#he goes to the fancy bathroom of the fancy mall and hes too scared to piss because the place looks TOO fancy
actualbird · 3 months
my girlfriend and i went to an upscale bougie mall today and because she works for an upscale bougie magazine as an underpaid writer, she knows how much stuff costs for Expensive Brands like along the lines of versace or burberry and whatnot. she kept pointing at criminally expensive looking items and asked me to guess how much they were
her: guess how much that face mask is
me, going high for the laughs: haha what 20,000 (PHP)?
her: yes
her: guess how much that skin cream is
me: ....15,000 (PHP)??
her: nope. 50,000 (PHP).
being horrified at prices aside, she told me this was good reference for marius von hagen's experiences in Rich People Shopping. fuckin 50K skin cream.
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jimlingss · 7 years
Student Council Prez [11]
Episode 10 - Episode 11 - Episode 12 Words: 4.4k Genre: Fluff, Slice of Life, High School!Au The episode consists of short stories. 
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Often in life, a number of things that an individual can get nervous or rather jittery about stems from the bombastic fabrication created in the mind. Sometimes things aren’t as bad as they really seem but for Sohyun, she’s sincerely worried that she might get a heart attack.
Her fist grips the strap of her new flower backpack tighter, fixing the hem of her butterfly printed dress and sweeping her ponytail from her shoulder back. With all the self-encouragement that swirls in her mind, the excitement and anxiety makes her nauseous. If it was one thing she hated, it was strangers.
And now she had to step into a whole new class of them, kids her age that she didn’t know and she wondered if they would accept her, if she would make any friends or would everyone’s eyes glue on her and would she be the ridicule of her classmates?
Her breathing becomes sporadic and she turns on her heel, ready to hide in the bathroom stalls until she musters up more courage but as she begins to take a step forward, she bumps into someone’s head. “Ow!”
“Sorry.” She mumbles, looking up.
“Sohyun?” Joonhyung’s eyes are wide as saucers but then his lips split into a grin. “What are you doing here? Are you going to this school?”
She nods. “Miss Birch?” He asks and she nods again. Joonhyung laughs and takes her hand. “That’s great! What are you so nervous for? Let’s go.”
“Wait!” She tugs him back, fixing her dress again.
“You look pretty.” He glances at her ensemble but when she raises her head and meets his eyes, he blushes. “Uh I mean, you look fine! Let’s go!”
Sohyun relaxes, finally entering the classroom where she takes a seat next to him. The teacher assigns them to sit beside each other and though the both are equally scared being at a new school, they find solace; eating lunch and playing together after. Joonhyung tries to take the lead, still holding her hand and introducing the both of them to the new kids. He stutters and blushes but still tries to keep a front and Sohyun can’t help but smile so brightly that the others warm up to her too.  
“How was school?” You ask after the first day.
She hums, taking out her new workbook. “It was good. Joonhyung’s nice.”
“Joonhyung, huh?”
“Yup!” She exclaims as she begins writing some sentences.
Little did you know, it’s a name that you’ll remember for many years.
Every morning, at the brink of dawn, Sungjae carefully crawls out of his sheets and slides on the floor all the way into the bathroom. Minimally brushing his teeth, he slips a sweater and some jeans on, tiptoeing over you and Sohyun. “What are you doing?” You groggily ask, realizing that it was still 5 am.
He freezes like an ice statue, all efforts of being discreet going to waste.
But everyday it’s the same. He makes up some sort of an excuse; that the neighbors needed his help, he wanted to get a headstart on school (which is an obvious lie), he was walking some dogs, he was trying out for a sports team and it even got to the point where he said he wanted to go on a jog for some early exercise.
If he ever did return after his mysterious disappearances, he was pale and sweaty. Yet no matter how much you interrogated him, he evaded and ran away. You tried to give him some space, wondering if he was finally entering the puberty angst phase but you couldn’t help but start becoming more and more suspicious, wondering if your uncle had influenced him or he was involved in that sort of business like you once were.
“Are you still wearing those clothes?” Jongsuk turns around, looking at Sungjae through a distasteful lense. “That’s so old. What do you think, Shinhye?”
She turns to her left, looking at him with a sort of pitiful gaze. “Well…”
“Haven’t you heard?” Jongsuk exaggerates, propping his chin in his hand, elbow on Sungjae’s desk. “Solar sweaters are in right now. Don’t you have one?”
Sungjae scoffs. “Yeah. I do. I have the most recent one.”
“You do?” Shinhye gasps and Sungjae smirks at her reaction.
“I just don’t wear it to school because it’s too fancy and might get dirty.”
Jongsuk rolls his eyes. “Yeah right, liar.”
“No I do.” He defends.
“Prove it.”
“Fine I will!”
Except the only problem was, Sungjae hadn’t even ever laid eyes on a Solar sweater in real life that wasn’t on some other kid’s body.
After school that day, he took a bus to the mall and asked the clerk in a tiny voice. When she showed it to him and walked away, he almost dropped it. It was beyond what you gave him for pocket change. He would have to save up for years!
A thought bursted into his mind and he went running out the building, nearly tripping as he chased after the bus. Thankfully they stopped and he got on, riding all the way to the flea market.
“What are you lookin’ for, son?” An older lady asks as he scans the table with clothing.
“D-do you have any Solar sweaters?”
“We sure do.” She goes to the back of the store, coming out with a whole bunch in her hands. “They’re pretty popular and look almost like the real thing!”
But Sungjae’s smile falls when he looks through the cheap sweaters. The colours are all off and the famous stitching at the bottom is all crooked and wrong. It won’t do.
“Thank you.” He says before he walks off, head slumped downwards.
When he arrived home late that night, you gave him a scolding of a lifetime. The moon was high in the sky and it was completely dark out. He was suppose to pick up Sohyun but she had to make her way home by herself after waiting an entire hour. Much to your dismay, he doesn’t give you any reasons except for meek apologies.
“Hey noona.”
“What?” You mumble, punching some numbers in the calculator and writing in the black book, used to maintain the budget. You had saved some extra money during your summer job and Yoongi’s pay hadn’t been going to nothing either. You bought new backpacks for the both of them for the new school year and was investing in a new fridge since the one you had now frequently busted.
“Can I have a bigger allowance?” Sungjae swallows nervously. “Please?”
“What for?” Your eyes lift off from the book.
“Um….just you know…”
He peers from across the table at the numbers. He knew you always cursed at how expensive the rent was for such a shitty room and that the location wasn’t even that great. The water and electricity bill wasn’t nowhere cheaper either and you were still a firm believer in insurance, so you had to split it there too. Groceries and the university saving fund for the three of you took a big chunk of the budget and whatever was left was divided into three again as pocket change.
Sungjae was both too embarrassed and prideful to admit what he really wanted. On one hand he knew you would refuse and shout at him, saying that you couldn’t afford something so dumb and idiotically luxurious. Then you would brood about it for the next few days, feeling guilty and end up forking over the cash, despite that there would be money missing from somewhere else. In turn, he would end up feeling even more guilty and the last thing he wanted was for you to go back to selling Uncle’s drugs to try to make money again.
Sungjae sighs. “Nevermind.”
For the following nights, Sungjae dreams of getting his hands on the sweater. He even imagines walking in and slyly stealing it, bringing a whole pile into the change room and slipping it on underneath his jacket; running for his life the moment he sees the door. But then he imagines getting caught and what would happen to him if he was hauled off to a juvenile detention center.
Going to school every single day is torturous for Sungjae. Jongsuk takes a good look at him each morning, turning to Shinhye. “See? He’s a liar.” And Sungjae would have to make some sort of excuse that it was in the dry cleaners or he had gotten a stain on it while making his way to school.
He even walks into the mall one day with a newfound determination to snag it off the table and dash for the hills but as he gets closer and closer…. “How may I help you?” A clerk interrupts with a dazzling smile.
“Nothing.” Sungjae nods. “Just browsing.”
She smiles and leaves.
It’s right there, in front of his face. His fingers run along the smooth knitted knots and with sweat built on his forehead, feeling like he’s going to vomit and his sight fades in and out…..he just can’t do it.
Day after day, he antagonizes until another idea pops in his head.
And so Sungjae was getting up every hour of dawn, slipping on his clothes as you questioned where he was going, wondering if he was making trouble. But in reality, Sungjae was borrowing the bike from the neighbors downstairs and riding it throughout the entire neighborhood, delivering newspaper after newspaper to every single doorstep.
It’s a hefty job but it pays well and that’s all that matters.
You don’t find out until one day, you decide to follow him. You swear he’s selling drugs or hanging out with the rough, older kids and you even bring your stick with you, ready to beat his ass when you catch him in action. But much to your surprise, he’s gasping tiredly as he bikes up the steep hill, throwing newspapers lifelessly at the doors.
When he comes back an hour later, he freezes. You’re standing at the wall with arms crossed. “I-I can explain.”
“You don’t need to.” You sigh and he swallows nervously. You walk up to him and he closes his eyes, wincing when you suddenly raise your arm. “I never knew….you would have so much responsibility Sungjae!” He flinches when you suddenly hug him, expecting a hit instead.
“Making your own money…” You ruffle his hair and he lowers his head.
You had no idea what he was possibly saving for that would make him rise so early when you literally had to haul him up on a regular day but you’re proud nonetheless. Sohyun ends up making a paper mache piggy bank in class and brings it home for him where he begins stuffing it with his bills, marking a chart of how close he is to the goal.
After three weeks, he’s only fifty dollars short but suddenly when he counts that night again, the fifty dollars magically appear. “What?”
“What’s wrong?” You ask him, eyes still on your work.
“It’s...I-...huh.” He counts again and again but it’s still there. He’s met his goal. He’s really met his goal. “I did it! I made it!”
You smile. “Is that so? Good job, Sungjae.”
He cheers, smiling and falling back onto the floor. “I did it!”
“So I was playing on th-”
“Ahem!” Sungjae coughs loudly and Jongsuk and Shinhye turn around in their seats.
“Woah!” Shinhye’s eyes are big as saucers and even Jongsuk almost leaps out of his chair. “Is that the latest Solar sweater?”
“Told you I had it.” Sungjae raises his eyebrows smugly to Jongsuk who can’t stop staring.
Sungjae gains the interest of all the students, everyone crowding around his desk as he flaunts off the sweater. Even though it’s meaningless and materialistic, getting attention for only a few days, a few kids stick around him; learning that he really wasn’t so bad after all. From that day onwards Sungjae no longer gets called ‘the poor kid’ anymore and maintains a comfortable position in the classroom, no longer isolated. Though Jongsuk still brushes him off, they become closer friends still bickering back and forth. Most of all, Sungjae retains a sort of self-confidence that he really can achieve the things he wants if he works hard enough.
A meaningless sweater brought him two irreplaceable things that lasts his entire life; a best friend and a belief in his own strength.
The sun angled in the sky, he watches as the students leave the campus with hands behind his back, proudly standing with a giant smile. The classical music dramatically plays in the background, rebounding off the walls in his big office. “Isn’t this academy the best in the world?” Mr. Min chuckles to himself.
“Yes Principal Min. I couldn’t agree more.” Mr. Lee nods. “Especially now that our scholarship student is excelling.”
Mr. Min finds interest, swivelling around on his toes and plopping in his big chair. “Do tell me more.”
“Well, she’s still enrolled in our school, attending every single class. The students have also seemed to accept her and she’s well acquainted with the Student Council Members. For the finals she scored in the twenty fourth placement. She’s in the high eightieth percentile!” Mr. Lee announces with a smile.
“That’s absolutely fantastic!” Mr. Min exclaims, leaning back in his chair with an overwhelming grin, spinning around with a big laugh. “You know! I knew I saw something in her when I was looking at the applications!”
“But?” He stops his chair, clasping his hands together on his desk.
Mr. Lee clears his throat uncomfortably, shifting on his feet. “She seems fairly close to your son.”
He purses his lips in curiosity, tilting his head. “Is that so?”
Mr. Lee takes a step forward. “I mean...fairly close with your son.”
“I see.” He returns to spinning around in his chair.
“Are you not worried?” Mr. Lee frowns. With the difference in Yoongi and your social economic placements, the social standard norms, the levels of wealth and background in general, it was considered to be disgraceful to even be friends. It wasn’t like Mr. Lee had anything against you, he’s only met you once but the high class normalities he was used to, it shocked him incredibly. He didn’t know what was going on exactly between the two of you but he caught wind of rumours and every time he saw you or Yoongi, the other was always attached to the side, an automatic pair.
“Why should I be?” Mr. Min stops, coming to a stand and peering out his colossal glass windows. “That boy’s never listened to a word I said and he’s not one to follow anyone’s orders. Even if I was worried, there’s nothing I can do about it.” He turns around with a glint in his eyes and he roars more laughter deep from his chest. “If anything I’m pleasantly surprised and impressed. I’ve always been worried that girls would go running for the hills with a personality like his. If I’m picky, he’ll definitely never get married!”
Mr. Lee sighs. “Well alright, that’s one way to look at it. I understand.”
Mr. Min stands and stretches, twisting his back and relieving the ache with multiple cracks in his spine. “What a long day it’s been.”
“Are you still sleeping in that closet of yours?” Mr. Lee frowns.
Off to one side of the luxurious office was a door; a small closet with a single bed inside and a rack that he hung his suit on. There was also another door that connected to a tiny bathroom with a one stall shower, a sink and a toilet. “I am.” Mr. Min chuckles. “It’s just easier for my commute. I don’t have to go anywhere at all!”
“What about your house?”
“It’s still there in good shape!”
“And your son? Shouldn’t you at least go see him?”
“He comes by everyday! Usually to complain or demand an increased budget but nonetheless, we still get that quality son-father bonding time.” He chuckles. Ever since his wife and mother left abroad, he didn’t really find a use to going back home. He loved the school so much and he didn’t mind sleeping in the small room, it was sort of comfortable and rather cozy.
Mr. Lee sighs. “Well alright. Please, go home any time you feel like it.”
Mr. Min chuckles, waving a goodbye before he disappears inside his closet and Mr. Lee sighs again.
A white envelope lies in Namjoon’s backpack, slid between his advanced physics textbook and hidden away from his grandparents’ prying eyes. Inside the envelope consists of a letter, a very important letter that makes Namjoon unable to sleep at night. An envelope with a letter and a very important decision to make.
“I hope you will really consider this opportunity.” The older professor nods his head over the Skype chat. “We would love to have an exceptional young student like you aboard our research team.”
“Thank you. I will really take it into account.” Namjoon smiles.
During summer, Namjoon took an internship at a university and his outstanding intelligence was immediately taken notice of. Another university abroad caught wind of it and wanted him to join their team; paying for all the expenses and letting him skip two entire semesters if he were to enroll in their programs. It was a spectacular opportunity, one that if his grandparents knew, would immediately jump on it. But Namjoon knew it was a decision that he would have to make and no one else.
It was great but on the other hand, he would have to completely skip the rest of school. He would miss his graduation and ceremony, his entire youth but most importantly, the other members. Namjoon understood that if the others heard about it, they would urge him to go but he couldn’t bear the thought of leaving his friends behind.
His entire life, he had been isolated. From birth, doctors recognized the glint of geniusness in him and he was tutored alone in his mansion; every few weeks with a new professor that would only end up quitting, feeling inferior to young Namjoon and his wide knowledge. But for that, Namjoon spent his childhood alone in his room and around the gardens, wishing to be a normal child. His intelligence became more of a curse than a blessing.
It took years for Namjoon to get enrolled in a regular school after begging his parents.
He could’ve gone to university long ago, used his brain for research and real world ingenuity. But this was his life and efficient or not, he wanted to live it happily. Being stuck in a science lab at the age of twelve would have never made him happy in any world.
But even when he went to school, he was still ostracized or rather, put on a higher pedestal than everyone else. They revelled him as a genius and even teachers felt uncomfortable.
It wasn’t until he went to the academy, Jimin knocking into him and making him fall in a puddle of mud to Hoseok leaping up on his desk suddenly and screaming; to Yoongi scoffing at his profuse knowledge while calling it useless and not very useful for real world situations, did he finally find a place. They didn’t care how smart he was and they didn’t use him, frankly they didn’t even understand and could care less. Jin inquired about his cleaning abilities while Taehyung asked if he could fish at all or kill a wild bear with his bare hands. Jungkook even called him dumb when he accidentally knocked over an entire bottle of ammonia in a lab.
Dumb: that was something Namjoon was never called in his entire existence.
And just like that, he found a group of friends that stood by him no matter what.
But now he was presented with yet another choice.
Namjoon’s hand shakes and sweat drips from his forehead as he pulls open the door. He feels pale and unwell, like he might throw up. But as he enters, he is be smacked right in the face with some cardboard. “What the hell?”
“IT WORKS!” Taehyung exclaims, marvelling at his invention. It was a stick wrapped in a big spring and tapped cardboard put over the door, so whenever someone opened it, they would smacked in the face with the device.
“What?! Why?”
Jimin laughs. “He wants to put a pie there eventually to pie people.”
Taehyung pouts. “But the whip cream keeps slipping off and the cardboard gets soggy.”
Jungkook snags the three bottles of whip cream off the table and shakes it, squeezing all three into his mouth at the same time. “Hey! Stop eating it!”
“Why don’t you just wrap the cardboard in like...I don’t know….sandpaper or some tape? Something sticky or gritty to restrict it from falling?”
Taehyung’s eyes light up and he dashes out the room. Jimin laughs again, hugging Namjoon from behind. “You’re a genius Joon! What would we go without you?” He quickly runs after Taehyung.  
Namjoon touches the contraption, experimenting how it bounces and the amount of maximum force it could exert. But then, it completely falls off the wall and onto the floor, splitting into two.
Jungkook eyes grow wide. “Ooohhh. You’re gonna get in trouble~ Do you know how long those two have worked on that for?”
“What’s going on here?” Jin enters, looking at the huge mess on the table. There’s construction paper everywhere, bits littering the floor and glue stuck to the wood. Jungkook is a stone statue, pretending to be a mannequin with the bottles of whip cream still in his hand. “Are you an idiot Jungkook?! I can see you! Put that down! What are you doing putting sugar into your body this early in the morning?!”
“What’s happening?” Yoongi comes in, dragging a pouting Hoseok on his back.
“Uhh..” Namjoon holds the stick in his hand.
“NOOOOO! WHAT HAPPENED?!” Taehyung rushes back in with supplies in his hand, looking at the broken contraption on the floor.
Jimin’s face flushes out colour. “Did you do this?”
“It’s not my fault!” Jungkook suddenly shouts, putting down the bottles of whip cream. “It’s really not my fault this time! Those two were making a slapping device and I came into the middle of this mess. Namjoon was the one who broke it. It wasn’t me.” And with that, Jungkook bolts out the room at the speed of light, whip cream still all over his lips.
“You idiot...Namjoon...you big idiot.” Taehyung sobs as he falls to the floor, spilling everything in his hands to the ground. Meanwhile, Jin pops his head out the room, screaming at Jungkook to get back. Hoseok leans over to Namjoon, hugging him while still latched onto Yoongi, making him grumble and shout.
“You saved us!” Hoseok chimes with a smile as Yoongi continues to shout and Taehyung fake sobs. Jimin takes the whip cream and puts it all over Jin’s hair, making him scream even further.
It’s absolute chaos.
Namjoon’s never felt more at home.
“I’m sorry, I really have to reject your offer.”
The professor sighs. “Well, I’m glad you considered it. Please feel free to contact me again if you change your mind anytime soon.” Namjoon nods but the professor smiles, a slight silence drawing out. “It might not really be my place to ask but what made you want to stay?”
Namjoon breathes in, contemplating for a moment. “Finding normalcy and childlike silliness is difficult to come across in my life, I’ve realized. I can’t give it up.”
The professor chuckles. “Indeed.”
The two girls are kilometers from each other but still chatting endlessly on their cell phones, finding it easier to communicate than texting chunks and giant passages. It was easy to say that they were the closest of the bunch and the kindest, showing more compassion than their fellow, rather vicious, friends. “Hey…” Hyeri’s voice gets serious. “There’s been something I’ve been meaning to ask you…”
“What is it?” Minah frowns slightly.
“It’s about Hara…”
“What about her?”
“Aren’t you kind of….tired of her?” Hyeri asks. “I mean...she treats you so badly. It’s the worst out of all of us. Haven’t you noticed?”
There’s a long drawn out silence before Minah speaks again, conjuring up some nervous laughter. “Of course I’ve noticed...but it’s understandable...I mean I’m not that pretty and my dad’s company isn’t doing too well eithe-”
“No!” Hyeri interrupts. “Don’t say that! You know it’s not true and it definitely isn’t a good enough reason for her to treat you so badly! You’re pretty and who cares about your dad’s business!”
“She treats everyone badly.” Minah deadpans.
Hyeri sighs frustratedly. “Yeah but we’re suppose to be her friends. She shouldn’t treat us badly…..she’s just so..ugh. Remember what she did to Y/N?”
Minah giggles. “Yeah. But Y/N got her revenge back perfectly. I’ve never seen someone so pale before, much less Hara. Hara’s so scared of her now, she won’t even talk about her.”
Hyeri eases, laughing too. “Well she deserves it. I’m getting tired of Hara’s antics. She can’t keep it up forever and I’m definitely not staying around for that long.”
Minah hums in agreement. “Speaking of which, have you seen Y/N around? She’s always with Yoongi and the other members.”
“Yeah, duh. I’m not blind.” Hyeri rolls onto her stomach, voice turning into a soft whisper. “Do you think they’re dating?”
“Well, they have to be, right? They’re so close.” Minah laughs. “Don’t tell anyone this…..but I actually think they’re kind of cute together.”
“Oh my god. Don’t. even. get. me. started.” Hyeri gasps out in a giggle that’s infectious to Minah. “They are so cute together. I totally ship them.”
She laughs again. “They’re really cute. Like you would think that because both of them are so prickly and cold that they would clash…”
“...but they don’t!” Hyeri screeches out. “Like once I saw them walking off…”
The two girls continue chatting, gossipping on the events and scandals going around school to the celebrity world. The night continues to transpire until they repeat their goodnights, crashing onto their beds.
The city continues to move, each story unraveling at their own paces and more and more, yours has just begun.
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kwimstixs · 4 years
Tsukkishima x Reader
~ ᴬⁿᵈ ᴵ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ⁱᵗ ˢʰᵒᵘˡᵈⁿ'ᵗ ᵐᵃᵗᵗᵉʳ ᴬˢ ᵐʸ ʰᵉᵃʳᵗ ᵇᵉᵍⁱⁿˢ ᵗᵒ ˢʰᵃᵗᵗᵉʳ ᴵ'ᵐ ˡᵉᶠᵗ ᵗᵒ ʷᵒⁿᵈᵉʳ ᴶᵘˢᵗ ʰᵒʷ ⁱᵗ ˢʰᵒᵘˡᵈ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵇᵉᵉⁿ ~
"Morning!!!" The old folks greeted (Y/N) as she walks down the road, (Y/N) greeted them back with a smile. It was eight in the morning but (Y/N) was already awake, well, her parents would definitely scold her if she goes sleeping until one in the afternoon. She just finished running some errands, and is now making her way to (Friend)'s house.
"Morning (Y/N)! You've grown so much!" (Friend)'s mom said as she let the (h/c)-haired girl come in at their residence. "Look at you! You're a fine, good-looking girl!"
(Y/N) smiled sheepishly as she scratched the back of her head, "Thanks, auntie. You're still beautiful as ever."
"Sheesh! Hahaha! Still a flatterer I see, wait a second, (Friend)'s still probably at the bathroom, I'll let her know you're here already. Make yourself comfortable here, I brewed some tea."
(Y/N) nodded as she sat down on the living room. She checked her phone, the last message she sent was from Hitoka, saying that she was here already. She sighed as she was left at read.
"Ok, (Friend)'s almost done cleaning herself." (Friend)'s mom announced. She was holding a tray of biscuits and empty teacups.
"Thanks," (Y/N) muttered as she got a teacup and poured herself some tea, she grabbed some biscuit and silently chewed it as she sighed and close her phone. The smell of honey ginger tea went through her nostril.
"How was life in Japan?" (Friend)'s mom sat across (Y/N) as she started asking questions.
"Fine, I guess?" (Y/N) answered as she sipped the tea. It was refreshing. "It was nice, I'm definitely gonna miss it."
"No boyfriend?" (Y/N) almost spilled out her tea, her eyes widened as (Friend)'s Mom chuckled.
"Auntie!" (Y/N) said, (Friend)'s mom laughed more. "I don't have a boyfriend."
"You know (Y/N), that's probably the reason why your parents wanted you to stay here."
"So that they can keep a close eye on me, and scare off the people that are potential dates?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. (Friend)'s mom shook her head.
"No silly, they probably wanted you to have a husband or something. I mean, we're not getting any younger. I'm still trying to find (Friend) a suitable boyfriend, probably that's the same thinking as your parents. "
"We're still in college mom." The two darted their eyes at (Friend) who just went down the stairs. (Friend) rolled her eyes as she sat down with them and grabbed a biscuit.
"Besides, I think (Y/N) already have someone she loves, she's just waiting for the right moment." She lazily said as (Y/N) elbowed her.
"Really?! Why didn't you tell me? When did that happen?" (Friend)'s mom was intrigued as she asked more. (Y/N) nervously laughed as she pinched (Friend).
"Well (Friend) also have that kind of dilemma." Now (Friend) was the one who elbowed (Y/N).
"We should be going now, bye mom." "What?!" "Thanks for the food Auntie." "No wait! Tell me!" "Bye!" "Hahahaha!"
(Y/N) and (Friend) laughed as they run away. The roads started to be quite loud, but they didn't mind as they kept walking and talking to each other.
"You know (Y/N), you still owe me the story." (Friend) said as they walked around a corner, they never really had an actual destination, they were just walking around.
"C'mon now, I told you about it last time."
"That was last summer! You should tell me about latest updates!" (Friend) whined. (Y/N) playfully rolled her eyes.
"There's no latest updates, that's done." She said as she looked away, she looked at the sky, clouds were covering the sun so her eyes didn't hurt that much.
"Really huh? I haven't even met him officially and you guys are over now? You should have brought him here before." She pouted.
"What the hell (Friend)?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow and looked back at (Friend). "So, what do you want me to do? Bring him back here when I visit home every summer in high school?"
(Friend) laughed. "Maybe." She stopped in her tracks as she heard something. "You hear that?" She pulled (Y/N)'s hand to stop her from walking too.
"Hear what?" (Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows as she asked. "Didn't you hear that? Foreign language?"
"Sounded like Nihongo." (Y/N)'s eyes widened as (Friend) spoke. Her heart raced as she felt herself sweating in nervousness. She can hear a man's voice speaking in Nihongo.
No way, could it be? No, it couldn't. Could it? She bit her lip as she and (Friend) decided to look for it.
"<(Y/N)! Fancy seeing you here.>" Her shoulders dropped down as she relaxed. It wasn't Tsukkishima. She sighed in relief.
"<Kuroo-san, what are you doing here?>" (Y/N) asked as she saw the man in corporate attire, he was holding his phone in his right hand and some papers in his left. He smiled as he saw the girl.
"<I'm running some errands in this country, I'll be back in Japan next week. What about you?>"
"<This is my home country.>" (Y/N) answered.
"<Guess that explains it.>" Kuroo shrugged his shoulders. "<Ahh wait a second, I still have something to do. Let's have a chat later.>" He spoke as his phone ring again. He waved goodbye to (Y/N) and walked now.
"Such a busy man." (Y/N) said in their native language as she watches him walk away. (Friend) then elbowed the girl.
"I really thought that the Japanese talking dude is your lover, but he didn't look like the one in the pictures you sent. Man, that would be one of a heck seen." (Friend) said. (Y/N) scoffed. It would be impossible for Tsukkishima to follow her just like that.
"It would be impossible. You're way into fiction (Friend)." She commented as she playfully rolled her eyes. "Don't just ask me if I know someone because we talk the same language."
"But you did know him anyways. Kuroo is his name, right?" (Friend) asked.
"I don't understand a thing about your conversation, but how about introducing me to him sometimes?" (Friend) wiggled her eyebrows, giving (Y/N) a knowing look. The girl laughed.
"Sure," (Y/N) said as she nodded. "Anyways, where are we heading again?"
"Right, I don't know either, we were just walking around here for I don't know what reason." (Friend) blinked twice. The two laughed at their stupidity, then they decided to go to the mall to watch a movie.
After that, it was already noon, they decided to eat some food. They exchanged stories and gossips to tell. And then they decided to go home. But right when they were about to exit the mall, (Friend) had notice something.
"(Y/N)..." (Friend) continuously tapped her shoulders. (Y/N) turned around to meet her friend's gaze, she pointed at something.
"Shit, don't tell me that is?" (Friend) said as she looked again at the thing she's pointing. "I've only seen him on pictures that you send, but is that..."
(Y/N) blinked twice as she rubbed her eyes, making sure that she wasn't hallucinating or anything. She watched as the familiar boy was seating alone in the table, he was fiddling with his phone. (Y/N) walked a little closer to get a better view of him, she gasped.
"It is him... It's Kei." (Friend) squealed when (Y/N) had confirmed about it. "What is he doing here?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Tsukkishima? Yamaguchi?" Hitoka questioned as she stopped walking and waited for the boys running up to her.
"Yachi-san, do you know where (Y/N) is?" Tsukkishima got straight to the point.
She raised an eyebrow at the two who were waiting for her answer. "Didn't you guys know?"
"Did (Y/N)... Did she leave already?" Tsukkishima guessed. Hitoka bit her lip, forming it into a thin line as she nodded.
"Yes..." She blurted out, Tsukkishima groaned in frustration as he saw the girl nodding. He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth as he was upset with himself. Upset for being late, for letting her go in the first place. He was upset that he didn't got a chance to confess, that it was still her. He was upset with everything. Well, it's over now.
"But it's only for a week." Hitoka added. Tsukkishima then looked at her again.
"She'll be back next week. She's just temporarily visiting (home country). She still has classes here you know? "
His shoulders dropped. He sighed in relief as he heard that (Y/N) would be back.
"Wait, what's the matter? I really don't know anything." Hitoka asked confused, wanting at least an idea on what's happening.
"To be honest, I don't know either. I just followed Tsukki here, he was with Minaki-san before, and both of them were looking for (Y/N)." Yamaguchi answered, shrugging his shoulders.
"Wait, Minaki-san?" Hitoka asked as she furrowed her eyebrows and look at Tsukkishima. Right, Hitoka never knew that Minaki actually grew up as a person, they never met after school graduation since they're on different universities.
"Oh right," Yamaguchi scratched the back of his head, his eyes looking everywhere as he tried to explain. "Long story short, Minaki-san apologized to us, and now we're good. She changed."
"I see..." Hitoka slowly nodded, not really understanding it but still having a vague idea in her mind. "But then, why are you looking for (Y/N)?"
"Can you guys book me a flight to (Home Country)? As soon as possible please." Tsukkishima asked. Their jaws dropped at his request.
"Oh." Hitoka blinked twice. "I guess your story is not yet over after all huh?"
He ruffled his hair as he looks away, before mumbling. "It won't be finish."
"When you said as soon as possible, do you mean tonight?" Yamaguchi added. "What about school? And the volleyball practices? What about your family, what are they gonna say? And what would you do if you actually went?"
"I'm not staying there Yamaguchi. I'll be there for just a week and I'll go back here." Tsukkishima said, pushing his glasses up with his pointing finger.
"Ok then, we'll help you book the next flight towards (Home Country)." Hitoka and Yamaguchi agreed.
"Thank you, seriously." He said in a monotonous but genuine voice. Hitoka and Yamaguchi smiled at him.
"Anything for you and (Y/N)." The girl replied, Hitoka immediately went on her phone to look for the flights.
"Ahh! Kuroo-san is actually going there! He had a spare ticket too! You should ask him to let you tag along." Hitoka answered. "You're lucky that he's also in the same city as (Y/N).
"Make sure you to fix things up, alright?" Yamaguchi said as he patted Tsukkishima's back.
Tsukkishima smiled, not his usual smug or smirk but a genuine one. "Yeah," He nodded as he agreed.
He'll definitely fix things between him and (Y/N).
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