#happy birthday rae!
thru-the-grapevine · 2 years
Cones and Kisses
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Pairing: Lee Jinki x reader
Summary: Jinki should stop thinking about kissing you and focus on your first date. Except he can’t.
Word Count: 1.1k
Tags: fluff, humor, man is head empty
Author’s Note: I don’t have the first clue about anyone in SHINee but it was Rae’s birthday so for her I’ve given it a shot!
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Lee Jinki hadn’t realized he was a coward until now.
In his defense, he had successfully asked you out. He’d done it several weeks later than originally planned, several weeks after you’d given him the green light, but he’d finally done it. Mainly because you’d started looking disappointed any time the two of you talked, which made this little crease show up between your eyebrows, and while he thought it was adorable, he figured you’d probably be disappointed to develop a premature frown line.
Especially after he put two and two together and realized oh, you were disappointed because he hadn’t asked you out. Pushing through the what-ifs constantly drizzling in his brain and doing it had been worth it, too, just to see the brightest, cutest smile in the whole wide world dawn on your face when he stammered over the words. The memory of that smile and your little “oh, I’d love to” in response had carried him through several work days of drudgery after.
And, additionally in his defense, he was also successfully holding your hand on this date. And sure, maybe you had initiated it, taking his hand and bounding eagerly through the throng of customers to get a closer look at the menu. But he was the one who hadn’t let go, had shifted your hands to twine fingers together, had watched you unsuccessfully bite back a smile while staring resolutely at the menu. He’d even persevered through the bestowing of two waffle cones and processing payment with only one hand, because oh my god, he was holding your hand, how often had he thought about holding your hand, how could he let go for anything?
But now. Now Jinki recognized himself for what he was. Because for the past ten minutes, well into a conversation he’d wanted to pay more attention to, you’d had the sweetest little swipe of soft serve at the corner of your mouth, and he hadn’t said or done a damn thing about it. Paralyzed by indecision. Could he—was he allowed to just…wipe it away? Or should he just say something so you could fix it?
Not to mention the part of Jinki’s brain that wanted to say “fuck it” and lean in and kiss it away, forewarning and other people around and first date etiquette be damned. He was loath to admit how weak-willed he was against this latter option, how little resolve he wanted to expend shoving the thought down. It was his fault for indulging too many times in his daydreams about kissing you, probably.
“…said, did you?”
Jinki blinked, glancing too quickly back up at your eyes. “Hm?”
A corner of your mouth curled into a smile, the corner with ice cream on it, and goddamnit he was looking again, he needed to stop looking, he was getting sidetracked again just looking.
“You got a little distracted,” you said, glancing momentarily down at his mouth. Jinki felt his heart leap into his throat. “What’s going on in that head?”
Kissing. Kissing you. A lot of kissing. “Uh. Nothing.”
You raised an eyebrow, smile widening, and he could feel the tips of his ears burn. “Hmm. You sure?”
“Yep,” he said, too fast to be convincing.
There was something soft in your eyes when you looked at him and it was melting his brain. He needed to look away to get his sanity back or he’d sound like a moron the rest of the night.
Except his eyes decided that looking at the corner of your mouth again counted as looking away. Jinki cleared his throat, shifting a little in his seat. Coward.
“You, uh.”
He blinked and watched you gesture at his waffle cone. Only then did he feel the cold trickling over his knuckles.
“Oh,” he said, then felt rather stupid. He lifted his cone hand to his mouth and started tidying the mess to shut himself up.
He heard you clear your throat as he finished cleaning his knuckles and glanced over at you. He immediately wished he hadn’t; you were licking your soft serve with concentration, looking away from him. When you lowered the cone and swallowed, he noticed a little more soft serve had settled at the corner of your mouth.
Goddamnit. The universe was testing his patience. Or maybe his self-control. Or both.
“You’re staring again,” you said, tilting your head slightly.
Jinki tore his gaze away from your mouth, guilty. “Oh, uh…sorry.”
Uh-oh. That little crease between your eyebrows was slowly forming. You were frowning. Fix it.
“Um, do I have something on my…?”
You began lifting your free hand towards your chin, and alarm bells started going off in Jinki’s head. What they were for, he had no idea. All he knew was every nerve ending in his body felt like an exclamation point, like waiting on tiptoes, and it was fogging his brain. Fix it.
He meant to say “yeah, a little, just here”. Casual voice, lifting his free hand and swiping at the corner of your mouth with his thumb. Cool as a cucumber. Respectful but also intimate. Perfect first date behavior.
What actually happened was a blur in the mind fog that cleared to reveal him kissing you. Badly. His free hand was cupping your face and his lips were on your lips, sure, but only just. His mouth was off-center, focused on the corner of your mouth, and as he remembered the ice cream his tongue swiped out gently before he could stop it.
That’s when his brain switched back on. He pulled away, blinking wide-eyed at you, and you were blinking wide-eyed at him. Oh, god. Oh no. Help. Horrible kiss. He’d just licked you, off-center. God. Fuck. He was going to die.
“Jinki,” you said, and your voice sounded breathy in a way he wasn’t allowed to think about.
“Uhm,” he said.
You glanced aside, then back to him. “Your ice cream is on my shoulder.”
He blinked at you stupidly for another full second. He looked over at your shoulder. His waffle cone was smashed soft-serve side first into your blouse. Dazed, he pulled it away, some dumb part of him scraping the cone gently to try and lift any excess with it. A fist-sized splotch remained on the fabric.
Fucking hell. Of course. Of course. “I…” Shit.
You were already plucking a handful of napkins from the dispenser on the table, swapping your cone to your other hand and mopping at the mess. Despite this, you were grinning.
You were grinning?
“Maybe try with both hands free next time?” You suggested, still grinning, not looking at him.
It took a full five seconds for Jinki to realize you weren’t mad. You weren’t mad at all. You were happy. He’d just performed the worst kiss in the history of kissing on you and you were happy.
You’d practically invited him to do it again, albeit with conditions.
Jinki was going to inhale the rest of this waffle cone to get both of his hands free.
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Am I late
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lumalilies · 2 months
If ILTV was a N64 game <3
Part 6: One, Two, Three (aka dance dance Revolution XP)
Happy birthday Rae Taylor! Happy birthday Inori! Thank you so much touching our hearts with your stories!
(no sound)
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autumnlassitude · 3 months
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*Builds such a convoluted modern au lore that I’m not even bg3 posting anymore*
Aaany way here is @raelinae ‘s Tav, Tathlyn, and my Durge, Felix, having a little tussle over a very dumb argument about the last roll of toilet paper that Tathlyn’s tall ass put in a top shelf where Felix couldn’t reach.
They fight dirty and just kicked the poor guy in the tummy 😤
Once upon a time when they were stupid kids they lived together in a shitty bachelor pad and got into heaps of trouble.
If you love me, zoom in on Felix’s face because I think it turned out so cute and scrungly.
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ifindus · 4 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Thanks, Rae!! 🥰 I rarely write fics now, but it was fun to look back on what I've manage to produce in the last 10 years 😅 the quality I fear varies greatly
The Sky Pirates Ship: FrUK Words: 61 802 Published: 13. May 2018 Summary: Francis finds himself a prisoner of a group of sky pirates. He's forced to join their adventures and the people he meets along the way change how he looks at the world. It requires teamwork to get out of it alive, but Francis manages to make a mistake that will cost him dearly.
Change Ship: SuNor (unfortunately not very shippy tbh) Words: 2 515 Published: 23. December 2023 Summary: Norway is not happy with being traded around like a piece of property and he is certainly not happy with his new "boss" ; Sweden. Over the years, his opinion does not change, but their personal relationship just might.
All you have to do is ask Ship: ScotNor Words: 3 468 Published: 30. December 2022 Summary: Sigurd keeps inviting all his friends to a café just befoe the holidays. Why has he become so sociable all of a sudden? Must be the excellent coffee and nothing to do with the handsome barista.
What Love? Ship: FrUK Words: 32 296 Published: 25. July 2016 Summary: France and England have had a thing going on for quite a while, but never talked to each other about it. However, their thoughts keep nagging them and somehow they end up as neither of them could have foreseen.
Love Burns Ship: ScotNor Words: 2 649 Published: 15. October 2020 Summary: The second world war has begun and Norway had to flee his country with the Royal family. While they now are safe in England, he has taken the trip up to stay with Scotland as there is little he can do in London. Still, he longs to be back with his own people.
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thecreativemillennial · 8 months
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Happy 44th birthday to Christina Ricci
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finncakes · 7 months
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birthday gifts for a very dear friend <3
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sri-rachaa · 2 years
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Gavin — for @gingerbreadmonsters.
Happy Birthday to our wonderful, beloved, amazing, and absolute bestest girl- Ginger!!
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cannibalismyuri · 1 year
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there is no sense in pretending (breakdown) jonathan byers & will byers | jonathan byers centric | 3.4k | 3 times jonathan doesn't break down and 1 time he does 🕰️🥀 | the playlist
The one in which Jonathan loves his brother. So, so much. But he also realizes that he has to take care of himself as well. This leads into a culmination of a decade's worth of repressed feelings pouring out under red skies and thunder that beats like drums.
available to read here on ao3! ... a gift for my dear friend @ice-sculptures 🌈🌟
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Jo-Issa Rae Diop:  January 12, 1985
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Today is my birthday, can I be mean to freemind as a gift? 🙏
I will allow you the entirety of the potluck to make fun of and bully him. As a treat.
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scottpilgrim4everr · 4 months
New band shirt!! I actually went to the Hot Chelle Rae show in Palmer. They were performing at the state fair. I BEGGED and PLEADED with my mom to let me get a shirt but she didn’t let me. :(
12 years later I GOT MY SHIRT >:3
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spotsandsocks · 11 months
🐸Froggy Friday birthday edition 🐸🎂🎁🎂
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Happy Birthday @monsterrae1 have a wonderful day Rae 😘😘😘😘
The frogs wanted to say happy birthday too so here they are… look out for chapt 1 of your birthday fic later too ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🩷
Sending love and hugs from me to you ❤️
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iguessitsjustme · 2 years
InKorn - Hallelujah
It’s @heretherebedork​‘s birthday and you once mentioned to me that you want a video edit of InKorn to Hallelujah so I made one. Hope you like it!
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stonedstargazer666 · 3 months
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love youuuuuuu
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loving-jack-kelly · 11 months
i'm on day three of anxiety medication and it makes me feel Wired I'm so awake and focused this is crazy. not in a bad way at all I just don't feel tired for like the first time in actual years.
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