of pentacles + 10 of pentacles reversed + 3 of swords): very long story short: I feel that Ana and her FS already had some romantic history, maybe they didn't date, but romantic feelings definetely were involved. I think when they met they were just having fun. And Ana was in a center of attention, her FS was one of several people who wanted to date her. But, unfortunately, it was bad timing for anything romantic between them. One of them was battling some negative patterns, poor habits or addictions trying to break free. There are several cards that indicate fighting, overcoming struggles, breaking free. And I think it reffers to her FS. In the reading above I saw that her FS is going through inner transformation and doing serious shadow work. But at that time there were some jelousy and insecurity in the air between them. One of them thought that the other is not "good enough". Maybe some of the family members were not happy and supportive about possible pairing. All that led to a heartbreak and they are not currently together. But with the 5 of cups at the end, one of them or both of them are very sorry about how things went between them.
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