#he can come up with the cleverest prose in his head but just can't get it out of his mouth
sailforvalinor · 1 year
15, 16, and 31 for Gerda & 4, 7, and 12 for Kay, please?
Thank you so much for the ask!!!!
15. What superhero are they most like?
Hmm, this is kinda hard...you know, I think I'm going to go with Captain America for her--she has that strong moral compass, unwavering determination, and unwillingness to give up on people she cares about (and if "I'm with you till the end of the line" isn't her mantra, I don't know what is).
16. What are they NOT afraid of?
Boredom and mediocrity. She doesn't have the unsatiable hunger for adventure that Kay has--she's perfectly happy sitting at home with her sewing and a cup of tea, thank you. She likes the idea of exploration and foreign, fantastical lands, but would much rather read about them in novels.
31. If they were a tea, what tea would they be?
Either hibiscus or just classic English Breakfast.
4. What musical theatre ballad fits them?
"Corner of the Sky" from Pippin. Or maybe "Monster" from Frozen. (Yes yes I do hate Frozen, but that song, which they wrote for the Broadway musical, is actually really good).
7. What fictional character do you think most influenced them, or is most like them (intentionally or not)?
Oooh that's a good one! Well, of course he's based on the Kay from the original tale, but I think I might also compare him to Riku from Kingdom Hearts, or Laurie from Little Women. (It took me longer than it should have to realize just how Kingdom Hearts inspired this retelling is, lol.) Also, weirdly I realized today that he's got similarities to Ariel in the Little Mermaid, which of course, was also penned by Andersen--a weird coincidence, lol.
12. What do they most dislike about themselves?
In general, probably either his inability to say what he actually means when it's important, or his tendency to get so wrapped up in his own head that he is unintentionally inattentive or selfish.
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