#he and my sister had literally already broken up by that point and he still did it like what the fuck you’re so sweet
steviescrystals · 4 months
i miss my older sister’s ex boyfriend from her freshman year of college so bad and i know that’s a weird thing to say but it’s the truth
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recreationalfanfics · 2 years
Hi 💞I just discovered your account and I read all of Ror yandere's posts and I think your writing is the best I've ever read for Ror ✨✨. So I decided to place an order. This is the first time I order on any account 😅 So what about yandere poseidon, Thor, Buda, hades (if you don't read the manga, put Loki instead of him please) with a reader like Hinata Hyuga, shy, sweet, and heir to a powerful clan, but people think she's Weak and they prefer her sister, and she loves someone other than the yandere, and that other person is not aware of her feelings, and he loves another girl. You can choose if the reader is a god or a human. English is not my first language, so sorry if it is not understood 💀💀
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chsjgjejc, she's so pretty I'm gonna cry
Yandere! Buddha x Hinata Hyuga! Reader:
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- He loves you from right off the bat okay, your beliefs align so well with his and while people seemed to be ignorant about your strength, though he supposes thats what he liked most about you. You weren't just a demure and anxious woman, you had so many more layers to you.
- You were loving, absolutely passionate about those whom you loved and cared about. From your first fight, you showed your true strength and it really impressed Buddha.
- I'm gonna be honest, his feelings for you were genuinely wholesome and sweet from the start. He liked you and he was nice to you, yet when he tried to approach you romantically; you didn't shy away but confidently told him there was someone else. He was dissapointed...ah...so you already had a s/o? He shouldn't be surprised, you're amazing-
- Oh...they weren't your s/o? That's...interesting. He starts to look into this mortal that you seem to be so infatuated with and, well, he doesn't like what he finds. This person has the most desirable person in the world at their feet and they just act like she isn't there???
- How!? Buddha's world light's up once you enter the room. Everything around him seems brighter and more full of life, much so to the point that he notices when you're not around him, everything feels more lonely and sad. It doesn't make sense how they have you in the palm of their hands and yet, still want to have someone else.
- Buddha's obsession LITERALLY starts because of this, he is so close to winning your heart, he knows it! Every shy smile you give him when you compliment him, the way you blush but thank him when he hands you a snack, and how you confide in him. He nearly has you, his heart at his fingertips. But then that person just smiles at you once and you're cruelly pulled back to them. Maintaining a one-sided loyalty.
- Buddha is definetly one of the more smarter yanderes, he could actually manage to manipulate you into giving up your crush. Yeah, he might stalk and spy on you in secret but he'll project his yandere tendencies onto you. Saying how he's concerned with YOUR obsessive behavior (all while keeping his own a secret) and manipulating you saying it was selfish of you to hold onto them when they want someone else. He asks: "Do you truly love them? Because if you were, you'd let them find their happiness...even if it doesn't include you..."
- If he manages to get through to you, perfect! He just needs to capture your interest which isn't hard (look at that man and tell me you wouldn't fall in love, I dare you) since he'd help you recover from your broken heart and put all the broken pieces together. He is now the one you look at during fights, he is now the one you devote your endless love too, and it gives him such an ego boost.
- Yeah, maybe he didn't take his own device but in his defense; you were already the perfect and ideal match for him and he knew you'd love him back...he just had to get rid of the little nuisance that was keeping you from realizing your true feelings.
- If there is the slight chance you do realize he's trying to manipulate you or that your feelings are too strong for your crush, he will just straight up tell you that they DO NOT LOVE YOU. THEY WILL NEVER LOVE YOU. NOT THE WAY HE DOES. Why...why can't you see that???
Yandere! Poseidon x Hinata Hyuga! Reader:
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- He admired you so much and loved you so dearly, in his mind, he hated all humans but maybe...maybe YOU were the one destined for him, you did not digust him at all, and while everyone in your clan had exceptional talent, YOU were the best, even being deemed as "The Bykaugan Princess".
- When you enter Ragnarok, you do it to protect humanity but also for love...Sadly, not for Poseidon's love but for the love of a human who didn't even notice you! One who you gave your heart and soul too and yet, they didn't even spare a second glance in your direction.
- While Poseidon loved you, he hated the person you fell in love with because they reminded him of every aspect he hated about humanity. Their arrogance for taking your love for granted, their ignorance as they never noticed the longing looks that you gave them, and their obnoxiousness as they casually brushed you off. YOU WERE FIGHTING IN RAGNAROK BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO PROTECT HUMANITY, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY: THEM.
- It IRKED Poseidon because he was jealous of a human. He doesn't blame you for having a crush on them, he sees how gentle your heart is and how your kindness is simply too much for your heart to hold for itself so you share it with others.
- No, he was upset at everyone around you. Those who talked down to you, looked down at you for how you acted (even though you couldn't help but be a living symbol of elegance and perfection) but if they had watched you like Poseidon had, that you were far from what they thought about you. You were mighty and you were strong, especially for those who you loved.
- He wanted to romance you, he truly did. He showed his softer self to you when he was able to be around you and tried his best to not look so intimidating but it just wasn't enough. For some reason, that disgusting person you adored was taking Poseidon's place in your heart. It was their fault he couldn't court you like how he wanted because they somehow made you obsessed with him!
- He had to resort to such nasty methods. Maybe he kidnapped your sister like how Toneri did and made you marry him to garuntee her safety. Maybe he threatened to use his position as a God to make sure your little crush suffers, hell, you did kill one of his fellow Gods so he's sure he could get some other God's in targeting your crush as revenge.
- He hated seeing that fearful look on your face but when you finally submitted to him, he couldn't deny it made his heart beat faster. He knows you only went because you care too much about people but he isn't too upset because he knows, after a while, you will realize that HE is the one you should be obsessed with and loyally devoted to because unlike that pathetic human, he will return it ten fold♡
Yandere! Loki x Hinata Hyuga! Reader:
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- Aw, you're a pathetic little mouse, aren't you?~ You started out as an obsession right off the bat to him, honestly. Your eyes are what caught his attention but you were so timid and neglected, poor thing♡ He approached you long before the fights started but saw you during the preparations of the whole thing and ah, you were simply too adorable to resist.
- But then when he sees you fight with the Gentle Fist technique for the first time then he is obsessed with you, so the little mouse does have some fight in her, huh? And yet, as soon as the battle is over and he pins you to the wall after your victory. You start to get nervous and stutter and he chuckles and murmurs a: "How precious~" before he lets you scamper off like the cute mouse you are.
- He borders on the line of being all lovey dovey with you and being absolutely mean to you. Like, you're upset because you realized Brunhilde meant to pick your sister instead and asked if you were willing to trade but you just tried to argue that you can handle it...well, tried. You ended up nearly in tears so Brunhilde left to "give you sometime to think it over." which really meant she just couldn't deal with you.
- "Aw, poor little mouse, once more; only the second choice to their big sister." Loki teased. You tried to wipe your tears, not wanting him to he mean to you like he usually is but you couldn't stop them. He just feigns another sound of sympathy as he reaches over and brushes your tears away with his thumb and squishes your face cutely as he smiles, "If it helps, I think that you're much better than your big sister. She's so mean and boring, but you're simply adorable."
- His bullying can also stem from the fact that you love someone other than him, which pisses him off. Usually, he'd be angry at you but he's even angrier when he sees that the person you've given your heart too DOESN'T EVEN WANT IT. AND YET YOU NEVER GIVE UP TRYING TO PROVE YOURSELF WHEN LOKI IS RIGHT THERE. Okay maybe he's a little mad at you but only because despite your all-seeing eye, HE IS BETTER FOR YOU. Yes he's a little mean but that's just because he loves you♡
- He'll bully your crush out of you too. Mocking you for wanting someone who doesn't want you, how you should just give up on them because they're never going to notice you, not the way that Loki does. They will never love you.
- And as your once more crying from his hurtful words, he once more pulls you into a gentle and loving hug and nuzzles his face into your neck: "Aw, they're never gonna want you. Not when that girl is a much better match for them. So you should just give up and be with me instead! I can be so much more for you♡"
- He truly does envy your crush, though. When you're not being sad, you truly are beautiful. The shy yet dreamy smiles you have, the way your eyes flare with admiration and pure love, your face becoming so beautiful that no painting or photo could truly capture your beauty. Loki gets upset when he gets reminded that its not for him.
- He will shape-shift into your crush sometimes as a cruel joke but you never fall for it because of your eyes, but he'll taunt you with it and be all: "Would you give me a kiss now, (Y/n)? Hmm? If I looked like them? If I acted like them?" and you just look him dead in the eyes, your confidence coming out as you glare and say: "No, because my heart belongs to them. And you will never be them."
- You're so pathetic in his eyes. He could destroy you for talking to him like that and you both knew it, yet you risked it all because you loved this person with such passion from the depths of your heart. You fought for humanity not just because it was right but because they'd be destroyed along with it and you'd never let any harm come to them. You will unfailingly run to them again and again just to get your heartbroken but you're willing to endure it because you love them. And as Loki feels what could only be described as heartbreak from your words, he realizes that you've made him just as pathetic as you are...
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parkitaco · 1 year
"Mike," Holly huffs, standing over him with her arms crossed, "You're doing it bad."
Mike glances up from where he's sitting on the sidewalk in front of their house, covered in chalk and sweating. "Thanks," he says sarcastically, as Holly kicks her shoe at the drawing he's been half-heartedly creating on the ground. "You're the one who wanted to do this, remember?"
"You're hogging all the chalk," Holly whines, collapsing onto the ground and tossing an arm over her eyes in despair. Mike scowls; anyone who thinks he's dramatic has got him confused with the wrong Wheeler. "And you're not even doing it good."
Mike sighs, glancing down at his half-completed chalk drawing of a bunny, per Holly's request that there be more fun animals, Mike, it's too boring otherwise. She has a point - all his drawings have turned out sort of blob-shaped and ugly. "You do it, then," he says sourly, shoving the box of slightly broken chalk in her direction, and she grins all teeth at him.
Mike pulls his phone out of his pocket, grimacing when he sees the time. With Nancy off at college, he's been getting stuck on Holly-duty more and more often, and he's still got a solid three hours this morning before his mother gets home. Not that Holly's bad company, necessarily, though her incessant criticism certainly isn't helping her case. But it's summer, and Mike had had some vague plans of maybe going to the lake today, and hopefully dragging Will along with him. And besides, Holly's almost nine years old. She shouldn't need full-time looking after. Probably.
As if he's somehow read his mind from afar, Mike's phone buzzes with a text from Will:
hey :)
how's holly duty
Mike smiles, glancing up at his sister, who is currently scribbling out his misshapen rabbit drawing with a stick of red chalk, tongue poking out between her teeth as she concentrates on utterly destroying his attempt at art. It's hard to have authority over someone who knows you're a loser, he texts back, as Holly finishes scribbling out the bunny drawing and moves on to one of his earlier drawings.
don't call my boyfriend a loser :(, Will replies, and Mike's grin widens.
To be fair holly said it first, he types, and a piece of chalk hits him square on the forehead. He yelps and glances up from his phone, scowling at his sister. "Ow!"
"Stop texting Will," Holly says sourly, "and draw with me."
"Who says I'm texting Will?" Mike demands, snatching up the piece of chalk Holly had thrown at him. "And you said I was bad at drawing."
Holly stays silent, staring him down until he reluctantly leans over and starts drawing again. "I know you're texting Will because you have the dumb look on your face," she says, "And it's not fun if you're not drawing with me!"
"My face isn't dumb," Mike mumbles, but he goes back to drawing anyway. Maybe- fish are probably pretty easy to draw, right? He draws a circle with a triangle on the end that looks vaguely fish-like, and then sets about filing in multicolored scales.
Holly starts talking again, babbling on about whatever little world she's drawing at the other end of the pavement, and Mike nods along absently, doodling little circles around the slightly wonky-looking fish and praying that the sunscreen he'd hurriedly sprayed on before going outside is enough to protect his frighteningly pale skin from the blazing sun overhead. It's barely noon, but it's already getting hot, and the sidewalk is in direct sunlight with no trees around to shield him. Holly seems unbothered, though Mike can already see the bridge of her nose pinkening, and he'll undoubtedly get a lecture from his mother lately about taking proper care of his baby sister and whatnot. Even though Holly is literally not a baby, and Mike is pretty sure that when he was nine he was perfectly capable of putting on sunscreen.
It's a welcome relief, then, if a little surprising, when a shadow falls over him, and Mike jumps, dropping his chalk and raising a hand to shield his eyes as he glances up at the person standing over him. When he sees who it is, his entire body relaxes, a slow smile stretching across his face.
Will matches it, offering a little wave as he surveys the situation; Mike, covered in chalk and doodling multicolored circles all over the sidewalk, with his sister five feet away frantically scribbling out his earlier drawings. "Hi," Will says, amused, and Mike waves back, grinning a little sheepishly. "Are we having fun?"
"Hi, Will!" Holly chirps before Mike can answer, popping her head up and smiling brightly. "Mike is being a bummer," she informs him seriously, and Will laughs.
"Is that so," he replies, eyes flicking to Mike, and he nudges Mike's knee with the toe of his shoe.
"No," Mike replies sourly, giving Holly a scathing glare, "I'm being super nice, actually."
Holly is unperturbed, sticking her tongue out at him and going back to drawing, and Will laughs again as he sinks to the ground in front of Mike, crossing his legs beneath him and leaning back on his palms. He looks good like this, warm and tan in the summer sun with a teasing twinkle in his eye and his white t-shirt tucked neatly into his jeans.
"Hi," Will says again, low and soft, reaching forward and tugging at the collar of Mike's t-shirt until he leans forward for a quick kiss. In his peripheral, Mike watches Holly pull a face of disgust, and actively decides to pretend he doesn't notice. "I like your drawing," Will says, glancing down at the fish Mike has been slaving away at, and Mike flushes, whining in embarrassment and scooting away.
"Shut up," he grumbles, reaching for a fresh piece of chalk and halfheartedly filling in one of his circles with purple. "You're the artist, not me."
"Hey, I was being serious!" Will says, laughing lightly, "It's cute."
Mike presses his lips together, giving Will a scrutinizing look. "You're cute," he mumbles, which isn't quite the comeback he'd been looking for but is still, unfortunately, very true, and Will brightens, shooting him a brilliant smile.
"Hey, thanks," he replies, and leans over to steal the chalk out of his hand. "Can I draw too?" he asks Holly, who glances up from where she's drawing a mustache and goatee onto Mike's poor attempt at drawing a cat.
She looks Will up and down, weighing her options, and then nods once, shoving the box of chalk in his direction. "Don't break any," she chides.
"I won't," Will says seriously, placing a hand over his heart like he's swearing it.
Mike rolls his eyes. "You've already broken like half of it, Holly," he says, reaching for a blue piece and doodling another circle near his fish.
"That's why we can't break any more!" she says shrilly, which is a fair enough point. Mike lets it go.
Will smirks, leaning over and sketching out a few gentle lines on a blank stretch of sidewalk. "When does your mom get back?" he asks, as the lines he's sketching gradually take the shape of a much more realistic-looking fish than the one Mike had drawn.
"Like, three maybe?" Mike says with a grimace, pulling out his phone to check the time again. Tragically, it has been less than fifteen minutes since the last time he checked. "She has to do grocery shopping and then yoga, I think. I don't know, I wasn't totally listening."
Will snorts, picking up a piece of blue chalk and drawing gentle, wave-like lines around the two fishes they've drawn. "Okay," he says, chalk-dusted fingers brushing over the back of Mike's hand gently, "But you're free tonight, yeah?"
"Yeah," Mike confirms, "Why, did you want to do something?"
Will nods, filling in little white crests on each of the waves he's drawn. "Yeah. The lake, maybe? I don't know, I just want to hang out with you."
It's impressive, how easily Will is able to make Mike's entire chest fill with butterflies with a single phrase, especially such a mundane one considering how long they've been dating. He bites down a shy smile and nods as normally as he can manage, though he's pretty sure Will can sense the giddiness radiating from him anyway. "That sounds nice," he says, and then, because he can't help himself, "We are hanging out right now, though. In case you hadn't noticed."
Will rolls his eyes, lifting a chalk-covered finger and booping Mike's nose lightly, undoubtedly covering his face in green chalk dust. "I did notice," he says, jabbing his finger at him again, "But- alone, I meant. Sorry, Holly," he adds, glancing over at her apologetically, and she sticks her tongue out at him.
"Mean," she whines, and Mike rolls his eyes.
"Don't dish it out if you can't take it," he tells her, and she scowls, maintaining eye contact with him while she draws a giant red X directly over one of his earlier drawings.
Will's eyes widen. "Cold," he mutters, and holds his fist out. Holly bumps it dutifully and goes back to drawing.
His eyes flick back to Mike, and the corner of his mouth ticks up as his gaze darts over Mike's face. "You have chalk on your face," he informs him, looking like he's trying very hard not to laugh, and Mike scowls, lifting a hand and scrubbing at his face with the back of it.
"That's your fault," he grumbles, and Will makes a fake-sympathetic face as he scoots closer and bats Mike's hand away, raising a still green-tinged hand to wipe at his face. Mike lets him, leaning into his warmth, even as he says, nose wrinkled, "Listen, I can't see my face right now, but I feel like you're making it worse."
Will grimaces, and his hands tragically pull away from Mike's face as he surveys his work. "A bit, yeah," he acknowledges. "I kinda just spread it around."
"Idiot," Mike accuses, and Will grins all teeth, tilting forward slowly like he's falling into Mike's gravity before closing the rest of the distance in one swift motion and stealing another quick kiss. "Idiot," Mike says again, and leans in for another.
"Love you too," Will replies cheerily when they part again, and Mike shoots him the finger before remembering that there's a child present and quickly hiding it behind his back.
"I saw that," Holly says anyway, as she finishes whatever she's drawing and glances up at him.
"No you didn't," Mike says matter-of-factly, and Will elbows him.
"Don't gaslight her," he reprimands, and Holly points at him and nods.
"Come here," she demands, despite the fact that Mike and Will are sitting less than ten feet away from here. "I wanna show you what I made."
Mike wants to tell her to say please, or something, or at least take a slightly less bossy tone with the person who is literally in charge of her for the day, but Will is already scooting over to her, peering down at her drawing with genuine curiosity, and Mike has no choice but to follow. It's a little infuriating and all too endearing, how nice Will is to Holly, and most people in general. He makes people feel important. Mike in particular.
Holly's drawn a rainbow, Mike sees as he clambers over to sit beside Will, hooking an arm around his waist and resting his chin on his shoulder. There are little multicolored hearts all around it, complete with white clouds at either end, and Holly looks way too pleased with herself for someone who's basically just drawn a bunch of lines, but whatever. It's probably better than Mike could do.
"It's for you!" she chirps, grinning wide, and Will huffs a surprised laugh, hand absently coming to rest on Mike's knee. "Because rainbows."
"Aw, Mike," Will laughs, tilting his head back to look Mike in the eye, "Did you teach her that?"
"No," Mike says, squirming closer to him and grinning, "Nancy, probably. She keeps sending me all these lists of queer resources and shit."
Will hums a laugh, thumb tracing gentle circles into Mike's knee as he reaches for his phone. "This is very sweet, Holly," he says sincerely, and she blushes as he snaps a picture. "Thank you."
"You should take a picture of Mike's fish, too," she says seriously.
Mike frowns. "I thought you hated my drawings."
"Not the fish!" she says, and does not elaborate, which- yeah, sure. Mike will take what he can get.
"Here, you take it," Will says, passing Holly his phone, and she hops excitedly to her feet and shuffles over to the other end of the sidewalk to snap the photo.
Mike settles more comfortably onto Will's shoulder, enjoying the solid warmth of him even under the burning summer sun. "You know there's a twenty percent chance she's going to break your phone," he murmurs into Will's ear, still half-hugging him from behind, and Will lifts a hand to rest over Mike's where it's pressed against his side, threading their fingers together.
"She's like four feet tall," Will points out, "she can't break it any worse than I already have."
"You'd be surprised," Mike mutters darkly, and Will laughs, tilting his head to the side and pressing a soft kiss to the side of Mike's face. Mike leans into it, a smile creeping onto his face despite himself.
Holly flounces back over, dropping Will's phone unceremoniously into his lap and resuming her previous position amidst the chalk drawings. "You guys are gross," she announces, as Will presses another kiss to Mike's temple.
"You made a drawing for us, though," Mike points out.
"Doesn't mean you aren't gross," she says matter-of-factly, and Mike supposes it's kind of hard to argue with that. "You have chalk on your face, by the way."
Mike splutters something incomprehensible, and Will laughs quietly, slinging an arm around his shoulders and grinning up at him. "It's okay," he says seriously, "I like your face."
"I like your face too," Mike replies teasingly, leaning in to rest his forehead against Will's.
"Gross," Holly says again, and the sun keeps shining.
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chaosgremlinmunson · 6 months
Rocker Stevie
Might be part one.
Diane: So let's set the scene, it's 1988, you're newly 21. You are top of the charts bubblegum pop princess Stevie Hendrix. You're married to top selling actor Tommy Hagan known for his action films and beach body. You just won two Grammys that year, and then, what happened?
Stevie: So, like you said. I was newly 21, I married my highschool sweetheart who'd reached stardom right alongside me as an actor instead of in music, which, honestly Diane, thank God for that. The man has no idea how to hold a tune, he'd likely make a dying cat sound like a siren. Laugh No, really! It's that bad! Anyway, I was fresh off my latest tour for Rainbows and Leather and came home to see my darling husband. I was so excited I'd been missing him, you know. Well, I walked into the house and what did I find? My husband, in bed butt naked with my Best friend and his personal assistant at my behest, Carol Perkins. To tell you the fallout from that was anything less than apocalyptic would be selling it short.
Diane: So after the absolutely dramatic divorce, you decided to change genres? Why Rock?
Stevie: Rock spoke to my soul, I wrote ‘I wanna ghost myself’ one night drunk on apple spritzers with my sister Robin, and her best friend Eddie. They'd been in my corner from the start, but Eddie and I always nipped at each other about our music tastes, then that night he picked up his guitar and started playing and ‘I wanna ghost myself' just flowed out. I was laid out on the floor by the ending between lighter and tears, and just felt so free. So like myself. And that was it, Stevie hung up her rainbows and sunshine and embraced her chaos and revenge.
Diane: So where did the lyrics 'think I'll take my heart and throw it off a cliff, yeah I have a feeling that it won't be missed” come from?
Stevie: You have to understand, I was devastated by what Tommy did. I had only ever been with him to that point in my life, he'd made me believe he was the only one for me. That without him my life would feel meaningless because up to that point every moment together he showered me in affection and praise. He was the ideal husband on the surface, and then I found out he'd been having an affair with Carol for literal years. Everyone knew except for me, and I was crushed. ‘Think I'll take my heart and throw it off a cliff’ was me almost literally saying my heart is broken and I don't want to feel anymore. I became wild and lost myself to the music. Eddie wrapped me in leather and lace and asked me to be the front woman for his band. I was shocked, because honestly was I going to make it delving into a whole new genre? I'd already come to the end of my contract with Upside Down records, so I wasn't concerned about what my team thought. However, my fan base? Would they still love me the same, would I make it? I was scared, and then we had our first show. It was small, and it was a test for me to see if I could do this. The world caught fire for me that night, and I never looked back.
Diane: So let's fast forward, finally Devil's Prey became a household name, and Stevie Hendrix was a sensation. What happened the night of the music awards, in your own words.
Stevie: So, for years I'd gone by Stevie Hendrix so no one would know who I was. It was mid set for ‘Bulletproof’ and as I turned the lights cut out and a picture lit up the screen. It was a photo of me on my wedding day, my eyes crossed out and ‘Stefania Harrington the Whore’ written across my body as I stood between Tommy, his old friend Billy, and Jason Carver. I screamed, and looked back at the audience just as Eddie tackled me to the ground and a shot whipped past my head.
Diane: So Eddie Munson saved you that day?
Stevie: Yes, he did. He held me while I sobbed in the green room. I never knew someone could be so hateful just because my songs brought what they'd done to light, but there I was running for my life while the security detail searched for the gunman. Eddie was furious, he held onto me and told me we were going to my place with his security, to pack up my things and come to his. See, Eddie lived in a damn near impenetrable home, there was no way anyone could get to me there. Of course I wanted to fight him on it, but I'm just a girl at the end of the day, and Eddie Munson has an energy you just don't fight when it's directed at you.
Diane: So you moved in that night?
Stevie: Yes. Eddie was my shadow for days, I barely could use the restroom without him following me around. It was aggravating at times, but I saw how scared he was when he wasn't in the spot he could see me.
Diane: He was traumatized.
Stevie: He was traumatized and he was ready to follow me to hell if he needed just to make sure I was safe. I never knew what love was until I was met with the force of Eddie Munson’s protection. He woke my dead heart up again, and I was doomed from the start.
Diane: So eventually the agents you had investigating the shooting found out who shot that gun, and who hired him.
Stevie: I need a minute before we talk about this. Let me just grab a water and ask Eddie to come sit with me.
Diane: Take your time.
Stevie and Eddie walk back in, they're holding hands and Eddie is murmuring to Stevie who's looking like she may just pass out from nerves. She squeezes Eddie's hand and takes a seat, Eddie sits beside her his fingers laced with hers.
Stevie: Okay, I'm ready. Breathes in deeply So Jim Hopper was the head agent on the investigative team. He had become something like a father figure to Robin and I over the years after my parents’ accident. When Jim came into Eddie's house his face was drawn, and I knew then that the people who had attacked me knew me. He sat me down and told me as gently as possible that Tommy had asked Billy to do the job. He was furious at my songs, and apparently the fan base put two and two together and his career began to tank. People were boycotting his movies. I didn't know, I swear, I just wanted my freedom and an outlet for all my pain. I deserve to have that without someone threatening me, you know? Tommy had hired Jason who was in tech support to upload the photo in the middle of our set. It was this whole plot. Make me pay in the most public way possible.
Eddie: I wanted to rip them apart. Stevie was distraught, she is such a good person. And if I could take her pain away I would, happily.
Stevie: I know you would, but you going to prison wouldn't have helped me. I need you here Eddie.
Eddie: I'm not leaving, not ever.
Stevie: So the trial came and went. They'd found loads of evidence in Tommy's apartment, through the baking records, phone records. I mean they pretty much wrote out in neon lights that they planned to kill me. Laughs incredulously All because Tommy couldn't handle the consequences of being a shitty husband?
Eddie: He never deserved you, Stevie.
Stevie: blushes and ducks her head Oh hush you big sap.
Diane: So the bad guys are caught, you're safe now, what does the future hold for Stevie Hendrix?
Stevie: More Rock and Roll obviously, but therapy to deal with the trauma. Mandatory family nights. Just things to help me feel back to myself.
Eddie: Hopefully a wedding soon, too. That is if you say yes. Eddie Munson sank to one knee reaching into his pocket and pulling out a ring. Stevie stared at him, her eyes glassy before grabbing him by his curls and kissing him, she giggled a yes, and he slipped the ring on her finger. She said yes!
Stevie: I said yes. I love you Eddie Munson.
Diane: I'm so happy for you both!
Eddie: I love you Stevie Hendrix, I can't wait to be Mr. Hendrix!
Diane: Well, It was lovely sitting with you for this interview. Thank you for agreeing to be on my show, and I can't wait to see the wedding photos one day.
Stevie: See the photos? Diane, you're invited to the wedding!
Diane: Oh wow! I'd be honored.
Stevie and Eddie stood and walked off the stage where Robin stood, her face lit in a blinding grin, she embraced her sister letting out a laugh and they both turned to wave to Diane who smiled and waved back. The show was over, but Stevie’s life was only just beginning.
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writingkeepsmewhole · 10 months
 It ain’t me you gotta worry about
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This is part 6 of Snow In The Dark. Been a while I know but hope you like anyway.
Fic Summary: Snow has never known who she was. Being raised in the streets made her strong but lonely. That changed when she met Jack them becoming as close as sisters. She thought she found her family. That all changes when she crashes on a planet with only one rule. Stay in the light.
Part Summary: Snow gets saved by an unexpeacted friend.
Riddick x OC Snow
Warnings: Language. Mentions of abuse.
Part 1 Part 5
Let me know if you want to be tagged :P : @here4thespice @amarokofficial @backseat-serenade-dizzyhurricane
As soon as we reach the ship I can’t help but notice the shadow moving on the ground. Looking up I see large spirals coming over the horizon. Iman’s boys take off running into the ship for Carolyn.
“Crap.” I say looking at it knowing the eclipse was starting. 
 It doesn't take long for everyone to decide that we have to get off the planet as soon as possible. Sharon getting the doom buggie up and running it definitely going to help us get the rest of the power cells back to the ship. They were heavy and would take hours to carry from the crash site. Hours we didn't have. The buggie was solar powered.
I hadn't seen Riddick or Johns since my "chat" with Johns. Something I was happy and nervous about.
Happy because the more I was away from Johns the better and nervous because I didn't know how Riddick would react.
I knew I was nothing to him, just something to pass the time with or entertain himself for the time being but something told me he wouldn't be pleased with my new found bruises.
Just a gut feeling that he would be upset.
We all climbed into the sand cat quickly, a twisted thought that we all wouldn’t fit if the people who had died were still alive.
“Where’s Riddick?” Jack yells, making me look at her.
She was right, him and Johns was still MIA.
“Leave him.” Paris says, shocking me. Making me wonder if he would say that about any of the rest of us.
“He wouldn’t wait for us.” He says just as Riddick jumps from the roof of a nearby building. Him landing right behind Paris.
“I thought we lost you.” Paris says nervous, making me roll my eyes. 
I can’t stop the small smile as he quickly sits down. It’s wiped from my face when Riddick tilts his head towards me.
I knew what he saw. We all did, it was kinda hard to miss. He moves closer to me, standing next to where I am sitting.
“Johns!” Sharon yells, and starts to drive forward slowly.
I kinda hoped she would leave him, but he quickly comes out of the building. Him starting to climb on the buggie. Riddick surprised me by helping him up.
Him holding him on the edge for a second. I realize in that moment that he knows. Riddick knows what happened to me. Or rather who did this to me.
It wasn’t even an hour ago when he threatened to kill Johns for busting my lip. Now I had his literal finger prints on my jaw. I didn’t know what would happen but I knew this wasn’t going to end well. 
Riddick only held him there for a moment, staring at him but it felt much longer. My stomach twisting in knots watching the interaction between them.
Riddick helps him on the sand cat then turns around.
He settles himself next to me. Glancing up at him he looked angry. Everything on him was tense. As if he was daring anyone to look at him wrong.
We rode quickly towards the crash site. The impending eclipse is right behind us.
Jack looks over at Riddick, pulling her found broken goggles over her eyes.
I didn't even get a chance to smile at how cute she was being. Riddick pointed behind her to the very large bone hanging ready to knock off anyone who was standing up.
Jack quickly ducks down out of the way. I don't bother moving, already sitting down so I wasn't expecting when Riddick's large hand was placed on my back pushing me down as he squatted out of the way.
I realized I wasn't out of the way like I thought the bone was only a few inches from the top of my head.
We all sit back up only under the ribcage of the animal for a minute.
I checked on Jack with my eyes, she was fine. My next thought is Riddick.
When did I start caring about him I'll never know. 
He glances down at me then looks straight ahead once again.
We reach the crash ship quickly, all of us climbing off, except Sharon, and the kids.
I rush into the crash ship seeing where I can help.
I stop seeing Riddick and John's packing power cells. Riddick packing two at a time. Despite them weighing almost eighty pounds.
I was definitely impressed. Hearing Jack call for me I quickly rush back out just to watch a plant rise from the sky. I block out the sun as everything around us goes black.
Darkness settles around us along with the silence. At first that’s all there is silence, dead silence. 
Then I hear it. A chirping that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Looking in the distance I watch a black cloud rise, the noise growing louder. 
The creatures twisting around each other. It almost reminds me of a dance.
“Beautiful.” Riddick says, his voice closer to me then what I expected.
I look over my shoulder seeing the winging beast take to the sky. The sound of them settling around us, it makes me feel on edge.
“Get back to the ship.” Carolyn says, then yells, her along with the others rushing towards the ship as the monsters start rushing towards us. It felt like they would swoop down and snatch me up any moment.
Adrenaline shoots through me, rushing up my neck, waking my mind up. Telling my body to move. Now. My legs move on their own. The survival instinct makes my limbs pump faster.
I turn ready to sprint to the door, seeing Jack ahead of me I know she is fine. Not looking back, I focused on running. Getting to the ship. Living.
When I feel something hard slam into my back I fall forward, smacking into the ground. The air in my lungs gets knocked out of me.
A heavy weight is laying on me. The hot breath of another person fanning over my ear. Fingers wrapped around the back of my neck.
“Don’t move.” His deep voice says, the sound resonating deep in my stomach.
I feel the rush of air as the swarm of creatures fly over us. Missing us by inches and flying back into the sky.
It’s quiet for just a moment. Just long enough to make you want to stand up. I couldn’t if I wanted to. Riddick’s large frame keeps me in place. I had no intention of moving. The itch in the back of my mind telling me it wasn’t safe yet.
I hear Jack yell at Shazza to stay down. Riddick flips off me to land on his back next to me as another woosh of wings fly over us.
Laying flat on my stomach, my face looking to the left. I watch him lay perfectly still. Like death wasn’t inches from us.
I take a deep breath through my nose, the smell of Riddick mixed with earth fills my nose. Claiming me.
The sound of Shazza’s screams reach us. The creatures fighting over her torn in half body flying off.
Riddck stands up, reminding me of a cat the way he moves. Him looking to both his left and his right before dusting his hands off and offering me one.
The gesture snaps me out of my daze. Pushing myself up to my knees I take his broad hand and let him pull me up with ease.
He drops my hand as soon as I'm standing and starts walking towards the crashed ship like he knew I would follow him.
I do follow him, kinda shocked he just saved my life. I thought he was the monster on the ship.
“Please, I really think we should go inside.” Paris says pulling Jack with him.
He must have held her from going to Shazza. I feel a bitter coil of jealousy in my stomach realizing she didn’t scream for me once.
“Come on, let's go.” He says, just as me and Riddick reach the ship. Carolyn looked in shock and like she was going to puke.
The hairs on my neck bristle up hearing another round of screeching. The three of us turned to look in the distance. 
I take a breath hearing more rocks crumble, telling me more creatures are coming.
“What is it RIddick?” Carolyn asks, as Riddick takes his goggles off.
“What is it now?”
“Like I said it ain’t me you gotta worry about.” He says, as another flock of monsters rush towards us.
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countmothra · 4 months
More misc. Abbey operation thoughts because I’m insane.
• There is an Infirmary of sorts within the abbey that will deal with the populations more minor to moderate health problems. But for anything severe like broken bones and serious and chronic illnesses they go to the nearest hospital for licensed medical attention.
• The abbey also has a Nursery/Daycare area because there are obviously kids living in the abbey because some siblings of sin come into the church already with kids or choose to have kids.
•Speaking of which, and going off an old headcannon of mine. Children in the abbey are raised communally, sure they know who their parent(s) are but everyone pitches in regardless of if it’s their kid or not. Only exception is Emeritus kids, they are raised ONLY by their immediate family (parent/s, siblings, grandparents) to make sure they have as much exposure to their future role as possible.
• Some of the siblings plan activity nights. Be it making crafts, watching a movie or playing board games, it’s all meticulously planned with sign up sheets and a suggestion box.
•Every six months there is 100% a day where EVERYONE in the abbey is tasked with deep cleaning. Nobody is safe from cleaning day. Ghouls, siblings, papas, higher clergy member, everyone is put to work scrubbing every last stone in that abbey until it shines. The chapel of ritual stinks like dead human sacrifice and Sister Imperator is tired of it.
• Old lady knitting club. Just a bunch of the oldest sisters of sin knitting and talking shit. Imperator goes on Fridays to decompress and gossip.
•there are secret passages in the abbey that some of the teenage inhabitants of the abbey hide in to do the typical rebellious teenage things like smoke weed and drink the wine they stole off the altar.
•BIG! LIBRARY! Books, lots of ‘em! All over! Just a whole bunch of physical media meticulously stored in a library for anyone to use for any purpose. Books? Hell yeah! Vinyl records? Of course! Cassette tapes? You bet! CD’s? Whole section of them! Film reels? They may not be pristine but they got those too! VHS tapes, DVD’s, they have it all archived.
•jobs for each and every sibling and ghoul are posted on a bulletin board outside of imperators office, just in case anyone forgets.
•piggybacking off my last batch of headcannons, they definitely sell some of their excess produce when the Papas aren’t actively touring. Money is still coming in from albums and whatnot, sure, but it’s nice for the ministry to have that little extra cash.
•The papas teach some of the religion classes and it’s a gamble on who they teach because their class could be made up of adults just entering into the fold or literal toddlers who can’t even spell “cat” yet.
Which brings me to silly scenarios that have 100% happened because I said so.
• Primo had to teach toddlers once. They did not care about the simplified version of how Lucifer fell, all they cared about was the sick new monster truck in the toy chest. Primo did have to admit that this monster truck was pretty cool as it was one of the cars where you pull it back enough and it goes forward on its own. (You know what I’m talking about)
• The old ladies in the knitting club are old enough to remember when each of the Emeritus boys were born. So whenever a rumor spreads about one of those boys, they are the first ones to discuss it. “Did you hear that Nihils youngest boy got drunk and started doing the most bizarre things to the furniture?” “Terzo?” “No! The younger one! Copia I think his name is… oh I remember when he was just a tot…” these devolve into wandering down memory lane.
• When Imperator goes, it’s mostly to gossip and drink wine. She’ll maybe knit a scarf…maybe…
• Terzo taught a class of teens once, and never again. Two teen girls pointed out how damaged his skin was and that he did a shit job covering his grays with box dye. He never wants to do that again.
• During those big cleaning days twice a year, it’s never the chapel that’s the filthiest, it’s the ghouls quarters. It’s always the ghouls quarters.
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akatsuki-shin · 5 months
"If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking"
Sunday's heart is already broken since long ago 😔
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Okay, I know I'm probably biased here because he's one of my favorite characters in Penacony but 2.2 ending really left me with a bitter taste, especially after that extra quest with Robin. 😔
People's first impression of these siblings was probably "Robin is the pure and naive one; Sunday is the perceptive and cunning one."
But after finishing the main story, I am personally more inclined to believe that Sunday is actually the pure and naive one instead of his younger sister.
The siblings were born in a disaster-torn world, so they promised each other that they would create a paradise free of suffering.
Robin pursued this dream by looking at reality straight in the eyes and pushed on ahead to the best of her ability, often with no regards for herself. She was the free bird fated to soar high in the sky, never to be placed in a cage.
Sunday was the bird who longed for the sky but was trapped in a cage. He desperately tried to build the paradise he and Robin promised to make but in the process, he was crushed by the weight of reality and responsibility, so much that he ended up thinking living in a cage was the better choice.
He tried to help others by doing things he thought was the best, but no matter what choice he made, it never ended up right.
The little bird they rescued ended up crashing to the ground and died, but had he chose to build it a nest in the open, it would still die a painful death due to the predators in the vicinity.
The stowaway he tried to save ended up lying about his misery and turned out to be a bad guy who used pity to gain sympathy, but had he chose not to save him, the guy would die from delirium because he entered the Dreamscape through unconventional means.
He told Robin to become a star so she could spread happiness to the world but she was almost killed when visiting a war-torn world to help the people there. But had he not allowed her to go, wouldn't he be hindering her from achieving her dream?
Idk how many choices like this that he had been faced in his whole life, how long he had been conflicted over this until he was finally broken enough to conclude that "paradise is to let everyone live in a happy dream, away from the painful reality" while he alone stays in that reality to make sure the dream stays "happy."
Literally his goal was to make everyday a Sunday so that people don't have to wake up and go to work on Monday. :'))
Tbh, at this point, I no longer care if he's going to be playable or not, I just hope we'll see him alive and well in the next patch.
Give me back my chicken wing boy 😭😭😭
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eremorte · 5 months
You literally always send the best asks, so we’ll thought through and I’ve never seen you ask someone the same thing twice so I figured I’d sent you one
If you could write more seasons / specials / webisodes / crossover for eah what would the plot be for each?
Keep in mind that Mattel would still have to approve it so don’t go crazy with dark lore + queer ships but definitely can add more than what was originally in the series - or you can completely discard this and do what you want. Rules are made to be broken.
I would actually love to hear this extremely detailed if you had lots of ideas
I have been terrified of an ask like this one gracing my inbox. (Still grateful). As much as I ponder the franchise I haven’t thought of much that would objectively move the plot forward. What I’ve been obsessing over are the cracks in explanation or how plain everyone is in a world filled with magic.
Firstly, thank you? One of the reasons I haven’t asked anything twice is because if anyone wants to answer the prompt they are free to (Please do, I beg y’all). And because I figure people have already suggested these ideas already but outright saying “Hey, I want you to answer” appears to work best.
I really like asking people things! But it takes a while when a person has no clear prompt for questions ("asks are open" is vague in this bottleneck of a fandom). Or I see content on their blog that already answer a question I might’ve asked/not involved with other fandoms on said blog.
Also like, the asks I’ve gotten before were objectively a challenge so I just thought that was the bar…
I will say right now I don’t like crossovers so I don’t have many ideas regarding that (Even with g1 monster high).
So webisode ideas….
An episode in which Kitty either apologizes or doubles down on what she did in a Cat who Cried Wolf. (Let’s be clear, the consequences for Cerise would have been worse than death. I am still bitter) (and have also forgotten most of the books if this is ever rectified).
A few episodes where Apple and Raven don’t appear at all and also doesn’t introduce anyone new (they aren’t bad, I’m just bored of them appearing in everything).
Conversely, a few episodes where it focuses on the fact that allegedly Raven and Apple have a social circle outside of their room mate.
(Raven Maddie Cerise and Cedar)
(Apple Briar Ashlynn and Blondie)
An episode on what Apple and Maddie do as co presidents
(any extracurricular episode really)
An episode focusing on the brothers Grimm. I noticed that after Spring Unsprung continuity from the specials doesn’t seem to matter to webisode continuity. So it probably won’t delve into the resentment Giles has built up from being trapped. The next best alternative is something involving Milton’s obsession with the unicorns. Maybe Milton lost a unicorn but is too embarrassed to announce it and sends Giles (or Giles notices on his own and helps anyway) to find it.
And an episode where Ginger has to reconstruct something on her gingerbread cottage and Cerise and Ramona are enlisted to help her.
A boys only episode. Idc what the plot is.
Full salt ahead…
An episode where either Duchess or Ramona call out Poppy on her apparent Roybelness. (Ramona mostly, and then when Poppy reveals the sister secret Ramona is still annoyed, and points out that Grimm probably wouldn’t force them to switch places if he knew at this point (because you don't need two Rapunzel's, but you need at least one Badwolf). Cerise is the reluctant peace keeper)
Oh and also an episode where people eventually hear about the Red/Badwolf romance (friendship?) but mistakenly attribute it to Cerise and Ramona somehow. Obvious it gets cleared up by the end.
If nothing else a picnic date between Ramona and Red.
It seemed towards the end we would have gotten something focused on the hood-badwolf sisters. I'm not sure if the reveal of the secret and acceptance is what I want. I would want a special wholly dedicated to the reform school. Or at least, whatever Ramona did to her sent there.
Because it feels kinda annoying to shove the whole arc of acceptance into 45 minutes start to finish. And nothing in the show explicitly conflicts with Cerise revealing her secret to Hood Hollow (Unfairest of them All) which is objectively the bigger fish for them, compared to the populous of Ever After High, so, I'd be bored watching it. Besides even if in show canon Cerise didn't do what she did. It'd still be just the high school they focus on.
Given how the webisodes are formatted I would've preferred they dealt with the reveal that way (or like how they did THD). The tension between uploads would help.
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luveternals · 10 months
paring: Konig x rebel reader. rating: mature, MDNI cw: dystopia AU, enemies to lovers, angst, (not a story, just a sneak peak of the 1st version, sorry. link to thd completed story!) a/n: I haven't forgotten to post nor did I just decided to drop writing or whatever. This story just turned out to be more complicated than originally planned. Lie, I haven't planned bananas. I literally had no idea what to write until 3h ago and I was already 5h past the time I wanted to post the third story lol hate to do this but I'll have to push it back to my next scheduled day. ~ sneak peek of the 1st version ~ full story in 2 days ~
It’s difficult to stay true when the goal you’re trying to reach is not your own. Well, you do support the idea, somewhat, you wouldn’t be here otherwise. Wouldn't be taking cover behind a broken wall, breath forcefully kept slow and stead, and hoping the shadows would be enough to cover your tracks. Wouldn’t be risking your life for a mission that is destined to fail.
It’s an trap and, somehow, you feel your leaders knew it and still sent you out.
One of your brothers lays dead at your feet, his blood stains your feet and will lead the enemy to you the moment they find the footprints.
There’s a soft sniffle and you spin around to slap your hand against one of your sisters’ mouth. She stares at you and you stare back, your hand leaves a red imprint on her face and you see her twitch with the desperate need to wipe it off.
It was a set up. You’re all going to die. But your mission isn’t over yet.
She’s crying.
Go. You tell he with a motion of your free hand. She shakes her head eyes wide with panic, but you're already pushing her back. Go and live.
You don’t check if she does, body turning and slipping around the corner before you could even register any further protests.
The sound of fighting seems to be coming from all directions. Your family is fighting with all it has while you give your last attempt to make this total failure some kind of meaning.
You’re almost at the end of the alley when you stumble to a stop. A man stands there, body covered in gear and rifle steady in his hands as he points it in your direction.
He doesn’t say a thing but doesn’t move either. Don’t move or i’ll shoot, his posture says.
Your own gun is raised, solid and loaded and aimed at his head. “Get out of my way,” you says, throat dry and voice a breathless demand.
But he’s a solid obstacle. One taller than most and built to fight until his heart is forced to stop beating. He simply blinks and your grip tightens around the weapon.
“I will shoot you,” you say, but there is no real threat behind the words.
And he knows.
He lowers his gun at the words and, with movements smooth and so damn steady, pulls his head gear off.
His face is still hidden away whatever cloth he’s using doesn’t give much away about what one would find underneath it.
But the design has come so familiar to you during this fucked up war that your grip falters.
“I’m not letting you do it,” he says, and his voice and accent at the last hit your heart can take.
You arms go slack, and your head drops forward. Rain had started trickling at some point, the grim and filt of your boots and clothes polling at your feet. “Do you know how much i’ve lost for this?”
He doesn’t say anything but the silent words he must be thinking make your fists bench into fists.
“Your killing my brothers!”
“And you're killing mine,” his words take you by surprised, you didn’t expect him to say anything at all. Not about this.
What you did expect was him to hide away behind his social anxiety. Behind the excuse he doesn’t know how to act around others, that he doesn't know how to express his feelings properly.
Instead, he braves on — the only time finally does — and associates to the enemy.
~ ~ ~ a/n: I'm a bit of a perfectionist and this is actually killing me. But it's the middle of the night and I'm kinda sick. Whatever mistake I made is my own and will be gone soon. have a good night. enjoy your day. please forgive the delay ;^; it's only the third day damn
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coffinscore · 7 months
Our Coffin-bound birthday.
"Can you believe it Andrew spending my 20th locked up, Fucking parasite-filled, No cake or anything" Complained the pacing figure behind him. "Do you think there's any way I could convince the warden to bring me anything sweet, Literally anything at this point!" Pacing continued as well as complaining you could almost see Andrew's eyes rolling as he heard his 'dear' sister kicking the door "I get it already! Stop being so loud leave the goddamned door alone already!! Geez congrats and all but can you ever fucking be quiet" Snapped Andrew he was sick of it all! They had been trapped a month so far, Rations were running low and he was sick of Ashley's complaining
"Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine today!! You haven't even wished me a happy birthday yet to be complaining like that!!" Ashley yelled back she wasn't exactly in the best of moods today either "I know you didn't give a shit about me, but could you not get on my ass for once!!" Tears welled in the birthday girl's eyes as she yelled with a pout stomping away to the two's shared room. "Asshole!!!" She screamed out slamming the door and flopping onto her bed holding her moon pillow tightly to her chest. "At least pretend you give a shit about my day here.." She thought to herself as she closed her eyes not that it stopped her tears. What else was she expected to feel today? Other than shitty another wasted day and her birthday being a wasted day stung badly. Mom and Dad didn't care to call it was expected, But that doesn't mean it didn't hurt. Not as much as it hurt for her own brother to avoid her.
Quite some time passed as Andrew sighed still placed on the seat of the couch. Of course he knew he was the first to wish her happy birthday every year. Who said he didn't have any surprise plans what she didn't know wasn't hurting her right? Right?? Incorrect he had to make this quick before she died of a broken heart. Putting his head in his hands he mentally prepared himself for the berating he would get when he walked into their room. Getting up, he finally went to get the little surprise he had wrapped up like old molding food in the deep freezer. What else could it be besides a stale lemon-flavored muffin frozen solid as a rock. A small smile traced his lips as he reminisced when this became a little tradition of the two's so long ago. He quickly walked over to the cabinets to get a plate out placed it on and threw the blunt weapon of a snack cake in the microwave. Carefully he watched the timer before it made that horrendous loud beep. It looked like shit, "It was perfect for her" Andrew chuckled thinking to himself as he began looking for a candle.
"Dumbass.." Muffled words came out onto her pillow as she began to smell something familiar. Shooting up her heart began skipping a beat almost thinking she was hallucinating the scent due to hunger and rage combined. "Andrew..?" She called out rather calmly compared to how her former mood had been. Moving to seat herself on the edge of her bed she contemplated if she should storm in there but she sat waiting. And her waiting paid off! Before she could finish her thoughts in came her brother holding a mushy-looking muffin with two candles on top, Pink and green lit up just like her face even if she looked more stunned than anything. Weight shifted on her bed as her other half sat next to her handing her the plate with soft smile on his face "Happy birthday Ashley. I could never forget the day you came into and ruined my life~" She laughed hard at his obvious tease to raise her mood light drops still falling from her eyes but out of a warm happy feeling instead. "Way to save face for being kind to me asshole." Teasing back a warm smile on her face as she moved closer blowing them out before she could even be given the okay wishing to herself in the process.
"H-Hey you were supposed to wait for the okay!" Andrew said sighing at her, He knew he couldn't have stopped her even if he tried, She was happy, An more dangerous beast than her rage. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders he sighed. "Sorry your day is just us stuck in this hellhole." He sympathized he knew she didn't mean anything by her outburst earlier he would have lashed out too if he was in her position. Watching as Ashley unwrapped and split the muffin in half surprising him. "What sharing with me~" Teased Andrew as a piece was handed his way. "Who knows how long it will be before get something like this again.. So take it before I change my mind" The younger blushed lightly her kindness was truly something special when you earn it. He happily grabbed the squishy treat leaving a little kiss on the side of her head noticing her little jump. She always seemed confused when he showed her proper affection, He'd be lying if he said he didn't find it cute.. Moving to take a bite the texture was shit but that's okay the two were still enjoying it either way wrapped in each other's company in this never ending coffin.
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mysteriousmissfsart · 2 months
BNHA Rambles #1
I would like to thank Horikoshi-sensei for creating Boku no Hero Academia. I appreciate his hardwork and effort that he has put into his work. Thank you.
However, I am incredibly sad about episode 11 of season 7. Episode 10 as well.
I warn anyone reading this that there will be spoilers if you are not caught up with the anime or the manga (up to this point).
This post is just me rambling about a few things. (I mean a lot of things, actually)
Do tell me what you think as well!
Spoilers under the cut!
Like, Endeavor lost his right arm??? Now Bakugo is most likely not going to be able to use that arm as well???? Are we drawing parallels between those two? Is their redemption in not being able to use one side of their body???? This is sad???????!!!!!!!! I was literally rooting for Katsuki to become a pro hero by the end of the series.
Like, is my boy dead? (I already know the answer so please, no need to tell me. Also, I really had to know, okay?)
I basically grew up with this guy???? (I was 14 when the first season came out and now I'm 22)
Am I literally going to be watching bnha without Katsuki? He was literally the reason why I watched it in the first place! I could see where his character development was headed and I knew that it would be good! Yes, the other characters are amazing as well and I am going to watch the series anyway, I don't like leaving things unfinished unless its really bad. I am happy about Shinso getting some good screentime, though. Hope he doesn't get hurt in some way, seen or unforeseen.
(Fun fact: There are only two series I have dropped and will never finish watching; 1. Kuroko no Basket. 2. Shingeki no Kyojin. Reason: For Kuroko, the only characters that were interesting to me were Kuroko and the Blonde guy, I literally forgot his name, I also didn't like the cherry stem girl really. Overall, didn't find it appealing. For Shingeki: Only character I liked was Levi, still like him. It has too much gore, I didn't know that when I was told that it was a masterpiece. I couldn't stomach anything everytime I watched an episode. Bnha is MILD in comparison to whatever was going on in Titan land. Also, I always disliked Eren with a passion. If you know you know. My friend and my sister have already told me the whole thing. I was right about you Eren Yaeger!!!!)
I never expected his heart to get pierced????? Why did we have to do that?????
I was peacefully eating dinner today when I was shocked by the sheer evilry that scene presented. I have not cried this much over a character death before. The first time I cried over one was over the death of Hiccup's dad from how to train your dragon (I was maybe 11 at the time). But, never like this. Never like somebody I know has died. It's strange that I felt so connected to him. I don't know, my emotions never make sense really. Like, my breath literally hitched and my eyes just teared up and flowed down my face???!!! Like, what???? Why did he have to be done like that? The scene with him talking to All Might's Shadow (ghost, spirit????) and that tone change. We have never heard Katsuki talk in that way before, he seemed like himself there and not the tough facade he always dons.
The scene at the end when we see his heart get pierced and then when Jeanist realizes what has happened was just heartwrenching. I couldn't stop crying. He doesn't deserve this, none of them do. I literally made myself pretend that didn't happen but when Jeanist pointed it out, all I could do was stare in disbelief at the screen. The saddest part of all of this? His mom realizing that it will rain and saying "that kid doesn't like the rain". Why? Because that's when Jeanist realizes that his heart has been pierced by Shigaraki/All for One. IT RAINS WHEN THEY REALIZE THAT KATSUKI'S HEART HAS BEEN PIERCED.
Sad, I'm just unbelievably sad.
I just wish this series ends on a happy note.
To Horikoshi-sensei,
If you are reading this, may your readers' tears soon dry and there be a happy ending to your series. I am truly a big fan of this series and how it has turned out. I never expected to stick around for so long but it has been interesting. This series has kept me on my toes and has fed into my love of mystery solving. I loved discovering things along with the characters as well as figure things out on my own. The angst and horrifiying theme has been carried out so well. I hope I will be around for the ending as well.
Thank you!
What did you all think of this episode and Katsuki's development? I am dreading the next episode. Were you shocked by this scene? I literally couldn't keep my eyes on the screen. It hurt too much.
See you again sometime!
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goodlucktai · 1 year
thank you for pulling me through
one piece pairing: brook & luffy word count: 2k title borrowed from precious love by james morrison smile again au
read on ao3
[The livestream begins without any introduction, the camera stationed to that side so that the baby grand piano and the bench are both in profile. The Soul King himself is sitting in front of the keys, playing scales idly and humming to himself. He seems to be waiting for something.]
skuuuullj0ke  Anyone know what this is?
gremlin energy✨✨ @ skuuuullj0ke check his pinned
existential dread but make it cute  @ skuuuullj0ke probably an apology
A handful of angry bees @ existential dread but make it cute Apology for what?? 
A handful of angry bees There was a loss in his family
A handful of angry bees Get some perspective maybe??
existential dread but make it cute  @ A handful of angry bees i paid like 200 dollars for my ticket and he canceled a week before the show
👻SOUL PARADE👻 @ existential dread but make it cute Literally his brother died whats wrong with you?
👻SOUL PARADE👻 @ existential dread but make it cute Also his team worked with all the event organizers to get everyone refunded asap so idk why youd choose to cry about money you already got back.
5924874392607 imagine spending 200 usd on soul king tix lmao 
gremlin energy✨✨ @ 5924874392607 i think you’re in the wrong place actually
skuuuullj0ke  Yikes
[A door somewhere out-of-frame opens with a mighty slam, and someone lets out an ‘oof’ as it presumably bounces back off the wall and knocks the wind out of them. Brook turns around on the bench to face the newcomer, an animated smile on his face. “So glad you could join us!” “Sorry, sorry,” a younger voice replies brightly. “Zoro went the wrong way and we ended up at a Mexican diner somehow. The food smelled amazing so we had to get some. And then Barto was there because I think he’s still tracking my phone? But he paid for lunch so that was cool. And I brought you some steak tacos!”  “In that case, all is forgiven!” A teenage boy in a worn straw hat finally scrambles into view. He launches himself at Brook for a full-bodied hug that almost knocks them both onto the floor. Brook catches him easily and hugs him back with equal enthusiasm.]
clankclunk imagine being this extroverted 😭😭
Jen.  I dont know who this child is but I’d die for him
⋆。°✩lullabyparry⋆。°✩ OH MY GOD ITS LUFFY!!!!!!!!
gremlin energy✨✨ He looks like hes doing a lot better !
A handful of angry bees Aww we haven't seen Luffy on here in ages 👒💛
Water 7 🔛🔝 Is anyone else worried about the dude apparently stalking his phone?????
clankclunk @ Water 7 🔛🔝 no that’s just bart. he’s weird but harmless.
existential dread but make it cute  @ Water 7 🔛🔝 lbr wed all stalk brooks contacts if we could 💞
skuuuullj0ke  We really really wouldn’t though
stream “1000 sunny days” album now 🔪 @ existential dread but make it cute hey mods come get this weirdo
👻SOUL PARADE👻 @ stream “1000 sunny days” album now 🔪 I wouldnt worry. His sister is the mod today and she wields the block hammer with an iron fist  
⋆。°✩lullabyparry⋆。°✩ @ 👻SOUL PARADE👻 lmao our queen is in the room 👑🙇
[“Come sit, Luffy,” Brook says cheerfully. “Ah, but first, throw your bag as hard as you can that way so the food smell doesn’t distract me this entire time,” he adds, pointing off to the left. Gamely, the boy gathers his tote bag together in his hands and flings it with what appears to be all the strength he can muster. It clatters noisily against something off-camera and there’s a deafening bang.  “Perfect!” Brook declares.  “Ah, wait, I forgot that was Sanji’s stuff,” Luffy says.  “He’ll get over it,” an unnamed person replies off-camera.]
Jen. RIP whoever sanji is 🙏
skuuuullj0ke  So much chaotic energy, so little time
clankclunk Luffy’s been here for 1 minute and already something is broken. New record??
[Moderator] Nami 🌊☀️ @ clankclunk Not even close. 
newname92 Woah when he threw the bag and his shirt fell open for a sec
newname92 Did anyone else see that crazy scar????????
A handful of angry bees @ newname92 You know what, I'm not even going to bother explaining why that was an insensitive question, because I’m not actually your kindergarten teacher 
[“My manager as well as the rest of my team have been very forthcoming about my recent absence,” Brook says, seeming to address the thousands of people watching the stream for the first time. “I know that the cancellation of my Sunny Days tour was a disappointment to many of you, and I’m very sorry for that. You know by now how important it is to me to be able to share my music with you all. But I do not regret it, because as much as I love the stage, my heart lives at home, and home is where I was needed.” Luffy leans against him, his head barely making it to Brook’s shoulder. He lays his own fingers on the keys and starts up a stumbling rendition of Binks’ Brew. The musician’s more practiced hands guide him along patiently.  “While there was plenty of anger to be heard from a number of you,” Brook goes on, “mostly your voices poured out to my family in sympathy and support. Your kindness means more to me than I can explain, so I’ll simply say thank you, thank you, thank you.”  “Thank you!” Luffy adds. “I always said Brook’s fans were the best.” “That you did,” Brook confirms cheerfully.]
stream “1000 sunny days” album now 🔪 Not me literally tearing up in the break room rn
👻SOUL PARADE👻 Oh OK cool I’ll just sob horrifically into my pad thai then thanks so much Soul King
⋆。°✩lullabyparry⋆。°✩ 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Water 7 🔛🔝 Ive only been a soul king stan for like 2 days but already i would give my life for this family
stream “1000 sunny days” album now 🔪 @ Water 7 🔛🔝 welcome to the crew 🏴☠️
[“So the reason for this livestream is not to apologize,” Brook says. “But rather something more personal. Today marks the very start of a brand new year, and also the birthday of one Ace D. Portgas—the first birthday we find ourselves celebrating without him.” “Ace can’t be here anymore, but he loved a good party,” Luffy pipes up. He’s still smiling, but some of the energy is gone from him now. His hands are in his lap, no longer tripping merrily across the keys. “We’re gonna make sure he hears it from wherever he is. Marco and Thatch and everybody’s gonna be there.” “That’s right! But the party is later. For now, I’d like to play him a song.”  “A birthday song?” Luffy asks.  “His favorite,” Brook confirms.  He begins to play without further ado, accompanying himself as he sings a slow, acoustic version of James Morrison’s “Precious Love.” Luffy watches him with wide, lamplike eyes, expressive face strangely unreadable. Brook’s voice swells and fills the room.    [CAPTIONS] 🎶 I was so lost, didn't know what to do with myself.  I was my own worst enemy, I was lost and oh, I needed help. Then you came along, and saw what state I was in. You picked me up when I was down, showed me how to live again. 🎶   A young man with hair dyed vivid green comes into frame, but only to sit on Luffy’s free side with his back to the piano. His face can’t be seen, and he doesn’t offer any obvious condolence or comfort; but he sticks his elbow out, and Luffy immediately loops their arms together, and that seems to be more than enough.  There is movement from elsewhere in the room. The light shifts as the door opens again, and shadows move across the wall as the three by the piano are joined by an unknown number of other people. Luffy looks up and whoever he sees makes him smile. Brook continues singing, soulful and slow and golden.    [CAPTIONS]  🎶 I say thank you, for pulling me through, I'm a lucky man. I didn't know what life was, but now I understand. 🎶]
Jen. Okay i did some googling. I dont really follow artists personal lives beyond what they share on their own social media bcus its not really any of my business
Jen. But goddamn this is sad 
skuuuullj0ke  @ Jen. Bro I cried so hard when I found out about the accident i had to leave class
stream “1000 sunny days” album now 🔪 @ Jen. No joke. Some of my friends met ace backstage once during brook’s sabaody tour, the second night of the oakland show, but i never got the chance. Still, his entire familys grief was so raw and horrible, i know in my heart he must have been like a really really wonderful guy
gremlin energy✨✨ Ace is in a lot of the older videos on this channel, those are still up 
gremlin energy✨✨ I’m not saying go be super weird about it but if you watch like 2 of them you’ll understand immediately 
Water 7 🔛🔝 @ gremlin energy✨✨ Ace was brooks brother?
A handful of angry bees @ Water 7 🔛🔝 Not biologically, but yeah. 
gremlin energy✨✨ @ Water 7 🔛🔝 They all sort of adopted each other. Even Ace and Luffy aren’t biologically related but that’s so much a non-issue that i cant remember the last time it ever came up 
⋆。°✩lullabyparry⋆。°✩ @ Water 7 🔛🔝 they’re family 
clankclunk I didnt know this was ace’s favorite song. I didnt even know this song existed. Adding it to everything as we speak 
👻SOUL PARADE👻 @ clankclunk This cover might be the most beautiful thing Ive ever heard
skuuuullj0ke  @ 👻SOUL PARADE👻 FR like i want to be respectful but i also want this version released on spotify asap 😭
Skeletons on parade  The way they talk about ace like hes just somewhere else is kind of beautiful 
owl be back 🦉 @ Skeletons on parade they’re throwing him a birthday party 😭😭😭
clankclunk @ owl be back 🦉 love isn’t past-tense
[When the last ringing note from the piano fades, Brook looks down at Luffy and says, “What did you think, boss?” Luffy rubs his face with the heel of his hand, which is the only indication he’s been crying. Arms come around him from all sides, half a dozen faces spilling forward to hold him. The green-haired boy beside him gets squashed into the group hug before he sees it coming and no amount of flailing gets him out of it. Brook laughs above it all and flops over to splay his weight on the top of the pile playfully.  The piano keys give a jarring clang when someone’s elbow lands against them. A knee slipping from where it’s braced on the bench is all it takes for the entire group to go down in a tangle of limbs. A woman with long black hair is the only one aside from Brook who remains upright, effortlessly graceful. It’s her arm around Luffy’s shoulders that keeps him from falling, too.  “I loved it,” Luffy declares, in response to Brook’s unanswered question. “Ace would have loved it, too. Can you play it again?” “Until my arms fall off,” Brook agrees at once, already fanning his hands out over the keys, as if there’s not a bunch of people bickering noisily and wrestling with each other on all sides of him, just out of view of the camera.  Luffy grins and says, “Louder this time!”  The music that starts up is boisterous and triumphant and raucous—less of a bittersweet remembrance, more of a call for everyone to join in at the top of their lungs. And that’s exactly what everyone does. Clambering upright to hold onto each other, their voices ringing off the walls. The words of the song are clearly familiar to every one of them. The act of screaming out the chorus together is even more so. This was their brother’s favorite song, and they sing it like they mean it.   [CAPTIONS]  🎶This is precious love, it’s precious love. No, I can't let it go. This is precious love, and it’s teaching me, everything I need to know. 🎶]
skuuuullj0ke  Raise your hand if your singing along 🙋 
gremlin energy✨✨ @ skuuuullj0ke ✋✋
stream “1000 sunny days” album now 🔪 @ skuuuullj0ke My coworkers hate me but ✋
👻SOUL PARADE👻 @ skuuuullj0ke ✋😭
⋆。°✩lullabyparry⋆。°✩ @ skuuuullj0ke 👐👐👐
Skeletons on parade  @ skuuuullj0ke 🙋🙋
clankclunk So now im supposed to go to dinner with my friends and act like im not a fundamentally different person after this????
Water 7 🔛🔝 @ clankclunk 🤝 I SEE YOU BESTIE I KNOW YOUR PAIN 🫂🫂 
Jen. They’re laughing and being silly on his birthday. Idk its just rly nice. Its like proof that the good things can outlast the bad 
A handful of angry bees RIP Ace, I hope you had even half an idea of how loved you are
clankclunk @ A handful of angry bees He must have known
clankclunk @ A handful of angry bees Look at how goofy his family is. Theres no way they loved him quietly
skuuuullj0ke  He knew 🧡
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So I made myself wait to watch the witchcraft smp finale till all the povs were out, which means I waited for Cleo to upload and also my college decided to allow offline/traditional classes to be back so it took me a bit longer to finally sit down and watch the povs. So here is some of my thoughts while watching the witchcraft smp finale episodes:
(Spoiler warning)
-Yeah Lauren you kinda did drop the whole competition just to vibe, but that's okay I still love you!
-Omg her wings look like thicc slices of bread!!And the colors of it are real pretty
-Yeah Joey!!! You were the worst best friend ever, screw you!
-Scott to the rescue!!!!
-YOOOO Joey's out first!!!!!
-Hi supreme Lizzie
-Scott's the new supreme!!!
-Oh yeah they all do have her autograph in a way huh?
-Everyone reaction to finding out Cleo was an undead this whole time is really funny
-Lauren just dipped lmao?!?!??
-The "Yep that's me, you are probably wondering how I got here." Bit to start the episode was good
-Training montage
-Damm Shellby's strong af, she really giving them a hard time
-Ohhh her artifact exploded on her because of the reset, alright that makes a bit more sense
-Oh she skipped the demon fight hmm
-Lol she became a witch content creator after the competitions?!
-Oli and Sausage got bailed out by El
-They made wcsmp's version of love or host lol
-Did she steal a award!?
-Someone get Scott I found his supreme crown
-Oh that ice blast spell is cool(pun wasn't intended)
-Bro not the Stacy callback!!
-Cleo's time freeze ability <3
-Okay demon battle time
-Gods why was it that Joey give the "If we work together we can defeat the villian." Speech, it's not at all a thing his character would say
-Bro the demon's not even taking any damage lmao
-Scott's new to his supreme witch powers leave him alone
-Dude what home the mages won't accept you ba- oh that one right...
-I mean yeah screw those ice mages and all that but how is Joey's story gonna end now?
-You don't have any best friends le- oh yeah Tiff would be your best friend after all the demonic and botania stuff the both of you bonded over
-Where's Tiff?! Did mother earth take her back or smth?!
-No Joey she couldn't have gone through the elf portal, she has told you before that the portal works only one wa- aphgkgdj?!SURE JUST GO IN JOEY BYE WITCH!!!
-Okay so at this point I'm pretty sure that there many chests in the area but not all of them have stuff in them and are there for decor
-Where did that blaze come from?!
-Lmao Cleo saying "Do we have a cool name?"
-Cleo and Scott are not giving Pris a chance to breath lol
-"I can't see it but I'll pretend I do"
-Bertha's curse got broken!!(see Bertha you didn't even have to bring back your dead sister and the demon she took down with her to break your curse you just had to wait)
-Is Bertha immortal?? Also do they not have a job outside of being the supreme witch competitions referee(???)
-Is Mertha's curse also broken now?
-Lol the demon fight crashed Pris' computer
-Is Pris a siren of some kind?
-Oh her dead sister is there, I'm going to assume that's her spirit coming for a visit or something
-Oooo we are finally meeting this "she" Shubble keeps mentioning
-My girl saw the weird dead deer skulls and said "Ew"
-*Big gasp* *choking noises* *literally dying* *it was nice knowing you*
-*In a nerd voice*Uhmm actually those look like shiny charizard wings thank you very much
-Her immediate respons to seeing Cleo was zap-teleport out of there
-Love how Tiff, Shubble and Pris are just watching Lauren and Joey "attacking" eachother
-Shubble leaving the scene when Scott shows up lol
-I love hduo, found sisters <3
-So is Tiff's first death not counted?
-"He is already dead let it go" SHELLBY?!!?!!!KAGLZHSK
-Why is it always these 2 in a fight to death
-Oh she just flew away?!!
-"Aren't you like dead though?" Shellby you need to stop!!kdhdhchbj
-Oh come on!! We are not meeting "her" aww man :(
-Witch Tiff's grandma used to make nightsade berry pies. Good fact to know
-Oop the Bertha clone is back
-Oh her sneaking behind Cleo was so cool
-"Our leader!"
-"Yeah I want a piece of that. Equality!"
-The voices are back
-Oh, so she did went through the portal...huh
-This is just a random thought, but are we getting a fairies smp next? Cause I feel as though both witch!Tiff and witch!Joey 's stories are meant to continue in a way? Guess we'll have to wait and see
-Oh this is the longest episode, kinda nervous...
-The voices of all the Cleo's?! Excuse me?!??
-Gods, to get any of the end armor set pieces is so expensive
-Oh here is Pris making her amends, yeah I know this already I watched Pris' pov
-"I'M YOUR MAKER!" It's great to finally understand what she said at that time
-Yeah, I think "the coven" does sound cool and ominous
-Did Cleo just pledge herself to Scott? I-yo-I can't understand what their saying from everyone talking over eachother
-Damm has she not liked any part of being a time witch...
-All the skins!!
-And she's human again!
-"And they lived happily ever after." That's a poetic end to Cleo's story. Since she did introduce us to her character with "once/twice a upon a time" and had kind of a storybook structure from then on
-He sounds so annoyed that he's only allowed to take 20 items with him lol
-I don't like how Scott said that he feels like he was going to "burst" and green particals started coming out of him...
-"Wow, you can't just say she's big!"
-"It encapsulates how weird and wonderful we are but it all still works together." Whatever you say new supreme!
-Frank and Agatha were in a 20 buck bet lol
-Agatha what other stuff is down in your secret lair??
-Oh he is really going through with it!! Anything for his love ig
-Oh he drowned to save Maxwell(I still don't know who that is. Their dog maybe)
-4 years?!
-Maxwell passed away a year later?!
-"Moonlight" "My little shadow" aww Milo is soo sweet, I love him already
-So he left the crown behind willingly. I mean I guess it make sense he just needed the power of the supreme witch to finally bring Milo back and since he lost all his powers he's not fit to have it anymore...
-Wait does this make Eloise the new supreme or do we need a new competition to be held pronto?!(in my opinion Shellby should be the new supreme cause she came in second place)
-So the supreme cursed Bertha and Mertha because she looked into the future and saw terrible things were to happen if anyone else were to become the supreme witch? Yeah that's fair ig :/
-Oh wow that was a quick forgivness lol
-Mertha did get the worst of it
-Her nap got interrupted that's so rude
-Time for the supreme games to begin!! But were skipping that probably cause I already watched it 8 times before this
-Oh quick run down of the events?! Sure...
-Oi!! That's so mean to Lauren she did her best!!
-That was an accident though!
-Oh when Joey asked to break the crown to have all of the being the supreme witch Bertha said "Me too?" Hehe
-Where is Mertha?!
-All "-ertha named" mobs lol
-I'm getting nervous, where is Mertha?!
-Why was she on top of a ice mountain?!
-Mertha's uncursed!!
-"666 hours later" sihdudynxtwhAT!?!
-Also why were you 2 spying on Joey and how did he not see the 2 of them, they're not hiding all that well
-They have a witch police?!
-Oh Mertha looks so sad waiting for Bertha...
-"Bertha will return" well yeah I sure hope she does!
And just like that it's over...how do I feel about it? Well...I think the smp had a strong start and a strong middle the ending though...is fine I guess...just wasn't my cup of tea, but I still liked the smp
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dailycass-cain · 1 year
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Batman: Wayne Family Adventures gave us a NEW Cass-centric arc.  It FINALLY released in its entirety this past Wednesday so yeah, at long last I'm gonna dig in and my thoughts on it!  
Season 2 of WFA has given us a lot of Cass in appearances (sixteen of the so far forty-eight episodes released) though unlike Season 1 Episodes 90-91 is our first official Cass-centric dramatic story this season.
And it is a double salvo of treats.
First off we get a team-up of Cass with Damian. Something we've barely gotten in the comics. Literally, Gates of Gotham is STILL the only time these two have teamed up.
That was in 2011. We're in 2023. HOW IS THIS STILL THE ONLY CANNON TEAM-UP we've had between them?!
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Yes, they've interacted more since 2020 (three times compared to just twice prior to that, and I'm being kind with one of those interactions).  So yeah this episode is already doing things the mainline hasn't broken ground on.
But as always WFA gives us the dynamic barely teased in the main line (but is laser-focused here), the big sister Cass worried for Damian on their mission who breezes how easily it'll be given its Mad Hatter they're dealing with.
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Just like recently in Batgirls #16, there is an underestimation of the Hatter that in this adventure costs Cass as she's brainwashed to be his weapon. Hatter's dialogue in part 1 is our first real insight to criminals in Gotham know about Cass.
This is something NEVER brought up in the mainline comics nowadays (probably due to DC's fear of acknowledging either origin of Cass). So we're in this "Schrödinger's bat" situation where both are her origin, but are not shown.
Here, it's quite clear probably which origin is canon to WFA (more on that soon) as Cass is used by Hatter to kill Damian. For all Damian's own fighting skills well, this is the first comic mention of him acknowledging her and actually caring about her.
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Like literally, this episode fully continues off the last Cass-centric episodes we got all the way back in Season 1 with Episodes 32-33 “All Seeing” where we saw things thru Cass's eyes. Here we see again how the family views her via Damian.
But not only that, this is Cass's greatest fear come to life (per "All Seeing" her being used as this weapon and not a person). Again writer CRC Payne just DELIVERS with the emotion by having the emotionally reserved Damian pour out trying to reach Cass.
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I have to give major props as well to artist Geoniya Acuna too. The emotion is drawn in both characters' faces. The change in Cass's eyes when she's switched into "weapon mode".
All of it is just *chef's kiss*.
That jaw-dropping ending is a good lead into part 2 where we see the war in Cass's mind trying to take back control.  
And here we get the series showing us her origin for the first time. And oh my.  I so wasn't expecting to see this bastard again:
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Due to DC not acknowledging which origin of Cass's is the defacto one has left David Cain in a curious state.  Because if they go into the old one he's like above.
If they acknowledge the newer one, he's basically Donnie Yen as Storm Shadow.
So it just shocks me to see WFA go for their take on the original origin. It's simplified and that's the point Payne having Cain talk to Cass this episode.
I don't see it as Cain actually talking to her, more a mixture of Hatter's mind stuff and Cass's own insecurities taking shape. Until she remembers a CERTAIN someone who she met when she was lost. 
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Again, the episode takes HEAVILY into Cass’s old Pre-New 52 origin acknowledging Babs took her in (and the crowd who ache for this version of a mature Barbara go wild). I know you stood up and cheered when WFA went there.
Because of that, Cass starts to break free of the mind control. Remembering more the bonds she forged. Remembering the identity she took and if anything this is where the one slight I have for this issue.
The episode gives us the first ever clear look of the top section of Cass's Batgirl outfit.  I had to pause reading it, and was like "Gimme this WFA. I want to see this suit in action. You don't tease me like this."
This is the only negative I ever give WFA when it comes to Cass/Tim due to their troubled histories in mainline DC Comics. WFA is like, an all-you-can-eat buffet acknowledging it all.
By showing it, you do the Orphan identity a disservice. Literally, we're 99 episodes in, and the only time they've acknowledged "why" Cass adopted this identity was as a joke.
I get "why" it was added to the series. It was the identity Cass had at the time.  But the creators of WFA have done their own "rebranding" of the identity. Giving Cass a scarf or cape to the costume. A different mask than the one she wears in the comics.
I get it. It's because for script purposes it allows the creators to have her outside the mask and be more expressive.
It's just that... 
You tease us fans by showing this suit. You dangle that Batgirl crumb over us. You're just gonna make us want more of this WFA Batgirl costume now (after dancing around it last season).
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Now I want it.
I want to see this costume in action. I know Acuna can handle it. Give them the chance someone!  Give us the Batgirls episode this series NEEDS!!! You just don't tease us Cass/Steph's costumes and expect us not to want MOAR!
Cause we do.
Back to the story, these moments break free from Hatter's grasp and we get that righteous beatdown he's so deserved for daring to do that to Cass (along with a cute sisterly moment of Cass picking Damian up).
Like, again the series does what the main line hasn’t. Given us this moment of the two (given their similar backgrounds) being there for one another when moments like these happen. 
Even more, a cute exchange after all said hijinks. 
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These two episodes again were a nice sequel to the last Cass-centric arc paying off seeds that began there and we get some rich moments here.
The only thing is the Batgirl-in-the-closet problem which continues to hamper the series.
But I digress that's my own minor nitpick. I can fully admit and cast aside my own "fandom" to say WFA is doing the duty it can showcasing ALL the Bats why they have such loyal fans.
This was another amazing chapter that WFA just seems to pull for their female cast and I'm glad there's this balance between overtly cute, but also educating the casual fan to those not given the light previously shined on them.
That said, I think it's time for another Harper Row arc. She's overdue for one being introduced this season.  Just give us that perfect bookend for the character with another stellar arc.
The creative team knocked another home run with this Cass arc.  Kind of leaves me just wanting more. 
Am I greedy? 
But it shows how good this creative team is feeding that fan side to me with these characters. Make that crave occur. So yeah kudos to them. 👍
This was an amazing arc giving us things I wish the actual mainline DC Comics would give us. Something I feel is an untapped field just aching to be dug into and mined.
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hils79 · 1 year
Hils Watches Moonlight Chicken - Ep 7
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Wen is standing right there. Isn't that the whole point of him being there? The nurse literally called him 'caregiver' like 2 minutes ago.
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Who is she? Is she Alan's sister? Why is she just showing up now? I'm so confused. Was this just to add a bit of extra drama?
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Okay, she's his sister in law. Where's Alan's brother?
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Okay, I need to move on from that bit of totally pointless drama. Wen, sweetie, I think you've been on multiple dates with Jim at this point.
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I don't think I'm ever going to be over the fact that a man in his 20s is playing someone who is So Old
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Still rooting for you, Alan
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God, even if it's not Alan I really need him to meet a nice boy who likes him romantically
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Oh shit! I legit forgot she was still around. I should have made the connection that when Jim asked her for financial help that of course she would show up. OH SHIT and didn't Jim say she was kind of homophobic? I don't think she's going to take her son dating a boy very well.
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Wait, isn't that the same woman who played Fourth's mother in My School President? Amazing.
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Oh, shit, of course she heard all that. Now she's definitely going to want to take him away. I mean obviously this is all terrible but I do like that this drama shows that real life and relationships are messy and complicated and fucked up sometimes. This feels like the most true to life BL that I've watched.
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Your son is gay and your brother is gay so yes?
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He's her son but you fucking raised him! I don't know how long Li Ming has been living with Jim but I assume long enough that he should totally be allowed to voice an opinion
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Oh. Yes. That's what I said.
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No, dude, come on. You're gay yourself. You know that's not how it works.
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Thank god for Wen
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Wen will be a good step-dad
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@kattahj told me when I was talking about Earth's tattoos in a previous episode that one of them says Peace so it's Peace on Earth. I am outraged 😂
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They keep saying this...
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Oh my god it's happening.
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Aww shit Jim got screwed over when Beam died. He just has trauma on top of trauma
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Beam's dad also a homophobe I see
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Okay, Gaipa just lost his mother and Alan is clearly still in love with Wen so it's probably not going to happen. But I shall imagine a world where at some point in the future when they've both healed from all their pain that it might happen. They've at least met now.
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Dude, come on. You've been through this multiple times before. You had already broken up before Wen met Jim.
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Yes, that's what I said
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I really hate the whole 'you should love your family because they're your family' thing.
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I love Li Ming
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bloogers-boogers · 1 year
what are ur thoughts on cartmark :D? (sincerely, rarepair girlie who fell in love with them after reading 2 of the 9 fics about them)
I had wrote the whole thing and it fucking erased I never felt this upset 😭😭😭
Okay im gonna try writing the whole thing again my god ! 💔 I was already in my feels with what I had written and poof gone to the gutter 💀
Cartmark is great! They we’re a rare pair of mine too alongside gary x cartman (i’m still trying to figure out why I shipped those two)
*I can’t believe it I’m literally crying rn wtf pls feel my pain rn fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck😭*
I can see the ship with the mixture of Kyman in it (just cause im a hoe for the ship and somehow have to get those two involved in some way jsjsjs).
I see those two pairing up against/ destroying a relationship; that relationship being Kyle’s and Rebecca.
Cartman wanted to get Kyle to break up with Rebecca while Mark joined in cause he didn’t see Kyle as the man he wanted his sister to be with.
So they plotted together, and as such they got closer. Cartman was feeling all these new things about Mark as time went on; he began wondering why his heart pounded rapidly when they began to share things unrelated to whatever they we’re plotting, every time he leaned next to him Cartman could smell the laundry detergent he’d use for his clothes.
And with Mark, I always seen him as the type of guy who’d think he’s straight as a ruler and before he knows it he’s there noticing the most smallest changes Cartman did to his appearance.
“… You cut your hair slightly from the side huh?”
And Cartman yelps in surprise, “Huh?” Cause he would never imagine someone could be capable of noticing something so small.
After more time they’ve realized they haven’t done much when if came to breaking up the pair, just having gotten to know each other better joking around, sharing certain hobbies, qualities and stuff like that. So they laugh it off awkwardly once they pointed it out.
Now actually making a plan and having it done, following it was the next step. However Rebecca barged in Mark’s room crying madly saying how Kyle had broken up with her and began cursing him out like a bitter ex already while Cartman was still in the room listening.
You’d think he’d be happy as he had got what he wanted without doing absolutely anything. However, he felt the opposite; upset cause that meant there was no reason to hang out with Mark anymore.
They both went silent, knowing this was finally the “end” as they walked outside because it was getting late and Cartman needed to get back home.
Mark stopped him grabbing his hand gently, Cartman flinched in surprised by the gesture, stunned by Mark’s brown big beautiful eyes aswell. His cheeks bloom a tint of red and that’s where Mark realized how stunning Eric looked under the dark starry sky. He was left in almost in awe before snapping back to reality.
He straightened his posture and cleared his throat, “this was quite a splendid machination we got done.”
Eric smiled somewhat relieved and cocky, shaking his head in disbelief, “stop your blabbing smart guy.” He let go, and Mark was already missing the warmth of Eric’s hand.
This is were things began turning interesting!
After a long night, Cartman did his usual and went to the bus stop the next morning and waited for the rest of his friends to arrive.
Surprisingly he had got there first, and 35 minutes in he was starting to wonder why any of his friends hadn’t arrived yet that’s when he heard a familiar voice behind him.
“There’s no school today, fatass, I’m surprised to see you here.”
Cartman turned around and looked at Kyle, breathing heavily as he was taken by surprise, not that he was scared of course!
“Though I’m not surprised either,” Kyle crossed his arms looking at him with boredom.
Cartman arched a brow confused, gripping on to his backpack, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
Kyle shrugged before letting his shoulders loose, and his arms to the side, “I don’t know, you been spending a lot of time with Cotswolds lately you probably missed our message saying there was no school today.”
Cartman stared at Kyle silently, “is that’s why you’re here..?”
Kyle frowned before kicking some snow, “no, I’m just here cause I was passing by, im gonna go see Ike in like two hours he has a baseball game today so- I figured I’ll just get something from the store and… shit-” he grunted by the nonsense he was spitting, rubbing his face with frustration, “that’s none of your business fatass!”
Cartman frowned, “I didn’t tell you to blabber all your life to me, jew!” Then his eyes widen when he realized what Kyle said, “wait… how did you know I was hanging out with Mark?”
Kyle cheeks reddened, he scoffed, “it’s not like you we’re being secretive about it.”
Cartman’s cheeks redden with embarrassment as if was exposed and caught in some naughty act. Cartman immediately changed the subject and pinned the attention on Kyle, “heard you broke up with Rebecca.”
Kyle was about to speak, Cartman notice he was, but Kyle close his mouth tightly shut before storming off.
Cartman was left a little confused but headed home.
Mark on the other sides was gutted, he laid in his room floor thinking endlessly of Eric and the new found feelings he was experiencing. And somehow grief knowing it was all onesided as he knew Eric was in love with the ginger boy across his street.
He cursed internally cause he now found another reason to dislike that boy, but couldn’t even pin entirely the blame either.
He sighed wanting desperately to be open about his feelings but he couldn’t even do that cause his father would never approve of it.
So in school he conformed himself with watching Eric from the sidelines oblivious to Cartman’s side glances.
Cartman was feeling sick to his stomach every time he felt Mark’s gaze on him, the boy thought he was being slick with it but Eric notice right away when he first started staring at him, and even that was cute and dorky.
And in a blink of an eye he was found kissing Kyle in the janitor’s closet however the burning feelings he had for him weren’t as passionate as they we’re before and he didn’t know why it felt different. It wasn’t as he imagined it being, he thought he’d be the most happiest boy alive having his long time crush making out with, initiating it too! He should be rabid of excitement!
But he’s not… and his mind wondered to Mark, and the time they spent together doing absolutely nothing but fooling around and sharing shit they thought funny.
He sighed pushing Kyle away slightly, the redhead stared at him; his eyes saddened in realization, “you like him don’t you..”
:33333 and that’s all I got for now bby🫵
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