#he also became a lot more quieter in general
chickensoupleg · 2 years
Get ready for me mumbling random plot-ish stuff for no reason. Most of it doesn't make sense.
Okay, so.
Imagine in a version where Billy still moved to Hawkins, everything happened generally, but in the fight Steve somehow won. Or, at the very least, there was no plate involved, Max still horse'd her brother and nearly castrated him.
Except turns out cocking a man full of very much and likely not medically measured Anti-Spy MindFlayer sedatives does things to a man, and it generally just messes a man UP. Man just straight up has mental hallucinations in his Conk Out Time Out.
Regardless, he somehow escapes the Byers home, and just.... straight up disappears? Just went into the woods and nobody has ANY idea where he went. So, essentially, good as dead. The Mayfield-Hargrove house becomes quite tense, Neil still keeping a front but still visibly wired that even Max can notice and tiptoes around before he explodes.
Then Season 3 happens, Neil gets dragged into the Steelworks, possessed, and then later stabbed by the monster. Granted, unlike Billy there's no reasonable way he would protect El in the same manner.
Yeah, sure he doesn't hit Max, but if running under the logic that Billy's been keeping him off of targeting her, then he could have at any point. Especially since here the Flayer is controlling him and Neil might not have any positive protective instincts instilled in him that would give him a reason to fight back.
Well, turns out Billy isn't dead, and turns out he followed everyone to the mall somehow. Or, he's been there this entire time eating hotdogs on a stick while the entire plot went down. I don't know, this isn't fleshed out that deeply, Billy's just there, and he's watching this go down.
And, oh joy, turns out he gets his One Positive Memory kickstart a season earlier. You know, the part where he gets hallucinations. And, apparently, has just been.... Wandering around Hawkins and nobody noticed???? Billy, general heartthrob, has just been around, and somehow his existence was never mentioned to Neil, small town that it is. Turns out Billy can straight up turn off his presence if he really tried, hide in plain sight. Max's warning to stay away from her friends was a promise he adhered to the max. (Hah, get it?)
And, well, said protective instinct told him to barehand beat this massive black mess of melted humans Mind Flayer back, and somehow.... does???
(Mostly because in another room Joyce shuts the gate and severs the connection just a little faster)
And, like. Max is obviously stunned, because here is her step-brother, very much alive and very much injured from wrestling a massive creature that clearly is not meant for this world. Yay, sibling reunion. Neil dies at their feet, and Billy actually feels a little sad at that (He gets no apology, Neil straight up died the moment the Mind Flayer did and Billy was a little preoccupied with Max) but there wasn't much he could do about that.
Well, Billy was still VERY adamant on trying to keep away from Max and her friends as promised, but now that... He's been informally inducted into the Upside Down's general tomfoolery, Max convinces him to stay, especially since obviously they're down a family member.
That was apparently enough for him, and they return home together. Since Billy was work age and had apparently been through a self-reflection redemption arc on his own time, he hopped into helping in the finances of the family, even if they had to downgrade due to Billy having to get through high school again (Being effectively missing for months on end kind of does that to you seriously was this man living in the woods??) and therefore only having a half-time job which meant not as much money that could reasonably split a house on payment.
Something like that.
His promise to stay out of Max's way still remains strong, but his protective instincts thanks to knowing what is possibly out there (Gee thanks funky human flesh Flayer) keeps him in her radar. And, by proxy, all of Max's friends.
So, uh. Essentially Billy becomes like.... a very, very persistent stalker/bodyguard. Somehow, his new constant presence soon becomes the same feeling as if he was always there, like how people don't register their own noses anymore. His uncanny ability to blend into plain sight doesn't help either. Max's best explanation is living with Neil SUCKS BALLS. Will agrees.
That doesn't mean they completely forget he's there though. Sometimes, when bullies come around, the kids can sort of sense him, and know that ultimately they're safe because no kid is able to beat Billy Hargrove in intimidation checks.
So, cut to after they defeat Vecna. Except, well, they actually defeat him and there are less consequences to the town. The earthquake still happens, but less so, Max still gets mildly crinkled like a tissue but has a much better chance in healing, and Eddie doesn't die because Steve is a stubborn bitch and refuses to give up on him. Still very much chomped to hell and back though, and it's generally a long process to get him healed.
Yay medicine.
Turns out Billy followed them in. Nobody in the group is sure how, or when he showed up because clearly he was not there for ANY of the team meetings, but Billy just.... wandered in with them. Does he know what's going on? No, not at all. But he does know how to fight and cause a scene, and that's enough for them.
By the end, everyone's finally getting their rest, and Billy is allowed to slowly get better and have a life(Even if he is very much willingly not participating in anything the others are getting themselves into he's happy as is)
(Although Joyce does drag his ass into Family Dinners there's really no escaping Mama Joyce honey.)
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skyartworkzzz · 3 months
what do the bishops do in the cult? Are they happy or plotting revenge?
At first their reactions varied from plotting revenge to escaping or overtaking the cult, I think all of them have tried to kill the Lamb at some point xD
But with enough time and the right companies, they eventually learned to like their new home! And even find themselves guilty for what theyve done in the past, each at their own pace and manner
Long texts under the cut for more details! :D
Leshy was probably the less-management one, when he joined he'd break a lot of things and purposefully make the Lamb's life harder, like a kid throwing a tantrum It was only when he was assigned under Beau's care that he chilled out. Beau has always been good with people, so it was no problem for him to figure Leshy out and help him to eventually come to terms with his new home After the getting-used-to's, Leshy became pretty much the chillest out of all the other Bishops. He's fine with living in the cult and honestly enjoys it to an extent, but will obviously never say it aloud xD once threatening people and the Lamb, now befriending / getting acquainted with some of them! He works as a farmer or bartender most of the time
Heket was surprisingly along the same lines of chill. She was definitely unhappy with her situation, but was the most relieved one to be free from the Crowns influence Now able to genuinely experience the taste of food and feel that emptiness inside of her being filled in at last, she quickly learned to like her new home Ofc tho, she never said it, and in fact became much quieter compared to before, since she no longer had the Crowns power to easen up her throat. Now it hurts a lot more to talk, she has to take meds in order to soothe it up and tends to communicate mostly in gestures, stares or acts of service depending on her mood. She also knows sign language! :D She mostly works at the mines or lumberyards, seemingly enjoying to break things apart. The Lamb thinks its her way of "coping" with not being a Bishop anymore lol Out of all the Bishops, shes probably the loneliest, not many have the guts to approach her and Heket tends to like being by herself usually. Sometimes she can be found sulking about with Narinder, the second loneliest out of all the others
Kallamar was likely the most outraged one, since hes been stripped away from the luxuries of being a Bishop like clothings, weapons, jewelries, a nice fancy home. He thought that getting the Crowns back could bring his old life back, not for the sake of power, but the comfort and safety it gave him. Hes definitely the one who has tried scheming against the Lamb many times, still holding his knowledge of weapons and magic in general. But to no surprise, he always failed LOL Kallamar only started calming down once seeing his spouses/disciples in the cult, whom he had tried to get to work with him against the Lamb, but refused or failed still After everything, he'd become depressed, desperately missing when he was taken seriously as an authority figure, but with time his spouses will teach him to like his new life Nowadays he still misses his old life, but is more at peace with being in the cult, especially knowing those he loves and cares about the most are with him (aka his spouses and siblings). Hes the one who will break the most sweat to truly get used to the cult Sometimes he works as a tailor or at the refinery, crafting tends to calm him down and distract him from his thoughts. However, he mostly prefers to be a medic at the Healing Bay, since its one of the few things that remind him of what he once was
Shamura would likely jump from chill to disturbed depending on their mood. Although they believe to be deserving of their punishment, a part of their mind which was considerably overtaken by the Crowns' ideals will sometimes force them to look for a way out or relinquish back the eldritch power, usually against Shamura's will, like voices they'd hear from time to time telling them what to do All in all tho, theyd be the one to try their best to like their new home and even purposefully make themselves miserable out of guilt for their past mistakes, something which the Lamb is either compassionate for or allows them to do due to their own hatred for the Bishops still There'd be many times where Shamura seemed to "sleepwalk" around or found themselves outside the cult without memory of how they got there. Itd be only when they ask the Lamb to become their Disciple that the voices in their head start to quiet down, now being overpowered by the Red Crowns influence Eventually, they become an official Disciple and scribe for the Lamb. Their psychotic episodes will significantly reduce, but still happen from time to time with minor consequences The Lamb often finds themselves questioning whether Shamura is being genuine on what theyve chosen, but is very much compelled to forgive them one day
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hina-hina · 2 years
Keegan x reader whose just as quite as he is?👁👁
My first Keegan request!! So exciting!! This was super cute, thank you for requesting!! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
This post is so late guys, I had to fight with my java program all day for class. Some general headcanons are going to be mixed into this one. This one is also kind of short, sorry!! I'll do more Keegan content in the future, I promise.
→ COD Masterlist
|| Keegan With a Quiet S/O ||
Tags: Fluff, General Headcanons, Soft, Short and Sweet, Established Relationship
Warnings: None
Gender-Neutral!Reader // Romantic
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Keegan is known for being extremely quiet
It served him well in the military and especially during his time with the Ghosts
However, whenever he was off-duty, there was never really an off switch to this behavior
He is very prone to accidently sneaking up on people
So when he met you and realized you did the same thing, he was quite amused
But then he became more intrigued when he realized he couldn't sneak up on you
Not that he didn't quietly enter a room, just when he finally made himself known you were never frightened by him
Then you telling him that he makes you feel safe so why would you ever be scared of him
And I imagine he is more of a laughy type when flustered
But now onto other headcanons
He would prefer a partner that's more quiet I think because he likes to relax in silence a lot
I imagine that he likes listening to music a lot, so he would want to do that with you
Imagine cuddles with him while some soft music plays and you laying on his chest to hear his heartbeat (/▽\)
I think he would like writing
Imagine him writing you love letters
The two of you are just content to be in each others presence
You don't need to always be filling gaps of silence because it never feels awkward between the two of you
Probably not big on pet names but will slip up and call you one every now and then
Would teach you how to better protect yourself
He would be the type to silently do things for you, often without your knowledge and without expecting anything in return
I also don't see him liking PDA that much
But being alone with him, he is incredibly affectionate and touch-starved
Very observant
Would keep track of things you like or want and then get them for you later
Imagine quiet early mornings with him where neither of you want to get up
Whenever he comes up behind you, he would gently put his hand on your lower back or waist to let you know he was there
Very good listener
If your really forgetful and lose things a lot, he always knows where they are
If you want to go out on a date, he prefers quieter settings
Likes ruffling your hair
Is a human heater
Likes to go on walks with you
All in all, after doing what he does for work, he loves to come home and just be with someone and exist for a while
And who can blame him honestly?
Thanks for reading!
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I could totally be wrong abt this, since I haven't actually read most wxs stories, but from the ones I did read, I noticed that Tsukasa sometimes... weaponizes his insecurities and struggles? I shouldn't use the word weaponize, more like he uses them as a tool to enhance his acting? The biggest example being Pheonix at the Sky's Edge CH 7 & 8, where he feels like he'll never reach the goal he set for himself and uses it as a way to improve his role as Ryo? Or Dazzling Stage, where he turns his loneliness as a chid into a way to relate to Torpe? I think he does it all the time actually, since he's super loud and dramatic but his internal dialogue is so much quieter. He takes any emotion he feels and bass boosts it, which actually makes a lot of sense since we've seen him when he's not acting like that and Nene was actually kind of put-off that he wasn't yelling and being theatrical (wonder magical showtime CH 8).
Yeah, you're right. Tsukasa is probably best described as a method actor. He struggles with characters that he cannot relate to (emotionally), and has to find a way to connect himself with them in order to play them, such as Torpe and Rio. With Torpe, he was only able to act the character as best he could once he came to terms with his lonliness as a child/younger teen and realised that he used the piano in the exact same way Torpe looked at the stars. Same with Rio, where he tried starving himself like the character does first, only for that to not work but then forced himself to face his inferiority and hopelessness, and was able to connect that to the character. He always finds a way to relate to the character emotionally in the end, but both times it’s required him to uncover/face something unpleasant (that being his loneliness and inferior talent). So yeah, he's good at fairly flat 'hero' or otherwise mostly positive characters, but when he gets given a more emotionally complex character, he has to use his personal struggles to get into the mindset of the character.
I think that Tsukasa is the kind of person who doesn’t like to dwell on the past too much, but also he doesn’t seem to like to think about things that aren’t, y'know, mostly positive. Like, the reason he wanted to become a star, as well as his loneliness when he was younger both stem from Saki being really ill, which is not the most pleasant thing to think of. He doesn’t think about the group splitting up in future as much as the other members do, he is aware of it but doesn’t face it. Mr. Showtime and some brief scenes in Lion Dance New Year are the best look at that we get. And he has to force himself to face that he has less talent than the people around him in Phoenix at the Sky's Edge and breaks down crying (this is not healthy jeez).
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There's an area conversation from a while back where Rui asks Toya if Tsukasa has always had the confident and showy personality and Toya says that Tsukasa adopted that personality as a kid because he felt he needed to be more outwardly confident for Saki, and it just stuck. (note: EN translated the first sentence a bit weird. As far as I can understand, in the original text Toya says that Tsukasa did do the persona deliberately as a child, but here it makes it sound like he didn't). I think that alone explains the difference between how he acts outwardly vs inwardly.
He projects everything big and loud because it makes him appear confident, and he had to be brave for Saki so he could make her happy. Not all of the projecting is for confidence reasons, he's generally pretty emotional when the emotions are positive, and always projects them up to 11. I'm assuming that with the length of time Saki was in hospital for, he got so used to his persona that it just naturally became his normal personality. So maybe as that happened he started to amplify how he expressed everything, not just his courage. When we get to see his inner self, I think it's more toned down because he doesn't need to project when he's alone, and I'm guessing that this is how he acted before the persona, or at least somewhat close.
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disfrutalakia · 1 year
If I was cool and smart I would analyze how Bad's and Forever's relationship got to the point where it is with the pranks, arguments and all that, but I'm not. So instead I will analyze Forever and how his mind might be working right now
Under the cut cause you guys know how much I like to talk <3
Ok so, it has been a bit since the whole happy pills arc happened already and now it's starting to become more and more clear how much it actually affected Forever.
Since he woke up from the coma it's very visible both from Forever's pov and other's how much quieter he is sometimes (yeah in meta it's cause the cc has a good mic now but hear me out) his laugh doesn't booms anymore, you can't hear it bouncing around the walls when he makes a joke, and his voice in general sounds a lot sadder and calmer nowadays, it was especially noticeable yesterday when he was giving Bagi the lore rundown, he sounded sad talking about those past times, simpler times where he was on Bagi's place and Bad was the one telling him about the lore.
But although the voice is the most obvious change on his behavior, I don't think it's the most impactful one, the biggest change I would say is how much he refuses to use totems now, yes he has around 3k totems on his backpack but since he woke up from that coma he just stopped holding one, cause he has no regard for his own safety anymore really. Forever is a playful person and he often hides what he is truly feeling and thinking when he is around other which is why I think this is so hard to notice sometimes, but it became obvious to me how little he cares about himself currently the day he was killing the magma cube at Mouse's room, he popped a lot of totems (probably more than 5) in a row, but his face didn't even move, he was focused on dealing with the immediate threat and when people asked how many totem he had he didn't even bother to answer, cause he doesn't care anymore. Another thing that made me notice this was him talking with Bagi awhile ago (truly can't remember when but it's recent) and telling her that someday she would "Miss the times when she could die" because he is often commenting how he feels too imortal right now. He also uses a lot of mines right now, without regard if they will harm himself or not, he had never used those things before Richas disappeared but now he does, he has around 700 stashed away on his backpack and if he feels the need for it, he will use it.
Now, Forever's pov has always been a bit lonely, yes he is extroverted but too many interactions tire him out and if he is hanging out with a group he usually sticks to those closest to him (the other brazilians, Baghera, Bad, Philza). But although he was always a bit lonely he was never truly alone, or at least not in the way he is now, he often will comment something about how he feels there isn't anyone that puts him first, that always stick to his side (Cellbit was the one closest to doing that but, Forever knows that in the end of the day, the person that Cellbit will always put first will be Roier), he has talked about how he had no idea that people worried about him while he was in the coma, he has no idea that Philza wanted to wake him up, that Bad, Pac and Cellbit would sit by his side and just talk to him sometimes, he doesn't know how much people care about him because he himself doesn't truly cares about himself right now, so why would others? He feels guilty for the pills, for how he treated others and thinks he deserved the way he was treated. Which is pretty sad to.
Forever feels broken now, he could see that Mike was messed up the moment he put his eyes on him and he was gentle about it, tried asking Mike about what happened, and when Mike talked about killing eggs he didn't panic, scream at him or anything, he tried to get information. He knows the feeling of not being himself and that's how he sees Mike right now, a broken man who is not himself because of trauma.
I've talked about it once or twice, but even if the happy pills arc is over the old Forever will never return, cause he doesn't exist anymore, he has been traumatized way too many times to come back.
Boy I feel like this doesn't make a lot of sense and yeah it's mostly me rambling cause I just have too many thoughts lmao but the main thing of this giant wall of text is:
Forever is fucked up, his mind is not in a good place and might not ever be again. He didn't come back wrong the way people like Mike did, but he definitely changed.
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packsvlog · 2 months
Hello!! I hope you're doing well and hope you continue to do as well. I have recently stumbled across your account and I was wondering if I could get a JJK man match up (ITS HONESTLY SO EXCITING TO READ AND YOU DO IT SO WELL ❤️ 🥹)
So well about me:
- Considering my ethnicity, I can be considered pretty average tbh maybe 167 cm and a bit chubby but nothing on the extreme.
- For my personality, I can be considered the quite kid like not the mysterious one just someone who likes to keep to herself and just keep up a good appearance in front of professors/teachers. I can be very closed off like you can spit poison down my ears and I will not give you any reaction if I deem you to be unlikable. This often comes off as rude and at times I struggle to talk to others as well due to my high social anxiety (yes, I overthink A LOT). I fo not have that much friends either and it's a struggle when I have to talk to new people but I am pretty adaptable so if I am in a new place, I will just adjust to my surroundings without making any fuss. I hate when people order me to do something or just deem me unworthy due to their attempt at generalization. Besides that I am polite and will speak to you a lot if you're my friend and let you in about my life.
-For my likes and dislikes and interests. I am a writer here on tumblr as well as in ao3 and I like to do traditional art. In my heart, I am very girly like I love to dress up, I like make up, Taylor Swift, I love wearing heels and I do LOVE pink. In entertainment media, I watch and consume everything as long as it's entertaining let it be books, manhwa, Manga, anime, movies as long as the stories appeal me, I will watch/read it.
-As for irl i am omw to pursue my dream as a medical student and hope to be a doctor someday.
Well so... that's it for me. I hope you look into this. Thank you <3
a/n: hii, thank you!! hope you like this, and hope you become an amazing doctor someday 🤍 also, i haven’t decided the layout of the matches, so it’s all a mess, sowy!
⁀➷ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. . . ﹫ 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘰 ៹ ༉‧₊📬
You were extraordinary to the Jujutsu world, had just graduated high school, carrying your id of special grade sorcerer, many tried to get in your good grace, only to be met with a wall, be a blank face or your cursed technique ── the ability to change your surroundings, creating an illusion for the receiver. You would take their distraction as a lead to sneak away.
Choso, newest member of the good guys club, found your abilities impressive. Still he, much quieter than you could ever be, ignored you. Not in a rude way, more in an understandable manner. He saw how others would try to run you down, how the high ups had futile attempts of commanding you, and many tried to use you. He thought, in his innocent mind, that you wanted peace, so he let you be.
Soon, that picked your interest.
Like an apprehensive cat, you approached him slowly. And like a comprehensible human, he found adorable how your presence had become constant. Always in the background, shifting your attention anywhere until it landed on him. He would smile politely, but would never approach. You did, and thank God you did.
You didn’t speak much, just telling him of a mission you both were assigned, before leaving the room right away. If it wasn’t for your constant search for him, Choso would think that you, like many others, saw him as his past ── evil, a villain. Somehow, he knew deep down you didn’t. That was enough for him to always smile at you.
Your mission was easy, he mostly talked with curiosity in his voice, asking about anything, and you politely answered. Until, you became more and more… normal. Even craving his questions.
Choso and you were in a park, walking along a river, when he said he had never seen a giraffe, he knew how tall they were, and their colors, but couldn’t picture it. For the first time, you used your technique on him, and also for the first time, you used it for good on someone.
Then, he asked to see butterflies, a garden of magnolias, and lastly, a dinosaur.
For the last, though, you decided to take him on a museum when you both returned home. A museum turned into a stargazing picnic, to a beach sunrise date, to a stabilized relationship.
Choso curiosity wont ever go away, that’s something you learn after showing him everything and experimenting most of it. This wonder, though, has shifted mostly to you. He finds you the most fascinating thing the world could ever had created, and it’s far from being only because of your powers. For him, they are just dust compared to your whole self.
So, with a shy expression, you show him your writing, your arts, your clothes and favorite songs, how tall you can get with your heels and how much you love pink ── to your astonishment, the boy that always dress in black, has taken a liking to it as well. Obviously, he likes because you do, but you will find some decorations with pink in his house and smooch his flushed cheeks right away.
─┈ ⭑ ° ⋆ FUN FACTS 𓂃ᰔ
📥 ┊ you tell him of your plan to leave the jujutsu world and become a doctor, he believes you can, and he hopes to become a photographer, so he can picture everything he finds fascinating, mostly you.
📥 ┊ he soon learns to grow his own taste in media consumption, food and places. still, he loves yours as well, so it’s a common sight to have him by your side, sharing an earphone, reading the same books and mangas, or watching tv shows.
📥 ┊ he will throw a fit if you watch or read a chapter before him.
📥 ┊ best boyfriend ever.
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wtchystuff · 2 years
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Dating Corey Cunningham would include… :
I saw Halloween ends and I instantly became attached to Corey. So I wanted to post this for everyone who fell in love with him. And I also want to put it in the record that I’m obsessed with him before everyone becomes obsessed with him
Corey Cunningham x fem!reader
- Him always saying you’re too good for him
- Bandaging his wounds up after he gets jumped
- Playing with his curls
- He always looses his glasses and you always find them for him
- Wearing his clothes. From his leather jacket to his sweaters and flannels
- He always gives you his clothes so you don’t get cold in the changing seasons of Illinois
- Curling up and watching movies together
- Telling off his mom as she gets too controlling over him
- His dad really liking you though
- Motorcycle rides, obviously
- Holding hands wherever you too walk together, mainly so he can keep you close
- You carry a blade on you in case anyone jumps him
- Sitting in the lot while Corey works on cars to keep him company
- He always gets you small gifts whenever he sees something that makes him think of you
- Whenever he has a bad day, you get him chocolate milk and his favorite snacks to make him feel better
- Lots of making out
- He calls you: Angel, baby, babygirl, sweetheart, honey, my love
- His love language is physical touch. He loves cuddling, hugs, small kisses, playing with your fingers, putting an arm around you, everything
- He would much rather spend time with you privately than go out on dates.
- He prefers quieter dates to louder and more public ones. Like going out to dinner or a movie rather than going to a bar together
- You get so protective of him. If anyone looks at him wrong, they get death glares from you
- Whenever he gets jumped, you wish you could kill the person who did it.
- He’s definitely a hufflepuff
- Cute couple Halloween costumes but not generic
- He keeps a picture of you in his pocket and somewhere on his motorcycle. You keep a picture of him in your phone case or your wallet
- Sweet texts to remind you he loves you
- You text him to get home safe and that you need him there with you to encourage him to be careful
- Dancing to the radio like dorks in the kitchen
- In the bedroom he is so sweet and loving
- Worshiping you every chance he gets
- He loves you being on top
- Definitely marks you with love bites or with hickeys
- Cuddling is always a must after and lots of pillow talk
- He always asks “What do you like?” Or “how do you like it?”
- Giving him a bracelet to remind him of you
- Wearing his rings
- He always will fix your car. Making house calls
- But he does expect “payment”
- Which you happily give him
- Going on long drives then making out in your car
- Him: “If Micheal comes back, I promise I will protect you from him.”
Maybe I’ll post some imagines if you guys want me to as well
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kadextra · 1 year
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Pomme’s Diary - Day 1 : The Beginning
Full transcription under the cut!
Once again, I woke up in this gloomy place. The silence was deafening. I felt so weak, and I felt pain due to the hunger. I don't think I would have survived another day. As I felt myself slowly slipping into unconsciousness again, I could hear voices in the distance. I haven't heard voices for a long time.
Voices. I heard them sometimes. Generally, these voices were just passing through and did not linger long, passing on their way very quickly. I had already lost all hope that one of them would come to help me. I don't think they knew I was there.
But this time, the voices seemed to come closer. More and more. Painfully, I opened my eyes. Through a hazy veil that prevented me from seeing distinctly, I discerned faces. Lots of different people there in front of me. Their voices blended and echoed. Who were they?
Quickly, I felt a new sensation come over me. A mixture of fear and panic, which I now know to be adrenaline. Listening only to my instincts, I ran out of this prison to the outside, looking for a hiding place to escape all this noise and these people who terrified me.
They ran after me as well, shouting at me to watch out for mines. But what are mines?
I looked up and for the first time saw the sky. Sunlight, a gentle comforting and soothing warmth.
Gradually, I came to my senses and I was able to see again. The voices had quieted down, seeming to understand that I was scared.
"Hello Pomme, do you like this name?" said a soft, soothing voice. I looked up at them. It's a very pretty name, indeed. I immediately liked it.
Gradually, people moved away to chat among themselves and there was only me and Baghera left. She seemed so kind, and she seemed to immediately understand my fears and wanted to protect me. From that moment, I knew she would be my mom.
A few minutes later, we met BadBoyHalo and Dapper. I must admit that Dapper scared me quite a bit, because he had a big scythe that was three times his size, and he was walking me around with a lasso. Having no idea how to react, I hid behind my mom Baghera.
Very quickly, Forever had joined us to escort us to the Favelas. On the way, Richarlyson had offered me iron armor to be better protected, and asked me lots of questions to get to know me. I asked him his name, and he told me I could call him Richas!
Once we arrived at the Favela, everyone was together again and it was very noisy and exhausting for me. Richas noticed it and took me to a quieter corner, and kept me company until I felt better. I knew right away that he was going to be my best friend.
As the days went by, I got to know this world that was completely new to me.
I enjoyed the freedom of being able to walk, run, eat delicious meals. Those who became my parents very quickly took care of me, giving me armor and weapons to defend myself if necessary. They had built me a small house of reinforced stone, so that I would be safe. And very quickly, I also learned to paint, to photograph and to write.
I still look back regularly and fondly on that day. It was the start of a whole lot of things. And it's funny to see how they have evolved.
From now on, Baghera, Forever and BadBoyHalo form an inseparable trio. Just like Richas, Dapper and me!
Even better: Dapper has become my big brother, I love and admire him a lot. He probably doesn't know, but he's helping me so much to overcome my anxiety and fears.
I feel so grateful for everything. I'm happy to be alive, and to have such great family and friends. I cherish every moment and every memory, and I hope we can have many more happy moments. <3
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seraphimcollections · 2 years
stars aligned | Namor x Wakandan!reader | chapter 7
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warnings: nothing to note, not proof read
summary: Still in captivity of Talokan, Thulile has her own questions for the king.
words: 1.3
author notes: I AM SO SORRY this took too long to update. i started spring semester and its A LOT of reading. im going to try to post every thursday night. have mercy! also! please let me know if you wish to be added to the tag list!
| ch1 | ch2 | ch3 | ch4 | ch5 | ch6 |
Namor had long heard her laughter before coming to the surface. He was irritated, to say the least. He had just spent the last hour and a half convincing his generals why he had let the land-dweller live, let alone letting her into their kingdom. 
“In ajawo’, the longer we let the land-dweller stay, the more likely it is for her people to come for her,” Namora's tone was uneasy as she monitored her king’s expression. 
“Not to mention she has no value to ransom. She is a lowly informant, nothing close to a bargaining chip,” Attuma said, obviously infuriated by the Wakandan’s presence. 
Namor felt anger rise in his chest as he glared at the general. He hated that he felt anything while the hammerhead-armored man bad mouthed his prisoner. His. It was a slippery slope. 
“Our people share a similarity when it comes to our subjects,” Namor growled, “they will not let her stay in our custody, and a trade will be struck. This I am sure.” 
“This will jeopardize our kingdom!” Attuma raised his voice, Namora grabbing him by his arm at his audacity. 
Namor’s gaze became dark, never wavering from the behemoth. 
“And that’s where you are wrong, general,” Namor hissed. “This is my kingdom, and I will make the decisions as I see fit.” 
Attuma gulped, taming her anger, temporarily. Namor turned from the two before giving his next orders. 
“Now, I believe you two have a trip to Boston to prepare for. See to it.” 
Namor was not a fool. He knew the dangers of keeping a land-dweller here, the odds leaning to do more harm than good. His dark hair fanned across his face as he stalled his ascent to the surface. The luminescence from the glow worms reflected into the water beautifully, dancing in his dark gaze. Through the rippling of the water, he could see two figures sitting at the water’s edge. He closed his eyes, listening carefully to their laughter. It was her, Thulile, but she wasn’t alone. Accompanied by Nicte, one of the guards assigned to keep an eye on his prisoner. The two seemed to become closer than he anticipated, now giggling like school girls at the water’s edge. 
He could hear Nicte clearly, but Thulile was quieter, almost guttural. It brought a smile to his face, brought on like instinct. With a flutter of his wings, Namor rose through the water before the crown of his head finally broke the surface. The water cascading from his wet locks and over his face, his gaze finding her instantly. 
Immediately the laughter stopped, Nicte bowing and opening her hands to her king while Thulile watched the mutant cautiously. Namor hovered over the surface, nodding to Nicte in acknowledgement with a smirk. 
“Don’t let me end your fun,” Namor said. “You may leave us, Nicte, thank you.” 
Nicte bowed her head before jumping to her feet and shuffling away back through the caves. Thulile didn’t show her fear, but kept herself calm as he came closer, his feet gently landing next to her. With a grunt, Namor sat next to her, letting out a sigh, throwing his head back. She couldn’t stop her eyes from running over his body, how the water bead across his rippled muscles, how his chest would rise and fall. He ran a hand through his hair, slicking it back before joining her dissecting gaze. She didn’t even flinch under his intense gaze, simply rivaling him. 
“Ah, someone doesn’t look like a scared mouse anymore,” Namor smiled, “what’s gotten you so courageous, chan.”
Thulile made a gesture with her hands, symbolling pen and paper. Namor chuckling. 
“We’re going to have to figure this out some time,” he smiled. 
She smiled, looking away as a blush scattered across her cheeks. But she couldn’t hide it from, reveling in her bashfulness. Namor scratched his neck, gathering up the courage to tap her shoulder. He reached for her, his fingers brushing against her arm, causing her flinch. Thulile gulped, almost believing she saw hurt in those deep eyes. She raised her hands to hold herself, rubbing them as if to say “cold.” 
“Ah, right, my temperature is much colder compared to you land-dwellers,” Namor chuckled nervously. “Sorry.” 
Thulile shook her head as if to say “it’s fine” before Namor continued. 
“I want you to know that I wish no harm to come to you,” his gaze softened, “perhaps this is hard to believe, but I only wish to guarantee the freedom and safety of my people. I hope for your return to the surface, I am sure someone is waiting for your safe return.” 
Her eyes widened before letting out a nervous chuckle and shaking her head. It was Namor’s turn to be shocked, leaning a hand on his knee. How could that be? No one would welcome her home into their loving arms, back into their bed- The thought made his heart beat quicker, now knowing that there would be no one to stand in his way. Well, other than the two being from completely different worlds, but this seemed like such a minute detail at this point. 
“What? No one?” He wanted to be sure. 
Thulile frowned, embarrassed before shaking her head “no.” Namor couldn’t hide his glee.
“Now that is criminal. Someone as beautiful as you should have a line of suitors asking for your hand. Those who don’t are fools, and those who will are lucky,” Namor smiled. 
Her eyes widened in surprise. What was he doing? Was he trying to break her defense, catch her off guard? She searched in his eyes for deceit, finding none. Thulile shook her head, pointing at him and mouthing the words “and you?”
Namor scoffed, “my love is for my people and my kingdom. I’m afraid there is not much left for a significant other.” 
Thulile’s gaze softened. The two were more similar than she thought. She had never thought of love while up there, her life too busy tracking down every threat that could come to Wakanda, never stopping to wonder if she would ever think of settling down like sister Nakia. From what she could see, her sister was happy living a more domestic life with her son, though she may have pictured it with T’Challa, fate was cruel to her. And even so, she did not resent the world for what it took from her. Thulile could not imagine feeling the same if the world did the same to her. 
  But her mind kept coming back to one constant, one question. What of this prophecy? Thulile jumped to her feet, rushing to the hut quickly. Namor blinked in shock at her sudden absence, watching her go for a moment before jumping to his feet and following her. A heavy feeling sank in his chest as he tried to catch up to her. Had he offended her with his unfiltered words? It wasn’t his intention of course, but he felt he had seriously overstepped his bounds and wanted desperately to correct his mistake. 
Namor pushed the curtain aside, watching as Thulile marched over to his murals, passing them by until she reached the one that was shrouded by a curtain. Namor’s breath caught in his throat as he stepped forward quickly, his hand reaching out for her.
Thulile ripped the curtain down without hesitation, revealing the beautifully painted mural underneath. She stepped back to admire it totally, taking the delicate paint strokes of blues, golds and purples. She studied it for a moment. There were blue people, Talokanil she could tell, with her hands by their mouths and their gazes cast up to their king adorned in ceremonial headdress. He held his arms up, his gaze too cast up to another figure. This one was ambiguous, with no discernable features. But even so, light rays emitted from her and shone down the king and his people. This was it. The prophecy. 
Thulile let out a shaky breath before turning back to Namor who frowned, his expression almost disappointed. She pointed to the painted figure before mouthing the word: 
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Hey hey!! I was wondering if you could tell me some of your headcanons/ideas/details/etc for your fav characters? I've been really stressed lately and seeing people talk about characters they adore give the best good vibes :]
Hey, anon!
I'm sorry things have been stressful for you 🥺 I hope things work out and calm down soon!
(honestly this is ironic though because I've also been stressed beyond belief hahahaha-)
I was wracking my brains trying to think of who I could talk about for a bit before... I hit me! Who do I always bring in but I rarely get the chance to really dig deep into as a character?
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I'll just... ramble 🥰
I initially picked Inoichi, name-dropped as Shisui's sensei in In the Eye of the Beholder, because I had seen quite a few fics that centred around Shikaku from that generation and I knew I wanted someone different. He's also very distinct from the Uchiha, he's respectable, with talents that worked really well with Shisui's, and in a position of power that could act as a counterbalance to the status of the Uchiha/Police etc. Inoichi's exact role in T&I didn't matter much in Eye because he was a minimal mention, past tense, and only really served to contextualize Shisui's own skill.
When I got to writing HOPE AU, starting with No Tomorrow, things became much clearer.
Inoichi hadn't ever really factored in with me, beyond a vague disbelief that he'd let Ino get away with not training and going on a stupid diet in canon, but he'd been growing on me. Something about his soothing presence compared to Shisui's more hectic, quick action, just clicked and the pieces came together. Whilst Itachi & Shisui work because Shisui is a kind of twisted martyr/role model who Itachi, quieter and tragic in a slightly different way, always looked up to (and the world went to shit for real when Shisui left Itachi to scramble with the fragments), Shisui gets to have his own guiding force with Inoichi.
Inoichi, ironically, is something of a moral compass and a foundation for all of my stories. Whilst Shisui is the protagonist and narrator, more often than not, he's also tormented and unreliable in his perspective, for all he tries. Inoichi, however, is much more grounded. This is because I wanted Inoichi to be the remedy, in a way, to Shisui's mania and trauma and very visceral POV.
Example: Shisui wanted to martyr himself for the village, putting everyone's lives above his own... So that his dream of peace could continue in a way that was very specifically his. Inoichi, in turn, wants to rid the village of corruption, so taking down Danzo is more important than his own safety and position... Because he wants to keep his family, especially Shisui, safe.
Again, this is all ironic because Inoichi is never detached or clinical when things are connected to Shisui yet you can still trust him, as a reader, to 'keep a lid' on things. What makes this so delicious to me is that most of Shisui's methods and coping mechanisms... are directly copied from Inoichi. Shisui manipulates people like Inoichi taught him to, he takes stock, he manipulates his Clan in a way that is very distinct from other Uchiha (like Mikoto) because it's actually Inoichi's influence.
Even when I'm placing them as counterparts, they are symmetrical. Shisui is sobbing and breaking down and lashing out? Inoichi is soothing him... Whilst also feeling that grief and fear and pain. He's really so emotional, but he is able to put it into his professionalism because he desperately wants to help; it's a kind of selfish selflessness that Shisui also uses a lot, putting everyone before himself... But in the direction of his own goals.
And then! Then we get this glorious imagery! Sun and mood, dark and light! Summer and winter! Completely reversed!
Sun and Moon? Aesthetically, Shisui is dark and pale, he (cba for real quote) thinks a true Shinobi is faceless in the darkness for the betterment of society... But he undeniably burns brighter than the sun. Inoichi is golden hair and sea blue eyes and nurturing care, he has a wife with a flower shop and a nine-to-five, a clan and a family, he doesn't go on bloody missions from home... But he is most definitely the moon in this situation, serene and controlling and vigilant.
Summer and winter! Idk how to tell you that I pose Shisui in monochrome lighting so much not just because it's dramatic and he looks great, it's about the brutality and the crisp lines, it's about the survival and the burning heat inside with coldness in action... But, again, Shisui burns, he flourishes given warmth and nurturing, he withstands the heat, he basks in the sun, he melts and unwinds... Inoichi is winter because he is so bitingly cold in anger, he is eyes like ice and arguments that you can't fight against and chakra that is refreshing but can turn so bitter in an instant.
Dark and light? Again, Shisui appears dark, he literally works in Black Ops, but he has a spark to him - literally, with his nature, his Susanoo, his glowing Dojutsu - that draws others like moths to a flame and, despite everything, he is always searching for goodness. He wants peace, he does not revel in the gore, he is deeply empathetic to foreign Shinobi. Inoichi, like I said, is golden and he upholds the laws, he does wellness checks on Shinobi and intervenes on their behalf, he takes his subordinates and his superiors to task, he wanted to change the world with Minato... But he is the torturer of the Leaf, he has so many secrets that they're locked behind a hidden vault, he tears apart minds and he collects evidence and he stews on his information, plotting.
So far I've spoken mostly about Inoichi alongside Shisui, which is understandable because they are THE duo of the whole series.
But what about Inoichi alone?
He might've lived longer than most characters, much longer than Shisui, but we never got much to work with so I pretty much went by vibes and rolled with it.
First things first- contextualising his abilities. Now, some fic writers might be okay with the bullshit that is Kishi's non-existent timeline but I wasn't and neither am I the kind of person who can just willfully imagine that somehow we went from feudal energy with the Founders to video games with B[redacted]'s generation. Especially not when I'd reworked the timeline so that we're around year 64 when Shisui and Danzo's drama goes down. So, with that in mind, I had to question how much legitimate psychological study had been done in this time. I tried to bracket it by generation, but also I only have a vague sociological understanding of the field of Psychology and I really can't afford the time - or have the will - to dig enough into that to make Inoichi a psychologist by our modern standards. Welcome to camp: How To Bullshit Inoichi!
Now I don't know a lot about psych but I have studied nationalism so the propaganda side of things was much more fun haha. Inoichi's job became as much as a safeguarding measure for the state as much as it was about the actual Shinobi. Inoichi's whole role in the village, and therefore his very core sense of purpose, is to keep the Shinobi forces 'in line'. The imagery of the tree filled with leaves, the teamwork and will of fire, the obedience and feral loyalty and martyrdom might have been plastered across every surface and shoved down every orifice by the village as a whole but it's Inoichi who ensures that it sticks. If someone is unfit for a job, it'll be influenced by this loyalty, if someone is losing faith in the field then it's just as a much of a red flag as self-sabotage or a mental break.
It's a game, all of it, and the Hokage is actually on the board for this one; this shaped the kind of person Inoichi has been for most of his life, this overlap between individuals and the big picture.
Inoichi comes from a Clan who have notorious mental techniques, who are allied with a Clan that makes alternative medicine, controls shadows and have scary intelligence, as well as a Clan that is so well-connected across the continent that they may as well be the mafia, that are brutally strong even without the augmentation, and who have an extremely welcoming clan culture. Where do you situate yourself in this?
I think it's quite telling that, whenever I talk about Inoichi, it's generally how he reflects and manages the different personalities around him.
Inoichi is an only child - Yua's parents are actually his cousins, 'niece' is sentimental, so yes her grandfather was the Uncle mentioned below - and his mother died when he was young. His father Inojou, we know (I say, like I didn't write this lmao), was both Clan Head and Head of T&I before Inoichi inherited these roles. Inojou took on the Department under Tobirama's tenure (Tobirama died when Inoichi was seven).
The Nidaime was dead, Inoichi was soon to graduate, and being the best Yamanaka Heir was all about being the best Shinobi possible. For most kids, that would be fighting. For a Yamanaka? It's about the power and control. From an adult? Masterful, upsetting, discomforting. From a prepubescent child? Fucking horrifying and possibly overly cruel before Inoichi worked out how to walk the line. Yikes.
So the household, it's immediately clear, was one that was cold, vacant, and work-obsessed. Inoichi's softest memory as a child were the rabbits his mother kept when he was a very small child, before she died. That's it. Inoichi, as I've mentioned before, was an extremely manipulative child. Why? Nurture and nature, he was alone with a father who lived and breathed his work and clan history, his playmates were Chouza and Shikaku (who, some of you might notice, I've really leaned into a slightly more dangerous interpretation of him✨) and the world seemed to be falling apart around them.
As a teen, going through the second war when Konoha was the one committing all those atrocities in Rain Country (traumatising Konan and the boys), when the Sannin were just getting their feet on that pedestal... Inoichi is only falling deeper into this mentality that Konoha was cultivating within him. He'd be working at his father's elbow in the middle of wartime, when ethics just don't exist, and we've already had mention from Inoichi before about some atrocities his own Uncle committed in the first war in the name of 'science'. Shisui's education was softened by Inoichi's care for him; Inoichi never got anything like that from his own father, their relationship was like playing 3D chess nonstop, including every little thing. Informative, yeah, but not comforting or restful.
Then we get the big turning point; Inojou's death. Inojou, unlike most character deaths in Narutoverse, didn't pop his clogs in a violent skirmish in the field but, rather, in his own domain; a Mindwalk.
Can we just appreciate the horror and trauma that Inoichi's only close family, as well as the person he'd learned everything from,... died from the technique that was supposed to ensure his absolute control? Inojou Mindwalks an assassin, the assassin's mental safeguarding triggers a suicide Jutsu, and it manages to take Inojou with it, rendering his body literally brain-dead. Mic drop
This was in wartime. Inoichi is completely alone in the world, his clan a distant but pressing responsibility, his teammates and friends like Chouza, Shikaku, and Minato are just barely grown men in their own right, with their own problems and none of them have inherited power like this yet. They keep going out to the front lines; Inoichi has to stay right there and, somehow, immediately pick up where his father left off. Using the very techniques that killed Inojou.
Inoichi goes home, to his big empty Clan Head House, his friends far away, and gets dangerously drunk and, in his own words, "howled like a deranged soul, barely human." 🥹 He was not fucking okay.
This goes on for.... gah, maybe a few months before Shisui's Genin Team are killed and Inoichi, stressed to his eyeballs and absolutely not in a position for a student let alone a pet-project like 'keep the newest, youngest Mangekyou sane so we can use him', is not ready.
I've written this scene before (Tomorrowland), Inoichi's impatience frustration bleeding into curiosity and, eventually, empathy. He's too stubborn to give up and then he gets so invested.
This another defining moment in Inoichi's character. He's been raised to be manipulative to unmatched levels. Shikaku recognises it in him, it's how they align, and Chouza is self-assured enough and welcoming enough to know exactly what Inoichi and Shikaku are like and survive - in fact, flourish - whilst embracing them.
Inoichi doesn't think he's cut out to be a tutor, let alone a sensei. I think, pretty much from the get-go it was inevitable that they'd be family. They... recognised something in the other. For all my parallel imagery earlier, the harmony between them is even stronger; morally and ethnically suspect specialities, gentle words and hard action, big pictures with some extremely precious few loved ones.
Inoichi spent a fortnight visiting Shisui's hospital room, the little Genin struck mute by guilt and grief, and talked about anything he could think of. He spoke about guilt on missions, breaking his leg from mistaken arrogance and realising he'd put his team at risk, he opened up about the few memories he had of his mother, he tries to coax Shisui into opening to him... By opening himself up first. Just talking to Shisui about food makes him go home and cook his first square meal in weeks!
Inoichi becomes much more human again.
Inoichi's T&I is different from the versions that came before. Inoichi's Clan is different as well. It was through trying to help Shisui actually heal, not just function as a weapon, that taught Inoichi how to heal and open himself. Working with Shisui's Mangekyou and his Uchiha techniques helped Inoichi adapt his own Clan Jutsu, he implemented safeguarding against what happened to his father, learning how to torture and interrogate people with his words and body language instead of just clan techniques, how manipulation can be used to genuinely help people. Do you think Inojou was the closest thing Konoha had to a psychologist too? Nope, Inoichi induced that side of things too
This also marks a time in Inoichi's life when he's involved with Minato's Hokage campaign, to the extent where Kushina gifts him some rare sealing paper and helps him install a secret reinforced vault in his office 🤭 Inoichi also started reading parenting books to help with Shisui lol
Inoichi married a civilian woman who had little interest in Shinobi affairs, with skills that don't compliment the Yamanaka in that sense but, rather, do in the spirit of them. Sora is snarky and mischievous and tender and empathetic, she brings out the best in Inoichi, as he does with her, and they are matched because they chose each other and grew together to make it work.
Inoichi hasn't completely transformed. You'll notice that there's always a line between him and Shisui's friends, we don't get a clear insight into the dynamic between Mikoto and Inoichi (they exist in the same space when shit hits the fan with Danzo and that's about it), and you never see Sora's side of the family. Inoichi is a taskmaster with his staff, he is breathtakingly cruel to those in his cells, and he could barely hold himself back from fucking up Kisame's mind! Shisui is his only 'therapy' client. Just wait and see what else unfolds in the series gah!
I just really love Inoichi, i think the way he's approached this part of his life where he is defending and raising his children, after the way he grew up, is just so endlessly fascinating. The kind of fucked up moral compass he has, which because of both his role in Shisui's (protagonist) life and the way his say-so shapes the village, became like... the centre of right and wrong in the story, his particular brand of loyalty and paranoia, the contrast of his wonderful heart and his terrible abilities...
I just really love Inoichi! 🥰
Enjoy, Anon! Hope things get better soon~
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whoredmode · 1 year
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i said i would get my troy lore post out this weekend and i’m sticking to that promise for once
anyway. here’s The Bradshaw’s circa 2005-2006. i’ll talk about the general family background but a lot of this just shifts into general troy headcanons/characterization. sorry in advance i just love this guy. hope you enjoy!
Parents: Rick and Marianne Bradshaw
Children: Levi (Oldest, mid-30s), Christina (Middle, early-to-mid 30s), and Troy (Youngest, late 20s; 28 at the start of SR1)
Rick Bradshaw is originally from New York and met Marianne there, but they moved to Marianne's home state of Michigan after their first child was born. The family lived near Stilwater (less than an hour’s drive away) but not in the city itself; they’d visit on occasion and Rick himself worked in Stilwater as a cop, so he was familiar with the city. So while Rick worked in that precinct, the family lived and grew up in the quieter, more countryside parts of Michigan. 
Quick background on the family: Marianne, their mother, was a teacher but became a stay-at-home mom. Levi, the oldest, works in construction. Christina, the middle child, works in marketing; both Levi and Christina are married with their own children by 2006. Now that leaves Troy, the baby of the family (and tbh I think his mom always had a soft spot for him because of it haha).
Growing up, Troy was a slacker. Even he would admit he was directionless, but nothing ever really caught his attention. Nothing ever seemed to give him any sense of true purpose, and his father felt as if he wouldn’t amount to anything. Troy was inadvertently a bit of a troublemaker as well, with his dad having to bail him out of shit on more than one occasion. Sick of his lack of direction, Troy’s father forced him to join the police academy to give him some structure and discipline. So from the start, Troy held his sudden new career at arm’s length. He had no passion for it, and despite Troy doing well on his exams and passing, the whole thing always felt a little off to him. Regardless, he was assigned first to the local department in his hometown, but soon enough (perhaps on his father’s command) he was transferred to Stilwater. Troy’s father retired around this point, and Troy himself moved to Stilwater—he lived on Mission Beach, to be specific.
So Troy was mostly doing desk work or the occasional patrol/traffic work for awhile. However, with the growing concern of gang activity in the mid-2000s, Troy was kinda the perfect person for going undercover. He was the youngest officer there, and Chief Monroe saw him as somewhat expendable. I think Monroe and Troy’s dad had known each other for a long time and had a less-than-amicable relationship, so Monroe never really respected Troy. But Troy never respected Monroe either; not because of Monroe’s feelings towards his dad (he couldn’t care less about that) but because Troy had seen firsthand just how awful and underhanded Monroe was. So Troy was sent undercover sometime around 2005-2006. 
Julius was well aware that Troy was undercover, and Troy was aware Julius knew—with that in mind, Julius made Troy his second-in-command.  
You know how the first game plays out. While I have adjustments to the timeline of certain events, you know how the basic game events play out and how the first story ends. You also know Troy had been keeping a journal full of notes. I really suggest you go read my timeline post if you haven't before because I don’t feel like repeating myself on here. Regardless, Anteros is caught in the explosion on the yacht, Troy happened to be nearby and witnesses it. He pulls Anteros out of the water and calls an ambulance, saving his life. Mostly. He’s comatose. 
But that moment was the biggest turning point of Troy’s life. Throughout his time in the Saints, Troy began to really care for those around him. So many of them became his friends, especially Anteros. And for the first time he can recall, Troy suddenly felt like he had a purpose. He was feeling something real. And he wanted to protect that. But with the way things ended up, with the information that kept being revealed, Troy made the decision that the best way he could help the Saints was if he continued to work from the other side. So he does that, despite how much he hates it. In some ways, he sees it as a form of deserved punishment; he’d betrayed his friends, so to him it seems only fair he should be stuck there, unhappy.
This is where we’ll discuss some slighter darker aspects of Troy, so be warned. Troy’s feelings of a lack of greater purpose manifested in him behaving in ways that are decidedly dangerous.  He started drinking and smoking in his teens, and by his adult years he was a chainsmoker, as well as occasionally using other drugs like painkillers or whatever else he could get his hands on. He adopted this attitude of not really caring if he lived or died, and this both got better and worse after the events of SR1. On one hand, he wanted to protect Anteros and the Saints, and that alone gave him more resolve. On the other hand, it was not looking good for Anteros and the Saints themselves had dissolved, so…yeah, what did he have to live for? So he was in this sort of living purgatory in those five years between SR1 and SR2. When Johnny tried and failed to kill him, he always kinda wished he’d succeeded. 
But then he gets the call five years later that Anteros woke up and promptly escaped. And suddenly he feels like he has something to work towards. He works so, so hard to make things up to Anteros throughout all of SR2. Everything he does, he does for him. And obviously this develops into a relationship a little later. 
I feel like I’ve talked about this guy ad nauseam. I could go on talking about his place in my SRTT and SRIV rewrites, but I may just save more in-depth discussions of those for later. Essentially he does begin to heal though, as well as repair more relationships with people like Johnny. Also if you’re somehow unaware, he officially rejoins the Saints in SRTT. Quits the SPD and it’s like the best day of his life. He’s much more reenergized by SRTT and SRIV. He’s glad to be alive. He may have thought he’d been the one saving Anteros’ life on that street corner, but little did he know that it would end up being the other way around. 
also to be clear (i’ve talked about this before) i realize the story that V was trying to tell with troy (the conflicted cop etc etc) and while i think the idea he cared about his job is still an interesting story in its own right, it’s also one that’s been told a million times before and i much prefer to read him as someone who kept everything at a distance. until he met the saints ofc. i don’t think troy ever, ever wants to hurt anyone innocent. and that’s the thing: the cops are not innocent and he never saw them that way. i wrote more talking about this specifically so go check that out as well, if you’re curious. and again, this is all just my headcanons so you can interpret him however you want :]
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cosmoshard · 1 year
Ohhh, can you elaborate on the Mutant/Yokai apocalypse au??
Okay funny thing: i wrote this au back in 2021 when Rise was just beginning to air its second season, so I had no way of knowing we were gonna get a movie, nor what its plot would be like, so imagine my surprise when I look back at this au and realize its just an alternate, (much more amateur) version of the Rottmnt movie premise. Now its not plot for plot, there’s a ton of differences OKAY LEGGO!!✨
Like the movie: the turtles are all adults and the leaders of the revolution, with the help of their friends. They are in hiding from the rest of the world because of lack of warning before the invasion/revolution and are slowly fighting back. All the turtles had roles to play: Leo was a fighter pilot/foot-soldier, operating from the air where he had a birds eye view. Rlly leaned into his cocky do-it-his-own-way attitude lol. He also adopted a small yokai girl he found one day on the battlefield.
Raph was the tank, the one always on the front lines, first one there and last one out. He got real tough over the years so he was always using himself as a shield. He also saw a lot of allies die so he became quieter and more stoic. The opposing side called him Walking Death because whenever he arrived he would lay waste to thousands of their kind, mind stuck in savage raph as a way to cope wt all the violence. Raph had a relationship with a mona lisa type character and he has a small kid named enan, who’s a mutant Gecko/turtle hybrid.
Donnie was the brains of the operation as usual, in classic neurodivergent fashion he forgets to take care of himself and holes up in his underground lab where he tries to constantly stay on top of the Yokai’s mystic magic with new inventions. A bad lab accident left his shell and backbone exposed along with destroying his left arm and scarred his side pretty bad. He now has a robot arm and is bionically attuned to his inventions. (I have a more on his inventions but i dont want to spoil it all as i might keep them for future ideas :D)
Mikey is the cook/home-base man. Making sure everything stays running and doing his best to keep the family together. He is fastly becoming more doctor Delicate Touch moreso then Soft Mikey as he used to be. He is also gets to babysit the most often cuz he’s always at home 🙄/lh
April became their resident Medical Expert and has appointed herself as Donnie’s daily nagger to get sleep and food. She also ends up being a sort of therapist for the resistance but doesnt give herself the same luxury even tho the bros offer many times. Because she stays in base most of the time her and Mikey end up shouldering the same responsibilities and they understand each other on a deeper emotional level then most of the family.
Other Characters Roles:
Shredder is back and is the leader of the yokai’s, but is distant and only using them to conquer the world and become emperor. Baron Draxum is his Star General and the one mostly in the spotlight, therefore directly influencing the yokai below them, (and any major decisions they came up with.) Big mama demanded to be called Empress and she commands most of the army
A couple more things✨
Shredder’s whole plan is to reach the core of the planet to find the source/core of all mystic energy (which was later revealed to be canon!?? in the s2 finale wt the empyrean spring beneath the hidden city.) the resistance has to find it before shredder can so they can turn the tide of the war.
That’s basically it, other than plot points, thank you for asking!!! It took a little bit to make it coherent because i write in bullet notes lol, if ya want to know we can dm or reblog chain :3
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king-of-vertigo · 3 months
fuck it. I am sick of having so much oc lore and having it just sit in my brain. so. ((plus I'm pretty busy with art fight atm, I'll be posting attacks soonish?))
time to ramble about toni.
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btw, he is on art fight if you wanna draw him >:DD
I put some of the stuff here on his pfp already, but I'm gonna go more in depth. read if you like, ramble is under the cut + a smidge of backstory/headcanons for a couple canon characters <33
I'll start off with a silly fun fact. I made him before I got the second bendy novel where there was a mention of a Mr. Russo. completely unplanned and sheer coincidence-- but it inspired a lot of his lore.
family originates from Italy, it was his grandparents who moved to New York. however, his father was the one to properly find quite well paying work. it was because of that work that Toni was born to a decently well-off family that already had ties in the entertainment industry.
Rodolfo, his dad, often helped direct productions trying to get off the ground, and though he's given up a role in the director seat in more recent times, he still helps financially back certain projects in the industry. a somewhat short-tempered, traditional, and blunt man. not fond of pleasantries unless they're strictly needed, in which case-- he can be quite charming. or at least charming enough. Rodolfo has very high expectations for his son, and found the whole cartoon thing quite childish-- until he realized how much money could be made. he doesn't consider it in the same league as actual movies, and Toni isn't saved from the snarky comments when he comes over for dinner-- but the job pays well enough.
Antonio's mother has been out of the picture for some time now, becoming very sick when Toni was very young-- he doesn't remember much about her, and his dad is quite cagey when discussing the subject. Toni's made peace with it, even if he sometimes mourns the relationship there could have been.
there was still a motherly figure in his life growing up, though. and that came in the form of his aunt, Clara. though she is incredibly kind, make no mistake, she can be fierce when needed. growing up with a brother like Rodolfo, she learned how to push back against loud personalities. Clara is sweet, but honest. she'll comfort and soothe, while also holding whoever accountable. one of Antonio's most trusted confidants, only coming second to Clara's daughter and his cousin, Isabella.
Isabella, while only being his cousin, is loved like a sister. she's a constant source of stability in his life, though as an up and coming actress she can be a bit dramatic. they're a duo, the one who loves the spotlight, and the one who would rather stay behind the scenes. they were joined at the hip as kids, and while both are now busy working adults-- they still find time for each other. Isabella does her best to get Toni out of his shell, and has provided a huge boost in confidence the last few years. she's incredibly quick witted, cheeky, social, and just generally a gem of a human to be around.
Antonio has always been a bit on the quieter side, so as his fascination with movies and cartoons matured, he became really interested in the work that happened off the big screen. specifically in sound effects. how objects were used to make noises for completely different sounding things. him trying to break into such a specific part of the entertainment industry lined up perfectly with Joey expanding his Music Department, though a couple more stars had aligned before to lay the groundwork.
he'd been a fan of Sammy and Jack's shows for at least a year by this point, even if Toni himself wasn't entirely musically or vocally inclined-- there was something so charming about the pair that he couldn't resist. and seeing as they were often hired to play at ritzier parties, Antonio could see them perform on a mildly consistent schedule if he could get himself invited by the right people. of course, his family wasn't infamous by any means, and Toni hated to throw around his last name as leverage... but in this case-- it was a guilty pleasure, and did no real harm to anyone. plus, his family was happy to see him get out more.
the way Antonio ends up getting hired on is-- still in the works. but the idea I'm probably going to go with is this: while Sammy was given full control on who was hired in his department, the people he knew were all very-- refined artists. classical folks. people who performed for the sake of the art, and not for movies and such. Jack had a better hand in it, as I imagine he tried to get a start in comedy, which didn't end up going anywhere. one way or another the name 'Antonio Russo' travels down the grapevine. Sammy is a very critical man, very hard to please. Toni probably still doesn't know what earned him a spot in the studio's employ-- but he's so thankful for it regardless.
I'll maybe make another post about his inky arc, because that's it's own can of worms-- regardless, I'll probably add little pics of his family as I make references for them.
but now-- sleep. cause I am tired. if you read all this, thank you. it means a lot :DD
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piastrinorris · 1 year
but it rains, and i rise — a stranger things summer camp au
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Camp Hawk, est. 1953 in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana, was designed to ignite the spark of creativity in young teenagers in the hopes of keeping them off of the streets. As years go by, one of the great consistencies throughout generations of Hoppers is their belief that if schools were to take the arts more seriously, kids would go on to live more enriched lives.
And what better example to lead by than the constant flow of counsellors that opt to graduate from their years of being a camper themselves? It's tough to get the campers that grew up with them to refer to them by their counsellor names, but the Eagle himself, Jim Hopper, sees for himself year upon year how well the kids take to respecting their peers once that extra boundary is in place. It's not just former campers, either - despite it being so small and discerning, Camp Hawk is one of the most sought-after for counsellor applications.
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Argyle - Canary: A newbie fresh in from Lenora Hills, California. Rocking up in a beaten-up pizza delivery van, blasting reggae music, Hopper was about ready to turn him away before his tyres could track through the parking lot, but his partner, Joyce, insisted Argyle be given a fair shot. Hopper doesn't care much for Argyle's laid-back approach to life, but his offer to create the brand new role of cooking tutor impressed the camp operator enough to hire him. Argyle's always been the kind to throw caution to the wind and let it drive him, but now that he's graduated, he's got to prove himself. He thought getting his job at Surfer Boy Pizza would prove his responsibility, but no dice there. Perhaps this job will help him get taken seriously.
Nancy - Oriole: Hopper's never played favourites, of course not, that wouldn't be fair - but relief certainly swept through him when he saw the name Nancy Wheeler amongst counsellor applications. She was whipping her team into shape even as a young camper - though that started to waver once Steve Harrington came on the scene. Every year became the same - a whirlwind summer romance that lasted from the moment their feet would touch camp soil, only to break each others' hearts on the last day, just to pick up where they left off a year later. However, as Nancy matured over the years, Steve certainly didn't, driving her out of his arms and into the far quieter ones of fellow camper-turned-counsellor, Jonathan Byers.
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Jonathan - Finch: It was Hopper's ability to find a talent in young Jonathan which brought him out of his shell, that ultimately brought his mother Joyce closer to the camp operator. It was no skin off Jonathan's back - it practically guaranteed him a spot on the counsellor team without having to interact too much with his fellow campers, at least. But he eventually learned the benefits to socialising when being an ear to listen to Nancy's troubles soon became a shoulder to cry on, which snowballed into a friendship that hinted at far more. Though the two live in completely different parts of the country, long distance seems to suit Jonathan just fine - in fact, better than being in each others' spaces for, say, weeks of their summer vacation.
Chrissy - Parakeet: Chrissy hated camp at first, but she'd never tell her parents. She'd made such a big deal about wanting to go, despite them telling her she wouldn't handle being away from them. That wasn't why she hated camp - that could be boiled down to two words. Steve. Harrington. Every year, without fail, he'd do the absolute most to try and make her life hell. She hated to admit to it, but this rivalry did build character for her. She wants to be as much of a role model to new campers as her counsellors always were to her, and at least she also managed to get her best friend from back home a job, too.
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Eddie - Kingfisher: One half of the self-proclaimed Team Newbie, Eddie needed something to pad his resume with now that he'd finally graduated high school alongside his best friend two years his junior, Chrissy Cunningham. Another hesitant hire from Hopper, except beyond the anarchist persona the man could tell that there was a softer side to the boy, crying out for a little bit of order, a little bit of responsibility to prove himself. If Hopper plays his cards right, Eddie has all the makings of an ideal counsellor.
Vickie - Parula: Vickie had lived in close enough proximity of Camp Hawk all her life, and while she begged and begged her parents to sign her up, they insisted on summers being for family vacations. She celebrated her 18th birthday by sending her application for counsellor eight times over - one for every year she wished she could have attended. Of course, she'd done her research. She knew the culture of Camp Hawk inside out. She knew that almost everyone there would know someone, except her. But perhaps that's the unique take she can bring to the camp. If she can show one kid who's struggling to make friends, that even the adults need to start from scratch sometimes, she'd be satisfied.
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Steve - Robin: Steve was by far Hopper's proudest achievement. Turning Robert Harrington's spoiled little brat into someone who enjoyed being in a place of structure so much that he was begging Hopper to come back as a counsellor. Just one problem - Steve Harrington doesn't have a creative bone in his body. That's a slight lie, there's one way his creativity shines, but the last thing Hopper needs is Steve teaching more kids how best to prank Chrissy Cunningham, even when his on-and-off girlfriend Nancy was desperately asking him to grow up and settle down for her. Still, Hopper couldn't resist creating another brand new role just for Steve. He just hopes that having a responsibility for something that he cares about will be the final flame under Steve's ass that he needs.
Robin - Cardinal: Robin has spent her whole life being the black sheep of everywhere she goes, and now that she's supposed to "go out into the world" and "find herself", she has no clue where to even begin. She's more than happy to sit back, play second fiddle to whoever needs her to, and let someone else dictate her life for her for as long as possible. Anything that allows her to procrastinate from having to face the realities of all the burdens of reality: not knowing what direction she wants to live her life in, though the pressures of college sure want her to; coming to terms with having finally come out to herself, and having to face the ultimate dread of figuring out who would ever possibly be safe to come out to.
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these were made using this template from ana-makes as a base!
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loosesodamarble · 5 months
The Canty-Faust Family Tree (AU Version)
Here it is, the family tree if Morgen and Josele got to have their happily ever after...
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Since I don't actually have posts for the Morgsele children (yet), let me share some info about them here.
Albert is the eldest child with Varg being his younger twin.
Albert likes to keep his emotions in check and that calmness makes him easy to approach for others. He can be distrustful, having heard people badmouth his parents. But at his core, he's a softie who wants to help others.
Albert's attribute is Prismatic Light Magic. He generates and controls light in multiple colors and the colors of the lights he creates have a variety of effects, such as blue light being able to douse things similar to Water Magic. This attribute is a result of Morgen's Light Magic and the fact that Josele's Emotion Magic which is able to produce multiple elements.
Varg is mischievous and thrill-seeking. Very outgoing and likes to mess with his loved ones. Looks like a delinquent but does his best to avoid any extreme behaviors that could get him in trouble with the law (unless his sweetheart is involved).
Varg's attribute meanwhile is Eclipse Magic. If Shadow Magic is an in-between for Dark and Light Magic, Eclipse is between Shadow and Light Magic, able to utilize aspects of both attributes, such as shadow teleportation and Light Magic's affinity for healing.
Iris is the third child of the family and the first of the non-twin children.
A lover of poetry and romance so a lot of his talking can come out unintentionally flirty. When he needs to think, he tends to overthink and stress himself out. Surprisingly pessimistic at times.
His attribute is Dark Magic. Josele was thoroughly shocked but Morgen understood that it was a possibility considering the Faust bloodline.
Valerian and Friedrich are the second pair of twins, with Valerian being the older of the two.
Valerian is quite the confident one. He's got a lot of energy and zero impulse control. He loves people with "snappy" attitudes who can challenge him.
He got his Wind Magic from Grandpa Thomas. When he discovered his attribute, he became a lot more of a handful for Josele and Morgen.
Friedrich is the quieter of the twins. He's friendly but not all that outgoing. When he's interested in something, he gets deeply invested. Finds his attribute dull compared to his siblings'.
In contrast to Valerian's Wind, Friedrich got Earth Magic. Since it's so different from the rest of the family's it was hard for Fried to get a handle on it without a teacher.
Sable and Blanche are the third, and last, of the twin children. They are also the first daughters to Morgen's delight (he's a smidge of a girl dad, I'm sorry).
Sable is a sweetheart, just like her parents. Very imaginative. Extremely trusting. Somewhat airheaded. She means well but can find herself in trouble too easily.
In contrast to her bright personality, Sable has Shadow Magic. People tend not to believe her when she first tells them what her attribute is because it doesn't "fit" her.
Blanche is Sable's contrast in every way. She's gloomy and withdrawn. She's level-headed and doesn't care for people much.
Blanche has Light Magic that has a lavender tint to it. Unlike Albert's magic, the color of Blanche's Light Magic has no special effect.
The baby of the family is Isolde.
She's quiet and finds it hard to approach others. But if someone else takes the time to reach out to her, she readily opens up.
She's so young that Isolde has yet to discover what her magic attribute is. However, given that none of her older siblings have inherited Emotion Magic yet, Josele is hoping that Isolde will be the one to have it.
Visuals of the kids (oldest to youngest).
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Links to fics featuring the kids and their dad: Albert, Varg, Iris, Valerian, Friedrich, Sable, Blanche, Isolde.
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sigmadolos · 2 years
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To me at least, Nikolai’s actions hurt Sigma a lot more than any of the other actions taken against him. Bare with me now, okay. Listen. I’m going to ramble because I have to look at Fyodor and Nikolai’s relationship to Sigma. The real key to this difference is Nikolai reduces Sigma right back to everything he’s been fighting not to be. Nikolai reduces Sigma back into being just a tool, saved only because Nikolai wants to use Sigma’s ability against Fyodor. He doesn’t ask if Sigma wants to, or if he will. He says that’s what it’s to be done for. (Now obviously relationships built in RP an alter this or not depending on the writer, but for canon discussion sake this is how the manga presents it). There is no discussion or room for debate or even anything Sigma GAINS from this.
It cuts deep. Sure, Sigma knows how Nikolai is. Even the goal. But even so, Fyodor and Nikolai were the ones he spent the most time with when he was rescued and taken in. He grew the strongest attachments to them. They were catalysts for Sigma being able to develop into the person he became as the manager. (And are also additional reasons for his concerning ease around doing terrible things but that’s a different topic.)
 Say what you will, but Fyodor offered a DEAL. Not a demand. He didn’t say Sigma HAD to help them or threaten him. He made a deal. Sigma using his ability for them in turn for the casino. It’s an EXCHANGE and the closest Sigma had ever experienced to being treated like an actual person at that point. Not a tool ordered to do something or threatened with violence, but a simple offer. He even later tells Sigma to run. It’s not belittling, he’s offering genuine advice.
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Sigma COULD run away, and Fyodor would accept that. He ADVISED him because they both know Sigma doesn’t have the ability to truly handle a direct offensive confrontation with the Hunting Dogs. Now, we all probably know everyone knows Sigma wouldn’t (and doesnt). But the point remains thusly: Fyodor continues to treat him like a person. If Fyodor didn’t care at all, why bother giving this advice? Think about it and what we know of Sigma. Sigma would have STAYED with or without the advice because the casino is all he has. If he wanted Sigma off the board with 100% certainty, say nothing. But he doesn’t. He offers an escape, and certainly there was a plan if Sigma did the unthinkable and ran. Yes, he is a piece in the chessboard - that does not mean he’s seen as LESS for that. Fyodor and Dazai put THEMSELVES as pieces on a chessboard.
Unfortunately we really don’t have many scenes with Sigma and Nikolai so we don’t know for sure. But they likely had a good relationship, even if Sigma comments that Nikolai is the most annoying one to deal with. And for my canon at least (again, can change with writing partners but in general) they do have an overal good one even if Sigma is like WTF at Nikolai quite often. Nikolai’s seen Sigma at his most timid & worst and at his best.
So someone you trust? Someone you care about? Suddenly turning and treating you like countless other people have? Reducing you from a person back into a tool, something to be used and discarded? Sigma saved because Nikolai has need of his ability? It HURTS. It hurts and cuts far deeper than if someone else was merely using him. He doesn’t have that history or connection and yes, Sigma dislikes being used period (again, USED. Deals are DIFFERENT in Sigma’s perspective). It shakes Sigma deep to the core and rips open the anxieties and thoughts he’s worked so hard to start getting over. The Hunting Dogs situation already left wounds - Nikolai’s actions just cut it deeper.
And so we start to see him regress. He becomes quieter and less vocal - obeying without speaking back DESPITE the fact he threatened the hunting dogs not long ago, despite how easily he took control of the casino, and how he handled the chaos. He starts shutting down and WITHDRAWING because that was the environment he had when he was a tool - be useful, don’t talk, just SURVIVE by being obedient.
Which suddenly makes his pairing with Dazai both infuriating but good. Because we see Sigma find his voice again. He snaps at Dazai to stop messing around, threatens when Dazai messes with his hair. For as AWFUL as it is that Sigma’s been tragged into the game by Dazai choosing him, it also brings Sigma OUT of the environment he would’ve been stuck in. He asks questions, he speaks up, he snaps, and they might seem MINOR but when Sigma was just with Nikolai he basically didn’t speak at all. It’s a self-preservation tactic, but a sad one. It shows how deeply hurt he was by Nikolai that he shuts down and starts falling back - until Dazai catches him and pulls him out of that spot to start recovering ground again and being himself.
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