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poly golden trio brainrot go brrrrrr.
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me: *found an amazing artist drawing one of my favorite ships*
Omg, I wonder if they love my favorite character.
*They don't*
Me: nevermind.
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big-ronnev-fan · 2 years
Me: *realises that dramione fans are super talented*
Also me: *starts planning a million different dramione fics with Ron/Neville in order to get the dramiones into my ship*
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kelbies-fandom-locker · 7 months
If anyone needs me you’ll find me hidden in the Harry Potter section . Mainly curled up in the common room with a blanket and a butter beer .
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horiahotwheels · 11 months
Meet my twin sister !!
Looks like Harmonie decided to visit me !! Look how beautiful she is !!
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We went to the karoake corner and enjoyed a night together. That was so cool to see her after moving out. Glad to see that she's having a good time here at Moonwood Mill.
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I wonder what she will do here and how long she will stay !!
That's it for this short post. See ya !!
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invisiblequill · 7 days
Ok you can convince me of shipping movie harmionie but never book harmionie. It doesn’t make sense, sorry.
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sillygoofychampion · 6 months
I genuinely forget straight people exist sometimes I was like “oh..two girls in the bathroom……..one femme one masc……..hand going down pants uh oh…..” and then read the tags and it was RON AND HARMIONY FROM HARRY POTTER
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archivesofthevoid · 1 year
Okay, so, Harry gets left with the Dursleys, blah de blah, they don't want him. Vernon find his way into Diagon Alley, and leaves baby Harry with the Goblins. They raise him as one of his own, and the story follows the plot of the main series, adjusted to how it would be under the new circumstances. There's a lot of Dumbledore and Ron-bashing, and it's a Harmionie fic. It's on Fanfiction.net, and the author is RobSt
NOT MY BOY RON :((( but yes I'll definitely give it a read!! I saw that there was like 100+ chapters so dear lord this might take me a second to read,,,
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dramionediscussion · 2 years
everytime something r0mione pops-up on my explore/for you page, there is ALWAYS a comment along the lines of "i dont know why ppl ship dramione" *out of nowhere*. and DHr shippers can just enjoy DHr things like normal ppl without being randomly annoyed by *the thought of r0mione*. I'm convinced no one actually ships r0mione, ppl just hate dramione. no one is even talking about r0mione content, bc they don't consume it.
We had a r0mione shipper leave nasty comments on a few posts a while ago on dramioneasks. I checked their profile, it was filled with more hate for dramione, drarry, harmiony, hinny, snape than actual r0mione content!
They even hated on Hermione and Harry, saying that they would be nothing without Ron.
It was hilarious!
But yeah, I agree, from what I have seen, most r0mione people hate on other ships more than talking and promoting r0mione content.
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lunanevilleginny · 6 years
drarry really is THAT ship. like platonically or romanically they LOVE each other and it’s showed through years and years of hatred. i used to ship harmionie but DRARRY is the more superior ship and no one else should he shipped with harry. thanks for coming to my ted talk
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mxcrow · 7 years
Am I the only one who gets swept into ships that I know won’t be canon. But love it and are so obsessed with it anyway?
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when Harry actually opens up about his emotions and feelings
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this boy has been through so much, just let him have a good cry. (interpret my Golden trio art as you will, either platonic or a poly ship)
and for y'all my lucky Tumblr followers all October you will be getting fanart when Insta is getting inktober stuff. so y'all lucky. cause I want to keep the inktober stuff together before I start posting my fanart there again :)
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littleroma · 8 years
3 and 8, please!
3. What is the rarest rare pair (that you ship)Well, it’s not really rare persay but Flommy on Arrow (even though Tommy’s dead in the show, a girl can dream), but the rest of my pairings are pretty not quite canon but really shipped in fandom (I’m not particularly original at times)
8. Your oldest ship; the one you’ve shipped for the longest time?Probably Harry/Hermione, I just thought that romance seemed to appear more organic that Ron/Hermione anyway.  Or maybe Hermione/Draco?  One of the stories that got me into reading Harry and Hermione was Breakfast in New York by Radaslab over on FFN.  Hermione/Draco was probably Hunted by Bex-chan also over on FFN.
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big-ronnev-fan · 2 years
Harry saying that Hermione looked beautiful at the yule ball is a win for the harmionys and I'm glad they have it
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sacredsnape · 2 years
could you do a Severus snape x wife! Professor Reader (maybe start off with some smut) where snape and the reader have been married for a long time but the students never noticed until one day they get curious (Ron, harmionie, and Harry) and they spy on snape and the reader and start asking them a bunch of questions.
I absolutely adore the concept of Hogwarts students finding out that Snape has a partner, it's so endearing to me <3
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Genre: fluff/mild smut
Warnings: sexual themes at the beginning
Link to masterlist
"Sev, hurry," you warned your husband through moans, pulling on his hair. Your little visit with him during the passing period had started off innocent enough; Snape had just been showing you some of his new potion ingredients in his storeroom, but you were all too distracted with the way his fingers gently closed around the bottles of ingredients, and how passionately he spoke about them.
Of course, Snape took notice like he always does, and now here you two were, your back pressed against the wall and your legs wrapped around his waist as he thrusted up into you.
"I'm almost there," Snape grunted against your neck, trying his best to keep you steady in his arms despite his movements beginning to falter, all due to his upcoming climax.
"I only have a few more min- oh fuck!" you cried, unable to further warn Snape that you barely had any time to spare before you'd have to teach your next lesson.
You gently bit into Snape's shoulder, trying to stifle your moans as you and him came together, shaking in his arms as waves of intense sexual gratification rolled through you.
"Go on now," Snape panted, kissing your forehead as he gently set you down, quickly pulling up his bottoms. "I don't want you to be late."
You shakily redressed yourself, giving Snape's ass a playful smack as you and him cleaned up using a specific spell. Snape playfully glared at you and then smiled, allowing you to exit the storeroom first.
You headed down the corridor to your classroom and then Snape left a few minutes after you, trying to avoid looking suspicious.
However, Harry had caught sight of you leaving the storeroom, followed by Snape soon thereafter.
Harry's eyes widened and he followed after you, as he had your class next and was dying to tell his best friends, Ron and Hermione, what he had witnessed.
"You're not going to believe what I saw on my way here," Harry frantically whispered to Ron and Hermione as the trio sat down at the back of the class.
"What?" Ron asked as he begrudgingly took his textbook, The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 6, out of his bookbag.
"Professor Y/L/N and Profesor Snape left his potions storeroom together!" He said in a hushed voice. "Snape left a few minutes after she did, which was suspicious."
"Oh, Harry, don't be so immature," Hermione said reproachfully as she shook her head.
"What?" Harry asked her, puzzled as he watched her readily flip to the chapter you'd be teaching the class today.
"I bet you're trying to insinuate that they were-" Hermione warily glanced at you before she whispered, "-you know."
Ron snorted, shaking his head. "Who'd want to do that with Snape? I mean, he must've slipped Amortentia into Y/L/N's coffee or something, there's no way anyone would willingly want to be with him. He's a foul old git, that's what he is."
Harry and Hermione exchanged an amused look as you cleared your throat to call for the students' attention.
"Today we will be focusing on nonverbal spells," you announced, flicking your wand towards the blackboard, which magically filled with a neat list of notes to be taken by the students. "These spells require great focus and dedication, and I expect each and every one of you to take good notes and carefully follow my instructions."
"Is there a nonverbal spell to get me out of here?" Ron whispered to Harry, who snorted quite loudly and failed to mask it with a mock cough.
"Is there something you'd like to say, Mr. Potter?" you asked him with a raised eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest. Your wedding band glinted in the sunlight and Hermione noticed this, dropping her quill and splattering ink all over her parchment.
"Nothing, Professor, sorry," Harry mumbled, averting your gaze as Ron silently shook with laughter beside him.
"What about you, Mr. Weasley? Something seems to be quite amusing," you added, staring directly at Ron as the class snickered.
Ron quickly shook his head, going pink. Hermione rolled her eyes at him and Harry, picking up her quill and quickly scribbling a note onto a fresh piece of parchment.
"Very well then. Now, if you haven't already, please open your books to chapter ten, page 138, and read the first two paragraphs on nonverbal spells. Then, take notes on them and discuss what you've learned with a partner," you said, shaking your head as you went to sit at your desk, straightening out a stack of graded essays. "I'll also be passing out last week's essay on perfecting the Aguamenti Charm at the end of class."
Hermione carefully slid the note to Harry, who picked it up and internally read,"She has a wedding band!"
Harry's eyes widened and he looked up at you before passing the note to Ron, who choked on a laugh.
"The Amortentia must be working wonders on her, then," he scribbled back, passing the note to Harry, who then passed it to Hermione, who rolled her eyes again.
Harry could hardly focus, trying to catch a glimpse of your wedding band throughout the entire class period.
He was so focused on that, in fact, that he hadn't noticed that his ink bottle had been leaking all over the floor until you told him, and he sprang up in surprise and hastily began to clean up the mess.
"Are you alright, Mr. Potter? You seem awfully distracted," you observed as Harry finished cleaning up the inky disaster, peering over at his notes and seeing that they were only half completed.
"I'm alright, Professor. Just nervous, I suppose, for the upcoming Quidditch match," he rambled, his eyes flicking towards your hand. You noticed and hid your hand behind your back, walking away from him with a suspicious look.
"Good going, she noticed you staring," Ron disapprovingly said to Harry, sighing. "There's no chance of us ever finding out if her and Snape are actually together."
"Yes there is," Hermione piped in, finishing up her notes with a satisfied smile. "We'll need to use the Invisibility Cloak."
"Ouch, Ron! That was my foot!" Hermione hissed.
"Oops, sorry," Ron mumbled in response.
"Be quiet, you two!" Harry snapped.
The three of them were huddled under the Invisibility Cloak, sneaking their way through the dark corridors to the staff room, where they had seen you and Snape walk into.
"Harry, peer through the crack in the door," Hermione whispered to Harry, giving him a gentle nudge. "You're closest."
Harry took a deep breath, like he was anticipating Filch springing out at them from a corner, before he peered through the ajar door, getting a good look at you and Snape.
"Are you positive that he saw it?" Snape was worriedly asking you, gripping the back of a chair.
"I think so. He looked directly at where it is on my hand," you replied, biting your lip. "We've kept our relationship hidden for so long, Sev. I even started wearing long sleeves in summer just to hide my ring."
Ron gasped loudly and Hermione pinched his side, ushering at him to be quiet.
"I know, my love," Snape sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose. "All of the dunderheads are going to start spreading all sorts of rumors."
"We only told the other teachers for that exact reason," you said in an exasperated tone. "Because students will spread rumors and twist our words and-"
You stopped speaking, inhaling shakily. Snape immediately took you into his arms and reassuringly kissed your forehead.
Harry spun around when he heard a gagging noise behind him, seeing a look of pure disgust on Ron's face. Meanwhile, Hermione was speechless, her mouth hanging open.
"They're mostly going to be talking about me," Snape softly said as he held you. "I can already hear them: 'Who knew Snape would get himself a wife? He must have her under the Imperius Curse! He's a greasy git! What does she even see in him?' "
He then sighed again, shaking his head. "However, if anyone speaks one word against you," he told you, staring at you seriously. "They will face my wrath."
"Sev, your wrath is glaring at people," you giggled, kissing his cheek. Ron gagged again and Harry had to nudge him to get him to quiet down.
"And taking away points. And threatening to expel them," Snape reminded you, sounding proud of what he considered to be his wrath.
You warmly smiled up at Snape and said, "I love you a lot, you know."
"I know, and I love you too," Snape mused, pressing his lips to yours just as Hermione was overcome with a fit of giggles.
"Will you two shut up already?" Harry hissed through gritted teeth, his stomach dropping when he saw Snape suddenly turn to face the door, his eyebrows raised quizzically.
Harry immediately tore away from the door and dragged his friends with him away from the staff room, just as Snape opened the door, looking up and down the corridor.
"I thought I heard someone," Snape explained to you, noticing your confused expression. "Someone that sounded an awfully lot like Potter."
"I'm sure it wasn't," you reassured him, but Snape didn't seem to believe you judging by the way his lip curled in disagreement.
"Shall we leave now, darling?" Snape softly asked you, his expression completely changing as he looked down at you. "There's a nice cozy spot by the fire waiting for us in my room."
"Of course," you smiled up at him, and you and Snape left the staff room, being closely watched by the invisible Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
The next day in Potions class, Hermione took up the duty of trying to spot any evidence of Snape being in a relationship, since Ron couldn't stop laughing and Harry was too preoccupied with perfecting his Draught of Peace.
"Professor Snape?" Hermione meekly asked Snape as he strode by the table her, Ron, and Harry were working at.
"Yes, Miss Granger?" he replied, his eyes flicking over to Harry's potion, which wasn't the correct color. Snape frowned at the potion and sighed deeply.
"Erm- have you spoken to Professor Y/L/N recently?" she continued in the same meek tone, trying to discreetly look at Snape's fingers, but he shoved his hands into the pockets of his coat.
"Miss Granger, if you're not going to ask me a question related to the assignment, then-" Snape hotly began, being interrupted by the sound of a string of curses from the other side of the room; Draco had spilled syrup of hellebore all over his robes.
"For your information, Miss Granger," Snape quietly continued, leering at her and the other two. "I have spoken to her recently, and frankly, I am curious as to why you want to know."
Hermione went pink and Ron cleared his throat, trying to find the right words to say.
"What, Weasley?" Snape snapped at Ron, who went as pink as Hermione.
"Well, Professor," Ron began, biting the inside of his cheek. "I also want to know why. Harry does too."
Harry side eyed Ron, ignoring him, feeling Snape's deadly glare on him.
Snape was about to reply nastily when the door of his classroom swung open, and there you stood, a nervous smile on your face.
All snarkiness and anger instantly flooded from Snape's face and he smiled so widely that Harry recoiled at the sight.
Snape gave the trio one last dirty look before he strode over to you, snapping at Draco for wasting and making a mess of his supplies.
"What is it?" Snape quietly asked you, hearing the scraping of stools as everyone turned to face you and Snape. He inhaled angrily and ignored them, already planning to take House points.
You could barely speak, giggling happily as you beamed up at Snape.
"It happened," you excitedly whispered to Snape, rocking happily on your heels. "I'm pregnant."
"She's WHAT?" Ron exclaimed, as he was sitting closest to the door and caught every word of what you said.
Snape's face lit up with glee before he turned to snarl at Ron, "Get back to work, Weasley! Five points from Gryffindor!"
Snape then turned to face you again, happy laughter escaping him as he hugged you tightly. "Oh my goodness, really? Are you sure?" he anxiously asked you.
"I'm very sure," you eagerly said, hugging him back as tears of joy welled up in your eyes. "You're finally going to be a dad!"
Snape lifted you gently into his arms, carefully spinning you around as he kissed you all over your face. The whole class was gawking at the scene and no longer paying attention to their potions, which bubbled messily and spilled over onto the tables.
"I'm so happy," Snape whispered, his eyes misty with grateful tears. "We've been trying for so long, and we finally-"
He couldn't continue his sentence, crying happily into your embrace.
"So I guess that confirms our suspicions, then," Hermione stated plainly, stirring her potion around in her cauldron. Ron was frozen with shock, as was Harry, who faintly heard Draco say, "Wait till my Father hears about this! Another professor interrupting a lesson is extremely unprofessional."
Like you had predicted, the news of yours and Snape's relationship spread like wildfire throughout Hogwarts, and almost everyone had something negative to say about Snape.
"Oh, shut up," you grumbled quietly as you passed a group of second years guffawing over the news of Snape having found love. "It's not like Snape's the worst there is."
"Many think he is," a familiar baritone voice said suddenly from your right, startling you. Snape had appeared at your side, smiling at you.
"But he's not, and that's a fact," you replied, kissing Snape right there in the middle of the corridor, ignoring the gasps and giggles of the nearby students.
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harmonyxshipper · 7 years
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Harmony. I think that the past repeated itself😻. Not my edit. Couldn't find the primary source.
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