skyenish · 2 months
| Diasomnia Harpy Hare animatic 🐉🦇⚔️ 🐊 | Book 7 spoilers |
This was one big project, but I love how it came out! I’m fairly new to coloring and rendering, so this was quite the task for me. I’ve discovered that Diasomnia isn’t as hard to draw as I thought (except you Silver, you were very difficult to draw). Shoutout to @soleilthedeity (currently banned) for helping me come up with ideas! I hope you guys enjoy the animatic :)
Malleus is an interesting character, because let’s be honest, he has the emotional maturity of a teaspoon, and I say that affectionately. He’s got a superiority complex, but can you blame him? He’s the crown prince of Briar Valley, naturally he’d at least subconsciously believe that he’s better than others! He pushes people away, not on purpose of course, which leaves him feeling very lonely. People are scared of him, but I feel like Malleus doesn’t completely understand why, what he’s doing wrong. Lilia was never scared of him though, and when he met Yuu, who wasn’t scared of him, he found them amusing, and that amusement slowly grew into affection. He grew attached to them. When he got the news that both Lilia and Yuu were leaving him soon, he felt like that new happiness Yuu gave him and the comfort of Lilia was all going to be ripped away. He doesn’t want to face the idea of things ending, of being alone. But nothing lasts forever.
Worse even is that as prince of Briar Valley, he’s incredibly powerful. His powers are supposed to keep his subjects happy, and he’s used to being able to do pretty much anything with his powers. But he can’t save Lilia, he can’t make him younger, make him healthy, make him stay. In a sense, his overblot kills three birds with one stone! Lilia doesn’t die, Yuu doesn’t leave, and he won’t ever be alone. Plus, they’ll all be “happy”! Except Malleus’ understanding of happiness is shallow, he doesn’t quite grasp it properly. Of course, like all the others, what they did was wrong, but like all the others, I empathize with them and understand why they did what they did. I can relate to Malleus, his desperation, his fear, because at the end of the day he’s still just a child who is going to outgrow everyone he loves.
(Since I play English and read the spoilers, my information/analysis might be wrong! If that’s the case, definitely let me know in the comments. This is all also just my interpretation, so if you disagree with my takes I’d love to hear your interpretation and thoughts!)
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The twst harpy boy's insisting on doing this with Yuu.
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Twisted Monsterland: Sleepy Birds
So…let’s talk harpies.
Without going into details about the overall species (I’ll save that for the baby monster bestiary I’m working on), I will say that harpies can be based on all species of birds. Falcons, eagles, and vultures? Sure, they’re more commonly known as the base foundation for the species, but they’re not the only ones! Crowley is a good example as a corvid harpy, and some of Rook’s siblings are based on birds of paradise like parrots and macaws! Some can even be based on delicate birds like the hummingbird~
Oof…just thinking about having to flap my arms that fast as a harpy makes me tired! 0.0
Now, you’re probably wondering, “That’s neat! But…where are you going with this?” And that’s a good question! Because we’re gonna talk about birbs~!
I’ve never owned a bird as a pet before, but my grandparents had one when we used to visit in my childhood. One thing I learned about birds (aside from the fact that we had to clap whenever their bird performed a trick on her own and someone saw it) is that one common thing bird owners do to calm down their feathery companions:
The “sleepy-time blanket”!
When the blanket goes over the cage, it’s supposed to mimic night time so the bird thinks it’s time to sleep. And when the cover is removed? It’s time to sing good morning~! Granted, it seems like this varies from bird-to-bird, but considering how often I’ve struggled to stay awake in school whenever the teachers used powerpoint slides in a dark room? Yeah, I get very sleepy in those cases. 😅
Now…imagine if Yuu discovered this by complete accident in the Monster!AU. >v>
Yuu: *hanging laundry out to dry on a bright, sunny day* “Hey, Grim? I need another clothes peg. The middle is sagging too much.”
Grim: “Yeah, yeah, here.” *flaps wings to hover next to Yuu, holding a bag in his paws* “Are we done yet? I’m bored…”
Yuu: “We’d be done sooner if someone hadn’t taken one of the bedsheets while the ghosts were collecting laundry and added one more load to wash and dry.” *unaware of a large shadow on the other side of the sheet, Yuu frowning as they go to take the sheet down and redo the arrangement*
???: “Bonjour, little Trickster~!”
Yuu/Grim: “Ack-!?!”
Crash!! Fwomp!
Grim: *pinned under Yuu* “Get…off! You’re heavy!”
Yuu: “Ow…sorry!” *climbs to their feet with a wince before turning to face the visitor now covered under the sheet* “Rook! You scared us half-to-death!”
*Rook doesn’t move, eerily silent as he stands there*
Grim: “Hm? Hey, wazza matter? You usually start talkin’ funny by now!” *huffs when he doesn’t get a response and goes to peek under the sheet* “Hey! Are you listenin’ to m…eh? Wait a minute…he’s asleep!?"
Yuu: “Huh??”
Grim: “He fell asleep standing! See?!” *yanks off blanket, pulling off Rook’s hat at the same time*
Rook: *straightens up with a blink, fluttering his wings before feathers settle down and he smiles* “Oh, there you are, Trickster. How are you faring this morning?”
Grim: “Mrah!? I thought you were asleep! What gives?”
Rook: “Hm? I was asleep? I don’t recall…”
Grim: “Yes you were! You were practically snorin’!”
Yuu: *picks up the sheet again, looking between it and Rook before slowly climbing back on the stepladder near Rook*
Rook: “Non, non, I promise you that I did not fall aslee-”
Yuu: *throws sheet over Rook’s head again*
Rook: “Mon di-!?” *freezes before slumping, standing in place in silence again*
Yuu: “…holy crap…I wonder if this’ll work on Ace or Cater?”
Grim: “What’s going on?!”
Needless to say, Rook was thoroughly confused by this until Yuu told him what happened. This also leads to a discussion on harpy parents using their wings to settle down rowdy chicks and restless hatchlings. Suffice to say, Yuu decided to run their own experiment on their fellow winged students. The results were…interesting to say the least.
Ace: Froze in place but was wide awake.
Cater: Fell asleep but collapsed on his side.
Leona: Blanket was torn to shreds from manticore quills. Hiding out in Diasomnia until he cools down.
Kalim: Normal blanket activates the zoomies. Introduced weighted blanket. Instant calm and Jamil is left baffled and grateful at the same time by this discovery!
Crowley: Fell asleep instantly. Sheets have been weaponized by the staff on occasion, so now he flies away at the sight of anyone carrying one towards him.
Seeing these results makes Yuu question what other animal reactions the students can possibly have. Meanwhile, their fellow students are warily watching the human scribble down notes in a notepad while carrying a jar of peanut butter.
Jack: “…why do you need me to be in beast form?”
Yuu: “I wanted to see something.”
Jack: “Okay…but what’s with the peanut butter?”
Yuu: “This? It’s just a tasty snack.” *opens it and scoops out a large spoonful* “See? Just regular peanut butter.”
Jack: “…alright.” *shifts into Fu dog form, nearly eye-to-eye with Yuu now* “Okay. What did you want to se—mfph!?!” *scrambles back after Yuu shoves the spoonful of peanut butter in his mouth, licking and trying to chew at the same time* “Blamph! Namf-nif-thaths?!”
Yuu: *scribbling notes* “Fu dogs react to peanut butter like dogs. Fascinating…I wonder if catnip affects manticore too?”
Ruggie: “Do you have some sort of death wish???”
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I've already actually had ideas similar to this but I've never really gotten around to writing it but!
Yuu AU where Yuu comes from a high-fantasy world. All kinds of creatures, whether mythological or not, exist in Yuu's world and aren't limited to humans. Additionally, humans aren't powerless because some of them actually have superhuman abilities and even magic. Kind of like the world building in 'I'm Not This Kind Of Hero' (check it out, it's a classic and makes me feel old) or Medusa and Futakuchi-san by Makise Shaun. Also, now that I think about it, it’s similar to Monster High but the atmosphere’s different. Monster High’s more on the creepy-cool theme while this one’s a more wider and diverse side. Same concept, different font.
Human, elves, dragons, dwarves, nymphs, slimes, fairies, humanoid, non-humanoid, whatever species it is, exists back in Yuu's world. Imagine Yuu belonging to one of these species.
Yuu as a giant merperson like Shirahoshi from One Piece. Of course they aren't in their  true form when they arrive because they won't be able to fit in the Mirror Chambers otherwise. Yuu definitely has the advantage when the Octavinelle arc comes up because they just steamroll past through the twins with a flick of their tail, lmao.
Yuu as a harpy. If they're the type that can lay eggs, imagine having to explain to Deuce that no, the egg they laid wasn't fertilized so it wasn't going to turn into a baby, calm down. Oooo, now that I think about it, variations of harpies! Owls, crows, eagles, everything! Regardless, Harpy!Yuu probably puffs up threateningly every time Crowley's somewhere in the vicinity.
Yuu as a dragonkin. Are they the Western type with the more lizard features? Are they the Eastern type with the more noodle-like features? Are they able to completely turn human or are they the type who constantly has their draconic features out? Probably either sees Malleus as a threat because of territorial and hoarding instincts or tries to hoard Malleus themselves because kin instincts. Well, depending on the type of dragon Yuu's gonna be, that is. Some dragons are solo creatures while others are more social.
Yuu as a slime. Whether they're more humanoid or just a round ball of goo, this Yuu's just vibing. Virtually zero damage can be done to them since they always just reform unless they're met with their weakness. Of course, this also depends on what kind of slime Yuu's gonna be since there's like a ton of slime variants out there. Some are infused elementally, some are infused with something else like metal, poison, acid, whatever. Oooo, just imagine a tiny ball of blob that can fit on the palm of your hand. This Yuu would probably be used as a stress ball a lot, that is if Yuu allowed it. Imagine a Yuu slime variant that doesn’t speak but instead wiggles to communicate. 
Yuu as a shadow creature. Which when faced off against the overblots just utterly decimates them immediately because not only are they a creature of the shadows, they are the shadows themselves. Kind of like Pride from Fullmetal Alchemist minus the eyes. Just imagine seeing your housewarden overblot and having this ink creature menacingly looming behind them and then see an even bigger creature appear and loom behind them. 
Yuu as an android, kinda like Ortho. I feel like this Yuu is the type to give Ortho a gun and be like, “Go, commit crimes, child.” This Yuu is probably a walking, talking military-grade bioweapon. Was definitely a big headache for Idia in STYX because Yuu hacked and overrode the systems.
Yuu as an arachne (spider-human hybrid). They just arrived and someone in the Mirror Chambar already fainted, frothing at the mouth (It was totally Jamil). They get Ramshackle and was like, ‘Score!’ and now it’s full of spiderwebs everywhere. It looks even more haunted than before, they’ve made themselves completely home. I don’t know why but I imagine this Yuu being the cheerful and energetic type.
Of course, let’s not forget the possibilities for the human variants of Yuu. Mad scientist Yuu who likes creating androids and robots. Probably has these tiny drone things hovering around them that shoot out lasers and practically doesn’t step outside Ramshackle because they’re too busy trying to build stuff until Crowley forces them out. Magic user Yuu who, well, uses magic. Probably doesn’t need any wand to cast spells and their magic is probably more versatile than the magic in Twisted Wonderland because they virtually have no limits in casting whatever aside from their limited mana.
Anyway, High Fantasy!Yuu.
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twsted-kinks · 6 months
Because I overthink here is a map for the TWST Monster AU
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Click read more for a description of each place and who lives there.
The Town of Holyisle: A human town with a monastery run by the abbot, Rollo. The population of the village is fully human and monsters are seen as enemies that should be shunned.
Yuu's Home: Home of the witch, Yuu, and their cat-like imp familiar, Grim. They often make potions for the Riverside Village and the town of Holyisle.
Riverside Village: A farming village that's the home of both monsters and humans. The Lord of the Village is the centaur, Riddle, whose servants include Trey, the minotaur, as his personal cook, Cater, the slime, as his financial advisor, and Che'nya, a catfolk menace who refuses to leave. There are also two newer servants, Deuce, the rabbitfolk, and Ace, the satyr. Another notable figure is the local historian, the human Trein.
Shoreside Reef: A town just off the coast filled fully with merfolk. The head of the village is Azul, an octopus merfolk who also engages heavily with trade on the island and has established a number of businesses on land. His closest confidants are Jade and Floyd, twin eel merfolk who do the dirty work for Azul.
Haunted Cave: A mysterious cave guarded by a small automaton named Ortho who is meant to protect the cave from outsiders, but he mostly just spends time with the resident ghost who is also his brother, Idia.
The City of Pomme: A large city with a population that's mostly monsters. The Lord of the City is the demons, Vil, who is also a popular actor in his theater company. His personal assistant is Rook, a troll and hunter, who was a fan of his performances. The new up and coming star is the fairy Epel who has been taken under Vil's wing. Another popular actor is the angel Neige who is the lead actor in a rival theater company. Another notable figure is the seamster and fasion designer, Crewel.
Duskfall Savanna: A fully monster city with a majority of the population being beastfolk. The lord of the city is Leona, a lionfolk, who doesn't really like his position. His personal servant is the hyenafolk, Ruggie. The gardener for Leona's estate is a wolfolk named Jack. Another notable figure is Vargas, a manticore, who is known for causing chaos from time to time.
Scalding Oasis: A desert city known for its many monster artisans and high quality goods. The Lord of the City is the harpy, Kalim, who is always accompanied by his servant, the naga Jamil. Another notable person is the ghoul, Sam, who runs the most expansive market in the entire oasis.
The Dragon's Domain: A territory ruled by the dragon, Malleus, who lives in his own personal tower. The others who live in his territory include the vampire batfolk, Lilia, the lizardfolk, Sebek, and the centaur, Silver who help care for the territory and act and confidants of Malleus.
Old Ruins: Not much is known about the old ruins other than it acts as a home for a dark feathered harpy.
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sinfullyrosey · 2 years
[Insert Clever Title]
There aren’t nearly enough fics focused on Yuu/MC/Reader being nonhuman and their interactions with the other human and nonhuman characters. I say that, and yet, I’ve barely written any myself. But I still wanted to contribute, so here are a few ideas I’ve come up with. Feel free to share your own or even use these as prompts. All I ask is to be informed so I can see.
 Lioness!Reader being the betrothed to Leona since they were little and having playdates. Reader loved to playfight with him and would always pin him (like Nala did to Simba). The relationship is basically just like Darek and Odette’s with the whole This is Not My Idea song up until they’re young adults. Leona is in denial of having fallen for you, but can’t help but admire how strong and beautiful you’ve become.
Mushroom Fae!Reader constantly feeling the looming presence of a certain eel follow them around, asking rather strange or invasive questions. It doesn’t help that you’re much shorter than most of the other students, so your legs can’t outrun the much taller student. Eventually, the two of you start to grow closer and the roles are reversed. Now you’re the one following him around and demanding attention due to his greenthumb towards fungi.
Rat/Cayote!Reader having a rivalry with Ruggie, as both grew up poor and had to scavenge for their meals. Reader often would swipe the last sandwich during lunch and Ruggie would pluck every edible plant before you could. However, after you fell ill and were bedridden, Ruggie, surprisingly, left you a bowl of soup, his grandma’s special recipe. After that the two of you become quite the nuisance duo.
((Warning: Gore Mention)) Sea Cucumber!Reader being squeezed by Floyd, only to accidently force them to spit up their organs and other innards, horrifying both him and every nearby student. Reader merely coughs and says they’re fine and can just grow them back, or they can just shovel the old ones back in. Floyd is super over the top gentle towards you after that.
Persian Cat!Reader being one of Vil’s favorite dormmates because of how much you love to be pampered. You’re the most well behaved and spoiled, constantly demanding Vil’s time and attention. You tend to annoy Epel and lose your temper when he picks fights with you, leading to Vil having to scold both of you.
Crow Harpy!Reader absolutely loving any and all things shiny and just swiping jewelry, silverware, and coins from anyone that’s not careful. You eventually taking a liking to Kalim, what with all this jewelry and sunshiny self. He’s more than happy to give you little trinkets and pieces of treasure, while you thank him by preening him affectionately. Eventually, you decide to show him your nest hoard and tell him he’s your greatest treasure.
Insect Fae!Reader terrorizing Jamil, because of course you would.
Orca!Reader terrorizing the Octatrio because killer whales are dicks of the sea and will literally torment their prey for the hell of it and those three need to be taught some manners. Or, alternatively, you work at the Lounge as a bouncer and terrorize everyone else. Either way, somebody is gonna end up your own personal beach ball to throw around.
Just straight up an Eldritch Horror!Reader that takes on the form of an average, unassuming human. Pretends to be normal and weak to not draw attention to yourself, but eventually it slips out here and there the more comfortable you get towards everyone. Your favorite form of affection is when you just unhinge your entire jaw and gently bite down on someone’s head like some extremely weird form of a kiss. Vil especially hates it because how dare you ruin his makeup and hair you interdimensional potato??? ADeuce are the first to learn of your true form and are used to whatever weird, new thing they witness you doing now. Malleus and Lilia are fascinated if anything, if not a bit curious to know if you could actually take either of them on. You also have full on hurled Rook across the track field at least once since he learned of your true form (he provoked you so it’s deserved).
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idiaslefttoe · 3 months
Gothic harpy gf who is centuries older than you be like:
Crowley's child!harpy!yuu: "My dearest blue haired angel, always have I visaged higher beings of being elders with wings and beards but here you have proven me wrong once again, I thank you for this astounding endowment and I shall cherish it till my hair has growth whites."
Idia: "...I just gave you welchs."
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hanafubukki · 1 month
Hello hello I just saw that you answered my ask about royalty!Yuu x Lilia (I was distracted by fields of mistria and delico's nursery) and I'm surprised that not only you but a lot of other people liked it 🥹
I saw someone talking in the tags and wanna add on some extra stuff:
-Even if Malmal becomes king Lilia still outranks him because Lilia is now emperor consort akskshddhsjn
-Yuu's world has magic, the magic however relies less on tools and more on biology and training (sorta like bending in avatar) it also has magical creatures (dragons, kelpies,harpies,etc)
-Succession depends on if the young monarch is capable of taming said creatures or not, if they pass the test only then can they start taking classes for subjects that will help them run the empire
-The moment the worlds merged all Yuu's friends started interrogating them about their past and status and Yuu is looking at them like that one hamster meme with the sad violin
"you've been royalty this whole time and never made a fuss about the way you're being treated in that dorm?"
"I didn't think it'd matter since this is a different world 🥺"
-I HC that since the world of twst has many monarchies and a nobility system it also has special laws for how students with royal status must be treated to enable both respect and neutrality
-The moment Yuu's status was publicly shared both sides of the the worlds went insane because on Yuu's side it was believed that Yuu, the people's monarch, was kidnapped but now there's an announcement for their upcoming engagement????? That will be followed by a wedding then coronation???? And on the twst side there's this new empire that has tamed dragons and other beasts that LITERALLY CAME OUT OF NOWHERE and has foreign magic right next door, but don't worry because apparently the monarch is going to marry some Fae???? so everything is fine
"there goes my freedom.."
"Dude- uh.. your highness, with all due respect, shouldn't you worry more about your side starting a war if you don't set the record straight? They seem very on edge."
"It's fine just call me Yuu as you always have, Ace. No there won't be a war, I already sent a message so a small delegation will arrive and I'll explain to them"
"does that mean we won't see you anymore?"
"of course not Deuce, I'll still be here and I'll fight to finish my studies... I just need to prepare what I'll tell them. I can't let them know about- oh my goodness! Lilia! I can never let them know about him as is!"
"why not?"
"From what I've seen this world believes in true love... My family does not and never will. Lilia could make a good marriage candidate because he's a retired general, but I can never let them know that he courted me. My family holds the sentiment that love clouds judgement and if you try to rule your empire with rose tinted glasses you'll be blind to any faults your partner would make at the expense of the people."
"I see, then Ace and I as well as our friends can help you guys out! We'll relay they message to Cater so he can tell Lilia and be on watch for any posts that could out you guys. You can count on us!"
"You guys would do that? Thank you so much. We just have to keep it up until the wedding because royal marriages are difficult to annul so it can't be contested, And seeing how I'm drowning in letters, they probably will speed through the wedding to get to the coronation "
"we'll let them know"
"wait if you guys got married does that make silver a prince?"
"okay okay! I'm coming! Yeesh"
"Can't believe you're relying on those idiots"
"Be nice Grim. If they do as they say you'll be the ring bearer aaand you'll have more tuna than you could ever dream of"
"oooh I'm sold! Wait if I'm the ring guy then who's the flower person?"
"that'll be Sebek"
"oh you're mean hehehe"
Aaaaa this was an ooc mess but I really wanted to infodump
[referring to this ask]
Hello Empress Anonie 💚🌺💕
I'm happy many other's enjoyed your ask 💕💚 It's so cute. Also, Yessss another one who love's Delico Nursery 🥰💕 I haven't played fields of mistra but have friends who love it.
Going to call you empress anonie 💕💚
Yuu: My status means nothing, treat me the same.
Also Yuu: Shit, my love life needs to be a secret.
😂😂😂 Sebek is the flower boy is so cute. I can imagine him not knowing how to treat yuu either after the revelation too.
Silver is a prince....well, everyone thought he was always princely lolol
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writingattemptsxx · 4 months
Master list for all my writing work, which as far as now includes mainly Obey me and Twisted Wonderland.
More series may be added later.
If the fics are set in the same world or are their own series, then they will have a matching symbol in front of the fic name.
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- Obey me -
Demons in Grief - MC is gone and the Obey Characters go through the five stages of grief - Versions: 1 2
Just Needing Comfort - Satan and MC in the human realm come across a Karen who says he and Lucifer are the same.
Sleep - You’re sick of Levi’s all-nighters and decide to get him to sleep even if you have to trick him.
A Small Gift - To get the brothers to let you go to the human world and do some exchange program work, you promise them gifts.
Antagonistic - An antagonistic little human suddenly showed up in Lucifer’s life. Why does it hurt when they leave?
Incorrect quotes
Obey/twist incorrect quote - Why Yuu/Mc is good at alchemy.
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- Twisted Wonderland -
;; In Sam’s Shop - Finn and Grim go to Sam’s shop and find him there
;; Unbirthday Party - Cater and Finn at an Unbirthday Party.
;; Finn in Twisted Wonderland - A school full of teenagers and staff, but what happens if instead of a normal student being teleported, a five-year-old comes along? Along with Grim breaking in to join him of course. - Chapters: 1 2
Booping Twst Characters - A small boop is a wonderful April Fool’s day joke. How do Ace, Deuce, Leona, and Vil respond?
These Words Hurt - Rumors swarm around NRC, but a lot of times the forces on a specific Moray eel. A Moray eel who wants it to stop. Floyd wants it to stop.
A Petty Rabbit - A rabbit is late to an unbirtday party and bumps into someone he hates along the way. Can’t he have a break?
Bottling up Emotions - Vil has a lot on his plate, but he doesn’t want to rely on others. It takes Crewel to snap him out of it.
Uno War - Fellow and Gidel are at the Schoenheit house for a game night but aren't able to predict the winner.
Claws and Fangs; Tentecals and Ink; Together a Deal - Jade was shunned by all and just wanted to curl up and cry, but a weird octopus changed that.
A Diamond and an Eel with a Clover - Trey starts dating Jade, and Cater finds himself picking up similar feelings.
Incorrect quotes
Obey/twist incorrect quote - Why Yuu/Mc is good at alchemy.
Twist incorrect quotes - A random assortment of incorrect quotes.
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- Original stories -
OC’s Intro - A harpy is shoved into a world different than his own.
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britishassistant · 2 years
I had a very cringy and basic idea But
What if like Yuu(reporter or villain to be specific) was in part of a play?
Not a school play but like an office or neighborhood play(playing a part would get them money) and surprise surprise they get the Main character or the damsel in distress.
Who needs to be saved.
Yuuken is the Main character or the damsel in distress
All the dorm leaders are really jelly, and some will go on their civilian form to stop this
Thank you for the ask, dear anon!
And it’s not basic or cringey at all! Sometimes the classics and cliches are that way for a reason~
When the villains hear that Yuu’s work is doing a very informal play for charity, and Yuuken has been selected as the one to play the heroic main lead, it’s code red for all of them.
Especially when the play TWST news is performing is the story of a kidnapped princess with magical hair who escapes from her tower with the aid of a charming rogue, only for the two to find love in each other along the way.
Yuu’s boss is very surprised when the famed pharmacist Riddle Rosehearts shows up in the middle of rehearsals, claiming that Radcliffe-san had an interview scheduled with him for today.
The shock only increases once Kalim al-Asim and his personal aide burst through the doors not a minute behind Dr. Rosehearts, claiming that they have an arranged meeting with Yuu instead.
When Vil Schoenheit and his entourage stride in, the poor woman’s almost ready to start tearing her hair out, because none of them have interviews scheduled in the staff calendar, none of them have any proof of any outside arrangements Yuu might have made, but all of them are refusing to leave.
And then one of the walls disintegrates and she has to reevaluate whether crying from frustration would really be so unprofessional, given the circumstances.
King only gets a moment to stand there, confidently and menacingly, before one of Leviathan’s tentacles tries to sweep him aside.
Thus begins an impromptu grappling contest between the two supervillains, as each one attempts to shove the other out of the way.
Neither notice when Yuu’s boss’s boss is caught in the crossfire and gets punted into a wall.
This lasts until one of Charon’s harpy drones darts forward to stun King and deactivate Leviathan’s tentacles with a high-pitched ringing noise.
The rest of them rush the stage where the touching reunion scene is being enacted.
Thankfully, Yuuken’s costume includes a prop frying pan, and he wasn’t champion of the kendo club throughout his school and university years for nothing.
Back in his lair, Charon finds himself suddenly facing a rare Hidden Boss as Yuuken’s destroying all of his drones one after another, no matter what strats he tries to use to beat him! Should he have leveled up more?!
In his efforts to protect the actor playing the long-haired princess, Yuuken ends up chasing some of them backstage to foil a would-be pincer attack, unwittingly leaving them cowering behind a painted bush.
In a burst of black smoke and green firefly-like glowing, Tsunotaro materializes on the stage.
With all his power, it only takes a flick of his fingers to levitate the actor playing the princess into his arms, carefully surveying the room to ensure his rivals and the civilians herded into a corner by Banshee and Silver Knight won’t interfere before turning to smile down at the person now in his grip.
Yuuya stares back up at him in the princess costume, terrified.
Malleus drops him immediately.
All the other supervillains (including those disguised as civilians), upon witnessing the reveal of who’s actually playing the princess, immediately lose interest and begin awkwardly filing out one after the other.
Yuu, who claimed the role of Captain of the Guard the moment they heard that this was going on, is crying from the effort of not laughing in the wings.
The play, when it finally does air, is very well received by the viewing public.
Yuuya’s convincing performance as the kidnapped princess gets him many more fans than he had before!
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sakustars · 9 months
prince!tobio kageyama — DANCE
> sfw; fluff; male!lord!reader; tbd
alchemist!osamu miya — HELPING HAND
> sfw; fluff; gn!assistant!reader; tbd
werewolf!kotarou bokuto — REFUGE
> sfw; fluff; gn!reader; injuries; reader finds and helps bokuto after a full moon; tbd
wanderer!yuu nishinoya — GUARDIAN ANGEL
> sfw; fluff; gn!reader helps noya when he gets into trouble with some con artists; tbd
witch!kiyoomi sakusa — LAKE
> sfw; fluff; magic au; witch omi; male wizard reader; nonsexual nudity; first kisses
dragonkeeper!atsumu miya — HEAT
> sfw; fluff; gn!reader; reader gets injured (burnt); tbd
fae!rintarou suna — LOST
> sfw; fluff; tbd
seer!tetsuro kuroo — COMFORT
> sfw; fluff; tbd
harpy!shoyo hinata — ESCAPE
> sfw; fluff; tbd; gn!prisoner!reader; hinata helps reader escape; tbd
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Hiii, Harpy anon again.
I have more thoughts. Instead of making Idia a dog boy, I say we make him an insect. Mostly because there are some insects out there that just make sense for him. (Also because he kinda look like bug to me tbh)
For example, spiders. (Yes I know they aren't insects but they look insects and that's all that matters) Spiders specifically have a lot of significance in Greek mythology, so it would make sense for Idia (who is based off a Greek god) to have some kind of connection there. But also spiders tend to be solitary creatures, they don't live in groups and only come together during mating. And a lot of the time, during mating the males are killed by their female mates. Which..I feel like is why Idia would avoid Yuu like the plague. Because all he can think about near them is "Mate.Mate.Mate.Mate.MATE-" and he's scared if he tries anything he'll get killed immediately.
Now I don't know if we've talked about Ortho yet but I feel like he's a little robot bee. I know it doesn't really go with spider Idia but Robot bee Ortho would be so gosh darn cute. There was a study done on bee's that came to the conclusion that when bee's bump into eachother they make a little "Whoop" noise. IMAGINE BUMPING INTO BEE ORTHO AND HE JUST GOES "Whoop!"
Ahem, sorry got carried away there for a sec. Bee's are also very protected of their hive and other bees in said hive, so I can't help but imagine if Yuu gets picked on Ortho immediately just pulls out the laser beams. Bee's can also smell fear. Giving bee Ortho this trait is like giving a toddler a glock and telling them to go do a crime. It is both horrifying and hilarious at the same time.
Robot Bee Boy.
BeeBot that makes cute noises when bumping into things.
So very cute. I don't have much to add to that except look at this cute bee butt.
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Now...spooder Idia...
Did anyone else see Kar'niss from Baldr's Gate 3 and thought he was hella fine?
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What kind of spider would he be? If he's one of the fluffy kinds I love the idea of his floof matching his hair. Would he have multiple eyes? Fangs on top of having those already pointy teethies?
Did you know an interesting thing that bee's and some spiders have in common his helping with pollinating plants?
Hmm drider's are usually big and people in general already don't like regular spiders very much. Poor Idia is just going to keep getting more reasons to not leave his room. 😔Oh Jeez Jamil would prob freak out seeing him.
Man, Idia and Azul have it bad. For females of both of their kind if they don't kill you after sex cuz doing the diddly works up an appetite, they might kill males that they simply rejected...or just because they got too close.
Another thing that both male octopuses and spiders have been shown to do to lower the risk is present their possible mate with food. Azul's an amazing cook with his own restaurant and Idia has a surplus of every kind of snack/junk food you can think of so at least they have that going.
Still, I would like to think that even if that happens with their kind in that world it's not nearly as bad or quite as common. Funny though to think of Idia screeching when he sees you and tossing a few bags of gummies and chips at you.
Also....to avoid getting eaten after sex some male spiders will actually tie the female up in his web and set her free after. Do with that info what you will.
Some spiders also do a mating dance, but you have a snowball's chance in hell of seeing him do that.
Still, it's just more things that get these types of nonhuman boys thinking that you the little would be the best choice when it comes to finding a mate. AMAB? Cool. AFAB? Well, human ones don't cannibalize so it's all good....well once the guys learned that they don't.
Plus, once he gets to actually know you and see how you're the least threatening thing in the school things will be easier.
Once he's comfortable around you get to see something amazing...
That he's a snarky little shit with so much sass. He's a weird combination of having issues with self-loathing while also having an ego.
One time you tried to bite him for mouthing off and he was legit scared for a sec but once he saw those little teeth of yours couldn't even make a scratch on the exoskeleton on his arm, he gets super freaking smug, and now he's even more of a shit when teasing you.
One of the cool things is that you can legit ride him places cuz he big spooder. It's too bad it rarely if ever happens with being a shut in.
He'll still let you sit on him like that when you guys are in his room.
A cool thing he can do is climb on walls and ceilings, does it often when trying to sneak to the vending machines on campus without being seen. He has unfortunately been seen once or twice though and it scared the hell out of the poor student to see a giant freaking spider on the ceiling and almost made Idia drop his snacks.
His webs are pretty and glowy, he kind of has them around his room set up like fairy light.
Weird fact, spiders can taste with their feet.
Cute fact, some spiders will keep a frog as a pet. Frog helps keep the spider's eggs from getting eaten and the spider protects the frog from other things.
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I'm kind of picturing Idia as the spider and you as the frog. You are his emotional support human that he keeps close when he has to leave his lair.
He unintentionally gives you scary dog privileges.
Imagine working your shift at Twisted McDonald and a little human comes up to you with this big-ass sharp-toothed spider dude behind them, you are scared out of your mind but then the human says "Excuse me, he asked for no pickles."
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Twisted Wonderland Marine Biologist!AU Snippet: Mini!Yuu meets a Mermaid
Ugh, I've been so busy with real life stuff lately, but to show you guys that I am reading everything that's being sent in, here's a snippet of a fic response to an ask! The person asked about the mermaid!AU/Marine Biologist AU and wondered: would the boys be more comfortable/curious interacting with mini!Yuu versus older Yuu?
Some notes as a reminder: the boys in the Marine Biologist AU don't speak human languages, but they can understand words based on context and observation. Aside from the Octotrio, everyone is a mermaid/harpy based off of the animal nicknames that Floyd gives them in game!
Also to note (and I will be working on designs once I sit down long enough to do so), the boys will have a less human look to them yet will retain enough details for us to recognize who they are supposed to be.
----------------Begin Snippet----------------
When Yuu woke up, they found themselves alone in the room. Rubbing their tired eyes, they looked around in confusion before they called out, “Mama? Mama!” They waited to see if she would appear, only to be met with silence. This wasn’t the first time they’d woken up in one of the rooms at their mom’s job, and it wasn’t unusual for the adults to be busy with their work.
It also wasn’t the first time they’d snuck out to see the animals.
Excited at the thought of seeing the pretty fish and cute animals again, Yuu climbed out of the cot and pulled their otter plushie Felix with them before toddling out of the room. The hallway was empty, the ceiling towering over them as their footsteps were muffled by the fish tanks and computers. Creeping quietly past the rooms where they could hear adults talking, they couldn’t help but catch a few mumbled words. “-maid…otter……turtle…”
Of all the words, however, the one that caught their attention was ‘otter’, a happy grin crossing their face as they hugged Felix close. They had otters again! Maybe they could play with them and give them shiny new rocks to play with and feel better? The thought was enough to make them hurry over to one of the largest rooms nearby.
Yuu stopped and gasped in awe, staring up at the vast size of the room and the seven large tanks willed with different colors and decorations. Some were more sparkly than others, while some had a more rough and mysterious look to them. Giggling, Yuu toddled over to the closest tank and peered inside. “Oooo,” they cooed, watching as some of the glowing fish flickered in and out of the dark tinted glass. Even the jellyfish looked so gorgeous, mesmerizing the tiny toddler. Seeing a tiny fish flickering close to them, they giggled and waved Felix around to make him dance as they sang, “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming~!”
The fish seemed to follow along with the dancing otter toy for a moment before it suddenly bolted away, Yuu giving a disappointed pout…until something caught their eye. It was big…bigger than anything they’d seen in the tanks before. For a moment Yuu thought that it might’ve been an adult swimming with the animals again, but the shape looked…wrong.
Closer and closer the dark form got, flickers of pink, green, and blue lights running along its body before it emerged into the bright fluorescent lights. Pink and black mottled skin flashed with colorful lights, bright red eyes that seemed to glow staring down at Yuu as they gazed up at it. Short octopus tentacles shifted and settled on the sand as the creature leaned in to get a closer look. The face looked human-ish, but the vampire fangs in its mouth and the flared hair on its head gave them the impression of being a vampire octopus. The sight of this creature with large arms and an eerie look would have unnerved anyone. Yuu, however…
“Wow,” they uttered, eyes shining bright with awe as they reached out to touch the glass with a free hand. “Are you…a mermaid??”
A warm smile crossed the octopus mermaid’s face as it—he, they decided—reached down and placed his own hand where their own was, Yuu marveling over the sheer size of it. A soft, low warble echoed in the water, somehow managing to be loud enough to be heard over the tank motors yet soft enough to be soothing to the ears. He blew out a few bubbles, waving a finger from his free hand around them…and creating shapes in a shower of sparkles!
Gasping, Yuu happily stamped their feet in pure joy as the bubbles—guided by the mermaid’s finger—began to move like the animals he created from them. Dolphins spinning and twirling around, jellyfish gracefully drifting along, eels and octopus floating and swimming along…it was so magical that Yuu didn’t even notice the large form that had quietly landed nearby and was stalking up to them with bright green eyes.
--------------End Snippet-------------
Curious baby meets equally curious non-humans, more at 11!
I'm having so much fun writing this with mini!Yuu, so I hope you guys enjoy it once I find a good stopping point (which may take a while because thoughts of cuteness have taken hold of me 😂)!
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scarletst0ries · 2 months
My Twisted Wonderland ocs
Who they are and short little description of my sillies. (I know they’re not all based on villains/ antiheroes. Crowley is trying to make NRC co-ed bless him)
Kara “Yuu” June- My Yuu(16). She is starting to doubt if she wants to go home.
Madison “Mads ” March(18)- 3rd year in Heartslabyul. Based on Mad Hatter. Friends with Zian and Athena. Unaffiliated with any clubs. Seems to enjoy giving Riddle a headache.
Zian Skylar- 3rd year in Savanaclaw(19). Based off of Eda and Zazu. Friends with Mads and Athena. Member of Pop Music Club. In charge of taking care of the female students and fending off creeps. One of the few harpy students and a general party girl.
Athena Sterling- 3rd year and former housewarden of Octavinelle(18). Based off of Lilith and Prince Eric. Friends with Mads and had an on and off friendship with Zian. Member of the Mountain lovers club. Enjoys sailing and playing violin. She is the Mastro Lounge’s performer.
Robyn Sherwood- 2nd year in Scarabia(17). Based off of Robin Hood. Head of the Archery Club. She grew up with Ruggie and has the same sticky fingers as him. Fox Beastman.
Soma Flint- 3rd year in Pomefiore(20). Based off of Mother Gothel. Unaffiliated with any club. Crewel’s niece and recently adopted her younger cousin. Half-fae. She is a listening ear for anyone on campus.
Evangeline Daimon- 2nd year in Ignihyde(17). Based off of Pain. Member of the Board Game Club. Zian keeps pestering her to befriend her. Fae. Enjoys any type of doll and video games.
Raven- 1st year in Diasomnia(Age unknown). Based off of Maleficent’s crow. Unaffiliated with any club. Fae. Only Malleus and Lilia know anything personal about them.
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twistedroseytoesy · 2 years
Gotta write monster stuff so I won’t forget…
Ace: sylph (mischievous air spirit)
Deuce: pigmy satyr (clumsy but trying)
Trey: tall elf
Cater: alpine satyr (smart and entertaining) 
Riddle: gorgon
Leona: lion taur
Ruggie: crocotta (hyena like creature that can mimic sounds)
Jack: werewolf 
Floyd: eel mer, looks like eel form but with legs on land. 
Jade: same as Floyd 
Azule: humanoid form has 4 arms and more textured skin, suction cups on his hands. In the water is a cecalian/octo-mer. (Can you tell I have a favorite?)
Kalim: oasis spirit
Jamil: naga 
Vil: peacock siren (bird siren btw)
Epel: pixie (haha short)
Rook: dark watcher (like slender man) 
Idia: technology demon
Ortho: cyborg/ultron 
Malleus: black dragon born (cause dnd)
Lilia: bat sphinx
Silver: oneiroi (winged humanoid, with wing ears lures others to sleep)
Sebek: Morgawr (monster crocodile with webbed feet and powerful tail)
Grim: fire cat with bat wings/ chimera
Crowly: crow harpy
Crewl: were-dog (Dalmatian variant)
Trein: were-cat (Siamese variant)
Vargas: half ork (also dnd)
Sam: shadow demon
Mc/yuu: human
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Saw u reblogged an ask game and. Haven't interacted w/ u in a hot minute so I wanted to drop something in for ur Yuus hehe!
🐉 for all, but 💯 for Mayuu and 🎻 for Anro (sry Annie but I didn't see any that stuck out to me for her. If u wanted to tho maybe 👨‍👨‍👦(or whatever the right family emoji is) for her?
Feel free to pick n choose if u don't wanna do all of these tho!!!
Anon, you just made my day. Like srsly.
Anyways!! Ask game!!
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
Mayuu was a writer, back in her world. She had hundreds of worlds at her fingertips, dozen of OCs with semi-sad backstories. Before twst, she was such a creative girl. Always singing, always smiling. Nowadays though...I haven't seen her smile.
She has a Trey plushie back home. It was a gift from her friends. They had a running gag, gifting her Trey Clover themed items, even though she has insisted that he wasn't her favorite!! Never mind that she coded a visual novel of Trey or owns a key chain of him. Mayuu missed those times, where she could just laugh with her friends, not a single care in the world.
Mayuu is from the Phillipines! Southeast Asian!! Her favorite snack is boiled duck embryo (balut)!! Actually, it's not her fav, but it's soon good!! Trust me, guys/j.
🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
That one barbie movie said "Voice" was an instrument!! Anro would definitely shout that, her olive cheeks turning a shade darker. Though, to be honest, Anro isn't that skilled with her voice. Her skill level is Intermediate. She could sound like an angel, but she can also sound like a dying bird. Really depends on the day. Even so, Anro loves singing. She loves the feeling of being on stage as people watch her perform. Anro is also a self-proclaimed Voice Actor, and she loves making her voice super masculine.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 FAMILY WITH MOTHER, FATHER, SON AND DAUGHTER — how many people are in your oc's immediate family? how many people are in your oc's extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are they closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family?
Of course. Asking the puppet girl about family. This wouldve been a wonderful question for any other, but for Annie...
It's complicated. She has a family, somewhat. Is the people out there, in reality, her family? The ones who raised her, at least in her backstory? They could be, she supposed. But they've never really interacted.
What of the author? The one who made her? The one who haphazardly gave a self-insert consciousness? Is she family? Annie supposed she was as close as she could get. But honestly, the "author" was more like her little sister. Someone fun to annoy mwehehe.
She supposes Aqua could be like a brother to her, seeing as they spend lots of time in the lounge area that is the author's mind. He's also the only other one who is conscious. Stuck in the middle of reality and fiction. Never really a part of either. They are so similar, from their personalities to their reality-warping powers. Too bad they don't see each other often, since they're in separate universes.
Mayuu too, could be considered family. She annoys her enough to be considered a little sis. Honestly, all the other self-inserts could be considered Annie's fam. They all lived in a house together, at one point.
Tldr: it's complicated
🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc's favorite mythical creature?
Mayuu - Siren, she supposed. They could lure you with their voice, then tear the flesh from your skin when you're close enough. Being able to sway another's mind is quite an interesting power, in Mayuu's opinion. Definitely something she wished she had. (And totally not cause someone commented that the song "Fish Inside a Birdcage" was about sirens and harpies). That, and she used to play Siren with her family when they went swimming. She'd grab their feet from the water, as they struggled against her grip. Ah, Those were the days.
Annie - Myths don't interest Annie that much. Maybe faeries? Since they're just as mischievous as her. Or were those fairies?
Anro - Shapeshifters!! I know that doesn't count. But wouldn't it be so cool to change your appearance like zap, zippity zoom, boom you're Jamil? Like, cosplay would be so easy and effortless. Plus, I could switch from girl to guy to girl so quickly! For cosplay reasons, of course.
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