#happy birthday tetia
millenni-em-tauk · 2 years
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Happy birthday, lovely Tetia!!! (10/9) 💗🎉🎁
Comic reads left to right. Breakdown: Panel 1: CREEEAK. It's night. Olruggio tip-toes through the front door. He carries a sky blue gift bag with pink trim. Panel 2: Olruggio removes his hat. He makes a sour face at the scene before him... Panel 3: Olruggio says, "...dammit. I'm too late..." In front of him is a messy table, banner, gifts...the remains of a party he missed. Panel 4: Tetia runs in. She cries, "Professor Olly!! I heard you come in! I'm not asleep yet!" Panel 5 (below): Olly says, "Evidently!" Tetia says, "We saved you some cake!!" She tackles Olly in a hug. OOF, he says - his back cracks...! Panel 6: Olly sets the gift bag on Tetia's head. "Glad I caught you," he says. "Happy birthday, kiddo." Tetia replies, "Thank you!!" Olruggio says back, "No--thank YOU!" Panel 7: "What for?" Tetia asks. Panel 8: Olruggio grins kindly. "For bein' born!" Panel 9: Tetia hugs Olly, beaming. He says, "Now you oughtta get to bed." She says, "So should you!" He says, "Yeah, yeah..."
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colscortex · 9 days
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teenagechildtyphoon · 19 days
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flipfic · 11 months
Father's day
It's father's day! While I don't know if the Witch Hat Atelier universe has father's day, I thought a cute fluff fic with the father's and daughters would be so cute!
Awoken by the feeling of fingers brushing across his forehead, Qifrey’s eyes quickly fluttered open. Greeted by the face of his closest companion, his best friend, his Watchful Eye, and his lover, his shoulders relaxed into the plush pillows underneath him. Light filtered through the other man’s short, dark hair. “How long are you going to sleep for?” Olruggio asked affectionately, leaning over the still dreaming Qifrey.
“It’s not often you ask me that.” Qifrey mumbled, bringing his hand to rub the sleep from his eyes. “Surely there’s some kind of special occasion I must be missing for you to be up so early…”
“Perhaps.” Olruggio said, and at a closer glance, he was dressed. In fact, he was hardly in bed at all. He was simply sitting atop the fluffy comforter the two of them shared to wake Qifrey up.
Qifrey sat up, raising his brows and grabbing at Olruggio’s cloak curiously, tugging the cloth to pull the scruffy man closer. “You’re dressed. You’re never dressed before me! Really, what is the occasion?” It wasn’t that Qifrey was naked, only in his pajamas. Still, unacceptable compared to Olruggio’s cloaked body. “It’s not our anniversary, don’t worry.” Olruggio chuckled, gently pushing at Qifrey’s chest to settle him, knowing all too well he’d work himself into a frenzy if he forgot something so serious. “Nothing like that. You need to calm down.”
“Calm down? Oh, it’s a birthday, isn’t it? Who’s? Not one of the girls, I promised them I’d never forget again! Oh, poor Richeh was heartbroken when I nearly forgot it last year!” Qifrey reached to his nightstand to try and find his glasses, hoping the girls weren’t too distraught at his forgetfulness. Yes, he had been busy lately, but that was no excuse!
“Qifrey, my love, calm down.” Olruggio said once more, but the sweet tone simply made Qifrey melt back into the other’s warm embrace. Who needed glasses?
My love. The two of them never called each other such things. The occasional ‘dear’ or ‘my friend’ was exchanged, the latter of which was dropped after their first kiss… Really, why did it take them so long to kiss? They’d been friends forever before that moonlit night just outside their home. And to think the girls saw it… the squeals nearly broke every window in the house, they heard it from outside! Olruggio began to develop a spell for squeal-proof windows, though Tetia assured them it was a one-time thing. Yet the next quick kiss on the cheek between the watchful eye and their teacher resulted in the same squealings from at least three of their children. The point is, nicknames, affectionate terms, none of them were regularly used. As long as they had been together, they were saved for important moments. Private things said when united as one, when sharing secrets or other such moments. Or… as Olruggio had discovered, to ease Qifrey’s worries.
Qifrey must have been lost in thought, as Olruggio chuckled deeply and pressed a gentle finger between his furrowed brows. “Darling, please,” The affectionate word made Qifrey shiver. “Don’t doubt your memory. You’ve not forgotten anything. Nothing to worry about.” A gentle kiss placed on Qifrey’s forehead eased the tension he felt building. 
“Then, what is it? Why are you up and dressed? If I’ve not forgotten anything?” Qifrey knit his brows, only to have that damned finger pressed between them once more. “Well-” Olruggio began, only to be interrupted by their door slamming open (thank goodness it was a strong door, Qifrey worried it’d splinter into a million pieces with that kind of force).
“Happy Father’s Day!” Four voices cried in unison.
“Father’s day?” Qifrey gasped.
“Father’s day!” Tetia confirmed with a big nod. “Happy father’s day, Professor Qifrey and Olruggio!”
Qifrey began blinking away tears of pure joy. “Oh, girls!”
Olruggio laughed and beckoned the girls onto the large bed, Agott was trusted with carrying a tray of breakfast for the two, and carefully set the tray on the bed once the other girls had finished shuffling about. Porridge, cup purin, fruit juice, scrambled eggs in sandwiches with sweet breads! 
Qifrey raised a brow and cast a skeptical look up at his lover. “They made this all themselves?”
A gentle hand tilted Qifrey’s head back down at the breakfast feast. “Of course. The girls wanted to show you how much you mean to them.”
“You too, Master Olly!” Coco beamed up at him. “You’re our dad, too!”
Qifrey’s lip trembled. From any of them, this was… so special. Any of them thinking of him and Olruggio as fathers would bring him to tears, but all of them coming to celebrate them as fathers?
“Oh, Master Qifrey! Don’t cry!” Tetia said, “W-We didn’t mess up the food that badly! Master Olly helped!” “Hey!” Olruggio huffed. “That was supposed to be our secret!”
“No, girls. It’s all wonderful. Thank you, all of you!"
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humbuns · 1 year
AHHHH HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAL have a lovely day!! also if u feel like doodling a tetia or an agott I love how you draw wha characters <3 if not just ignore that part mwah best of wishes for u
ahhh thank you marim <33333 you know i can't refuse a request to draw my favorite daughter so this a treat for us both!
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thatsitso · 2 years
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Happy birthday to Tetia the shrimp fairy
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kcuf-ad · 1 year
Happy birthday Kcuf, I hope your day is full of all the things that make you happy. I like to read your story and headcannon for yuno and charmy relationship. I would like to ask for your headcannon regarding the gifts that Yuno will receive from his friends. Thanks!
Eyy, thanks man, happy to hear that.
Yuno has Like...4 friends in Canon if you don't include Asta, so I will have Black Bulls and the Golden Dawn give him a present each.
William would give him a bonsai tree.
Yami and Vanessa give him Sake and Wine
Langris and Alecdora give him a Do Better card.
David would gift him a Wind Style Dice with Letoile shaking her head.
Siren would probably make him a statue of Hage Village.
Hamon would give him a cookbook of all of his favourite food.
Klaus and Mimosa would go out of their way to make the best possible gift, something for him to enjoy and they gift him a locket od the Golden Dawn and one more for someone else.
Gauche will let him look at a picture of Marie for 10 minutes.
Gordon would make a puppet of Yuno For himself, and give him a copy and the rest of the Black Bulls.
Zora would prank him by throwing a stinkbug at him.
Magna gives him brass knuckles
Luck just wants to Throw hands with him and so they do with Yuno being the one that won.
Secre gives him a picture of Tetia and Licht.
Grey would just freak out and transform into Father.
Henry would just be chillin
Finral would gift him a handwritten letter that he made everyone sign.
Nacht would give pictures of Loyce and Ciel
Asta would give a friendship locket for his rival
Charmy? Charmy would make the biggest cake known to mankind, the size of the Raging Black Bull with every flavour he likes as its own layer and on top would be the most beautiful sculpture of Yuno on it
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💛 + 💖 + 🥖 for coco wha!
💛 - Brotp: This one's difficult because Coco has many friendships but, like, one I'd call a brotp...hm...Coco and Tetia probably :3 That moment where Tetia internally blames Coco for an unfortunate incident but is too sweet to say it out loud (while Coco is too self-blaming to not pick up on it)...it feels very realistic and the way they communicate about it melts my heart. Tetia big sister ever...they get into shenanigans and also they could kill god together
💖- Happy headcanon: The atelier does everything they can to make Coco's first birthday there a happy one. They make her a brushbug shaped cake and Brushbug himself gets a little party hat (which he will tolerate for Coco's sake)
🥖 - Food headcanon: I don't remember if this is confirmed by Witch Hat Kitchen or not, but in my mind Coco is the kind of person who will try any food you put in front of her. She grew up in a peasant village where they often ate the same thing day after day and meat was more of a luxury than a daily thing.
I also think Coco likes to help in the kitchen because Qifrey's cooking habits are very similar to those of Coco's mom—making lots of things from scratch to keep their hands busy, and adding little special personalized touches—and it's familiar and comforting
[Ask game]
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sanho-crwpff · 2 years
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Happy belated birthday to Tetia~~~
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ecargmura · 1 year
Witch Hat Atelier Volume 3 Review
Between the reviews of volumes 2 and 3, I took a break from reviewing this manga. I fortunately got Volume 3 as a birthday present from my brother back in March! Thanks, bro!
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I can’t help but to let out yelps every time I turn the page because this manga’s art is GORGEOUS! Like the cover page for Chapter 14? *chef’s kiss*. The cover of this volume? *chef’s kiss* Immaculate.
Chapter 12 is where Chapter 11 left off. Coco was about to get her memories erased but Tetia and Riche swoop in to save the day as well as Qifrey. They tell off the witch for being too rash with his actions. The witch examined Coco’s hands and realized that she didn’t use any forbidden magic, so they let her go while warning that there will be bigger consequences in the future.
Qifrey was proud for the girls. He even told Agott that she can take a test to rank up. Coco then tells Qifrey about the little vial of ink that she has. He noticed something off about it and holds onto it.
I really like how this chapter was written in the way that it wasn’t just Qifrey swooping in to save the day, but it was him, Tetia and Riche. You’d expect the child characters to be left out, but Shirahama gets them involved and I love that. It doesn’t make it look like they’re sidelined. I also like how Qifrey does his best to not make anyone erase Coco’s memories because he still needs clues to find the Brimhats and she’s his only lead. Coco was anxious about losing her memories because that means she’d lose her memories about her mom and the reason why she is studying magic.
I love that there is serious possible consequences for certain actions and they talked it out with reason instead of resorting to violence or magic.
Chapter 13 has Coco and Qifrey going to Kahln to meet with Mr. Nolnoa as he was the one who gave that little jar to Coco back in the first volume. His grandson Tartah brings them in. As Qifrey speaks with Nolnoa, Coco and Tartah develop a friendship as Tartah treats her wounds. However, it seems as if Tartah has issues of his own. While he is good at organizing magic material, he’s unable to differentiate color. He has silverwash, a type of colorblindness that makes a person’s vision all sorts of shades of silver. Because of this, he cannot become a full-fledged witch. Also, Qifrey did something that caused a bright light and when Tartah questioned Nolnoa, he feigns it.
I’ve always liked the Stationery shop in this story, so to return to it made me happy. I also like learning more of the world and people. Silverwash is an interesting concept and knowing that magic heavily relies on visuals does make one wonder how someone with a condition like Tartah become a witch, if it is possible.
Chapter 14 has the atelier go on a picnic. Coco learns about the five different tests in order to become a full-fledged witch; she took the first one, so she needs to take four more. The apprentices reveal about their goals with magic. Tetia wants to travel the world and help people. Riche wants to make her own magic. Agott wants to be a librarian. Coco just wants to learn more magic. It turns out that Coco’s having nightmares and it’s making her have trouble sleeping.
The picnic was nice and learning about the magic system and the girls’ goals made me feel more attached to them. Coco having nightmares about her mother’s death shows the insecurities that Coco hides within her kindness. She’s working herself so hard because she feels guilty for what happened to her mother.
Chapter 15 has Qifrey tries to uncover the mysteries of the mysterious ink in the vial that he made a mistake, causing him to get entangled in a sudden watery vortex. A Brimhat appears before him. It turns out that the mysterious ink was given to Coco by the same Brimhat watching over her.
In the morning, both Coco and Qifrey are tired. Qifrey wasted some tea leaves, so he goes out to pick some tea leaves. While the girls wait, Coco returns the Sylph Shoes back to Agott. Agott wonders why Coco’s so nice to her despite being mean to her in the beginning. Coco has no mean bone in her soul and just tells her that she didn’t want to give up.
She then faints as she’s sick! Qifrey takes her to the nearby hospital after receiving some help from Tartah.
This chapter was really interesting. Time and time again, we know that Brimhats are Qifrey’s goal because they took something from him. The fact that he missed an opportunity to confront the Brimhat caused him anguish. Qifrey’s not a good person. We’re not sure why he wants his missing item back, but we do know how dangerous these Brimhats are.
Coco and Agott’s conversation was heartwarming in a way. Agott really was mean to her in the beginning, but Coco never tattled towards her. Coco being a kind soul always moved my heart in a way. She’s super nice and all she wants is to learn magic in order to cure her mother. She can’t afford to wallow in petty rivalries and such.
Chapter 16 focuses on Coco and Tartah again. Tartah tries to help Coco after the doctors all ran off to check up on injured people from a nearby fire and they dragged Qifrey to help out. He is also an apprentice witch, but his future’s dark because of his inability to see colors. Despite this, he does his best to do things in ways he knows how. Coco, in her feverish state helps out.
Learning about how strict and prejudiced the Witch world is interesting. Just like in real life, society prefers the able-bodied, “normal” people while people who lack what is perceived as normal would be ostracized. Seeing Tartah working hard despite his disadvantages makes he hope he can become a witch someday.
Chapter 17 continues where the previous chapter left off. Coco and Tartah find the herb the latter was looking for and it helped Coco’s fever go down once a medic was able to come into the clinic wondering where her colleagues went. After Qifrey returns, Tartah asks him about the bright light, but they don’t seem to remember. In the morning, Tartah leaves for witch training, but tells Coco that she’ll become the greatest witch ever, encouraging her to keep going.
The friendship between Coco and Tartah is sweet. Coco made a friend outside out of the atelier. However, it’s not a pointless friendship as Tartah gives insight to what Coco’s missing with her glyph drawings while Coco gives insight to what he’s lacking. They work well together and it shows potential just in case there will be a time where Coco has to train outside the atelier.
It feels as if Tartah is implied to be her love interest, but it probably won’t happen. Tartah is more than just being a love interest with his silverwash storyline. He even promised to make a pen for her, so I’m sure that this pen will be her ultimate weapon. He will be important later on, I can feel it.
Overall, this entire volume was a bit slower. It’s more of a break before the big plot happens as seen at the end of chapter 17. I think this volume was necessary as it gives more insight to the world of Witch Hat Atelier and the concepts and customs. It got me engaged learning more about the lore.
The characters feel more fleshed out too, especially Coco with her inner guilt that’s causing her to have nightmares and tire her out to the point of not sleeping well. I commend Shirahama’s particular way of being very detailed, but also bringing out the whole picture. She gave Tetia some insight. She gave Riche some insight. She gave Tartah some insight. None of these characters feel sidelined and that’s a good thing. She’s giving characters as much spotlight as she can when they are in the story. I just hope she keeps this up when the story keeps going.
I can’t wait to read Volume 4. I hope we jump back into action soon!
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pdlrnjlm · 2 years
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Tetia in traditional Filipiñana dress. Belated Happy Birthday to my sweet bebé! 💛
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fenrhi · 2 years
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Happy (belated) birthday Tetia 🎉
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acacia-may · 2 years
How about Leopold x Secre? I just randomly thought about one day and was like: sure
Hi there! Thank you for your ask! 💖
I’ve never heard of that one, but it could be fun! 😊 Yellow represents my opinions about them as friends and the pink “not my cup of tea” is my opinion about them romantically.
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(Yay! Platonic bingo! 🥰)
Thoughts and headcanons below the cut:
I hadn't heard of this one before, but I could see it as a fun platonic dynamic. It's hard for me to imagine Secre having romantic interest in anyone besides the first Wizard King, Lumiere (and I'm not even entirely convinced that her care for him was romantic in nature in the first place); however, I can imagine her and Leo would get along well and become friends. There would be a really nice balance between Leo's enthusiasm and constant go-getting energy and Secre's more reserved, steady, and calming nature. Leo just really strikes me as the type of person who generally gets along with everyone so I can definitely imagine him trying to make friends with her, and he is so warm and friendly that he eventually endears himself to her and they become friends. Honestly, Leopold and Secre both deserve so much more love and attention in general so I love the idea of them making friends with each other for that reason and am excited to have been asked about them!
Some headcanons about them:
Leo hears about Secre's magic from Asta and thinks it's amazing so he resolves to make friends with her. It takes Secre a while to warm up to the idea, but eventually she warms up to Leo due to his earnestness and friendly nature.
Secre sees a lot of Lumiere in Leo from time to time--mostly in his enthusiasm, zest for life, and the way he smiles. She sees Tetia in him too--especially in the way he is kind and always looking out for others.
Leo and Secre spar together from time to time and Leo talks constantly while fighting. Secre thinks this is a bit odd but tries her best to listen to what he has to say.
Asta, Secre, and Leo spend a lot of time together with Secre acting as kind of the voice of reason of the group since Leo and Asta can both be a bit wild and impulsive at times. They both come to see her as a bit of a big sister for them.
Leo appreciates that Secre is a good listener and a loyal friend. He wished she smiled more, however, so he tries to go out of his way to do nice things to make her happy. Making her laugh is even harder, but he tries his best. There are rare occasions when if he and Asta both work together, they can get her to laugh, and these are very treasured memories of his.
Fuegoleon and Mereoleona both like Secre a lot and are glad that she and Leo are such good friends, though they have different reasons for it. Fuegoleon hopes that Secre will be more of a calming, grounding influence on his brother whereas Mereoleona hopes she will push him out of his comfort zone and help him become a better mage.
Leo has a habit of going to Secre for advice when he needs a girl's opinion (i.e. on what to get his cousin Mimosa for her birthday, for instance). Though Secre tells him repeatedly that she is really no expert on those types of matters, her advice always ends up working out in the end.
Leo and Secre definitely have that 'You don't talk very much--I like you' type of friendship, and it works very well for them: with Leo being particularly chatty and Secre listening attentively.
Occasionally, he likes to chase her around when she is in her bird form, which is a bit silly but also can be lots of fun. 😊
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neverlandmylove · 2 years
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happy birthday<3<3
THE TETIA !! TY <33333
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stardustfanfare · 2 years
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hiiii happy birthday!!!!🎉🎊
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millenni-em-tauk · 3 years
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✨ Happy Birthday, Lord Beldaruit!!   ✨
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